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Readings for Saturday of the week before Great Lent 2/21/2009

Psalm 17:1,2 [Arabic]
Hear a just cause, O LORD, Attend to my cry; Give ear to my prayer which is
not from deceitful lips. Let my vindication come from our presence; Let
our eyes loo! on the thin"s that are upri"ht
Lk 17:3-6 [Arabic]
#a!e heed to yourselves. $f your %rother sins a"ainst you, re%u!e him; and if
he repents, for"ive him. And if he sins a"ainst you seven times in a day,
and seven times in a day returns to you, sayin", &$ repent,' you shall for"ive
him.& And the apostles said to the Lord, &$ncrease our faith.& (o the Lord
said, &$f you have faith as a mustard seed, you can say to this mul%erry
tree, &)e pulled up %y the roots and %e planted in the sea,' and it would
o%ey you.

Psalm 119:49 ; Psalm 119:52 [Arabic]
Remem%er the word to our servant, *pon which ou have caused me to
hope. $ remem%ered our jud"ments of old, O LORD, And have comforted
Mk 13:33-37 [Arabic]
#a!e heed, watch and pray; for you do not !now when the time is. $t is li!e a
man "oin" to a far country, who left his house and "ave authority to his
servants, and to each his wor!, and commanded the door!eeper to watch.
+atch therefore, for you do not !now when the master of the house is
comin",,in the evenin", at midni"ht, at the crowin" of the rooster, or in the
mornin",, lest, comin" suddenly, he -nd you sleepin". And what $ say to
you, $ say to all. +atch/&

Pauline "pistle
2Cor 6:14-e! ; 2Cor 7:1-16 [Arabic]
Do not %e une0ually yo!ed to"ether with un%elievers. 1or what fellowship
has ri"hteousness with lawlessness2 And what communion has li"ht with
dar!ness2 And what accord has 3hrist with )elial2 Or what part has a
%eliever with an un%eliever2 And what a"reement has the temple of God
with idols2 1or you are the temple of the livin" God. As God has said. &$ will
dwell in them And wal! amon" them. $ will %e their God, And they shall %e
4y people.& #herefore &3ome out from amon" them And %e separate, says
the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, And $ will receive you.& &$ will %e a
1ather to you, And you shall %e 4y sons and dau"hters, (ays the LORD
Almi"hty.&#herefore, havin" these promises, %eloved, let us cleanse
ourselves from all -lthiness of the 5esh and spirit, perfectin" holiness in the
fear of God. Open your hearts to us. +e have wron"ed no one, we have
corrupted no one, we have cheated no one. $ do not say this to condemn;
for $ have said %efore that you are in our hearts, to die to"ether and to live
to"ether. Great is my %oldness of speech toward you, "reat is my %oastin"
on your %ehalf. $ am -lled with comfort. $ am e6ceedin"ly joyful in all our
tri%ulation. 1or indeed, when we came to 4acedonia, our %odies had no
rest, %ut we were trou%led on every side. Outside were con5icts, inside
were fears. 7evertheless God, who comforts the downcast, comforted us %y
the comin" of #itus, and not only %y his comin", %ut also %y the consolation
with which he was comforted in you, when he told us of your earnest desire,
your mournin", your 8eal for me, so that $ rejoiced even more. 1or even if $
made you sorry with my letter, $ do not re"ret it; thou"h $ did re"ret it. 1or $
perceive that the same epistle made you sorry, thou"h only for a while.
7ow $ rejoice, not that you were made sorry, %ut that your sorrow led to
repentance. 1or you were made sorry in a "odly manner, that you mi"ht
su9er loss from us in nothin". 1or "odly sorrow produces repentance
leadin" to salvation, not to %e re"retted; %ut the sorrow of the world
produces death. 1or o%serve this very thin", that you sorrowed in a "odly
manner. +hat dili"ence it produced in you, what clearin" of yourselves,
what indi"nation, what fear, what vehement desire, what 8eal, what
vindication/ $n all thin"s you proved yourselves to %e clear in this matter.
#herefore, althou"h $ wrote to you, $ did not do it for the sa!e of him who
had done the wron", nor for the sa!e of him who su9ered wron", %ut that
our care for you in the si"ht of God mi"ht appear to you. #herefore we have
%een comforted in your comfort. And we rejoiced e6ceedin"ly more for the
joy of #itus, %ecause his spirit has %een refreshed %y you all. 1or if in
anythin" $ have %oasted to him a%out you, $ am not ashamed. )ut as we
spo!e all thin"s to you in truth, even so our %oastin" to #itus was found
true. And his a9ections are "reater for you as he remem%ers the o%edience
of you all, how with fear and trem%lin" you received him. #herefore $ rejoice
that $ have con-dence in you in everythin".

#atholi$ "pistle
1Pe" 1:1-12 [Arabic]
:eter, an apostle of ;esus 3hrist, #o the pil"rims of the Dispersion in :ontus,
Galatia, 3appadocia, Asia, and )ithynia, elect accordin" to the
fore!nowled"e of God the 1ather, in sancti-cation of the (pirit, for
o%edience and sprin!lin" of the %lood of ;esus 3hrist. Grace to you and
peace %e multiplied. )lessed %e the God and 1ather of our Lord ;esus 3hrist,
who accordin" to His a%undant mercy has %e"otten us a"ain to a livin"
hope throu"h the resurrection of ;esus 3hrist from the dead, to an
inheritance incorrupti%le and unde-led and that does not fade away,
reserved in heaven for you, who are !ept %y the power of God throu"h faith
for salvation ready to %e revealed in the last time. $n this you "reatly
rejoice, thou"h now for a little while, if need %e, you have %een "rieved %y
various trials, that the "enuineness of your faith, %ein" much more precious
than "old that perishes, thou"h it is tested %y -re, may %e found to praise,
honor, and "lory at the revelation of ;esus 3hrist, whom havin" not seen
you love. #hou"h now you do not see Him, yet %elievin", you rejoice with
joy ine6pressi%le and full of "lory, receivin" the end of your faith,,the
salvation of your souls. Of this salvation the prophets have in0uired and
searched carefully, who prophesied of the "race that would come to you,
searchin" what, or what manner of time, the (pirit of 3hrist who was in
them was indicatin" when He testi-ed %eforehand the su9erin"s of 3hrist
and the "lories that would follow. #o them it was revealed that, not to
themselves, %ut to us they were ministerin" the thin"s which now have
%een reported to you throu"h those who have preached the "ospel to you
%y the Holy (pirit sent from heaven,,thin"s which an"els desire to loo! into.

Ac"s 21:1-14 [Arabic]
7ow it came to pass, that when we had departed from them and set sail,
runnin" a strai"ht course we came to 3os, the followin" day to Rhodes, and
from there to :atara. And -ndin" a ship sailin" over to :hoenicia, we went
a%oard and set sail. +hen we had si"hted 3yprus, we passed it on the left,
sailed to (yria, and landed at #yre; for there the ship was to unload her
car"o. And -ndin" disciples, we stayed there seven days. #hey told :aul
throu"h the (pirit not to "o up to ;erusalem. +hen we had come to the end
of those days, we departed and went on our way; and they all accompanied
us, with wives and children, till we were out of the city. And we !nelt down
on the shore and prayed. +hen we had ta!en our leave of one another, we
%oarded the ship, and they returned home. And when we had -nished our
voya"e from #yre, we came to :tolemais, "reeted the %rethren, and stayed
with them one day. On the ne6t day we who were :aul's companions
departed and came to 3aesarea, and entered the house of :hilip the
evan"elist, who was one of the seven, and stayed with him. 7ow this man
had four vir"in dau"hters who prophesied. And as we stayed many days, a
certain prophet named A"a%us came down from ;udea. +hen he had come
to us, he too! :aul's %elt, %ound his own hands and feet, and said, &#hus
says the Holy (pirit, &(o shall the ;ews at ;erusalem %ind the man who owns
this %elt, and deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles.&' 7ow when we
heard these thin"s, %oth we and those from that place pleaded with him not
to "o up to ;erusalem. #hen :aul answered, &+hat do you mean %y weepin"
and %rea!in" my heart2 1or $ am ready not only to %e %ound, %ut also to die
at ;erusalem for the name of the Lord ;esus.& (o when he would not %e
persuaded, we ceased, sayin", &#he will of the Lord %e done.&
< #he Departure of (t. (everus, :atriarch of Antioch.
< #he Departure of (t. ;ames =aco%us>, ?@th :ope of Ale6andria.
Psalm 95:1 ; Psalm 95:2 [Arabic]
Oh come, let us sin" to the LORD/ Let us shout joyfully to the Roc! of our
salvation. ALet us come %efore His presence with than!s"ivin"; Let us shout
joyfully to Him with psalms.

Lk 13:1-5 [Arabic]
#here were present at that season some who told Him a%out the Galileans
whose %lood :ilate had min"led with their sacri-ces. And ;esus answered
and said to them, &Do you suppose that these Galileans were worse sinners
than all other Galileans, %ecause they su9ered such thin"s2 $ tell you, no;
%ut unless you repent you will all li!ewise perish. Or those ei"hteen on
whom the tower in (iloam fell and !illed them, do you thin! that they were
worse sinners than all other men who dwelt in ;erusalem2 $ tell you, no; %ut
unless you repent you will all li!ewise perish.&
Readings for Sunday of the week before Great Lent 2/22/2009
Psalm 46:1# [Arabic]
)e still, and !now that $ am God; $ will %e e6alted amon" the nations, $ will
%e e6alted in the earth/
Mk 11:22-26 [Arabic]
(o ;esus answered and said to them, &Have faith in God. 1or assuredly, $ say
to you, whoever says to this mountain, &)e removed and %e cast into the
sea,' and does not dou%t in his heart, %ut %elieves that those thin"s he says
will %e done, he will have whatever he says. #herefore $ say to you,
whatever thin"s you as! when you pray, %elieve that you receive them, and
you will have them. &And whenever you stand prayin", if you have anythin"
a"ainst anyone, for"ive him, that your 1ather in heaven may also for"ive
you your trespasses. )ut if you do not for"ive, neither will your 1ather in
heaven for"ive your trespasses.&

Psalm 1##:2 ; Psalm 1##:3 [Arabic]
(erve the LORD with "ladness; 3ome %efore His presence with sin"in".
Bnow that the LORD, He is God; $t is He who has made us, and not we
ourselves; +e are His people and the sheep of His pasture.
Lk 17:3-1# [Arabic]
#a!e heed to yourselves. $f your %rother sins a"ainst you, re%u!e him; and if
he repents, for"ive him. And if he sins a"ainst you seven times in a day,
and seven times in a day returns to you, sayin", &$ repent,' you shall for"ive
him.& And the apostles said to the Lord, &$ncrease our faith.& (o the Lord
said, &$f you have faith as a mustard seed, you can say to this mul%erry
tree, &)e pulled up %y the roots and %e planted in the sea,' and it would
o%ey you. And which of you, havin" a servant plowin" or tendin" sheep, will
say to him when he has come in from the -eld, &3ome at once and sit down
to eat'2 )ut will he not rather say to him, &:repare somethin" for my
supper, and "ird yourself and serve me till $ have eaten and drun!, and
afterward you will eat and drin!'2 Does he than! that servant %ecause he
did the thin"s that were commanded him2 $ thin! not. (o li!ewise you,
when you have done all those thin"s which you are commanded, say, &+e
are unpro-ta%le servants. +e have done what was our duty to do.&'

Pauline "pistle
2Cor 11:16-2$ [Arabic]
$ say a"ain, let no one thin! me a fool. $f otherwise, at least receive me as a
fool, that $ also may %oast a little. +hat $ spea!, $ spea! not accordin" to
the Lord, %ut as it were, foolishly, in this con-dence of %oastin". (eein" that
many %oast accordin" to the 5esh, $ also will %oast. 1or you put up with
fools "ladly, since you yourselves are wise/ 1or you put up with it if one
%rin"s you into %onda"e, if one devours you, if one ta!es from you, if one
e6alts himself, if one stri!es you on the face. #o our shame $ say that we
were too wea! for that/ )ut in whatever anyone is %old,,$ spea! foolishly,,$
am %old also. Are they He%rews2 (o am $. Are they $sraelites2 (o am $. Are
they the seed of A%raham2 (o am $. Are they ministers of 3hrist2,,$ spea! as
a fool,,$ am more. in la%ors more a%undant, in stripes a%ove measure, in
prisons more fre0uently, in deaths often. 1rom the ;ews -ve times $ received
forty stripes minus one. #hree times $ was %eaten with rods; once $ was
stoned; three times $ was shipwrec!ed; a ni"ht and a day $ have %een in the
deep; in journeys often, in perils of waters, in perils of ro%%ers, in perils of
my own countrymen, in perils of the Gentiles, in perils in the city, in perils in
the wilderness, in perils in the sea, in perils amon" false %rethren; in
weariness and toil, in sleeplessness often, in hun"er and thirst, in fastin"s
often, in cold and na!edness,, %esides the other thin"s, what comes upon
me daily. my deep concern for all the churches.

#atholi$ "pistle
2Pe" 1:1-11 [Arabic]
(imon :eter, a %ondservant and apostle of ;esus 3hrist, #o those who have
o%tained li!e precious faith with us %y the ri"hteousness of our God and
(avior ;esus 3hrist. Grace and peace %e multiplied to you in the !nowled"e
of God and of ;esus our Lord, as His divine power has "iven to us all thin"s
that pertain to life and "odliness, throu"h the !nowled"e of Him who called
us %y "lory and virtue, %y which have %een "iven to us e6ceedin"ly "reat
and precious promises, that throu"h these you may %e parta!ers of the
divine nature, havin" escaped the corruption that is in the world throu"h
lust. )ut also for this very reason, "ivin" all dili"ence, add to your faith
virtue, to virtue !nowled"e, to !nowled"e self,control, to self,control
perseverance, to perseverance "odliness, to "odliness %rotherly !indness,
and to %rotherly !indness love. 1or if these thin"s are yours and a%ound,
you will %e neither %arren nor unfruitful in the !nowled"e of our Lord ;esus
3hrist. 1or he who lac!s these thin"s is shortsi"hted, even to %lindness, and
has for"otten that he was cleansed from his old sins. #herefore, %rethren,
%e even more dili"ent to ma!e your call and election sure, for if you do
these thin"s you will never stum%le; for so an entrance will %e supplied to
you a%undantly into the everlastin" !in"dom of our Lord and (avior ;esus

Ac"s 21:15-26 [Arabic]
And after those days we pac!ed and went up to ;erusalem. Also some of the
disciples from 3aesarea went with us and %rou"ht with them a certain
4nason of 3yprus, an early disciple, with whom we were to lod"e. And
when we had come to ;erusalem, the %rethren received us "ladly. On the
followin" day :aul went in with us to ;ames, and all the elders were present.
+hen he had "reeted them, he told in detail those thin"s which God had
done amon" the Gentiles throu"h his ministry. And when they heard it, they
"lori-ed the Lord. And they said to him, &ou see, %rother, how many
myriads of ;ews there are who have %elieved, and they are all 8ealous for
the law; %ut they have %een informed a%out you that you teach all the ;ews
who are amon" the Gentiles to forsa!e 4oses, sayin" that they ou"ht not to
circumcise their children nor to wal! accordin" to the customs. +hat then2
#he assem%ly must certainly meet, for they will hear that you have come.
#herefore do what we tell you. +e have four men who have ta!en a vow.
#a!e them and %e puri-ed with them, and pay their e6penses so that they
may shave their heads, and that all may !now that those thin"s of which
they were informed concernin" you are nothin", %ut that you yourself also
wal! orderly and !eep the law. )ut concernin" the Gentiles who %elieve, we
have written and decided that they should o%serve no such thin", e6cept
that they should !eep themselves from thin"s o9ered to idols, from %lood,
from thin"s stran"led, and from se6ual immorality.& #hen :aul too! the
men, and the ne6t day, havin" %een puri-ed with them, entered the temple
to announce the e6piration of the days of puri-cation, at which time an
o9erin" should %e made for each one of them.
< #he Departure of (t. Cechariah, the :rophet.
< #he 3onsecration of the 1irst 3hurch Dedicated for the 1orty 4artyrs of
< #he Departure of (t. :aphnoute =:aphnotius>.
Psalm 2:11 ; Psalm 2:1# [Arabic]
(erve the LORD with fear, And rejoice with trem%lin". 7ow therefore, %e
wise, O !in"s; )e instructed, you jud"es of the earth.
Ma"" 6:1-1$ [Arabic]
&#a!e heed that you do not do your charita%le deeds %efore men, to %e seen
%y them. Otherwise you have no reward from your 1ather in heaven.
#herefore, when you do a charita%le deed, do not sound a trumpet %efore
you as the hypocrites do in the syna"o"ues and in the streets, that they
may have "lory from men. Assuredly, $ say to you, they have their reward.
)ut when you do a charita%le deed, do not let your left hand !now what
your ri"ht hand is doin", that your charita%le deed may %e in secret; and
your 1ather who sees in secret will Himself reward you openly. &And when
you pray, you shall not %e li!e the hypocrites. 1or they love to pray standin"
in the syna"o"ues and on the corners of the streets, that they may %e seen
%y men. Assuredly, $ say to you, they have their reward. )ut you, when you
pray, "o into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your
1ather who is in the secret place; and your 1ather who sees in secret will
reward you openly. And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the
heathen do. 1or they thin! that they will %e heard for their many words.
&#herefore do not %e li!e them. 1or your 1ather !nows the thin"s you have
need of %efore you as! Him. $n this manner, therefore, pray. Our 1ather in
heaven, Hallowed %e our name. our !in"dom come. our will %e done On
earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily %read. And for"ive us our
de%ts, As we for"ive our de%tors. And do not lead us into temptation, )ut
deliver us from the evil one. 1or ours is the !in"dom and the power and
the "lory forever. Amen. &1or if you for"ive men their trespasses, your
heavenly 1ather will also for"ive you. )ut if you do not for"ive men their
trespasses, neither will your 1ather for"ive your trespasses. &4oreover,
when you fast, do not %e li!e the hypocrites, with a sad countenance. 1or
they dis-"ure their faces that they may appear to men to %e fastin".
Assuredly, $ say to you, they have their reward. )ut you, when you fast,
anoint your head and wash your face, so that you do not appear to men to
%e fastin", %ut to your 1ather who is in the secret place; and your 1ather
who sees in secret will reward you openly.
Readings for Great Lent 2/2'/2009
Psalm 9:11,14 [Arabic]
(in" praises to the LORD, who dwells in Cion/ Declare His deeds amon" the
people. #hat $ may tell of all our praise $n the "ates of the dau"hter of
Mk 14:-3-9 [Arabic]
And %ein" in )ethany at the house of (imon the leper, as He sat at the
ta%le, a woman came havin" an ala%aster 5as! of very costly oil of
spi!enard. #hen she %ro!e the 5as! and poured it on His head. )ut there
were some who were indi"nant amon" themselves, and said, &+hy was this
fra"rant oil wasted2 1or it mi"ht have %een sold for more than three
hundred denarii and "iven to the poor.& And they critici8ed her sharply. )ut
;esus said, &Let her alone. +hy do you trou%le her2 (he has done a "ood
wor! for 4e. 1or you have the poor with you always, and whenever you
wish you may do them "ood; %ut 4e you do not have always. (he has done
what she could. (he has come %eforehand to anoint 4y %ody for %urial.
Assuredly, $ say to you, wherever this "ospel is preached in the whole
world, what this woman has done will also %e told as a memorial to her.&

Psalm 1#2:19-21 [Arabic]
1rom heaven the LORD viewed the earth, #o hear the "roanin" of the
prisoner, #o declare the name of the LORD in Cion, And His praise in
Mk 12:41-44 [Arabic]
7ow ;esus sat opposite the treasury and saw how the people put money
into the treasury. And many who were rich put in much. #hen one poor
widow came and threw in two mites, which ma!e a 0uadrans. (o He called
His disciples to Himself and said to them, &Assuredly, $ say to you that this
poor widow has put in more than all those who have "iven to the treasury;
for they all put in out of their a%undance, %ut she out of her poverty put in
all that she had, her whole livelihood.&

Pauline "pistle
%om 1:1-17 [Arabic]
:aul, a %ondservant of ;esus 3hrist, called to %e an apostle, separated to
the "ospel of God which He promised %efore throu"h His prophets in the
Holy (criptures, concernin" His (on ;esus 3hrist our Lord, who was %orn of
the seed of David accordin" to the 5esh, and declared to %e the (on of God
with power accordin" to the (pirit of holiness, %y the resurrection from the
dead. #hrou"h Him we have received "race and apostleship for o%edience
to the faith amon" all nations for His name, amon" whom you also are the
called of ;esus 3hrist; #o all who are in Rome, %eloved of God, called to %e
saints. Grace to you and peace from God our 1ather and the Lord ;esus
3hrist. 1irst, $ than! my God throu"h ;esus 3hrist for you all, that your faith
is spo!en of throu"hout the whole world. 1or God is my witness, whom $
serve with my spirit in the "ospel of His (on, that without ceasin" $ ma!e
mention of you always in my prayers, ma!in" re0uest if, %y some means,
now at last $ may -nd a way in the will of God to come to you. 1or $ lon" to
see you, that $ may impart to you some spiritual "ift, so that you may %e
esta%lished,, that is, that $ may %e encoura"ed to"ether with you %y the
mutual faith %oth of you and me. 7ow $ do not want you to %e unaware,
%rethren, that $ often planned to come to you %ut was hindered until now,
that $ mi"ht have some fruit amon" you also, just as amon" the other
Gentiles. $ am a de%tor %oth to Gree!s and to %ar%arians, %oth to wise and
to unwise. (o, as much as is in me, $ am ready to preach the "ospel to you
who are in Rome also. 1or $ am not ashamed of the "ospel of 3hrist, for it is
the power of God to salvation for everyone who %elieves, for the ;ew -rst
and also for the Gree!. 1or in it the ri"hteousness of God is revealed from
faith to faith; as it is written, &#he just shall live %y faith.&

#atholi$ "pistle
&m 1:1-1$ [Arabic]
;ames, a %ondservant of God and of the Lord ;esus 3hrist, #o the twelve
tri%es which are scattered a%road. Greetin"s. 4y %rethren, count it all joy
when you fall into various trials, !nowin" that the testin" of your faith
produces patience. )ut let patience have its perfect wor!, that you may %e
perfect and complete, lac!in" nothin". $f any of you lac!s wisdom, let him
as! of God, who "ives to all li%erally and without reproach, and it will %e
"iven to him. )ut let him as! in faith, with no dou%tin", for he who dou%ts is
li!e a wave of the sea driven and tossed %y the wind. 1or let not that man
suppose that he will receive anythin" from the Lord; he is a dou%le,minded
man, unsta%le in all his ways. Let the lowly %rother "lory in his e6altation,
%ut the rich in his humiliation, %ecause as a 5ower of the -eld he will pass
away. 1or no sooner has the sun risen with a %urnin" heat than it withers
the "rass; its 5ower falls, and its %eautiful appearance perishes. (o the rich
man also will fade away in his pursuits. )lessed is the man who endures
temptation; for when he has %een approved, he will receive the crown of life
which the Lord has promised to those who love Him. Let no one say when
he is tempted, &$ am tempted %y God&; for God cannot %e tempted %y evil,
nor does He Himself tempt anyone. )ut each one is tempted when he is
drawn away %y his own desires and enticed. #hen, when desire has
conceived, it "ives %irth to sin; and sin, when it is full,"rown, %rin"s forth
death. Do not %e deceived, my %eloved %rethren. Dvery "ood "ift and every
perfect "ift is from a%ove, and comes down from the 1ather of li"hts, with
whom there is no variation or shadow of turnin". Of His own will He %rou"ht
us forth %y the word of truth, that we mi"ht %e a !ind of -rstfruits of His

Ac"s 7:2-7 [Arabic]
And he said, &)rethren and fathers, listen. #he God of "lory appeared to our
father A%raham when he was in 4esopotamia, %efore he dwelt in Haran,
and said to him, &Get out of your country and from your relatives, and come
to a land that $ will show you.' #hen he came out of the land of the
3haldeans and dwelt in Haran. And from there, when his father was dead,
He moved him to this land in which you now dwell. And God "ave him no
inheritance in it, not even enou"h to set his foot on. )ut even when
A%raham had no child, He promised to "ive it to him for a possession, and
to his descendants after him. )ut God spo!e in this way. that his
descendants would dwell in a forei"n land, and that they would %rin" them
into %onda"e and oppress them four hundred years. &And the nation to
whom they will %e in %onda"e $ will jud"e,' said God, &and after that they
shall come out and serve 4e in this place.'

< Departure of (t. Dli8a%eth

Psalm 1#2:13 ; Psalm 1#2:16 ; Psalm 1#2:17 [Arabic]
ou will arise and have mercy on Cion; 1or the time to favor her, es, the set
time, has come. 1or the LORD shall %uild up Cion; He shall appear in His
"lory. He shall re"ard the prayer of the destitute.

Lk 1:1-25 [Arabic]
$nasmuch as many have ta!en in hand to set in order a narrative of those
thin"s which have %een ful-lled amon" us, just as those who from the
%e"innin" were eyewitnesses and ministers of the word delivered them to
us, it seemed "ood to me also, havin" had perfect understandin" of all
thin"s from the very -rst, to write to you an orderly account, most e6cellent
#heophilus, that you may !now the certainty of those thin"s in which you
were instructed. #here was in the days of Herod, the !in" of ;udea, a certain
priest named Cacharias, of the division of A%ijah. His wife was of the
dau"hters of Aaron, and her name was Dli8a%eth. And they were %oth
ri"hteous %efore God, wal!in" in all the commandments and ordinances of
the Lord %lameless. )ut they had no child, %ecause Dli8a%eth was %arren,
and they were %oth well advanced in years. (o it was, that while he was
servin" as priest %efore God in the order of his division, accordin" to the
custom of the priesthood, his lot fell to %urn incense when he went into the
temple of the Lord. And the whole multitude of the people was prayin"
outside at the hour of incense. #hen an an"el of the Lord appeared to him,
standin" on the ri"ht side of the altar of incense. And when Cacharias saw
him, he was trou%led, and fear fell upon him. )ut the an"el said to him, &Do
not %e afraid, Cacharias, for your prayer is heard; and your wife Dli8a%eth
will %ear you a son, and you shall call his name ;ohn. And you will have joy
and "ladness, and many will rejoice at his %irth. 1or he will %e "reat in the
si"ht of the Lord, and shall drin! neither wine nor stron" drin!. He will also
%e -lled with the Holy (pirit, even from his mother's wom%. And he will turn
many of the children of $srael to the Lord their God. He will also "o %efore
Him in the spirit and power of Dlijah, &to turn the hearts of the fathers to the
children,' and the diso%edient to the wisdom of the just, to ma!e ready a
people prepared for the Lord.& And Cacharias said to the an"el, &How shall $
!now this2 1or $ am an old man, and my wife is well advanced in years.&
And the an"el answered and said to him, &$ am Ga%riel, who stands in the
presence of God, and was sent to spea! to you and %rin" you these "lad
tidin"s. )ut %ehold, you will %e mute and not a%le to spea! until the day
these thin"s ta!e place, %ecause you did not %elieve my words which will
%e ful-lled in their own time.& And the people waited for Cacharias, and
marveled that he lin"ered so lon" in the temple. )ut when he came out, he
could not spea! to them; and they perceived that he had seen a vision in
the temple, for he %ec!oned to them and remained speechless. (o it was,
as soon as the days of his service were completed, that he departed to his
own house. 7ow after those days his wife Dli8a%eth conceived; and she hid
herself -ve months, sayin", &#hus the Lord has dealt with me, in the days
when He loo!ed on me, to ta!e away my reproach amon" people.&
Readings for (uesday of the first week of Great Lent 2/2)/2009
'saia( 1:19-e! ; 'saia( 2:1-3 ; )ec(aria( $:7 - 13 [Arabic]
'saia( 1:19-e! ; 'saia( 2:1-3 $f you are willin" and o%edient, ou
shall eat the "ood of the land; )ut if you refuse and re%el, ou
shall %e devoured %y the sword&; 1or the mouth of the LORD has
spo!en. How the faithful city has %ecome a harlot/ $t was full of justice;
Ri"hteousness lod"ed in it, )ut now murderers. our silver
has %ecome dross, our wine mi6ed with water. our princes are
re%ellious, And companions of thieves; Dveryone loves %ri%es,
And follows after rewards. #hey do not defend the fatherless,
7or does the cause of the widow come %efore them. #herefore the
Lord says, #he LORD of hosts, the 4i"hty One of $srael, &Ah, $ will
rid 4yself of 4y adversaries, And ta!e ven"eance on 4y enemies.
$ will turn 4y hand a"ainst you, And thorou"hly pur"e away your dross,
And ta!e away all your alloy. $ will restore your jud"es as at the
-rst, And your counselors as at the %e"innin". Afterward you shall
%e called the city of ri"hteousness, the faithful city.& Cion shall %e
redeemed with justice, And her penitents with ri"hteousness. #he
destruction of trans"ressors and of sinners shall %e to"ether, And
those who forsa!e the LORD shall %e consumed. 1or they shall %e
ashamed of the tere%inth trees +hich you have desired; And you
shall %e em%arrassed %ecause of the "ardens +hich you have chosen.
1or you shall %e as a tere%inth whose leaf fades, And as a "arden
that has no water. #he stron" shall %e as tinder, And the wor! of
it as a spar!; )oth will %urn to"ether, And no one shall 0uench
them. #he word that $saiah the son of Amo8 saw concernin" ;udah and
;erusalem. 7ow it shall come to pass in the latter days #hat the
mountain of the LORD's house (hall %e esta%lished on the top of the
mountains, And shall %e e6alted a%ove the hills; And all nations
shall 5ow to it. 4any people shall come and say, &3ome, and let
us "o up to the mountain of the LORD, #o the house of the God of
;aco%; He will teach us His ways, And we shall wal! in His paths.&

)ec(aria( $:7 - 13
&#hus says the LORD of hosts.
&)ehold, $ will save 4y people from the land of the east
And from the land of the west;
$ will %rin" them %ac!,
And they shall dwell in the midst of ;erusalem.
#hey shall %e 4y people
And $ will %e their God,
$n truth and ri"hteousness.'
&#hus says the LORD of hosts.
&Let your hands %e stron",
ou who have %een hearin" in these days
#hese words %y the mouth of the prophets,
+ho spo!e in the day the foundation was laid
1or the house of the LORD of hosts,
#hat the temple mi"ht %e %uilt.
1or %efore these days
#here were no wa"es for man nor any hire for %east;
#here was no peace from the enemy for whoever went out or came in;
1or $ set all men, everyone, a"ainst his nei"h%or.
)ut now $ will not treat the remnant of this people as in the former days,'
says the LORD of hosts.
&1or the seed shall %e prosperous,
#he vine shall "ive its fruit,
#he "round shall "ive her increase,
And the heavens shall "ive their dew,,
$ will cause the remnant of this people
#o possess all these.
And it shall come to pass
#hat just as you were a curse amon" the nations,
O house of ;udah and house of $srael,
(o $ will save you, and you shall %e a %lessin".
Do not fear,
Let your hands %e stron".'
Psalm 22:1 ; Psalm 22:3 [Arabic]
#he LORD is my shepherd; $ shall not want. He restores my soul; He leads
me in the paths of ri"hteousness 1or His name's sa!e.
Ma""(e* 9:1#-15 [Arabic]
7ow it happened, as ;esus sat at the ta%le in the house, that %ehold, many
ta6 collectors and sinners came and sat down with Him and His disciples.
And when the :harisees saw it, they said to His disciples, &+hy does your
#eacher eat with ta6 collectors and sinners2& +hen ;esus heard that, He
said to them, &#hose who are well have no need of a physician, %ut those
who are sic!. )ut "o and learn what this means. &$ desire mercy and not
sacri-ce.' 1or $ did not come to call the ri"hteous, %ut sinners, to
repentance.& #hen the disciples of ;ohn came to Him, sayin", &+hy do we
and the :harisees fast often, %ut our disciples do not fast2& And ;esus said
to them, &3an the friends of the %ride"room mourn as lon" as the
%ride"room is with them2 )ut the days will come when the %ride"room will
%e ta!en away from them, and then they will fast.

Pauline "pistle
%omas 9:14-29 [Arabic]
+hat shall we say then2 $s there unri"hteousness with God2 3ertainly not/
1or He says to 4oses, &$ will have mercy on whomever $ will have mercy,
and $ will have compassion on whomever $ will have compassion.& (o then it
is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, %ut of God who shows mercy.
1or the (cripture says to the :haraoh, &1or this very purpose $ have raised
you up, that $ may show 4y power in you, and that 4y name may %e
declared in all the earth.& #herefore He has mercy on whom He wills, and
whom He wills He hardens. ou will say to me then, &+hy does He still -nd
fault2 1or who has resisted His will2& )ut indeed, O man, who are you to
reply a"ainst God2 +ill the thin" formed say to him who formed it, &+hy
have you made me li!e this2& Does not the potter have power over the clay,
from the same lump to ma!e one vessel for honor and another for
dishonor2 +hat if God, wantin" to show His wrath and to ma!e His power
!nown, endured with much lon"su9erin" the vessels of wrath prepared for
destruction, and that He mi"ht ma!e !nown the riches of His "lory on the
vessels of mercy, which He had prepared %eforehand for "lory, even us
whom He called, not of the ;ews only, %ut also of the Gentiles2 As He says
also in Hosea. &$ will call them 4y people, who were not 4y people,
And her %eloved, who was not %eloved.& &And it shall come to
pass in the place where it was said to them, &ou are not 4y people,'
#here they shall %e called sons of the livin" God.& $saiah also cries out
concernin" $srael. &#hou"h the num%er of the children of $srael %e as
the sand of the sea, #he remnant will %e saved. 1or He will -nish
the wor! and cut it short in ri"hteousness, )ecause the LORD will
ma!e a short wor! upon the earth.& And as $saiah said %efore. &*nless
the LORD of (a%aoth had left us a seed, +e would have %ecome li!e
(odom, And we would have %een made li!e Gomorrah.&

#atholi$ "pistle
1Pe"er 4:3-11 [Arabic]
1or we have spent enou"h of our past lifetime in doin" the will of the
Gentiles,,when we wal!ed in lewdness, lusts, drun!enness, revelries,
drin!in" parties, and a%omina%le idolatries. $n re"ard to these, they thin! it
stran"e that you do not run with them in the same 5ood of dissipation,
spea!in" evil of you. #hey will "ive an account to Him who is ready to jud"e
the livin" and the dead. 1or this reason the "ospel was preached also to
those who are dead, that they mi"ht %e jud"ed accordin" to men in the
5esh, %ut live accordin" to God in the spirit. )ut the end of all thin"s is at
hand; therefore %e serious and watchful in your prayers. And a%ove all
thin"s have fervent love for one another, for &love will cover a multitude of
sins.& )e hospita%le to one another without "rum%lin". As each one has
received a "ift, minister it to one another, as "ood stewards of the manifold
"race of God. $f anyone spea!s, let him spea! as the oracles of God. $f
anyone ministers, let him do it as with the a%ility which God supplies, that
in all thin"s God may %e "lori-ed throu"h ;esus 3hrist, to whom %elon" the
"lory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.

Ac"s 5:34-42 [Arabic]
#hen one in the council stood up, a :harisee named Gamaliel, a teacher of
the law held in respect %y all the people, and commanded them to put the
apostles outside for a little while. And he said to them. &4en of $srael, ta!e
heed to yourselves what you intend to do re"ardin" these men. 1or some
time a"o #heudas rose up, claimin" to %e some%ody. A num%er of men,
a%out four hundred, joined him. He was slain, and all who o%eyed him were
scattered and came to nothin". After this man, ;udas of Galilee rose up in
the days of the census, and drew away many people after him. He also
perished, and all who o%eyed him were dispersed. And now $ say to you,
!eep away from these men and let them alone; for if this plan or this wor!
is of men, it will come to nothin"; %ut if it is of God, you cannot overthrow
it,,lest you even %e found to -"ht a"ainst God.& And they a"reed with him,
and when they had called for the apostles and %eaten them, they
commanded that they should not spea! in the name of ;esus, and let them
"o. (o they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicin" that they
were counted worthy to su9er shame for His name. And daily in the temple,
and in every house, they did not cease teachin" and preachin" ;esus as the

< #he 4artyrdom of (t. 4ina =4enas>, the 4on!.

Psalm 25:16-17 [Arabic]
#urn ourself to me, and have mercy on me, 1or $ am desolate and
aEicted. #he trou%les of my heart have enlar"ed; )rin" me out of
my distresses/

L+ke 12:41-5# [Arabic]
#hen :eter said to Him, &Lord, do ou spea! this para%le only to us, or to all
people2& And the Lord said, &+ho then is that faithful and wise steward,
whom his master will ma!e ruler over his household, to "ive them their
portion of food in due season2 )lessed is that servant whom his master will
-nd so doin" when he comes. #ruly, $ say to you that he will ma!e him ruler
over all that he has. )ut if that servant says in his heart, &4y master is
delayin" his comin",' and %e"ins to %eat the male and female servants, and
to eat and drin! and %e drun!, the master of that servant will come on a
day when he is not loo!in" for him, and at an hour when he is not aware,
and will cut him in two and appoint him his portion with the un%elievers.
And that servant who !new his master's will, and did not prepare himself or
do accordin" to his will, shall %e %eaten with many stripes. )ut he who did
not !now, yet committed thin"s deservin" of stripes, shall %e %eaten with
few. 1or everyone to whom much is "iven, from him much will %e re0uired;
and to whom much has %een committed, of him they will as! the more. &$
came to send -re on the earth, and how $ wish it were already !indled/ )ut $
have a %aptism to %e %apti8ed with, and how distressed $ am till it is
Readings for *ednesday of the first week of Great Lent 2/2+
'saia( 2:3-11 ; &oel 2:12-27 [Arabic]
'saia( 2:3-11 4any people shall come and say, &3ome, and let us "o
up to the mountain of the LORD, #o the house of the God of ;aco%;
He will teach us His ways, And we shall wal! in His paths.& 1or out
of Cion shall "o forth the law, And the word of the LORD from
;erusalem. He shall jud"e %etween the nations, And re%u!e many
people; #hey shall %eat their swords into plowshares, And their
spears into prunin" hoo!s; 7ation shall not lift up sword a"ainst
nation, 7either shall they learn war anymore. O house of ;aco%, come
and let us wal! $n the li"ht of the LORD. 1or ou have forsa!en
our people, the house of ;aco%, )ecause they are -lled with eastern
ways; #hey are soothsayers li!e the :hilistines, And they are
pleased with the children of forei"ners. #heir land is also full of silver
and "old, And there is no end to their treasures; #heir land is also
full of horses, And there is no end to their chariots. #heir land is
also full of idols; #hey worship the wor! of their own hands, #hat
which their own -n"ers have made. :eople %ow down, And each
man hum%les himself; #herefore do not for"ive them. Dnter into
the roc!, and hide in the dust, 1rom the terror of the LORD And
the "lory of His majesty. #he lofty loo!s of man shall %e hum%led,
#he hau"htiness of men shall %e %owed down, And the LORD alone
shall %e e6alted in that day.
&oel 2:12-27
&7ow, therefore,& says the LORD,
&#urn to 4e with all your heart,
+ith fastin", with weepin", and with mournin".&
(o rend your heart, and not your "arments;
Return to the LORD your God,
1or He is "racious and merciful,
(low to an"er, and of "reat !indness;
And He relents from doin" harm.
+ho !nows if He will turn and relent,
And leave a %lessin" %ehind Him,,
A "rain o9erin" and a drin! o9erin"
1or the LORD your God2
)low the trumpet in Cion,
3onsecrate a fast,
3all a sacred assem%ly;
Gather the people,
(anctify the con"re"ation,
Assem%le the elders,
Gather the children and nursin" %a%es;
Let the %ride"room "o out from his cham%er,
And the %ride from her dressin" room.
Let the priests, who minister to the LORD,
+eep %etween the porch and the altar;
Let them say, &(pare our people, O LORD,
And do not "ive our herita"e to reproach,
#hat the nations should rule over them.
+hy should they say amon" the peoples,
&+here is their God2&'
#hen the LORD will %e 8ealous for His land,
And pity His people.
#he LORD will answer and say to His people,
&)ehold, $ will send you "rain and new wine and oil,
And you will %e satis-ed %y them;
$ will no lon"er ma!e you a reproach amon" the nations.
&)ut $ will remove far from you the northern army,
And will drive him away into a %arren and desolate land,
+ith his face toward the eastern sea
And his %ac! toward the western sea;
His stench will come up,
And his foul odor will rise,
)ecause he has done monstrous thin"s.&
1ear not, O land;
)e "lad and rejoice,
1or the LORD has done marvelous thin"s/
Do not %e afraid, you %easts of the -eld;
1or the open pastures are sprin"in" up,
And the tree %ears its fruit;
#he -" tree and the vine yield their stren"th.
)e "lad then, you children of Cion,
And rejoice in the LORD your God;
1or He has "iven you the former rain faithfully,
And He will cause the rain to come down for you,,
#he former rain,
And the latter rain in the -rst month.
#he threshin" 5oors shall %e full of wheat,
And the vats shall over5ow with new wine and oil.
&(o $ will restore to you the years that the swarmin" locust has eaten,
#he crawlin" locust,
#he consumin" locust,
And the chewin" locust,
4y "reat army which $ sent amon" you.
ou shall eat in plenty and %e satis-ed,
And praise the name of the LORD your God,
+ho has dealt wondrously with you;
And 4y people shall never %e put to shame.
#hen you shall !now that $ am in the midst of $srael.
$ am the LORD your God
And there is no other.
4y people shall never %e put to shame.
Psalm 25:6-7 [Arabic]
Remem%er, O LORD, our tender mercies and our lovin"!indnesses, 1or
they are from of old. FDo not remem%er the sins of my youth, nor my
trans"ressions; Accordin" to our mercy remem%er me, 1or our "oodness'
sa!e, O LORD.
L+ke 6:24-34 [Arabic]
&)ut woe to you who are rich, 1or you have received your
consolation. +oe to you who are full, 1or you shall hun"er.
+oe to you who lau"h now, 1or you shall mourn and weep. +oe
to you when all men spea! well of you, 1or so did their fathers to the
false prophets. &)ut $ say to you who hear. Love your enemies, do "ood to
those who hate you, %less those who curse you, and pray for those who
spitefully use you. #o him who stri!es you on the one chee!, o9er the other
also. And from him who ta!es away your cloa!, do not withhold your tunic
either. Give to everyone who as!s of you. And from him who ta!es away
your "oods do not as! them %ac!. And just as you want men to do to you,
you also do to them li!ewise. &)ut if you love those who love you, what
credit is that to you2 1or even sinners love those who love them. And if you
do "ood to those who do "ood to you, what credit is that to you2 1or even
sinners do the same. And if you lend to those from whom you hope to
receive %ac!, what credit is that to you2 1or even sinners lend to sinners to
receive as much %ac!.

Pauline "pistle
%omas 14:19-e! ; %omas 15:1-7 [Arabic]
#herefore let us pursue the thin"s which ma!e for peace and the thin"s %y
which one may edify another. Do not destroy the wor! of God for the sa!e
of food. All thin"s indeed are pure, %ut it is evil for the man who eats with
o9ense. $t is "ood neither to eat meat nor drin! wine nor do anythin" %y
which your %rother stum%les or is o9ended or is made wea!. Do you have
faith2 Have it to yourself %efore God. Happy is he who does not condemn
himself in what he approves. )ut he who dou%ts is condemned if he eats,
%ecause he does not eat from faith; for whatever is not from faith is sin. +e
then who are stron" ou"ht to %ear with the scruples of the wea!, and not to
please ourselves. Let each of us please his nei"h%or for his "ood, leadin" to
edi-cation. 1or even 3hrist did not please Himself; %ut as it is written, &#he
reproaches of those who reproached ou fell on 4e.& 1or whatever thin"s
were written %efore were written for our learnin", that we throu"h the
patience and comfort of the (criptures mi"ht have hope. 7ow may the God
of patience and comfort "rant you to %e li!e,minded toward one another,
accordin" to 3hrist ;esus, that you may with one mind and one mouth
"lorify the God and 1ather of our Lord ;esus 3hrist. #herefore receive one
another, just as 3hrist also received us, to the "lory of God.

#atholi$ "pistle
2Pe"er 1:4-11 [Arabic]
)y which have %een "iven to us e6ceedin"ly "reat and precious promises,
that throu"h these you may %e parta!ers of the divine nature, havin"
escaped the corruption that is in the world throu"h lust. )ut also for this
very reason, "ivin" all dili"ence, add to your faith virtue, to virtue
!nowled"e, to !nowled"e self,control, to self,control perseverance, to
perseverance "odliness, to "odliness %rotherly !indness, and to %rotherly
!indness love. 1or if these thin"s are yours and a%ound, you will %e neither
%arren nor unfruitful in the !nowled"e of our Lord ;esus 3hrist. 1or he who
lac!s these thin"s is shortsi"hted, even to %lindness, and has for"otten that
he was cleansed from his old sins. #herefore, %rethren, %e even more
dili"ent to ma!e your call and election sure, for if you do these thin"s you
will never stum%le; for so an entrance will %e supplied to you a%undantly
into the everlastin" !in"dom of our Lord and (avior ;esus 3hrist.

Ac"s 1#:9-2# [Arabic]
#he ne6t day, as they went on their journey and drew near the city, :eter
went up on the housetop to pray, a%out the si6th hour. #hen he %ecame
very hun"ry and wanted to eat; %ut while they made ready, he fell into a
trance and saw heaven opened and an o%ject li!e a "reat sheet %ound at
the four corners, descendin" to him and let down to the earth. $n it were all
!inds of four,footed animals of the earth, wild %easts, creepin" thin"s, and
%irds of the air. And a voice came to him, &Rise, :eter; !ill and eat.& )ut
:eter said, &7ot so, Lord/ 1or $ have never eaten anythin" common or
unclean.& And a voice spo!e to him a"ain the second time, &+hat God has
cleansed you must not call common.& #his was done three times. And the
o%ject was ta!en up into heaven a"ain. 7ow while :eter wondered within
himself what this vision which he had seen meant, %ehold, the men who
had %een sent from 3ornelius had made in0uiry for (imon's house, and
stood %efore the "ate. And they called and as!ed whether (imon, whose
surname was :eter, was lod"in" there. +hile :eter thou"ht a%out the
vision, the (pirit said to him, &)ehold, three men are see!in" you. Arise
therefore, "o down and "o with them, dou%tin" nothin"; for $ have sent

< #he Departure of (t. 4alatius the 3onfessor, :atriarch of Antioch.

Psalm 24:2# ; Psalm 24:16 [Arabic]
Beep my soul, and deliver me; Let me not %e ashamed, for $ put my trust in
ou. #urn ourself to me, and have mercy on me, 1or $ am desolate and

L+ke 6:35-3$ [Arabic]
)ut love your enemies, do "ood, and lend, hopin" for nothin" in return; and
your reward will %e "reat, and you will %e sons of the 4ost Hi"h. 1or He is
!ind to the unthan!ful and evil. #herefore %e merciful, just as your 1ather
also is merciful. &;ud"e not, and you shall not %e jud"ed. 3ondemn not, and
you shall not %e condemned. 1or"ive, and you will %e for"iven. Give, and it
will %e "iven to you. "ood measure, pressed down, sha!en to"ether, and
runnin" over will %e put into your %osom. 1or with the same measure that
you use, it will %e measured %ac! to you.&
Readings for (hursday of the first week of Great Lent 2/2,
'saia( 2:11-19 ; )ec(aria( $:1$-23 [Arabic]
'saia( 2:11-19 And the LORD alone shall %e e6alted in that day.
1or the day of the LORD of hosts (hall come upon everythin" proud
and lofty, *pon everythin" lifted up,, And it shall %e %rou"ht low,,
*pon all the cedars of Le%anon that are hi"h and lifted up, And
upon all the oa!s of )ashan; *pon all the hi"h mountains, And
upon all the hills that are lifted up; *pon every hi"h tower, And
upon every forti-ed wall; *pon all the ships of #arshish, And upon
all the %eautiful sloops. #he loftiness of man shall %e %owed down,
And the hau"htiness of men shall %e %rou"ht low; #he LORD
alone will %e e6alted in that day, )ut the idols He shall utterly a%olish.
#hey shall "o into the holes of the roc!s, And into the caves of
the earth, 1rom the terror of the LORD And the "lory of His
majesty, +hen He arises to sha!e the earth mi"htily.
)ec(aria( $:1$-23
#hen the word of the LORD of hosts came to me, sayin", &#hus says the
LORD of hosts.
&#he fast of the fourth month,
#he fast of the -fth,
#he fast of the seventh,
And the fast of the tenth,
(hall %e joy and "ladness and cheerful feasts
1or the house of ;udah.
#herefore love truth and peace.'
&#hus says the LORD of hosts.
&:eoples shall yet come,
$nha%itants of many cities;
#he inha%itants of one city shall "o to another, sayin",
&Let us continue to "o and pray %efore the LORD,
And see! the LORD of hosts.
$ myself will "o also.&
es, many peoples and stron" nations
(hall come to see! the LORD of hosts in ;erusalem,
And to pray %efore the LORD.'
&#hus says the LORD of hosts. &$n those days ten men from every lan"ua"e
of the nations shall "rasp the sleeve of a ;ewish man, sayin", &Let us "o
with you, for we have heard that God is with you.&
Psalm 23:1-2 [Arabic]
#he earth is the LORD's, and all its fullness, #he world and those who dwell
therein. A1or He has founded it upon the seas, And esta%lished it upon the
L+ke $:23-25 [Arabic]
)ut as they sailed He fell asleep. And a windstorm came down on the la!e,
and they were -llin" with water, and were in jeopardy. And they came to
Him and awo!e Him, sayin", &4aster, 4aster, we are perishin"/& #hen He
arose and re%u!ed the wind and the ra"in" of the water. And they ceased,
and there was a calm. )ut He said to them, &+here is your faith2& And they
were afraid, and marveled, sayin" to one another, &+ho can this %e2 1or He
commands even the winds and water, and they o%ey Him/&

Pauline "pistle
1Cori"(ias 4:16-e! ; 1Cori"(ias 5:1-9 [Arabic]
#herefore $ ur"e you, imitate me. 1or this reason $ have sent #imothy to
you, who is my %eloved and faithful son in the Lord, who will remind you of
my ways in 3hrist, as $ teach everywhere in every church. 7ow some are
pu9ed up, as thou"h $ were not comin" to you. )ut $ will come to you
shortly, if the Lord wills, and $ will !now, not the word of those who are
pu9ed up, %ut the power. 1or the !in"dom of God is not in word %ut in
power. +hat do you want2 (hall $ come to you with a rod, or in love and a
spirit of "entleness2 $t is actually reported that there is se6ual immorality
amon" you, and such se6ual immorality as is not even named amon" the
Gentiles,,that a man has his father's wife/ And you are pu9ed up, and have
not rather mourned, that he who has done this deed mi"ht %e ta!en away
from amon" you. 1or $ indeed, as a%sent in %ody %ut present in spirit, have
already jud"ed as thou"h $ were present him who has so done this deed. $n
the name of our Lord ;esus 3hrist, when you are "athered to"ether, alon"
with my spirit, with the power of our Lord ;esus 3hrist, deliver such a one to
(atan for the destruction of the 5esh, that his spirit may %e saved in the
day of the Lord ;esus. our "loryin" is not "ood. Do you not !now that a
little leaven leavens the whole lump2 #herefore pur"e out the old leaven,
that you may %e a new lump, since you truly are unleavened. 1or indeed
3hrist, our :assover, was sacri-ced for us. #herefore let us !eep the feast,
not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and wic!edness, %ut with
the unleavened %read of sincerity and truth. $ wrote to you in my epistle not
to !eep company with se6ually immoral people.

#atholi$ "pistle
1&o( 1:$-e! ; 1&o( 2:1-11 [Arabic]
$f we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in
us. $f we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to for"ive us our sins and to
cleanse us from all unri"hteousness. $f we say that we have not sinned, we
ma!e Him a liar, and His word is not in us.4y little children, these thin"s $
write to you, so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an
Advocate with the 1ather, ;esus 3hrist the ri"hteous. And He Himself is the
propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only %ut also for the whole world.
7ow %y this we !now that we !now Him, if we !eep His commandments. He
who says, &$ !now Him,& and does not !eep His commandments, is a liar,
and the truth is not in him. )ut whoever !eeps His word, truly the love of
God is perfected in him. )y this we !now that we are in Him. He who says
he a%ides in Him ou"ht himself also to wal! just as He wal!ed. )rethren, $
write no new commandment to you, %ut an old commandment which you
have had from the %e"innin". #he old commandment is the word which you
heard from the %e"innin". A"ain, a new commandment $ write to you, which
thin" is true in Him and in you, %ecause the dar!ness is passin" away, and
the true li"ht is already shinin". He who says he is in the li"ht, and hates
his %rother, is in dar!ness until now. He who loves his %rother a%ides in the
li"ht, and there is no cause for stum%lin" in him. )ut he who hates his
%rother is in dar!ness and wal!s in dar!ness, and does not !now where he
is "oin", %ecause the dar!ness has %linded his eyes.

Ac"s $:3-13 [Arabic]
As for (aul, he made havoc of the church, enterin" every house, and
dra""in" o9 men and women, committin" them to prison. #herefore those
who were scattered went everywhere preachin" the word. #hen :hilip went
down to the city of (amaria and preached 3hrist to them. And the
multitudes with one accord heeded the thin"s spo!en %y :hilip, hearin" and
seein" the miracles which he did. 1or unclean spirits, cryin" with a loud
voice, came out of many who were possessed; and many who were
paraly8ed and lame were healed. And there was "reat joy in that city. )ut
there was a certain man called (imon, who previously practiced sorcery in
the city and astonished the people of (amaria, claimin" that he was
someone "reat, to whom they all "ave heed, from the least to the "reatest,
sayin", &#his man is the "reat power of God.& And they heeded him
%ecause he had astonished them with his sorceries for a lon" time. )ut
when they %elieved :hilip as he preached the thin"s concernin" the
!in"dom of God and the name of ;esus 3hrist, %oth men and women were
%apti8ed. #hen (imon himself also %elieved; and when he was %apti8ed he
continued with :hilip, and was ama8ed, seein" the miracles and si"ns which
were done.

< #he 3ommemoration of the Relocation of the Relics of (t. 4artianus, the

Psalm 117:14 ; Psalm 117:1$ [Arabic]
#he LORD is my stren"th and son", And He has %ecome my salvation. #he
LORD has chastened me severely, )ut He has not "iven me over to death.

Mark 4:21-29 [Arabic]
Also He said to them, &$s a lamp %rou"ht to %e put under a %as!et or under
a %ed2 $s it not to %e set on a lampstand2 1or there is nothin" hidden which
will not %e revealed, nor has anythin" %een !ept secret %ut that it should
come to li"ht. $f anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.& #hen He said to
them, &#a!e heed what you hear. +ith the same measure you use, it will %e
measured to you; and to you who hear, more will %e "iven. 1or whoever
has, to him more will %e "iven; %ut whoever does not have, even what he
has will %e ta!en away from him.& And He said, &#he !in"dom of God is as if
a man should scatter seed on the "round, and should sleep %y ni"ht and
rise %y day, and the seed should sprout and "row, he himself does not !now
how. 1or the earth yields crops %y itself. -rst the %lade, then the head, after
that the full "rain in the head. )ut when the "rain ripens, immediately he
puts in the sic!le, %ecause the harvest has come.&
Readings for -riday of the first week of Great Lent 2/2.
,e+"room- 6:3-e! ; ,e+"room- 7:1-26 ; 'saia( 3:1-14 [Arabic]
,e+"room- 6:3-e! ; ,e+"room- 7:1-26 #herefore hear, O $srael,
and %e careful to o%serve it, that it may %e well with you, and that you may
multiply "reatly as the LORD God of your fathers has promised you,,&a land
5owin" with mil! and honey.' &Hear, O $srael. #he LORD our God, the LORD
is one/ ou shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your
soul, and with all your stren"th. &And these words which $ command you
today shall %e in your heart. ou shall teach them dili"ently to your children,
and shall tal! of them when you sit in your house, when you wal! %y the
way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. ou shall %ind them as a
si"n on your hand, and they shall %e as frontlets %etween your eyes. ou
shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your "ates.&(o it
shall %e, when the LORD your God %rin"s you into the land of which He
swore to your fathers, to A%raham, $saac, and ;aco%, to "ive you lar"e and
%eautiful cities which you did not %uild, houses full of all "ood thin"s, which
you did not -ll, hewn,out wells which you did not di", vineyards and olive
trees which you did not plant,,when you have eaten and are full,, then
%eware, lest you for"et the LORD who %rou"ht you out of the land of D"ypt,
from the house of %onda"e. ou shall fear the LORD your God and serve
Him, and shall ta!e oaths in His name. ou shall not "o after other "ods, the
"ods of the peoples who are all around you =for the LORD your God is a
jealous God amon" you>, lest the an"er of the LORD your God %e aroused
a"ainst you and destroy you from the face of the earth. &ou shall not tempt
the LORD your God as you tempted Him in 4assah. ou shall dili"ently !eep
the commandments of the LORD your God, His testimonies, and His
statutes which He has commanded you. And you shall do what is ri"ht and
"ood in the si"ht of the LORD, that it may %e well with you, and that you
may "o in and possess the "ood land of which the LORD swore to your
fathers, to cast out all your enemies from %efore you, as the LORD has
spo!en. &+hen your son as!s you in time to come, sayin", &+hat is the
meanin" of the testimonies, the statutes, and the jud"ments which the
LORD our God has commanded you2' then you shall say to your son. &+e
were slaves of :haraoh in D"ypt, and the LORD %rou"ht us out of D"ypt with
a mi"hty hand; and the LORD showed si"ns and wonders %efore our eyes,
"reat and severe, a"ainst D"ypt, :haraoh, and all his household. #hen He
%rou"ht us out from there, that He mi"ht %rin" us in, to "ive us the land of
which He swore to our fathers. And the LORD commanded us to o%serve all
these statutes, to fear the LORD our God, for our "ood always, that He
mi"ht preserve us alive, as it is this day. #hen it will %e ri"hteousness for us,
if we are careful to o%serve all these commandments %efore the LORD our
God, as He has commanded us.'&+hen the LORD your God %rin"s you into
the land which you "o to possess, and has cast out many nations %efore
you, the Hittites and the Gir"ashites and the Amorites and the 3anaanites
and the :eri88ites and the Hivites and the ;e%usites, seven nations "reater
and mi"htier than you, and when the LORD your God delivers them over to
you, you shall con0uer them and utterly destroy them. ou shall ma!e no
covenant with them nor show mercy to them. 7or shall you ma!e marria"es
with them. ou shall not "ive your dau"hter to their son, nor ta!e their
dau"hter for your son. 1or they will turn your sons away from followin" 4e,
to serve other "ods; so the an"er of the LORD will %e aroused a"ainst you
and destroy you suddenly. )ut thus you shall deal with them. you shall
destroy their altars, and %rea! down their sacred pillars, and cut down their
wooden ima"es, and %urn their carved ima"es with -re. &1or you are a holy
people to the LORD your God; the LORD your God has chosen you to %e a
people for Himself, a special treasure a%ove all the peoples on the face of
the earth. #he LORD did not set His love on you nor choose you %ecause
you were more in num%er than any other people, for you were the least of
all peoples; %ut %ecause the LORD loves you, and %ecause He would !eep
the oath which He swore to your fathers, the LORD has %rou"ht you out
with a mi"hty hand, and redeemed you from the house of %onda"e, from
the hand of :haraoh !in" of D"ypt. &#herefore !now that the LORD your
God, He is God, the faithful God who !eeps covenant and mercy for a
thousand "enerations with those who love Him and !eep His
commandments; and He repays those who hate Him to their face, to
destroy them. He will not %e slac! with him who hates Him; He will repay
him to his face. #herefore you shall !eep the commandment, the statutes,
and the jud"ments which $ command you today, to o%serve them. &#hen it
shall come to pass, %ecause you listen to these jud"ments, and !eep and
do them, that the LORD your God will !eep with you the covenant and the
mercy which He swore to your fathers. And He will love you and %less you
and multiply you; He will also %less the fruit of your wom% and the fruit of
your land, your "rain and your new wine and your oil, the increase of your
cattle and the o9sprin" of your 5oc!, in the land of which He swore to your
fathers to "ive you. ou shall %e %lessed a%ove all peoples; there shall not
%e a male or female %arren amon" you or amon" your livestoc!. And the
LORD will ta!e away from you all sic!ness, and will aEict you with none of
the terri%le diseases of D"ypt which you have !nown, %ut will lay them on
all those who hate you. Also you shall destroy all the peoples whom the
LORD your God delivers over to you; your eye shall have no pity on them;
nor shall you serve their "ods, for that will %e a snare to you. &$f you should
say in your heart, &#hese nations are "reater than $; how can $ dispossess
them2',, you shall not %e afraid of them, %ut you shall remem%er well what
the LORD your God did to :haraoh and to all D"ypt. the "reat trials which
your eyes saw, the si"ns and the wonders, the mi"hty hand and the
outstretched arm, %y which the LORD your God %rou"ht you out. (o shall
the LORD your God do to all the peoples of whom you are afraid. 4oreover
the LORD your God will send the hornet amon" them until those who are
left, who hide themselves from you, are destroyed. ou shall not %e terri-ed
of them; for the LORD your God, the "reat and awesome God, is amon"
you. And the LORD your God will drive out those nations %efore you little %y
little; you will %e una%le to destroy them at once, lest the %easts of the -eld
%ecome too numerous for you. )ut the LORD your God will deliver them
over to you, and will in5ict defeat upon them until they are destroyed. And
He will deliver their !in"s into your hand, and you will destroy their name
from under heaven; no one shall %e a%le to stand a"ainst you until you
have destroyed them. ou shall %urn the carved ima"es of their "ods with
-re; you shall not covet the silver or "old that is on them, nor ta!e it for
yourselves, lest you %e snared %y it; for it is an a%omination to the LORD
your God. 7or shall you %rin" an a%omination into your house, lest you %e
doomed to destruction li!e it. ou shall utterly detest it and utterly a%hor it,
for it is an accursed thin".
'saia( 3:1-14
1or %ehold, the Lord, the LORD of hosts,
#a!es away from ;erusalem and from ;udah
#he stoc! and the store,
#he whole supply of %read and the whole supply of water;
#he mi"hty man and the man of war,
#he jud"e and the prophet,
And the diviner and the elder;
#he captain of -fty and the honora%le man,
#he counselor and the s!illful artisan,
And the e6pert enchanter.
&$ will "ive children to %e their princes,
And %a%es shall rule over them.
#he people will %e oppressed,
Dvery one %y another and every one %y his nei"h%or;
#he child will %e insolent toward the elder,
And the %ase toward the honora%le.&
+hen a man ta!es hold of his %rother
$n the house of his father, sayin",
&ou have clothin";
ou %e our ruler,
And let these ruins %e under your power,&
$n that day he will protest, sayin",
&$ cannot cure your ills,
1or in my house is neither food nor clothin";
Do not ma!e me a ruler of the people.&
1or ;erusalem stum%led,
And ;udah is fallen,
)ecause their ton"ue and their doin"s
Are a"ainst the LORD,
#o provo!e the eyes of His "lory.
#he loo! on their countenance witnesses a"ainst them,
And they declare their sin as (odom;
#hey do not hide it.
+oe to their soul/
1or they have %rou"ht evil upon themselves.
&(ay to the ri"hteous that it shall %e well with them,
1or they shall eat the fruit of their doin"s.
+oe to the wic!ed/ $t shall %e ill with him,
1or the reward of his hands shall %e "iven him.
As for 4y people, children are their oppressors,
And women rule over them.
O 4y people/ #hose who lead you cause you to err,
And destroy the way of your paths.&
#he LORD stands up to plead,
And stands to jud"e the people.
#he LORD will enter into jud"ment
+ith the elders of His people
And His princes.
&1or you have eaten up the vineyard;
#he plunder of the poor is in your houses.
Psalm 3#:1-2 [Arabic]
$ will e6tol ou, O LORD, for ou have lifted me up, And have not let my foes
rejoice over me. O LORD my God, $ cried out to ou, And ou healed me.
L+ke 5:12-16 [Arabic]
And it happened when He was in a certain city, that %ehold, a man who was
full of leprosy saw ;esus; and he fell on his face and implored Him, sayin",
&Lord, if ou are willin", ou can ma!e me clean.& #hen He put out His hand
and touched him, sayin", &$ am willin"; %e cleansed.& $mmediately the
leprosy left him. And He char"ed him to tell no one, &)ut "o and show
yourself to the priest, and ma!e an o9erin" for your cleansin", as a
testimony to them, just as 4oses commanded.& However, the report went
around concernin" Him all the more; and "reat multitudes came to"ether to
hear, and to %e healed %y Him of their in-rmities. (o He Himself often
withdrew into the wilderness and prayed.

Pauline "pistle
%omas 12:6-21 [Arabic]
Havin" then "ifts di9erin" accordin" to the "race that is "iven to us, let us
use them. if prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our faith; or ministry,
let us use it in our ministerin"; he who teaches, in teachin"; he who
e6horts, in e6hortation; he who "ives, with li%erality; he who leads, with
dili"ence; he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness. Let love %e without
hypocrisy. A%hor what is evil. 3lin" to what is "ood. )e !indly a9ectionate to
one another with %rotherly love, in honor "ivin" preference to one another;
not la""in" in dili"ence, fervent in spirit, servin" the Lord; rejoicin" in hope,
patient in tri%ulation, continuin" steadfastly in prayer; distri%utin" to the
needs of the saints, "iven to hospitality. )less those who persecute you;
%less and do not curse. Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those
who weep. )e of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind
on hi"h thin"s, %ut associate with the hum%le. Do not %e wise in your own
opinion. Repay no one evil for evil. Have re"ard for "ood thin"s in the si"ht
of all men. $f it is possi%le, as much as depends on you, live peacea%ly with
all men. )eloved, do not aven"e yourselves, %ut rather "ive place to wrath;
for it is written, &Gen"eance is 4ine, $ will repay,& says the Lord. #herefore
&$f your enemy is hun"ry, feed him; $f he is thirsty, "ive him a
drin!; 1or in so doin" you will heap coals of -re on his head.& Do not %e
overcome %y evil, %ut overcome evil with "ood.

#atholi$ "pistle
3&o( 1:1-15 [Arabic]
#he Dlder, #o the %eloved Gaius, whom $ love in truth. )eloved, $ pray that
you may prosper in all thin"s and %e in health, just as your soul prospers.
1or $ rejoiced "reatly when %rethren came and testi-ed of the truth that is in
you, just as you wal! in the truth. $ have no "reater joy than to hear that my
children wal! in truth. )eloved, you do faithfully whatever you do for the
%rethren and for stran"ers, who have %orne witness of your love %efore the
church. $f you send them forward on their journey in a manner worthy of
God, you will do well, %ecause they went forth for His name's sa!e, ta!in"
nothin" from the Gentiles. +e therefore ou"ht to receive such, that we may
%ecome fellow wor!ers for the truth. $ wrote to the church, %ut Diotrephes,
who loves to have the preeminence amon" them, does not receive us.
#herefore, if $ come, $ will call to mind his deeds which he does, pratin"
a"ainst us with malicious words. And not content with that, he himself does
not receive the %rethren, and for%ids those who wish to, puttin" them out of
the church. )eloved, do not imitate what is evil, %ut what is "ood. He who
does "ood is of God, %ut he who does evil has not seen God. Demetrius has
a "ood testimony from all, and from the truth itself. And we also %ear
witness, and you !now that our testimony is true. $ had many thin"s to
write, %ut $ do not wish to write to you with pen and in!; %ut $ hope to see
you shortly, and we shall spea! face to face. :eace to you. Our friends "reet
you. Greet the friends %y name.

Ac"s 2:42-e! ; Ac"s 3:1-9 [Arabic]
And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in
the %rea!in" of %read, and in prayers. #hen fear came upon every soul, and
many wonders and si"ns were done throu"h the apostles. 7ow all who
%elieved were to"ether, and had all thin"s in common, and sold their
possessions and "oods, and divided them amon" all, as anyone had need.
(o continuin" daily with one accord in the temple, and %rea!in" %read from
house to house, they ate their food with "ladness and simplicity of heart,
praisin" God and havin" favor with all the people. And the Lord added to
the church daily those who were %ein" saved. 7ow :eter and ;ohn went up
to"ether to the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour. And a certain
man lame from his mother's wom% was carried, whom they laid daily at the
"ate of the temple which is called )eautiful, to as! alms from those who
entered the temple; who, seein" :eter and ;ohn a%out to "o into the
temple, as!ed for alms. And -6in" his eyes on him, with ;ohn, :eter said,
&Loo! at us.& (o he "ave them his attention, e6pectin" to receive somethin"
from them. #hen :eter said, &(ilver and "old $ do not have, %ut what $ do
have $ "ive you. $n the name of ;esus 3hrist of 7a8areth, rise up and wal!.&
And he too! him %y the ri"ht hand and lifted him up, and immediately his
feet and an!le %ones received stren"th. (o he, leapin" up, stood and
wal!ed and entered the temple with them,,wal!in", leapin", and praisin"
God. And all the people saw him wal!in" and praisin" God.

< #he Departure of (t. :eter, AHst :ope of Ale6andria.
< #he 3ommemoration of (ts. )asil, #heodore and #imothy, the 4artyrs.

Psalm 13:5-6 [Arabic]
)ut $ have trusted in our mercy; 4y heart shall rejoice in our
salvation. $ will sin" to the LORD, )ecause He has dealt
%ountifully with me.

L+ke 11:1-1# [Arabic]
7ow it came to pass, as He was prayin" in a certain place, when He ceased,
that one of His disciples said to Him, &Lord, teach us to pray, as ;ohn also
tau"ht his disciples.& (o He said to them, &+hen you pray, say. Our
1ather in heaven, Hallowed %e our name. our !in"dom come.
our will %e done On earth as it is in heaven. Give us day %y
day our daily %read. And for"ive us our sins, 1or we also for"ive
everyone who is inde%ted to us. And do not lead us into temptation,
)ut deliver us from the evil one.& And He said to them, &+hich of you
shall have a friend, and "o to him at midni"ht and say to him, &1riend, lend
me three loaves; for a friend of mine has come to me on his journey, and $
have nothin" to set %efore him'; and he will answer from within and say,
&Do not trou%le me; the door is now shut, and my children are with me in
%ed; $ cannot rise and "ive to you'2 $ say to you, thou"h he will not rise and
"ive to him %ecause he is his friend, yet %ecause of his persistence he will
rise and "ive him as many as he needs. &(o $ say to you, as!, and it will %e
"iven to you; see!, and you will -nd; !noc!, and it will %e opened to you.
1or everyone who as!s receives, and he who see!s -nds, and to him who
!noc!s it will %e opened.
Readings for Saturday of the first week of Great Lent 2/2/
Psalm 119:57-5$ [Arabic]
ou are my portion, O LORD; $ have said that $ would !eep our words. $
entreated our favor with my whole heart; )e merciful to me accordin" to
our word.
Ma""(e* 5:25-37 [Arabic]
A"ree with your adversary 0uic!ly, while you are on the way with him, lest
your adversary deliver you to the jud"e, the jud"e hand you over to the
oIcer, and you %e thrown into prison. Assuredly, $ say to you, you will %y no
means "et out of there till you have paid the last penny. &ou have heard
that it was said to those of old, &ou shall not commit adultery.' )ut $ say to
you that whoever loo!s at a woman to lust for her has already committed
adultery with her in his heart. $f your ri"ht eye causes you to sin, pluc! it
out and cast it from you; for it is more pro-ta%le for you that one of your
mem%ers perish, than for your whole %ody to %e cast into hell. And if your
ri"ht hand causes you to sin, cut it o9 and cast it from you; for it is more
pro-ta%le for you that one of your mem%ers perish, than for your whole
%ody to %e cast into hell. &1urthermore it has %een said, &+hoever divorces
his wife, let him "ive her a certi-cate of divorce.' )ut $ say to you that
whoever divorces his wife for any reason e6cept se6ual immorality causes
her to commit adultery; and whoever marries a woman who is divorced
commits adultery. &A"ain you have heard that it was said to those of old,
&ou shall not swear falsely, %ut shall perform your oaths to the Lord.' )ut $
say to you, do not swear at all. neither %y heaven, for it is God's throne; nor
%y the earth, for it is His footstool; nor %y ;erusalem, for it is the city of the
"reat Bin". 7or shall you swear %y your head, %ecause you cannot ma!e
one hair white or %lac!. )ut let your &es' %e &es,' and your &7o,' &7o.' 1or
whatever is more than these is from the evil one.

Pauline "pistle
%omas 12:1-21 [Arabic]
$ %eseech you therefore, %rethren, %y the mercies of God, that you present
your %odies a livin" sacri-ce, holy, accepta%le to God, which is your
reasona%le service. And do not %e conformed to this world, %ut %e
transformed %y the renewin" of your mind, that you may prove what is that
"ood and accepta%le and perfect will of God. 1or $ say, throu"h the "race
"iven to me, to everyone who is amon" you, not to thin! of himself more
hi"hly than he ou"ht to thin!, %ut to thin! so%erly, as God has dealt to each
one a measure of faith. 1or as we have many mem%ers in one %ody, %ut all
the mem%ers do not have the same function, so we, %ein" many, are one
%ody in 3hrist, and individually mem%ers of one another. Havin" then "ifts
di9erin" accordin" to the "race that is "iven to us, let us use them. if
prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our faith; or ministry, let us use it
in our ministerin"; he who teaches, in teachin"; he who e6horts, in
e6hortation; he who "ives, with li%erality; he who leads, with dili"ence; he
who shows mercy, with cheerfulness. Let love %e without hypocrisy. A%hor
what is evil. 3lin" to what is "ood. )e !indly a9ectionate to one another
with %rotherly love, in honor "ivin" preference to one another; not la""in"
in dili"ence, fervent in spirit, servin" the Lord; rejoicin" in hope, patient in
tri%ulation, continuin" steadfastly in prayer; distri%utin" to the needs of the
saints, "iven to hospitality. )less those who persecute you; %less and do not
curse. Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. )e of
the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on hi"h thin"s,
%ut associate with the hum%le. Do not %e wise in your own opinion. Repay
no one evil for evil. Have re"ard for "ood thin"s in the si"ht of all men. $f it
is possi%le, as much as depends on you, live peacea%ly with all men.
)eloved, do not aven"e yourselves, %ut rather "ive place to wrath; for it is
written, &Gen"eance is 4ine, $ will repay,& says the Lord. #herefore &$f
your enemy is hun"ry, feed him; $f he is thirsty, "ive him a drin!;
1or in so doin" you will heap coals of -re on his head.& Do not %e overcome
%y evil, %ut overcome evil with "ood.

#atholi$ "pistle
&ames 1:1-12 [Arabic]
;ames, a %ondservant of God and of the Lord ;esus 3hrist, #o the twelve
tri%es which are scattered a%road. Greetin"s. 4y %rethren, count it all joy
when you fall into various trials, !nowin" that the testin" of your faith
produces patience. )ut let patience have its perfect wor!, that you may %e
perfect and complete, lac!in" nothin". $f any of you lac!s wisdom, let him
as! of God, who "ives to all li%erally and without reproach, and it will %e
"iven to him. )ut let him as! in faith, with no dou%tin", for he who dou%ts is
li!e a wave of the sea driven and tossed %y the wind. 1or let not that man
suppose that he will receive anythin" from the Lord; he is a dou%le,minded
man, unsta%le in all his ways. Let the lowly %rother "lory in his e6altation,
%ut the rich in his humiliation, %ecause as a 5ower of the -eld he will pass
away. 1or no sooner has the sun risen with a %urnin" heat than it withers
the "rass; its 5ower falls, and its %eautiful appearance perishes. (o the rich
man also will fade away in his pursuits. )lessed is the man who endures
temptation; for when he has %een approved, he will receive the crown of life
which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.

Ac"s 21:27-39 [Arabic]
7ow when the seven days were almost ended, the ;ews from Asia, seein"
him in the temple, stirred up the whole crowd and laid hands on him, cryin"
out, &4en of $srael, help/ #his is the man who teaches all men everywhere
a"ainst the people, the law, and this place; and furthermore he also
%rou"ht Gree!s into the temple and has de-led this holy place.& 1or they
had previously seen #rophimus the Dphesian with him in the city, whom
they supposed that :aul had %rou"ht into the temple. And all the city was
distur%ed; and the people ran to"ether, sei8ed :aul, and dra""ed him out of
the temple; and immediately the doors were shut. 7ow as they were
see!in" to !ill him, news came to the commander of the "arrison that all
;erusalem was in an uproar. He immediately too! soldiers and centurions,
and ran down to them. And when they saw the commander and the
soldiers, they stopped %eatin" :aul. #hen the commander came near and
too! him, and commanded him to %e %ound with two chains; and he as!ed
who he was and what he had done. And some amon" the multitude cried
one thin" and some another. (o when he could not ascertain the truth
%ecause of the tumult, he commanded him to %e ta!en into the %arrac!s.
+hen he reached the stairs, he had to %e carried %y the soldiers %ecause of
the violence of the mo%. 1or the multitude of the people followed after,
cryin" out, &Away with him/& #hen as :aul was a%out to %e led into the
%arrac!s, he said to the commander, &4ay $ spea! to you2& He replied, &3an
you spea! Gree!2 Are you not the D"yptian who some time a"o stirred up a
re%ellion and led the four thousand assassins out into the wilderness2& )ut
:aul said, &$ am a ;ew from #arsus, in 3ilicia, a citi8en of no mean city; and $
implore you, permit me to spea! to the people.&

< #he 3ommemoration of the Gir"in (t. 4ary.
< #he 4artyrdom of (t. Onesimus, the Disciple of (t. :aul.
< #he Departure of (t. Ga%riel, ?Fth :ope of Ale6andria.
< #he Departure of (t. Cacharias, )ishop of (a!ha.

Psalm 5:1 ; Psalm 5:2 [Arabic]
Give ear to my words, O LORD, 3onsider my meditation. Give heed to
the voice of my cry, 4y Bin" and my God, 1or to ou $ will pray.

Ma""(e* 5:3$-4$ [Arabic]
&ou have heard that it was said, &An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.'
)ut $ tell you not to resist an evil person. )ut whoever slaps you on your
ri"ht chee!, turn the other to him also. $f anyone wants to sue you and ta!e
away your tunic, let him have your cloa! also. And whoever compels you to
"o one mile, "o with him two. Give to him who as!s you, and from him who
wants to %orrow from you do not turn away. &ou have heard that it was
said, &ou shall love your nei"h%or and hate your enemy.' )ut $ say to you,
love your enemies, %less those who curse you, do "ood to those who hate
you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you
may %e sons of your 1ather in heaven; for He ma!es His sun rise on the evil
and on the "ood, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. 1or if you
love those who love you, what reward have you2 Do not even the ta6
collectors do the same2 And if you "reet your %rethren only, what do you do
more than others2 Do not even the ta6 collectors do so2 #herefore you shall
%e perfect, just as your 1ather in heaven is perfect.
Readings for Sunday of the first week of Great Lent '/1
Psalm 16:1-2 [Arabic]
Hear a just cause, O LORD, Attend to my cry; Give ear to my prayer which is
not from deceitful lips. Let my vindication come from our presence; Let
our eyes loo! on the thin"s that are upri"ht.
Ma""(e* 6:34-e! ; Ma""(e* 7:1-12 [Arabic]
#herefore do not worry a%out tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry a%out its
own thin"s. (uIcient for the day is its own trou%le. &;ud"e not, that you %e
not jud"ed. 1or with what jud"ment you jud"e, you will %e jud"ed; and with
the measure you use, it will %e measured %ac! to you. And why do you loo!
at the spec! in your %rother's eye, %ut do not consider the plan! in your
own eye2 Or how can you say to your %rother, &Let me remove the spec!
from your eye'; and loo!, a plan! is in your own eye2 Hypocrite/ 1irst
remove the plan! from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to
remove the spec! from your %rother's eye. &Do not "ive what is holy to the
do"s; nor cast your pearls %efore swine, lest they trample them under their
feet, and turn and tear you in pieces. &As!, and it will %e "iven to you; see!,
and you will -nd; !noc!, and it will %e opened to you. 1or everyone who
as!s receives, and he who see!s -nds, and to him who !noc!s it will %e
opened. Or what man is there amon" you who, if his son as!s for %read, will
"ive him a stone2 Or if he as!s for a -sh, will he "ive him a serpent2 $f you
then, %ein" evil, !now how to "ive "ood "ifts to your children, how much
more will your 1ather who is in heaven "ive "ood thin"s to those who as!
Him/ #herefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for
this is the Law and the :rophets.

Psalm 1$:1-2 [Arabic]
$ will love ou, O LORD, my stren"th. #he LORD is my roc! and my fortress
and my deliverer; 4y God, my stren"th, in whom $ will trust; 4y shield and
the horn of my salvation, my stron"hold.
Ma""(e* 7:22-29 [Arabic]
4any will say to 4e in that day, &Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in our
name, cast out demons in our name, and done many wonders in our
name2' And then $ will declare to them, &$ never !new you; depart from 4e,
you who practice lawlessness/' &#herefore whoever hears these sayin"s of
4ine, and does them, $ will li!en him to a wise man who %uilt his house on
the roc!. and the rain descended, the 5oods came, and the winds %lew and
%eat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the roc!. &)ut
everyone who hears these sayin"s of 4ine, and does not do them, will %e
li!e a foolish man who %uilt his house on the sand. and the rain descended,
the 5oods came, and the winds %lew and %eat on that house; and it fell.
And "reat was its fall.& And so it was, when ;esus had ended these sayin"s,
that the people were astonished at His teachin", for He tau"ht them as one
havin" authority, and not as the scri%es.

Pauline "pistle
%omas 13:1-14 [Arabic]
Let every soul %e su%ject to the "overnin" authorities. 1or there is no
authority e6cept from God, and the authorities that e6ist are appointed %y
God. #herefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God,
and those who resist will %rin" jud"ment on themselves. 1or rulers are not a
terror to "ood wor!s, %ut to evil. Do you want to %e unafraid of the
authority2 Do what is "ood, and you will have praise from the same. 1or he
is God's minister to you for "ood. )ut if you do evil, %e afraid; for he does
not %ear the sword in vain; for he is God's minister, an aven"er to e6ecute
wrath on him who practices evil. #herefore you must %e su%ject, not only
%ecause of wrath %ut also for conscience' sa!e. 1or %ecause of this you also
pay ta6es, for they are God's ministers attendin" continually to this very
thin". Render therefore to all their due. ta6es to whom ta6es are due,
customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor. Owe
no one anythin" e6cept to love one another, for he who loves another has
ful-lled the law. 1or the commandments, &ou shall not commit adultery,&
&ou shall not murder,& &ou shall not steal,& &ou shall not %ear false
witness,& &ou shall not covet,& and if there is any other commandment, are
all summed up in this sayin", namely, &ou shall love your nei"h%or as
yourself.& Love does no harm to a nei"h%or; therefore love is the ful-llment
of the law. And do this, !nowin" the time, that now it is hi"h time to awa!e
out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we -rst %elieved.
#he ni"ht is far spent, the day is at hand. #herefore let us cast o9 the wor!s
of dar!ness, and let us put on the armor of li"ht. Let us wal! properly, as in
the day, not in revelry and drun!enness, not in lewdness and lust, not in
strife and envy. )ut put on the Lord ;esus 3hrist, and ma!e no provision for
the 5esh, to ful-ll its lusts.

#atholi$ "pistle
&ames 1:13-21 [Arabic]
Let no one say when he is tempted, &$ am tempted %y God&; for God cannot
%e tempted %y evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone. )ut each one is
tempted when he is drawn away %y his own desires and enticed. #hen,
when desire has conceived, it "ives %irth to sin; and sin, when it is full,
"rown, %rin"s forth death. Do not %e deceived, my %eloved %rethren. Dvery
"ood "ift and every perfect "ift is from a%ove, and comes down from the
1ather of li"hts, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turnin". Of His
own will He %rou"ht us forth %y the word of truth, that we mi"ht %e a !ind
of -rstfruits of His creatures. (o then, my %eloved %rethren, let every man
%e swift to hear, slow to spea!, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not
produce the ri"hteousness of God. #herefore lay aside all -lthiness and
over5ow of wic!edness, and receive with mee!ness the implanted word,
which is a%le to save your souls.

Ac"s 21:4#-e! ; Ac"s 22:1-16 [Arabic]
(o when he had "iven him permission, :aul stood on the stairs and
motioned with his hand to the people. And when there was a "reat silence,
he spo!e to them in the He%rew lan"ua"e, sayin",&)rethren and fathers,
hear my defense %efore you now.& And when they heard that he spo!e to
them in the He%rew lan"ua"e, they !ept all the more silent. #hen he said. &$
am indeed a ;ew, %orn in #arsus of 3ilicia, %ut %rou"ht up in this city at the
feet of Gamaliel, tau"ht accordin" to the strictness of our fathers' law, and
was 8ealous toward God as you all are today. $ persecuted this +ay to the
death, %indin" and deliverin" into prisons %oth men and women, as also the
hi"h priest %ears me witness, and all the council of the elders, from whom $
also received letters to the %rethren, and went to Damascus to %rin" in
chains even those who were there to ;erusalem to %e punished. &7ow it
happened, as $ journeyed and came near Damascus at a%out noon,
suddenly a "reat li"ht from heaven shone around me. And $ fell to the
"round and heard a voice sayin" to me, &(aul, (aul, why are you
persecutin" 4e2' (o $ answered, &+ho are ou, Lord2' And He said to me, &$
am ;esus of 7a8areth, whom you are persecutin".' &And those who were
with me indeed saw the li"ht and were afraid, %ut they did not hear the
voice of Him who spo!e to me. (o $ said, &+hat shall $ do, Lord2' And the
Lord said to me, &Arise and "o into Damascus, and there you will %e told all
thin"s which are appointed for you to do.' And since $ could not see for the
"lory of that li"ht, %ein" led %y the hand of those who were with me, $ came
into Damascus. &#hen a certain Ananias, a devout man accordin" to the
law, havin" a "ood testimony with all the ;ews who dwelt there, came to
me; and he stood and said to me, &)rother (aul, receive your si"ht.' And at
that same hour $ loo!ed up at him. #hen he said, &#he God of our fathers
has chosen you that you should !now His will, and see the ;ust One, and
hear the voice of His mouth. 1or you will %e His witness to all men of what
you have seen and heard. And now why are you waitin"2 Arise and %e
%apti8ed, and wash away your sins, callin" on the name of the Lord.'

< #he Departure of (t. 4aruta =4aruthas> the )ishop.

Psalm 24:1 ; Psalm 24:2 ; Psalm 24:4 [Arabic]
#o ou, O LORD, $ lift up my soul. O my God, $ trust in ou; Let me not %e
ashamed; Let not my enemies triumph over me. (how me our ways, O
LORD; #each me our paths.

Ma""(e* 6:19-3# [Arabic]
&Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust
destroy and where thieves %rea! in and steal; %ut lay up for yourselves
treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where
thieves do not %rea! in and steal. 1or where your treasure is, there your
heart will %e also. &#he lamp of the %ody is the eye. $f therefore your eye is
"ood, your whole %ody will %e full of li"ht. )ut if your eye is %ad, your whole
%ody will %e full of dar!ness. $f therefore the li"ht that is in you is dar!ness,
how "reat is that dar!ness/ &7o one can serve two masters; for either he
will hate the one and love the other, or else he will %e loyal to the one and
despise the other. ou cannot serve God and mammon. &#herefore $ say to
you, do not worry a%out your life, what you will eat or what you will drin!;
nor a%out your %ody, what you will put on. $s not life more than food and
the %ody more than clothin"2 Loo! at the %irds of the air, for they neither
sow nor reap nor "ather into %arns; yet your heavenly 1ather feeds them.
Are you not of more value than they2 +hich of you %y worryin" can add one
cu%it to his stature2 &(o why do you worry a%out clothin"2 3onsider the
lilies of the -eld, how they "row. they neither toil nor spin; and yet $ say to
you that even (olomon in all his "lory was not arrayed li!e one of these.
7ow if God so clothes the "rass of the -eld, which today is, and tomorrow is
thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little
faith2 7ow if God so clothes the "rass of the -eld, which today is, and
tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you
of little faith2 &#herefore do not worry, sayin", &+hat shall we eat2' or
&+hat shall we drin!2' or &+hat shall we wear2' 1or after all these thin"s
the Gentiles see!. 1or your heavenly 1ather !nows that you need all these
thin"s. )ut see! -rst the !in"dom of God and His ri"hteousness, and all
these thin"s shall %e added to you.
Readings for !onday of the se$ond week of Great Lent '/2
./o!+s 3:6-14 ; 'saia( 4:2-e! ; 'saia( 5:1-7 [Arabic]
./o!+s 3:6-14 4oreover He said, &$ am the God of your father,,the God of
A%raham, the God of $saac, and the God of ;aco%.& And 4oses hid his face,
for he was afraid to loo! upon God. And the LORD said. &$ have surely seen
the oppression of 4y people who are in D"ypt, and have heard their cry
%ecause of their tas!masters, for $ !now their sorrows. (o $ have come down
to deliver them out of the hand of the D"yptians, and to %rin" them up from
that land to a "ood and lar"e land, to a land 5owin" with mil! and honey, to
the place of the 3anaanites and the Hittites and the Amorites and the
:eri88ites and the Hivites and the ;e%usites. 7ow therefore, %ehold, the cry
of the children of $srael has come to 4e, and $ have also seen the
oppression with which the D"yptians oppress them. 3ome now, therefore,
and $ will send you to :haraoh that you may %rin" 4y people, the children
of $srael, out of D"ypt.& )ut 4oses said to God, &+ho am $ that $ should "o
to :haraoh, and that $ should %rin" the children of $srael out of D"ypt2& (o
He said, &$ will certainly %e with you. And this shall %e a si"n to you that $
have sent you. +hen you have %rou"ht the people out of D"ypt, you shall
serve God on this mountain.& #hen 4oses said to God, &$ndeed, when $
come to the children of $srael and say to them, &#he God of your fathers has
sent me to you,' and they say to me, &+hat is His name2' what shall $ say to
them2& And God said to 4oses, &$ A4 +HO $ A4.& And He said, &#hus you
shall say to the children of $srael, &$ A4 has sent me to you.&'
'saia( 4:2-e! ; 'saia( 5:1-7
$n that day the )ranch of the LORD shall %e %eautiful and "lorious;
And the fruit of the earth shall %e e6cellent and appealin"
1or those of $srael who have escaped.
And it shall come to pass that he who is left in Cion and remains in
;erusalem will %e called holy,,everyone who is recorded amon" the livin" in
;erusalem. +hen the Lord has washed away the -lth of the dau"hters of
Cion, and pur"ed the %lood of ;erusalem from her midst, %y the spirit of
jud"ment and %y the spirit of %urnin", then the LORD will create a%ove
every dwellin" place of 4ount Cion, and a%ove her assem%lies, a cloud and
smo!e %y day and the shinin" of a 5amin" -re %y ni"ht. 1or over all the
"lory there will %e a coverin". And there will %e a ta%ernacle for shade in
the daytime from the heat, for a place of refu"e, and for a shelter from
storm and rain. 7ow let me sin" to my +ell,%eloved
A son" of my )eloved re"ardin" His vineyard.
4y +ell,%eloved has a vineyard
On a very fruitful hill.
He du" it up and cleared out its stones,
And planted it with the choicest vine.
He %uilt a tower in its midst,
And also made a winepress in it;
(o He e6pected it to %rin" forth "ood "rapes,
)ut it %rou"ht forth wild "rapes.
&And now, O inha%itants of ;erusalem and men of ;udah,
;ud"e, please, %etween 4e and 4y vineyard.
+hat more could have %een done to 4y vineyard
#hat $ have not done in it2
+hy then, when $ e6pected it to %rin" forth "ood "rapes,
Did it %rin" forth wild "rapes2
And now, please let 4e tell you what $ will do to 4y vineyard.
$ will ta!e away its hed"e, and it shall %e %urned;
And %rea! down its wall, and it shall %e trampled down.
$ will lay it waste;
$t shall not %e pruned or du",
)ut there shall come up %riers and thorns.
$ will also command the clouds
#hat they rain no rain on it.&
1or the vineyard of the LORD of hosts is the house of $srael,
And the men of ;udah are His pleasant plant.
Psalm 3$:11 [Arabic]
4y loved ones and my friends stand aloof from my pla"ue, And my
relatives stand afar o9.
Mark 9:25-29 [Arabic]
+hen ;esus saw that the people came runnin" to"ether, He re%u!ed the
unclean spirit, sayin" to it, &Deaf and dum% spirit, $ command you, come
out of him and enter him no more/& #hen the spirit cried out, convulsed him
"reatly, and came out of him. And he %ecame as one dead, so that many
said, &He is dead.& )ut ;esus too! him %y the hand and lifted him up, and he
arose. And when He had come into the house, His disciples as!ed Him
privately, &+hy could we not cast it out2& (o He said to them, &#his !ind can
come out %y nothin" %ut prayer and fastin".&

Pauline "pistle
%omas 1:1$-25 [Arabic]
1or the wrath of God is revealed from heaven a"ainst all un"odliness and
unri"hteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unri"hteousness,
%ecause what may %e !nown of God is manifest in them, for God has shown
it to them. 1or since the creation of the world His invisi%le attri%utes are
clearly seen, %ein" understood %y the thin"s that are made, even His
eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without e6cuse, %ecause,
althou"h they !new God, they did not "lorify Him as God, nor were than!ful,
%ut %ecame futile in their thou"hts, and their foolish hearts were dar!ened.
:rofessin" to %e wise, they %ecame fools, and chan"ed the "lory of the
incorrupti%le God into an ima"e made li!e corrupti%le man,,and %irds and
four,footed animals and creepin" thin"s. #herefore God also "ave them up
to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their %odies amon"
themselves, who e6chan"ed the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and
served the creature rather than the 3reator, who is %lessed forever. Amen.

#atholi$ "pistle
&+!e 1:1-$ [Arabic]
;ude, a %ondservant of ;esus 3hrist, and %rother of ;ames, #o those who are
called, sancti-ed %y God the 1ather, and preserved in ;esus 3hrist. 4ercy,
peace, and love %e multiplied to you. )eloved, while $ was very dili"ent to
write to you concernin" our common salvation, $ found it necessary to write
to you e6hortin" you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for
all delivered to the saints. 1or certain men have crept in unnoticed, who
lon" a"o were mar!ed out for this condemnation, un"odly men, who turn
the "race of our God into lewdness and deny the only Lord God and our
Lord ;esus 3hrist. )ut $ want to remind you, thou"h you once !new this, that
the Lord, havin" saved the people out of the land of D"ypt, afterward
destroyed those who did not %elieve. And the an"els who did not !eep their
proper domain, %ut left their own a%ode, He has reserved in everlastin"
chains under dar!ness for the jud"ment of the "reat day; as (odom and
Gomorrah, and the cities around them in a similar manner to these, havin"
"iven themselves over to se6ual immorality and "one after stran"e 5esh,
are set forth as an e6ample, su9erin" the ven"eance of eternal -re.
Li!ewise also these dreamers de-le the 5esh, reject authority, and spea!
evil of di"nitaries.

Ac"s 4:36-e! ; Ac"s 5:1-11 [Arabic]
And ;oses, who was also named )arna%as %y the apostles which is
translated (on of Dncoura"ement, a Levite of the country of 3yprus, havin"
land, sold it, and %rou"ht the money and laid it at the apostles' feet. )ut a
certain man named Ananias, with (apphira his wife, sold a possession. And
he !ept %ac! part of the proceeds, his wife also %ein" aware of it, and
%rou"ht a certain part and laid it at the apostles' feet. )ut :eter said,
&Ananias, why has (atan -lled your heart to lie to the Holy (pirit and !eep
%ac! part of the price of the land for yourself2 +hile it remained, was it not
your own2 And after it was sold, was it not in your own control2 +hy have
you conceived this thin" in your heart2 ou have not lied to men %ut to
God.& #hen Ananias, hearin" these words, fell down and %reathed his last.
(o "reat fear came upon all those who heard these thin"s. And the youn"
men arose and wrapped him up, carried him out, and %uried him. 7ow it
was a%out three hours later when his wife came in, not !nowin" what had
happened. And :eter answered her, &#ell me whether you sold the land for
so much2& (he said, &es, for so much.& #hen :eter said to her, &How is it
that you have a"reed to"ether to test the (pirit of the Lord2 Loo!, the feet
of those who have %uried your hus%and are at the door, and they will carry
you out.& #hen immediately she fell down at his feet and %reathed her last.
And the youn" men came in and found her dead, and carryin" her out,
%uried her %y her hus%and. (o "reat fear came upon all the church and
upon all who heard these thin"s.

< #he 4artyrdom of (t. Duse%ius, (on of )asilides, the 4inister.

Psalm 2$:1-2 [Arabic]
Give unto the LORD, O you mi"hty ones, Give unto the LORD "lory and
stren"th. Give unto the LORD the "lory due to His name; +orship the LORD
in the %eauty of holiness.

L+ke 1$:1-$ [Arabic]
#hen He spo!e a para%le to them, that men always ou"ht to pray and not
lose heart, sayin". &#here was in a certain city a jud"e who did not fear God
nor re"ard man. 7ow there was a widow in that city; and she came to him,
sayin", &Get justice for me from my adversary.' And he would not for a
while; %ut afterward he said within himself, &#hou"h $ do not fear God nor
re"ard man, yet %ecause this widow trou%les me $ will aven"e her, lest %y
her continual comin" she weary me.&' #hen the Lord said, &Hear what the
unjust jud"e said. And shall God not aven"e His own elect who cry out day
and ni"ht to Him, thou"h He %ears lon" with them2 $ tell you that He will
aven"e them speedily. 7evertheless, when the (on of 4an comes, will He
really -nd faith on the earth2&
Readings for (uesday of the se$ond week of Great Lent '/'
&ob 19:1-27 ; 'saia( 5:7-16 [Arabic]
&ob 19:1-27 #hen ;o% answered and said. &How lon" will you torment
my soul, And %rea! me in pieces with words2 #hese ten times you
have reproached me; ou are not ashamed that you have wron"ed me.
And if indeed $ have erred, 4y error remains with me. $f
indeed you e6alt yourselves a"ainst me, And plead my dis"race
a"ainst me, Bnow then that God has wron"ed me, And has
surrounded me with His net. &$f $ cry out concernin" wron", $ am not
heard. $f $ cry aloud, there is no justice. He has fenced up my way,
so that $ cannot pass; And He has set dar!ness in my paths. He
has stripped me of my "lory, And ta!en the crown from my head.
He %rea!s me down on every side, And $ am "one; 4y hope He
has uprooted li!e a tree. He has also !indled His wrath a"ainst me,
And He counts me as one of His enemies. His troops come
to"ether And %uild up their road a"ainst me; #hey encamp all
around my tent. &He has removed my %rothers far from me, And
my ac0uaintances are completely estran"ed from me. 4y relatives
have failed, And my close friends have for"otten me. #hose who
dwell in my house, and my maidservants, 3ount me as a stran"er;
$ am an alien in their si"ht. $ call my servant, %ut he "ives no
answer; $ %e" him with my mouth. 4y %reath is o9ensive to my
wife, And $ am repulsive to the children of my own %ody. Dven
youn" children despise me; $ arise, and they spea! a"ainst me.
All my close friends a%hor me, And those whom $ love have turned
a"ainst me. 4y %one clin"s to my s!in and to my 5esh, And $
have escaped %y the s!in of my teeth. &Have pity on me, have pity on
me, O you my friends, 1or the hand of God has struc! me/ +hy
do you persecute me as God does, And are not satis-ed with my 5esh2
&Oh, that my words were written/ Oh, that they were inscri%ed in
a %oo!/ #hat they were en"raved on a roc! +ith an iron pen and
lead, forever/ 1or $ !now that my Redeemer lives, And He shall
stand at last on the earth; And after my s!in is destroyed, this $ !now,
#hat in my 5esh $ shall see God, +hom $ shall see for myself,
And my eyes shall %ehold, and not another.
'saia( 5:7-16
1or the vineyard of the LORD of hosts is the house of $srael,
And the men of ;udah are His pleasant plant.
He loo!ed for justice, %ut %ehold, oppression;
1or ri"hteousness, %ut %ehold, a cry for help.
+oe to those who join house to house;
#hey add -eld to -eld,
#ill there is no place
+here they may dwell alone in the midst of the land/
$n my hearin" the LORD of hosts said,
&#ruly, many houses shall %e desolate,
Great and %eautiful ones, without inha%itant.
1or ten acres of vineyard shall yield one %ath,
And a homer of seed shall yield one ephah.&
+oe to those who rise early in the mornin",
#hat they may follow into6icatin" drin!;
+ho continue until ni"ht, till wine in5ames them/
#he harp and the strin"s,
#he tam%ourine and 5ute,
And wine are in their feasts;
)ut they do not re"ard the wor! of the LORD,
7or consider the operation of His hands.
#herefore my people have "one into captivity,
)ecause they have no !nowled"e;
#heir honora%le men are famished,
And their multitude dried up with thirst.
#herefore (heol has enlar"ed itself
And opened its mouth %eyond measure;
#heir "lory and their multitude and their pomp,
And he who is ju%ilant, shall descend into it.
:eople shall %e %rou"ht down,
Dach man shall %e hum%led,
And the eyes of the lofty shall %e hum%led.
)ut the LORD of hosts shall %e e6alted in jud"ment,
And God who is holy shall %e hallowed in ri"hteousness.
Psalm 41:4 ; Psalm 41:13 [Arabic]
$ said, &LORD, %e merciful to me; Heal my soul, for $ have sinned a"ainst
ou.& )lessed %e the LORD God of $srael 1rom everlastin" to everlastin"/
Amen and Amen.
L+ke 12:22-31 [Arabic]
#hen He said to His disciples, &#herefore $ say to you, do not worry a%out
your life, what you will eat; nor a%out the %ody, what you will put on. Life is
more than food, and the %ody is more than clothin". 3onsider the ravens,
for they neither sow nor reap, which have neither storehouse nor %arn; and
God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the %irds2 And
which of you %y worryin" can add one cu%it to his stature2 $f you then are
not a%le to do the least, why are you an6ious for the rest2 3onsider the
lilies, how they "row. they neither toil nor spin; and yet $ say to you, even
(olomon in all his "lory was not arrayed li!e one of these. $f then God so
clothes the "rass, which today is in the -eld and tomorrow is thrown into
the oven, how much more will He clothe you, O you of little faith2 &And do
not see! what you should eat or what you should drin!, nor have an
an6ious mind. 1or all these thin"s the nations of the world see! after, and
your 1ather !nows that you need these thin"s. )ut see! the !in"dom of
God, and all these thin"s shall %e added to you.

Pauline "pistle
2Cori"(ias 9:6-15 [Arabic]
)ut this $ say. He who sows sparin"ly will also reap sparin"ly, and he who
sows %ountifully will also reap %ountifully. (o let each one "ive as he
purposes in his heart, not "rud"in"ly or of necessity; for God loves a
cheerful "iver. And God is a%le to ma!e all "race a%ound toward you, that
you, always havin" all suIciency in all thin"s, may have an a%undance for
every "ood wor!. As it is written. &He has dispersed a%road, He
has "iven to the poor; His ri"hteousness endures forever.& 7ow may
He who supplies seed to the sower, and %read for food, supply and multiply
the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your ri"hteousness, while
you are enriched in everythin" for all li%erality, which causes than!s"ivin"
throu"h us to God. 1or the administration of this service not only supplies
the needs of the saints, %ut also is a%oundin" throu"h many than!s"ivin"s
to God, while, throu"h the proof of this ministry, they "lorify God for the
o%edience of your confession to the "ospel of 3hrist, and for your li%eral
sharin" with them and all men, and %y their prayer for you, who lon" for
you %ecause of the e6ceedin" "race of God in you. #han!s %e to God for His
indescri%a%le "ift/

#atholi$ "pistle
&ames 1:1-12 [Arabic]
;ames, a %ondservant of God and of the Lord ;esus 3hrist, #o the twelve
tri%es which are scattered a%road. Greetin"s. 4y %rethren, count it all joy
when you fall into various trials, !nowin" that the testin" of your faith
produces patience. )ut let patience have its perfect wor!, that you may %e
perfect and complete, lac!in" nothin". $f any of you lac!s wisdom, let him
as! of God, who "ives to all li%erally and without reproach, and it will %e
"iven to him. )ut let him as! in faith, with no dou%tin", for he who dou%ts is
li!e a wave of the sea driven and tossed %y the wind. 1or let not that man
suppose that he will receive anythin" from the Lord; he is a dou%le,minded
man, unsta%le in all his ways. Let the lowly %rother "lory in his e6altation,
%ut the rich in his humiliation, %ecause as a 5ower of the -eld he will pass
away. 1or no sooner has the sun risen with a %urnin" heat than it withers
the "rass; its 5ower falls, and its %eautiful appearance perishes. (o the rich
man also will fade away in his pursuits. )lessed is the man who endures
temptation; for when he has %een approved, he will receive the crown of life
which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.

Ac"s 4:13-22 [Arabic]
7ow when they saw the %oldness of :eter and ;ohn, and perceived that they
were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. And they reali8ed that
they had %een with ;esus. And seein" the man who had %een healed
standin" with them, they could say nothin" a"ainst it. )ut when they had
commanded them to "o aside out of the council, they conferred amon"
themselves, sayin", &+hat shall we do to these men2 1or, indeed, that a
nota%le miracle has %een done throu"h them is evident to all who dwell in
;erusalem, and we cannot deny it. )ut so that it spreads no further amon"
the people, let us severely threaten them, that from now on they spea! to
no man in this name.& (o they called them and commanded them not to
spea! at all nor teach in the name of ;esus. )ut :eter and ;ohn answered
and said to them, &+hether it is ri"ht in the si"ht of God to listen to you
more than to God, you jud"e. 1or we cannot %ut spea! the thin"s which we
have seen and heard.& (o when they had further threatened them, they let
them "o, -ndin" no way of punishin" them, %ecause of the people, since
they all "lori-ed God for what had %een done. 1or the man was over forty
years old on whom this miracle of healin" had %een performed.

< #he Departure of (t. A"apetus =A"apius>, the )ishop.
< #he 4artyrdom of (t. #imothy and (t. 4atthias.

Psalm 41:1 [Arabic]
)lessed is he who considers the poor; #he LORD will deliver him in time of

Mark 1#:17-27 [Arabic]
7ow as He was "oin" out on the road, one came runnin", !nelt %efore Him,
and as!ed Him, &Good #eacher, what shall $ do that $ may inherit eternal
life2& (o ;esus said to him, &+hy do you call 4e "ood2 7o one is "ood %ut
One, that is, God. ou !now the commandments. &Do not commit adultery,'
&Do not murder,' &Do not steal,' &Do not %ear false witness,' &Do not
defraud,' &Honor your father and your mother.&' And he answered and said
to Him, &#eacher, all these thin"s $ have !ept from my youth.& #hen ;esus,
loo!in" at him, loved him, and said to him, &One thin" you lac!. Go your
way, sell whatever you have and "ive to the poor, and you will have
treasure in heaven; and come, ta!e up the cross, and follow 4e.& )ut he
was sad at this word, and went away sorrowful, for he had "reat
possessions. #hen ;esus loo!ed around and said to His disciples, &How hard
it is for those who have riches to enter the !in"dom of God/& And the
disciples were astonished at His words. )ut ;esus answered a"ain and said
to them, &3hildren, how hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter the
!in"dom of God/ $t is easier for a camel to "o throu"h the eye of a needle
than for a rich man to enter the !in"dom of God.& And they were "reatly
astonished, sayin" amon" themselves, &+ho then can %e saved2& )ut ;esus
loo!ed at them and said, &+ith men it is impossi%le, %ut not with God; for
with God all thin"s are possi%le.&
Readings for *ednesday of the se$ond week of Great Lent 0
./o!+s 2:11-2# ; 'saia( 5:17-25 ; Malac(i 1:6-e!;Malac(i 3:1-e!;
Malac(i 4:1-6 [Arabic]
./o!+s 2:11-2# 7ow it came to pass in those days, when 4oses was
"rown, that he went out to his %rethren and loo!ed at their %urdens. And he
saw an D"yptian %eatin" a He%rew, one of his %rethren. (o he loo!ed this
way and that way, and when he saw no one, he !illed the D"yptian and hid
him in the sand. And when he went out the second day, %ehold, two He%rew
men were -"htin", and he said to the one who did the wron", &+hy are you
stri!in" your companion2& #hen he said, &+ho made you a prince and a
jud"e over us2 Do you intend to !ill me as you !illed the D"yptian2& (o
4oses feared and said, &(urely this thin" is !nown/& +hen :haraoh heard of
this matter, he sou"ht to !ill 4oses. )ut 4oses 5ed from the face of
:haraoh and dwelt in the land of 4idian; and he sat down %y a well. 7ow
the priest of 4idian had seven dau"hters. And they came and drew water,
and they -lled the trou"hs to water their father's 5oc!. #hen the shepherds
came and drove them away; %ut 4oses stood up and helped them, and
watered their 5oc!. +hen they came to Reuel their father, he said, &How is
it that you have come so soon today2& And they said, &An D"yptian
delivered us from the hand of the shepherds, and he also drew enou"h
water for us and watered the 5oc!.& (o he said to his dau"hters, &And
where is he2 +hy is it that you have left the man2 3all him, that he may eat
'saia( 5:17-25
#hen the lam%s shall feed in their pasture,
And in the waste places of the fat ones stran"ers shall eat.
+oe to those who draw ini0uity with cords of vanity,
And sin as if with a cart rope;
#hat say, &Let Him ma!e speed and hasten His wor!,
#hat we may see it;
And let the counsel of the Holy One of $srael draw near and come,
#hat we may !now it.&
+oe to those who call evil "ood, and "ood evil;
+ho put dar!ness for li"ht, and li"ht for dar!ness;
+ho put %itter for sweet, and sweet for %itter/
+oe to those who are wise in their own eyes,
And prudent in their own si"ht/
+oe to men mi"hty at drin!in" wine,
+oe to men valiant for mi6in" into6icatin" drin!,
+ho justify the wic!ed for a %ri%e,
And ta!e away justice from the ri"hteous man/
#herefore, as the -re devours the stu%%le,
And the 5ame consumes the cha9,
(o their root will %e as rottenness,
And their %lossom will ascend li!e dust;
)ecause they have rejected the law of the LORD of hosts,
And despised the word of the Holy One of $srael.
#herefore the an"er of the LORD is aroused a"ainst His people;
He has stretched out His hand a"ainst them
And stric!en them,
And the hills trem%led.
#heir carcasses were as refuse in the midst of the streets.
1or all this His an"er is not turned away,
)ut His hand is stretched out still.
Malac(i 1:6-e! ; Malac(i 3:1-6
&A son honors his father,
And a servant his master.
$f then $ am the 1ather,
+here is 4y honor2
And if $ am a 4aster,
+here is 4y reverence2
(ays the LORD of hosts
#o you priests who despise 4y name.
et you say, &$n what way have we despised our name2'
&ou o9er de-led food on 4y altar,
)ut say,
&$n what way have we de-led ou2'
)y sayin",
&#he ta%le of the LORD is contempti%le.'
And when you o9er the %lind as a sacri-ce,
$s it not evil2
And when you o9er the lame and sic!,
$s it not evil2
O9er it then to your "overnor/
+ould he %e pleased with you2
+ould he accept you favora%ly2&
(ays the LORD of hosts.
&)ut now entreat God's favor,
#hat He may %e "racious to us.
+hile this is %ein" done %y your hands,
+ill He accept you favora%ly2&
(ays the LORD of hosts.
&+ho is there even amon" you who would shut the doors,
(o that you would not !indle -re on 4y altar in vain2
$ have no pleasure in you,&
(ays the LORD of hosts,
&7or will $ accept an o9erin" from your hands.
1or from the risin" of the sun, even to its "oin" down,
4y name shall %e "reat amon" the Gentiles;
$n every place incense shall %e o9ered to 4y name,
And a pure o9erin";
1or 4y name shall %e "reat amon" the nations,&
(ays the LORD of hosts.
&)ut you profane it,
$n that you say,
&#he ta%le of the LORD is de-led;
And its fruit, its food, is contempti%le.'
ou also say,
&Oh, what a weariness/'
And you sneer at it,&
(ays the LORD of hosts.
&And you %rin" the stolen, the lame, and the sic!;
#hus you %rin" an o9erin"/
(hould $ accept this from your hand2&
(ays the LORD.
&)ut cursed %e the deceiver
+ho has in his 5oc! a male,
And ta!es a vow,
)ut sacri-ces to the Lord what is %lemished,,
1or $ am a "reat Bin",&
(ays the LORD of hosts,
&And 4y name is to %e feared amon" the nations.
&)ehold, $ send 4y messen"er,
And he will prepare the way %efore 4e.
And the Lord, whom you see!,
+ill suddenly come to His temple,
Dven the 4essen"er of the covenant,
$n whom you deli"ht.
)ehold, He is comin",&
(ays the LORD of hosts.
&)ut who can endure the day of His comin"2
And who can stand when He appears2
1or He is li!e a re-ner's -re
And li!e launderers' soap.
He will sit as a re-ner and a puri-er of silver;
He will purify the sons of Levi,
And pur"e them as "old and silver,
#hat they may o9er to the LORD
An o9erin" in ri"hteousness.
&#hen the o9erin" of ;udah and ;erusalem
+ill %e pleasant to the LORD,
As in the days of old,
As in former years.
And $ will come near you for jud"ment;
$ will %e a swift witness
A"ainst sorcerers,
A"ainst adulterers,
A"ainst perjurers,
A"ainst those who e6ploit wa"e earners and widows and orphans,
And a"ainst those who turn away an alien,,
)ecause they do not fear 4e,&
(ays the LORD of hosts.
&1or $ am the LORD, $ do not chan"e;
#herefore you are not consumed, O sons of ;aco%.
et from the days of your fathers
ou have "one away from 4y ordinances
And have not !ept them.
Return to 4e, and $ will return to you,&
(ays the LORD of hosts.
&)ut you said,
&$n what way shall we return2'
&+ill a man ro% God2
et you have ro%%ed 4e/
)ut you say,
&$n what way have we ro%%ed ou2'
$n tithes and o9erin"s.
ou are cursed with a curse,
1or you have ro%%ed 4e,
Dven this whole nation.
)rin" all the tithes into the storehouse,
#hat there may %e food in 4y house,
And try 4e now in this,&
(ays the LORD of hosts,
&$f $ will not open for you the windows of heaven
And pour out for you such %lessin"
#hat there will not %e room enou"h to receive it.
&And $ will re%u!e the devourer for your sa!es,
(o that he will not destroy the fruit of your "round,
7or shall the vine fail to %ear fruit for you in the -eld,&
(ays the LORD of hosts;
And all nations will call you %lessed,
1or you will %e a deli"htful land,&
(ays the LORD of hosts.
&our words have %een harsh a"ainst 4e,&
(ays the LORD,
&et you say,
&+hat have we spo!en a"ainst ou2'
ou have said,
&$t is useless to serve God;
+hat pro-t is it that we have !ept His ordinance,
And that we have wal!ed as mourners
)efore the LORD of hosts2
(o now we call the proud %lessed,
1or those who do wic!edness are raised up;
#hey even tempt God and "o free.&'
#hen those who feared the LORD spo!e to one another,
And the LORD listened and heard them;
(o a %oo! of remem%rance was written %efore Him
1or those who fear the LORD
And who meditate on His name.
&#hey shall %e 4ine,& says the LORD of hosts,
&On the day that $ ma!e them 4y jewels.
And $ will spare them
As a man spares his own son who serves him.&
#hen you shall a"ain discern
)etween the ri"hteous and the wic!ed,
)etween one who serves God
And one who does not serve Him.
&1or %ehold, the day is comin",
)urnin" li!e an oven,
And all the proud, yes, all who do wic!edly will %e stu%%le.
And the day which is comin" shall %urn them up,&
(ays the LORD of hosts,
&#hat will leave them neither root nor %ranch.
)ut to you who fear 4y name
#he (un of Ri"hteousness shall arise
+ith healin" in His win"s;
And you shall "o out
And "row fat li!e stall,fed calves.
ou shall trample the wic!ed,
1or they shall %e ashes under the soles of your feet
On the day that $ do this,&
(ays the LORD of hosts.
&Remem%er the Law of 4oses, 4y servant,
+hich $ commanded him in Hore% for all $srael,
+ith the statutes and jud"ments.
)ehold, $ will send you Dlijah the prophet
)efore the comin" of the "reat and dreadful day of the LORD.
And he will turn
#he hearts of the fathers to the children,
And the hearts of the children to their fathers,
Lest $ come and stri!e the earth with a curse.&
Psalm 1$:17-1$ [Arabic]
He delivered me from my stron" enemy, 1rom those who hated me, 1or
they were too stron" for me. #hey confronted me in the day of my calamity,
)ut the LORD was my support.
Ma""(e* 5:17-24 [Arabic]
&Do not thin! that $ came to destroy the Law or the :rophets. $ did not come
to destroy %ut to ful-ll. 1or assuredly, $ say to you, till heaven and earth
pass away, one jot or one tittle will %y no means pass from the law till all is
ful-lled. +hoever therefore %rea!s one of the least of these
commandments, and teaches men so, shall %e called least in the !in"dom
of heaven; %ut whoever does and teaches them, he shall %e called "reat in
the !in"dom of heaven. 1or $ say to you, that unless your ri"hteousness
e6ceeds the ri"hteousness of the scri%es and :harisees, you will %y no
means enter the !in"dom of heaven. &ou have heard that it was said to
those of old, &ou shall not murder, and whoever murders will %e in dan"er
of the jud"ment.' )ut $ say to you that whoever is an"ry with his %rother
without a cause shall %e in dan"er of the jud"ment. And whoever says to
his %rother, &Raca/' shall %e in dan"er of the council. )ut whoever says,
&ou fool/' shall %e in dan"er of hell -re. #herefore if you %rin" your "ift to
the altar, and there remem%er that your %rother has somethin" a"ainst
you, leave your "ift there %efore the altar, and "o your way. 1irst %e
reconciled to your %rother, and then come and o9er your "ift.

Pauline "pistle
%omas 3:1-1$ [Arabic]
+hat advanta"e then has the ;ew, or what is the pro-t of circumcision2
4uch in every way/ 3hie5y %ecause to them were committed the oracles of
God. 1or what if some did not %elieve2 +ill their un%elief ma!e the
faithfulness of God without e9ect2 3ertainly not/ $ndeed, let God %e true %ut
every man a liar. As it is written. &#hat ou may %e justi-ed in our
words, And may overcome when ou are jud"ed.& )ut if our
unri"hteousness demonstrates the ri"hteousness of God, what shall we
say2 $s God unjust who in5icts wrath2 $ spea! as a man. 3ertainly not/ 1or
then how will God jud"e the world2 1or if the truth of God has increased
throu"h my lie to His "lory, why am $ also still jud"ed as a sinner2 And why
not say, &Let us do evil that "ood may come&2,,as we are slanderously
reported and as some aIrm that we say. #heir condemnation is just. +hat
then2 Are we %etter than they2 7ot at all. 1or we have previously char"ed
%oth ;ews and Gree!s that they are all under sin. As it is written.
&#here is none ri"hteous, no, not one; #here is none who understands;
#here is none who see!s after God. #hey have all turned aside;
#hey have to"ether %ecome unpro-ta%le; #here is none who does
"ood, no, not one.& &#heir throat is an open tom%; +ith their
ton"ues they have practiced deceit&; &#he poison of asps is under their
lips&; &+hose mouth is full of cursin" and %itterness.& &#heir feet
are swift to shed %lood; Destruction and misery are in their ways;
And the way of peace they have not !nown.&

#atholi$ "pistle
2&o( 1:$-13 [Arabic]
Loo! to yourselves, that we do not lose those thin"s we wor!ed for, %ut that
we may receive a full reward. +hoever trans"resses and does not a%ide in
the doctrine of 3hrist does not have God. He who a%ides in the doctrine of
3hrist has %oth the 1ather and the (on. $f anyone comes to you and does
not %rin" this doctrine, do not receive him into your house nor "reet him;
for he who "reets him shares in his evil deeds. Havin" many thin"s to write
to you, $ did not wish to do so with paper and in!; %ut $ hope to come to you
and spea! face to face, that our joy may %e full. #he children of your elect
sister "reet you. Amen.

Ac"s 5:3-11 [Arabic]
)ut :eter said, &Ananias, why has (atan -lled your heart to lie to the Holy
(pirit and !eep %ac! part of the price of the land for yourself2 +hile it
remained, was it not your own2 And after it was sold, was it not in your own
control2 +hy have you conceived this thin" in your heart2 ou have not lied
to men %ut to God.& #hen Ananias, hearin" these words, fell down and
%reathed his last. (o "reat fear came upon all those who heard these
thin"s. And the youn" men arose and wrapped him up, carried him out, and
%uried him. 7ow it was a%out three hours later when his wife came in, not
!nowin" what had happened. And :eter answered her, &#ell me whether you
sold the land for so much2& (he said, &es, for so much.& #hen :eter said to
her, &How is it that you have a"reed to"ether to test the (pirit of the Lord2
Loo!, the feet of those who have %uried your hus%and are at the door, and
they will carry you out.& #hen immediately she fell down at his feet and
%reathed her last. And the youn" men came in and found her dead, and
carryin" her out, %uried her %y her hus%and. (o "reat fear came upon all
the church and upon all who heard these thin"s.

< #he 4artyrdom of (ts. Archippus, :hilemon and Lycia the Gir"in.
< #he 4artyrdom of (t. Juona =Bona> and (t. 4ina.

Psalm 1$:1-2 [Arabic]
$ will love ou, O LORD, my stren"th. #he LORD is my roc! and my fortress
and my deliverer; 4y God, my stren"th, in whom $ will trust; 4y shield and
the horn of my salvation, my stron"hold.

Ma""(e* 15:32-3$ [Arabic]
7ow ;esus called His disciples to Himself and said, &$ have compassion on
the multitude, %ecause they have now continued with 4e three days and
have nothin" to eat. And $ do not want to send them away hun"ry, lest they
faint on the way.& #hen His disciples said to Him, &+here could we "et
enou"h %read in the wilderness to -ll such a "reat multitude2& ;esus said to
them, &How many loaves do you have2& And they said, &(even, and a few
little -sh.& (o He commanded the multitude to sit down on the "round. And
He too! the seven loaves and the -sh and "ave than!s, %ro!e them and
"ave them to His disciples; and the disciples "ave to the multitude. (o they
all ate and were -lled, and they too! up seven lar"e %as!ets full of the
fra"ments that were left. 7ow those who ate were four thousand men,
%esides women and children
Readings for (hursday of the se$ond week of Great Lent '/+
,+e"eroom- 5:15-22 ; 'saia( 6:1-12 ; &os(+a 2:1-e! ; &os(+a 6:1-
27 [Arabic]
,+e"eroom- 5:15-22 And remem%er that you were a slave in the land of
D"ypt, and the LORD your God %rou"ht you out from there %y a mi"hty
hand and %y an outstretched arm; therefore the LORD your God
commanded you to !eep the (a%%ath day. &Honor your father and your
mother, as the LORD your God has commanded you, that your days may %e
lon", and that it may %e well with you in the land which the LORD your God
is "ivin" you. &ou shall not murder. &ou shall not commit adultery. &ou
shall not steal. &ou shall not %ear false witness a"ainst your nei"h%or. &ou
shall not covet your nei"h%or's wife; and you shall not desire your
nei"h%or's house, his -eld, his male servant, his female servant, his o6, his
don!ey, or anythin" that is your nei"h%or's.' &#hese words the LORD spo!e
to all your assem%ly, in the mountain from the midst of the -re, the cloud,
and the thic! dar!ness, with a loud voice; and He added no more. And He
wrote them on two ta%lets of stone and "ave them to me.
'saia( 6:1-12
$n the year that Bin" *88iah died, $ saw the Lord sittin" on a throne, hi"h
and lifted up, and the train of His ro%e -lled the temple. A%ove it stood
seraphim; each one had si6 win"s. with two he covered his face, with two
he covered his feet, and with two he 5ew. And one cried to another and
&Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts;
#he whole earth is full of His "lory/&
And the posts of the door were sha!en %y the voice of him who cried out,
and the house was -lled with smo!e.
(o $ said.
&+oe is me, for $ am undone/
)ecause $ am a man of unclean lips,
And $ dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips;
1or my eyes have seen the Bin",
#he LORD of hosts.&
#hen one of the seraphim 5ew to me, havin" in his hand a live coal which
he had ta!en with the ton"s from the altar. And he touched my mouth with
it, and said.
&)ehold, this has touched your lips;
our ini0uity is ta!en away,
And your sin pur"ed.&
Also $ heard the voice of the Lord, sayin".
&+hom shall $ send,
And who will "o for *s2&
#hen $ said, &Here am $/ (end me.&
And He said, &Go, and tell this people.
&Beep on hearin", %ut do not understand;
Beep on seein", %ut do not perceive.'
&4a!e the heart of this people dull,
And their ears heavy,
And shut their eyes;
Lest they see with their eyes,
And hear with their ears,
And understand with their heart,
And return and %e healed.&
#hen $ said, &Lord, how lon"2&
And He answered.
&*ntil the cities are laid waste and without inha%itant,
#he houses are without a man,
#he land is utterly desolate,
#he LORD has removed men far away,
And the forsa!en places are many in the midst of the land.
&os(+a 2:1-e! ; &os(+a 6:1-27
7ow ;oshua the son of 7un sent out two men from Acacia Grove to spy
secretly, sayin", &Go, view the land, especially ;ericho.&
(o they went, and came to the house of a harlot named Raha%, and lod"ed
there. And it was told the !in" of ;ericho, sayin", &)ehold, men have come
here toni"ht from the children of $srael to search out the country.&
(o the !in" of ;ericho sent to Raha%, sayin", &)rin" out the men who have
come to you, who have entered your house, for they have come to search
out all the country.&
#hen the woman too! the two men and hid them. (o she said, &es, the
men came to me, %ut $ did not !now where they were from. And it
happened as the "ate was %ein" shut, when it was dar!, that the men went
out. +here the men went $ do not !now; pursue them 0uic!ly, for you may
overta!e them.& )ut she had %rou"ht them up to the roof and hidden them
with the stal!s of 5a6, which she had laid in order on the roof. #hen the men
pursued them %y the road to the ;ordan, to the fords. And as soon as those
who pursued them had "one out, they shut the "ate.
7ow %efore they lay down, she came up to them on the roof, and said to
the men. &$ !now that the LORD has "iven you the land, that the terror of
you has fallen on us, and that all the inha%itants of the land are
fainthearted %ecause of you. 1or we have heard how the LORD dried up the
water of the Red (ea for you when you came out of D"ypt, and what you did
to the two !in"s of the Amorites who were on the other side of the ;ordan,
(ihon and O", whom you utterly destroyed. And as soon as we heard these
thin"s, our hearts melted; neither did there remain any more coura"e in
anyone %ecause of you, for the LORD your God, He is God in heaven a%ove
and on earth %eneath. 7ow therefore, $ %e" you, swear to me %y the LORD,
since $ have shown you !indness, that you also will show !indness to my
father's house, and "ive me a true to!en, and spare my father, my mother,
my %rothers, my sisters, and all that they have, and deliver our lives from
(o the men answered her, &Our lives for yours, if none of you tell this
%usiness of ours. And it shall %e, when the LORD has "iven us the land, that
we will deal !indly and truly with you.&
#hen she let them down %y a rope throu"h the window, for her house was
on the city wall; she dwelt on the wall. And she said to them, &Get to the
mountain, lest the pursuers meet you. Hide there three days, until the
pursuers have returned. Afterward you may "o your way.&
(o the men said to her. &+e will %e %lameless of this oath of yours which
you have made us swear, unless, when we come into the land, you %ind this
line of scarlet cord in the window throu"h which you let us down, and
unless you %rin" your father, your mother, your %rothers, and all your
father's household to your own home. (o it shall %e that whoever "oes
outside the doors of your house into the street, his %lood shall %e on his
own head, and we will %e "uiltless. And whoever is with you in the house,
his %lood shall %e on our head if a hand is laid on him. And if you tell this
%usiness of ours, then we will %e free from your oath which you made us
#hen she said, &Accordin" to your words, so %e it.& And she sent them away,
and they departed. And she %ound the scarlet cord in the window.
#hey departed and went to the mountain, and stayed there three days until
the pursuers returned. #he pursuers sou"ht them all alon" the way, %ut did
not -nd them. (o the two men returned, descended from the mountain, and
crossed over; and they came to ;oshua the son of 7un, and told him all that
had %efallen them. And they said to ;oshua, &#ruly the LORD has delivered
all the land into our hands, for indeed all the inha%itants of the country are
fainthearted %ecause of us.& 7ow ;ericho was securely shut up %ecause of
the children of $srael; none went out, and none came in. And the LORD said
to ;oshua. &(ee/ $ have "iven ;ericho into your hand, its !in", and the
mi"hty men of valor. ou shall march around the city, all you men of war;
you shall "o all around the city once. #his you shall do si6 days. And seven
priests shall %ear seven trumpets of rams' horns %efore the ar!. )ut the
seventh day you shall march around the city seven times, and the priests
shall %low the trumpets. $t shall come to pass, when they ma!e a lon" %last
with the ram's horn, and when you hear the sound of the trumpet, that all
the people shall shout with a "reat shout; then the wall of the city will fall
down 5at. And the people shall "o up every man strai"ht %efore him.&
#hen ;oshua the son of 7un called the priests and said to them, &#a!e up
the ar! of the covenant, and let seven priests %ear seven trumpets of rams'
horns %efore the ar! of the LORD.& And he said to the people, &:roceed, and
march around the city, and let him who is armed advance %efore the ar! of
the LORD.&
(o it was, when ;oshua had spo!en to the people, that the seven priests
%earin" the seven trumpets of rams' horns %efore the LORD advanced and
%lew the trumpets, and the ar! of the covenant of the LORD followed them.
#he armed men went %efore the priests who %lew the trumpets, and the
rear "uard came after the ar!, while the priests continued %lowin" the
trumpets. 7ow ;oshua had commanded the people, sayin", &ou shall not
shout or ma!e any noise with your voice, nor shall a word proceed out of
your mouth, until the day $ say to you, &(hout/' #hen you shall shout.& (o he
had the ar! of the LORD circle the city, "oin" around it once. #hen they
came into the camp and lod"ed in the camp.
And ;oshua rose early in the mornin", and the priests too! up the ar! of the
LORD. #hen seven priests %earin" seven trumpets of rams' horns %efore the
ar! of the LORD went on continually and %lew with the trumpets. And the
armed men went %efore them. )ut the rear "uard came after the ar! of the
LORD, while the priests continued %lowin" the trumpets. And the second
day they marched around the city once and returned to the camp. (o they
did si6 days.
)ut it came to pass on the seventh day that they rose early, a%out the
dawnin" of the day, and marched around the city seven times in the same
manner. On that day only they marched around the city seven times. And
the seventh time it happened, when the priests %lew the trumpets, that
;oshua said to the people. &(hout, for the LORD has "iven you the city/ 7ow
the city shall %e doomed %y the LORD to destruction, it and all who are in it.
Only Raha% the harlot shall live, she and all who are with her in the house,
%ecause she hid the messen"ers that we sent. And you, %y all means
a%stain from the accursed thin"s, lest you %ecome accursed when you ta!e
of the accursed thin"s, and ma!e the camp of $srael a curse, and trou%le it.
)ut all the silver and "old, and vessels of %ron8e and iron, are consecrated
to the LORD; they shall come into the treasury of the LORD.&
(o the people shouted when the priests %lew the trumpets. And it
happened when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, and the people
shouted with a "reat shout, that the wall fell down 5at. #hen the people
went up into the city, every man strai"ht %efore him, and they too! the city.
And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, %oth man and woman,
youn" and old, o6 and sheep and don!ey, with the ed"e of the sword.
)ut ;oshua had said to the two men who had spied out the country, &Go into
the harlot's house, and from there %rin" out the woman and all that she
has, as you swore to her.& And the youn" men who had %een spies went in
and %rou"ht out Raha%, her father, her mother, her %rothers, and all that
she had. (o they %rou"ht out all her relatives and left them outside the
camp of $srael. )ut they %urned the city and all that was in it with -re. Only
the silver and "old, and the vessels of %ron8e and iron, they put into the
treasury of the house of the LORD. And ;oshua spared Raha% the harlot, her
father's household, and all that she had. (o she dwells in $srael to this day,
%ecause she hid the messen"ers whom ;oshua sent to spy out ;ericho.
#hen ;oshua char"ed them at that time, sayin", &3ursed %e the man %efore
the LORD who rises up and %uilds this city ;ericho; he shall lay its
foundation with his -rst%orn, and with his youn"est he shall set up its
(o the LORD was with ;oshua, and his fame spread throu"hout all the
Psalm 2$:9 [Arabic]
(ave our people, And %less our inheritance; (hepherd them also, And
%ear them up forever.
Ma""(e* 11:2#-3# [Arabic]
#hen He %e"an to re%u!e the cities in which most of His mi"hty wor!s had
%een done, %ecause they did not repent. &+oe to you, 3hora8in/ +oe to
you, )ethsaida/ 1or if the mi"hty wor!s which were done in you had %een
done in #yre and (idon, they would have repented lon" a"o in sac!cloth and
ashes. )ut $ say to you, it will %e more tolera%le for #yre and (idon in the
day of jud"ment than for you. And you, 3apernaum, who are e6alted to
heaven, will %e %rou"ht down to Hades; for if the mi"hty wor!s which were
done in you had %een done in (odom, it would have remained until this day.
)ut $ say to you that it shall %e more tolera%le for the land of (odom in the
day of jud"ment than for you.& At that time ;esus answered and said, &$
than! ou, 1ather, Lord of heaven and earth, that ou have hidden these
thin"s from the wise and prudent and have revealed them to %a%es. Dven
so, 1ather, for so it seemed "ood in our si"ht. All thin"s have %een
delivered to 4e %y 4y 1ather, and no one !nows the (on e6cept the 1ather.
7or does anyone !now the 1ather e6cept the (on, and the one to whom the
(on wills to reveal Him. 3ome to 4e, all you who la%or and are heavy laden,
and $ will "ive you rest. #a!e 4y yo!e upon you and learn from 4e, for $ am
"entle and lowly in heart, and you will -nd rest for your souls. 1or 4y yo!e
is easy and 4y %urden is li"ht.&

Pauline "pistle
%omas 16:17-27 [Arabic]
7ow $ ur"e you, %rethren, note those who cause divisions and o9enses,
contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them. 1or those who
are such do not serve our Lord ;esus 3hrist, %ut their own %elly, and %y
smooth words and 5atterin" speech deceive the hearts of the simple. 1or
your o%edience has %ecome !nown to all. #herefore $ am "lad on your
%ehalf; %ut $ want you to %e wise in what is "ood, and simple concernin"
evil. And the God of peace will crush (atan under your feet shortly. #he
"race of our Lord ;esus 3hrist %e with you. Amen. #imothy, my fellow
wor!er, and Lucius, ;ason, and (osipater, my countrymen, "reet you. $,
#ertius, who wrote this epistle, "reet you in the Lord. Gaius, my host and the
host of the whole church, "reets you. Drastus, the treasurer of the city,
"reets you, and Juartus, a %rother. #he "race of our Lord ;esus 3hrist %e
with you all. Amen. 7ow to Him who is a%le to esta%lish you accordin" to
my "ospel and the preachin" of ;esus 3hrist, accordin" to the revelation of
the mystery !ept secret since the world %e"an %ut now made manifest, and
%y the prophetic (criptures made !nown to all nations, accordin" to the
commandment of the everlastin" God, for o%edience to the faith,, to God,
alone wise, %e "lory throu"h ;esus 3hrist forever. Amen.

#atholi$ "pistle
&ames 3:1-12 [Arabic]
4y %rethren, let not many of you %ecome teachers, !nowin" that we shall
receive a stricter jud"ment. 1or we all stum%le in many thin"s. $f anyone
does not stum%le in word, he is a perfect man, a%le also to %ridle the whole
%ody. $ndeed, we put %its in horses' mouths that they may o%ey us, and we
turn their whole %ody. Loo! also at ships. althou"h they are so lar"e and are
driven %y -erce winds, they are turned %y a very small rudder wherever the
pilot desires. Dven so the ton"ue is a little mem%er and %oasts "reat thin"s.
(ee how "reat a forest a little -re !indles/ And the ton"ue is a -re, a world
of ini0uity. #he ton"ue is so set amon" our mem%ers that it de-les the
whole %ody, and sets on -re the course of nature; and it is set on -re %y
hell. 1or every !ind of %east and %ird, of reptile and creature of the sea, is
tamed and has %een tamed %y man!ind. )ut no man can tame the ton"ue.
$t is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. +ith it we %less our God and
1ather, and with it we curse men, who have %een made in the similitude of
God. Out of the same mouth proceed %lessin" and cursin". 4y %rethren,
these thin"s ou"ht not to %e so. Does a sprin" send forth fresh water and
%itter from the same openin"2 3an a -" tree, my %rethren, %ear olives, or a
"rapevine %ear -"s2 #hus no sprin" yields %oth salt water and fresh.

Ac"s 12:12-23 [Arabic]
(o, when he had considered this, he came to the house of 4ary, the mother
of ;ohn whose surname was 4ar!, where many were "athered to"ether
prayin". And as :eter !noc!ed at the door of the "ate, a "irl named Rhoda
came to answer. +hen she reco"ni8ed :eter's voice, %ecause of her
"ladness she did not open the "ate, %ut ran in and announced that :eter
stood %efore the "ate. )ut they said to her, &ou are %eside yourself/& et
she !ept insistin" that it was so. (o they said, &$t is his an"el.& 7ow :eter
continued !noc!in"; and when they opened the door and saw him, they
were astonished. )ut motionin" to them with his hand to !eep silent, he
declared to them how the Lord had %rou"ht him out of the prison. And he
said, &Go, tell these thin"s to ;ames and to the %rethren.& And he departed
and went to another place. #hen, as soon as it was day, there was no small
stir amon" the soldiers a%out what had %ecome of :eter. )ut when Herod
had searched for him and not found him, he e6amined the "uards and
commanded that they should %e put to death. And he went down from
;udea to 3aesarea, and stayed there. 7ow Herod had %een very an"ry with
the people of #yre and (idon; %ut they came to him with one accord, and
havin" made )lastus the !in"'s personal aide their friend, they as!ed for
peace, %ecause their country was supplied with food %y the !in"'s country.
(o on a set day Herod, arrayed in royal apparel, sat on his throne and "ave
an oration to them. And the people !ept shoutin", &#he voice of a "od and
not of a man/& #hen immediately an an"el of the Lord struc! him, %ecause
he did not "ive "lory to God. And he was eaten %y worms and died.

< #he Departure of (t. Hosea, the :rophet.
< #he 4artyrdom of (t. Cado! and the HAK who were with Him.

Psalm 4$:1#-11 [Arabic]
Accordin" to our name, O God, (o is our praise to the ends of the earth;
our ri"ht hand is full of ri"hteousness. Let 4ount Cion rejoice, Let the
dau"hters of ;udah %e "lad, )ecause of our jud"ments.

Ma""(e* 19:16-3# [Arabic]
7ow %ehold, one came and said to Him, &Good #eacher, what "ood thin"
shall $ do that $ may have eternal life2& (o He said to him, &+hy do you call
4e "ood2 7o one is "ood %ut One, that is, God. )ut if you want to enter into
life, !eep the commandments.& He said to Him, &+hich ones2& ;esus said,
&&ou shall not murder,' &ou shall not commit adultery,' &ou shall not
steal,' &ou shall not %ear false witness,' &Honor your father and your
mother,' and, &ou shall love your nei"h%or as yourself.&' #he youn" man
said to Him, &All these thin"s $ have !ept from my youth. +hat do $ still
lac!2& ;esus said to him, &$f you want to %e perfect, "o, sell what you have
and "ive to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come,
follow 4e.& )ut when the youn" man heard that sayin", he went away
sorrowful, for he had "reat possessions.#hen ;esus said to His disciples,
&Assuredly, $ say to you that it is hard for a rich man to enter the !in"dom
of heaven. And a"ain $ say to you, it is easier for a camel to "o throu"h the
eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the !in"dom of God.& +hen His
disciples heard it, they were "reatly astonished, sayin", &+ho then can %e
saved2& )ut ;esus loo!ed at them and said to them, &+ith men this is
impossi%le, %ut with God all thin"s are possi%le.& #hen :eter answered and
said to Him, &(ee, we have left all and followed ou. #herefore what shall we
have2& (o ;esus said to them, &Assuredly $ say to you, that in the
re"eneration, when the (on of 4an sits on the throne of His "lory, you who
have followed 4e will also sit on twelve thrones, jud"in" the twelve tri%es of
$srael. And everyone who has left houses or %rothers or sisters or father or
mother or wife or children or lands, for 4y name's sa!e, shall receive a
hundredfold, and inherit eternal life. )ut many who are -rst will %e last, and
the last -rst.
Readings for -riday of the se$ond week of Great Lent '/,
,+e"eroom- $:1-e! ; ,+e"eroom- 9:1-4 ; 0i1s 17:1-e! ; 0i1s
1$:1-4 ; 'saia( 7:1-14 ; &ob 11:1-2# [Arabic]
,+e"eroom- $:1-e! ; ,+e"eroom- 9:1-4 Dvery commandment
which $ command you today you must %e careful to o%serve, that you may
live and multiply, and "o in and possess the land of which the LORD swore
to your fathers. And you shall remem%er that the LORD your God led you all
the way these forty years in the wilderness, to hum%le you and test you, to
!now what was in your heart, whether you would !eep His commandments
or not. (o He hum%led you, allowed you to hun"er, and fed you with manna
which you did not !now nor did your fathers !now, that He mi"ht ma!e you
!now that man shall not live %y %read alone; %ut man lives %y every word
that proceeds from the mouth of the LORD. our "arments did not wear out
on you, nor did your foot swell these forty years. ou should !now in your
heart that as a man chastens his son, so the LORD your God chastens you.
&#herefore you shall !eep the commandments of the LORD your God, to
wal! in His ways and to fear Him. 1or the LORD your God is %rin"in" you
into a "ood land, a land of %roo!s of water, of fountains and sprin"s, that
5ow out of valleys and hills; a land of wheat and %arley, of vines and -"
trees and pome"ranates, a land of olive oil and honey; a land in which you
will eat %read without scarcity, in which you will lac! nothin"; a land whose
stones are iron and out of whose hills you can di" copper. +hen you have
eaten and are full, then you shall %less the LORD your God for the "ood land
which He has "iven you. &)eware that you do not for"et the LORD your God
%y not !eepin" His commandments, His jud"ments, and His statutes which $
command you today, lest,,when you have eaten and are full, and have %uilt
%eautiful houses and dwell in them; and when your herds and your 5oc!s
multiply, and your silver and your "old are multiplied, and all that you have
is multiplied; when your heart is lifted up, and you for"et the LORD your
God who %rou"ht you out of the land of D"ypt, from the house of %onda"e;
who led you throu"h that "reat and terri%le wilderness, in which were -ery
serpents and scorpions and thirsty land where there was no water; who
%rou"ht water for you out of the 5inty roc!; who fed you in the wilderness
with manna, which your fathers did not !now, that He mi"ht hum%le you
and that He mi"ht test you, to do you "ood in the end,, then you say in
your heart, &4y power and the mi"ht of my hand have "ained me this
wealth.' &And you shall remem%er the LORD your God, for it is He who "ives
you power to "et wealth, that He may esta%lish His covenant which He
swore to your fathers, as it is this day. #hen it shall %e, if you %y any means
for"et the LORD your God, and follow other "ods, and serve them and
worship them, $ testify a"ainst you this day that you shall surely perish. As
the nations which the LORD destroys %efore you, so you shall perish,
%ecause you would not %e o%edient to the voice of the LORD your God.
&Hear, O $srael. ou are to cross over the ;ordan today, and "o in to
dispossess nations "reater and mi"htier than yourself, cities "reat and
forti-ed up to heaven, a people "reat and tall, the descendants of the
Ana!im, whom you !now, and of whom you heard it said, &+ho can stand
%efore the descendants of Ana!2' #herefore understand today that the
LORD your God is He who "oes over %efore you as a consumin" -re. He will
destroy them and %rin" them down %efore you; so you shall drive them out
and destroy them 0uic!ly, as the LORD has said to you. &Do not thin! in
your heart, after the LORD your God has cast them out %efore you, sayin",
&)ecause of my ri"hteousness the LORD has %rou"ht me in to possess this
land'; %ut it is %ecause of the wic!edness of these nations that the LORD is
drivin" them out from %efore you.
0i1s 17:1-e! ; 0i1s 1$:1-4
'saia( 7:1-14
7ow it came to pass in the days of Aha8 the son of ;otham, the son of
*88iah, !in" of ;udah, that Re8in !in" of (yria and :e!ah the son of
Remaliah, !in" of $srael, went up to ;erusalem to ma!e war a"ainst it, %ut
could not prevail a"ainst it. And it was told to the house of David, sayin",
&(yria's forces are deployed in Dphraim.& (o his heart and the heart of his
people were moved as the trees of the woods are moved with the wind.
#hen the LORD said to $saiah, &Go out now to meet Aha8, you and (hear,
;ashu% your son, at the end of the a0ueduct from the upper pool, on the
hi"hway to the 1uller's 1ield, and say to him. &#a!e heed, and %e 0uiet; do
not fear or %e fainthearted for these two stu%s of smo!in" -re%rands, for
the -erce an"er of Re8in and (yria, and the son of Remaliah. )ecause (yria,
Dphraim, and the son of Remaliah have plotted evil a"ainst you, sayin",
&Let us "o up a"ainst ;udah and trou%le it, and let us ma!e a "ap in its wall
for ourselves, and set a !in" over them, the son of #a%el&,, thus says the
Lord GOD.
&$t shall not stand,
7or shall it come to pass.
1or the head of (yria is Damascus,
And the head of Damascus is Re8in.
+ithin si6ty,-ve years Dphraim will %e %ro!en,
(o that it will not %e a people.
#he head of Dphraim is (amaria,
And the head of (amaria is Remaliah's son.
$f you will not %elieve,
(urely you shall not %e esta%lished.&&'
4oreover the LORD spo!e a"ain to Aha8, sayin", &As! a si"n for yourself
from the LORD your God; as! it either in the depth or in the hei"ht a%ove.&
)ut Aha8 said, &$ will not as!, nor will $ test the LORD/&
#hen he said, &Hear now, O house of David/ $s it a small thin" for you to
weary men, %ut will you weary my God also2 #herefore the Lord Himself will
"ive you a si"n. )ehold, the vir"in shall conceive and %ear a (on, and shall
call His name $mmanuel.
&ob 11:1-2#
#hen Cophar the 7aamathite answered and said.
&(hould not the multitude of words %e answered2
And should a man full of tal! %e vindicated2
(hould your empty tal! ma!e men hold their peace2
And when you moc!, should no one re%u!e you2
1or you have said,
&4y doctrine is pure,
And $ am clean in your eyes.'
)ut oh, that God would spea!,
And open His lips a"ainst you,
#hat He would show you the secrets of wisdom/
1or they would dou%le your prudence.
Bnow therefore that God e6acts from you
Less than your ini0uity deserves.
&3an you search out the deep thin"s of God2
3an you -nd out the limits of the Almi"hty2
#hey are hi"her than heaven,, what can you do2
Deeper than (heol,, what can you !now2
#heir measure is lon"er than the earth
And %roader than the sea.
&$f He passes %y, imprisons, and "athers to jud"ment,
#hen who can hinder Him2
1or He !nows deceitful men;
He sees wic!edness also.
+ill He not then consider it2
1or an empty,headed man will %e wise,
+hen a wild don!ey's colt is %orn a man.
&$f you would prepare your heart,
And stretch out your hands toward Him;
$f ini0uity were in your hand, and you put it far away,
And would not let wic!edness dwell in your tents;
#hen surely you could lift up your face without spot;
es, you could %e steadfast, and not fear;
)ecause you would for"et your misery,
And remem%er it as waters that have passed away,
And your life would %e %ri"hter than noonday.
#hou"h you were dar!, you would %e li!e the mornin".
And you would %e secure, %ecause there is hope;
es, you would di" around you, and ta!e your rest in safety.
ou would also lie down, and no one would ma!e you afraid;
es, many would court your favor.
)ut the eyes of the wic!ed will fail,
And they shall not escape,
And their hope,,loss of life/&
Psalm 116:7-$ [Arabic]
Return to your rest, O my soul, 1or the LORD has dealt %ountifully with you.
1or ou have delivered my soul from death, 4y eyes from tears, And my
feet from fallin".
Ma""(e* 15:39-e! ; Ma""(e* 16:1-12 [Arabic]
And He sent away the multitude, "ot into the %oat, and came to the re"ion
of 4a"dala. #hen the :harisees and (adducees came, and testin" Him
as!ed that He would show them a si"n from heaven. He answered and said
to them, &+hen it is evenin" you say, &$t will %e fair weather, for the s!y is
red'; and in the mornin", &$t will %e foul weather today, for the s!y is red
and threatenin".' Hypocrites/ ou !now how to discern the face of the s!y,
%ut you cannot discern the si"ns of the times. A wic!ed and adulterous
"eneration see!s after a si"n, and no si"n shall %e "iven to it e6cept the
si"n of the prophet ;onah.& And He left them and departed. 7ow when His
disciples had come to the other side, they had for"otten to ta!e %read.
#hen ;esus said to them, &#a!e heed and %eware of the leaven of the
:harisees and the (adducees.& And they reasoned amon" themselves,
sayin", &$t is %ecause we have ta!en no %read.& )ut ;esus, %ein" aware of it,
said to them, &O you of little faith, why do you reason amon" yourselves
%ecause you have %rou"ht no %read2 Do you not yet understand, or
remem%er the -ve loaves of the -ve thousand and how many %as!ets you
too! up2 7or the seven loaves of the four thousand and how many lar"e
%as!ets you too! up2 How is it you do not understand that $ did not spea! to
you concernin" %read2,,%ut to %eware of the leaven of the :harisees and
(adducees.& #hen they understood that He did not tell them to %eware of
the leaven of %read, %ut of the doctrine of the :harisees and (adducees.

Pauline "pistle
2ebre*s 12:2$-e! ; 2ebre*s 13:1-16 [Arabic]
#herefore, since we are receivin" a !in"dom which cannot %e sha!en, let us
have "race, %y which we may serve God accepta%ly with reverence and
"odly fear. 1or our God is a consumin" -re. Let %rotherly love continue. Do
not for"et to entertain stran"ers, for %y so doin" some have unwittin"ly
entertained an"els. Remem%er the prisoners as if chained with them,,those
who are mistreated,,since you yourselves are in the %ody also. 4arria"e is
honora%le amon" all, and the %ed unde-led; %ut fornicators and adulterers
God will jud"e. Let your conduct %e without covetousness; %e content with
such thin"s as you have. 1or He Himself has said, &$ will never leave you nor
forsa!e you.& (o we may %oldly say. &#he LORD is my helper; $ will
not fear. +hat can man do to me2& Remem%er those who rule over
you, who have spo!en the word of God to you, whose faith follow,
considerin" the outcome of their conduct. ;esus 3hrist is the same
yesterday, today, and forever. Do not %e carried a%out with various and
stran"e doctrines. 1or it is "ood that the heart %e esta%lished %y "race, not
with foods which have not pro-ted those who have %een occupied with
them. +e have an altar from which those who serve the ta%ernacle have no
ri"ht to eat. 1or the %odies of those animals, whose %lood is %rou"ht into
the sanctuary %y the hi"h priest for sin, are %urned outside the camp.
#herefore ;esus also, that He mi"ht sanctify the people with His own %lood,
su9ered outside the "ate. #herefore let us "o forth to Him, outside the
camp, %earin" His reproach. 1or here we have no continuin" city, %ut we
see! the one to come. #herefore %y Him let us continually o9er the sacri-ce
of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, "ivin" than!s to His name. )ut
do not for"et to do "ood and to share, for with such sacri-ces God is well

#atholi$ "pistle
1Pe"er 4:7-16 [Arabic]
)ut the end of all thin"s is at hand; therefore %e serious and watchful in
your prayers. And a%ove all thin"s have fervent love for one another, for
&love will cover a multitude of sins.& )e hospita%le to one another without
"rum%lin". As each one has received a "ift, minister it to one another, as
"ood stewards of the manifold "race of God. $f anyone spea!s, let him
spea! as the oracles of God. $f anyone ministers, let him do it as with the
a%ility which God supplies, that in all thin"s God may %e "lori-ed throu"h
;esus 3hrist, to whom %elon" the "lory and the dominion forever and ever.
Amen. )eloved, do not thin! it stran"e concernin" the -ery trial which is to
try you, as thou"h some stran"e thin" happened to you; %ut rejoice to the
e6tent that you parta!e of 3hrist's su9erin"s, that when His "lory is
revealed, you may also %e "lad with e6ceedin" joy. $f you are reproached for
the name of 3hrist, %lessed are you, for the (pirit of "lory and of God rests
upon you. On their part He is %lasphemed, %ut on your part He is "lori-ed.
)ut let none of you su9er as a murderer, a thief, an evildoer, or as a
%usy%ody in other people's matters. et if anyone su9ers as a 3hristian, let
him not %e ashamed, %ut let him "lorify God in this matter.

Ac"s 15:22-31 [Arabic]
#hen it pleased the apostles and elders, with the whole church, to send
chosen men of their own company to Antioch with :aul and )arna%as,
namely, ;udas who was also named )arsa%as, and (ilas, leadin" men
amon" the %rethren. #hey wrote this, letter %y them. #he apostles, the
elders, and the %rethren, #o the %rethren who are of the Gentiles in Antioch,
(yria, and 3ilicia. Greetin"s. (ince we have heard that some who went out
from us have trou%led you with words, unsettlin" your souls, sayin", &ou
must %e circumcised and !eep the law&,,to whom we "ave no such
commandment,, it seemed "ood to us, %ein" assem%led with one accord, to
send chosen men to you with our %eloved )arna%as and :aul, men who
have ris!ed their lives for the name of our Lord ;esus 3hrist. +e have
therefore sent ;udas and (ilas, who will also report the same thin"s %y word
of mouth. 1or it seemed "ood to the Holy (pirit, and to us, to lay upon you
no "reater %urden than these necessary thin"s. that you a%stain from
thin"s o9ered to idols, from %lood, from thin"s stran"led, and from se6ual
immorality. $f you !eep yourselves from these, you will do well. 1arewell. (o
when they were sent o9, they came to Antioch; and when they had
"athered the multitude to"ether, they delivered the letter. +hen they had
read it, they rejoiced over its encoura"ement.

< #he Departure of (t. Dustathius, :atriarch of Antioch.

Psalm 29:1#-11 [Arabic]
And the LORD sits as Bin" forever. #he LORD will "ive stren"th to
His people; #he LORD will %less His people with peace.

L+ke 6:39-49 [Arabic]
And He spo!e a para%le to them. &3an the %lind lead the %lind2 +ill they not
%oth fall into the ditch2 A disciple is not a%ove his teacher, %ut everyone
who is perfectly trained will %e li!e his teacher. And why do you loo! at the
spec! in your %rother's eye, %ut do not perceive the plan! in your own eye2
Or how can you say to your %rother, &)rother, let me remove the spec! that
is in your eye,' when you yourself do not see the plan! that is in your own
eye2 Hypocrite/ 1irst remove the plan! from your own eye, and then you
will see clearly to remove the spec! that is in your %rother's eye.&1or a "ood
tree does not %ear %ad fruit, nor does a %ad tree %ear "ood fruit. 1or every
tree is !nown %y its own fruit. 1or men do not "ather -"s from thorns, nor
do they "ather "rapes from a %ram%le %ush. A "ood man out of the "ood
treasure of his heart %rin"s forth "ood; and an evil man out of the evil
treasure of his heart %rin"s forth evil. 1or out of the a%undance of the heart
his mouth spea!s.&)ut why do you call 4e &Lord, Lord,' and not do the
thin"s which $ say2 +hoever comes to 4e, and hears 4y sayin"s and does
them, $ will show you whom he is li!e. He is li!e a man %uildin" a house,
who du" deep and laid the foundation on the roc!. And when the 5ood
arose, the stream %eat vehemently a"ainst that house, and could not sha!e
it, for it was founded on the roc!. )ut he who heard and did nothin" is li!e a
man who %uilt a house on the earth without a foundation, a"ainst which the
stream %eat vehemently; and immediately it fell. And the ruin of that house
was "reat.&
Readings for Saturday of the se$ond week of Great Lent '/.
Psalm 25:7 ; Psalm 25:$ ; Psalm 25:11 [Arabic]
Do not remem%er the sins of my youth, nor my trans"ressions; Accordin" to
our mercy remem%er me, 1or our "oodness' sa!e, O LORD. Good and
upri"ht is the LORD; #herefore He teaches sinners in the way. 1or our
name's sa!e, O LORD, :ardon my ini0uity, for it is "reat.
Mark 9:43-5# [Arabic]
$f your hand causes you to sin, cut it o9. $t is %etter for you to enter into life
maimed, rather than havin" two hands, to "o to hell, into the -re that shall
never %e 0uenched,, where &#heir worm does not die And the -re
is not 0uenched.' And if your foot causes you to sin, cut it o9. $t is %etter for
you to enter life lame, rather than havin" two feet, to %e cast into hell, into
the -re that shall never %e 0uenched,, where &#heir worm does not die
And the -re is not 0uenched.' And if your eye causes you to sin, pluc!
it out. $t is %etter for you to enter the !in"dom of God with one eye, rather
than havin" two eyes, to %e cast into hell -re,, where &#heir worm
does not die And the -re is not 0uenched.' &1or everyone will %e
seasoned with -re, and every sacri-ce will %e seasoned with salt. (alt is
"ood, %ut if the salt loses its 5avor, how will you season it2 Have salt in
yourselves, and have peace with one another.&

Pauline "pistle
%omas 14:1-1$ [Arabic]
Receive one who is wea! in the faith, %ut not to disputes over dou%tful
thin"s. 1or one %elieves he may eat all thin"s, %ut he who is wea! eats only
ve"eta%les. Let not him who eats despise him who does not eat, and let not
him who does not eat jud"e him who eats; for God has received him. +ho
are you to jud"e another's servant2 #o his own master he stands or falls.
$ndeed, he will %e made to stand, for God is a%le to ma!e him stand. One
person esteems one day a%ove another; another esteems every day ali!e.
Let each %e fully convinced in his own mind. He who o%serves the day,
o%serves it to the Lord; and he who does not o%serve the day, to the Lord
he does not o%serve it. He who eats, eats to the Lord, for he "ives God
than!s; and he who does not eat, to the Lord he does not eat, and "ives
God than!s. 1or none of us lives to himself, and no one dies to himself. 1or
if we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. #herefore,
whether we live or die, we are the Lord's. 1or to this end 3hrist died and
rose and lived a"ain, that He mi"ht %e Lord of %oth the dead and the livin".
)ut why do you jud"e your %rother2 Or why do you show contempt for your
%rother2 1or we shall all stand %efore the jud"ment seat of 3hrist. 1or it is
written. &As $ live, says the LORD, Dvery !nee shall %ow to 4e,
And every ton"ue shall confess to God.& (o then each of us shall "ive
account of himself to God. #herefore let us not jud"e one another anymore,
%ut rather resolve this, not to put a stum%lin" %loc! or a cause to fall in our
%rother's way. $ !now and am convinced %y the Lord ;esus that there is
nothin" unclean of itself; %ut to him who considers anythin" to %e unclean,
to him it is unclean. et if your %rother is "rieved %ecause of your food, you
are no lon"er wal!in" in love. Do not destroy with your food the one for
whom 3hrist died. #herefore do not let your "ood %e spo!en of as evil; for
the !in"dom of God is not eatin" and drin!in", %ut ri"hteousness and peace
and joy in the Holy (pirit. 1or he who serves 3hrist in these thin"s is
accepta%le to God and approved %y men.

#atholi$ "pistle
&ames 1:22-27 [Arabic]
)ut %e doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceivin" yourselves. 1or if
anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is li!e a man o%servin"
his natural face in a mirror; for he o%serves himself, "oes away, and
immediately for"ets what !ind of man he was. )ut he who loo!s into the
perfect law of li%erty and continues in it, and is not a for"etful hearer %ut a
doer of the wor!, this one will %e %lessed in what he does. $f anyone amon"
you thin!s he is reli"ious, and does not %ridle his ton"ue %ut deceives his
own heart, this one's reli"ion is useless. :ure and unde-led reli"ion %efore
God and the 1ather is this. to visit orphans and widows in their trou%le, and
to !eep oneself unspotted from the world.

Ac"s 22:17-3# [Arabic]
&7ow it happened, when $ returned to ;erusalem and was prayin" in the
temple, that $ was in a trance and saw Him sayin" to me, &4a!e haste and
"et out of ;erusalem 0uic!ly, for they will not receive your testimony
concernin" 4e.' (o $ said, &Lord, they !now that in every syna"o"ue $
imprisoned and %eat those who %elieve on ou. And when the %lood of our
martyr (tephen was shed, $ also was standin" %y consentin" to his death,
and "uardin" the clothes of those who were !illin" him.' #hen He said to
me, &Depart, for $ will send you far from here to the Gentiles.&' And they
listened to him until this word, and then they raised their voices and said,
&Away with such a fellow from the earth, for he is not -t to live/& #hen, as
they cried out and tore o9 their clothes and threw dust into the air, the
commander ordered him to %e %rou"ht into the %arrac!s, and said that he
should %e e6amined under scour"in", so that he mi"ht !now why they
shouted so a"ainst him. And as they %ound him with thon"s, :aul said to
the centurion who stood %y, &$s it lawful for you to scour"e a man who is a
Roman, and uncondemned2& +hen the centurion heard that, he went and
told the commander, sayin", &#a!e care what you do, for this man is a
Roman.& #hen the commander came and said to him, &#ell me, are you a
Roman2& He said, &es.& #he commander answered, &+ith a lar"e sum $
o%tained this citi8enship.& And :aul said, &)ut $ was %orn a citi8en.& #hen
immediately those who were a%out to e6amine him withdrew from him; and
the commander was also afraid after he found out that he was a Roman,
and %ecause he had %ound him. #he ne6t day, %ecause he wanted to !now
for certain why he was accused %y the ;ews, he released him from his
%onds, and commanded the chief priests and all their council to appear,
and %rou"ht :aul down and set him %efore them.

< #he 4artyrdom of (t. #heodore, the Roman.

Psalm 11$:19 ; Psalm 11$:2# [Arabic]
Open to me the "ates of ri"hteousness; $ will "o throu"h them,
And $ will praise the LORD. #his is the "ate of the LORD, #hrou"h which
the ri"hteous shall enter.

Ma""(e* 7:13-21 [Arabic]
&Dnter %y the narrow "ate; for wide is the "ate and %road is the way that
leads to destruction, and there are many who "o in %y it. )ecause narrow is
the "ate and diIcult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who
-nd it. &)eware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothin", %ut
inwardly they are ravenous wolves. ou will !now them %y their fruits. Do
men "ather "rapes from thorn%ushes or -"s from thistles2 Dven so, every
"ood tree %ears "ood fruit, %ut a %ad tree %ears %ad fruit. A "ood tree
cannot %ear %ad fruit, nor can a %ad tree %ear "ood fruit. Dvery tree that
does not %ear "ood fruit is cut down and thrown into the -re. #herefore %y
their fruits you will !now them. &7ot everyone who says to 4e, &Lord, Lord,'
shall enter the !in"dom of heaven, %ut he who does the will of 4y 1ather in
Readings for Sunday of the se$ond week of Great Lent '//
Psalm 51:1 ; Psalm 51:9 [Arabic]
Have mercy upon me, O God, Accordin" to our lovin"!indness; Accordin"
to the multitude of our tender mercies, )lot out my trans"ressions. Hide
our face from my sins, And %lot out all my ini0uities.
Mark 1:12-15 [Arabic]
$mmediately the (pirit drove Him into the wilderness. And He was there in
the wilderness forty days, tempted %y (atan, and was with the wild %easts;
and the an"els ministered to Him. 7ow after ;ohn was put in prison, ;esus
came to Galilee, preachin" the "ospel of the !in"dom of God, and sayin",
&#he time is ful-lled, and the !in"dom of God is at hand. Repent, and
%elieve in the "ospel.&

Psalm 57:1 [Arabic]
)e merciful to me, O God, %e merciful to me/ 1or my soul trusts in ou; And
in the shadow of our win"s $ will ma!e my refu"e, *ntil these calamities
have passed %y.
L+ke 4:1-13 [Arabic]
#hen ;esus, %ein" -lled with the Holy (pirit, returned from the ;ordan and
was led %y the (pirit into the wilderness, %ein" tempted for forty days %y
the devil. And in those days He ate nothin", and afterward, when they had
ended, He was hun"ry. And the devil said to Him, &$f ou are the (on of God,
command this stone to %ecome %read.& )ut ;esus answered him, sayin", &$t
is written, &4an shall not live %y %read alone, %ut %y every word of God.&'
#hen the devil, ta!in" Him up on a hi"h mountain, showed Him all the
!in"doms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said to Him, &All
this authority $ will "ive ou, and their "lory; for this has %een delivered to
me, and $ "ive it to whomever $ wish. #herefore, if ou will worship %efore
me, all will %e ours.& And ;esus answered and said to him, &Get %ehind 4e,
(atan/ 1or it is written, &ou shall worship the LORD your God, and Him only
you shall serve.&' #hen he %rou"ht Him to ;erusalem, set Him on the
pinnacle of the temple, and said to Him, &$f ou are the (on of God, throw
ourself down from here. 1or it is written. &He shall "ive His an"els
char"e over you, #o !eep you,' and, &$n their hands they shall
%ear you up, Lest you dash your foot a"ainst a stone.&' And ;esus
answered and said to him, &$t has %een said, &ou shall not tempt the LORD
your God.&' 7ow when the devil had ended every temptation, he departed
from Him until an opportune time.

Pauline "pistle
%omas 14:19-e! ; %omas 15:1-7 [Arabic]
#herefore let us pursue the thin"s which ma!e for peace and the thin"s %y
which one may edify another. Do not destroy the wor! of God for the sa!e
of food. All thin"s indeed are pure, %ut it is evil for the man who eats with
o9ense. $t is "ood neither to eat meat nor drin! wine nor do anythin" %y
which your %rother stum%les or is o9ended or is made wea!. Do you have
faith2 Have it to yourself %efore God. Happy is he who does not condemn
himself in what he approves. )ut he who dou%ts is condemned if he eats,
%ecause he does not eat from faith; for whatever is not from faith is sin. +e
then who are stron" ou"ht to %ear with the scruples of the wea!, and not to
please ourselves. Let each of us please his nei"h%or for his "ood, leadin" to
edi-cation. 1or even 3hrist did not please Himself; %ut as it is written, &#he
reproaches of those who reproached ou fell on 4e.& 1or whatever thin"s
were written %efore were written for our learnin", that we throu"h the
patience and comfort of the (criptures mi"ht have hope. 7ow may the God
of patience and comfort "rant you to %e li!e,minded toward one another,
accordin" to 3hrist ;esus, that you may with one mind and one mouth
"lorify the God and 1ather of our Lord ;esus 3hrist. #herefore receive one
another, just as 3hrist also received us, to the "lory of God.

#atholi$ "pistle
&ames 2:1-13 [Arabic]
4y %rethren, do not hold the faith of our Lord ;esus 3hrist, the Lord of "lory,
with partiality. 1or if there should come into your assem%ly a man with "old
rin"s, in -ne apparel, and there should also come in a poor man in -lthy
clothes, and you pay attention to the one wearin" the -ne clothes and say
to him, &ou sit here in a "ood place,& and say to the poor man, &ou stand
there,& or, &(it here at my footstool,& have you not shown partiality amon"
yourselves, and %ecome jud"es with evil thou"hts2 Listen, my %eloved
%rethren. Has God not chosen the poor of this world to %e rich in faith and
heirs of the !in"dom which He promised to those who love Him2 )ut you
have dishonored the poor man. Do not the rich oppress you and dra" you
into the courts2 Do they not %laspheme that no%le name %y which you are
called2 $f you really ful-ll the royal law accordin" to the (cripture, &ou shall
love your nei"h%or as yourself,& you do well; %ut if you show partiality, you
commit sin, and are convicted %y the law as trans"ressors. 1or whoever
shall !eep the whole law, and yet stum%le in one point, he is "uilty of all.
1or He who said, &Do not commit adultery,& also said, &Do not murder.& 7ow
if you do not commit adultery, %ut you do murder, you have %ecome a
trans"ressor of the law. (o spea! and so do as those who will %e jud"ed %y
the law of li%erty. 1or jud"ment is without mercy to the one who has shown
no mercy. 4ercy triumphs over jud"ment.

Ac"s 23:1-11 [Arabic]
#hen :aul, loo!in" earnestly at the council, said, &4en and %rethren, $ have
lived in all "ood conscience %efore God until this day.& And the hi"h priest
Ananias commanded those who stood %y him to stri!e him on the mouth.
#hen :aul said to him, &God will stri!e you, you whitewashed wall/ 1or you
sit to jud"e me accordin" to the law, and do you command me to %e struc!
contrary to the law2& And those who stood %y said, &Do you revile God's
hi"h priest2& #hen :aul said, &$ did not !now, %rethren, that he was the hi"h
priest; for it is written, &ou shall not spea! evil of a ruler of your people.&'
)ut when :aul perceived that one part were (adducees and the other
:harisees, he cried out in the council, &4en and %rethren, $ am a :harisee,
the son of a :harisee; concernin" the hope and resurrection of the dead $
am %ein" jud"ed/& And when he had said this, a dissension arose %etween
the :harisees and the (adducees; and the assem%ly was divided. 1or
(adducees say that there is no resurrection,,and no an"el or spirit; %ut the
:harisees confess %oth. #hen there arose a loud outcry. And the scri%es of
the :harisees' party arose and protested, sayin", &+e -nd no evil in this
man; %ut if a spirit or an an"el has spo!en to him, let us not -"ht a"ainst
God.& 7ow when there arose a "reat dissension, the commander, fearin"
lest :aul mi"ht %e pulled to pieces %y them, commanded the soldiers to "o
down and ta!e him %y force from amon" them, and %rin" him into the
%arrac!s. )ut the followin" ni"ht the Lord stood %y him and said, &)e of
"ood cheer, :aul; for as you have testi-ed for 4e in ;erusalem, so you must
also %ear witness at Rome.&

< #he 4artyrdom of (t. :olycarp, )ishop of (myrna.

Psalm 27:$-1# [Arabic]
+hen ou said, &(ee! 4y face,& 4y heart said to ou, &our face, LORD, $ will
see!.& Do not hide our face from me; Do not turn our servant away in
an"er; ou have %een my help; Do not leave me nor forsa!e me, O God of
my salvation. +hen my father and my mother forsa!e me, #hen the LORD
will ta!e care of me.

Ma""(e* 4:1-11 [Arabic]
#hen ;esus was led up %y the (pirit into the wilderness to %e tempted %y the
devil. And when He had fasted forty days and forty ni"hts, afterward He
was hun"ry. 7ow when the tempter came to Him, he said, &$f ou are the
(on of God, command that these stones %ecome %read.& )ut He answered
and said, &$t is written, &4an shall not live %y %read alone, %ut %y every
word that proceeds from the mouth of God.&' #hen the devil too! Him up
into the holy city, set Him on the pinnacle of the temple, and said to Him, &$f
ou are the (on of God, throw ourself down. 1or it is written. &He shall
"ive His an"els char"e over you,' and, &$n their hands they shall %ear
you up, Lest you dash your foot a"ainst a stone.&' ;esus said to him, &$t
is written a"ain, &ou shall not tempt the LORD your God.&' A"ain, the devil
too! Him up on an e6ceedin"ly hi"h mountain, and showed Him all the
!in"doms of the world and their "lory. And he said to Him, &All these thin"s $
will "ive ou if ou will fall down and worship me.& #hen ;esus said to him,
&Away with you, (atan/ 1or it is written, &ou shall worship the LORD your
God, and Him only you shall serve.&' #hen the devil left Him, and %ehold,
an"els came and ministered to Him.
Readings for !onday of the third week of Great Lent '/9
Pro3erbs 1:2#-33 ; 'saia( $:13-e! ; 'saia( 9:1-7 [Arabic]
Pro3erbs 1:2#-33 +isdom calls aloud outside; (he raises her voice in
the open s0uares. (he cries out in the chief concourses, At the
openin"s of the "ates in the city (he spea!s her words. &How
lon", you simple ones, will you love simplicity2 1or scorners deli"ht in
their scornin", And fools hate !nowled"e. #urn at my re%u!e;
(urely $ will pour out my spirit on you; $ will ma!e my words !nown to
you. )ecause $ have called and you refused, $ have stretched out
my hand and no one re"arded, )ecause you disdained all my counsel,
And would have none of my re%u!e, $ also will lau"h at your
calamity; $ will moc! when your terror comes, +hen your terror
comes li!e a storm, And your destruction comes li!e a whirlwind,
+hen distress and an"uish come upon you. &#hen they will call on me,
%ut $ will not answer; #hey will see! me dili"ently, %ut they will not -nd
me. )ecause they hated !nowled"e And did not choose the fear
of the LORD, #hey would have none of my counsel And despised
my every re%u!e. #herefore they shall eat the fruit of their own way,
And %e -lled to the full with their own fancies. 1or the turnin"
away of the simple will slay them, And the complacency of fools will
destroy them; )ut whoever listens to me will dwell safely, And will
%e secure, without fear of evil.&
'saia( $:13-e! ; 'saia( 9:1-7
#he LORD of hosts, Him you shall hallow;
Let Him %e your fear,
And let Him %e your dread.
He will %e as a sanctuary,
)ut a stone of stum%lin" and a roc! of o9ense
#o %oth the houses of $srael,
As a trap and a snare to the inha%itants of ;erusalem.
And many amon" them shall stum%le;
#hey shall fall and %e %ro!en,
)e snared and ta!en.&
)ind up the testimony,
(eal the law amon" my disciples.
And $ will wait on the LORD,
+ho hides His face from the house of ;aco%;
And $ will hope in Him.
Here am $ and the children whom the LORD has "iven me/
+e are for si"ns and wonders in $srael
1rom the LORD of hosts,
+ho dwells in 4ount Cion.
And when they say to you, &(ee! those who are mediums and wi8ards, who
whisper and mutter,& should not a people see! their God2 (hould they see!
the dead on %ehalf of the livin"2 #o the law and to the testimony/ $f they do
not spea! accordin" to this word, it is %ecause there is no li"ht in them.
#hey will pass throu"h it hard,pressed and hun"ry; and it shall happen,
when they are hun"ry, that they will %e enra"ed and curse their !in" and
their God, and loo! upward. #hen they will loo! to the earth, and see
trou%le and dar!ness, "loom of an"uish; and they will %e driven into
dar!ness. 7evertheless the "loom will not %e upon her who is distressed,
As when at -rst He li"htly esteemed
#he land of Ce%ulun and the land of 7aphtali,
And afterward more heavily oppressed her,
)y the way of the sea, %eyond the ;ordan,
$n Galilee of the Gentiles.
#he people who wal!ed in dar!ness
Have seen a "reat li"ht;
#hose who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death,
*pon them a li"ht has shined.
ou have multiplied the nation
And increased its joy;
#hey rejoice %efore ou
Accordin" to the joy of harvest,
As men rejoice when they divide the spoil.
1or ou have %ro!en the yo!e of his %urden
And the sta9 of his shoulder,
#he rod of his oppressor,
As in the day of 4idian.
1or every warrior's sandal from the noisy %attle,
And "arments rolled in %lood,
+ill %e used for %urnin" and fuel of -re.
1or unto us a 3hild is %orn,
*nto us a (on is "iven;
And the "overnment will %e upon His shoulder.
And His name will %e called
+onderful, 3ounselor, 4i"hty God,
Dverlastin" 1ather, :rince of :eace.
Of the increase of His "overnment and peace
#here will %e no end,
*pon the throne of David and over His !in"dom,
#o order it and esta%lish it with jud"ment and justice
1rom that time forward, even forever.
#he 8eal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.
Psalm 32:1-2 [Arabic]
)lessed is he whose trans"ression is for"iven, +hose sin is covered.
)lessed is the man to whom the LORD does not impute ini0uity,
And in whose spirit there is no deceit.
L+ke 19:11-2$ [Arabic]
7ow as they heard these thin"s, He spo!e another para%le, %ecause He was
near ;erusalem and %ecause they thou"ht the !in"dom of God would
appear immediately. #herefore He said. &A certain no%leman went into a far
country to receive for himself a !in"dom and to return. (o he called ten of
his servants, delivered to them ten minas, and said to them, &Do %usiness
till $ come.' )ut his citi8ens hated him, and sent a dele"ation after him,
sayin", &+e will not have this man to rei"n over us.' &And so it was that
when he returned, havin" received the !in"dom, he then commanded these
servants, to whom he had "iven the money, to %e called to him, that he
mi"ht !now how much every man had "ained %y tradin". #hen came the
-rst, sayin", &4aster, your mina has earned ten minas.' And he said to him,
&+ell done, "ood servant; %ecause you were faithful in a very little, have
authority over ten cities.' And the second came, sayin", &4aster, your mina
has earned -ve minas.' Li!ewise he said to him, &ou also %e over -ve
cities.' &#hen another came, sayin", &4aster, here is your mina, which $
have !ept put away in a hand!erchief. 1or $ feared you, %ecause you are an
austere man. ou collect what you did not deposit, and reap what you did
not sow.' And he said to him, &Out of your own mouth $ will jud"e you, you
wic!ed servant. ou !new that $ was an austere man, collectin" what $ did
not deposit and reapin" what $ did not sow. +hy then did you not put my
money in the %an!, that at my comin" $ mi"ht have collected it with
interest2' &And he said to those who stood %y, &#a!e the mina from him, and
"ive it to him who has ten minas.' )ut they said to him, &4aster, he has ten
minas.' &1or $ say to you, that to everyone who has will %e "iven; and from
him who does not have, even what he has will %e ta!en away from him. )ut
%rin" here those enemies of mine, who did not want me to rei"n over them,
and slay them %efore me.&' +hen He had said this, He went on ahead,
"oin" up to ;erusalem.

Pauline "pistle
1Cori"(ias 5:9-e! ; 1Cori"(ias 6:1-5 [Arabic]
$ wrote to you in my epistle not to !eep company with se6ually immoral
people. et $ certainly did not mean with the se6ually immoral people of this
world, or with the covetous, or e6tortioners, or idolaters, since then you
would need to "o out of the world. )ut now $ have written to you not to
!eep company with anyone named a %rother, who is se6ually immoral, or
covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drun!ard, or an e6tortioner,,not
even to eat with such a person. 1or what have $ to do with jud"in" those
also who are outside2 Do you not jud"e those who are inside2 )ut those
who are outside God jud"es. #herefore &put away from yourselves the evil
person.& Dare any of you, havin" a matter a"ainst another, "o to law %efore
the unri"hteous, and not %efore the saints2 Do you not !now that the saints
will jud"e the world2 And if the world will %e jud"ed %y you, are you
unworthy to jud"e the smallest matters2 Do you not !now that we shall
jud"e an"els2 How much more, thin"s that pertain to this life2 $f then you
have jud"ments concernin" thin"s pertainin" to this life, do you appoint
those who are least esteemed %y the church to jud"e2 $ say this to your
shame. $s it so, that there is not a wise man amon" you, not even one, who
will %e a%le to jud"e %etween his %rethren2

#atholi$ "pistle
1Pe"er 1:3-12 [Arabic]
)lessed %e the God and 1ather of our Lord ;esus 3hrist, who accordin" to
His a%undant mercy has %e"otten us a"ain to a livin" hope throu"h the
resurrection of ;esus 3hrist from the dead, to an inheritance incorrupti%le
and unde-led and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you,
who are !ept %y the power of God throu"h faith for salvation ready to %e
revealed in the last time. $n this you "reatly rejoice, thou"h now for a little
while, if need %e, you have %een "rieved %y various trials, that the
"enuineness of your faith, %ein" much more precious than "old that
perishes, thou"h it is tested %y -re, may %e found to praise, honor, and
"lory at the revelation of ;esus 3hrist, whom havin" not seen you love.
#hou"h now you do not see Him, yet %elievin", you rejoice with joy
ine6pressi%le and full of "lory, receivin" the end of your faith,,the salvation
of your souls. Of this salvation the prophets have in0uired and searched
carefully, who prophesied of the "race that would come to you, searchin"
what, or what manner of time, the (pirit of 3hrist who was in them was
indicatin" when He testi-ed %eforehand the su9erin"s of 3hrist and the
"lories that would follow. #o them it was revealed that, not to themselves,
%ut to us they were ministerin" the thin"s which now have %een reported to
you throu"h those who have preached the "ospel to you %y the Holy (pirit
sent from heaven,,thin"s which an"els desire to loo! into.

Ac"s 17:1#-14 [Arabic]
#hen the %rethren immediately sent :aul and (ilas away %y ni"ht to )erea.
+hen they arrived, they went into the syna"o"ue of the ;ews. #hese were
more fair,minded than those in #hessalonica, in that they received the word
with all readiness, and searched the (criptures daily to -nd out whether
these thin"s were so. #herefore many of them %elieved, and also not a few
of the Gree!s, prominent women as well as men. )ut when the ;ews from
#hessalonica learned that the word of God was preached %y :aul at )erea,
they came there also and stirred up the crowds. #hen immediately the
%rethren sent :aul away, to "o to the sea; %ut %oth (ilas and #imothy
remained there.

< #he Appearance of the Head of (t. ;ohn the )aptist.
< A%%a Byrillos the (i6th, the HHLth :ope of Ale6andria.

Psalm 32:5 [Arabic]
$ ac!nowled"ed my sin to ou, And my ini0uity $ have not hidden. $ said, &$
will confess my trans"ressions to the LORD,& And ou for"ave the ini0uity of
my sin.

L+ke 11:33-36 [Arabic]
&7o one, when he has lit a lamp, puts it in a secret place or under a %as!et,
%ut on a lampstand, that those who come in may see the li"ht. #he lamp of
the %ody is the eye. #herefore, when your eye is "ood, your whole %ody
also is full of li"ht. )ut when your eye is %ad, your %ody also is full of
dar!ness. #herefore ta!e heed that the li"ht which is in you is not dar!ness.
$f then your whole %ody is full of li"ht, havin" no part dar!, the whole %ody
will %e full of li"ht, as when the %ri"ht shinin" of a lamp "ives you li"ht.&
Readings for (uesday of the third week of Great Lent '/10
Pro3erbs 2:1-15 ; 'saia( 1#:12-2# ; &os(+a 7:1-26 [Arabic]
Pro3erbs 2:1-15 4y son, if you receive my words, And treasure my
commands within you, (o that you incline your ear to wisdom,
And apply your heart to understandin"; es, if you cry out for
discernment, And lift up your voice for understandin", $f you see!
her as silver, And search for her as for hidden treasures; #hen you
will understand the fear of the LORD, And -nd the !nowled"e of God.
1or the LORD "ives wisdom; 1rom His mouth come !nowled"e
and understandin"; He stores up sound wisdom for the upri"ht;
He is a shield to those who wal! upri"htly; He "uards the paths of
justice, And preserves the way of His saints. #hen you will
understand ri"hteousness and justice, D0uity and every "ood path.
+hen wisdom enters your heart, And !nowled"e is pleasant to
your soul, Discretion will preserve you; *nderstandin" will !eep
you, #o deliver you from the way of evil, 1rom the man who
spea!s perverse thin"s, 1rom those who leave the paths of
upri"htness #o wal! in the ways of dar!ness; +ho rejoice in doin"
evil, And deli"ht in the perversity of the wic!ed; +hose ways are
croo!ed, And who are devious in their paths;
'saia( 1#:12-2#
#herefore it shall come to pass, when the Lord has performed all His wor!
on 4ount Cion and on ;erusalem, that He will say, &$ will punish the fruit of
the arro"ant heart of the !in" of Assyria, and the "lory of his hau"hty
1or he says.
&)y the stren"th of my hand $ have done it,
And %y my wisdom, for $ am prudent;
Also $ have removed the %oundaries of the people,
And have ro%%ed their treasuries;
(o $ have put down the inha%itants li!e a valiant man.
4y hand has found li!e a nest the riches of the people,
And as one "athers e""s that are left,
$ have "athered all the earth;
And there was no one who moved his win",
7or opened his mouth with even a peep.&
(hall the a6 %oast itself a"ainst him who chops with it2
Or shall the saw e6alt itself a"ainst him who saws with it2
As if a rod could wield itself a"ainst those who lift it up,
Or as if a sta9 could lift up, as if it were not wood/
#herefore the Lord, the Lord of hosts,
+ill send leanness amon" his fat ones;
And under his "lory
He will !indle a %urnin"
Li!e the %urnin" of a -re.
(o the Li"ht of $srael will %e for a -re,
And his Holy One for a 5ame;
$t will %urn and devour
His thorns and his %riers in one day.
And it will consume the "lory of his forest and of his fruitful -eld,
)oth soul and %ody;
And they will %e as when a sic! man wastes away.
#hen the rest of the trees of his forest
+ill %e so few in num%er
#hat a child may write them.
And it shall come to pass in that day
#hat the remnant of $srael,
And such as have escaped of the house of ;aco%,
+ill never a"ain depend on him who defeated them,
)ut will depend on the LORD, the Holy One of $srael, in truth.
&os(+a 7:1-26
)ut the children of $srael committed a trespass re"ardin" the accursed
thin"s, for Achan the son of 3armi, the son of Ca%di, the son of Cerah, of
the tri%e of ;udah, too! of the accursed thin"s; so the an"er of the LORD
%urned a"ainst the children of $srael.
7ow ;oshua sent men from ;ericho to Ai, which is %eside )eth Aven, on the
east side of )ethel, and spo!e to them, sayin", &Go up and spy out the
country.& (o the men went up and spied out Ai. And they returned to ;oshua
and said to him, &Do not let all the people "o up, %ut let a%out two or three
thousand men "o up and attac! Ai. Do not weary all the people there, for
the people of Ai are few.& (o a%out three thousand men went up there from
the people, %ut they 5ed %efore the men of Ai. And the men of Ai struc!
down a%out thirty,si6 men, for they chased them from %efore the "ate as
far as (he%arim, and struc! them down on the descent; therefore the hearts
of the people melted and %ecame li!e water.
#hen ;oshua tore his clothes, and fell to the earth on his face %efore the ar!
of the LORD until evenin", he and the elders of $srael; and they put dust on
their heads. And ;oshua said, &Alas, Lord GOD, why have ou %rou"ht this
people over the ;ordan at all,,to deliver us into the hand of the Amorites, to
destroy us2 Oh, that we had %een content, and dwelt on the other side of
the ;ordan/ O Lord, what shall $ say when $srael turns its %ac! %efore its
enemies2 1or the 3anaanites and all the inha%itants of the land will hear it,
and surround us, and cut o9 our name from the earth. #hen what will ou do
for our "reat name2&
(o the LORD said to ;oshua. &Get up/ +hy do you lie thus on your face2
$srael has sinned, and they have also trans"ressed 4y covenant which $
commanded them. 1or they have even ta!en some of the accursed thin"s,
and have %oth stolen and deceived; and they have also put it amon" their
own stu9. #herefore the children of $srael could not stand %efore their
enemies, %ut turned their %ac!s %efore their enemies, %ecause they have
%ecome doomed to destruction. 7either will $ %e with you anymore, unless
you destroy the accursed from amon" you. Get up, sanctify the people, and
say, &(anctify yourselves for tomorrow, %ecause thus says the LORD God of
$srael. &#here is an accursed thin" in your midst, O $srael; you cannot stand
%efore your enemies until you ta!e away the accursed thin" from amon"
you.& $n the mornin" therefore you shall %e %rou"ht accordin" to your
tri%es. And it shall %e that the tri%e which the LORD ta!es shall come
accordin" to families; and the family which the LORD ta!es shall come %y
households; and the household which the LORD ta!es shall come man %y
man. #hen it shall %e that he who is ta!en with the accursed thin" shall %e
%urned with -re, he and all that he has, %ecause he has trans"ressed the
covenant of the LORD, and %ecause he has done a dis"raceful thin" in
(o ;oshua rose early in the mornin" and %rou"ht $srael %y their tri%es, and
the tri%e of ;udah was ta!en. He %rou"ht the clan of ;udah, and he too! the
family of the Carhites; and he %rou"ht the family of the Carhites man %y
man, and Ca%di was ta!en. #hen he %rou"ht his household man %y man,
and Achan the son of 3armi, the son of Ca%di, the son of Cerah, of the tri%e
of ;udah, was ta!en.
7ow ;oshua said to Achan, &4y son, $ %e" you, "ive "lory to the LORD God
of $srael, and ma!e confession to Him, and tell me now what you have
done; do not hide it from me.&
And Achan answered ;oshua and said, &$ndeed $ have sinned a"ainst the
LORD God of $srael, and this is what $ have done. +hen $ saw amon" the
spoils a %eautiful )a%ylonian "arment, two hundred she!els of silver, and a
wed"e of "old wei"hin" -fty she!els, $ coveted them and too! them. And
there they are, hidden in the earth in the midst of my tent, with the silver
under it.&
(o ;oshua sent messen"ers, and they ran to the tent; and there it was,
hidden in his tent, with the silver under it. And they too! them from the
midst of the tent, %rou"ht them to ;oshua and to all the children of $srael,
and laid them out %efore the LORD. #hen ;oshua, and all $srael with him,
too! Achan the son of Cerah, the silver, the "arment, the wed"e of "old, his
sons, his dau"hters, his o6en, his don!eys, his sheep, his tent, and all that
he had, and they %rou"ht them to the Galley of Achor. And ;oshua said,
&+hy have you trou%led us2 #he LORD will trou%le you this day.& (o all
$srael stoned him with stones; and they %urned them with -re after they
had stoned them with stones.
#hen they raised over him a "reat heap of stones, still there to this day. (o
the LORD turned from the -erceness of His an"er. #herefore the name of
that place has %een called the Galley of Achor to this day.
Psalm 31:1# [Arabic]
L+ke 12:54-59 [Arabic]
#hen He also said to the multitudes, &+henever you see a cloud risin" out
of the west, immediately you say, &A shower is comin"'; and so it is. And
when you see the south wind %low, you say, &#here will %e hot weather';
and there is. Hypocrites/ ou can discern the face of the s!y and of the
earth, %ut how is it you do not discern this time2 &es, and why, even of
yourselves, do you not jud"e what is ri"ht2 +hen you "o with your
adversary to the ma"istrate, ma!e every e9ort alon" the way to settle with
him, lest he dra" you to the jud"e, the jud"e deliver you to the oIcer, and
the oIcer throw you into prison. $ tell you, you shall not depart from there
till you have paid the very last mite.&

Pauline "pistle
%omas 4:1-$ [Arabic]
+hat then shall we say that A%raham our father has found accordin" to the
5esh2 1or if A%raham was justi-ed %y wor!s, he has somethin" to %oast
a%out, %ut not %efore God. 1or what does the (cripture say2 &A%raham
%elieved God, and it was accounted to him for ri"hteousness.& 7ow to him
who wor!s, the wa"es are not counted as "race %ut as de%t. )ut to him who
does not wor! %ut %elieves on Him who justi-es the un"odly, his faith is
accounted for ri"hteousness, just as David also descri%es the %lessedness
of the man to whom God imputes ri"hteousness apart from wor!s.
&)lessed are those whose lawless deeds are for"iven, And whose sins
are covered; )lessed is the man to whom the LORD shall not impute

#atholi$ "pistle
1&o( 2:1-11 [Arabic]
4y little children, these thin"s $ write to you, so that you may not sin. And if
anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the 1ather, ;esus 3hrist the
ri"hteous. And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours
only %ut also for the whole world. 7ow %y this we !now that we !now Him, if
we !eep His commandments. He who says, &$ !now Him,& and does not
!eep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. )ut whoever
!eeps His word, truly the love of God is perfected in him. )y this we !now
that we are in Him. He who says he a%ides in Him ou"ht himself also to
wal! just as He wal!ed. )rethren, $ write no new commandment to you, %ut
an old commandment which you have had from the %e"innin". #he old
commandment is the word which you heard from the %e"innin". A"ain, a
new commandment $ write to you, which thin" is true in Him and in you,
%ecause the dar!ness is passin" away, and the true li"ht is already shinin".
He who says he is in the li"ht, and hates his %rother, is in dar!ness until
now. He who loves his %rother a%ides in the li"ht, and there is no cause for
stum%lin" in him. )ut he who hates his %rother is in dar!ness and wal!s in
dar!ness, and does not !now where he is "oin", %ecause the dar!ness has
%linded his eyes.

Ac"s 27:9-12 [Arabic]
7ow when much time had %een spent, and sailin" was now dan"erous
%ecause the 1ast was already over, :aul advised them, sayin", &4en, $
perceive that this voya"e will end with disaster and much loss, not only of
the car"o and ship, %ut also our lives.& 7evertheless the centurion was
more persuaded %y the helmsman and the owner of the ship than %y the
thin"s spo!en %y :aul. And %ecause the har%or was not suita%le to winter
in, the majority advised to set sail from there also, if %y any means they
could reach :hoeni6, a har%or of 3rete openin" toward the southwest and
northwest, and winter there.

< #he Departure of (t. 7arcissus.
< #he 4artyrdom of (t. Ale6andrus.
< 3ommemoration of An%a 4arcura.

Psalm 32:2-3 [Arabic]
)lessed is the man whose sin the LORD does not count a"ainst him and in
whose spirit is no deceit. +hen $ !ept silent, my %ones wasted away
throu"h my "roanin" all day lon".

&o( $:31-39 [Arabic]
#hen ;esus said to those ;ews who %elieved Him, &$f you a%ide in 4y word,
you are 4y disciples indeed. And you shall !now the truth, and the truth
shall ma!e you free.& #hey answered Him, &+e are A%raham's descendants,
and have never %een in %onda"e to anyone. How can ou say, &ou will %e
made free'2& ;esus answered them, &4ost assuredly, $ say to you, whoever
commits sin is a slave of sin. And a slave does not a%ide in the house
forever, %ut a son a%ides forever. #herefore if the (on ma!es you free, you
shall %e free indeed. &$ !now that you are A%raham's descendants, %ut you
see! to !ill 4e, %ecause 4y word has no place in you. $ spea! what $ have
seen with 4y 1ather, and you do what you have seen with your father.&
#hey answered and said to Him, &A%raham is our father.& ;esus said to
them, &$f you were A%raham's children, you would do the wor!s of A%raham.
Readings for *ednesday of the third week of Great Lent '/11
./o!+s 4:19-e! ; ./o!+s 6:1-13 ; &oal 2:21-26 ; 'saia( 9:9-e! ;
'saia( 1#:1-4 ; &ob 12:1-e! ; &ob 13:1-e! ; &ob 14:1-22 [Arabic]
./o!+s 4:19-e! ; ./o!+s 6:1-13 7ow the LORD said to 4oses in 4idian,
&Go, return to D"ypt; for all the men who sou"ht your life are dead.& #hen
4oses too! his wife and his sons and set them on a don!ey, and he
returned to the land of D"ypt. And 4oses too! the rod of God in his hand.
And the LORD said to 4oses, &+hen you "o %ac! to D"ypt, see that you do
all those wonders %efore :haraoh which $ have put in your hand. )ut $ will
harden his heart, so that he will not let the people "o. #hen you shall say to
:haraoh, &#hus says the LORD. &$srael is 4y son, 4y -rst%orn. (o $ say to
you, let 4y son "o that he may serve 4e. )ut if you refuse to let him "o,
indeed $ will !ill your son, your -rst%orn.&&' And it came to pass on the way,
at the encampment, that the LORD met him and sou"ht to !ill him. #hen
Cipporah too! a sharp stone and cut o9 the fores!in of her son and cast it
at 4oses' feet, and said, &(urely you are a hus%and of %lood to me/& (o He
let him "o. #hen she said, &ou are a hus%and of %lood/&,,%ecause of the
circumcision. And the LORD said to Aaron, &Go into the wilderness to meet
4oses.& (o he went and met him on the mountain of God, and !issed him.
(o 4oses told Aaron all the words of the LORD who had sent him, and all
the si"ns which He had commanded him. #hen 4oses and Aaron went and
"athered to"ether all the elders of the children of $srael. And Aaron spo!e
all the words which the LORD had spo!en to 4oses. #hen he did the si"ns in
the si"ht of the people. (o the people %elieved; and when they heard that
the LORD had visited the children of $srael and that He had loo!ed on their
aEiction, then they %owed their heads and worshiped.#hen the LORD said
to 4oses, &7ow you shall see what $ will do to :haraoh. 1or with a stron"
hand he will let them "o, and with a stron" hand he will drive them out of
his land.& And God spo!e to 4oses and said to him. &$ am the LORD. $
appeared to A%raham, to $saac, and to ;aco%, as God Almi"hty, %ut %y 4y
name LORD $ was not !nown to them. $ have also esta%lished 4y covenant
with them, to "ive them the land of 3anaan, the land of their pil"rima"e, in
which they were stran"ers. And $ have also heard the "roanin" of the
children of $srael whom the D"yptians !eep in %onda"e, and $ have
remem%ered 4y covenant. #herefore say to the children of $srael. &$ am the
LORD; $ will %rin" you out from under the %urdens of the D"yptians, $ will
rescue you from their %onda"e, and $ will redeem you with an outstretched
arm and with "reat jud"ments. $ will ta!e you as 4y people, and $ will %e
your God. #hen you shall !now that $ am the LORD your God who %rin"s you
out from under the %urdens of the D"yptians. And $ will %rin" you into the
land which $ swore to "ive to A%raham, $saac, and ;aco%; and $ will "ive it to
you as a herita"e. $ am the LORD.&' (o 4oses spo!e thus to the children of
$srael; %ut they did not heed 4oses, %ecause of an"uish of spirit and cruel
%onda"e. And the LORD spo!e to 4oses, sayin", &Go in, tell :haraoh !in" of
D"ypt to let the children of $srael "o out of his land.& And 4oses spo!e
%efore the LORD, sayin", &#he children of $srael have not heeded me. How
then shall :haraoh heed me, for $ am of uncircumcised lips2& #hen the LORD
spo!e to 4oses and Aaron, and "ave them a command for the children of
$srael and for :haraoh !in" of D"ypt, to %rin" the children of $srael out of
the land of D"ypt.
&oal 2:21-26
)e not afraid, O land;
%e "lad and rejoice.
(urely the LORD has done "reat thin"s.
)e not afraid, O wild animals,
for the open pastures are %ecomin" "reen.
#he trees are %earin" their fruit;
the -" tree and the vine yield their riches.
)e "lad, O people of Cion,
rejoice in the LORD your God,
for he has "iven you
the autumn rains in ri"hteousness.
He sends you a%undant showers,
%oth autumn and sprin" rains, as %efore.
#he threshin" 5oors will %e -lled with "rain;
the vats will over5ow with new wine and oil.
&$ will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten,
the "reat locust and the youn" locust,
the other locusts and the locust swarm,
my "reat army that $ sent amon" you.
ou will have plenty to eat, until you are full,
and you will praise the name of the LORD your God,
who has wor!ed wonders for you;
never a"ain will my people %e shamed.
'saia( 9:9-e! ; 'saia( 1#:1-4
All the people will !now,,
Dphraim and the inha%itant of (amaria,,
+ho say in pride and arro"ance of heart.
&#he %ric!s have fallen down,
)ut we will re%uild with hewn stones;
#he sycamores are cut down,
)ut we will replace them with cedars.&
#herefore the LORD shall set up
#he adversaries of Re8in a"ainst him,
And spur his enemies on,
#he (yrians %efore and the :hilistines %ehind;
And they shall devour $srael with an open mouth.
1or all this His an"er is not turned away,
)ut His hand is stretched out still.
1or the people do not turn to Him who stri!es them,
7or do they see! the LORD of hosts.
#herefore the LORD will cut o9 head and tail from $srael,
:alm %ranch and %ulrush in one day.
#he elder and honora%le, he is the head;
#he prophet who teaches lies, he is the tail.
1or the leaders of this people cause them to err,
And those who are led %y them are destroyed.
#herefore the Lord will have no joy in their youn" men,
7or have mercy on their fatherless and widows;
1or everyone is a hypocrite and an evildoer,
And every mouth spea!s folly.
1or all this His an"er is not turned away,
)ut His hand is stretched out still.
1or wic!edness %urns as the -re;
$t shall devour the %riers and thorns,
And !indle in the thic!ets of the forest;
#hey shall mount up li!e risin" smo!e.
#hrou"h the wrath of the LORD of hosts
#he land is %urned up,
And the people shall %e as fuel for the -re;
7o man shall spare his %rother.
And he shall snatch on the ri"ht hand
And %e hun"ry;
He shall devour on the left hand
And not %e satis-ed;
Dvery man shall eat the 5esh of his own arm.
4anasseh shall devour Dphraim, and Dphraim 4anasseh;
#o"ether they shall %e a"ainst ;udah.
1or all this His an"er is not turned away,
)ut His hand is stretched out still.
&+oe to those who decree unri"hteous decrees,
+ho write misfortune,
+hich they have prescri%ed
#o ro% the needy of justice,
And to ta!e what is ri"ht from the poor of 4y people,
#hat widows may %e their prey,
And that they may ro% the fatherless.
+hat will you do in the day of punishment,
And in the desolation which will come from afar2
#o whom will you 5ee for help2
And where will you leave your "lory2
+ithout 4e they shall %ow down amon" the prisoners,
And they shall fall amon" the slain.&
1or all this His an"er is not turned away,
)ut His hand is stretched out still.
&ob 12:1-e! ; &ob 13:1-e! ; &ob 14:1-22
#hen ;o% answered and said.
&7o dou%t you are the people,
And wisdom will die with you/
)ut $ have understandin" as well as you;
$ am not inferior to you.
$ndeed, who does not !now such thin"s as these2
&$ am one moc!ed %y his friends,
+ho called on God, and He answered him,
#he just and %lameless who is ridiculed.
A lamp is despised in the thou"ht of one who is at ease;
$t is made ready for those whose feet slip.
#he tents of ro%%ers prosper,
And those who provo!e God are secure,,
$n what God provides %y His hand.
&)ut now as! the %easts, and they will teach you;
And the %irds of the air, and they will tell you;
Or spea! to the earth, and it will teach you;
And the -sh of the sea will e6plain to you.
+ho amon" all these does not !now
#hat the hand of the LORD has done this,
$n whose hand is the life of every livin" thin",
And the %reath of all man!ind2
Does not the ear test words
And the mouth taste its food2
+isdom is with a"ed men,
And with len"th of days, understandin".
&+ith Him are wisdom and stren"th,
He has counsel and understandin".
$f He %rea!s a thin" down, it cannot %e re%uilt;
$f He imprisons a man, there can %e no release.
$f He withholds the waters, they dry up;
$f He sends them out, they overwhelm the earth.
+ith Him are stren"th and prudence.
#he deceived and the deceiver are His.
He leads counselors away plundered,
And ma!es fools of the jud"es.
He loosens the %onds of !in"s,
And %inds their waist with a %elt.
He leads princes away plundered,
And overthrows the mi"hty.
He deprives the trusted ones of speech,
And ta!es away the discernment of the elders.
He pours contempt on princes,
And disarms the mi"hty.
He uncovers deep thin"s out of dar!ness,
And %rin"s the shadow of death to li"ht.
He ma!es nations "reat, and destroys them;
He enlar"es nations, and "uides them.
He ta!es away the understandin" of the chiefs of the people of the
And ma!es them wander in a pathless wilderness.
#hey "rope in the dar! without li"ht,
And He ma!es them sta""er li!e a drun!en man.
&)ehold, my eye has seen all this,
4y ear has heard and understood it.
+hat you !now, $ also !now;
$ am not inferior to you.
)ut $ would spea! to the Almi"hty,
And $ desire to reason with God.
)ut you for"ers of lies,
ou are all worthless physicians.
Oh, that you would %e silent,
And it would %e your wisdom/
7ow hear my reasonin",
And heed the pleadin"s of my lips.
+ill you spea! wic!edly for God,
And tal! deceitfully for Him2
+ill you show partiality for Him2
+ill you contend for God2
+ill it %e well when He searches you out2
Or can you moc! Him as one moc!s a man2
He will surely re%u!e you
$f you secretly show partiality.
+ill not His e6cellence ma!e you afraid,
And the dread of Him fall upon you2
our platitudes are prover%s of ashes,
our defenses are defenses of clay.
&Hold your peace with me, and let me spea!,
#hen let come on me what may/
+hy do $ ta!e my 5esh in my teeth,
And put my life in my hands2
#hou"h He slay me, yet will $ trust Him.
Dven so, $ will defend my own ways %efore Him.
He also shall %e my salvation,
1or a hypocrite could not come %efore Him.
Listen carefully to my speech,
And to my declaration with your ears.
(ee now, $ have prepared my case,
$ !now that $ shall %e vindicated.
+ho is he who will contend with me2
$f now $ hold my ton"ue, $ perish.
&Only two thin"s do not do to me,
#hen $ will not hide myself from ou.
+ithdraw our hand far from me,
And let not the dread of ou ma!e me afraid.
#hen call, and $ will answer;
Or let me spea!, then ou respond to me.
How many are my ini0uities and sins2
4a!e me !now my trans"ression and my sin.
+hy do ou hide our face,
And re"ard me as our enemy2
+ill ou fri"hten a leaf driven to and fro2
And will ou pursue dry stu%%le2
1or ou write %itter thin"s a"ainst me,
And ma!e me inherit the ini0uities of my youth.
ou put my feet in the stoc!s,
And watch closely all my paths.
ou set a limit for the soles of my feet.
&4an decays li!e a rotten thin",
Li!e a "arment that is moth,eaten.
&4an who is %orn of woman
$s of few days and full of trou%le.
He comes forth li!e a 5ower and fades away;
He 5ees li!e a shadow and does not continue.
And do ou open our eyes on such a one,
And %rin" me to jud"ment with ourself2
+ho can %rin" a clean thin" out of an unclean2
7o one/
(ince his days are determined,
#he num%er of his months is with ou;
ou have appointed his limits, so that he cannot pass.
Loo! away from him that he may rest,
#ill li!e a hired man he -nishes his day.
&1or there is hope for a tree,
$f it is cut down, that it will sprout a"ain,
And that its tender shoots will not cease.
#hou"h its root may "row old in the earth,
And its stump may die in the "round,
et at the scent of water it will %ud
And %rin" forth %ranches li!e a plant.
)ut man dies and is laid away;
$ndeed he %reathes his last
And where is he2
As water disappears from the sea,
And a river %ecomes parched and dries up,
(o man lies down and does not rise.
#ill the heavens are no more,
#hey will not awa!e
7or %e roused from their sleep.
&Oh, that ou would hide me in the "rave,
#hat ou would conceal me until our wrath is past,
#hat ou would appoint me a set time, and remem%er me/
$f a man dies, shall he live a"ain2
All the days of my hard service $ will wait,
#ill my chan"e comes.
ou shall call, and $ will answer ou;
ou shall desire the wor! of our hands.
1or now ou num%er my steps,
)ut do not watch over my sin.
4y trans"ression is sealed up in a %a",
And ou cover my ini0uity.
&)ut as a mountain falls and crum%les away,
And as a roc! is moved from its place;
As water wears away stones,
And as torrents wash away the soil of the earth;
(o ou destroy the hope of man.
ou prevail forever a"ainst him, and he passes on;
ou chan"e his countenance and send him away.
His sons come to honor, and he does not !now it;
#hey are %rou"ht low, and he does not perceive it.
)ut his 5esh will %e in pain over it,
And his soul will mourn over it.&
Psalm 26:4 [Arabic]
One thin" $ have desired of the LORD, #hat will $ see!. #hat $ may dwell in
the house of the LORD All the days of my life, #o %ehold the %eauty of the
LORD, And to in0uire in His temple.
L+ke 13:1$-22 [Arabic]
#hen He said, &+hat is the !in"dom of God li!e2 And to what shall $
compare it2 $t is li!e a mustard seed, which a man too! and put in his
"arden; and it "rew and %ecame a lar"e tree, and the %irds of the air nested
in its %ranches.& And a"ain He said, &#o what shall $ li!en the !in"dom of
God2 $t is li!e leaven, which a woman too! and hid in three measures of
meal till it was all leavened.& And He went throu"h the cities and villa"es,
teachin", and journeyin" toward ;erusalem.

Pauline "pistle
24(essaloias 2:9-17 [Arabic]
#he comin" of the lawless one is accordin" to the wor!in" of (atan, with all
power, si"ns, and lyin" wonders, and with all unri"hteous deception amon"
those who perish, %ecause they did not receive the love of the truth, that
they mi"ht %e saved. And for this reason God will send them stron"
delusion, that they should %elieve the lie, that they all may %e condemned
who did not %elieve the truth %ut had pleasure in unri"hteousness. )ut we
are %ound to "ive than!s to God always for you, %rethren %eloved %y the
Lord, %ecause God from the %e"innin" chose you for salvation throu"h
sancti-cation %y the (pirit and %elief in the truth, to which He called you %y
our "ospel, for the o%tainin" of the "lory of our Lord ;esus 3hrist. #herefore,
%rethren, stand fast and hold the traditions which you were tau"ht, whether
%y word or our epistle. 7ow may our Lord ;esus 3hrist Himself, and our God
and 1ather, who has loved us and "iven us everlastin" consolation and
"ood hope %y "race, comfort your hearts and esta%lish you in every "ood
word and wor!.

#atholi$ "pistle
2Pe"er 2:9-15 [Arabic]
#hen the Lord !nows how to deliver the "odly out of temptations and to
reserve the unjust under punishment for the day of jud"ment, and
especially those who wal! accordin" to the 5esh in the lust of uncleanness
and despise authority. #hey are presumptuous, self,willed. #hey are not
afraid to spea! evil of di"nitaries, whereas an"els, who are "reater in power
and mi"ht, do not %rin" a revilin" accusation a"ainst them %efore the Lord.
)ut these, li!e natural %rute %easts made to %e cau"ht and destroyed,
spea! evil of the thin"s they do not understand, and will utterly perish in
their own corruption, and will receive the wa"es of unri"hteousness, as
those who count it pleasure to carouse in the daytime. #hey are spots and
%lemishes, carousin" in their own deceptions while they feast with you,
havin" eyes full of adultery and that cannot cease from sin, enticin"
unsta%le souls. #hey have a heart trained in covetous practices, and are
accursed children. #hey have forsa!en the ri"ht way and "one astray,
followin" the way of )alaam the son of )eor, who loved the wa"es of

Ac"s 2$:7-11 [Arabic]
$n that re"ion there was an estate of the leadin" citi8en of the island, whose
name was :u%lius, who received us and entertained us courteously for
three days. And it happened that the father of :u%lius lay sic! of a fever
and dysentery. :aul went in to him and prayed, and he laid his hands on
him and healed him. (o when this was done, the rest of those on the island
who had diseases also came and were healed. #hey also honored us in
many ways; and when we departed, they provided such thin"s as were
necessary. After three months we sailed in an Ale6andrian ship whose
-"urehead was the #win )rothers, which had wintered at the island.

< #he 4artyrdom of (t. 4acro%ius =4a!rawy> the )ishop.

Psalm 27:7-$ [Arabic]
Hear, O LORD, when $ cry with my voice/ Have mercy also upon me, and
answer me. +hen ou said, &(ee! 4y face,& 4y heart said to ou, &our
face, LORD, $ will see!.&

L+ke 4:1-13 [Arabic]
#hen ;esus, %ein" -lled with the Holy (pirit, returned from the ;ordan and
was led %y the (pirit into the wilderness, %ein" tempted for forty days %y
the devil. And in those days He ate nothin", and afterward, when they had
ended, He was hun"ry. And the devil said to Him, &$f ou are the (on of God,
command this stone to %ecome %read.& )ut ;esus answered him, sayin", &$t
is written, &4an shall not live %y %read alone, %ut %y every word of God.&'
#hen the devil, ta!in" Him up on a hi"h mountain, showed Him all the
!in"doms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said to Him, &All
this authority $ will "ive ou, and their "lory; for this has %een delivered to
me, and $ "ive it to whomever $ wish. #herefore, if ou will worship %efore
me, all will %e ours.& And ;esus answered and said to him, &Get %ehind 4e,
(atan/ 1or it is written, &ou shall worship the LORD your God, and Him only
you shall serve.&' #hen he %rou"ht Him to ;erusalem, set Him on the
pinnacle of the temple, and said to Him, &$f ou are the (on of God, throw
ourself down from here. 1or it is written. &He shall "ive His an"els
char"e over you, #o !eep you,' and, &$n their hands they shall
%ear you up, Lest you dash your foot a"ainst a stone.&' And ;esus
answered and said to him, &$t has %een said, &ou shall not tempt the LORD
your God.&' 7ow when the devil had ended every temptation, he departed
from Him until an opportune time.
Readings for (hursday of the third week of Great Lent '/12
5eesis 1$:17-e! ; 5eesis 19:1-29 ; Pro3erbs 2:16-e! ; Pro3erbs
3:1-4 ; 'saia( 11:1#-e! ; 'saia( 12:1-2 [Arabic]
5eesis 1$:17-e! ; 5eesis 19:1-29 And the LORD said, &(hall $ hide
from A%raham what $ am doin", since A%raham shall surely %ecome a "reat
and mi"hty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall %e %lessed in him2
1or $ have !nown him, in order that he may command his children and his
household after him, that they !eep the way of the LORD, to do
ri"hteousness and justice, that the LORD may %rin" to A%raham what He
has spo!en to him.& And the LORD said, &)ecause the outcry a"ainst (odom
and Gomorrah is "reat, and %ecause their sin is very "rave, $ will "o down
now and see whether they have done alto"ether accordin" to the outcry
a"ainst it that has come to 4e; and if not, $ will !now.& #hen the men turned
away from there and went toward (odom, %ut A%raham still stood %efore
the LORD. And A%raham came near and said, &+ould ou also destroy the
ri"hteous with the wic!ed2 (uppose there were -fty ri"hteous within the
city; would ou also destroy the place and not spare it for the -fty ri"hteous
that were in it2 1ar %e it from ou to do such a thin" as this, to slay the
ri"hteous with the wic!ed, so that the ri"hteous should %e as the wic!ed;
far %e it from ou/ (hall not the ;ud"e of all the earth do ri"ht2& (o the
LORD said, &$f $ -nd in (odom -fty ri"hteous within the city, then $ will spare
all the place for their sa!es.& #hen A%raham answered and said, &$ndeed
now, $ who am %ut dust and ashes have ta!en it upon myself to spea! to
the Lord. (uppose there were -ve less than the -fty ri"hteous; would ou
destroy all of the city for lac! of -ve2& (o He said, &$f $ -nd there forty,-ve, $
will not destroy it.& And he spo!e to Him yet a"ain and said, &(uppose there
should %e forty found there2& (o He said, &$ will not do it for the sa!e of
forty.& #hen he said, &Let not the Lord %e an"ry, and $ will spea!. (uppose
thirty should %e found there2& (o He said, &$ will not do it if $ -nd thirty
there.& And he said, &$ndeed now, $ have ta!en it upon myself to spea! to
the Lord. (uppose twenty should %e found there2& (o He said, &$ will not
destroy it for the sa!e of twenty.& #hen he said, &Let not the Lord %e an"ry,
and $ will spea! %ut once more. (uppose ten should %e found there2& And
He said, &$ will not destroy it for the sa!e of ten.& (o the LORD went His way
as soon as He had -nished spea!in" with A%raham; and A%raham returned
to his place. 7ow the two an"els came to (odom in the evenin", and Lot
was sittin" in the "ate of (odom. +hen Lot saw them, he rose to meet
them, and he %owed himself with his face toward the "round. And he said,
&Here now, my lords, please turn in to your servant's house and spend the
ni"ht, and wash your feet; then you may rise early and "o on your way.&
And they said, &7o, %ut we will spend the ni"ht in the open s0uare.& )ut he
insisted stron"ly; so they turned in to him and entered his house. #hen he
made them a feast, and %a!ed unleavened %read, and they ate. 7ow %efore
they lay down, the men of the city, the men of (odom, %oth old and youn",
all the people from every 0uarter, surrounded the house. And they called to
Lot and said to him, &+here are the men who came to you toni"ht2 )rin"
them out to us that we may !now them carnally.& (o Lot went out to them
throu"h the doorway, shut the door %ehind him, and said, &:lease, my
%rethren, do not do so wic!edly/ (ee now, $ have two dau"hters who have
not !nown a man; please, let me %rin" them out to you, and you may do to
them as you wish; only do nothin" to these men, since this is the reason
they have come under the shadow of my roof.& And they said, &(tand %ac!/&
#hen they said, &#his one came in to stay here, and he !eeps actin" as a
jud"e; now we will deal worse with you than with them.& (o they pressed
hard a"ainst the man Lot, and came near to %rea! down the door. )ut the
men reached out their hands and pulled Lot into the house with them, and
shut the door. And they struc! the men who were at the doorway of the
house with %lindness, %oth small and "reat, so that they %ecame weary
tryin" to -nd the door. #hen the men said to Lot, &Have you anyone else
here2 (on,in,law, your sons, your dau"hters, and whomever you have in the
city,,ta!e them out of this place/ 1or we will destroy this place, %ecause the
outcry a"ainst them has "rown "reat %efore the face of the LORD, and the
LORD has sent us to destroy it.& (o Lot went out and spo!e to his sons,in,
law, who had married his dau"hters, and said, &Get up, "et out of this place;
for the LORD will destroy this city/& )ut to his sons,in,law he seemed to %e
jo!in". +hen the mornin" dawned, the an"els ur"ed Lot to hurry, sayin",
&Arise, ta!e your wife and your two dau"hters who are here, lest you %e
consumed in the punishment of the city.& And while he lin"ered, the men
too! hold of his hand, his wife's hand, and the hands of his two dau"hters,
the LORD %ein" merciful to him, and they %rou"ht him out and set him
outside the city. (o it came to pass, when they had %rou"ht them outside,
that he said, &Dscape for your life/ Do not loo! %ehind you nor stay
anywhere in the plain. Dscape to the mountains, lest you %e destroyed.&
#hen Lot said to them, &:lease, no, my lords/ $ndeed now, your servant has
found favor in your si"ht, and you have increased your mercy which you
have shown me %y savin" my life; %ut $ cannot escape to the mountains,
lest some evil overta!e me and $ die. (ee now, this city is near enou"h to
5ee to, and it is a little one; please let me escape there is it not a little one2
and my soul shall live.& And he said to him, &(ee, $ have favored you
concernin" this thin" also, in that $ will not overthrow this city for which you
have spo!en. Hurry, escape there. 1or $ cannot do anythin" until you arrive
there.& #herefore the name of the city was called Coar. #he sun had risen
upon the earth when Lot entered Coar. #hen the LORD rained %rimstone
and -re on (odom and Gomorrah, from the LORD out of the heavens. (o He
overthrew those cities, all the plain, all the inha%itants of the cities, and
what "rew on the "round. )ut his wife loo!ed %ac! %ehind him, and she
%ecame a pillar of salt. And A%raham went early in the mornin" to the place
where he had stood %efore the LORD. #hen he loo!ed toward (odom and
Gomorrah, and toward all the land of the plain; and he saw, and %ehold, the
smo!e of the land which went up li!e the smo!e of a furnace. And it came
to pass, when God destroyed the cities of the plain, that God remem%ered
A%raham, and sent Lot out of the midst of the overthrow, when He
overthrew the cities in which Lot had dwelt.
Pro3erbs 2:16-e! ; Pro3erbs 3:1-4
#o deliver you from the immoral woman,
1rom the seductress who 5atters with her words,
+ho forsa!es the companion of her youth,
And for"ets the covenant of her God.
1or her house leads down to death,
And her paths to the dead;
7one who "o to her return,
7or do they re"ain the paths of life,,
(o you may wal! in the way of "oodness,
And !eep to the paths of ri"hteousness.
1or the upri"ht will dwell in the land,
And the %lameless will remain in it;
)ut the wic!ed will %e cut o9 from the earth,
And the unfaithful will %e uprooted from it. 4y son, do not for"et my
)ut let your heart !eep my commands;
1or len"th of days and lon" life
And peace they will add to you.
Let not mercy and truth forsa!e you;
)ind them around your nec!,
+rite them on the ta%let of your heart,
And so -nd favor and hi"h esteem
$n the si"ht of God and man.
'saia( 11:1#-e! ; 'saia( 12:1-2
&And in that day there shall %e a Root of ;esse,
+ho shall stand as a %anner to the people;
1or the Gentiles shall see! Him,
And His restin" place shall %e "lorious.&
$t shall come to pass in that day
#hat the Lord shall set His hand a"ain the second time
#o recover the remnant of His people who are left,
1rom Assyria and D"ypt,
1rom :athros and 3ush,
1rom Dlam and (hinar,
1rom Hamath and the islands of the sea.
He will set up a %anner for the nations,
And will assem%le the outcasts of $srael,
And "ather to"ether the dispersed of ;udah
1rom the four corners of the earth.
Also the envy of Dphraim shall depart,
And the adversaries of ;udah shall %e cut o9;
Dphraim shall not envy ;udah,
And ;udah shall not harass Dphraim.
)ut they shall 5y down upon the shoulder of the :hilistines toward the
#o"ether they shall plunder the people of the Dast;
#hey shall lay their hand on Ddom and 4oa%;
And the people of Ammon shall o%ey them.
#he LORD will utterly destroy the ton"ue of the (ea of D"ypt;
+ith His mi"hty wind He will sha!e His -st over the River,
And stri!e it in the seven streams,
And ma!e men cross over dryshod.
#here will %e a hi"hway for the remnant of His people
+ho will %e left from Assyria,
As it was for $srael
$n the day that he came up from the land of D"ypt.
And in that day you will say.
&O LORD, $ will praise ou;
#hou"h ou were an"ry with me,
our an"er is turned away, and ou comfort me.
)ehold, God is my salvation,
$ will trust and not %e afraid;
&1or AH, the LORD, is my stren"th and son";
He also has %ecome my salvation.&'
Psalm 9:11-12 [Arabic]
(in" praises to the LORD, who dwells in Cion/ Declare His deeds
amon" the people. +hen He aven"es %lood, He remem%ers them;
He does not for"et the cry of the hum%le.
L+ke 2#:2#-26 [Arabic]
(o they watched Him, and sent spies who pretended to %e ri"hteous, that
they mi"ht sei8e on His words, in order to deliver Him to the power and the
authority of the "overnor. #hen they as!ed Him, sayin", &#eacher, we !now
that ou say and teach ri"htly, and ou do not show personal favoritism, %ut
teach the way of God in truth. $s it lawful for us to pay ta6es to 3aesar or
not2& )ut He perceived their craftiness, and said to them, &+hy do you test
4e2 (how 4e a denarius. +hose ima"e and inscription does it have2& #hey
answered and said, &3aesar's.& And He said to them, &Render therefore to
3aesar the thin"s that are 3aesar's, and to God the thin"s that are God's.&
)ut they could not catch Him in His words in the presence of the people.
And they marveled at His answer and !ept silent.

Pauline "pistle
%omas 4:6-11 [Arabic]
;ust as David also descri%es the %lessedness of the man to whom God
imputes ri"hteousness apart from wor!s. &)lessed are those whose
lawless deeds are for"iven, And whose sins are covered; )lessed
is the man to whom the LORD shall not impute sin.& Does this %lessedness
then come upon the circumcised only, or upon the uncircumcised also2 1or
we say that faith was accounted to A%raham for ri"hteousness. How then
was it accounted2 +hile he was circumcised, or uncircumcised2 7ot while
circumcised, %ut while uncircumcised. And he received the si"n of
circumcision, a seal of the ri"hteousness of the faith which he had while still
uncircumcised, that he mi"ht %e the father of all those who %elieve, thou"h
they are uncircumcised, that ri"hteousness mi"ht %e imputed to them also.

#atholi$ "pistle
&ames 4:1-1# [Arabic]
+here do wars and -"hts come from amon" you2 Do they not come from
your desires for pleasure that war in your mem%ers2 ou lust and do not
have. ou murder and covet and cannot o%tain. ou -"ht and war. et you
do not have %ecause you do not as!. ou as! and do not receive, %ecause
you as! amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures. Adulterers and
adulteresses/ Do you not !now that friendship with the world is enmity with
God2 +hoever therefore wants to %e a friend of the world ma!es himself an
enemy of God. Or do you thin! that the (cripture says in vain, &#he (pirit
who dwells in us yearns jealously&2 )ut He "ives more "race. #herefore He
says. &God resists the proud, )ut "ives "race to the hum%le.&
#herefore su%mit to God. Resist the devil and he will 5ee from you. Draw
near to God and He will draw near to you. 3leanse your hands, you sinners;
and purify your hearts, you dou%le,minded. Lament and mourn and weep/
Let your lau"hter %e turned to mournin" and your joy to "loom. Hum%le
yourselves in the si"ht of the Lord, and He will lift you up.

Ac"s 2$:1-6 [Arabic]
7ow when they had escaped, they then found out that the island was called
4alta. And the natives showed us unusual !indness; for they !indled a -re
and made us all welcome, %ecause of the rain that was fallin" and %ecause
of the cold. )ut when :aul had "athered a %undle of stic!s and laid them on
the -re, a viper came out %ecause of the heat, and fastened on his hand. (o
when the natives saw the creature han"in" from his hand, they said to one
another, &7o dou%t this man is a murderer, whom, thou"h he has escaped
the sea, yet justice does not allow to live.& )ut he shoo! o9 the creature
into the -re and su9ered no harm. However, they were e6pectin" that he
would swell up or suddenly fall down dead. )ut after they had loo!ed for a
lon" time and saw no harm come to him, they chan"ed their minds and
said that he was a "od.

< #he Departure of (t. 3osmas, the 1ifty,Di"hth :ope of Ale6andria.
< #he 4artyrdom of (t. :orphyry.
< #he Departure of (t. Hadid the priest.

Psalm 9:7-$ [Arabic]
)ut the LORD shall endure forever; He has prepared His throne for
jud"ment. He shall jud"e the world in ri"hteousness, And He shall
administer jud"ment for the peoples in upri"htness.

&o( 12:44-5# [Arabic]
#hen ;esus cried out and said, &He who %elieves in 4e, %elieves not in 4e
%ut in Him who sent 4e. And he who sees 4e sees Him who sent 4e. $ have
come as a li"ht into the world, that whoever %elieves in 4e should not
a%ide in dar!ness. And if anyone hears 4y words and does not %elieve, $ do
not jud"e him; for $ did not come to jud"e the world %ut to save the world.
He who rejects 4e, and does not receive 4y words, has that which jud"es
him,,the word that $ have spo!en will jud"e him in the last day. 1or $ have
not spo!en on 4y own authority; %ut the 1ather who sent 4e "ave 4e a
command, what $ should say and what $ should spea!. And $ !now that His
command is everlastin" life. #herefore, whatever $ spea!, just as the 1ather
has told 4e, so $ spea!.&
Readings for -riday of the third week of Great Lent '/1'
,e+"eroom- 9:7-e! ; ,e+"eroom- 1#:1-11 ; 6am+el 23:26-e! ;
6am+el 24:1-22 ; 'saia( 13:2-13 ; &ob 15:1-35 ; 6o o7 6irac( 2:1-3:4
,e+"eroom- 9:7-e! ; ,e+"eroom- 1#:1-11 &Remem%er/ Do not
for"et how you provo!ed the LORD your God to wrath in the wilderness.
1rom the day that you departed from the land of D"ypt until you came to
this place, you have %een re%ellious a"ainst the LORD. Also in Hore% you
provo!ed the LORD to wrath, so that the LORD was an"ry enou"h with you
to have destroyed you. +hen $ went up into the mountain to receive the
ta%lets of stone, the ta%lets of the covenant which the LORD made with
you, then $ stayed on the mountain forty days and forty ni"hts. $ neither ate
%read nor dran! water. #hen the LORD delivered to me two ta%lets of stone
written with the -n"er of God, and on them were all the words which the
LORD had spo!en to you on the mountain from the midst of the -re in the
day of the assem%ly. And it came to pass, at the end of forty days and forty
ni"hts, that the LORD "ave me the two ta%lets of stone, the ta%lets of the
covenant. &#hen the LORD said to me, &Arise, "o down 0uic!ly from here,
for your people whom you %rou"ht out of D"ypt have acted corruptly; they
have 0uic!ly turned aside from the way which $ commanded them; they
have made themselves a molded ima"e.' &1urthermore the LORD spo!e to
me, sayin", &$ have seen this people, and indeed they are a sti9,nec!ed
people. Let 4e alone, that $ may destroy them and %lot out their name from
under heaven; and $ will ma!e of you a nation mi"htier and "reater than
they.' &(o $ turned and came down from the mountain, and the mountain
%urned with -re; and the two ta%lets of the covenant were in my two hands.
And $ loo!ed, and %ehold, you had sinned a"ainst the LORD your God,,had
made for yourselves a molded calf/ ou had turned aside 0uic!ly from the
way which the LORD had commanded you. #hen $ too! the two ta%lets and
threw them out of my two hands and %ro!e them %efore your eyes. And $
fell down %efore the LORD, as at the -rst, forty days and forty ni"hts; $
neither ate %read nor dran! water, %ecause of all your sin which you
committed in doin" wic!edly in the si"ht of the LORD, to provo!e Him to
an"er. 1or $ was afraid of the an"er and hot displeasure with which the
LORD was an"ry with you, to destroy you. )ut the LORD listened to me at
that time also. And the LORD was very an"ry with Aaron and would have
destroyed him; so $ prayed for Aaron also at the same time. #hen $ too!
your sin, the calf which you had made, and %urned it with -re and crushed
it and "round it very small, until it was as -ne as dust; and $ threw its dust
into the %roo! that descended from the mountain. &Also at #a%erah and
4assah and Bi%roth Hattaavah you provo!ed the LORD to wrath. Li!ewise,
when the LORD sent you from Badesh )arnea, sayin", &Go up and possess
the land which $ have "iven you,' then you re%elled a"ainst the
commandment of the LORD your God, and you did not %elieve Him nor o%ey
His voice. ou have %een re%ellious a"ainst the LORD from the day that $
!new you. &#hus $ prostrated myself %efore the LORD; forty days and forty
ni"hts $ !ept prostratin" myself, %ecause the LORD had said He would
destroy you. #herefore $ prayed to the LORD, and said. &O Lord GOD, do not
destroy our people and our inheritance whom ou have redeemed
throu"h our "reatness, whom ou have %rou"ht out of D"ypt with a mi"hty
hand. Remem%er our servants, A%raham, $saac, and ;aco%; do not loo! on
the stu%%ornness of this people, or on their wic!edness or their sin, lest the
land from which ou %rou"ht us should say, &)ecause the LORD was not
a%le to %rin" them to the land which He promised them, and %ecause He
hated them, He has %rou"ht them out to !ill them in the wilderness.& et
they are our people and our inheritance, whom ou %rou"ht out %y our
mi"hty power and %y our outstretched arm.' &At that time the LORD said to
me, &Hew for yourself two ta%lets of stone li!e the -rst, and come up to 4e
on the mountain and ma!e yourself an ar! of wood. And $ will write on the
ta%lets the words that were on the -rst ta%lets, which you %ro!e; and you
shall put them in the ar!.' &(o $ made an ar! of acacia wood, hewed two
ta%lets of stone li!e the -rst, and went up the mountain, havin" the two
ta%lets in my hand. And He wrote on the ta%lets accordin" to the -rst
writin", the #en 3ommandments, which the LORD had spo!en to you in the
mountain from the midst of the -re in the day of the assem%ly; and the
LORD "ave them to me. #hen $ turned and came down from the mountain,
and put the ta%lets in the ar! which $ had made; and there they are, just as
the LORD commanded me.& 7ow the children of $srael journeyed from the
wells of )ene ;aa!an to 4oserah, where Aaron died, and where he was
%uried; and Dlea8ar his son ministered as priest in his stead. 1rom there
they journeyed to Gud"odah, and from Gud"odah to ;ot%athah, a land of
rivers of water. At that time the LORD separated the tri%e of Levi to %ear the
ar! of the covenant of the LORD, to stand %efore the LORD to minister to
Him and to %less in His name, to this day. #herefore Levi has no portion nor
inheritance with his %rethren; the LORD is his inheritance, just as the LORD
your God promised him. &As at the -rst time, $ stayed in the mountain forty
days and forty ni"hts; the LORD also heard me at that time, and the LORD
chose not to destroy you. #hen the LORD said to me, &Arise, %e"in your
journey %efore the people, that they may "o in and possess the land which $
swore to their fathers to "ive them.'
6am+el 23:26-e! ; 6am+el 24:1-22
#hen (aul went on one side of the mountain, and David and his men on the
other side of the mountain. (o David made haste to "et away from (aul, for
(aul and his men were encirclin" David and his men to ta!e them.
)ut a messen"er came to (aul, sayin", &Hurry and come, for the :hilistines
have invaded the land/& #herefore (aul returned from pursuin" David, and
went a"ainst the :hilistines; so they called that place the Roc! of Dscape.
#hen David went up from there and dwelt in stron"holds at Dn Gedi. 7ow it
happened, when (aul had returned from followin" the :hilistines, that it was
told him, sayin", &#a!e note/ David is in the +ilderness of Dn Gedi.& #hen
(aul too! three thousand chosen men from all $srael, and went to see!
David and his men on the Roc!s of the +ild Goats. (o he came to the
sheepfolds %y the road, where there was a cave; and (aul went in to attend
to his needs. =David and his men were stayin" in the recesses of the cave.>
#hen the men of David said to him, &#his is the day of which the LORD said
to you, &)ehold, $ will deliver your enemy into your hand, that you may do
to him as it seems "ood to you.&' And David arose and secretly cut o9 a
corner of (aul's ro%e. 7ow it happened afterward that David's heart
trou%led him %ecause he had cut (aul's ro%e. LAnd he said to his men, &#he
LORD for%id that $ should do this thin" to my master, the LORD's anointed,
to stretch out my hand a"ainst him, seein" he is the anointed of the LORD.&
(o David restrained his servants with these words, and did not allow them
to rise a"ainst (aul. And (aul "ot up from the cave and went on his way.
David also arose afterward, went out of the cave, and called out to (aul,
sayin", &4y lord the !in"/& And when (aul loo!ed %ehind him, David
stooped with his face to the earth, and %owed down. And David said to
(aul. &+hy do you listen to the words of men who say, &$ndeed David see!s
your harm'2 Loo!, this day your eyes have seen that the LORD delivered
you today into my hand in the cave, and someone ur"ed me to !ill you. )ut
my eye spared you, and $ said, &$ will not stretch out my hand a"ainst my
lord, for he is the LORD's anointed.' 4oreover, my father, see/ es, see the
corner of your ro%e in my hand/ 1or in that $ cut o9 the corner of your ro%e,
and did not !ill you, !now and see that there is neither evil nor re%ellion in
my hand, and $ have not sinned a"ainst you. et you hunt my life to ta!e it.
Let the LORD jud"e %etween you and me, and let the LORD aven"e me on
you. )ut my hand shall not %e a"ainst you. As the prover% of the ancients
says, &+ic!edness proceeds from the wic!ed.' )ut my hand shall not %e
a"ainst you. After whom has the !in" of $srael come out2 +hom do you
pursue2 A dead do"2 A 5ea2 #herefore let the LORD %e jud"e, and jud"e
%etween you and me, and see and plead my case, and deliver me out of
your hand.&
(o it was, when David had -nished spea!in" these words to (aul, that (aul
said, &$s this your voice, my son David2& And (aul lifted up his voice and
wept. #hen he said to David. &ou are more ri"hteous than $; for you have
rewarded me with "ood, whereas $ have rewarded you with evil. And you
have shown this day how you have dealt well with me; for when the LORD
delivered me into your hand, you did not !ill me. 1or if a man -nds his
enemy, will he let him "et away safely2 #herefore may the LORD reward
you with "ood for what you have done to me this day. And now $ !now
indeed that you shall surely %e !in", and that the !in"dom of $srael shall %e
esta%lished in your hand. #herefore swear now to me %y the LORD that you
will not cut o9 my descendants after me, and that you will not destroy my
name from my father's house.&
(o David swore to (aul. And (aul went home, %ut David and his men went
up to the stron"hold.
'saia( 13:2-13
&Lift up a %anner on the hi"h mountain,
Raise your voice to them;
+ave your hand, that they may enter the "ates of the no%les.
$ have commanded 4y sancti-ed ones;
$ have also called 4y mi"hty ones for 4y an"er,,
#hose who rejoice in 4y e6altation.&
#he noise of a multitude in the mountains,
Li!e that of many people/
A tumultuous noise of the !in"doms of nations "athered to"ether/
#he LORD of hosts musters
#he army for %attle.
#hey come from a far country,
1rom the end of heaven,,
#he LORD and His weapons of indi"nation,
#o destroy the whole land.
+ail, for the day of the LORD is at hand/
$t will come as destruction from the Almi"hty.
#herefore all hands will %e limp,
Dvery man's heart will melt,
And they will %e afraid.
:an"s and sorrows will ta!e hold of them;
#hey will %e in pain as a woman in child%irth;
#hey will %e ama8ed at one another;
#heir faces will %e li!e 5ames.
)ehold, the day of the LORD comes,
3ruel, with %oth wrath and -erce an"er,
#o lay the land desolate;
And He will destroy its sinners from it.
1or the stars of heaven and their constellations
+ill not "ive their li"ht;
#he sun will %e dar!ened in its "oin" forth,
And the moon will not cause its li"ht to shine.
&$ will punish the world for its evil,
And the wic!ed for their ini0uity;
$ will halt the arro"ance of the proud,
And will lay low the hau"htiness of the terri%le.
$ will ma!e a mortal more rare than -ne "old,
A man more than the "olden wed"e of Ophir.
#herefore $ will sha!e the heavens,
And the earth will move out of her place,
$n the wrath of the LORD of hosts
And in the day of His -erce an"er.
&ob 15:1-35
#hen Dlipha8 the #emanite answered and said.
&(hould a wise man answer with empty !nowled"e,
And -ll himself with the east wind2
(hould he reason with unpro-ta%le tal!,
Or %y speeches with which he can do no "ood2
es, you cast o9 fear,
And restrain prayer %efore God.
1or your ini0uity teaches your mouth,
And you choose the ton"ue of the crafty.
our own mouth condemns you, and not $;
es, your own lips testify a"ainst you.
&Are you the -rst man who was %orn2
Or were you made %efore the hills2
Have you heard the counsel of God2
Do you limit wisdom to yourself2
+hat do you !now that we do not !now2
+hat do you understand that is not in us2
)oth the "ray,haired and the a"ed are amon" us,
4uch older than your father.
Are the consolations of God too small for you,
And the word spo!en "ently with you2
+hy does your heart carry you away,
And what do your eyes win! at,
#hat you turn your spirit a"ainst God,
And let such words "o out of your mouth2
&+hat is man, that he could %e pure2
And he who is %orn of a woman, that he could %e ri"hteous2
$f God puts no trust in His saints,
And the heavens are not pure in His si"ht,
How much less man, who is a%omina%le and -lthy,
+ho drin!s ini0uity li!e water/
&$ will tell you, hear me;
+hat $ have seen $ will declare,
+hat wise men have told,
7ot hidin" anythin" received from their fathers,
#o whom alone the land was "iven,
And no alien passed amon" them.
#he wic!ed man writhes with pain all his days,
And the num%er of years is hidden from the oppressor.
Dreadful sounds are in his ears;
$n prosperity the destroyer comes upon him.
He does not %elieve that he will return from dar!ness,
1or a sword is waitin" for him.
He wanders a%out for %read, sayin", &+here is it2'
He !nows that a day of dar!ness is ready at his hand.
#rou%le and an"uish ma!e him afraid;
#hey overpower him, li!e a !in" ready for %attle.
1or he stretches out his hand a"ainst God,
And acts de-antly a"ainst the Almi"hty,
Runnin" stu%%ornly a"ainst Him
+ith his stron", em%ossed shield.
&#hou"h he has covered his face with his fatness,
And made his waist heavy with fat,
He dwells in desolate cities,
$n houses which no one inha%its,
+hich are destined to %ecome ruins.
He will not %e rich,
7or will his wealth continue,
7or will his possessions overspread the earth.
He will not depart from dar!ness;
#he 5ame will dry out his %ranches,
And %y the %reath of His mouth he will "o away.
Let him not trust in futile thin"s, deceivin" himself,
1or futility will %e his reward.
$t will %e accomplished %efore his time,
And his %ranch will not %e "reen.
He will sha!e o9 his unripe "rape li!e a vine,
And cast o9 his %lossom li!e an olive tree.
1or the company of hypocrites will %e %arren,
And -re will consume the tents of %ri%ery.
#hey conceive trou%le and %rin" forth futility;
#heir wom% prepares deceit.&
6o o7 6irac( 2:1-3:4
Psalm 16:1#-11 [Arabic]
)ecause you will not a%andon me to the "rave, nor will you let your Holy
One see decay. ou have made !nown to me the path of life; you will -ll me
with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your ri"ht hand.
L+ke 2#:27-3$ [Arabic]
#hen some of the (adducees, who deny that there is a resurrection, came
to Him and as!ed Him, sayin". &#eacher, 4oses wrote to us that if a man's
%rother dies, havin" a wife, and he dies without children, his %rother should
ta!e his wife and raise up o9sprin" for his %rother. 7ow there were seven
%rothers. And the -rst too! a wife, and died without children. And the
second too! her as wife, and he died childless. #hen the third too! her, and
in li!e manner the seven also; and they left no children, and died. Last of all
the woman died also. #herefore, in the resurrection, whose wife does she
%ecome2 1or all seven had her as wife.& ;esus answered and said to them,
&#he sons of this a"e marry and are "iven in marria"e. )ut those who are
counted worthy to attain that a"e, and the resurrection from the dead,
neither marry nor are "iven in marria"e; nor can they die anymore, for they
are e0ual to the an"els and are sons of God, %ein" sons of the resurrection.
)ut even 4oses showed in the %urnin" %ush passa"e that the dead are
raised, when he called the Lord &the God of A%raham, the God of $saac, and
the God of ;aco%.' 1or He is not the God of the dead %ut of the livin", for all
live to Him.&

Pauline "pistle
2ebre*s 11:1-$ [Arabic]
7ow faith is the su%stance of thin"s hoped for, the evidence of thin"s not
seen. 1or %y it the elders o%tained a "ood testimony. )y faith we
understand that the worlds were framed %y the word of God, so that the
thin"s which are seen were not made of thin"s which are visi%le. )y faith
A%el o9ered to God a more e6cellent sacri-ce than 3ain, throu"h which he
o%tained witness that he was ri"hteous, God testifyin" of his "ifts; and
throu"h it he %ein" dead still spea!s. )y faith Dnoch was ta!en away so that
he did not see death, &and was not found, %ecause God had ta!en him&; for
%efore he was ta!en he had this testimony, that he pleased God. )ut
without faith it is impossi%le to please Him, for he who comes to God must
%elieve that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who dili"ently see!
Him. )y faith 7oah, %ein" divinely warned of thin"s not yet seen, moved
with "odly fear, prepared an ar! for the savin" of his household, %y which
he condemned the world and %ecame heir of the ri"hteousness which is
accordin" to faith. )y faith A%raham o%eyed when he was called to "o out
to the place which he would receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not
!nowin" where he was "oin".

#atholi$ "pistle
&+!e 1:17-25 [Arabic]
)ut you, %eloved, remem%er the words which were spo!en %efore %y the
apostles of our Lord ;esus 3hrist. how they told you that there would %e
moc!ers in the last time who would wal! accordin" to their own un"odly
lusts. #hese are sensual persons, who cause divisions, not havin" the (pirit.
)ut you, %eloved, %uildin" yourselves up on your most holy faith, prayin" in
the Holy (pirit, !eep yourselves in the love of God, loo!in" for the mercy of
our Lord ;esus 3hrist unto eternal life. And on some have compassion,
ma!in" a distinction; %ut others save with fear, pullin" them out of the -re,
hatin" even the "arment de-led %y the 5esh. 7ow to Him who is a%le to
!eep you from stum%lin", And to present you faultless )efore the
presence of His "lory with e6ceedin" joy, #o God our (avior, +ho
alone is wise, )e "lory and majesty, Dominion and power,
)oth now and forever. Amen.

Ac"s 23:6-11 [Arabic]
)ut when :aul perceived that one part were (adducees and the other
:harisees, he cried out in the council, &4en and %rethren, $ am a :harisee,
the son of a :harisee; concernin" the hope and resurrection of the dead $
am %ein" jud"ed/& And when he had said this, a dissension arose %etween
the :harisees and the (adducees; and the assem%ly was divided. 1or
(adducees say that there is no resurrection,,and no an"el or spirit; %ut the
:harisees confess %oth. #hen there arose a loud outcry. And the scri%es of
the :harisees' party arose and protested, sayin", &+e -nd no evil in this
man; %ut if a spirit or an an"el has spo!en to him, let us not -"ht a"ainst
God.& 7ow when there arose a "reat dissension, the commander, fearin"
lest :aul mi"ht %e pulled to pieces %y them, commanded the soldiers to "o
down and ta!e him %y force from amon" them, and %rin" him into the
%arrac!s. )ut the followin" ni"ht the Lord stood %y him and said, &)e of
"ood cheer, :aul; for as you have testi-ed for 4e in ;erusalem, so you must
also %ear witness at Rome.&

< Assem%ly of the Holy 3ouncil on the island of )ani,Omar.
< #he 4artyrdom of (t. Ha%oulyous =Hanulius> the prince.

Psalm 16:1 ; Psalm 16:2 [Arabic]
Beep me safe, O God, for in you $ ta!e refu"e. $ said to the LORD , &ou are
my Lord; apart from you $ have no "ood thin".&

L+ke 11:14-26 [Arabic]
And He was castin" out a demon, and it was mute. (o it was, when the
demon had "one out, that the mute spo!e; and the multitudes marveled.
)ut some of them said, &He casts out demons %y )eel8e%u%, the ruler of the
demons.& Others, testin" Him, sou"ht from Him a si"n from heaven. )ut He,
!nowin" their thou"hts, said to them. &Dvery !in"dom divided a"ainst itself
is %rou"ht to desolation, and a house divided a"ainst a house falls. $f (atan
also is divided a"ainst himself, how will his !in"dom stand2 )ecause you
say $ cast out demons %y )eel8e%u%. And if $ cast out demons %y )eel8e%u%,
%y whom do your sons cast them out2 #herefore they will %e your jud"es.
)ut if $ cast out demons with the -n"er of God, surely the !in"dom of God
has come upon you. +hen a stron" man, fully armed, "uards his own
palace, his "oods are in peace. )ut when a stron"er than he comes upon
him and overcomes him, he ta!es from him all his armor in which he
trusted, and divides his spoils. He who is not with 4e is a"ainst 4e, and he
who does not "ather with 4e scatters. &+hen an unclean spirit "oes out of
a man, he "oes throu"h dry places, see!in" rest; and -ndin" none, he says,
&$ will return to my house from which $ came.' And when he comes, he -nds
it swept and put in order. #hen he "oes and ta!es with him seven other
spirits more wic!ed than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the
last state of that man is worse than the -rst.&
Readings for Saturday of the third week of Great Lent '/1)
Psalm 13#:1-2 [Arabic]
Out of the depths $ cry to you, O LORD ; O Lord, hear my voice. Let your
ears %e attentive to my cry for mercy.
Mark 1#:17-27 [Arabic]
7ow as He was "oin" out on the road, one came runnin", !nelt %efore Him,
and as!ed Him, &Good #eacher, what shall $ do that $ may inherit eternal
life2& (o ;esus said to him, &+hy do you call 4e "ood2 7o one is "ood %ut
One, that is, God. ou !now the commandments. &Do not commit adultery,'
&Do not murder,' &Do not steal,' &Do not %ear false witness,' &Do not
defraud,' &Honor your father and your mother.&' And he answered and said
to Him, &#eacher, all these thin"s $ have !ept from my youth.& #hen ;esus,
loo!in" at him, loved him, and said to him, &One thin" you lac!. Go your
way, sell whatever you have and "ive to the poor, and you will have
treasure in heaven; and come, ta!e up the cross, and follow 4e.& )ut he
was sad at this word, and went away sorrowful, for he had "reat
possessions. #hen ;esus loo!ed around and said to His disciples, &How hard
it is for those who have riches to enter the !in"dom of God/& And the
disciples were astonished at His words. )ut ;esus answered a"ain and said
to them, &3hildren, how hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter the
!in"dom of God/ $t is easier for a camel to "o throu"h the eye of a needle
than for a rich man to enter the !in"dom of God.& And they were "reatly
astonished, sayin" amon" themselves, &+ho then can %e saved2& )ut ;esus
loo!ed at them and said, &+ith men it is impossi%le, %ut not with God; for
with God all thin"s are possi%le.&

Pauline "pistle
2Cori"(ias 7:2-11 [Arabic]
Open your hearts to us. +e have wron"ed no one, we have corrupted no
one, we have cheated no one. $ do not say this to condemn; for $ have said
%efore that you are in our hearts, to die to"ether and to live to"ether. Great
is my %oldness of speech toward you, "reat is my %oastin" on your %ehalf. $
am -lled with comfort. $ am e6ceedin"ly joyful in all our tri%ulation. 1or
indeed, when we came to 4acedonia, our %odies had no rest, %ut we were
trou%led on every side. Outside were con5icts, inside were fears.
7evertheless God, who comforts the downcast, comforted us %y the comin"
of #itus, and not only %y his comin", %ut also %y the consolation with which
he was comforted in you, when he told us of your earnest desire, your
mournin", your 8eal for me, so that $ rejoiced even more. 1or even if $ made
you sorry with my letter, $ do not re"ret it; thou"h $ did re"ret it. 1or $
perceive that the same epistle made you sorry, thou"h only for a while.
7ow $ rejoice, not that you were made sorry, %ut that your sorrow led to
repentance. 1or you were made sorry in a "odly manner, that you mi"ht
su9er loss from us in nothin". 1or "odly sorrow produces repentance
leadin" to salvation, not to %e re"retted; %ut the sorrow of the world
produces death. 1or o%serve this very thin", that you sorrowed in a "odly
manner. +hat dili"ence it produced in you, what clearin" of yourselves,
what indi"nation, what fear, what vehement desire, what 8eal, what
vindication/ $n all thin"s you proved yourselves to %e clear in this matter.

#atholi$ "pistle
&ames 2:14-26 [Arabic]
+hat does it pro-t, my %rethren, if someone says he has faith %ut does not
have wor!s2 3an faith save him2 $f a %rother or sister is na!ed and destitute
of daily food, and one of you says to them, &Depart in peace, %e warmed
and -lled,& %ut you do not "ive them the thin"s which are needed for the
%ody, what does it pro-t2 #hus also faith %y itself, if it does not have wor!s,
is dead. )ut someone will say, &ou have faith, and $ have wor!s.& (how me
your faith without your wor!s, and $ will show you my faith %y my wor!s.
ou %elieve that there is one God. ou do well. Dven the demons %elieve,,
and trem%le/ )ut do you want to !now, O foolish man, that faith without
wor!s is dead2 +as not A%raham our father justi-ed %y wor!s when he
o9ered $saac his son on the altar2 Do you see that faith was wor!in"
to"ether with his wor!s, and %y wor!s faith was made perfect2 And the
(cripture was ful-lled which says, &A%raham %elieved God, and it was
accounted to him for ri"hteousness.& And he was called the friend of God.
ou see then that a man is justi-ed %y wor!s, and not %y faith only.
Li!ewise, was not Raha% the harlot also justi-ed %y wor!s when she
received the messen"ers and sent them out another way2 1or as the %ody
without the spirit is dead, so faith without wor!s is dead also.

Ac"s 23:12-35 [Arabic]
And when it was day, some of the ;ews %anded to"ether and %ound
themselves under an oath, sayin" that they would neither eat nor drin! till
they had !illed :aul. 7ow there were more than forty who had formed this
conspiracy. #hey came to the chief priests and elders, and said, &+e have
%ound ourselves under a "reat oath that we will eat nothin" until we have
!illed :aul. 7ow you, therefore, to"ether with the council, su""est to the
commander that he %e %rou"ht down to you tomorrow, as thou"h you were
"oin" to ma!e further in0uiries concernin" him; %ut we are ready to !ill him
%efore he comes near.& (o when :aul's sister's son heard of their am%ush,
he went and entered the %arrac!s and told :aul. #hen :aul called one of the
centurions to him and said, &#a!e this youn" man to the commander, for he
has somethin" to tell him.& (o he too! him and %rou"ht him to the
commander and said, &:aul the prisoner called me to him and as!ed me to
%rin" this youn" man to you. He has somethin" to say to you.& #hen the
commander too! him %y the hand, went aside, and as!ed privately, &+hat
is it that you have to tell me2& And he said, &#he ;ews have a"reed to as!
that you %rin" :aul down to the council tomorrow, as thou"h they were
"oin" to in0uire more fully a%out him. )ut do not yield to them, for more
than forty of them lie in wait for him, men who have %ound themselves %y
an oath that they will neither eat nor drin! till they have !illed him; and now
they are ready, waitin" for the promise from you.& (o the commander let
the youn" man depart, and commanded him, &#ell no one that you have
revealed these thin"s to me.& And he called for two centurions, sayin",
&:repare two hundred soldiers, seventy horsemen, and two hundred
spearmen to "o to 3aesarea at the third hour of the ni"ht; and provide
mounts to set :aul on, and %rin" him safely to 1eli6 the "overnor.& He wrote
a letter in the followin" manner. 3laudius Lysias, #o the most e6cellent
"overnor 1eli6. Greetin"s. #his man was sei8ed %y the ;ews and was a%out
to %e !illed %y them. 3omin" with the troops $ rescued him, havin" learned
that he was a Roman. And when $ wanted to !now the reason they accused
him, $ %rou"ht him %efore their council. $ found out that he was accused
concernin" 0uestions of their law, %ut had nothin" char"ed a"ainst him
deservin" of death or chains. And when it was told me that the ;ews lay in
wait for the man, $ sent him immediately to you, and also commanded his
accusers to state %efore you the char"es a"ainst him. 1arewell. #hen the
soldiers, as they were commanded, too! :aul and %rou"ht him %y ni"ht to
Antipatris. #he ne6t day they left the horsemen to "o on with him, and
returned to the %arrac!s. +hen they came to 3aesarea and had delivered
the letter to the "overnor, they also presented :aul to him. And when the
"overnor had read it, he as!ed what province he was from. And when he
understood that he was from 3ilicia, he said, &$ will hear you when your
accusers also have come.& And he commanded him to %e !ept in Herod's

< #he Departure of An%a (erapamon, Archpriest of A%%a ehnis =;ohn>
< 3ommemoration of the 4artyrdom of (t. Dude6ia =Dutychia>.
< #he 4artyrdom of (t. :eter the priest.

Psalm 27:6-$ [Arabic]
$ will sin" and ma!e music to the LORD . Hear my voice when $ call, O
LORD ; %e merciful to me and answer me. 4y heart says of you, &(ee! his
face/& our face, LORD , $ will see!.

Ma""(e* 1$:23-35 [Arabic]
#herefore the !in"dom of heaven is li!e a certain !in" who wanted to settle
accounts with his servants. And when he had %e"un to settle accounts, one
was %rou"ht to him who owed him ten thousand talents. )ut as he was not
a%le to pay, his master commanded that he %e sold, with his wife and
children and all that he had, and that payment %e made. #he servant
therefore fell down %efore him, sayin", &4aster, have patience with me, and
$ will pay you all.' #hen the master of that servant was moved with
compassion, released him, and for"ave him the de%t. &)ut that servant
went out and found one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred
denarii; and he laid hands on him and too! him %y the throat, sayin", &:ay
me what you owe/' (o his fellow servant fell down at his feet and %e""ed
him, sayin", &Have patience with me, and $ will pay you all.' And he would
not, %ut went and threw him into prison till he should pay the de%t. (o when
his fellow servants saw what had %een done, they were very "rieved, and
came and told their master all that had %een done. #hen his master, after
he had called him, said to him, &ou wic!ed servant/ $ for"ave you all that
de%t %ecause you %e""ed me. (hould you not also have had compassion on
your fellow servant, just as $ had pity on you2' And his master was an"ry,
and delivered him to the torturers until he should pay all that was due to
him. &(o 4y heavenly 1ather also will do to you if each of you, from his
heart, does not for"ive his %rother his trespasses.&
Readings for Sunday of the third week of Great Lent '/1+
Psalm $$:1-2 [Arabic]
O LORD, God of my salvation, $ have cried out day and ni"ht %efore ou. Let
my prayer come %efore ou; $ncline our ear to my cry.
Ma""(e* 15:1-2# [Arabic]
#hen the scri%es and :harisees who were from ;erusalem came to ;esus,
sayin", &+hy do our disciples trans"ress the tradition of the elders2 1or
they do not wash their hands when they eat %read.& He answered and said
to them, &+hy do you also trans"ress the commandment of God %ecause of
your tradition2 1or God commanded, sayin", &Honor your father and your
mother'; and, &He who curses father or mother, let him %e put to death.' )ut
you say, &+hoever says to his father or mother, &+hatever pro-t you mi"ht
have received from me is a "ift to God&,, then he need not honor his father
or mother.' #hus you have made the commandment of God of no e9ect %y
your tradition. Hypocrites/ +ell did $saiah prophesy a%out you, sayin".
&#hese people draw near to 4e with their mouth, And honor 4e with
their lips, )ut their heart is far from 4e. And in vain they worship
4e, #eachin" as doctrines the commandments of men.&' +hen He had
called the multitude to Himself, He said to them, &Hear and understand. 7ot
what "oes into the mouth de-les a man; %ut what comes out of the mouth,
this de-les a man.& #hen His disciples came and said to Him, &Do ou !now
that the :harisees were o9ended when they heard this sayin"2& )ut He
answered and said, &Dvery plant which 4y heavenly 1ather has not planted
will %e uprooted. Let them alone. #hey are %lind leaders of the %lind. And if
the %lind leads the %lind, %oth will fall into a ditch.& #hen :eter answered
and said to Him, &D6plain this para%le to us.& (o ;esus said, &Are you also
still without understandin"2 Do you not yet understand that whatever
enters the mouth "oes into the stomach and is eliminated2 )ut those thin"s
which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they de-le a
man. 1or out of the heart proceed evil thou"hts, murders, adulteries,
fornications, thefts, false witness, %lasphemies. #hese are the thin"s which
de-le a man, %ut to eat with unwashed hands does not de-le a man.&

Psalm 55:1 ; Psalm 55:2 ; Psalm 55:16 [Arabic]
Give ear to my prayer, O God, And do not hide ourself from my
supplication. Attend to me, and hear me; $ am restless in my complaint, and
moan noisily, As for me, $ will call upon God, And the LORD shall save me.
Ma""(e* 2#:1-16 [Arabic]
&1or the !in"dom of heaven is li!e a landowner who went out early in the
mornin" to hire la%orers for his vineyard. 7ow when he had a"reed with the
la%orers for a denarius a day, he sent them into his vineyard. And he went
out a%out the third hour and saw others standin" idle in the mar!etplace,
and said to them, &ou also "o into the vineyard, and whatever is ri"ht $ will
"ive you.' (o they went. A"ain he went out a%out the si6th and the ninth
hour, and did li!ewise. And a%out the eleventh hour he went out and found
others standin" idle, and said to them, &+hy have you %een standin" here
idle all day2' #hey said to him, &)ecause no one hired us.' He said to them,
&ou also "o into the vineyard, and whatever is ri"ht you will receive.' &(o
when evenin" had come, the owner of the vineyard said to his steward,
&3all the la%orers and "ive them their wa"es, %e"innin" with the last to the
-rst.' And when those came who were hired a%out the eleventh hour, they
each received a denarius. )ut when the -rst came, they supposed that they
would receive more; and they li!ewise received each a denarius. And when
they had received it, they complained a"ainst the landowner, sayin",
&#hese last men have wor!ed only one hour, and you made them e0ual to
us who have %orne the %urden and the heat of the day.' )ut he answered
one of them and said, &1riend, $ am doin" you no wron". Did you not a"ree
with me for a denarius2 #a!e what is yours and "o your way. $ wish to "ive
to this last man the same as to you. $s it not lawful for me to do what $ wish
with my own thin"s2 Or is your eye evil %ecause $ am "ood2' (o the last will
%e -rst, and the -rst last. 1or many are called, %ut few chosen.&

Pauline "pistle
2Cori"(ias 6:2-13 [Arabic]
1or He says. &$n an accepta%le time $ have heard you, And in the
day of salvation $ have helped you.& )ehold, now is the accepted time;
%ehold, now is the day of salvation. +e "ive no o9ense in anythin", that our
ministry may not %e %lamed. )ut in all thin"s we commend ourselves as
ministers of God. in much patience, in tri%ulations, in needs, in distresses,
in stripes, in imprisonments, in tumults, in la%ors, in sleeplessness, in
fastin"s; %y purity, %y !nowled"e, %y lon"su9erin", %y !indness, %y the
Holy (pirit, %y sincere love, %y the word of truth, %y the power of God, %y
the armor of ri"hteousness on the ri"ht hand and on the left, %y honor and
dishonor, %y evil report and "ood report; as deceivers, and yet true; as
un!nown, and yet well !nown; as dyin", and %ehold we live; as chastened,
and yet not !illed; as sorrowful, yet always rejoicin"; as poor, yet ma!in"
many rich; as havin" nothin", and yet possessin" all thin"s. O 3orinthians/
+e have spo!en openly to you, our heart is wide open. ou are not
restricted %y us, %ut you are restricted %y your own a9ections. 7ow in
return for the same $ spea! as to children, you also %e open.

#atholi$ "pistle
&ames 3:1-12 [Arabic]
4y %rethren, let not many of you %ecome teachers, !nowin" that we shall
receive a stricter jud"ment. 1or we all stum%le in many thin"s. $f anyone
does not stum%le in word, he is a perfect man, a%le also to %ridle the whole
%ody. $ndeed, we put %its in horses' mouths that they may o%ey us, and we
turn their whole %ody. Loo! also at ships. althou"h they are so lar"e and are
driven %y -erce winds, they are turned %y a very small rudder wherever the
pilot desires. Dven so the ton"ue is a little mem%er and %oasts "reat thin"s.
(ee how "reat a forest a little -re !indles/ And the ton"ue is a -re, a world
of ini0uity. #he ton"ue is so set amon" our mem%ers that it de-les the
whole %ody, and sets on -re the course of nature; and it is set on -re %y
hell. 1or every !ind of %east and %ird, of reptile and creature of the sea, is
tamed and has %een tamed %y man!ind. )ut no man can tame the ton"ue.
$t is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. +ith it we %less our God and
1ather, and with it we curse men, who have %een made in the similitude of
God. Out of the same mouth proceed %lessin" and cursin". 4y %rethren,
these thin"s ou"ht not to %e so. Does a sprin" send forth fresh water and
%itter from the same openin"2 3an a -" tree, my %rethren, %ear olives, or a
"rapevine %ear -"s2 #hus no sprin" yields %oth salt water and fresh.

Ac"s 24:1-23 [Arabic]
7ow after -ve days Ananias the hi"h priest came down with the elders and
a certain orator named #ertullus. #hese "ave evidence to the "overnor
a"ainst :aul. And when he was called upon, #ertullus %e"an his accusation,
sayin". &(eein" that throu"h you we enjoy "reat peace, and prosperity is
%ein" %rou"ht to this nation %y your foresi"ht, we accept it always and in all
places, most no%le 1eli6, with all than!fulness. 7evertheless, not to %e
tedious to you any further, $ %e" you to hear, %y your courtesy, a few words
from us. 1or we have found this man a pla"ue, a creator of dissension
amon" all the ;ews throu"hout the world, and a rin"leader of the sect of the
7a8arenes. He even tried to profane the temple, and we sei8ed him, and
wanted to jud"e him accordin" to our law. )ut the commander Lysias came
%y and with "reat violence too! him out of our hands, commandin" his
accusers to come to you. )y e6aminin" him yourself you may ascertain all
these thin"s of which we accuse him.& And the ;ews also assented,
maintainin" that these thin"s were so. #hen :aul, after the "overnor had
nodded to him to spea!, answered. &$nasmuch as $ !now that you have
%een for many years a jud"e of this nation, $ do the more cheerfully answer
for myself, %ecause you may ascertain that it is no more than twelve days
since $ went up to ;erusalem to worship. And they neither found me in the
temple disputin" with anyone nor incitin" the crowd, either in the
syna"o"ues or in the city. 7or can they prove the thin"s of which they now
accuse me. )ut this $ confess to you, that accordin" to the +ay which they
call a sect, so $ worship the God of my fathers, %elievin" all thin"s which are
written in the Law and in the :rophets. $ have hope in God, which they
themselves also accept, that there will %e a resurrection of the dead, %oth
of the just and the unjust. #his %ein" so, $ myself always strive to have a
conscience without o9ense toward God and men. &7ow after many years $
came to %rin" alms and o9erin"s to my nation, in the midst of which some
;ews from Asia found me puri-ed in the temple, neither with a mo% nor with
tumult. #hey ou"ht to have %een here %efore you to o%ject if they had
anythin" a"ainst me. Or else let those who are here themselves say if they
found any wron"doin" in me while $ stood %efore the council, unless it is for
this one statement which $ cried out, standin" amon" them, &3oncernin"
the resurrection of the dead $ am %ein" jud"ed %y you this day.&' )ut when
1eli6 heard these thin"s, havin" more accurate !nowled"e of the +ay, he
adjourned the proceedin"s and said, &+hen Lysias the commander comes
down, $ will ma!e a decision on your case.& (o he commanded the centurion
to !eep :aul and to let him have li%erty, and told him not to for%id any of
his friends to provide for or visit him.

< #he 4artyrdom of (t. Dioscorus.
< #he Departure of (t. #heodotus, the %ishop.

Psalm 79:$-9 [Arabic]
Oh, do not remem%er former ini0uities a"ainst us/ Let our tender mercies
come speedily to meet us, 1or we have %een %rou"ht very low. Help us, O
God of our salvation, 1or the "lory of our name; And deliver us, and
provide atonement for our sins, 1or our name's sa!e/

L+ke 15:11-32 [Arabic]
#hen He said. &A certain man had two sons. And the youn"er of them said
to his father, &1ather, "ive me the portion of "oods that falls to me.' (o he
divided to them his livelihood. And not many days after, the youn"er son
"athered all to"ether, journeyed to a far country, and there wasted his
possessions with prodi"al livin". )ut when he had spent all, there arose a
severe famine in that land, and he %e"an to %e in want. #hen he went and
joined himself to a citi8en of that country, and he sent him into his -elds to
feed swine. And he would "ladly have -lled his stomach with the pods that
the swine ate, and no one "ave him anythin". &)ut when he came to
himself, he said, &How many of my father's hired servants have %read
enou"h and to spare, and $ perish with hun"er/ $ will arise and "o to my
father, and will say to him, &1ather, $ have sinned a"ainst heaven and
%efore you, and $ am no lon"er worthy to %e called your son. 4a!e me li!e
one of your hired servants.&' &And he arose and came to his father. )ut
when he was still a "reat way o9, his father saw him and had compassion,
and ran and fell on his nec! and !issed him. And the son said to him,
&1ather, $ have sinned a"ainst heaven and in your si"ht, and am no lon"er
worthy to %e called your son.' &)ut the father said to his servants, &)rin"
out the %est ro%e and put it on him, and put a rin" on his hand and sandals
on his feet. And %rin" the fatted calf here and !ill it, and let us eat and %e
merry; for this my son was dead and is alive a"ain; he was lost and is
found.' And they %e"an to %e merry. &7ow his older son was in the -eld. And
as he came and drew near to the house, he heard music and dancin". (o he
called one of the servants and as!ed what these thin"s meant. And he said
to him, &our %rother has come, and %ecause he has received him safe and
sound, your father has !illed the fatted calf.' &)ut he was an"ry and would
not "o in. #herefore his father came out and pleaded with him. (o he
answered and said to his father, &Lo, these many years $ have %een servin"
you; $ never trans"ressed your commandment at any time; and yet you
never "ave me a youn" "oat, that $ mi"ht ma!e merry with my friends. )ut
as soon as this son of yours came, who has devoured your livelihood with
harlots, you !illed the fatted calf for him.' &And he said to him, &(on, you
are always with me, and all that $ have is yours. $t was ri"ht that we should
ma!e merry and %e "lad, for your %rother was dead and is alive a"ain, and
was lost and is found.&'
Readings for !onday of the fourth week of Great Lent '/1,
5eesis 27:1-41 ; 'saia( 14:24-32 ; &ob 16:1-e! ; &ob 17:1-16
5eesis 27:1-41 7ow it came to pass, when $saac was old and his eyes
were so dim that he could not see, that he called Dsau his older son and
said to him, &4y son.& And he answered him, &Here $ am.& #hen he said,
&)ehold now, $ am old. $ do not !now the day of my death. 7ow therefore,
please ta!e your weapons, your 0uiver and your %ow, and "o out to the
-eld and hunt "ame for me. And ma!e me savory food, such as $ love, and
%rin" it to me that $ may eat, that my soul may %less you %efore $ die.& 7ow
Re%e!ah was listenin" when $saac spo!e to Dsau his son. And Dsau went to
the -eld to hunt "ame and to %rin" it. (o Re%e!ah spo!e to ;aco% her son,
sayin", &$ndeed $ heard your father spea! to Dsau your %rother, sayin",
&)rin" me "ame and ma!e savory food for me, that $ may eat it and %less
you in the presence of the LORD %efore my death.' 7ow therefore, my son,
o%ey my voice accordin" to what $ command you. Go now to the 5oc! and
%rin" me from there two choice !ids of the "oats, and $ will ma!e savory
food from them for your father, such as he loves. #hen you shall ta!e it to
your father, that he may eat it, and that he may %less you %efore his
death.& And ;aco% said to Re%e!ah his mother, &Loo!, Dsau my %rother is a
hairy man, and $ am a smooth,s!inned man. :erhaps my father will feel me,
and $ shall seem to %e a deceiver to him; and $ shall %rin" a curse on myself
and not a %lessin".& )ut his mother said to him, &Let your curse %e on me,
my son; only o%ey my voice, and "o, "et them for me.& And he went and
"ot them and %rou"ht them to his mother, and his mother made savory
food, such as his father loved. #hen Re%e!ah too! the choice clothes of her
elder son Dsau, which were with her in the house, and put them on ;aco%
her youn"er son. And she put the s!ins of the !ids of the "oats on his hands
and on the smooth part of his nec!. #hen she "ave the savory food and the
%read, which she had prepared, into the hand of her son ;aco%. (o he went
to his father and said, &4y father.& And he said, &Here $ am. +ho are you,
my son2& ;aco% said to his father, &$ am Dsau your -rst%orn; $ have done just
as you told me; please arise, sit and eat of my "ame, that your soul may
%less me.& )ut $saac said to his son, &How is it that you have found it so
0uic!ly, my son2& And he said, &)ecause the LORD your God %rou"ht it to
me.& $saac said to ;aco%, &:lease come near, that $ may feel you, my son,
whether you are really my son Dsau or not.& (o ;aco% went near to $saac his
father, and he felt him and said, &#he voice is ;aco%'s voice, %ut the hands
are the hands of Dsau.& And he did not reco"ni8e him, %ecause his hands
were hairy li!e his %rother Dsau's hands; so he %lessed him. #hen he said,
&Are you really my son Dsau2& He said, &$ am.& He said, &)rin" it near to me,
and $ will eat of my son's "ame, so that my soul may %less you.& (o he
%rou"ht it near to him, and he ate; and he %rou"ht him wine, and he dran!.
#hen his father $saac said to him, &3ome near now and !iss me, my son.&
And he came near and !issed him; and he smelled the smell of his clothin",
and %lessed him and said. &(urely, the smell of my son $s li!e the
smell of a -eld +hich the LORD has %lessed. #herefore may God
"ive you Of the dew of heaven, Of the fatness of the earth,
And plenty of "rain and wine. Let peoples serve you, And nations
%ow down to you. )e master over your %rethren, And let your
mother's sons %ow down to you. 3ursed %e everyone who curses you,
And %lessed %e those who %less you/& 7ow it happened, as soon as
$saac had -nished %lessin" ;aco%, and ;aco% had scarcely "one out from the
presence of $saac his father, that Dsau his %rother came in from his huntin".
He also had made savory food, and %rou"ht it to his father, and said to his
father, &Let my father arise and eat of his son's "ame, that your soul may
%less me.& And his father $saac said to him, &+ho are you2& (o he said, &$
am your son, your -rst%orn, Dsau.& #hen $saac trem%led e6ceedin"ly, and
said, &+ho2 +here is the one who hunted "ame and %rou"ht it to me2 $ ate
all of it %efore you came, and $ have %lessed him,,and indeed he shall %e
%lessed.& +hen Dsau heard the words of his father, he cried with an
e6ceedin"ly "reat and %itter cry, and said to his father, &)less me,,me also,
O my father/& )ut he said, &our %rother came with deceit and has ta!en
away your %lessin".& And Dsau said, &$s he not ri"htly named ;aco%2 1or he
has supplanted me these two times. He too! away my %irthri"ht, and now
loo!, he has ta!en away my %lessin"/& And he said, &Have you not reserved
a %lessin" for me2& #hen $saac answered and said to Dsau, &$ndeed $ have
made him your master, and all his %rethren $ have "iven to him as servants;
with "rain and wine $ have sustained him. +hat shall $ do now for you, my
son2& And Dsau said to his father, &Have you only one %lessin", my father2
)less me,,me also, O my father/& And Dsau lifted up his voice and wept.
#hen $saac his father answered and said to him. &)ehold, your dwellin"
shall %e of the fatness of the earth, And of the dew of heaven from
a%ove. )y your sword you shall live, And you shall serve your
%rother; And it shall come to pass, when you %ecome restless,
#hat you shall %rea! his yo!e from your nec!.& (o Dsau hated ;aco% %ecause
of the %lessin" with which his father %lessed him, and Dsau said in his heart,
&#he days of mournin" for my father are at hand; then $ will !ill my %rother
'saia( 14:24-32
#he LORD of hosts has sworn, sayin",
&(urely, as $ have thou"ht, so it shall come to pass,
And as $ have purposed, so it shall stand.
#hat $ will %rea! the Assyrian in 4y land,
And on 4y mountains tread him underfoot.
#hen his yo!e shall %e removed from them,
And his %urden removed from their shoulders.
#his is the purpose that is purposed a"ainst the whole earth,
And this is the hand that is stretched out over all the nations.
1or the LORD of hosts has purposed,
And who will annul it2
His hand is stretched out,
And who will turn it %ac!2&
#his is the %urden which came in the year that Bin" Aha8 died.
&Do not rejoice, all you of :hilistia,
)ecause the rod that struc! you is %ro!en;
1or out of the serpent's roots will come forth a viper,
And its o9sprin" will %e a -ery 5yin" serpent.
#he -rst%orn of the poor will feed,
And the needy will lie down in safety;
$ will !ill your roots with famine,
And it will slay your remnant.
+ail, O "ate/ 3ry, O city/
All you of :hilistia are dissolved;
1or smo!e will come from the north,
And no one will %e alone in his appointed times.&
+hat will they answer the messen"ers of the nation2
#hat the LORD has founded Cion,
And the poor of His people shall ta!e refu"e in it.
&ob 16:1-e! ; &ob 17:1-16
#hen ;o% answered and said.
&$ have heard many such thin"s;
4isera%le comforters are you all/
(hall words of wind have an end2
Or what provo!es you that you answer2
$ also could spea! as you do,
$f your soul were in my soul's place.
$ could heap up words a"ainst you,
And sha!e my head at you;
)ut $ would stren"then you with my mouth,
And the comfort of my lips would relieve your "rief.
&#hou"h $ spea!, my "rief is not relieved;
And if $ remain silent, how am $ eased2
)ut now He has worn me out;
ou have made desolate all my company.
ou have shriveled me up,
And it is a witness a"ainst me;
4y leanness rises up a"ainst me
And %ears witness to my face.
He tears me in His wrath, and hates me;
He "nashes at me with His teeth;
4y adversary sharpens His "a8e on me.
#hey "ape at me with their mouth,
#hey stri!e me reproachfully on the chee!,
#hey "ather to"ether a"ainst me.
God has delivered me to the un"odly,
And turned me over to the hands of the wic!ed.
$ was at ease, %ut He has shattered me;
He also has ta!en me %y my nec!, and sha!en me to pieces;
He has set me up for His tar"et,
His archers surround me.
He pierces my heart and does not pity;
He pours out my "all on the "round.
He %rea!s me with wound upon wound;
He runs at me li!e a warrior.
&$ have sewn sac!cloth over my s!in,
And laid my head in the dust.
4y face is 5ushed from weepin",
And on my eyelids is the shadow of death;
Althou"h no violence is in my hands,
And my prayer is pure.
&O earth, do not cover my %lood,
And let my cry have no restin" place/
(urely even now my witness is in heaven,
And my evidence is on hi"h.
4y friends scorn me;
4y eyes pour out tears to God.
Oh, that one mi"ht plead for a man with God,
As a man pleads for his nei"h%or/
1or when a few years are -nished,
$ shall "o the way of no return. &4y spirit is %ro!en,
4y days are e6tin"uished,
#he "rave is ready for me.
Are not moc!ers with me2
And does not my eye dwell on their provocation2
&7ow put down a pled"e for me with ourself.
+ho is he who will sha!e hands with me2
1or ou have hidden their heart from understandin";
#herefore ou will not e6alt them.
He who spea!s 5attery to his friends,
Dven the eyes of his children will fail.
&)ut He has made me a %yword of the people,
And $ have %ecome one in whose face men spit.
4y eye has also "rown dim %ecause of sorrow,
And all my mem%ers are li!e shadows.
*pri"ht men are astonished at this,
And the innocent stirs himself up a"ainst the hypocrite.
et the ri"hteous will hold to his way,
And he who has clean hands will %e stron"er and stron"er.
&)ut please, come %ac! a"ain, all of you,
1or $ shall not -nd one wise man amon" you.
4y days are past,
4y purposes are %ro!en o9,
Dven the thou"hts of my heart.
#hey chan"e the ni"ht into day;
&#he li"ht is near,' they say, in the face of dar!ness.
$f $ wait for the "rave as my house,
$f $ ma!e my %ed in the dar!ness,
$f $ say to corruption, &ou are my father,'
And to the worm, &ou are my mother and my sister,'
+here then is my hope2
As for my hope, who can see it2
+ill they "o down to the "ates of (heol2
(hall we have rest to"ether in the dust2&
Psalm 55:1 ; Psalm 27: 7,$ [Arabic]
Give ear to my prayer, O God, And do not hide ourself from my
supplication.Hear, O LORD, when $ cry with my voice/ Have mercy also upon
me, and answer me. +hen ou said, &(ee! 4y face,& 4y heart said to ou,
&our face, LORD, $ will see!.&
L+ke 14:7-15 [Arabic]
(o He told a para%le to those who were invited, when He noted how they
chose the %est places, sayin" to them. &+hen you are invited %y anyone to
a weddin" feast, do not sit down in the %est place, lest one more honora%le
than you %e invited %y him; and he who invited you and him come and say
to you, &Give place to this man,' and then you %e"in with shame to ta!e the
lowest place. )ut when you are invited, "o and sit down in the lowest place,
so that when he who invited you comes he may say to you, &1riend, "o up
hi"her.' #hen you will have "lory in the presence of those who sit at the
ta%le with you. 1or whoever e6alts himself will %e hum%led, and he who
hum%les himself will %e e6alted.& #hen He also said to him who invited Him,
&+hen you "ive a dinner or a supper, do not as! your friends, your %rothers,
your relatives, nor rich nei"h%ors, lest they also invite you %ac!, and you %e
repaid. )ut when you "ive a feast, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame,
the %lind. And you will %e %lessed, %ecause they cannot repay you; for you
shall %e repaid at the resurrection of the just.& 7ow when one of those who
sat at the ta%le with Him heard these thin"s, he said to Him, &)lessed is he
who shall eat %read in the !in"dom of God/&

Pauline "pistle
%omas $:12-26 [Arabic]
#herefore, %rethren, we are de%tors,,not to the 5esh, to live accordin" to
the 5esh. 1or if you live accordin" to the 5esh you will die; %ut if %y the
(pirit you put to death the deeds of the %ody, you will live. 1or as many as
are led %y the (pirit of God, these are sons of God. 1or you did not receive
the spirit of %onda"e a"ain to fear, %ut you received the (pirit of adoption
%y whom we cry out, &A%%a, 1ather.& #he (pirit Himself %ears witness with
our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs,,heirs of
God and joint heirs with 3hrist, if indeed we su9er with Him, that we may
also %e "lori-ed to"ether. 1or $ consider that the su9erin"s of this present
time are not worthy to %e compared with the "lory which shall %e revealed
in us. 1or the earnest e6pectation of the creation ea"erly waits for the
revealin" of the sons of God. 1or the creation was su%jected to futility, not
willin"ly, %ut %ecause of Him who su%jected it in hope; %ecause the creation
itself also will %e delivered from the %onda"e of corruption into the "lorious
li%erty of the children of God. 1or we !now that the whole creation "roans
and la%ors with %irth pan"s to"ether until now. 7ot only that, %ut we also
who have the -rstfruits of the (pirit, even we ourselves "roan within
ourselves, ea"erly waitin" for the adoption, the redemption of our %ody. 1or
we were saved in this hope, %ut hope that is seen is not hope; for why does
one still hope for what he sees2 )ut if we hope for what we do not see, we
ea"erly wait for it with perseverance. Li!ewise the (pirit also helps in our
wea!nesses. 1or we do not !now what we should pray for as we ou"ht, %ut
the (pirit Himself ma!es intercession for us with "roanin"s which cannot %e

#atholi$ "pistle
&ames 5:16-2# [Arabic]
3onfess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you
may %e healed. #he e9ective, fervent prayer of a ri"hteous man avails
much. Dlijah was a man with a nature li!e ours, and he prayed earnestly
that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and si6
months. And he prayed a"ain, and the heaven "ave rain, and the earth
produced its fruit. )rethren, if anyone amon" you wanders from the truth,
and someone turns him %ac!, let him !now that he who turns a sinner from
the error of his way will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of

Ac"s 11:2-1$ [Arabic]
And when :eter came up to ;erusalem, those of the circumcision contended
with him, sayin", &ou went in to uncircumcised men and ate with them/&
)ut :eter e6plained it to them in order from the %e"innin", sayin". &$ was in
the city of ;oppa prayin"; and in a trance $ saw a vision, an o%ject
descendin" li!e a "reat sheet, let down from heaven %y four corners; and it
came to me. +hen $ o%served it intently and considered, $ saw four,footed
animals of the earth, wild %easts, creepin" thin"s, and %irds of the air. And $
heard a voice sayin" to me, &Rise, :eter; !ill and eat.' )ut $ said, &7ot so,
Lord/ 1or nothin" common or unclean has at any time entered my mouth.'
)ut the voice answered me a"ain from heaven, &+hat God has cleansed
you must not call common.' 7ow this was done three times, and all were
drawn up a"ain into heaven. At that very moment, three men stood %efore
the house where $ was, havin" %een sent to me from 3aesarea. #hen the
(pirit told me to "o with them, dou%tin" nothin". 4oreover these si6
%rethren accompanied me, and we entered the man's house. And he told us
how he had seen an an"el standin" in his house, who said to him, &(end
men to ;oppa, and call for (imon whose surname is :eter, who will tell you
words %y which you and all your household will %e saved.' And as $ %e"an to
spea!, the Holy (pirit fell upon them, as upon us at the %e"innin". #hen $
remem%ered the word of the Lord, how He said, &;ohn indeed %apti8ed with
water, %ut you shall %e %apti8ed with the Holy (pirit.' $f therefore God "ave
them the same "ift as He "ave us when we %elieved on the Lord ;esus
3hrist, who was $ that $ could withstand God2& +hen they heard these
thin"s they %ecame silent; and they "lori-ed God, sayin", &#hen God has
also "ranted to the Gentiles repentance to life.&

< #he 4artyrdom of (ts. :hilemon and Apollonius.
< #he 4artyrdom of (t. 4ary the $sraelite.

Psalm 55:16-17 [Arabic]
As for me, $ will call upon God, And the LORD shall save me. Dvenin" and
mornin" and at noon $ will pray, and cry aloud, And He shall hear my voice.

L+ke 16:1-9 [Arabic]
He also said to His disciples. &#here was a certain rich man who had a
steward, and an accusation was %rou"ht to him that this man was wastin"
his "oods. (o he called him and said to him, &+hat is this $ hear a%out you2
Give an account of your stewardship, for you can no lon"er %e steward.'
&#hen the steward said within himself, &+hat shall $ do2 1or my master is
ta!in" the stewardship away from me. $ cannot di"; $ am ashamed to %e". $
have resolved what to do, that when $ am put out of the stewardship, they
may receive me into their houses.' &(o he called every one of his master's
de%tors to him, and said to the -rst, &How much do you owe my master2'
And he said, &A hundred measures of oil.' (o he said to him, &#a!e your %ill,
and sit down 0uic!ly and write -fty.' #hen he said to another, &And how
much do you owe2' (o he said, &A hundred measures of wheat.' And he said
to him, &#a!e your %ill, and write ei"hty.' (o the master commended the
unjust steward %ecause he had dealt shrewdly. 1or the sons of this world
are more shrewd in their "eneration than the sons of li"ht. &And $ say to
you, ma!e friends for yourselves %y unri"hteous mammon, that when you
fail, they may receive you into an everlastin" home.
Readings for (uesday of the fourth week of Great Lent '/1.
5eesis 2$:1#-22 ; 'saia( 25:1-e! ; 'saia( 26:1-$ ; &ob 1$:1-21 ;
6o o7 6irac( $:1 - 1#:1 [Arabic]
5eesis 2$:1#-22 7ow ;aco% went out from )eershe%a and went toward
Haran. (o he came to a certain place and stayed there all ni"ht, %ecause
the sun had set. And he too! one of the stones of that place and put it at
his head, and he lay down in that place to sleep. #hen he dreamed, and
%ehold, a ladder was set up on the earth, and its top reached to heaven;
and there the an"els of God were ascendin" and descendin" on it. And
%ehold, the LORD stood a%ove it and said. &$ am the LORD God of A%raham
your father and the God of $saac; the land on which you lie $ will "ive to you
and your descendants. Also your descendants shall %e as the dust of the
earth; you shall spread a%road to the west and the east, to the north and
the south; and in you and in your seed all the families of the earth shall %e
%lessed. )ehold, $ am with you and will !eep you wherever you "o, and will
%rin" you %ac! to this land; for $ will not leave you until $ have done what $
have spo!en to you.& #hen ;aco% awo!e from his sleep and said, &(urely the
LORD is in this place, and $ did not !now it.& And he was afraid and said,
&How awesome is this place/ #his is none other than the house of God, and
this is the "ate of heaven/& #hen ;aco% rose early in the mornin", and too!
the stone that he had put at his head, set it up as a pillar, and poured oil on
top of it. And he called the name of that place )ethel; %ut the name of that
city had %een Lu8 previously. #hen ;aco% made a vow, sayin", &$f God will %e
with me, and !eep me in this way that $ am "oin", and "ive me %read to eat
and clothin" to put on, so that $ come %ac! to my father's house in peace,
then the LORD shall %e my God. And this stone which $ have set as a pillar
shall %e God's house, and of all that ou "ive me $ will surely "ive a tenth to
'saia( 25:1-e! ; 'saia( 26:1-$
O LORD, ou are my God.
$ will e6alt ou,
$ will praise our name,
1or ou have done wonderful thin"s;
our counsels of old are faithfulness and truth.
1or ou have made a city a ruin,
A forti-ed city a ruin,
A palace of forei"ners to %e a city no more;
$t will never %e re%uilt.
#herefore the stron" people will "lorify ou;
#he city of the terri%le nations will fear ou.
1or ou have %een a stren"th to the poor,
A stren"th to the needy in his distress,
A refu"e from the storm,
A shade from the heat;
1or the %last of the terri%le ones is as a storm a"ainst the wall.
ou will reduce the noise of aliens,
As heat in a dry place;
As heat in the shadow of a cloud,
#he son" of the terri%le ones will %e diminished.
And in this mountain
#he LORD of hosts will ma!e for all people
A feast of choice pieces,
A feast of wines on the lees,
Of fat thin"s full of marrow,
Of well,re-ned wines on the lees.
And He will destroy on this mountain
#he surface of the coverin" cast over all people,
And the veil that is spread over all nations.
He will swallow up death forever,
And the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from all faces;
#he re%u!e of His people
He will ta!e away from all the earth;
1or the LORD has spo!en.
And it will %e said in that day.
&)ehold, this is our God;
+e have waited for Him, and He will save us.
#his is the LORD;
+e have waited for Him;
+e will %e "lad and rejoice in His salvation.&
1or on this mountain the hand of the LORD will rest,
And 4oa% shall %e trampled down under Him,
As straw is trampled down for the refuse heap.
And He will spread out His hands in their midst
As a swimmer reaches out to swim,
And He will %rin" down their pride
#o"ether with the tric!ery of their hands.
#he fortress of the hi"h fort of your walls
He will %rin" down, lay low,
And %rin" to the "round, down to the dust. $n that day this son" will %e
sun" in the land of ;udah.
&+e have a stron" city;
God will appoint salvation for walls and %ulwar!s.
Open the "ates,
#hat the ri"hteous nation which !eeps the truth may enter in.
ou will !eep him in perfect peace,
+hose mind is stayed on ou,
)ecause he trusts in ou.
#rust in the LORD forever,
1or in ah, the LORD, is everlastin" stren"th.
1or He %rin"s down those who dwell on hi"h,
#he lofty city;
He lays it low,
He lays it low to the "round,
He %rin"s it down to the dust.
#he foot shall tread it down,,
#he feet of the poor
And the steps of the needy.&
#he way of the just is upri"htness;
O 4ost *pri"ht,
ou wei"h the path of the just.
es, in the way of our jud"ments,
O LORD, we have waited for ou;
#he desire of our soul is for our name
And for the remem%rance of ou.
&ob 1$:1-21
#hen )ildad the (huhite answered and said.
&How lon" till you put an end to words2
Gain understandin", and afterward we will spea!.
+hy are we counted as %easts,
And re"arded as stupid in your si"ht2
ou who tear yourself in an"er,
(hall the earth %e forsa!en for you2
Or shall the roc! %e removed from its place2
&#he li"ht of the wic!ed indeed "oes out,
And the 5ame of his -re does not shine.
#he li"ht is dar! in his tent,
And his lamp %eside him is put out.
#he steps of his stren"th are shortened,
And his own counsel casts him down.
1or he is cast into a net %y his own feet,
And he wal!s into a snare.
#he net ta!es him %y the heel,
And a snare lays hold of him.
A noose is hidden for him on the "round,
And a trap for him in the road.
#errors fri"hten him on every side,
And drive him to his feet.
His stren"th is starved,
And destruction is ready at his side.
$t devours patches of his s!in;
#he -rst%orn of death devours his lim%s.
He is uprooted from the shelter of his tent,
And they parade him %efore the !in" of terrors.
#hey dwell in his tent who are none of his;
)rimstone is scattered on his dwellin".
His roots are dried out %elow,
And his %ranch withers a%ove.
#he memory of him perishes from the earth,
And he has no name amon" the renowned.
He is driven from li"ht into dar!ness,
And chased out of the world.
He has neither son nor posterity amon" his people,
7or any remainin" in his dwellin"s.
#hose in the west are astonished at his day,
As those in the east are fri"htened.
(urely such are the dwellin"s of the wic!ed,
And this is the place of him who does not !now God.&
6o o7 6irac( $:1 - 1#:1
Do not contend with the powerful, or you may fall into their hands.
Do not 0uarrel with the rich, in case their resources outwei"h yours; for "old
has ruined many, and has perverted the minds of !in"s.
Do not ar"ue with the loud of mouth, and do not heap wood on their -re.
Do not ma!e fun of one who is ill,%red, or your ancestors may %e insulted.
Do not reproach one who is turnin" away from sin; remem%er that we all
deserve punishment.
Do not disdain one who is old, for some of us are also "rowin" old.
Do not rejoice over anyone's death; remem%er that we must all die.
Do not sli"ht the discourse of the sa"es, %ut %usy yourself with their
ma6ims; %ecause from them you will learn discipline and how to serve
Do not i"nore the discourse of the a"ed, for they themselves learned from
their parents; from them you learn how to understand and to "ive an
answer when the need arises.
Do not let the insolent %rin" you to your feet, or they may lie in am%ush
a"ainst your words.
Do not lend to one who is stron"er than you; %ut if you do lend anythin",
count it as a loss.
Do not "ive surety %eyond your means; %ut if you "ive surety, %e prepared
to pay.
Do not "o to law a"ainst a jud"e, for the decision will favor him %ecause of
his standin".
Do not "o travelin" with the rec!less, or they will %e %urdensome to you; for
they will act as they please, and throu"h their folly you will perish with
Do not pic! a -"ht with the 0uic!,tempered, and do not journey with them
throu"h lonely country, %ecause %loodshed means nothin" to them, and
where no help is at hand, they will stri!e you down.
Do not consult with fools, for they cannot !eep a secret.
$n the presence of stran"ers do nothin" that is to %e !ept secret, for you do
not !now what they will divul"e.
Do not reveal your thou"hts to anyone, or you may drive away your
Do not %e jealous of the wife of your %osom, or you will teach her an evil
lesson to your own hurt.
Do not "ive yourself to a woman and let her trample down your stren"th.
Do not "o near a loose woman, or you will fall into her snares.
Do not dally with a sin"in" "irl, or you will %e cau"ht %y her tric!s.
Do not loo! intently at a vir"in, or you may stum%le and incur penalties for
Do not "ive yourself to prostitutes, or you may lose your inheritance.
Do not loo! around in the streets of a city, or wander a%out in its deserted
#urn away your eyes from a shapely woman, and do not "a8e at %eauty
%elon"in" to another; many have %een seduced %y a woman's %eauty, and
%y it passion is !indled li!e a -re.
7ever dine with another man's wife, or revel with her at wine; or your heart
may turn aside to her, and in %lood 1?H you may %e plun"ed into
Do not a%andon old friends, for new ones cannot e0ual them. A new friend
is li!e new wine; when it has a"ed, you can drin! it with pleasure.
Do not envy the success of sinners, for you do not !now what their end will
%e li!e.
Do not deli"ht in what pleases the un"odly; remem%er that they will not %e
held "uiltless all their lives.
Beep far from those who have power to !ill, and you will not %e haunted %y
the fear of death. )ut if you approach them, ma!e no misstep, or they may
ro% you of your life. Bnow that you are steppin" amon" snares, and that you
are wal!in" on the city %attlements.
As much as you can, aim to !now your nei"h%ors, and consult with the
Let your conversation %e with intelli"ent people, and let all your discussion
%e a%out the law of the 4ost Hi"h.
Let the ri"hteous %e your dinner companions, and let your "lory %e in the
fear of the Lord.
A wor! is praised for the s!ill of the artisan; so a people's leader is proved
wise %y his words.
#he loud of mouth are feared in their city, and the one who is rec!less in
speech is hated.
A wise ma"istrate educates his people, and the rule of an intelli"ent person
is well ordered.
Psalm 17:1 [Arabic]
Hear a just cause, O LORD, Attend to my cry; Give ear to my prayer which is
not from deceitful lips
Ma""(e* 21:2$-32 [Arabic]
&)ut what do you thin!2 A man had two sons, and he came to the -rst and
said, &(on, "o, wor! today in my vineyard.' He answered and said, &$ will
not,' %ut afterward he re"retted it and went. #hen he came to the second
and said li!ewise. And he answered and said, &$ "o, sir,' %ut he did not "o.
+hich of the two did the will of his father2& #hey said to Him, &#he -rst.&
;esus said to them, &Assuredly, $ say to you that ta6 collectors and harlots
enter the !in"dom of God %efore you. 1or ;ohn came to you in the way of
ri"hteousness, and you did not %elieve him; %ut ta6 collectors and harlots
%elieved him; and when you saw it, you did not afterward relent and %elieve

Pauline "pistle
.8(esias 4:1-16 [Arabic]
$, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, %eseech you to wal! worthy of the
callin" with which you were called, with all lowliness and "entleness, with
lon"su9erin", %earin" with one another in love, endeavorin" to !eep the
unity of the (pirit in the %ond of peace. #here is one %ody and one (pirit,
just as you were called in one hope of your callin"; one Lord, one faith, one
%aptism; one God and 1ather of all, who is a%ove all, and throu"h all, and in
you all. )ut to each one of us "race was "iven accordin" to the measure of
3hrist's "ift. #herefore He says. &+hen He ascended on hi"h, He
led captivity captive, And "ave "ifts to men.& 7ow this, &He
ascended&,,what does it mean %ut that He also -rst descended into the
lower parts of the earth2 He who descended is also the One who ascended
far a%ove all the heavens, that He mi"ht -ll all thin"s. And He Himself "ave
some to %e apostles, some prophets, some evan"elists, and some pastors
and teachers, for the e0uippin" of the saints for the wor! of ministry, for
the edifyin" of the %ody of 3hrist, till we all come to the unity of the faith
and of the !nowled"e of the (on of God, to a perfect man, to the measure
of the stature of the fullness of 3hrist; that we should no lon"er %e children,
tossed to and fro and carried a%out with every wind of doctrine, %y the
tric!ery of men, in the cunnin" craftiness of deceitful plottin", %ut, spea!in"
the truth in love, may "row up in all thin"s into Him who is the head,,
3hrist,, from whom the whole %ody, joined and !nit to"ether %y what every
joint supplies, accordin" to the e9ective wor!in" %y which every part does
its share, causes "rowth of the %ody for the edifyin" of itself in love.

#atholi$ "pistle
2Pe"er 2:2-$ [Arabic]
And many will follow their destructive ways, %ecause of whom the way of
truth will %e %lasphemed. )y covetousness they will e6ploit you with
deceptive words; for a lon" time their jud"ment has not %een idle, and their
destruction does not slum%er. 1or if God did not spare the an"els who
sinned, %ut cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of
dar!ness, to %e reserved for jud"ment; and did not spare the ancient world,
%ut saved 7oah, one of ei"ht people, a preacher of ri"hteousness, %rin"in"
in the 5ood on the world of the un"odly; and turnin" the cities of (odom
and Gomorrah into ashes, condemned them to destruction, ma!in" them an
e6ample to those who afterward would live un"odly; and delivered
ri"hteous Lot, who was oppressed %y the -lthy conduct of the wic!ed for
that ri"hteous man, dwellin" amon" them, tormented his ri"hteous soul
from day to day %y seein" and hearin" their lawless deeds,,

Ac"s 27:1-3 [Arabic]
And when it was decided that we should sail to $taly, they delivered :aul
and some other prisoners to one named ;ulius, a centurion of the Au"ustan
Re"iment. (o, enterin" a ship of Adramyttium, we put to sea, meanin" to
sail alon" the coasts of Asia. Aristarchus, a 4acedonian of #hessalonica,
was with us. And the ne6t day we landed at (idon. And ;ulius treated :aul
!indly and "ave him li%erty to "o to his friends and receive care.

< #he 4artyrdom of (t. 4atthias, the apostle.
< #he Departure of (t. ;ulian, the Dleventh :ope of Ale6andria.
< #he 4artyrdom of (t. Arianus, the Governor of Ansena.

Psalm 17:6 [Arabic]
$ have called upon ou, for ou will hear me, O God; $ncline our ear to me,
and hear my speech.

L+ke 9:57-62 [Arabic]
7ow it happened as they journeyed on the road, that someone said to Him,
&Lord, $ will follow ou wherever ou "o.& And ;esus said to him, &1o6es have
holes and %irds of the air have nests, %ut the (on of 4an has nowhere to lay
His head.& #hen He said to another, &1ollow 4e.& )ut he said, &Lord, let me
-rst "o and %ury my father.& ;esus said to him, &Let the dead %ury their own
dead, %ut you "o and preach the !in"dom of God.& And another also said,
&Lord, $ will follow ou, %ut let me -rst "o and %id them farewell who are at
my house.& )ut ;esus said to him, &7o one, havin" put his hand to the plow,
and loo!in" %ac!, is -t for the !in"dom of God.&
Readings for *ednesday of the fourth week of Great Lent
./o!+s 7:14-e! ; ./o!+s $:1-1$ ; &oel 2:2$-32 ; &ob 1:1-22 ; 'saia(
26:21-e! ; 'saia( 27:1-9 [Arabic]
./o!+s 7:14-e! ; ./o!+s $:1-1$ (o the LORD said to 4oses. &:haraoh's
heart is hard; he refuses to let the people "o. Go to :haraoh in the mornin",
when he "oes out to the water, and you shall stand %y the river's %an! to
meet him; and the rod which was turned to a serpent you shall ta!e in your
hand. And you shall say to him, &#he LORD God of the He%rews has sent me
to you, sayin", &Let 4y people "o, that they may serve 4e in the
wilderness&; %ut indeed, until now you would not hear/ #hus says the LORD.
&)y this you shall !now that $ am the LORD. )ehold, $ will stri!e the waters
which are in the river with the rod that is in my hand, and they shall %e
turned to %lood. And the -sh that are in the river shall die, the river shall
stin!, and the D"yptians will loathe to drin! the water of the river.&&' #hen
the LORD spo!e to 4oses, &(ay to Aaron, &#a!e your rod and stretch out
your hand over the waters of D"ypt, over their streams, over their rivers,
over their ponds, and over all their pools of water, that they may %ecome
%lood. And there shall %e %lood throu"hout all the land of D"ypt, %oth in
%uc!ets of wood and pitchers of stone.&' And 4oses and Aaron did so, just
as the LORD commanded. (o he lifted up the rod and struc! the waters that
were in the river, in the si"ht of :haraoh and in the si"ht of his servants.
And all the waters that were in the river were turned to %lood. #he -sh that
were in the river died, the river stan!, and the D"yptians could not drin! the
water of the river. (o there was %lood throu"hout all the land of D"ypt. #hen
the ma"icians of D"ypt did so with their enchantments; and :haraoh's heart
"rew hard, and he did not heed them, as the LORD had said. And :haraoh
turned and went into his house. 7either was his heart moved %y this. (o all
the D"yptians du" all around the river for water to drin!, %ecause they
could not drin! the water of the river. And seven days passed after the
LORD had struc! the river. And the LORD spo!e to 4oses, &Go to :haraoh
and say to him, &#hus says the LORD. &Let 4y people "o, that they may
serve 4e. )ut if you refuse to let them "o, %ehold, $ will smite all your
territory with fro"s. (o the river shall %rin" forth fro"s a%undantly, which
shall "o up and come into your house, into your %edroom, on your %ed, into
the houses of your servants, on your people, into your ovens, and into your
!neadin" %owls. And the fro"s shall come up on you, on your people, and
on all your servants.&&' #hen the LORD spo!e to 4oses, &(ay to Aaron,
&(tretch out your hand with your rod over the streams, over the rivers, and
over the ponds, and cause fro"s to come up on the land of D"ypt.&' (o
Aaron stretched out his hand over the waters of D"ypt, and the fro"s came
up and covered the land of D"ypt. And the ma"icians did so with their
enchantments, and %rou"ht up fro"s on the land of D"ypt. #hen :haraoh
called for 4oses and Aaron, and said, &Dntreat the LORD that He may ta!e
away the fro"s from me and from my people; and $ will let the people "o,
that they may sacri-ce to the LORD.& And 4oses said to :haraoh, &Accept
the honor of sayin" when $ shall intercede for you, for your servants, and for
your people, to destroy the fro"s from you and your houses, that they may
remain in the river only.& (o he said, &#omorrow.& And he said, &Let it %e
accordin" to your word, that you may !now that there is no one li!e the
LORD our God. And the fro"s shall depart from you, from your houses, from
your servants, and from your people. #hey shall remain in the river only.&
#hen 4oses and Aaron went out from :haraoh. And 4oses cried out to the
LORD concernin" the fro"s which He had %rou"ht a"ainst :haraoh. (o the
LORD did accordin" to the word of 4oses. And the fro"s died out of the
houses, out of the courtyards, and out of the -elds. #hey "athered them
to"ether in heaps, and the land stan!. )ut when :haraoh saw that there
was relief, he hardened his heart and did not heed them, as the LORD had
said. (o the LORD said to 4oses, &(ay to Aaron, &(tretch out your rod, and
stri!e the dust of the land, so that it may %ecome lice throu"hout all the
land of D"ypt.&' And they did so. 1or Aaron stretched out his hand with his
rod and struc! the dust of the earth, and it %ecame lice on man and %east.
All the dust of the land %ecame lice throu"hout all the land of D"ypt. 7ow
the ma"icians so wor!ed with their enchantments to %rin" forth lice, %ut
they could not. (o there were lice on man and %east.
&oel 2:2$-32
&And it shall come to pass afterward
#hat $ will pour out 4y (pirit on all 5esh;
our sons and your dau"hters shall prophesy,
our old men shall dream dreams,
our youn" men shall see visions.
And also on 4y menservants and on 4y maidservants
$ will pour out 4y (pirit in those days.
&And $ will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth.
)lood and -re and pillars of smo!e.
#he sun shall %e turned into dar!ness,
And the moon into %lood,
)efore the comin" of the "reat and awesome day of the LORD.
And it shall come to pass
#hat whoever calls on the name of the LORD
(hall %e saved.
1or in 4ount Cion and in ;erusalem there shall %e deliverance,
As the LORD has said,
Amon" the remnant whom the LORD calls.
&ob 1:1-22
#here was a man in the land of *8, whose name was ;o%; and that man was
%lameless and upri"ht, and one who feared God and shunned evil. And
seven sons and three dau"hters were %orn to him. Also, his possessions
were seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, -ve hundred yo!e of
o6en, -ve hundred female don!eys, and a very lar"e household, so that this
man was the "reatest of all the people of the Dast.
And his sons would "o and feast in their houses, each on his appointed day,
and would send and invite their three sisters to eat and drin! with them. (o
it was, when the days of feastin" had run their course, that ;o% would send
and sanctify them, and he would rise early in the mornin" and o9er %urnt
o9erin"s accordin" to the num%er of them all. 1or ;o% said, &$t may %e that
my sons have sinned and cursed God in their hearts.& #hus ;o% did re"ularly.
7ow there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves
%efore the LORD, and (atan also came amon" them. And the LORD said to
(atan, &1rom where do you come2&
(o (atan answered the LORD and said, &1rom "oin" to and fro on the earth,
and from wal!in" %ac! and forth on it.&
#hen the LORD said to (atan, &Have you considered 4y servant ;o%, that
there is none li!e him on the earth, a %lameless and upri"ht man, one who
fears God and shuns evil2&
(o (atan answered the LORD and said, &Does ;o% fear God for nothin"2
Have ou not made a hed"e around him, around his household, and around
all that he has on every side2 ou have %lessed the wor! of his hands, and
his possessions have increased in the land. )ut now, stretch out our hand
and touch all that he has, and he will surely curse ou to our face/&
And the LORD said to (atan, &)ehold, all that he has is in your power; only
do not lay a hand on his person.&
(o (atan went out from the presence of the LORD.
7ow there was a day when his sons and dau"hters were eatin" and drin!in"
wine in their oldest %rother's house; and a messen"er came to ;o% and said,
&#he o6en were plowin" and the don!eys feedin" %eside them, when the
(a%eans raided them and too! them away,,indeed they have !illed the
servants with the ed"e of the sword; and $ alone have escaped to tell you/&
+hile he was still spea!in", another also came and said, &#he -re of God
fell from heaven and %urned up the sheep and the servants, and consumed
them; and $ alone have escaped to tell you/&
+hile he was still spea!in", another also came and said, &#he 3haldeans
formed three %ands, raided the camels and too! them away, yes, and !illed
the servants with the ed"e of the sword; and $ alone have escaped to tell
+hile he was still spea!in", another also came and said, &our sons and
dau"hters were eatin" and drin!in" wine in their oldest %rother's house,
and suddenly a "reat wind came from across the wilderness and struc! the
four corners of the house, and it fell on the youn" people, and they are
dead; and $ alone have escaped to tell you/&
#hen ;o% arose, tore his ro%e, and shaved his head; and he fell to the
"round and worshiped. And he said.
&7a!ed $ came from my mother's wom%,
And na!ed shall $ return there.
#he LORD "ave, and the LORD has ta!en away;
)lessed %e the name of the LORD.&
$n all this ;o% did not sin nor char"e God with wron".
'saia( 26:21-e! ; 'saia( 27:1-9
1or %ehold, the LORD comes out of His place
#o punish the inha%itants of the earth for their ini0uity;
#he earth will also disclose her %lood,
And will no more cover her slain.
$n that day the LORD with His severe sword, "reat and stron",
+ill punish Leviathan the 5eein" serpent,
Leviathan that twisted serpent;
And He will slay the reptile that is in the sea.
$n that day sin" to her,
&A vineyard of red wine/
$, the LORD, !eep it,
$ water it every moment;
Lest any hurt it,
$ !eep it ni"ht and day.
1ury is not in 4e.
+ho would set %riers and thorns
A"ainst 4e in %attle2
$ would "o throu"h them,
$ would %urn them to"ether.
Or let him ta!e hold of 4y stren"th,
#hat he may ma!e peace with 4e;
And he shall ma!e peace with 4e.&
#hose who come He shall cause to ta!e root in ;aco%;
$srael shall %lossom and %ud,
And -ll the face of the world with fruit.
Has He struc! $srael as He struc! those who struc! him2
Or has He %een slain accordin" to the slau"hter of those who were
slain %y Him2
$n measure, %y sendin" it away,
ou contended with it.
He removes it %y His rou"h wind
$n the day of the east wind.
#herefore %y this the ini0uity of ;aco% will %e covered;
And this is all the fruit of ta!in" away his sin.
+hen he ma!es all the stones of the altar
Li!e chal!stones that are %eaten to dust,
+ooden ima"es and incense altars shall not stand.
Psalm 1$:37 ; Psalm 1$:4# [Arabic]
$ have pursued my enemies and overta!en them; 7either did $ turn %ac!
a"ain till they were destroyed.ou have also "iven me the nec!s of my
enemies, (o that $ destroyed those who hated me.
L+ke 14:16-24 [Arabic]
#hen He said to him, &A certain man "ave a "reat supper and invited many,
and sent his servant at supper time to say to those who were invited,
&3ome, for all thin"s are now ready.' )ut they all with one accord %e"an to
ma!e e6cuses. #he -rst said to him, &$ have %ou"ht a piece of "round, and $
must "o and see it. $ as! you to have me e6cused.' And another said, &$
have %ou"ht -ve yo!e of o6en, and $ am "oin" to test them. $ as! you to
have me e6cused.' (till another said, &$ have married a wife, and therefore $
cannot come.' (o that servant came and reported these thin"s to his
master. #hen the master of the house, %ein" an"ry, said to his servant, &Go
out 0uic!ly into the streets and lanes of the city, and %rin" in here the poor
and the maimed and the lame and the %lind.' And the servant said, &4aster,
it is done as you commanded, and still there is room.' #hen the master said
to the servant, &Go out into the hi"hways and hed"es, and compel them to
come in, that my house may %e -lled. 1or $ say to you that none of those
men who were invited shall taste my supper.&'

Pauline "pistle
.8(esias 4:17-33 [Arabic]
#his $ say, therefore, and testify in the Lord, that you should no lon"er wal!
as the rest of the Gentiles wal!, in the futility of their mind, havin" their
understandin" dar!ened, %ein" alienated from the life of God, %ecause of
the i"norance that is in them, %ecause of the %lindness of their heart; who,
%ein" past feelin", have "iven themselves over to lewdness, to wor! all
uncleanness with "reediness. )ut you have not so learned 3hrist, if indeed
you have heard Him and have %een tau"ht %y Him, as the truth is in ;esus.
that you put o9, concernin" your former conduct, the old man which "rows
corrupt accordin" to the deceitful lusts, and %e renewed in the spirit of your
mind, and that you put on the new man which was created accordin" to
God, in true ri"hteousness and holiness. Do 7ot Grieve the (pirit#herefore,
puttin" away lyin", &Let each one of you spea! truth with his nei"h%or,& for
we are mem%ers of one another. &)e an"ry, and do not sin&. do not let the
sun "o down on your wrath, nor "ive place to the devil. Let him who stole
steal no lon"er, %ut rather let him la%or, wor!in" with his hands what is
"ood, that he may have somethin" to "ive him who has need. Let no
corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, %ut what is "ood for necessary
edi-cation, that it may impart "race to the hearers. And do not "rieve the
Holy (pirit of God, %y whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Let
all %itterness, wrath, an"er, clamor, and evil spea!in" %e put away from
you, with all malice. And %e !ind to one another, tenderhearted, for"ivin"
one another, even as God in 3hrist for"ave you.

#atholi$ "pistle
&ames 3:13-e! ; &ames 4:1-4 [Arabic]
+ho is wise and understandin" amon" you2 Let him show %y "ood conduct
that his wor!s are done in the mee!ness of wisdom. )ut if you have %itter
envy and self,see!in" in your hearts, do not %oast and lie a"ainst the truth.
#his wisdom does not descend from a%ove, %ut is earthly, sensual,
demonic. 1or where envy and self,see!in" e6ist, confusion and every evil
thin" are there. )ut the wisdom that is from a%ove is -rst pure, then
peacea%le, "entle, willin" to yield, full of mercy and "ood fruits, without
partiality and without hypocrisy. 7ow the fruit of ri"hteousness is sown in
peace %y those who ma!e peace. +here do wars and -"hts come from
amon" you2 Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in
your mem%ers2 ou lust and do not have. ou murder and covet and cannot
o%tain. ou -"ht and war. et you do not have %ecause you do not as!. ou
as! and do not receive, %ecause you as! amiss, that you may spend it on
your pleasures. Adulterers and adulteresses/ Do you not !now that
friendship with the world is enmity with God2 +hoever therefore wants to
%e a friend of the world ma!es himself an enemy of God.

Ac"s 11:26-e! ; Ac"s 12:1-2 [Arabic]
(o it was that for a whole year they assem%led with the church and tau"ht
a "reat many people. And the disciples were -rst called 3hristians in
Antioch. And in these days prophets came from ;erusalem to Antioch. #hen
one of them, named A"a%us, stood up and showed %y the (pirit that there
was "oin" to %e a "reat famine throu"hout all the world, which also
happened in the days of 3laudius 3aesar. #hen the disciples, each
accordin" to his a%ility, determined to send relief to the %rethren dwellin" in
;udea. #his they also did, and sent it to the elders %y the hands of )arna%as
and (aul. 7ow a%out that time Herod the !in" stretched out his hand to
harass some from the church. #hen he !illed ;ames the %rother of ;ohn with
the sword.

< #he Departure of (t. Bonan.
< #he 4artyrdom of (ts. A%rianus, Amrata his wife, Duse%ius, Armanius, and
the 1orty 4artyrs.

Psalm 1$:17-1$ [Arabic]
He delivered me from my stron" enemy, 1rom those who hated me,
1or they were too stron" for me. #hey confronted me in the day
of my calamity, )ut the LORD was my support.

Mark 4:35-41 [Arabic]
On the same day, when evenin" had come, He said to them, &Let us cross
over to the other side.& 7ow when they had left the multitude, they too!
Him alon" in the %oat as He was. And other little %oats were also with Him.
And a "reat windstorm arose, and the waves %eat into the %oat, so that it
was already -llin". )ut He was in the stern, asleep on a pillow. And they
awo!e Him and said to Him, &#eacher, do ou not care that we are
perishin"2& #hen He arose and re%u!ed the wind, and said to the sea,
&:eace, %e still/& And the wind ceased and there was a "reat calm. )ut He
said to them, &+hy are you so fearful2 How is it that you have no faith2&
And they feared e6ceedin"ly, and said to one another, &+ho can this %e,
that even the wind and the sea o%ey Him/&
Readings for (hursday of the fourth week of Great Lent
1-east of the #ross 2 Readings of 10th 3arahat4 '/19
Psalm 4:6-$ [Arabic]
LORD, lift up the li"ht of our countenance upon us. ou have put
"ladness in my heart, 1or ou alone, O LORD, ma!e me dwell in safety.
& $:2$-42 [Arabic]
#hen ;esus said to them, &+hen you lift up the (on of 4an, then you will
!now that $ am He, and that $ do nothin" of 4yself; %ut as 4y 1ather tau"ht
4e, $ spea! these thin"s. And He who sent 4e is with 4e. #he 1ather has
not left 4e alone, for $ always do those thin"s that please Him.& As He
spo!e these words, many %elieved in Him. #hen ;esus said to those ;ews
who %elieved Him, &$f you a%ide in 4y word, you are 4y disciples indeed.
And you shall !now the truth, and the truth shall ma!e you free.& #hey
answered Him, &+e are A%raham's descendants, and have never %een in
%onda"e to anyone. How can ou say, &ou will %e made free'2& ;esus
answered them, &4ost assuredly, $ say to you, whoever commits sin is a
slave of sin. And a slave does not a%ide in the house forever, %ut a son
a%ides forever. #herefore if the (on ma!es you free, you shall %e free
indeed. &$ !now that you are A%raham's descendants, %ut you see! to !ill
4e, %ecause 4y word has no place in you. $ spea! what $ have seen with 4y
1ather, and you do what you have seen with your father.& #hey answered
and said to Him, &A%raham is our father.& ;esus said to them, &$f you were
A%raham's children, you would do the wor!s of A%raham. )ut now you see!
to !ill 4e, a 4an who has told you the truth which $ heard from God.
A%raham did not do this. ou do the deeds of your father.& #hen they said to
Him, &+e were not %orn of fornication; we have one 1ather,,God.& ;esus said
to them, &$f God were your 1ather, you would love 4e, for $ proceeded forth
and came from God; nor have $ come of 4yself, %ut He sent 4e.

Psalm 6#:4-5 [Arabic]
ou have "iven a %anner to those who fear ou,#hat it may %e displayed
%ecause of the truth.#hat our %eloved may %e delivered,(ave with our
ri"ht hand, and hear me.
& 12:26-36 [Arabic]
$f anyone serves 4e, let him follow 4e; and where $ am, there 4y servant
will %e also. $f anyone serves 4e, him 4y 1ather will honor. &7ow 4y soul is
trou%led, and what shall $ say2 &1ather, save 4e from this hour'2 )ut for this
purpose $ came to this hour. 1ather, "lorify our name.& #hen a voice came
from heaven, sayin", &$ have %oth "lori-ed it and will "lorify it a"ain.&
#herefore the people who stood %y and heard it said that it had thundered.
Others said, &An an"el has spo!en to Him.& ;esus answered and said, &#his
voice did not come %ecause of 4e, %ut for your sa!e. 7ow is the jud"ment
of this world; now the ruler of this world will %e cast out. And $, if $ am lifted
up from the earth, will draw all peoples to 4yself.& #his He said, si"nifyin"
%y what death He would die. #he people answered Him, &+e have heard
from the law that the 3hrist remains forever; and how can ou say, &#he
(on of 4an must %e lifted up'2 +ho is this (on of 4an2& #hen ;esus said to
them, &A little while lon"er the li"ht is with you. +al! while you have the
li"ht, lest dar!ness overta!e you; he who wal!s in dar!ness does not !now
where he is "oin". +hile you have the li"ht, %elieve in the li"ht, that you
may %ecome sons of li"ht.&

Pauline "pistle
1Cor 1:17-31 [Arabic]
1or 3hrist did not send me to %apti8e, %ut to preach the "ospel, not with
wisdom of words, lest the cross of 3hrist should %e made of no e9ect. 1or
the messa"e of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishin", %ut to
us who are %ein" saved it is the power of God. 1or it is written. &$ will
destroy the wisdom of the wise, And %rin" to nothin" the
understandin" of the prudent.& +here is the wise2 +here is the scri%e2
+here is the disputer of this a"e2 Has not God made foolish the wisdom of
this world2 1or since, in the wisdom of God, the world throu"h wisdom did
not !now God, it pleased God throu"h the foolishness of the messa"e
preached to save those who %elieve. 1or ;ews re0uest a si"n, and Gree!s
see! after wisdom; %ut we preach 3hrist cruci-ed, to the ;ews a stum%lin"
%loc! and to the Gree!s foolishness, %ut to those who are called, %oth ;ews
and Gree!s, 3hrist the power of God and the wisdom of God. )ecause the
foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the wea!ness of God is stron"er
than men. 1or you see your callin", %rethren, that not many wise accordin"
to the 5esh, not many mi"hty, not many no%le, are called. )ut God has
chosen the foolish thin"s of the world to put to shame the wise, and God
has chosen the wea! thin"s of the world to put to shame the thin"s which
are mi"hty; and the %ase thin"s of the world and the thin"s which are
despised God has chosen, and the thin"s which are not, to %rin" to nothin"
the thin"s that are, that no 5esh should "lory in His presence. )ut of Him
you are in 3hrist ;esus, who %ecame for us wisdom from God,,and
ri"hteousness and sancti-cation and redemption,, that, as it is written, &He
who "lories, let him "lory in the LORD.&

#atholi$ "pistle
1Pe" 2:11-25 [Arabic]
)eloved, $ %e" you as sojourners and pil"rims, a%stain from 5eshly lusts
which war a"ainst the soul, havin" your conduct honora%le amon" the
Gentiles, that when they spea! a"ainst you as evildoers, they may, %y your
"ood wor!s which they o%serve, "lorify God in the day of visitation.
#herefore su%mit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sa!e,
whether to the !in" as supreme, or to "overnors, as to those who are sent
%y him for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of those who do
"ood. 1or this is the will of God, that %y doin" "ood you may put to silence
the i"norance of foolish men,, as free, yet not usin" li%erty as a cloa! for
vice, %ut as %ondservants of God. Honor all people. Love the %rotherhood.
1ear God. Honor the !in". (ervants, %e su%missive to your masters with all
fear, not only to the "ood and "entle, %ut also to the harsh. 1or this is
commenda%le, if %ecause of conscience toward God one endures "rief,
su9erin" wron"fully. 1or what credit is it if, when you are %eaten for your
faults, you ta!e it patiently2 )ut when you do "ood and su9er, if you ta!e it
patiently, this is commenda%le %efore God. 1or to this you were called,
%ecause 3hrist also su9ered for us, leavin" us an e6ample, that you should
follow His steps. &+ho committed no sin, 7or was deceit found in
His mouth&; who, when He was reviled, did not revile in return; when He
su9ered, He did not threaten, %ut committed Himself to Him who jud"es
ri"hteously; who Himself %ore our sins in His own %ody on the tree, that we,
havin" died to sins, mi"ht live for ri"hteousness,,%y whose stripes you were
healed. 1or you were li!e sheep "oin" astray, %ut have now returned to the
(hepherd and Overseer of your souls.

Ac"s 1#:34-43 [Arabic]
#hen :eter opened his mouth and said. &$n truth $ perceive that God shows
no partiality. )ut in every nation whoever fears Him and wor!s
ri"hteousness is accepted %y Him. #he word which God sent to the children
of $srael, preachin" peace throu"h ;esus 3hrist,,He is Lord of all,, that word
you !now, which was proclaimed throu"hout all ;udea, and %e"an from
Galilee after the %aptism which ;ohn preached. how God anointed ;esus of
7a8areth with the Holy (pirit and with power, who went a%out doin" "ood
and healin" all who were oppressed %y the devil, for God was with Him. And
we are witnesses of all thin"s which He did %oth in the land of the ;ews and
in ;erusalem, whom they !illed %y han"in" on a tree. Him God raised up on
the third day, and showed Him openly, not to all the people, %ut to
witnesses chosen %efore %y God, even to us who ate and dran! with Him
after He arose from the dead. And He commanded us to preach to the
people, and to testify that it is He who was ordained %y God to %e ;ud"e of
the livin" and the dead. #o Him all the prophets witness that, throu"h His
name, whoever %elieves in Him will receive remission of sins.&

< 3ommemoration Of the Appearance Of #he Glorious 3ross.

Psalm 65:1-2 [Arabic]
:raise is awaitin" ou, O God, in Cion;And to ou the vow shall %e
performed.O ou who hear prayer,#o ou all 5esh will come.

& 1#:22-3$ [Arabic]
7ow it was the 1east of Dedication in ;erusalem, and it was winter. And
;esus wal!ed in the temple, in (olomon's porch. #hen the ;ews surrounded
Him and said to Him, &How lon" do ou !eep us in dou%t2 $f ou are the
3hrist, tell us plainly.& ;esus answered them, &$ told you, and you do not
%elieve. #he wor!s that $ do in 4y 1ather's name, they %ear witness of 4e.
)ut you do not %elieve, %ecause you are not of 4y sheep, as $ said to you.
4y sheep hear 4y voice, and $ !now them, and they follow 4e. And $ "ive
them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch
them out of 4y hand. 4y 1ather, who has "iven them to 4e, is "reater than
all; and no one is a%le to snatch them out of 4y 1ather's hand. $ and 4y
1ather are one.& #hen the ;ews too! up stones a"ain to stone Him. ;esus
answered them, &4any "ood wor!s $ have shown you from 4y 1ather. 1or
which of those wor!s do you stone 4e2& #he ;ews answered Him, sayin",
&1or a "ood wor! we do not stone ou, %ut for %lasphemy, and %ecause ou,
%ein" a 4an, ma!e ourself God.& ;esus answered them, &$s it not written in
your law, &$ said, &ou are "ods&'2 $f He called them "ods, to whom the word
of God came and the (cripture cannot %e %ro!en, do you say of Him whom
the 1ather sancti-ed and sent into the world, &ou are %lasphemin",'
%ecause $ said, &$ am the (on of God'2 $f $ do not do the wor!s of 4y 1ather,
do not %elieve 4e; %ut if $ do, thou"h you do not %elieve 4e, %elieve the
wor!s, that you may !now and %elieve that the 1ather is in 4e, and $ in
Readings for -riday of the fourth week of Great Lent '/20
,e+"eroom- 1#:12-e! ; - ,e+"eroom- 11:1-2$ ; 'saia( 29:13-
23 ; &ob 21:1-34 ; ,aiel 14:1-42 [Arabic]
,e+"eroom- 1#:12-e! ; - ,e+"eroom- 11:1-2$ &And now, $srael,
what does the LORD your God re0uire of you, %ut to fear the LORD your
God, to wal! in all His ways and to love Him, to serve the LORD your God
with all your heart and with all your soul, and to !eep the commandments
of the LORD and His statutes which $ command you today for your "ood2
$ndeed heaven and the hi"hest heavens %elon" to the LORD your God, also
the earth with all that is in it. #he LORD deli"hted only in your fathers, to
love them; and He chose their descendants after them, you a%ove all
peoples, as it is this day. #herefore circumcise the fores!in of your heart,
and %e sti9,nec!ed no lon"er. 1or the LORD your God is God of "ods and
Lord of lords, the "reat God, mi"hty and awesome, who shows no partiality
nor ta!es a %ri%e. He administers justice for the fatherless and the widow,
and loves the stran"er, "ivin" him food and clothin". #herefore love the
stran"er, for you were stran"ers in the land of D"ypt. ou shall fear the
LORD your God; you shall serve Him, and to Him you shall hold fast, and
ta!e oaths in His name. He is your praise, and He is your God, who has
done for you these "reat and awesome thin"s which your eyes have seen.
our fathers went down to D"ypt with seventy persons, and now the LORD
your God has made you as the stars of heaven in multitude.@
'saia( 29:13-23
#herefore the Lord said.
&$n as much as these people draw near with their mouths
And honor 4e with their lips,
)ut have removed their hearts far from 4e,
And their fear toward 4e is tau"ht %y the commandment of men,
#herefore, %ehold, $ will a"ain do a marvelous wor!
Amon" this people,
A marvelous wor! and a wonder;
1or the wisdom of their wise men shall perish,
And the understandin" of their prudent men shall %e hidden.&
+oe to those who see! deep to hide their counsel far from the LORD,
And their wor!s are in the dar!;
#hey say, &+ho sees us2& and, &+ho !nows us2&
(urely you have thin"s turned around/
(hall the potter %e esteemed as the clay;
1or shall the thin" made say of him who made it,
&He did not ma!e me&2
Or shall the thin" formed say of him who formed it,
&He has no understandin"&2
$s it not yet a very little while
#ill Le%anon shall %e turned into a fruitful -eld,
And the fruitful -eld %e esteemed as a forest2
$n that day the deaf shall hear the words of the %oo!,
And the eyes of the %lind shall see out of o%scurity and out of
#he hum%le also shall increase their joy in the LORD,
And the poor amon" men shall rejoice
$n the Holy One of $srael.
1or the terri%le one is %rou"ht to nothin",
#he scornful one is consumed,
And all who watch for ini0uity are cut o9,,
+ho ma!e a man an o9ender %y a word,
And lay a snare for him who reproves in the "ate,
And turn aside the just %y empty words.
#herefore thus says the LORD, who redeemed A%raham, concernin" the
house of ;aco%.
&;aco% shall not now %e ashamed,
7or shall his face now "row pale;
)ut when he sees his children,
#he wor! of 4y hands, in his midst,
#hey will hallow 4y name,
And hallow the Holy One of ;aco%,
And fear the God of $srael.
&ob 21:1-34
#hen ;o% answered and said.
&Listen carefully to my speech,
And let this %e your consolation.
)ear with me that $ may spea!,
And after $ have spo!en, !eep moc!in".
&As for me, is my complaint a"ainst man2
And if it were, why should $ not %e impatient2
Loo! at me and %e astonished;
:ut your hand over your mouth.
Dven when $ remem%er $ am terri-ed,
And trem%lin" ta!es hold of my 5esh.
+hy do the wic!ed live and %ecome old,
es, %ecome mi"hty in power2
#heir descendants are esta%lished with them in their si"ht,
And their o9sprin" %efore their eyes.
#heir houses are safe from fear,
7either is the rod of God upon them.
#heir %ull %reeds without failure;
#heir cow calves without miscarria"e.
#hey send forth their little ones li!e a 5oc!,
And their children dance.
#hey sin" to the tam%ourine and harp,
And rejoice to the sound of the 5ute.
#hey spend their days in wealth,
And in a moment "o down to the "rave.
et they say to God, &Depart from us,
1or we do not desire the !nowled"e of our ways.
+ho is the Almi"hty, that we should serve Him2
And what pro-t do we have if we pray to Him2'
$ndeed their prosperity is not in their hand;
#he counsel of the wic!ed is far from me.
&How often is the lamp of the wic!ed put out2
How often does their destruction come upon them,
#he sorrows God distri%utes in His an"er2
#hey are li!e straw %efore the wind,
And li!e cha9 that a storm carries away.
#hey say, &God lays up one's ini0uity for his children';
Let Him recompense him, that he may !now it.
Let his eyes see his destruction,
And let him drin! of the wrath of the Almi"hty.
1or what does he care a%out his household after him,
+hen the num%er of his months is cut in half2
&3an anyone teach God !nowled"e,
(ince He jud"es those on hi"h2
One dies in his full stren"th,
)ein" wholly at ease and secure;
His pails are full of mil!,
And the marrow of his %ones is moist.
Another man dies in the %itterness of his soul,
7ever havin" eaten with pleasure.
#hey lie down ali!e in the dust,
And worms cover them.
&Loo!, $ !now your thou"hts,
And the schemes with which you would wron" me.
1or you say,
&+here is the house of the prince2
And where is the tent,
#he dwellin" place of the wic!ed2'
Have you not as!ed those who travel the road2
And do you not !now their si"ns2
1or the wic!ed are reserved for the day of doom;
#hey shall %e %rou"ht out on the day of wrath.
+ho condemns his way to his face2
And who repays him for what he has done2
et he shall %e %rou"ht to the "rave,
And a vi"il !ept over the tom%.
#he clods of the valley shall %e sweet to him;
Dveryone shall follow him,
As countless have "one %efore him.
How then can you comfort me with empty words,
(ince falsehood remains in your answers2&
,aiel 14:1-42
Psalm 2$:6-7 [Arabic]
)lessed %e the LORD, )ecause He has heard the voice of my supplications/
#he LORD is my stren"th and my shield; 4y heart trusted in Him, and $ am
helped; #herefore my heart "reatly rejoices, And with my son" $ will praise
L+ke 4:31-37 [Arabic]
#hen He went down to 3apernaum, a city of Galilee, and was teachin" them
on the (a%%aths. And they were astonished at His teachin", for His word
was with authority. 7ow in the syna"o"ue there was a man who had a spirit
of an unclean demon. And he cried out with a loud voice, sayin", &Let us
alone/ +hat have we to do with ou, ;esus of 7a8areth2 Did ou come to
destroy us2 $ !now who ou are,,the Holy One of God/& )ut ;esus re%u!ed
him, sayin", &)e 0uiet, and come out of him/& And when the demon had
thrown him in their midst, it came out of him and did not hurt him. #hen
they were all ama8ed and spo!e amon" themselves, sayin", &+hat a word
this is/ 1or with authority and power He commands the unclean spirits, and
they come out.& And the report a%out Him went out into every place in the
surroundin" re"ion.

Pauline "pistle
2ebre*s 13:7-16 [Arabic]
Remem%er those who rule over you, who have spo!en the word of God to
you, whose faith follow, considerin" the outcome of their conduct. ;esus
3hrist is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Do not %e carried a%out
with various and stran"e doctrines. 1or it is "ood that the heart %e
esta%lished %y "race, not with foods which have not pro-ted those who
have %een occupied with them. +e have an altar from which those who
serve the ta%ernacle have no ri"ht to eat. 1or the %odies of those animals,
whose %lood is %rou"ht into the sanctuary %y the hi"h priest for sin, are
%urned outside the camp. #herefore ;esus also, that He mi"ht sanctify the
people with His own %lood, su9ered outside the "ate. #herefore let us "o
forth to Him, outside the camp, %earin" His reproach. 1or here we have no
continuin" city, %ut we see! the one to come. #herefore %y Him let us
continually o9er the sacri-ce of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips,
"ivin" than!s to His name. )ut do not for"et to do "ood and to share, for
with such sacri-ces God is well pleased.

#atholi$ "pistle
1&o( 4:7-16 [Arabic]
)eloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves
is %orn of God and !nows God. He who does not love does not !now God,
for God is love. $n this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God
has sent His only %e"otten (on into the world, that we mi"ht live throu"h
Him. $n this is love, not that we loved God, %ut that He loved us and sent
His (on to %e the propitiation for our sins. )eloved, if God so loved us, we
also ou"ht to love one another. 7o one has seen God at any time. $f we love
one another, God a%ides in us, and His love has %een perfected in us. )y
this we !now that we a%ide in Him, and He in us, %ecause He has "iven us
of His (pirit. And we have seen and testify that the 1ather has sent the (on
as (avior of the world. +hoever confesses that ;esus is the (on of God, God
a%ides in him, and he in God. And we have !nown and %elieved the love
that God has for us. God is love, and he who a%ides in love a%ides in God,
and God in him.

Ac"s 22:17-24 [Arabic]
&7ow it happened, when $ returned to ;erusalem and was prayin" in the
temple, that $ was in a trance and saw Him sayin" to me, &4a!e haste and
"et out of ;erusalem 0uic!ly, for they will not receive your testimony
concernin" 4e.' (o $ said, &Lord, they !now that in every syna"o"ue $
imprisoned and %eat those who %elieve on ou. And when the %lood of our
martyr (tephen was shed, $ also was standin" %y consentin" to his death,
and "uardin" the clothes of those who were !illin" him.' #hen He said to
me, &Depart, for $ will send you far from here to the Gentiles.&' And they
listened to him until this word, and then they raised their voices and said,
&Away with such a fellow from the earth, for he is not -t to live/& #hen, as
they cried out and tore o9 their clothes and threw dust into the air, the
commander ordered him to %e %rou"ht into the %arrac!s, and said that he
should %e e6amined under scour"in", so that he mi"ht !now why they
shouted so a"ainst him.

< #he 4artyrdom Of (t. )asil =)asilaos> #he )ishop.

Psalm 2$:2 [Arabic]
Hear the voice of my supplications +hen $ cry to ou, +hen $ lift
up my hands toward our holy sanctuary.

Ma""(e* 15:21-31 [Arabic]
#hen ;esus went out from there and departed to the re"ion of #yre and
(idon. And %ehold, a woman of 3anaan came from that re"ion and cried out
to Him, sayin", &Have mercy on me, O Lord, (on of David/ 4y dau"hter is
severely demon,possessed.& )ut He answered her not a word. And His
disciples came and ur"ed Him, sayin", &(end her away, for she cries out
after us.& )ut He answered and said, &$ was not sent e6cept to the lost
sheep of the house of $srael.& #hen she came and worshiped Him, sayin",
&Lord, help me/& )ut He answered and said, &$t is not "ood to ta!e the
children's %read and throw it to the little do"s.& And she said, &es, Lord, yet
even the little do"s eat the crum%s which fall from their masters' ta%le.&
#hen ;esus answered and said to her, &O woman, "reat is your faith/ Let it
%e to you as you desire.& And her dau"hter was healed from that very hour.
;esus departed from there, s!irted the (ea of Galilee, and went up on the
mountain and sat down there. #hen "reat multitudes came to Him, havin"
with them the lame, %lind, mute, maimed, and many others; and they laid
them down at ;esus' feet, and He healed them. (o the multitude marveled
when they saw the mute spea!in", the maimed made whole, the lame
wal!in", and the %lind seein"; and they "lori-ed the God of $srael.
Readings for Saturday of the fourth week of Great Lent '/21
Psalm 142:5 ; Psalm 142:7 [Arabic]
$ cried out to ou, O LORD. $ said, &ou are my refu"e, 4y portion
in the land of the livin". )rin" my soul out of prison, #hat $ may praise
our name; #he ri"hteous shall surround me, 1or ou shall deal
%ountifully with me.&
L+ke 16:19-31 [Arabic]
&#here was a certain rich man who was clothed in purple and -ne linen and
fared sumptuously every day. )ut there was a certain %e""ar named
La8arus, full of sores, who was laid at his "ate, desirin" to %e fed with the
crum%s which fell from the rich man's ta%le. 4oreover the do"s came and
lic!ed his sores. (o it was that the %e""ar died, and was carried %y the
an"els to A%raham's %osom. #he rich man also died and was %uried. And
%ein" in torments in Hades, he lifted up his eyes and saw A%raham afar o9,
and La8arus in his %osom. &#hen he cried and said, &1ather A%raham, have
mercy on me, and send La8arus that he may dip the tip of his -n"er in
water and cool my ton"ue; for $ am tormented in this 5ame.' )ut A%raham
said, &(on, remem%er that in your lifetime you received your "ood thin"s,
and li!ewise La8arus evil thin"s; %ut now he is comforted and you are
tormented. And %esides all this, %etween us and you there is a "reat "ulf
-6ed, so that those who want to pass from here to you cannot, nor can
those from there pass to us.' &#hen he said, &$ %e" you therefore, father,
that you would send him to my father's house, for $ have -ve %rothers, that
he may testify to them, lest they also come to this place of torment.'
A%raham said to him, &#hey have 4oses and the prophets; let them hear
them.' And he said, &7o, father A%raham; %ut if one "oes to them from the
dead, they will repent.' )ut he said to him, &$f they do not hear 4oses and
the prophets, neither will they %e persuaded thou"h one rise from the

Pauline "pistle
P(ili88ias 4:4-9 [Arabic]
Rejoice in the Lord always. A"ain $ will say, rejoice/ Let your "entleness %e
!nown to all men. #he Lord is at hand. )e an6ious for nothin", %ut in
everythin" %y prayer and supplication, with than!s"ivin", let your re0uests
%e made !nown to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all
understandin", will "uard your hearts and minds throu"h 3hrist ;esus.
1inally, %rethren, whatever thin"s are true, whatever thin"s are no%le,
whatever thin"s are just, whatever thin"s are pure, whatever thin"s are
lovely, whatever thin"s are of "ood report, if there is any virtue and if there
is anythin" praiseworthy,,meditate on these thin"s. #he thin"s which you
learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of
peace will %e with you.

#atholi$ "pistle
&ames 3:13-e! ; &ames 4:1-6 [Arabic]
+ho is wise and understandin" amon" you2 Let him show %y "ood conduct
that his wor!s are done in the mee!ness of wisdom. )ut if you have %itter
envy and self,see!in" in your hearts, do not %oast and lie a"ainst the truth.
#his wisdom does not descend from a%ove, %ut is earthly, sensual,
demonic. 1or where envy and self,see!in" e6ist, confusion and every evil
thin" are there. )ut the wisdom that is from a%ove is -rst pure, then
peacea%le, "entle, willin" to yield, full of mercy and "ood fruits, without
partiality and without hypocrisy. 7ow the fruit of ri"hteousness is sown in
peace %y those who ma!e peace. +here do wars and -"hts come from
amon" you2 Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in
your mem%ers2 ou lust and do not have. ou murder and covet and cannot
o%tain. ou -"ht and war. et you do not have %ecause you do not as!. ou
as! and do not receive, %ecause you as! amiss, that you may spend it on
your pleasures. Adulterers and adulteresses/ Do you not !now that
friendship with the world is enmity with God2 +hoever therefore wants to
%e a friend of the world ma!es himself an enemy of God. Or do you thin!
that the (cripture says in vain, &#he (pirit who dwells in us yearns
jealously&2 )ut He "ives more "race. #herefore He says. &God resists
the proud, )ut "ives "race to the hum%le.&

Ac"s 24:24-e! ; Ac"s 25:1-12 [Arabic]
And after some days, when 1eli6 came with his wife Drusilla, who was
;ewish, he sent for :aul and heard him concernin" the faith in 3hrist. 7ow
as he reasoned a%out ri"hteousness, self,control, and the jud"ment to
come, 1eli6 was afraid and answered, &Go away for now; when $ have a
convenient time $ will call for you.& 4eanwhile he also hoped that money
would %e "iven him %y :aul, that he mi"ht release him. #herefore he sent
for him more often and conversed with him. )ut after two years :orcius
1estus succeeded 1eli6; and 1eli6, wantin" to do the ;ews a favor, left :aul
%ound. 7ow when 1estus had come to the province, after three days he
went up from 3aesarea to ;erusalem. #hen the hi"h priest and the chief
men of the ;ews informed him a"ainst :aul; and they petitioned him, as!in"
a favor a"ainst him, that he would summon him to ;erusalem,,while they
lay in am%ush alon" the road to !ill him. )ut 1estus answered that :aul
should %e !ept at 3aesarea, and that he himself was "oin" there shortly.
&#herefore,& he said, &let those who have authority amon" you "o down
with me and accuse this man, to see if there is any fault in him.& And when
he had remained amon" them more than ten days, he went down to
3aesarea. And the ne6t day, sittin" on the jud"ment seat, he commanded
:aul to %e %rou"ht. +hen he had come, the ;ews who had come down from
;erusalem stood a%out and laid many serious complaints a"ainst :aul,
which they could not prove, while he answered for himself, &7either a"ainst
the law of the ;ews, nor a"ainst the temple, nor a"ainst 3aesar have $
o9ended in anythin" at all.& )ut 1estus, wantin" to do the ;ews a favor,
answered :aul and said, &Are you willin" to "o up to ;erusalem and there %e
jud"ed %efore me concernin" these thin"s2& (o :aul said, &$ stand at
3aesar's jud"ment seat, where $ ou"ht to %e jud"ed. #o the ;ews $ have
done no wron", as you very well !now. 1or if $ am an o9ender, or have
committed anythin" deservin" of death, $ do not o%ject to dyin"; %ut if
there is nothin" in these thin"s of which these men accuse me, no one can
deliver me to them. $ appeal to 3aesar.& #hen 1estus, when he had
conferred with the council, answered, &ou have appealed to 3aesar2 #o
3aesar you shall "o/&

< #he 3ommemoration of the Honora%le An"el 4ichael.
< #he 3ommemoration of the revealin" of the vir"inity of (t. Demetrius the
#welfth :ope of Ale6andria.
< #he 4artyrdom of (t. 4alachias of :alestine.
< #he 4artyrdom of (t. Glathinos in Damascus.

Psalm 61:1 ; Psalm 61#:5 [Arabic]
Hear my cry, O God; Attend to my prayer. 1or ou, O God, have heard my
vows; ou have "iven me the herita"e of those who fear our name.

Ma""(e* 21:33-45 [Arabic]
&Hear another para%le. #here was a certain landowner who planted a
vineyard and set a hed"e around it, du" a winepress in it and %uilt a tower.
And he leased it to vinedressers and went into a far country. 7ow when
vinta"e,time drew near, he sent his servants to the vinedressers, that they
mi"ht receive its fruit. And the vinedressers too! his servants, %eat one,
!illed one, and stoned another. A"ain he sent other servants, more than the
-rst, and they did li!ewise to them. #hen last of all he sent his son to them,
sayin", &#hey will respect my son.' )ut when the vinedressers saw the son,
they said amon" themselves, &#his is the heir. 3ome, let us !ill him and
sei8e his inheritance.' (o they too! him and cast him out of the vineyard
and !illed him. &#herefore, when the owner of the vineyard comes, what will
he do to those vinedressers2& #hey said to Him, &He will destroy those
wic!ed men misera%ly, and lease his vineyard to other vinedressers who
will render to him the fruits in their seasons.& ;esus said to them, &Have you
never read in the (criptures. &#he stone which the %uilders rejected Has
%ecome the chief cornerstone. #his was the LORD's doin", And it is
marvelous in our eyes'2&#herefore $ say to you, the !in"dom of God will %e
ta!en from you and "iven to a nation %earin" the fruits of it. And whoever
falls on this stone will %e %ro!en; %ut on whomever it falls, it will "rind him
to powder.& 7ow when the chief priests and :harisees heard His para%les,
they perceived that He was spea!in" of them. )ut when they sou"ht to lay
hands on Him, they feared the multitudes, %ecause they too! Him for a
Readings for Sunday of the fourth week of Great Lent '/22
Psalm 27:14 ; 27:13 [Arabic]
+ait on the LORD; )e of "ood coura"e, And He shall stren"then your heart;
+ait, $ say, on the LORD/$ would have lost heart, unless $ had %elieved #hat
$ would see the "oodness of the LORD $n the land of the livin".
L+ke 12:22-31 [Arabic]
#hen He said to His disciples, &#herefore $ say to you, do not worry a%out
your life, what you will eat; nor a%out the %ody, what you will put on. Life is
more than food, and the %ody is more than clothin". 3onsider the ravens,
for they neither sow nor reap, which have neither storehouse nor %arn; and
God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the %irds2 And
which of you %y worryin" can add one cu%it to his stature2 $f you then are
not a%le to do the least, why are you an6ious for the rest2 3onsider the
lilies, how they "row. they neither toil nor spin; and yet $ say to you, even
(olomon in all his "lory was not arrayed li!e one of these. $f then God so
clothes the "rass, which today is in the -eld and tomorrow is thrown into
the oven, how much more will He clothe you, O you of little faith2 &And do
not see! what you should eat or what you should drin!, nor have an
an6ious mind. 1or all these thin"s the nations of the world see! after, and
your 1ather !nows that you need these thin"s. )ut see! the !in"dom of
God, and all these thin"s shall %e added to you.

Psalm 31:24 ; Psalm 31:33 [Arabic]
)e of "ood coura"e, And He shall stren"then your heart, All you who hope
in the LORD.Oh, love the LORD, all you His saints/ 1or the LORD preserves
the faithful, And fully repays the proud person.
Ma""(e* 22:1-14 [Arabic]
And ;esus answered and spo!e to them a"ain %y para%les and said. &#he
!in"dom of heaven is li!e a certain !in" who arran"ed a marria"e for his
son, and sent out his servants to call those who were invited to the
weddin"; and they were not willin" to come. A"ain, he sent out other
servants, sayin", &#ell those who are invited, &(ee, $ have prepared my
dinner; my o6en and fatted cattle are !illed, and all thin"s are ready. 3ome
to the weddin".&' )ut they made li"ht of it and went their ways, one to his
own farm, another to his %usiness. And the rest sei8ed his servants, treated
them spitefully, and !illed them. )ut when the !in" heard a%out it, he was
furious. And he sent out his armies, destroyed those murderers, and %urned
up their city. #hen he said to his servants, &#he weddin" is ready, %ut those
who were invited were not worthy. #herefore "o into the hi"hways, and as
many as you -nd, invite to the weddin".' (o those servants went out into
the hi"hways and "athered to"ether all whom they found, %oth %ad and
"ood. And the weddin" hall was -lled with "uests. &)ut when the !in" came
in to see the "uests, he saw a man there who did not have on a weddin"
"arment. (o he said to him, &1riend, how did you come in here without a
weddin" "arment2' And he was speechless. #hen the !in" said to the
servants, &)ind him hand and foot, ta!e him away, and cast him into outer
dar!ness; there will %e weepin" and "nashin" of teeth.' &1or many are
called, %ut few are chosen.&

Pauline "pistle
.8(esias 6:1#-24 [Arabic]
1inally, my %rethren, %e stron" in the Lord and in the power of His mi"ht.
:ut on the whole armor of God, that you may %e a%le to stand a"ainst the
wiles of the devil. 1or we do not wrestle a"ainst 5esh and %lood, %ut a"ainst
principalities, a"ainst powers, a"ainst the rulers of the dar!ness of this a"e,
a"ainst spiritual hosts of wic!edness in the heavenly places. #herefore ta!e
up the whole armor of God, that you may %e a%le to withstand in the evil
day, and havin" done all, to stand. (tand therefore, havin" "irded your
waist with truth, havin" put on the %reastplate of ri"hteousness, and havin"
shod your feet with the preparation of the "ospel of peace; a%ove all, ta!in"
the shield of faith with which you will %e a%le to 0uench all the -ery darts of
the wic!ed one. And ta!e the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the
(pirit, which is the word of God; prayin" always with all prayer and
supplication in the (pirit, %ein" watchful to this end with all perseverance
and supplication for all the saints,, and for me, that utterance may %e "iven
to me, that $ may open my mouth %oldly to ma!e !nown the mystery of the
"ospel, for which $ am an am%assador in chains; that in it $ may spea!
%oldly, as $ ou"ht to spea!. )ut that you also may !now my a9airs and how
$ am doin", #ychicus, a %eloved %rother and faithful minister in the Lord, will
ma!e all thin"s !nown to you; whom $ have sent to you for this very
purpose, that you may !now our a9airs, and that he may comfort your
hearts. :eace to the %rethren, and love with faith, from God the 1ather and
the Lord ;esus 3hrist. Grace %e with all those who love our Lord ;esus 3hrist
in sincerity. Amen.

#atholi$ "pistle
&ames 4:7-17 [Arabic]
#herefore su%mit to God. Resist the devil and he will 5ee from you. Draw
near to God and He will draw near to you. 3leanse your hands, you sinners;
and purify your hearts, you dou%le,minded. Lament and mourn and weep/
Let your lau"hter %e turned to mournin" and your joy to "loom. Hum%le
yourselves in the si"ht of the Lord, and He will lift you up. Do not spea! evil
of one another, %rethren. He who spea!s evil of a %rother and jud"es his
%rother, spea!s evil of the law and jud"es the law. )ut if you jud"e the law,
you are not a doer of the law %ut a jud"e. #here is one Law"iver, who is
a%le to save and to destroy. +ho are you to jud"e another2 3ome now, you
who say, &#oday or tomorrow we will "o to such and such a city, spend a
year there, %uy and sell, and ma!e a pro-t&; whereas you do not !now what
will happen tomorrow. 1or what is your life2 $t is even a vapor that appears
for a little time and then vanishes away. $nstead you ou"ht to say, &$f the
Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that.& )ut now you %oast in your
arro"ance. All such %oastin" is evil. #herefore, to him who !nows to do "ood
and does not do it, to him it is sin.

Ac"s 25:13-e! ; Ac"s 26:1-1 [Arabic]
And after some days Bin" A"rippa and )ernice came to 3aesarea to "reet
1estus. +hen they had %een there many days, 1estus laid :aul's case
%efore the !in", sayin". &#here is a certain man left a prisoner %y 1eli6,
a%out whom the chief priests and the elders of the ;ews informed me, when
$ was in ;erusalem, as!in" for a jud"ment a"ainst him. #o them $ answered,
&$t is not the custom of the Romans to deliver any man to destruction %efore
the accused meets the accusers face to face, and has opportunity to
answer for himself concernin" the char"e a"ainst him.' #herefore when
they had come to"ether, without any delay, the ne6t day $ sat on the
jud"ment seat and commanded the man to %e %rou"ht in. +hen the
accusers stood up, they %rou"ht no accusation a"ainst him of such thin"s
as $ supposed, %ut had some 0uestions a"ainst him a%out their own reli"ion
and a%out a certain ;esus, who had died, whom :aul aIrmed to %e alive.
And %ecause $ was uncertain of such 0uestions, $ as!ed whether he was
willin" to "o to ;erusalem and there %e jud"ed concernin" these matters.
)ut when :aul appealed to %e reserved for the decision of Au"ustus, $
commanded him to %e !ept till $ could send him to 3aesar.& #hen A"rippa
said to 1estus, &$ also would li!e to hear the man myself.& &#omorrow,& he
said, &you shall hear him.& (o the ne6t day, when A"rippa and )ernice had
come with "reat pomp, and had entered the auditorium with the
commanders and the prominent men of the city, at 1estus' command :aul
was %rou"ht in. And 1estus said. &Bin" A"rippa and all the men who are
here present with us, you see this man a%out whom the whole assem%ly of
the ;ews petitioned me, %oth at ;erusalem and here, cryin" out that he was
not -t to live any lon"er. )ut when $ found that he had committed nothin"
deservin" of death, and that he himself had appealed to Au"ustus, $
decided to send him. $ have nothin" certain to write to my lord concernin"
him. #herefore $ have %rou"ht him out %efore you, and especially %efore
you, Bin" A"rippa, so that after the e6amination has ta!en place $ may have
somethin" to write. 1or it seems to me unreasona%le to send a prisoner and
not to specify the char"es a"ainst him.&#hen A"rippa said to :aul, &ou are
permitted to spea! for yourself.& (o :aul stretched out his hand and
answered for himself.

< #he Departure of A%%a Dionysius, the 1ourteenth :ope of Ale6andria.
< #he Return of the Great (ts. An%a 4acarius the Great and An%a 4acarius
of Ale6andria, from D6ile.
< #he 4artyrdom of the 1orty 4artyrs of (e%astia.

Psalm 1#5:3-5 [Arabic]
Let the hearts of those rejoice who see! the LORD/ (ee! the LORD and His
stren"th; (ee! His face evermore/ Remem%er His marvelous wor!s which
He has done, His wonders, and the jud"ments of His mouth,

&o( 4:1-42 [Arabic]
#herefore, when the Lord !new that the :harisees had heard that ;esus
made and %apti8ed more disciples than ;ohn thou"h ;esus Himself did not
%apti8e, %ut His disciples, He left ;udea and departed a"ain to Galilee. )ut
He needed to "o throu"h (amaria. (o He came to a city of (amaria which is
called (ychar, near the plot of "round that ;aco% "ave to his son ;oseph.
7ow ;aco%'s well was there. ;esus therefore, %ein" wearied from His journey,
sat thus %y the well. $t was a%out the si6th hour. A woman of (amaria came
to draw water. ;esus said to her, &Give 4e a drin!.& 1or His disciples had
"one away into the city to %uy food. #hen the woman of (amaria said to
Him, &How is it that ou, %ein" a ;ew, as! a drin! from me, a (amaritan
woman2& 1or ;ews have no dealin"s with (amaritans. ;esus answered and
said to her, &$f you !new the "ift of God, and who it is who says to you,
&Give 4e a drin!,' you would have as!ed Him, and He would have "iven you
livin" water.& #he woman said to Him, &(ir, ou have nothin" to draw with,
and the well is deep. +here then do ou "et that livin" water2 Are ou
"reater than our father ;aco%, who "ave us the well, and dran! from it
himself, as well as his sons and his livestoc!2& ;esus answered and said to
her, &+hoever drin!s of this water will thirst a"ain, %ut whoever drin!s of
the water that $ shall "ive him will never thirst. )ut the water that $ shall
"ive him will %ecome in him a fountain of water sprin"in" up into
everlastin" life.& #he woman said to Him, &(ir, "ive me this water, that $
may not thirst, nor come here to draw.& ;esus said to her, &Go, call your
hus%and, and come here.& #he woman answered and said, &$ have no
hus%and.& ;esus said to her, &ou have well said, &$ have no hus%and,' for
you have had -ve hus%ands, and the one whom you now have is not your
hus%and; in that you spo!e truly.& #he woman said to Him, &(ir, $ perceive
that ou are a prophet. Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, and you
;ews say that in ;erusalem is the place where one ou"ht to worship.& ;esus
said to her, &+oman, %elieve 4e, the hour is comin" when you will neither
on this mountain, nor in ;erusalem, worship the 1ather. ou worship what
you do not !now; we !now what we worship, for salvation is of the ;ews. )ut
the hour is comin", and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the
1ather in spirit and truth; for the 1ather is see!in" such to worship Him. God
is (pirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.& #he
woman said to Him, &$ !now that 4essiah is comin"& who is called 3hrist.
&+hen He comes, He will tell us all thin"s.& ;esus said to her, &$ who spea!
to you am He.& And at this point His disciples came, and they marveled that
He tal!ed with a woman; yet no one said, &+hat do ou see!2& or, &+hy are
ou tal!in" with her2& #he woman then left her waterpot, went her way into
the city, and said to the men, &3ome, see a 4an who told me all thin"s that
$ ever did. 3ould this %e the 3hrist2& #hen they went out of the city and
came to Him. $n the meantime His disciples ur"ed Him, sayin", &Ra%%i, eat.&
)ut He said to them, &$ have food to eat of which you do not !now.&
#herefore the disciples said to one another, &Has anyone %rou"ht Him
anythin" to eat2& ;esus said to them, &4y food is to do the will of Him who
sent 4e, and to -nish His wor!. Do you not say, &#here are still four months
and then comes the harvest'2 )ehold, $ say to you, lift up your eyes and
loo! at the -elds, for they are already white for harvest/ And he who reaps
receives wa"es, and "athers fruit for eternal life, that %oth he who sows and
he who reaps may rejoice to"ether. 1or in this the sayin" is true. &One sows
and another reaps.' $ sent you to reap that for which you have not la%ored;
others have la%ored, and you have entered into their la%ors.& And many of
the (amaritans of that city %elieved in Him %ecause of the word of the
woman who testi-ed, &He told me all that $ ever did.& (o when the
(amaritans had come to Him, they ur"ed Him to stay with them; and He
stayed there two days. And many more %elieved %ecause of His own word.
#hen they said to the woman, &7ow we %elieve, not %ecause of what you
said, for we ourselves have heard Him and we !now that this is indeed the
3hrist, the (avior of the world.&
Readings for !onday of the fifth week of Great Lent '/2'
Pro3erbs 3:5-1$ ; 'saia( 37:33-e! ; 'saia( 3$:1-6 ; &ob 22:1-3#
Pro3erbs 3:5-1$ #rust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not
on your own understandin"; $n all your ways ac!nowled"e Him,
And He shall direct your paths. Do not %e wise in your own eyes;
1ear the LORD and depart from evil. $t will %e health to your 5esh,
And stren"th to your %ones. Honor the LORD with your possessions,
And with the -rstfruits of all your increase; (o your %arns will %e
-lled with plenty, And your vats will over5ow with new wine. 4y
son, do not despise the chastenin" of the LORD, 7or detest His
correction; 1or whom the LORD loves He corrects, ;ust as a father
the son in whom he deli"hts. Happy is the man who -nds wisdom,
And the man who "ains understandin"; 1or her proceeds are
%etter than the pro-ts of silver, And her "ain than -ne "old. (he
is more precious than ru%ies, And all the thin"s you may desire cannot
compare with her. Len"th of days is in her ri"ht hand, $n her left
hand riches and honor. Her ways are ways of pleasantness, And
all her paths are peace. (he is a tree of life to those who ta!e hold of
her, And happy are all who retain her.
'saia( 37:33-e! ; 'saia( 3$:1-6
&#herefore thus says the LORD concernin" the !in" of Assyria.
&He shall not come into this city,
7or shoot an arrow there,
7or come %efore it with shield,
7or %uild a sie"e mound a"ainst it.
)y the way that he came,
)y the same shall he return;
And he shall not come into this city,'
(ays the LORD.
&1or $ will defend this city, to save it
1or 4y own sa!e and for 4y servant David's sa!e.&'
#hen the an"el of the LORD went out, and !illed in the camp of the
Assyrians one hundred and ei"hty,-ve thousand; and when people arose
early in the mornin", there were the corpses,,all dead. (o (ennacheri% !in"
of Assyria departed and went away, returned home, and remained at
7ineveh. 7ow it came to pass, as he was worshipin" in the house of 7isroch
his "od, that his sons Adrammelech and (hare8er struc! him down with the
sword; and they escaped into the land of Ararat. #hen Dsarhaddon his son
rei"ned in his place. $n those days He8e!iah was sic! and near death. And
$saiah the prophet, the son of Amo8, went to him and said to him, &#hus
says the LORD. &(et your house in order, for you shall die and not live.&'
#hen He8e!iah turned his face toward the wall, and prayed to the LORD,
and said, &Remem%er now, O LORD, $ pray, how $ have wal!ed %efore ou in
truth and with a loyal heart, and have done what is "ood in our si"ht.& And
He8e!iah wept %itterly.
And the word of the LORD came to $saiah, sayin", &Go and tell He8e!iah,
&#hus says the LORD, the God of David your father. &$ have heard your
prayer, $ have seen your tears; surely $ will add to your days -fteen years. $
will deliver you and this city from the hand of the !in" of Assyria, and $ will
defend this city.&'
&ob 22:1-3#
#hen Dlipha8 the #emanite answered and said.
&3an a man %e pro-ta%le to God,
#hou"h he who is wise may %e pro-ta%le to himself2
$s it any pleasure to the Almi"hty that you are ri"hteous2
Or is it "ain to Him that you ma!e your ways %lameless2
&$s it %ecause of your fear of Him that He corrects you,
And enters into jud"ment with you2
$s not your wic!edness "reat,
And your ini0uity without end2
1or you have ta!en pled"es from your %rother for no reason,
And stripped the na!ed of their clothin".
ou have not "iven the weary water to drin!,
And you have withheld %read from the hun"ry.
)ut the mi"hty man possessed the land,
And the honora%le man dwelt in it.
ou have sent widows away empty,
And the stren"th of the fatherless was crushed.
#herefore snares are all around you,
And sudden fear trou%les you,
Or dar!ness so that you cannot see;
And an a%undance of water covers you.
&$s not God in the hei"ht of heaven2
And see the hi"hest stars, how lofty they are/
And you say, &+hat does God !now2
3an He jud"e throu"h the deep dar!ness2
#hic! clouds cover Him, so that He cannot see,
And He wal!s a%ove the circle of heaven.'
+ill you !eep to the old way
+hich wic!ed men have trod,
+ho were cut down %efore their time,
+hose foundations were swept away %y a 5ood2
#hey said to God, &Depart from us/
+hat can the Almi"hty do to them2'
et He -lled their houses with "ood thin"s;
)ut the counsel of the wic!ed is far from me.
&#he ri"hteous see it and are "lad,
And the innocent lau"h at them.
&(urely our adversaries are cut down,
And the -re consumes their remnant.'
&7ow ac0uaint yourself with Him, and %e at peace;
#here%y "ood will come to you.
Receive, please, instruction from His mouth,
And lay up His words in your heart.
$f you return to the Almi"hty, you will %e %uilt up;
ou will remove ini0uity far from your tents.
#hen you will lay your "old in the dust,
And the "old of Ophir amon" the stones of the %roo!s.
es, the Almi"hty will %e your "old
And your precious silver;
1or then you will have your deli"ht in the Almi"hty,
And lift up your face to God.
ou will ma!e your prayer to Him,
He will hear you,
And you will pay your vows.
ou will also declare a thin",
And it will %e esta%lished for you;
(o li"ht will shine on your ways.
+hen they cast you down, and you say, &D6altation will come/'
#hen He will save the hum%le person.
He will even deliver one who is not innocent;
es, he will %e delivered %y the purity of your hands.&
Psalm $$:2-4 [Arabic]
Let my prayer come %efore ou; $ncline our ear to my cry. 1or my soul is
full of trou%les, And my life draws near to the "rave. $ am counted with
those who "o down to the pit; $ am li!e a man who has no stren"th.
L+ke 12:16-21 [Arabic]
#hen He spo!e a para%le to them, sayin". &#he "round of a certain rich man
yielded plentifully. And he thou"ht within himself, sayin", &+hat shall $ do,
since $ have no room to store my crops2' (o he said, &$ will do this. $ will pull
down my %arns and %uild "reater, and there $ will store all my crops and my
"oods. And $ will say to my soul, &(oul, you have many "oods laid up for
many years; ta!e your ease; eat, drin!, and %e merry.&' )ut God said to him,
&1ool/ #his ni"ht your soul will %e re0uired of you; then whose will those
thin"s %e which you have provided2' &(o is he who lays up treasure for
himself, and is not rich toward God.&

Pauline "pistle
P(ili88ias 2:1-16 [Arabic]
#herefore if there is any consolation in 3hrist, if any comfort of love, if any
fellowship of the (pirit, if any a9ection and mercy, ful-ll my joy %y %ein"
li!e,minded, havin" the same love, %ein" of one accord, of one mind. Let
nothin" %e done throu"h sel-sh am%ition or conceit, %ut in lowliness of
mind let each esteem others %etter than himself. Let each of you loo! out
not only for his own interests, %ut also for the interests of others. Let this
mind %e in you which was also in 3hrist ;esus, who, %ein" in the form of
God, did not consider it ro%%ery to %e e0ual with God, %ut made Himself of
no reputation, ta!in" the form of a %ondservant, and comin" in the li!eness
of men. And %ein" found in appearance as a man, He hum%led Himself and
%ecame o%edient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.
#herefore God also has hi"hly e6alted Him and "iven Him the name which
is a%ove every name, that at the name of ;esus every !nee should %ow, of
those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and
that every ton"ue should confess that ;esus 3hrist is Lord, to the "lory of
God the 1ather. #herefore, my %eloved, as you have always o%eyed, not as
in my presence only, %ut now much more in my a%sence, wor! out your
own salvation with fear and trem%lin"; for it is God who wor!s in you %oth
to will and to do for His "ood pleasure. Do all thin"s without complainin"
and disputin", that you may %ecome %lameless and harmless, children of
God without fault in the midst of a croo!ed and perverse "eneration, amon"
whom you shine as li"hts in the world, holdin" fast the word of life, so that $
may rejoice in the day of 3hrist that $ have not run in vain or la%ored in

#atholi$ "pistle
1Pe"er 3:1#-1$ [Arabic]
1or &He who would love life And see "ood days, Let him
refrain his ton"ue from evil, And his lips from spea!in" deceit. Let
him turn away from evil and do "ood; Let him see! peace and pursue
it. 1or the eyes of the LORD are on the ri"hteous, And His ears are
open to their prayers; )ut the face of the LORD is a"ainst those who
do evil.& And who is he who will harm you if you %ecome followers of what is
"ood2 )ut even if you should su9er for ri"hteousness' sa!e, you are
%lessed. &And do not %e afraid of their threats, nor %e trou%led.& )ut
sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always %e ready to "ive a defense
to everyone who as!s you a reason for the hope that is in you, with
mee!ness and fear; havin" a "ood conscience, that when they defame you
as evildoers, those who revile your "ood conduct in 3hrist may %e
ashamed. 1or it is %etter, if it is the will of God, to su9er for doin" "ood than
for doin" evil. 1or 3hrist also su9ered once for sins, the just for the unjust,
that He mi"ht %rin" us to God, %ein" put to death in the 5esh %ut made
alive %y the (pirit,

Ac"s 1#:25-35 [Arabic]
As :eter was comin" in, 3ornelius met him and fell down at his feet and
worshiped him. )ut :eter lifted him up, sayin", &(tand up; $ myself am also
a man.& And as he tal!ed with him, he went in and found many who had
come to"ether. #hen he said to them, &ou !now how unlawful it is for a
;ewish man to !eep company with or "o to one of another nation. )ut God
has shown me that $ should not call any man common or unclean. #herefore
$ came without o%jection as soon as $ was sent for. $ as!, then, for what
reason have you sent for me2& (o 3ornelius said, &1our days a"o $ was
fastin" until this hour; and at the ninth hour $ prayed in my house, and
%ehold, a man stood %efore me in %ri"ht clothin", and said, &3ornelius, your
prayer has %een heard, and your alms are remem%ered in the si"ht of God.
(end therefore to ;oppa and call (imon here, whose surname is :eter. He is
lod"in" in the house of (imon, a tanner, %y the sea. +hen he comes, he will
spea! to you.' (o $ sent to you immediately, and you have done well to
come. 7ow therefore, we are all present %efore God, to hear all the thin"s
commanded you %y God.& #hen :eter opened his mouth and said. &$n truth $
perceive that God shows no partiality. )ut in every nation whoever fears
Him and wor!s ri"hteousness is accepted %y Him.

< #he Departure of An%a Byrellos =3yril> the (eventy 1ifth :ope of
< #he 4artyrdom of (t. (henouda =(inouti> Dl )ahnasawy.
< #he 4artyrdom of the (ts. Du"enius, A"athodorus and Dlpidius.

Psalm $6:3-4 [Arabic]
)e merciful to me, O Lord, 1or $ cry to ou all day lon". Rejoice the soul of
our servant, 1or to ou, O Lord, $ lift up my soul.

L+ke 9:12-17 [Arabic]
+hen the day %e"an to wear away, the twelve came and said to Him, &(end
the multitude away, that they may "o into the surroundin" towns and
country, and lod"e and "et provisions; for we are in a deserted place here.&
)ut He said to them, &ou "ive them somethin" to eat.& And they said, &+e
have no more than -ve loaves and two -sh, unless we "o and %uy food for
all these people.& 1or there were a%out -ve thousand men. #hen He said to
His disciples, &4a!e them sit down in "roups of -fty.& And they did so, and
made them all sit down. #hen He too! the -ve loaves and the two -sh, and
loo!in" up to heaven, He %lessed and %ro!e them, and "ave them to the
disciples to set %efore the multitude. (o they all ate and were -lled, and
twelve %as!ets of the leftover fra"ments were ta!en up %y them.
Readings for (uesday of the fifth week of Great Lent '/2)
9+mbers 1#:35-e! ; 9+mbers 11:1-34 ; Pro3erbs 3:19-e! ;
Pro3erbs 4:1-9 ; 'saia( 4#:1-$ ; &ob 25:1-6 ; &ob 26:1-9 [Arabic]
9+mbers 1#:35-e! ; 9+mbers 11:1-34 (o it was, whenever the ar! set
out, that 4oses said. &Rise up, O LORD/ Let our enemies %e
scattered, And let those who hate ou 5ee %efore ou.& And when it
rested, he said. &Return, O LORD, #o the many thousands of
$srael.& 7ow when the people complained, it displeased the LORD; for the
LORD heard it, and His an"er was aroused. (o the -re of the LORD %urned
amon" them, and consumed some in the outs!irts of the camp. #hen the
people cried out to 4oses, and when 4oses prayed to the LORD, the -re
was 0uenched. (o he called the name of the place #a%erah, %ecause the -re
of the LORD had %urned amon" them. 7ow the mi6ed multitude who were
amon" them yielded to intense cravin"; so the children of $srael also wept
a"ain and said. &+ho will "ive us meat to eat2 +e remem%er the -sh which
we ate freely in D"ypt, the cucum%ers, the melons, the lee!s, the onions,
and the "arlic; %ut now our whole %ein" is dried up; there is nothin" at all
e6cept this manna %efore our eyes/& 7ow the manna was li!e coriander
seed, and its color li!e the color of %dellium. #he people went a%out and
"athered it, "round it on millstones or %eat it in the mortar, coo!ed it in
pans, and made ca!es of it; and its taste was li!e the taste of pastry
prepared with oil. And when the dew fell on the camp in the ni"ht, the
manna fell on it. #hen 4oses heard the people weepin" throu"hout their
families, everyone at the door of his tent; and the an"er of the LORD was
"reatly aroused; 4oses also was displeased. (o 4oses said to the LORD,
&+hy have ou aEicted our servant2 And why have $ not found favor in
our si"ht, that ou have laid the %urden of all these people on me2 Did $
conceive all these people2 Did $ %e"et them, that ou should say to me,
&3arry them in your %osom, as a "uardian carries a nursin" child,' to the
land which ou swore to their fathers2 +here am $ to "et meat to "ive to all
these people2 1or they weep all over me, sayin", &Give us meat, that we
may eat.' $ am not a%le to %ear all these people alone, %ecause the %urden
is too heavy for me. $f ou treat me li!e this, please !ill me here and now,,if
$ have found favor in our si"ht,,and do not let me see my wretchedness/&
(o the LORD said to 4oses. &Gather to 4e seventy men of the elders of
$srael, whom you !now to %e the elders of the people and oIcers over
them; %rin" them to the ta%ernacle of meetin", that they may stand there
with you. #hen $ will come down and tal! with you there. $ will ta!e of the
(pirit that is upon you and will put the same upon them; and they shall %ear
the %urden of the people with you, that you may not %ear it yourself alone.
#hen you shall say to the people, &3onsecrate yourselves for tomorrow, and
you shall eat meat; for you have wept in the hearin" of the LORD, sayin",
&+ho will "ive us meat to eat2 1or it was well with us in D"ypt.& #herefore
the LORD will "ive you meat, and you shall eat. ou shall eat, not one day,
nor two days, nor -ve days, nor ten days, nor twenty days, %ut for a whole
month, until it comes out of your nostrils and %ecomes loathsome to you,
%ecause you have despised the LORD who is amon" you, and have wept
%efore Him, sayin", &+hy did we ever come up out of D"ypt2&&' And 4oses
said, &#he people whom $ am amon" are si6 hundred thousand men on foot;
yet ou have said, &$ will "ive them meat, that they may eat for a whole
month.' (hall 5oc!s and herds %e slau"htered for them, to provide enou"h
for them2 Or shall all the -sh of the sea %e "athered to"ether for them, to
provide enou"h for them2& And the LORD said to 4oses, &Has the LORD's
arm %een shortened2 7ow you shall see whether what $ say will happen to
you or not.& (o 4oses went out and told the people the words of the LORD,
and he "athered the seventy men of the elders of the people and placed
them around the ta%ernacle. #hen the LORD came down in the cloud, and
spo!e to him, and too! of the (pirit that was upon him, and placed the
same upon the seventy elders; and it happened, when the (pirit rested
upon them, that they prophesied, althou"h they never did so a"ain. )ut two
men had remained in the camp. the name of one was Dldad, and the name
of the other 4edad. And the (pirit rested upon them. 7ow they were amon"
those listed, %ut who had not "one out to the ta%ernacle; yet they
prophesied in the camp. And a youn" man ran and told 4oses, and said,
&Dldad and 4edad are prophesyin" in the camp.& (o ;oshua the son of 7un,
4oses' assistant, one of his choice men, answered and said, &4oses my
lord, for%id them/& #hen 4oses said to him, &Are you 8ealous for my sa!e2
Oh, that all the LORD's people were prophets and that the LORD would put
His (pirit upon them/& And 4oses returned to the camp, he and the elders
of $srael. 7ow a wind went out from the LORD, and it %rou"ht 0uail from the
sea and left them 5utterin" near the camp, a%out a day's journey on this
side and a%out a day's journey on the other side, all around the camp, and
a%out two cu%its a%ove the surface of the "round. And the people stayed up
all that day, all ni"ht, and all the ne6t day, and "athered the 0uail he who
"athered least "athered ten homers; and they spread them out for
themselves all around the camp. )ut while the meat was still %etween their
teeth, %efore it was chewed, the wrath of the LORD was aroused a"ainst the
people, and the LORD struc! the people with a very "reat pla"ue. (o he
called the name of that place Bi%roth Hattaavah, %ecause there they %uried
the people who had yielded to cravin".
Pro3erbs 3:19-e! ; Pro3erbs 4:1-9
#he LORD %y wisdom founded the earth;
)y understandin" He esta%lished the heavens;
)y His !nowled"e the depths were %ro!en up,
And clouds drop down the dew.
4y son, let them not depart from your eyes,,
Beep sound wisdom and discretion;
(o they will %e life to your soul
And "race to your nec!.
#hen you will wal! safely in your way,
And your foot will not stum%le.
+hen you lie down, you will not %e afraid;
es, you will lie down and your sleep will %e sweet.
Do not %e afraid of sudden terror,
7or of trou%le from the wic!ed when it comes;
1or the LORD will %e your con-dence,
And will !eep your foot from %ein" cau"ht.
Do not withhold "ood from those to whom it is due,
+hen it is in the power of your hand to do so.
Do not say to your nei"h%or,
&Go, and come %ac!,
And tomorrow $ will "ive it,&
+hen you have it with you.
Do not devise evil a"ainst your nei"h%or,
1or he dwells %y you for safety's sa!e.
Do not strive with a man without cause,
$f he has done you no harm.
Do not envy the oppressor,
And choose none of his ways;
1or the perverse person is an a%omination to the LORD,
)ut His secret counsel is with the upri"ht.
#he curse of the LORD is on the house of the wic!ed,
)ut He %lesses the home of the just.
(urely He scorns the scornful,
)ut "ives "race to the hum%le.
#he wise shall inherit "lory,
)ut shame shall %e the le"acy of fools. Hear, my children, the
instruction of a father,
And "ive attention to !now understandin";
1or $ "ive you "ood doctrine.
Do not forsa!e my law.
+hen $ was my father's son,
#ender and the only one in the si"ht of my mother,
He also tau"ht me, and said to me.
&Let your heart retain my words;
Beep my commands, and live.
Get wisdom/ Get understandin"/
Do not for"et, nor turn away from the words of my mouth.
Do not forsa!e her, and she will preserve you;
Love her, and she will !eep you.
+isdom is the principal thin";
#herefore "et wisdom.
And in all your "ettin", "et understandin".
D6alt her, and she will promote you;
(he will %rin" you honor, when you em%race her.
(he will place on your head an ornament of "race;
A crown of "lory she will deliver to you.&
'saia( 4#:1-$
&3omfort, yes, comfort 4y people/&
(ays your God.
&(pea! comfort to ;erusalem, and cry out to her,
#hat her warfare is ended,
#hat her ini0uity is pardoned;
1or she has received from the LORD's hand
Dou%le for all her sins.&
#he voice of one cryin" in the wilderness.
&:repare the way of the LORD;
4a!e strai"ht in the desert
A hi"hway for our God.
Dvery valley shall %e e6alted
And every mountain and hill %rou"ht low;
#he croo!ed places shall %e made strai"ht
And the rou"h places smooth;
#he "lory of the LORD shall %e revealed,
And all 5esh shall see it to"ether;
1or the mouth of the LORD has spo!en.&
#he voice said, &3ry out/&
And he said, &+hat shall $ cry2&
&All 5esh is "rass,
And all its loveliness is li!e the 5ower of the -eld.
#he "rass withers, the 5ower fades,
)ecause the %reath of the LORD %lows upon it;
(urely the people are "rass.
#he "rass withers, the 5ower fades,
)ut the word of our God stands forever.&
&ob 25:1-6
#hen )ildad the (huhite answered and said.
&Dominion and fear %elon" to Him;
He ma!es peace in His hi"h places.
$s there any num%er to His armies2
*pon whom does His li"ht not rise2
How then can man %e ri"hteous %efore God2
Or how can he %e pure who is %orn of a woman2
$f even the moon does not shine,
And the stars are not pure in His si"ht,
How much less man, who is a ma""ot,
And a son of man, who is a worm2&
&ob 26:1-9
)ut ;o% answered and said.
&How have you helped him who is without power2
How have you saved the arm that has no stren"th2
How have you counseled one who has no wisdom2
And how have you declared sound advice to many2
#o whom have you uttered words2
And whose spirit came from you2
&#he dead trem%le,
#hose under the waters and those inha%itin" them.
(heol is na!ed %efore Him,
And Destruction has no coverin".
He stretches out the north over empty space;
He han"s the earth on nothin".
He %inds up the water in His thic! clouds,
et the clouds are not %ro!en under it.
He covers the face of His throne,
And spreads His cloud over it.
Psalm $6:5-6 [Arabic]
1or ou, Lord, are "ood, and ready to for"ive, And a%undant in mercy to all
those who call upon ou. Give ear, O LORD, to my prayer; And attend to the
voice of my supplications.
Mark 9:14-24 [Arabic]
And when He came to the disciples, He saw a "reat multitude around them,
and scri%es disputin" with them. $mmediately, when they saw Him, all the
people were "reatly ama8ed, and runnin" to Him, "reeted Him. And He
as!ed the scri%es, &+hat are you discussin" with them2& #hen one of the
crowd answered and said, &#eacher, $ %rou"ht ou my son, who has a mute
spirit. And wherever it sei8es him, it throws him down; he foams at the
mouth, "nashes his teeth, and %ecomes ri"id. (o $ spo!e to our disciples,
that they should cast it out, %ut they could not.& He answered him and said,
&O faithless "eneration, how lon" shall $ %e with you2 How lon" shall $ %ear
with you2 )rin" him to 4e.& #hen they %rou"ht him to Him. And when he
saw Him, immediately the spirit convulsed him, and he fell on the "round
and wallowed, foamin" at the mouth. (o He as!ed his father, &How lon" has
this %een happenin" to him2& And he said, &1rom childhood. And often he
has thrown him %oth into the -re and into the water to destroy him. )ut if
ou can do anythin", have compassion on us and help us.& ;esus said to
him, &$f you can %elieve, all thin"s are possi%le to him who %elieves.&
$mmediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, &Lord, $
%elieve; help my un%elief/&

Pauline "pistle
P(ili88ias 2:22-26 [Arabic]
)ut you !now his proven character, that as a son with his father he served
with me in the "ospel. #herefore $ hope to send him at once, as soon as $
see how it "oes with me. )ut $ trust in the Lord that $ myself shall also come
shortly. et $ considered it necessary to send to you Dpaphroditus, my
%rother, fellow wor!er, and fellow soldier, %ut your messen"er and the one
who ministered to my need; since he was lon"in" for you all, and was
distressed %ecause you had heard that he was sic!.

#atholi$ "pistle
1&o( 3:2-11 [Arabic]
)eloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet %een revealed what
we shall %e, %ut we !now that when He is revealed, we shall %e li!e Him, for
we shall see Him as He is. And everyone who has this hope in Him puri-es
himself, just as He is pure. +hoever commits sin also commits lawlessness,
and sin is lawlessness. And you !now that He was manifested to ta!e away
our sins, and in Him there is no sin. +hoever a%ides in Him does not sin.
+hoever sins has neither seen Him nor !nown Him. Little children, let no
one deceive you. He who practices ri"hteousness is ri"hteous, just as He is
ri"hteous. He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the
%e"innin". 1or this purpose the (on of God was manifested, that He mi"ht
destroy the wor!s of the devil. +hoever has %een %orn of God does not sin,
for His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, %ecause he has %een %orn
of God. $n this the children of God and the children of the devil are manifest.
+hoever does not practice ri"hteousness is not of God, nor is he who does
not love his %rother. 1or this is the messa"e that you heard from the
%e"innin", that we should love one another.

Ac"s 24:1#-23 [Arabic]
#hen :aul, after the "overnor had nodded to him to spea!, answered.
&$nasmuch as $ !now that you have %een for many years a jud"e of this
nation, $ do the more cheerfully answer for myself, %ecause you may
ascertain that it is no more than twelve days since $ went up to ;erusalem to
worship. And they neither found me in the temple disputin" with anyone
nor incitin" the crowd, either in the syna"o"ues or in the city. 7or can they
prove the thin"s of which they now accuse me. )ut this $ confess to you,
that accordin" to the +ay which they call a sect, so $ worship the God of my
fathers, %elievin" all thin"s which are written in the Law and in the
:rophets. $ have hope in God, which they themselves also accept, that there
will %e a resurrection of the dead, %oth of the just and the unjust. #his %ein"
so, $ myself always strive to have a conscience without o9ense toward God
and men. &7ow after many years $ came to %rin" alms and o9erin"s to my
nation, in the midst of which some ;ews from Asia found me puri-ed in the
temple, neither with a mo% nor with tumult. #hey ou"ht to have %een here
%efore you to o%ject if they had anythin" a"ainst me. Or else let those who
are here themselves say if they found any wron"doin" in me while $ stood
%efore the council, unless it is for this one statement which $ cried out,
standin" amon" them, &3oncernin" the resurrection of the dead $ am %ein"
jud"ed %y you this day.&' )ut when 1eli6 heard these thin"s, havin" more
accurate !nowled"e of the +ay, he adjourned the proceedin"s and said,
&+hen Lysias the commander comes down, $ will ma!e a decision on your
case.& (o he commanded the centurion to !eep :aul and to let him have
li%erty, and told him not to for%id any of his friends to provide for or visit

< #he Departure of (t. (arah the nun.
< #he 4artyrdom of (t. Helias of Hnes.

Psalm $6:17 [Arabic]
(how me a si"n for "ood, #hat those who hate me may see it and %e
ashamed, )ecause ou, LORD, have helped me and comforted me.

&o( $:12-2# [Arabic]
#hen ;esus spo!e to them a"ain, sayin", &$ am the li"ht of the world. He
who follows 4e shall not wal! in dar!ness, %ut have the li"ht of life.& #he
:harisees therefore said to Him, &ou %ear witness of ourself; our witness
is not true.& ;esus answered and said to them, &Dven if $ %ear witness of
4yself, 4y witness is true, for $ !now where $ came from and where $ am
"oin"; %ut you do not !now where $ come from and where $ am "oin". ou
jud"e accordin" to the 5esh; $ jud"e no one. And yet if $ do jud"e, 4y
jud"ment is true; for $ am not alone, %ut $ am with the 1ather who sent 4e.
$t is also written in your law that the testimony of two men is true. $ am One
who %ears witness of 4yself, and the 1ather who sent 4e %ears witness of
4e.& #hen they said to Him, &+here is our 1ather2& ;esus answered, &ou
!now neither 4e nor 4y 1ather. $f you had !nown 4e, you would have
!nown 4y 1ather also.& #hese words ;esus spo!e in the treasury, as He
tau"ht in the temple; and no one laid hands on Him, for His hour had not
yet come.
Readings for *ednesday of the fifth week of Great Lent '/2+
./o!+s $:2#-e! ; ./o!+s 9:1-35 ; 'saia( 41:4-14 ; &oel 3:9-21 ; &ob
2$:12-2$ ; Pro3erbs 4:1#-19 ; 6am+el 1:1-e! ; 6am+el 2:1-21
./o!+s $:2#-e! ; ./o!+s 9:1-35 And the LORD said to 4oses, &Rise
early in the mornin" and stand %efore :haraoh as he comes out to the
water. #hen say to him, &#hus says the LORD. &Let 4y people "o, that they
may serve 4e. Or else, if you will not let 4y people "o, %ehold, $ will send
swarms of 5ies on you and your servants, on your people and into your
houses. #he houses of the D"yptians shall %e full of swarms of 5ies, and
also the "round on which they stand. And in that day $ will set apart the
land of Goshen, in which 4y people dwell, that no swarms of 5ies shall %e
there, in order that you may !now that $ am the LORD in the midst of the
land. $ will ma!e a di9erence %etween 4y people and your people.
#omorrow this si"n shall %e.&&' And the LORD did so. #hic! swarms of 5ies
came into the house of :haraoh, into his servants' houses, and into all the
land of D"ypt. #he land was corrupted %ecause of the swarms of 5ies. #hen
:haraoh called for 4oses and Aaron, and said, &Go, sacri-ce to your God in
the land.& And 4oses said, &$t is not ri"ht to do so, for we would %e
sacri-cin" the a%omination of the D"yptians to the LORD our God. $f we
sacri-ce the a%omination of the D"yptians %efore their eyes, then will they
not stone us2 +e will "o three days' journey into the wilderness and
sacri-ce to the LORD our God as He will command us.& (o :haraoh said, &$
will let you "o, that you may sacri-ce to the LORD your God in the
wilderness; only you shall not "o very far away. $ntercede for me.& #hen
4oses said, &$ndeed $ am "oin" out from you, and $ will entreat the LORD,
that the swarms of 5ies may depart tomorrow from :haraoh, from his
servants, and from his people. )ut let :haraoh not deal deceitfully anymore
in not lettin" the people "o to sacri-ce to the LORD.& (o 4oses went out
from :haraoh and entreated the LORD. And the LORD did accordin" to the
word of 4oses; He removed the swarms of 5ies from :haraoh, from his
servants, and from his people. 7ot one remained. )ut :haraoh hardened his
heart at this time also; neither would he let the people "o. #hen the LORD
said to 4oses, &Go in to :haraoh and tell him, &#hus says the LORD God of
the He%rews. &Let 4y people "o, that they may serve 4e. 1or if you refuse
to let them "o, and still hold them, %ehold, the hand of the LORD will %e on
your cattle in the -eld, on the horses, on the don!eys, on the camels, on
the o6en, and on the sheep,,a very severe pestilence. And the LORD will
ma!e a di9erence %etween the livestoc! of $srael and the livestoc! of
D"ypt. (o nothin" shall die of all that %elon"s to the children of $srael.&&'
#hen the LORD appointed a set time, sayin", &#omorrow the LORD will do
this thin" in the land.& (o the LORD did this thin" on the ne6t day, and all
the livestoc! of D"ypt died; %ut of the livestoc! of the children of $srael, not
one died. #hen :haraoh sent, and indeed, not even one of the livestoc! of
the $sraelites was dead. )ut the heart of :haraoh %ecame hard, and he did
not let the people "o. (o the LORD said to 4oses and Aaron, &#a!e for
yourselves handfuls of ashes from a furnace, and let 4oses scatter it toward
the heavens in the si"ht of :haraoh. And it will %ecome -ne dust in all the
land of D"ypt, and it will cause %oils that %rea! out in sores on man and
%east throu"hout all the land of D"ypt.& #hen they too! ashes from the
furnace and stood %efore :haraoh, and 4oses scattered them toward
heaven. And they caused %oils that %rea! out in sores on man and %east.
And the ma"icians could not stand %efore 4oses %ecause of the %oils, for
the %oils were on the ma"icians and on all the D"yptians. )ut the LORD
hardened the heart of :haraoh; and he did not heed them, just as the LORD
had spo!en to 4oses. #hen the LORD said to 4oses, &Rise early in the
mornin" and stand %efore :haraoh, and say to him, &#hus says the LORD
God of the He%rews. &Let 4y people "o, that they may serve 4e, for at this
time $ will send all 4y pla"ues to your very heart, and on your servants and
on your people, that you may !now that there is none li!e 4e in all the
earth. 7ow if $ had stretched out 4y hand and struc! you and your people
with pestilence, then you would have %een cut o9 from the earth. )ut
indeed for this purpose $ have raised you up, that $ may show 4y power in
you, and that 4y name may %e declared in all the earth. As yet you e6alt
yourself a"ainst 4y people in that you will not let them "o. )ehold,
tomorrow a%out this time $ will cause very heavy hail to rain down, such as
has not %een in D"ypt since its foundin" until now. #herefore send now and
"ather your livestoc! and all that you have in the -eld, for the hail shall
come down on every man and every animal which is found in the -eld and
is not %rou"ht home; and they shall die.&&' He who feared the word of the
LORD amon" the servants of :haraoh made his servants and his livestoc!
5ee to the houses. )ut he who did not re"ard the word of the LORD left his
servants and his livestoc! in the -eld. #hen the LORD said to 4oses,
&(tretch out your hand toward heaven, that there may %e hail in all the land
of D"ypt,,on man, on %east, and on every her% of the -eld, throu"hout the
land of D"ypt.& And 4oses stretched out his rod toward heaven; and the
LORD sent thunder and hail, and -re darted to the "round. And the LORD
rained hail on the land of D"ypt. (o there was hail, and -re min"led with the
hail, so very heavy that there was none li!e it in all the land of D"ypt since
it %ecame a nation. And the hail struc! throu"hout the whole land of D"ypt,
all that was in the -eld, %oth man and %east; and the hail struc! every her%
of the -eld and %ro!e every tree of the -eld. Only in the land of Goshen,
where the children of $srael were, there was no hail. And :haraoh sent and
called for 4oses and Aaron, and said to them, &$ have sinned this time. #he
LORD is ri"hteous, and my people and $ are wic!ed. Dntreat the LORD, that
there may %e no more mi"hty thunderin" and hail, for it is enou"h. $ will let
you "o, and you shall stay no lon"er.& (o 4oses said to him, &As soon as $
have "one out of the city, $ will spread out my hands to the LORD; the
thunder will cease, and there will %e no more hail, that you may !now that
the earth is the LORD's. )ut as for you and your servants, $ !now that you
will not yet fear the LORD God.& 7ow the 5a6 and the %arley were struc!,
for the %arley was in the head and the 5a6 was in %ud. )ut the wheat and
the spelt were not struc!, for they are late crops. (o 4oses went out of the
city from :haraoh and spread out his hands to the LORD; then the thunder
and the hail ceased, and the rain was not poured on the earth. And when
:haraoh saw that the rain, the hail, and the thunder had ceased, he sinned
yet more; and he hardened his heart, he and his servants. (o the heart of
:haraoh was hard; neither would he let the children of $srael "o, as the
LORD had spo!en %y 4oses.
'saia( 41:4-14
+ho has performed and done it,
3allin" the "enerations from the %e"innin"2
&$, the LORD, am the -rst;
And with the last $ am He.&'
#he coastlands saw it and feared,
#he ends of the earth were afraid;
#hey drew near and came.
Dveryone helped his nei"h%or,
And said to his %rother,
&)e of "ood coura"e/&
(o the craftsman encoura"ed the "oldsmith;
He who smooths with the hammer inspired him who stri!es the anvil,
(ayin", &$t is ready for the solderin"&;
#hen he fastened it with pe"s,
#hat it mi"ht not totter.
&)ut you, $srael, are 4y servant,
;aco% whom $ have chosen,
#he descendants of A%raham 4y friend.
ou whom $ have ta!en from the ends of the earth,
And called from its farthest re"ions,
And said to you,
&ou are 4y servant,
$ have chosen you and have not cast you away.
1ear not, for $ am with you;
)e not dismayed, for $ am your God.
$ will stren"then you,
es, $ will help you,
$ will uphold you with 4y ri"hteous ri"ht hand.'
&)ehold, all those who were incensed a"ainst you
(hall %e ashamed and dis"raced;
#hey shall %e as nothin",
And those who strive with you shall perish.
ou shall see! them and not -nd them,,
#hose who contended with you.
#hose who war a"ainst you
(hall %e as nothin",
As a none6istent thin".
1or $, the LORD your God, will hold your ri"ht hand,
(ayin" to you, &1ear not, $ will help you.'
&1ear not, you worm ;aco%,
ou men of $srael/
$ will help you,& says the LORD
And your Redeemer, the Holy One of $srael.
&oel 3:9-21
:roclaim this amon" the nations.
&:repare for war/
+a!e up the mi"hty men,
Let all the men of war draw near,
Let them come up.
)eat your plowshares into swords
And your prunin" hoo!s into spears;
Let the wea! say, &$ am stron".&'
Assem%le and come, all you nations,
And "ather to"ether all around.
3ause our mi"hty ones to "o down there, O LORD.
&Let the nations %e wa!ened, and come up to the Galley of
1or there $ will sit to jud"e all the surroundin" nations.
:ut in the sic!le, for the harvest is ripe.
3ome, "o down;
1or the winepress is full,
#he vats over5ow,,
1or their wic!edness is "reat.&
4ultitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision/
1or the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision.
#he sun and moon will "row dar!,
And the stars will diminish their %ri"htness.
#he LORD also will roar from Cion,
And utter His voice from ;erusalem;
#he heavens and earth will sha!e;
)ut the LORD will %e a shelter for His people,
And the stren"th of the children of $srael.
&(o you shall !now that $ am the LORD your God,
Dwellin" in Cion 4y holy mountain.
#hen ;erusalem shall %e holy,
And no aliens shall ever pass throu"h her a"ain.&
And it will come to pass in that day
#hat the mountains shall drip with new wine,
#he hills shall 5ow with mil!,
And all the %roo!s of ;udah shall %e 5ooded with water;
A fountain shall 5ow from the house of the LORD
And water the Galley of Acacias.
&D"ypt shall %e a desolation,
And Ddom a desolate wilderness,
)ecause of violence a"ainst the people of ;udah,
1or they have shed innocent %lood in their land.
)ut ;udah shall a%ide forever,
And ;erusalem from "eneration to "eneration.
1or $ will ac0uit them of the "uilt of %loodshed, whom $ had not
1or the LORD dwells in Cion.&
&ob 2$:12-2$
&)ut where can wisdom %e found2
And where is the place of understandin"2
4an does not !now its value,
7or is it found in the land of the livin".
#he deep says, &$t is not in me';
And the sea says, &$t is not with me.'
$t cannot %e purchased for "old,
7or can silver %e wei"hed for its price.
$t cannot %e valued in the "old of Ophir,
$n precious ony6 or sapphire.
7either "old nor crystal can e0ual it,
7or can it %e e6chan"ed for jewelry of -ne "old.
7o mention shall %e made of coral or 0uart8,
1or the price of wisdom is a%ove ru%ies.
#he topa8 of Dthiopia cannot e0ual it,
7or can it %e valued in pure "old.
&1rom where then does wisdom come2
And where is the place of understandin"2
$t is hidden from the eyes of all livin",
And concealed from the %irds of the air.
Destruction and Death say,
&+e have heard a report a%out it with our ears.'
God understands its way,
And He !nows its place.
1or He loo!s to the ends of the earth,
And sees under the whole heavens,
#o esta%lish a wei"ht for the wind,
And apportion the waters %y measure.
+hen He made a law for the rain,
And a path for the thunder%olt,
#hen He saw wisdom and declared it;
He prepared it, indeed, He searched it out.
And to man He said,
&)ehold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom,
And to depart from evil is understandin".&'
Pro3erbs 4:1#-19
Hear, my son, and receive my sayin"s,
And the years of your life will %e many.
$ have tau"ht you in the way of wisdom;
$ have led you in ri"ht paths.
+hen you wal!, your steps will not %e hindered,
And when you run, you will not stum%le.
#a!e -rm hold of instruction, do not let "o;
Beep her, for she is your life.
Do not enter the path of the wic!ed,
And do not wal! in the way of evil.
Avoid it, do not travel on it;
#urn away from it and pass on.
1or they do not sleep unless they have done evil;
And their sleep is ta!en away unless they ma!e someone fall.
1or they eat the %read of wic!edness,
And drin! the wine of violence.
)ut the path of the just is li!e the shinin" sun,
#hat shines ever %ri"hter unto the perfect day.
#he way of the wic!ed is li!e dar!ness;
#hey do not !now what ma!es them stum%le.
6am+el 1:1-e! ; 6am+el 2:1-21
7ow there was a certain man of Ramathaim Cophim, of the mountains of
Dphraim, and his name was Dl!anah the son of ;eroham, the son of Dlihu,
the son of #ohu, the son of Cuph, an Dphraimite. And he had two wives. the
name of one was Hannah, and the name of the other :eninnah. :eninnah
had children, %ut Hannah had no children. #his man went up from his city
yearly to worship and sacri-ce to the LORD of hosts in (hiloh. Also the two
sons of Dli, Hophni and :hinehas, the priests of the LORD, were there. And
whenever the time came for Dl!anah to ma!e an o9erin", he would "ive
portions to :eninnah his wife and to all her sons and dau"hters. )ut to
Hannah he would "ive a dou%le portion, for he loved Hannah, althou"h the
LORD had closed her wom%. And her rival also provo!ed her severely, to
ma!e her misera%le, %ecause the LORD had closed her wom%. (o it was,
year %y year, when she went up to the house of the LORD, that she
provo!ed her; therefore she wept and did not eat.
#hen Dl!anah her hus%and said to her, &Hannah, why do you weep2 +hy do
you not eat2 And why is your heart "rieved2 Am $ not %etter to you than ten
(o Hannah arose after they had -nished eatin" and drin!in" in (hiloh. 7ow
Dli the priest was sittin" on the seat %y the doorpost of the ta%ernacle of
the LORD. And she was in %itterness of soul, and prayed to the LORD and
wept in an"uish. #hen she made a vow and said, &O LORD of hosts, if ou
will indeed loo! on the aEiction of our maidservant and remem%er me,
and not for"et our maidservant, %ut will "ive our maidservant a male
child, then $ will "ive him to the LORD all the days of his life, and no ra8or
shall come upon his head.&
And it happened, as she continued prayin" %efore the LORD, that Dli
watched her mouth. 7ow Hannah spo!e in her heart; only her lips moved,
%ut her voice was not heard. #herefore Dli thou"ht she was drun!. (o Dli
said to her, &How lon" will you %e drun!2 :ut your wine away from you/&
)ut Hannah answered and said, &7o, my lord, $ am a woman of sorrowful
spirit. $ have drun! neither wine nor into6icatin" drin!, %ut have poured out
my soul %efore the LORD. Do not consider your maidservant a wic!ed
woman, for out of the a%undance of my complaint and "rief $ have spo!en
until now.&
#hen Dli answered and said, &Go in peace, and the God of $srael "rant your
petition which you have as!ed of Him.&
And she said, &Let your maidservant -nd favor in your si"ht.& (o the woman
went her way and ate, and her face was no lon"er sad.
#hen they rose early in the mornin" and worshiped %efore the LORD, and
returned and came to their house at Ramah. And Dl!anah !new Hannah his
wife, and the LORD remem%ered her. (o it came to pass in the process of
time that Hannah conceived and %ore a son, and called his name (amuel,
sayin", &)ecause $ have as!ed for him from the LORD.&
7ow the man Dl!anah and all his house went up to o9er to the LORD the
yearly sacri-ce and his vow. )ut Hannah did not "o up, for she said to her
hus%and, &7ot until the child is weaned; then $ will ta!e him, that he may
appear %efore the LORD and remain there forever.&
(o Dl!anah her hus%and said to her, &Do what seems %est to you; wait until
you have weaned him. Only let the LORD esta%lish His word.& #hen the
woman stayed and nursed her son until she had weaned him.
7ow when she had weaned him, she too! him up with her, with three %ulls,
one ephah of 5our, and a s!in of wine, and %rou"ht him to the house of the
LORD in (hiloh. And the child was youn". #hen they slau"htered a %ull, and
%rou"ht the child to Dli. And she said, &O my lord/ As your soul lives, my
lord, $ am the woman who stood %y you here, prayin" to the LORD. 1or this
child $ prayed, and the LORD has "ranted me my petition which $ as!ed of
Him. #herefore $ also have lent him to the LORD; as lon" as he lives he shall
%e lent to the LORD.& (o they worshiped the LORD there.
7ow the sons of Dli were corrupt; they did not !now the LORD. And the
priests' custom with the people was that when any man o9ered a sacri-ce,
the priest's servant would come with a three,pron"ed 5eshhoo! in his hand
while the meat was %oilin". #hen he would thrust it into the pan, or !ettle,
or caldron, or pot; and the priest would ta!e for himself all that the
5eshhoo! %rou"ht up. (o they did in (hiloh to all the $sraelites who came
there. Also, %efore they %urned the fat, the priest's servant would come and
say to the man who sacri-ced, &Give meat for roastin" to the priest, for he
will not ta!e %oiled meat from you, %ut raw.&
And if the man said to him, &#hey should really %urn the fat -rst; then you
may ta!e as much as your heart desires,& he would then answer him, &7o,
%ut you must "ive it now; and if not, $ will ta!e it %y force.&
#herefore the sin of the youn" men was very "reat %efore the LORD, for
men a%horred the o9erin" of the LORD.
)ut (amuel ministered %efore the LORD, even as a child, wearin" a linen
ephod. 4oreover his mother used to ma!e him a little ro%e, and %rin" it to
him year %y year when she came up with her hus%and to o9er the yearly
sacri-ce. And Dli would %less Dl!anah and his wife, and say, &#he LORD "ive
you descendants from this woman for the loan that was "iven to the LORD.&
#hen they would "o to their own home.
And the LORD visited Hannah, so that she conceived and %ore three sons
and two dau"hters. 4eanwhile the child (amuel "rew %efore the LORD.
Psalm 55:1-2 [Arabic]
Give ear to my prayer, O God, And do not hide ourself from my
supplication. Attend to me, and hear me; $ am restless in my complaint, and
moan noisily,
Mark 1#:1-12 [Arabic]
#hen He arose from there and came to the re"ion of ;udea %y the other side
of the ;ordan. And multitudes "athered to Him a"ain, and as He was
accustomed, He tau"ht them a"ain. #he :harisees came and as!ed Him, &$s
it lawful for a man to divorce his wife2& testin" Him. And He answered and
said to them, &+hat did 4oses command you2& #hey said, &4oses
permitted a man to write a certi-cate of divorce, and to dismiss her.& And
;esus answered and said to them, &)ecause of the hardness of your heart
he wrote you this precept. )ut from the %e"innin" of the creation, God
&made them male and female.' &1or this reason a man shall leave his father
and mother and %e joined to his wife, and the two shall %ecome one 5esh';
so then they are no lon"er two, %ut one 5esh. #herefore what God has
joined to"ether, let not man separate.& $n the house His disciples also as!ed
Him a"ain a%out the same matter. (o He said to them, &+hoever divorces
his wife and marries another commits adultery a"ainst her. And if a woman
divorces her hus%and and marries another, she commits adultery.&

Pauline "pistle
%omas 4:14-e! ; %omas 5:1-5 [Arabic]
1or if those who are of the law are heirs, faith is made void and the promise
made of no e9ect, %ecause the law %rin"s a%out wrath; for where there is
no law there is no trans"ression. #herefore it is of faith that it mi"ht %e
accordin" to "race, so that the promise mi"ht %e sure to all the seed, not
only to those who are of the law, %ut also to those who are of the faith of
A%raham, who is the father of us all as it is written, &$ have made you a
father of many nations& in the presence of Him whom he %elieved,,God,
who "ives life to the dead and calls those thin"s which do not e6ist as
thou"h they did; who, contrary to hope, in hope %elieved, so that he
%ecame the father of many nations, accordin" to what was spo!en, &(o
shall your descendants %e.& And not %ein" wea! in faith, he did not consider
his own %ody, already dead since he was a%out a hundred years old, and
the deadness of (arah's wom%. He did not waver at the promise of God
throu"h un%elief, %ut was stren"thened in faith, "ivin" "lory to God, and
%ein" fully convinced that what He had promised He was also a%le to
perform. And therefore &it was accounted to him for ri"hteousness.& 7ow it
was not written for his sa!e alone that it was imputed to him, %ut also for
us. $t shall %e imputed to us who %elieve in Him who raised up ;esus our
Lord from the dead, who was delivered up %ecause of our o9enses, and was
raised %ecause of our justi-cation. #herefore, havin" %een justi-ed %y faith,
we have peace with God throu"h our Lord ;esus 3hrist, throu"h whom also
we have access %y faith into this "race in which we stand, and rejoice in
hope of the "lory of God. And not only that, %ut we also "lory in tri%ulations,
!nowin" that tri%ulation produces perseverance; and perseverance,
character; and character, hope. 7ow hope does not disappoint, %ecause the
love of God has %een poured out in our hearts %y the Holy (pirit who was
"iven to us.

#atholi$ "pistle
1Pe"er 4:12-19 [Arabic]
)eloved, do not thin! it stran"e concernin" the -ery trial which is to try you,
as thou"h some stran"e thin" happened to you; HM%ut rejoice to the e6tent
that you parta!e of 3hrist's su9erin"s, that when His "lory is revealed, you
may also %e "lad with e6ceedin" joy. $f you are reproached for the name of
3hrist, %lessed are you, for the (pirit of "lory and of God rests upon you. On
their part He is %lasphemed, %ut on your part He is "lori-ed. )ut let none of
you su9er as a murderer, a thief, an evildoer, or as a %usy%ody in other
people's matters. et if anyone su9ers as a 3hristian, let him not %e
ashamed, %ut let him "lorify God in this matter.1or the time has come for
jud"ment to %e"in at the house of God; and if it %e"ins with us -rst, what
will %e the end of those who do not o%ey the "ospel of God2 7ow &$f the
ri"hteous one is scarcely saved, +here will the un"odly and the sinner
appear2&#herefore let those who su9er accordin" to the will of God commit
their souls to Him in doin" "ood, as to a faithful 3reator.

Ac"s 11:12-1$ [Arabic]
#hen the (pirit told me to "o with them, dou%tin" nothin". 4oreover these
si6 %rethren accompanied me, and we entered the man's house. And he
told us how he had seen an an"el standin" in his house, who said to him,
&(end men to ;oppa, and call for (imon whose surname is :eter, who will
tell you words %y which you and all your household will %e saved.' And as $
%e"an to spea!, the Holy (pirit fell upon them, as upon us at the %e"innin".
#hen $ remem%ered the word of the Lord, how He said, &;ohn indeed
%apti8ed with water, %ut you shall %e %apti8ed with the Holy (pirit.' $f
therefore God "ave them the same "ift as He "ave us when we %elieved on
the Lord ;esus 3hrist, who was $ that $ could withstand God2& +hen they
heard these thin"s they %ecame silent; and they "lori-ed God, sayin",
&#hen God has also "ranted to the Gentiles repentance to life.&

< #he Departure Of #he (aint An%a Bhail =4i!hail> #he 1orty (i6 :ope Of #he
(ee Of (t. 4ar!.

Psalm $6:13-14 [Arabic]
1or "reat is our mercy toward me, And ou have delivered my soul from
the depths of (heol. O God, the proud have risen a"ainst me, And a mo% of
violent men have sou"ht my life, And have not set ou %efore them.

L+ke 13:6-9 [Arabic]
He also spo!e this para%le. &A certain man had a -" tree planted in his
vineyard, and he came see!in" fruit on it and found none. #hen he said to
the !eeper of his vineyard, &Loo!, for three years $ have come see!in" fruit
on this -" tree and -nd none. 3ut it down; why does it use up the "round2'
)ut he answered and said to him, &(ir, let it alone this year also, until $ di"
around it and fertili8e it. And if it %ears fruit, well. )ut if not, after that you
can cut it down.&'
Readings for (hursday of the fifth week of Great Lent '/2,
'saia( 42:5-16 ; Pro3erbs 4:2#-27 ; &ob 29:2-2# ; 1 6am+el 3:1-2#
'saia( 42:5-16 #hus says God the LORD, +ho created the heavens
and stretched them out, +ho spread forth the earth and that which
comes from it, +ho "ives %reath to the people on it, And spirit to
those who wal! on it. &$, the LORD, have called ou in ri"hteousness,
And will hold our hand; $ will !eep ou and "ive ou as a
covenant to the people, As a li"ht to the Gentiles, #o open %lind
eyes, #o %rin" out prisoners from the prison, #hose who sit in
dar!ness from the prison house. $ am the LORD, that is 4y name;
And 4y "lory $ will not "ive to another, 7or 4y praise to carved
ima"es. )ehold, the former thin"s have come to pass, And new
thin"s $ declare; )efore they sprin" forth $ tell you of them.& (in" to the
LORD a new son", And His praise from the ends of the earth, ou
who "o down to the sea, and all that is in it, ou coastlands and you
inha%itants of them/ Let the wilderness and its cities lift up their voice,
#he villa"es that Bedar inha%its. Let the inha%itants of (ela sin",
Let them shout from the top of the mountains. Let them "ive
"lory to the LORD, And declare His praise in the coastlands. #he
LORD shall "o forth li!e a mi"hty man; He shall stir up His 8eal li!e a
man of war. He shall cry out, yes, shout aloud; He shall prevail
a"ainst His enemies. &$ have held 4y peace a lon" time, $ have %een
still and restrained 4yself. 7ow $ will cry li!e a woman in la%or, $
will pant and "asp at once. $ will lay waste the mountains and hills,
And dry up all their ve"etation; $ will ma!e the rivers coastlands,
And $ will dry up the pools. $ will %rin" the %lind %y a way they did
not !now; $ will lead them in paths they have not !nown. $ will
ma!e dar!ness li"ht %efore them, And croo!ed places strai"ht.
#hese thin"s $ will do for them, And not forsa!e them.
Pro3erbs 4:2#-27
4y son, "ive attention to my words;
$ncline your ear to my sayin"s.
Do not let them depart from your eyes;
Beep them in the midst of your heart;
1or they are life to those who -nd them,
And health to all their 5esh.
Beep your heart with all dili"ence,
1or out of it sprin" the issues of life.
:ut away from you a deceitful mouth,
And put perverse lips far from you.
Let your eyes loo! strai"ht ahead,
And your eyelids loo! ri"ht %efore you.
:onder the path of your feet,
And let all your ways %e esta%lished.
Do not turn to the ri"ht or the left;
Remove your foot from evil.
&ob 29:2-2#
&Oh, that $ were as in months past,
As in the days when God watched over me;
+hen His lamp shone upon my head,
And when %y His li"ht $ wal!ed throu"h dar!ness;
;ust as $ was in the days of my prime,
+hen the friendly counsel of God was over my tent;
+hen the Almi"hty was yet with me,
+hen my children were around me;
+hen my steps were %athed with cream,
And the roc! poured out rivers of oil for me/
&+hen $ went out to the "ate %y the city,
+hen $ too! my seat in the open s0uare,
#he youn" men saw me and hid,
And the a"ed arose and stood;
#he princes refrained from tal!in",
And put their hand on their mouth;
#he voice of no%les was hushed,
And their ton"ue stuc! to the roof of their mouth.
+hen the ear heard, then it %lessed me,
And when the eye saw, then it approved me;
)ecause $ delivered the poor who cried out,
#he fatherless and the one who had no helper.
#he %lessin" of a perishin" man came upon me,
And $ caused the widow's heart to sin" for joy.
$ put on ri"hteousness, and it clothed me;
4y justice was li!e a ro%e and a tur%an.
$ was eyes to the %lind,
And $ was feet to the lame.
$ was a father to the poor,
And $ searched out the case that $ did not !now.
$ %ro!e the fan"s of the wic!ed,
And pluc!ed the victim from his teeth.
&#hen $ said, &$ shall die in my nest,
And multiply my days as the sand.
4y root is spread out to the waters,
And the dew lies all ni"ht on my %ranch.
4y "lory is fresh within me,
And my %ow is renewed in my hand.'
1 6am+el 3:1-2#
7ow the %oy (amuel ministered to the LORD %efore Dli. And the word of the
LORD was rare in those days; there was no widespread revelation. And it
came to pass at that time, while Dli was lyin" down in his place, and when
his eyes had %e"un to "row so dim that he could not see, and %efore the
lamp of God went out in the ta%ernacle of the LORD where the ar! of God
was, and while (amuel was lyin" down, that the LORD called (amuel. And
he answered, &Here $ am/& (o he ran to Dli and said, &Here $ am, for you
called me.&
And he said, &$ did not call; lie down a"ain.& And he went and lay down.
#hen the LORD called yet a"ain, &(amuel/&
(o (amuel arose and went to Dli, and said, &Here $ am, for you called me.&
He answered, &$ did not call, my son; lie down a"ain.& =7ow (amuel did not
yet !now the LORD, nor was the word of the LORD yet revealed to him.>
And the LORD called (amuel a"ain the third time. (o he arose and went to
Dli, and said, &Here $ am, for you did call me.&
#hen Dli perceived that the LORD had called the %oy. #herefore Dli said to
(amuel, &Go, lie down; and it shall %e, if He calls you, that you must say,
&(pea!, LORD, for our servant hears.&' (o (amuel went and lay down in his
7ow the LORD came and stood and called as at other times, &(amuel/
And (amuel answered, &(pea!, for our servant hears.&
#hen the LORD said to (amuel. &)ehold, $ will do somethin" in $srael at
which %oth ears of everyone who hears it will tin"le. $n that day $ will
perform a"ainst Dli all that $ have spo!en concernin" his house, from
%e"innin" to end. 1or $ have told him that $ will jud"e his house forever for
the ini0uity which he !nows, %ecause his sons made themselves vile, and
he did not restrain them. And therefore $ have sworn to the house of Dli that
the ini0uity of Dli's house shall not %e atoned for %y sacri-ce or o9erin"
(o (amuel lay down until mornin", and opened the doors of the house of
the LORD. And (amuel was afraid to tell Dli the vision. #hen Dli called
(amuel and said, &(amuel, my son/&
He answered, &Here $ am.&
And he said, &+hat is the word that the LORD spo!e to you2 :lease do not
hide it from me. God do so to you, and more also, if you hide anythin" from
me of all the thin"s that He said to you.& #hen (amuel told him everythin",
and hid nothin" from him. And he said, &$t is the LORD. Let Him do what
seems "ood to Him.&
(o (amuel "rew, and the LORD was with him and let none of his words fall
to the "round. And all $srael from Dan to )eershe%a !new that (amuel had
%een esta%lished as a prophet of the LORD.
Psalm $6:14 [Arabic]
O God, the proud have risen a"ainst me, And a mo% of violent men
have sou"ht my life, And have not set ou %efore them.
L+ke 9:37-43 [Arabic]
7ow it happened on the ne6t day, when they had come down from the
mountain, that a "reat multitude met Him. (uddenly a man from the
multitude cried out, sayin", &#eacher, $ implore ou, loo! on my son, for he
is my only child. And %ehold, a spirit sei8es him, and he suddenly cries out;
it convulses him so that he foams at the mouth; and it departs from him
with "reat diIculty, %ruisin" him. (o $ implored our disciples to cast it out,
%ut they could not.& #hen ;esus answered and said, &O faithless and
perverse "eneration, how lon" shall $ %e with you and %ear with you2 )rin"
your son here.& And as he was still comin", the demon threw him down and
convulsed him. #hen ;esus re%u!ed the unclean spirit, healed the child, and
"ave him %ac! to his father. And they were all ama8ed at the majesty of
God. )ut while everyone marveled at all the thin"s which ;esus did.

Pauline "pistle
1Cori"(ias 1#:14-e! ; 1Cori"(ias 11:1-1 [Arabic]
#herefore, my %eloved, 5ee from idolatry. $ spea! as to wise men; jud"e for
yourselves what $ say. #he cup of %lessin" which we %less, is it not the
communion of the %lood of 3hrist2 #he %read which we %rea!, is it not the
communion of the %ody of 3hrist2 1or we, thou"h many, are one %read and
one %ody; for we all parta!e of that one %read. O%serve $srael after the
5esh. Are not those who eat of the sacri-ces parta!ers of the altar2 +hat
am $ sayin" then2 #hat an idol is anythin", or what is o9ered to idols is
anythin"2 Rather, that the thin"s which the Gentiles sacri-ce they sacri-ce
to demons and not to God, and $ do not want you to have fellowship with
demons. ou cannot drin! the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you
cannot parta!e of the Lord's ta%le and of the ta%le of demons. Or do we
provo!e the Lord to jealousy2 Are we stron"er than He2 All thin"s are lawful
for me, %ut not all thin"s are helpful; all thin"s are lawful for me, %ut not all
thin"s edify. Let no one see! his own, %ut each one the other's well,%ein".
Dat whatever is sold in the meat mar!et, as!in" no 0uestions for
conscience' sa!e; for &the earth is the LORD's, and all its fullness.& $f any of
those who do not %elieve invites you to dinner, and you desire to "o, eat
whatever is set %efore you, as!in" no 0uestion for conscience' sa!e. )ut if
anyone says to you, &#his was o9ered to idols,& do not eat it for the sa!e of
the one who told you, and for conscience' sa!e; for &the earth is the LORD's,
and all its fullness.& &3onscience,& $ say, not your own, %ut that of the other.
1or why is my li%erty jud"ed %y another man's conscience2 )ut if $ parta!e
with than!s, why am $ evil spo!en of for the food over which $ "ive than!s2
#herefore, whether you eat or drin!, or whatever you do, do all to the "lory
of God. Give no o9ense, either to the ;ews or to the Gree!s or to the church
of God, just as $ also please all men in all thin"s, not see!in" my own pro-t,
%ut the pro-t of many, that they may %e saved.$mitate me, just as $ also
imitate 3hrist.

#atholi$ "pistle
1Pe"er 1:2-$ [Arabic]
Grace to you and peace %e multiplied. )lessed %e the God and 1ather of our
Lord ;esus 3hrist, who accordin" to His a%undant mercy has %e"otten us
a"ain to a livin" hope throu"h the resurrection of ;esus 3hrist from the
dead, to an inheritance incorrupti%le and unde-led and that does not fade
away, reserved in heaven for you, who are !ept %y the power of God
throu"h faith for salvation ready to %e revealed in the last time. $n this you
"reatly rejoice, thou"h now for a little while, if need %e, you have %een
"rieved %y various trials, that the "enuineness of your faith, %ein" much
more precious than "old that perishes, thou"h it is tested %y -re, may %e
found to praise, honor, and "lory at the revelation of ;esus 3hrist, whom
havin" not seen you love. #hou"h now you do not see Him, yet %elievin",
you rejoice with joy ine6pressi%le and full of "lory,.

Ac"s 21:5-14 [Arabic]
+hen we had come to the end of those days, we departed and went on our
way; and they all accompanied us, with wives and children, till we were out
of the city. And we !nelt down on the shore and prayed. +hen we had ta!en
our leave of one another, we %oarded the ship, and they returned home.
And when we had -nished our voya"e from #yre, we came to :tolemais,
"reeted the %rethren, and stayed with them one day. On the ne6t day we
who were :aul's companions departed and came to 3aesarea, and entered
the house of :hilip the evan"elist, who was one of the seven, and stayed
with him. 7ow this man had four vir"in dau"hters who prophesied. And as
we stayed many days, a certain prophet named A"a%us came down from
;udea. +hen he had come to us, he too! :aul's %elt, %ound his own hands
and feet, and said, &#hus says the Holy (pirit, &(o shall the ;ews at
;erusalem %ind the man who owns this %elt, and deliver him into the hands
of the Gentiles.&' 7ow when we heard these thin"s, %oth we and those from
that place pleaded with him not to "o up to ;erusalem. #hen :aul answered,
&+hat do you mean %y weepin" and %rea!in" my heart2 1or $ am ready not
only to %e %ound, %ut also to die at ;erusalem for the name of the Lord
;esus.& (o when he would not %e persuaded, we ceased, sayin", &#he will of
the Lord %e done.&

< #he Departure of La8arus, the %eloved of the Lord.
< #he 3ommemoration of the (ts. Geor"e the ascetic, )elasius the martyr,
and An%a ;oseph the %ishop.
< #he Departure of (t. )asilius, )ishop of ;erusalem.
< #he 4artyrdom of (t. (edhom )ishay in Domiat.

Psalm $6:17 [Arabic]
(how me a si"n for "ood, #hat those who hate me may see it and %e
ashamed, )ecause ou, LORD, have helped me and comforted me.

L+ke 13:1#-17 [Arabic]
7ow He was teachin" in one of the syna"o"ues on the (a%%ath. And
%ehold, there was a woman who had a spirit of in-rmity ei"hteen years, and
was %ent over and could in no way raise herself up. )ut when ;esus saw
her, He called her to Him and said to her, &+oman, you are loosed from
your in-rmity.& And He laid His hands on her, and immediately she was
made strai"ht, and "lori-ed God. )ut the ruler of the syna"o"ue answered
with indi"nation, %ecause ;esus had healed on the (a%%ath; and he said to
the crowd, &#here are si6 days on which men ou"ht to wor!; therefore come
and %e healed on them, and not on the (a%%ath day.& #he Lord then
answered him and said, &Hypocrite/ Does not each one of you on the
(a%%ath loose his o6 or don!ey from the stall, and lead it away to water it2
(o ou"ht not this woman, %ein" a dau"hter of A%raham, whom (atan has
%ound,,thin! of it,,for ei"hteen years, %e loosed from this %ond on the
(a%%ath2& And when He said these thin"s, all His adversaries were put to
shame; and all the multitude rejoiced for all the "lorious thin"s that were
done %y Him.
Readings for -riday of the fifth week of Great Lent '/2.
,e+"eroom- 11:29-e! ; ,e+"eroom- 12:1-27 ; 0i1s 17:2-24 ;
Pro3erbs 5:1-12 ; 'saia( 43:1-9 ; &ob 3#:9-e! ; &ob 32:1-5 [Arabic]
,e+"eroom- 11:29-e! ; ,e+"eroom- 12:1-27 7ow it shall %e, when
the LORD your God has %rou"ht you into the land which you "o to possess,
that you shall put the %lessin" on 4ount Geri8im and the curse on 4ount
D%al. Are they not on the other side of the ;ordan, toward the settin" sun, in
the land of the 3anaanites who dwell in the plain opposite Gil"al, %eside the
tere%inth trees of 4oreh2 1or you will cross over the ;ordan and "o in to
possess the land which the LORD your God is "ivin" you, and you will
possess it and dwell in it. And you shall %e careful to o%serve all the
statutes and jud"ments which $ set %efore you today. &#hese are the
statutes and jud"ments which you shall %e careful to o%serve in the land
which the LORD God of your fathers is "ivin" you to possess, all the days
that you live on the earth. ou shall utterly destroy all the places where the
nations which you shall dispossess served their "ods, on the hi"h
mountains and on the hills and under every "reen tree. And you shall
destroy their altars, %rea! their sacred pillars, and %urn their wooden
ima"es with -re; you shall cut down the carved ima"es of their "ods and
destroy their names from that place. ou shall not worship the LORD your
God with such thin"s. &)ut you shall see! the place where the LORD your
God chooses, out of all your tri%es, to put His name for His dwellin" place;
and there you shall "o. #here you shall ta!e your %urnt o9erin"s, your
sacri-ces, your tithes, the heave o9erin"s of your hand, your vowed
o9erin"s, your freewill o9erin"s, and the -rst%orn of your herds and 5oc!s.
And there you shall eat %efore the LORD your God, and you shall rejoice in
all to which you have put your hand, you and your households, in which the
LORD your God has %lessed you. &ou shall not at all do as we are doin"
here today,,every man doin" whatever is ri"ht in his own eyes,, for as yet
you have not come to the rest and the inheritance which the LORD your
God is "ivin" you. )ut when you cross over the ;ordan and dwell in the land
which the LORD your God is "ivin" you to inherit, and He "ives you rest
from all your enemies round a%out, so that you dwell in safety, then there
will %e the place where the LORD your God chooses to ma!e His name
a%ide. #here you shall %rin" all that $ command you. your %urnt o9erin"s,
your sacri-ces, your tithes, the heave o9erin"s of your hand, and all your
choice o9erin"s which you vow to the LORD. And you shall rejoice %efore
the LORD your God, you and your sons and your dau"hters, your male and
female servants, and the Levite who is within your "ates, since he has no
portion nor inheritance with you. #a!e heed to yourself that you do not o9er
your %urnt o9erin"s in every place that you see; %ut in the place which the
LORD chooses, in one of your tri%es, there you shall o9er your %urnt
o9erin"s, and there you shall do all that $ command you. &However, you
may slau"hter and eat meat within all your "ates, whatever your heart
desires, accordin" to the %lessin" of the LORD your God which He has "iven
you; the unclean and the clean may eat of it, of the "a8elle and the deer
ali!e. Only you shall not eat the %lood; you shall pour it on the earth li!e
water. ou may not eat within your "ates the tithe of your "rain or your new
wine or your oil, of the -rst%orn of your herd or your 5oc!, of any of your
o9erin"s which you vow, of your freewill o9erin"s, or of the heave o9erin"
of your hand. )ut you must eat them %efore the LORD your God in the place
which the LORD your God chooses, you and your son and your dau"hter,
your male servant and your female servant, and the Levite who is within
your "ates; and you shall rejoice %efore the LORD your God in all to which
you put your hands. #a!e heed to yourself that you do not forsa!e the
Levite as lon" as you live in your land. &+hen the LORD your God enlar"es
your %order as He has promised you, and you say, &Let me eat meat,'
%ecause you lon" to eat meat, you may eat as much meat as your heart
desires. $f the place where the LORD your God chooses to put His name is
too far from you, then you may slau"hter from your herd and from your
5oc! which the LORD has "iven you, just as $ have commanded you, and
you may eat within your "ates as much as your heart desires. ;ust as the
"a8elle and the deer are eaten, so you may eat them; the unclean and the
clean ali!e may eat them. Only %e sure that you do not eat the %lood, for
the %lood is the life; you may not eat the life with the meat. ou shall not
eat it; you shall pour it on the earth li!e water. ou shall not eat it, that it
may "o well with you and your children after you, when you do what is ri"ht
in the si"ht of the LORD. Only the holy thin"s which you have, and your
vowed o9erin"s, you shall ta!e and "o to the place which the LORD
chooses. And you shall o9er your %urnt o9erin"s, the meat and the %lood,
on the altar of the LORD your God; and the %lood of your sacri-ces shall %e
poured out on the altar of the LORD your God, and you shall eat the meat.
0i1s 17:2-24
#hen the word of the LORD came to him, sayin", &Get away from here and
turn eastward, and hide %y the )roo! 3herith, which 5ows into the ;ordan.
And it will %e that you shall drin! from the %roo!, and $ have commanded
the ravens to feed you there.&
(o he went and did accordin" to the word of the LORD, for he went and
stayed %y the )roo! 3herith, which 5ows into the ;ordan. #he ravens
%rou"ht him %read and meat in the mornin", and %read and meat in the
evenin"; and he dran! from the %roo!. And it happened after a while that
the %roo! dried up, %ecause there had %een no rain in the land.
#hen the word of the LORD came to him, sayin", &Arise, "o to Carephath,
which %elon"s to (idon, and dwell there. (ee, $ have commanded a widow
there to provide for you.& (o he arose and went to Carephath. And when he
came to the "ate of the city, indeed a widow was there "atherin" stic!s.
And he called to her and said, &:lease %rin" me a little water in a cup, that $
may drin!.& And as she was "oin" to "et it, he called to her and said,
&:lease %rin" me a morsel of %read in your hand.&
(o she said, &As the LORD your God lives, $ do not have %read, only a
handful of 5our in a %in, and a little oil in a jar; and see, $ am "atherin" a
couple of stic!s that $ may "o in and prepare it for myself and my son, that
we may eat it, and die.&
And Dlijah said to her, &Do not fear; "o and do as you have said, %ut ma!e
me a small ca!e from it -rst, and %rin" it to me; and afterward ma!e some
for yourself and your son. 1or thus says the LORD God of $srael. &#he %in of
5our shall not %e used up, nor shall the jar of oil run dry, until the day the
LORD sends rain on the earth.&'
(o she went away and did accordin" to the word of Dlijah; and she and he
and her household ate for many days. #he %in of 5our was not used up, nor
did the jar of oil run dry, accordin" to the word of the LORD which He spo!e
%y Dlijah.
7ow it happened after these thin"s that the son of the woman who owned
the house %ecame sic!. And his sic!ness was so serious that there was no
%reath left in him. (o she said to Dlijah, &+hat have $ to do with you, O man
of God2 Have you come to me to %rin" my sin to remem%rance, and to !ill
my son2&
And he said to her, &Give me your son.& (o he too! him out of her arms and
carried him to the upper room where he was stayin", and laid him on his
own %ed. #hen he cried out to the LORD and said, &O LORD my God, have
ou also %rou"ht tra"edy on the widow with whom $ lod"e, %y !illin" her
son2& And he stretched himself out on the child three times, and cried out
to the LORD and said, &O LORD my God, $ pray, let this child's soul come
%ac! to him.& #hen the LORD heard the voice of Dlijah; and the soul of the
child came %ac! to him, and he revived.
And Dlijah too! the child and %rou"ht him down from the upper room into
the house, and "ave him to his mother. And Dlijah said, &(ee, your son
#hen the woman said to Dlijah, &7ow %y this $ !now that you are a man of
God, and that the word of the LORD in your mouth is the truth.&
Pro3erbs 5:1-12
4y son, pay attention to my wisdom;
Lend your ear to my understandin",
#hat you may preserve discretion,
And your lips may !eep !nowled"e.
1or the lips of an immoral woman drip honey,
And her mouth is smoother than oil;
)ut in the end she is %itter as wormwood,
(harp as a two,ed"ed sword.
Her feet "o down to death,
Her steps lay hold of hell.
Lest you ponder her path of life,,
Her ways are unsta%le;
ou do not !now them.
#herefore hear me now, my children,
And do not depart from the words of my mouth.
Remove your way far from her,
And do not "o near the door of her house,
Lest you "ive your honor to others,
And your years to the cruel one;
Lest aliens %e -lled with your wealth,
And your la%ors "o to the house of a forei"ner;
And you mourn at last,
+hen your 5esh and your %ody are consumed,
And say.
&How $ have hated instruction,
And my heart despised correction/
'saia( 43:1-9
)ut now, thus says the LORD, who created you, O ;aco%,
And He who formed you, O $srael.
&1ear not, for $ have redeemed you;
$ have called you %y your name;
ou are 4ine.
+hen you pass throu"h the waters, $ will %e with you;
And throu"h the rivers, they shall not over5ow you.
+hen you wal! throu"h the -re, you shall not %e %urned,
7or shall the 5ame scorch you.
1or $ am the LORD your God,
#he Holy One of $srael, your (avior;
$ "ave D"ypt for your ransom,
Dthiopia and (e%a in your place.
(ince you were precious in 4y si"ht,
ou have %een honored,
And $ have loved you;
#herefore $ will "ive men for you,
And people for your life.
1ear not, for $ am with you;
$ will %rin" your descendants from the east,
And "ather you from the west;
$ will say to the north, &Give them up/'
And to the south, &Do not !eep them %ac!/'
)rin" 4y sons from afar,
And 4y dau"hters from the ends of the earth,,
Dveryone who is called %y 4y name,
+hom $ have created for 4y "lory;
$ have formed him, yes, $ have made him.&
)rin" out the %lind people who have eyes,
And the deaf who have ears.
Let all the nations %e "athered to"ether,
And let the people %e assem%led.
+ho amon" them can declare this,
And show us former thin"s2
Let them %rin" out their witnesses, that they may %e justi-ed;
Or let them hear and say, &$t is truth.&
&ob 3#:9-e! ; &ob 32:1-5
&And now $ am their tauntin" son";
es, $ am their %yword.
#hey a%hor me, they !eep far from me;
#hey do not hesitate to spit in my face.
)ecause He has loosed my %owstrin" and aEicted me,
#hey have cast o9 restraint %efore me.
At my ri"ht hand the ra%%le arises;
#hey push away my feet,
And they raise a"ainst me their ways of destruction.
#hey %rea! up my path,
#hey promote my calamity;
#hey have no helper.
#hey come as %road %rea!ers;
*nder the ruinous storm they roll alon".
#errors are turned upon me;
#hey pursue my honor as the wind,
And my prosperity has passed li!e a cloud.
&And now my soul is poured out %ecause of my pli"ht;
#he days of aEiction ta!e hold of me.
4y %ones are pierced in me at ni"ht,
And my "nawin" pains ta!e no rest.
)y "reat force my "arment is dis-"ured;
$t %inds me a%out as the collar of my coat.
He has cast me into the mire,
And $ have %ecome li!e dust and ashes.
&$ cry out to ou, %ut ou do not answer me;
$ stand up, and ou re"ard me.
)ut ou have %ecome cruel to me;
+ith the stren"th of our hand ou oppose me.
ou lift me up to the wind and cause me to ride on it;
ou spoil my success.
1or $ !now that ou will %rin" me to death,
And to the house appointed for all livin".
&(urely He would not stretch out His hand a"ainst a heap of ruins,
$f they cry out when He destroys it.
Have $ not wept for him who was in trou%le2
Has not my soul "rieved for the poor2
)ut when $ loo!ed for "ood, evil came to me;
And when $ waited for li"ht, then came dar!ness.
4y heart is in turmoil and cannot rest;
Days of aEiction confront me.
$ "o a%out mournin", %ut not in the sun;
$ stand up in the assem%ly and cry out for help.
$ am a %rother of jac!als,
And a companion of ostriches.
4y s!in "rows %lac! and falls from me;
4y %ones %urn with fever.
4y harp is turned to mournin",
And my 5ute to the voice of those who weep.
&$ have made a covenant with my eyes;
+hy then should $ loo! upon a youn" woman2
1or what is the allotment of God from a%ove,
And the inheritance of the Almi"hty from on hi"h2
$s it not destruction for the wic!ed,
And disaster for the wor!ers of ini0uity2
Does He not see my ways,
And count all my steps2
&$f $ have wal!ed with falsehood,
Or if my foot has hastened to deceit,
Let me %e wei"hed on honest scales,
#hat God may !now my inte"rity.
$f my step has turned from the way,
Or my heart wal!ed after my eyes,
Or if any spot adheres to my hands,
#hen let me sow, and another eat;
es, let my harvest %e rooted out.
&$f my heart has %een enticed %y a woman,
Or if $ have lur!ed at my nei"h%or's door,
#hen let my wife "rind for another,
And let others %ow down over her.
1or that would %e wic!edness;
es, it would %e ini0uity deservin" of jud"ment.
1or that would %e a -re that consumes to destruction,
And would root out all my increase.
&$f $ have despised the cause of my male or female servant
+hen they complained a"ainst me,
+hat then shall $ do when God rises up2
+hen He punishes, how shall $ answer Him2
Did not He who made me in the wom% ma!e them2
Did not the same One fashion us in the wom%2
&$f $ have !ept the poor from their desire,
Or caused the eyes of the widow to fail,
Or eaten my morsel %y myself,
(o that the fatherless could not eat of it
=)ut from my youth $ reared him as a father,
And from my mother's wom% $ "uided the widow >;
$f $ have seen anyone perish for lac! of clothin",
Or any poor man without coverin";
$f his heart has not %lessed me,
And if he was not warmed with the 5eece of my sheep;
$f $ have raised my hand a"ainst the fatherless,
+hen $ saw $ had help in the "ate;
#hen let my arm fall from my shoulder,
Let my arm %e torn from the soc!et.
1or destruction from God is a terror to me,
And %ecause of His ma"ni-cence $ cannot endure.
&$f $ have made "old my hope,
Or said to -ne "old, &ou are my con-dence';
$f $ have rejoiced %ecause my wealth was "reat,
And %ecause my hand had "ained much;
$f $ have o%served the sun when it shines,
Or the moon movin" in %ri"htness,
(o that my heart has %een secretly enticed,
And my mouth has !issed my hand;
#his also would %e an ini0uity deservin" of jud"ment,
1or $ would have denied God who is a%ove.
&$f $ have rejoiced at the destruction of him who hated me,
Or lifted myself up when evil found him
=$ndeed $ have not allowed my mouth to sin
)y as!in" for a curse on his soul>;
$f the men of my tent have not said,
&+ho is there that has not %een satis-ed with his meat2'
=)ut no sojourner had to lod"e in the street,
1or $ have opened my doors to the traveler >;
$f $ have covered my trans"ressions as Adam,
)y hidin" my ini0uity in my %osom,
)ecause $ feared the "reat multitude,
And dreaded the contempt of families,
(o that $ !ept silence
And did not "o out of the door,,
Oh, that $ had one to hear me/
Here is my mar!.
Oh, that the Almi"hty would answer me,
#hat my :rosecutor had written a %oo!/
(urely $ would carry it on my shoulder,
And %ind it on me li!e a crown;
$ would declare to Him the num%er of my steps;
Li!e a prince $ would approach Him.
&$f my land cries out a"ainst me,
And its furrows weep to"ether;
$f $ have eaten its fruit without money,
Or caused its owners to lose their lives;
#hen let thistles "row instead of wheat,
And weeds instead of %arley.&
(o these three men ceased answerin" ;o%, %ecause he was ri"hteous in his
own eyes. #hen the wrath of Dlihu, the son of )arachel the )u8ite, of the
family of Ram, was aroused a"ainst ;o%; his wrath was aroused %ecause he
justi-ed himself rather than God. Also a"ainst his three friends his wrath
was aroused, %ecause they had found no answer, and yet had condemned
7ow %ecause they were years older than he, Dlihu had waited to spea! to
;o%. +hen Dlihu saw that there was no answer in the mouth of these three
men, his wrath was aroused.
Psalm $6:9 - 1# [Arabic]
All nations whom ou have made (hall come and worship %efore ou, O
Lord, And shall "lorify our name. 1or ou are "reat, and do wondrous
thin"s; ou alone are God.
Mark 12:2$-34 [Arabic]
#hen one of the scri%es came, and havin" heard them reasonin" to"ether,
perceivin" that He had answered them well, as!ed Him, &+hich is the -rst
commandment of all2& ;esus answered him, &#he -rst of all the
commandments is. &Hear, O $srael, the LORD our God, the LORD is one. And
you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with
all your mind, and with all your stren"th.' #his is the -rst commandment.
And the second, li!e it, is this. &ou shall love your nei"h%or as yourself.'
#here is no other commandment "reater than these.& (o the scri%e said to
Him, &+ell said, #eacher. ou have spo!en the truth, for there is one God,
and there is no other %ut He. And to love Him with all the heart, with all the
understandin", with all the soul, and with all the stren"th, and to love one's
nei"h%or as oneself, is more than all the whole %urnt o9erin"s and
sacri-ces.& 7ow when ;esus saw that he answered wisely, He said to him,
&ou are not far from the !in"dom of God.& )ut after that no one dared
0uestion Him.

Pauline "pistle
2ebre*s 12:5-16 [Arabic]
And you have for"otten the e6hortation which spea!s to you as to sons.
&4y son, do not despise the chastenin" of the LORD, 7or %e
discoura"ed when you are re%u!ed %y Him; 1or whom the LORD loves
He chastens, And scour"es every son whom He receives.& $f you
endure chastenin", God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there
whom a father does not chasten2 )ut if you are without chastenin", of
which all have %ecome parta!ers, then you are ille"itimate and not sons.
1urthermore, we have had human fathers who corrected us, and we paid
them respect. (hall we not much more readily %e in su%jection to the 1ather
of spirits and live2 1or they indeed for a few days chastened us as seemed
%est to them, %ut He for our pro-t, that we may %e parta!ers of His
holiness. 7ow no chastenin" seems to %e joyful for the present, %ut painful;
nevertheless, afterward it yields the peacea%le fruit of ri"hteousness to
those who have %een trained %y it. #herefore stren"then the hands which
han" down, and the fee%le !nees, and ma!e strai"ht paths for your feet, so
that what is lame may not %e dislocated, %ut rather %e healed. :ursue
peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord.
loo!in" carefully lest anyone fall short of the "race of God; lest any root of
%itterness sprin"in" up cause trou%le, and %y this many %ecome de-led;
lest there %e any fornicator or profane person li!e Dsau, who for one morsel
of food sold his %irthri"ht.

#atholi$ "pistle
1Pe"er 4:15-e! ; 1Pe"er 5:1-5 [Arabic]
)ut let none of you su9er as a murderer, a thief, an evildoer, or as a
%usy%ody in other people's matters. et if anyone su9ers as a 3hristian, let
him not %e ashamed, %ut let him "lorify God in this matter. 1or the time has
come for jud"ment to %e"in at the house of God; and if it %e"ins with us
-rst, what will %e the end of those who do not o%ey the "ospel of God2 7ow
&$f the ri"hteous one is scarcely saved, +here will the un"odly
and the sinner appear2& #herefore let those who su9er accordin" to the will
of God commit their souls to Him in doin" "ood, as to a faithful 3reator. #he
elders who are amon" you $ e6hort, $ who am a fellow elder and a witness of
the su9erin"s of 3hrist, and also a parta!er of the "lory that will %e
revealed. (hepherd the 5oc! of God which is amon" you, servin" as
overseers, not %y compulsion %ut willin"ly, not for dishonest "ain %ut
ea"erly; nor as %ein" lords over those entrusted to you, %ut %ein" e6amples
to the 5oc!; and when the 3hief (hepherd appears, you will receive the
crown of "lory that does not fade away. Li!ewise you youn"er people,
su%mit yourselves to your elders. es, all of you %e su%missive to one
another, and %e clothed with humility, for &God resists the proud,
)ut "ives "race to the hum%le.&

Ac"s 15:36-e! ; Ac"s 16:1-3 [Arabic]
#hen after some days :aul said to )arna%as, &Let us now "o %ac! and visit
our %rethren in every city where we have preached the word of the Lord,
and see how they are doin".& 7ow )arna%as was determined to ta!e with
them ;ohn called 4ar!. )ut :aul insisted that they should not ta!e with
them the one who had departed from them in :amphylia, and had not "one
with them to the wor!. #hen the contention %ecame so sharp that they
parted from one another. And so )arna%as too! 4ar! and sailed to 3yprus;
%ut :aul chose (ilas and departed, %ein" commended %y the %rethren to
the "race of God. And he went throu"h (yria and 3ilicia, stren"thenin" the
churches. #hen he came to Der%e and Lystra. And %ehold, a certain disciple
was there, named #imothy, the son of a certain ;ewish woman who
%elieved, %ut his father was Gree!. He was well spo!en of %y the %rethren
who were at Lystra and $conium. :aul wanted to have him "o on with him.
And he too! him and circumcised him %ecause of the ;ews who were in that
re"ion, for they all !new that his father was Gree!.

< #he 4artyrdom of (t. $sidore, 1riend of (ina the (oldier.

Psalm 13$:1 ; Psalm 13$:2 [Arabic]
$ will praise ou with my whole heart; )efore the "ods $ will sin" praises to
ou. A$ will worship toward our holy temple, And praise our name 1or our
lovin"!indness and our truth; 1or ou have ma"ni-ed our word a%ove all
our name.

&o( $:21-27 [Arabic]
#hen ;esus said to them a"ain, &$ am "oin" away, and you will see! 4e, and
will die in your sin. +here $ "o you cannot come.& (o the ;ews said, &+ill He
!ill Himself, %ecause He says, &+here $ "o you cannot come'2& And He said
to them, &ou are from %eneath; $ am from a%ove. ou are of this world; $ am
not of this world. #herefore $ said to you that you will die in your sins; for if
you do not %elieve that $ am He, you will die in your sins.& #hen they said to
Him, &+ho are ou2& And ;esus said to them, &;ust what $ have %een sayin"
to you from the %e"innin". $ have many thin"s to say and to jud"e
concernin" you, %ut He who sent 4e is true; and $ spea! to the world those
thin"s which $ heard from Him.& #hey did not understand that He spo!e to
them of the 1ather.
Readings for Saturday of the fifth week of Great Lent '/2/
Psalm 65:2 ; Psalm 65:3 [Arabic]
O ou who hear prayer, #o ou all 5esh will come. $ni0uities prevail a"ainst
me; As for our trans"ressions, ou will provide atonement for them.
L+ke 15:3-1# [Arabic]
(o He spo!e this para%le to them, sayin". &+hat man of you, havin" a
hundred sheep, if he loses one of them, does not leave the ninety,nine in
the wilderness, and "o after the one which is lost until he -nds it2 And when
he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicin". And when he comes
home, he calls to"ether his friends and nei"h%ors, sayin" to them, &Rejoice
with me, for $ have found my sheep which was lost/' $ say to you that
li!ewise there will %e more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than
over ninety,nine just persons who need no repentance. &Or what woman,
havin" ten silver coins, if she loses one coin, does not li"ht a lamp, sweep
the house, and search carefully until she -nds it2 And when she has found
it, she calls her friends and nei"h%ors to"ether, sayin", &Rejoice with me,
for $ have found the piece which $ lost/' Li!ewise, $ say to you, there is joy in
the presence of the an"els of God over one sinner who repents.&

Pauline "pistle
5ala"ias 5:16-e! ; 5ala"ias 6:1-2 [Arabic]
$ say then. +al! in the (pirit, and you shall not ful-ll the lust of the 5esh.
1or the 5esh lusts a"ainst the (pirit, and the (pirit a"ainst the 5esh; and
these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the thin"s that you
wish. )ut if you are led %y the (pirit, you are not under the law. 7ow the
wor!s of the 5esh are evident, which are. adultery, fornication,
uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies,
out%ursts of wrath, sel-sh am%itions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders,
drun!enness, revelries, and the li!e; of which $ tell you %eforehand, just as $
also told you in time past, that those who practice such thin"s will not
inherit the !in"dom of God. )ut the fruit of the (pirit is love, joy, peace,
lon"su9erin", !indness, "oodness, faithfulness, "entleness, self,control.
A"ainst such there is no law. And those who are 3hrist's have cruci-ed the
5esh with its passions and desires. $f we live in the (pirit, let us also wal! in
the (pirit. Let us not %ecome conceited, provo!in" one another, envyin"
one another. )rethren, if a man is overta!en in any trespass, you who are
spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of "entleness, considerin" yourself
lest you also %e tempted. )ear one another's %urdens, and so ful-ll the law
of 3hrist.

#atholi$ "pistle
&ames 5:7-11 [Arabic]
#herefore %e patient, %rethren, until the comin" of the Lord. (ee how the
farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waitin" patiently for it until it
receives the early and latter rain. ou also %e patient. Dsta%lish your hearts,
for the comin" of the Lord is at hand. Do not "rum%le a"ainst one another,
%rethren, lest you %e condemned. )ehold, the ;ud"e is standin" at the door/
4y %rethren, ta!e the prophets, who spo!e in the name of the Lord, as an
e6ample of su9erin" and patience. $ndeed we count them %lessed who
endure. ou have heard of the perseverance of ;o% and seen the end
intended %y the Lord,,that the Lord is very compassionate and merciful.

Ac"s 26:1-1$ [Arabic]
#hen A"rippa said to :aul, &ou are permitted to spea! for yourself.& (o :aul
stretched out his hand and answered for himself. &$ thin! myself happy,
Bin" A"rippa, %ecause today $ shall answer for myself %efore you
concernin" all the thin"s of which $ am accused %y the ;ews, especially
%ecause you are e6pert in all customs and 0uestions which have to do with
the ;ews. #herefore $ %e" you to hear me patiently. &4y manner of life from
my youth, which was spent from the %e"innin" amon" my own nation at
;erusalem, all the ;ews !now. #hey !new me from the -rst, if they were
willin" to testify, that accordin" to the strictest sect of our reli"ion $ lived a
:harisee. And now $ stand and am jud"ed for the hope of the promise made
%y God to our fathers. #o this promise our twelve tri%es, earnestly servin"
God ni"ht and day, hope to attain. 1or this hope's sa!e, Bin" A"rippa, $ am
accused %y the ;ews. +hy should it %e thou"ht incredi%le %y you that God
raises the dead2 &$ndeed, $ myself thou"ht $ must do many thin"s contrary
to the name of ;esus of 7a8areth. #his $ also did in ;erusalem, and many of
the saints $ shut up in prison, havin" received authority from the chief
priests; and when they were put to death, $ cast my vote a"ainst them. And
$ punished them often in every syna"o"ue and compelled them to
%laspheme; and %ein" e6ceedin"ly enra"ed a"ainst them, $ persecuted
them even to forei"n cities. &+hile thus occupied, as $ journeyed to
Damascus with authority and commission from the chief priests, at midday,
O !in", alon" the road $ saw a li"ht from heaven, %ri"hter than the sun,
shinin" around me and those who journeyed with me. And when we all had
fallen to the "round, $ heard a voice spea!in" to me and sayin" in the
He%rew lan"ua"e, &(aul, (aul, why are you persecutin" 4e2 $t is hard for
you to !ic! a"ainst the "oads.' (o $ said, &+ho are ou, Lord2' And He said,
&$ am ;esus, whom you are persecutin". )ut rise and stand on your feet; for
$ have appeared to you for this purpose, to ma!e you a minister and a
witness %oth of the thin"s which you have seen and of the thin"s which $
will yet reveal to you. $ will deliver you from the ;ewish people, as well as
from the Gentiles, to whom $ now send you, to open their eyes, in order to
turn them from dar!ness to li"ht, and from the power of (atan to God, that
they may receive for"iveness of sins and an inheritance amon" those who
are sancti-ed %y faith in 4e.'

< #he 4artyrdom of (t. Aristo%ulus, the apostle.
< #he 4artyrdom of the (ts. Ale6ander, A"a%ius, Ale6ander, #imol
=#imolaos>, Dionysius, Romulus, and )lesius =Galesius>.

Psalm 143:1-2 [Arabic]
Hear my prayer, O LORD, Give ear to my supplications/ $n our faithfulness
answer me, And in our ri"hteousness. Do not enter into jud"ment with our
servant, 1or in our si"ht no one livin" is ri"hteous.

Ma""(e* 23:14-39 [Arabic]
+oe to you, scri%es and :harisees, hypocrites/ 1or you devour widows'
houses, and for a pretense ma!e lon" prayers. #herefore you will receive
"reater condemnation. &+oe to you, scri%es and :harisees, hypocrites/ 1or
you travel land and sea to win one proselyte, and when he is won, you
ma!e him twice as much a son of hell as yourselves. &+oe to you, %lind
"uides, who say, &+hoever swears %y the temple, it is nothin"; %ut whoever
swears %y the "old of the temple, he is o%li"ed to perform it.' 1ools and
%lind/ 1or which is "reater, the "old or the temple that sancti-es the "old2
And, &+hoever swears %y the altar, it is nothin"; %ut whoever swears %y the
"ift that is on it, he is o%li"ed to perform it.' 1ools and %lind/ 1or which is
"reater, the "ift or the altar that sancti-es the "ift2 #herefore he who
swears %y the altar, swears %y it and %y all thin"s on it. He who swears %y
the temple, swears %y it and %y Him who dwells in it. And he who swears %y
heaven, swears %y the throne of God and %y Him who sits on it. &+oe to
you, scri%es and :harisees, hypocrites/ 1or you pay tithe of mint and anise
and cummin, and have ne"lected the wei"htier matters of the law. justice
and mercy and faith. #hese you ou"ht to have done, without leavin" the
others undone. )lind "uides, who strain out a "nat and swallow a camel/
&+oe to you, scri%es and :harisees, hypocrites/ 1or you cleanse the outside
of the cup and dish, %ut inside they are full of e6tortion and self,indul"ence.
)lind :harisee, -rst cleanse the inside of the cup and dish, that the outside
of them may %e clean also. &+oe to you, scri%es and :harisees, hypocrites/
1or you are li!e whitewashed tom%s which indeed appear %eautiful
outwardly, %ut inside are full of dead men's %ones and all uncleanness.
Dven so you also outwardly appear ri"hteous to men, %ut inside you are full
of hypocrisy and lawlessness. &+oe to you, scri%es and :harisees,
hypocrites/ )ecause you %uild the tom%s of the prophets and adorn the
monuments of the ri"hteous, and say, &$f we had lived in the days of our
fathers, we would not have %een parta!ers with them in the %lood of the
prophets.' &#herefore you are witnesses a"ainst yourselves that you are
sons of those who murdered the prophets. 1ill up, then, the measure of your
fathers' "uilt. (erpents, %rood of vipers/ How can you escape the
condemnation of hell2 #herefore, indeed, $ send you prophets, wise men,
and scri%es. some of them you will !ill and crucify, and some of them you
will scour"e in your syna"o"ues and persecute from city to city, that on you
may come all the ri"hteous %lood shed on the earth, from the %lood of
ri"hteous A%el to the %lood of Cechariah, son of )erechiah, whom you
murdered %etween the temple and the altar. Assuredly, $ say to you, all
these thin"s will come upon this "eneration. &O ;erusalem, ;erusalem, the
one who !ills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her/ How often
$ wanted to "ather your children to"ether, as a hen "athers her chic!s
under her win"s, %ut you were not willin"/ (ee/ our house is left to you
desolate; for $ say to you, you shall see 4e no more till you say, &)lessed is
He who comes in the name of the LORD/&'
Readings for Sunday of the fifth week of Great Lent '/29
Psalm 39:12 [Arabic]
Hear my prayer, O LORD, And "ive ear to my cry; Do not %e silent at my
tears; 1or $ am a stran"er with ou, A sojourner, as all my fathers were.
L+ke 1$:1-$ [Arabic]
#hen He spo!e a para%le to them, that men always ou"ht to pray and not
lose heart, sayin". &#here was in a certain city a jud"e who did not fear God
nor re"ard man. 7ow there was a widow in that city; and she came to him,
sayin", &Get justice for me from my adversary.' And he would not for a
while; %ut afterward he said within himself, &#hou"h $ do not fear God nor
re"ard man, yet %ecause this widow trou%les me $ will aven"e her, lest %y
her continual comin" she weary me.&' #hen the Lord said, &Hear what the
unjust jud"e said. And shall God not aven"e His own elect who cry out day
and ni"ht to Him, thou"h He %ears lon" with them2 $ tell you that He will
aven"e them speedily. 7evertheless, when the (on of 4an comes, will He
really -nd faith on the earth2&

Psalm 1#1:1 ; Psalm 1#1:2 ; Psalm 1#1:12 [Arabic]
Hear my prayer, O LORD, And let my cry come to ou. Do not hide our face
from me in the day of my trou%le; $ncline our ear to me; $n the day that $
call, answer me speedily. )ut ou, O LORD, shall endure forever, And the
remem%rance of our name to all "enerations.
Ma""(e* 21:33-46 [Arabic]
&Hear another para%le. #here was a certain landowner who planted a
vineyard and set a hed"e around it, du" a winepress in it and %uilt a tower.
And he leased it to vinedressers and went into a far country. 7ow when
vinta"e,time drew near, he sent his servants to the vinedressers, that they
mi"ht receive its fruit. And the vinedressers too! his servants, %eat one,
!illed one, and stoned another. A"ain he sent other servants, more than the
-rst, and they did li!ewise to them. #hen last of all he sent his son to them,
sayin", &#hey will respect my son.' )ut when the vinedressers saw the son,
they said amon" themselves, &#his is the heir. 3ome, let us !ill him and
sei8e his inheritance.' (o they too! him and cast him out of the vineyard
and !illed him. &#herefore, when the owner of the vineyard comes, what will
he do to those vinedressers2& #hey said to Him, &He will destroy those
wic!ed men misera%ly, and lease his vineyard to other vinedressers who
will render to him the fruits in their seasons.& ;esus said to them, &Have you
never read in the (criptures. &#he stone which the %uilders rejected
Has %ecome the chief cornerstone. #his was the LORD's doin",
And it is marvelous in our eyes'2 &#herefore $ say to you, the !in"dom
of God will %e ta!en from you and "iven to a nation %earin" the fruits of it.
And whoever falls on this stone will %e %ro!en; %ut on whomever it falls, it
will "rind him to powder.& 7ow when the chief priests and :harisees heard
His para%les, they perceived that He was spea!in" of them. )ut when they
sou"ht to lay hands on Him, they feared the multitudes, %ecause they too!
Him for a prophet.

Pauline "pistle
24(essaloias 2:1-17 [Arabic]
7ow, %rethren, concernin" the comin" of our Lord ;esus 3hrist and our
"atherin" to"ether to Him, we as! you, not to %e soon sha!en in mind or
trou%led, either %y spirit or %y word or %y letter, as if from us, as thou"h the
day of 3hrist had come. Let no one deceive you %y any means; for that Day
will not come unless the fallin" away comes -rst, and the man of sin is
revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and e6alts himself a%ove all
that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple
of God, showin" himself that he is God. Do you not remem%er that when $
was still with you $ told you these thin"s2 And now you !now what is
restrainin", that he may %e revealed in his own time. 1or the mystery of
lawlessness is already at wor!; only He who now restrains will do so until He
is ta!en out of the way. And then the lawless one will %e revealed, whom
the Lord will consume with the %reath of His mouth and destroy with the
%ri"htness of His comin". #he comin" of the lawless one is accordin" to the
wor!in" of (atan, with all power, si"ns, and lyin" wonders, and with all
unri"hteous deception amon" those who perish, %ecause they did not
receive the love of the truth, that they mi"ht %e saved. And for this reason
God will send them stron" delusion, that they should %elieve the lie, that
they all may %e condemned who did not %elieve the truth %ut had pleasure
in unri"hteousness. )ut we are %ound to "ive than!s to God always for you,
%rethren %eloved %y the Lord, %ecause God from the %e"innin" chose you
for salvation throu"h sancti-cation %y the (pirit and %elief in the truth, to
which He called you %y our "ospel, for the o%tainin" of the "lory of our Lord
;esus 3hrist. #herefore, %rethren, stand fast and hold the traditions which
you were tau"ht, whether %y word or our epistle. 7ow may our Lord ;esus
3hrist Himself, and our God and 1ather, who has loved us and "iven us
everlastin" consolation and "ood hope %y "race, comfort your hearts and
esta%lish you in every "ood word and wor!.

#atholi$ "pistle
2Pe"er 3:1-1$ [Arabic]
)eloved, $ now write to you this second epistle in %oth of which $ stir up your
pure minds %y way of reminder, that you may %e mindful of the words
which were spo!en %efore %y the holy prophets, and of the commandment
of us, the apostles of the Lord and (avior, !nowin" this -rst. that sco9ers
will come in the last days, wal!in" accordin" to their own lusts, and sayin",
&+here is the promise of His comin"2 1or since the fathers fell asleep, all
thin"s continue as they were from the %e"innin" of creation.& 1or this they
willfully for"et. that %y the word of God the heavens were of old, and the
earth standin" out of water and in the water, %y which the world that then
e6isted perished, %ein" 5ooded with water. )ut the heavens and the earth
which are now preserved %y the same word, are reserved for -re until the
day of jud"ment and perdition of un"odly men. )ut, %eloved, do not for"et
this one thin", that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a
thousand years as one day. #he Lord is not slac! concernin" His promise, as
some count slac!ness, %ut is lon"su9erin" toward us, not willin" that any
should perish %ut that all should come to repentance. )ut the day of the
Lord will come as a thief in the ni"ht, in which the heavens will pass away
with a "reat noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; %oth the
earth and the wor!s that are in it will %e %urned up. #herefore, since all
these thin"s will %e dissolved, what manner of persons ou"ht you to %e in
holy conduct and "odliness, loo!in" for and hastenin" the comin" of the
day of God, %ecause of which the heavens will %e dissolved, %ein" on -re,
and the elements will melt with fervent heat2 7evertheless we, accordin" to
His promise, loo! for new heavens and a new earth in which ri"hteousness
dwells. #herefore, %eloved, loo!in" forward to these thin"s, %e dili"ent to %e
found %y Him in peace, without spot and %lameless; and consider that the
lon"su9erin" of our Lord is salvation,,as also our %eloved %rother :aul,
accordin" to the wisdom "iven to him, has written to you, as also in all his
epistles, spea!in" in them of these thin"s, in which are some thin"s hard to
understand, which untau"ht and unsta%le people twist to their own
destruction, as they do also the rest of the (criptures. ou therefore,
%eloved, since you !now this %eforehand, %eware lest you also fall from
your own steadfastness, %ein" led away with the error of the wic!ed; %ut
"row in the "race and !nowled"e of our Lord and (avior ;esus 3hrist. #o Him
%e the "lory %oth now and forever. Amen.

Ac"s 26:19-e! ; Ac"s 27:1-$ [Arabic]
&#herefore, Bin" A"rippa, $ was not diso%edient to the heavenly vision, %ut
declared -rst to those in Damascus and in ;erusalem, and throu"hout all the
re"ion of ;udea, and then to the Gentiles, that they should repent, turn to
God, and do wor!s %e-ttin" repentance. 1or these reasons the ;ews sei8ed
me in the temple and tried to !ill me. #herefore, havin" o%tained help from
God, to this day $ stand, witnessin" %oth to small and "reat, sayin" no other
thin"s than those which the prophets and 4oses said would come,, that the
3hrist would su9er, that He would %e the -rst to rise from the dead, and
would proclaim li"ht to the ;ewish people and to the Gentiles.& 7ow as he
thus made his defense, 1estus said with a loud voice, &:aul, you are %eside
yourself/ 4uch learnin" is drivin" you mad/& )ut he said, &$ am not mad,
most no%le 1estus, %ut spea! the words of truth and reason. 1or the !in",
%efore whom $ also spea! freely, !nows these thin"s; for $ am convinced
that none of these thin"s escapes his attention, since this thin" was not
done in a corner. Bin" A"rippa, do you %elieve the prophets2 $ !now that
you do %elieve.& #hen A"rippa said to :aul, &ou almost persuade me to
%ecome a 3hristian.& And :aul said, &$ would to God that not only you, %ut
also all who hear me today, mi"ht %ecome %oth almost and alto"ether such
as $ am, e6cept for these chains.& +hen he had said these thin"s, the !in"
stood up, as well as the "overnor and )ernice and those who sat with them;
and when they had "one aside, they tal!ed amon" themselves, sayin",
&#his man is doin" nothin" deservin" of death or chains.& #hen A"rippa said
to 1estus, &#his man mi"ht have %een set free if he had not appealed to
3aesar.& And when it was decided that we should sail to $taly, they
delivered :aul and some other prisoners to one named ;ulius, a centurion of
the Au"ustan Re"iment. (o, enterin" a ship of Adramyttium, we put to sea,
meanin" to sail alon" the coasts of Asia. Aristarchus, a 4acedonian of
#hessalonica, was with us. And the ne6t day we landed at (idon. And ;ulius
treated :aul !indly and "ave him li%erty to "o to his friends and receive
care. +hen we had put to sea from there, we sailed under the shelter of
3yprus, %ecause the winds were contrary. And when we had sailed over the
sea which is o9 3ilicia and :amphylia, we came to 4yra, a city of Lycia.
#here the centurion found an Ale6andrian ship sailin" to $taly, and he put us
on %oard. +hen we had sailed slowly many days, and arrived with diIculty
o9 3nidus, the wind not permittin" us to proceed, we sailed under the
shelter of 3rete o9 (almone. :assin" it with diIculty, we came to a place
called 1air Havens, near the city of Lasea.

< #he Departure Of the (t. An%a Bhail =4i!hail> the 1ifty (i6 :ope of the (ee
of (t. 4ar!.
< Raisin" of La8arus from the dead.

Psalm 33:5-6 [Arabic]
He loves ri"hteousness and justice; #he earth is full of the "oodness of
the LORD. )y the word of the LORD the heavens were made, And
all the host of them %y the %reath of His mouth.

&o( 5:1-1$ [Arabic]
After this there was a feast of the ;ews, and ;esus went up to ;erusalem.
7ow there is in ;erusalem %y the (heep Gate a pool, which is called in
He%rew, )ethesda, havin" -ve porches. $n these lay a "reat multitude of
sic! people, %lind, lame, paraly8ed, waitin" for the movin" of the water. 1or
an an"el went down at a certain time into the pool and stirred up the water;
then whoever stepped in -rst, after the stirrin" of the water, was made well
of whatever disease he had. 7ow a certain man was there who had an
in-rmity thirty,ei"ht years. +hen ;esus saw him lyin" there, and !new that
he already had %een in that condition a lon" time, He said to him, &Do you
want to %e made well2& #he sic! man answered Him, &(ir, $ have no man to
put me into the pool when the water is stirred up; %ut while $ am comin",
another steps down %efore me.& ;esus said to him, &Rise, ta!e up your %ed
and wal!.& And immediately the man was made well, too! up his %ed, and
wal!ed. And that day was the (a%%ath. #he ;ews therefore said to him who
was cured, &$t is the (a%%ath; it is not lawful for you to carry your %ed.& He
answered them, &He who made me well said to me, &#a!e up your %ed and
wal!.&' #hen they as!ed him, &+ho is the 4an who said to you, &#a!e up
your %ed and wal!'2& )ut the one who was healed did not !now who it was,
for ;esus had withdrawn, a multitude %ein" in that place. Afterward ;esus
found him in the temple, and said to him, &(ee, you have %een made well.
(in no more, lest a worse thin" come upon you.& #he man departed and
told the ;ews that it was ;esus who had made him well. 1or this reason the
;ews persecuted ;esus, and sou"ht to !ill Him, %ecause He had done these
thin"s on the (a%%ath. )ut ;esus answered them, &4y 1ather has %een
wor!in" until now, and $ have %een wor!in".& #herefore the ;ews sou"ht all
the more to !ill Him, %ecause He not only %ro!e the (a%%ath, %ut also said
that God was His 1ather, ma!in" Himself e0ual with God.
Readings for !onday of the si&th week of Great Lent '/'0
Pro3erbs $:1-11 ; 'saia( 43:1#-2$ ; &ob 32:6-16 [Arabic]
Pro3erbs $:1-11 Does not wisdom cry out, And understandin" lift up
her voice2 (he ta!es her stand on the top of the hi"h hill, )eside
the way, where the paths meet. (he cries out %y the "ates, at the
entry of the city, At the entrance of the doors. &#o you, O men, $
call, And my voice is to the sons of men. O you simple ones,
understand prudence, And you fools, %e of an understandin" heart.
Listen, for $ will spea! of e6cellent thin"s, And from the openin" of
my lips will come ri"ht thin"s; 1or my mouth will spea! truth;
+ic!edness is an a%omination to my lips. All the words of my mouth
are with ri"hteousness; 7othin" croo!ed or perverse is in them.
#hey are all plain to him who understands, And ri"ht to those who -nd
!nowled"e. Receive my instruction, and not silver, And
!nowled"e rather than choice "old; 1or wisdom is %etter than ru%ies,
And all the thin"s one may desire cannot %e compared with her.
'saia( 43:1#-2$
&ou are 4y witnesses,& says the LORD,
&And 4y servant whom $ have chosen,
#hat you may !now and %elieve 4e,
And understand that $ am He.
)efore 4e there was no God formed,
7or shall there %e after 4e.
$, even $, am the LORD,
And %esides 4e there is no savior.
$ have declared and saved,
$ have proclaimed,
And there was no forei"n "od amon" you;
#herefore you are 4y witnesses,&
(ays the LORD, &that $ am God.
$ndeed %efore the day was, $ am He;
And there is no one who can deliver out of 4y hand;
$ wor!, and who will reverse it2&
#hus says the LORD, your Redeemer,
#he Holy One of $srael.
&1or your sa!e $ will send to )a%ylon,
And %rin" them all down as fu"itives,,
#he 3haldeans, who rejoice in their ships.
$ am the LORD, your Holy One,
#he 3reator of $srael, your Bin".&
#hus says the LORD, who ma!es a way in the sea
And a path throu"h the mi"hty waters,
+ho %rin"s forth the chariot and horse,
#he army and the power
#hey shall lie down to"ether, they shall not rise;
#hey are e6tin"uished, they are 0uenched li!e a wic!.
&Do not remem%er the former thin"s,
7or consider the thin"s of old.
)ehold, $ will do a new thin",
7ow it shall sprin" forth;
(hall you not !now it2
$ will even ma!e a road in the wilderness
And rivers in the desert.
#he %east of the -eld will honor 4e,
#he jac!als and the ostriches,
)ecause $ "ive waters in the wilderness
And rivers in the desert,
#o "ive drin! to 4y people, 4y chosen.
#his people $ have formed for 4yself;
#hey shall declare 4y praise.
&)ut you have not called upon 4e, O ;aco%;
And you have %een weary of 4e, O $srael.
ou have not %rou"ht 4e the sheep for your %urnt o9erin"s,
7or have you honored 4e with your sacri-ces.
$ have not caused you to serve with "rain o9erin"s,
7or wearied you with incense.
ou have %ou"ht 4e no sweet cane with money,
7or have you satis-ed 4e with the fat of your sacri-ces;
)ut you have %urdened 4e with your sins,
ou have wearied 4e with your ini0uities.
&$, even $, am He who %lots out your trans"ressions for 4y own sa!e;
And $ will not remem%er your sins.
:ut 4e in remem%rance;
Let us contend to"ether;
(tate your case, that you may %e ac0uitted.
our -rst father sinned,
And your mediators have trans"ressed a"ainst 4e.
#herefore $ will profane the princes of the sanctuary;
$ will "ive ;aco% to the curse,
And $srael to reproaches.
&ob 32:6-16
(o Dlihu, the son of )arachel the )u8ite, answered and said.
&$ am youn" in years, and you are very old;
#herefore $ was afraid,
And dared not declare my opinion to you.
$ said, &A"e should spea!,
And multitude of years should teach wisdom.'
)ut there is a spirit in man,
And the %reath of the Almi"hty "ives him understandin".
Great men are not always wise,
7or do the a"ed always understand justice.
&#herefore $ say, &Listen to me,
$ also will declare my opinion.'
$ndeed $ waited for your words,
$ listened to your reasonin"s, while you searched out what to say.
$ paid close attention to you;
And surely not one of you convinced ;o%,
Or answered his words,,
Lest you say,
&+e have found wisdom';
God will van0uish him, not man.
7ow he has not directed his words a"ainst me;
(o $ will not answer him with your words.
&#hey are dismayed and answer no more;
+ords escape them.
And $ have waited, %ecause they did not spea!,
)ecause they stood still and answered no more.
Psalm 3$:9 [Arabic]
Lord, all my desire is %efore ou; And my si"hin" is not hidden from ou.
Mark 12:1-12 [Arabic]
#hen He %e"an to spea! to them in para%les. &A man planted a vineyard
and set a hed"e around it, du" a place for the wine vat and %uilt a tower.
And he leased it to vinedressers and went into a far country. 7ow at
vinta"e,time he sent a servant to the vinedressers, that he mi"ht receive
some of the fruit of the vineyard from the vinedressers. And they too! him
and %eat him and sent him away empty,handed. A"ain he sent them
another servant, and at him they threw stones, wounded him in the head,
and sent him away shamefully treated. And a"ain he sent another, and him
they !illed; and many others, %eatin" some and !illin" some. #herefore still
havin" one son, his %eloved, he also sent him to them last, sayin", &#hey
will respect my son.' )ut those vinedressers said amon" themselves, &#his
is the heir. 3ome, let us !ill him, and the inheritance will %e ours.' (o they
too! him and !illed him and cast him out of the vineyard. &#herefore what
will the owner of the vineyard do2 He will come and destroy the
vinedressers, and "ive the vineyard to others. Have you not even read this
(cripture. &#he stone which the %uilders rejected Has %ecome the
chief cornerstone. #his was the LORD's doin", And it is marvelous
in our eyes'2& And they sou"ht to lay hands on Him, %ut feared the
multitude, for they !new He had spo!en the para%le a"ainst them. (o they
left Him and went away.

Pauline "pistle
14(essaloias 4:1-1$ [Arabic]
1inally then, %rethren, we ur"e and e6hort in the Lord ;esus that you should
a%ound more and more, just as you received from us how you ou"ht to wal!
and to please God; for you !now what commandments we "ave you
throu"h the Lord ;esus. 1or this is the will of God, your sancti-cation. that
you should a%stain from se6ual immorality; that each of you should !now
how to possess his own vessel in sancti-cation and honor, not in passion of
lust, li!e the Gentiles who do not !now God; that no one should ta!e
advanta"e of and defraud his %rother in this matter, %ecause the Lord is the
aven"er of all such, as we also forewarned you and testi-ed. 1or God did
not call us to uncleanness, %ut in holiness. #herefore he who rejects this
does not reject man, %ut God, who has also "iven us His Holy (pirit. )ut
concernin" %rotherly love you have no need that $ should write to you, for
you yourselves are tau"ht %y God to love one another; and indeed you do
so toward all the %rethren who are in all 4acedonia. )ut we ur"e you,
%rethren, that you increase more and more; that you also aspire to lead a
0uiet life, to mind your own %usiness, and to wor! with your own hands, as
we commanded you, that you may wal! properly toward those who are
outside, and that you may lac! nothin". )ut $ do not want you to %e
i"norant, %rethren, concernin" those who have fallen asleep, lest you
sorrow as others who have no hope. 1or if we %elieve that ;esus died and
rose a"ain, even so God will %rin" with Him those who sleep in ;esus. 1or
this we say to you %y the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and
remain until the comin" of the Lord will %y no means precede those who are
asleep. 1or the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with
the voice of an archan"el, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in
3hrist will rise -rst. #hen we who are alive and remain shall %e cau"ht up
to"ether with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we
shall always %e with the Lord. #herefore comfort one another with these

#atholi$ "pistle
&ames 4:7-12 [Arabic]
#herefore su%mit to God. Resist the devil and he will 5ee from you. Draw
near to God and He will draw near to you. 3leanse your hands, you sinners;
and purify your hearts, you dou%le,minded. Lament and mourn and weep/
Let your lau"hter %e turned to mournin" and your joy to "loom. Hum%le
yourselves in the si"ht of the Lord, and He will lift you up. Do not spea! evil
of one another, %rethren. He who spea!s evil of a %rother and jud"es his
%rother, spea!s evil of the law and jud"es the law. )ut if you jud"e the law,
you are not a doer of the law %ut a jud"e. #here is one Law"iver, who is
a%le to save and to destroy. +ho are you to jud"e another2

Ac"s 1$:9-1$ [Arabic]
7ow the Lord spo!e to :aul in the ni"ht %y a vision, &Do not %e afraid, %ut
spea!, and do not !eep silent; for $ am with you, and no one will attac! you
to hurt you; for $ have many people in this city.& And he continued there a
year and si6 months, teachin" the word of God amon" them. +hen Gallio
was proconsul of Achaia, the ;ews with one accord rose up a"ainst :aul and
%rou"ht him to the jud"ment seat, sayin", &#his fellow persuades men to
worship God contrary to the law.& And when :aul was a%out to open his
mouth, Gallio said to the ;ews, &$f it were a matter of wron"doin" or wic!ed
crimes, O ;ews, there would %e reason why $ should %ear with you. )ut if it
is a 0uestion of words and names and your own law, loo! to it yourselves;
for $ do not want to %e a jud"e of such matters.& And he drove them from
the jud"ment seat. #hen all the Gree!s too! (osthenes, the ruler of the
syna"o"ue, and %eat him %efore the jud"ment seat. )ut Gallio too! no
notice of these thin"s. (o :aul still remained a "ood while. #hen he too!
leave of the %rethren and sailed for (yria, and :riscilla and A0uila were with
him. He had his hair cut o9 at 3enchrea, for he had ta!en a vow.

< #he 3ommemoration of the Archan"el Ga%riel the Announcer.
< #he 3ommemoration of the #ransfer of the Relies of (t. ;ames, !nown as
the 4an"led.
< #he 3ommemoration of (amson, One of the ;ud"es of $srael.

Psalm 35:1 ; Psalm 35:2 [Arabic]
:lead my cause, O LORD, with those who strive with me; 1i"ht a"ainst
those who -"ht a"ainst me. #a!e hold of shield and %uc!ler, And stand
up for my help.

L+ke 13:1-5 [Arabic]
#here were present at that season some who told Him a%out the Galileans
whose %lood :ilate had min"led with their sacri-ces. And ;esus answered
and said to them, &Do you suppose that these Galileans were worse sinners
than all other Galileans, %ecause they su9ered such thin"s2 $ tell you, no;
%ut unless you repent you will all li!ewise perish. Or those ei"hteen on
whom the tower in (iloam fell and !illed them, do you thin! that they were
worse sinners than all other men who dwelt in ;erusalem2 $ tell you, no; %ut
unless you repent you will all li!ewise perish.&
Readings for (uesday of the si&th week of Great Lent '/'1
Pro3erbs $:12-21 ; 'saia( 44:1-$ ; &ob 32:17-e! ; &ob 33:1-33 ; 2
0i1s 5:1-27 [Arabic]
Pro3erbs $:12-21 &$, wisdom, dwell with prudence, And -nd out
!nowled"e and discretion. #he fear of the LORD is to hate evil;
:ride and arro"ance and the evil way And the perverse mouth $ hate.
3ounsel is mine, and sound wisdom; $ am understandin", $ have
stren"th. )y me !in"s rei"n, And rulers decree justice. )y
me princes rule, and no%les, All the jud"es of the earth. $ love
those who love me, And those who see! me dili"ently will -nd me.
Riches and honor are with me, Dndurin" riches and
ri"hteousness. 4y fruit is %etter than "old, yes, than -ne "old,
And my revenue than choice silver. $ traverse the way of
ri"hteousness, $n the midst of the paths of justice, #hat $ may
cause those who love me to inherit wealth, #hat $ may -ll their
'saia( 44:1-$
&et hear me now, O ;aco% 4y servant,
And $srael whom $ have chosen.
#hus says the LORD who made you
And formed you from the wom%, who will help you.
&1ear not, O ;aco% 4y servant;
And you, ;eshurun, whom $ have chosen.
1or $ will pour water on him who is thirsty,
And 5oods on the dry "round;
$ will pour 4y (pirit on your descendants,
And 4y %lessin" on your o9sprin";
#hey will sprin" up amon" the "rass
Li!e willows %y the watercourses.'
One will say, &$ am the LORD's';
Another will call himself %y the name of ;aco%;
Another will write with his hand, &#he LORD's,'
And name himself %y the name of $srael.
&#hus says the LORD, the Bin" of $srael,
And his Redeemer, the LORD of hosts.
&$ am the 1irst and $ am the Last;
)esides 4e there is no God.
And who can proclaim as $ do2
#hen let him declare it and set it in order for 4e,
(ince $ appointed the ancient people.
And the thin"s that are comin" and shall come,
Let them show these to them.
Do not fear, nor %e afraid;
Have $ not told you from that time, and declared it2
ou are 4y witnesses.
$s there a God %esides 4e2

&ob 32:17-e! ; &ob 33:1-33
$ also will answer my part,
$ too will declare my opinion.
1or $ am full of words;
#he spirit within me compels me.
$ndeed my %elly is li!e wine that has no vent;
$t is ready to %urst li!e new wines!ins.
$ will spea!, that $ may -nd relief;
$ must open my lips and answer.
Let me not, $ pray, show partiality to anyone;
7or let me 5atter any man.
1or $ do not !now how to 5atter,
Dlse my 4a!er would soon ta!e me away. &)ut please, ;o%, hear my
And listen to all my words.
7ow, $ open my mouth;
4y ton"ue spea!s in my mouth.
4y words come from my upri"ht heart;
4y lips utter pure !nowled"e.
#he (pirit of God has made me,
And the %reath of the Almi"hty "ives me life.
$f you can answer me,
(et your words in order %efore me;
#a!e your stand.
#ruly $ am as your spo!esman %efore God;
$ also have %een formed out of clay.
(urely no fear of me will terrify you,
7or will my hand %e heavy on you.
&(urely you have spo!en in my hearin",
And $ have heard the sound of your words, sayin",
&$ am pure, without trans"ression;
$ am innocent, and there is no ini0uity in me.
et He -nds occasions a"ainst me,
He counts me as His enemy;
He puts my feet in the stoc!s,
He watches all my paths.'
&Loo!, in this you are not ri"hteous.
$ will answer you,
1or God is "reater than man.
+hy do you contend with Him2
1or He does not "ive an accountin" of any of His words.
1or God may spea! in one way, or in another,
et man does not perceive it.
$n a dream, in a vision of the ni"ht,
+hen deep sleep falls upon men,
+hile slum%erin" on their %eds,
#hen He opens the ears of men,
And seals their instruction.
$n order to turn man from his deed,
And conceal pride from man,
He !eeps %ac! his soul from the :it,
And his life from perishin" %y the sword.
&4an is also chastened with pain on his %ed,
And with stron" pain in many of his %ones,
(o that his life a%hors %read,
And his soul succulent food.
His 5esh wastes away from si"ht,
And his %ones stic! out which once were not seen.
es, his soul draws near the :it,
And his life to the e6ecutioners.
&$f there is a messen"er for him,
A mediator, one amon" a thousand,
#o show man His upri"htness,
#hen He is "racious to him, and says,
&Deliver him from "oin" down to the :it;
$ have found a ransom';
His 5esh shall %e youn" li!e a child's,
He shall return to the days of his youth.
He shall pray to God, and He will deli"ht in him,
He shall see His face with joy,
1or He restores to man His ri"hteousness.
#hen he loo!s at men and says,
&$ have sinned, and perverted what was ri"ht,
And it did not pro-t me.'
He will redeem his soul from "oin" down to the :it,
And his life shall see the li"ht.
&)ehold, God wor!s all these thin"s,
#wice, in fact, three times with a man,
#o %rin" %ac! his soul from the :it,
#hat he may %e enli"htened with the li"ht of life.
&Give ear, ;o%, listen to me;
Hold your peace, and $ will spea!.
$f you have anythin" to say, answer me;
(pea!, for $ desire to justify you.
$f not, listen to me;
Hold your peace, and $ will teach you wisdom.&
2 0i1s 5:1-27
7ow 7aaman, commander of the army of the !in" of (yria, was a "reat and
honora%le man in the eyes of his master, %ecause %y him the LORD had
"iven victory to (yria. He was also a mi"hty man of valor, %ut a leper. And
the (yrians had "one out on raids, and had %rou"ht %ac! captive a youn"
"irl from the land of $srael. (he waited on 7aaman's wife. #hen she said to
her mistress, &$f only my master were with the prophet who is in (amaria/
1or he would heal him of his leprosy.& And 7aaman went in and told his
master, sayin", &#hus and thus said the "irl who is from the land of $srael.&
#hen the !in" of (yria said, &Go now, and $ will send a letter to the !in" of
(o he departed and too! with him ten talents of silver, si6 thousand she!els
of "old, and ten chan"es of clothin". #hen he %rou"ht the letter to the !in"
of $srael, which said,
7ow %e advised, when this letter comes to you, that $ have sent 7aaman
my servant to you, that you may heal him of his leprosy.
And it happened, when the !in" of $srael read the letter, that he tore his
clothes and said, &Am $ God, to !ill and ma!e alive, that this man sends a
man to me to heal him of his leprosy2 #herefore please consider, and see
how he see!s a 0uarrel with me.&
(o it was, when Dlisha the man of God heard that the !in" of $srael had torn
his clothes, that he sent to the !in", sayin", &+hy have you torn your
clothes2 :lease let him come to me, and he shall !now that there is a
prophet in $srael.&
#hen 7aaman went with his horses and chariot, and he stood at the door of
Dlisha's house. And Dlisha sent a messen"er to him, sayin", &Go and wash
in the ;ordan seven times, and your 5esh shall %e restored to you, and you
shall %e clean.& )ut 7aaman %ecame furious, and went away and said,
&$ndeed, $ said to myself, &He will surely come out to me, and stand and call
on the name of the LORD his God, and wave his hand over the place, and
heal the leprosy.' Are not the A%anah and the :harpar, the rivers of
Damascus, %etter than all the waters of $srael2 3ould $ not wash in them
and %e clean2& (o he turned and went away in a ra"e. And his servants
came near and spo!e to him, and said, &4y father, if the prophet had told
you to do somethin" "reat, would you not have done it2 How much more
then, when he says to you, &+ash, and %e clean'2& (o he went down and
dipped seven times in the ;ordan, accordin" to the sayin" of the man of
God; and his 5esh was restored li!e the 5esh of a little child, and he was
And he returned to the man of God, he and all his aides, and came and
stood %efore him; and he said, &$ndeed, now $ !now that there is no God in
all the earth, e6cept in $srael; now therefore, please ta!e a "ift from your
)ut he said, &As the LORD lives, %efore whom $ stand, $ will receive nothin".&
And he ur"ed him to ta!e it, %ut he refused.
(o 7aaman said, &#hen, if not, please let your servant %e "iven two mule,
loads of earth; for your servant will no lon"er o9er either %urnt o9erin" or
sacri-ce to other "ods, %ut to the LORD. et in this thin" may the LORD
pardon your servant. when my master "oes into the temple of Rimmon to
worship there, and he leans on my hand, and $ %ow down in the temple of
Rimmon,,when $ %ow down in the temple of Rimmon, may the LORD please
pardon your servant in this thin".&
#hen he said to him, &Go in peace.& (o he departed from him a short
)ut Geha8i, the servant of Dlisha the man of God, said, &Loo!, my master
has spared 7aaman this (yrian, while not receivin" from his hands what he
%rou"ht; %ut as the LORD lives, $ will run after him and ta!e somethin" from
him.& (o Geha8i pursued 7aaman. +hen 7aaman saw him runnin" after
him, he "ot down from the chariot to meet him, and said, &$s all well2&
And he said, &All is well. 4y master has sent me, sayin", &$ndeed, just now
two youn" men of the sons of the prophets have come to me from the
mountains of Dphraim. :lease "ive them a talent of silver and two chan"es
of "arments.&'
(o 7aaman said, &:lease, ta!e two talents.& And he ur"ed him, and %ound
two talents of silver in two %a"s, with two chan"es of "arments, and
handed them to two of his servants; and they carried them on ahead of
him. +hen he came to the citadel, he too! them from their hand, and
stored them away in the house; then he let the men "o, and they departed.
7ow he went in and stood %efore his master. Dlisha said to him, &+here did
you "o, Geha8i2&
And he said, &our servant did not "o anywhere.&
#hen he said to him, &Did not my heart "o with you when the man turned
%ac! from his chariot to meet you2 $s it time to receive money and to
receive clothin", olive "roves and vineyards, sheep and o6en, male and
female servants2 #herefore the leprosy of 7aaman shall clin" to you and
your descendants forever.& And he went out from his presence leprous, as
white as snow.
Psalm 35:13 [Arabic]
)ut as for me, when they were sic!, 4y clothin" was sac!cloth; $ hum%led
myself with fastin"; And my prayer would return to my own heart.
L+ke 4:22-3# [Arabic]
(o all %ore witness to Him, and marveled at the "racious words which
proceeded out of His mouth. And they said, &$s this not ;oseph's son2& He
said to them, &ou will surely say this prover% to 4e, &:hysician, heal
yourself/ +hatever we have heard done in 3apernaum, do also here in our
country.&' #hen He said, &Assuredly, $ say to you, no prophet is accepted in
his own country. )ut $ tell you truly, many widows were in $srael in the days
of Dlijah, when the heaven was shut up three years and si6 months, and
there was a "reat famine throu"hout all the land; %ut to none of them was
Dlijah sent e6cept to Carephath, in the re"ion of (idon, to a woman who was
a widow. And many lepers were in $srael in the time of Dlisha the prophet,
and none of them was cleansed e6cept 7aaman the (yrian.& (o all those in
the syna"o"ue, when they heard these thin"s, were -lled with wrath, and
rose up and thrust Him out of the city; and they led Him to the %row of the
hill on which their city was %uilt, that they mi"ht throw Him down over the
cli9. #hen passin" throu"h the midst of them, He went His way.

Pauline "pistle
1Cori"(ias 14:1$-2$ [Arabic]
$ than! my God $ spea! with ton"ues more than you all; yet in the church $
would rather spea! -ve words with my understandin", that $ may teach
others also, than ten thousand words in a ton"ue. )rethren, do not %e
children in understandin"; however, in malice %e %a%es, %ut in
understandin" %e mature. $n the law it is written. &+ith men of other
ton"ues and other lips $ will spea! to this people; And yet, for all
that, they will not hear 4e,& says the Lord. #herefore ton"ues are for a si"n,
not to those who %elieve %ut to un%elievers; %ut prophesyin" is not for
un%elievers %ut for those who %elieve. #herefore if the whole church comes
to"ether in one place, and all spea! with ton"ues, and there come in those
who are uninformed or un%elievers, will they not say that you are out of
your mind2 )ut if all prophesy, and an un%eliever or an uninformed person
comes in, he is convinced %y all, he is convicted %y all. And thus the secrets
of his heart are revealed; and so, fallin" down on his face, he will worship
God and report that God is truly amon" you. How is it then, %rethren2
+henever you come to"ether, each of you has a psalm, has a teachin", has
a ton"ue, has a revelation, has an interpretation. Let all thin"s %e done for
edi-cation. $f anyone spea!s in a ton"ue, let there %e two or at the most
three, each in turn, and let one interpret. )ut if there is no interpreter, let
him !eep silent in church, and let him spea! to himself and to God.

#atholi$ "pistle
&ames 1:22-e! ; &ames 2:1-1 [Arabic]
)ut %e doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceivin" yourselves. 1or if
anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is li!e a man o%servin"
his natural face in a mirror; for he o%serves himself, "oes away, and
immediately for"ets what !ind of man he was. )ut he who loo!s into the
perfect law of li%erty and continues in it, and is not a for"etful hearer %ut a
doer of the wor!, this one will %e %lessed in what he does. $f anyone amon"
you thin!s he is reli"ious, and does not %ridle his ton"ue %ut deceives his
own heart, this one's reli"ion is useless. :ure and unde-led reli"ion %efore
God and the 1ather is this. to visit orphans and widows in their trou%le, and
to !eep oneself unspotted from the world. 4y %rethren, do not hold the faith
of our Lord ;esus 3hrist, the Lord of "lory, with partiality.

Ac"s 19:11-2# [Arabic]
7ow God wor!ed unusual miracles %y the hands of :aul, so that even
hand!erchiefs or aprons were %rou"ht from his %ody to the sic!, and the
diseases left them and the evil spirits went out of them. #hen some of the
itinerant ;ewish e6orcists too! it upon themselves to call the name of the
Lord ;esus over those who had evil spirits, sayin", &+e e6orcise you %y the
;esus whom :aul preaches.& Also there were seven sons of (ceva, a ;ewish
chief priest, who did so. And the evil spirit answered and said, &;esus $ !now,
and :aul $ !now; %ut who are you2& #hen the man in whom the evil spirit
was leaped on them, overpowered them, and prevailed a"ainst them, so
that they 5ed out of that house na!ed and wounded. #his %ecame !nown
%oth to all ;ews and Gree!s dwellin" in Dphesus; and fear fell on them all,
and the name of the Lord ;esus was ma"ni-ed. And many who had %elieved
came confessin" and tellin" their deeds. Also, many of those who had
practiced ma"ic %rou"ht their %oo!s to"ether and %urned them in the si"ht
of all. And they counted up the value of them, and it totaled -fty thousand
pieces of silver. (o the word of the Lord "rew mi"htily and prevailed.

< #he Departure of (t. Byrellos =3yril>, )ishop of ;erusalem.
< #he Departure of (t. 4ichael, )ishop of 7a0adah.

Psalm 42:1 [Arabic]
As the deer pants for the water %roo!s, (o pants my soul for ou, O

L+ke 9:1$-22 [Arabic]
And it happened, as He was alone prayin", that His disciples joined Him,
and He as!ed them, sayin", &+ho do the crowds say that $ am2& (o they
answered and said, &;ohn the )aptist, %ut some say Dlijah; and others say
that one of the old prophets has risen a"ain.& He said to them, &)ut who do
you say that $ am2& :eter answered and said, &#he 3hrist of God.& And He
strictly warned and commanded them to tell this to no one, sayin", &#he
(on of 4an must su9er many thin"s, and %e rejected %y the elders and
chief priests and scri%es, and %e !illed, and %e raised the third day.&
Readings for *ednesday of the si&th week of Great Lent )/1
./o!+s 1#:1-e! ; ./o!+s 11:1-1# ; 'saia( 44:21-2$ ; Pro3erbs
$:22-36 ; &ob 34:1-37 ; 6o o7 6irac( 1#:1-31 [Arabic]
./o!+s 1#:1-e! ; ./o!+s 11:1-1# 7ow the LORD said to 4oses, &Go in
to :haraoh; for $ have hardened his heart and the hearts of his servants,
that $ may show these si"ns of 4ine %efore him, and that you may tell in
the hearin" of your son and your son's son the mi"hty thin"s $ have done in
D"ypt, and 4y si"ns which $ have done amon" them, that you may !now
that $ am the LORD.& (o 4oses and Aaron came in to :haraoh and said to
him, &#hus says the LORD God of the He%rews. &How lon" will you refuse to
hum%le yourself %efore 4e2 Let 4y people "o, that they may serve 4e. Or
else, if you refuse to let 4y people "o, %ehold, tomorrow $ will %rin" locusts
into your territory. And they shall cover the face of the earth, so that no one
will %e a%le to see the earth; and they shall eat the residue of what is left,
which remains to you from the hail, and they shall eat every tree which
"rows up for you out of the -eld. #hey shall -ll your houses, the houses of
all your servants, and the houses of all the D"yptians,,which neither your
fathers nor your fathers' fathers have seen, since the day that they were on
the earth to this day.&' And he turned and went out from :haraoh. #hen
:haraoh's servants said to him, &How lon" shall this man %e a snare to us2
Let the men "o, that they may serve the LORD their God. Do you not yet
!now that D"ypt is destroyed2& (o 4oses and Aaron were %rou"ht a"ain to
:haraoh, and he said to them, &Go, serve the LORD your God. +ho are the
ones that are "oin"2& And 4oses said, &+e will "o with our youn" and our
old; with our sons and our dau"hters, with our 5oc!s and our herds we will
"o, for we must hold a feast to the LORD.& #hen he said to them, &#he LORD
had %etter %e with you when $ let you and your little ones "o/ )eware, for
evil is ahead of you. 7ot so/ Go now, you who are men, and serve the
LORD, for that is what you desired.& And they were driven out from
:haraoh's presence. #hen the LORD said to 4oses, &(tretch out your hand
over the land of D"ypt for the locusts, that they may come upon the land of
D"ypt, and eat every her% of the land,,all that the hail has left.& (o 4oses
stretched out his rod over the land of D"ypt, and the LORD %rou"ht an east
wind on the land all that day and all that ni"ht. +hen it was mornin", the
east wind %rou"ht the locusts. And the locusts went up over all the land of
D"ypt and rested on all the territory of D"ypt. #hey were very severe;
previously there had %een no such locusts as they, nor shall there %e such
after them. 1or they covered the face of the whole earth, so that the land
was dar!ened; and they ate every her% of the land and all the fruit of the
trees which the hail had left. (o there remained nothin" "reen on the trees
or on the plants of the -eld throu"hout all the land of D"ypt. #hen :haraoh
called for 4oses and Aaron in haste, and said, &$ have sinned a"ainst the
LORD your God and a"ainst you. 7ow therefore, please for"ive my sin only
this once, and entreat the LORD your God, that He may ta!e away from me
this death only.& (o he went out from :haraoh and entreated the LORD. And
the LORD turned a very stron" west wind, which too! the locusts away and
%lew them into the Red (ea. #here remained not one locust in all the
territory of D"ypt. )ut the LORD hardened :haraoh's heart, and he did not
let the children of $srael "o. #hen the LORD said to 4oses, &(tretch out your
hand toward heaven, that there may %e dar!ness over the land of D"ypt,
dar!ness which may even %e felt.& (o 4oses stretched out his hand toward
heaven, and there was thic! dar!ness in all the land of D"ypt three days.
#hey did not see one another; nor did anyone rise from his place for three
days. )ut all the children of $srael had li"ht in their dwellin"s. #hen :haraoh
called to 4oses and said, &Go, serve the LORD; only let your 5oc!s and your
herds %e !ept %ac!. Let your little ones also "o with you.& )ut 4oses said,
&ou must also "ive us sacri-ces and %urnt o9erin"s, that we may sacri-ce
to the LORD our God. Our livestoc! also shall "o with us; not a hoof shall %e
left %ehind. 1or we must ta!e some of them to serve the LORD our God, and
even we do not !now with what we must serve the LORD until we arrive
there.& )ut the LORD hardened :haraoh's heart, and he would not let them
"o. #hen :haraoh said to him, &Get away from me/ #a!e heed to yourself
and see my face no more/ 1or in the day you see my face you shall die/& (o
4oses said, &ou have spo!en well. $ will never see your face a"ain.& And
the LORD said to 4oses, &$ will %rin" one more pla"ue on :haraoh and on
D"ypt. Afterward he will let you "o from here. +hen he lets you "o, he will
surely drive you out of here alto"ether. (pea! now in the hearin" of the
people, and let every man as! from his nei"h%or and every woman from her
nei"h%or, articles of silver and articles of "old.& And the LORD "ave the
people favor in the si"ht of the D"yptians. 4oreover the man 4oses was
very "reat in the land of D"ypt, in the si"ht of :haraoh's servants and in the
si"ht of the people. #hen 4oses said, &#hus says the LORD. &A%out midni"ht
$ will "o out into the midst of D"ypt; and all the -rst%orn in the land of D"ypt
shall die, from the -rst%orn of :haraoh who sits on his throne, even to the
-rst%orn of the female servant who is %ehind the handmill, and all the
-rst%orn of the animals. #hen there shall %e a "reat cry throu"hout all the
land of D"ypt, such as was not li!e it %efore, nor shall %e li!e it a"ain. )ut
a"ainst none of the children of $srael shall a do" move its ton"ue, a"ainst
man or %east, that you may !now that the LORD does ma!e a di9erence
%etween the D"yptians and $srael.' And all these your servants shall come
down to me and %ow down to me, sayin", &Get out, and all the people who
follow you/' After that $ will "o out.& #hen he went out from :haraoh in "reat
an"er. )ut the LORD said to 4oses, &:haraoh will not heed you, so that 4y
wonders may %e multiplied in the land of D"ypt.& (o 4oses and Aaron did
all these wonders %efore :haraoh; and the LORD hardened :haraoh's heart,
and he did not let the children of $srael "o out of his land.
'saia( 44:21-2$
&Remem%er these, O ;aco%,
And $srael, for you are 4y servant;
$ have formed you, you are 4y servant;
O $srael, you will not %e for"otten %y 4e/
$ have %lotted out, li!e a thic! cloud, your trans"ressions,
And li!e a cloud, your sins.
Return to 4e, for $ have redeemed you.&
(in", O heavens, for the LORD has done it/
(hout, you lower parts of the earth;
)rea! forth into sin"in", you mountains,
O forest, and every tree in it/
1or the LORD has redeemed ;aco%,
And "lori-ed Himself in $srael.
#hus says the LORD, your Redeemer,
And He who formed you from the wom%.
&$ am the LORD, who ma!es all thin"s,
+ho stretches out the heavens all alone,
+ho spreads a%road the earth %y 4yself;
+ho frustrates the si"ns of the %a%%lers,
And drives diviners mad;
+ho turns wise men %ac!ward,
And ma!es their !nowled"e foolishness;
+ho con-rms the word of His servant,
And performs the counsel of His messen"ers;
+ho says to ;erusalem, &ou shall %e inha%ited,'
#o the cities of ;udah, &ou shall %e %uilt,'
And $ will raise up her waste places;
+ho says to the deep, &)e dry/
And $ will dry up your rivers';
+ho says of 3yrus, &He is 4y shepherd,
And he shall perform all 4y pleasure,
(ayin" to ;erusalem, &ou shall %e %uilt,&
And to the temple, &our foundation shall %e laid.&'
Pro3erbs $:22-36
&#he LORD possessed me at the %e"innin" of His way,
)efore His wor!s of old.
$ have %een esta%lished from everlastin",
1rom the %e"innin", %efore there was ever an earth.
+hen there were no depths $ was %rou"ht forth,
+hen there were no fountains a%oundin" with water.
)efore the mountains were settled,
)efore the hills, $ was %rou"ht forth;
+hile as yet He had not made the earth or the -elds,
Or the primal dust of the world.
+hen He prepared the heavens, $ was there,
+hen He drew a circle on the face of the deep,
+hen He esta%lished the clouds a%ove,
+hen He stren"thened the fountains of the deep,
+hen He assi"ned to the sea its limit,
(o that the waters would not trans"ress His command,
+hen He mar!ed out the foundations of the earth,
#hen $ was %eside Him as a master craftsman;
And $ was daily His deli"ht,
Rejoicin" always %efore Him,
Rejoicin" in His inha%ited world,
And my deli"ht was with the sons of men.
&7ow therefore, listen to me, my children,
1or %lessed are those who !eep my ways.
Hear instruction and %e wise,
And do not disdain it.
)lessed is the man who listens to me,
+atchin" daily at my "ates,
+aitin" at the posts of my doors.
1or whoever -nds me -nds life,
And o%tains favor from the LORD;
)ut he who sins a"ainst me wron"s his own soul;
All those who hate me love death.&
&ob 34:1-37
Dlihu further answered and said.
&Hear my words, you wise men;
Give ear to me, you who have !nowled"e.
1or the ear tests words
As the palate tastes food.
Let us choose justice for ourselves;
Let us !now amon" ourselves what is "ood.
&1or ;o% has said, &$ am ri"hteous,
)ut God has ta!en away my justice;
(hould $ lie concernin" my ri"ht2
4y wound is incura%le, thou"h $ am without trans"ression.'
+hat man is li!e ;o%,
+ho drin!s scorn li!e water,
+ho "oes in company with the wor!ers of ini0uity,
And wal!s with wic!ed men2
1or he has said, &$t pro-ts a man nothin"
#hat he should deli"ht in God.'
&#herefore listen to me, you men of understandin".
1ar %e it from God to do wic!edness,
And from the Almi"hty to commit ini0uity.
1or He repays man accordin" to his wor!,
And ma!es man to -nd a reward accordin" to his way.
(urely God will never do wic!edly,
7or will the Almi"hty pervert justice.
+ho "ave Him char"e over the earth2
Or who appointed Him over the whole world2
$f He should set His heart on it,
$f He should "ather to Himself His (pirit and His %reath,
All 5esh would perish to"ether,
And man would return to dust.
&$f you have understandin", hear this;
Listen to the sound of my words.
(hould one who hates justice "overn2
+ill you condemn Him who is most just2
$s it -ttin" to say to a !in", &ou are worthless,'
And to no%les, &ou are wic!ed'2
et He is not partial to princes,
7or does He re"ard the rich more than the poor;
1or they are all the wor! of His hands.
$n a moment they die, in the middle of the ni"ht;
#he people are sha!en and pass away;
#he mi"hty are ta!en away without a hand.
&1or His eyes are on the ways of man,
And He sees all his steps.
#here is no dar!ness nor shadow of death
+here the wor!ers of ini0uity may hide themselves.
1or He need not further consider a man,
#hat he should "o %efore God in jud"ment.
He %rea!s in pieces mi"hty men without in0uiry,
And sets others in their place.
#herefore He !nows their wor!s;
He overthrows them in the ni"ht,
And they are crushed.
He stri!es them as wic!ed men
$n the open si"ht of others,
)ecause they turned %ac! from Him,
And would not consider any of His ways,
(o that they caused the cry of the poor to come to Him;
1or He hears the cry of the aEicted.
+hen He "ives 0uietness, who then can ma!e trou%le2
And when He hides His face, who then can see Him,
+hether it is a"ainst a nation or a man alone2,,
#hat the hypocrite should not rei"n,
Lest the people %e ensnared.
&1or has anyone said to God,
&$ have %orne chastenin";
$ will o9end no more;
#each me what $ do not see;
$f $ have done ini0uity, $ will do no more'2
(hould He repay it accordin" to your terms,
;ust %ecause you disavow it2
ou must choose, and not $;
#herefore spea! what you !now.
&4en of understandin" say to me,
+ise men who listen to me.
&;o% spea!s without !nowled"e,
His words are without wisdom.'
Oh, that ;o% were tried to the utmost,
)ecause his answers are li!e those of wic!ed men/
1or he adds re%ellion to his sin;
He claps his hands amon" us,
And multiplies his words a"ainst God.&
6o o7 6irac( 1#:1-31
A wise ma"istrate will educate his people, and the rule of an understandin"
man will %e well ordered.
Li!e the ma"istrate of the people, so are his oIcials; and li!e the ruler of
the city, so are all its inha%itants.
An undisciplined !in" will ruin his people, %ut a city will "row throu"h the
understandin" of its rulers.
#he "overnment of the earth is in the hands of the Lord, and over it he will
raise up the ri"ht man for the time.
#he success of a man is in the hands of the Lord, and he confers his honor
upon the person of the scri%e.
Do not %e an"ry with your nei"h%or for any injury, and do not attempt
anythin" %y acts of insolence.
Arro"ance is hateful %efore the Lord and %efore men, and injustice is
outra"eous to %oth.
(overei"nty passes from nation to nation on account of injustice and
insolence and wealth.
How can he who is dust and ashes %e proud2 for even in life his %owels
A lon" illness %aEes the physician; the !in" of today will die tomorrow.
1or when a man is dead, he will inherit creepin" thin"s, and wild %easts,
and worms.
#he %e"innin" of man's pride is to depart from the Lord; his heart has
forsa!en his 4a!er.
1or the %e"innin" of pride is sin, and the man who clin"s to it pours out
a%ominations. #herefore the Lord %rou"ht upon them e6traordinary
aEictions, and destroyed them utterly.
#he Lord has cast down the thrones of rulers, and has seated the lowly in
their place.
#he Lord has pluc!ed up the roots of the nations, and has planted the
hum%le in their place.
#he Lord has overthrown the lands of the nations, and has destroyed them
to the foundations of the earth.
He has removed some of them and destroyed them, and has e6tin"uished
the memory of them from the earth.
:ride was not created for men, nor -erce an"er for those %orn of women.
+hat race is worthy of honor2 #he human race. +hat race is worthy of
honor2 #hose who fear the Lord. +hat race is unworthy of honor2 #he
human race. +hat race is unworthy of honor2 #hose who trans"ress the
Amon" %rothers their leader is worthy of honor, and those who fear the Lord
are worthy of honor in his eyes.
#he rich, and the eminent, and the poor ,, their "lory is the fear of the Lord.
$t is not ri"ht to despise an intelli"ent poor man, nor is it proper to honor a
sinful man.
#he no%leman, and the jud"e, and the ruler will %e honored, %ut none of
them is "reater than the man who fears the Lord.
1ree men will %e at the service of a wise servant, and a man of
understandin" will not "rum%le.
Do not ma!e a display of your wisdom when you do your wor!, nor "lorify
yourself at a time when you are in want.
)etter is a man who wor!s and has an a%undance of everythin", than one
who "oes a%out %oastin", %ut lac!s %read.
4y son, "lorify yourself with humility, and ascri%e to yourself honor
accordin" to your worth.
+ho will justify the man that sins a"ainst himself2 And who will honor the
man that dishonors his own life2
A poor man is honored for his !nowled"e, while a rich man is honored for
his wealth.
A man honored in poverty, how much more in wealth/ And a man
dishonored in wealth, how much more in poverty/
Psalm 1#2:17 ; Psalm 1#2:21 [Arabic]
He shall re"ard the prayer of the destitute, And shall not despise their
prayer. #o declare the name of the LORD in Cion, And His praise in
Mark 7:1-2# [Arabic]
#hen the :harisees and some of the scri%es came to"ether to Him, havin"
come from ;erusalem. 7ow when they saw some of His disciples eat %read
with de-led, that is, with unwashed hands, they found fault. 1or the
:harisees and all the ;ews do not eat unless they wash their hands in a
special way, holdin" the tradition of the elders. +hen they come from the
mar!etplace, they do not eat unless they wash. And there are many other
thin"s which they have received and hold, li!e the washin" of cups,
pitchers, copper vessels, and couches. #hen the :harisees and scri%es
as!ed Him, &+hy do our disciples not wal! accordin" to the tradition of the
elders, %ut eat %read with unwashed hands2& He answered and said to
them, &+ell did $saiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written. &#his
people honors 4e with their lips, )ut their heart is far from 4e.
And in vain they worship 4e, #eachin" as doctrines the
commandments of men.' 1or layin" aside the commandment of God, you
hold the tradition of men,,the washin" of pitchers and cups, and many
other such thin"s you do.& He said to them, &All too well you reject the
commandment of God, that you may !eep your tradition. 1or 4oses said,
&Honor your father and your mother'; and, &He who curses father or mother,
let him %e put to death.' )ut you say, &$f a man says to his father or mother,
&+hatever pro-t you mi"ht have received from me is 3or%an&,,' that is, a
"ift to God, then you no lon"er let him do anythin" for his father or his
mother, ma!in" the word of God of no e9ect throu"h your tradition which
you have handed down. And many such thin"s you do.& +hen He had called
all the multitude to Himself, He said to them, &Hear 4e, everyone, and
understand. #here is nothin" that enters a man from outside which can
de-le him; %ut the thin"s which come out of him, those are the thin"s that
de-le a man. $f anyone has ears to hear, let him hear/& +hen He had
entered a house away from the crowd, His disciples as!ed Him concernin"
the para%le. (o He said to them, &Are you thus without understandin" also2
Do you not perceive that whatever enters a man from outside cannot de-le
him, %ecause it does not enter his heart %ut his stomach, and is eliminated,
thus purifyin" all foods2& And He said, &+hat comes out of a man, that
de-les a man.

Pauline "pistle
%omas 2:12-24 [Arabic]
1or as many as have sinned without law will also perish without law, and as
many as have sinned in the law will %e jud"ed %y the law for not the
hearers of the law are just in the si"ht of God, %ut the doers of the law will
%e justi-ed; for when Gentiles, who do not have the law, %y nature do the
thin"s in the law, these, althou"h not havin" the law, are a law to
themselves, who show the wor! of the law written in their hearts, their
conscience also %earin" witness, and %etween themselves their thou"hts
accusin" or else e6cusin" them in the day when God will jud"e the secrets
of men %y ;esus 3hrist, accordin" to my "ospel. $ndeed you are called a ;ew,
and rest on the law, and ma!e your %oast in God, and !now His will, and
approve the thin"s that are e6cellent, %ein" instructed out of the law, and
are con-dent that you yourself are a "uide to the %lind, a li"ht to those who
are in dar!ness, an instructor of the foolish, a teacher of %a%es, havin" the
form of !nowled"e and truth in the law. ou, therefore, who teach another,
do you not teach yourself2 ou who preach that a man should not steal, do
you steal2 ou who say, &Do not commit adultery,& do you commit adultery2
ou who a%hor idols, do you ro% temples2 ou who ma!e your %oast in the
law, do you dishonor God throu"h %rea!in" the law2 1or &the name of God
is %lasphemed amon" the Gentiles %ecause of you,& as it is written.

#atholi$ "pistle
2Pe"er 1:2#-e! ; 2Pe"er 2:1-6 [Arabic]
Bnowin" this -rst, that no prophecy of (cripture is of any private
Binterpretation, for prophecy never came %y the will of man, %ut holy men
of God spo!e as they were moved %y the Holy (pirit. )ut there were also
false prophets amon" the people, even as there will %e false teachers
amon" you, who will secretly %rin" in destructive heresies, even denyin"
the Lord who %ou"ht them, and %rin" on themselves swift destruction. And
many will follow their destructive ways, %ecause of whom the way of truth
will %e %lasphemed. )y covetousness they will e6ploit you with deceptive
words; for a lon" time their jud"ment has not %een idle, and their
destruction does not slum%er. 1or if God did not spare the an"els who
sinned, %ut cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of
dar!ness, to %e reserved for jud"ment; and did not spare the ancient world,
%ut saved 7oah, one of ei"ht people, a preacher of ri"hteousness, %rin"in"
in the 5ood on the world of the un"odly; and turnin" the cities of (odom
and Gomorrah into ashes, condemned them to destruction, ma!in" them an
e6ample to those who afterward would live un"odly;

Ac"s 26:1-$ [Arabic]
#hen A"rippa said to :aul, &ou are permitted to spea! for yourself.& (o :aul
stretched out his hand and answered for himself. &$ thin! myself happy,
Bin" A"rippa, %ecause today $ shall answer for myself %efore you
concernin" all the thin"s of which $ am accused %y the ;ews, especially
%ecause you are e6pert in all customs and 0uestions which have to do with
the ;ews. #herefore $ %e" you to hear me patiently. &4y manner of life from
my youth, which was spent from the %e"innin" amon" my own nation at
;erusalem, all the ;ews !now. #hey !new me from the -rst, if they were
willin" to testify, that accordin" to the strictest sect of our reli"ion $ lived a
:harisee. And now $ stand and am jud"ed for the hope of the promise made
%y God to our fathers. #o this promise our twelve tri%es, earnestly servin"
God ni"ht and day, hope to attain. 1or this hope's sa!e, Bin" A"rippa, $ am
accused %y the ;ews. +hy should it %e thou"ht incredi%le %y you that God
raises the dead2

< #he Departure of the Great :rophet Daniel.

Psalm 9:11 ; Psalm 9:12 [Arabic]
(in" praises to the LORD, who dwells in Cion/ Declare His deeds
amon" the people. +hen He aven"es %lood, He remem%ers them; He
does not for"et the cry of the hum%le.

L+ke 11:45-52 [Arabic]
#hen one of the lawyers answered and said to Him, &#eacher, %y sayin"
these thin"s ou reproach us also.& And He said, &+oe to you also, lawyers/
1or you load men with %urdens hard to %ear, and you yourselves do not
touch the %urdens with one of your -n"ers. +oe to you/ 1or you %uild the
tom%s of the prophets, and your fathers !illed them. $n fact, you %ear
witness that you approve the deeds of your fathers; for they indeed !illed
them, and you %uild their tom%s. #herefore the wisdom of God also said, &$
will send them prophets and apostles, and some of them they will !ill and
persecute,' that the %lood of all the prophets which was shed from the
foundation of the world may %e re0uired of this "eneration, from the %lood
of A%el to the %lood of Cechariah who perished %etween the altar and the
temple. es, $ say to you, it shall %e re0uired of this "eneration. &+oe to you
lawyers/ 1or you have ta!en away the !ey of !nowled"e. ou did not enter
in yourselves, and those who were enterin" in you hindered.&
Readings for (hursday of the si&th week of Great Lent )/2
0i1s 4:$-41 ; 'saia( 45:1-1# ; Pro3erbs 9:1-11 ; &ob 35:1-16 ; 6o
o7 6irac( 11:1-1# [Arabic]
0i1s 4:$-41 7ow it happened one day that Dlisha went to (hunem, where
there was a nota%le woman, and she persuaded him to eat some food. (o it
was, as often as he passed %y, he would turn in there to eat some food. And
she said to her hus%and, &Loo! now, $ !now that this is a holy man of God,
who passes %y us re"ularly. :lease, let us ma!e a small upper room on the
wall; and let us put a %ed for him there, and a ta%le and a chair and a
lampstand; so it will %e, whenever he comes to us, he can turn in there.&
And it happened one day that he came there, and he turned in to the upper
room and lay down there. #hen he said to Geha8i his servant, &3all this
(hunammite woman.& +hen he had called her, she stood %efore him. And
he said to him, &(ay now to her, &Loo!, you have %een concerned for us
with all this care. +hat can $ do for you2 Do you want me to spea! on your
%ehalf to the !in" or to the commander of the army2&' (he answered, &$
dwell amon" my own people.& (o he said, &+hat then is to %e done for
her2& And Geha8i answered, &Actually, she has no son, and her hus%and is
old.& (o he said, &3all her.& +hen he had called her, she stood in the
doorway. #hen he said, &A%out this time ne6t year you shall em%race a
son.& And she said, &7o, my lord. 4an of God, do not lie to your
maidservant/& )ut the woman conceived, and %ore a son when the
appointed time had come, of which Dlisha had told her. And the child "rew.
7ow it happened one day that he went out to his father, to the reapers. And
he said to his father, &4y head, my head/& (o he said to a servant, &3arry
him to his mother.& +hen he had ta!en him and %rou"ht him to his mother,
he sat on her !nees till noon, and then died. And she went up and laid him
on the %ed of the man of God, shut the door upon him, and went out. #hen
she called to her hus%and, and said, &:lease send me one of the youn" men
and one of the don!eys, that $ may run to the man of God and come %ac!.&
(o he said, &+hy are you "oin" to him today2 $t is neither the 7ew 4oon
nor the (a%%ath.& And she said, &$t is well.& #hen she saddled a don!ey, and
said to her servant, &Drive, and "o forward; do not slac!en the pace for me
unless $ tell you.& And so she departed, and went to the man of God at
4ount 3armel. (o it was, when the man of God saw her afar o9, that he
said to his servant Geha8i, &Loo!, the (hunammite woman/ :lease run now
to meet her, and say to her, &$s it well with you2 $s it well with your
hus%and2 $s it well with the child2&' And she answered, &$t is well.& 7ow
when she came to the man of God at the hill, she cau"ht him %y the feet,
%ut Geha8i came near to push her away. )ut the man of God said, &Let her
alone; for her soul is in deep distress, and the LORD has hidden it from me,
and has not told me.& (o she said, &Did $ as! a son of my lord2 Did $ not say,
&Do not deceive me'2& #hen he said to Geha8i, &Get yourself ready, and
ta!e my sta9 in your hand, and %e on your way. $f you meet anyone, do not
"reet him; and if anyone "reets you, do not answer him; %ut lay my sta9 on
the face of the child.& And the mother of the child said, &As the LORD lives,
and as your soul lives, $ will not leave you.& (o he arose and followed her.
7ow Geha8i went on ahead of them, and laid the sta9 on the face of the
child; %ut there was neither voice nor hearin". #herefore he went %ac! to
meet him, and told him, sayin", &#he child has not awa!ened.& +hen Dlisha
came into the house, there was the child, lyin" dead on his %ed. He went in
therefore, shut the door %ehind the two of them, and prayed to the LORD.
And he went up and lay on the child, and put his mouth on his mouth, his
eyes on his eyes, and his hands on his hands; and he stretched himself out
on the child, and the 5esh of the child %ecame warm. He returned and
wal!ed %ac! and forth in the house, and a"ain went up and stretched
himself out on him; then the child snee8ed seven times, and the child
opened his eyes. And he called Geha8i and said, &3all this (hunammite
woman.& (o he called her. And when she came in to him, he said, &:ic! up
your son.& (o she went in, fell at his feet, and %owed to the "round; then
she pic!ed up her son and went out.And Dlisha returned to Gil"al, and there
was a famine in the land. 7ow the sons of the prophets were sittin" %efore
him; and he said to his servant, &:ut on the lar"e pot, and %oil stew for the
sons of the prophets.& (o one went out into the -eld to "ather her%s, and
found a wild vine, and "athered from it a lapful of wild "ourds, and came
and sliced them into the pot of stew, thou"h they did not !now what they
were. #hen they served it to the men to eat. 7ow it happened, as they were
eatin" the stew, that they cried out and said, &4an of God, there is death in
the pot/& And they could not eat it. (o he said, &#hen %rin" some 5our.& And
he put it into the pot, and said, &(erve it to the people, that they may eat.&
And there was nothin" harmful in the pot.
'saia( 45:1-1#
&#hus says the LORD to His anointed,
#o 3yrus, whose ri"ht hand $ have held,,
#o su%due nations %efore him
And loose the armor of !in"s,
#o open %efore him the dou%le doors,
(o that the "ates will not %e shut.
&$ will "o %efore you
And ma!e the croo!ed places strai"ht;
$ will %rea! in pieces the "ates of %ron8e
And cut the %ars of iron.
$ will "ive you the treasures of dar!ness
And hidden riches of secret places,
#hat you may !now that $, the LORD,
+ho call you %y your name,
Am the God of $srael.
1or ;aco% 4y servant's sa!e,
And $srael 4y elect,
$ have even called you %y your name;
$ have named you, thou"h you have not !nown 4e.
$ am the LORD, and there is no other;
#here is no God %esides 4e.
$ will "ird you, thou"h you have not !nown 4e,
#hat they may !now from the risin" of the sun to its settin"
#hat there is none %esides 4e.
$ am the LORD, and there is no other;
$ form the li"ht and create dar!ness,
$ ma!e peace and create calamity;
$, the LORD, do all these thin"s.'
&Rain down, you heavens, from a%ove,
And let the s!ies pour down ri"hteousness;
Let the earth open, let them %rin" forth salvation,
And let ri"hteousness sprin" up to"ether.
$, the LORD, have created it.
&+oe to him who strives with his 4a!er/
Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth/
(hall the clay say to him who forms it, &+hat are you ma!in"2'
Or shall your handiwor! say, &He has no hands'2
+oe to him who says to his father, &+hat are you %e"ettin"2'
Or to the woman, &+hat have you %rou"ht forth2&'
Pro3erbs 9:1-11
+isdom has %uilt her house,
(he has hewn out her seven pillars;
(he has slau"htered her meat,
(he has mi6ed her wine,
(he has also furnished her ta%le.
(he has sent out her maidens,
(he cries out from the hi"hest places of the city,
&+hoever is simple, let him turn in here/&
As for him who lac!s understandin", she says to him,
&3ome, eat of my %read
And drin! of the wine $ have mi6ed.
1orsa!e foolishness and live,
And "o in the way of understandin".
&He who corrects a sco9er "ets shame for himself,
And he who re%u!es a wic!ed man only harms himself.
Do not correct a sco9er, lest he hate you;
Re%u!e a wise man, and he will love you.
Give instruction to a wise man, and he will %e still wiser;
#each a just man, and he will increase in learnin".
&#he fear of the LORD is the %e"innin" of wisdom,
And the !nowled"e of the Holy One is understandin".
1or %y me your days will %e multiplied,
And years of life will %e added to you.
&ob 35:1-16
4oreover Dlihu answered and said.
&Do you thin! this is ri"ht2
Do you say,
&4y ri"hteousness is more than God's'2
1or you say,
&+hat advanta"e will it %e to ou2
+hat pro-t shall $ have, more than if $ had sinned2'
&$ will answer you,
And your companions with you.
Loo! to the heavens and see;
And %ehold the clouds,,
#hey are hi"her than you.
$f you sin, what do you accomplish a"ainst Him2
Or, if your trans"ressions are multiplied, what do you do to Him2
$f you are ri"hteous, what do you "ive Him2
Or what does He receive from your hand2
our wic!edness a9ects a man such as you,
And your ri"hteousness a son of man.
&)ecause of the multitude of oppressions they cry out;
#hey cry out for help %ecause of the arm of the mi"hty.
)ut no one says, &+here is God my 4a!er,
+ho "ives son"s in the ni"ht,
+ho teaches us more than the %easts of the earth,
And ma!es us wiser than the %irds of heaven2'
#here they cry out, %ut He does not answer,
)ecause of the pride of evil men.
(urely God will not listen to empty tal!,
7or will the Almi"hty re"ard it.
Althou"h you say you do not see Him,
et justice is %efore Him, and you must wait for Him.
And now, %ecause He has not punished in His an"er,
7or ta!en much notice of folly,
#herefore ;o% opens his mouth in vain;
He multiplies words without !nowled"e.&
6o o7 6irac( 11:1-1#
#he wisdom of a hum%le man will lift up his head, and will seat him amon"
the "reat.
Do not praise a man for his "ood loo!s, nor loathe a man %ecause of his
#he %ee is small amon" 5yin" creatures, %ut her product is the %est of
sweet thin"s.
Do not %oast a%out wearin" -ne clothes, nor e6alt yourself in the day that
you are honored; for the wor!s of the Lord are wonderful, and his wor!s are
concealed from men.
4any !in"s have had to sit on the "round, %ut one who was never thou"ht
of has worn a crown.
4any rulers have %een "reatly dis"raced, and illustrious men have %een
handed over to others.
Do not -nd fault %efore you investi"ate; -rst consider, and then reprove.
Do not answer %efore you have heard, nor interrupt a spea!er in the midst
of his words.
Do not ar"ue a%out a matter which does not concern you, nor sit with
sinners when they jud"e a case.
4y son, do not %usy yourself with many matters; if you multiply activities
you will not "o unpunished, and if you pursue you will not overta!e, and %y
5eein" you will not escape.
Psalm 9:13 [Arabic]
Have mercy on me, O LORD/ 3onsider my trou%le from those who hate
me, ou who lift me up from the "ates of death.
L+ke 2#:9-19 [Arabic]
#hen He %e"an to tell the people this para%le. &A certain man planted a
vineyard, leased it to vinedressers, and went into a far country for a lon"
time. 7ow at vinta"e,time he sent a servant to the vinedressers, that they
mi"ht "ive him some of the fruit of the vineyard. )ut the vinedressers %eat
him and sent him away empty,handed. A"ain he sent another servant; and
they %eat him also, treated him shamefully, and sent him away empty,
handed. And a"ain he sent a third; and they wounded him also and cast
him out. &#hen the owner of the vineyard said, &+hat shall $ do2 $ will send
my %eloved son. :ro%a%ly they will respect him when they see him.' )ut
when the vinedressers saw him, they reasoned amon" themselves, sayin",
&#his is the heir. 3ome, let us !ill him, that the inheritance may %e ours.' (o
they cast him out of the vineyard and !illed him. #herefore what will the
owner of the vineyard do to them2 He will come and destroy those
vinedressers and "ive the vineyard to others.& And when they heard it they
said, &3ertainly not/& #hen He loo!ed at them and said, &+hat then is this
that is written. &#he stone which the %uilders rejected Has
%ecome the chief cornerstone'2 +hoever falls on that stone will %e %ro!en;
%ut on whomever it falls, it will "rind him to powder.& And the chief priests
and the scri%es that very hour sou"ht to lay hands on Him, %ut they feared
the people,,for they !new He had spo!en this para%le a"ainst them.

Pauline "pistle
14imo"(- 2:1-e! ; 14imo"(- 3:1-4 [Arabic]
#herefore $ e6hort -rst of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and
"ivin" of than!s %e made for all men, for !in"s and all who are in authority,
that we may lead a 0uiet and peacea%le life in all "odliness and reverence.
1or this is "ood and accepta%le in the si"ht of God our (avior, who desires
all men to %e saved and to come to the !nowled"e of the truth. 1or there is
one God and one 4ediator %etween God and men, the 4an 3hrist ;esus,
who "ave Himself a ransom for all, to %e testi-ed in due time, for which $
was appointed a preacher and an apostle,,$ am spea!in" the truth in 3hrist
and not lyin",,a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth. $ desire therefore
that the men pray everywhere, liftin" up holy hands, without wrath and
dou%tin"; in li!e manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest
apparel, with propriety and moderation, not with %raided hair or "old or
pearls or costly clothin", %ut, which is proper for women professin"
"odliness, with "ood wor!s. Let a woman learn in silence with all
su%mission. And $ do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over
a man, %ut to %e in silence. 1or Adam was formed -rst, then Dve. And Adam
was not deceived, %ut the woman %ein" deceived, fell into trans"ression.
7evertheless she will %e saved in child%earin" if they continue in faith, love,
and holiness, with self,control. #his is a faithful sayin". $f a man desires the
position of a %ishop, he desires a "ood wor!. A %ishop then must %e
%lameless, the hus%and of one wife, temperate, so%er,minded, of "ood
%ehavior, hospita%le, a%le to teach; not "iven to wine, not violent, not
"reedy for money, %ut "entle, not 0uarrelsome, not covetous; one who
rules his own house well, havin" his children in su%mission with all

#atholi$ "pistle
&+!e 1:19-25 [Arabic]
#hese are sensual persons, who cause divisions, not havin" the (pirit. )ut
you, %eloved, %uildin" yourselves up on your most holy faith, prayin" in the
Holy (pirit, !eep yourselves in the love of God, loo!in" for the mercy of our
Lord ;esus 3hrist unto eternal life. And on some have compassion, ma!in" a
distinction; %ut others save with fear, pullin" them out of the -re, hatin"
even the "arment de-led %y the 5esh. 7ow to Him who is a%le to !eep you
from stum%lin", And to present you faultless )efore the presence
of His "lory with e6ceedin" joy, #o God our (avior, +ho alone is
wise, )e "lory and majesty, Dominion and power, )oth now
and forever. Amen.

Ac"s 27:16-2# [Arabic]
And runnin" under the shelter of an island called 3lauda, we secured the
s!i9 with diIculty. +hen they had ta!en it on %oard, they used ca%les to
under"ird the ship; and fearin" lest they should run a"round on the (yrtis
(ands, they struc! sail and so were driven. And %ecause we were
e6ceedin"ly tempest,tossed, the ne6t day they li"htened the ship. On the
third day we threw the ship's tac!le over%oard with our own hands. 7ow
when neither sun nor stars appeared for many days, and no small tempest
%eat on us, all hope that we would %e saved was -nally "iven up.

< #he Apparition of the :ure Lady the Gir"in in the church of Ceiton.
< #he Departure of An%a 4acarius, the 1ifty,7inth :ope of Ale6andria.

Psalm 9:13 ; Psalm 9:14 [Arabic]
ou who lift me up from the "ates of death.#hat $ may tell of all our
praise $n the "ates of the dau"hter of Cion. $ will rejoice in our

&o( 6:47-71 [Arabic]
4ost assuredly, $ say to you, he who %elieves in 4e has everlastin" life. $
am the %read of life. our fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and are
dead. #his is the %read which comes down from heaven, that one may eat
of it and not die. $ am the livin" %read which came down from heaven. $f
anyone eats of this %read, he will live forever; and the %read that $ shall
"ive is 4y 5esh, which $ shall "ive for the life of the world.& #he ;ews
therefore 0uarreled amon" themselves, sayin", &How can this 4an "ive us
His 5esh to eat2& #hen ;esus said to them, &4ost assuredly, $ say to you,
unless you eat the 5esh of the (on of 4an and drin! His %lood, you have no
life in you. +hoever eats 4y 5esh and drin!s 4y %lood has eternal life, and $
will raise him up at the last day. 1or 4y 5esh is food indeed, and 4y %lood is
drin! indeed. He who eats 4y 5esh and drin!s 4y %lood a%ides in 4e, and $
in him. As the livin" 1ather sent 4e, and $ live %ecause of the 1ather, so he
who feeds on 4e will live %ecause of 4e. #his is the %read which came
down from heaven,,not as your fathers ate the manna, and are dead. He
who eats this %read will live forever.& #hese thin"s He said in the syna"o"ue
as He tau"ht in 3apernaum. #herefore many of His disciples, when they
heard this, said, &#his is a hard sayin"; who can understand it2& +hen ;esus
!new in Himself that His disciples complained a%out this, He said to them,
&Does this o9end you2 +hat then if you should see the (on of 4an ascend
where He was %efore2 $t is the (pirit who "ives life; the 5esh pro-ts nothin".
#he words that $ spea! to you are spirit, and they are life. )ut there are
some of you who do not %elieve.& 1or ;esus !new from the %e"innin" who
they were who did not %elieve, and who would %etray Him. And He said,
&#herefore $ have said to you that no one can come to 4e unless it has %een
"ranted to him %y 4y 1ather.& 1rom that time many of His disciples went
%ac! and wal!ed with Him no more. #hen ;esus said to the twelve, &Do you
also want to "o away2& )ut (imon :eter answered Him, &Lord, to whom
shall we "o2 ou have the words of eternal life. Also we have come to
%elieve and !now that ou are the 3hrist, the (on of the livin" God.& ;esus
answered them, &Did $ not choose you, the twelve, and one of you is a
devil2& He spo!e of ;udas $scariot, the son of (imon, for it was he who would
%etray Him, %ein" one of the twelve.
Readings for -riday of the si&th week of Great Lent )/'
5eesis 22:1-1$ ; 'saia( 45:11-17 ; Pro3erbs 9:12-1$ ; &ob 36:1-33 ;
&ob 37:1-24 ; 4obi" 1 ; 4obi" 2 ; 4obi" 3 ; 4obi" 4 ; 4obi" 5 ; 4obi" 6 ;
4obi" 7 ; 4obi" $ ; 4obi" 9 ; 4obi" 1# ; 4obi" 11 ; 4obi" 12 ; 4obi" 13 ;
4obi" 14 [Arabic]
5eesis 22:1-1$ 7ow it came to pass after these thin"s that God tested
A%raham, and said to him, &A%raham/& And he said, &Here $ am.& #hen He
said, &#a!e now your son, your only son $saac, whom you love, and "o to the
land of 4oriah, and o9er him there as a %urnt o9erin" on one of the
mountains of which $ shall tell you.& (o A%raham rose early in the mornin"
and saddled his don!ey, and too! two of his youn" men with him, and $saac
his son; and he split the wood for the %urnt o9erin", and arose and went to
the place of which God had told him. #hen on the third day A%raham lifted
his eyes and saw the place afar o9. And A%raham said to his youn" men,
&(tay here with the don!ey; the lad and $ will "o yonder and worship, and
we will come %ac! to you.& (o A%raham too! the wood of the %urnt o9erin"
and laid it on $saac his son; and he too! the -re in his hand, and a !nife,
and the two of them went to"ether. )ut $saac spo!e to A%raham his father
and said, &4y father/& And he said, &Here $ am, my son.& #hen he said,
&Loo!, the -re and the wood, %ut where is the lam% for a %urnt o9erin"2&
And A%raham said, &4y son, God will provide for Himself the lam% for a
%urnt o9erin".& (o the two of them went to"ether. #hen they came to the
place of which God had told him. And A%raham %uilt an altar there and
placed the wood in order; and he %ound $saac his son and laid him on the
altar, upon the wood. And A%raham stretched out his hand and too! the
!nife to slay his son. )ut the An"el of the LORD called to him from heaven
and said, &A%raham, A%raham/& (o he said, &Here $ am.& And He said, &Do
not lay your hand on the lad, or do anythin" to him; for now $ !now that you
fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only son, from 4e.&
#hen A%raham lifted his eyes and loo!ed, and there %ehind him was a ram
cau"ht in a thic!et %y its horns. (o A%raham went and too! the ram, and
o9ered it up for a %urnt o9erin" instead of his son. And A%raham called the
name of the place, #he,LORD,+ill,:rovide; as it is said to this day, &$n the
4ount of the LORD it shall %e provided.& #hen the An"el of the LORD called
to A%raham a second time out of heaven, and said. &)y 4yself $ have sworn,
says the LORD, %ecause you have done this thin", and have not withheld
your son, your only son,, %lessin" $ will %less you, and multiplyin" $ will
multiply your descendants as the stars of the heaven and as the sand which
is on the seashore; and your descendants shall possess the "ate of their
enemies. $n your seed all the nations of the earth shall %e %lessed, %ecause
you have o%eyed 4y voice.&
'saia( 45:11-17
#hus says the LORD,
#he Holy One of $srael, and his 4a!er.
&As! 4e of thin"s to come concernin" 4y sons;
And concernin" the wor! of 4y hands, you command 4e.
$ have made the earth,
And created man on it.
$,,4y hands,,stretched out the heavens,
And all their host $ have commanded.
$ have raised him up in ri"hteousness,
And $ will direct all his ways;
He shall %uild 4y city
And let 4y e6iles "o free,
7ot for price nor reward,&
(ays the LORD of hosts.
#hus says the LORD.
&#he la%or of D"ypt and merchandise of 3ush
And of the (a%eans, men of stature,
(hall come over to you, and they shall %e yours;
#hey shall wal! %ehind you,
#hey shall come over in chains;
And they shall %ow down to you.
#hey will ma!e supplication to you, sayin", &(urely God is in you,
And there is no other;
#here is no other God.&'
#ruly ou are God, who hide ourself,
O God of $srael, the (avior/
#hey shall %e ashamed
And also dis"raced, all of them;
#hey shall "o in confusion to"ether,
+ho are ma!ers of idols.
)ut $srael shall %e saved %y the LORD
+ith an everlastin" salvation;
ou shall not %e ashamed or dis"raced
1orever and ever.
Pro3erbs 9:12-1$
$f you are wise, you are wise for yourself,
And if you sco9, you will %ear it alone.&
A foolish woman is clamorous;
(he is simple, and !nows nothin".
1or she sits at the door of her house,
On a seat %y the hi"hest places of the city,
#o call to those who pass %y,
+ho "o strai"ht on their way.
&+hoever is simple, let him turn in here&;
And as for him who lac!s understandin", she says to him,
&(tolen water is sweet,
And %read eaten in secret is pleasant.&
)ut he does not !now that the dead are there,
#hat her "uests are in the depths of hell.
&ob 36:1-33
Dlihu also proceeded and said.
&)ear with me a little, and $ will show you
#hat there are yet words to spea! on God's %ehalf.
$ will fetch my !nowled"e from afar;
$ will ascri%e ri"hteousness to my 4a!er.
1or truly my words are not false;
One who is perfect in !nowled"e is with you.
&)ehold, God is mi"hty, %ut despises no one;
He is mi"hty in stren"th of understandin".
He does not preserve the life of the wic!ed,
)ut "ives justice to the oppressed.
He does not withdraw His eyes from the ri"hteous;
)ut they are on the throne with !in"s,
1or He has seated them forever,
And they are e6alted.
And if they are %ound in fetters,
Held in the cords of aEiction,
#hen He tells them their wor! and their trans"ressions,,
#hat they have acted de-antly.
He also opens their ear to instruction,
And commands that they turn from ini0uity.
$f they o%ey and serve Him,
#hey shall spend their days in prosperity,
And their years in pleasures.
)ut if they do not o%ey,
#hey shall perish %y the sword,
And they shall die without !nowled"e.
&)ut the hypocrites in heart store up wrath;
#hey do not cry for help when He %inds them.
#hey die in youth,
And their life ends amon" the perverted persons.
He delivers the poor in their aEiction,
And opens their ears in oppression.
&$ndeed He would have %rou"ht you out of dire distress,
$nto a %road place where there is no restraint;
And what is set on your ta%le would %e full of richness.
)ut you are -lled with the jud"ment due the wic!ed;
;ud"ment and justice ta!e hold of you.
)ecause there is wrath, %eware lest He ta!e you away with one %low;
1or a lar"e ransom would not help you avoid it.
+ill your riches,
Or all the mi"hty forces,
Beep you from distress2
Do not desire the ni"ht,
+hen people are cut o9 in their place.
#a!e heed, do not turn to ini0uity,
1or you have chosen this rather than aEiction.
&)ehold, God is e6alted %y His power;
+ho teaches li!e Him2
+ho has assi"ned Him His way,
Or who has said, &ou have done wron"'2
&Remem%er to ma"nify His wor!,
Of which men have sun".
Dveryone has seen it;
4an loo!s on it from afar.
&)ehold, God is "reat, and we do not !now Him;
7or can the num%er of His years %e discovered.
1or He draws up drops of water,
+hich distill as rain from the mist,
+hich the clouds drop down
And pour a%undantly on man.
$ndeed, can anyone understand the spreadin" of clouds,
#he thunder from His canopy2
Loo!, He scatters His li"ht upon it,
And covers the depths of the sea.
1or %y these He jud"es the peoples;
He "ives food in a%undance.
He covers His hands with li"htnin",
And commands it to stri!e.
His thunder declares it,
#he cattle also, concernin" the risin" storm.
&ob 37:1-24
&At this also my heart trem%les,
And leaps from its place.
Hear attentively the thunder of His voice,
And the rum%lin" that comes from His mouth.
He sends it forth under the whole heaven,
His li"htnin" to the ends of the earth.
After it a voice roars;
He thunders with His majestic voice,
And He does not restrain them when His voice is heard.
God thunders marvelously with His voice;
He does "reat thin"s which we cannot comprehend.
1or He says to the snow, &1all on the earth';
Li!ewise to the "entle rain and the heavy rain of His stren"th.
He seals the hand of every man,
#hat all men may !now His wor!.
#he %easts "o into dens,
And remain in their lairs.
1rom the cham%er of the south comes the whirlwind,
And cold from the scatterin" winds of the north.
)y the %reath of God ice is "iven,
And the %road waters are fro8en.
Also with moisture He saturates the thic! clouds;
He scatters His %ri"ht clouds.
And they swirl a%out, %ein" turned %y His "uidance,
#hat they may do whatever He commands them
On the face of the whole earth.
He causes it to come,
+hether for correction,
Or for His land,
Or for mercy.
&Listen to this, O ;o%;
(tand still and consider the wondrous wor!s of God.
Do you !now when God dispatches them,
And causes the li"ht of His cloud to shine2
Do you !now how the clouds are %alanced,
#hose wondrous wor!s of Him who is perfect in !nowled"e2
+hy are your "arments hot,
+hen He 0uiets the earth %y the south wind2
+ith Him, have you spread out the s!ies,
(tron" as a cast metal mirror2
&#each us what we should say to Him,
1or we can prepare nothin" %ecause of the dar!ness.
(hould He %e told that $ wish to spea!2
$f a man were to spea!, surely he would %e swallowed up.
Dven now men cannot loo! at the li"ht when it is %ri"ht in the s!ies,
+hen the wind has passed and cleared them.
He comes from the north as "olden splendor;
+ith God is awesome majesty.
As for the Almi"hty, we cannot -nd Him;
He is e6cellent in power,
$n jud"ment and a%undant justice;
He does not oppress.
#herefore men fear Him;
He shows no partiality to any who are wise of heart.&
4obi" 1 ; 4obi" 2 ; 4obi" 3 ; 4obi" 4 ; 4obi" 5 ; 4obi" 6 ; 4obi" 7 ; 4obi" $
; 4obi" 9 ; 4obi" 1# ; 4obi" 11 ; 4obi" 12 ; 4obi" 13 ; 4obi" 14
#his %oo! tells the story of #o%it son of #o%iel son of Hananiel son of Aduel
son of Ga%ael son of Raphael son of Ra"uel of the descendants of Asiel, of
the tri%e of 7aphtali, who in the days of Bin" (halmaneser of the Assyrians
was ta!en into captivity from #his%e, which is to the south of Bedesh
7aphtali in *pper Galilee, a%ove Asher toward the west, and north of
:ho"or. $, #o%it, wal!ed in the ways of truth and ri"hteousness all the days
of my life. $ performed many acts of charity for my !indred and my people
who had "one with me in e6ile to 7ineveh in the land of the Assyrians.
+hen $ was in my own country, in the land of $srael, while $ was still a youn"
man, the whole tri%e of my ancestor 7aphtali deserted the house of David
and ;erusalem. #his city had %een chosen from amon" all the tri%es of
$srael, where all the tri%es of $srael should o9er sacri-ce and where the
temple, the dwellin" of God, had %een consecrated and esta%lished for all
"enerations forever. All my !indred and our ancestral house of 7aphtali
sacri-ced to the calf that Bin" ;ero%oam of $srael had erected in Dan and on
all the mountains of Galilee. )ut $ alone went often to ;erusalem for the
festivals, as it is prescri%ed for all $srael %y an everlastin" decree. $ would
hurry o9 to ;erusalem with the -rst fruits of the crops and the -rstlin"s of
the 5oc!, the tithes of the cattle, and the -rst shearin"s of the sheep. $
would "ive these to the priests, the sons of Aaron, at the altar; li!ewise the
tenth of the "rain, wine, olive oil, pome"ranates, -"s, and the rest of the
fruits to the sons of Levi who ministered at ;erusalem. Also for si6 years $
would save up a second tenth in money and "o and distri%ute it in
;erusalem. A third tenth $ would "ive to the orphans and widows and to the
converts who had attached themselves to $srael. $ would %rin" it and "ive it
to them in the third year, and we would eat it accordin" to the ordinance
decreed concernin" it in the law of 4oses and accordin" to the instructions
of De%orah, the mother of my father #o%iel, for my father had died and left
me an orphan. +hen $ %ecame a man $ married a woman, a mem%er of our
own family, and %y her $ %ecame the father of a son whom $ named #o%ias.
After $ was carried away captive to Assyria and came as a captive to
7ineveh, everyone of my !indred and my people ate the food of the
Gentiles, %ut $ !ept myself from eatin" the food of the Gentiles. )ecause $
was mindful of God with all my heart, the 4ost Hi"h "ave me favor and
"ood standin" with (halmaneser, and $ used to %uy everythin" he needed.
*ntil his death $ used to "o into 4edia, and %uy for him there. +hile in the
country of 4edia $ left %a"s of silver worth ten talents in trust with Ga%ael,
the %rother of Ga%ri. )ut when (halmaneser died, and his son (ennacheri%
rei"ned in his place, the hi"hways into 4edia %ecame unsafe and $ could no
lon"er "o there. $n the days of (halmaneser $ performed many acts of
charity to my !indred, those of my tri%e. $ would "ive my food to the hun"ry
and my clothin" to the na!ed; and if $ saw the dead %ody of any of my
people thrown out %ehind the wall of 7ineveh, $ would %ury it. $ also %uried
any whom Bin" (ennacheri% put to death when he came 5eein" from ;udea
in those days of jud"ment that the !in" of heaven e6ecuted upon him
%ecause of his %lasphemies. 1or in his an"er he put to death many
$sraelites; %ut $ would secretly remove the %odies and %ury them. (o when
(ennacheri% loo!ed for them he could not -nd them. #hen one of the
7inevites went and informed the !in" a%out me, that $ was %uryin" them;
so $ hid myself. )ut when $ reali8ed that the !in" !new a%out me and that $
was %ein" searched for to %e put to death, $ was afraid and ran away. #hen
all my property was con-scated; nothin" was left to me that was not ta!en
into the royal treasury e6cept my wife Anna and my son #o%ias. )ut not
forty days passed %efore two of (ennacheri%'s sons !illed him, and they 5ed
to the mountains of Ararat, and his son Dsar,haddon rei"ned after him. He
appointed Ahi!ar, the son of my %rother Hanael over all the accounts of his
!in"dom, and he had authority over the entire administration. Ahi!ar
interceded for me, and $ returned to 7ineveh. 7ow Ahi!ar was chief
cup%earer, !eeper of the si"net, and in char"e of administration of the
accounts under Bin" (ennacheri% of Assyria; so Dsar,haddon reappointed
him. He was my nephew and so a close relative. #hen durin" the rei"n of
Dsar,haddon $ returned home, and my wife Anna and my son #o%ias were
restored to me. At our festival of :entecost, which is the sacred festival of
wee!s, a "ood dinner was prepared for me and $ reclined to eat. +hen the
ta%le was set for me and an a%undance of food placed %efore me, $ said to
my son #o%ias, &Go, my child, and %rin" whatever poor person you may -nd
of our people amon" the e6iles in 7ineveh, who is wholeheartedly mindful
of God, and he shall eat to"ether with me. $ will wait for you, until you come
%ac!.& (o #o%ias went to loo! for some poor person of our people. +hen he
had returned he said, &1ather/& And $ replied, &Here $ am, my child.& #hen he
went on to say, &Loo!, father, one of our own people has %een murdered
and thrown into the mar!et place, and now he lies there stran"led.& #hen $
spran" up, left the dinner %efore even tastin" it, and removed the %ody
from the s0uare and laid it in one of the rooms until sunset when $ mi"ht
%ury it. +hen $ returned, $ washed myself and ate my food in sorrow. #hen $
remem%ered the prophecy of Amos, how he said a"ainst )ethel, &our
festivals shall %e turned into mournin", and all your son"s into
lamentation.& And $ wept. +hen the sun had set, $ went and du" a "rave
and %uried him. And my nei"h%ors lau"hed and said, &$s he still not afraid2
He has already %een hunted down to %e put to death for doin" this, and he
ran away; yet here he is a"ain %uryin" the dead/& #hat same ni"ht $ washed
myself and went into my courtyard and slept %y the wall of the courtyard;
and my face was uncovered %ecause of the heat. $ did not !now that there
were sparrows on the wall; their fresh droppin"s fell into my eyes and
produced white -lms. $ went to physicians to %e healed, %ut the more they
treated me with ointments the more my vision was o%scured %y the white
-lms, until $ %ecame completely %lind. 1or four years $ remained una%le to
see. All my !indred were sorry for me, and Ahi!ar too! care of me for two
years %efore he went to Dlymais. At that time, also, my wife Anna earned
money at women's wor!. (he used to send what she made to the owners
and they would pay wa"es to her. One day, the seventh of Dystrus, when
she cut o9 a piece she had woven and sent it to the owners, they paid her
full wa"es and also "ave her a youn" "oat for a meal. +hen she returned to
me, the "oat %e"an to %leat. (o $ called her and said, &+here did you "et
this "oat2 $t is surely not stolen, is it2 Return it to the owners; for we have
no ri"ht to eat anythin" stolen.& )ut she said to me, &$t was "iven to me as
a "ift in addition to my wa"es.& )ut $ did not %elieve her, and told her to
return it to the owners. $ %ecame 5ushed with an"er a"ainst her over this.
#hen she replied to me, &+here are your acts of charity2 +here are your
ri"hteous deeds2 #hese thin"s are !nown a%out you/& #hen with much "rief
and an"uish of heart $ wept, and with "roanin" %e"an to pray. &ou are
ri"hteous, O Lord, and all your deeds are just; all your ways are mercy and
truth; you jud"e the world. And now, O Lord, remem%er me and loo!
favora%ly upon me. Do not punish me for my sins and for my unwittin"
o9enses and those that my ancestors committed %efore you. #hey sinned
a"ainst you, and diso%eyed your commandments. (o you "ave us over to
plunder, e6ile, and death, to %ecome the tal!, the %yword, and an o%ject of
reproach amon" all the nations amon" whom you have dispersed us. And
now your many jud"ments are true in e6actin" penalty from me for my sins.
1or we have not !ept your commandments and have not wal!ed in
accordance with truth %efore you. (o now deal with me as you will;
command my spirit to %e ta!en from me, so that $ may %e released from the
face of the earth and %ecome dust. 1or it is %etter for me to die than to live,
%ecause $ have had to listen to undeserved insults, and "reat is the sorrow
within me. 3ommand, O Lord, that $ %e released from this distress; release
me to "o to the eternal home, and do not, O Lord, turn your face away from
me. 1or it is %etter for me to die than to see so much distress in my life and
to listen to insults.& On the same day, at Dc%atana in 4edia, it also
happened that (arah, the dau"hter of Ra"uel, was reproached %y one of
her father's maids. 1or she had %een married to seven hus%ands, and the
wic!ed demon Asmodeus had !illed each of them %efore they had %een
with her as is customary for wives. (o the maid said to her, &ou are the one
who !ills your hus%ands/ (ee, you have already %een married to seven
hus%ands and have not %orne the name of a sin"le one of them. +hy do
you %eat us2 )ecause your hus%ands are dead2 Go with them/ 4ay we
never see a son or dau"hter of yours/& On that day she was "rieved in spirit
and wept. +hen she had "one up to her father's upper room, she intended
to han" herself. )ut she thou"ht it over and said, &7ever shall they reproach
my father, sayin" to him, &ou had only one %eloved dau"hter %ut she
han"ed herself %ecause of her distress.' And $ shall %rin" my father in his
old a"e down in sorrow to Hades. $t is %etter for me not to han" myself, %ut
to pray the Lord that $ may die and not listen to these reproaches
anymore.& At that same time, with hands outstretched toward the window,
she prayed and said, &)lessed are you, merciful God/ )lessed is your name
forever; let all your wor!s praise you forever. And now, Lord, $ turn my face
to you, and raise my eyes toward you. 3ommand that $ %e released from
the earth and not listen to such reproaches any more. ou !now, O 4aster,
that $ am innocent of any de-lement with a man, and that $ have not
dis"raced my name or the name of my father in the land of my e6ile. $ am
my father's only child; he has no other child to %e his heir; and he has no
close relative or other !indred for whom $ should !eep myself as wife.
Already seven hus%ands of mine have died. +hy should $ still live2 )ut if it
is not pleasin" to you, O Lord, to ta!e my life, hear me in my dis"race.& At
that very moment, the prayers of %oth of them were heard in the "lorious
presence of God. (o Raphael was sent to heal %oth of them. #o%it, %y
removin" the white -lms from his eyes, so that he mi"ht see God's li"ht
with his eyes; and (arah, dau"hter of Ra"uel, %y "ivin" her in marria"e to
#o%ias son of #o%it, and %y settin" her free from the wic!ed demon
Asmodeus. 1or #o%ias was entitled to have her %efore all others who had
desired to marry her. At the same time that #o%it returned from the
courtyard into his house, (arah dau"hter of Ra"uel came down from her
upper room. #hat same day #o%it remem%ered the money that he had left in
trust with Ga%ael at Ra"es in 4edia, and he said to himself, &7ow $ have
as!ed for death. +hy do $ not call my son #o%ias and e6plain to him a%out
the money %efore $ die2& #hen he called his son #o%ias, and when he came
to him he said, &4y son, when $ die, "ive me a proper %urial. Honor your
mother and do not a%andon her all the days of her life. Do whatever
pleases her, and do not "rieve her in anythin". Remem%er her, my son,
%ecause she faced many dan"ers for you while you were in her wom%. And
when she dies, %ury her %eside me in the same "rave. &Revere the Lord all
your days, my son, and refuse to sin or to trans"ress his commandments.
Live upri"htly all the days of your life, and do not wal! in the ways of
wron"doin"; for those who act in accordance with truth will prosper in all
their activities. #o all those who practice ri"hteousness "ive alms from your
possessions, and do not let your eye %e"rud"e the "ift when you ma!e it.
Do not turn your face away from anyone who is poor, and the face of God
will not %e turned away from you. $f you have many possessions, ma!e your
"ift from them in proportion; if few, do not %e afraid to "ive accordin" to the
little you have. (o you will %e layin" up a "ood treasure for yourself a"ainst
the day of necessity. 1or alms"ivin" delivers from death and !eeps you from
"oin" into the Dar!ness. $ndeed, alms"ivin", for all who practice it, is an
e6cellent o9erin" in the presence of the 4ost Hi"h. &)eware, my son, of
every !ind of fornication. 1irst of all, marry a woman from amon" the
descendants of your ancestors; do not marry a forei"n woman, who is not of
your father's tri%e; for we are the descendants of the prophets. Remem%er,
my son, that 7oah, A%raham, $saac, and ;aco%, our ancestors of old, all too!
wives from amon" their !indred. #hey were %lessed in their children, and
their posterity will inherit the land. (o now, my son, love your !indred, and
in your heart do not disdain your !indred, the sons and dau"hters of your
people, %y refusin" to ta!e a wife for yourself from amon" them. 1or in
pride there is ruin and "reat confusion. And in idleness there is loss and dire
poverty, %ecause idleness is the mother of famine. &Do not !eep over until
the ne6t day the wa"es of those who wor! for you, %ut pay them at once. $f
you serve God you will receive payment. +atch yourself, my son, in
everythin" you do, and discipline yourself in all your conduct. And what you
hate, do not do to anyone. Do not drin! wine to e6cess or let drun!enness
"o with you on your way. Give some of your food to the hun"ry, and some
of your clothin" to the na!ed. Give all your surplus as alms, and do not let
your eye %e"rud"e your "ivin" of alms. :lace your %read on the "rave of
the ri"hteous, %ut "ive none to sinners. (ee! advice from every wise person
and do not despise any useful counsel. At all times %less the Lord God, and
as! him that your ways may %e made strai"ht and that all your paths and
plans may prosper. 1or none of the nations has understandin", %ut the Lord
himself will "ive them "ood counsel; %ut if he chooses otherwise, he casts
down to deepest Hades. (o now, my child, remem%er these
commandments, and do not let them %e erased from your heart. &And now,
my son, let me e6plain to you that $ left ten talents of silver in trust with
Ga%ael son of Ga%rias, at Ra"es in 4edia. Do not %e afraid, my son,
%ecause we have %ecome poor. ou have "reat wealth if you fear God and
5ee from every sin and do what is "ood in the si"ht of the Lord your God.&
#hen #o%ias answered his father #o%it, &$ will do everythin" that you have
commanded me, father; %ut how can $ o%tain the money from him, since he
does not !now me and $ do not !now him2 +hat evidence am $ to "ive him
so that he will reco"ni8e and trust me, and "ive me the money2 Also, $ do
not !now the roads to 4edia, or how to "et there.& #hen #o%it answered his
son #o%ias, &He "ave me his %ond and $ "ave him my %ond. $ divided his in
two; we each too! one part, and $ put one with the money. And now twenty
years have passed since $ left this money in trust. (o now, my son, -nd
yourself a trustworthy man to "o with you, and we will pay him wa"es until
you return. )ut "et %ac! the money from Ga%ael.& (o #o%ias went out to
loo! for a man to "o with him to 4edia, someone who was ac0uainted with
the way. He went out and found the an"el Raphael standin" in front of him;
%ut he did not perceive that he was an an"el of God. #o%ias said to him,
&+here do you come from, youn" man2& &1rom your !indred, the $sraelites,&
he replied, &and $ have come here to wor!.& #hen #o%ias said to him, &Do
you !now the way to "o to 4edia2& &es,& he replied, &$ have %een there
many times; $ am ac0uainted with it and !now all the roads. $ have often
traveled to 4edia, and would stay with our !insman Ga%ael who lives in
Ra"es of 4edia. $t is a journey of two days from Dc%atana to Ra"es; for it
lies in a mountainous area, while Dc%atana is in the middle of the plain.&
#hen #o%ias said to him, &+ait for me, youn" man, until $ "o in and tell my
father; for $ do need you to travel with me, and $ will pay you your wa"es.&
He replied, &All ri"ht, $ will wait; %ut do not ta!e too lon".& (o #o%ias went in
to tell his father #o%it and said to him, &$ have just found a man who is one
of our own $sraelite !indred/& He replied, &3all the man in, my son, so that $
may learn a%out his family and to what tri%e he %elon"s, and whether he is
trustworthy enou"h to "o with you.& #hen #o%ias went out and called him,
and said, &oun" man, my father is callin" for you.& (o he went in to him,
and #o%it "reeted him -rst. He replied, &;oyous "reetin"s to you/& )ut #o%it
retorted, &+hat joy is left for me any more2 $ am a man without eyesi"ht; $
cannot see the li"ht of heaven, %ut $ lie in dar!ness li!e the dead who no
lon"er see the li"ht. Althou"h still alive, $ am amon" the dead. $ hear people
%ut $ cannot see them.& )ut the youn" man said, &#a!e coura"e; the time is
near for God to heal you; ta!e coura"e.& #hen #o%it said to him, &4y son
#o%ias wishes to "o to 4edia. 3an you accompany him and "uide him2 $ will
pay your wa"es, %rother.& He answered, &$ can "o with him and $ !now all
the roads, for $ have often "one to 4edia and have crossed all its plains,
and $ am familiar with its mountains and all of its roads.& #hen #o%it said to
him, &)rother, of what family are you and from what tri%e2 #ell me, %rother.&
He replied, &+hy do you need to !now my tri%e2& )ut #o%it said, &$ want to
%e sure, %rother, whose son you are and what your name is.& He replied, &$
am A8ariah, the son of the "reat Hananiah, one of your relatives.& #hen
#o%it said to him, &+elcome/ God save you, %rother. Do not feel %itter
toward me, %rother, %ecause $ wanted to %e sure a%out your ancestry. $t
turns out that you are a !insman, and of "ood and no%le linea"e. 1or $ !new
Hananiah and 7athan, the two sons of (hemeliah, and they used to "o with
me to ;erusalem and worshiped with me there, and were not led astray. our
!indred are "ood people; you come of "ood stoc!. Hearty welcome/& #hen
he added, &$ will pay you a drachma a day as wa"es, as well as e6penses
for yourself and my son. (o "o with my son, and $ will add somethin" to
your wa"es.& Raphael answered, &$ will "o with him; so do not fear. +e shall
leave in "ood health and return to you in "ood health, %ecause the way is
safe.& (o #o%it said to him, &)lessin"s %e upon you, %rother.&
#hen he called his son and said to him, &(on, prepare supplies for the
journey and set out with your %rother. 4ay God in heaven %rin" you safely
there and return you in "ood health to me; and may his an"el, my son,
accompany you %oth for your safety.& )efore he went out to start his
journey, he !issed his father and mother. #o%it then said to him, &Have a
safe journey.& )ut his mother %e"an to weep, and said to #o%it, &+hy is it
that you have sent my child away2 $s he not the sta9 of our hand as he
"oes in and out %efore us2 Do not heap money upon money, %ut let it %e a
ransom for our child. 1or the life that is "iven to us %y the Lord is enou"h for
us.& #o%it said to her, &Do not worry; our child will leave in "ood health and
return to us in "ood health. our eyes will see him on the day when he
returns to you in "ood health. (ay no more/ Do not fear for them, my sister.
1or a "ood an"el will accompany him; his journey will %e successful, and he
will come %ac! in "ood health.& (o she stopped weepin".
#he youn" man went out and the an"el went with him; and the do" came
out with him and went alon" with them. (o they %oth journeyed alon", and
when the -rst ni"ht overtoo! them they camped %y the #i"ris river. #hen
the youn" man went down to wash his feet in the #i"ris river. (uddenly a
lar"e -sh leaped up from the water and tried to swallow the youn" man's
foot, and he cried out. )ut the an"el said to the youn" man, &3atch hold of
the -sh and han" on to it/& (o the youn" man "rasped the -sh and drew it
up on the land. #hen the an"el said to him, &3ut open the -sh and ta!e out
its "all, heart, and liver. Beep them with you, %ut throw away the intestines.
1or its "all, heart, and liver are useful as medicine.& (o after cuttin" open
the -sh the youn" man "athered to"ether the "all, heart, and liver; then he
roasted and ate some of the -sh, and !ept some to %e salted.
#he two continued on their way to"ether until they were near 4edia. #hen
the youn" man 0uestioned the an"el and said to him, &)rother A8ariah,
what medicinal value is there in the -sh's heart and liver, and in the "all2&
He replied, &As for the -sh's heart and liver, you must %urn them to ma!e a
smo!e in the presence of a man or woman aEicted %y a demon or evil
spirit, and every aEiction will 5ee away and never remain with that person
any lon"er. And as for the "all, anoint a person's eyes where white -lms
have appeared on them; %low upon them, upon the white -lms, and the
eyes will %e healed.& +hen he entered 4edia and already was approachin"
Dc%atana, Raphael said to the youn" man, &)rother #o%ias.& &Here $ am,& he
answered. #hen Raphael said to him, &+e must stay this ni"ht in the home
of Ra"uel. He is your relative, and he has a dau"hter named (arah. He has
no male heir and no dau"hter e6cept (arah only, and you, as ne6t of !in to
her, have %efore all other men a hereditary claim on her. Also it is ri"ht for
you to inherit her father's possessions. 4oreover, the "irl is sensi%le, %rave,
and very %eautiful, and her father is a "ood man.& He continued, &ou have
every ri"ht to ta!e her in marria"e. (o listen to me, %rother; toni"ht $ will
spea! to her father a%out the "irl, so that we may ta!e her to %e your %ride.
+hen we return from Ra"es we will cele%rate her marria"e. 1or $ !now that
Ra"uel can %y no means !eep her from you or promise her to another man
without incurrin" the penalty of death accordin" to the decree of the %oo!
of 4oses. $ndeed he !nows that you, rather than any other man, are
entitled to marry his dau"hter. (o now listen to me, %rother, and toni"ht we
shall spea! concernin" the "irl and arran"e her en"a"ement to you. And
when we return from Ra"es we will ta!e her and %rin" her %ac! with us to
your house.& #hen #o%ias said in answer to Raphael, &)rother A8ariah, $
have heard that she already has %een married to seven hus%ands and that
they died in the %ridal cham%er. On the ni"ht when they went in to her,
they would die. $ have heard people sayin" that it was a demon that !illed
them. $t does not harm her, %ut it !ills anyone who desires to approach her.
(o now, since $ am the only son my father has, $ am afraid that $ may die
and %rin" my father's and mother's life down to their "rave, "rievin" for me
Nand they have no other son to %ury them.& )ut Raphael said to him, &Do
you not remem%er your father's orders when he commanded you to ta!e a
wife from your father's house2 7ow listen to me, %rother, and say no more
a%out this demon. #a!e her. $ !now that this very ni"ht she will %e "iven to
you in marria"e. +hen you enter the %ridal cham%er, ta!e some of the
-sh's liver and heart, and put them on the em%ers of the incense. An odor
will %e "iven o9; the demon will smell it and 5ee, and will never %e seen
near her any more. 7ow when you are a%out to "o to %ed with her, %oth of
you must -rst stand up and pray, implorin" the Lord of heaven that mercy
and safety may %e "ranted to you. Do not %e afraid, for she was set apart
for you %efore the world was made. ou will save her, and she will "o with
you. $ presume that you will have children %y her, and they will %e as
%rothers to you. 7ow say no more/& +hen #o%ias heard the words of
Raphael and learned that she was his !inswoman, related throu"h his
father's linea"e, he loved her very much, and his heart was drawn to her.
7ow when they entered Dc%atana, #o%ias said to him, &)rother A8ariah, ta!e
me strai"ht to our %rother Ra"uel.& (o he too! him to Ra"uel's house,
where they found him sittin" %eside the courtyard door. #hey "reeted him
-rst, and he replied, &;oyous "reetin"s, %rothers; welcome and "ood
health/& #hen he %rou"ht them into his house. He said to his wife Ddna,
&How much the youn" man resem%les my !insman #o%it/& #hen Ddna
0uestioned them, sayin", &+here are you from, %rothers2& #hey answered,
&+e %elon" to the descendants of 7aphtali who are e6iles in 7ineveh.& (he
said to them, &Do you !now our !insman #o%it2& And they replied, &es, we
!now him.& #hen she as!ed them, &$s he in "ood health2& #hey replied, &He
is alive and in "ood health.& And #o%ias added, &He is my father/& At that
Ra"uel jumped up and !issed him and wept. He also spo!e to him as
follows, &)lessin"s on you, my child, son of a "ood and no%le father/ O most
misera%le of calamities that such an upri"ht and %ene-cent man has
%ecome %lind/& He then em%raced his !insman #o%ias and wept. His wife
Ddna also wept for him, and their dau"hter (arah li!ewise wept. #hen
Ra"uel slau"htered a ram from the 5oc! and received them very warmly.
+hen they had %athed and washed themselves and had reclined to dine,
#o%ias said to Raphael, &)rother A8ariah, as! Ra"uel to "ive me my
!inswoman (arah.& )ut Ra"uel overheard it and said to the lad, &Dat and
drin!, and %e merry toni"ht. 1or no one e6cept you, %rother, has the ri"ht to
marry my dau"hter (arah. Li!ewise $ am not at li%erty to "ive her to any
other man than yourself, %ecause you are my nearest relative. )ut let me
e6plain to you the true situation more fully, my child. $ have "iven her to
seven men of our !insmen, and all died on the ni"ht when they went in to
her. )ut now, my child, eat and drin!, and the Lord will act on %ehalf of you
%oth.& )ut #o%ias said, &$ will neither eat nor drin! anythin" until you settle
the thin"s that pertain to me.& (o Ra"uel said, &$ will do so. (he is "iven to
you in accordance with the decree in the %oo! of 4oses, and it has %een
decreed from heaven that she %e "iven to you. #a!e your !inswoman; from
now on you are her %rother and she is your sister. (he is "iven to you from
today and forever. 4ay the Lord of heaven, my child, "uide and prosper you
%oth this ni"ht and "rant you mercy and peace.& #hen Ra"uel summoned
his dau"hter (arah. +hen she came to him he too! her %y the hand and
"ave her to #o%ias, sayin", &#a!e her to %e your wife in accordance with the
law and decree written in the %oo! of 4oses. #a!e her and %rin" her safely
to your father. And may the God of heaven prosper your journey with his
peace.& #hen he called her mother and told her to %rin" writin" material;
and he wrote out a copy of a marria"e contract, to the e9ect that he "ave
her to him as wife accordin" to the decree of the law of 4oses. #hen they
%e"an to eat and drin!. Ra"uel called his wife Ddna and said to her, &(ister,
"et the other room ready, and ta!e her there.& (o she went and made the
%ed in the room as he had told her, and %rou"ht (arah there. (he wept for
her dau"hter. #hen, wipin" away the tears, she said to her, &#a!e coura"e,
my dau"hter; the Lord of heaven "rant you joy in place of your sorrow. #a!e
coura"e, my dau"hter.& #hen she went out. +hen they had -nished eatin"
and drin!in" they wanted to retire; so they too! the youn" man and
%rou"ht him into the %edroom. #hen #o%ias remem%ered the words of
Raphael, and he too! the -sh's liver and heart out of the %a" where he had
them and put them on the em%ers of the incense. #he odor of the -sh so
repelled the demon that he 5ed to the remotest parts of D"ypt. )ut Raphael
followed him, and at once %ound him there hand and foot. +hen the
parents had "one out and shut the door of the room, #o%ias "ot out of %ed
and said to (arah, &(ister, "et up, and let us pray and implore our Lord that
he "rant us mercy and safety.& (o she "ot up, and they %e"an to pray and
implore that they mi"ht %e !ept safe. #o%ias %e"an %y sayin", &)lessed are
you, O God of our ancestors, and %lessed is your name in all "enerations
forever. Let the heavens and the whole creation %less you forever. ou
made Adam, and for him you made his wife Dve as a helper and support.
1rom the two of them the human race has sprun". ou said, &$t is not "ood
that the man should %e alone; let us ma!e a helper for him li!e himself.' $
now am ta!in" this !inswoman of mine, not %ecause of lust, %ut with
sincerity. Grant that she and $ may -nd mercy and that we may "row old
to"ether.& And they %oth said, &Amen, Amen.& #hen they went to sleep for
the ni"ht.
)ut Ra"uel arose and called his servants to him, and they went and du" a
"rave, for he said, &$t is possi%le that he will die and we will %ecome an
o%ject of ridicule and derision.& +hen they had -nished di""in" the "rave,
Ra"uel went into his house and called his wife, sayin", &(end one of the
maids and have her "o in to see if he is alive. )ut if he is dead, let us %ury
him without anyone !nowin" it.& (o they sent the maid, lit a lamp, and
opened the door; and she went in and found them sound asleep to"ether.
#hen the maid came out and informed them that he was alive and that
nothin" was wron". (o they %lessed the God of heaven, and Ra"uel said,
&)lessed are you, O God, with every pure %lessin"; let all your chosen ones
%less you. Let them %less you forever. )lessed are you %ecause you have
made me "lad. $t has not turned out as $ e6pected, %ut you have dealt with
us accordin" to your "reat mercy. )lessed are you %ecause you had
compassion on two only children. )e merciful to them, O 4aster, and !eep
them safe; %rin" their lives to ful-llment in happiness and mercy.& #hen he
ordered his servants to -ll in the "rave %efore day%rea!. After this he as!ed
his wife to %a!e many loaves of %read; and he went out to the herd and
%rou"ht two steers and four rams and ordered them to %e slau"htered. (o
they %e"an to ma!e preparations. #hen he called for #o%ias and swore on
oath to him in these words. &ou shall not leave here for fourteen days, %ut
shall stay here eatin" and drin!in" with me; and you shall cheer up my
dau"hter, who has %een depressed. #a!e at once half of what $ own and
return in safety to your father; the other half will %e yours when my wife
and $ die. #a!e coura"e, my child. $ am your father and Ddna is your mother,
and we %elon" to you as well as to your wife 1FH now and forever. #a!e
coura"e, my child.& #hen #o%ias called Raphael and said to him, &)rother
A8ariah, ta!e four servants and two camels with you and travel to Ra"es.
Go to the home of Ga%ael, "ive him the %ond, "et the money, and then
%rin" him with you to the weddin" cele%ration. 1or you !now that my father
must %e countin" the days, and if $ delay even one day $ will upset him very
much. ou are witness to the oath Ra"uel has sworn, and $ cannot violate
his oath.& (o Raphael with the four servants and two camels went to Ra"es
in 4edia and stayed with Ga%ael. Raphael "ave him the %ond and informed
him that #o%it's son #o%ias had married and was invitin" him to the weddin"
cele%ration. (o Ga%ael "ot up and counted out to him the money %a"s, with
their seals intact; then they loaded them on the camels. $n the mornin"
they %oth "ot up early and went to the weddin" cele%ration. +hen they
came into Ra"uel's house they found #o%ias reclinin" at ta%le. He spran" up
and "reeted Ga%ael, who wept and %lessed him with the words, &Good and
no%le son of a father "ood and no%le, upri"ht and "enerous/ 4ay the Lord
"rant the %lessin" of heaven to you and your wife, and to your wife's father
and mother. )lessed %e God, for $ see in #o%ias the very ima"e of my cousin
#o%it.& 7ow, day %y day, #o%it !ept countin" how many days #o%ias would
need for "oin" and for returnin". And when the days had passed and his
son did not appear, he said, &$s it possi%le that he has %een detained2 Or
that Ga%ael has died, and there is no one to "ive him the money2& And he
%e"an to worry. His wife Anna said, &4y child has perished and is no lon"er
amon" the livin".& And she %e"an to weep and mourn for her son, sayin",
&+oe to me, my child, the li"ht of my eyes, that $ let you ma!e the journey.&
)ut #o%it !ept sayin" to her, &)e 0uiet and stop worryin", my dear; he is all
ri"ht. :ro%a%ly somethin" une6pected has happened there. #he man who
went with him is trustworthy and is one of our own !in. Do not "rieve for
him, my dear; he will soon %e here.& (he answered him, &)e 0uiet yourself/
(top tryin" to deceive me/ 4y child has perished.& (he would rush out
every day and watch the road her son had ta!en, and would heed no one.
+hen the sun had set she would "o in and mourn and weep all ni"ht lon",
"ettin" no sleep at all.
7ow when the fourteen days of the weddin" cele%ration had ended that
Ra"uel had sworn to o%serve for his dau"hter, #o%ias came to him and said,
&(end me %ac!, for $ !now that my father and mother do not %elieve that
they will see me a"ain. (o $ %e" of you, father, to let me "o so that $ may
return to my own father. $ have already e6plained to you how $ left him.& )ut
Ra"uel said to #o%ias, &(tay, my child, stay with me; $ will send messen"ers
to your father #o%it and they will inform him a%out you.& )ut he said, &7o/ $
%e" you to send me %ac! to my father.& (o Ra"uel promptly "ave #o%ias his
wife (arah, as well as half of all his property. male and female slaves, o6en
and sheep, don!eys and camels, clothin", money, and household "oods.
#hen he saw them safely o9; he em%raced #o%ias and said, &1arewell, my
child; have a safe journey. #he Lord of heaven prosper you and your wife
(arah, and may $ see children of yours %efore $ die.& #hen he !issed his
dau"hter (arah and said to her, &4y dau"hter, honor your father,in,law and
your mother,in,law, since from now on they are as much your parents as
those who "ave you %irth. Go in peace, dau"hter, and may $ hear a "ood
report a%out you as lon" as $ live.& #hen he %ade them farewell and let
them "o. #hen Ddna said to #o%ias, &4y child and dear %rother, the Lord of
heaven %rin" you %ac! safely, and may $ live lon" enou"h to see children of
you and of my dau"hter (arah %efore $ die. $n the si"ht of the Lord $ entrust
my dau"hter to you; do nothin" to "rieve her all the days of your life. Go in
peace, my child. 1rom now on $ am your mother and (arah is your %eloved
wife. 4ay we all prosper to"ether all the days of our lives.& #hen she !issed
them %oth and saw them safely o9. #o%ias parted from Ra"uel with
happiness and joy, praisin" the Lord of heaven and earth, Bin" over all,
%ecause he had made his journey a success. 1inally, he %lessed Ra"uel and
his wife Ddna, and said, &$ have %een commanded %y the Lord to honor you
all the days of my life.& +hen they came near to Baserin, which is opposite
7ineveh, Raphael said, &ou are aware of how we left your father. Let us run
ahead of your wife and prepare the house while they are still on the way.&
As they went on to"ether Raphael said to him, &Have the "all ready.& And
the do" 1KL went alon" %ehind them. 4eanwhile Anna sat loo!in" intently
down the road %y which her son would come. +hen she cau"ht si"ht of him
comin", she said to his father, &Loo!, your son is comin", and the man who
went with him/& Raphael said to #o%ias, %efore he had approached his
father, &$ !now that his eyes will %e opened. (mear the "all of the -sh on his
eyes; the medicine will ma!e the white -lms shrin! and peel o9 from his
eyes, and your father will re"ain his si"ht and see the li"ht.& #hen Anna ran
up to her son and threw her arms around him, sayin", &7ow that $ have
seen you, my child, $ am ready to die.& And she wept. #hen #o%it "ot up and
came stum%lin" out throu"h the courtyard door. #o%ias went up to him, with
the "all of the -sh in his hand, and holdin" him -rmly, he %lew into his
eyes, sayin", &#a!e coura"e, father.& +ith this he applied the medicine on
his eyes, and it made them smart. 7e6t, with %oth his hands he peeled o9
the white -lms from the corners of his eyes. #hen #o%it saw his son and
threw his arms around him, and he wept and said to him, &$ see you, my
son, the li"ht of my eyes/& #hen he said, &)lessed %e God, and %lessed %e
his "reat name, and %lessed %e all his holy an"els. 4ay his holy name %e
%lessed throu"hout all the a"es. #hou"h he aEicted me, he has had mercy
upon me. 7ow $ see my son #o%ias/& (o #o%it went in rejoicin" and praisin"
God at the top of his voice. #o%ias reported to his father that his journey
had %een successful, that he had %rou"ht the money, that he had married
Ra"uel's dau"hter (arah, and that she was, indeed, on her way there, very
near to the "ate of 7ineveh. #hen #o%it, rejoicin" and praisin" God, went
out to meet his dau"hter,in,law at the "ate of 7ineveh. +hen the people of
7ineveh saw him comin", wal!in" alon" in full vi"or and with no one
leadin" him, they were ama8ed. )efore them all, #o%it ac!nowled"ed that
God had %een merciful to him and had restored his si"ht. +hen #o%it met
(arah the wife of his son #o%ias, he %lessed her sayin", &3ome in, my
dau"hter, and welcome. )lessed %e your God who has %rou"ht you to us,
my dau"hter. )lessed %e your father and your mother, %lessed %e my son
#o%ias, and %lessed %e you, my dau"hter. 3ome in now to your home, and
welcome, with %lessin" and joy. 3ome in, my dau"hter.& (o on that day
there was rejoicin" amon" all the ;ews who were in 7ineveh. Ahi!ar and his
nephew 7ada% were also present to share #o%it's joy. +ith merriment they
cele%rated #o%ias's weddin" feast for seven days, and many "ifts were
"iven to him. +hen the weddin" cele%ration was ended, #o%it called his son
#o%ias and said to him, &4y child, see to payin" the wa"es of the man who
went with you, and "ive him a %onus as well.& He replied, &1ather, how
much shall $ pay him2 $t would do no harm to "ive him half of the
possessions %rou"ht %ac! with me. 1or he has led me %ac! to you safely, he
cured my wife, he %rou"ht the money %ac! with me, and he healed you.
How much e6tra shall $ "ive him as a %onus2& #o%it said, &He deserves, my
child, to receive half of all that he %rou"ht %ac!.& (o #o%ias called him and
said, &#a!e for your wa"es half of all that you %rou"ht %ac!, and farewell.&
#hen Raphael called the two of them privately and said to them, &)less God
and ac!nowled"e him in the presence of all the livin" for the "ood thin"s he
has done for you. )less and sin" praise to his name. +ith -ttin" honor
declare to all people the deeds of God. Do not %e slow to ac!nowled"e him.
$t is "ood to conceal the secret of a !in", %ut to ac!nowled"e and reveal the
wor!s of God, and with -ttin" honor to ac!nowled"e him. Do "ood and evil
will not overta!e you. :rayer with fastin" is "ood, %ut %etter than %oth is
alms"ivin" with ri"hteousness. A little with ri"hteousness is %etter than
wealth with wron"doin". $t is %etter to "ive alms than to lay up "old. 1or
alms"ivin" saves from death and pur"es away every sin. #hose who "ive
alms will enjoy a full life, %ut those who commit sin and do wron" are their
own worst enemies. &$ will now declare the whole truth to you and will
conceal nothin" from you. Already $ have declared it to you when $ said, &$t
is "ood to conceal the secret of a !in", %ut to reveal with due honor the
wor!s of God.' (o now when you and (arah prayed, it was $ who %rou"ht
and read the record of your prayer %efore the "lory of the Lord, and li!ewise
whenever you would %ury the dead. And that time when you did not
hesitate to "et up and leave your dinner to "o and %ury the dead, $ was
sent to you to test you. And at the same time God sent me to heal you and
(arah your dau"hter,in,law. $ am Raphael, one of the seven an"els who
stand ready and enter %efore the "lory of the Lord.& #he two of them were
sha!en; they fell face down, for they were afraid. )ut he said to them, &Do
not %e afraid; peace %e with you. )less God forevermore. As for me, when $
was with you, $ was not actin" on my own will, %ut %y the will of God. )less
him each and every day; sin" his praises. Althou"h you were watchin" me, $
really did not eat or drin! anythin"N%ut what you saw was a vision. (o now
"et up from the "round, and ac!nowled"e God. (ee, $ am ascendin" to him
who sent me. +rite down all these thin"s that have happened to you.& And
he ascended. #hen they stood up, and could see him no more. #hey !ept
%lessin" God and sin"in" his praises, and they ac!nowled"ed God for these
marvelous deeds of his, when an an"el of God had appeared to them. #hen
#o%it said. &)lessed %e God who lives forever, %ecause his !in"dom lasts
throu"hout all a"es. 1or he aEicts, and he shows mercy; he leads down to
Hades in the lowest re"ions of the earth, and he %rin"s up from the "reat
a%yss, and there is nothin" that can escape his hand. Ac!nowled"e him
%efore the nations, O children of $srael; for he has scattered you amon"
them. He has shown you his "reatness even there. D6alt him in the
presence of every livin" %ein", %ecause he is our Lord and he is our God; he
is our 1ather and he is God forever. He will aEict you for your ini0uities, %ut
he will a"ain show mercy on all of you. He will "ather you from all the
nations amon" whom you have %een scattered. $f you turn to him with all
your heart and with all your soul, to do what is true %efore him, then he will
turn to you and will no lon"er hide his face from you. (o now see what he
has done for you; ac!nowled"e him at the top of your voice. )less the Lord
of ri"hteousness, and e6alt the Bin" of the a"es. $n the land of my e6ile $
ac!nowled"e him, and show his power and majesty to a nation of sinners.
&#urn %ac!, you sinners, and do what is ri"ht %efore him; perhaps he may
loo! with favor upon you and show you mercy.' As for me, $ e6alt my God,
and my soul rejoices in the Bin" of heaven. Let all people spea! of his
majesty, and ac!nowled"e him in ;erusalem. O ;erusalem, the holy city, he
aEicted you for the deeds of your hands, %ut will a"ain have mercy on the
children of the ri"hteous. Ac!nowled"e the Lord, for he is "ood, and %less
the Bin" of the a"es, so that his tent may %e re%uilt in you in joy. 4ay he
cheer all those within you who are captives, and love all those within you
who are distressed, to all "enerations forever. A %ri"ht li"ht will shine to all
the ends of the earth; many nations will come to you from far away, the
inha%itants of the remotest parts of the earth to your holy name, %earin"
"ifts in their hands for the Bin" of heaven. Generation after "eneration will
"ive joyful praise in you; the name of the chosen city will endure forever.
3ursed are all who spea! a harsh word a"ainst you; cursed are all who
con0uer you and pull down your walls, all who overthrow your towers and
set your homes on -re. )ut %lessed forever will %e all who revere you. Go,
then, and rejoice over the children of the ri"hteous, for they will %e
"athered to"ether and will praise the Lord of the a"es. Happy are those
who love you, and happy are those who rejoice in your prosperity. Happy
also are all people who "rieve with you %ecause of your aEictions; for they
will rejoice with you and witness all your "lory forever. 4y soul %lesses the
Lord, the "reat Bin"/ 1or ;erusalem will %e %uilt as his house for all a"es.
How happy $ will %e if a remnant of my descendants should survive to see
your "lory and ac!nowled"e the Bin" of heaven. #he "ates of ;erusalem will
%e %uilt with sapphire and emerald, and all your walls with precious stones.
#he towers of ;erusalem will %e %uilt with "old, and their %attlements with
pure "old. #he streets of ;erusalem will %e paved with ru%y and with stones
of Ophir. #he "ates of ;erusalem will sin" hymns of joy, and all her houses
will cry, &Hallelujah/ )lessed %e the God of $srael/' and the %lessed will %less
the holy name forever and ever.& (o ended #o%it's words of praise. #o%it
died in peace when he was one hundred twelve years old, and was %uried
with "reat honor in 7ineveh. He was si6ty,two years old when he lost his
eyesi"ht, and after re"ainin" it he lived in prosperity, "ivin" alms and
continually %lessin" God and ac!nowled"in" God's majesty. +hen he was
a%out to die, he called his son #o%ias and the seven sons of #o%ias and "ave
this command. &4y son, ta!e your children and hurry o9 to 4edia, for $
%elieve the word of God that 7ahum spo!e a%out 7ineveh, that all these
thin"s will ta!e place and overta!e Assyria and 7ineveh. $ndeed, everythin"
that was spo!en %y the prophets of $srael, whom God sent, will occur. 7one
of all their words will fail, %ut all will come true at their appointed times. (o
it will %e safer in 4edia than in Assyria and )a%ylon. 1or $ !now and %elieve
that whatever God has said will %e ful-lled and will come true; not a sin"le
word of the prophecies will fail. All of our !indred, inha%itants of the land of
$srael, will %e scattered and ta!en as captives from the "ood land; and the
whole land of $srael will %e desolate, even (amaria and ;erusalem will %e
desolate. And the temple of God in it will %e %urned to the "round, and it
will %e desolate for a while. &)ut God will a"ain have mercy on them, and
God will %rin" them %ac! into the land of $srael; and they will re%uild the
temple of God, %ut not li!e the -rst one until the period when the times of
ful-llment shall come. After this they all will return from their e6ile and will
re%uild ;erusalem in splendor; and in it the temple of God will %e re%uilt, just
as the prophets of $srael have said concernin" it. #hen the nations in the
whole world will all %e converted and worship God in truth. #hey will all
a%andon their idols, which deceitfully have led them into their error; and in
ri"hteousness they will praise the eternal God. All the $sraelites who are
saved in those days and are truly mindful of God will %e "athered to"ether;
they will "o to ;erusalem and live in safety forever in the land of A%raham,
and it will %e "iven over to them. #hose who sincerely love God will rejoice,
%ut those who commit sin and injustice will vanish from all the earth. (o
now, my children, $ command you, serve God faithfully and do what is
pleasin" in his si"ht. our children are also to %e commanded to do what is
ri"ht and to "ive alms, and to %e mindful of God and to %less his name at all
times with sincerity and with all their stren"th. (o now, my son, leave
7ineveh; do not remain here. On whatever day you %ury your mother
%eside me, do not stay overni"ht within the con-nes of the city. 1or $ see
that there is much wic!edness within it, and that much deceit is practiced
within it, while the people are without shame. (ee, my son, what 7ada% did
to Ahi!ar who had reared him. +as he not, while still alive, %rou"ht down
into the earth2 1or God repaid him to his face for this shameful treatment.
Ahi!ar came out into the li"ht, %ut 7ada% went into the eternal dar!ness,
%ecause he tried to !ill Ahi!ar. )ecause he "ave alms, Ahi!ar escaped the
fatal trap that 7ada% had set for him, %ut 7ada% fell into it himself, and was
destroyed. (o now, my children, see what alms"ivin" accomplishes, and
what injustice doesNit %rin"s death/ )ut now my %reath fails me.&
#hen they laid him on his %ed, and he died; and he received an honora%le
funeral. +hen #o%ias's mother died, he %uried her %eside his father. #hen
he and his wife and children returned to 4edia and settled in Dc%atana with
Ra"uel his father,in,law. He treated his parents,in,law with "reat respect in
their old a"e, and %uried them in Dc%atana of 4edia. He inherited %oth the
property of Ra"uel and that of his father #o%it. He died hi"hly respected at
the a"e of one hundred seventeen years. )efore he died he heard of the
destruction of 7ineveh, and he saw its prisoners %ein" led into 4edia, those
whom Bin" 3ya6ares of 4edia had ta!en captive. #o%ias praised God for all
he had done to the people of 7ineveh and Assyria; %efore he died he
rejoiced over 7ineveh, and he %lessed the Lord God forever and ever.
Psalm 51:7-$ [Arabic]
:ur"e me with hyssop, and $ shall %e clean; +ash me, and $ shall %e whiter
than snow. 4a!e me hear joy and "ladness, #hat the %ones ou have
%ro!en may rejoice.
&o( 3:14-21 [Arabic]
And as 4oses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the (on
of 4an %e lifted up, that whoever %elieves in Him should not perish %ut
have eternal life. 1or God so loved the world that He "ave His only %e"otten
(on, that whoever %elieves in Him should not perish %ut have everlastin"
life. 1or God did not send His (on into the world to condemn the world, %ut
that the world throu"h Him mi"ht %e saved. &He who %elieves in Him is not
condemned; %ut he who does not %elieve is condemned already, %ecause
he has not %elieved in the name of the only %e"otten (on of God. And this
is the condemnation, that the li"ht has come into the world, and men loved
dar!ness rather than li"ht, %ecause their deeds were evil. 1or everyone
practicin" evil hates the li"ht and does not come to the li"ht, lest his deeds
should %e e6posed. )ut he who does the truth comes to the li"ht, that his
deeds may %e clearly seen, that they have %een done in God.&

Pauline "pistle
1Cori"(ias 1#:1-13 [Arabic]
4oreover, %rethren, $ do not want you to %e unaware that all our fathers
were under the cloud, all passed throu"h the sea, all were %apti8ed into
4oses in the cloud and in the sea, all ate the same spiritual food, and all
dran! the same spiritual drin!. 1or they dran! of that spiritual Roc! that
followed them, and that Roc! was 3hrist. )ut with most of them God was
not well pleased, for their %odies were scattered in the wilderness. 7ow
these thin"s %ecame our e6amples, to the intent that we should not lust
after evil thin"s as they also lusted. And do not %ecome idolaters as were
some of them. As it is written, &#he people sat down to eat and drin!, and
rose up to play.& 7or let us commit se6ual immorality, as some of them did,
and in one day twenty,three thousand fell; nor let us tempt 3hrist, as some
of them also tempted, and were destroyed %y serpents; nor complain, as
some of them also complained, and were destroyed %y the destroyer. 7ow
all these thin"s happened to them as e6amples, and they were written for
our admonition, upon whom the ends of the a"es have come. #herefore let
him who thin!s he stands ta!e heed lest he fall. 7o temptation has
overta!en you e6cept such as is common to man; %ut God is faithful, who
will not allow you to %e tempted %eyond what you are a%le, %ut with the
temptation will also ma!e the way of escape, that you may %e a%le to %ear

#atholi$ "pistle
1&o( 2:12-17 [Arabic]
$ write to you, little children, )ecause your sins are for"iven you for
His name's sa!e. $ write to you, fathers, )ecause you have
!nown Him who is from the %e"innin". $ write to you, youn" men,
)ecause you have overcome the wic!ed one. $ write to you,
little children, )ecause you have !nown the 1ather. $ have
written to you, fathers, )ecause you have !nown Him who is from
the %e"innin". $ have written to you, youn" men, )ecause you
are stron", and the word of God a%ides in you, And you have
overcome the wic!ed one. Do not love the world or the thin"s in the world.
$f anyone loves the world, the love of the 1ather is not in him. 1or all that is
in the world,,the lust of the 5esh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life,,
is not of the 1ather %ut is of the world. And the world is passin" away, and
the lust of it; %ut he who does the will of God a%ides forever.

Ac"s $:9-17 [Arabic]
)ut there was a certain man called (imon, who previously practiced sorcery
in the city and astonished the people of (amaria, claimin" that he was
someone "reat, to whom they all "ave heed, from the least to the "reatest,
sayin", &#his man is the "reat power of God.& And they heeded him
%ecause he had astonished them with his sorceries for a lon" time. )ut
when they %elieved :hilip as he preached the thin"s concernin" the
!in"dom of God and the name of ;esus 3hrist, %oth men and women were
%apti8ed. #hen (imon himself also %elieved; and when he was %apti8ed he
continued with :hilip, and was ama8ed, seein" the miracles and si"ns which
were done. 7ow when the apostles who were at ;erusalem heard that
(amaria had received the word of God, they sent :eter and ;ohn to them,
who, when they had come down, prayed for them that they mi"ht receive
the Holy (pirit. 1or as yet He had fallen upon none of them. #hey had only
%een %apti8ed in the name of the Lord ;esus. #hen they laid hands on them,
and they received the Holy (pirit.

< #he 3ommemoration of the 3ruci-6ion of Our Lord ;esus 3hrist.
< #he Departure of (t. 4acarius the Great.
< #he 4artyrdom of (t. Domicos.

Psalm 34:5 ; Psalm 34:4 [Arabic]
#hey loo!ed to Him and were radiant, And their faces were not ashamed. $
sou"ht the LORD, and He heard me, And delivered me from all my fears.

&o( 3:1-13 [Arabic]
#here was a man of the :harisees named 7icodemus, a ruler of the ;ews.
#his man came to ;esus %y ni"ht and said to Him, &Ra%%i, we !now that ou
are a teacher come from God; for no one can do these si"ns that ou do
unless God is with him.& ;esus answered and said to him, &4ost assuredly, $
say to you, unless one is %orn a"ain, he cannot see the !in"dom of God.&
7icodemus said to Him, &How can a man %e %orn when he is old2 3an he
enter a second time into his mother's wom% and %e %orn2& ;esus answered,
&4ost assuredly, $ say to you, unless one is %orn of water and the (pirit, he
cannot enter the !in"dom of God. #hat which is %orn of the 5esh is 5esh,
and that which is %orn of the (pirit is spirit. Do not marvel that $ said to you,
&ou must %e %orn a"ain.' #he wind %lows where it wishes, and you hear the
sound of it, %ut cannot tell where it comes from and where it "oes. (o is
everyone who is %orn of the (pirit.& 7icodemus answered and said to Him,
&How can these thin"s %e2& ;esus answered and said to him, &Are you the
teacher of $srael, and do not !now these thin"s2 4ost assuredly, $ say to
you, +e spea! what +e !now and testify what +e have seen, and you do
not receive Our witness. $f $ have told you earthly thin"s and you do not
%elieve, how will you %elieve if $ tell you heavenly thin"s2 7o one has
ascended to heaven %ut He who came down from heaven, that is, the (on
of 4an who is in heaven.
Readings for Saturday of the si&th week of Great Lent )/)
Psalm 79:$ ; Psalm 79:9 [Arabic]
Let our tender mercies come speedily to meet us, 1or we have
%een %rou"ht very low. Help us, O God of our salvation, 1or the "lory of
our name; And deliver us, and provide atonement for our sins,
1or our name's sa!e/
Ma""(e* 9:1-$ [Arabic]
(o He "ot into a %oat, crossed over, and came to His own city. #hen %ehold,
they %rou"ht to Him a paralytic lyin" on a %ed. +hen ;esus saw their faith,
He said to the paralytic, &(on, %e of "ood cheer; your sins are for"iven you.&
And at once some of the scri%es said within themselves, &#his 4an
%lasphemes/& )ut ;esus, !nowin" their thou"hts, said, &+hy do you thin!
evil in your hearts2 1or which is easier, to say, &our sins are for"iven you,'
or to say, &Arise and wal!'2 )ut that you may !now that the (on of 4an has
power on earth to for"ive sins&,,then He said to the paralytic, &Arise, ta!e
up your %ed, and "o to your house.& And he arose and departed to his
house. 7ow when the multitudes saw it, they marveled and "lori-ed God,
who had "iven such power to men.

Pauline "pistle
.8(esias 4:1-7 [Arabic]
$, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, %eseech you to wal! worthy of the
callin" with which you were called, with all lowliness and "entleness, with
lon"su9erin", %earin" with one another in love, endeavorin" to !eep the
unity of the (pirit in the %ond of peace. #here is one %ody and one (pirit,
just as you were called in one hope of your callin"; one Lord, one faith, one
%aptism; one God and 1ather of all, who is a%ove all, and throu"h all, and in
you all. )ut to each one of us "race was "iven accordin" to the measure of
3hrist's "ift.

#atholi$ "pistle
1Pe"er 1:13-21 [Arabic]
#herefore "ird up the loins of your mind, %e so%er, and rest your hope fully
upon the "race that is to %e %rou"ht to you at the revelation of ;esus 3hrist;
as o%edient children, not conformin" yourselves to the former lusts, as in
your i"norance; %ut as He who called you is holy, you also %e holy in all
your conduct, %ecause it is written, &)e holy, for $ am holy.& And if you call
on the 1ather, who without partiality jud"es accordin" to each one's wor!,
conduct yourselves throu"hout the time of your stay here in fear; !nowin"
that you were not redeemed with corrupti%le thin"s, li!e silver or "old, from
your aimless conduct received %y tradition from your fathers, %ut with the
precious %lood of 3hrist, as of a lam% without %lemish and without spot. He
indeed was foreordained %efore the foundation of the world, %ut was
manifest in these last times for you who throu"h Him %elieve in God, who
raised Him from the dead and "ave Him "lory, so that your faith and hope
are in God.

Ac"s 27:9-26 [Arabic]
7ow when much time had %een spent, and sailin" was now dan"erous
%ecause the 1ast was already over, :aul advised them, sayin", &4en, $
perceive that this voya"e will end with disaster and much loss, not only of
the car"o and ship, %ut also our lives.& 7evertheless the centurion was
more persuaded %y the helmsman and the owner of the ship than %y the
thin"s spo!en %y :aul. And %ecause the har%or was not suita%le to winter
in, the majority advised to set sail from there also, if %y any means they
could reach :hoeni6, a har%or of 3rete openin" toward the southwest and
northwest, and winter there. +hen the south wind %lew softly, supposin"
that they had o%tained their desire, puttin" out to sea, they sailed close %y
3rete. )ut not lon" after, a tempestuous head wind arose, called
Duroclydon. (o when the ship was cau"ht, and could not head into the
wind, we let her drive. And runnin" under the shelter of an island called
3lauda, we secured the s!i9 with diIculty. +hen they had ta!en it on
%oard, they used ca%les to under"ird the ship; and fearin" lest they should
run a"round on the (yrtis (ands, they struc! sail and so were driven. And
%ecause we were e6ceedin"ly tempest,tossed, the ne6t day they li"htened
the ship. On the third day we threw the ship's tac!le over%oard with our
own hands. 7ow when neither sun nor stars appeared for many days, and
no small tempest %eat on us, all hope that we would %e saved was -nally
"iven up. )ut after lon" a%stinence from food, then :aul stood in the midst
of them and said, &4en, you should have listened to me, and not have
sailed from 3rete and incurred this disaster and loss. And now $ ur"e you to
ta!e heart, for there will %e no loss of life amon" you, %ut only of the ship.
1or there stood %y me this ni"ht an an"el of the God to whom $ %elon" and
whom $ serve, sayin", &Do not %e afraid, :aul; you must %e %rou"ht %efore
3aesar; and indeed God has "ranted you all those who sail with you.'
#herefore ta!e heart, men, for $ %elieve God that it will %e just as it was told
me. However, we must run a"round on a certain island.&

< #he Departure of (t. Duphrasia =Dupra6ia>, the vir"in.
< #he Departure of :ope :eter G$, the One Hundred and 1ourth :ope of

Psalm 32:1 ; Psalm 32:2 [Arabic]
)lessed is he whose trans"ression is for"iven, +hose sin is covered.
)lessed is the man to whom the LORD does not impute ini0uity, And in
whose spirit there is no deceit.

Mark 1#:46-52 [Arabic]
7ow they came to ;ericho. As He went out of ;ericho with His disciples and a
"reat multitude, %lind )artimaeus, the son of #imaeus, sat %y the road
%e""in". And when he heard that it was ;esus of 7a8areth, he %e"an to cry
out and say, &;esus, (on of David, have mercy on me/& #hen many warned
him to %e 0uiet; %ut he cried out all the more, &(on of David, have mercy on
me/& (o ;esus stood still and commanded him to %e called. #hen they called
the %lind man, sayin" to him, &)e of "ood cheer. Rise, He is callin" you.&
And throwin" aside his "arment, he rose and came to ;esus. (o ;esus
answered and said to him, &+hat do you want 4e to do for you2& #he %lind
man said to Him, &Ra%%oni, that $ may receive my si"ht.& #hen ;esus said to
him, &Go your way; your faith has made you well.& And immediately he
received his si"ht and followed ;esus on the road.
Readings for Sunday of the si&th week of Great Lent )/+
Psalm 17:3 ; 17:5 [Arabic]
ou have tested my heart; ou have visited me in the ni"ht; ou
have tried me and have found nothin"; $ have purposed that my
mouth shall not trans"ress. 3oncernin" the wor!s of men, )y the
word of our lips, $ have !ept away from the paths of the destroyer.
L+ke 13:22-35 [Arabic]
And He went throu"h the cities and villa"es, teachin", and journeyin"
toward ;erusalem. #hen one said to Him, &Lord, are there few who are
saved2& And He said to them, &(trive to enter throu"h the narrow "ate, for
many, $ say to you, will see! to enter and will not %e a%le. +hen once the
4aster of the house has risen up and shut the door, and you %e"in to stand
outside and !noc! at the door, sayin", &Lord, Lord, open for us,' and He will
answer and say to you, &$ do not !now you, where you are from,' then you
will %e"in to say, &+e ate and dran! in our presence, and ou tau"ht in our
streets.' )ut He will say, &$ tell you $ do not !now you, where you are from.
Depart from 4e, all you wor!ers of ini0uity.' #here will %e weepin" and
"nashin" of teeth, when you see A%raham and $saac and ;aco% and all the
prophets in the !in"dom of God, and yourselves thrust out. #hey will come
from the east and the west, from the north and the south, and sit down in
the !in"dom of God. And indeed there are last who will %e -rst, and there
are -rst who will %e last.& On that very day some :harisees came, sayin" to
Him, &Get out and depart from here, for Herod wants to !ill ou.& And He
said to them, &Go, tell that fo6, &)ehold, $ cast out demons and perform
cures today and tomorrow, and the third day $ shall %e perfected.'
7evertheless $ must journey today, tomorrow, and the day followin"; for it
cannot %e that a prophet should perish outside of ;erusalem. &O ;erusalem,
;erusalem, the one who !ills the prophets and stones those who are sent to
her/ How often $ wanted to "ather your children to"ether, as a hen "athers
her %rood under her win"s, %ut you were not willin"/ (ee/ our house is left
to you desolate; and assuredly, $ say to you, you shall not see 4e until the
time comes when you say, &)lessed is He who comes in the name of the

Psalm 26:2 ; Psalm 26:3 [Arabic]
D6amine me, O LORD, and prove me; #ry my mind and my heart. 1or
our lovin"!indness is %efore my eyes, And $ have wal!ed in our
Ma""(e* 23:1-39 [Arabic]
#hen ;esus spo!e to the multitudes and to His disciples, sayin". &#he scri%es
and the :harisees sit in 4oses' seat. #herefore whatever they tell you to
o%serve, that o%serve and do, %ut do not do accordin" to their wor!s; for
they say, and do not do. 1or they %ind heavy %urdens, hard to %ear, and lay
them on men's shoulders; %ut they themselves will not move them with one
of their -n"ers. )ut all their wor!s they do to %e seen %y men. #hey ma!e
their phylacteries %road and enlar"e the %orders of their "arments. #hey
love the %est places at feasts, the %est seats in the syna"o"ues, "reetin"s
in the mar!etplaces, and to %e called %y men, &Ra%%i, Ra%%i.' )ut you, do
not %e called &Ra%%i'; for One is your #eacher, the 3hrist, and you are all
%rethren. Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your 1ather, He
who is in heaven. And do not %e called teachers; for One is your #eacher,
the 3hrist. )ut he who is "reatest amon" you shall %e your servant. And
whoever e6alts himself will %e hum%led, and he who hum%les himself will
%e e6alted. &)ut woe to you, scri%es and :harisees, hypocrites/ 1or you shut
up the !in"dom of heaven a"ainst men; for you neither "o in yourselves,
nor do you allow those who are enterin" to "o in. +oe to you, scri%es and
:harisees, hypocrites/ 1or you devour widows' houses, and for a pretense
ma!e lon" prayers. #herefore you will receive "reater condemnation. &+oe
to you, scri%es and :harisees, hypocrites/ 1or you travel land and sea to win
one proselyte, and when he is won, you ma!e him twice as much a son of
hell as yourselves. &+oe to you, %lind "uides, who say, &+hoever swears %y
the temple, it is nothin"; %ut whoever swears %y the "old of the temple, he
is o%li"ed to perform it.' 1ools and %lind/ 1or which is "reater, the "old or
the temple that sancti-es the "old2 And, &+hoever swears %y the altar, it is
nothin"; %ut whoever swears %y the "ift that is on it, he is o%li"ed to
perform it.' 1ools and %lind/ 1or which is "reater, the "ift or the altar that
sancti-es the "ift2 #herefore he who swears %y the altar, swears %y it and
%y all thin"s on it. He who swears %y the temple, swears %y it and %y Him
who dwells in it. And he who swears %y heaven, swears %y the throne of
God and %y Him who sits on it. &+oe to you, scri%es and :harisees,
hypocrites/ 1or you pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have
ne"lected the wei"htier matters of the law. justice and mercy and faith.
#hese you ou"ht to have done, without leavin" the others undone. )lind
"uides, who strain out a "nat and swallow a camel/ &+oe to you, scri%es
and :harisees, hypocrites/ 1or you cleanse the outside of the cup and dish,
%ut inside they are full of e6tortion and self,indul"ence. )lind :harisee, -rst
cleanse the inside of the cup and dish, that the outside of them may %e
clean also. &+oe to you, scri%es and :harisees, hypocrites/ 1or you are li!e
whitewashed tom%s which indeed appear %eautiful outwardly, %ut inside
are full of dead men's %ones and all uncleanness. Dven so you also
outwardly appear ri"hteous to men, %ut inside you are full of hypocrisy and
lawlessness. &+oe to you, scri%es and :harisees, hypocrites/ )ecause you
%uild the tom%s of the prophets and adorn the monuments of the ri"hteous,
and say, &$f we had lived in the days of our fathers, we would not have %een
parta!ers with them in the %lood of the prophets.' &#herefore you are
witnesses a"ainst yourselves that you are sons of those who murdered the
prophets. 1ill up, then, the measure of your fathers' "uilt. (erpents, %rood of
vipers/ How can you escape the condemnation of hell2 #herefore, indeed, $
send you prophets, wise men, and scri%es. some of them you will !ill and
crucify, and some of them you will scour"e in your syna"o"ues and
persecute from city to city, that on you may come all the ri"hteous %lood
shed on the earth, from the %lood of ri"hteous A%el to the %lood of
Cechariah, son of )erechiah, whom you murdered %etween the temple and
the altar. Assuredly, $ say to you, all these thin"s will come upon this
"eneration. &O ;erusalem, ;erusalem, the one who !ills the prophets and
stones those who are sent to her/ How often $ wanted to "ather your
children to"ether, as a hen "athers her chic!s under her win"s, %ut you
were not willin"/ (ee/ our house is left to you desolate; for $ say to you,
you shall see 4e no more till you say, &)lessed is He who comes in the
name of the LORD/&'

Pauline "pistle
Colossias 3:5-17 [Arabic]
#herefore put to death your mem%ers which are on the earth. fornication,
uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry.
)ecause of these thin"s the wrath of God is comin" upon the sons of
diso%edience, in which you yourselves once wal!ed when you lived in them.
)ut now you yourselves are to put o9 all these. an"er, wrath, malice,
%lasphemy, -lthy lan"ua"e out of your mouth. Do not lie to one another,
since you have put o9 the old man with his deeds, and have put on the new
man who is renewed in !nowled"e accordin" to the ima"e of Him who
created him, where there is neither Gree! nor ;ew, circumcised nor
uncircumcised, %ar%arian, (cythian, slave nor free, %ut 3hrist is all and in
all. #herefore, as the elect of God, holy and %eloved, put on tender mercies,
!indness, humility, mee!ness, lon"su9erin"; %earin" with one another, and
for"ivin" one another, if anyone has a complaint a"ainst another; even as
3hrist for"ave you, so you also must do. )ut a%ove all these thin"s put on
love, which is the %ond of perfection. And let the peace of God rule in your
hearts, to which also you were called in one %ody; and %e than!ful. Let the
word of 3hrist dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teachin" and admonishin"
one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual son"s, sin"in" with "race in
your hearts to the Lord. And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the
name of the Lord ;esus, "ivin" than!s to God the 1ather throu"h Him.

#atholi$ "pistle
1&o( 5:13-21 [Arabic]
#hese thin"s $ have written to you who %elieve in the name of the (on of
God, that you may !now that you have eternal life, and that you may
continue to %elieve in the name of the (on of God. 7ow this is the
con-dence that we have in Him, that if we as! anythin" accordin" to His
will, He hears us. And if we !now that He hears us, whatever we as!, we
!now that we have the petitions that we have as!ed of Him. $f anyone sees
his %rother sinnin" a sin which does not lead to death, he will as!, and He
will "ive him life for those who commit sin not leadin" to death. #here is sin
leadin" to death. $ do not say that he should pray a%out that. All
unri"hteousness is sin, and there is sin not leadin" to death. +e !now that
whoever is %orn of God does not sin; %ut he who has %een %orn of God
!eeps himself, and the wic!ed one does not touch him. +e !now that we
are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wic!ed one. And
we !now that the (on of God has come and has "iven us an understandin",
that we may !now Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His
(on ;esus 3hrist. #his is the true God and eternal life. Little children, !eep
yourselves from idols. Amen.

Ac"s 27:27-37 [Arabic]
7ow when the fourteenth ni"ht had come, as we were driven up and down
in the Adriatic (ea, a%out midni"ht the sailors sensed that they were
drawin" near some land. And they too! soundin"s and found it to %e twenty
fathoms; and when they had "one a little farther, they too! soundin"s a"ain
and found it to %e -fteen fathoms. #hen, fearin" lest we should run a"round
on the roc!s, they dropped four anchors from the stern, and prayed for day
to come. And as the sailors were see!in" to escape from the ship, when
they had let down the s!i9 into the sea, under pretense of puttin" out
anchors from the prow, :aul said to the centurion and the soldiers, &*nless
these men stay in the ship, you cannot %e saved.& #hen the soldiers cut
away the ropes of the s!i9 and let it fall o9. And as day was a%out to dawn,
:aul implored them all to ta!e food, sayin", &#oday is the fourteenth day
you have waited and continued without food, and eaten nothin". #herefore $
ur"e you to ta!e nourishment, for this is for your survival, since not a hair
will fall from the head of any of you.& And when he had said these thin"s,
he too! %read and "ave than!s to God in the presence of them all; and
when he had %ro!en it he %e"an to eat. #hen they were all encoura"ed, and
also too! food themselves. And in all we were two hundred and seventy,si6
persons on the ship.

< #he 3ommemoration of the 3ruci-6ion of Our Lord ;esus 3hrist.
< #he Departure of (t. 4acarius the Great.
< #he 4artyrdom of (t. Domicos.

Psalm 143:7 ; Psalm 143:1 [Arabic]
Answer me speedily, O LORD; 4y spirit fails/ Do not hide our
face from me, Lest $ %e li!e those who "o down into the pit. Hear
my prayer, O LORD, Give ear to my supplications/ $n our
faithfulness answer me, And in our ri"hteousness.

&o( 9:1-41 [Arabic]
7ow as ;esus passed %y, He saw a man who was %lind from %irth. And His
disciples as!ed Him, sayin", &Ra%%i, who sinned, this man or his parents,
that he was %orn %lind2& ;esus answered, &7either this man nor his parents
sinned, %ut that the wor!s of God should %e revealed in him. $ must wor!
the wor!s of Him who sent 4e while it is day; the ni"ht is comin" when no
one can wor!. As lon" as $ am in the world, $ am the li"ht of the world.&
+hen He had said these thin"s, He spat on the "round and made clay with
the saliva; and He anointed the eyes of the %lind man with the clay. And He
said to him, &Go, wash in the pool of (iloam& which is translated, (ent. (o
he went and washed, and came %ac! seein". #herefore the nei"h%ors and
those who previously had seen that he was %lind said, &$s not this he who
sat and %e""ed2& (ome said, &#his is he.& Others said, &He is li!e him.& He
said, &$ am he.& #herefore they said to him, &How were your eyes opened2&
He answered and said, &A 4an called ;esus made clay and anointed my
eyes and said to me, &Go to the pool of (iloam and wash.' (o $ went and
washed, and $ received si"ht.& #hen they said to him, &+here is He2& He
said, &$ do not !now.& #hey %rou"ht him who formerly was %lind to the
:harisees. 7ow it was a (a%%ath when ;esus made the clay and opened his
eyes. #hen the :harisees also as!ed him a"ain how he had received his
si"ht. He said to them, &He put clay on my eyes, and $ washed, and $ see.&
#herefore some of the :harisees said, &#his 4an is not from God, %ecause
He does not !eep the (a%%ath.& Others said, &How can a man who is a
sinner do such si"ns2& And there was a division amon" them. #hey said to
the %lind man a"ain, &+hat do you say a%out Him %ecause He opened your
eyes2& He said, &He is a prophet.& )ut the ;ews did not %elieve concernin"
him, that he had %een %lind and received his si"ht, until they called the
parents of him who had received his si"ht. And they as!ed them, sayin", &$s
this your son, who you say was %orn %lind2 How then does he now see2& His
parents answered them and said, &+e !now that this is our son, and that he
was %orn %lind; %ut %y what means he now sees we do not !now, or who
opened his eyes we do not !now. He is of a"e; as! him. He will spea! for
himself.& His parents said these thin"s %ecause they feared the ;ews, for the
;ews had a"reed already that if anyone confessed that He was 3hrist, he
would %e put out of the syna"o"ue. #herefore his parents said, &He is of
a"e; as! him.& (o they a"ain called the man who was %lind, and said to
him, &Give God the "lory/ +e !now that this 4an is a sinner.& He answered
and said, &+hether He is a sinner or not $ do not !now. One thin" $ !now.
that thou"h $ was %lind, now $ see.& #hen they said to him a"ain, &+hat did
He do to you2 How did He open your eyes2& He answered them, &$ told you
already, and you did not listen. +hy do you want to hear it a"ain2 Do you
also want to %ecome His disciples2& #hen they reviled him and said, &ou
are His disciple, %ut we are 4oses' disciples. +e !now that God spo!e to
4oses; as for this fellow, we do not !now where He is from.& #he man
answered and said to them, &+hy, this is a marvelous thin", that you do not
!now where He is from; yet He has opened my eyes/ 7ow we !now that
God does not hear sinners; %ut if anyone is a worshiper of God and does His
will, He hears him. (ince the world %e"an it has %een unheard of that
anyone opened the eyes of one who was %orn %lind. $f this 4an were not
from God, He could do nothin".& #hey answered and said to him, &ou were
completely %orn in sins, and are you teachin" us2& And they cast him out.
;esus heard that they had cast him out; and when He had found him, He
said to him, &Do you %elieve in the (on of God2& He answered and said,
&+ho is He, Lord, that $ may %elieve in Him2& And ;esus said to him, &ou
have %oth seen Him and it is He who is tal!in" with you.& #hen he said,
&Lord, $ %elieve/& And he worshiped Him. And ;esus said, &1or jud"ment $
have come into this world, that those who do not see may see, and that
those who see may %e made %lind.& #hen some of the :harisees who were
with Him heard these words, and said to Him, &Are we %lind also2& ;esus
said to them, &$f you were %lind, you would have no sin; %ut now you say,
&+e see.' #herefore your sin remains.
Readings for !onday of the se5enth week of Great Lent )/,
Pro3erbs 1#:1-16 ; 'saia( 4$:17-e! ; 'saia( 49:1-4 ; &ob 3$:1-36
Pro3erbs 1#:1-16 #he prover%s of (olomon. A wise son ma!es a "lad
father, )ut a foolish son is the "rief of his mother. #reasures of
wic!edness pro-t nothin", )ut ri"hteousness delivers from death.
#he LORD will not allow the ri"hteous soul to famish, )ut He casts
away the desire of the wic!ed. He who has a slac! hand %ecomes
poor, )ut the hand of the dili"ent ma!es rich. He who "athers in
summer is a wise son; He who sleeps in harvest is a son who causes
shame. )lessin"s are on the head of the ri"hteous, )ut violence
covers the mouth of the wic!ed. #he memory of the ri"hteous is
%lessed, )ut the name of the wic!ed will rot. #he wise in heart will
receive commands, )ut a pratin" fool will fall. He who wal!s with
inte"rity wal!s securely, )ut he who perverts his ways will %ecome
!nown. He who win!s with the eye causes trou%le, )ut a pratin"
fool will fall. #he mouth of the ri"hteous is a well of life, )ut
violence covers the mouth of the wic!ed. Hatred stirs up strife,
)ut love covers all sins. +isdom is found on the lips of him who has
understandin", )ut a rod is for the %ac! of him who is devoid of
understandin". +ise people store up !nowled"e, )ut the mouth
of the foolish is near destruction. #he rich man's wealth is his stron"
city; #he destruction of the poor is their poverty. #he la%or of the
ri"hteous leads to life, #he wa"es of the wic!ed to sin.
'saia( 4$:17-e! ; 'saia( 49:1-4
#hus says the LORD, your Redeemer,
#he Holy One of $srael.
&$ am the LORD your God,
+ho teaches you to pro-t,
+ho leads you %y the way you should "o.
Oh, that you had heeded 4y commandments/
#hen your peace would have %een li!e a river,
And your ri"hteousness li!e the waves of the sea.
our descendants also would have %een li!e the sand,
And the o9sprin" of your %ody li!e the "rains of sand;
His name would not have %een cut o9
7or destroyed from %efore 4e.&
Go forth from )a%ylon/
1lee from the 3haldeans/
+ith a voice of sin"in",
Declare, proclaim this,
*tter it to the end of the earth;
(ay, &#he LORD has redeemed
His servant ;aco%/&
And they did not thirst
+hen He led them throu"h the deserts;
He caused the waters to 5ow from the roc! for them;
He also split the roc!, and the waters "ushed out.
&#here is no peace,& says the LORD, &for the wic!ed.& &Listen, O
coastlands, to 4e,
And ta!e heed, you peoples from afar/
#he LORD has called 4e from the wom%;
1rom the matri6 of 4y mother He has made mention of 4y name.
And He has made 4y mouth li!e a sharp sword;
$n the shadow of His hand He has hidden 4e,
And made 4e a polished shaft;
$n His 0uiver He has hidden 4e.&
&And He said to me,
&ou are 4y servant, O $srael,
$n whom $ will %e "lori-ed.'
#hen $ said, &$ have la%ored in vain,
$ have spent my stren"th for nothin" and in vain;
et surely my just reward is with the LORD,
And my wor! with my God.&'
&ob 3$:1-36
#hen the LORD answered ;o% out of the whirlwind, and said.
&+ho is this who dar!ens counsel
)y words without !nowled"e2
7ow prepare yourself li!e a man;
$ will 0uestion you, and you shall answer 4e.
&+here were you when $ laid the foundations of the earth2
#ell 4e, if you have understandin".
+ho determined its measurements2
(urely you !now/
Or who stretched the line upon it2
#o what were its foundations fastened2
Or who laid its cornerstone,
+hen the mornin" stars san" to"ether,
And all the sons of God shouted for joy2
&Or who shut in the sea with doors,
+hen it %urst forth and issued from the wom%;
+hen $ made the clouds its "arment,
And thic! dar!ness its swaddlin" %and;
+hen $ -6ed 4y limit for it,
And set %ars and doors;
+hen $ said,
&#his far you may come, %ut no farther,
And here your proud waves must stop/'
&Have you commanded the mornin" since your days %e"an,
And caused the dawn to !now its place,
#hat it mi"ht ta!e hold of the ends of the earth,
And the wic!ed %e sha!en out of it2
$t ta!es on form li!e clay under a seal,
And stands out li!e a "arment.
1rom the wic!ed their li"ht is withheld,
And the upraised arm is %ro!en.
&Have you entered the sprin"s of the sea2
Or have you wal!ed in search of the depths2
Have the "ates of death %een revealed to you2
Or have you seen the doors of the shadow of death2
Have you comprehended the %readth of the earth2
#ell 4e, if you !now all this.
&+here is the way to the dwellin" of li"ht2
And dar!ness, where is its place,
#hat you may ta!e it to its territory,
#hat you may !now the paths to its home2
Do you !now it, %ecause you were %orn then,
Or %ecause the num%er of your days is "reat2
&Have you entered the treasury of snow,
Or have you seen the treasury of hail,
+hich $ have reserved for the time of trou%le,
1or the day of %attle and war2
)y what way is li"ht di9used,
Or the east wind scattered over the earth2
&+ho has divided a channel for the over5owin" water,
Or a path for the thunder%olt,
#o cause it to rain on a land where there is no one,
A wilderness in which there is no man;
#o satisfy the desolate waste,
And cause to sprin" forth the "rowth of tender "rass2
Has the rain a father2
Or who has %e"otten the drops of dew2
1rom whose wom% comes the ice2
And the frost of heaven, who "ives it %irth2
#he waters harden li!e stone,
And the surface of the deep is fro8en.
Psalm 32:1#-11 [Arabic]
4any sorrows shall %e to the wic!ed; )ut he who trusts in the LORD,
mercy shall surround him. )e "lad in the LORD and rejoice, you
ri"hteous; And shout for joy, all you upri"ht in heart/
L+ke 16:19-31 [Arabic]
&#here was a certain rich man who was clothed in purple and -ne linen and
fared sumptuously every day. )ut there was a certain %e""ar named
La8arus, full of sores, who was laid at his "ate, desirin" to %e fed with the
crum%s which fell from the rich man's ta%le. 4oreover the do"s came and
lic!ed his sores. (o it was that the %e""ar died, and was carried %y the
an"els to A%raham's %osom. #he rich man also died and was %uried. And
%ein" in torments in Hades, he lifted up his eyes and saw A%raham afar o9,
and La8arus in his %osom. &#hen he cried and said, &1ather A%raham, have
mercy on me, and send La8arus that he may dip the tip of his -n"er in
water and cool my ton"ue; for $ am tormented in this 5ame.' )ut A%raham
said, &(on, remem%er that in your lifetime you received your "ood thin"s,
and li!ewise La8arus evil thin"s; %ut now he is comforted and you are
tormented. And %esides all this, %etween us and you there is a "reat "ulf
-6ed, so that those who want to pass from here to you cannot, nor can
those from there pass to us.' &#hen he said, &$ %e" you therefore, father,
that you would send him to my father's house, for $ have -ve %rothers, that
he may testify to them, lest they also come to this place of torment.'
A%raham said to him, &#hey have 4oses and the prophets; let them hear
them.' And he said, &7o, father A%raham; %ut if one "oes to them from the
dead, they will repent.' )ut he said to him, &$f they do not hear 4oses and
the prophets, neither will they %e persuaded thou"h one rise from the

Pauline "pistle
%omas 14:1#-e! ; %omas 15:1-2 [Arabic]
)ut why do you jud"e your %rother2 Or why do you show contempt for your
%rother2 1or we shall all stand %efore the jud"ment seat of 3hrist. 1or it is
written. &As $ live, says the LORD, Dvery !nee shall %ow to 4e,
And every ton"ue shall confess to God.& (o then each of us shall "ive
account of himself to God. #herefore let us not jud"e one another anymore,
%ut rather resolve this, not to put a stum%lin" %loc! or a cause to fall in our
%rother's way. $ !now and am convinced %y the Lord ;esus that there is
nothin" unclean of itself; %ut to him who considers anythin" to %e unclean,
to him it is unclean. et if your %rother is "rieved %ecause of your food, you
are no lon"er wal!in" in love. Do not destroy with your food the one for
whom 3hrist died. #herefore do not let your "ood %e spo!en of as evil; for
the !in"dom of God is not eatin" and drin!in", %ut ri"hteousness and peace
and joy in the Holy (pirit. 1or he who serves 3hrist in these thin"s is
accepta%le to God and approved %y men. #herefore let us pursue the thin"s
which ma!e for peace and the thin"s %y which one may edify another. Do
not destroy the wor! of God for the sa!e of food. All thin"s indeed are pure,
%ut it is evil for the man who eats with o9ense. $t is "ood neither to eat
meat nor drin! wine nor do anythin" %y which your %rother stum%les or is
o9ended or is made wea!. Do you have faith2 Have it to yourself %efore
God. Happy is he who does not condemn himself in what he approves. )ut
he who dou%ts is condemned if he eats, %ecause he does not eat from faith;
for whatever is not from faith is sin. +e then who are stron" ou"ht to %ear
with the scruples of the wea!, and not to please ourselves. Let each of us
please his nei"h%or for his "ood, leadin" to edi-cation.

#atholi$ "pistle
&ames 2:5-13 [Arabic]
Listen, my %eloved %rethren. Has God not chosen the poor of this world to
%e rich in faith and heirs of the !in"dom which He promised to those who
love Him2 )ut you have dishonored the poor man. Do not the rich oppress
you and dra" you into the courts2 Do they not %laspheme that no%le name
%y which you are called2 $f you really ful-ll the royal law accordin" to the
(cripture, &ou shall love your nei"h%or as yourself,& you do well; %ut if you
show partiality, you commit sin, and are convicted %y the law as
trans"ressors. 1or whoever shall !eep the whole law, and yet stum%le in
one point, he is "uilty of all. 1or He who said, &Do not commit adultery,&
also said, &Do not murder.& 7ow if you do not commit adultery, %ut you do
murder, you have %ecome a trans"ressor of the law. (o spea! and so do as
those who will %e jud"ed %y the law of li%erty. 1or jud"ment is without
mercy to the one who has shown no mercy. 4ercy triumphs over jud"ment.

Ac"s 9:22-31 [Arabic]
)ut (aul increased all the more in stren"th, and confounded the ;ews who
dwelt in Damascus, provin" that this ;esus is the 3hrist. 7ow after many
days were past, the ;ews plotted to !ill him. )ut their plot %ecame !nown to
(aul. And they watched the "ates day and ni"ht, to !ill him. #hen the
disciples too! him %y ni"ht and let him down throu"h the wall in a lar"e
%as!et. And when (aul had come to ;erusalem, he tried to join the disciples;
%ut they were all afraid of him, and did not %elieve that he was a disciple.
)ut )arna%as too! him and %rou"ht him to the apostles. And he declared to
them how he had seen the Lord on the road, and that He had spo!en to
him, and how he had preached %oldly at Damascus in the name of ;esus. (o
he was with them at ;erusalem, comin" in and "oin" out. And he spo!e
%oldly in the name of the Lord ;esus and disputed a"ainst the Hellenists, %ut
they attempted to !ill him. +hen the %rethren found out, they %rou"ht him
down to 3aesarea and sent him out to #arsus. #hen the churches
throu"hout all ;udea, Galilee, and (amaria had peace and were edi-ed. And
wal!in" in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy (pirit, they
were multiplied.

< #he Departure of the ri"hteous Dmperor 3onstantine the Great.
< #he Departure of :ope :eter =:etros> G$$, the One Hundred and 7inth
< #he commemoration of An%a (arapamon, !nown as &#he Geiled& )ishop of

Psalm $6:12 ; Psalm $6:13 [Arabic]
$ will praise ou, O Lord my God, with all my heart, And $ will "lorify
our name forevermore. 1or "reat is our mercy toward me, And ou
have delivered my soul from the depths of (heol.

&o( 5:31-47 [Arabic]
&$f $ %ear witness of 4yself, 4y witness is not true. #here is another who
%ears witness of 4e, and $ !now that the witness which He witnesses of 4e
is true. ou have sent to ;ohn, and he has %orne witness to the truth. et $
do not receive testimony from man, %ut $ say these thin"s that you may %e
saved. He was the %urnin" and shinin" lamp, and you were willin" for a
time to rejoice in his li"ht. )ut $ have a "reater witness than ;ohn's; for the
wor!s which the 1ather has "iven 4e to -nish,,the very wor!s that $ do,,
%ear witness of 4e, that the 1ather has sent 4e. And the 1ather Himself,
who sent 4e, has testi-ed of 4e. ou have neither heard His voice at any
time, nor seen His form. )ut you do not have His word a%idin" in you,
%ecause whom He sent, Him you do not %elieve. ou search the (criptures,
for in them you thin! you have eternal life; and these are they which testify
of 4e. )ut you are not willin" to come to 4e that you may have life. &$ do
not receive honor from men. )ut $ !now you, that you do not have the love
of God in you. $ have come in 4y 1ather's name, and you do not receive 4e;
if another comes in his own name, him you will receive. How can you
%elieve, who receive honor from one another, and do not see! the honor
that comes from the only God2 Do not thin! that $ shall accuse you to the
1ather; there is one who accuses you,,4oses, in whom you trust. 1or if you
%elieved 4oses, you would %elieve 4e; for he wrote a%out 4e. )ut if you do
not %elieve his writin"s, how will you %elieve 4y words2&
Readings for %nnun$iation )/.
Psalm 144:5,7 [Arabic]
)ow down our heavens, O LORD, and come down; #ouch the
mountains, and they shall smo!e. (tretch out our hand from a%ove;
Rescue me and deliver me out of "reat waters.
Lk 7:36-5# [Arabic]
#hen one of the :harisees as!ed Him to eat with him. And He went to the
:harisee's house, and sat down to eat. And %ehold, a woman in the city who
was a sinner, when she !new that ;esus sat at the ta%le in the :harisee's
house, %rou"ht an ala%aster 5as! of fra"rant oil, and stood at His feet
%ehind Him weepin"; and she %e"an to wash His feet with her tears, and
wiped them with the hair of her head; and she !issed His feet and anointed
them with the fra"rant oil. 7ow when the :harisee who had invited Him saw
this, he spo!e to himself, sayin", &#his 4an, if He were a prophet, would
!now who and what manner of woman this is who is touchin" Him, for she
is a sinner.& And ;esus answered and said to him, &(imon, $ have somethin"
to say to you.& (o he said, &#eacher, say it.& &#here was a certain creditor
who had two de%tors. One owed -ve hundred denarii, and the other -fty.
And when they had nothin" with which to repay, he freely for"ave them
%oth. #ell 4e, therefore, which of them will love him more2& (imon
answered and said, &$ suppose the one whom he for"ave more.& And He
said to him, &ou have ri"htly jud"ed.& #hen He turned to the woman and
said to (imon, &Do you see this woman2 $ entered your house; you "ave 4e
no water for 4y feet, %ut she has washed 4y feet with her tears and wiped
them with the hair of her head. ou "ave 4e no !iss, %ut this woman has
not ceased to !iss 4y feet since the time $ came in. ou did not anoint 4y
head with oil, %ut this woman has anointed 4y feet with fra"rant oil.
#herefore $ say to you, her sins, which are many, are for"iven, for she loved
much. )ut to whom little is for"iven, the same loves little.& #hen He said to
her, &our sins are for"iven.& And those who sat at the ta%le with Him %e"an
to say to themselves, &+ho is this who even for"ives sins2& #hen He said to
the woman, &our faith has saved you. Go in peace.&

Psalm 72:6-7 [Arabic]
He shall come down li!e rain upon the "rass %efore mowin", Li!e
showers that water the earth. $n His days the ri"hteous shall 5ourish,
And a%undance of peace.
Lk 11:2#-2$ [Arabic]
)ut if $ cast out demons with the -n"er of God, surely the !in"dom of God
has come upon you. +hen a stron" man, fully armed, "uards his own
palace, his "oods are in peace. )ut when a stron"er than he comes upon
him and overcomes him, he ta!es from him all his armor in which he
trusted, and divides his spoils. He who is not with 4e is a"ainst 4e, and he
who does not "ather with 4e scatters. &+hen an unclean spirit "oes out of
a man, he "oes throu"h dry places, see!in" rest; and -ndin" none, he says,
&$ will return to my house from which $ came.' And when he comes, he -nds
it swept and put in order. #hen he "oes and ta!es with him seven other
spirits more wic!ed than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the
last state of that man is worse than the -rst.& And it happened, as He spo!e
these thin"s, that a certain woman from the crowd raised her voice and
said to Him, &)lessed is the wom% that %ore ou, and the %reasts which
nursed ou/& )ut He said, &4ore than that, %lessed are those who hear the
word of God and !eep it/&

Pauline "pistle
%om 3:1-31 [Arabic]
+hat advanta"e then has the ;ew, or what is the pro-t of circumcision2
4uch in every way/ 3hie5y %ecause to them were committed the oracles of
God. 1or what if some did not %elieve2 +ill their un%elief ma!e the
faithfulness of God without e9ect2 3ertainly not/ $ndeed, let God %e true %ut
every man a liar. As it is written. &#hat ou may %e justi-ed in our words,
And may overcome when ou are jud"ed.& )ut if our unri"hteousness
demonstrates the ri"hteousness of God, what shall we say2 $s God unjust
who in5icts wrath2 =$ spea! as a man.> 3ertainly not/ 1or then how will God
jud"e the world2 1or if the truth of God has increased throu"h my lie to His
"lory, why am $ also still jud"ed as a sinner2 And why not say, &Let us do
evil that "ood may come&2,,as we are slanderously reported and as some
aIrm that we say. #heir condemnation is just. +hat then2 Are we %etter
than they2 7ot at all. 1or we have previously char"ed %oth ;ews and Gree!s
that they are all under sin. As it is written. &#here is none ri"hteous, no, not
one; #here is none who understands; #here is none who see!s after God.
#hey have all turned aside; #hey have to"ether %ecome unpro-ta%le; #here
is none who does "ood, no, not one.& &#heir throat is an open tom%; +ith
their ton"ues they have practiced deceit&; &#he poison of asps is under
their lips&; &+hose mouth is full of cursin" and %itterness.& &#heir feet are
swift to shed %lood; Destruction and misery are in their ways; And the way
of peace they have not !nown.& &#here is no fear of God %efore their eyes.&
7ow we !now that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under
the law, that every mouth may %e stopped, and all the world may %ecome
"uilty %efore God. #herefore %y the deeds of the law no 5esh will %e
justi-ed in His si"ht, for %y the law is the !nowled"e of sin. )ut now the
ri"hteousness of God apart from the law is revealed, %ein" witnessed %y the
Law and the :rophets, even the ri"hteousness of God, throu"h faith in ;esus
3hrist, to all and on all who %elieve. 1or there is no di9erence; for all have
sinned and fall short of the "lory of God, %ein" justi-ed freely %y His "race
throu"h the redemption that is in 3hrist ;esus, whom God set forth as a
propitiation %y His %lood, throu"h faith, to demonstrate His ri"hteousness,
%ecause in His for%earance God had passed over the sins that were
previously committed, to demonstrate at the present time His
ri"hteousness, that He mi"ht %e just and the justi-er of the one who has
faith in ;esus. +here is %oastin" then2 $t is e6cluded. )y what law2 Of
wor!s2 7o, %ut %y the law of faith. #herefore we conclude that a man is
justi-ed %y faith apart from the deeds of the law. Or is He the God of the
;ews only2 $s He not also the God of the Gentiles2 es, of the Gentiles also,
since there is one God who will justify the circumcised %y faith and the
uncircumcised throu"h faith. Do we then ma!e void the law throu"h faith2
3ertainly not/ On the contrary, we esta%lish the law.

#atholi$ "pistle
1& 1:1-e! ; 1& 2:1-6 [Arabic]
#hat which was from the %e"innin", which we have heard, which we have
seen with our eyes, which we have loo!ed upon, and our hands have
handled, concernin" the +ord of life,, the life was manifested, and we have
seen, and %ear witness, and declare to you that eternal life which was with
the 1ather and was manifested to us,, that which we have seen and heard
we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our
fellowship is with the 1ather and with His (on ;esus 3hrist. And these thin"s
we write to you that your joy may %e full. #his is the messa"e which we
have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is li"ht and in Him is no
dar!ness at all. $f we say that we have fellowship with Him, and wal! in
dar!ness, we lie and do not practice the truth. )ut if we wal! in the li"ht as
He is in the li"ht, we have fellowship with one another, and the %lood of
;esus 3hrist His (on cleanses us from all sin. $f we say that we have no sin,
we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. $f we confess our sins, He is
faithful and just to for"ive us our sins and to cleanse us from all
unri"hteousness. $f we say that we have not sinned, we ma!e Him a liar,
and His word is not in us.4y little children, these thin"s $ write to you, so
that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the
1ather, ;esus 3hrist the ri"hteous. And He Himself is the propitiation for our
sins, and not for ours only %ut also for the whole world. 7ow %y this we
!now that we !now Him, if we !eep His commandments. He who says, &$
!now Him,& and does not !eep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is
not in him. )ut whoever !eeps His word, truly the love of God is perfected in
him. )y this we !now that we are in Him. He who says he a%ides in Him
ou"ht himself also to wal! just as He wal!ed.

Ac"s 7:23-34 [Arabic]
&7ow when he was forty years old, it came into his heart to visit his
%rethren, the children of $srael. And seein" one of them su9er wron", he
defended and aven"ed him who was oppressed, and struc! down the
D"yptian. 1or he supposed that his %rethren would have understood that
God would deliver them %y his hand, %ut they did not understand. And the
ne6t day he appeared to two of them as they were -"htin", and tried to
reconcile them, sayin", &4en, you are %rethren; why do you wron" one
another2' )ut he who did his nei"h%or wron" pushed him away, sayin",
&+ho made you a ruler and a jud"e over us2 Do you want to !ill me as you
did the D"yptian yesterday2' #hen, at this sayin", 4oses 5ed and %ecame a
dweller in the land of 4idian, where he had two sons. &And when forty years
had passed, an An"el of the Lord appeared to him in a 5ame of -re in a
%ush, in the wilderness of 4ount (inai. +hen 4oses saw it, he marveled at
the si"ht; and as he drew near to o%serve, the voice of the Lord came to
him, sayin", &$ am the God of your fathers,,the God of A%raham, the God of
$saac, and the God of ;aco%.' And 4oses trem%led and dared not loo!. &#hen
the LORD said to him, &#a!e your sandals o9 your feet, for the place where
you stand is holy "round. $ have surely seen the oppression of 4y people
who are in D"ypt; $ have heard their "roanin" and have come down to
deliver them. And now come, $ will send you to D"ypt.&'

< #he 3ommemoration of the Life "ivin" Annunciation.
< #he 3ommemoration of the Resurrection of the Lord 3hrist from the dead.

Psalm 45:1#-11 [Arabic]
Listen, O dau"hter, 3onsider and incline your ear; 1or"et your
own people also, and your father's house; (o the Bin" will "reatly
desire your %eauty; )ecause He is your Lord.

Lk 1:26-3$ [Arabic]
7ow in the si6th month the an"el Ga%riel was sent %y God to a city of
Galilee named 7a8areth, to a vir"in %etrothed to a man whose name was
;oseph, of the house of David. #he vir"in's name was 4ary. And havin"
come in, the an"el said to her, &Rejoice, hi"hly favored one, the Lord is with
you; %lessed are you amon" women/& )ut when she saw him, she was
trou%led at his sayin", and considered what manner of "reetin" this was.
#hen the an"el said to her, &Do not %e afraid, 4ary, for you have found
favor with God. And %ehold, you will conceive in your wom% and %rin" forth
a (on, and shall call His name ;D(*(. He will %e "reat, and will %e called the
(on of the Hi"hest; and the Lord God will "ive Him the throne of His father
David. And He will rei"n over the house of ;aco% forever, and of His
!in"dom there will %e no end.& #hen 4ary said to the an"el, &How can this
%e, since $ do not !now a man2& And the an"el answered and said to her,
&#he Holy (pirit will come upon you, and the power of the Hi"hest will
overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to %e %orn will %e
called the (on of God. 7ow indeed, Dli8a%eth your relative has also
conceived a son in her old a"e; and this is now the si6th month for her who
was called %arren. 1or with God nothin" will %e impossi%le.& #hen 4ary said,
&)ehold the maidservant of the Lord/ Let it %e to me accordin" to your
word.& And the an"el departed from her.
Readings for *ednesday of the se5enth week of Great Lent
Pro3erbs 1#:32-e! ; Pro3erbs 11:1-13 ; 'saia( 5$:1-11 ; &ob 4#:1-
e! ; &ob 41:1-25 [Arabic]
Pro3erbs 1#:32-e! ; Pro3erbs 11:1-13 #he lips of the ri"hteous
!now what is accepta%le, )ut the mouth of the wic!ed what is
perverse.Dishonest scales are an a%omination to the LORD, )ut a just
wei"ht is His deli"ht. +hen pride comes, then comes shame; )ut
with the hum%le is wisdom. #he inte"rity of the upri"ht will "uide
them, )ut the perversity of the unfaithful will destroy them.
Riches do not pro-t in the day of wrath, )ut ri"hteousness delivers
from death. #he ri"hteousness of the %lameless will direct his way
ari"ht, )ut the wic!ed will fall %y his own wic!edness. #he
ri"hteousness of the upri"ht will deliver them, )ut the unfaithful will
%e cau"ht %y their lust. +hen a wic!ed man dies, his e6pectation will
perish, And the hope of the unjust perishes. #he ri"hteous is
delivered from trou%le, And it comes to the wic!ed instead. #he
hypocrite with his mouth destroys his nei"h%or, )ut throu"h
!nowled"e the ri"hteous will %e delivered. +hen it "oes well with the
ri"hteous, the city rejoices; And when the wic!ed perish, there is
ju%ilation. )y the %lessin" of the upri"ht the city is e6alted, )ut it
is overthrown %y the mouth of the wic!ed. He who is devoid of wisdom
despises his nei"h%or, )ut a man of understandin" holds his peace.
A tale%earer reveals secrets, )ut he who is of a faithful spirit
conceals a matter.
'saia( 5$:1-11
&3ry aloud, spare not;
Lift up your voice li!e a trumpet;
#ell 4y people their trans"ression,
And the house of ;aco% their sins.
et they see! 4e daily,
And deli"ht to !now 4y ways,
As a nation that did ri"hteousness,
And did not forsa!e the ordinance of their God.
#hey as! of 4e the ordinances of justice;
#hey ta!e deli"ht in approachin" God.
&+hy have we fasted,' they say, &and ou have not seen2
+hy have we aEicted our souls, and ou ta!e no notice2'
&$n fact, in the day of your fast you -nd pleasure,
And e6ploit all your la%orers.
$ndeed you fast for strife and de%ate,
And to stri!e with the -st of wic!edness.
ou will not fast as you do this day,
#o ma!e your voice heard on hi"h.
$s it a fast that $ have chosen,
A day for a man to aEict his soul2
$s it to %ow down his head li!e a %ulrush,
And to spread out sac!cloth and ashes2
+ould you call this a fast,
And an accepta%le day to the LORD2
&$s this not the fast that $ have chosen.
#o loose the %onds of wic!edness,
#o undo the heavy %urdens,
#o let the oppressed "o free,
And that you %rea! every yo!e2
$s it not to share your %read with the hun"ry,
And that you %rin" to your house the poor who are cast out;
+hen you see the na!ed, that you cover him,
And not hide yourself from your own 5esh2
#hen your li"ht shall %rea! forth li!e the mornin",
our healin" shall sprin" forth speedily,
And your ri"hteousness shall "o %efore you;
#he "lory of the LORD shall %e your rear "uard.
#hen you shall call, and the LORD will answer;
ou shall cry, and He will say, &Here $ am.'
&$f you ta!e away the yo!e from your midst,
#he pointin" of the -n"er, and spea!in" wic!edness,
$f you e6tend your soul to the hun"ry
And satisfy the aEicted soul,
#hen your li"ht shall dawn in the dar!ness,
And your dar!ness shall %e as the noonday.
#he LORD will "uide you continually,
And satisfy your soul in drou"ht,
And stren"then your %ones;
ou shall %e li!e a watered "arden,
And li!e a sprin" of water, whose waters do not fail.
&ob 4#:1-e! ; &ob 41:1-25
4oreover the LORD answered ;o%, and said.
&(hall the one who contends with the Almi"hty correct Him2
He who re%u!es God, let him answer it.& #hen ;o% answered the LORD
and said.
&)ehold, $ am vile;
+hat shall $ answer ou2
$ lay my hand over my mouth.
Once $ have spo!en, %ut $ will not answer;
es, twice, %ut $ will proceed no further.& #hen the LORD answered ;o%
out of the whirlwind, and said.
&7ow prepare yourself li!e a man;
$ will 0uestion you, and you shall answer 4e.
&+ould you indeed annul 4y jud"ment2
+ould you condemn 4e that you may %e justi-ed2
Have you an arm li!e God2
Or can you thunder with a voice li!e His2
#hen adorn yourself with majesty and splendor,
And array yourself with "lory and %eauty.
Disperse the ra"e of your wrath;
Loo! on everyone who is proud, and hum%le him.
Loo! on everyone who is proud, and %rin" him low;
#read down the wic!ed in their place.
Hide them in the dust to"ether,
)ind their faces in hidden dar!ness.
#hen $ will also confess to you
#hat your own ri"ht hand can save you.
&Loo! now at the %ehemoth, which $ made alon" with you;
He eats "rass li!e an o6.
(ee now, his stren"th is in his hips,
And his power is in his stomach muscles.
He moves his tail li!e a cedar;
#he sinews of his thi"hs are ti"htly !nit.
His %ones are li!e %eams of %ron8e,
His ri%s li!e %ars of iron.
He is the -rst of the ways of God;
Only He who made him can %rin" near His sword.
(urely the mountains yield food for him,
And all the %easts of the -eld play there.
He lies under the lotus trees,
$n a covert of reeds and marsh.
#he lotus trees cover him with their shade;
#he willows %y the %roo! surround him.
$ndeed the river may ra"e,
et he is not distur%ed;
He is con-dent, thou"h the ;ordan "ushes into his mouth,
#hou"h he ta!es it in his eyes,
Or one pierces his nose with a snare.
&3an you draw out Leviathan with a hoo!,
Or snare his ton"ue with a line which you lower2
3an you put a reed throu"h his nose,
Or pierce his jaw with a hoo!2
+ill he ma!e many supplications to you2
+ill he spea! softly to you2
+ill he ma!e a covenant with you2
+ill you ta!e him as a servant forever2
+ill you play with him as with a %ird,
Or will you leash him for your maidens2
+ill your companions ma!e a %an0uet of him2
+ill they apportion him amon" the merchants2
3an you -ll his s!in with harpoons,
Or his head with -shin" spears2
Lay your hand on him;
Remem%er the %attle,,
7ever do it a"ain/
$ndeed, any hope of overcomin" him is false;
(hall one not %e overwhelmed at the si"ht of him2
7o one is so -erce that he would dare stir him up.
+ho then is a%le to stand a"ainst 4e2
+ho has preceded 4e, that $ should pay him2
Dverythin" under heaven is 4ine.
&$ will not conceal his lim%s,
His mi"hty power, or his "raceful proportions.
+ho can remove his outer coat2
+ho can approach him with a dou%le %ridle2
+ho can open the doors of his face,
+ith his terri%le teeth all around2
His rows of scales are his pride,
(hut up ti"htly as with a seal;
One is so near another
#hat no air can come %etween them;
#hey are joined one to another,
#hey stic! to"ether and cannot %e parted.
His snee8in"s 5ash forth li"ht,
And his eyes are li!e the eyelids of the mornin".
Out of his mouth "o %urnin" li"hts;
(par!s of -re shoot out.
(mo!e "oes out of his nostrils,
As from a %oilin" pot and %urnin" rushes.
His %reath !indles coals,
And a 5ame "oes out of his mouth.
(tren"th dwells in his nec!,
And sorrow dances %efore him.
#he folds of his 5esh are joined to"ether;
#hey are -rm on him and cannot %e moved.
His heart is as hard as stone,
Dven as hard as the lower millstone.
+hen he raises himself up, the mi"hty are afraid;
)ecause of his crashin"s they are %eside themselves.
Psalm 57:1 [Arabic]
)e merciful to me, O God, %e merciful to me/ 1or my soul trusts in ou; And
in the shadow of our win"s $ will ma!e my refu"e, *ntil these calamities
have passed %y.
L+ke 14:2$-35 [Arabic]
1or which of you, intendin" to %uild a tower, does not sit down -rst and
count the cost, whether he has enou"h to -nish it,, lest, after he has laid
the foundation, and is not a%le to -nish, all who see it %e"in to moc! him,
sayin", &#his man %e"an to %uild and was not a%le to -nish.' Or what !in",
"oin" to ma!e war a"ainst another !in", does not sit down -rst and
consider whether he is a%le with ten thousand to meet him who comes
a"ainst him with twenty thousand2 Or else, while the other is still a "reat
way o9, he sends a dele"ation and as!s conditions of peace. (o li!ewise,
whoever of you does not forsa!e all that he has cannot %e 4y disciple. &(alt
is "ood; %ut if the salt has lost its 5avor, how shall it %e seasoned2 $t is
neither -t for the land nor for the dun"hill, %ut men throw it out. He who
has ears to hear, let him hear/&

Pauline "pistle
%omas 1#:4-13 [Arabic]
1or 3hrist is the end of the law for ri"hteousness to everyone who %elieves.
1or 4oses writes a%out the ri"hteousness which is of the law, &#he man
who does those thin"s shall live %y them.& )ut the ri"hteousness of faith
spea!s in this way, &Do not say in your heart, &+ho will ascend into
heaven2&' that is, to %rin" 3hrist down from a%ove or, &&+ho will descend
into the a%yss2&' that is, to %rin" 3hrist up from the dead. )ut what does it
say2 &#he word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart& that is, the
word of faith which we preach. that if you confess with your mouth the Lord
;esus and %elieve in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you
will %e saved. 1or with the heart one %elieves unto ri"hteousness, and with
the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 1or the (cripture says,
&+hoever %elieves on Him will not %e put to shame.& 1or there is no
distinction %etween ;ew and Gree!, for the same Lord over all is rich to all
who call upon Him. 1or &whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall %e

#atholi$ "pistle
&ames 1:13-21 [Arabic]
Let no one say when he is tempted, &$ am tempted %y God&; for God cannot
%e tempted %y evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone. )ut each one is
tempted when he is drawn away %y his own desires and enticed. #hen,
when desire has conceived, it "ives %irth to sin; and sin, when it is full,
"rown, %rin"s forth death. Do not %e deceived, my %eloved %rethren. Dvery
"ood "ift and every perfect "ift is from a%ove, and comes down from the
1ather of li"hts, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turnin". Of His
own will He %rou"ht us forth %y the word of truth, that we mi"ht %e a !ind
of -rstfruits of His creatures. (o then, my %eloved %rethren, let every man
%e swift to hear, slow to spea!, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not
produce the ri"hteousness of God. #herefore lay aside all -lthiness and
over5ow of wic!edness, and receive with mee!ness the implanted word,
which is a%le to save your souls.

Ac"s 19:23-26 [Arabic]
And a%out that time there arose a "reat commotion a%out the +ay. 1or a
certain man named Demetrius, a silversmith, who made silver shrines of
Diana, %rou"ht no small pro-t to the craftsmen. He called them to"ether
with the wor!ers of similar occupation, and said. &4en, you !now that we
have our prosperity %y this trade. 4oreover you see and hear that not only
at Dphesus, %ut throu"hout almost all Asia, this :aul has persuaded and
turned away many people, sayin" that they are not "ods which are made
with hands.

< #he 3ommemoration of the Archan"el Ga%riel the Announcer.
< #he 3ommemoration of the #ransfer of the Relies of (t. ;ames, !nown as
the 4an"led.
< #he 3ommemoration of (amson, One of the ;ud"es of $srael.

Psalm 51:2 ; Psalm 51:3 [Arabic]
+ash me thorou"hly from my ini0uity, And cleanse me from my sin. 1or $
ac!nowled"e my trans"ressions, And my sin is always %efore me.

&o( 6:35-45 [Arabic]
And ;esus said to them, &$ am the %read of life. He who comes to 4e shall
never hun"er, and he who %elieves in 4e shall never thirst. )ut $ said to you
that you have seen 4e and yet do not %elieve. All that the 1ather "ives 4e
will come to 4e, and the one who comes to 4e $ will %y no means cast out.
1or $ have come down from heaven, not to do 4y own will, %ut the will of
Him who sent 4e. #his is the will of the 1ather who sent 4e, that of all He
has "iven 4e $ should lose nothin", %ut should raise it up at the last day.
And this is the will of Him who sent 4e, that everyone who sees the (on
and %elieves in Him may have everlastin" life; and $ will raise him up at the
last day.& #he ;ews then complained a%out Him, %ecause He said, &$ am the
%read which came down from heaven.& And they said, &$s not this ;esus, the
son of ;oseph, whose father and mother we !now2 How is it then that He
says, &$ have come down from heaven'2& ;esus therefore answered and said
to them, &Do not murmur amon" yourselves. 7o one can come to 4e unless
the 1ather who sent 4e draws him; and $ will raise him up at the last day. $t
is written in the prophets, &And they shall all %e tau"ht %y God.' #herefore
everyone who has heard and learned from the 1ather comes to 4e.
Readings for (hursday of the se5enth week of Great Lent )/9
Pro3erbs 11:13-26 ; 'saia( 65:$-16 ; &ob 42:1-6 ; 2 0i1s 6:$-e! ; 2
0i1s 7:1-2# [Arabic]
Pro3erbs 11:13-26 A tale%earer reveals secrets, )ut he who is of a
faithful spirit conceals a matter. +here there is no counsel, the people
fall; )ut in the multitude of counselors there is safety. He who is
surety for a stran"er will su9er, )ut one who hates %ein" surety is
secure. A "racious woman retains honor, )ut ruthless men retain
riches. #he merciful man does "ood for his own soul, )ut he who
is cruel trou%les his own 5esh. #he wic!ed man does deceptive wor!,
)ut he who sows ri"hteousness will have a sure reward. As
ri"hteousness leads to life, (o he who pursues evil pursues it to his
own death. #hose who are of a perverse heart are an a%omination to
the LORD, )ut the %lameless in their ways are His deli"ht. #hou"h
they join forces, the wic!ed will not "o unpunished; )ut the posterity of
the ri"hteous will %e delivered. As a rin" of "old in a swine's snout,
(o is a lovely woman who lac!s discretion. #he desire of the
ri"hteous is only "ood, )ut the e6pectation of the wic!ed is wrath.
#here is one who scatters, yet increases more; And there is one who
withholds more than is ri"ht, )ut it leads to poverty. #he "enerous
soul will %e made rich, And he who waters will also %e watered himself.
#he people will curse him who withholds "rain, )ut %lessin" will
%e on the head of him who sells it.
'saia( 65:$-16
#hus says the LORD.
&As the new wine is found in the cluster,
And one says, &Do not destroy it,
1or a %lessin" is in it,'
(o will $ do for 4y servants' sa!e,
#hat $ may not destroy them all.
$ will %rin" forth descendants from ;aco%,
And from ;udah an heir of 4y mountains;
4y elect shall inherit it,
And 4y servants shall dwell there.
(haron shall %e a fold of 5oc!s,
And the Galley of Achor a place for herds to lie down,
1or 4y people who have sou"ht 4e.
&)ut you are those who forsa!e the LORD,
+ho for"et 4y holy mountain,
+ho prepare a ta%le for Gad,
And who furnish a drin! o9erin" for 4eni.
#herefore $ will num%er you for the sword,
And you shall all %ow down to the slau"hter;
)ecause, when $ called, you did not answer;
+hen $ spo!e, you did not hear,
)ut did evil %efore 4y eyes,
And chose that in which $ do not deli"ht.&
#herefore thus says the Lord GOD.
&)ehold, 4y servants shall eat,
)ut you shall %e hun"ry;
)ehold, 4y servants shall drin!,
)ut you shall %e thirsty;
)ehold, 4y servants shall rejoice,
)ut you shall %e ashamed;
)ehold, 4y servants shall sin" for joy of heart,
)ut you shall cry for sorrow of heart,
And wail for "rief of spirit.
ou shall leave your name as a curse to 4y chosen;
1or the Lord GOD will slay you,
And call His servants %y another name;
(o that he who %lesses himself in the earth
(hall %less himself in the God of truth;
And he who swears in the earth
(hall swear %y the God of truth;
)ecause the former trou%les are for"otten,
And %ecause they are hidden from 4y eyes.
&ob 42:1-6
#hen ;o% answered the LORD and said.
&$ !now that ou can do everythin",
And that no purpose of ours can %e withheld from ou.
ou as!ed, &+ho is this who hides counsel without !nowled"e2'
#herefore $ have uttered what $ did not understand,
#hin"s too wonderful for me, which $ did not !now.
Listen, please, and let me spea!;
ou said, &$ will 0uestion you, and you shall answer 4e.'
&$ have heard of ou %y the hearin" of the ear,
)ut now my eye sees ou.
#herefore $ a%hor myself,
And repent in dust and ashes.&
2 0i1s 6:$-e! ; 2 0i1s 7:1-2#
7ow the !in" of (yria was ma!in" war a"ainst $srael; and he consulted with
his servants, sayin", &4y camp will %e in such and such a place.& And the
man of God sent to the !in" of $srael, sayin", &)eware that you do not pass
this place, for the (yrians are comin" down there.& #hen the !in" of $srael
sent someone to the place of which the man of God had told him. #hus he
warned him, and he was watchful there, not just once or twice.
#herefore the heart of the !in" of (yria was "reatly trou%led %y this thin";
and he called his servants and said to them, &+ill you not show me which of
us is for the !in" of $srael2&
And one of his servants said, &7one, my lord, O !in"; %ut Dlisha, the prophet
who is in $srael, tells the !in" of $srael the words that you spea! in your
(o he said, &Go and see where he is, that $ may send and "et him.&
And it was told him, sayin", &(urely he is in Dothan.&
#herefore he sent horses and chariots and a "reat army there, and they
came %y ni"ht and surrounded the city. And when the servant of the man of
God arose early and went out, there was an army, surroundin" the city with
horses and chariots. And his servant said to him, &Alas, my master/ +hat
shall we do2&
(o he answered, &Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than
those who are with them.& And Dlisha prayed, and said, &LORD, $ pray, open
his eyes that he may see.& #hen the LORD opened the eyes of the youn"
man, and he saw. And %ehold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots
of -re all around Dlisha. (o when the (yrians came down to him, Dlisha
prayed to the LORD, and said, &(tri!e this people, $ pray, with %lindness.&
And He struc! them with %lindness accordin" to the word of Dlisha.
7ow Dlisha said to them, &#his is not the way, nor is this the city. 1ollow me,
and $ will %rin" you to the man whom you see!.& )ut he led them to
(o it was, when they had come to (amaria, that Dlisha said, &LORD, open
the eyes of these men, that they may see.& And the LORD opened their
eyes, and they saw; and there they were, inside (amaria/
7ow when the !in" of $srael saw them, he said to Dlisha, &4y father, shall $
!ill them2 (hall $ !ill them2&
)ut he answered, &ou shall not !ill them. +ould you !ill those whom you
have ta!en captive with your sword and your %ow2 (et food and water
%efore them, that they may eat and drin! and "o to their master.& #hen he
prepared a "reat feast for them; and after they ate and dran!, he sent them
away and they went to their master. (o the %ands of (yrian raiders came no
more into the land of $srael.
And it happened after this that )en,Hadad !in" of (yria "athered all his
army, and went up and %esie"ed (amaria. And there was a "reat famine in
(amaria; and indeed they %esie"ed it until a don!ey's head was sold for
ei"hty she!els of silver, and one,fourth of a !a% of dove droppin"s for -ve
she!els of silver.
#hen, as the !in" of $srael was passin" %y on the wall, a woman cried out to
him, sayin", &Help, my lord, O !in"/&
And he said, &$f the LORD does not help you, where can $ -nd help for you2
1rom the threshin" 5oor or from the winepress2& #hen the !in" said to her,
&+hat is trou%lin" you2&
And she answered, &#his woman said to me, &Give your son, that we may
eat him today, and we will eat my son tomorrow.' (o we %oiled my son, and
ate him. And $ said to her on the ne6t day, &Give your son, that we may eat
him'; %ut she has hidden her son.&
7ow it happened, when the !in" heard the words of the woman, that he
tore his clothes; and as he passed %y on the wall, the people loo!ed, and
there underneath he had sac!cloth on his %ody. #hen he said, &God do so to
me and more also, if the head of Dlisha the son of (haphat remains on him
)ut Dlisha was sittin" in his house, and the elders were sittin" with him. And
the !in" sent a man ahead of him, %ut %efore the messen"er came to him,
he said to the elders, &Do you see how this son of a murderer has sent
someone to ta!e away my head2 Loo!, when the messen"er comes, shut
the door, and hold him fast at the door. $s not the sound of his master's feet
%ehind him2& And while he was still tal!in" with them, there was the
messen"er, comin" down to him; and then the !in" said, &(urely this
calamity is from the LORD; why should $ wait for the LORD any lon"er2&
#hen Dlisha said, &Hear the word of the LORD. #hus says the LORD.
&#omorrow a%out this time a seah of -ne 5our shall %e sold for a she!el, and
two seahs of %arley for a she!el, at the "ate of (amaria.&'
(o an oIcer on whose hand the !in" leaned answered the man of God and
said, &Loo!, if the LORD would ma!e windows in heaven, could this thin"
And he said, &$n fact, you shall see it with your eyes, %ut you shall not eat of
7ow there were four leprous men at the entrance of the "ate; and they said
to one another, &+hy are we sittin" here until we die2 $f we say, &+e will
enter the city,' the famine is in the city, and we shall die there. And if we sit
here, we die also. 7ow therefore, come, let us surrender to the army of the
(yrians. $f they !eep us alive, we shall live; and if they !ill us, we shall only
die.& And they rose at twili"ht to "o to the camp of the (yrians; and when
they had come to the outs!irts of the (yrian camp, to their surprise no one
was there. 1or the LORD had caused the army of the (yrians to hear the
noise of chariots and the noise of horses,,the noise of a "reat army; so they
said to one another, &Loo!, the !in" of $srael has hired a"ainst us the !in"s
of the Hittites and the !in"s of the D"yptians to attac! us/& #herefore they
arose and 5ed at twili"ht, and left the camp intact,,their tents, their horses,
and their don!eys,,and they 5ed for their lives. And when these lepers
came to the outs!irts of the camp, they went into one tent and ate and
dran!, and carried from it silver and "old and clothin", and went and hid
them; then they came %ac! and entered another tent, and carried some
from there also, and went and hid it.
#hen they said to one another, &+e are not doin" ri"ht. #his day is a day of
"ood news, and we remain silent. $f we wait until mornin" li"ht, some
punishment will come upon us. 7ow therefore, come, let us "o and tell the
!in"'s household.& (o they went and called to the "ate!eepers of the city,
and told them, sayin", &+e went to the (yrian camp, and surprisin"ly no
one was there, not a human sound,,only horses and don!eys tied, and the
tents intact.& And the "ate!eepers called out, and they told it to the !in"'s
household inside.
(o the !in" arose in the ni"ht and said to his servants, &Let me now tell you
what the (yrians have done to us. #hey !now that we are hun"ry; therefore
they have "one out of the camp to hide themselves in the -eld, sayin",
&+hen they come out of the city, we shall catch them alive, and "et into the
And one of his servants answered and said, &:lease, let several men ta!e
-ve of the remainin" horses which are left in the city. Loo!, they may either
%ecome li!e all the multitude of $srael that are left in it; or indeed, $ say,
they may %ecome li!e all the multitude of $srael left from those who are
consumed; so let us send them and see.& #herefore they too! two chariots
with horses; and the !in" sent them in the direction of the (yrian army,
sayin", &Go and see.& And they went after them to the ;ordan; and indeed
all the road was full of "arments and weapons which the (yrians had thrown
away in their haste. (o the messen"ers returned and told the !in". #hen
the people went out and plundered the tents of the (yrians. (o a seah of
-ne 5our was sold for a she!el, and two seahs of %arley for a she!el,
accordin" to the word of the LORD.
7ow the !in" had appointed the oIcer on whose hand he leaned to have
char"e of the "ate. )ut the people trampled him in the "ate, and he died,
just as the man of God had said, who spo!e when the !in" came down to
him. (o it happened just as the man of God had spo!en to the !in", sayin",
&#wo seahs of %arley for a she!el, and a seah of -ne 5our for a she!el, shall
%e sold tomorrow a%out this time in the "ate of (amaria.&
#hen that oIcer had answered the man of God, and said, &7ow loo!, if the
LORD would ma!e windows in heaven, could such a thin" %e2&
And he had said, &$n fact, you shall see it with your eyes, %ut you shall not
eat of it.& And so it happened to him, for the people trampled him in the
"ate, and he died.
Psalm 63:1 [Arabic]
O God, ou are my God; Darly will $ see! ou; 4y soul thirsts for ou; 4y
5esh lon"s for ou $n a dry and thirsty land +here there is no water.
Ma""(e* 2#:2#-2$ [Arabic]
#hen the mother of Ce%edee's sons came to Him with her sons, !neelin"
down and as!in" somethin" from Him. And He said to her, &+hat do you
wish2& (he said to Him, &Grant that these two sons of mine may sit, one on
our ri"ht hand and the other on the left, in our !in"dom.& )ut ;esus
answered and said, &ou do not !now what you as!. Are you a%le to drin!
the cup that $ am a%out to drin!, and %e %apti8ed with the %aptism that $
am %apti8ed with2& #hey said to Him, &+e are a%le.& (o He said to them,
&ou will indeed drin! 4y cup, and %e %apti8ed with the %aptism that $ am
%apti8ed with; %ut to sit on 4y ri"ht hand and on 4y left is not 4ine to "ive,
%ut it is for those for whom it is prepared %y 4y 1ather.& And when the ten
heard it, they were "reatly displeased with the two %rothers. )ut ;esus
called them to Himself and said, &ou !now that the rulers of the Gentiles
lord it over them, and those who are "reat e6ercise authority over them. et
it shall not %e so amon" you; %ut whoever desires to %ecome "reat amon"
you, let him %e your servant. And whoever desires to %e -rst amon" you, let
him %e your slave,, just as the (on of 4an did not come to %e served, %ut to
serve, and to "ive His life a ransom for many.&

Pauline "pistle
2Cori"(ias 4:5-1$ [Arabic]
1or we do not preach ourselves, %ut 3hrist ;esus the Lord, and ourselves
your %ondservants for ;esus' sa!e. 1or it is the God who commanded li"ht to
shine out of dar!ness, who has shone in our hearts to "ive the li"ht of the
!nowled"e of the "lory of God in the face of ;esus 3hrist. )ut we have this
treasure in earthen vessels, that the e6cellence of the power may %e of God
and not of us. +e are hard,pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are
perple6ed, %ut not in despair; persecuted, %ut not forsa!en; struc! down,
%ut not destroyed,, always carryin" a%out in the %ody the dyin" of the Lord
;esus, that the life of ;esus also may %e manifested in our %ody. 1or we who
live are always delivered to death for ;esus' sa!e, that the life of ;esus also
may %e manifested in our mortal 5esh. (o then death is wor!in" in us, %ut
life in you. And since we have the same spirit of faith, accordin" to what is
written, &$ %elieved and therefore $ spo!e,& we also %elieve and therefore
spea!, !nowin" that He who raised up the Lord ;esus will also raise us up
with ;esus, and will present us with you. 1or all thin"s are for your sa!es,
that "race, havin" spread throu"h the many, may cause than!s"ivin" to
a%ound to the "lory of God. #herefore we do not lose heart. Dven thou"h
our outward man is perishin", yet the inward man is %ein" renewed day %y
day. 1or our li"ht aEiction, which is %ut for a moment, is wor!in" for us a far
more e6ceedin" and eternal wei"ht of "lory, while we do not loo! at the
thin"s which are seen, %ut at the thin"s which are not seen. 1or the thin"s
which are seen are temporary, %ut the thin"s which are not seen are

#atholi$ "pistle
1&o( 3:13-24 [Arabic]
Do not marvel, my %rethren, if the world hates you. +e !now that we have
passed from death to life, %ecause we love the %rethren. He who does not
love his %rother a%ides in death. +hoever hates his %rother is a murderer,
and you !now that no murderer has eternal life a%idin" in him. )y this we
!now love, %ecause He laid down His life for us. And we also ou"ht to lay
down our lives for the %rethren. )ut whoever has this world's "oods, and
sees his %rother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the
love of God a%ide in him2 4y little children, let us not love in word or in
ton"ue, %ut in deed and in truth. And %y this we !now that we are of the
truth, and shall assure our hearts %efore Him. 1or if our heart condemns us,
God is "reater than our heart, and !nows all thin"s. )eloved, if our heart
does not condemn us, we have con-dence toward God. And whatever we
as! we receive from Him, %ecause we !eep His commandments and do
those thin"s that are pleasin" in His si"ht. And this is His commandment.
that we should %elieve on the name of His (on ;esus 3hrist and love one
another, as He "ave us commandment. 7ow he who !eeps His
commandments a%ides in Him, and He in him. And %y this we !now that He
a%ides in us, %y the (pirit whom He has "iven us.

Ac"s 25:23-27 ; Ac"s 26:1-6 [Arabic]
(o the ne6t day, when A"rippa and )ernice had come with "reat pomp, and
had entered the auditorium with the commanders and the prominent men
of the city, at 1estus' command :aul was %rou"ht in. And 1estus said. &Bin"
A"rippa and all the men who are here present with us, you see this man
a%out whom the whole assem%ly of the ;ews petitioned me, %oth at
;erusalem and here, cryin" out that he was not -t to live any lon"er. )ut
when $ found that he had committed nothin" deservin" of death, and that
he himself had appealed to Au"ustus, $ decided to send him. $ have nothin"
certain to write to my lord concernin" him. #herefore $ have %rou"ht him
out %efore you, and especially %efore you, Bin" A"rippa, so that after the
e6amination has ta!en place $ may have somethin" to write. 1or it seems to
me unreasona%le to send a prisoner and not to specify the char"es a"ainst
him.&#hen A"rippa said to :aul, &ou are permitted to spea! for yourself.& (o
:aul stretched out his hand and answered for himself. &$ thin! myself happy,
Bin" A"rippa, %ecause today $ shall answer for myself %efore you
concernin" all the thin"s of which $ am accused %y the ;ews, especially
%ecause you are e6pert in all customs and 0uestions which have to do with
the ;ews. #herefore $ %e" you to hear me patiently. &4y manner of life from
my youth, which was spent from the %e"innin" amon" my own nation at
;erusalem, all the ;ews !now. #hey !new me from the -rst, if they were
willin" to testify, that accordin" to the strictest sect of our reli"ion $ lived a
:harisee. And now $ stand and am jud"ed for the hope of the promise made
%y God to our fathers.

< #he 4artyrdom of the Holy Gir"ins. A"ape, Direne, and (hiona.
< #he 4artyrdom of the One Hundred and 1ifty %elievers %y the hand of !in"
of :ersia.

Psalm 122:1-2 [Arabic]
$ was "lad when they said to me, &Let us "o into the house of the LORD.&
Our feet have %een standin" +ithin your "ates, O ;erusalem/

Mark 12:1$-27 [Arabic]
#hen some (adducees, who say there is no resurrection, came to Him; and
they as!ed Him, sayin". &#eacher, 4oses wrote to us that if a man's %rother
dies, and leaves his wife %ehind, and leaves no children, his %rother should
ta!e his wife and raise up o9sprin" for his %rother. 7ow there were seven
%rothers. #he -rst too! a wife; and dyin", he left no o9sprin". And the
second too! her, and he died; nor did he leave any o9sprin". And the third
li!ewise. (o the seven had her and left no o9sprin". Last of all the woman
died also. #herefore, in the resurrection, when they rise, whose wife will she
%e2 1or all seven had her as wife.& ;esus answered and said to them, &Are
you not therefore mista!en, %ecause you do not !now the (criptures nor the
power of God2 1or when they rise from the dead, they neither marry nor are
"iven in marria"e, %ut are li!e an"els in heaven. )ut concernin" the dead,
that they rise, have you not read in the %oo! of 4oses, in the %urnin" %ush
passa"e, how God spo!e to him, sayin", &$ am the God of A%raham, the God
of $saac, and the God of ;aco%'2 He is not the God of the dead, %ut the God
of the livin". ou are therefore "reatly mista!en.&
Readings for -riday of the se5enth week of Great Lent )/10
5eesis 49:33-e! ; 5eesis 5#:1-26 ; Pro3erbs 11:27-e! ;
Pro3erbs 12:1-22 ; 'saia( 66:1#-24 ; &ob 42:7-17 [Arabic]
5eesis 49:33-e! ; 5eesis 5#:1-26 And when ;aco% had -nished
commandin" his sons, he drew his feet up into the %ed and %reathed his
last, and was "athered to his people.#hen ;oseph fell on his father's face
and wept over him, and !issed him. And ;oseph commanded his servants
the physicians to em%alm his father. (o the physicians em%almed $srael.
1orty days were re0uired for him, for such are the days re0uired for those
who are em%almed; and the D"yptians mourned for him seventy days. 7ow
when the days of his mournin" were past, ;oseph spo!e to the household of
:haraoh, sayin", &$f now $ have found favor in your eyes, please spea! in
the hearin" of :haraoh, sayin", &4y father made me swear, sayin",
&)ehold, $ am dyin"; in my "rave which $ du" for myself in the land of
3anaan, there you shall %ury me.& 7ow therefore, please let me "o up and
%ury my father, and $ will come %ac!.&' And :haraoh said, &Go up and %ury
your father, as he made you swear.& (o ;oseph went up to %ury his father;
and with him went up all the servants of :haraoh, the elders of his house,
and all the elders of the land of D"ypt, as well as all the house of ;oseph, his
%rothers, and his father's house. Only their little ones, their 5oc!s, and their
herds they left in the land of Goshen. And there went up with him %oth
chariots and horsemen, and it was a very "reat "atherin". #hen they came
to the threshin" 5oor of Atad, which is %eyond the ;ordan, and they
mourned there with a "reat and very solemn lamentation. He o%served
seven days of mournin" for his father. And when the inha%itants of the land,
the 3anaanites, saw the mournin" at the threshin" 5oor of Atad, they said,
&#his is a deep mournin" of the D"yptians.& #herefore its name was called
A%el 4i8raim, which is %eyond the ;ordan. (o his sons did for him just as he
had commanded them. 1or his sons carried him to the land of 3anaan, and
%uried him in the cave of the -eld of 4achpelah, %efore 4amre, which
A%raham %ou"ht with the -eld from Dphron the Hittite as property for a
%urial place. And after he had %uried his father, ;oseph returned to D"ypt,
he and his %rothers and all who went up with him to %ury his father. +hen
;oseph's %rothers saw that their father was dead, they said, &:erhaps ;oseph
will hate us, and may actually repay us for all the evil which we did to him.&
(o they sent messen"ers to ;oseph, sayin", &)efore your father died he
commanded, sayin", &#hus you shall say to ;oseph. &$ %e" you, please
for"ive the trespass of your %rothers and their sin; for they did evil to you.&'
7ow, please, for"ive the trespass of the servants of the God of your father.&
And ;oseph wept when they spo!e to him. #hen his %rothers also went and
fell down %efore his face, and they said, &)ehold, we are your servants.&
;oseph said to them, &Do not %e afraid, for am $ in the place of God2 )ut as
for you, you meant evil a"ainst me; %ut God meant it for "ood, in order to
%rin" it a%out as it is this day, to save many people alive. 7ow therefore, do
not %e afraid; $ will provide for you and your little ones.& And he comforted
them and spo!e !indly to them. (o ;oseph dwelt in D"ypt, he and his
father's household. And ;oseph lived one hundred and ten years. ;oseph
saw Dphraim's children to the third "eneration. #he children of 4achir, the
son of 4anasseh, were also %rou"ht up on ;oseph's !nees. And ;oseph said
to his %rethren, &$ am dyin"; %ut God will surely visit you, and %rin" you out
of this land to the land of which He swore to A%raham, to $saac, and to
;aco%.& #hen ;oseph too! an oath from the children of $srael, sayin", &God
will surely visit you, and you shall carry up my %ones from here.& (o ;oseph
died, %ein" one hundred and ten years old; and they em%almed him, and
he was put in a coIn in D"ypt.
Pro3erbs 11:27-e! ; Pro3erbs 12:1-22
He who earnestly see!s "ood -nds favor,
)ut trou%le will come to him who see!s evil.
He who trusts in his riches will fall,
)ut the ri"hteous will 5ourish li!e folia"e.
He who trou%les his own house will inherit the wind,
And the fool will %e servant to the wise of heart.
#he fruit of the ri"hteous is a tree of life,
And he who wins souls is wise.
$f the ri"hteous will %e recompensed on the earth,
How much more the un"odly and the sinner.
+hoever loves instruction loves !nowled"e,
)ut he who hates correction is stupid.
A "ood man o%tains favor from the LORD,
)ut a man of wic!ed intentions He will condemn.
A man is not esta%lished %y wic!edness,
)ut the root of the ri"hteous cannot %e moved.
An e6cellent wife is the crown of her hus%and,
)ut she who causes shame is li!e rottenness in his %ones.
#he thou"hts of the ri"hteous are ri"ht,
)ut the counsels of the wic!ed are deceitful.
#he words of the wic!ed are, &Lie in wait for %lood,&
)ut the mouth of the upri"ht will deliver them.
#he wic!ed are overthrown and are no more,
)ut the house of the ri"hteous will stand.
A man will %e commended accordin" to his wisdom,
)ut he who is of a perverse heart will %e despised.
)etter is the one who is sli"hted %ut has a servant,
#han he who honors himself %ut lac!s %read.
A ri"hteous man re"ards the life of his animal,
)ut the tender mercies of the wic!ed are cruel.
He who tills his land will %e satis-ed with %read,
)ut he who follows frivolity is devoid of understandin".
#he wic!ed covet the catch of evil men,
)ut the root of the ri"hteous yields fruit.
#he wic!ed is ensnared %y the trans"ression of his lips,
)ut the ri"hteous will come throu"h trou%le.
A man will %e satis-ed with "ood %y the fruit of his mouth,
And the recompense of a man's hands will %e rendered to him.
#he way of a fool is ri"ht in his own eyes,
)ut he who heeds counsel is wise.
A fool's wrath is !nown at once,
)ut a prudent man covers shame.
He who spea!s truth declares ri"hteousness,
)ut a false witness, deceit.
#here is one who spea!s li!e the piercin"s of a sword,
)ut the ton"ue of the wise promotes health.
#he truthful lip shall %e esta%lished forever,
)ut a lyin" ton"ue is %ut for a moment.
Deceit is in the heart of those who devise evil,
)ut counselors of peace have joy.
7o "rave trou%le will overta!e the ri"hteous,
)ut the wic!ed shall %e -lled with evil.
Lyin" lips are an a%omination to the LORD,
)ut those who deal truthfully are His deli"ht.
'saia( 66:1#-24
&Rejoice with ;erusalem,
And %e "lad with her, all you who love her;
Rejoice for joy with her, all you who mourn for her;
#hat you may feed and %e satis-ed
+ith the consolation of her %osom,
#hat you may drin! deeply and %e deli"hted
+ith the a%undance of her "lory.&
1or thus says the LORD.
&)ehold, $ will e6tend peace to her li!e a river,
And the "lory of the Gentiles li!e a 5owin" stream.
#hen you shall feed;
On her sides shall you %e carried,
And %e dandled on her !nees.
As one whom his mother comforts,
(o $ will comfort you;
And you shall %e comforted in ;erusalem.&
+hen you see this, your heart shall rejoice,
And your %ones shall 5ourish li!e "rass;
#he hand of the LORD shall %e !nown to His servants,
And His indi"nation to His enemies.
1or %ehold, the LORD will come with -re
And with His chariots, li!e a whirlwind,
#o render His an"er with fury,
And His re%u!e with 5ames of -re.
1or %y -re and %y His sword
#he LORD will jud"e all 5esh;
And the slain of the LORD shall %e many.
&#hose who sanctify themselves and purify themselves,
#o "o to the "ardens
After an idol in the midst,
Datin" swine's 5esh and the a%omination and the mouse,
(hall %e consumed to"ether,& says the LORD.
&1or $ !now their wor!s and their thou"hts. $t shall %e that $ will "ather all
nations and ton"ues; and they shall come and see 4y "lory. $ will set a si"n
amon" them; and those amon" them who escape $ will send to the nations.
to #arshish and :ul and Lud, who draw the %ow, and #u%al and ;avan, to the
coastlands afar o9 who have not heard 4y fame nor seen 4y "lory. And
they shall declare 4y "lory amon" the Gentiles. #hen they shall %rin" all
your %rethren for an o9erin" to the LORD out of all nations, on horses and
in chariots and in litters, on mules and on camels, to 4y holy mountain
;erusalem,& says the LORD, &as the children of $srael %rin" an o9erin" in a
clean vessel into the house of the LORD. And $ will also ta!e some of them
for priests and Levites,& says the LORD.
&1or as the new heavens and the new earth
+hich $ will ma!e shall remain %efore 4e,& says the LORD,
&(o shall your descendants and your name remain.
And it shall come to pass
#hat from one 7ew 4oon to another,
And from one (a%%ath to another,
All 5esh shall come to worship %efore 4e,& says the LORD.
&And they shall "o forth and loo!
*pon the corpses of the men
+ho have trans"ressed a"ainst 4e.
1or their worm does not die,
And their -re is not 0uenched.
#hey shall %e an a%horrence to all 5esh.&
&ob 42:7-17
And so it was, after the LORD had spo!en these words to ;o%, that the LORD
said to Dlipha8 the #emanite, &4y wrath is aroused a"ainst you and your
two friends, for you have not spo!en of 4e what is ri"ht, as 4y servant ;o%
has. 7ow therefore, ta!e for yourselves seven %ulls and seven rams, "o to
4y servant ;o%, and o9er up for yourselves a %urnt o9erin"; and 4y servant
;o% shall pray for you. 1or $ will accept him, lest $ deal with you accordin" to
your folly; %ecause you have not spo!en of 4e what is ri"ht, as 4y servant
;o% has.&
(o Dlipha8 the #emanite and )ildad the (huhite and Cophar the 7aamathite
went and did as the LORD commanded them; for the LORD had accepted
;o%. And the LORD restored ;o%'s losses when he prayed for his friends.
$ndeed the LORD "ave ;o% twice as much as he had %efore. #hen all his
%rothers, all his sisters, and all those who had %een his ac0uaintances
%efore, came to him and ate food with him in his house; and they consoled
him and comforted him for all the adversity that the LORD had %rou"ht
upon him. Dach one "ave him a piece of silver and each a rin" of "old.
7ow the LORD %lessed the latter days of ;o% more than his %e"innin"; for he
had fourteen thousand sheep, si6 thousand camels, one thousand yo!e of
o6en, and one thousand female don!eys. He also had seven sons and three
dau"hters. And he called the name of the -rst ;emimah, the name of the
second Be8iah, and the name of the third Beren,Happuch. $n all the land
were found no women so %eautiful as the dau"hters of ;o%; and their father
"ave them an inheritance amon" their %rothers.
After this ;o% lived one hundred and forty years, and saw his children and
"randchildren for four "enerations. (o ;o% died, old and full of days.
Psalm 32:1#-11 [Arabic]
4any sorrows shall %e to the wic!ed; )ut he who trusts in the LORD, mercy
shall surround him. )e "lad in the LORD and rejoice, you ri"hteous; And
shout for joy, all you upri"ht in heart/
L+ke 17:2#-37 [Arabic]

Pauline "pistle
24imo"(- 3:1-e! ; 24imo"(- 4:1-5 [Arabic]
)ut !now this, that in the last days perilous times will come. 1or men will %e
lovers of themselves, lovers of money, %oasters, proud, %lasphemers,
diso%edient to parents, unthan!ful, unholy, unlovin", unfor"ivin",
slanderers, without self,control, %rutal, despisers of "ood, traitors,
headstron", hau"hty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, havin" a
form of "odliness %ut denyin" its power. And from such people turn away/
1or of this sort are those who creep into households and ma!e captives of
"ulli%le women loaded down with sins, led away %y various lusts, always
learnin" and never a%le to come to the !nowled"e of the truth. 7ow as
;annes and ;am%res resisted 4oses, so do these also resist the truth. men of
corrupt minds, disapproved concernin" the faith; %ut they will pro"ress no
further, for their folly will %e manifest to all, as theirs also was. )ut you
have carefully followed my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith,
lon"su9erin", love, perseverance, persecutions, aEictions, which happened
to me at Antioch, at $conium, at Lystra,,what persecutions $ endured. And
out of them all the Lord delivered me. es, and all who desire to live "odly
in 3hrist ;esus will su9er persecution. )ut evil men and impostors will "row
worse and worse, deceivin" and %ein" deceived. )ut you must continue in
the thin"s which you have learned and %een assured of, !nowin" from
whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have !nown the
Holy (criptures, which are a%le to ma!e you wise for salvation throu"h faith
which is in 3hrist ;esus. All (cripture is "iven %y inspiration of God, and is
pro-ta%le for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in
ri"hteousness, that the man of God may %e complete, thorou"hly e0uipped
for every "ood wor!. $ char"e you therefore %efore God and the Lord ;esus
3hrist, who will jud"e the livin" and the dead at His appearin" and His
!in"dom. :reach the word/ )e ready in season and out of season. 3onvince,
re%u!e, e6hort, with all lon"su9erin" and teachin". 1or the time will come
when they will not endure sound doctrine, %ut accordin" to their own
desires, %ecause they have itchin" ears, they will heap up for themselves
teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and %e turned
aside to fa%les. )ut you %e watchful in all thin"s, endure aEictions, do the
wor! of an evan"elist, ful-ll your ministry.

#atholi$ "pistle
&ames 5:7-16 [Arabic]
#herefore %e patient, %rethren, until the comin" of the Lord. (ee how the
farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waitin" patiently for it until it
receives the early and latter rain. ou also %e patient. Dsta%lish your hearts,
for the comin" of the Lord is at hand. Do not "rum%le a"ainst one another,
%rethren, lest you %e condemned. )ehold, the ;ud"e is standin" at the door/
4y %rethren, ta!e the prophets, who spo!e in the name of the Lord, as an
e6ample of su9erin" and patience. $ndeed we count them %lessed who
endure. ou have heard of the perseverance of ;o% and seen the end
intended %y the Lord,,that the Lord is very compassionate and merciful. )ut
a%ove all, my %rethren, do not swear, either %y heaven or %y earth or with
any other oath. )ut let your &es& %e &es,& and your &7o,& &7o,& lest you fall
into jud"ment. $s anyone amon" you su9erin"2 Let him pray. $s anyone
cheerful2 Let him sin" psalms. $s anyone amon" you sic!2 Let him call for
the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointin" him with oil
in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sic!, and the
Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will %e for"iven.
3onfess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you
may %e healed. #he e9ective, fervent prayer of a ri"hteous man avails

Ac"s 15:1-1$ [Arabic]
And certain men came down from ;udea and tau"ht the %rethren, &*nless
you are circumcised accordin" to the custom of 4oses, you cannot %e
saved.& #herefore, when :aul and )arna%as had no small dissension and
dispute with them, they determined that :aul and )arna%as and certain
others of them should "o up to ;erusalem, to the apostles and elders, a%out
this 0uestion. (o, %ein" sent on their way %y the church, they passed
throu"h :hoenicia and (amaria, descri%in" the conversion of the Gentiles;
and they caused "reat joy to all the %rethren. And when they had come to
;erusalem, they were received %y the church and the apostles and the
elders; and they reported all thin"s that God had done with them. )ut some
of the sect of the :harisees who %elieved rose up, sayin", &$t is necessary to
circumcise them, and to command them to !eep the law of 4oses.& 7ow the
apostles and elders came to"ether to consider this matter. And when there
had %een much dispute, :eter rose up and said to them. &4en and %rethren,
you !now that a "ood while a"o God chose amon" us, that %y my mouth
the Gentiles should hear the word of the "ospel and %elieve. (o God, who
!nows the heart, ac!nowled"ed them %y "ivin" them the Holy (pirit, just as
He did to us, and made no distinction %etween us and them, purifyin" their
hearts %y faith. 7ow therefore, why do you test God %y puttin" a yo!e on
the nec! of the disciples which neither our fathers nor we were a%le to
%ear2 )ut we %elieve that throu"h the "race of the Lord ;esus 3hrist we
shall %e saved in the same manner as they.& #hen all the multitude !ept
silent and listened to )arna%as and :aul declarin" how many miracles and
wonders God had wor!ed throu"h them amon" the Gentiles. And after they
had %ecome silent, ;ames answered, sayin", &4en and %rethren, listen to
me. (imon has declared how God at the -rst visited the Gentiles to ta!e out
of them a people for His name. And with this the words of the prophets
a"ree, just as it is written. 'After this $ will return And will re%uild
the ta%ernacle of David, which has fallen down; $ will re%uild its ruins,
And $ will set it up; (o that the rest of man!ind may see! the
LORD. Dven all the Gentiles who are called %y 4y name, (ays the
LORD who does all these thin"s.'&Bnown to God from eternity are all His

< #he 4artyrdom of (t. ;ames the Apostle )rother of (t. ;ohn the Apostle.

Psalm 9$:$ ; Psalm 9$:9 [Arabic]
Let the rivers clap their hands; Let the hills %e joyful to"ether %efore
the LORD, 1or He is comin" to jud"e the earth. +ith ri"hteousness He
shall jud"e the world, And the peoples with e0uity.

L+ke 13:31-35 [Arabic]
On that very day some :harisees came, sayin" to Him, &Get out and depart
from here, for Herod wants to !ill ou.& And He said to them, &Go, tell that
fo6, &)ehold, $ cast out demons and perform cures today and tomorrow, and
the third day $ shall %e perfected.' 7evertheless $ must journey today,
tomorrow, and the day followin"; for it cannot %e that a prophet should
perish outside of ;erusalem. &O ;erusalem, ;erusalem, the one who !ills the
prophets and stones those who are sent to her/ How often $ wanted to
"ather your children to"ether, as a hen "athers her %rood under her win"s,
%ut you were not willin"/ (ee/ our house is left to you desolate; and
assuredly, $ say to you, you shall not see 4e until the time comes when you
say, &)lessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD/&'
Readings for La6arus Saturday of Great Lent )/11
5eesis 49:1-2$ ; 'saia( 4#:9-31 ; )e8(aia( 3:14-2# ; )ec(aria(
9:9-15 [Arabic]
5eesis 49:1-2$ And ;aco% called his sons and said, &Gather to"ether,
that $ may tell you what shall %efall you in the last days. &Gather
to"ether and hear, you sons of ;aco%, And listen to $srael your father.
&Reu%en, you are my -rst%orn, 4y mi"ht and the %e"innin" of my
stren"th, #he e6cellency of di"nity and the e6cellency of power.
*nsta%le as water, you shall not e6cel, )ecause you went up to your
father's %ed; #hen you de-led it,, He went up to my couch.
&(imeon and Levi are %rothers; $nstruments of cruelty are in their
dwellin" place. Let not my soul enter their council; Let not my
honor %e united to their assem%ly; 1or in their an"er they slew a man,
And in their self,will they hamstrun" an o6. 3ursed %e their an"er,
for it is -erce; And their wrath, for it is cruel/ $ will divide them in
;aco% And scatter them in $srael. &;udah, you are he whom your
%rothers shall praise; our hand shall %e on the nec! of your enemies;
our father's children shall %ow down %efore you. ;udah is a lion's
whelp; 1rom the prey, my son, you have "one up. He %ows down,
he lies down as a lion; And as a lion, who shall rouse him2 #he
scepter shall not depart from ;udah, 7or a law"iver from %etween his
feet, *ntil (hiloh comes; And to Him shall %e the o%edience of the
people. )indin" his don!ey to the vine, And his don!ey's colt to
the choice vine, He washed his "arments in wine, And his clothes
in the %lood of "rapes. His eyes are dar!er than wine, And his
teeth whiter than mil!. &Ce%ulun shall dwell %y the haven of the sea;
He shall %ecome a haven for ships, And his %order shall adjoin
(idon. &$ssachar is a stron" don!ey, Lyin" down %etween two
%urdens; He saw that rest was "ood, And that the land was
pleasant; He %owed his shoulder to %ear a %urden, And %ecame a
%and of slaves. &Dan shall jud"e his people As one of the tri%es of
$srael. Dan shall %e a serpent %y the way, A viper %y the path,
#hat %ites the horse's heels (o that its rider shall fall %ac!ward.
$ have waited for your salvation, O LORD/ &Gad, a troop shall
tramp upon him, )ut he shall triumph at last. &)read from Asher
shall %e rich, And he shall yield royal dainties. &7aphtali is a deer
let loose; He uses %eautiful words. &;oseph is a fruitful %ou"h,
A fruitful %ou"h %y a well; His %ranches run over the wall.
#he archers have %itterly "rieved him, (hot at him and hated him.
)ut his %ow remained in stren"th, And the arms of his hands were
made stron" )y the hands of the 4i"hty God of ;aco% 1rom there
is the (hepherd, the (tone of $srael, )y the God of your father who will
help you, And %y the Almi"hty who will %less you +ith %lessin"s
of heaven a%ove, )lessin"s of the deep that lies %eneath,
)lessin"s of the %reasts and of the wom%. #he %lessin"s of your father
Have e6celled the %lessin"s of my ancestors, *p to the utmost
%ound of the everlastin" hills. #hey shall %e on the head of ;oseph,
And on the crown of the head of him who was separate from his
%rothers. &)enjamin is a ravenous wolf; $n the mornin" he shall
devour the prey, And at ni"ht he shall divide the spoil.& All these are
the twelve tri%es of $srael, and this is what their father spo!e to them. And
he %lessed them; he %lessed each one accordin" to his own %lessin".
'saia( 4#:9-31
O Cion,
ou who %rin" "ood tidin"s,
Get up into the hi"h mountain;
O ;erusalem,
ou who %rin" "ood tidin"s,
Lift up your voice with stren"th,
Lift it up, %e not afraid;
(ay to the cities of ;udah, &)ehold your God/&
)ehold, the Lord GOD shall come with a stron" hand,
And His arm shall rule for Him;
)ehold, His reward is with Him,
And His wor! %efore Him.
He will feed His 5oc! li!e a shepherd;
He will "ather the lam%s with His arm,
And carry them in His %osom,
And "ently lead those who are with youn".
+ho has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand,
4easured heaven with a span
And calculated the dust of the earth in a measure2
+ei"hed the mountains in scales
And the hills in a %alance2
+ho has directed the (pirit of the LORD,
Or as His counselor has tau"ht Him2
+ith whom did He ta!e counsel, and who instructed Him,
And tau"ht Him in the path of justice2
+ho tau"ht Him !nowled"e,
And showed Him the way of understandin"2
)ehold, the nations are as a drop in a %uc!et,
And are counted as the small dust on the scales;
Loo!, He lifts up the isles as a very little thin".
And Le%anon is not suIcient to %urn,
7or its %easts suIcient for a %urnt o9erin".
All nations %efore Him are as nothin",
And they are counted %y Him less than nothin" and worthless.
#o whom then will you li!en God2
Or what li!eness will you compare to Him2
#he wor!man molds an ima"e,
#he "oldsmith overspreads it with "old,
And the silversmith casts silver chains.
+hoever is too impoverished for such a contri%ution
3hooses a tree that will not rot;
He see!s for himself a s!illful wor!man
#o prepare a carved ima"e that will not totter.
Have you not !nown2
Have you not heard2
Has it not %een told you from the %e"innin"2
Have you not understood from the foundations of the earth2
$t is He who sits a%ove the circle of the earth,
And its inha%itants are li!e "rasshoppers,
+ho stretches out the heavens li!e a curtain,
And spreads them out li!e a tent to dwell in.
He %rin"s the princes to nothin";
He ma!es the jud"es of the earth useless.
(carcely shall they %e planted,
(carcely shall they %e sown,
(carcely shall their stoc! ta!e root in the earth,
+hen He will also %low on them,
And they will wither,
And the whirlwind will ta!e them away li!e stu%%le.
&#o whom then will you li!en 4e,
Or to whom shall $ %e e0ual2& says the Holy One.
Lift up your eyes on hi"h,
And see who has created these thin"s,
+ho %rin"s out their host %y num%er;
He calls them all %y name,
)y the "reatness of His mi"ht
And the stren"th of His power;
7ot one is missin".
+hy do you say, O ;aco%,
And spea!, O $srael.
&4y way is hidden from the LORD,
And my just claim is passed over %y my God&2
Have you not !nown2
Have you not heard2
#he everlastin" God, the LORD,
#he 3reator of the ends of the earth,
7either faints nor is weary.
His understandin" is unsearcha%le.
He "ives power to the wea!,
And to those who have no mi"ht He increases stren"th.
Dven the youths shall faint and %e weary,
And the youn" men shall utterly fall,
)ut those who wait on the LORD
(hall renew their stren"th;
#hey shall mount up with win"s li!e ea"les,
#hey shall run and not %e weary,
#hey shall wal! and not faint.
)e8(aia( 3:14-2#
(in", O dau"hter of Cion/
(hout, O $srael/
)e "lad and rejoice with all your heart,
O dau"hter of ;erusalem/
#he LORD has ta!en away your jud"ments,
He has cast out your enemy.
#he Bin" of $srael, the LORD, is in your midst;
ou shall see disaster no more.
$n that day it shall %e said to ;erusalem.
&Do not fear;
Cion, let not your hands %e wea!.
#he LORD your God in your midst,
#he 4i"hty One, will save;
He will rejoice over you with "ladness,
He will 0uiet you with His love,
He will rejoice over you with sin"in".&
&$ will "ather those who sorrow over the appointed assem%ly,
+ho are amon" you,
#o whom its reproach is a %urden.
)ehold, at that time
$ will deal with all who aEict you;
$ will save the lame,
And "ather those who were driven out;
$ will appoint them for praise and fame
$n every land where they were put to shame.
At that time $ will %rin" you %ac!,
Dven at the time $ "ather you;
1or $ will "ive you fame and praise
Amon" all the peoples of the earth,
+hen $ return your captives %efore your eyes,&
(ays the LORD.
)ec(aria( 9:9-15
&Rejoice "reatly, O dau"hter of Cion/
(hout, O dau"hter of ;erusalem/
)ehold, your Bin" is comin" to you;
He is just and havin" salvation,
Lowly and ridin" on a don!ey,
A colt, the foal of a don!ey.
$ will cut o9 the chariot from Dphraim
And the horse from ;erusalem;
#he %attle %ow shall %e cut o9.
He shall spea! peace to the nations;
His dominion shall %e &from sea to sea,
And from the River to the ends of the earth.'
&As for you also,
)ecause of the %lood of your covenant,
$ will set your prisoners free from the waterless pit.
Return to the stron"hold,
ou prisoners of hope.
Dven today $ declare
#hat $ will restore dou%le to you.
1or $ have %ent ;udah, 4y %ow,
1itted the %ow with Dphraim,
And raised up your sons, O Cion,
A"ainst your sons, O Greece,
And made you li!e the sword of a mi"hty man.&
#hen the LORD will %e seen over them,
And His arrow will "o forth li!e li"htnin".
#he Lord GOD will %low the trumpet,
And "o with whirlwinds from the south.
#he LORD of hosts will defend them.
Psalm $$:2-4 [Arabic]
Let my prayer come %efore ou; $ncline our ear to my cry. 1or my soul is
full of trou%les, And my life draws near to the "rave. $ am counted with
those who "o down to the pit.
L+ke 1$:35-43 [Arabic]

Pauline "pistle
1Cori"(ias 2:1-$ [Arabic]
And $, %rethren, when $ came to you, did not come with e6cellence of
speech or of wisdom declarin" to you the testimony of God. 1or $
determined not to !now anythin" amon" you e6cept ;esus 3hrist and Him
cruci-ed. $ was with you in wea!ness, in fear, and in much trem%lin". And
my speech and my preachin" were not with persuasive words of human
wisdom, %ut in demonstration of the (pirit and of power, that your faith
should not %e in the wisdom of men %ut in the power of God. However, we
spea! wisdom amon" those who are mature, yet not the wisdom of this
a"e, nor of the rulers of this a"e, who are comin" to nothin". )ut we spea!
the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained
%efore the a"es for our "lory, which none of the rulers of this a"e !new; for
had they !nown, they would not have cruci-ed the Lord of "lory.

#atholi$ "pistle
1Pe"er 1:25-e! ; 1Pe"er 2:1-6 [Arabic]
)ut the word of the LORD endures forever.& 7ow this is the word which %y
the "ospel was preached to you.#herefore, layin" aside all malice, all
deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all evil spea!in", as new%orn %a%es, desire the
pure mil! of the word, that you may "row there%y, if indeed you have
tasted that the Lord is "racious. 3omin" to Him as to a livin" stone, rejected
indeed %y men, %ut chosen %y God and precious, you also, as livin" stones,
are %ein" %uilt up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to o9er up spiritual
sacri-ces accepta%le to God throu"h ;esus 3hrist. #herefore it is also
contained in the (cripture, &)ehold, $ lay in Cion A chief
cornerstone, elect, precious, And he who %elieves on Him will %y no
means %e put to shame.&

Ac"s 27:3$-e! ; Ac"s 2$:1-1# [Arabic]
(o when they had eaten enou"h, they li"htened the ship and threw out the
wheat into the sea. +hen it was day, they did not reco"ni8e the land; %ut
they o%served a %ay with a %each, onto which they planned to run the ship
if possi%le. And they let "o the anchors and left them in the sea, meanwhile
loosin" the rudder ropes; and they hoisted the mainsail to the wind and
made for shore. )ut stri!in" a place where two seas met, they ran the ship
a"round; and the prow stuc! fast and remained immova%le, %ut the stern
was %ein" %ro!en up %y the violence of the waves. And the soldiers' plan
was to !ill the prisoners, lest any of them should swim away and escape.
)ut the centurion, wantin" to save :aul, !ept them from their purpose, and
commanded that those who could swim should jump over%oard -rst and "et
to land, and the rest, some on %oards and some on parts of the ship. And so
it was that they all escaped safely to land. 7ow when they had escaped,
they then found out that the island was called 4alta. And the natives
showed us unusual !indness; for they !indled a -re and made us all
welcome, %ecause of the rain that was fallin" and %ecause of the cold. )ut
when :aul had "athered a %undle of stic!s and laid them on the -re, a viper
came out %ecause of the heat, and fastened on his hand. (o when the
natives saw the creature han"in" from his hand, they said to one another,
&7o dou%t this man is a murderer, whom, thou"h he has escaped the sea,
yet justice does not allow to live.& )ut he shoo! o9 the creature into the -re
and su9ered no harm. However, they were e6pectin" that he would swell up
or suddenly fall down dead. )ut after they had loo!ed for a lon" time and
saw no harm come to him, they chan"ed their minds and said that he was a
"od. $n that re"ion there was an estate of the leadin" citi8en of the island,
whose name was :u%lius, who received us and entertained us courteously
for three days. And it happened that the father of :u%lius lay sic! of a fever
and dysentery. :aul went in to him and prayed, and he laid his hands on
him and healed him. (o when this was done, the rest of those on the island
who had diseases also came and were healed. #hey also honored us in
many ways; and when we departed, they provided such thin"s as were

< #he Departure of (t. ;ohn, )ishop of ;erusalem.
< #he Departure of the holy father An%a 4ichael, the (eventy 1irst :ope of
the (ee of (t. 4ar!.

Psalm 129:$ ; Psalm 129:2 [Arabic]
&#he %lessin" of the LORD %e upon you; +e %less you in the name of the
LORD/&&4any a time they have aEicted me from my youth; et they have
not prevailed a"ainst me.&

&o( 11:1-45 [Arabic]
7ow a certain man was sic!, La8arus of )ethany, the town of 4ary and her
sister 4artha. $t was that 4ary who anointed the Lord with fra"rant oil and
wiped His feet with her hair, whose %rother La8arus was sic!. #herefore the
sisters sent to Him, sayin", &Lord, %ehold, he whom ou love is sic!.& +hen
;esus heard that, He said, &#his sic!ness is not unto death, %ut for the "lory
of God, that the (on of God may %e "lori-ed throu"h it.& 7ow ;esus loved
4artha and her sister and La8arus. (o, when He heard that he was sic!, He
stayed two more days in the place where He was. #hen after this He said to
the disciples, &Let us "o to ;udea a"ain.& #he disciples said to Him, &Ra%%i,
lately the ;ews sou"ht to stone ou, and are ou "oin" there a"ain2& ;esus
answered, &Are there not twelve hours in the day2 $f anyone wal!s in the
day, he does not stum%le, %ecause he sees the li"ht of this world. )ut if one
wal!s in the ni"ht, he stum%les, %ecause the li"ht is not in him.& #hese
thin"s He said, and after that He said to them, &Our friend La8arus sleeps,
%ut $ "o that $ may wa!e him up.& #hen His disciples said, &Lord, if he sleeps
he will "et well.& However, ;esus spo!e of his death, %ut they thou"ht that
He was spea!in" a%out ta!in" rest in sleep. #hen ;esus said to them plainly,
&La8arus is dead. And $ am "lad for your sa!es that $ was not there, that you
may %elieve. 7evertheless let us "o to him.& #hen #homas, who is called
the #win, said to his fellow disciples, &Let us also "o, that we may die with
Him.& (o when ;esus came, He found that he had already %een in the tom%
four days. 7ow )ethany was near ;erusalem, a%out two miles away. And
many of the ;ews had joined the women around 4artha and 4ary, to
comfort them concernin" their %rother. 7ow 4artha, as soon as she heard
that ;esus was comin", went and met Him, %ut 4ary was sittin" in the
house. 7ow 4artha said to ;esus, &Lord, if ou had %een here, my %rother
would not have died. )ut even now $ !now that whatever ou as! of God,
God will "ive ou.& ;esus said to her, &our %rother will rise a"ain.& 4artha
said to Him, &$ !now that he will rise a"ain in the resurrection at the last
day.& ;esus said to her, &$ am the resurrection and the life. He who %elieves
in 4e, thou"h he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and %elieves in
4e shall never die. Do you %elieve this2& (he said to Him, &es, Lord, $
%elieve that ou are the 3hrist, the (on of God, who is to come into the
world.& And when she had said these thin"s, she went her way and secretly
called 4ary her sister, sayin", &#he #eacher has come and is callin" for
you.& As soon as she heard that, she arose 0uic!ly and came to Him. 7ow
;esus had not yet come into the town, %ut was in the place where 4artha
met Him. #hen the ;ews who were with her in the house, and comfortin"
her, when they saw that 4ary rose up 0uic!ly and went out, followed her,
sayin", &(he is "oin" to the tom% to weep there.& #hen, when 4ary came
where ;esus was, and saw Him, she fell down at His feet, sayin" to Him,
&Lord, if ou had %een here, my %rother would not have died.& #herefore,
when ;esus saw her weepin", and the ;ews who came with her weepin", He
"roaned in the spirit and was trou%led. And He said, &+here have you laid
him2& #hey said to Him, &Lord, come and see.& ;esus wept. #hen the ;ews
said, &(ee how He loved him/& And some of them said, &3ould not this 4an,
who opened the eyes of the %lind, also have !ept this man from dyin"2&
#hen ;esus, a"ain "roanin" in Himself, came to the tom%. $t was a cave, and
a stone lay a"ainst it. ;esus said, &#a!e away the stone.& 4artha, the sister
of him who was dead, said to Him, &Lord, %y this time there is a stench, for
he has %een dead four days.& ;esus said to her, &Did $ not say to you that if
you would %elieve you would see the "lory of God2& #hen they too! away
the stone from the place where the dead man was lyin". And ;esus lifted up
His eyes and said, &1ather, $ than! ou that ou have heard 4e. And $ !now
that ou always hear 4e, %ut %ecause of the people who are standin" %y $
said this, that they may %elieve that ou sent 4e.& 7ow when He had said
these thin"s, He cried with a loud voice, &La8arus, come forth/& And he who
had died came out %ound hand and foot with "raveclothes, and his face
was wrapped with a cloth. ;esus said to them, &Loose him, and let him "o.&
#hen many of the ;ews who had come to 4ary, and had seen the thin"s
;esus did, %elieved in Him.
Readings for Pal Sunday )/12
Psalm 11$:26-27 [Arabic]
)lessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD/ +e have %lessed
you from the house of the LORD. God is the LORD, And He has
"iven us li"ht; )ind the sacri-ce with cords to the horns of the altar.
& 12:1-11 [Arabic]
#hen, si6 days %efore the :assover, ;esus came to )ethany, where La8arus
was who had %een dead, whom He had raised from the dead. #here they
made Him a supper; and 4artha served, %ut La8arus was one of those who
sat at the ta%le with Him. #hen 4ary too! a pound of very costly oil of
spi!enard, anointed the feet of ;esus, and wiped His feet with her hair. And
the house was -lled with the fra"rance of the oil. )ut one of His disciples,
;udas $scariot, (imon's son, who would %etray Him, said, &+hy was this
fra"rant oil not sold for three hundred denarii and "iven to the poor2& #his
he said, not that he cared for the poor, %ut %ecause he was a thief, and had
the money %o6; and he used to ta!e what was put in it. )ut ;esus said, &Let
her alone; she has !ept this for the day of 4y %urial. 1or the poor you have
with you always, %ut 4e you do not have always.& 7ow a "reat many of the
;ews !new that He was there; and they came, not for ;esus' sa!e only, %ut
that they mi"ht also see La8arus, whom He had raised from the dead. )ut
the chief priests plotted to put La8arus to death also, %ecause on account of
him many of the ;ews went away and %elieved in ;esus.

Psalm 6$:19 ; Psalm 6$:35 [Arabic]
)lessed %e the Lord, +ho daily loads us with %ene-ts, #he God of
our salvation/(elah O God, ou are more awesome than our holy places.
#he God of $srael is He who "ives stren"th and power to His people.
)lessed %e God/
Lk 19:1-1# [Arabic]
#hen ;esus entered and passed throu"h ;ericho. 7ow %ehold, there was a
man named Cacchaeus who was a chief ta6 collector, and he was rich. And
he sou"ht to see who ;esus was, %ut could not %ecause of the crowd, for he
was of short stature. (o he ran ahead and clim%ed up into a sycamore tree
to see Him, for He was "oin" to pass that way. And when ;esus came to the
place, He loo!ed up and saw him, and said to him, &Cacchaeus, ma!e haste
and come down, for today $ must stay at your house.& (o he made haste
and came down, and received Him joyfully. )ut when they saw it, they all
complained, sayin", &He has "one to %e a "uest with a man who is a
sinner.& #hen Cacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, &Loo!, Lord, $ "ive half
of my "oods to the poor; and if $ have ta!en anythin" from anyone %y false
accusation, $ restore fourfold.& And ;esus said to him, &#oday salvation has
come to this house, %ecause he also is a son of A%raham; for the (on of
4an has come to see! and to save that which was lost.&

Pauline "pistle
2eb 9:11-2$ [Arabic]
)ut 3hrist came as Hi"h :riest of the "ood thin"s to come, with the "reater
and more perfect ta%ernacle not made with hands, that is, not of this
creation. 7ot with the %lood of "oats and calves, %ut with His own %lood He
entered the 4ost Holy :lace once for all, havin" o%tained eternal
redemption. 1or if the %lood of %ulls and "oats and the ashes of a heifer,
sprin!lin" the unclean, sancti-es for the purifyin" of the 5esh, how much
more shall the %lood of 3hrist, who throu"h the eternal (pirit o9ered
Himself without spot to God, cleanse your conscience from dead wor!s to
serve the livin" God2 And for this reason He is the 4ediator of the new
covenant, %y means of death, for the redemption of the trans"ressions
under the -rst covenant, that those who are called may receive the promise
of the eternal inheritance. 1or where there is a testament, there must also
of necessity %e the death of the testator. 1or a testament is in force after
men are dead, since it has no power at all while the testator lives. #herefore
not even the -rst covenant was dedicated without %lood. 1or when 4oses
had spo!en every precept to all the people accordin" to the law, he too!
the %lood of calves and "oats, with water, scarlet wool, and hyssop, and
sprin!led %oth the %oo! itself and all the people, sayin", &#his is the %lood
of the covenant which God has commanded you.& #hen li!ewise he
sprin!led with %lood %oth the ta%ernacle and all the vessels of the ministry.
And accordin" to the law almost all thin"s are puri-ed with %lood, and
without sheddin" of %lood there is no remission. #herefore it was necessary
that the copies of the thin"s in the heavens should %e puri-ed with these,
%ut the heavenly thin"s themselves with %etter sacri-ces than these. 1or
3hrist has not entered the holy places made with hands, which are copies of
the true, %ut into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for
us; not that He should o9er Himself often, as the hi"h priest enters the 4ost
Holy :lace every year with %lood of another,, He then would have had to
su9er often since the foundation of the world; %ut now, once at the end of
the a"es, He has appeared to put away sin %y the sacri-ce of Himself. And
as it is appointed for men to die once, %ut after this the jud"ment, so 3hrist
was o9ered once to %ear the sins of many. #o those who ea"erly wait for
Him He will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation.

#atholi$ "pistle
1Pe" 4:1-11 [Arabic]
#herefore, since 3hrist su9ered for us in the 5esh, arm yourselves also with
the same mind, for he who has su9ered in the 5esh has ceased from sin,
that he no lon"er should live the rest of his time in the 5esh for the lusts of
men, %ut for the will of God. 1or we have spent enou"h of our past lifetime
in doin" the will of the Gentiles,,when we wal!ed in lewdness, lusts,
drun!enness, revelries, drin!in" parties, and a%omina%le idolatries. $n
re"ard to these, they thin! it stran"e that you do not run with them in the
same 5ood of dissipation, spea!in" evil of you. #hey will "ive an account to
Him who is ready to jud"e the livin" and the dead. 1or this reason the
"ospel was preached also to those who are dead, that they mi"ht %e jud"ed
accordin" to men in the 5esh, %ut live accordin" to God in the spirit. )ut the
end of all thin"s is at hand; therefore %e serious and watchful in your
prayers. And a%ove all thin"s have fervent love for one another, for &love
will cover a multitude of sins.& )e hospita%le to one another without
"rum%lin". As each one has received a "ift, minister it to one another, as
"ood stewards of the manifold "race of God. $f anyone spea!s, let him
spea! as the oracles of God. $f anyone ministers, let him do it as with the
a%ility which God supplies, that in all thin"s God may %e "lori-ed throu"h
;esus 3hrist, to whom %elon" the "lory and the dominion forever and ever.

Ac"s 2$:11-31 [Arabic]
After three months we sailed in an Ale6andrian ship whose -"urehead was
the #win )rothers, which had wintered at the island. And landin" at
(yracuse, we stayed three days. 1rom there we circled round and reached
Rhe"ium. And after one day the south wind %lew; and the ne6t day we
came to :uteoli, where we found %rethren, and were invited to stay with
them seven days. And so we went toward Rome. And from there, when the
%rethren heard a%out us, they came to meet us as far as Appii 1orum and
#hree $nns. +hen :aul saw them, he than!ed God and too! coura"e. 7ow
when we came to Rome, the centurion delivered the prisoners to the
captain of the "uard; %ut :aul was permitted to dwell %y himself with the
soldier who "uarded him. And it came to pass after three days that :aul
called the leaders of the ;ews to"ether. (o when they had come to"ether,
he said to them. &4en and %rethren, thou"h $ have done nothin" a"ainst
our people or the customs of our fathers, yet $ was delivered as a prisoner
from ;erusalem into the hands of the Romans, who, when they had
e6amined me, wanted to let me "o, %ecause there was no cause for puttin"
me to death. )ut when the ;ews spo!e a"ainst it, $ was compelled to appeal
to 3aesar, not that $ had anythin" of which to accuse my nation. 1or this
reason therefore $ have called for you, to see you and spea! with you,
%ecause for the hope of $srael $ am %ound with this chain.& #hen they said
to him, &+e neither received letters from ;udea concernin" you, nor have
any of the %rethren who came reported or spo!en any evil of you. )ut we
desire to hear from you what you thin!; for concernin" this sect, we !now
that it is spo!en a"ainst everywhere.& (o when they had appointed him a
day, many came to him at his lod"in", to whom he e6plained and solemnly
testi-ed of the !in"dom of God, persuadin" them concernin" ;esus from
%oth the Law of 4oses and the :rophets, from mornin" till evenin". And
some were persuaded %y the thin"s which were spo!en, and some
dis%elieved. (o when they did not a"ree amon" themselves, they departed
after :aul had said one word. &#he Holy (pirit spo!e ri"htly throu"h $saiah
the prophet to our fathers, sayin", &Go to this people and say.
&Hearin" you will hear, and shall not understand; And seein" you will
see, and not perceive; 1or the hearts of this people have "rown dull.
#heir ears are hard of hearin", And their eyes they have closed,
Lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, Lest
they should understand with their hearts and turn, (o that $ should
heal them.&' &#herefore let it %e !nown to you that the salvation of God has
%een sent to the Gentiles, and they will hear it/& And when he had said
these words, the ;ews departed and had a "reat dispute amon" themselves.
#hen :aul dwelt two whole years in his own rented house, and received all
who came to him, preachin" the !in"dom of God and teachin" the thin"s
which concern the Lord ;esus 3hrist with all con-dence, no one for%iddin"

< #he Departure of An%a $saac, the Disciple of An%a Apollo.
< #he Departure of :ope Ga%riel $$, the (eventy :ope of Ale6andria, who was
!nown as $%n #urai!.

Psalm $#:3 ; Psalm $#:1 ; Psalm $#:2 [Arabic]
Restore us, O God; 3ause our face to shine, And we shall %e
saved/Give ear, O (hepherd of $srael, ou who lead ;oseph li!e a 5oc!;
ou who dwell %etween the cheru%im, shine forth/)efore Dphraim,
)enjamin, and 4anasseh, (tir up our stren"th, And come and
save us/

M" 21:1-17 ; Mk 11:1-11 ; Lk 19:29-4$ ; Psalm 64:1,2 ; & 12:12-19
7ow when they drew near ;erusalem, and came to )ethpha"e, at the 4ount
of Olives, then ;esus sent two disciples, sayin" to them, &Go into the villa"e
opposite you, and immediately you will -nd a don!ey tied, and a colt with
her. Loose them and %rin" them to 4e. And if anyone says anythin" to you,
you shall say, &#he Lord has need of them,' and immediately he will send
them.& All this was done that it mi"ht %e ful-lled which was spo!en %y the
prophet, sayin". &#ell the dau"hter of Cion, &)ehold, your Bin" is
comin" to you, Lowly, and sittin" on a don!ey, A colt, the foal of a
don!ey.&' (o the disciples went and did as ;esus commanded them. #hey
%rou"ht the don!ey and the colt, laid their clothes on them, and set Him on
them. And a very "reat multitude spread their clothes on the road; others
cut down %ranches from the trees and spread them on the road. #hen the
multitudes who went %efore and those who followed cried out, sayin".
&Hosanna to the (on of David/ &)lessed is He who comes in the name
of the LORD/' Hosanna in the hi"hest/& And when He had come into
;erusalem, all the city was moved, sayin", &+ho is this2& (o the multitudes
said, &#his is ;esus, the prophet from 7a8areth of Galilee.& #hen ;esus went
into the temple of God and drove out all those who %ou"ht and sold in the
temple, and overturned the ta%les of the money chan"ers and the seats of
those who sold doves. And He said to them, &$t is written, &4y house shall
%e called a house of prayer,' %ut you have made it a &den of thieves.&' #hen
the %lind and the lame came to Him in the temple, and He healed them. )ut
when the chief priests and scri%es saw the wonderful thin"s that He did,
and the children cryin" out in the temple and sayin", &Hosanna to the (on
of David/& they were indi"nant and said to Him, &Do ou hear what these
are sayin"2& And ;esus said to them, &es. Have you never read, &Out
of the mouth of %a%es and nursin" infants ou have perfected praise'2&
#hen He left them and went out of the city to )ethany, and He lod"ed
there. 7ow when they drew near ;erusalem, to )ethpha"e and )ethany,
at the 4ount of Olives, He sent two of His disciples; and He said to them,
&Go into the villa"e opposite you; and as soon as you have entered it you
will -nd a colt tied, on which no one has sat. Loose it and %rin" it. And if
anyone says to you, &+hy are you doin" this2' say, &#he Lord has need of
it,' and immediately he will send it here.& (o they went their way, and found
the colt tied %y the door outside on the street, and they loosed it. )ut some
of those who stood there said to them, &+hat are you doin", loosin" the
colt2& And they spo!e to them just as ;esus had commanded. (o they let
them "o. #hen they %rou"ht the colt to ;esus and threw their clothes on it,
and He sat on it. And many spread their clothes on the road, and others cut
down leafy %ranches from the trees and spread them on the road. #hen
those who went %efore and those who followed cried out, sayin".
&Hosanna/ &)lessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD/'
)lessed is the !in"dom of our father David #hat comes in the name of
the Lord/ Hosanna in the hi"hest/& And ;esus went into ;erusalem and
into the temple. (o when He had loo!ed around at all thin"s, as the hour
was already late, He went out to )ethany with the twelve. And it came to
pass, when He drew near to )ethpha"e and )ethany, at the mountain
called Olivet, that He sent two of His disciples, sayin", &Go into the villa"e
opposite you, where as you enter you will -nd a colt tied, on which no one
has ever sat. Loose it and %rin" it here. And if anyone as!s you, &+hy are
you loosin" it2' thus you shall say to him, &)ecause the Lord has need of
it.&' (o those who were sent went their way and found it just as He had said
to them. )ut as they were loosin" the colt, the owners of it said to them,
&+hy are you loosin" the colt2& And they said, &#he Lord has need of him.&
#hen they %rou"ht him to ;esus. And they threw their own clothes on the
colt, and they set ;esus on him. And as He went, many spread their clothes
on the road. #hen, as He was now drawin" near the descent of the 4ount of
Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples %e"an to rejoice and praise God
with a loud voice for all the mi"hty wor!s they had seen, sayin".
&&)lessed is the Bin" who comes in the name of the LORD/' :eace in
heaven and "lory in the hi"hest/& And some of the :harisees called to Him
from the crowd, &#eacher, re%u!e our disciples.& )ut He answered and said
to them, &$ tell you that if these should !eep silent, the stones would
immediately cry out.& 7ow as He drew near, He saw the city and wept over
it, sayin", &$f you had !nown, even you, especially in this your day, the
thin"s that ma!e for your peace/ )ut now they are hidden from your eyes.
1or days will come upon you when your enemies will %uild an em%an!ment
around you, surround you and close you in on every side, and level you, and
your children within you, to the "round; and they will not leave in you one
stone upon another, %ecause you did not !now the time of your visitation.&
#hen He went into the temple and %e"an to drive out those who %ou"ht and
sold in it, sayin" to them, &$t is written, &4y house is a house of prayer,' %ut
you have made it a &den of thieves.&' And He was teachin" daily in the
temple. )ut the chief priests, the scri%es, and the leaders of the people
sou"ht to destroy Him, and were una%le to do anythin"; for all the people
were very attentive to hear Him. Hear my voice, O God, in my meditation;
:reserve my life from fear of the enemy. Hide me from the secret
plots of the wic!ed, 1rom the re%ellion of the wor!ers of ini0uity, #he
ne6t day a "reat multitude that had come to the feast, when they heard
that ;esus was comin" to ;erusalem, too! %ranches of palm trees and went
out to meet Him, and cried out. &Hosanna/ &)lessed is He who
comes in the name of the LORD/' #he Bin" of $srael/& #hen ;esus, when
He had found a youn" don!ey, sat on it; as it is written. &1ear not,
dau"hter of Cion; )ehold, your Bin" is comin", (ittin" on a
don!ey's colt.& His disciples did not understand these thin"s at -rst; %ut
when ;esus was "lori-ed, then they remem%ered that these thin"s were
written a%out Him and that they had done these thin"s to Him. #herefore
the people, who were with Him when He called La8arus out of his tom% and
raised him from the dead, %ore witness. 1or this reason the people also met
Him, %ecause they heard that He had done this si"n. #he :harisees
therefore said amon" themselves, &ou see that you are accomplishin"
nothin". Loo!, the world has "one after Him/&

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