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Chapter 1

1.1 Backgroud
In 1972, the Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad esta!"ished the Institute o# $co"og% as an
interdiscip"inar% research center #or investigating the deve"op&ent're"ated i&pacts on the
environ&ent and disse&inating these investigating resu"ts to those concerned. It is in the
Universitas Padjadjaran(s interest and in "ine )ith the &ission o# the Institute o# $co"og% in
pro&oting an eco"ogica""% "iterate societ% that the *aster o# +cience "eve" Course on
$nviron&entaj +tudies (P+*I, has !een esta!"ished in 1999 )ithin the e-isting Post .raduate
Progra&&e. /he curricu"u& #or this progra&&e )as deve"oped !% sta## #ro& the #acu"t%, in
cooperation )ith C+/* sta##. /his progra&&e has !een running success#tii"% #or severa" %ears,
and 01'21 ne) students are enro""ed ever% %ear. +ince 1999, it has had &ore than 121
)ho are no) environ&enta" pro#essiona"s in govern&ent organi3ations, 4.5s, and private
C+/* )as #ounded in 1966 to conduct environ&enta" research. Its &andate &irrors the
entrepreneuria" goa"s o# the Universit% o# /)ente7 to conduct and app"% innovative research #or
the !ene#it o# societ%. 8e specia"i3e in governance, e&phasising sustaina!"e deve"op&ent,
environ&enta" 9ua"it%, and techno"ogica" innovation. 8e o##er courses that co&!ine po"ic%,
&anage&ent, and techno"og%. C+/* has three divisions. :i" three divisions ai& to e-pand the
kno)"edge !ase #or designing and i&p"e&enting governance strategies #or sustaina!"e
deve"op&ent, !oth in a )estern and in a north'south perspective. .overnance strategies are
studied in a techno"ogica" and socio'econo&ic conte-t. C+/* contri!utes to the teaching
progra&&es o# the Universit% o# /)ente through its o)n internationa" *aster o# +cience in
$nviron&enta" and $nerg% *anage&ent, and the *inor :s the 8or"d /urns7 +ustaina!"e
;eve"op&ent in a 4orth'south perspectiveas )e"" as individua" courses #or other depart&ents,
such as the *aster o# +cience in +ustaina!"e $nerg% /echno"og%.
+ince 1999, the Universitas Padjadjaran and the Universit% o# /)ente have signed a
*e&orandu& o# Understanding (*oU concerning cooperation and e-change in acade&ic
+ince ear"% 2117, the Institute o# $co"og% (Unpad and C+/* (U/ have !een preparing a
degree progra&&e ena!"ing students #ro& Indonesia to do part o# their studies in the
and to o!tain t)o degrees. /he !usiness p"an is the resu"t o# various discussions, !oth in the
4ether"ands and Indonesia, and is &eant to descri!e the )a% the progra&&e is going to !e
In 2117, the *aster(s Progra&&e on $nviron&enta" +tudies (P+*I, Universitas Padjadjaran
has succeeded to o!tain <Beasis)a Unggu"an( #ro& the *inistr% o# 4ationa" $ducation #or 11
teachers enro""ing in this stud% progra&&e. /his 11 teachers )ere se"ected #ro& a!out 121
app"icants !ased on the criteria agreed !et)een the *inistr% o# 4ationa" $ducation and Unpad.
the #o""o)ing %ear (2116, 17 students )ere enro""ed in P+*I, )ith the sa&e scho"arship
directed #or dou!"e degree progra&&e esta!"ished !et)een Unpad and the Universit% o#
/he% )ere +i #resh graduates #ro& various discip"ines, natura" sciences as )e"" as socia"
sciences, 5# the 17 students, si- o# the& succeeded to 9ua"i#% as no&inees #or dou!"e degree
progra&&e. But due to the "i&ited #inancia" !udget supported !% <Beasis)a Unggu"an( o# the
*inistr% o# 4ationa" $ducation, on"% t)o o# the si- students )ent to the Universit% o# /)ente the
4ether"ands in "ast acade&ic %ear (2119. In the end o# ;ese&!er 2111, the t)o students
acade&ic %ear (2119 a"read% #inished their *+i degree #ro& Universitas Padjadjaran and *+c
degree #ro& Universit% o# /)ente. In the #o""o)ing %ear (2119, 6 students )ere enro""ed in
P+*I, )ith the sa&e scho"arship directed #or dou!"e degree progra&&e esta!"ished !et)een
Unpad and the Universit% o# /)ente. But on"% t)o o# the eight students )ent to the Universit% o#
/)ente the 4eth=r"and in "ast a>ade&ic %ear (2111. It is e-pected that the t)o students )i""
o!tain their *+i degree #ro& Universitas Padjadjaran and *+c degree #ro& Universit% o#
!% the end o# ;ece&!er 2111.
In the acade&ic %ear 2111?2112, the stud% progra&&e o# *aster(s on $nviron&enta" +tudies
(P+Iv##, Universitas Padjadjaran is app"%ing the scho"arship @Beasis)a Unggu"an( #ro& the
Indonesian *inistr% o# 4ationa" $ducation #or the second !atch o# dou!"e degree progra&&e.
/his proposa" is su!&itted to the &inistr% #or the purpose o# ac9uiring the scho"arship #or 01'02
ne) students joining the stud% progra&&e. :t present, the stud% progra&&e is in the stage o#
recruiting ne) potentia" students !ased on the criteria o# se"ection that have !een set up !% the
*inistr% o# $ducation (through Beasis)a Unggu"an and Unpad.
1.2 Aationa"e
$sta!"ish&ent o# an internationa" dou!"e degree progra&&e.
/he rationa"e #or esta!"ishing the progra&&e as an internationa" dou!"e degree progra&&e
!et)een U4IB5* and the Coungsan Universit% can !e su&&ari3ed as #o""o)s. *an%
Indonesians aspire to stud% a!road and o!tain a #oreign Universit% ;egree. /his, together )ith a
good co&&and o# the $ng"ish "anguage gives peop"e a co&parative advantage in the jo!
Do)ever, #e""o)ships #or overseas stud% are scarce and the #inancia" i&p"ications o# stud%ing
a!road are such that &ost peop"e cannot a##ord this. : stud% that "eads to t)o degrees, one
Indonesia, and one #ro& a #oreign Universit%, is there#ore high"% attractive #or &an% prospective
students. It not on"% gives the& the kno)"edge, ana"%tica" capacities, and ski""s re9uired in #uture
pro#essiona" "i#e, !ut a"so gives the& e-posure to internationa" setting and there!% provides
students )ith a va"ua!"e net)ork o# contacts )ith internationa" students (and a"u&ni #ro& a""
over the )or"d. /he Centre o# C"ean /echno"og% and $nviron&enta" Po"ic% has a "ong histor% o#
teaching and training in the area o# environ&enta" science, po"ic% and &anage&entE )ith
particu"ar e-pertise in the area o# energ% &anage&ent, environ&enta" &anage&ent, )ater
resource &anage&ent, c"i&ate change, governance and po"ic% re"ated to natura" resource
&anage&ent, and techno"og%.
Interests o# the partners
For Unpad(s *aster o# +cience "eve" Course on $nviron&enta" +tudies, the interest o#
participating in the progra&&e can !e su&&ari3ed as #o""o)s7
I. $sta!"ish&ent o# institutiona" co""a!oration )ith research and education institutes in the
4ether"ands as part o# Unpad(s Internationa"i3ation Po"ic%E.
2. Institutiona" co""a!oration )ith overseas universt% is e-pected to increase the internationa"
pro#i"e o# UnpadE
G. Unpad(s *aster Progra& on $nviron&enta" +tudies has a specia" interest in !roadening
co""a!oration )ith a research?education institute, the /he Universit% o# /)ente, )ith
)hich there is a histor% o# #riend"% acade&ic cooperation and partnershipE
0. Unpad(s *aster Progra& on $nviron&enta" +tudies has a specia" interest and proven
track record o# training and capacit% deve"op&ent o# p"anners, private sectors, non'
govern&ent organi3ations, govern&ent o##icers, and po"ic% &akersE
2. Co""a!oration )ith the Universit% o# /)ente is e-pected to increase the nu&!er o#
internationa" students and to increase Unpad(s hu&an resource capacit%E
H. /he Internationa" ;ou!"e ;egree Progra&&e, through e-change o# "ecturers and joint
supervision, creates opportunities #or joint research activities and pu!"icationsE
7. /he Internationa" ;ou!"e ;egree Progra&&e, and contacts )ith the Universit% o# /)ente,
creates opportunities #or identi#ication o# potentia" Ph; students.
For C+/* at the Universit% o# /)ente, the interest o# participating in the progra&&e can !e
su&&ari3ed as #o""o)s7
I. $sta!"ish&ent o# institutiona" co""a!oration )ith research and education institutes in
Indonesia is considered to !e one o# the Universit%(s priorities and encouraged !% the
Universit%(s Internationa"i3ation Po"ic%E.
2. Institutiona" co""a!oration )ith Unpad is e-pected to increase the internationa" pro#i"e o#
!oth C+/* and the U/E it is e-pected to increase the pro#i"e o# C+/* and U/ in
Indonesia especia""% since Uad is one o# the "eading universities in indonesia
G. C+/* has a specia" interest in !roadening co""a!or2tjo#" )ith a researceducatjor
institute, tue *aster o# +cience "eve" Course on $nvirorunentai +tudies o# the Universjtas
Padjadjaran, )ith )hich there is a histor% o# #riend"% acade&ic cooperation and
0. C+/* has a specia" interest and proven track record o# training and capaci deve"op&ent
o# (present and #uture p"anners and po"ic% &akersE
+. Co""a!oration )ith Unpad is e-pected to increase the nu&!er o# internationa" students at
the *aster o# $nviron&enta" and $nerg% *anage&ent
H. /he Internationa" ;ou!"e ;egree Progra&&e, though e-change o# "ecturers and joint
supervision creates opportunjtj #or joint research activities and pu!"icationsE
7. /he Internationa" ;ou!"e ;egree Progra&&e, and contacts )ith Unpad, creates
opportunities #or identi#ication o# potentia" Ph; students.
8h% a ;ou!"e ;egree Progra&&e on $nviron&enta" +ciencesI
$nviro&nenta" studies are rapid"% !eco&ing #ocus o# interest #ro& &an% organi3atio due to
their i&portant ro"e in sustaining "oca", regiona" and nationa" deve"op&ent. /he deve"op&ent is
re9uired to i&prove the 9ua"ir o# "i#e. Do)ever, e-periences sho) us that the sa&e deve"op&ent
have a"so resu"ted in environ&enta" distur!ance )hich, in &an% cases, caused serious pro!"e&
sustaining nationa" deve"op&ent. :t present, a #e) "eading versjties running environ&enta"
studies at postgraduate "eve" are #ar #ro& enough to produce 9ua"i#ied environjuenta" specia"ists
to cope )ith the current enviror&&enta" pro!"e&s caused !% deve"op&entre"ated activities.
It is Universjtas Padjadjarans ai& to pro&ote an eco"ogica""% "iterate socie hence the *aster o#
+cience "eve" course on $nviron&enta" +tudies has !een esta!"ished )ithin the e-isting
Postgraduate Progra&. /he nature o# the $nviron&enta" +tudies Progra& re9uires that
interactjo o# sta## #ro& di##erent #acu"ties )ithin the Universjtas Padj adjaran shou"d !e &ade as
e##ective"% as possi!"e so that students enro""ed in the $nvirorunenta" +tudies Progra& cou"d
!ene#it the &ost. .iven the c"ose interre"ations !et)een environ&enta" pro!"e&s at "oca" and
g"o!a" "eve", and the increasing internationa" environ&enta" pressures, it is o# great interest that
students a"so are e-posed to an internationa" environ&ent, and understand "inkages !et)een
deve"op&e#"tre"ated po"ic% and techno"og%E the i&pact o# these po"icies and techno"ogies on the
environ&ent and natura" resources, and conse9uences #or p"anning, i&p"e&entation and
en#orce&ent o# natura" resource &anage&ent and environ&en po"ic% at sU!'djstct, district,
provincia", nationa" and internationa" "eve".
:t present, there is a great need #or training and capacit% deve"op&ent in environ&enta"
and natura" resource &anage&ent given the sca"e and nature o# environ&enta" cha""enges in
Indonesia /his inc"udes #"ooding, "and pressure, to-ic and ha3ardous co&pounds i.n )ater, soi"
and the airE &is&anage&ent o# scarce natura" resources such as )ater, tropica" #orests, #ishing
grounds, reserves, eco"ogica" risks resu"ting #ro& ecos%ste& distur!ance associated )ith
agricu"tura" and industria" activities.
Jer% #e) 5ppoties e-ist in Indonesia to stud% enviro&nenta" science in re"ation to
enviro&enta" po"ic% and P"ring, in paiicu"ar )ithin an internationa" co""a!oration
prograi&e Increasing"% there is a de&and #or p"annersE po"ic% &akers and researchers, )ho can
represejit indonesian envjroe#"ta1 ConCerns at internationa" #ora and ' at the sa&e ti&e are
a!"e to adjust their p"anning to the speci#ic cu"tura", po"itica" and socio'econo#"ic conte-t and the
Indonesian "ega" #ra&e)ork /his Internationa" ;ou!"e ;egree Progranrne intends to respond to
this need. In the #uture this cou"d !e e-panded in the provision o# tai"or'&ade progr2
adjusted to the speci#ic needs and de&ands #ro& organi3ations such as BP$4:+ and BPP/.
1.G ,ong'terjn Jision
: "ongstaiiding co""a!oration !eveen Unpad and the U/ a"read% e-ist and the present iu"tiative
is a "ogica" ne-t step in the cooperation .iven the #act that the vo e-isting progres )i""
open this ne) prestigious Knte&atjonj ;ou!"e ;egree Prograjine and the #act that !oth
proa&&es have !een running success#""1% over the "ast 6'9 %ears, it is e-pected that re"ative"%
"i"e preparation is re9uired to &ake the necessai% adjust&ents to the curricu"u& assess&ent
&eth and 9ua1i contro". /he accredited characteristics o# the $* progran1e o# U/ )i""
!e #u""% endorsed in the joint progra&e
/he "ong ter& o!jective is that Unpad and U/ sta## )i"" esta!"ish strong institutiona" "inks and
!roadeps the scope o# activities not on"% in education at *asters'"evei, !ut a"so in research,
training and pu!"ications. +ince the students )i"" do their thesis research on C55 topics, it is
anticipated that, over the %ears, this )i"" resu"t in a ving research progra&e +ta## e-change
is an integra" pa o# the progranne and possi!i"ities )i"" !e investigated #or e-terna" #unding o#
research in areas o#joint interest.
.iven the e-pected paicipation o# sta## o# p"anning o#"ices and various "eve"s o# governe it
is e-pected to Contri!ute to !roader capacit% !ui"ding and iititutiona1 strenen"ng especia""% at
the P"anning and po"ic% "eve". /his i&p"ies that the education direct"% !ene#its the p"anning
capacit% in Indonesia at Jarious adnjinistiajve "eve"s.
/hrough the panicipatjon o# Indonesian students in an internationa" progra&&e )ith students
#ro& a"" over the )or"d, the% can !ene#it #ro& a "i#e'"ong nevork o# a"&uiri, )hich #aci"itates
south.soth kno)"edge e-change and #aci"itate the generation o# +outh'south net)orks o#
e-per1i /his i&p"ies that the education has "ong'ter& !ene#its #or the p"anning and
deve"op&ent capacit% in Indonesia at nationa" and internationa" "eve".
/hese p"ai&ing and deve"op&ent capacities are re9uired to i&prove the 9ua"it% o# "i#e. Do)ever,
e-perien sho) us that the sa&e deve"op&ent have a"so resu"ted in environ&enta" distur!ance
)hich, in &an% cases, caused serious pro!"e& in sustaining nationa" deve"op&ent. :t present, a
#e) "eading universities #inning environ&enta" studies at postgrLduate "eve" e #ar #ro& enough
to produce 9ua"i#ied environ&enta" specia"ists to cope )ith the cent envirou&enta" pro!"e&s
caused !% deve"op&e#"tre"ated activities In responding to this increasing"% environ&enta"
pro!"e&s associated )ith the deve"op&ent processes and "ack o# 9ua"i#ied environ&enta"
specia"ists to hand"e the pro!"e&s, the Padjadjaran Universit% esta!"ished the *aster o#
"eve" course on $nviron&enta" +tudies to overco&e the enviroiunenta" pro!"e& and at the sa&e
ti&e to pro&ote an eco"ogica""% "iterate societ%.
1.0. ;escription o# the Partners
Institute o# $co"og% M Universitas Fadjadjaran
institute o# $co"og%, Padjadjaran Universit% is one o# the "eading universities in indonesia. /he
Institute o# $co"og% )as esta!"ished !% Padjadjaran Universit% in 1972 as an interdiscip"inar%
research center #or investigating the deve"op&ent're"ated i&pacts on the environ&ent and
disse&inating these investigating resu"ts to those concerned. Considering that the research
o# the Institute o# $co"og% shou"d not on"% !e disse&inated !ut shou"d a"so !e used as "ecturing
&ateria"s, there#ore in 1999 the Institute o# $co"og% esta!"ished the Postgraduate Progra& in
$nviron&enta" +tudies. /he Postgraduate Progra& in $nviron&enta" +tudies is part o# the
se"ections o# postgraduate progra&s (Pascasarjana run !% the Padj adj aran Universit%. It is
"ocated in the cit% o# Bandung and is ver% c"ose"% "inked )ith #aci"ities such as "i!raries, in'house
and #ie"d "a!oratories, and co&puting #aci"ities in !oth Padjadjaran Universit% and other
institutions in Bandung area. ?
In ter&s o# acade&ic're"ated resources (!oth hu&an and course &ateria"s the Postgraduate
Progra& in $nviron&enta" +tudies is c"ose"% "inked )ith the Institute o# $co"og%, Aesearch
Institute, Padjadjaran Universit%. /he progra& )i"" a"so !e supported !% various #aci"ities )ithin
Padjadjaran Universit%, :genc% #or the :ssess&ents and :pp"ication o# /echno"og% (BPP/,
4ationa" ;eve"op&ent P"anning :genc% (Bappenas, *inistr% o# $ducation, and !% overseas
institutions inc"uding /)ente and Utrech Universities, the 4ether"andsE the $:PI'$ast 8est
Center, U+:E Universit% o# Ca"i#ornia, Berke"e%, U+:E /he Institute o# $co"og% and Aesource
*anage&ent, Universit% o# $din!urgh, UBE and Universities o# /ok%o and .un&a, Kapan.
Centre #or C"ean /echno"og% and $nviron&enta" Po"ic% (C+/* ' Universit% o# /)ente
/he Universit% o# /)ente is one o# the %oungest Universities #or /echnica" and +ocia" +ciences,
)ith a strong innovative orientation, operating at the inter#ace !et)een techno"og%, societ% and
science. C+/* )as #ounded in 1966, and since then has !een ver% active in the area o#
enviro&nnenta" (po"ic% research at nationa", $uropean and internationa" "eve". /he Universit% o#
/)ente o##ers training and education at various "eve"s, inc"uding a *asters o# +cience on
$nviron&enta" and $rierg% *anage&ent (*$$*, that is coordinated !% #acu"t% o# C+/*. :
"arge &ajorit% o# the teachers are C+/* #acu"t% too, #ro& a"" three divisions o# the institute. Both
C+/* and the Universit% have c"ose "inks )ith private sector organi3ations, se&i'pu!"ic
organi3ations (such as )ater !oards, po"ic%'&akers and high"% 9ua"i#ied research net)orks at
nationa" and internationa" "eve". 8ithin C+/*, the /echno"og% and +ustaina!"e ;eve"op&ent in
a 4orth'+outh Perspective (/+; division #ocuses on sustaina!"e deve"op&ent in :sia, :#rica,
and ,atin :&erica, e-a&ining socio'econo&ic, environ&enta", cu"tura", and institutiona"
in#"uences. /his division #ocuses on t)o &ain the&es7 (1 trans#er and &anage&ent o#
techno"og% and (2 po"ic% ana"%sis in institutiona" and environ&enta" sustaina!i"it%. /he C+/*
Fr%s"an division is "ocated in ,eeu)arden, in the province o# Fr%s"Nn. /his centre researches
teaches sustaina!"e innovation. It a"so provides consu"tanc% services #or (regiona" co&panies,
gover&nents, and organi3ations. C+/* Fr%s"an organises and ad&inisters the *$$*.
Chapter 2
/he *arket
2.1 5vervie)
,ega" #ra&e)ork
Indonesia has gone through a period o# signi#icant change in its govern&ent structure. 8ith the
pu!"ication o# t)o ne) !asic "a)s, the Indonesian .overn&ent has set in &otion a
decentra"i3ation progra&&e that ai&ed at de"egating a "arge part #or the govern&ent
responsi!i"it% to Provincia" and ;istrict "eve". /he "ega" #ra&e)ork #or the decentra"i3ation
progra&&e is #or&ed !% ,a) 4o. G2 (2110 and !% ,a) 4o. 22 (1999, #o""o)ed !% ,a)s G2
and GG on Aegiona" .overnance and on Fisca" ;ecentra"i3ation. In practice this &eans that a "ot
o# responsi!i"ities #or "oca" ad&inistration are no) !eing de"egated to "o)er "eve"s o#
govern&ent. For sta## at Provincia" and ;istrict "eve", this invo"ves ne) cha""enges and
responsO!O"ities. /his inc"udes that p"anning and &anage&ent o# natura" resources, )aste
&anage&ent, agro'ecos%ste& &anage&ent and environ&enta" i&pact assess&ent, and other
u!jec#s that &ke up esshtia" parts o# the progra&&e. :s the .overn&ent deter&ines nationa"
po"icies on environ&enta" &anage&ent and spatia" &anage&ent, it a"so is asked to take ccj#"t5
account re"igious va"ues, cu"ture and tradition and the "iving nor&s o# the co&&unit%P (art. 6, :ct
o# the Aepu!"ic o# Indonesia, 4o. 2G o# 1997 regarding $nviron&enta" *anage&ent. :s
indicated !% the saine "a)7
<$nviron&enta" &anage&ent is per#or&ed in an integrated &anner !% govern&ent institutions in
accordance )ith their respective #ie"ds o# tasks and responsi!i"ities, the pu!"ic and other agents
deve"op&ent )hi"e taking into account the integration o# the p"anning and i&p"e&entation o#
environ&enta" &anage&ent po"ic%P (art. 9, :ct o# the Aepu!"ic o# Indonesia, 4o. 2G o# 1997
regarding $nviro&nenta" *anage&ent. /he co&p"e-it% o# present'da% environ&enta" concerns
re9uires a )e""'trained and educated sta## at various "eve"s o# govern&entE )hich is a"so
recogni3ed in artic"e 11 o# the sa&e :ct, )hich in its e"ucidation, re#ers to "eadership, education
and training in the sche&e o# increasing the 9ua"it% and 9uantit% o# hu&an resources.
2.2 *arket assess&ent
:t present. on"% three universities in Indonesia o##er *aster Progra& on $nviron&ent7
1 /he Universitas Padjadjaran o##ers a *aster o# +cience on $nviron&enta" +tudies, )ith
specia"i3ations in $nviron&enta" Po"ic%, Industria" $co"og% and 4atura" Aesource
*anage&ent. Unpad has esta!"ished a progra&&e together )ith B:PP$4:+, has good
re"ations )ith BPP/, and joint education progra& )ith the *inistr% o# $ducation.
2 /he Universjtas Indonesia in Kakarta o##ers an*+i in $nviron&enta" +cience.
G /he Universitas ;iponegoro in +e&arang (Centra" Kava o##ers an *+c in $nviron&ent,
and has a"so a progra&&e together )ith B:PP$4:+.
Unpad receives annua""% appro-i&ate"% 211 app"ications #ro& students through B:PP$4:+,
*inistr% o# $ducation, and #ro& se"#'#unding students. It o##ers its progra&&e in three di##erent
ti&e'schedu"es7 1G &onths #u""'ti&e (*onda%'Frida%E 16 &onths part'ti&e (/hursda%'Frida%
+aturda% and 20 &onths part'ti&e (Frida%'+aturda%. $ach %ear a se"ection is &ade o# around
students, )ho co&p"% )ith the criteria #or their *aster Progra&&e. Funding is &ade avai"a!"e
through B:PP$4:+ and "oca" .overn&ents, and through the *inistr% o# $ducation (;IB4:+
:"though no #or&a" &arket assess&ent has !een done, it is evident #ro& contacts )ith
organi3ations such as B:PP$4:+ and BPP/ that there is a c"ear de&and #or training as
in this Internationa" ;ou!"e ;egree Progra&&e. It contri!utes to the need #or hu&an resources
identi#ied !% :ct. 4o. 2G in $nviron&enta" *anage&ent (1997, art. 11h, and o##ers students
ver% attractive stud% opportunities )ith a certain degree o# #"e-i!i"it%. /he co&!ination o# t)o
*aster degrees )ith Intensive $ng"ish courses and a pre'&asters, a genera" high standard,
strict 9ua"it% contro", )i"" give the& a c"ear advantage in their #uture pro#essiona" career. /here
are indications that B:PP$4:+ and BPP/ are interested in tai"or &ade training progra&&es
)ith BPP/ a"so possi!"% interested in Ph; progra&&es.
2.G /%pe o# students
/he separate *aster progra&&es #ro& Unpad and C+/* ai& at the #o""o)ing students7
1 +tudents )hose pri&ar% interest is in app"ication o# natura" sciences to environ&enta"
pro!"e&s, as )e"" as governance aspects
2 +tudents interested in the !usiness aspects o# environ&enta" &anage&ent
G +tudents interested in the hu&an eco"ogica" and socio'econo&ic aspects o# sustaina!i"it%
0 postgraduates )ith a c"ear a##init% #or &anage&ent and"or techno"og%, either as resu"t o#
their education or )ork e-perience
2 ;ecision'&akers in co&panies, govern&enta" organi3ations and 4.5s )ho )ish to
!eco&e environ&enta" and energ% specia"ists
: nu&!er o# speci#ic target groups have !een identi#ied )ho are e-pected to have a high
in participation in the Internationa" ;ou!"e ;egree Progra&&e on $nviron&enta" +ciences7
1 +ta## o# p"anning agencies (B:PP$4:+, at various "eve"s, i.e. nationa", provincia" and
district "eve"
2 +tudents #ro& the :genc% #or the :ssess&ent and :pp"ication o# /echno"og% (BPP/
G +ta## o# ;epart&ents and "ine agencies that have c"ear interests in &ore kno)"edge o#
environ&enta" p"anning, &anage&ent and the prevention o# environ&enta" degradation,
such as Pu!"ic 8orks, Forestr% and :gricu"ture
0 .raduates #ro& re"evant stud% progra&&es at +I (;rs. "eve". For #resh graduates the
progra&&e o##ers an opportunit% to o!tain t)o *+c degrees that )i"" ena!"e the& to #ind
ajo! &uch easier then co&pared to other studies.
2 +choo" teachers )ho active"% invo"ve in environ&enta"'re"ated education
H +ta## #ro& 4.5s that dea" )ith either environ&enta" p"anning and?or &anage&ent at su!
district. district, provincia", nationa" or internationa" "eve".
/he duration o# students( sta% in the 4ether"ands is #"e-i!"e, and can var% !et)een H &onths, 9
&onths !r 12 &onths (see progra&&e and curricu"u& out"ine.
2.0 +ponsors
Potentia" sponsors #or the progra&&e are (a&ong others7 4$+5, +/U4$;, the .overn&ent o#
Indonesia, $&!assies, 4.5s, U4$+C5, and private co&panies.
/he current progra&&e ai&s to #a"" under the po"ic% o# B:PP$4:+ )ith )hich Unpad has
esta!"ished c"ose "inks. 5ne o# the &ain po"icies is that the Unpad(s *aster Progra& on
$nviron&enta" +tudies shou"d incorporate the p"anning're"ated su!jects. 8ith these particu"ar
su!jects, it o##ers the possi!i"it% #or govern&ent o##icia"s to attend the internationa" dou!"e
progra&&e )ith #inancia" support #ro& the .overn&ent o# Indonesia.
/he 4ether"ands Fe""o)ship Progra&&e (4FP and the +/IK4$; prograr&ne cou"d !e a
potentia" sponsor #or so&e &jd'career pro#essiona"s. 5ther #e""o)ship progra&&es such as the
Ford Foundation and the Aocke#e""er Foundation cou"d a"so !e a possi!"e source o# #unding.
progra&&e is open #or participation o# se"#'#unding students, provided that the% co&p"% )ith a""
the criteria and re9uire&ents, as #or&u"ated in the stud% guide.
2.2 /argets
/he Internationa" ;ou!"e ;egree Progra&&e ai&s to start )ith appro-i&ate"% 11 students, and
u"ti&ate"% ai&s at attracting &ore students per %ear. /he &ini&u& o# participants is deter&ined
!% the #inancia" #easi!i"it% o# the progra&&e. /he &a-i&u& nu&!er o# participants is
deter&ined !oth !% the current capacit% at Unpad and C+/* and !% the !a"ance o# di##erent
nationa"ities a&ong the participating students during the period in the 4ether"ands. : pi"ot phase
cou"d !e part o# the #irst t)o %ears.
Chapter G
/he Internationa" ;ou!"e ;egree Progra&&e
G.1 5!jectives and pro#essiona" pro#i"e
/he Internationa" ;ou!"e ;egree Progra&&e ai&s to7
1 Produce 9ua"i#ied *aster o# +cience "eve" graduates in $nviron&enta" +ciencesE
2 Prepare #uture decision &akers #or ana"%sing and acting in an environ&enta""% proactive )a%E
G $-pose Indonesian students at post'graduate "eve" to education in an internationa" settingE
0 Create research'education "inkages !et)een C+/* (Universit% o# /)ente and the Institute
o# $co"og% (Universitas Padjadjaran.
/he pro#essiona" pro#i"e is such that7
1 .raduates )i"" !e a!"e to p"an, i&p"e&ent, &onitor and eva"uate environ&enta" and energ%
&anage&ent progra&&es, po"icies and projects
2 .raduates )i"" !e?a!"e to assess the "ike"% i&pacts o# deve"op&ent on the environ&ent, so
that via!"e and )Qrka!"e so"utions can !e initiated
G .raduates )i"" !e pro#essiona"s )hich can o##er @environ&enta" #irst aid( to govern&ent
organi3ations, to 45Us and to nationa" and internationa" #ir&s
G.2 Course Curricu"u&
/he Internationa" ;ou!"e ;egree progra&&e consists o# various e"e&ents, such as intensive
$ng"ish courses and a pre'&aster progra&&e (together 0 &onths, courses #ro& the *aster o#
+cience on $nviron&enta" +tudies (UnpadE courses o# the *asters $nviron&enta" and $nerg%
*anage&ent (U/E case studies, research thesis )riting and #ina" e-a&ination. /he duration o#
the progra&&e is 26 &onths. /here is a se&ester s%ste& at Unpad, and a tri'partite s%ste&
(courses, case studies, research at the Universit% o# /)ente. :"" su!jects )i"" !e given in
$ng"ish. /he re9uired K$,/+ score upon entrance is H.2 or 9.1 #or Internet'!ased /5$F, ()ith
speech. +ince this is a re"ative high standard re9uired #ro& students, there is a period o# 0
&onths incorporated #or students to !e trained in $ng"ish. :t the end o# this period, an #$,/+
)i"" !e taken at a 4$+5 recogni3ed centre. /he tota" progra&&e at Unpad consists 02 credits
#or courses and H credits #or #ina" thesis, )hi"e the progra&&e at the Universit% o# /)ente is H2
$C/+. 5ne credit at Unpad (ca""ed I +B+ is e9uiva"ent to 1 $C/+ at /)ente. 5ne +B+
oh 1 hour o# course in c"ass and G'0 hours o# outside c"ass acade&ic activities (course
preparation, assign&ent, "i!rar% )orks, group discussion. Fu"" course schedu"e o# courses at
Unpad and the Universit% o# /)ente is attached in the :nne-.
/he taught progra&&e at Unpad consists o# a nu&!er o# core courses7
$nviron&enta" science
2 Phi"osoph% and environ&ent
G Du&an eco"og%
0 Aesearch &ethodo"og%
2 4atura" rRsource &anage&ent
H $nviron&enta" econo&ics
7 $nviron&enta" "a) and po"icies
6 Biodiversit% conservation
In addition, students choose a su!'progra&&e7
a. $nviron&enta" Po"ic%, )ith courses on environ&enta" pu!"ic ad&inistrationE enviro&nenta"
ethics, environ&enta" regu"ation and po"ic% ana"%sisE environ&enta" decisioiO'&aking in
!usinessE ad&inistrative capacit% !ui"dingE energ% and techno"og%E
!. Industria" eco"og%, )ith courses on environ&enta" sound industria" activitiesE industria"
to-ico"og%E )aste &anage&entE innovation o# industria" techno"og%E criteria #or
environ&enta" 9ua"it%E environ&enta" hea"th, )ork sa#et% 5A7
c. 4atura" resource &anage&ent, )ith courses on )ater resource &anage&entE )atershed
&anage&entE !i,pdiversit% conservationE agro'ecos%ste& &anage&entE hu&an resource
/he taught progra&&e at the Universit% o# /)ente is co&p"e&entar%, and is considered in detai"
to create as &uch s%nerg% (and the "east over"ap as possi!"e. /he progra&&e has three
a. *anage&ent, )ith courses on princip"es o# environ&enta" and energ% &anage&ent and
p"anningE corporate socia" responsi!i"it%E #inancia" ana"%sis, &anage&ent s%ste&s and too"sE
auditing and certi#icationE co&&unication, &anage&ent and advising ski""sE research
!. .overnance, )ith courses on the Princip"es o# governance and Internationa" "a)E
environ&enta" and energ% po"ic%E environ&enta" i&pact assess&ents
e. /echno"og%, )ith courses on princip"es o# c"eaner production and c"eaner production
techno"ogiesE energ% saving techno"ogiesE rene)a!"e energ% techno"ogiesE )ater techno"ogies
D$nviron&enta" and energpo1#t% and strategiRSin conte-t
$nviron&enta" "a) (internationa" "a)
$nerg%7 *anage&ent, po"ic% and techno"og%T T
*anage&ent7 operations, organi3ations and #inancia" ana"%sis
$nviron&ent and techno"og%TT
$nviron&enta" &anage&ent and corporate socia" responsi!i"it%T T
$co"og%, societ% and sustaina!"e deve"op&entTT
:cade&ic research ski""s7 *ethodo"og%, e##ective )riting U research proposa"
Co&&unication, &anage&ent and consu"ting ski""s
$I:V+$: and &anaging environ&enta" disputes (optiona"
+tress &anage&ent (ontionah
4otes7 T /rans#era!"e credits #ro& Unpad to U/
T T /rans#era!"e credits #ro& U/ to Unpad
< Credits #or Aesearch project in Unpad is part 2G credits in U I
/here are t)o @routes( out"ined in the #igure !e"o). /he !"ue'green route (upper ro) is #or
s&dents )ho success#u""% enro" into the second %ear at the Universit% o# /)ente. For students
)ho #ai" to #u"#i" the acade&ic or $ng"ish re9uire&ents, there is a @sa#et% e-it(, )hich provides
the& )ith !oth a short ter& sta% and courses in the 4ether"ands, as )e"" as a sing"e degree
Unpad (the !"ue'red routeE !e"o) the upper ro).
$nviron&enta" science
Phi"osoph% and environ&ent
Du&an eco"og%T
Aesearch &ethodo"og%
$nviron&enta" ps%cho"og%T
4A* &anage&ent (in the conte-t o# hu&id tropics
$nviron&enta" (Indonesian "a)
8atershed &anage&ent
Biodiversit% conservationT
$nviron&enta" econo&ic
$nviron&enta" techno"ogica" innovation
+pecia" /opic
$nviron&enta" and regiona" p"anning
$nv. I&pact :ssess&entV +trategic $nv. :ssess&ent
Aesearch ;rojectTTT
"ii Case stua% period $nviron&enra" *anage&ent 5r7
K 1! Case stud% period $nerg% *anage&ent specia"isation
12 Aesearch pro"ect
5ptions and :"ternatives
:ssu&ing that students )i"" success#u""% enro" into the second %ear, then se&ester III and IJ
!e done7 part"% in the 4ether"andsE part"% in Indonesia (option 1, &ajorit% o# ti&e in the
4ether"ands (option 2 or entire"% in the 4ether"ands (option G. 5ption 0 is #or those )ho do not
#u"#i" the re9uire&ents in ti&eE a#ter the progra&&e at Unpad, the% )i"" go to the 4ether"ands #or
G &onths, and get a sing"e degree #ro& Unpad and a certi#icate #ro& C+/* in the 4ether"ands.
5ption 17 H &onths in the 4ether"andsE re&aining H &onths in Indonesia, )hich inc"udes
a"ternative case studies (Inc"uding U/ responsi!i"it% #or supervision and e-a& o#
case studies, research and thesis )riting, under joint supervision and e-a&inationE
#ina" e-a& in Indonesia, )ith at "east one "ecturer #ro& the 4ether"ands
5ption 27 9 &onths in the 4ether"ands, inc"uding case stud% periodE re&aining G &onths
(research and thesis )riting in Indonesia under joint supervisionE #ina" e-a& in
Indonesia, )ith at "east one supervisor #ro& the 4ether"ands
5ption G7 12 &onths in the 4ether"andsE inc"uding case stud% period, research and thesis
)riting under joint supervision. Fina" e-a& in the 4ether"ands )ith at "east one
supervisor #ro& Unpad.
5ption 07 1 %ear progra&&e in Indonesia, visit o# G &onths to 4,E sing"e *+c degree Unpad
)ith certi#icate #ro& 4,
$ng"ish .
' snt *$$W
prograin& '7
Ku"% 2111
Ku"% 2111
2111 7 :ugdst
*arch +ept
2111 2111
Fe! 2111
*arch M
:ugust 2112
G.G +pecia" Features
/he Internationa" ;ou!"e ;egree Progra&&e has a nu&!er o# specia" #eatures, )hich can !e
e-pected to contri!ute strong"% to the a"read% attractive character o# this progra&&e. First, and
#ore&ost, intensive $ng"ish teaching is integra" part o# the prograniine. +econd"%, there i a
uni9ue persona" approach !oth at Unpad and C+/*, )ith &uch attention !eing given to !oth
group and individua" participants. /hird, the course inc"udes "ectures, group )ork, site visits, ro"e
p"a%s, case studies and a #ina" research project. /here are regu"ar &eetings #or eva"uation,
coordination and counse""ing, and the sta##s are avai"a!"e on a dai"% !asis #or 9uestions or
assistance in practica" &atters. Because o# the internationa" character o# the progra&&e,
participants !ui"d up a !road, internationa" net)ork o# environ&enta" and energ% specia"ists
G.0 ,ega" status and degree
Upon success#u" co&p"etion o# the Internationa" ;ou!"e ;egree Progra&&e, students )i"" !e
a)arded a degree #ro& Unpad and #ro& the Universit% o# /)ente. /he Unpad ;egree is
<*aster o# +cience on $nviron&enta" +tudiesP and the U/ degree is entit"ed7 <*aster o# +cience
on $nviron&enta" and $nerg% *anage&entP. I# the student #ai"s to #u"#i" the ("anguage or other
re9uire&ents to #o""o) the #u"" second %ear progra&&e at the Universit% o# /)ente, he or she
sti"" receive the Unpad degree <*aster o# +cience on $nviron&enta" +tudiesP (provided he?she
#u"#i"s the re9uire&ents #or that degree.
G.2 $&po)er&ent o# :"u&nae
Fresh *aster(s graduates )i"" !e given opportunities to take part in joint research activit%
conducted !% the t)o universities. 5ne o# the a"u&nae #ro& the #irst !atch (enro""ing in
%ear 2119?2111 )i"" !e invo"ved in a joint research on !ioenerg%.
Chapter 0
$-a& regu"ations
0.1 $-a& regu"ations at the Universit% o# /)ente
/his section presents the &ain e-a& regu"ations o# the *aster o# $nviron&enta" and $nerg%
*anage&ent. /he% are !ased on the $ducation and $-a& Aegu"ations (5$A o# the +choo" o#
*anage&ent and .overnance (see appendi- I o# the *$$* stud% guide.
0.1.1 $-a&s and dictionaries
;uring the e-a&s students are not a""o)ed to use e"ectronic dictionaries, or other e"ectronic
devices e-cept si&p"e e"ectronic ca"cu"ators, !ecause these are suscepti!"e to #raud. Paper!ack
dictionaries are a""o)ed !ut on"% i# the% do not contain an% hand )ritten notes or other te-t.
I# a student in the opinion o# the e-a&iner practices #raud during the e-a&inations the e-a&iner
)rites up a report and noti#ies the student a!out this and su!&its this to the $-a& Co&&ittee.
/he e-a&iner can decide to dec"are void ' co&p"ete"% or partia""% ' the resu"ts o# the student
invo"ved or to assess the )ork o# the student as unsatis#actor% )ithout #urther inspection. In
addition, the e-a& co&&ittee can decide to "i&it signi#icant"% the rights o# the student to
participate in e-a&inations.
For &ore in#or&ation a!out the regu"ations concerning #raud during e-a&s, p"ease re#er to
appendi- 0 o# the *$$* stud% guide.
0.1.2 Co&p"etion and $va"uation o# the $ducationa" Ite&s
$-a&s and assign&ents
/he separate parts o# the *aster progra&&e )i"" !e conc"uded )ith an e-a&, an assign&ent or
co&!ination o# !oth. +o&e courses do not have an e-a& or graded assign&ent. In that case,
"ecturer )i"" decide )hether the student has passed or not !ased on attendance and
in c"ass and su##icient co&p"etion o# assign&ents. /he assess&ent &ethod o# a course is "aid
do)n in the course description.
*ost o# the courses are graded. : score o# 2.2 to 11 &eans the student has passed, a score
than 2.2 &eans the student has #ai"ed (see appendi- 2 o# the *$$* +tud% .uide. +o&e ite&s
are not graded. hi those cases, the reSu"t )i"" !e either @pass( or @#ai"(. /he resu"ts o# a"" e-a&s
(and other pro#icienc% certi#icates #or projects and practica" e-ercises are su!&itted to the
Co&&ittee #or assess&ent as to )hether the student 9ua"i#ies #or the *aster degree.
In order to o!tain the a)ard o# the *$$* dip"o&a, a"" parts o# the *aster Progra&&e shou"d !e
co&p"eted )ith a positive resu"t. It is ever% student(s o)n responsi!i"it% to co&p"ete ever%
educationa" ite& according to its speci#ic re9uire&ents. /he "ecturer )ho is responsi!"e #or an
educationa" ite& deter&ines the re9uire&ents. It is a"so this "ecturer )ho decides )hether a
student has &et the stipu"ated re9uire&ents. /he "ecturer shou"d in#or& the students a!out their
progress. .
In princip"e, the resu"ts o# e-a&s shou"d !e co&&unicated to the students )ithin 12 )orking
da%s. /hen, )ithin 12 )orking da%s a#ter the resu"ts o# an educationa" ite& have !een
students can ask the "ecturer to inspect the assessed e-a& and #or a discussion a#ter)ards o#
e-a&, the assess&ent standards and the resu"ts o!tained. Based on the discussion, the student
put in a &otivated re9uest to re'assess the )ork.
$-a& opportunities
/he *$$* progra&&e has a duration o# one %ear. 8ith regard to the technica" su!jects,
research &ethodo"og%, &anage&ent ski""s and )orkshops (that is, a"" the ite&s e-cept the case
stud% and research project, during this %ear there )i"" !e in princip"e t)o opportunities o##ered to
pass an e-a&. /here )i"" !e an e-a&ination and a re'e-a&ination or an assign&ent and a
assign&ent. +tudents are auto&atica""% registered #or the e-a&s and, i# needed, the re'e-a&s.
8hen.a student does not enter an (re'e-a&ination or does not hand in an (reassign&ent
in#or&ing the "ecturer !e#orehand, then this (ree-a&ination or (reassign&ent )i"" sti"" !e
c"assi#ied as a va"id e-a& opportunit%.
In specia" circu&stances, students &a% !e a""o)ed a third opportunit% to take an e-a&ination.
app"% #or this, the student &ust &ake a re9uest, in )riting, to the $-a& Conunittee o# the
progra&&e. /he $-a& Co&&ittee )i"" &ake the decision )hether or not to a""o) a third
opportunit%. Criteria that &ight !e invo"ved in the Co&&ittee(s decision &aking are #or e-a&p"e
the student(s resu"ts in other su!jects, the student(s dedication to stud% (#or e-a&p"e, co&p"eting
assign&ents on ti&e and attendance during the progra&&e, the &otivation o# the student, an
esti&ate o# the "ike"ihood that the student )i"" pass the su!ject in the third e-a&ination, and the
conse9uences #or the student in case a third opportunit% is not granted.
In circu&stances o# serious i""ness or accidents, the student shou"d discuss )ith the progra&&e
&anager ho) the student cou"d co&p"ete the progra&&e and course re9uire&ents. /he
progra&&e &anager &ight consu"t the $-a& Co&&ittee on the issue. 8hen a student has had
t)o or three e-a&ination opportunities #or an educationa" ite& and there#ore has severa" &arks,
then the "ast &ark o!tained )i"" !e va"id #or that ite&. Ae'e-a&ination in princip"e cannot !e
to gain a higher &ark !% students )ho )ere success#u" at the #irst atte&pt.
For practica" e-ercises and projects, e.g. the case stud% period and research project, there is no
second opportunit% to repeat these e"e&ents o# the course. In cases o# serious i""ness or
or other situations !e%ond contro" o# the student, the $-a& Co&&ittee and progra&&e
&anage&ent )i"" tr% to #ind a so"ution. In the case )here a student #ai"s to &eet the
!ut has sho)n considera!"e e##ort and dedication to his or her stud%, the &anage&ent &a% give
the student a chance to i&prove the )ork to a 'standard su##icient to !e regarded as a pass.
re9uire&ents #or the i&prove&ents in the su!&itted )ork are speci#ied !% the "ecturing sta##
responsi!"e #or the case, or the research project tutor.
/he scores o!tained #or the educationa" ite&s )i"" !e va"id #or a "i&ited period, that is, the
progra&&e duration p"us o %ears. /he $- Co&&ittee can decide to e-tend this period. For
courses o# )hich the e-a& consists o# severa" parts, a"" parts have to !e success"1% #inished
)ithi one %ear. I# not, a"" parts need to !e repeated. .
:d&ission to Aesearch project
+tudents )ho do not success#u""% co&p"ete at "east G1 FC o# the courses and case stud%,
inc"uding ski""s and )orkshops )i"" not !e a""o)ed to continue to the research project. Kn that
case, the student )i"" !e a)arded a certijicate. In the case )here a student has passed &ore
G1 $C o# the su!jects, !ut has #ai"ed in a su!ject that is essentia" #or his or her research topic,
progra&&e genera" &anage&ent can re9uire the student to )ork on another research topic.
Co&p"etion o# Aesearch Project
+tudents )i"" not !e a)arded the $* dip"o&a !e#ore their thesis &eets the re9uired acade&ic
standard. I# the supervisor(s and the progranune &anage&ent conc"ude that it is un"ike"% that
student )i"" !e a!"e to i&prove the 9ua"it% o# the thesis to the re9uired "eve" in a reasona!"e ti&e
and )ithout e-cessive he"p #ro& the supervisor, the student )i"" !e o##ered to receive a
certi#icate, and )i"" not receive #urther guidance #ro& the supervisor. /he research project
regu"ations give &ore in#or&ation a!out co&p"etion o# the research project. /he resu"t o# the
assess&ent o# the Aesearch Project )i"" not !e deter&ined !e#ore a"" other ite&s o# the &aster
progra&&e have !een taken.
$-e&ption #or courses
/he student can re9uest an e-e&ption #or a course, i# in a previous progra&&e, he?she #o""o)ed
the e9uiva"ent o# that course and achieved a pass &ark #or this course. : re9uest #or e-e&ption
shou"d !e handed over to the $-a& Co&&ittee. /he progra&&e &anager or coordinator can
the student in doing this. /his #or& needs to !e acco&panied !% a description o# the previous
course (inc"uding an out"ine o# the &ateria" #or the e-a&ination and the evidence sho)ing that
the course )as success#u""% co&p"eted. /he $-a& Co&&ittee )i"" seek advice o# the "ecturer ?
e-a&iner o# the course. /he re9uest #or e-e&ption on"% co&es into e##ect a#ter the e-a&
conunittee has approved it. /he student is e-pected to continue to attend the c"asses unti" the
e-e&ption certi#icate has !een issued. : re9uest #or e-e&ption can on"% !e su!&itted #or the
course )ork, the other parts o# the progra&&e are &andator%.
:ttendance 5!"igation
+tudents have an attendance o!"igation #or ever% part o# the progrannue. ;uring the "ectures
other &eetings there )i"" !e an attendance "ist. 8hen students, #or )hatever reason, cannot !e
present, then this needs to !e reported in advance to the secretariat7
. the secretariat o# the C+/* Fr%s"an during the genera" period (joint prograi&ne o# the
. the secretariat o# the C+/* Fr%s"an during the separate p#uguiune env1ron&enta1 cases and
environ&enta" practica" )ork e-perience #or the students #o""o)ing the $nviron&enta"
*anage&ent strea&,
. the secretariat o# the group /echno"og% and +ustaina!"e ;eve"op&ent in 4orth'+outh
Perspective during the separate progra&&e (energ% cases and energ% practica" )ork
e-perience #or students #o""o)ing the $nerg% *anage&ent strea&.
In the case o# signi#icant periods o# a!sence the responsi!"e "ecturer &a% re9uire #ro& the
additiona" )ork to ensure that the student is a!"e to &eet the necessar% re9uire&ents to
that part o# the progra&&e. 8hen the a!sence occurs during the case studies, training or
)orkshops, the genera" &anage&ent o# the progra&&e )i"" decide in consu"tation )ith the
e-a&iner )hat the conse9uences o# this a!sence )i"" !e #or a)arding the certi#icate. /he
conse9uences &ight !e that the student )i"" not pass the su!ject and hence not !e a)arded the
01.G Fraud
8hen a "ecturer, the progra&&e &anager or another person discovers that the student has
co&&itted #raud (e.g. cop%ing I cri!!ing or p"agiaris&, the progra&&e &anager )i"" in#or& the
e-a& co&&ittee. /he e-a& co&&ittee )i"" decide on the &easures that )i"" !e taken, using the
regu"ations stated in the +tudents( charter and i# necessar% in consu"tation )ith the "ecturer,
progra&&e &anagers or progra&&e "eader. In the case o# #raud, the student can he
e-pe""ed #ro& the progra&&e. *ore in#or&ation a!out the regu"ations concerning #raud can !e
#ound in the *$$* +tud% .uide.
0.1.0 /e"etop
+evera" courses, the case stud% period and the research project, &ake use o# the /e"etop
"earning s%ste&. For educationa" ite&s using the /e"etop s%ste&, students are o!"iged to hand
their assign&ents and project reports through /e"etop. /he /e"etop s%ste& )i"" !e introduc>d to
the students during the introduction )eek.
0.1.2 :)ard o# the ;ip"o&a or Credit
8hen the student has success#u""% #inished the research project, the genera" &anage&ent i""
the resu"ts o# a"" e-a&inations to the $-a& Co&n'iittee. /he Co&&ittee )i"" assess )hethr or
a student has co&p"eted a"" educationa" ite&s success#u""% and there#ore can !e a)arded the
*$$* degree.
: degree dip"o&a )i"" on"% !e granted )hen a student has success#u""% co&p"eted ever%
educationaj ite& and has paid a"" re9uired #ees. In case )here the student has #ai"ed to pass
or &ore educationa" ite&s, or the case stud% or research project, he or she can re9uest the
&anage&ent o# the progra&&e in )riting to issue a certj#icate instead o# a dip"o&a. /he
certi#icate )i"" indicate )hich educationa" ite&s the student has co&p"eted success#X""%.
: student )ho o!tuined good resu"ts in the course can !e a)arded the dip"o&a cu& "aude. /he
criteria #or this are7
1 :I" re9uire&ents #or co&p"etion o# the *aster progran'inie are &etE
2 the )eighted average grade #or the course)oik (not inc"uding the research project and
courses that are assessed using @Pass( or @Fai"( is 6.1 or higherE
G #or the educationa" ite&s that are assessed using grades, the candidate has o!tained at the
&ost one grade o# H.1E
0 the grade #or the research project is 6.1 or higherE
2 /he progra&&e is co&p"eted )ithin a reasona!"e ti&e period.
8hen there are &ore than 0 assess&ents o# the t%pe @pass( or @#ai"(, the $-a& Co&&ittee )i""
decide )hether the regu"ations #or Cu& ,aude app"% or not.
0.1.H Une-pected Circu&stances and Possi!i"it% o# :ppea"
In the case )here a student does not agree )ith a "ecturer(s decision, in #irst instance the
shou"d discuss this )ith the "ecturer. I# the issue is not so"ved, the student can appea" (in )riting
to the progra&&e &anage&ent. In cases )here there are no speci#ic e-a&ination regu"ations,
progra&&e &anage&ent )i"" decide on an appropriate course o# action taking into account the
re"evant +tudents( Charter. In case a student does not agree )ith a decision taken !%
&anage&ent, the student can appea" (in )riting to the $-a& Co&&ittee. /his appea" &ust !e
su!&itted )ithin t)o )eeks o# the date o# the decision !% the genera" &anage&ent o# the
progra&&e. *ore in#or&ation a!out the right to appea" can !e #ound in artic"e 2H o# the
charter o# the +choo" o# *anage&ent and .overnance.
0.1.7 Pro!"e&s or Yuestions
I# students have pro!"e&s )ith the progra&&e, "ecturers, #e""o) students or other content'
issues, the% shou"d contact the progra&&e &anager. I# students have 9uestions in genera",
can contact either the progra&&e co'.ordinator.
0.2. $-a& Aegu"ation at Unpad
$ach &odu"e?course su!ject )i"" !e e-a&ined !% a )ritten test or su!&it an acade&ic paper
)hich is re"evant to the course su!ject. I# a student #ai"ed #or his?her #ina" e-a& o# each course
su!ject, the student )i"" !e given a second opportunit% in the #or& o# preparing and presenting a
speci#ic )itten assig&nent. 5ra" e-a&inations &a% !e he"d under certain situation. For specia"
topic course su!ject, the #&a" grade )i"" !e deter&ined !ased on process and resu"t o# his?her
research proposa". In the case o# #ina" thesis, each student )i"" conduct an individua" project on
su!ject chosen in consu"tation )ith pro&oters. /his #ina" thesis shou"d !e no &ore than 21,111
)ords and shou"d !e su!&itted !% the end o# the stud% period.
0.G Yua"it% :ssurance
: s%ste& o# 9ua"it% assurance is de#ined that co&!ines the e-isting s%ste&s #or 9ua"it% contro"
a"read% in p"ace in !oth Unpad and C+/*. /he s%ste& descri!es the &ini&u& set o# criteria
&ust !e &et in order #or the progra&&e to !e accepted acade&ica""% to !oth institutions.
/he graduate progra&&e o# Unpad goes through institutiona" accreditation !% the *inistr% o#
$ducation ever% 2 %ears. /he 1G'&onths progra&&e #or students )ho register through
B:PP$4:+, is eva"uated !% B:PP$4:+ ever% %ear. /he specia" progra&&e (16 &onths )ith
the *inistr% o# $ducation, is eva"uated ever% %ear !% the *inistr% o# $ducation. /he 20'&onth
progra&&e is a"so eva"uated !% the *inistr% o# $ducation, !ut ever% 2 %ears. :dditiona""%, there
are end'o#'course eva"uations in )ritten #or& (anon%&ous !% students and there is a regu"ar
interna" eva"uation o# the courses !% the sta## invo"ved in the *aster o# +cience on
+tudies. :"" theses are stored in at "east 0 di##erent "ocationsE there is a students data!ase in
()ith the &arks o# a"" students.
:t C+/*, the *$$* has just gone through an accreditation process. /he courses are
!% students on a tri'partite !asis, a#ter the course period, a#ter the case stud% period and at the
o# each %ear !% a &e&!er o# sta## )ho has not !een invo"ved in teaching or deve"op&ent o# the
progra&&e. :t C+/*, there is a student data!ase in p"aceE theses are stored #or &ini&a" 2
and papers and e-a&s according to e-isting regu"ations.
0.G.1 +upervision during thesIs period
:t the end o# the case stud% period, a C+/* and Unpad supervisor are appointed. I# the thesis
research takes p"ace in Indonesia, the Unpad supervisor )i"" take the "eadE i# the thesis research
takes p"ace in the 4ether"ands, the C+/* supervisor )i"" take the "ead. ;aring the *+c
phase, the co&&unication !et)een the candidate and supervisors takes p"ace via /e"etop,
and +k%pe te"econ#erence (/he #&a" e-a& at Unpad )i"" !e attended !% 2 e-a&iners, inc"uding
an e-a&iner #ro& C+/*, provided that the #inancia" situation a""o)s this. /he #&a" e-a& at
C+/* )i"" !e attended !% e-a&iners, inc"uding an e-a&iner #ro& Unpad, provided that the
#&ancia" situation a""o)s this.
Chapter 2
/he *anage&ent Process
2.1. Persons and responsi!i"it% at Unpad
Pro#. ;r.D. .anjar Burnia, ;$:
Aector o# Universitas Padj adj aran
Board o# :dvisor7
Pro#. ;r. D.:. Di&endra 8., dr., +p.:n., BIC
Pro#. ;r. Ir. D. *ah#ud :ri#in, *+
Pro#. 5ekan +. :!doe""ah, *:., Ph.;.
Progra& :d&inistration7
1. Progra& ;irector7
;r. /h. Benito : Burnani, Ir., ;ip.$+/.
;octor in )aste &anage&ent (Universitas Padj adj aran
2. Progra& +ecretar%7
Parikesit, *+c., Phi
;octor in :gricu"tura" and $nviron&enta" Bio"og% (the Universit% o# /ok%o, Kapan
G. Coordinator #or :cade&ic :##airs7
+unardi, *+i., Ph.;.
;octor in :9uatic $co"og% (+aita&a Universit%, Kapan.
0. Coordinator #or .enera" and Financia" :##airs7
+usanti 8ithaningsth, *+i.
2.2 Persons and responsi!i"ities at the U/
/he *aster o# $nviron&enta" and $nerg% *anage&ent (*$$* !e"ongs to the Universit% o#
/)ente, +choo" o# *anage&ent and .overnance. Pro#. ;r. K./h.:. Bressers is the prograi&Y
"eader o# the *$$*. De is pro#essor o# Po"ic% +tudies and $nviron&enta" Po"ic% at the'
Universit% o# /)ente in the 4ether"ands and scienti#ic director o# the Center #or C"ean
/echno"og% and $nviron&enta" Po"ic% (C+/*.
;r. +haron Doph&a%er'/okisch is the overa"" progra&&e &anager, and as such responsi!"e #or
the genera" operationa" &anage&ent o# the progra&&e and the $nviron&enta" *anage&ent
+pecia"isation. ;r. K. C"anc% is the progra&&e &anager #or the $nerg% *anage&ent
specia"isation. /he progra&&e "eader and the progra&&e &anagers together #or& the
@progra&&e &anage&ent( o# the *$$*. /he dai"% coordination and ad&inistration o# the
progra&&e is done !% progra&&e coordinator Ainske Boster. For the $nerg% *anage&ent
specia"isation there is a progra&&e coordinator in $nschede as )e"". Bar!ara van ;ai&.
/he "ecturers have to give an account o# their contri!ution to the progra&&e to the genera"
&anagR&ent. For their participation in the $nviron&enta" *anage&ent strea& this )i"" he ;r.
+haron Doph&a%er'/okisch. For their participation in the $nerg% *anage&ent strea& this )i""
!e ;r. K. C"anc%.
/he *$$* is e&!edded in the education o# the +choo" o# &anage&ent and .overnance
the Continuous $ducation 5##ice (C$5. /he C$5 has a coordinating and supporting #unction
#or the postgraduate education o# the +choo". /he ;irector o# C$5, Pro#. ;r. 5.:.*. Fisscher, is
responsi!"e #or the port#o"io o# postgraduate ? continuing education o# the #acu"t%. /he ;irector o#
C$5 represents the Postgraduate progra&&es in the consu"tative !od% o# Progra&&e directors
(@5,; over"eg( that &eets regu"ar"% to discuss co&&on issues "ike e-a& ru"es, ICI po"ic%,
Yua"it% &anage&ent, etc.
Because the *$$* !e"ongs to the +choo" o# *anage&ent and .overnance, it operates )ithin
genera" ru"es on education and e-a&s as set !% the Universit% and the +choo", the &ain !eing
5$A (5nder)ijs' en e-a&en reg"e&entE $ducation and $-a& Au"es. Because o# its post
graduate characterso&e ite&s are addressed in a di##erent &anner than in initia" education o#
+choo". /he e-a& co&&ittee o# the *$$* is the *aster(s e-a& co&&ittee o# the +choo" o#
*anage&ent and .overnance. /his e-a& co&&ittee is responsi!"e #or the correct e-ecution o#
the education and e-a& ru"es and can, i# necessar%, decide to deviate #ro& those ru"es.
2.G $ducation +ta##
/he sta## consists o# senior "ecturers o# the Institute o# $co"og%, Padjadjaran Universit%,
co&p"e&ented !% sta## #ro& C+/*, universit% o# /)ente, and other partners. /ogether, the sta##
provides a )ide range o# e-pertise re9uired to support this Internationa" ;ou!"e ;egree
$-pertise at Unpad(s *aster Progra& on $nviron&enta" +tudies covers7 environ&enta"
environ&enta" econo&ic, industria" eco"og%, environ&enta" po"ic% and resource &anage&ent,
$nviron&enta" ,a)s and Po"icies, 4atura" Aesource *anage&ent and I&pact on $nviron&ent,
$nviron&enta" Con#"ict *anage&ent, Conservation $co"og%, $nviron&enta""% sound
;eve"op&ent, 8aste *anage&ent, ,andscape $co"og%, Biodiversit% Conservation, 8ater
Aesource *anage&ent, 8atershed *anage&ent, $nviron&enta" Ps%cho"og%, and ."o!a"
$nviron&ent Issues.
$-pertise at C+/* covers, !ut is not "i&ited to7 integrated )ater &anage&ent regi&esE propert%
rights approachesE environ&enta" p"anning, po"ic%'instru&ents, and environ&enta" regu"ationsE
governance o# industria" trans#or&ationE d%na&ics o# interaction !et)een pu!"ic authorities and
industr% in environ&enta" a##airsE +patia" P"anning and $nviron&entE ur!an and regiona"
p"anningE regiona" environ&enta" p"anningE the use o# rene)a!"e energ% resources and energ%
&anage&ent in deve"oping countries, )ith a particu"ar e&phasis on !io&ass, s&a""'sca"e
(especia""% in the in#or&a" sector, environ&enta" i&pacts, and gender issuesE envi"oninenta"
po"ic% p"anning, ("oca" environ&enta" po"ic%, and participationE i&pact o# various po"ic%
approaches on the di##usion o# rene)a!"e e"ectricit% techno"ogiesE susta,na!"e deve"op&ent in
touris& sectorE pu!"ic and private "a)E co'regu"ationE se"#'regu"atZonE indirect regu"ationE dispute
sett"e&entE $va"uation o# e(iron&enta" po"ic%, techno"og% po"ic% arid po""ution preventionE /he
re"ation !et)een po"ic%, incre&enta" innovation and radica" innovationE Po""ution contro"
strategies in di##erent settingsE Pu!"ic participation in po""ution contro"E Pu!"ic po"ic% and the
transition to)ards a "ess car!on'intensive energ% s%ste&E deve"op&ent o# socio'technica"
scenariosE energ% choices and i&pacts o# energ% in s&a"" sca"e enterprises in rura" areas in
deve"oping countriesE &anage&ent o# technica" innovation )ith a #ocus on process innovation
!oth in &anu#acturing and in hea"th careE !io"ogica" pest contro"E potentia"s o# &i-ed cu"tures
re"ated to the sustainahiit% and %ie"d (!iodiversit% o# ara!"e #ar&ingE e##ects o# agricu"ture
activities on the environ&entE environ&enta" econo&icsE sustaina!"e )ater techno"og% and
)ater treat&entE hea"th i&pacts o# energ% povert%, &ode& !io#ue"sE energ% services #or the
poor, i&pacts o# energ% sector re#or&s on the poorE regiona" integration in the energ% sector in
+:;C, and kno)"edge &anage&ent in the energ% sectorE pu!"ic'private partnerships and
accounta!i"it%E co&&unit% #orestr% in re"ation to sustaina!i"it% and car!on po"icies, c"i&ate
change po"ic% processes and gender, Forestr% and gender issues in B%oto po"icies and
: co&p"ete overvie), and &ore in#or&ation can !e #ound in the stud% guide o# the *asters on
$nviron&enta" and $nerg% *anage&ent (attached.
2.0 :d&ission (procedures and criteria
$ntrance re9uire&ents are7 students shou"d have a re"evant Bache"ors( ;egree or +iE the%
have a !asic understanding o# che&istr% (high'schoo" "eve"E e-ce""ent co&&unication ski""s, and
)orkn'Og e-perience is reco&&ended. In order #or students to gain the &a-i&u& !ene#it #ro&
participation in the course and not to reduce the chance o# success#u""% co&p"eting a"" the
assess&ents, students are re9uired to have an ade9uate "eve" o# )ritten and spoken $ng"ish.
assess&ent o# $ng"ish standards is assed during the ad&ission process !ased on the acade&ic
I$,/+ test score o# app"icants. Do)ever, i# during the course the &anage&ent and research
project supervisor sti"" consider that the "eve" o# $ng"ish )i"" act as a !arrier to co&&unication,
the student )i"" not !e a""o)ed to conduct the research project in a host organisation in the
4ether"ands !ut it &ust !e undertaken in the student(s countr% o# origin or at the Universit% o#
/)ente. :"so, i# dee&ed necessar%, the participant can !e o!"iged to take an (intensive $ng"ish
2.7 Faci"ities and "i!rar% services
:"" peop"e registered as student in the co""a!orative Internationa" ;ou!"e ;egree Progra&&e
have access to U/ "i!ra inc"uding +cience ;irect and +copus. :ccess )i"" !e according to the
U/ "i!rar% po"ic%. Unpad )i"" !e p"aced 5#" the disti!ution "ist #or a"" o##icia" acade&ic
pu!"ications #ro& C+/*. Ae9uested tit"es )i"" !e &ade avai"a!"e in hard cop% as )e"" as in
digita" #oianat. Jisiting "ecrers and sdents #ro& /)ente )i"" have access to the Unpad 1i!ra
2.6 +haring o# Aesources
Both parties )i"" &ake avai"a!"e the "ecture and course &ateria" used in the internationa"
progra&&e. .enera""% accepted ru"es #or cop% right and ackno)"edge&ent in acade&ic
a##i"iations app"%. +peci#ic cop%right regu"ations as adopted !% either Unpad or C+/* are va"id.
In case there is a&!iguit% or &is&atch !et)een practices at !oth sides, consu"tation !et)een
sides )i"" #o""o).
Chapter H
/he Financia" P"an
H.1 ;eve"op&ent costs
/he deve"op&ent costs are &ade in the preparation phase (over a nu&!er o# %ears and are
considered to !e an invest&ent to ena!"e the start'up o# the joint progra&&e. /hese costs are
invest&ent &ade !% Unpad and the U/ and )i"" not !e taken into account in the ca"cu"ation o#
the course #ee.
;eve"op&ent costs at C+/*7
2 da%s preparation C+/* sta## in 4, 1261
2 F"ights?2T7 da%s hote" C+/* in Indonesia 2H11
2TH da%s C+/* sta## in Indonesia 6111
2T2 da%s #o""o)'up 2111
Input support sta## 011
;eve"op&ent costs sti"" to !e &ade !% C+/* 2116'21117 are !ased on one visit #or one sta##
&e&!er to give presentation at 4$+5 in 2116E one visit !% one sta## &e&!er o# 10 da%s (11
)orking da%s #or guest "ectures, so&e research activities, joint pu!"ications 2119 and again the
sa&e in 2111 ()hich can !e co&!ined )ith the #ina" e-a&. /he !udget ite&s regarding visits o#
Unpad sta## to C+/* are !ased on either I person #or 10 da%s, or 2 #or 7 da%s, and )i"" cover
transport, &ea"s and acco&&odation, and 2 #"ights (1 person 2111, 1 person in 2111. Jisits )i""
!e used #or e-a&inations, guest "ectures and joint activities.
Jisits #ro& C+/* to Indonesia
I #"ight, 7 da%s hote" 1011
1T2 da%s C+/* sta## #or presentation at 4$+5 G111
C+/* visit 2119 (#"ight [ acco&&odation 1611
10 da%s guest "ectures, pu!"ications, etc. 2111
C+/* visit 2111 (#"ight [ acco&&odation 1611
10 da%s guest "ectures, pu!"ications, etc. 2111
Jisits #ro& Unpad to 4ether"ands
1 visit Unpad sta## 2111
(train?ta-i7 101, 10 da%sTH1 $ p?d, 10T92 hote" 1GG1
1 visit Unpad sta## 2111
(train?ta-i7 101, 10TH1 $uro p?d, 10T92 hote" 1GG1
#"ights Unpad sta## (2 #"ights T 1211 2011
&arketing costs in 4ether"ands 2111
;eve"op&ent costs at Unpad )i"" !e co&p"eted "ater on and inc"ude sta## ti&e and trave" )ithin
Indonesia to &ake arrange&ents )ith Be&endiknas, B:PP$4:+, 4$+5, BPP/ and other
potentia" partners, to pro&ote the internationa" dou!"e degree progra&&e arid to carr% out
&arketing activities. It shou"d a"so inc"ude the costs #or #"ight and acco&&odation #or visits to the
4ether"ands in 2111 and 2111 i# &ore than 1 person intends to join the e-change &ission.
Further&ore, it shou"d inc"ude a ca"cu"ation o# &arketing costs, such as a #"%er, !rochure,
H2 Course #ee
Course #ees are !ased on present #ees and on an average sta% o# 9 &onths in the 4ether"andsE
!ased on e-pected in#"ation o# prices. : H &onth sta% has a "o)er #ee, and "o)er costs o# "iving
and acco&&odation, a 12 &onth sta% has a higher #ee, and higher costs o# "iving and
/he progra&&e at Unpad (20 &i""ion Ap 0111
:dditiona" costs #or "anguage course and I$,/+ test, a""o)ances and acco&&odation )i"" !e
paid !% Bappenas and"or other sponsors.
/he progra&&e at C+/* (nonna""% 9211
:dditiona" costs 211
,iving a""o)ances and acco&&odation (911 p?rn 6111
F"ight, visa and insurance (adjusted
H.G Financia" &anage&ent
/he #ees #or students enro""ing in the ;utch co&ponent o# the ;ou!"e ;egree Progra&&e
through Indonesian *inistr% o# 4ationa" $ducation (Be&endiknas, )i"" direct"% !e paid to
C+/* !% Be&endiknas (or other sponsors. +i&i"ar arrange &ents )i"" !e &ade #or students
enro""ing through organi3ations such as BPP/ and Bappenas.
H.0 Financia" !ene#its
Financia" !ene#its #ro& the Internationa" ;ou!"e ;egree progra&&e are e-pected to !e "i&ited
!ecause the course #ee is cost covering on"%. /his is co&pensated !% a nu&!er o# other
/hrough the cooperation, the acade&ic standing o# sta## at !oth institutes )i"" !e upgraded and
e-posed to ne) e-periences. /here )i"" !e s%nerg% )ith regu"ar activities such as research and
joint supervision o# Ph; candidates. In addition, the attractive progra&&e &a% dra) &ore
students to the Universit% o# /)ente, there!% enhancing the internationa" pro#i"e o# !oth C+/*
and the Universit% o# /)ente. .

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