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Small Group Teaching Plan

Session 75: The Work of Satan

Key Question: How does Satan use his power?
Biblical Truth: Satan uses his power to fight against the work of God, and he does this by deceiving people with lies and
tempting them to sin.

(Note: Questions or activities that are more appropriate for younger youth or for older youth are marked by “YY” or
“OY” respectively.)

Preparation: Preview the video for this session. (See clip on this CD.) Read 1 Peter 5:8-9; Revelation 12:10;
2 Corinthians 11:13-15; Genesis 3:1-7; Luke 4:1-13; and “Background for the Bible Passages, Session 75.”

After the Video:

1. Ask: How has Mrs. Gottesman been deceived? How has Anne been deceived? Distribute the “Session 75 Outline”
and review with students. Say: In reviewing this outline, you will learn how Satan uses his power to deceive and
tempt people to sin. Encourage students to listen carefully to God’s Word to fully understand how their enemy works.
2. Hand out “Definitions of Satan” to allow students to find the eight names of Satan given and decide what each one
3. Call on a volunteer to read aloud 1 Peter 5:8-9. Ask:
 What words of warning are we given in the start of verse 8? (To be sober, alert, watchful)
 Why are we given this warning? (Because Satan is like a lion ready to devour us.)
 Why is Satan a slanderer and adversary? (Because he is against anyone who serves and gives allegiance to
God, and is always accusing and putting them down.)
 How are we instructed in verse 9 to deal with Satan and why? (We are told to resist him through our faith
because other Christians are going through the same experience worldwide.)
4. Call on a volunteer to read aloud Revelation 12:10. Ask:
 According to this verse, what ultimately happens to Satan our accuser? (He will be thrown out of heaven
 When does this happen? (In the middle of the tribulation)
 What will this mean for those left on earth, believers and unbelievers? (Because his time left on earth will be
short, he will torment all people more.)
5. Call on a volunteer to read aloud 2 Corinthians 11:13-15. Ask:
 What do these verses say Satan is disguised as? (An angel of light)
 According to these verses, what does the Bible call those whom Satan has been able to deceive? (False
apostles, deceitful workers disguising themselves as apostles of Christ)
 What are the names of some groups who have been deceived by Satan? (Encourage students to name those
who have been led by cult leaders.) (OY)
6. Call on one or more volunteers to read aloud Genesis 3:1-7 and Luke 4:1-13. Ask:
 What is another name for Satan used in the Genesis passage? (Serpent)
 How did Satan deceive Eve? (He questioned God and His motives, placed doubt in Eve’s mind, and told her by
eating the fruit she would become like God.)
 How did Satan tempt Christ? (With food, power, and trying to get Jesus to test God)
 Did he deceive Jesus? (No)
 How did Jesus fight Satan? (With the word of God)
Challenge students to determine if they are allowing Satan to deceive them through thoughts, friends, media, and so

1. Call on students to name specific ways they can be on the alert to their enemy, Satan. If specific students are having
trouble when they are alone or in groups of certain friends, encourage them to choose an accountability partner who
will pray with them and support them when they feel most bombarded by the enemy. Hand out blank sheets of paper
for each student to draw a shield with symbols that remind them how to avoid Satan’s deceptions.

Hand out copies of “Exploring the Bible Daily 75.” Encourage students to read the passages for today’s session. Direct

© 2007 LifeWay Press®. Fuel2: Owning Your Faith, Volume 7. Permission granted to reproduce this item for church use only. Published in the United States of America.
students as they read to write questions or insights.

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