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midas IT report


RC Building Design

Date 12 June 2014

Author(s) MIDAS IT

Copy no MIT/SG/2014/0894
No. of copies XQ3
Number of pages 6
Number of appendices 5
Client Lottee Tower Project
Project name Demonstration of Report Generation
Project number WE56

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2014 midas IT Co., Ltd.

1 Introduction
This document reports on the analysis of the model of the superstructure of the Moscow City Place tower that
has been performed in order to Audit the design by RMJM Scotland of said tower. Chapter two outlines the
model assumptions and details. A three dimensional model has been defined of the tower comprising of the
tower columns, core and floors (beams and slabs). The crown of the tower has not been modelled. A linear
elastic analysis has been performed for eight load cases and thirteen load combinations. The principal results of
the analysis are discussed and reported on in Chapter three. The results comprise the maxima and minima of
the occurring bending moments, shear and axial forces in the different members. Chapter four contains final
remarks and conclusions for this project. Tables of the summed reaction forces for the different load
combinations can be found in Appendix A. Appendix B contains the results form the revised model (22-01-

The analysis of the model has been performed using the midas Gen v830.

The midas Gen file and all results will be made available on a CD-rom.

2 Model description
2.1 Finite Element Model
The model comprises the following components:
Seven different types of columns, defined with 2-noded beam elements.
Floor beams, defined with 2-noded beam elements.
Perimeter beams, defined with 2-noded beam elements.
Tower core, defined with 4-noded plate elements.
Floor slabs, defined with 3- and 4-noded plate elements.
Truss between floors 44 and 45, defined with 2-noded truss elements.

Figure 1 shows an outline of the total model with all the columns (yellow), floor and perimeter beams (grey),
tower core (red), floor slabs (grey, translucent) and truss elements (blue).

3 Section Information

4 Analysis Results
4.1 Beam Diagram

4.2 Analysis Result Table

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