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Posted on October 24, 2013 by Maxim Peptide

AICAR, scientifically known as 5-Aminomidaloze-4-
carboxamide ribonucleotide, is a peptide that has been
utilized in scientific study on animal research subects in
relation to measurin! !lucose uptake, insulin resistance,
and ener!y re!ulation" It has also been studied #ia animal
test subect in relation to cardiac ischemic inuries"
AICAR and $lucose
Accordin! to scientific research based on animal test subects, AICARhas been measured to be capable of
increasin! the uptake of !lucose& one of the three dietary monosaccharides 'alon! with fructose and !alactose( that
are absorbed directly into the bloodstream durin! di!estion, where it is used by cells as a secondary ener!y source
and a metabolic intermediate" )hese studies ha#e also shown that AICAR has been measured to increase the
synthesis of !lyco!en& the multibranched polysaccharide that ser#es as a type of ener!y stora!e in animal test
subects" )his increased uptake and synthesis has been determined to lead to an ele#ated rate of protein
secretions that relate to the buildin! and repair of skeletal muscle tissue" )his in turn has shown that animal test
subects that are introduced to the peptide ha#e a more efficient means of muscular build up as well as muscular
AICAR and Insulin Resistance
*cientific research on animal test subects has determined that the peptide has positi#e theoretical benefits in
relation to combatin! insulin resistance" )his physiolo!ical condition is marked by a cell+s inability to respond to the
normal reactions brou!ht about by insulin secretions" *tudies conducted on laboratory rats ha#e determined that
the peptide has the ability to enhance a proper cellular response to insulin secretions" )his action of lowerin!
insulin resistance within an animal test subect directly correlates to AICAR+s ability stimulate !lyco!en synthesis
and impro#e !lucose uptake, which are two factors that are important for the !rowth and repair of muscular and
skeletal tissue"
AICAR and ,ner!y Re!ulation
*cientific study on animal test subects has demonstrated that AICAR has an ability to impro#e !lucose update and
stimulate the synthesis of !lyco!en" )his, in turn, means that the peptide has the facility to enable a test subect+s
body to re!ulate or escalate the amount of ener!y that can be expressed durin! an amount of acti#ity" )his process
has led to the theory that the subects+ bodies in relation to their ener!y-dri#en processes can also be ele#ated"
)hese matters of ele#ation include-
An increase in endurance . AICAR+s ability to increase expression of protein content and allow for a more
efficient ener!y con#ersion process allows the muscles of animal test subects to perform at a consistent rate
o#er a lon!er course of time, without showin! si!ns of fati!ue at typical rates"
An increase in the burning of fat . Scientific study based on laboratory rats ha#e determined that AICAR+s
facility to prolon! protein expression led to a more efficient breakdown of adipose tissue 'that is, body fat("
)hese studies state that len!thy exposure to AICAR+s acti#ation tendencies can remodel adipocyte metabolism
by upre!ulatin! pathways that fa#or the dissipation of ener!y instead of the stora!e of body fat"
AICAR and Cardiac Ischemic Injury
Additionally, scientific study on animal test subects has determined that AICAR+s ability to promote !lucose uptake
can help in the protection from and the treatment of cardiac ischemic inuries" )hese inuries, which can either be
asymptomatic or can manifest itself throu!h chest pain brou!ht on by an!ina pectoris, is partially traced back to
insufficient le#els of !lucose that is needed in order to maintain cellular homeostasis" It is theorized that AICAR+s
presence would enable a more efficient carria!e of !lucose to the areas that may potentially be affected by a
cardiac ischemic condition, and it can also potentially stabilize an area in the aftermath of an ischemic condition"
Additionally, it has been theorized that AICAR+s ability to increase the efficiency in which ener!y is processed and
distributed could potentially be help out in prohibitin! the restriction of blood flow throu!h an area affected by an
ischemic inury" /y extension, the presence of AICAR within an animal test subect could at least partially reduce
the risk of heart failure in the aftermath of a cardiac ischemic episode"
For Scientific Research Only
0hile there has been a lot of scientific study that has been conducted on animal test subects in relation to AICAR
and its functionality, it should be noted the peptide is currently still in the research phase" Any information and
study relatin! to AICAR+s functionality and relationship to !lucose uptake, insulin resistance, ener!y re!ulation, and
cardiac ischemic inury should solely be contained to the confines of a strictly controlled en#ironment such as a
medical research facility or a laboratory"

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