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Substitute the underlined words with subject pronouns.

1. My mother comes from France and my father comes from Italy.
2. Emily and Christina live in a big house by the road.
3. My brother and I go to school on foot every morning.
4. Gerome or!s in an Italian restaurant.
". #re your brother and you from Canada too$
%. Edna and I are ill in bed no.
&. 'he dog bar!s at (eo(le in the street.
). *ean li!es his science fiction boo!s.
+. My car is not or!ing at the moment.
1,.Fernando (lays football every *aturday afternoon.
Substitute the underlined words with object pronouns.
1. 'hey li!e my house- but I don.t li!e their houses so much.
2. /aul never tells 0onna about his 1ob.
3. Many (eo(le are loo!ing for the missing girl.
4. /lease- don.t tell my (arents.
". 'he teacher is as!ing the students some easy 2uestions.
%. Michael li!es 3aura- but 3aura doesn.t li!e Michael.
&. 4ohn lives ne5t to his (arents- and his (arents live o((osite 4ohn.
). My mother gives my sister and me an a((le every morning.
+. *ue alays invites her friends to her birthday (arty.
1,.*andra hates s(aghetti and rice.
Substitute the underlined words with subject or object pronouns.
1. 'he team meets every *unday morning.
2. 6rian and his brother !no Fionna and 3aura.
3. 0onald s(ea!s German fluently.
4. 7(en your boo!s no8
". My family bring (resents for the neighbours at Christmas.
%. #ngela reads boo!s on the bus.
&. 4oe and his sister have bread and butter for brea!fast every day.
). 0o you understand all of the 2uestions$
+. 0o 7rna and /aul come from a Mediterranean country$
1,.'he car.s indos are ma!ing a terrible noise and e are orried about this

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