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Albert Einstein (March 14, 1879 - April 18, 1955): Perhaps the most famous scientist in history, Einstein

formulated the theory of general relativity, and the famous equation of mass-energy equivalence --
Alexander Fleming (August 6, 1881 - March 11, 1955): Discovered the fungus responsible for the
production of penicillin, Penicillium notatum.
Charles Darwin (February 12, 1809 - April 19, 1882): Formulated the theory of evolution, explaining
the huge diversity in organisms as a result of millions of years of unceasing evolution programmed by
natural selection.
Francis Crick - James Watson (Crick: June 8, 1916 - July 28, 2004 / Watson: b. April 6, 1928): Discovered
the double-helical structure of the DNA molecule
Georg Ohm (March 16, 1789 - July 6, 1854): Discovered the proportionality between the voltage and
the resultant current in a circuit, now known as Ohm's law: I (current) = V (voltage)/ R (resistance)
Michael Faraday (September 22, 1791 - August 25, 1867): Discovered electromagnetic induction, laws
of electrolysis and fundamental relations between light and magnetism. Faraday is considered the
greatest experimentalist.

The only real advantage of the Nat Sci course is that it allows you to try out one or two "non-traditional"
subjects like (for a chemist) geology, crystallography, bio-chemistry. In fact I think the 1A course is
structured so you pretty well have to take at least one. You'd do exactly the same lectures, supervisions
and practicals as mainstream geologists, etc, so if you found that one of these subjects at University
level was more appealing than chemistry, you could easily move out of chemistry in the second year and
beyond. Quite often proto-physicists/chemists end up as as geologist or material scientist.
The process of science is a way of building knowledge about the universe
constructing new ideas that illuminate the world around us. Those ideas are
inherently tentative, but as they cycle through the process of science again
and again and are tested and retested in different ways, we become
increasingly confident in them. Furthermore, through this same iterative
process, ideas are modified, expanded, and combined into more powerful
explanations. For example, a few observations about inheritance patterns in
garden peas can over many years and through the work of many different
scientists be built into the broad understanding of genetics offered by
science today. So although the process of science is iterative, ideas do not
churn through it repetitively. Instead, the cycle actively serves to construct
and integrate scientific knowledge

New scientific knowledge may lead to new applications.
For example, the discovery of the structure of DNA was a fundamental
breakthrough in biology. It formed the underpinnings of research that
would ultimately lead to a wide variety of practical applications,
including DNA fingerprinting, genetically engineered crops, and tests
for genetic diseases.
New technological advances may lead to new scientific discoveries.
For example, developing DNA copying and sequencing technologies has led to
important breakthroughs in many areas of biology, especially in the reconstruction of
the evolutionary relationships among organisms.

Potential applications may motivate scientific investigations.
For example, the possibility of engineering microorganisms to cheaply produce drugs
for diseases like malaria motivates many researchers in the field to continue their
studies of microbe genetics.

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