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Teaching Plan

Session 56: Calling of the Disciples

Biblical Truth: To be a disciple means to follow Jesus wholeheartedly.

Fanning the Flame Question: Name a time when you felt like you were an essential part of a team.

Large Group
Show “Play All” for session 56 on the DVD. If you want to lead a discussion after each section of the video, show “The
Spark,” “Fanning the Flame,” and “Combustion” separately. As an alternative, replace “Combustion” by using “Story Outline,
Session 56” to present the story of Luke 5:1-11,27-28 and 6:12-16. If desired, distribute copies of “Listening Guide 56” to the
students to complete during “Combustion.”

Small Groups
(Note: Questions or activities that are more appropriate for younger youth or for older youth are marked by “YY” or “OY”
Preparation: Listen to “Calling of the Disciples” by playing this CD in any CD player. Read Luke 5:1-11,27-28 and 6:12-16
and “Background for the Bible Passages, Session 56.”

1. Review the story briefly and ask a youth to read Luke 5:1-11.
2. Show “Time Line 56” and point out where today’s story fits.
3. Ask: What would it have been like to listen to Jesus preach and teach?
4. Ask: What might have been the connection between hearing Jesus teach and obeying Jesus’ request? How does
studying the Bible connect to obedience for Christians? (OY)
5. Discuss whether the biggest miracle was the catch of fish or Jesus’ call to “unqualified” fishermen to become involved in
his work. (OY)
6. Read aloud Luke 5: 27-28 and ask: What were the things that Simon (Peter), James and John and Levi (Matthew) left
behind to follow Christ? What were the things they gained? (YY)
7. Ask a youth to read aloud Luke 6:12-16. Discuss the following:
• Jesus felt the need to pray over His choice of apostles. How does this speak to us about the need to pray over our
• Jesus must have known that His disciples would not always follow him perfectly. Why did he choose them if they were
not perfect men?
8. Comment on the advantages of teamwork for the boys in the “Spark.” Ask students to name people they would recruit for a
“dream team.” Suggest a season-appropriate sport (team of athletes) or a must-see movie (team of box-office sensations).
Discuss whether the disciples Jesus picked would be considered a “dream team.” Comment on their abandonment to
follow Jesus and whether that should be considered as their best qualification for the work. (OY)
9. Distribute copies of “Giving Something Up,” from the CD. Lead youth to evaluate their possessions, their reputation, their
goals and plans, and their self-reliance. Use the rating system to discuss with students the difficulties involved in following
Christ wholeheartedly.
10. Ask youth to consider whether Jesus might be personally calling them in some way. Point out that some youth are called to
ministry vocations. Say: Jesus’ call means our obedience and faith will be tested. Challenge youth to become followers
of Christ. (OY)

1. Provide paper hearts for youth. Suggest that they tear off large or small pieces of the heart, according to the personal value
they assign to the following items: money, sports, family, clubs/teams, possessions, church, true love, fun weekends, Jesus.
Point out that all the pieces of the hearts belong to Jesus when a person is a Christ-follower. (YY)
2. Inform youth about discipleship opportunities available through your church’s youth ministry and display appropriate

Hand out copies of “Exploring the Bible Daily 56.” Direct students to write questions or insights as they read.

© 2005 LifeWay Press®. Fuel: Igniting New Life with God’s Story 2.1. Permission granted to reproduce this item for church use only. Published in the United States of America.

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