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Conversations with Ernie the alien mathematician

What follows is the true and accurate account of my meetings with Ernie, lasting over
several years.

There he was sitting in the corner of my regular pub sipping on his beer whilst flicking
through the pages of his tatty old notebook.

Who was he? What is he doing? He sits there all alone not saying a word to anybody yet
night after night he comes into the pub and does the same thing. Occasionally he would put
a coin in the jukebox and select tracks that were always uplifting, feet tapping with a strong
beat, yet nobody knew this man from Adam.

I was curious to find out who this individual was, what was so interesting in that tatty old
notebook he would read and amend every night. How could I introduce myself without being
intrusive and appearing bluntly rude? I needed to find a reason to start a conversation.

One Monday night he approached the jukebox to play some music only to find there were
several tracks still left to play. As he started to walk back to his table I said I like these
tracks what do you think? His reply was short and abruptly closing I didnt select these
tracks it was those boys at the end of the bar quickly returning to sit at his usual table. This
was not the reaction I had hoped for.

After several weeks many people were asking each other who is he, whats his name?
The stillness of his composure drew upon all of us a greater curiosity as to find out more
about this man; we had to devise a plan to allow us into his personal space.

The next time he came to the bar to order his pint I said Hi, my names Graham stretching
out my hand as a greeting gesture. Hello Graham, I go by the name Ernie was his reply.
In my mind I was thinking great! I now have a reason to talk with Ernie and pose those
questions that had built up in my mind over the months since his arrival. So, not holding
back I said Have you just moved into the area as you appear to be a local now? No, I live
a couple of miles away, I simply like the ales served here, I am not a fizzy beer drinker he
replied. Quickly, thinking on my feet, I said Are you an author as you are forever flicking
through the pages of that notebook you carry with you? His reply, which shook the very
ground I was standing on, was Are you MI5? Not knowing whether Ernie was being
serious or joking, I just laughed and replied No, I am an engineer, a curious engineer.
Ernies eyes fixed upon mine and he said Engineers, even curious engineers can also be
MI5 agents.

By way of an apology I decided to buy Ernie a pint of his favourite ale and approached his
table offering him the pint. That was how the friendship began and the enlightening
conversations that changed my view on life forever.


The notebook.

Ernie told me he took early retirement and was researching some old mathematical concepts
he was struggling to accept since his early days at Uni. This little old book is a record of my
thoughts over the years on the subject of mathematics and physics that leave more
questions than answers, Ernie told me. He offered me his book that was bound together
with sticky tape. I flicked through the book not knowing what I was looking at, just seeing
lots of mathematical formulae and scientific sketches that meant nothing to me.

Your education system is continually lying to its students to confuse them, Ernie would say
frequently when we talked about current news articles. Ernie had the view that humanity
was controlled by just three evil and corrupt powers religion, money and education. I
remember this as REM as Ernie stated the order was not important. Humanity is the sole
life force on this planet Earth that submits itself to such control was another frequent
comment Ernie would make. Do the fish in the waters buy one and get one free, do birds in
flight get stopped when crossing country boundaries, and do they imprison their own kind?
Passport control, stop and search powers and identity cards only affect humanity, have you
asked yourselves why? Why do you permit intrusive technologies to invade your freedom?
Answer: Its called greed. Why should we allow foreigners into our country, taking our jobs,
stealing money from our social services, getting free hospital services that we paid for etc
are just a few of the comments you make against your fellow man. People who have been
persecuted, beaten, even murdered desperate for sanctuary now face border controls
driving back these immigrants to face more cruelty because you want to protect your greedy
possessions. You believe your legal systems give you the right to ignore pleas of help
showing no compassion whatsoever.

Mankind has defiled the laws of God by making up their own laws simply to permit those in
control to extend their control over humanity. Whilst such manmade laws and REM exist
humanity will never truly understand their true purpose in this Universe, were other
comments Ernie would make when I drifted into disagreement about my view of the World.

World religions confound people with lies about truths that are abundant for all to see. Tell
me you sins so that I may forgive you and on the way out drop twenty quid in the collection
box; then do the orders I have told you so that God will forgive you. Who do these people
think they are? Why do you need a middle man to ask forgiveness from God? When did
God tell his flock these self appointed religious leaders have such controls over fellow man?
Answer: he never did! God did create physical man as equals as catalogued in all historical
and religious texts. Meaning, unless man returns to the law as written in the Ten
Commandments and the books of the Torah he is committing unlawful acts in the face of
their creator, God.

You need money to buy things. Without money you cannot shop and purchase food, pay
the totally unlawful fuel bills and afford those little luxuries; hence you need a job, unless you
prefer robbing banks as a profession. Talking of robbing banks, ever heard of the banks
robbing money from their customer accounts? This is exactly what has happened in Cyprus;
ask the people if you dont believe me; and do expect this unlawful practise to continue
around the World. By accepting monetary payment for your work means you are indirectly
working for the banks, as only the banks can print money into existence to pay you. Thats
right folks the banks create money out of thin air, then lend it to you, with interest, in a
manmade legal contract until you have paid back the loan and the unlawful interest charges.
Failure to meet the terms of the contract means confiscation of the goods purchased with the
money the banks created out of thin air.

Why do banks need to create money out of thin air? Because the real asset value of all the
banks in the world is zero which is why humanity will forever be taxed and taxed again to bail
them out.

Money has never fixed any problems and never will. People fix problems; people with love
and compassion for all creation are the only entities on Earth who can fix problems.
Television adverts requesting just a few Pounds/Dollars/Euros a month can save children
suffering in third World countries just swells the bank accounts of those at the top of the
charities. Save the cats, the donkeys, the disappearing white tigers and many other heart
wrenching disaster stories around the World will never be solved by monetary donation;
these are just money grabbing schemes designed to play on your emotions. These TV
advertisements have been running for years, obviously with little success since the requests
for more money hits TVs every week all over the money based countries. You, the people,
are killing the species and only you can stop it! People who give their time freely because
their passion drives them to support and care for other life forms should be admired not the
money donations. Remember this: Money, in all its forms and guises, is evil.

Ever heard of Fractional Reserve Banking? This legalised system, under manmade laws,
allows banks to lend out several times more money than the assets they actually have. Yes,
thats right folks the banks print into existence paper based money all day, every day.
Money is only a number stored on a banks computer, it is not real it is only a digitally stored
number. Money is evil never accept it as anything else! Do you enjoy swanking about your
monetary wealth and thinking this makes you better than your fellow man; then think long
and hard about your true purpose here on Earth?

Humanity, under the manmade legal systems, is legally obliged to send their children to
school to be educated from the age of five to eighteen, say. These are the most important
development years allowing those in power to brainwash your children with controlling
agendas that will remove their natural inquisitive reasoning. Schools ram data into your kids
heads stating things like: 1066 was the date of the Battle of Hastings; who cares? Mount
Everest is 29,029 ft in height: who cares? Does this ramming of useless data help a
developing brain or stagnate it to shutdown, I leave you to answer this?

Education or more precisely dis-education is what is going on. Being able to use your
mental abilities has been seriously affected by letting your children attend such prisons on a
daily basis. Dis-education is breeding the new TOMs, Totally Obedient Morons; a phrase
that came out of the early days of computing reflecting the fact computers can only perform
the functions as programmed, even when the programs were incorrectly structured. Does
this ring a bell with your education systems?

You now know that REM is all about controlling humanity and nothing to do with benefitting
humanity. All western children are brainwashed from childhood into accepting, without
question, whatever their masters tell them or face the penance of manmade laws in
perpetuity. There is no democracy; its an illusion to fool you into believing your opinions
really do count.

Ernie was telling me all our belief systems are flawed to allow a handful of people to control
the world through REM. I thought: here is a mathematician who speaks about many things
that are not mathematically related. Little did I know what was to come by way of my
education with Ernie?


The mass awakening is happening

Ernie would talk at length about people he held in high regard. People like Nikola Tesla
the man who invented the electrical world we live in. Alan Turing, mathematician, was
another man Ernie held in high regard. I didnt know of these men but had a feeling Ernie
was going to tell me about them before I could get into the contents of that little tattered old
notebook of his.

Without going into details Tesla was the man who invented many things that are only coming
to light now in the twenty-first century. There are several excellent books and websites the
reader should follow up on to find out why Tesla is never mentioned in your history. Turing
was a secretive, but brilliant, man - a code breaker in WW11 who laid the theoretical
foundations, along with Bill Tutte, another mathematician and code breaker at Bletchley
Park, for computer science as we know it today. The engineer Tommy Flowers turned the
theory into practise when he built the worlds first semi-programmable digital computer,
Colossus, but never recognised for the genius he was. There are not so many books written
about Turing, Tutte or Flowers but there are websites that will enrich your knowledge about
them. Turing held the highest security clearance throughout WW11 only to be persecuted
by British police after the war ended for his offences of homosexuality, eventually leading to
his death.

One night Ernie was sitting reading his tatty old notebook when I walked over with a pint in
hand asking if I could sit alongside. No problem, thanks for the beer. What do you know
about gravity? Ernie asked. Well, I know it makes objects fall to the ground I replied. Did
you know the great Sir Isaac Newton performed experiments in order to measure the effects
of what he termed gravity? Nobody knows for sure if an apple did fall on his head or maybe
he watched as one fell to the ground; either way it adds spice to the story of gravity. Anyway
Im drifting off the subject of what is gravity. What we do know is gravity is a force that
accelerates objects with mass towards the earth, the centre of the earth to be precise. So, I
should ask you do you understand acceleration? I replied Yes, acceleration makes
things go faster.

Acceleration is a force that when applied to a physical body will move that stationary or
moving body, assuming enough force is applied, in the direction of the applied force. At this
point Ernie gently pushed his pint of beer along the table and proved the pint moved in the
direction of his applied force, or system of forces. Now, you have witnessed this
phenomena do you think the force applied varies with the mass of the body, Ernie said. I
replied Yes, the heavier the object the more force needs to be applied to get it into motion.
Steady on old boy youre jumping ahead of what we are discussing Ernie replied. At this
point Ernie explained weight is a term that is not clearly understood since weight varies from
place to place and certainly differs considerably when objects of equal mass are placed on
different planets. This effect is due to the variation in gravity. Mass is a measure of the
compactness of the stuff the object comprises of, so we are not yet ready to talk about
weight, he said.

Ernie took hold of an empty pint glass and pushed it along the bar top. That was much
easier to get moving than the beer filled pint glass. Now you explain to me why this is so?
Simple, the empty glass has less mass, I replied. Ernie then proceeded to make more
complex moves whereby the glass turned corners, completed circular turns and even lifted
off the bar top. Can you explain what forces I applied to the glass that enabled me to make
it perform such manoeuvres? Ernie asked. Not really, I replied, because you havent yet
explained how combined forces act but I bet acceleration is in there somewhere. With that
Ernie ordered a round of beer.


Ernies message in his simple examples was that acceleration is a force that when applied
sufficiently will move an object in the direction of the applied force at increasing velocities
until the force is no longer applied. I began a process of awakening. Ernie found great
pleasure in grilling me until he thought the penny had dropped.

Quite frequently Ernie would drop into our conversation something that had nothing to do
with the discussion at hand. For instance he once challenged me about the expanding
universe that also goes by what we now call The Big Band Theory and Inflation Theory.
Not knowing where this was leading I would attempt to side swerve such questions but Ernie
wouldnt let go until I gave him an answer. This was Ernies way of assessing my knowledge
of my acceptance to my own brain washing by quoting the media giants who control all TV,
press and publications. Almost invariably Ernie would say Ah, I see you have absorbed the
media garbage just because some metal Mickey with a PhD has been installed as the man
with all knowledge, implying this metal Mickey knows best therefore blindly accept all of his
views and ideologies.

Did you know according to modern physics the universe, as we know it, puked itself into
existence through a hole smaller than an atom thereby creating all the suns, the planets and
all physical things without any creation rules? What a fantastic bit of luck, no creator, no
creation rules just a load of illogical rubbish we are expected to believe without question. So
do you believe this Graham? I was never prepared for such challenges and will never be
because Ernie would challenge my understanding of his lessons in the light of the current
scientific and political affairs. On this matter, after many discussions, I can only say Ernie
was very persuasive into why I now challenge all things and research alternative views
rather than blindly accepting what the multimedia corporations tell me.

The world as we know it is a result of scientific disciplines making measurements.
Physicists design experiments in order to make measurements in the hope of gaining a
deeper understanding of the physical world. If they are lucky the measurements match their
theoretical predictions and when they do they cheer and jump for joy over their successes.
However, if there is no match they assume something failed in setting up the experiment and
repeat the same experiment with slight variations in the hope of finding a match, which they
do of course because it is all part of the brain washing. This trial and error approach has
gone on for thousands of years and not just here on Planet Earth.

There was once a planet named Maldek, that made its orbit between Mars and Jupiter,
which once existed in your Solar System. The scientists of Maldek tinkered with subatomic
matter resulting in the total destruction of their planet. The vast majority of the souls of
Maldek reincarnated here on Earth only to restart their experiments causing untold
destruction; look what happened to all life forms in Nagasaki and Hiroshima after the atomic
bombs fell.

Physicists today are repeating the same mistakes that destroyed Maldek that, if allowed to
continue, will make Earth another asteroid belt just like Maldek! Ask yourself: Why do you
allow physicists to perform experiments that will undoubtedly lead to the total destruction of
Earth by releasing awesome destructive powers neither they nor you can control? Nuclear
meltdown has already happened in Chernobyl and near meltdown in Fukushima and back in
1957 the Windscale, now renamed Sellafield, fire was the worst nuclear accident in Great
Britain's history releasing substantial amounts of radioactive contamination into the area,
proving these experimenters have no control whatsoever! Particle accelerators the world
over are trying to find hidden energy by smashing particles together. I mean, just how many
particle accelerators does this World need? This uncontrolled experimental craziness must
stop before Earth becomes consumed in fire as prophesised:


But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in which the heavens shall pass
away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the
works that are therein shall be burned up. 2 Peter 3:10 KJV.

These particle accelerators are computer controlled taking data from instrumentation that
can only provide finite approximations to what might be an infinite measurement. The
physicist will suggest that this approximation is good enough for the experiments he/she
wishes to conduct, implying the physicist has chosen the accuracy of the measurement not
by rigour but by acceptance of the degree of accuracy of the measuring instruments. Right
now physicists are confused because back in 2011 they measured extremely small particles,
named neutrinos, which were travelling faster than the speed of light! This cannot be
allowed because if it was true all of Einsteins relativity is wrong, meaning all the text books
should be thrown away! Guess what? The experimenters have since stated they made a
mistake in the setup of the experiment, how absolutely convenient for the powers that be.
How many places of decimals are good enough to be sure the experiment can be designed
in accordance with the theoretical predictions without causing destruction of your World? I
suggest if you think you know the answer to this question you probably dont need to do the

The theoretical physicist believes in the mathematical approach to making predictions
because he believes the underlying mathematics is flawless. So, as long as you dont break
the rules when using the mathematical framework everything should be ok. As simple as
this sounds they immediately hit brick walls as the theoretical physicists are always making
approximations because the underlying mathematical foundation is not logically watertight.
The decimal number 3.14159 is a truncation of the number pi because the decimal part of
the number .14159 goes on forever, as we say towards infinity. Good enough means the
physicist accepts all measured experiments are, at best, an approximation to what nature
does on a daily basis without approximations. Does todays physicist really understand how
nature works? Answer: definitely not. They are no closer to understanding how this
wonderful planet supports life than when they first started experimenting. Their approach of
experimentation is like devising a systematic process for finding the proverbial needle in an
infinite haystack.

Most of the sciences split into specialised fields like physics has branches in relatively,
Newtonian mechanics, electrostatics, astrophysics and quantum mechanics etc. Do all
these branches agree with each other when taking measurements? Answer: No. So which,
if any, are correct? Each discipline has its avid followers and antagonists. Agreement over
whose physics is right is all in the interpretation; sounds more like jobs for the boys than
rigorous scientific discipline.

According to Einsteins relativity no object with mass can travel faster than light. Why?
Because the Fitzgerald Lorentz equations predict the mass of that object becomes infinite as
it reaches the speed of light. Hmm I guess someone should tell those joggers to slow down
else face becoming Mr Blobby! The physicists response goes along the lines: But man
would require infinite energy to run that fast ha ha. But wait a minute folks the quantum
physicists talk about quantum entanglement that defies all logic, as does most of quantum
physics. They suggest two electrons created like birth twins can be separated across
millions of light years and what one electron does the other does also instantly. Does this
mean information between the two electrons travels infinitely fast or is there an unknown
connection that defies distance and measurement, or maybe the whole subject of quantum
entanglement is questionable?

Another perplexing physics problem is that of the twin slit experiment. Take an old
fashioned ballistic cannon, load up a cannonball then aim the cannon at a wall where in front
of the wall is placed a metal guard that has a slit in it big enough to let the cannonball

through. Now fire the cannon and observe what happens. Simple, you say, the cannonball
will either bounce off the metal guard or go through the slit and strike the wall. Correct, that
is what happens. After many trials the experimenter observes a line appearing in the wall
behind the slit showing where the cannonballs struck the wall. What would you expect to
happen if we make two slits in the metal guard? Simple, you say, the cannonball will either
bounce off the metal guard or go through one or other slit and strike the wall. After many
trials the experimenter observes two lines appearing in the wall behind the slits showing
where the cannonballs struck the wall. Making the cannonballs smaller, say like marble size,
results in the same set of outcomes and observations. But wait a minute folks, what if you
were to shoot a series of electrons, tiny elements of mass, one at a time at a similar twin slit
experiment? Quantum physics baffles imagination because the unexpected happens as the
pattern on the wall behind the twin slits takes on a pattern of interference; not two lines as in
the cannonball trials but many overlapping lines. This suggests the electrons act like waves
and not like little bundles of mass. Hmm Newtonian mechanics and quantum mechanics
disagree. Fortunately we can put some faith in Newtonian mechanics because we can
observe the outcome.

You are probably wondering why I italicised observe and observation. At the quantum level
the experimental physicists needed to understand why an interference pattern emerged so
they decided to observe the outcome of the experiment. The moment observation began the
electrons behaved like the marble experiment. Thats right folks observation of the
experiment at the quantum level changes the outcome of the experiment as if the electron
knew it was being observed and decided to change its behaviour, now that is weird.

The Big Bang Theory is a suggestion that all creation screamed through a hole (in what we
dont know) thereby creating all physical objects, called the Universe. Now, that sounds
weird because it implies all the stuff which makes up the Universe was queuing up on the
other side of the hole, nice and orderly, ready to perfectly form stars, planets and everything
physical on this side of the hole. Unless the physicist accepts a greater being than their
science created this wondrous Universe they are basing their science on cosmic luck for
without creation rules this could never happen. Another major problem with The Big Bang
Theory is the speed of expansion of the Universe from birth must have exceeded the speed
of light, by a factor of 60, according to some physicists; in total disagreement to Einsteins
theories! Does this mean Einsteins theories are wrong or The Big Bang Theory is wrong or
possibly both are wrong? It is obvious both cannot be correct, even allowing for the fiddle
factors of string theory and 11 dimensions! A new physics is being proposed suggesting a
variable speed of light is what really happens, not fixed as Einstein proclaimed; meaning the
cosmic speed cop will be retired shortly! This theory was first suggested by the Canadian
scientist John Moffat back in 1992. According to physicist Joo Magueijo, the cosmological
expansion appears to be accelerating, implying that on large scales gravitys repulsive force
is causing the acceleration. Back in Newtons day gravity was believed to be an attractive
force because he observed and proved by experiments objects fell to the ground, a great
piece of work in his day; without the need for particle accelerators. The idea that gravity
could also be a repulsive force is not going down well with particle physicists today. Maybe
dynamic gravity has a place in Joo Magueijos theories. I have more to say about field
theory later.

The infamous equation E = mc
states the bonding energy contained in a mass, m, equals
the product of the mass multiplied by the speed of light (c) squared. In Newtonian
mechanics kinetic (moving) energy is K
= mv
where v is the velocity of the object. This
equation looks very similar to E = mc
if v = c giving K
= mc
. In the physical world
Newtonian physics has served us well for predicting planetary motion and all motion below
the fixed speed of light. According to Einstein supporters; Newtonian mechanics breaks
down as the object approaches the constant speed of light. The implication of this limitation
places severe restrictions on your future hope of exploring the universe, assuming your non

violent neighbours permit you to enter and travel through their space! Yet, one must ask the
question: Assuming space visitors do drop by to visit Earth, as many ufologists believe, they
must exceed the speed of light to get here? The physicists have an answer to this problem
that goes along the lines: They travel through wormholes, originally hypothesised as an
EinsteinRosen bridge, basically a shortcut through space and time. This must be the only
correct answer to enabling distant space travel else Einsteins relativity is flawed, right? Just
think of the consequences if Einsteins relativity is wrong: All hypothesised theories reliant
upon Einsteins science will fall to the floor just as buildings do that have unsound

As an aside: A chemist, a physicist and a mathematician are travelling on a train when the
chemist looks out of the window and declares Look, sheep hereabouts are black. The
physicist takes a look out of the window and corrects the chemist by declaring Sorry
chemist, all you can say is at least one sheep hereabouts is black since you can only see
one sheep. The mathematician takes a look out of the window and corrects the physicist.
What did he say? Sorry physicist, all you can say is at least one side of one sheep
hereabouts is black since you can only see one side of the sheep. This little aside was to
show you how people with different disciplines go to such lengths when applying
measurements to gain greater accuracy. The fact of the matter is all three scientists could
only see one black sheep.

The sciences are now overlapping like biological physics, atomic chemistry and botanical
physics. This is a good thing because life is diverse needing diverse methods of
investigation if we are to understand natures secrets in order to make her life a little easier.

Think for a moment; an acorn drops to the ground, gets swallowed up into the soil; then after
several months of warmth, rainwater and sunshine a new oak tree starts to grow. Where is
the knowledge that sparks into life this new oak tree? Is it in the soil, the acorn, the Sun or
maybe all three collaborating? If you think DNA then maybe what we call bacteria within the
soil starts the process, who really knows?

One night whilst having a beer with Ernie he asked me to count the beer glasses on the
table we were sitting at. Do they have to have beer in or not? I replied. All the glasses
with or without beer he said. I had counted seven glasses in total. Now devise a method
that will let your space travelling cousin know where he can come and see for himself the
seven glasses before they are swept up by the bar staff. Ernie said. I thought my alien
travelling cousin could simply visit me here in the bar and see for himself, by me sending him
an invitation message, using quantum entanglement communications, of course. Ernie
drilled down on my suggestion saying things like Suppose you are not here when he
arrives. Your invitation method has to account for all such events. I thought about using
GPS and suggested I supply my cousin with my GPS coordinates. Hmm that is a better
solution to the problem but you are assuming the GPS is accurate across the universe to
within 2 metres to be able to resolve to this particular table in this pub. Also lets not forget
the ever expanding universe either, that will undoubtedly render the GPS useless, maybe
only finding the right galaxy not the planet he needs. Ernie replied.

Becoming frustrated I said Look you asked me to count the glasses and I have. You never
mentioned I also had to invent a universal GPS! Ernie smiled and simply said Counting is
of little use unless you can share the number with those who need to know it. In the local
vicinity we can all see and agree with your count. However even this can fail as vindicated
when German spies in WW11 were asked to gather information regarding the location and
number of Allied tanks gathering on British soil. The Brits had already made, in anticipation
of such dirty deeds, wooden and inflatable model tanks painted to look like the real thing
sitting in fields thereby foiling and deceiving the spys data gathering efforts. Sending back

the coordinates of these fake tanks to German HQ resulted in huge bonfires when the
bombs fell but also let the Allied forces know German spies were operating in the area.

I was none the wiser for Ernies fantasy trip into space travel or the WW11 spy activities.
Look, I said Are there seven glasses on this table or not? Are you an MI5 agent? was
his reply. So off I went to the bar to order two more beers.

It was said many years ago, according to the national statistics office, the average number of
children per family in the UK was 2.4. Viewing this number from a human perspective has
no meaning whatsoever, as no family can ever have 0.4 of a child in all seriousness.
However, averages are just that a number with little attention being paid to reality, its just a
measure of central tendency. Ernie asked Do you think substituting 2.39999 or 2.40001 for
2.4 would make any difference? I suppose it depends upon the accuracy you want in the
number I replied. Ah, I see you think you understand numbers because you think you
understand number accuracy. was Ernies reply. I knew a problem was on the horizon.

Let us assume we have a bar of infinite length with an infinite number of beer glasses on it.
Is it possible to devise a way to count all the glasses? Since there are an infinite number of
glasses its not possible to count them because as soon as I have you will add another glass
to the end of the bar and continue to do so forever. I said. Good reasoning Ernie said
followed by I am intrigued though that you managed to count the infinite number of glasses
before I put another glass down.

Thats the problem with infinity; people tend to think of it as a reachable number, albeit a far
off number, when in fact it is a concept devised by mathematicians to avoid answering
questions such as above. To answer the question, mathematically speaking, we simply put
the Natural Numbers (the counting numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6 etc) under each glass in turn forever
and state We have a countable infinite number of glasses because this process continues
forever, and thankfully I have an infinite set of Natural Numbers to count them with. Now this
may seem like a get-out clause to avoid difficulties when counting particular sets of objects
when dealing with the infinite, but wait, things are about to get a whole lot worse.

The problem exacerbates when applying this same counting technique to the question: How
many decimal numbers lie between zero and one? The glasses were easy to count as they
are unique objects thereby allowing us to devise a suitable counting technique. However,
we are stuck at the first hurdle in counting the decimals because we cannot place the first
counting number to any of the decimal numbers, albeit these decimal numbers exist in their
naturally ordered sequence, starting from the smallest through to the largest. They cannot
be counted because we dont know the smallest decimal or the largest decimal. Think for a
moment 0.01 is bigger than 0.001 and bigger than 0.00000001 and 0.9 is less than 0.99 and
less than 0.99999999. This idea of extending the number of decimal places can be
extended towards infinity, meaning we cannot find the smallest or largest decimal number
between 0 and 1. The best we can say in such circumstances is: Its obvious there are an
infinite number of distinct decimals (what mathematicians call the Real numbers) but I
cannot devise a technique to count them so I will state this set of numbers to be uncountably

This little diversion just goes to show the difficulty in counting has been around since the
invention of numbers. All the sciences depend upon a sound foundation in the number
system of choice when using them to share information relating to the outcome of their
experiments. As we have seen the physicist uses what he considers as being good
enough numbers to measure and share the results from experiments, but ask yourself: Are
they really good enough?


As a thought experiment suppose you are the leading physicist heading up the project to
send a manmade FTL (Faster Than Light) spaceship to a distant planet 1000 light years
away from Earth. Assuming you have elected to use the base 10 system, our current
number system in use, to what degree of accuracy do you need in the onboard computers to
ensure you arrive at the target planet? You can assume the astronauts live long enough to
survive the journey. Question: Did you build into your calculations the galaxies are spinning,
the universe is expanding and the fact the target planet is orbiting its star? Or did you just
accept, without question, the in-built accuracy of the computers electronic circuitry and
software would be good enough?

The difficulty you had when answering the FTL question is that all heavenly objects are
always on the move therefore making a prediction as to where the target planet will be
depends upon your approach velocity. Common sense tells us the slower our spaceship the
more uncertainty we have when plotting a course. FTL can get us very close more quickly,
thereby minimising the displacement of the target planet. Just shooting a rocket to the moon
is no easy matter due to the problem of hitting a moving target from a platform on Earth that
is also moving. Thats why competitors in a duck shoot initially line up their gun sights to
follow the duck then slowly get the gun sights in front of the duck before shooting because
they are predicting where they think the duck will be when the shot arrives.

Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington, Albert Einstein and Light

In 1919 Sir Arthur Eddington, along with other astronomers of the day set up an experiment
to either prove or disprove Einsteins theories of relatively, relating to light bending near
massive gravitational forces. What they were trying to prove was that light will bend, by an
amount predicted by Einsteins equations, if it travels near to a high gravitational force such
as the Sun or massive planet. You are taught at school that light always travels in a straight
line, so if Einstein is right your education, for over a century, has been incorrect!

The interesting thing about the experiment is that Newtons equations also predicts light
would bend for exactly the same reason as Einsteins equations but he predicted this
hundreds of years before Einstein was born. Its the amount of bend that is in dispute not
that light bends due to gravity. Einsteins relativity or Newtonian mechanics was at stake
and history suggests, as taught in Universities today around the world, that Einstein won the
day, but did he?

According to Einsteins relativity no object with mass can travel at the speed of light because
the FitzGerald Lorentz equations states mass becomes infinite at the speed of light. So,
here is the first obstacle we must surmount: Assuming you accept what physicists tell you:
that light is made up of small objects called photons; can they travel at the speed of light? A
common definition of a photon, without the techno-garb is: a photon is a discrete bundle (or
quantum) of electromagnetic (or light) energy. Now, this definition is not very helpful
because we need to understand
1. What constitutes a discrete bundle?
2. Why use the word quantum if a discrete bundle means the same thing?
3. Is electromagnetic energy the same as light?
Discrete bundle means identifiable parts that form a construction that is not continuous in
Quantum relates to the very small as in the study of Quantum mechanics.
Light is said to be part of the electromagnetic spectrum obeying all the laws covering this
medium. Any better off? No. I didnt think so.


All magnets possess magnetic fields that stretch out from the source, where the field
strength weakens the further you are from the magnetic source. You will see the equation
that relates this magnetic force later on. I am sure you have played with magnets at some
point in your life and very quickly realised the strength of the magnetic field when trying to
attract a ferrous based object is stronger when held closer to the object. Obviously magnet
constructions can vary greatly thereby making the magnetic field strength stronger or
weaker. Now, I am not suggesting gravitational and magnetic fields are the same but for the
purpose of studying Eddingtons experiment this analogy will suffice.

Magnets either attract or repel objects that can be influenced by a magnetic field. This
means the object under magnetic investigation must have mass agreed? By way of an
explanation: I dont know how to magnetise a mass-less object because magnetic lines of
force need to exist in a substance capable of retaining the magnetic charge, like iron ore that
does have mass. Let us assume we have made a miniscule magnet, so small it cannot be
seen by a high powered microscope. Assume I can propel this miniscule magnet close to a
secondary stronger magnetic field, existing in a frictionless atmosphere. What do you think
the motion of the miniscule magnet will be? I am guessing you thought the miniscule
magnet will either be attracted to or repelled by the secondary stronger magnetic field, a
most reasonable assumption. This would explain the non linear motion (basically not a
straight line motion) that caused the miniscule magnet to deviate from its original straight line

Eddingtons photographic experiment/evidence detected the bend in light from stars hidden
behind the Sun; not normally visible as the Suns light overwhelms star light behind the Sun.
Eddington used an eclipse to take photographs whilst the Sun light was blocked out then
later hand measured the amount of bend in star light coming from behind the Sun declaring
Einsteins theory to be the correct theory. Bear in mind the accuracy of measurement in
photographic evidence back in 1919 fell far short of discriminating between Einsteins and
Newtons predictions so how did Eddington come to his conclusion back then?

Question: Do photons possess mass? Well, if they do what does the FitzGerald Lorentz
equations state? Answer: The photon takes on infinite mass because it is travelling at the
speed of light! But we know in real life that they dont because all things retain their own
mass, even on the sunniest of days when sunlight fills our skies. So, we have to accept
photons are mass-less, right? If not then the FitzGerald Lorentz equations are incorrect,
meaning relativity is flawed, heaven forbid! Assuming photons are mass-less objects my
next question in attempting to answer the why behind the light bends is: How can a mass-
less objects motion be changed by a strong gravitational field? According to Newtonian
mechanics gravitational attraction only exists between bodies that do have mass.

A bit of maths: F
= Gm
where F
is the gravitational attractive force (Newtonian
mechanics), m
and m
are two masses, G is the universal gravitational constant and d is the
distance between the two masses. Now if either m
or m
are of zero mass (like a photon)
then F
= 0, that means there is no gravitational attractive force, so we can rule out gravity
as the cause of photon bending, according to Newtonian mechanics. So, if we are to accept
Einsteins relatively as a plausible explanation of the observation of light bending either the
photon has mass or a mass-less photon possesses something else like an electric charge
that is drawn into the electric charge of the sun. But how do you electrically or magnetically
charge an object that is mass-less?

This line of reasoning is leading to a contradiction over what is mass? Back in the 1950s
physicists used a get out clause stating photons were semi-matter; hence Newtons
mechanics doesnt apply, uh! Unfortunately they failed to explain what semi-matter was
comprised of, especially as they included the word matter in describing the photon. So, lets
go with what we do know and that is: sunlight can be blocked in motion, like striking a metal

plate, causing the metal plate to warm up try placing your hand on a black car in the height
of a summers sunny day! Where did that heat come from? Newtonian mechanics states
momentum (p) is the product of mass (m) times velocity (v); p = mv. This suggests semi-
matter has enough mass to impart energy into the metal plate upon impact causing a
heating effect. So, a photon does have mass, or does it? We can definitely state that this
semi-matter strikes the plate causing its atomic structure to vibrate and expand, making the
metal plate expand: Magic or matter? Maybe the physicist argues both light and heat
traverse the distance from the Sun to Earth implying the heat warmed up the plate. But and
it is a big BUT physicists have told us a vacuum exists between Earth and the Sun. If so,
what medium does the heat travel on to get to Earth? When you sit in front of a lovely
glowing fire the heat from the burning wood rides upon the air in the room in order to reach
you and impart its heat to your body. Take away the air and two things happen: The fire
goes out (no oxygen fuel) and you are left freezing breathing off the air pack on your back.
And, since the physicists tell you the ether doesnt exist, on what medium does light ride
upon to reach Earth?

Hmm this sounds difficult, maybe there are alternative solutions to this problem that have
never been properly researched, such as the existence of Dynamic Gravity that would go
hand-in-hand with a varying speed of light concept. Surely dynamic gravity requires photons
to possess mass, even semi-mass, but I guess it could explain the bending motion of the
photons, right? Whatever the correct answer is your sciences blatantly disagree.

As an aside: Modifying Newtons law of gravitation to comply with Einsteins relativity
equations results in: F
= Gm
which is remarkably close to Newtons original
equation. Could photographic evidence be measured so accurately back in 1919, I dont
think so? Even if this was possible it does not change the outcome since if m
or m
= 0
then F
still = 0.

After so many trillions of dollars have been spent, for over 60 years, on these useless
physics investigations what has been achieved for the betterment of humanity? Best not to
talk about nuclear bombs or weapons of mass destruction that are on the horizon for
mankinds benefit!

The particle accelerator machines they use are now attempting to smash tiny particles of
mass together in the hope of finding even tinier particles of mass that will miraculously
appear because you cannot see or measure them in your 3 dimensional world or 4
dimensions if you accept time as being a dimension.

To confuse you further physicists are now talking about 11 dimensional space as being the
holy grail of physics that will explain all creation. It was only a decade or two ago that 10
dimensional space was the answer to all physics problems. Whoops, was that a
dimensional mistake in their mathematical modelling? Because the physicists are making
too many guesses that are wrong and too many mistakes about how the Universe operates
they have now invented dark matter and string theory to fill the unexplained gaps in their
theories and paper over the cracks in their experiments. Too many assumptions, too many
guesses and too many mistakes will lead to a mega disaster. Dark matter, are you serious?
Would they lie to you? Those, who really are in control, know the truth and they are
deliberately holding it back from the masses using every conspiracy technique to discredit
anyone and everyone who challenges such highly paid puppets of illusion.

The real evil controllers are attempting to create disharmony amongst the people thereby
creating a global conflict that will lead to nuclear war! Fear not your neighbour and they will
not fear you. Recognise those with evil intentions, those who have already built and used
true weapons of mass destruction on innocent people, then remove them from power. This
World is as much yours as those who continually create conflict. You have rights, God given

rights, to protect all life here and in the Universe so speak out as loud as you can and
oppose the tyrants you did not elect to represent your views.

Education is supposed to enlighten all peoples on Earth and share truthful knowledge
amongst all mankind because we were born equal in order that we embrace the world as
equal brethren. The true human needs not particle accelerators or dollars to impress God;
God is awaiting your acceptance of him, its that simple so wake up to a beautiful future or
stay enslaved forever in physical measurements you have no control of.

Physicists have struggled with proving The Unified Field Theory exists. Lets take a quick
look at some of the equations that are used when defining different types of field strengths.

Newtonian gravitational attraction F = Gm

Electrical charge attraction/repulsion F = Cq
also known as Coulombs law
Magnetic force between the magnets F = KM
(Attraction and repulsion)

These equations have the same shape and form with different constants (G, C and K) for
what appears to be entirely unrelated scientific disciplines. Where m
and m
masses, q
is the amount of negative charge and q
the amount of positive charge, M
is the
pole strength of the north magnetic pole and M
is the pole strength of the south magnetic
pole. The shape and form of the equations suggests there should be a single field theory
equation the unified field theory.

If we are to accept the physicists explanation that all things were puked into existence
without any godly rules of creation then is it just a coincidence the three field equations
mentioned above look so similar? Of course not! I suggest to you that the powers that be; I
am not talking about the puppet governments but higher echelons, are withholding the truth
behind all the sciences to keep mankind enslaved forever. And lets be clear about the
implications of challenging accepted science; either face exclusion and be ridiculed by your
peers or worse still bullets are cheap! if you really do expose the lies.

I want to explore a little more the subject of acceleration in a slightly different approach from
physics. If an object is at rest then starts to move we say a force of acceleration was applied
to the object causing motion, according to Newtonian mechanics. What can we say about
plant growth based on the above definition? Once a seed is germinated it grows from a
stationary seed in the soil into a vibrant and accelerating growth pattern suggesting a set of
forces are acting within the plant. Botanists will disagree and dumb down this idea as being
nonsensical irrelevance because we all know that plant growth is heavily dependent upon
warmth, sunlight and water; thats all. My challenge is WHY does plant life accelerate into
being then slow down its growth rate as it reaches its average height and shape?
I guess many people are happy with stating the DNA of the plant organises the growth
structure, not that most people have a clue as to how DNA creates anything, especially in a
universe that was supposedly created without any creation rules as in The Big Bang theory.
My lawn doesnt grow in the cold winter months suggesting cold temperatures inhibit growth,
so does this suggest the DNA must have a built-in thermometer that ceases plant growth
below certain temperatures? Well, not all plants agree as some like the sunlight, others like
swamps, others like shade, mushrooms like the dark and others seem comfortable in desert

Babies are conceived and start the acceleration of life from within the womb. As the years
go by these babies become juveniles and later adults. This accelerated growth rate
happens regardless of location upon Earth, cold zones, hot zones, wet zones, air polluted
zones and so on. We accept the mother is a huge influence on the baby as he/she grows
and develops into adulthood. The mother also provides love, sanctuary, food and safety
throughout the early years. All life forms on land, sea and in the air also provide the same

for their offspring. Mother Earth has also been providing the same life supporting
sustenance for billions of years expecting no thanks from any of her many and diverse
children, so lets have a big cheer for the mum of all mums. Can the physicist measure love
or care or pain or pleasure or responsibility or feelings...? Dont think so!

For a living body to grow at an accelerated rate needs energy input into the system. A car
cannot run without fuel suitable for the cars engine. Your physical bodies from birth also
need fuel to help growth and in later years independent motion.

Planet Earth orbits the Sun meaning it is continuously being accelerated, what is called
centripetal acceleration. Centripetal acceleration pulls the Earth towards the sun.
Fortunately, Earth doesnt crash into the Sun but why? There must be an equal and
opposite force that keeps the Earths orbit at an almost regular distance from the sun; what
astrophysicists call the goldilocks zone, meaning not too hot, not too cold just perfect for life
to develop and survive. Attach a weight to a length of string and spin it around your head.
You can keep that orbital motion going as long as you provide the force from your hand.
The string is in tension stopping the weight from flying off, at a tangent to the centripetal
motion. What do you think is the string between Earth and the Sun? Maybe, just maybe
its something called dynamic gravity. Other planets in this solar system also undergo
similar accelerations. The solar system is spinning within the Milky Way galaxy. The
galaxies are spinning. The universe is expanding. Where is the force causing these
accelerations? The big bang of course, isnt it obvious? What do you think we physicists do
for a living lie to you? They tell you: thats the reason they need the particle accelerators;
to perform experiments in search of the hidden forces. Beware of man who speaks with
forked tongue as he will deceive you and turn Earth into cinders, just like planet Maldek.

Acceleration is everywhere but you dont always perceive it; and where there is acceleration
there is free energy available for use by all the beings in this universe.

With such an abundant amount of kinetic energy flowing throughout the universe why are
nations still so reliant upon burning fossil fuels and dangerously tinkering with atomic
powered generating stations? You guessed it: To keep the rich ever richer and the poor
enslaved as the worthless eaters you are; a phrase you are known by; by those in power.

To challenge or not to challenge, that is the life or death question

The education system is foolproof and must be accepted by all as being thorough and
honest, or it? I mean, thats why you supportively push your children through the education
system in order to gain useful knowledge that will benefit them in later years when applying
for work. An Oxbridge or Ivy League education puts your children at the front of the queue
from an employers perspective, but why? The typical response is: because these young
people were high achievers at school and that they, and only they, should be honoured to
attend learning establishments tutored by the best brains in the world.

I have difficulties in accepting such profound statements implying the best tutors can only be
found in such institutions. All such institutions can be, and are, bought if enough money
changes hands thereby disproving only the brightest brains can attend such institutions.
Whats happened over the years is the established older places of learning have deemed
their superiority over the upstart universities thereby creating a pecking order with the
established places of learning at the top of the pile.

As for the education system it is in much need of a serious overhaul. I accept the basics of
reading, writing and arithmetic are essential for human communication but ramming data into
brains is not education it is exploitation of the human to the point of inhibiting original
thought. Education needs to focus on helping people to use their brains for investigative

purposes. Sixteen years of data ramming and you graduate with some discipline that
shapes the rest of your life, but what have you done with your brain by way of self gained
knowledge and understanding? Oh, that comes later when you study for a PhD is the
accepted response. Why wait until you are 21 to discover the power of self thought, self
awareness and self exploration? Because you do not have a choice giving those in power
adequate time to brainwash all, especially the wealthy elite who really believe that attending
the best learning establishments makes them better and brainier than the rest.

Many people who have made significant contributions to humanity have done so because
their own beliefs pushed them in different directions to the accepted and proven ways, as
taught at prestigious universities. Nikola Tesla was a brilliant man who was ridiculed by both
academics and industrialists the World over when he proposed alternating current (AC) was
superior to direct current (DC). Most people have never heard of him, he is not a taught
figure in history or science, yet this world today would be at a loss if he had given in to those
who think they knew better. Self belief cannot be taught it is a passion you embrace and live
your life by just like Nikola Tesla did, dying penniless but giving to humanity the inventions of
his dreams.

Many other courageous and brilliant men and women have followed their own passions only
to be ignored, humiliated and ridiculed for their self belief that goes against the flow of
current accepted best practises. Some, unfortunately like Stanley Meyer, who claimed to
have invented a water powered car and patented it only to die of poisoning once his secret
was out. Stanley to this day has many opponents claiming he was a sham and the
technology wouldnt work. Ask yourself: Assuming his technology did work, whats in it for
the petrochemical giants if you can fill up your car from the kitchen tap? Nothing is the
answer, except for the global collapse of their empire and that cannot be allowed to happen
say the controllers of Earth! Goodbye Stanley, you and your passion for honesty will be

Even though Meyers patents are available to read and maybe recreate his invention you too
would be in violation of manmade laws forbidding you to build his invention along with a
multitude of other manmade laws including driving a vehicle on roads without paying fuel
taxes. Money is evil never accept it as anything else!

Tesla was infamous in his day. He wanted to give electricity freely to mankind and as soon
as his investor discovered this he pulled all funding from the project on the grounds Where
does the meter fit? As he grew older the establishment discredited Tesla saying he was
going mad, thereby implying all of his ideas were also mad; at that point a tragedy and
disgrace was bestowed upon the engineering genius of the millennium.

If you can turn your passion into something tangible and useful and you agree not to upset
the applecart too much you might be offered a payment by way of shutting you up much
more favourable than a cheap bullet in the head or poisoning I guess.

Breaking out of the mould is to reshape your knowledge and go exploring. Everything is
possible, just some things take a little longer to materialise because they are a little more
difficult to crack. God gave you a brain to be creative, imaginative and to explore. Follow
your passion; inspire other like minded people, do challenge the status quo on your own
terms without the guidance of the blind leading the blind anymore. Think of something that
would benefit any part of humanity or mother Earth, no matter how small, create your ideas
using your mental powers then make them, not for monetary gain but for humanitys benefit
like Tesla did. Use your time wisely whilst here on Earth and always remember to respect
others as you would like to be respected.


You live in a heavily censored state here on Earth, Ernie would say. The fact secret
organisations pry upon your every phone call, message text and email is the start of the
police state. The New World Order, a fascist agenda carried over from WW11, is gathering
their data on you; the profiling of the populous has begun. Are you fit to be a member of the
New World Order or are you already being seen as a radical opponent to their agenda of
world dominance; this is what the power brokers are asking?

The old Nazi empire is still alive and very much kicking. They have spotted the new Jews
they wish to persecute; it is you regardless of your colour, creed and religion or millionaire
status! These fascist supporters have infiltrated all walks of life, especially in local and
central government offices, hiding behind the name Common Purpose in the UK. They are
stealing your children and the police are powerless to intervene on lawful grounds because
these organisations only acknowledge manmade laws, the evil laws that suit their hideous
and unlawful agendas. They are putting forward plans at central and local government
levels that will accelerate their evil agendas. If you want real democracy you will need to
fight for it, initially by rejecting everything Common Purpose and its international equivalents
stand for.

Every year the most powerful and extremely rich billionaires attend a conference, behind
closed doors, called the Bilderberg meeting. The reader can research the attendees on the
web and discover for themselves just how powerful and rich they are. What is not so evident
is the concept of such meetings was deeply rooted in the Nazi party in the midst of WW11.
The Nazi party have just renamed themselves as Bilderberger members; more correctly
known as the 4
Reich wanting nothing less than fascist world domination. Are you ready
for this? If not form lawfully abiding actions groups and awaken all as this is your planet and
it is worth protecting for your childrens sakes.

Did you have a say on whether to fluoridate your drinking water? I doubt if you were even
asked for an opinion. Each local government has appointed a person who can do whatever
they like in the interest of Common Purpose and that is to poison your drinking water with
health hazard poisons. This is not just with fluoride but other contaminates such as uranium,
mercury, arsenic and many other life threatening chemicals and metals.

What effects do we know about consuming theses contaminants?
1. Causes brain damage, even brain tumours
2. Inhibits the learning process, effectively to dumb down the people
3. Kidney and liver damage
4. Attacks the nervous system
5. An animal test on fluoride ingestion suggests it could be carcinogenic.

Do you want your children suffering from any of the above? No, of course you dont. In
effect your life isnt worth living under such hideous controls; you must stop this from
happening and put to right the damage caused to Nature.

Your elected governments do not have a lawful right to poison the water; it is against the
Godly rights granted to all humanity to permit governments the world over to deliberately
poison their populous. Common Purpose is just another evil arm of the controlling elite
whose members you need to identify and publically name and shame. Whilst Common
Purpose are creating the new tomorrow as a behind the scenes set of facilitators it will not
matter if you vote conservative, labour, lib-dem, ukip or Lord Dippy because Common
Purpose will set all agendas (the common purpose).

Challenge everything that you know is wrong. The world you will handover to your children
will be the apathy of you not taking the lawful actions to stop this evil lunatic fringe from
accelerating their agendas; whilst you dream of sitting on a beach getting a tan.

God provided this world and your bodies for exploring, learning and experiencing the
physicality of life on Earth. Make sure you leave this planet in a better place so your children
can experience life to the full when you leave it.

Driving licenses, passports, credit/debit cards and many other forms of
identification/authorisation devices now have built-in electronic tracking reporting your
actions and transactions to back end computers that records everything. Combine this with
the electronic surveillance of mobile phones, email, computer hacking and RFID chips and I
think you will agree you are always on Candid Camera as far as the security services are
concerned. Ever wondered why this has been accomplished so easily in such a short time?
The digital computer is the enabler of all things underhand. With digital words, imagery and
sound clips the powers that be can put you on the moon, speaking moon talk whilst sipping a
pina colada and present this as courtroom evidence that you visited the moon. If you find
this hard to believe research John Anthony Hill who proved digital image fakery, on his DVD
7/7 Ripple Effect, was used to construct a case against three innocent Muslim men for the
London bombings on 7
July 2005. This fakery was accepted and used by the court as
evidence to convict these innocent men of a series of hideous crimes they never committed.
John Anthony Hills lawfully abiding action of submitting his true and accurate analysis that
the men were innocent for consideration by the court was seen as attempting to pervert the
course of justice resulting in his unlawful imprisonment by the UK government. Humanity is
facing an evil and self appointed uprising within the ranks that has to be stopped.

Do you remember the old days when it was OK to think analogue and use analogue devices
like wind up watches, analogue computers, slide rules and film based cameras? They have
all been replaced by digital based systems because the technocrats tell you digital is better
and more easily integrated into the digital world. Have you swallowed this along with the
hook, line and sinker? The real reason the security services want a digital world is because
they can doctor evidence to suit their own truths, research John Anthony Hill for proof.
Images, sound clips, email, txt, CCTV, web page displays, documents and spreadsheets are
stored as ones and zeroes, the binary number system, on hundreds of millions of computers
around the world. All of this data is now available for data manipulation using computer
applications for whatever nefarious reasons that helps the controlling agenda. You buy
computer based games for your children because you submitted to peer pressure when you
know encouraging children to play outdoors will teach them more about the world they live in
than any computer game they play. Ask yourself: How can a digital approximation be better
than the real analogue system? Oh, its all down to the bit resolution employed, says the
technocrats; sound familiar? Wake up! The digital world has imprisoned all of you!

Daniel 1:1-7. And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one
language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which
they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that
they may not understand one another's speech. That prophecy is right on the button
because the digital world is now one, meaning whatever the evil controllers want to do they
now can and are doing.

You live in an analogue world, you are not a digital computer, the fields of flowers reflecting
beautiful vibrant colours and fragrances are analogue, as are the songs of the birds, the
wind in your face and the movement in the heavens above. Open your eyes and all of your
senses to the beautiful world you live in for it is miraculous, let no man tell you otherwise.
No matter what digital resolution is employed it is a false world only serving the agendas of
the most evil here on planet Earth.


One night whilst chatting with Ernie and a young lady serving in the bar he asked Have you
ever wondered why there are so many pyramid structures all over the world? Be not
surprised that the response was typical of cramming data into heads by way of education
You mean in Egypt and Mexico? asked the young lady (BSc). You dont have to restrict
yourself to just those two countries Ernie replied. You mean there are more pyramids in
other parts of the world? she asked, with an astonishing look in her eyes. Oh yes, many
more running into tens of thousands. Some are small mud brick copies of the much earlier
granite and limestone block creations such as those in Egypt and Mexico Ernie replied.
With eagerness the young lady asked Where in the world are all these pyramids that no one
has ever told me about? They are everywhere both on the land surface and some being
excavated from under the land and others deep under the seas Ernie said. This was the
start of a conversation that was to continue for many weeks that I shall now briefly touch
upon the key themes.

What is intriguing to me is why all the nations on Earth built pyramid structures when
according to historians and Egyptologists mans only means of travel in those days was
boats made from papyrus, the main diet back then, and camels, implying knowledge transfer
could not be the explanation. Even if they did manage to meet other pyramid building
civilisations they couldnt communicate with them as their language was different. So, we
must assume each nation had their own reason to build these structures. Burial chambers
for kings and pharaohs are what we were taught in our history lessons said the young lady.
You really believe every nation on Earth independently came up with the same idea to bury
their kings and pharaohs in fantastic megalithic similar structures? Ernie asked. The point
Ernie was trying to make was history has not looked at the big picture; it has focussed its
attention mainly on the Giza pyramid structures in Egypt and built a fantastic fairy story,
conceived by the top academics, about them being burial chambers. If you apply this fairy
story to all the pyramids around the world then surely many archaeologists would have
uncovered thousands of skeletons, but they havent! That leaves Egyptologists in a class of
their own by continuing to stick to the fairy story.

Back in 2005 Dr Semir Osmanagich discovered five pyramids in Bosnia. The Bosnian
pyramids of the Sun and the Moon dwarf the pyramid Cheops in Egypt but academia, the
world over, are playing these huge structures down as not being manmade pyramids. Go
onto the web and search for Bosnian pyramids. The photographs will convince you without
doubt the shapes are manmade pyramids covered with trees and vegetation that have been
carbon dated as just less than 25,000 years, meaning the Bosnian pyramids are at least
25,000 years old and probably much older. So, why would academia discredit the find,
surely they should embrace these new discoveries and reassess their first thoughts about
Cheops and the Mexican pyramids in the light of new evidence?

What kind of man is big enough to state his guess as to the true purpose of the pyramids
have been wrong for centuries? Not Egyptologists, thats for sure. Academics expect you to
believe primitive man crawled out of the jungles and caves to build fantastic structures
without the aid of industrial powered machinery, how ridiculous! Granite blocks weighing
several, even tens of tons, were quarried from mines hundreds of miles away then shipped,
shaped and erected by these primitive people who did not possess any knowledge of
structural engineering or mathematics is a bigger fairy story to swallow than the fantasy
burial chambers story.

These so-called primitive men must have been brilliantly minded and artistically gifted beings
to have the knowledge to build such structures; that to this day would be the most difficult
challenge for the biggest and best construction companies in the world to build? These
brilliant nations left humanity detailed artwork in stone so that when you evolved you could
decode their messages and learn about your ancestors. Your eyes are not lying to you
hence you must accept primitive man was not primitive but brilliant, extremely more

knowledgeable than todays academics. And that brilliant man does not waste his time
building thousands of pyramid burial chambers all over the world. Because they were so
brilliant they did create many forms of advanced travel and communications enabling other
brilliantly minded nations to also build pyramids for the benefit of all beings the world over.
Nikola Tesla built the Wardenclyffe Tower to provide free electricity to the people until J P
Morgan realised he couldnt put a meter on it, he then withdraw his funding. Maybe, just
maybe the pyramids had a similar beneficial purpose for mankind of that era that you are yet
to discover; but unfortunately you are unlikely to discover whilst the blind are still leading the
blind. Those who do challenge the orthodox views will be reminded of their place in
academia or face the consequences: ridicule, humiliation and exclusion from their peers with
no hope ever again of a career in academia. Dr. Nicholas Kollerstrom and Dr Judy Wood
have both suffered because they have exposed the official lies: more to be said about these
people later on.

Whilst talking about pyramids I wish to include a little bit of maths to highlight why the
ancients were so brilliant. You all know pi from your school geometry and trigonometry
lessons as 22/7 or 3.142. This number abounds throughout all technical disciplines right up
to degree level and beyond in all branches of engineering, science subjects and
mathematics. The builders of Cheops managed to capture the value of pi in its construction.
Divide the perimeter length of the pyramid by half its height and the answer is 3.1429, pretty
good estimation to pi dont you think? Many other pyramids also possess this number built
into their construction. Could this be primitive mans luck? Well, Egyptologists think so.
Lets look at one more coincidence: Inscribe the largest circle within the base of the pyramid
Cheops; its radius will measure 4,382.9 inches. Divide this number by 12 and you get
365.242 which is the number of days in a year. Is this yet another coincidence? Yes,
according to Egyptologist. Their argument is along the lines: Anyone can come up with two
numbers and using simple arithmetic derive pi. You must disregard such reasoning because
the number is part of the construction, as meant to be, not just any two numbers. Our
brilliant ancestors knew the day of awakening of mankind because we are just starting to
decode these coincidences that match the number of days in a year, a much earlier or much
later date of awakening would not have agreed with 365.242 days exactly. The reader can
research many other coincidences that defy primitive man had anything whatsoever to do
with the design or construction of any of the massive pyramid structures around the world.

Most books written by Egyptologists explain the primitive people made huge sand ramps to
drag the enormous stones up to a new level as the pyramids height increased in
construction. Well, lets do a little bit of trigonometry to see how far away from the base of
the pyramid the ramp would have to start in order to reach the top of Cheops. Let us
assume an angle of 2
is the maximum incline several men could drag/move on rollers (tree
trunks) a massive stone uphill to reach the top of Cheops, 139 metres high. Now, the
tangent function = opposite side / adjacent side, where opposite side = 139 metres. Now
tangent (2
) = 0.0349, hence the adjacent side = 139/ 0.0349 = 3982.8 metres from the base
of the pyramid! From this you can verify the side area of this ramp to be 3982.8 x 139 x 0.5
= 276804.6 square metres. Assume the ramp is just 3 metres wide and you get the volume
of 830,413.8 cubic metres of sand to build the ramp. I cubic metre of dry sand weighs 1.28
tonnes on Earth, so 830,413.8 cubic metres weighs 1,062,929.664 tonnes or in imperial
units 1,046,321.388 tons of sand! Now that is a lot of sand to move whilst also building a
pyramid. Where did all the sand from building the three ramps for the three pyramids in
Giza, Egypt go? As Graham has pointed out; these calculations are incorrect because the
sand ramp as described would have collapsed once the weight of several tons of granite is
placed upon it, meaning the ramp would probably need to be 7, 8 or 10 metres wide and
boarded along its sides, resulting in excess of 2.5 million tons of sand. There is no sand
near the Bosnian pyramids; perhaps those primitive people used soil ramps, or sillier still;
thats why they cannot be pyramids because there is no sand in the area! Still think primitive
man built Cheops in just 23 years as Egyptologist proclaim?

Assume you were one of the brilliant pyramid builders and wanted to let emerging man know
a greater intelligence once lived on planet Earth. How can you achieve this assuming man
might take several thousand years before his intelligence matures? All paper based writing
is futile as is vegetation stored writings as both decay rapidly and the messages will be lost
forever. The only guaranteed methods are to build and write their messages in stone.
Mankind needs to understand this and use his intelligence to look again at these megalithic
structures as historic messages waiting to be decoded. Wondrous enlightenment awaits you
and humanitys first steps towards acceptance by your ancient brothers and sisters who
desperately want to greet you in love and peace - from the Forces of Light.

Do not accept deception as truth, even when it comes from the so called experts. Whoever
built the megalithic pyramids was a nation of pure geniuses of far greater intellect and
knowledge than those who have been lying to you for centuries.

People all over the world are being terrorised by their own puppet master governments.
Many are in league with so called terrorists jointly committing atrocities against all society to
break your spirit day after day. They create wars and conflict to instil fear in people and you
all know fear is the top of the controlling forces.

I mentioned earlier that humanity has yet to reach its true potential before being accepted as
equal amongst others throughout this Universe who have developed their spiritual senses.
Start your learning today by believing only in the truth, not what the media push at you daily,
and put trust in your own reasoning and feelings about all things you feel uncomfortable
about. Trust a greater force will protect you, a force of light that cannot be destroyed here
because you need it and the light needs you. You are one with the light of all positive
energy so embrace this and move forwards.

Man has 5 physical senses: sound, sight, touch, smell and taste. People who possess
knowledge that cannot be measured by physicists are perceived to have an extra sixth
sense that experts call a hunch or intuition. In fact you have at least 30 such senses; not
five plus one extra called a hunch. Because physicists want everything measurable they
discount intuition as being nothing more than a lucky guess, but their cosmic lucky guess
relating to The Big Bang theory is OK. Is this arrogance on behalf of the physicists or an act
of deliberate rejection of immeasurable senses to play them down because it suits the
controlling agendas? For many years police authorities, the world over, laughed off the
views of people who mentally witnessed murders when they tried to aid the police in their
investigations. Not so funny now though because many people who have been proved sixth
sense right are now being asked to join the police investigation teams the world over,
another lucky hunch maybe?

Empower yourself, listen to and trust all of your senses, regardless of the fact they cannot be
measured by the physicist. Your spiritual soul connects with all places and other beings
throughout this fantastic universe; that, by the way, was not puked into existence simply
because the physicist can only measure the physical cause and effect by way of all
explanations. Einsteins constant speed of light is a physical measurement that does not
apply to your ability to use your spiritual senses that reach across the universe instantly.
And if you accept quantum entanglement and the big bang theory then everything must be
entangled. Maybe quantum entanglement is the physicists way of attempting to measure
the spiritual, who knows, I bet the physicists doesnt?


UFOs buzz the world skies making fantastic manoeuvres that your jet based planes cannot
duplicate. But wait a minute folks; they are not UFOs as your puppet governments tells you,
they are only weather balloons blowing around in the high altitude winds. If you believe this
story you must also believe mankind is performing many simultaneous weather forecasting
measurements, which of course they are not. UFOs are real; they have been here for
millennium monitoring humanitys progress and awaiting your awakening before introducing
themselves. I am sure you have heard the numerous accounts of flying saucers (UFOs)
crashes where military personnel later recover the debris and crew, dead and alive. They
crashed? Super intelligent beings traverse the universe to visit Earth only to crash and kill
themselves, really? Oh, but wait a minute folks, uncle Sam told you back in 1947 it was high
powered radar that caused the UFOs to crash; but you are also led to believe by the
authorities that UFOs dont exist, hmm. Now, I could accept such craft being shot down as a
plausible and believable explanation. Well, they are being shot down and you now need to
prepare yourself for a galactic war between the light and dark forces is forming here on your
planet and you are the spoils of this war the dark forces are battling for. You need to accept
and work with the forces of light that will save humanity from eternal slavery and
imprisonment. Recognise your enemy by their actions not their words. Mind games of
deception are more crushing than bullets; be wary of hidden agendas that will lead to your

The puppet masters of Earth are realising the truth about UFOs is coming out so they
brainwash you into thinking they are all evil entities unwillingly abducting millions of people
yearly to perform painful and horrific experiments. Why would life entities who can traverse
the universe want to perform such painful experiments on unwilling people? To them,
intellectually, you are no more than a well organised ant colony, and you dont cruelly
experiment on ants do you? If such extraterrestrial visitors exist surely they have
compassion, love and understanding else this planet would already have been exterminated
by their advanced weapon systems. The truth is the evil entities committing these crimes
are in service to their evil masters right here on Earth. More recently animal mutilations with
laser precision surgery are appearing all over the world. Why would a brilliant nation of
extraterrestrials with compassion, love and understanding want to do this? The answer: they
didnt. Your evil controllers are doing this to instil more fear into you whilst placing the blame
of such atrocities on those beings working for the light forces; who only wish to embrace you
with love and peace.

Those in power fabricate the evil entities to instil fear amongst the people to weaken your
spirit and increase their controls over you using what is termed the Hegelian Dialect strategy
that I will explain later. The only true evil entities I am aware of are the puppet masters and
their superiors who are conducting painful and life threatening exercises around this world
on a daily basis; you must open your eyes and stop believing their media owned garbage.

Try standing in the shoes, if they have any, of the innocent babies and children forced to live
in squalid tents with no fresh water or heating throughout the winter months because their
own armies have destroyed their homes. You dont need evil alien entities to frighten you
when your own shameful governments are carrying out such atrocities along with 9/11 and
7/7 on their own people. Is this a fair and balanced use of power or corruption at its worst?
The so called UN has only ever cared about stealing national assets and keeping their
control over the people; not about the welfare of humanity! When the UN was formed they
forgot to add the initials GC to the end of UN; standing for the United Nations for Global


Fear not physical death for new physical life will follow; only if you wish. Fear not those who
instil fear in you for you can rid these fear mongers by expelling them and embracing the
light forces. You are the light, you are love, you are sanctuary, you are the reason the
universe needs you to join the light to bring humanitys love and compassion into all the
worlds of brothers and sisters everywhere. Your suffering is similar to Christs sufferings
who suffered for mankinds teachings here on Earth. Learn to accept the pain of suffering
for all who have chosen physical forms everywhere. Know what you are doing is the start of
a heavenly process of cleansing that brings love and peace to all spirit beings taking
physical forms from the Forces of Light.

The Hegelian Dialect states: Create a problem then get the (desired) reaction from the
people then use this reaction to implement a solution (that suits those who are in control of
Earth). Lets see how this works.

Problem: Evil extraterrestrial entities are abducting people and performing harmful and
horrific experiments on them.
Reaction: Create fear amongst the people who demand the world governments take actions
to stop this.
Solution: Conduct an investigation lasting several years only to declare no evidence exists to
prove the veracity of claims of abduction.

The solution is intentionally exacerbating the problem thereby creating more fear amongst
the people as more and more abductions occurs. We know fear is an agent of control so
ask: Who benefits from the solution?

Lets apply the Hegelian Dialect to more familiar news worthy coverage.

Problem: Too many people are dying whilst in NHS care.
Reaction: The government should investigate and correct the problem.
Solution: Privatise the NHS as the investigation has shown the NHS is out of control.

This is what the puppet masters have wanted for decades. You have now given them
permission to put the NHS into private hands, resulting in more money for the rich as you will
pay lots more money for private medical insurance. Pity the poor who will die because they
barely have enough money to feed themselves let alone buy private medical insurance.

Problem: Terrorists plant bombs on London transport systems killing and maiming many
innocent people.
Reaction: This must be stopped at any cost.
Solution: Implement a British war on terror invading other countries killing innocent men;
women and children then take unlawful control of their oil repositories.

The above Hegelian exercise needs more clarification as faked photographic evidence was
used to convict 3 innocent Muslims. The reader should research Dr. Nicholas Kollerstrom,
stripped of his honorary post at University College London, for telling the truth and exposing
the lies about the London bombings on 7
July 2005; see also earlier reference to John
Anthony Hill. Also Tony Farrel a former analyst for the South Yorkshire Police lost his
position for also telling the truth about the London bombings.

Problem: Japanese forces have bombed ships of the USA docked in Pearl Harbour.
Reaction: US citizens demand the Government take retaliatory action.
Solution: US enter WW11 legitimising the use of nuclear warfare on Japan


Problem: Terrorists have flown aircraft into the world trade centre buildings killing thousands.
Reaction: The government needs to take retaliatory action immediately.
Solution: Implement a US war on terror invading other countries killing innocent men; women
and children then take unlawful control of their oil repositories.

This last Hegelian exercise needs more clarification as no civilian aircraft could ever have
carved through the massive steel girders (H or I beams) surrounding the inner walls of the
towers, as faked photographic evidence shows. Back in July 28, 1945 a B-25 bomber
crashed, due to thick fog, into the Empire State Building, then the tallest building in the
World; killing 3 crew and 11 people in the building. However, the accident did not
compromise the building's structural integrity. This horrific accident surely questions the
official story behind the twin towers incident on 9/11. Secondly, these were not controlled
demolitions as the lies being purported by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth suggest; a
group of shadowy people who are obviously there to misinform people into believing their
story, thereby covering up the true weaponry used in the dustification of the towers, not
controlled demolitions. Readers should research Dr Judy Wood, a former professor of
mechanical engineering, who totally proves beyond doubt that all official explanations given
to date are lies. Dr Judy Woods analysis proves the buildings were turned into dust from
the top to ground level zero by a weapon of great power. Note: a former professor, implying
ridicule, harassment and loss of position comes with telling the truth.

Be mindful when listening to news coverage to identify when those in control are using the
Hegelian Dialect, especially when you feel uncomfortable with the horrific outcomes.

The real controllers are aware that the people are waking up to spotting evil agendas that
are the result of Hegelian Dialect exercises so they are now implementing their evil agendas
via Nature. Tsunamis, typhoons, tornados, volcanoes and hurricanes are, of course,
Natures way of unleashing untold havoc causing death and injuries in countries around the
world. Maybe some are due to the force of Nature or maybe more recently some are the
results from manmade weather control experiments. As hard as this may be to accept you
have to go way back 100 years to Nikola Tesla experiments when he fired millions of watts
of extremely low frequency energy waves into the sky to modify the weather and it worked!
Please research HAARP, the governments new weapon for control of the weather, based
on Teslas experiments. Yes folks, this is reality not fiction.

Hail stones the size of marbles, rainfall that sweeps away towns and villages, typhoons that
lift articulated lorries 100 feet into the air are but a few of the manmade weather disasters.
Why do you think every night the news broadcasters are reporting on freak weather
anomalies around the world, never before recorded in the history books going back over 100
years? You have heard of the phrase an army marches on its belly. If you can control the
weather you do control food production the world over and thereby can nullify all opposing
armies! You also control the world population because without food all physical life forms
will die; surely I ask you: Isnt this happening right here, right now on this beautiful planet
called Earth? Only an evil force would wipe out so many beautiful and diverse life forces in a
blink of an eye. Its time to reverse the trend leading to a One World Government by
smashing it and deposing the unelected REM officials and governments worldwide and
return to the rule of God as instructed in the Torah.

Your physical body houses your true immortal self. Just like when you sit in your car and
drive it in the direction of choice so too does your immortal self drive your physical body in a
direction of choice. Your physical body connects with the physical car for steering, braking
and acceleration; so too does your true self connect with your physical body but in a greater
sense than just physical; the emotional senses are also connected. Humanity has become
deceived by permitting the dark forces to coexist with your true self within your physical
body; like driving your car in the direction of choice as spoken by your car passengers, the

dark forces. Recognise a physical man by his actions and if they be evil then cast out the
evil by willingly welcoming the light and truthful forces to coexist within you.

Many thousands of years ago mankind was totally taken over by the dark forces, creating
sins against each other and against Gods teachings thereby breaking all of Gods laws. To
rid the evil from within physical man the body needed to be destroyed and so the great flood,
as historical records in all civilisations upon Earth agree, did wipe out all evil living entities
except for the few light workers who were saved; those who kept their faith in all things good
as declared by the creator of all things. Do not make the same mistakes for self destruction,
as happened on planet Maldek, for that will be the end of your physical journey of choice if
you fail to rid the dark forces by not changing your direction. Life on planet Earth was to be
a glorious and harmonious experience with Nature and all other life forms. Your nations are
continually at war with each other; destruction is everywhere as are the plans to build even
greater destructive weapons, as used in the dustification of the twin towers on 9/11. Stop
this madness by rejecting all that is evil by casting out the dark forces else face extinction

You can and will change all things for a greater freedom throughout the universe for that is
your true purpose. Let not the children learn the pains you and your families have endured
for millennium on their planets. Move forward and embrace all brethren in love before the
dark forces invade. Start anew and embrace the light for the light needs you.

YOU will be measured by YOUR actions when the light defeats the dark, evil and hideous
forces here on Earth!

Trust a greater force will protect you, a force of light that cannot be destroyed here because
you need it and the light needs you. You are one with the light of all positive energy so
embrace this and move forwards. These are the words of the Light Forces, not mine.

You waking up to the smell of the coffee yet or just finding all of this too hard to accept?

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