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The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Fon!ation

"#R# No# $%%&$$ 'a( $)* $++&
Republic of the Philippines

"#R# No# $%%&$$ 'a( $)* $++&
JUANIT, LI'* petitioner*
Armando S. Kho for petitioner.

'EL,* J.:
/hat 0a1e. the ca.e at 2ar an intere.tin3 .2ject 4or .t!( i. the !earth o4!ence in-ol-in3 -iolation. o4 the
Anti-Fencin3 Law o4 $+5+ or Pre.i!ential Decree No# $6$7#
Ina.0ch a. the appellant 2elow wa. not a2le to o-erthrow the pre.0ption o4 4encin3 e02o!ie! n!er Section 8 o4
the law in point* hi. con-iction 4or the 0i.!ee!* a. ren!ere! 2( the trial cort* wa. a44ir0e! 2( re.pon!ent Cort o4
Appeal.* thro3h J.tice "loria Para. with who0 J.tice. El2inia. an! A2a! Santo.* Jr# concrre! 9p# 75* Rollo:#
Hence* the petition 2e4ore . which re.ol-e. on the en.in3 2ac1!rop clle! 4ro0 the te;t o4 the !eci.ion appeale!
Fro0 the !eci.ion !ate! 'arch 7%* $+)+ in Cri0inal Ca.e No# 5876 entitle! =People o4 the Philippine.
vs. Janito Li0*= the !i.po.iti-e portion o4 which .tate.<
/HEREF,RE* pre0i.e. con.i!ere!* j!30ent i. here2( ren!ere! 4in!in3 acc.e!
3ilt( 2e(on! rea.ona2le !o2t o4 -iolatin3 PD $6$7 9Anti-Fencin3 Law: an!
con.e>entl(* pr.ant to Sec# & 9a: o4 .ai! PD $6$7 an! the pro-i.ion. o4 the
In!eter0inate Sentence Law* he i. here2( .entence! to .er-e i0pri.on0ent ran3in3
4ro0 ) (ear. o4 Prision Mayor a. 0ini00 to $? (ear.* ) 0onth. an! $ !a( o4
reclusion temporal a. 0a;i00 with the acce..orie. o4 the law an! to pa( the
pri-ate o44en!e! part( the .0 o4 P7%6*&7%#%% 0in. the -ale o4 the .pare part.
reco-ere! an! in the po..e..ion o4 S3t# Da2aitan* withot howe-er* .2.i!iar(
i0pri.on0ent in ca.e o4 in.ol-enc(#
the acc.e! appeale! to thi. Cort#
Janito Li0* the acc.e!* wa. char3e! in an in4or0ation with -iolation o4 PD $6$7 9Anti-Fencin3
Law: which wa. alle3e!l( co00itte! a. 4ollow.<
That on or a2ot 'arch* $+)6* in the Cit( o4 Ca3a(an !e ,ro* Philippine.* an! within
the jri.!iction o4 thi. Honora2le Cort* the a2o-ena0e! acc.e!* with intent to
3ain 4or hi0.el4 or 4or another* !i! then an! there will4ll(* nlaw4ll( an!
4elonio.l( recei-e* po..e..* 1eep an! ac>ire* or !eal with the 4ollowin3 .pare
part. an! ite0* to wit<
;;; ;;; ;;;
the .ai! .pare part. an! ite0. 2ein3 owne! 2( an! 2elon3in3 to one Loi Anton
@on!* well 1nowin3 that the .a0e were .tolen or .hol! 2e 1nown to hi0 to ha-e
2een !eri-e! 4ro0 the procee!. o4 the cri0e o4 The4t* 2t in.pite o4 .ch
1nowle!3e* acc.e! allowe! the .a0e to 2e .tore! or 1ept in hi. 2o!e3a an!
.2.e>entl( 2o3ht or !i.po.e! o4 the nine 9+: piece. o4 tire. with ri0.* to the
!a0a3e an! prej!ice o4 the o44en!e! part( Loi Anton @on! in the total a0ont o4
P7%6*&7%#%%* Philippine Crrenc(#
Contrar( to an! in -iolation o4 P#D# $6$7#
A plea o4 =not 3ilt(= wa. entere! 2( the acc.e! pon the arrai3n0ent#
The e-i!ence o4 the pro.ection trie! to e.ta2li.h that Ser3io Pa2ilona ha! -acate! hi. ho.e in
@aran3a( Ti3li0ao* Ca3a(an !e ,ro Cit(* 2eca.e o4 the wor.enin3 co00ni.t in.r3enc( pro2le0
in that 2aran3a(* o4 which he .e! to 2e the 2aran3a( captainA that he ha! ta1en te0porar(
re.i!ence in @aran3a( Pa3atpat* al.o o4 Ca3a(an !e ,ro Cit( 9t#.#n#* Septe02er 77* $+)5* p# $:A that
on or a2ot noon o4 'arch $* $+)6* Pa2ilona an! the ei3ht 0en he ha! re>e.te! to help hi0 retrie-e
hi. 2elon3in3. in hi. ho.e in @aran3a( Ti3li0ao* con-er3e! at the re.i!ence hi. S3t# Del4in
@acal.o at* Ca3a(an !e ,ro Cit(A that S3t# @acal.o an! nine other con.ta2lar( .ol!ier.*
with the 4or0er a. lea!er* were to e.cort Pa2ilona an! hi. 0en in 3oin3 to @aran3a( Ti3li0aoA that
Pa2ilona ha! earlier re>e.te! 4or .ch a 0ilitar( e.cort 9id.* p# 8:A that .oon a4ter* a 'erce!e. @enB
trc1* owne! 2( acc.e! Janito Li0* arri-e!A that it wa. S3t# @acal.o who contracte! 4or the trc1
2eca.e* accor!in3 to hi0* he too ha! .o0e l02er to loa! in @aran3a( Ta3li0aoA that Pa2ilona ha!
earlier 3i-en S3t# @acal.o P6%%#%% 4or trc1 rental 9id.* p# 6:A that at a2ot 7<%% p#0# Pa2ilona* hi. 0en
an! their 0ilitar( e.cort le4t on 2oar! the 'erce!e. @enB trc1 4or @aran3a( Ta3li0ao*
arri-in3 thereat at a2ot 8<%% oCcloc1 that .a0e a4ternoonA that a4ter the( ha-e re.te! 4or a while*
Pa2ilona then or!ere! hi. 0en to 3ather hi. 2elon3in3. in.i!e hi. ho.e* 2t he wa. .toppe! 2(
S3t# @acal.o who wante! that the( 4ir.t procee! to the ne;t 2aran3a(* @aran3a( T2ran* 2eca.e
hi. l02er were alle3e!l( thereA that Pa2ilona prote.te! 2eca.e hi. re>e.t 4or 0ilitar( e.cort wa.
onl( p to @aran3a( Ta3li0aoA that he wa. pre-aile! pon 2( S3t# @acal.o to 4ir.t procee! to
@aran3a( T2ran 9t.n#* id.* p# 5:A that pon arri-in3 in @aran3a( T2ran* S3t# @acal.o or!ere! the
0en o4 Pa2ilona to procee! to the co0pon! o4 EC" 'inin3 Corporation an! to re0o-e 4ro0 the
hea-( e>ip0ent 4on! therein their part.A that he al.o or!ere! the0 to nloa! an! to carr( with
the0 the acet(lene e>ip0ent owne! 2( acc.e!-appellant Janito Li0 which wa. co-ere! 2(
can-a.. on 2oar! the trc1A that a. it wa. alrea!( !ar1* an! a4rai! o4 2ein3 2itten 2( .na1e.* the 0en
o4 Pa2ilona .tarte! re0o-in3 the part. o4 the hea-( e>ip0ent onl( in the earl( 0ornin3 the
4ollowin3 !a(* 'arch 7* $+)6A that their jo2 ha-in3 2een !one* the( 2ro3ht the -ario. hea-(
e>ip0ent part.* a0on3 which were nine tire. with ri0.* to the 'erce!e. @enB trc1 an! loa!e!
the0 thereonA that Pa2ilona* hi. 0en an! their 0ilitar( e.cort repaire! 2ac1 to @aran3a( Ta3li0ao
an! loa!e! the per.onal 2elon3in3. o4 Pa2ilonaA that the( then !ro-e 2ac1 to* .toppin3 at
the =2o!e3a= o4 acc.e! Janito Li0 which wa. locate! a 4ew 0eter. awa( 4ro0 the re.i!ence o4
S3t# @acal.oA that lon3 a4ter their arri-al* acc.e! Janito Li0 al.o arri-e! on 2oar! hi. pic1-p
-ehicleA that S3t# @acal.o then or!ere! the 0en o4 Pa2ilona to nloa! acet(lene e>ip0ent an! the
-ario. hea-( e>ip0ent part. an! to ! the0 in.i!e the =2o!e3a= o4 acc.e! Janito Li0*
a4ter which the latter or!ere! that hi. =2o!e3a= 2e clo.e!A that Pa2ilona an! hi. 0en then ro!e on
the trc1 a3ain an! procee!e! to 2aran3a( Pa3atpat where the( nloa!e! the per.onal 2elon3in3.
o4 Pa2ilonaA that the 4ollowin3 0ornin3* the 0en o4 Pa2ilona went to the ho.e o4 S3t# @acal.o* a.
the( were tol! 2( the latter to !o .o* 2t S3t# @acal.o wa. ot o4 hi. ho.eA that while waitin3 4or
S3t# @acal.o* the 0en o4 Pa2ilona .aw the acc.e! arri-e! at hi. =2o!e3a= on 2oar! hi. (ellow pic1-
p -ehicleA that the( then .aw the acc.e! re0o-e 4ro0 hi. =2o!e3a= the nine tire. with ri0.* loa!
the0 on hi. (ellow pic1-p -ehicle an! then !ri-e awa(A that .oon a4ter* S3t# @acal.o arri-e!* onl( to
tell the 0en waitin3 4or hi0 that the( ha-e nothin3 0ore to collect 4ro0 hi0 2eca.e the( alrea!(
incrre! an o-er!ra4t* .o* the 0en le4t 4or their re.pecti-e ho0e.A that at the ti0e the hea-(
e>ip0ent wa. 2ein3 canni2aliBe!* the Pre.i!ent an! "eneral 'ana3er o4 @C" 'inin3 Corporation*
Loi Anton @on!* an A.tralian national* wa. 2ein3 hel! capti-e 2( the New PeopleC. Ar0(*
howe-er* a4ter hi. relea.e in Jne $+)6* he i00e!iatel( reporte! to the police athoritie. the thie-er(
co00itte! in hi. co0pan(C. co0pon! in @aran3a( T2ranA that he al.o ca.e! to 2e e.ti0ate! 2(
En3r# Dioni.ala the -ale o4 the ite0. ta1en 4ro0 the hea-( e>ip0entA that En3r# Dioni.ala place!
the total -ale o4 the ite0. ta1en at P?5%*&$%#%%A an! that S3t# Da2atian* o4 the Ca3a(an !e ,ro Cit(
Police* con!cte! an in-e.ti3ation* which cl0inate! in the 4ilin3 o4 the in.tant ca.e 2( the Cit( a3ain.t acc.e! Janito Li0 4or -iolation o4 Pre.i!ential Decree No# $6$7#
A.i!e 4ro0 !en(in3 the co00i..ion o4 the o44en.e char3e!* the acc.e! al.o .et p the !e4en.e o4
ali2i* which the lower cort !i! not 2elie-e#
The trial cort 4on! the acc.e! 3ilt( a. char3e! an! .entence hi0 accor!in3l(#
A recon.i!eration o4 the! !eci.ion* which wa. .o3ht 2( the acc.e!* wa. !enie! 2( the
lower cort in it. ,r!er !ate! 'a( &*
$+)+# # # 9pp# 75-&%* Rollo#:
Inclpation o4 petitioner wa. anchore! on the principal that the witne..e. who te.ti4ie! a3ain.t hi0 ha!
no lterior 0oti-e to pre-aricate which ren!ere! their te.ti0on( worth( o4 cre!ence when j;tapo.e! with
petitionerC. !e4en.e o4 !enial an! ali2i# Re.pon!ent cort al.o !i! not .ee it 4it to re-er.e the cort o4 ori3in j.t
2eca.e the witne..e. a3ain.t petitioner were not incl!e! a. co-!e4en!ant. 2eca.e a.! al.o 2( the trial
cort* petitioner !i! not 2other to i0p3n the re.oltion o4 the in>e.t who con!cte! the preli0inar(
,n the a2.ence o4 the .o-calle! e-i!ence to in!icate that it wa. petitioner who .ol! or !i.po.e! o4 the .pare part.
reco-ere! 4ro0 a .tore na0e! @a.ic Die.el Part.* re.pon!ent cort re0ar1e!<
In the ca.e at 2ar* the pro.ection ha. !l( pro-e! that the appellant ha! !ealt with the .tolen ite0.
an! ha! po..e..ion o4 the .a0e 2eca.e the .ai! .pare part. an! tire. which were the .2ject o4
thie-er( or ro22er( 4or the( were re0o-e! 4ro0 the hea-( e>ip0ent o4 Loi @on!* the pri-ate
co0plainant* withot the latterC. 1nowle!3e an! con.ent* were nloa!e! 4ro0 the trc1 o4 the
appellant an! 1ept in hi. 2o!e3a# An! appellant wa. pre.ent !rin3 .ch nloa!in3 an! ha! e-en
or!ere! the 2o!e3a clo.e! a4ter .ch nloa!in3 to hi. 2o!e3a#
Un!er .ch !l( pro-en 4act. an! circ0.tance.* there i. the pre.0ption o4 4encin3 on the part o4
the appellant a. pro-i!e! in the a4ore>ote! Sec# 8 o4 PD $6$7#
The appellant ha. not !e.tro(e! the! pre.0ption# An! the char3e a3ain.t hi0 wa. 4rther
.tren3thene! 2( the 4act. an! circ0.tance. that he owne! the trc1 that tran.porte! the re0o-e!
.pare part. 4ro0 2aran3a( T2ran to hi. 2o!e3aA that the .ai! -ehicle which wa. alle3e!l( hire! to
tran.port the 2elon3in3. o4 Pa2ilona at @aran3a( Ta3li0ao to hi. place at Pa3atpat !i! not
i00e!iatel( procee! to Pa3atpat to nloa! Pa2ilonaC. thin3.A in.tea!* 4ro0 Ta3li0ao the trc1
procee!e! i00e!iatel( to the appellantC. 2o!e3aA that he owne! the acet(lene e>ip0ent that wa.
.e! to !etach the .pare part. 4ro0 the hea-( e>ip0ent o4 the pri-ate co0plainant an! the .ai!
acet(lene e>ip0ent wa. al.o nloa!e! at the 2o!e3a o4 the appellantA that the 4ollowin3 0ornin3
a4ter the .ai! .pare part.* acet(lene e>ip0ent an! tire. were !epo.ite! in hi. 2o!e3a* he 2ro3ht
ot the .ai! tire. 4ro0 hi. 2o!e3a an! loa!e! the0 in hi. pic1-p -ehicleA an! hi. 2o!e3a in near the
ho.e o4 S3t# @acal.o# 9p# &7* Rollo#:
/ith re.pect to petitionerC. ar30ent that the Anti-Fencin3 Law !oe. not conte0plate the incl.ion o4 ci-il lia2ilit( a.
part o4 the penalt( 4or -iolation thereo4* re.pon!ent cort opine! that when he wa. in.trcte! to pa( the .0 o4
P7%6*&7%#%% le.. the -ale o4 the .pare part. reco-ere!* .ch i0po.ition re4er. to hi. ci-il lia2ilit(* in line with the
penal a;io0 that a per.on cri0inall( lia2le i. al.o ci-ill( lia2le#
Di! re.pon!ent cort err in phol!in3 the j!30ent o4 the trial cortE
In hi. e44ort. to i0pre.. an a44ir0ati-e re.pon.e to thi. 2a.ic >er(* petitioner 4or0late. 4or propo.ition. which all
2oil !own to the lti0ate i..e o4 proo4 2e(on! rea.ona2le !o2t to .pport con-iction#
Petitioner entertain. a !i44erent perception on the alle3e! intrin.ic .2.tance o4 the PeopleC. e-i!ence 2( .33e.tin3
that the pro.ection witne..e. te.ti4ie! a3ain.t hi0 .o that the pri-ate co0plainant wol! not pre.. char3e. a3ain.t
the pro.ection witne..e.# It i. !i44iclt to 3ra.p petitionerC. lo3ic alon3 thi. line 2eca.e i4 thi. were .o* then* e-er(
acc.in3 4in3er collecti-el( pointe! towar!. a .in3le in!i-i!al will ha-e to 2e con.tre! a. a 0ere plo( to .a-e oneC.
own .1in a3ain.t pro.ection# In!epen!entl( o4 petitionerC. col! a.per.ion an! !el.ion o4 paranoia* the plea!in3.
.20itte! to thi. Cort har!l( .pport hi. preten.e# An nwarrante! a..0ption e;pre..e! 2( petitioner 0.t
per4orce ! .cant con.i!eration e.peciall( .o when he can!i!l( a!0itte! that he !oe. not 1now Na-arro*
@ahian an! Pa2ilona who too1 the witne.. .tan! 9p# &$* Rollo:#
To 2ol.ter petitionerC. clai0 that the pro.ection witne..e. were the perpetrator. o4 the cri0e o4 the4t or ro22er( an!
are th. pollte!* a portion o4 pri-ate co0plainant Loi Anton @on!C. .tate0ent wa. e-en li4te! 4ro0 the
.teno3raphic note.<
F# The NPAC. tol! (o a2ot the canni2aliBation o4 (or hea-( e>ip0ent9.: E
A# Correct* the( tol! 0e that 0( hea-( e>ip0ent9.: were canni2aliBe!# /hen I wa.
relea.e! an! ca0e 2ac1 to Ca3a(an !e ,ro Cit( an! lots of people from the
Tuburan informed me that my heavy equipments! "ere cannibali#ed by S$t.
%acalso and %aran$ay &aptain Pabilona. 9TSN* 7G7G)+* p# +A E0pha.i. .pplie!:
2t the 4ore3oin3 open-cort !eclaration !oe. not e;cl!e petitionerC. clpa2ilit( .2.e>ent to the lo.. o4 the hea-(
e>ip0ent# It 0a( con-e( the 0e..a3e that it wa. S3t# @acal.o an! @aran3a( Captain Pa2ilona who carte! awa( the
.pare part.* 2t it !oe. not nece..aril( 4ollow that petitioner !i! not 3et hi. other en! o4 the 2ar3ain* 0ore .o when it
wa. e.ta2li.he! that the thin3. rippe! o44 were loa!e! on thence nloa!e! 4ro0 hi. trc1 an! 1ept in hi. 2o!e3a
who.e !oor wa. e-en clo.e! therea4ter per hi. in.trction. 9p# &7* Rollo:#
Frther to the ar30ent concernin3 the non-incl.ion o4 the pro.ection witne..e. a. a!!itional acc.e! in the ca.e
4or -iolation o4 the Anti-Fencin3 Law* it 0a( 2e! that thi. 2are a..ertion o-erloo1. the 4act that it i. the* a. a quasi'(udicial o44icer* who a..0e. 4ll !i.cretion an! control o4 the ca.e an! thi. 4aclt( 0a( not 2e
inter4ere! with* 4or a pro.ector 0a( not 2e co0pelle! 2( mandamus to 4ile a cri0inal in4or0ation where he i.
con-ince! that he !oe. not ha-e the e-i!ence a3ain.t an in!i-i!al 9Section )* Rule ++,* Re-i.e! Rle. on
Cri0inal Proce!reA FiBo -.# San!i3an2a(an* $?+ SCRA $%) H$+)5IA 7 Re$alado* Re0e!ial Law Co0pen!i0* Si;th
Re-# E!#* $+)+* p# $+8:# Jeril(* the 0atter o4 pro.ectin3 witne..e. 9Re(e. -.# Ca0ilon* $+7 SCRA ??8 H$++%IA ?
-errera* Re0e!ial Law* $++7 E!#* p# &+:#
,n the a.pect o4 animus furandi* petitioner i. o4 the 2elie4 that thi. ele0ent wa. not clearl( e.ta2li.he! 2( the
PeopleC. e-i!ence an! he* there4ore* !raw. the concl.ion that re.pon!ent cort .erio.l( erre! in pre.0in3 the
e;i.tence o4 intent to 3ain# A3ain* thi. .ppo.ition i3nore. the 4act that intent to 3ain i. a 0ental .tate* the e;i.tence
o4 which i. !e0on.trate! 2( the o-ert act. o4 a per.on 9Soriano -.# People* )) Phil#* &6) H$+8$IA $ Reyes* Re-i.e!
Penal Co!e* Ele-enth Re-# E!#* $++$* p# ?8A $ Aquino* Re-i.e! Penal Co!e* $+)) E!#* p# $+5:# An! what wa. the
e;ternal !e0eanor which petitioner .howe! 4ro0 the which the trial cort an! re.pon!ent cort in4erre! animus
furandiE The.e circ0.tance. were -i-i!l( .pelle! in the 2o!( o4 the j!30ent which petitioner cho.e to 2lan!l(
i0p3n an! o-er which he re0ain. in!i44erent e-en at thi. crcial .ta3e# /ithal* the .ini.ter 0ental .tate i. pre.0e!
4ro0 the co00i..ion o4 an nlaw4l act in 2rin3in3 ot the tire. 4ro0 hi. 2o!e3a which were loa!e! on hi. pic1-p
9People -.# Sia Te2 @an* 8? Phil#* 87 H$+7+IA $ Reyes* supra at p# ?6A Section .b!* Rule +.+* Re-i.e! Rle. on
E-i!ence:# At an( rate* dolo i. not re>ire! in cri0e. pni.he! 2( a .pecial .tatte li1e the Anti-Fencin3 Law o4 $+5+
9U#S# -.# "o Chico* $? Phil# $7) H$+%+IA $ Reyes* supra at p# 8): 2eca.e it i. the act alone* irre.pecti-e o4 the 0oti-e.
which con.titte. the o44en.e 9U#S# -.# Si( Con3 @ien3* et al#* &% Phil#* 855 9$+$8:A $ Reyes* supra* at p# 8+A $ Aquino*
supra* at p# 87:# Jeril(* when it wa. pro-e! that petitioner co00itte! the nlaw4l act. alle3e! in the in4or0ation* it
wa. properl( pre.0e! that the( were co00itte! with 4ll 1nowle!3e an! with cri0inal intent* an! it wa. inc02ent
pon hi0 to re2t .ch a pre.0ption K a 2r!en which petitioner re3retta2l( 4aile! to !i.char3e 9Unite! State. -.#
Tria* $5 Phil#* &%& 9$+$%:A $ Aquino* supra* at p# ?8:# 'oreo-er* the pre.0ption o4 4encin3 n!er Section 8 o4
Pre.i!ential Decree No# $6$7 that<
'ere po..e..ion o4 an( 3oo!* article* ite0* o2ject* or an(thin3 o4 -ale which ha. 2een the .2ject
o4 ro22er( or thie-er( .hall 2e prima facie e-i!ence o4 4encin3#
0.t 2e phel! in the li3ht o4 petitionerC. .hallow !e0rrer pre0i.e! on a !enial an! a2ili* .ince a !i.pta2le
pre.0ption on thi. .core i. .44icient ntil o-erco0e 2( contrar( e-i!ence 9Sibal and Sala#ar* Co0pen!i0
on E-i!ence* Secon! E!#* $+))* p# 7+%:#* it i. perile 4or petitioner to conten! that the or!er 4or hi0 to pa( the .0 o4 P7%6*&7%#%%* le.. the -ale o4 the
.pare part. reco-ere! in the po..e..ion o4 S3t# Pa2atian* a. ci-il in!e0nit( i. nathoriBe! n!er Pre.i!ential
Decree No# $6$7* 2eca.e Section & 9a: thereo4 incl!e. the acce..or( penalt( pertainin3 thereto vis'a'vis Article $%?
o4 the Re-i.e! Penal Co!e<
Sec# &# Penalties. K An( per.on 3ilt( o4 4encin3 .hall 2e pni.he! a. heren!er in!icate!<
a: The penalt( o4 prision mayor* i4 the -ale o4 the propert( in-ol-e! i. 0ore than $7*%%% pe.o. 2t
not e;cee!in3 77*%%% pe.o.A i4 the -ale o4 .ch propert( e;cee!. the latter .0* the penalt(
pro-i!e! in thi. para3raph .hall 2e i0po.e! in it. 0a;i00 perio!* a!!in3 one (ear 4or each
a!!itional $%*%%% pe.o.A 2t the total penalt( which 0a( 2e i0po.e! .hall not e;cee! twent( (ear.#
In .ch ca.e.* the penalt( .hall 2e ter0e! reclusion temporal an! the acce..or( penalt( pertainin3
thereto pro-i!e! in the Re-i.e! Penal Co!e .hall al.o 2e i0po.e!#
There i. th. no a02i3it( to .pea1 o4 con.i!erin3 that the 0e..a3e o4 the a4ore>ote! .ection i. too clear to nee!
/HEREF,RE* the petition i. here2( !i.0i..e! an! the !eci.ion o4 the Cort o4 Appeal. !ate! Fe2rar( $8* $++$ i.
here2( AFFIR'ED#
/eliciano* %idin* 0avide* Jr. and Romero* JJ.* concur.
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Fon!ation

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