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B.E. (EEE)
CLASS TEST (2011-12)

Semester: VIII
Semester T!me:" H#$rs

S$%&e't: M()(*eme)t C#)'e+t (), Te')!-$es M(.. M(r/s : 00

N#te: Part ( is compulsory for each unit.Attempt any two parts from %1'2 ,.
Any missing data may be suitably assumed with proper reason.
a! "hat are the the management s#ills re$uired at different managerial
le%els& '
b! ()ecision ma#ing is a primary tas# of management(. )iscuss this
statement and e*plain the process of decision ma#ing. +
c! "ithout planning, an enterprise would soon disintegrate, its actions
would be as random as lea%es scampering before the autumn wind,
and it-s employees are confused as ants in an upturned anthill .
.laborate the statement and e*amine the
significance of planning in the managerial process. +
d! .*plain the followings
ii! /anagerial grid +


a! )efine /ar#eting /anagement. '
b! "hat is /ar#eting mi*& .*plain different elements of /ar#eting
mi*. +
c! "rite a note on followings any two!
i! 0apital 1udgeting
ii! 1rea# e%en analysis
iii! 0hannels of distribution. +

d! )efine the %arious categories of 2inancial 3atios. +


a! )efine In%entory control. '

b! .*plain the importance of /aterials /anagement and /aintenance
/anagement in industries. "hat are the different maintenance
practices adopted in industries. +

c! .*plain the difference between P.3T and 0P/. +

d 2or the networ# shown in the fig. below.0alculate
i! .arliest e*pected timeTe!
ii! 5atest allowable 6ccurrence time Tl!
iii! 0ritical path +


a! )efine T8/. '

b! "hat are the ob9ecti%es of /anagement Information :ystem& Also
e*plain its applications. +
c! "hat are the ma9or components of information system&"hich
resources do they use& )escribe briefly. +

d! "rite a note on
i! :tatistical 8uality control
ii! :alient features of I:6 ; <===. +

a! )efine ethics in management. '

b! .*plain what is :"6T analysis& ?ow it can help the organi@ation& +
c! .*plain %alue chain concept. +

d! "hy social and ethical issue in management are important for
engineering students. +

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