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Nixon vs.

457 U.S. 731; June 24, 192
Justi!e "o#ell
%n Januar& 197' t(e res)ondent *. +rnest Fitzgerald lost (is ,o- as a .anage.ent
anal&st #it( t(e /e)art.ent o0 t(e *ir For!e. Fitzgerald1s dis.issal o!!urred in t(e
!ontext o0 a de)art.ental reorganization and redu!tion in 0or!e, in #(i!( (is ,o- #as
eli.inated. %n announ!ing t(e reorganization, t(e *ir For!e !(ara!terized t(e a!tion
as ta2en to )ro.ote e!ono.& and e00i!ien!& in t(e *r.ed For!es.
3es)ondent1s dis!(arge attra!ted unusual attention in 4ongress and in t(e )ress.
Fitzgerald (ad attained national )ro.inen!e a))roxi.atel& one &ear earlier, during
t(e #aning .ont(s o0 t(e "residen!& o0 5&ndon 6. Jo(nson. 7n Nove.-er 13, 198,
Fitzgerald a))eared -e0ore t(e Su-!o..ittee on +!ono.& in 9overn.ent o0 t(e
Joint +!ono.i! 4o..ittee o0 t(e United States 4ongress. :o t(e evident
e.-arrass.ent o0 (is su)eriors in t(e /e)art.ent o0 /e0ense, Fitzgerald testi0ied
t(at !ost;overruns on t(e 4;5* trans)ort )lane !ould a))roxi.ate <2 -illion. =e also
revealed t(at unex)e!ted te!(ni!al di00i!ulties (ad arisen during t(e develo).ent o0
t(e air!ra0t.
*t a ne#s !on0eren!e on /e!e.-er , 1989, "resident 3i!(ard Nixon #as >ueried
a-out Fitzgerald1s i.)ending se)aration 0ro. 9overn.ent servi!e. :(e "resident
res)onded -& )ro.ising to loo2 into t(e .atter. S(ortl& a0ter t(e ne#s !on0eren!e,
t(e )etitioner as2ed ?(ite =ouse 4(ie0 o0 Sta00 =. 3. to arrange 0or
Fitzgerald1s assign.ent to anot(er ,o- #it(in t(e ad.inistration. %t also a))ears t(at
t(e "resident suggested to 6udget /ire!tor 3o-ert @a&o t(at Fitzgerald .ig(t -e
o00ered a )osition in t(e 6ureau o0 t(e 6udget.
Fitzgerald1s )ro)osed reassign.ent en!ountered resistan!e #it(in t(e ad.inistration.
%n an internal .e.orandu. o0

Januar& 2', 197', ?(ite =ouse aide *lexander 6utter0ield re)orted to
t(at A1Fitzgerald is no dou-t a to);not!( !ost ex)ert, -ut (e .ust -e given ver& lo#
.ar2s in lo&alt&; and a0ter all, lo&alt& is t(e na.e o0 t(e ga.e.1A 6utter0ield t(ere0ore
re!o..ended t(at A1B?Ce s(ould let (i. -leed, 0or a #(ile at least.1A :(ere is no
eviden!e o0 ?(ite =ouse e00orts to ree.)lo& Fitzgerald su-se>uent to t(e 6utter0ield
*-sent an& o00er o0 alternative 0ederal e.)lo&.ent, Fitzgerald !o.)lained to t(e
4ivil Servi!e 4o..ission. %n a letter o0 Januar& 2', 197', (e alleged t(at (is
se)aration re)resented unla#0ul retaliation 0or (is trut(0ul testi.on& -e0ore a
!ongressional 4o..ittee.
:(e (earings again generated )u-li!it&, .u!( o0 it devoted to t(e testi.on& o0 *ir
For!e Se!retar& 3o-ert Sea.ans. *lt(oug( (e denied t(at Fitzgerald (ad lost (is
)osition in retaliation 0or !ongressional testi.on&, Sea.ans testi0ied t(at (e (ad
re!eived Aso.e advi!eA 0ro. t(e ?(ite =ouse -e0ore Fitzgerald1s ,o- #as a-olis(ed.
6ut t(e Se!retar& de!lined to -e .ore s)e!i0i!. =e res)onded to several >uestions -&
invo2ing Aexe!utive )rivilege.A
*0ter (earing over 4,''' )ages o0 testi.on&, t(e 4(ie0 +xa.iner 0or t(e 4ivil
Servi!e 4o..ission issued (is de!ision in t(e Fitzgerald !ase (olding t(at
Fitzgerald1s dis.issal (ad o00ended a))li!a-le !ivil servi!e regulations. :(e
+xa.iner -ased t(is !on!lusion on a 0inding t(at t(e de)art.ental reorganization in
#(i!( Fitzgerald lost (is ,o-, t(oug( )ur)ortedl& i.)le.ented as an e!ono.&
.easure, #as in 0a!t .otivated -& Areasons )urel& )ersonal toA res)ondent. :(e
+xa.iner, (o#ever, ex)li!itl& distinguis(ed t(is narro# !on!lusion 0ro. a suggested
0inding t(at Fitzgerald (ad su00ered retaliation 0or (is testi.on& to 4ongress. *s
0ound -& t(e 4o..ission, At(e eviden!e o0 re!ord does not su))ort BFitzgerald1sC
allegation t(at (is )osition #as a-olis(ed and t(at (e #as se)arated . . . in retaliation
0or (is (aving revealed t(e 4;5* !ost overrun in testi.on& -e0ore t(e "rox.ire
4o..ittee on Nove.-er 13, 198.A
Follo#ing t(e 4o..ission1s de!ision, Fitzgerald 0iled a suit 0or da.ages in t(e
United States /istri!t 4ourt. %n it (e raised essentiall& t(e sa.e !lai.s )resented to
t(e 4ivil Servi!e 4o..ission. *s de0endants (e na.ed eig(t o00i!ials o0 t(e /e0ense
/e)art.ent, ?(ite =ouse aide *lexander 6utter0ield, and Aone or @oreA unna.ed
A?(ite =ouse *idesA st&led onl& as AJo(n /oes.A
:(e /istri!t 4ourt dis.issed t(e a!tion under t(e /istri!t o0 4olu.-ia1s 3;&ear
statute o0 li.itations, and t(e 4ourt o0 *))eals a00ir.ed as to all -ut one de0endant,
?(ite =ouse aide *lexander 6utter0ield. :(e 4ourt o0 *))eals reasoned t(at
Fitzgerald (ad no reason to sus)e!t ?(ite =ouse involve.ent in (is dis.issal at
least until 1973. %n t(at &ear, reasona-le grounds 0or sus)i!ion (ad arisen, .ost
nota-l& t(roug( )u-li!ation o0 t(e internal ?(ite =ouse .e.orandu. in #(i!(
6utter0ield (ad re!o..ended t(at Fitzgerald at least s(ould -e .ade to A-leed 0or a
#(ileA -e0ore -eing o00ered anot(er ,o- in t(e ad.inistration. =olding t(at
!on!eal.ent o0 illegal a!tivit& #ould toll t(e statute o0 li.itations, t(e 4ourt o0
*))eals re.anded t(e a!tion against 6utter0ield 0or 0urt(er )ro!eedings in t(e
/istri!t 4ourt.
Follo#ing t(e re.and and extensive dis!over& t(erea0ter, Fitzgerald 0iled a se!ond
a.ended !o.)laint in t(e /istri!t 4ourt on Jul& 5, 197. %t #as in t(is a.ended
!o.)laintD.ore t(an eig(t &ears a0ter (e (ad !o.)lained o0 (is dis!(arge to t(e
4ivil Servi!e 4o..issionDt(at Fitzgerald 0irst na.ed t(e )etitioner Nixon as a
)art& de0endant. *lso in!luded as de0endants #ere ?(ite =ouse aide 6r&!e =arlo#
and ot(er o00i!ials o0 t(e Nixon ad.inistration. *dditional dis!over& ensued. 6&
@ar!( 19', onl& t(ree de0endants re.ained$ t(e )etitioner 3i!(ard Nixon and
?(ite =ouse aides =arlo# and 6utter0ield.
/en&ing a .otion 0or ,udg.ent, t(e /istri!t 4ourt ruled t(at t(e a!tion
.ust )ro!eed to trial. %ts order o0 @ar!( 28 (eld t(at Fitzgerald (ad stated tria-le
!auses o0 a!tion under t#o 0ederal statutes and t(e First *.end.ent to t(e
4onstitution. :(e !ourt also ruled t(at )etitioner #as not entitled to !lai. a-solute
"residential i..unit&.

"etitioner too2 a !ollateral a))eal o0 t(e i..unit& de!ision to t(e 4ourt o0 *))eals
0or t(e /istri!t o0 4olu.-ia 4ir!uit. :(e 4ourt o0
*))eals dis.issed su..aril&. %t a))arentl& did so on t(e ground t(at its re!ent
de!ision in =al)erin v. Eissinger, in )ertinent )art -& an e>uall& divided 4ourt, (ad
re,e!ted t(is !lai.ed i..unit& de0ense.
1. ?(et(er t(e 4ourt #as #it(out ,urisdi!tion to revie# t(e non;0inal order in #(i!(
t(e /istri!t 4ourt re,e!ted )etitioner1s !lai. to a-solute i..unit&.
2. ?(et(er or not t(e "resident #as i..une 0ro. suits 0or !ivil da.ages.
:(e 4ourt (as ,urisdi!tion. Under t(e A!ollateral orderA do!trine o0 4o(en v.
6ene0i!ial %ndustrial 5oan 4or), a s.all !lass o0 interlo!utor& orders are
i..ediatel& a))eala-le to t(e !ourts o0 a))eals. *s de0ined -& 4o(en, t(is !lass
e.-ra!es orders t(at A!on!lusivel& deter.ine t(e dis)uted >uestion, resolve an
i.)ortant issue !o.)letel& se)arate 0ro. t(e .erits o0 t(e a!tion, and BareC
e00e!tivel& unrevie#a-le on a))eal 0ro. a 0inal ,udg.ent.A *s an additional
re>uire.ent, 4o(en esta-lis(ed t(at a !ollateral a))eal o0 an interlo!utor& order .ust
A)resenBtC a serious and unsettled >uestion.A
%n )revious !ases t(e 4ourt o0 *))eals 0or t(e /istri!t o0 4olu.-ia 4ir!uit also (as
treated orders den&ing a-solute i..unit& as a))eala-le under 4o(en.
%n Adis.issingA t(e a))eal in t(is !ase, t(e 4ourt o0 *))eals a))ears to (ave
reasoned t(at )etitioner1s a))eal la& outside t(e 4o(en do!trine -e!ause it raised no
Aserious and unsettled >uestionA o0 la#. :(is argu.ent #as )ressed -& t(e
res)ondent, #(o as2ed t(e 4ourt o0 *))eals to dis.iss on t(e -asis o0 t(at !ourt1s
A!ontrollingA de!ision in =al)erin v. Eissinger.
Under t(e !ir!u.stan!es o0 t(is !ase, t(e 4ourt !annot agree t(at )etitioner1s
interlo!utor& a))eal 0ailed to raise a Aserious and unsettledA >uestion. *lt(oug( t(e
a))ellate !ourt (ad ruled in =al)erin v. Eissinger t(at t(e "resident #as not entitled
to a-solute i..unit&, t(e 4ourt never (ad so (eld. *nd a )etition 0or !ertiorari in
=al)erin #as )ending in t(e 4ourt at t(e ti.e )etitioner1s a))eal #as dis.issed. %n
lig(t o0 t(e s)e!ial soli!itude due to !lai.s alleging a t(reatened -rea!( o0 essential
"residential )rerogatives under t(e se)aration o0 )o#ers, t(e 4ourt !on!ludes t(at
)etitioner did )resent a Aserious and unsettledA and t(ere0ore a))eala-le >uestion to
t(e 4ourt o0 *))eals. %t 0ollo#s t(at t(e !ase #as AinA t(e 4ourt o0 *))eals under F
1254 and )ro)erl& #it(in t(e 4ourtGs !ertiorari ,urisdi!tion.
S(ortl& a0ter )etitioner (ad 0iled (is )etition 0or !ertiorari in t(e 4ourt and
res)ondent (ad entered (is o))osition, t(e )arties rea!(ed an agree.ent to li>uidate
da.ages. Under its ter.s, t(e )etitioner Nixon )aid t(e res)ondent Fitzgerald a su.
o0 <142,'''. %n !onsideration, Fitzgerald agreed to a!!e)t li>uidated da.ages o0
<2,''' in t(e event o0 a ruling -& t(e 4ourt t(at )etitioner #as not entitled to
a-solute i..unit&. %n !ase o0 a de!ision u)(olding )etitioner1s i..unit& !lai., no
0urt(er )a&.ents #ould -e .ade.
*))l&ing t(e )rin!i)les o0 t(e 4ourtGs !ases to !lai.s o0 t(is 2ind, t(e 4ourt (olds
t(at )etitioner, as a "resident o0 t(e United States, is entitled to a-solute
i..unit& 0ro. da.ages lia-ilit& )redi!ated on (is o00i!ial a!ts.
:(e 4ourt !onsiders t(is i..unit& a 0un!tionall& .andated in!ident o0 t(e
"resident1s uni>ue o00i!e, rooted in t(e !onstitutional tradition o0 t(e se)aration o0
)o#ers and su))orted -& our (istor&. Justi!e Stor&1s anal&sis re.ains )ersuasive$
A:(ere are . . . in!idental )o#ers, -elonging to t(e exe!utive de)art.ent, #(i!( are
ne!essaril& i.)lied 0ro. t(e nature o0 t(e 0un!tions, #(i!( are !on0ided to it. *.ong
t(ese, .ust ne!essaril& -e in!luded t(e )o#er to )er0or. t(e. . . . . :(e )resident
!annot, t(ere0ore, -e lia-le to arrest, i.)rison.ent, or detention, #(ile (e is in t(e
dis!(arge o0 t(e duties o0 (is o00i!e; and 0or t(is )ur)ose (is )erson .ust -e dee.ed,
in !ivil !ases at least, to )ossess an o00i!ial inviola-ilit&.A
:(e "resident o!!u)ies a uni>ue )osition in t(e !onstitutional s!(e.e. *rti!le %%, F 1,
o0 t(e 4onstitution )rovides t(at ABtC(e exe!utive "o#er s(all -e vested in a
"resident o0 t(e United States. . . .A :(is grant o0 aut(orit& esta-lis(es t(e "resident
as t(e !(ie0 !onstitutional o00i!er o0 t(e +xe!utive 6ran!(, entrusted #it(
su)ervisor& and )oli!& res)onsi-ilities o0 ut.ost dis!retion and sensitivit&.
:(ese in!lude t(e en0or!e.ent o0 0ederal la#Dit is t(e "resident #(o is !(arged
!onstitutionall& to Ata2e 4are t(at t(e 5a#s -e 0ait(0ull& exe!utedA; t(e !ondu!t o0
0oreign a00airsDa real. in #(i!( t(e 4ourt (as re!ognized t(at ABiCt #ould -e
intolera-le t(at !ourts, #it(out t(e relevant in0or.ation, s(ould revie# and )er(a)s
nulli0& a!tions o0 t(e +xe!utive ta2en on in0or.ation )ro)erl& (eld se!retA; and
.anage.ent o0 t(e +xe!utive 6ran!(Da tas2 0or #(i!( Ai.)erative reasons
re>uirBeC an unrestri!ted )o#er Bin t(e "residentC to re.ove t(e .ost i.)ortant o0 (is
su-ordinates in t(eir .ost i.)ortant duties.A
%n arguing t(at t(e "resident is entitled onl& to >uali0ied i..unit&, t(e res)ondent
relies on !ases in #(i!( t(e 4ourt (as re!ognized i..unit& o0 t(is s!o)e 0or
governors and !a-inet o00i!ers. :(e 4ourt 0inds t(ese !ases to -e ina))ro)riate. :(e
"resident1s uni>ue status under t(e 4onstitution distinguis(es (i. 0ro. ot(er
exe!utive o00i!ials.
%n de0ining t(e s!o)e o0 an o00i!ial1s a-solute )rivilege, t(e 4ourt (as re!ognized t(at
t(e s)(ere o0 )rote!ted a!tion .ust -e related !losel& to t(e i..unit&1s ,usti0&ing
)ur)oses. Fre>uentl&, t(e 4ourtGs de!isions (ave (eld t(at an o00i!ial1s a-solute
i..unit& s(ould extend onl& to a!ts in )!e o0 )arti!ular 0un!tions o0 (is
6ut t(e 4ourt also (as re0used to dra# 0un!tional lines 0iner t(an (istor& and reason
#ould su))ort. e.g., S)alding v. Hilas I)rivilege extends to all .atters A!o..itted
-& la# to Ban o00i!ial1sC !ontrol or su)ervisionAJ; 6arr v. @atteo I0a!t At(at t(e a!tion
(ere ta2en #as #it(in t(e outer )eri.eter o0 )etitioner1s line o0 dut& is enoug( to
render t(e )rivilege a))li!a-le . . .AJ; Stu.) v. S) I,udi!ial )rivilege a))lies
even to a!ts o!!urring outside At(e attri-utes o0 a ,udi!ial )ro!eedingAJ. %n
vie# o0 t(e s)e!ial nature o0 t(e "resident1s !onstitutional o00i!e and 0un!tions, t(e
4ourt t(in2s it a))ro)riate to re!ognize a-solute "residential i..unit& 0ro.
da.ages lia-ilit& 0or a!ts #it(in t(e Aouter )eri.eterA o0 (is o00i!ial res)onsi-ilit&.
Under t(e 4onstitution and la#s o0 t(e United States t(e "resident (as dis!retionar&
res)onsi-ilities in a -road variet& o0 areas, .an& o0 t(e. (ig(l& sensitive. %n .an&
!ases it #ould -e di00i!ult to deter.ine #(i!( o0 t(e "resident1s innu.era-le
A0un!tionsA en!o.)assed a )arti!ular a!tion. %n t(is !ase, 0or exa.)le, res)ondent
argues t(at (e #as dis.issed in retaliation 0or (is testi.on& to 4ongressDa violation
o0 5 U.S.4. F 7211 and 1 U.S.4. F 15'5. :(e *ir For!e, (o#ever, (as !lai.ed t(at
t(e underl&ing reorganization #as underta2en to )ro.ote e00i!ien!&. * t(at
)etitioner Nixon ordered t(e reorganization in #(i!( res)ondent lost (is ,o-, an
in>uir& into t(e "resident1s .otives !ould not -e avoided under t(e 2ind o0
A0un!tionalA t(eor& asserted -ot( -& res)ondent and t(e dissent. %n>uiries o0 t(is 2ind
!ould -e (ig(l& intrusive.
=ere res)ondent argues t(at )etitioner Nixon #ould (ave a!ted outside t(e outer
)eri.eter o0 (is duties -& ordering t(e dis!(arge o0 an e.)lo&ee #(o #as la#0ull&
entitled to retain (is ,o- in t(e a-sen!e o0 A1su!( !ause as #ill )ro.ote t(e e00i!ien!&
o0 t(e servi!e.1K 6e!ause 4ongress (as granted t(is legislative )rote!tion, res)ondent
argues, no 0ederal o00i!ial !ould, #it(in t(e outer )eri.eter o0 (is duties o0 o00i!e,
!ause Fitzgerald to -e dis.issed #it(out satis0&ing t(is standard in )res!ri-ed
statutor& )ro!eedings.
:(is !onstru!tion #ould su-,e!t t(e "resident to trial on virtuall& ever& allegation
t(at an a!tion #as unla#0ul, or #as ta2en 0or a 0or-idden )ur)ose. *do)tion o0 t(is
!onstru!tion t(us #ould de)rive a-solute i..unit& o0 its intended e00e!t. %t, !learl&,
is #it(in t(e "resident1s !onstitutional and statutor& aut(orit& to )res!ri-e t(e .anner
in #(i!( t(e Se!retar& #ill !ondu!t t(e -usiness o0 t(e *ir For!e. 6e!ause t(is
.andate o0 o00i!e .ust in!lude t(e aut(orit& to )res!ri-e reorganizations and
redu!tions in 0or!e, t(e 4ourt !on!ludes t(at )etitioner1s alleged #rong0ul a!ts la&
#ell #it(in t(e outer )eri.eter o0 (is aut(orit&.
* rule o0 a-solute i..unit& 0or t(e "resident #ill not leave t(e Nation #it(out
su00i!ient )rote!tion against .is!ondu!t on t(e )art o0 t(e 4(ie0 +xe!utive. :(ere
re.ains t(e !onstitutional re.ed& o0 i.)ea!(.ent. %n addition, t(ere are and !(e!2s on "residential a!tion t(at do not a))l& #it( e>ual 0or!e to ot(er
exe!utive o00i!ials. :(e "resident is su-,e!ted to !onstant s!rutin& -& t(e )ress.
Higilant oversig(t -& 4ongress also .a& serve to deter "residential a-uses o0 o00i!e,
as #ell as to .a2e !redi-le t(e t(reat o0 i.)ea!(.ent. 7t(er in!entives to avoid
.is!ondu!t .a& in!lude a desire to earn reele!tion, t(e need to .aintain )restige as
an ele.ent o0 "residential in0luen!e, and
a "resident1s traditional !on!ern 0or (is (istori!al stature.
:(e existen!e o0 alternative re.edies and deterrents esta-lis(es t(at a-solute
i..unit& #ill not )la!e t(e "resident Aa-ove t(e la#.A For t(e "resident, as 0or
,udges and )rose!utors, a-solute i..unit& .erel& )re!ludes a )arti!ular )rivate
re.ed& 0or alleged .is!ondu!t in order to advan!e !o.)elling )u-li! ends. :(e
de!ision o0 t(e 4ourt o0 *))eals is reversed, and t(e !ase is re.anded 0or a!tion
!onsistent #it( t(is o)inion.
4linton vs. Jones
52' U.S. 81; @a& 27, 1997
Justi!e Stevens
"etitioner, ?illia. Je00erson 4linton, #as ele!ted to t(e "residen!& in 1992, and re;
ele!ted in 1998. =is ter. o0 o00i!e ex)ires on Januar& 2', 2''1. %n 1991 (e #as t(e
9overnor o0 t(e State o0 *r2ansas.

3es)ondent, "aula 4or-in Jones, is a resident o0 4ali0ornia. %n 1991 s(e lived in
*r2ansas, and #as an e.)lo&ee o0 t(e *r2ansas %ndustrial /evelo).ent
%n 1991, during a !on0eren!e in +x!elsior =otel, 9overnor ?illia. Je00erson 4linton
su))osedl& .ade sexual advan!es on "aula Jones in t(e 0or.erGs (otel roo..
%n 1994, "aula Jones 0iled an a!tion 0or da.ages against 4linton, alread& t(e
)resident, and /ann& Ferguson, an *r2ansas )oli!e o00i!er in t(e United States
/istri!t 4ourt 0or t(e +astern /istri!t o0 *r2ansas. :(e a!tion !onsists o0 2 0ederal
!lai.s and 2 state la# !lai.s. Jones alleged t(at 4linton de)rived (er o0 rig(ts
)rote!ted -& t(e 4onstitution; t(at 4linton and Ferguson engaged in a !ons)ira!& to
violate 0ederal rig(ts; t(at t(ere #as an intentional in0li!tion o0 e.otional distress;
and t(at s(e #as de0a.ed #(en state.ents #ere .ade regarding (er a!!e)tan!e o0
t(e sexual advan!es.
"etitioner )ro.)tl& advised t(e /istri!t 4ourt t(at (e intended to 0ile a .otion to
dis.iss on grounds o0 "residential i..unit&, and re>uested t(e !ourt to de0er all
ot(er )leadings and .otions until a0ter t(e i..unit& issue #as resolved. :(e !ourt
granted t(e re>uest.
:(e /istri!t Judge denied t(e .otion to dis.iss and ruled t(at dis!over& in t(e !ase
!ould go 0or#ard, -ut ordered an& trial sta&ed until t(e end o0 )etitioner1s
"residen!&. *lt(oug( s(e re!ognized t(at a At(in .a,orit&11 in Nixon v. Fitzgerald,
(ad (eld t(at At(e "resident (as a-solute i..unit& 0ro. !ivil da.age a!tions arising
out o0 t(e exe!ution o0 o00i!ial duties o0 o00i!e,11 s(e #as not !onvin!ed t(at Aa
"resident (as a-solute i..unit& 0ro. !ivil !auses o0 a!tion arising )rior to
t(e o00i!e.K 3el&ing in )art on t(e 0a!t t(at res)ondent (ad 0ailed to -ring (er
!o.)laint until t#o da&s -e0ore t(e 3;&ear )eriod o0 li.itations ex)ired, s(e
!on!luded t(at t(e )u-li! interest in avoiding litigation t(at .ig(t (a.)er t(e
"resident in !ondu!ting t(e duties o0 (is o00i!e out#eig(ed an& de.onstrated need
0or an i..ediate trial.
6ot( )arties a))ealed. * divided )anel o0 t(e 4ourt o0 *))eals a00ir.ed t(e denial o0
t(e .otion to dis.iss, -ut -e!ause it regarded t(e order )ost)oning t(e trial until t(e
"resident leaves o00i!e as t(e A0un!tional e>uivalent11 o0 a grant o0 te.)orar&
i..unit&, it reversed t(at order. ?riting 0or t(e .a,orit&, Judge ex)lained
t(at At(e "resident, li2e all ot(er govern.ent o00i!ials, is su-,e!t to t(e sa.e la#s
t(at a))l& to all ot(er .e.-ers o0 our so!iet&,11 t(at (e !ould 0ind no A!ase in #(i!(
an& )u-li! o00i!ial ever (as -een granted an& i..unit& 0ro. suit 0or (is uno00i!ial
a!ts,11 and t(at t(e rationale 0or o00i!ial i..unit& Ais ina))osite #(ere onl& )ersonal,
)rivate !ondu!t -& a "resident is at issue.11 :(e .a,orit& s)e!i0i!all& re,e!ted t(e
argu.ent t(at, unless i..unit& is availa-le, t(e t(reat o0 ,udi!ial inter0eren!e #it(
t(e +xe!utive 6ran!( t(roug( s!(eduling orders, )otential !onte.)t !itations, and
san!tions #ould violate se)aration o0 )o#ers )rin!i)les.
%n dissent, Judge 3oss su-.itted t(at even t(oug( t(e (olding in Fitzgerald involved
o00i!ial a!ts, t(e logi! o0 t(e o)inion, #(i!( A)la!ed ) relian!e on t(e )ros)e!t
t(at t(e "resident1s dis!(arge o0 (is !onstitutional )o#ers and duties #ould -e
i.)aired i0 (e #ere su-,e!t to suits 0or da.ages,11 a))lies #it( e>ual

0or!e to t(is !ase. %n (is vie#, Aunless exigent !ir!u.stan!es !an -e s(o#n,11 all
)rivate a!tions 0or da.ages against a sitting "resident .ust -e sta&ed until t(e
!o.)letion o0 (is ter..
%n res)onse to t(e dissent, Judge 6ea. #rote a se)arate !on!urren!e. =e suggested
t(at a )rolonged dela& .a& #ell !reate a signi0i!ant ris2 o0 irre)ara-le (ar. to
res)ondent -e!ause o0 an un0oreseea-le loss o0 eviden!e or t(e )ossi-le deat( o0 a
)art&. %n (is vie#, t(e dissent1s !on!ern a-out ,udi!ial inter0eren!e #it( t(e
0un!tioning o0 t(e "residen!& #as Agreatl& overstated.11
:(e "resident, re)resented -& )rivate !ounsel, 0iled a )etition 0or !ertiorari. :(e
Soli!itor 9eneral, re)resenting t(e United States, su))orted t(e )etition, arguing t(at
t(e de!ision o0 t(e 4ourt o0 *))eals #as A0unda.entall& .ista2en11 and !reated
Aserious ris2s 0or t(e institution o0 t(e "residen!&.K
?(et(er or not t(e "residentGs i..unit& !lai. #as )ro)er.
"etitioner1s )rin!i)al su-.ission;t(at Ain all -ut t(e .ost ex!e)tional !ases,11 t(e
4onstitution a00ords t(e "resident te.)orar& i..unit& 0ro. !ivil da.ages litigation
arising out o0 events t(at o!!urred -e0ore (e too2 o00i!e L !annot -e sustained on t(e
-asis o0 )re!edent.
:(e )rin!i)al rationale 0or a00ording !ertain )u-li! servants i..unit& 0ro. suits 0or
.one& da.ages arising out o0 t(eir o00i!ial a!ts is ina))li!a-le to uno00i!ial !ondu!t.
%n !ases involving )rose!utors, legislators, and ,udges, t(e 4ourt (as re)eatedl&
ex)lained t(at t(e i..unit& serves t(e )u-li! interest in ena-ling su!( o00i!ials to
)er0or. t(eir designated 0un!tions e00e!tivel& #it(out 0ear t(at a )arti!ular de!ision
.a& give rise to )ersonal lia-ilit&. :(at rationale )rovided t(e )rin!i)al -asis 0or t(e
4ourtGs (olding t(at a "resident o0 t(e United States #as Aentitled to a-solute
i..unit& 0ro. da.ages lia-ilit& )redi!ated on (is o00i!ial a!ts.K :(e 4ourtGs !entral
!on!ern #as to avoid rendering t(e "resident Aundul& !autious in t(e dis!(arge o0 (is
o00i!ial duties.K
@oreover, #(en de0ining t(e s!o)e o0 an i..unit& 0or a!ts !learl& ta2en #it(in an
o00i!ial !a)a!it&, t(e 4ourt (as a))lied a 0un!tional a))roa!(. *s t(e 4ourtGs
o)inions (ave .ade !lear, i..unities are grounded in At(e nature o0 t(e 0un!tion
)er0or.ed, not t(e identit& o0 t(e a!tor #(o )er0or.ed it.11
S)ea2ing in 0avor o0 t(e 4onstitution1s ado)tion at t(e "enns&lvania 4onvention, ?ilson L #(o (ad )arti!i)ated in t(e "(iladel)(ia 4onvention at #(i!( t(e
do!u.ent #as dra0ted L ex)lained t(at, alt(oug( t(e "resident Ais )la!ed BonC (ig(,11
Anot a single )rivilege is annexed to (is !(ara!ter; 0ar 0ro. -eing a-ove t(e la#s, (e
is a.ena-le to t(e. in (is )rivate !(ara!ter as a !itizen, and in (is )u-li! !(ara!ter
-& i.)ea!(.ent.11 :(is des!ri)tion is !onsistent #it( -ot( t(e do!trine o0 )residential
i..unit& as set 0ort( in Fitzgerald, and re,e!tion o0 t(e i..unit& !lai. in t(is !ase.
?it( res)e!t to a!ts ta2en in (is A)u-li! !(ara!ter11 L t(at is o00i!ial a!ts L t(e
"resident .a& -e dis!i)lined )rin!i)all& -& i.)ea!(.ent, not -& )rivate la#suits 0or
da.ages. 6ut (e is ot(er#ise su-,e!t to t(e la#s 0or (is )urel& )rivate a!ts.
"etitioner1s strongest argu.ent su))orting (is i..unit& !lai. is -ased on t(e text
and stru!ture o0 t(e 4onstitution. =e does not !ontend t(at t(e o!!u)ant o0 t(e 700i!e
o0 t(e "resident is Aa-ove t(e la#,11 in t(e sense t(at (is !ondu!t is entirel& i..une
0ro. ,udi!ial s!rutin&. :(e "resident argues .erel& 0or a )ost)one.ent o0 t(e
,udi!ial )ro!eedings t(at #ill deter.ine #(et(er (e violated an& la#. =e su-.its t(at
L given t(e nature o0 t(e o00i!e L t(e do!trine o0 se)aration o0 )o#ers )la!es li.its
on t(e aut(orit& o0 t(e Federal Judi!iar& to inter0ere #it( t(e +xe!utive 6ran!( t(at
#ould -e transgressed -& allo#ing t(is a!tion to )ro!eed.
*s Justi!e Ja!2son (as )ointed out, t(e "residen!& !on!entrates exe!utive aut(orit&
Ain a single (ead in #(ose !(oi!e t(e #(ole Nation (as a )art, .a2ing (i. t(e 0o!us
o0 )u-li! (o)es and ex)e!tations. %n dra.a, .agnitude and 0inalit& (is de!isions so
0ar overs(ado# an& ot(ers t(at al.ost alone (e 0ills t(e )u-li! e&e and ear.11 :(us,
#(ile t(e 4ourt sus)e!ts t(at even in our .odern era t(ere re.ains so.e trut( to
4(ie0 Justi!e @ars(all1s suggestion t(at t(e duties o0 t(e "residen!& are not entirel&
Aunre.itting,11 t(e 4ourt a!!e)ts t(e initial )re.ise o0 t(e +xe!utive1s argu.ent. %t
does not 0ollo#, (o#ever, t(at se)aration o0 )o#ers )rin!i)les #ould -e violated -&
allo#ing t(is a!tion to )ro!eed. :(e
do!trine o0 se)aration o0 )o#ers is !on!erned #it( t(e allo!ation o0 o00i!ial )o#er t(e t(ree !o;e>ual -ran!(es o0 our 9overn.ent. :(e Fra.ers A-uilt into t(e
tri)artite Federal 9overn.ent ... a sel0;exe!uting sa0eguard against t(e en!roa!(.ent
or aggrandize.ent o0 one -ran!( at t(e ex)ense o0 t(e ot(er.11 :(us, 0or exa.)le, t(e
4ongress .a& not exer!ise t(e ,udi!ial )o#er to revise 0inal ,udg.ents, or t(e
exe!utive )o#er to .anage an air)ort. Si.ilarl&, t(e "resident .a& not exer!ise t(e
legislative )o#er to aut(orize t(e seizure o0 )rivate )ro)ert& 0or )u-li! use. *nd, t(e
,udi!ial )o#er to de!ide !ases and !ontroversies does not in!lude t(e )rovision o0
)urel& advisor& o)inions to t(e +xe!utive, or ) t(e 0ederal !ourts to resolve
non;,usti!ia-le >uestions.
70 !ourse t(e lines -et#een t(e )o#ers o0 t(e t(ree -ran!(es are not al#a&s neatl&
de0ined. 6ut in t(is !ase t(ere is no suggestion t(at t(e Federal Judi!iar& is -eing
as2ed to )er0or. an& 0un!tion t(at .ig(t in so.e #a& -e des!ri-ed as Aexe!utive.11
3es)ondent is .erel& as2ing t(e !ourts to exer!ise t(eir !ore *rti!le %%% ,urisdi!tion
to de!ide !ases and !ontroversies. ?(atever t(e out!o.e o0 t(is !ase, t(ere is no
)ossi-ilit& t(at t(e de!ision #ill !urtail t(e s!o)e o0 t(e o00i!ial )o#ers o0 t(e
+xe!utive 6ran!(. :(e litigation o0 >uestions t(at relate entirel& to t(e uno00i!ial
!ondu!t o0 t(e individual #(o (a))ens to -e t(e "resident )oses no )er!e)ti-le ris2
o0 .isallo!ation o0 eit(er ,udi!ial )o#er or exe!utive )o#er.
70 greater signi0i!an!e, )etitioner errs -& ) t(at intera!tions -et#een t(e
Judi!ial 6ran!( and t(e +xe!utive, even >uite -urdenso.e intera!tions, ne!essaril&
rise to t(e level o0 !onstitutionall& 0or-idden i.)air.ent o0 t(e +xe!utive1s a-ilit& to
)er0or. its !onstitutionall& .andated 0un!tions. AB7Cur ... s&ste. i.)oses u)on t(e
6ran!(es a degree o0 overla))ing res)onsi-ilit&, a dut& o0 interde)enden!e as #ell as
inde)enden!e t(e a-sen!e o0 #(i!( A#ould )re!lude t(e esta-lis(.ent o0 a Nation
!a)a-le o0 governing itsel0 e00e!tivel&.111 *s @adison ex)lained, se)aration o0 )o#ers
does not .ean t(at t(e -ran!(es Aoug(t to (ave no )artial agen!& in, or no !ontrol
over t(e a!ts o0 ea!( ot(er.11 :(e 0a!t t(at a 0ederal !ourt1s exer!ise o0 its traditional
*rti!le %%% ,urisdi!tion .a& signi0i!antl& -urden t(e ti.e and attention o0 t(e 4(ie0
+xe!utive is not su00i!ient to esta-lis( a violation o0 t(e 4onstitution. :#o long;
settled )ro)ositions, 0irst announ!ed -& 4(ie0 Justi!e @ars(all, su))ort t(at
First, t(e 4ourt (as long (eld t(at #(en t(e "resident ta2es o00i!ial a!tion, t(e 4ourt
(as t(e aut(orit& to deter.ine #(et(er (e (as a!ted #it(in t(e la#. "er(a)s t(e .ost
dra.ati! exa.)le o0 su!( a !ase is t(e 4ourtGs (olding t(at "resident
ex!eeded (is !onstitutional aut(orit& #(en (e issued an order dire!ting t(e Se!retar&
o0!e to ta2e )ossession o0 and o)erate .ost o0 t(e Nation1s steel .ills in
order to avert a national !atastro)(e. /es)ite t(e serious i.)a!t o0 t(at de!ision on
t(e a-ilit& o0 t(e +xe!utive 6ran!( to a!!o.)lis( its assigned .ission, and t(e
su-stantial ti.e t(at t(e "resident .ust ne!essaril& (ave devoted to t(e .atter as a
result o0 ,udi!ial involve.ent, t(e 4ourt exer!ised its *rti!le %%% ,urisdi!tion to
de!ide #(et(er (is o00i!ial !ondu!t !on0or.ed to t(e la#. :(e 4ourtGs (olding #as
an a))li!ation o0 t(e )rin!i)le esta-lis(ed in @ar-ur& v. @adison t(at ABiCt is
e.)(ati!all& t(e )rovin!e and dut& o0 t(e ,udi!ial de)art.ent to sa& #(at t(e la# is.11
Se!ond, it is also settled t(at t(e "resident is su-,e!t to ,udi!ial )ro!ess in a))ro)riate
!ir!u.stan!es. *lt(oug( :( Je00erson a))arentl& t(oug(t ot(er#ise, 4(ie0
Justi!e @ars(all, #(en )residing in t(e treason trial o0 *aron 6urr, ruled t(at a
su-)oena du!es te!u. !ould -e dire!ted to t(e "resident. :(e 4ourt une>uivo!all&
and e.)(ati!all& endorsed @ars(all1s )osition #(en t(e 4ourt (eld t(at "resident
Nixon #as o-ligated to !o.)l& #it( a su-)oena !o..anding (i. to )rodu!e !ertain
ta)e re!ordings o0 (is !onversations #it( (is aides. *s t(e 4ourt ex)lained, Aneit(er
t(e do!trine o0 se)aration o0 )o#ers, nor t(e need 0or !on0identialit& o0 (ig(;level
!o..uni!ations, #it(out .ore, !an sustain an a-solute, un>uali0ied "residential
)rivilege o0 i..unit& 0ro. ,udi!ial )ro!ess under all !ir!u.stan!es.11
Stri!tl& s)ea2ing t(e sta& #as not t(e 0un!tional e>uivalent o0 t(e !onstitutional
i..unit& t(at )etitioner !lai.ed, -e!ause t(e /istri!t 4ourt ordered dis!over& to
)ro!eed. @oreover, a sta& o0 eit(er t(e trial or dis!over& .ig(t -e ,usti0ied -&
!onsiderations t(at do not re>uire t(e re!ognition o0 an& !onstitutional i..unit&.
:(e /istri!t 4ourt (as -road dis!retion to sta& )ro!eedings as an in!ident to its
)o#er to !ontrol its o#n do!2et. *lt(oug( t(e 4ourt (as re,e!ted t(e argu.ent t(at
t(e )otential

-urdens on t(e "resident violate se)aration o0 )o#ers )rin!i)les, t(ose -urdens are
a))ro)riate .atters 0or t(e /istri!t 4ourt to evaluate in its .anage.ent o0 t(e !ase.
:(e (ig( res)e!t t(at is o#ed to t(e o00i!e o0 t(e 4(ie0 +xe!utive, t(oug( not
,usti0&ing a rule o0 !ategori!al i..unit&, is a .atter t(at s(ould in0or. t(e !ondu!t
o0 t(e entire )ro!eeding, in!luding t(e and s!o)e o0 dis!over&.
Nevert(eless, t(e 4ourt is )ersuaded t(at it #as an a-use o0 dis!retion 0or t(e /istri!t
4ourt to de0er t(e trial until a0ter t(e "resident leaves o00i!e. Su!( a lengt(& and
!ategori!al sta& ta2es no a!!ount #(atever o0 t(e res)ondent1s interest in -ringing t(e
!ase to trial. :(e de!ision to )ost)one t(e trial #as, 0urt(er.ore, )re.ature. :(e
)ro)onent o0 a sta& -ears t(e -urden o0 esta-lis(ing its need. %n t(is !ase, at t(e stage
at #(i!( t(e /istri!t 4ourt .ade its ruling, t(ere #as no #a& to assess #(et(er a sta&
o0 trial a0ter t(e !o.)letion o0 dis!over& #ould -e #arranted. 7t(er t(an t(e 0a!t t(at
a trial .a& !onsu.e so.e o0 t(e "resident1s ti.e and attention, t(ere is not(ing in
t(e re!ord to ena-le a ,udge to assess t(e )otential (ar. t(at .a& ensue 0ro.
s!(eduling t(e trial )ro.)tl& a0ter dis!over& is !on!luded. :(e ,udg.ent o0 t(e
4ourt o0 *))eals is a00ir.ed.
/e 4astro vs. Judi!ial and 6ar 4oun!il and @a!a)agal;*rro&o
9.3. No. 191''2; @ar!( 17, 2'1'
7n /e!e.-er 22, 2''9, @atias H. /e0ensor, an ex o00i!io .e.-er o0
t(e J64, addressed a letter to t(e J64, re>uesting t(at t(e )ro!ess 0or no.inations to
t(e o00i!e o0 t(e 4(ie0 Justi!e -e !o..en!ed i..ediatel& due to t(e !o.)ulsor&
retire.ent o0 4(ie0 Justi!e 3e&nato S. "uno on @a& 17, 2'1', several da&s a0ter t(e
)residential ele!tions on @a& 1', 2'1'.
:(e J64 o)ened t(e )osition o0 4(ie0 Justi!e 0or a))li!ation or re!o..endation,
and )u-lis(ed 0or t(at )ur)ose its announ!e.ent dated Januar& 2', 2'1'.
4on0or.a-l& #it( its existing )ra!ti!e, t(e J64 Aauto.ati!all& !onsideredA 0or t(e
)osition o0 4(ie0 Justi!e t(e 0ive .ost senior o0 t(e *sso!iate Justi!es o0 t(e 4ourt,
na.el&$ *sso!iate Justi!e *ntonio :. 4ar)io; *sso!iate Justi!e 3enato 4. 4orona;
*sso!iate Justi!e 4on!(ita 4ar)io;@orales; *sso!iate Justi!e "res-itero J. Helas!o,
Jr.; and *sso!iate Justi!e *ntonio +duardo 6. Na!(ura. =o#ever, t(e last t#o
de!lined t(eir no.ination.
7t(ers eit(er a))lied or #ere no.inated. :(e J64 ex!luded 0ro. !onsideration 3:4 Judge Florentino Floro I0or 0ailure to .eet t(e standards set -& t(e J64
rulesJ; and S)e!ial "rose!utor /ennis Hilla;%gna!io o0 t(e 700i!e o0 t(e
Idue to !ases )ending in t(e 700i!e o0 t(e 7.-uds.anJ.
%n its .eeting o0 Fe-ruar& , 2'1', t(e J64 resolved to )ro!eed to t(e next ste) o0
announ!ing t(e o0 t(e 0ollo#ing !andidates to invite t(e )u-li! to 0ile t(eir
s#orn !o.)laint, #ritten re)ort, or o))osition, i0 an&, not later t(an Fe-ruar& 22,
2'1', to #it$ *sso!iate Justi!e 4ar)io, *sso!iate Justi!e 4orona, *sso!iate Justi!e
4ar)io;@orales, *sso!iate Justi!e 5eonardo;/e 4astro, *sso!iate Justi!e 6rion, and
Sandigan-a&an *sso!iate Justi!e Sandoval.
"etitioners *rturo @. /e 4astro and Jo(n 9. "eralta res)e!tivel& !o..en!ed 9.3.
No. 191''2 and 9.3. No. 191149 as s)e!ial !ivil a!tions 0or !ertiorari and, )ra&ing t(at t(e J64 -e !o.)elled to to t(e in!u.-ent "resident
t(e list o0 at least t(ree no.inees 0or t(e )osition o0 t(e next 4(ie0 Justi!e.
%n 9.3. No. 191'32, Jai.e N. Soriano, via (is )etition 0or )ro(i-ition, )ro)oses to
)revent t(e J64 0ro. !ondu!ting its sear!(, sele!tion and no.ination )ro!eedings
0or t(e )osition o0 4(ie0 Justi!e.
%n 9.3. No. 191'57, a s)e!ial !ivil a!tion 0or, t(e "(ili))ine 4onstitution
*sso!iation I"=%547NS*J #ants t(e J64 to its list o0 no.inees 0or t(e
)osition o0 4(ie0 Justi!e -e!ause t(e in!u.-ent "resident is not !overed -& t(e
)ro(i-ition t(at a))lies onl& to a))oint.ents in t(e +xe!utive /e)art.ent.
%n *d.inistrative @atter No. 1';2;5;S4, )etitioner +stelito @. @endoza, a

Soli!itor 9eneral, see2s a ruling 0ro. t(e 4ourt 0or t(e guidan!e o0 t(e J64 on
#(et(er Se!tion 15, *rti!le H%% a))lies to a))oint.ents to t(e Judi!iar&.
%n 9.3. No. 191342, )etitioners *.ador M. :olentino, Jr. and 3oland 6. %nting,
%ntegrated 6ar o0 t(e "(ili))ines I%6"J 9overnors 0or Sout(ern 5uzon and +astern
Hisa&as, res)e!tivel&, #ant to en,oin and restrain t(e J64 0ro. su-.itting a list o0
no.inees 0or t(e )osition o0 4(ie0 Justi!e to t(e "resident 0or a))oint.ent during t(e
)eriod )rovided 0or in Se!tion 15, *rti!le H%%.
:(e J64 su-.itted its !o..ent, re)orting t(erein t(at t(e next stage o0 t(e )ro!ess
0or t(e sele!tion o0 t(e no.inees 0or t(e )osition o0 4(ie0 Justi!e #ould -e t(e )u-li!
intervie# o0 t(e !andidates and t(e )re)aration o0 t(e s(ort list o0 !andidates,
Ain!luding t(e intervie# o0 t(e !onstitutional ex)erts, as .a& -e needed.A
:(e 7S9 also su-.itted its !o..ent, essentiall& stating t(at t(e in!u.-ent
"resident !an a))oint t(e su!!essor o0 4(ie0 Justi!e "uno u)on (is retire.ent -&
@a& 17, 2'1'.
*ll t(e intervenors;o))ositors t(at Se!tion 15, *rti!le H%% .a2es no
distin!tion -et#een t(e 2inds o0 a))oint.ents .ade -& t(e "resident; and t(at t(e
4ourt, in %n 3e *))oint.ents /ated @ar!( 3', 199 o0 =on. @ateo *. Halenzuela
and =on. "la!ido 6. Hallarta as Judges o0 t(e 3egional :rial 4ourt o0 6ran!( 82,
6ago 4it& and o0 6ran!( 24, 4a-anatuan 4it&, res)e!tivel& IHalenzuelaJ, ruled t(at
t(e a))oint.ents -& t(e "resident o0 t(e t#o ,udges during t(e )ro(i-ition )eriod
#ere void.
?(et(er or not t(e outgoing "resident !ould a))oint during t(e ele!tion -an t(e
su!!essor o0 t(e 4(ie0 Justi!e.
7n "etitionersG 5o!us Standi
6la!2 de0ines lo!us standi as Aa rig(t o0 a))earan!e in a !ourt o0 ,usti!e on a given
>uestion.A :(e 4ourt rules t(at t(e )etitioners (ave ea!( de.onstrated ade>uate
interest in t(e out!o.e o0 t(e !ontrovers& as to vest t(e. #it( t(e re>uisite lo!us
standi. :(e issues -e0ore t(e 4ourt are o0 trans!endental i.)ortan!e to t(e )eo)le as
a #(ole, and to t(e )etitioners in )arti!ular. %ndeed, t(e issues a00e!t ever&one
Iin!luding t(e )etitionersJ, regardless o0 one1s )ersonal interest in li0e, -e!ause t(e&
!on!ern t(at great dou-t a-out t(e aut(orit& o0 t(e in!u.-ent "resident to a))oint
not onl& t(e su!!essor o0 t(e retiring in!u.-ent 4(ie0 Justi!e, -ut also ot(ers #(o
.a& serve in t(e Judi!iar&, #(i!( alread& su00ers 0ro. a 0ar too great nu.-er o0
va!an!ies in t(e ran2s o0 trial ,udges t(roug(out t(e !ountr&.
%n an& event, t(e 4ourt retains t(e -road dis!retion to #aive t(e re>uire.ent o0 legal
standing in 0avor o0 an& )etitioner #(en t(e .atter involved (as trans!endental
i.)ortan!e, or ot(er#ise re>uires a li-eralization o0 t(e re>uire.ent.
7n Justi!ia-ilit&
:(e 4ourt (olds t(at t(e )etitions set 0ort( an a!tual !ase or !ontrovers& t(at is ri)e
0or ,udi!ial deter.ination. :(e realit& is t(at t(e J64 alread& !o..en!ed t(e
)ro!eedings 0or t(e sele!tion o0 t(e no.inees to -e in!luded in a s(ort list to -e
su-.itted to t(e "resident 0or !onsideration o0 #(i!( o0 t(e. #ill su!!eed 4(ie0
Justi!e "uno as t(e next 4(ie0 Justi!e. *lt(oug( t(e )osition is not &et va!ant, t(e
0a!t t(at t(e J64 -egan t(e )ro!ess o0 no.ination )ursuant to its rules and )ra!ti!es,
alt(oug( it (as &et to de!ide #(et(er to t(e list o0 no.inees to t(e in!u.-ent
outgoing "resident or to t(e next "resident, .a2es t(e situation ri)e 0or ,udi!ial
deter.ination, -e!ause t(e next ste)s are t(e )u-li! intervie# o0 t(e !andidates, t(e
)re)aration o0 t(e s(ort list o0 !andidates, and t(e Aintervie# o0 !onstitutional
ex)erts, as .a& -e needed.A
:(e 4ourt need not a#ait t(e o!!urren!e o0 t(e va!an!& -& @a& 17, 2'1' in order
0or t(e )rin!i)al issue to ri)e 0or ,udi!ial deter.ination -& t(e 4ourt. %t is enoug(
t(at one alleges !ondu!t argua-l& a00e!ted #it( a !onstitutional interest, -ut
see.ingl& )ros!ri-ed -& t(e 4onstitution. * reasona-le !ertaint& o0 t(e o!!urren!e
o0 t(e )er!eived t(reat to a !onstitutional interest is su00i!ient to a00ord a -asis 0or
-ringing a !(allenge, )rovided t(e 4ourt (as su00i!ient 0a!ts -e0ore it to ena-le it to

ad,udi!ate t(e issues. =erein, t(e 0a!ts are not in dou-t, 0or onl& legal issues re.ain.
7n t(e *))oint.ent o0 t(e 4(ie0 Justi!e

:#o !onstitutional )rovisions are see.ingl& in !on0li!t. :(e 0irst, Se!tion 15, *rti!le
H%% I+xe!utive /e)art.entJ, )rovides$
Se!tion 15. :#o .ont(s i..ediatel& -e0ore t(e next )residential ele!tions and u) to
t(e end o0 (is ter., a "resident or *!ting "resident s(all not .a2e a))oint.ents,
ex!e)t te.)orar& a))oint.ents to exe!utive )ositions #(en !ontinued va!an!ies
t(erein #ill )re,udi!e )u-li! servi!e or endanger )u-li! sa0et&.
:(e ot(er, Se!tion 4 I1J, *rti!le H%%% IJudi!ial /e)art.entJ, states$
Se!tion 4. I1J. :(e Su)re.e 4ourt s(all -e !o.)osed o0 a 4(ie0 Justi!e and 0ourteen
*sso!iate Justi!es. %t .a& sit en -an! or in its dis!retion, in division o0 t(ree, 0ive, or
seven @e.-ers. *n& va!an!& s(all -e 0illed #it(in ninet& da&s 0ro. t(e o!!urren!e
First. :(e re!ords o0 t(e deli-erations o0 t(e 4onstitutional 4o..ission reveal t(at
t(e 0ra.ers devoted ti.e to .eti!ulousl& dra0ting, st&ling, and arranging t(e
4onstitution. Su!( .eti!ulousness indi!ates t(at t(e organization and arrange.ent o0
t(e )rovisions o0 t(e 4onstitution #ere not ar-itraril& or #(!all& done -& t(e
0ra.ers, -ut )ur)osel& .ade to re0le!t t(eir intention and .ani0est t(eir vision o0
#(at t(e 4onstitution s(ould !ontain.
*s !an -e seen, *rti!le H%% is devoted to t(e +xe!utive /e)art.ent, and,
ot(ers, it lists t(e )o#ers vested -& t(e 4onstitution in t(e "resident. :(e )residential
)o#er o0 a))oint.ent is dealt #it( in Se!tions 14, 15 and 18 o0 t(e *rti!le.
*rti!le H%%% is dedi!ated to t(e Judi!ial /e)art.ent and de0ines t(e duties and
>uali0i!ations o0 @e.-ers o0 t(e Su)re.e 4ourt, ot(ers. Se!tion 4I1J and
Se!tion 9 o0 t(is *rti!le are t(e )rovisions s)e!i0i!all& )roviding 0or t(e a))oint.ent
o0 Su)re.e 4ourt Justi!es. %n )arti!ular, Se!tion 9 states t(at t(e a))oint.ent o0
Su)re.e 4ourt Justi!es !an onl& -e .ade -& t(e "resident u)on t(e su-.ission o0 a
list o0 at least t(ree no.inees -& t(e J64; Se!tion 4I1J o0 t(e *rti!le .andates t(e
"resident to 0ill t(e va!an!& #it(in 9' da&s 0ro. t(e o!!urren!e o0 t(e va!an!&.
=ad t(e 0ra.ers intended to extend t(e )ro(i-ition !ontained in Se!tion 15, *rti!le
H%% to t(e a))oint.ent o0 @e.-ers o0 t(e Su)re.e 4ourt, t(e& !ould (ave ex)li!itl&
done so. :(e& !ould not (ave ignored t(e .eti!ulous ordering o0 t(e )rovisions.
:(e& #ould (ave easil& and surel& #ritten t(e )ro(i-ition .ade ex)li!it in Se!tion
15, *rti!le H%% as -eing e>uall& a))li!a-le to t(e a))oint.ent o0 @e.-ers o0 t(e
Su)re.e 4ourt in *rti!le H%%% itsel0, .ost li2el& in Se!tion 4 I1J, *rti!le H%%%. :(at
su!( s)e!i0i!ation #as not done onl& reveals t(at t(e )ro(i-ition against t(e
"resident or *!ting "resident .a2ing a))oint.ents #it(in t#o .ont(s -e0ore t(e
next )residential ele!tions and u) to t(e end o0 t(e "resident1s or *!ting "resident1s
ter. does not re0er to t(e @e.-ers o0 t(e Su)re.e 4ourt.
=o#ever, t(e re0eren!e to t(e re!ords o0 t(e 4onstitutional 4o..ission did not
advan!e or su))ort t(e result in Halenzuela. Far to t(e !ontrar&, t(e re!ords dis!losed
t(e ex)ress intent o0 t(e 0ra.ers to ens(rine in t(e 4onstitution, u)on t(e initiative o0
4o..issioner +ulogio 5eru., Aa !o..and Bto t(e "residentC to 0ill u) an& va!an!&
t(erein #it(in 9' da&s 0ro. its o!!urren!e,A #(i!( even Halenzuela !on!eded.
@oreover, t(e usage in Se!tion 4I1J, *rti!le H%%% o0 t(e #ord s(all ; an i.)erative,
o)erating to i.)ose a dut& t(at .a& -e en0or!ed ; s(ould not -e disregarded.
:(ere-&, Se!tions 4I1J i.)oses on t(e "resident t(e i.)erative dut& to .a2e an
a))oint.ent o0 a @e.-er o0 t(e Su)re.e 4ourt #it(in 9' da&s 0ro. t(e o!!urren!e
o0 t(e va!an!&. :(e 0ailure -& t(e "resident to do so #ill -e a !lear diso-edien!e to
t(e 4onstitution. :(e 9';da& li.itation 0ixed in Se!tion 4I1J, *rti!le H%%% 0or t(e
"resident to 0ill t(e va!an!& in t(e Su)re.e 4ourt #as undou-tedl& a s)e!ial
)rovision to esta-lis( a de0inite .andate 0or t(e "resident as t(e a))ointing )o#er,
and !annot -e de0eated -& .ere ,udi!ial inter)retation in Halenzuela to t(e e00e!t t(at
Se!tion 15, *rti!le H%% )revailed -e!ause it #as A!ou!(ed in stronger negative
language.A Su!( inter)retation even turned out to -e !on,e!tural, in lig(t o0 t(e
re!ords o0 t(e 4onstitutional 4o..ission1s deli-erations on Se!tion 4 I1J, *rti!le
4onse>uentl&, )ro(i-iting t(e in!u.-ent "resident 0ro. a))ointing a 4(ie0 Justi!e
on t(e )re.ise t(at Se!tion 15, *rti!le H%% extends to a))oint.ents in t(e Judi!iar&
!annot -e sustained. * .isinter)retation li2e Halenzuela s(ould not -e allo#ed to
last a0ter its 0alse )re.ises (ave -een ex)osed. %t #ill not do to .erel& distinguis(
Halenzuela 0ro. t(ese !ases, 0or t(e result to -e rea!(ed (erein is entirel&
in!o.)ati-le #it( #(at Halenzuela de!reed. 4onse>uentl&, Halenzuela no#
deserves to -e >ui!2l& sent to t(e dust-in o0 t(e un#ort(& and 0orgetta-le. :(e 4ourt
reverses Halenzuela.
Se!ond. Se!tion 15, *rti!le H%% does not a))l& as #ell to all ot(er a))oint.ents in
t(e Judi!iar&. Se!tion 15, *rti!le H%% (as a -roader s!o)e t(an t(e *&tona v. 4astillo
ruling. %t .a& not unreasona-l& -e dee.ed to !onte.)late not onl& A.idnig(tA
a))oint.ents ; t(ose .ade o-viousl& 0or )artisan reasons as s(o#n -& t(eir nu.-er
and t(e ti.e o0 t(eir .a2ing ; -ut also a))oint.ents )resu.ed .ade 0or t(e )ur)ose
o0 in0luen!ing t(e out!o.e o0 t(e "residential ele!tion. 7n t(e ot(er (and, t(e
ex!e)tion in t(e sa.e Se!tion 15 o0 *rti!le H%% ; allo#ing a))oint.ents to -e .ade
during t(e )eriod o0 t(e -an t(erein )rovided ; is .u!( narro#er t(an t(at re!ognized
in *&tona. :(e ex!e)tion allo#s onl& t(e .a2ing o0 te.)orar& a))oint.ents to
exe!utive )ositions #(en !ontinued va!an!ies #ill )re,udi!e )u-li! servi!e or
endanger )u-li! sa0et&. 7-viousl&, t(e arti!le greatl& restri!ts t(e a))ointing )o#er
o0 t(e "resident during t(e )eriod o0 t(e -an.
:(e 4ourt (as no dou-t t(at t(e 4onstitutional 4o..ission !on0ined t(e )ro(i-ition
to a))oint.ents .ade in t(e +xe!utive /e)art.ent. :(e 0ra.ers did not need to
extend t(e )ro(i-ition to a))oint.ents in t(e Judi!iar&, -e!ause t(eir esta-lis(.ent
o0 t(e J64 and t(eir su-,e!ting t(e no.ination and s!reening o0 !andidates 0or
,udi!ial )ositions to t(e un(urried and deli-erate )rior )ro!ess o0 t(e J64 ensured
t(at t(ere #ould no longer -e .idnig(t a))oint.ents to t(e Judi!iar&. %0 .idnig(t
a))oint.ents in t(e .old o0 *&tona #ere .ade in (aste and #it( irregularities, or
.ade -& an outgoing 4(ie0 +xe!utive in t(e last da&s o0 (is ad.inistration out o0 a
desire to su-vert t(e )oli!ies o0 t(e in! "resident or 0or )artisans(i), t(e
a))oint.ents to t(e Judi!iar& .ade a0ter t(e esta-lis(.ent o0 t(e J64 #ould not -e
su00ering 0ro. su!( de0e!ts -e!ause o0 t(e J641s )rior )ro!essing o0 !andidates.
%ndeed, it is axio.ati! in statutor& !onstru!tion t(at t(e as!ertain.ent o0 t(e )ur)ose
o0 t(e ena!t.ent is a ste) in t(e )ro!ess o0 as!ertaining t(e intent or .eaning o0 t(e
ena!t.ent, -e!ause t(e reason 0or t(e ena!t.ent .ust ne!essaril& s(ed !onsidera-le
lig(t on At(e la# o0 t(e statute,A i.e., t(e intent; (en!e, t(e ena!t.ent s(ould -e
!onstrued #it( re0eren!e to its intended s!o)e and )ur)ose, and t(e !ourt s(ould see2
to !arr& out t(is )ur)ose rat(er t(an to de0eat it.
*lso, t(e intervention o0 t(e J64 eli.inates t(e danger t(at a))oint.ents to t(e
Judi!iar& !an -e .ade 0or t(e )ur)ose o0 -u&ing votes in a ! )residential
ele!tion, or o0 satis0&ing )artisan !onsiderations. :(e ex)erien!e 0ro. t(e ti.e o0 t(e
esta-lis(.ent o0 t(e J64 s(o#s t(at even !andidates 0or ,udi!ial )ositions at an&
level -a!2ed -& )eo)le in0luential #it( t(e "resident !ould not al#a&s -e assured o0
-eing re!o..ended 0or t(e !onsideration o0 t(e "resident, -e!ause t(e& 0irst (ad to
undergo t(e vetting o0 t(e J64 and )ass .uster t(ere. %ndeed, t(e !reation o0 t(e J64
#as )re!isel& intended to de;)oliti!ize t(e Judi!iar& -& doing a#a& #it( t(e
intervention o0 t(e 4o..ission on *))oint.ents. :(is insulating )ro!ess #as a-sent
0ro. t(e *&tona .idnig(t a))oint.ent.
:(ird. *s earlier stated, t(e non;a))li!a-ilit& o0 Se!tion 15, *rti!le H%% to
a))oint.ents in t(e Judi!iar& #as !on0ir.ed -& t(en Senior *sso!iate Justi!e
3egalado to t(e J64 itsel0 #(en it .et on @ar!( 9, 199 to dis!uss t(e >uestion
raised -& so.e se!tors a-out t(e A!onstitutionalit& o0 xxx a))oint.entsA to t(e 4ourt
o0 *))eals in lig(t o0 t(e 0ort(! )residential ele!tions. =e assured t(at Aon t(e
-asis o0 t(e I4onstitutionalJ 4o..ission1s re!ords, t(e ele!tion -an (ad no
a))li!ation to a))oint.ents to t(e 4ourt o0 *))eals.A :(is !on0ir.ation #as
a!!e)ted -& t(e J64, #(i!( t(en su-.itted to t(e "resident 0or !onsideration t(e
no.inations 0or t(e eig(t va!an!ies in t(e 4ourt o0 *))eals. :(e 0ault o0 Halenzuela
#as t(at it a!!orded no #eig(t and due !onsideration to t(e !on0ir.ation o0 Justi!e
Fourt(. 70 t(e 23 se!tions in *rti!le H%%, t(ree Ii.e., Se!tion 14, Se!tion15, and
Se!tion 18J !on!ern t(e a))ointing )o#ers o0 t(e "resident.
Se!tion 14, Se!tion 15, and Se!tion 18 are o-viousl& o0 t(e sa.e !(ara!ter, in t(at
t(e& a00e!t t(e )o#er o0 t(e "resident to a))oint. :(e 0a!t t(at Se!tion 14
and Se!tion 18 re0er onl& to a))oint.ents #it(in t(e +xe!utive /e)art.ent renders
!on!lusive t(at Se!tion 15 also a))lies onl& to t(e +xe!utive /e)art.ent. :(is
!on!lusion is !onsistent #it( t(e rule t(at ever& )art o0 t(e statute .ust -e
inter)reted #it( re0eren!e to t(e !ontext, i.e. t(at ever& )art .ust -e !onsidered
toget(er #it( t(e ot(er )arts, and 2e)t su-servient to t(e general intent o0 t(e #(ole
ena!t.ent. %t is a-surd to assu.e t(at t(e 0ra.ers deli-eratel& situated Se!tion 15
-et#een Se!tion 14 and Se!tion 18, i0 t(e& intended Se!tion 15 to !over all 2inds o0
)residential a))oint.ents. %0 t(at #as t(eir intention in res)e!t o0 a))oint.ents to
t(e Judi!iar&, t(e 0ra.ers, i0 onl& to -e !lear, #ould (ave easil& and surel& inserted a
si.ilar )ro(i-ition in *rti!le H%%%, .ost li2el& #it(in Se!tion 4 I1J t(ereo0.
Fi0t(. :o (old li2e t(e 4ourt did in Halenzuela t(at Se!tion 15 extends to
a))oint.ents to t(e Judi!iar& 0urt(er under.ines t(e intent o0 t(e 4onstitution o0
ensuring t(e inde)enden!e o0 t(e Judi!ial /e)art.ent 0ro. t(e +xe!utive and
5egislative /e)art.ents. Su!( a (olding #ill tie t(e Judi!iar& and t(e Su)re.e
4ourt to t(e 0ortunes or .is0ortunes o0 )oliti!al leaders v&ing 0or t(e "residen!& in a
)residential ele!tion. 4onse>uentl&, t(e #isdo. o0 (aving t(e ne# "resident, instead
o0 t(e !urrent in!u.-ent "resident, a))oint t(e next 4(ie0 Justi!e is itsel0 sus)e!t,
and !annot ensure ,udi!ial inde)enden!e, -e!ause t(e a))ointee !an also -e!o.e
-e(olden to t(e a))ointing aut(orit&. %n !ontrast, t(e a))oint.ent -& t(e in!u.-ent
"resident does not run t(e sa.e ris2 o0 !o.)ro.ising ,udi!ial inde)enden!e,
)re!isel& -e!ause (er ter. #ill end -& June 3', 2'1'.
Sixt(. Se!tion 4 I3J, *rti!le H%% re>uires t(e regular ele!tions to -e (eld on t(e
se!ond @onda& o0 @a&, letting t(e ele!tions 0all on @a& , at t(e earliest, or @a&
14, at t(e latest. %0 t(e regular )residential ele!tions are (eld on @a& , t(e )eriod o0
t(e )ro(i-ition is 115 da&s. %0 su!( ele!tions are (eld on @a& 14, t(e )eriod o0 t(e
)ro(i-ition is 1'9 da&s. +it(er )eriod o0 t(e )ro(i-ition is longer t(an t(e 0ull
.andator& 9';da& )eriod to 0ill t(e va!an!& in t(e Su)re.e 4ourt. :(e result is t(at
t(ere are at least 19 o!!asions Ii.e., t(e di00eren!e -et#een t(e s(ortest )ossi-le
)eriod o0 t(e -an o0 1'9 da&s and t(e 9';da& .andator& )eriod 0or a))oint.entsJ in
#(i!( t(e outgoing "resident #ould -e in no )osition to !o.)l& #it( t(e
!onstitutional dut& to 0ill u) a va!an!& in t(e Su)re.e 4ourt. %t is sa0e to assu.e t(at
t(e 0ra.ers o0 t(e 4onstitution !ould not (ave intended su!( an a-surdit&. %n 0a!t, in
t(eir deli-erations on t(e .andator& )eriod 0or t(e a))oint.ent o0 Su)re.e 4ourt
Justi!es under Se!tion 4 I1J, *rti!le H%%%, t(e 0ra.ers neit(er dis!ussed, nor
.entioned, nor re0erred to t(e -an against .idnig(t a))oint.ents under Se!tion 15,
*rti!le H%%, or its e00e!ts on t(e 9';da& )eriod, or vi!e versa. :(e& did not need to,
-e!ause t(e& never intended Se!tion 15, *rti!le H%% to a))l& to a va!an!& in t(e
Su)re.e 4ourt, or in an& o0 t(e lo#er !ourts.
Sevent(. *s a .atter o0 0a!t, in an extre.e !ase, t(e 4ourt !an even raise a dou-t on
#(et(er a J64 list is ne!essar& at all 0or t(e "resident ; an& "resident ; to a))oint a
4(ie0 Justi!e i0 t(e a))ointee is to !o.e 0ro. t(e ran2s o0 t(e sitting ,usti!es o0 t(e
Su)re.e 4ourt. =o#ever, t(e >uestion is not s>uarel& -e0ore t(e 4ourt at t(e
.o.ent, -ut it s(ould lend itsel0 to a dee)er anal&sis i0 and #(en !ir!u.stan!es
) %t s(ould -e a good issue 0or t(e )ro)osed 4onstitutional 4onvention to
!onsider in t(e lig(t o0 Senate "resident Juan "on!e +nrile1s state.ent t(at t(e
"resident !an a))oint t(e 4(ie0 Justi!e 0ro. t(e sitting ,usti!es o0 t(e 4ourt
even #it(out a J64 list.
7n t(e Judi!iar& *!t o0 194
Se!tion 12 o0 t(e Judi!iar& *!t o0 194 !alls 0or an *!ting 4(ie0 Justi!e in t(e event
o0 a va!an!& in t(e o00i!e o0 t(e 4(ie0 Justi!e, or in t(e event t(at t(e 4(ie0 Justi!e is
una-le to )er0or. (is duties and )o#ers. %n eit(er o0 su!( !ir!u.stan!es, t(e duties
and )o#ers o0 t(e o00i!e o0 t(e 4(ie0 Justi!e s(all devolve u)on t(e *sso!iate Justi!e
#(o is 0irst in )re!eden!e until a ne# 4(ie0 Justi!e is a))ointed or until t(e disa-ilit&
is re.oved.
:o rel& on Se!tion 12 o0 t(e Judi!iar& *!t o0 194 in order to 0orestall t(e i.)erative
need to a))oint t(e next 4(ie0 Justi!e soonest is to de0& t(e )lain intent o0 t(e
4onstitution. For sure, t(e 0ra.ers intended t(e )osition o0 4(ie0 Justi!e to -e
)er.anent, not one to -e o!!u)ied in an a!ting or te.)orar& !a)a!it&. %n relation to
t(e s!(e.e o0 t(ings under t(e )resent 4onstitution, Se!tion 12 o0 t(e Judi!iar& *!t
o0 194 onl& res)onds to a rare situation in #(i!( t(e ne# 4(ie0 Justi!e is not &et
a))ointed, or in #(i!( t(e in!u.-ent 4(ie0 Justi!e is una-le to )er0or. t(e duties
and )o#ers o0 t(e o00i!e. %t oug(t to -e re.e.-ered, (o#ever, t(at it #as ena!ted
-e!ause t(e 4(ie0 Justi!e a))ointed under t(e 1935

4onstitution #as su-,e!t to t(e !on0ir.ation o0 t(e 4o..ission on *))oint.ents,
and t(e !on0ir.ation )ro!ess .ig(t ta2e longer t(an ex)e!ted.
:(e la!2 o0 an& a))ointed o!!u)ant o0 t(e o00i!e o0 4(ie0 Justi!e (ar.s t(e
inde)enden!e o0 t(e Judi!iar&, -e!ause t(e 4(ie0 Justi!e is t(e (ead o0 t(e entire
Judi!iar&. :(e 4(ie0 Justi!e )er0or.s 0un!tions a-solutel& signi0i!ant to t(e li0e o0
t(e nation. ?it( t(e entire Su)re.e 4ourt -eing t(e "residential +le!toral :ri-unal,
t(e 4(ie0 Justi!e is t(e 4( o0 t(e :ri-unal. :(ere -eing no o-sta!le to t(e
a))oint.ent o0 t(e next 4(ie0 Justi!e, aside 0ro. its -eing .andator& 0or t(e
in!u.-ent "resident to .a2e #it(in t(e 9';da& )eriod 0ro. @a& 17, 2'1', t(ere is
no ,usti0i!ation to insist t(at t(e su!!essor o0 4(ie0 Justi!e "uno -e a))ointed -& t(e
next "resident.
/issenting 7)inion$
Justi!e 4ar)io;@orales
:(e 0irst ratio!ination adverts to t(e Aorganization and arrange.ent o0 t(e )rovisions
o0 t(e 4onstitutionA t(at #as, as t(e )onen!ia de!lares, )ur)osel& .ade -& t(e
0ra.ers o0 t(e 4onstitution to Are0le!t t(eir intention and .ani0est t(eir visionA o0 t(e
!(arterGs !ontents. %t is un0ortunate t(at t(e )onen!ia !(ie0l& relies on t(e trivialities
o0 dra0ts.ans(i) st&le in arriving at a !onstitutional !onstru!tion.
4on!ededl&, t(e allo!ation o0 t(ree *rti!les in t(e 4onstitution devoted to t(e
res)e!tive d&na.i!s o0 t(e t(ree /e)art.ents #as deli-eratel& ado)ted -& t(e
0ra.ers to allo!ate t(e vast )o#ers o0 govern.ent t(e t(ree /e)art.ents in
re!ognition o0 t(e )rin!i)le o0 se)aration o0 )o#ers. :(e e>uation, (o#ever, does not
end t(ere. Su!( 2ind o0 0or.ulation deta!(es itsel0 0ro. t(e !on!o.itant s&ste. o0
!(e!2s and -alan!es. Se!tion se>uen!ing alone o0 Se!tions 14, 15 and 18 o0 *rti!le
H%%, as ex)lained in t(e 0ourt( ratio!ination, does not su00i!e to signi0& 0un!tional
:(at t(e )o#er o0 ,udi!ial a))oint.ent #as lodged in t(e "resident is a re!ognized
.easure o0 li.itation on t(e )o#er o0 t(e ,udi!iar&, #(i!( .easure, (o#ever, is
!ounter-alan!ed -& t(e ele!tion -an due to t(e need to insulate t(e ,udi!iar& 0ro. t(e
)oliti!al !li.ate o0 )residential ele!tions. :o a-andon t(is inter)la& o0 !(e!2s and
-alan!es on t(e .ere in0eren!e t(at t(e esta-lis(.ent o0 t(e J64 !ould de;)oliti!ize
t(e )ro!ess o0 ,udi!ial a))oint.ents la!2s !onstitutional .ooring.
=eeding *&tonaGs ad.onition, t(e 4onstitutional 4o..ission I4on4o.J sa# it 0it
to )rovide 0or a !o.)re(ensive -an on .idnig(t a))oint.ents, 0inding t(at t(e
esta-lis(.ent o0 t(e J64 is not enoug( to sa0eguard or insulate ,udi!ial a))oint.ents
0ro. )oliti!ization. :(e !lear intent o0 t(e 0ra.ers is t(us 0or t(e -an on .idnig(t
a))oint.ents to a))l& to t(e ,udi!iar&.
:(e se!ond ratio!ination in t(e )onen!ia !ould, t(us, not re.ove an added
!onstitutional sa0eguard -& )retending to (ave exa.ined and !on!luded t(at t(e
esta-lis(.ent o0 t(e J64 (ad eli.inated all en!o.)assing 0or.s o0 )oliti!al
.aneuverings during ele!tions. 7t(er#ise, reading into t(e 4onstitution su!(
!on!lusion so !ru!ial to t(e s!(e.e o0 !(e!2s and -alan!es, #(i!( is neit(er #ritten
nor ta!2led, under.ines t(e noti!ea-le silen!e or restraint exer!ised -& t(e 0ra.ers
t(e.selves 0ro. .a2ing a de0initive anal&sis.
:o illustrate, t(e instan!e given in t(e 0i0t( ratio!ination t(at (aving t(e ne#
"resident a))oint t(e next 4(ie0 Justi!e !annot ensure ,udi!ial inde)enden!e -e!ause
t(e a))ointee !an also -e!o.e -e(olden to t(e a))ointing aut(orit&, -ears an
in!onsistent stan!e. %t does not or re!ognize t(at t(e .e!(anis. o0 re.oval -&
i.)ea!(.ent eli.inates t(e evils o0 )oliti!al inde-tedness. %n an& event, t(at level o0
reasoning overloo2s t(e ris2 o0 !o.)ro.ising ,udi!ial inde)enden!e #(en t(e
outgoing "resident 0a!es t(e 4ourt in t(e !(arges t(at .a& -e su-se>uentl& 0iled
against (erN(i., and #(en t(e a))ointing "resident is u) 0or re;ele!tion in t(e
)e!uliar situation !onte.)lated -& Se!tion 4, *rti!le H%% o0 t(e 4onstitution.
:o (old t(at t(e -an on .idnig(t a))oint.ents a))lies onl& to exe!utive )ositions,
and not to va!an!ies in t(e ,udi!iar& and inde)endent !onstitutional -odies, is to
.a2e t(e )ro(i-ition )ra!ti!all& useless. %t -ears noting t(at Se!tion 15, *rti!le H%%
o0 t(e 4onstitution alread& allo#s t(e "resident, -& #a& o0 ex!e)tion, to .a2e
te.)orar& a))oint.ents in t(e +xe!utive /e)art.ent during t(e )ro(i-ited )eriod.
Under t(is vie#, t(ere is virtuall& no restri!tion on t(e "residentGs )o#er o0
a))oint.ent during t(e )ro(i-ited )eriod.
:(e general rule is !lear sin!e t(e )ro(i-ition a))lies to *55 2inds o0 .idnig(t
a))oint.ents. :(e 4onstitution .ade no distin!tion. U-i lex non distinguit ne! nos
distinguere de-e.os.
:(e ex!e)tion is li2e#ise !lear. +x)ressio unius et ex!lusio alterius. :(e ex)ress
.ention o0 one )erson, t(ing or !onse>uen!e i.)lies t(e ex!lusion o0 all ot(ers.
:(ere is no !lear !ir!u.stan!e t(at #ould indi!ate t(at t(e enu.eration in t(e
ex!e)tion #as not intended to -e ex!lusive. @oreover, t(e 0a!t t(at Se!tion 15 #as
!ou!(ed in negative language rein0or!es t(e ex!lusivit& o0 t(e ex!e)tion.
:(e )ro!livit& to innovate legal !on!e)ts is enti!ing. 5est t(e -asi! rule -e 0orgotten,
it (el)s to on!e .ore re!ite t(at #(en t(e la# is !lear, it is not sus!e)ti-le to
inter)retation and .ust -e a))lied regardless o0 #(o .a& -e a00e!ted, even i0 t(e la#
.a& -e (ars( or onerous.
%n its t(ird ratio!ination, t(e )onen!ia 0aults Halenzuela 0or not a!!ording #eig(t and
due !onsideration to t(e o)inion o0 Justi!e Florenz 3egalado. %t a!!ords (ig( regard
to t(e o)inion ex)ressed -& Justi!e 3egalado as a 4on4o. @e.-er, to t(e
ex!e)tion o0 t(e o)inion o0 all ot(ers si.ilarl& situated. %t -ears noting t(at t(e 4ourt
(ad s)o2en in one voi!e in Halenzuela. :(e )onen!ia s(ould not (astil& reverse, on
t(e sole -asis o0 Justi!e 3egaladoGs o)inion, t(e 4ourtGs unani.ous en -an! de!ision
)enned -& 4(ie0 Justi!e *ndres Narvasa, and !on!urred in -&, inter alia, *sso!iate
Justi!es #(o later -e!a.e 4(ie0 Justi!es L =ilario /avide, Jr., * "angani-an
and 3e&nato "uno.
%0 t(at is t(e !ase and 0or a!!ura!&Gs sa2e, #e .ig(t as #ell re!onvene all 4on4o.
.e.-ers and )ut t(e .atter to a vote t(e..
*lt(oug( )ra!ti!all& t(ere is no !onstitutional !risis or !on0li!t involved u)on t(e
retire.ent o0 t(e in!u.-ent 4(ie0 Justi!e, t(e )onen!ia illustrates t(e ina))li!a-ilit&
o0 t(e 9';da& .andate to ever& situation o0 va!an!& in t(e Su)re.e 4ourt Ii.e., t(e
19;da& va!uu. arti!ulated in t(e sixt( ratio!inationJ i0 onl& to -uttress its t(esis t(at
,udi!ial a))oint.ent is an ex!e)tion to t(e .idnig(t a))oint.ents -an. :(e
!onte.)lated situation, (o#ever, su))orts t(e idea t(at t(e 9';da& )eriod is
sus)ended during t(e e00e!tivit& o0 t(e -an.
3es)e!ting t(e rationale 0or sus)ending t(e 9';da& )eriod, in !ases #(ere t(ere is
)(&si!al or legal i.)ossi-ilit& o0 !o.)lian!e #it( t(e dut& to 0ill t(e va!an!& #it(in
t(e said )eriod, t(e 0ul0ill.ent o0 t(e o-ligation is released -e!ause t(e la# !annot
exa!t !o.)lian!e #it( #(at is i.)ossi-le. %n t(e )resent !ase, t(ere !an onl& arise a
legal i.)ossi-ilit& #(en t(e J64 list is su-.itted or t(e va!an!& o!!urred during t(e
a))oint.ents -an and t(e 9';da& )eriod #ould ex)ire -e0ore t(e end o0 t(e
a))oint.ents -an, in #(i!( !ase t(e 0res( 9';da& )eriod s(ould start to run at noon
o0 June 3'. :(is #as t(e 0a!tual ante!edent res)e!ting t(e trial !ourt ,udges involved
in Halenzuela. :(ere also arises a legal i.)ossi-ilit& #(en t(e list is su-.itted or t(e
va!an!& o!!urred )rior to t(e -an and no a))oint.ent #as .ade -e0ore t(e -an
starts, rendering t(e la)se o0 t(e 9';da& )eriod #it(in t(e )eriod o0 t(e -an, in #(i!(
!ase t(e re.aining )eriod s(ould resu.e to run at noon o0 June 3'. :(e outgoing
"resident #ould -e released 0ro. non;0ul0ill.ent o0 t(e !onstitutional o-ligation,
and t(e dut& devolves u)on t(e ne# "resident. 4onsidering also t(at Se!tion 15 o0
*rti!le H%% is an ex)ress li.itation on t(e "residentGs )o#er o0 a))oint.ent, t(e
running o0 t(e 9';da& )eriod is dee.ed sus)ended during t(e )eriod o0 t(e -an
#(i!( ta2es e00e!t onl& on!e ever& six &ears.
:(e sevent( ratio!ination is ad.ittedl& a non;issue. Su00i!e it to state t(at t(e
4onstitution is !lear t(at t(e a))oint.ent .ust !o.e A0ro. a list x x x )re)ared -&
t(e Judi!ial and 6ar 4oun!il.A
:(e )onen!ia also (olds t(at t(e J64 (as until @a& 17, 2'1', at t(e latest, #it(in
#(i!( to to t(e "resident t(e list o0 no.inees 0or t(e )osition o0 4(ie0 Justi!e.
%t de!lares t(at t(e J64 s(ould start t(e )ro!ess o0 sele!ting t(e !andidates to 0ill t(e
va!an!& in t(e Su)re.e 4ourt -e0ore t(e o!!urren!e o0 t(e va!an!&, ex)laining t(at
t(e 9';da& )eriod in t(e )roviso, A*n& va!an!& s(all -e 0illed #it(in ninet& da&s
0ro. t(e o!!urren!e t(ereo0,A is addressed to t(e "resident, not to t(e J64.
Su!( inter)retation is a-surd as it ta2es t(e a))li!ation and no.ination stages in
isolation 0ro. t(e #(ole a))oint.ent )ro!ess. For t(e )onen!ia, t(e 0illing o0 t(e
va!an!& onl& involves t(e "resident, and t(e J64 #as not !onsidered #(en t(e
)eriod #as in!reased 0ro. 8' da&s to 9' da&s. :(e sense o0 t(e 4on!o. is t(e exa!t
o))osite. :(e 0la# in t(e reasoning is .ade .ore evident #(en t(e va!an!&
o!!urs -& virtue o0 deat( o0 a .e.-er o0 t(e 4ourt. %n t(at instan!e, t(e J64 !ould
never anti!i)ate t(e va!an!&, and !ould never a list to t(e "resident -e0ore t(e
9';da& )eriod.
%t is ironi! 0or t(e )onen!ia to state on t(e one (and t(at t(e "resident #ould -e
de)rived o0 a.)le ti.e to re0le!t on t(e >uali0i!ations o0 t(e no.inees, and to s(o#
on t(e ot(er (and t(at t(e "resident (as, in re!ent (istor&, 0illed t(e va!an!& in t(e
)osition o0 4(ie0 Justi!e in one or t#o da&s. %t is ironi! 0or t(e )onen!ia to re!ognize
t(at t(e "resident .a& need as .u!( as 9' da&s o0 re0le!tion in a))ointing a .e.-er
o0 t(e 4ourt, and &et a-(or t(e idea o0 an a!ting 4(ie0 Justi!e in t(e interregnu. as
)rovided 0or -& la#, !on0ir.ed -& tradition, and settled -& ,uris)ruden!e to -e an
internal .atter.
:(e ex)ress allo#an!e o0 a 9';da& )eriod o0 va!an!& re-uts an& )oli!& argu.ent on
t(e ne!essit& to avoid a va!uu. o0 even a single da& in t(e )osition o0 an a))ointed
4(ie0 Justi!e.
*s a .e.-er o0 t(e 4ourt, % strongl& ta2e ex!e)tion to t(e )onen!iaGs i.)li!ation
t(at t(e 4ourt !annot 0un!tion #it(out a sitting 4(ie0 Justi!e. :o -egin #it(, ,udi!ial
)o#er is vested in one Su)re.e 4ourt and not in its individual .e.-ers, .u!( less
in t(e 4(ie0 Justi!e alone. Nota-l&, a0ter 4(ie0 Justi!e "uno retires, t(e 4ourt #ill
(ave 14 .e.-ers le0t, #(i!( is .ore t(an su00i!ient to !onstitute a >uoru.. :(e
4ourt, as a !ollegial -od&, o)erates on a Aone .e.-er, one voteA -asis, #(et(er it
sits en -an! or in divisions. :(e !o.)eten!e, )ro-it& and inde)enden!e o0 t(e 4ourt
en -an!, or t(ose o0 t(e 4ourtGs /ivision to #(i!( t(e 4(ie0 Justi!e -elongs, (ave
never de)ended on #(et(er t(e .e.-er voting as 4(ie0 Justi!e is .erel& an a!ting
4(ie0 Justi!e or a dul& a))ointed one.
"aguia vs. 700i!e o0 t(e "resident, et al.
9.3. No. 17827; June 25, 2'1'
Justi!e 4ar)io
"etitioner *lan F. "aguia, as !itizen and tax)a&er, 0iled t(is original a!tion 0or t(e
#rit o0 !ertiorari to invalidate "resident 9loria @a!a)agal;*rro&oGs no.ination o0
res)ondent 4(ie0 Justi!e =ilario 9. /avide, Jr. Ires)ondent /avideJ as
"er.anent 3e)resentative to t(e United Nations IUNJ 0or violation o0 Se!tion 23 o0
3e)u-li! *!t No. 7157 I3.*. No. 7157J, t(e "(ili))ine Foreign Servi!e *!t o0 1991.
"etitioner argues t(at res)ondent /avideGs age at t(at ti.e o0 (is no.ination in
@ar!( 2''8, 7', dis>uali0ies (i. 0ro. (olding (is )ost. "etitioner grounds (is
argu.ent on Se!tion 23 o0 3.*. No. 7157 )egging t(e .andator& retire.ent age o0
all o00i!ers and e.)lo&ees o0 t(e /e)art.ent o0 Foreign *00airs I/F*J at 85.
"etitioner t(eorizes t(at Se!tion 23 i.)oses an a-solute rule 0or all /F* e.)lo&ees,
!areer or non;!areer; t(us, res)ondent /avideGs entr& into t(e /F* ran2s
dis!ri.inates against t(e rest o0 t(e /F* o00i!ials and e.)lo&ees.
%n t(eir se)arate 4o..ents, res)ondent /avide, t(e 700i!e o0 t(e "resident, and t(e
Se!retar& o0 Foreign *00airs Ires)ondentsJ raise t(res(old issues against t(e )etition.
First, t(e& >uestion )etitionerGs standing to -ring t(is suit -e!ause o0 (is inde0inite
sus)ension 0ro. t(e )ra!ti!e o0 la#. Se!ond, t(e 700i!e o0 t(e "resident and t(e
Se!retar& o0 Foreign *00airs I)u-li! res)ondentsJ argue t(at neit(er )etitionerGs
!itizens(i) nor (is tax)a&er status vests (i. #it( standing to >uestion res)ondent
/avideGs a))oint.ent -e!ause )etitioner re.ains #it(out )ersonal and su-stantial
interest in t(e out!o.e o0 a suit #(i!( does not involve t(e taxing )o#er o0 t(e state
or t(e illegal dis-urse.ent o0 )u-li! 0unds. :(ird, )u-li! res)ondents >uestion t(e
)ro)riet& o0 t(is )etition, !ontending t(at t(is suit is in trut( a )etition 0or >uo
#arranto #(i!( !an onl& -e 0iled -& a !ontender 0or t(e o00i!e in >uestion.
7n t(e eligi-ilit& o0 res)ondent /avide, res)ondents !ounter t(at Se!tion 23Gs
.andated retire.ent age a))lies onl& to !areer di)lo.ats, ex!luding 0ro. its a.-it
non;!areer a))ointees su!( as res)ondent /avide.
?(et(er or not t(e "resident !ould a))oint an a.-assador #(o did not satis0& t(e
>uali0i!ations set -& la#.
7n "etitionerGs 5o!us Standi
"etitionerGs !itizens(i) and tax)a&er status do not !lot(e (i. #it( standing to -ring
t(is suit. :(ree 0a!tors are relevant in t(e 4ourtGs deter.ination to allo# t(ird )art&
suits L t(e !(ara!ter o0 0unds or assets involved in t(e !ontrovers&; a !lear disregard
o0 !onstitutional or statutor& )ro(i-ition; and, t(e la!2 o0 an& ot(er )art& #it( a .ore
dire!t and s)e!i0i! interest to -ring t(e suit. None o0 )etitionerGs allegations !
!lose to an& o0 t(ese )ara.eters. %ndeed, i.)li!it in a )etition see2ing a ,udi!ial
inter)retation o0 a statutor& )rovision on t(e retire.ent o0 govern.ent )ersonnel
o!!asioned -& its see.ingl& a.-iguous !ra0ting is t(e ad.ission t(at a A!lear
disregard o0 !onstitutional or statutor& )ro(i-itionA is a-sent. Furt(er, t(e /F* is not
devoid o0 )ersonnel #it( A.ore dire!t and s)e!i0i! interest to -ring t(e suit.A 4areer
a.-assadors 0or!ed to leave t(e servi!e at t(e .andated retire.ent age
un>uestiona-l& (old interest 0ar .ore su-stantial and )ersonal t(an )etitionerGs
generalized interest as a !itizen in ensuring en0or!e.ent o0 t(e la#.
:(e sa.e !on!lusion (olds true 0or )etitionerGs invo!ation o0 (is tax)a&er status.
=o#ever, t(e salaries and -ene0its res)ondent /avide re!eived !o..ensurate to (is
di)lo.ati! ran2 are 0ixed -& la# and ot(er exe!utive issuan!es, t(e 0unding 0or
#(i!( #as in!luded in t(e a))ro)riations 0or t(e /F*Gs total ex)enditures !ontained
in t(e annual -udgets 4ongress )assed sin!e res)ondent /avideGs no.ination.
=aving assu.ed o00i!e under !olor o0 aut(orit& Ia))oint.entJ, res)ondent /avide is
at least a de 0a!to o00i!er entitled to dra# salar&, negating )etitionerGs !lai. o0
Aillegal ex)enditure o0 s!ar!e )u-li! 0unds.A
*n in!a)a!it& to -ring legal a!tions )e!uliar to )etitioner also o-tains. "etitionerGs
sus)ension 0ro. t(e )ra!ti!e o0 la# -ars (i. 0ro. ) Aan& a!tivit&, in or out
o0 !ourt, #(i!( re>uires t(e a))li!ation o0 la#, legal )ro!edure, 2no#ledge, training
and ex)erien!e.A
7n @ootness
* su)ervening event (as rendered t(is !ase a!ade.i! and t(e relie0 )ra&ed 0or .oot.
3es)ondent /avide resigned (is )ost at t(e UN on *)ril 1, 2'1'.
*t issue is t(e )o#er o0 4ongress to t(e "residentGs )rerogative to no.inate
a.-assadors -& legislating age >uali0i!ations des)ite t(e !onstitutional rule li.iting
4ongressG role in t(e a))oint.ent o0 a.-assadors to t(e 4o..ission on
*))oint.entsG !on0ir.ation o0 no.inees. =o#ever, 0or la!2 o0 a !ase or !ontrovers&
grounded on )etitionerGs la!2 o0 !a)a!it& to sue and .ootness, t(e 4ourt dis.issed
t(e )etition #it(out rea!(ing t(e .erits, de0erring 0or anot(er da& t(e resolution o0
t(e >uestion raised, novel and 0unda.ental it .a& -e.
Se!tion 18 I1J, *rti!le H%% o0 t(e 197 4onstitution )rovides$ O:(e "resident s(all
no.inate and, #it( t(e !onsent o0 t(e 4o..ission on *))oint.ents, a))oint x x x
a.-assadors, ot(er )u-li! .inisters and !onsuls x x x.K :(e 0ollo#ing !o..ent on
t(e intera!tion o0 t(e !onstitutional s)(eres o0 )o#er o0 t(e "resident, Senate It(e
4o..ission on *))oint.ents in t(is ,urisdi!tionJ, and 4ongress in t(e no.ination
and !on0ir.ation )ro!ess under t(e US 4onstitutionGs *))oint.ents 4lause, t(e
nor.ative .odel o0 t(e 0irst senten!e o0 Se!tion 18 I1J, *rti!le H%% o0 t(e 197
4onstitution, is instru!tive$
:(e 4onstitution assigns t(e )o#er o0 no.ination 0or a !on0ir.ation a))oint.ent to
t(e "resident alone, and it allo!ates t(e )o#er o0 !on0ir.ation a))oint.ents to t(e
"resident toget(er #it( t(e Senate. 4ongress !an )ass la#s x x x to (el) t(e
"resident and Senate !arr& out t(ose 0un!tions, su!( as esta-lis(ing an agen!& to
(el) identi0& and evaluate )otential no.inees. 6ut x x x 4ongress !annot re>uire t(at
t(e "resident (is no.inees to a s)e!i0i! grou) o0 individuals na.ed -&
so.eone else, or !onstrain a))oint.ents to )eo)le #(o .eet a )arti!ular set o0
>uali0i!ations, 0or !on0ir.ation a))oint.ents. I=ana( @et!(is Holo2(, :(e :#o
*))oint.ents 4lauses$ Statutor& Puali0i!ations For Federal 700i!ers, 1' U. "a. J.
4onst. 5. 745, 783 B2''7CJ
Forti!(, et al. vs. 4orona and 9arilao
9.3. No. 131457; *ugust 19, 1999
Justi!e Qnares;Santiago
3es)ondents and intervenors ,ointl& argue, t(at t(e 4ourtGs 3esolution dated
Nove.-er 17, 199, #(erein t(e 4ourt voted t#o;t#o on t(e se)arate .otions 0or
re!onsideration o0 its earlier /e!ision or *)ril 24, 199, as a result o0 #(i!( t(e
/e!ision #as dee.ed a00ir.ed, did not e00e!tivel& resolve t(e said .otions 0or
re!onsideration inas.u!( as t(e .atter s(ould (ave -een re0erred to t(e 4ourt sitting
en -an!, )ursuant to *rti!le H%%%, Se!tion 4 I3J o0 t(e 4onstitution.
3es)ondents, t(roug( t(e 700i!e o0 t(e Soli!itor 9eneral, 0iled t(eir A@otion For
3e!onsideration 70 :(e 3esolution /ated Nove.-er 17, 199 *nd For 3e0erral 70
:(e 4ase :o :(is =onora-le 4ourt +n 6an! I?it( Urgent "ra&er For %ssuan!e 70 *
3estraining 7rderJA on /e!e.-er 3, 199, a!!o.)anied -& a A@ani0estation and
@otionA and a !o)& o0 t(e 3egistered @ail 6ill eviden!ing 0iling o0 t(e said .otion
0or re!onsideration to t(e 4ourt -& registered .ail.
?(et(er or not t(e se!ond .otion 0or re!onsideration #as )ro)er.
*rti!le H%%%, Se!tion 4 I3J o0 t(e 4onstitution$
4ases or .atters (eard -& a division s(all -e de!ided or resolved #it( t(e
!on!urren!e o0 a .a,orit& o0 t(e @e.-ers #(o a!tuall& too2 )art in t(e deli-erations
on t(e issues in t(e !ase and voted t(ereon, and in no !ase #it(out t(e !on!urren!e o0
at least t(ree o0 su!( @e.-ers. ?(en t(e re>uired nu.-er is not o-tained, t(e !ase
s(all -e de!ided en -an!$ "rovided, t(at no do!trine or )rin!i)le o0 la# laid do#n -&
t(e 4ourt in a de!ision rendered en -an! or in division .a& -e .odi0ied or reversed
ex!e)t -& t(e 4ourt sitting en -an!.
* !are0ul reading o0 t(e said !onstitutional )rovision, (o#ever, reveals t(e intention
o0 t(e 0ra.ers to dra# a distin!tion -et#een !ases, on t(e one (and, and .atters, on
t(e ot(er (and, su!( t(at !ases are Ade!idedA #(ile .atters, #(i!( in!lude .otions,
are AresolvedA. 7t(er#ise )ut, t(e #ord Ade!idedA .ust re0er to A!asesA; #(ile t(e
#ord AresolvedA .ust re0er to A.attersA, a))l&ing t(e rule o0 reddendo singula
singulis. :(is is true not onl& in t(e inter)retation o0 t(e a-ove;>uoted *rti!le H%%%,
Se!tion 4I3J, -ut also o0 t(e ot(er )rovisions o0 t(e 4onstitution #(ere t(ese #ords
%t is !lear t(at onl& !ases are re0erred to t(e 4ourt en -an! 0or de!ision #(enever t(e
re>uired nu.-er o0 votes is not o-tained. 4onversel&, t(e rule does not a))l& #(ere,
as in t(is !ase, t(e re>uired t(ree votes is not o-tained in t(e resolution o0 a .otion
0or re!onsideration. =en!e, t(e se!ond senten!e o0 t(e a0ore>uoted )rovision s)ea2s
onl& o0 A!aseA and not A.atterA. :(e reason is si.)le. :(e a-ove;>uoted *rti!le
H%%%, Se!tion 4I3J )ertains to t(e dis)osition o0 !ases -& a division. %0 t(ere is a tie in
t(e voting, t(ere is no de!ision. :(e onl& #a& to dis)ose o0 t(e !ase t(en is to re0er it
to t(e 4ourt en -an!. 7n t(e ot(er (and, i0 a !ase (as alread& -een de!ided -& t(e
division and t(e losing )art& 0iles a .otion 0or

re!onsideration, t(e 0ailure o0 t(e division to resolve t(e .otion -e!ause o0 a tie in
t(e voting does not leave t(e !ase unde!ided. :(ere is still t(e de!ision #(i!( .ust
stand in vie# o0 t(e 0ailure o0 t(e .e.-ers o0 t(e division to .uster t(e ne!essar&
vote 0or its re!onsideration. Puite )lainl&, i0 t(e voting results in a tie, t(e .otion 0or
re!onsideration is lost. :(e assailed de!ision is not re!onsidered and .ust t(ere0ore
-e dee.ed a00ir.ed.
:(e !ontention t(at t(e 4ourtGs 3esolution o0 Nove.-er 17, 199 did not dis)ose o0
t(e earlier .otions 0or re!onsideration o0 t(e /e!ision dated *)ril 24, 199 is
0la#ed. 4onse>uentl&, t(e )resent .otions 0or re!onsideration ne!essaril& )arta2e o0
t(e nature o0 a se!ond .otion 0or re!onsideration #(i!(, a!!ording to t(e !lear and
una.-iguous language o0 3ule 58, Se!tion 4, in relation to 3ule 52, Se!tion 2, o0 t(e
1997 3ules o0 4ivil "ro!edure, is )ro(i-ited.
:(e 4ourt .aintained t(at t(e A?in;?inA 3esolution dated Nove.-er 7, 1997 is
void and o0 no legal e00e!t !onsidering t(at t(e @ar!( 29, 1998 de!ision o0 t(e
700i!e o0 t(e "resident I7"J (ad alread& -e!o.e 0inal and exe!utor& L even )rior to
t(e 0iling o0 t(e .otion 0or re!onsideration #(i!( -e!a.e t(e -asis o0 t(e said A?in;
?inA 3esolution. :(is ruling, >uite understanda-l&, s)ar2ed a litan& o0 )rotestations
on t(e )art o0 res)ondents and intervenors in!luding entreaties 0or a li-eral
inter)retation o0 t(e rules. :(e senti.ent #as t(at not#it(standing its i.)ortan!e
and 0ar;rea!(ing e00e!ts, t(e !ase #as dis)osed o0 on a te!(ni!alit&. :(e situation,
(o#ever, is not as si.)le as #(at t(e .ovants )ur)ort it to -e. ?(ile it .a& -e true
t(at on its 0a!e t(e nulli0i!ation o0 t(e A?in;?inA 3esolution #as grounded on a
)ro!edural rule )ertaining to t(e regle.entar& )eriod to a))eal or .ove 0or
re!onsideration, t(e underl&ing !onsideration t(ere0or #as t(e )rote!tion o0 t(e
su-stantive rig(ts o0 )etitioners. :(e 0inalit& o0 t(e @ar!( 29, 1998 7" /e!ision
a!!ordingl& vested a))urtenant rig(ts to t(e land in dis)ute on )etitioners as #ell as
on t(e )eo)le o0 6u2idnon and ot(er )arts o0 t(e !ountr& #(o stand to -e -ene0ited
-& t(e develo).ent o0 t(e )ro)ert&. :(e issue in t(is !ase, t(ere0ore, is not a
>uestion o0 te!(ni!alit& -ut o0 su-stan!e and .erit.

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