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Final Netiquette Rules

Kim Hefty
Ellen Scogin
Eric Zeznanski

Netiquette is the term used to refer to etiquette, or rules of acceptable behavior on the
Internet. The practice should extend to email, chat, and discussion boards and even into the
synchronous environment (Rice, p. 79).

Report Bullying, Don't Respond
Online bullying is no laughing matter. Immediately tell a teacher, parent, or another adult if
you receive an unwanted message online. Many teens feel safe behind a computer screen.
Safe to bully and safe to take a bully on alone. Responding may escalate the situation. Ignoring
may empower the bully to test how far they can go. Again, report any unwanted messages
online to a teacher, parent or another adult immediately.

Netiquette Guidelines for interacting with peers:
Conduct yourself in all forms of communication as if you were interacting with your
peers in person.
Always be courteous and respectful of each others thoughts and opinions.
Use appropriate language at all times: no swearing, inappropriate words or foul
language of any kind (including but not limited to racial slurs).
Respect everyones privacy, do not share someone elses personal contact information
or their opinions.
Do not forward or share messages without permission.
Remember that all messages are visible and viewable by all.

Netiquette Guidelines for text speak (i.e. emoticons/acronyms):
Use emoticons sparingly and only to convey simple emotions.
Abbreviated words, emoticons, invented words, and acronyms will be allowed in
informal communications (i.e. texts or in chats). The first time an acronym is used, write
it out completely so that everyone is able to know the meaning. For example: TTYL
(talk to you later).

Netiquette Guidelines for Class Discussions:
Remember that theres a real person (real people) on the other end of your message.
Treat others the way you would want to be treated.
Spelling and grammar count.
Only post relevant information. Give relevant and specific feedback, not just Good
Do not post emotional messages. If upset, wait until youre calm and revisit your
Be supportive. Kindness goes a long way. Watch your manners, especially when your
classmates make mistakes.
When someone replies to your posting, respond to their questions or comments as you
would in a regular conversation.

Netiquette Guidelines for emails or professional settings:
Be aware of using the proper tone.
Be concise, yet thorough.
Use proper language conventions (spelling, grammar, etc.). Always proof read before
sending any type of email.
Wait 24 hours before sending any type of angry or critical correspondence.
When sending emails, write a proper subject line highlighting the purpose of the email.
Remember that the email may not be read immediately; allow an appropriate amount
of time for a response.
all lowercase letters looks lazy.

Netiquette Guidelines for synchronous sessions:
Listen actively to the speaker (moderator or student).
Read all chat messages thoroughly.
Do not eat or drink when doing video or audio chats.
Stay on topic; be specific and concise.
Contribute your knowledge and be an active participant.
Be polite and respectful at all times. Do not correct your classmates spelling or
You may use acronyms and emoticons, but be aware that not all students, or your
teacher, may understand them. The first time an acronym is used, write it out
completely so that everyone is able to know the meaning. For example: TTYL (talk to
you later).
Be patient. Remember everyone will get a turn to speak. Allow time for others to
respond and it may take a moment for others to receive your response.

Krohn, F. B. (2004). A generational approach to using emoticons as nonverbal communication.
Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, 34(4), 321-328. Retrieved from

Rice, K. (2012). Making the move to K-12 online teaching: Research-based strategies and
practices. Boston: Pearson.

Shea, Virginia. (2011). The Core Rules of Netiquette. Albion. Retrieved from

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