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Brief Overview

In this report we are using the internet as the main search method for our topic which involves
the ways in which recruitment may contribute to business firms competitive advantage. This
report involves many arguments like whether HR as a tool can assist in increasing the efficient
and effectiveness within the organization by increase the performance of employees. The
second argument is whether HR is having an impact on other jobs or vice versa and the third
argument is the role of HR in the overall operations and its importance in setting the guidance
and specifications for each process in other jobs.
Human Resources is a vital role in any organization because every person who works for this
organization should have passed through this department and such thing stresses on the
importance of the role of this task within the organization. In a way or another it is important to
say that Human resources is the main link that connects department among each organization
together where the Role of this department is not restricted to recruitment job only but also
emphasizes other roles within the organization like the end of service, compensations and
gratuity. It is not easy to handle such a job because it should meet with the companys
requirements and at the same time each employee should be able to play a role within the
organization and should have an added value that will contribute to the success of the
organization through increasing the competitive advantage within the organization. We are
building up this issue through focusing on the role of the Human Resources tasks in
organizations and their efficiency in increasing the competitive advantage for organizations and
at the same time we will brief how this role is achieved and what are the steps followed in this
concern. The next will be stating the arguments that are comprehensive in this report and that
are mostly related to the main topic which involves the ways in which recruitment may
contribute to a business firms competitive advantage. These ways can be by aligning the
organization strategy and human capabilities; reinforcing role behaviors and performance of
employees; setting the HR policy as mechanism to achieve a desired objective. In this concern
we will review these way and we will link them to the arguments that are related to them.
Aligning Business Strategy
Each company follows a certain business strategy which involves all departments and all
resources. Among these resources come the Human Resources that are very important in each
organization in many levels since people are the main processors in each organization and are
the ones that handles all the tasks within an organization. The strategy involves all operations
and resources which can be material resources or human resources. When the strategy of the
company is based on expansion then the Human resources should focus on hiring people and
when the companys strategy is mainly achieved through human efforts then the strategy of the
Human Resources Department should take this in consideration and should focus on improving
the human resources within the organization and work on reducing the employee turnover
because at the end it is not good for the company to keep changing its staff frequently if it is
highly dependable to them. Also the strategy should be aligned with other departments like
the finance department. For example if the finance department recommended cost cutting
within the organization then the Human Resources is directly involved especially when cost
cutting is involving reducing the number of employees and then they have to decide whether
they should make a job enlargement to make proper functioning of tasks or to make job
enrichment so that they can add extra tasks to employees by paying more to one employee
rather than paying for two employees. Effectiveness is yet another important argument within
the organization because it involves the performance of employees within the company and at
the same time it is important because it is much better for a company to keep an employee
though they do not need him at this time but not letting him go to competitors because the
damages in the second option will exceed the damages caused to the company by paying him
whenever they do not need him.
Emphasizes Employee Performance
It is very important for each company to consider performance of their employees because the
higher the performance the more the competitive the company. Such thing should involve tools
to monitors and reinforce performance within the organization and these tools come in forms
of disciplinary actions or rewarding systems that should be the outcome of cooperation
between the human resources department and the other department. In each company there
is a code of conduct where each employee should sign it at the Human resources department
and should work accordingly with respect to it. The HR coordinates with other departments and
make sure that all employees are following the policy of the company and that discipline is
enforced and the purpose of this is to put the employees on the right track and to make sure
that they are working to achieve the goals of the organization and should not be made for
punitive purpose. This point reflect an important argument which is the impact of HR
department on other jobs within the organization because at the end each employee who has a
clear task within the department he is working for should at the end be related to the HR
department in all cases whether increasing the salary, getting a promotion or even in dismissal.
Achieving Organizational Goals
Each organization has an objective to follow where at the end financial profit is main thing that
all companies are looking after. Organizational Goals are very important in many aspects where
it is recommended to make the Human Resources associated properly in this apprehension
because each company has objectives and wherewithal and the most important is achieving
these objectives through the available resources. The required mechanism here involves the
Human Resources Department to high level because they have to make sure that the resources
of the company should be eligible in assuring that the goals can be achieved. An brief example
for this is illustrated through companies like Xerox which mainly depends on volume of sales
since it is important for such a company to achieve sales targets so they make proper
segmentation for sectors and at the same time the volume and size of that sector and the
number of companies working in each sector determines how many people to be placed in this
sector unlike Canon that have same number of employees for each sector and this where the
difference is made and reflecting the success of Xerox.

Conclusion and Recommendations
We briefly contributed to the ways that the Human Resources Department would use in
contributing the competitive advantage within each organization. From what we discussed we
have seen that the HR department plays a vital role in each organization and on many levels
especially in meeting the requirements of the strategy and achieving the objectives of the
organization. The first thing is aligning the strategy of HR with the strategy of the company
because they are complementary and should work in accordance to each other. For this point it
is recommended that the HR department should be updated according to any updates that may
take place in the overall strategy.
The second way which has been considered is reinforcing the roles and behaviors of employees
and this is very important because it is made for monitoring purpose and such thing is very
important in the competitive advantage because when employees know that they are
responsible for their behaviors then this will be reflected in a positive way on their performance
and will lead to make it better. It is recommended here that reinforcement should be
accompanied with reward scheme and not only linked to punitive actions.
The third way is setting a proper mechanism because every function should involve proper
processes to set guidance for it because it is not enough to say we will do a certain task without
making proper steps to make it achieved. Guidance is recommended to be made in
coordination with line managers because at the end they are directly responsible for their
employees and they should refer to HR department whenever required.

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