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Exam Announcement:

The Specialty Board of the Philippine College of Chest Physicians (PCCP) announces the following:
A. Diplomate Certifying Examination Dates
1. Written !a"ination # $anuary 11% &'1( (Sunday)
&. )ral !a"ination # *e+ruary 1% &'1( (Sunday)
,enue to +e ad-ised.
B. Eligibility Requirements
..&.1. Certificate attesting to +eing a diplo"ate of good standing of the Philippine College of Physicians.
..&.&. Certificate of +eing an associate "e"+er of the PCCP for at least one (1) year fro" the
induction date. /ust +e updated with "e"+ership dues.
..&... Certificate of co"pletion of fellowship in a PCCP accredited pul"onary fellowship training progra".
..&.0 Su+"it copy ("ar# an# electronic copy) of co"pleted research paper as re1uired in the Standard and
2e1uire"ents for Pul"onary and Critical Care *ellowship Progra".
!a"ination *ee: P 0%''' (for written and oral e!a"ination)
)ther re1uire"ent: "e"+ership record update for"
..&.1. Certificate attesting to +eing a diplo"ate of good standing of the Philippine College of Physicians.
..&.&. /ust +e updated with PCCP "e"+ership dues.
!a"ination *ee: P &%''' (for written e!a"ination)
)ther re1uire"ent: "e"+ership record update for"
C. References
3. Te!t+oo4
i. /urray and 5adel6s Te!t+oo4 of 2espiratory /edicine (
edition lse-ier 3nc.
ii. Principles and Practice of /echanical ,entilation% .rd dn. /. $. To+in.
33. )utputs fro" the PCCP Councils appro-ed +y the Board of 7irectors and other
3nternationally 2ecogni8ed 9uidelines in 2espiratory /edicine
A. PCCP 9uidelines
i. Clinical Practice 9uidelines in the 7iagnosis and /anage"ent of Chronic
)+structi-e Pul"onary 7isease (C)P7) in the Philippines # &'11
ii. Philippine Consensus 2eport on the 7iagnosis and /anage"ent of Asth"a #
iii. Philippine College of Chest Physicians (PCCP) and Philippine Society of
/icro+iology and 3nfectious 7isease (PS/37) ; Clinical Practice 9uidelines for the
7iagnosis% Treat"ent% Pre-ention and Control of Tu+erculosis in Adult *ilipinos:
CP9 5o. . ; &''. <pdates and CP9 ,ol &% 5o. . ; &''= <pdates
i-. PCCP and PS/37 ; Philippine Practice 9uidelines 9roup for 3nfectious 7iseases
Tas4 *orce on Co""unity ; Ac1uired Pneu"onia # Philippine Clinical Practice
9uidelines on the 7iagnosis% "piric /anage"ent and Pre-ention of Co""unity;
Ac1uired Pneu"onia in 3""unoco"petent Adults # &'1' <pdate
-. Proceedings fro" thical /o"ents in 2espiratory Care: Withholding and
Withdrawal of ,entilatory Support # /arch >% &''&
-i. PCCP% PS/37% Philippine Society of 5ephrology ; Philippine Clinical Practice
9uidelines on the 7iagnosis% /anage"ent and Pre-ention of ?eptospirosis ; &'1'
-ii. PCCP Consensus State"ent on the Perfor"ance and 2eporting of Spiro"etry
Testing ; &'1&
B. A"erican Thoracic Society
i. ATS@37SA 9uidelines on /anage"ent of Adult AAP% ,AP% and Aealth;care
Associated Pneu"onia &''(
C. A"erican College of Chest Physicians
i. ACCP 9uidelines on the 7iagnosis and /anage"ent of ?ung Cancer &'1.
ii. ,enous Thro"+o"+olis" (,T) 9uidelines &'11
iii. -idence;+ased 9uidelines for Weaning and 7iscontinuing ,entilatory Support
7. )ther 9uidelines
i. 9lo+al 3nitiati-e for Asth"a (935A) 9uidelines &'10
ii. 9)?7 9uideline for C)P7 # <pdated &'10
iii. 3nternational Standards in Tu+erculosis Care ; &'1.
i-. 5ational Tu+erculosis Progra" (5TP) of the 7epart"ent of Aealth &'10
-. Sur-i-ing Sepsis Ca"paign 9uideline # &'1&
-i. A27S 5et Trials
-ii. Clinical 9uidelines for the -aluation% /anage"ent and ?ong;ter" Care of
)+structi-e Sleep Apnea in Adults $ Clin Sleep /ed &'': $une 1(B ( (.) &=.;&C=
-iii. -aluation of Positi-e Airway Pressure Treat"ent for Sleep 2elated Breathing
7isorders in Adults Sleep &''= /ar 1B &: (.) .>1;0'1
7eadline for su+"ission of application will +e on No&ember '() '*(+ (*riday).
The Specialty Board in Pul"onary /edicine% &'10;&'1(:
Chair"an A5AB??A /. 9<A273A23)% /7% *PCCP
Secretary 92AC3TA 239)5A5;2A/)S% /7% *PCCP
/e"+ers /A5<? C. $)29 33% /7% *PCCP
AB52 T. D)A% /7% *PCCP
7APA5 7. BAT% /7% *PCCP
PAT23CD 92A27 ?. /)2A?% /7% *PCCP

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