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Natyra dhe Rreziqet e Mdha

M shum se do kontinent tjetr, Europa sht nj mozaik i vendeve me peisazheve relativisht

t humanizuar. Ekosistemet dhe proceset q ndikojn n larmin biologjike jan t mdha duke
mos u kufizuar me kufij nacional. Kshtu masat e marra n nj kontekst lokal, rajonal apo
kombtar jan shpesh t pamjaftueshme apo edhe t dshtojn. Vetm nj kuadr ndrkombtar,
mbshtetjen e nismave koordinuese, lehtson qasjen e zhvillimit t nj mbrojtje t prbashkt pr
biodiversitetit dhe pejsazhit.
Konventa e Berns sht nj instrument detyrues ligjor ndrkombtar n fushn e mbrojtjes s
natyrs, i cili mbulon pjesn m t madhe t trashgimis natyrore t kontinentit evropian dhe
shtrihet n disa shtete t Afriks. Qllimet e tij jan t ruajtur florn dhe faunn e egra dhe
habitateve natyrale t tyre dhe pr t nxitur bashkpunimin evropian n kt fush. Konventa i
kushton nj rndsi t veant n nevojn pr t mbrojtur habitatet natyrore t rrezikuara dhe
speciet e rrezikuara t cenueshme, duke prfshir specieve migratore.

T gjitha vendet q kan nnshkruar Konventn e Berns duhet t marrin masa pr t:
promovimin e politikave kombtare pr ruajtjen e flors dhe fauns s egr dhe habitatet e tyre
t ket parasysh ruajtjen e flors dhe fauns s egr n politikat e tyre t planifikimit dhe t
zhvillimit, si dhe n masat e tyre kundr ndotjes;
nxitjen e arsimit dhe t shprndaj informacion t prgjithshm mbi nevojn pr t ruajtur specie
t flors dhe fauns s egr dhe t habitateve t tyre;
inkurajojn dhe hulumtim koordinoj n lidhje me qllimet e ksaj Konvente.
dhe gjithashtu t bashkpunojn pr t rritur efektivitetin e ktyre masave nprmjet:
koordinimi i prpjekjeve pr t mbrojtur speciet migratore;
dhe shkmbimi i informacionit dhe shkmbimin e prvojs dhe ekspertizs.

Monitorimi i zbatimit t Konvents
Konventa e Berns prfiton nga nj numr t mjeteve q kontribuojn n monitorimin e rregullt
t zbatimit t Konvents. Ky sistem monitorimi prfshin raportet dhe sistemin rast-file, trsisht
t aksesueshme pr t palve dhe vzhguesve njsoj.Komiteti i Prhershm monitoron zbatimin e
Konvents n do mbledhje duke shqyrtuar raportet, prpunimit t lnds-fotografi dhe
miratimin e rekomandimeve.

Lista e vendimeve dhe teksteve t miratuara n mbledhjen e 33-t t Komitetit t Prhershm

Programi i veprimtarive 2014 - 2015


shtjet institucionale - e pranimit t Bjellorusis pr t Konvents s Berns
M 1 qershor Konventa e Berns prshndeti antarsimin e Bjellorusis e cila u b Partia e tij
Ky aderimi i ri ka ndodhur pas nj bashkpunimi t suksesshm dhe t rritur gjat tre viteve t
nprmjet zbatimit efektiv nga ana e vendit t Kshillit t projektit t Evrops / Bashkimit
duke synuar ngritjen-up e rrjetit Emerald e fushat me interes t veant ruajtjes. Duke u bashkuar
me Bern
Familja e Konvents, Bjellorusia ka br nj hap konkret drejt integrimit - n nivel kombtar - e
pan-evropian standardet e njohura mbrojtjen e natyrs n kt mnyr edhe nxitjen e nj m
Qasja ruajtja n nivel rajonal.
Kshilli i Evrops ka lshuar nj deklarat pr shtyp dhe Sekretariati paguar vizit n vend n
mnyr q
pr t'u takuar me zyrtar t nivelit t lart dhe prfaqsues t shoqris civile.
Ruajtja e habitateve natyrore
1. Zonat e Mbrojtura dhe Rrjetet ekologjike
Procesi pr qllim t ngritjes s Rrjetit Emerald deri n vitin 2020 prparuar sipas
pikat themeltare t prcaktuara n "Kalendarin pr zbatimin e Rrjetit Emerald 2020" dhe duke
mendje e prmbushjes, deri n vitin 2020, i CBD Aichi Target 11.
Nj Kshill i ri i prbashkt i projektit t Evrops / Bashkimit Evropian, pr kohzgjatjen e katr
vjet, ishte
nisur n janar prfaqson vazhdimin e puns s nisur n vitin 2009 n shtat Qendrore dhe
Vendet e Evrops Lindore dhe Kaukazin Jugor. Nj takim kick-off trhequr vmendjen e
mediave n
Nj numr i seminareve teknike qllim konsolidimin e kapaciteteve n vendet e prfshira n
Rrjeti Emerald vendosjen-up procesi, duke prfshir edhe shtat vendet e synuara t projektit t
prbashkt, ishin t
organizuar. Pr m tepr, nj seminar biogjeografike u zhvillua n Norvegji dhe Sekretariati mori
dy takime koordinuese me EE A.
Gjasht njqind e tridhjet tre vendet e propozuara nga Norvegjia kaluar me sukses nj
Vlersimi pr mjaftueshmrin e tyre dhe tani kan t drejt pr emrimin si vende kandidate ose
direkt pr
Miratimi zyrtar si faqet e smerald, sa m shpejt q autoritetet do t krkoj kshtu.biogjeografike
Vlersimi ndihmuar identifikimin e zbraztirave n prfaqsin e kombtare propozuar aktualisht
Rrjeti, duke prfshir theksuar nevojat pr m shum krkimin dhe mbledhjen e t dhnave pr
lloje t caktuara dhe
habitateve me rndsi Evropiane dhe n disa zona gjeografike t vendit.
N fund t vitit 2013, Rrjeti Emerald prfaqson afrsisht 1 300 kandidat t nominuar zyrtarisht
Faqet n 13 vende, si dhe 37 vende t miratuara zyrtarisht smerald n Zvicr.
Pr m tepr, konsultimet pr prgatitjen e udhzimeve t menaxhimit pr faqet e smerald filluar
kt vit dhe do t vazhdoj n vitin 2014, dhe formatet e raportimit jan n diskutim. Prve
Bashkpunimi me EEA dhe WCMC ka zgjeruar tani n bazat e t dhnave evropiane dhe globale
kombtare n zonat e prcaktuara dhe pr shtje t tjera teknike pr t siguruar koordinimin
ndrkombtar dhe
harmonizimi i instrumenteve t prdorura.
Pr fat t keq, pr shkak t mungess s kontributeve vullnetare, Sekretariati nuk ishte n gjendje
pr t organizuar
ndjekja e aktiviteteve n Marok, ose pr t filluar procesin Emerald n Tunizi.
Lidhur me themelimin e Rrjetit Ekologjik Pan-Evropian (PEEN), prpjekjet q kan pr qllim
Grupi i Ekspertve pr Zonat e Mbrojtura dhe Rrjetet ekologjike shqyrtuar zbatimin
e programit t aktiviteteve lidhur me kto shtje n 5 t saj
takim, t mbajtur n Strasburg, n
Shtator 2013.
2. Grupi i Specialistve pr Diplomn Evropiane e Zonave t Mbrojtura
Grupi i Specialistve mbajti takimin e saj vjetor mars 2013, shqyrtoi propozimet pr
Prtritja e EDPA, si dhe aplikimet e reja, dhe t nxjerr nj opinion pr t ofruar ndihm pr t
Autoritetet e Republiks Sllovake n adresimin e disa vshtirsi afatgjata hasur pr
zbatimin e kushteve dhe rekomandimeve t bashkangjitur n rinovimin e fundit t EDPA t
Poloniny Park kombtar. Si rezultat i puns s Grupit t specialistve, autoritetet prgatitur nj
log-korniz projektit dhe filloi prfshir t gjith aktort dhe ministrit relevante n pun n
drejtim t
prmirsimin e menaxhimit t Parkut.
Pr m tepr, n korrik 2013, Kshilli i Komitetit t Ministrave ad Evrops
Ruajtjen e Llojeve 1. Grupi i Ekspertve pr Invazive Specieve n vitin 2013 puna n lidhje me
speciet pushtuese Alien (SNK) vazhdoi t prqndrohet n ndihmuar shtetet n
zbatimi i Strategjis Evropiane pr t specieve pushtuese Alien dhe pr t parandaluar ose
efektet negative t SNK n biodiversitet t Evrops, si sht parapar n Aichi objektiv 9.
progresin n
miratimi i planeve t SNK veprimit kombtar, zhvillimin e masave t afrm t monitorimit, t
zbulimin, parandalimin, menaxhimin dhe kontrollin e SNK, si dhe iniciativa t shumta q lidhen
komunikimin, shkmbimin e informacionit, edukimi dhe ndrgjegjsimi i publikut jan
Bern Konventa pun t reja n SNK gjithashtu prfshinte analizn e mnyrave t ndryshme dhe
zhvillimi i Kodeve t tjera vullnetare t Sjelljes dhe Udhzimeve (domethn Kodi i Sjelljes n
Gjuetia dhe SNK dhe Udhzimet mbi Zonat e Mbrojtura dhe SNK). Ata do t lejoj forcimin
prpjekjet bashkpunuese e palve t ndryshme private dhe publike n zbatimin e Strategjis dhe
duke ndihmuar prhapjen e praktikave t mira n nivel kombtar. Nj projekt i ri Kodi i
mirsjelljes pr rekreative
Peshkimi dhe SNK sht prezantuar edhe n Grupin.
S fundi, miratimi i ardhshm nga Bashkimi Evropian t projekt-rregullores s saj t re n SNK
forcuar roli i Konvents s Berns po mbshtet harmonizimin e standardeve n dhe jasht
BE-ja dhe promovimin e shkmbimit t informacionit n nivel pan-evropian.
2. Komunikimi n speciet pushtuese Alien
Nj seminar ndrkombtar mbi "SNK Komunikimi" u organizua n Oeiras (Portugali)
n tetor n bashkpunim me evropiane dhe mesdhetare Mbrojtjes s Bimve
Organizata (EPPO) dhe IUCN. Qllimi i puntoris ishte prmirsuar mnyrn n t ciln
shkenctart e konservimit t komunikoj me median dhe publikun shtjet komplekse t lidhura
t SNK, n mnyr q veprimi parandaluese dhe korrigjuese t kuptohen m mir dhe t
mbshtetura nga vendimi
krijuesit, industrit dhe publikun e gjer n shnjestr.Konventa ka publikuar nj
Dokumenti Informata pr qllim sigurimin shkenctart me mjetet dhe kshilla pr adresimin

3. Grupi i ekspertve mbi jovertebrore
Takimi i 10-t i Grupit t Ekspertve pr jovertebrore u zhvillua n Tiran, Shqipri n
Shtator 2013 dhe sht marr me zbatimin e Strategjis Evropiane pr Ruajtjen e
Jovertebrore, me theks t veant n promovimin e strategjis dhe ngritjen e vetdijes n
nivel. Pavarsisht progresit optimist raportuar nga autoritetet kombtare n rritjen specialistt '
njohuri dhe informacione mbi specie t krcnuara dhe t dhnave-mangt, takimi vuri n dukje
pr palt q t hap-up prpjekjet pr t zhvilluar m tej dhe pr t promovuar politikat kombtare
t ruajtjes n
jovertebrore. Kjo nnkupton sigurimin se vlera reale e specieve invertebrore n ruajtjen
Politikat njihet plotsisht dhe se nisma pr t inkurajuar edukimin dhe pjesmarrjen e mjedisit
e palve t interesuara n zbatimin e ktyre politikave marrin mbshtetjen e duhur.
Grupi prgatitur nj projekt-rekomandim "n krcnimet nga insekticide neurotoksik t
pollinators "e cila propozon pr t kufizuar n t gjith territorin e Konvents prdorimi i 3
pesticideve neonicotinoid dhe ftojn palt pr t nxitur krkime mbi efektet e tyre mbi blett e
mjaltit dhe t egra
pollinators. Prmes ktij projekt-rekomandim Grupi dshironte pr t rritur vmendjen e
Komitetit t
nj shtje e re n zhvillim t cilat Konventa mund t dshironi t shqyrtuar m tej. 4. Java pr
Ruajtjen e Shpendve

Java pr Ruajtjen e zogjve u organizua n Tunis, nga sekretariatet e Berns dhe
Konventat Bonit, n bashkpunim me ministrit e Mjedisit dhe e Bujqsis s Tunizis.
Ngjarja ishte i pari i prbashkt i Kshillit t nisms Evropa / CMS q prej nnshkrimit t
e Bashkpunimit midis dy Sekretariateve. Ajo prfshinte tre tubime: Takimi i par i
t sapo themeluar Grupin Punues CMS m minimizuar rrezikun e helmimit t zogjve migrator,
q filloi direkt nga Komitetit t Prhershm Konventn e Berns t rekomandimit nr 155
(2011);Konferenca e 2 mbi vrasjet e paligjshme, kostum solemn dhe tregtimin e shpezve t egra
(Konventa e Berns);
dhe takimi i 4 i Grupit t Ekspertve pr mbrojtjen e shpezve (Konventa e Berns.
Bashkpunimi midis dy Konventave dhe organizimin e ngjarjeve back-to-back
lejohet edhe pr frekuentimin m t madh, vmendje m t lart t medias, dhe kursimet
- 2
Konferenca mbi vrasjet e paligjshme, kostum solemn dhe tregtimin e shpezve t egra
Dy vjet pas Konferencs s par Evropiane pr vrasjen e paligjshm t shpendve, e cila
premtuar nj zero
Qasja toleranc pr vrasjen e paligjshme, kostum solemn dhe tregtin e zogjve, t Palve
Kontraktuese dhe
Organizatat vzhguese t Konvents s Berns ka vlersuar prparimin e br n drejtim t
parandalimit t
kta shembuj kqija t zhdukjes njeriut-i detyruar.
Nj raport monitorimin e zbatimit nga Palt me standardet e prcaktuara nga Konventa (bazuar
n prgjigjet e dhna nga 19 Palt Kontraktuese, duke prfshir Bashkimin Evropian), zbuloi se -
edhe pse qasja toleranc zero sht evidente n shumicn e shteteve, zbatimin e betonit
masat e propozuara n rekomandimin e fundit t miratuar nga Komiteti i Prhershm duhet t
prforcuar. Pr shembull, strategjit kombtare t komunikimit jan vetm identifikuar n disa
partive m t,
edhe pse njohuri dhe informacion pr praktikat m t mira n ngritjen e vetdijes shkmbehet
dhe partneriteteve dhe bashkpunimit n mes t agjencive qeveritare dhe palt e interesuara jan
n vazhdim e sipr.
Tre grupet e puns t identifikuar boshllqet e mbetura dhe sfidat n juridik, biologjike dhe
institucionale, dhe aspektet ndrgjegjsuese dhe prpunuar nj Plan dedikuar draft t Veprimit
pr t adresuar n pritje
shtjet ndrsa duke shnuar kalimin nga vizionit elaboruar n Larnaka (Qipro) n saj t 1
Konferenca, n "veprim", hartuar n Tunis.
Njqind pjesmarrs, duke prfshir zyrtar nga Jordani dhe Cameroun, si dhe prfaqsues t
e tre Marrveshjet e biodiversitetit lidhur OKB-s mori pjes n Konferencn, e cila ishte ngjarja
e par
organizuar nn "Miqt e synuar 12 Partneritetit" IUCN / CBD. S fundi, ngjarja hapi dern
pr nj partneritet t mundshme me INTERPOL mbi aktivitetet q kan pr qllim pr t
parandaluar krime t shpendve.
- 4
takim i Grupit t Ekspertve pr Ruajtjen e Shpendve

Takimi i Grupit ishte nj mbledhje teknike dhe pragmatike, t cilat e lejuar pr trajtimin e nj
Numri i shtjeve t ndryshme, duke prfshir bashkpunimin ndrkombtar pr linjat e sigurta
t energjis pr zogjt,
zhvillimin dhe zbatimin e Planeve Speciet Rimkmbjes (SRP), dhe sfidat e reja t paraqitura
Windfarms t shpendve. Pjesmarrsit gjithashtu vlersuan dy ankesa t parashtruara sipas
Konvents me
prket t ruajtjen e zogjve, dhe prcjell n Komitetin e Prhershm dy draft
rekomandimet, udhzimet e prditsuar m windfarms dhe zogj, dhe draft Plani i Veprimit Tunis
2020. Takimi u organizua nga Konventa e Berns n bashkpunim me BirdLife International.

5. Simpoziumi Ndrkombtar mbi Osprey (Pandion haliaetus)

Konventa mbshtetur dhe ka marr pjes n Simpoziumin Ndrkombtar pr t fajkua deti,
organizuar nga Muzeu Kombtar i Shkencs s Orlans (Franc) dhe nga "Ligue pour la
Mbrojtja des oiseaux "(partner BirdLife n Franc).Seminar shkenctart shnjestr dhe
agjencit e ruajtjes, t cilt vlersuan statusin e ruajtjes s specieve n kontinentin ton.
specie u zhduk n t paktn 14 shteteve evropiane, por projektet e suksesshme t ri-hyrje (pr
shkalls n Spanj, n Angli, n Franc dhe n Itali) kan kontribuar me siguri n prmirsimin
Statusi i ruajtjes s ktij shqiponjs n 20 vitet e fundit. Puntoria paraqitur kto dhe t tjera
shembuj t praktikave m t mira. Ndr konkluzionet kryesore, dukej se prgatitja e nj
Plani i Veprimit Evropian me qllim pr t rivendosur popullsin n disa shtete mund t jet nj
mbshtetje e madhe pr t tashm
Veprimet e konservimit ekzistente.

6. Karta Evropiane pr krpudhave Mbledhja dhe Biodiversitetit

Projekt Kartn Evropiane pr mbledhjen krpudhave dhe biodiversitetit sht rishqyrtohet pas
konsultimet me Palt t cilt shprehn dshirn pr t par disa shqetsime specifike merren n
llogari nga ajo q do t ishte tekstin e projektit prfundimtar. Nj proces i konsultimit elektronik
ka ndjekur, duke i dhn
t gjitha palve mundsin e paraqitjes s amendamenteve plotsuese.
Drafti Teksti prfundimtar i cili i drgohet Komitetit t Prhershm pr kt arsye sht nj
koherente dhe
set i plot i parimeve, duke synuar q prfshin nj numr t madh t individve n biodiversitetit
ruajtjes, si dhe n rritjen e ndrgjegjsimit pr prdorimin e qndrueshm t biodiversitetit.Karta
sht gjithashtu
rndsishme sepse ajo i drejtohet nj grup t specieve jo t listuara n Shtojcat e Konvents s
as t mbrojtura sipas legjislacionit t BE-s.
S fundi Karta, prpunuar n saj t ndihms teknike t IUCN, ofron nj tjetr
shembull i mir i rezultateve t cilat mund t arrihen prmes bashkpunimit dhe partneritetit.
Ndrtimi i kapaciteteve, ndrgjegjsimit dhe shikimit

1. Detare trajnimi ruajtjes s breshkave
Pr t tretin vit radhazi Konventa sponsorizuar pjesmarrjen e dy ekspertve vendor
n kursin e trajnimit ndrkombtar Ruajtjes Detare Turtles, organizuar nga Wildlife Qipros
Shoqria, prej 15-25 korrik 2013. Trajnimi prqendrohet n ruajtjen dhe menaxhimin e
shtur plazhe, mbrojtjen e vez dhe hatchling nga grabitja, dhe monitorimin e popullsis breshk
dhe aktivitet fole. Pjesmarrsit jan zgjedhur n baz t interesit t tyre profesional dhe t
Sistemi i Raportimit
Llojet e mposhtme t raporteve n baz t Konvents s Berns kontribuojn pr monitorimin e
zbatimit t Konvents dhe pr t vlersuar efektivitetin e saj:
Raportet e detyrueshme simestrale e paraqitura nga Palt n prdorimin e prjashtimeve q jan
t lejuara sipas nenit 9 t Konvents - Prditsuar Formularin Model pr Raportet Biennal
Raportet vullnetare e prgjithshme t paraqitura nga Palt pr zbatimin kombtar t Konvents
(do katr vjet)
Raportet Ligjore analizuar zbatimin e Konvents n nj shtet (nj vend n vit), i porositur nga
Raportet kombtare paraqiten dhe diskutohen nga grupet e ekspertve n lidhje me speciet e tyre
objektiv apo habitateve
Raportet e paraqitura nga palt dhe vzhguesit n ndjekjen e rekomandimeve (nj przgjedhs i
rekomandimeve t monitorohet do vit nga Komiteti i Prhershm)

Grupet e Ekspertve
Grupet e ekspertve t monitoroj edhe zbatimin e rekomandimeve t Komitetit t Prhershm
lidhur me speciet apo habitatet q mbulojn ( amfib dhe zvarraniket, bimt, zogjt, etj). N
takimet e tyre, do dy apo tre vjet, Grupet e Ekspertve t vendosur n problemet e adresave
Konventa t veanta t ruajtjes dhe t propozoj rekomandime Komitetit t Prhershm.
Sistemi rast-fotografi
N 25 vitet e saj t ekzistencs, sistemi dosja e Konvents s Berns ka provuar t jet nj mjet i
shklqyer pr t arritur qllimet e Konvents s Berns nprmjet bashkpunimit ndrkombtar.
Qllimi i "dosjeve" sht pr t gjetur nj zgjidhje t knaqshme pr problemet e hasura n
zbatimin e Konvents dhe pr t monitoruar si n mnyr efektive t jet e mundur mjetet e
zgjedhura pr zgjidhjen e tyre. Sistemi sht i bazuar n ankesa pr shkelje t mundshme t
Konvents q jan t prpunuara nga Sekretariati, Byros dhe Komitetit t Prhershm n baz t
meritave t tyre dhe n baz t informacionit t paraqitur. Kur Komiteti i Prhershm ose Byroja
e saj konsideron se informacioni i mtejshm sht i nevojshm, ata mund t organizojm pr n-
vend-vizita nga ekspert t pavarur, t cilt i raportojn Komitetit t Prhershm.

Shum rast-fotografi jan n origjinn e rekomandimeve t miratuara nga Komiteti i Prhershm
dhe adresuar n nj vend t veant ose grup vendesh pr t ndrequr nj problem me zbatimin e
Konvents lidhur me mbrojtjen e nj specie t egra ose habitatin natyror nn krcnim.

Nature and Major Hazards

More than any other continent, Europe is a mosaic of countries with relatively humanised

The ecosystems and processes affecting biological diversity are by large not limited by national

Thus measures taken in a local, regional or national context are often insufficient or even fail.
Only an international framework, supporting coordinating initiatives, facilitates the approach of
developing a common safeguard for biodiversity and landscape.
Convention on the conservation of European wildlife and natural habitats

The Bern Convention is a binding international legal instrument in the field of nature
conservation, which covers most of the natural heritage of the European continent and extends to
some States of Africa. Its aims are to conserve wild flora and fauna and their natural habitats and
to promote European co-operation in that field.

The Convention places a particular importance on the need to protect endangered natural habitats
and endangered vulnerable species, including migratory species.

All countries that have signed the Bern Convention must take action to:
promote national policies for the conservation of wild flora and fauna, and their natural habitats;
have regard to the conservation of wild flora and fauna in their planning and development
policies, and in their measures against pollution;
promote education and disseminate general information on the need to conserve species of wild
flora and fauna and their habitats;
encourage and co-ordinate research related to the purposes of this Convention.
and also co-operate to enhance the effectiveness of these measures through:
co-ordination of efforts to protect migratory species;
and the exchange of information and the sharing of experience and expertise.

Monitoring the implementation of the Convention

The Bern Convention benefits from a number of tools that contribute to the regular monitoring of
the implementation of the Convention. This monitoring system includes reports and the case-file
system, fully accessible to Parties and observers alike. The Standing Committee monitors the
implementation of the Convention at each meeting by reviewing reports, processing case-files
and adopting recommendations.

List of decisions and texts adopted at the 33rd meeting of the Standing Committee

Programme of activities 2014 - 2015



Institutional matters Accession of Belarus to the Bern Convention
On 1st June the Bern Convention welcomed the accession of Belarus which became its 51st
This new accession happened after a successful and increased cooperation over the past three
through the effective implementation by the country of the Council of Europe/European Union
aiming at setting-up the Emerald network of areas of special conservation interest. By joining the
Conventions family, Belarus has done a concrete step towards the integration at national level
- of
pan-European recognised nature conservation standards thus also fostering a more coherent
conservation approach at regional level.
The Council of Europe issued a press release and the Secretariat paid visit to the country in order
to meet with high level officials and representatives of the civil society.

Conservation of natural habitats
1. Protected Areas and Ecological Networks
The process aimed at the setting-up of the Emerald Network by 2020 progressed according to the
milestones set in the Calendar for the implementation of the Emerald Network 2020 and
bearing in
mind the fulfilment, by 2020, of the CBD Aichi Target 11.
A new joint Council of Europe/European Union project, for the duration of four years, was
launched in January representing the continuation of the work initiated in 2009 in seven Central
Eastern European countries and the South Caucasus. A kick-off meeting attracted media
attention in
A number of technical seminars aimed at consolidating capacities in the countries involved in the
Emerald Network setting-up process, including the seven countries targeted by the joint project,
organised. Moreover, a biogeographical seminar took place in Norway and the Secretariat
two coordination meetings with the EE A.
Six hundred thirty three sites proposed by Norway successfully passed a biogeographical
evaluation for their sufficiency and are now eligible for nomination as candidate sites or directly
official adoption as Emerald sites, as soon as the authorities will request so. The biogeographical
assessment helped identifying the gaps in the representativity of the currently proposed national
Network, including stressing the needs for more research and data gathering on certain species
habitats of European importance and in some geographical areas in the country.
At the end of 2013, the Emerald Network represents roughly 1 300 officially nominated
sites in 13 countries, as well as 37 officially adopted Emerald sites in Switzerland.
Moreover, consultations on the preparation of management guidelines for Emerald sites started
this year and will continue in 2014, and reporting formats are under discussion. In addition,
cooperation with the EEA and WCMC has now extended to the European and global databases
national designated areas and on other technical issues to ensure international coordination and
harmonisation of instruments used.
Unfortunately, due to the lack of voluntary contributions, the Secretariat was not able to organise
follow-up activities in Morocco, or to initiate the Emerald process in Tunisia.
In relation to the establishment of the Pan-European Ecological Network (PEEN), efforts aimed
The Group of Experts on Protected Areas and Ecological Networks examined the
of the programme of activities related to these issues at its 5
meeting, held in Strasbourg, in
September 2013.
2. Group of Specialists on the European Diploma of Protected Areas
The Group of Specialists held its annual meeting in March 2013, examined proposals for the
renewal of the EDPA, as well as new applications, and issued an opinion to provide assistance to
authorities of the Slovak Republic in addressing some long term difficulties encountered for the
implementation of the conditions and recommendations attached to the last renewal of the EDPA
Poloniny national Park. As a result of the work of the Group of Specialists, the authorities
prepared a
projects log-frame and started involving all stakeholders and relevant Ministries in work
improving the management of the Park.
Furthermore, in July 2013, the Council of Europes Committee of Ministers ad
Conservation of Species
1. Group of Experts on Invasive Species
In 2013 the work concerning Invasive Alien Species (IAS) continued to focus on assisting states
the implementation of the European Strategy on Invasive Alien Species and prevent or minimize
adverse impacts of IAS on Europes biodiversity, as foreseen in Aichi target 9. The progress in
adoption of IAS national action plans, development of measures relative to the monitoring, early
detection, prevention, management and control of IAS, as well as multiple initiatives related to
communication, information sharing, education and public awareness were monitored.
The Bern Convention innovative work on IAS also included the analysis of different pathways
the development of other voluntary Codes of Conduct and Guidelines (namely the Code of
Conduct on
Hunting and IAS and the Guidelines on Protected Areas and IAS). They will permit
collaborative efforts of different private and public stakeholders in implementing the Strategy
helping disseminating good practices at national level. A new draft Code of conduct on
Fishing and IAS was also presented to the Group.
Finally, the forthcoming adoption by the European Union of its new draft regulation on IAS will
strengthen the role of the Bern Convention is supporting the harmonisation of standards in and
the EU and promote information exchange at pan-European level.

2. Communication on Invasive Alien Species
An international workshop on "Communicating IAS" was organised in Oeiras (Portugal)
in October in co-operation with the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection
Organisation (EPPO) and the IUCN. The workshop aimed at improving the way in which
conservation scientists communicate with the media and the public the complex issues related
to IAS, so that preventive and remedial action are better understood and supported by decision
makers, targeted industries and the general public. The Convention has published an
information document aimed at providing scientists with tools and tips for addressing the

3. Group of experts on Invertebrates
The 10th meeting of the Group of Experts on Invertebrates took place in Tirana, Albania in
September 2013 and dealt with the implementation of the European Strategy for the
Conservation of
Invertebrates, with particular emphasis on the strategy promotion and awareness-raising at
level. Despite optimistic progress reported by the national authorities in increasing the
knowledge and information on threatened and data-deficient species, the meeting pointed to the
for the Parties to step-up efforts to further develop and promote national conservation policies on
invertebrates. This entails ensuring that the real value of invertebrate species in national
policies is fully recognised and that initiatives to encourage environmental education and
of relevant stakeholders in implementing these policies receive adequate support.
The Group prepared a draft recommendation on the threats by neurotoxic insecticides to
pollinators which proposes to restrict in the whole of the territory of the Convention the use of 3
neonicotinoid pesticides and invite parties to promote research on their effects on honey bees and
pollinators. Through this draft recommendation the Group wished to raise the Committees
attention to
a new emerging issue which the Convention might wish to explore further.
4. Week on the Conservation of Birds

The Week on the Conservation of birds was organised in Tunis, by the Secretariats of the Bern
Bonn Conventions, in cooperation with the Ministries of Environment and of Agriculture of
The event was the first joint Council of Europe/CMS initiative since the signature of the
of Cooperation between the two Secretariats. It included three gatherings: the first meeting of the
newly established CMS Working Group on minimising the risks of poisoning to migratory birds,
which originated directly from the Bern Conventions Standing Committees recommendation
No. 155
(2011); the 2nd Conference on the Illegal killing, trapping and trade of wild birds (Bern
and the 4th meeting of the Group of Experts on the conservation of birds (Bern Convention.
The cooperation between the two Conventions and the organisation of the events back-to-back
also allowed for greater attendance, higher media attention, and budgetary savings.
- 2
Conference on the Illegal killing, trapping and trade of wild birds
Two years after the first European Conference on the illegal killing of birds, which pledged a
tolerance approach to the illegal killing, trapping and trade of birds, the Contracting Parties and
Observer Organisations to the Bern Convention assessed the progress made towards the
prevention of
these bad examples of human-induced extinction.
A report monitoring the compliance by Parties with the standards set under the Convention
on the replies given by 19 Contracting Parties, including the European Union), revealed that
although the zero tolerance approach is evident in most States, the implementation of the
measures suggested in the last recommendation adopted by the Standing Committee needs to be
reinforced. For instance, national communication strategies have only been identified in a few
even though knowledge and information on best practice in awareness-raising is regularly
and partnerships and cooperation between government agencies and stakeholders are on-going.
Three working groups identified remaining gaps and challenges in legal, biological and
institutional, and awareness aspects and elaborated a dedicated draft Action Plan to address
issues while marking the shift from the vision elaborated in Larnaca (Cyprus) thanks to the 1st
Conference, to the action, devised in Tunis.
A hundred participants, including officials from Jordan and Cameroun, as well as representatives
of three UN biodiversity related Agreements attended the Conference, which was the first event
organised under the IUCN/CBD Friends of Target 12 Partnership. Finally, the event opened
the door
to a possible partnership with the INTERPOL on activities aimed to preventing bird crimes.
- 4
meeting of the Group of Experts on the Conservation of Birds

The meeting of the Group was a technical and pragmatic gathering, which allowed for tackling a
number of varied issues, including international cooperation on safe power lines for birds, the
development and implementation of Species Recovery Plans (SRP), and the new challenges
posed by
windfarms to birds. Participants also assessed two complaints lodged under the Convention with
regards to the conservation of birds, and forwarded to the Standing Committee two draft
recommendations, the updated guidelines on windfarms and birds, and the draft Tunis Action
2020. The meeting was organised by the Bern Convention in cooperation with BirdLife

5. International Symposium on the Osprey (Pandion haliaetus)

The Convention supported and participated in the International Symposium on the Osprey,
organised by the National Museum of Science of Orlans (France) and by the Ligue pour la
protection des oiseaux (BirdLife partner in France). The workshop targeted scientists and
conservation agencies, whom assessed the conservation status of the species in our Continent.
species became extinct in at least 14 European States but successful re-introduction projects (for
instance in Spain, in England, in France and in Italy) have surely contributed to improving the
conservation status of this eagle in the past 20 years. The workshop presented these and other
examples of best practices. Among the main conclusions, it appeared that the preparation of a
European Action plan aiming to restore population in some states could be of great support to
existent conservation actions.

6. European Charter on Fungi Gathering and Biodiversity

The draft European Charter on Fungi gathering and biodiversity has been revisited after bilateral
consultations with the Parties whom expressed the wish to see some specific concern taken into
account by what would be the final draft text. An electronic consultation process has followed,
to all parties the possibility of presenting further amendments.
The final draft text which is submitted to the Standing Committee is therefore a coherent and
complete set of principles, aiming at involving a large number of individuals in biodiversity
conservation, as well as at raising awareness on the sustainable use of biodiversity. The Charter
is also
relevant because it addresses a group of species not listed in the Appendices to the Bern
nor protected under EU legislation.
Finally the Charter, elaborated thanks to the technical assistance of the IUCN, provides another
good example of the results which may be achieved through cooperation and partnership.
Capacity building, awareness and visibility

1. Marine turtle conservation training
For the third consecutive year the Convention sponsored the participation of two national experts
into the Marine Turtles Conservation international training course, organised by the Cyprus
Society, from 15 to 25 July 2013. The training focuses on conservation and management of turtle
nesting beaches, protecting eggs and hatchling from predation, and monitoring the turtle
and nesting activity. Participants are selected according to their professional interest and
Reporting system

The following types of reports under the Bern Convention contribute to monitor the
implementation of the Convention and assess its effectiveness:
Compulsory biannual reports submitted by Parties on the use of the exceptions that are allowed
under Article 9 of the Convention - Updated Model Form for Biennal Reports
Voluntary general reports submitted by Parties on the national implementation of the Convention
(every four years)
Legal reports analysing the implementation of the Convention in one country (one country per
year), commissioned by the Secretariat
National reports submitted to and discussed by the Groups of Experts regarding their target
species or habitats
Reports submitted by Parties and observers on the follow-up of Recommendations (a selection of
recommendations is monitored each year by the Standing Committee)

Groups of Experts

Groups of Experts also monitor the implementation of Standing Committee recommendations
concerning the species or habitats they cover (e.g. Amphibian and reptiles, plants, birds, etc.). At
their meetings, every two or three years, Groups of Experts set under the Convention address
specific conservation problems and propose recommendations to the Standing Committee.
The case-files system

In its 25 years of existence, the case-file system of the Bern Convention has proven to be an
excellent tool to achieve the aims of the Bern Convention through international co-operation.
The purpose of the "files" is to find a satisfactory solution to problems encountered in
implementing the Convention and to monitor as effectively as possible the means chosen to
resolve them. The system is based in complaints for possible breaches of the Convention that are
processed by the Secretariat, the Bureau and the Standing Committee according to their merits
and on the basis of the information submitted. When the Standing Committee or its Bureau
considers that further information is needed, they can arrange for on-the-spot visits by
independent experts, who report to the Standing Committee.

Many case-files are at the origin of Recommendations adopted by the Standing Committee and
addressed to a particular country or group of countries to redress a problem with the application
of the Convention concerning the protection of a wild species or natural habitat under threat.

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