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Choose the correct answer!
Read the following tet to answer the !"estions #$%
&' (i)a
Monica is a famous pop singer. Most people know her. She certainly looks like an
angel. She is tall, slim, and beautiful. Her hair is black. She always wears fashionable clothes.
Her personality is as good as her voice. She is confident. She is also generous. She gives a lot
of money to charity. Her hobby is unique. She keeps a dog as a pet.
1. What is Monica
a. Student
b. !op singer
c. "ctress
d. #esigner
$. What is she looks like
a. "ngel
b. #evil
c. %vil
d. &oddess
'. What does she always wear in the performance
a. (ad clothes
b. "ngel clothes
c. !rincess clothes
d. )ashionable clothes
*. What is the same meaning word with +famous,
a. Well-known
b. .ot familiar
c. /nknown
d. .ot famous
Read the following tet to answer the !"estions *$+
&' School
My school, State 0unior School 1 of 2ogyakarta, is at #iponegoro Street $3 in the
center of the city. My school is big. 4t has 11 clean classrooms, ten clean toilets, three
laboratories, a big library, a teacher room, and a headmaster room. 4t has a beautiful school
park in the center of school.
5he computer room is ne6t to the library and the sports hall is behind the computer
room. 5hee is a large parking area beside the sport hall. 5here are notice boards in every
classroom. 5here is also a beautiful mosque in front of the teacher7s room.
8. Where is the school located
a. #iponegoro Street $
b. #iponegoro Street $3
c. #iponegoro Street $33
d. #iponegoro Street $$
9. 4s the school small
a. 2es, it is
b. .o, it is not
c. 2es, it does
d. .o, it does not
:. How many toilets does the school have
a. %ight
b. .ine
c. 5en
d. %leven
1. Where is parking area
a. (eside the sport hall
b. (ehind the sport hall
c. .e6t to the sport hall
d. "cross the sport hall
;. 4s there a mosque in this school
a. 2es, it was
b. 2es, it is
c. .o, it is not
d. .o, it was not
Read the following tet to answer the !"estions #,$#%
5oday is off. Mrs. "smi doesn7t go to the office. She wants to go to the market. She needs to
write what the goods want to buy.

13.What is the te6t about
a. "nnouncement
b. &reeting card
c. Shopping list
d. Short message
11.#oes she buy some salt
a. 2es, he does
b. 2es, she does
c. .o, he does not
d. .o, she does not
1$.How many items does she buy
a. Si6
b. Seven
c. %ight
d. .ine
1'.#oes she also need rice
a. 2es, she does
b. 2es, he does
c. .o, she does not
d. .o, he does not
1*.What is the second list of shopping list
a.$ kg of sugar
b.' kg of eggs
c.8 kg of rice
d.' tins of milk
Read the following tet to answer the !"estions #*$-,
Best .asta
0ar of pasta sauce
!asta =any type>
Spices and things to taste
1. (oil water and place pasta in to cook.
$. )ry mushrooms and onion @ be generous with mushrooms as they shrink.
'. "dd pasta sauce, olives, and additional things that you think would taste nice to the
pan. 2ou can add a handful of nuts, tandori paste, garlic, all kinds of spices and herbs.
(ut make sure that you keep on tasting what you7re cooking.
*. When pasta is cooked, then strain, put in a bowl and mi6 in sauce.
8. "dd cheese @ depending on the cheese, you can grate, crumble, slice, ect. if you don7t
have a Aar of sauce, you can easily make your own by getting a bottle of tomato
sauceand adding spices and things like curry powder, paprika, ect.
18. What is the purpose of the te6t
a. 5o describe best pasta.
b. 5o amuse the readers
c. 5o tell us how to make best pasta
d. 5o e6plain how to get the best pasta
Mrs. "smi7s Shopping list
$ kg of sugar '. ' kg of eggs 8. 8 kg of rice :. ' tins of milk
1 kg of chili *. " liter of cooking 9. 8 bars of soap 1. $ kg of flour
19. 5he following are the materials to make best pasta, except . . . .
a. Mushrooms
b. (asil leaves
c. ?heese
d. <lives
1:. When can you put the pasta in a bowl and mi6 it in sauce
a. When pasta is cooked and strain
b. When pasta is undercooked
c. When pasta is overcooked
d. When pasta is dried
11. What do we need to make our own pasta sauce
a. <live oil
b. Soya sauce
c. ?hili powder
d. 5omato sauce
1;. +. . . be generous with mushrooms as they shrink.,=step $>
What does the word +they, refer to
a. 5he mushrooms
b. 5he mushrooms and onions
c. 5he onions and pasta
d. 5he onions
$3.+BBBB you think would taste nice to the pan., ='
What is the antonym of +nice,
a. #elicious
b. &ood
c. 5asty
d. /nwell
Read the following tet to answer the !"estions -#$-*
$1. What is the function of this te6t
a. 5o describe the sport competition.
b. 5o amuse the readers
c. 5o greet someone
d. 5o announce something
$$. Where do you probably hear the announcement
a. "t school
b. "t home
c. "t market
d. "t mall
$'. When will the competition start
a. 5his week
b. 5wo weeks later
c. .e6t week
d. 5omorrow
$*. +5oday is the last day for anyone to enroll in the sport competition., 5he antonym word
of Clast7 isB
a. finish
b. start
c. chase
d. ultimate
$8. +5he competition will start ne6t week., 5he word Cstart7 has a similar meaning to the
a. finish
b. begin
c. chase
d. halt
Attention 0lease!
5oday is the last day for anyone to enroll in the sport competition.
!lease meet Mr. 5aufik, the !.%. teacher, to enroll yourself.
5he competition will start ne6t week. Det7s participateE

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