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Maktab Perguruan Sarawak, Miri

January 2003

Gan Teck Hock / George M. Jacobs / Tiong King Kiong / Ang Jeng Chyi

Gan Teck Hock / George M. Jacobs / Chang Yi / Sia Pong Won

Valentine Lim / Abdul Mutalib b. Musyan

will help you to understand
the meaning of a triangle.

Copyright 2003 by Maktab Perguruan Sarawak.

Published in Miri, Malaysia by
Maktab Perguruan Sarawak,
Jalan Bakam, 98009 MIRI, Sarawak, Malaysia.

Who will inherit
my throne...?

A long time ago, in a country called Shapelasia,
there was a king who was very, very old and
sick. Everyone in the country was worried about
what was going to happen after the king died.
The king had no children because his only child,
a daughter, had died at birth 20 years ago,
along with the kings wife. So, there was no one
to become the new king when the king died.

Find my princess ...

One day, the king told the Supreme Council a secret.
The Princess, his daughter, did not die at birth 20
years ago. This was what really happened. When the
princess was born, she looked very strange. Her
body was shaped like a triangle. The king was very
ashamed of his triangle-shaped daughter. So, he
sent her to live in a place far, far away. He told no
one where she was.

Princess Triangle
has 3 sides ...

The Supreme Council asked the king where the
princess was living. However, the king died
before he could tell them where to find
Princess Triangle.

Princess Triangle . . .
please come home now!
The death of the king of Shapelasia was
announced to the whole nation. At the same
time, the Supreme Council asked Princess
Triangle to return to the Palace immediately
and become the Queen of Shapelasia.

Who is

Many young women wanted to be the queen.
Very soon, many women came to the Palace.
They all said that they were Princess Triangle.

They all
have 3 sides!

The Chief Minister chose the three women who
looked most like a triangle.

Please help me !
He brought them to meet Sang Kancil, the wise
mousedeer. After thinking for a while, Sang
Kancil decided to ask the three princesses to
take some tests.
Ahh .. ha one is not stable

In the first test, all the princesses stood
upside down. Sang Kancil noticed that one of
the young women was not able to stand in a
stable position because one of her sides was
curved. According to Sang Kancil, all three
sides of a triangle must be straight. So, Sang
Kancil told the curved person: You are not the
real Princess Triangle. Please go home.
one leaks !

Triangles must have 3 straight sides. Sang
Kancil also knew that any triangle should be a
closed shape! So, the remaining two candidates
were asked to jump into a river. This time,
another 3-sided person was found not to be the
real Princess Triangle because she had an open
shape that let in water! Sang Kancil told the
watery person: You are not the real Princess
Triangle. Please go home.
This is the real
Princess Triangle !

Finally, the smart Sang Kancil declared that
the true Princess Triangle was the person
with 3 straight, closed sides.
We must care
for the people!

The Supreme Council was very happy. They
immediately crowned Princess Triangle the Queen of
Shapelasia. Although the new queen looked a little
different, she was an intelligent and kind ruler. She
decided to have elections and she was elected Prime
Minister of Shapelasia. Since then, Shapelasia
progressed tremendously and the people lived happily
ever after!


Answer this question:

What are the 3 distinctive characteristics
of a triangle?


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