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Have you ever visited Italy?

Did you ever visit Italy?

Thomas Edison has invented the light bulb.
Thomas Edison invented the light bulb.

How long have you had this job?
How long did you have this job?

I have never smoked a cigarette ever since.
I didn't smoke a cigarette ever since.

Charlie Chalin has made a lot o! !ilms.
Charlie Chalin made a lot o! !ilms.

"hen have you last been to the cinema?
"hen did you last go to the cinema?

It's the best car I've ever had.
It's the best car I ever had.

How many times have you been married?
How many times were you married?

"e haven't had lunch yet.
"e didn't have lunch yet.
#ut the verbs into the correct tense $simle ast or resent er!ect simle%.
I $see & not% anyone yet.
#hil $go & not% to the cinema last night.
"e $be & not% to the 'oo so !ar.
(he $arrive & not% yet.
Emily $visit & not% me last week.
#ut the verbs into the correct tense $simle ast or resent er!ect simle%.
$you & read% the book yet?
How many letters $they & write% so !ar?
"hen $he & tell% you that?
$you & be% at home last night?
How o!ten $you & travel% abroad till now?
#ut the verbs into the correct tense $simle ast or resent er!ect simle%.
)* $you & taste & ever% sushi?
+* ,es- I $eat% sushi at least !ive times so !ar.
)* "hen $you & eat% sushi !or the !irst time?
+* I $eat% sushi !or the !irst time on my dad's ./th birthday. He $invite%
the whole !amily to a 0aanese restaurant.
)* $you & like% it?
+* )bsolutely. In !act- it $be% so good that we $be% to that restaurant
three times yet. )nd on my mum's birthday- we $order% some sushi and $have%
it at home.
Comlete the sentences Past Simple or Present Perfect Simple*
0. Mike talked to his cousin last week.
1. "e 2222222222 $not stay% at home last night.
3. The boss 2222222222 $enter% the building.
4. "e 2222222222 $seak% to your brother yesterday.
5. 2222222222 $you & !inish% tying the letters yet?
.. 2222222222 $he & give% you my message when he saw you?
6. 7y arents 2222222222 $not borrow% any money !rom the bank.
8. (he 2222222222 $return% the clothes last week.
9. The risoners 2222222222 $escae%.
:. (he 2222222222 $!ind% her dog last night.
1/. I 2222222222 $resign% !rom the comany.
1.Tom $go%;;;;;;;;;; to the cinema yesterday.
3. 0ohn is laying a game o! tennis. He $lay%;;;;;;;;;;;;;; !or 3 hours.
4 I $book%;;;;;;;;;; the tickets two weeks ago !or the concert in <ienna.
5. The teacher $seak%;;;;;;;;;;;; English since the beginning o! this lesson.
.. In your li!e- how many countries $you=visit% ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;?
6. The +ank $oen%;;;;;;;;;; a branch in new shoing centre last month.
8. The bus is late and 0ulie is cold. (he $wait%;;;;;;;;;; !or 1/ minutes.
9. Caroline $work%;;;;;;;;;; here between 3//4 and 3//6.
:. +e!ore boarding- 0ohn $buy%;;;;;;; a book to read during the !light.
1/. (o !ar today- I $learn% ;;;;;;;;;;;; several new words in English.

Each o! the sentences below has a mistake. >ind it and correct it.
1. I have visited ?ew ,ork two months ago.

3. )nne isn@t here at the moment. (he@s been to Aondon.

4. In your li!e- how many di!!erent countries did you visit?

5. They@ve oened the new shoing centre last week.

.. How many ages did you read so !ar this week ?

6. "hen have you bought your car?

8. I@ve lived in Aondon since . years.

9. I@ve seen that !ilm last >riday.

:. His English imroved a lot this year.

1/. In his last job- #eter has travelled to Bermany every month.

11. 0ulie has worked here between 1::8 and 1:::.

13. How many !ilms did you see this month ?

14. "hen has 7ary arrived ?

15. +e!ore leaving !or +oston- I have bought a good dictionary.

1.. (o !ar I didn@t receive a rely to my invitation.
Each o! the sentences below has a mistake. >ind it and correct it.
$ECamle * Did you ever visit Canada? . D Have you ever visited Canada?%

1. I live in a house I have bought 8 years ago.

3. The man who lives neCt door wrote !our books about his travels.

4. I have been listening to the recording several times today.

5. Did you ever taste a cereal called EFuinoaG?

.. How many new words did you note down so !ar in this lesson?

6. Caroline has been visiting Hong Hong !ive times already.

8. I@ve seen that rogramme on television last night

9. How many times have you been asking !or an eClanation?

:. 7y English imroved a lot this year.

1/. In her revious job- 0ulie has soken English a lot.

11. 0ack has worked here between 1::6 and 1:::.

13. How many times did you go to the theatre this year?

14. How long ago has Emma taken u gol!?

15. "hen I was 6 years old- I have got a bicycle !or Christmas.

1.. (o !ar I didn@t make too many mistakes.

16. Tony is still watching T<. He has watched it !or 4 hours.

18. I hate red meat. (ince I was a child I have been hating it.

19. How long have you attended these classes?

1:. There is no lesson today. The teacher has been on holiday.

3/. I can relaC now. I !inished this eCerciseI
Simple Past or Present Perfect Simple
#ut the verbs into the correct tense $simle ast or resent er!ect simle%.
1. I $just & !inish% ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; my homework.
2. 7ary $already & write% ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; !ive letters.
3. Tom $move% ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to this town in 1::5.
4. 7y !riend $be% ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; in Canada two years ago.
5. I $not & be% ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to Canada so !ar.
6. +ut I $already & travel% ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to Aondon a coule o! times.
7. Aast week- 7ary and #aul $go% ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to the cinema.
8. I can't take any ictures because I $not & buy% ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; a new !ilm yet.
9. I $be & never% ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;to the Brand Canyon ?ational #ark.
10. I $read% ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 4/ ages already. It's really interesting.
1. Oh you look lovely, __________ your hair?
a. have you cut
b. did you cut
c. did you have cut
d. had you cut
2. (She lives in Sydney today) How long __________ in Sydney?
a. did you live
b. have you lived
c. do you live
d. were you living
3. I' hungry, it's idday and I _______ haven't eaten anything!
a. "ust
b. yet
c. still
d. already
4. I' a bit nervous, you see this is the #irst tie ___________ in a $lane.
a. I #lew
b. I #lied
c. I%ve #lied
d. I%ve #lown
5. Have you ever _________ snake?
a. ate
b. eaten
c. eated
d. eat

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