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Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), Delhi

B.Ed. Entrance Exam., 2!

General En'lish
Directions)*ead the +ollo,in' passa'e care+-lly and pic. o-t the /est ans,er o-t o+ the o-r
choices 'iven in the 0-estions that +ollo,.
$ d-ty is an o/li'ation. It is somethin' ,e o,e to others as social /ein's ,hen ,e live to'ether.
1e m-st let others live ,ith -s. 2y ri'ht o+ livin' implies my d-ty to my +ello, /ein's to allo,
them the same conditions o+ li+e. In +act, ri'hts and d-ties are correlated. 1hat is a ri'ht in
re'ard to one may /e a d-ty in re'ard to others. *i'hts and d-ties are t,o sides o+ the same
coin. 1e sho-ld al,ays o/serve +rom the standpoint o+ others. 2oral d-ty is more e++ective than
le'al ri'hts. $ moral d-ty is that ,hich is /indin' -pon the people on moral 'ro-nds. It is my
moral d-ty to help the poor /eca-se o+ /ein' a mem/er o+ the society.
I m-st try to create conditions that contri/-te to the ,el+are o+ h-manity. %imilarly, I o,e a d-ty
to my parents)to /e o/edient and respect+-l to them. 3his d-ty ori'inates +rom the sense o+
responsi/ility ,hich is directly related to o-r conscience. %o this is concerned ,ith a moral d-ty
,hich any person o,es ,itho-t a le'al /onda'e.
$ sense o+ d-ty is paramo-nt +or the proper development o+ civili4ation. 5ypocrisy is 0-ite
reverse to the sense o+ d-ty. It involves ,ic.edness, ,hile d-ty involves sincerity and
6. $ccordin' to the passa'e, ri'hts and d-ties are)
($) 3,o sides o+ the same coin
(B) (orrelated
(() Both ($) and (B)
(D) Neither ($) nor (B)
2. $ccordin' to the passa'e le'al d-ty is)
($) 2ore important than moral d-ty
(B) 7ess important than moral d-ty
(() 2ore e++ective than moral d-ty
(D) 7ess e++ective than moral d-ty
8. D-ty comes +rom)
($) *esponsi/ility
(B) 7e'al /onda'e
(() 5ypocrisy
(D) None o+ the a/ove
9. 1hich o+ the +ollo,in' statements is not correct accordin' to the passa'e :
($) 5ypocrisy involves ,ic.edness
(B) 5ypocrisy is opposed to d-ty
(() D-ty involves sincerity
(D) %ense o+ d-ty is not important +or the development o+ civili4ation
;. 1hich o+ the +ollo,in' moral d-ties has not /een mentioned in the passa'e :
($) 2oral d-ty to,ards o-r motherland
(B) 2oral d-ty to,ards o-r parents
(() 2oral d-ty to,ards the poor
(D) 2oral d-ty to contri/-te to the ,el+are o+ h-manity
<. 1hich o+ the +ollo,in' is not related to moral d-ty :
($) %ense o+ responsi/ility
(B) (onscience
(() 5ypocrisy
(D) %incerity
=. 1hy is it a d-ty to help the poor :
($) Beca-se I am poor
(B) Beca-se I am rich
(() Beca-se I /elon' to the society
(D) Beca-se God ,ants this
!. 1hy sho-ld I /e o/edient and respect+-l to my parents :
($) Beca-se o+ my sense o+ responsi/ility
(B) Beca-se o+ le'al /ondin'
(() Beca-se o+ civili4ation
(D) Beca-se o+ hypocrisy
>. ?1e sho-ld al,ays o/serve +rom the standpoint o+ others.@ 3his is a)
($) %imple sentence
(B) (omplex sentence
(() (ompo-nd sentence
(D) "hrase
6. 3he ,ord Aal,aysB in ?1e sho-ld al,ays o/serve +rom the standpoint o+ others@ is aCan
($) $dver/
(B) $dDective
(() No-n
(D) Eer/
$ns,ers F
6. ($) 2. (D) 8. ($) 9. (D) ;. ($) <. (() =. (() !. ($) >. ($) 6. ($)
7o'ical G $nalytical
Directions)(H. 66&69) In each o+ the +ollo,in' 0-estions an incomplete series o+ n-m/ers, ,ith
one /lan. is 'iven. Identi+y the missin' mem/er +rom the 'iven alternatives.
66. 6, 2=, 62;, I:I, =2>
($) 292
(B) 869
(() 8=
(D) 898
62. 2, ;, 6, ;, ;, I:I
($) 2;
(B) ;<
(() ;;
(D) ;9
68. 8, 69, 9=, I:I, 998, 6889
($) <6
(B) !>
(() 69<
(D) 99;
69. 2, >, 8, >8, 2!2, I:I
($) !9>
(B) !9<
(() <9>
(D) =9<
Directions)(H. 6;&6!) In each o+ the +ollo,in' 0-estions there are +ive 'ro-ps o+ letters. Jirst is
the primary one, +ollo,ed /y +o-rK o-t o+ ,hich one is di++erent +rom the rest. Identi+y this odd
6;. IIL7
($) HH%E
(B) EEJ5
(() $$BD
(D) 22N"
6<. $B$(
($) B(BD
(B) "*"H
(() (D(E
(D) %3%U
6=. BM3"
($) ONG(
(B) DOE*
(() M3ON
(D) E$1%
6!. DIN%
($) 52%M
(B) JN"U
(() LO3P
(D) N%M(
6>. 1hich pair is di++erent in some ,ay +rom others in the +ollo,in' pairs :
($) Bottle and in.
(B) (an and oil
(() Ba' and clothes
(D) Boat and ship
Directions)(H. 2&29) In each o+ the +ollo,in' 0-estions there are +ive +i'-res. Jirst is a
re+erence +i'-re. $mon' the ans,er +i'-res one +i'-re does not /elon' to the class to ,hich the
+irst +i'-re /elon's. Identi+y this odd +i'-re.
Directions)(H. 2;&2!) In each o+ the +ollo,in' 0-estions t,o statements are +ollo,ed /y t,o
concl-sions. $ss-min' that the t,o 'iven statements are tr-e (ho,ever a/s-rd they may /e)
decide ,hich o+ the t,o concl-sions +ollo,s strictly +rom the 'iven statements. %elect the most
appropriate alternative.
2;. $ll men are chairs.
$ll animals are chairs
(oncl-sions F
I. $ll men are animals.
II. No animal is a man.
($) Only I +ollo,s
(B) Only II +ollo,s
(() Both I and II +ollo,
(D) Neither I nor II +ollo,s
2<. B-c.ets are means o+ transport.
%tairs are means o+ transport.
(oncl-sions F
I. B-c.ets are stairs.
II. %ome stairs are /-c.ets.
($) Only I +ollo,s
(B) Only II +ollo,s
(() Both I and II +ollo,
(D) Neither I nor II +ollo,s
2=. No /ird has ,in's.
$ll /irds are rational.
(oncl-sions F
I. %ome rationals have ,in's.
II. 1in'less are /irds.
($) Only I +ollo,s
(B) Only II +ollo,s
(() Both I and II +ollo,
(D) Neither I nor II +ollo,s
2!. $ll philosophers are rational people.
%ome rational people are happy.
(oncl-sions F
I. %ome happy people are philosophers.
II. %ome happy people are rational.
($) Only I +ollo,s
(B) Only II +ollo,s
(() Both I and II +ollo,
(D) Neither I nor II +ollo,s
2>. 1hich is the +o-rth letter to the le+t o+ the letter that is mid#,ay /et,een AOB and A"B in
A($*DIOG*$"5B :
($) D
(B) I
(() O
(D) *
8. 1hich is the odd term in the +ollo,in' list :
($) Lan-ary
(B) 2ay
(() $pril
(D) $-'-st
$ns,ers ,ith Explanation F
66. (D) 62. ($) 68. (() 69. ($) 6;. ($) 6<. (B) 6=. (() 6!. ($)
6>. (D) In all the rest the +irst is -sed to +ill the second.
2. ($) $ll the rest are consonants ali.e ALB ,hile A$B is vo,el.
26. (B) $ll the rest are per+ect s0-ares.
22. (B) In all the rest the lo,er desi'ns are the mirror ima'e o+ the -pper desi'ns.
28. (D) In all the rest, the st. lines are /oth sides o+ the middle desi'n.
29. (B) In all the rest /oth the leaves are not Doined at one place.
2;. (D) 2<. (D) 2=. (B) 2!. (B) 2>. ($)
8. (() $ll the rest have thirty days each.
Ed-cational and General $,areness
86. Ganpati +estival ,as started /y)
($) Lyoti/a "h-le
(B) Gopal Nrishna Go.hale
(() 2. G. *anade
(D) Bal Gan'adhar 3ila.
82. 3he name AIndian National (on'ressB ,as 'iven /y)
($) %. N. BanerDee
(B) Jero4 %hah 2ehta
(() Dada/hai NaoroDi
(D) 2. G. *anade
88. German %ilver is the alloy com/ination o+)
($) (opper, Oinc and Nic.el
(B) (opper, $l-mini-m and Nic.el
(() (hromi-m, Nic.el and 2erc-ry
(D) (opper, 7ead and (hromi-m
89. 1ho is considered the AG-ardian o+ p-/lic p-rseB :
($) "resident
(B) "arliament
(() (omptroller and $-ditor General
(D) "-/lic $cco-nts (ommittee
8;. 1here is Nandapa 1ild#li+e %anct-ary :
($) $ndhra "radesh
(B) $r-nachal "radesh
(() 5imachal "radesh
(D) 2adhya "radesh
8<. 1hich o+ the +ollo,in' committees on ed-cation is considered as the 2a'na (arta o+
En'lish Ed-cation in India :
($) 1oodBs Despatch
(B) *alei'h (ommission
(() %addler (ommission
(D) 5-nter (ommission
8=. 1ho said)?"atriotisim is reli'ion and reli'ion is love +or India@ :
($) %,ami Eive.ananda
(B) *aD Narain Bose
(() Bal Gan'adhar 3ila.
(D) (handra (hatterDee
8!. 3he +amo-s ANirtistam/haB at (hittor ,as /-ilt /y)
($) *ana "ratap
(B) *ana N-m/ha
(() *ana 5ammir
(D) *ana %an'ram %in'h
8>. Gold coins in India ,ere +irst introd-ced /y)
(B) "arthians
(() Indo#Gree.s
(D) N-shans
9. 7i'ht year is the -nit o+)
($) 3ime
(B) Distance
(() 7i'ht
(D) Intensity o+ li'ht
96. 1hich o+ the +ollo,in' is .no,n as Amornin' starB :
($) Een-s
(B) 2ars
(() L-piter
(D) %at-rn
92. $ll the +ollo,in' +oods lac. vitamin (, except)
($) *ice
(B) 2eat
(() (heese
(D) 2il.
98. 3he +o-rth state o+ matter is)
($) %-per +l-ids
(B) %mall particles s-spended in the 'as
(() 7i0-id crystals
(D) "lasma
99. 3he leadin' prod-cer o+ co++ee in the ,orld is)
($) 3-r.ey
(B) Bra4il
(() Eene4-ela
(D) (-/a
9;. 3he Bh-tia 'ro-p o+ lan'-a'es does not incl-de)
($) 7ada.hi
(B) 3i/etan
(() 7epcha
(D) %herpa
9<. 3he lar'est prod-cer o+ s-'arcane in India is)
($) $ndhra "radesh
(B) G-Darat
(() "-nDa/
(D) Uttar "radesh
9=. 1hich o+ the +ollo,in' matchin's is ,ron' :
($) EiDaya,ada ) Narmada
(B), ) Gomti
(() Badrinath ) $la.nanda
(D) $yodhya ) %ary-
9!. 3he +irst n-clear reactor o+ India ,as named as)
($) Urvashi
(B) *ohini
(() Namini
(D) $psara
9>. J-ndamental ri'ht to ed-cation has /een /ro-'ht thro-'h)
($) !8rd (onstit-tion ($mendment) $ct
(B) !<th (onstit-tion ($mendment) $ct
(() >8rd (onstit-tion ($mendment) $ct
(D) ><th (onstit-tion ($mendment) $ct
;. Inte'rated (hild Development %cheme (I(D%) caters to)
($) Early (hild care and Ed-cation alone
(B) Early child care and Ed-cation ,ith +ive other components
(() Early (hild care and Ed-cation ,ith +o-r other components
(D) Early (hild care and three other components
;6. Ed-cation (ommission in independent India ,hich +oc-sed on %econdary Ed-cation ,as
chaired /y)
($) Dr. D. %. Nothari
(B) $. 7a.shmis,ami 2-daliar
(() Dr. %. *adha.rishnan
(D) 3ri'-na %en
;2. Ed-cation (ommission in pre#independence India ,hich comprehensively covered all
aspects o+ ed-cation is .no,n as)
($) %addler (ommission
(B) 5-nter (ommission
(() %ar'ent "lan
(D) $//ot#1ood *eport
;8. 3arachand (ommittee provided recommendations on)
($) %t-dentBs Unrest
(B) *eli'io-s and 2oral Ed-cation
(() Eocationalisation o+ Ed-cation
(D) %econdary Ed-cation
;9. %tate expendit-re o+ < percent o+ G. D. ". ,as recommended /y)
($) Nothari (ommission (6><<)
(B) National Ed-cation "olicy (6><!)
(() National "olicy on Ed-cation (6>!<)
(D) *evie, (ommittee on N"E (6>!<)
;;. 3he latest National (-rric-l-m Jrame,or. /y N(E*3 came into existence in)
($) 2
(B) 29
(() 2;
(D) 2<
$ns,ers F
86. (D) 82. (() 88. ($) 89. (B) 8;. (B) 8<. ($) 8=. ($) 8!. (B) 8>. (D) 9. (B)
96. ($) 92. (D) 98. (D) 99. (B) 9;. ($) 9<. (D) 9=. ($) 9!. (D) 9>. (B) ;. (B)
;6. (B) ;2. (B) ;8. (D) ;9. (() ;;. (()
3eachin'#7earnin' and 3he %chool
;<. 1hat ,o-ld /e yo-r approach i+ a st-dent interr-pts in yo-r class :
($) Po- ,ill as. him to leave the class
(B) Po- ,ill as. him to /ehave properly
(() Po- ,ill assess his reasons to do the same
(D) Po- ,ill 'ive him extra home#,or.
;=. 5o, ,o-ld yo- pre+er to address a st-dent ,ho has not completed his home#,or. :
($) 1hen are yo- 'oin' to complete it :
(B) Po- did not do it. 3ry it
(() 1hy did yo- not complete it :
(D) Po- /etter i'nore it no,
;!. %chools sho-ld /e concerned ,ith the development o+ child, ,hich sho-ld incl-de)
($) $c0-isition o+ .no,led'e /y the child
(B) $c0-isition o+ li+e#s.ills /y the child
(() $c0-isition o+ s.ills re0-ired /y the nation
(D) $c0-isition o+ s.ills re0-ired /y a healthy person
;>. 3he main reason +or non#achievement o+ +-ll literacy in India is)
($) 7ac. o+ +-nds
(B) Incapa/ility o+ -tili4ation o+ +-nds
(() 7ac. o+ s-ita/le +acilities
(D) 7ac. o+ ,ill to achieve the 'oal
<. 3he main p-rpose o+ A"arent#3eacher#$ssociation ("3$)B in any school is to)
($) Neep st-dents in chec.Ccontrol
(B) (ollect additional +-nds +or remedial teachin'
(() %hare -nderstandin' o+ the pro/lems +aced /y school
(D) Involve parents +or improvement o+ school +-nctionin'
<6. %t-dent 'ives a partially correct response to yo-r 0-estion. 3hen yo- ,ill)
($) %ee. +-rther in+ormation
(B) "rovide rein+orcement
(() *e+rame yo-r 0-estion
(D) 3ell the correct in+ormation
<2. %chool can /e called a social a'ent i+)
($) It transmits .no,led'e
(B) It ed-cates a/o-t ri'hts and d-ties
(() It imparts .no,led'e a/o-t traditions and val-es
(D) It or'anises vario-s activities
<8. One /asic di++erenc /et,een traditional schools and open learnin' schools is that)
($) 3he +ormer are systematic
(B) 3he latter do not c-ltivate c-lt-ral val-es
(() 3he latter -se modern 'ad'ets
(D) 3he +ormer carry personal to-ch
<9. %chool can /e considered a II 'ro-p as +ar as socialisin' a'ency is concerned.
($) "rimary
(B) %econdary
(() %-pplementary
(D) 3ertiary
<;. 1hich o+ the +ollo,in' statements is not tr-e:
($) $c0-isition o+ Ali+e#s.illsB is part o+ mat-ration
(B) $c0-isition o+ Ali+e#s.illsB is part o+ social process
(() A7i+e#s.illsB are directly mo-lded
(D) A7i+e#s.illsB are learnt
<<. $ st-dent ,ants to share his pro/lem ,ith his teacher and visits the teacher +or the same at
his home. In s-ch a sit-ation, the teacher sho-ld)
($) %-''est to him to escape +rom his home
(B) (ontact the st-dentBs parents and provide help
(() Extend reasona/le help and /oost his morale
(D) 1arn him to never visit his home
<=. I+ a st-dent alle'es a'ainst yo- +or sho,in' +avo-ritism in eval-ation o+ scripts, ho, ,o-ld
yo- deal ,ith him :
($) *eDect his alle'ations
(B) $dopt p-nitive meas-re
(() 2a.e e++orts to reveal his position
(D) %ho, his ans,er /oo. and +e, more
<!. 3he maDor responsi/ility ,ith ,hich school personnel have /een entr-sted is that o+)
($) $dD-stin' social demands to the needs o+ the child
(B) $dD-stin' the child to con+orm to the demands o+ society
(() (han'in' h-man nat-re to con+orm to social expectations
(D) "reparin' the child to chan'e the society
<>. In order to develop a 'ood rapport ,ith st-dents, a teacher sho-ld (select the most
important activity))
($) 7ove his st-dents
(B) Be +riendly ,ith all
(() "ay individ-al attention
(D) (omm-nicate ,ell
=. 3he /est reason /eca-se o+ ,hich a teacher can command respect +rom his st-dents is i+)
($) 5e +ollo,s innovative practices in the class
(B) 5e dictates notes to the class
(() 5e reads and explains the text#/oo.
(D) 5e does not 'ive home assi'nment
=6. Development o+ moral val-es amon' st-dents is very important. 1hat ,o-ld yo- do to
develop the same :
($) Enco-ra'e moral val-e related ,or.s
(B) Or'anise lect-res
(() Display stories /ased on moral val-es
(D) "resent yo-rsel+ as a role model
=2. 3eachin' aids are -se+-l /eca-se they)
($) 5elp teacherBs ,or.
(B) $ctivate all senses
(() 5elp st-dents to /e attentive
(D) 2a.e learnin' more meanin'+-l
=8. 3eacherBs class#room /ehavio-r sho-ld /e 'ood /eca-se)
($) It ,ill set an example
(B) %t-dents ,ill /e more attentive
(() Environment ,o-ld /e cond-cive to learnin'
(D) %t-dents ,ill appreciate it
=9. Po- have a class ,hich is very hetero'eneo-s in hei'ht. Po- sho-ld allo, a seatin'
($) 1hich is random
(B) 1here smaller st-dents are allo,ed to sit in s-ch a ,ay that they can see and participate
easily in class activities
(() 1hich is p-rely /ased on hei'ht
(D) 3hat has taller st-dents on one side o+ the class
=;. 1hich one o+ the +ollo,in' may not /e the /est reason +or cheatin' in the class#room
examination :
($) 3oo la4y to st-dy
(B) "arental press-re +or 'ood mar.s
(() Jear o+ +ail-re
(D) %el+#presti'e
=<. In this a'e o+ academic excellence demand, incl-sion o+ 'ames and sports in schools is)
($) $ ,asta'e o+ time
(B)' a,ay a lot o+ time +rom academic ,or.
(() Givin' time +or leis-re or relaxation
(D) Necessary +or the co#ordinated development o+ the individ-al
==. 1hich one o+ the +ollo,in' pairs is odd (or not properly associated) :
($) Jroe/el ) "lay,ay
(B) 2aria 2ontessori ) Diver'ent'
(() Neller ) (o#operative learnin'
(D) GandhiDi ) %oiled hands
=!. 1hile teachin' the concept o+ a AcircleB, ,hich one o+ the +ollo,in' ,o-ld /e the /est ,ay to
do it :
($) "resent a pict-re o+ a circle
(B) "resent pict-res o+ circles o+ vario-s si4es
(() "resent pict-res o+ circles and ellipses
(D) "resent pict-res o+ circles and poly'ons
=>. 3eachin' ,o-ld /e more e++ective i+ the teacher)
($) his intent p-rpose+-l
(B) Is master o+ the s-/Dect
(() Uses vario-s instr-ctional aids
(D) Declares his o/Dectives in the /e'innin'
!. In a democratic co-ntry li.e India, schools sho-ld concentrate on)
($) Development o+ traits to +ace h-rdles o+ daily li+e
(B) Inc-lcation o+ val-es cherised /y the comm-nity
(() "reparation +or academic excellence
(D) Development o+ traits o+ 'ood citi4enship
$ns,ers F
;<. (() ;=. (() ;!. (B) ;>. (D) <. (D) <6. (B) <2. (D) <8. (D) <9. (B) <;. ($)
<<. (() <=. (D) <!. (B) <>. (() =. ($) =6. (D) =2. (D) =8. (() =9. (B) =;. (D)
=<. (D) ==. (D) =!. (B) =>. (() !. (D)
%-/Dect (ompetence
(i) %cience
+ollo,in' passa'e care+-lly and pic. o-t the /est ans,er o-t o+ the o-r choices 'iven in the
0-estions that +ollo,.!6. (lothes do not dry on a rainy day /eca-se on a rainy day)
($) 5-midity is hi'h
(B) 5-midity is lo,
(() 3emperat-re /ecomes hi'h
(D) $tmospheric press-re rises
!2. Lo-le is the -nit o+)
($) Jorce
(B) "o,er
(() Ener'y
(D) "ress-re
!8. 3he a-di/le ran'e o+ hearin' +or avera'e h-man /ein's is)
($) 2 54 to 2 N54
(B) 2 54 to 2 54
(() 2 54 to 2 N54
(D) 2 N54 to 2 N54
!9. 3riti-m is an)
($) Iso/ar o+ 5ydro'en
(B) Isotope o+ 5ydro'en
(() Iso/ar o+ heli-m
(D) Isotope o+ heli-m
!;. 1hich o+ the +ollo,in' ions helps in the
openin' and closin' o+ stomata :
($) NaQ
(B) NQ
(() (aQQ
(D) None o+ the a/ove
!<. 1hich o+ the +ollo,in' does not have pl-s (Q) or min-s (&) si'ns mar.ed on it :
($) *esistor
(B) $mmeter
(() Eoltmeter
(D) Battery
!=. "hotosynthesis is a)
($) (ata/olic process
(B) $na/olic process
(() $mphi/olic process
(D) $ll o+ these
!!. I+ a mirror +orms an erect /-t diminished ima'e o+ an o/Dect placed any,here in+ront o+ it, is
($) (oncave 2irror
(B) "lane 2irror
(() (onvex 2irror
(D) (oncave and convex 2irror (/oth)
!>. 3he instr-ment to meas-re atmospheric press-re is called)
($) "yrometer
(B) 3hermopile
(() Barometer
(D) 2anometer
>. Oran'e colo-r o+ the settin' s-n is d-e to)
($) *e+lection o+ li'ht
(B) Di++-sion o+ li'ht
(() %catterin' o+ li'ht
(D) "olarisation o+ li'ht
>6. 1hat is the +inal colo-r o+ /l-e litm-s ,hen a dil-te sol-tion o+ NaO5 is added to it :
($) *ed
(B) "in.
(() Oran'e
(D) Bl-e
>2. "ic. the odd one o-t)
($) Jermentation
(B) $ero/ic *espiration
(() $naero/ic *espiration
(D) Breathin'
>8. 5ypotonic sol-tion as compared to 5ypertonic sol-tion has)
($) 2ore sol-te
(B) 7ess sol-te
(() %ame sol-te
(D) Nothin' can /e said a/o-t the amo-nt o+ sol-te
>9. Eolt is the -nit o+)
($) (har'e
(B) (-rrent
(() *esistance
(D) "otential di++erence
>;. 3,o resistors havin' resistances o+ 6 ohm and 2 ohms respectively are connected is series
,ith a /attery. 3he c-rrent thro-'h the 2 ohms resistor is 2 amperes. 3he c-rrent thro-'h the 6
ohm resistor ,ill /e)
($) R; amp
(B) 6 amp
(() 2 amp
(D) 9 amp
><. 3he addition o+ ,hich one o+ the +ollo,in' ,ill decrease the p5 val-e o+ ,ater :
($) (a-stic %oda
(B)' soda
(() %alt
(D) 5ydrochloric acid
>=. 3he /ranch o+ science that deals ,ith t-mo-rs is)
($) Osteolo'y
(B) $natomy
(() Oncolo'y
(D) Urolo'y
>!. "ne-monia is a disease associated ,ith)
($) 7iver
(B) 7-n's
(() G-ms
(D) Nidney
>>. ADeci/elB is a meas-re o+)
($) 3ime
(B) Distance
(() Intensity o+ so-nd
(D) Ener'y
6. 1hich o+ the +ollo,in' have the hi'hest +re0-ency :
($) 5eat ,aves
(B) %o-nd ,aves
(() Ultraviolet rays
(D) Gamma rays
$ns,ers ,ith Explanation F
!6. ($) !2. (() !8. ($) !9. (B) !;. (B) !<. ($) !=. (() !!. (() !>. (() >. (() >6. (D)
>2. ($) Jermentation is an en4ymatic trans+ormation o+ or'anic s-/stracts. *est three do not
need en4ymatic trans+ormation.
>8. (B) >9. (D)
>;. (() In series connection same c-rrent +lo,s thro-'h all the resistances.
><. (D) >=. (() >!. (B) >>. (() 6. (D)

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