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Tree Preservation Order 2006

NOTICE is giventhat on30 J anuary 2006 Woollahra Council resolvedto rescindall treepreservationorders presently inforceandto makea new TreePreservation
Order tobeknownas theWoollahra Council TreePreservationOrder 2006.

(1) Aim

Tosecuretreeamenityandpreservetheexistingurbanforest amenitywithinthe
WoollahraCouncil area.

(2) Landtowhichthis Order applies

This Order applies to all landwithintheWoollahraCouncil Local Government

(3) Trees towhichtheOrder applies

For thepurposeof this Order tree or trees means any treeor palm, whether
of indigenous, endemic, exotic or introducedspecies, withadiameter spreadof
branches greater than3mor withaheight greater than5m, irrespectiveof the
spreadof branches.

TheOrder applies to:

(a) Anytreewithadiameter spreadof branches greater than3mor witha
height greater than5m, irrespectiveof thespreadof branches.

(b) Any bushlandvegetationirrespectiveof size.

(c) Any treeor plant, irrespectiveof size, listedinaregister of significant
or heritage trees adopted by Council at any time.

(d) Any pruningof roots greater than50mmdiameter.

For exemptions totheTreePreservationOrder, refer toClause(6) of this order.

(4) Prohibition

Except as otherwiseprovidedinthis Order, apersonshall not injureatree, or
prune, remove, ringbark, cut down, top, lopor transplant any treeexcept with
theconsent of Council under this Order andinaccordancewithany consent and
anyconditions thereof.

(5) Consents

(5.1) Council owned, controlledor managedland

Council, or its duly authorisedservants or agents, may carry out the
pruningor removal of atreeor trees includingbushlandvegetation
fromCouncil controlledland.

(5.2) Privateproperty

Anapplicationfor treeworks must bemadeonCouncils Application
formandmust havetheconsent of theowner of thelandonwhichthe
treeis growing.

(5.2.1) A TreePreservationOrder consent is only validfor 12 months fromthe
dateof issueexcept whereanexemptionis referredtoinClause(6) of
this order, or except whereanapproval has beenissuedfor alonger
periodfor maintainingahedge.

(5.2.2) A Tree Preservation Order consent issued in conjunction with a
subdivision approval or development consent shall lapse if the
subdivisionapproval or development consent lapses, becomes invalid,
or void, or is surrendered.

(5.2.3) Consent for pruningor removal of trees associatedwithdevelopment
may, if granted, be issued concurrently with the development
applicationconsent subject alsotoany landscapingandstreetscaping
requirements of any relevant LEP, DCP or Council Policy.

(5.2.4) Consent for removal of atreemay not begrantedunless it complies
withtherelevant LEP, DCP or Council Policy.

(5.2.5) A copyof theconsent must bekept onsiteandproducedondemandto
Councils duly authorisedofficers, servants or agents.

(6) Exemptions

Where the exemption provisions contained in this clause are applicable for trees
greater than10minheight, writtennotificationtoCouncil of intentiontocarry out
treeworks is requiredsevendays prior tothework beingundertaken.

Notwithstanding the exemptions, Council will require the planting of replacement
trees as aconditionunder this Order unless sufficient existingtrees remainonthe

(6.1) Removal

This clauseonly allows removal of atreeif it is carriedout inaccordance
withWorkCover NSWCodeof PracticeAmenity TreeIndustry -1998.

If a tree meets the following conditions, Tree PreservationOrder consent is not

(a) Thetreeis Dead; (Ensurethetreeis not leafless becauseit is adeciduous

(b) Thetreeis Dangerous, posinganimminent danger toproperty or life.
Documentary evidence from an Australian Qualification Framework
certifiedlevel 5 Arborist tothesatisfactionof Council, must beproduced
prior toremoval.

(c) Removal or pruning of trees is to be carried out in association with
approvedroadworks under sections 88,107,138 and139 of theRoads Act
1993 andinaccordancewithAS4373 -Pruningof Amenity Trees.

(d) Thetreeis of aspecies that has beendeclaredanoxious plant under the
Noxious Weeds Act 1993 as prescribedfor WoollahraLocal Government

(e) Thetreeis requiredtoberemovedbyaNSWFireBrigadebecauseit poses
or will poseasignificant threat toaccess alongrequiredfiretrails or to
humanlife, buildings or other property duringabushfire.

(f) The immediate removal of trees is essential for emergency access or
emergencyworks byCouncil or theStateEmergency Services.

(g) Thetreeis of aspecies referredtointhelists of trees below; (Except on
sites identifiedas heritageitems)


Botanical Name CommonName

Ailanthus altissima Treeof Heaven
Cupressocyparis leylandii LeylandCypress
Ficus elastica Rubber Tree
Gleditsiatriacanthos HoneyLocust
Lagunariapatersonii Norfolk Is. Hibiscus
Ligustrumlucidumandcvs. LargeLeaf Privet
Ligustrumsinense Small Leaf Privet
Oleaeuropeavar. africana AfricanOlive
Salixspp Willow
Scheffleraactinophylla UmbrellaTree
Syagrus romanzoffianum Cocos Palm


Thefollowingspecies listedbeingless than10minheight;

Botanical Name CommonName

Cinnamomumcamphora Camphor Laurel
Celtis spp. Hackberry
Erythrinaspp. Coral Trees
Populus spp Poplar

(6.2) Pruning

This clauseonly allows pruningof atreeif it is carriedout inaccordance
withAustralianStandardAS4373 1996, Pruningof Amenity trees and
WorkCover NSWCodeof PracticeAmenity TreeIndustry -1998.

If atreemeets thefollowingconditions, TreePreservationOrder consent is not

(a) Theremoval of deadbranches fromatree.

(b) Selectivepruning, beingonly pruningtoremovebranches nolarger
than50mmdiameter at thenearest branchcollar or junctiontoclear:

1. aroof;

2. anexternal faceof abuilding;

where branch encroachment is within 2mof such and where the
owner of thelandwherethecentreof thetreeoriginates or wherethe
majority of thetrunk of thetreeis growing, provides writtenconsent.

(c) Pruningof trees toremovebranches nolarger than50mmdiameter at
the nearest branch collar to maintain distance clearances to
powerlines as set out under section48 of theElectricity Supply Act

(d) Theseasonal pruningof afruit treeor treegrownfor thepurposeof
citrus andstonefruit. ExcludingAcmenaspp Lilly Pilly, Syzygium
spp Lilly Pilly Elaeocarpus spp BlueberryAshandFicus spp Figs,
Podocarpus spp PlumPine, Macadamia spp Macadamia nut,
Harpephyllumspp AfricanWildPlum, Phoenixspp DatePalms;

(e) Thepruningof any species of parasitic mistletoeor parasitic plant
being removed fromany part of a tree, only as is necessary, to
amelioratetheeffects uponthetreeof suchaparasite.

(7) Penalties

A personfoundguiltyof anoffencefor acontraventionof this Order maybe
finedupto10,000 PenaltyUnits if dealt withintheLandandEnvironment Court
or upto1,000 Penalty Units if dealt withintheLocal Court.

Inadditiontoapenalty awarded, theCourt may alsoorder therepair, remedial
pruningor replacement of aremovedor damagedtreeandimposeanorder to
maintainsuchreplacement tomaturity.

(8) Definitions

Bushlandmeans landonwhichthereis vegetationwhichis either aremainder of
thenatural vegetationof thelandor, if altered, is still representativeof thestructure
andfloristics of thenatural vegetation.

BushlandVegetationincludes trees of any size, shrubs andall herbaceous species
suchas groundcovers.

ControlledLandmeans all landthat Council owns or has theresponsibility for care

Councilmeans the Woollahra Municipal Council or any officer with delegated
authority authorisedtoact onbehalf of theCouncil.

Dangerous Treemeans atreethat is capableof inflictingimminent liability or
harmtoapersons lifeor property.

DeadTreemeans atreethat nolonger has thecapacity toproduceor sustainlife.

Deciduousmeans atreethat has anannual periodic seasonof sheddingits leaves

Destroymeans any immediateor ongoingprocess or activity leadingtothedeath
of atree.

Heightmeans thedistancemeasuredvertically betweenthehorizontal planeof the
lowest point of thebaseof thetreewhichis immediately abovegroundandthe
horizontal planeof theuppermost point of thetree.

HeritageItemmeans theCouncils listedheritageitems containedinthelocal
environment planor heritageitems listedintheStates heritagelists.

Injuryincludes theadministeringof achemical or artificial substancetoatreeor
part of atreeor, thealterationof groundlevel or water table, whichcauses damage
tothetree, or any part of thetree. This includes any physical injury especially by
machinery onconstructionsites.

LGAmeans Local Government Area.

Lopor Lopping means cuttingbetweenbranchunions or at internodes ona
youngtree, withthefinal cut leavingastub.

Ownerhas themeaningascribedtoit intheLocal Government Act, 1993.

PenaltyUnit avalueutilisedby thecourt toestablishamonetarypenalty to
beimposedfor anoffence.

Pruningmeans theremoval of any stem/s back totheintersectionof another
stem/s toaswollenareaof theintersectioncalledthebranchcollar. This alsomeans
any act or acts of severingany part of atreeincludingroots, soas tocausereduction
of thespaceoccupiedby theroots, branches andfoliageof atree. All pruningis to
conformtoAustralianStandardAS 4373 1996 Pruningof amenity trees.

RemovalandCuttingDownmeans thecuttingdownor dismantlingof atreeso
that thetree, includingits branches, foliage, trunk, stumpandroot systemwill not
regrow. This includes thepoisoningof thestumpand/or roots and/or removal or
grindingout of its remains toprevent regrowth.

Toppingor TopLoppingmeans any act or acts of severingany part of atrees
crownfoliagesoas tocausethereductionof theheight of atree, leavingatrunk and

Transplantor Transplantingis theremoval of atreethat is excavatedfromits
placeof originfromwithinthegroundandis relocatedwithinthegroundof thesame
property or re-establishment withinthegroundor acontainer withinanother property.

UrbanForestis definedas thetotalityof Trees andShrubs onall landinand
aroundurbanareas andis measuredas acanopycover percentageof thetotal urban

(9) Warning

Council may imposeor seek toimposeaprominent banner, shroudor other formof
noticewhereatreehas beenwilfully damagedor removedonpublic landor land
managedby WoollahraCouncil.

Maximumdia. of cut 50mm

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