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Intiouuction S .........................................................................................................................

Chaptei 0ne - Befinition S ................................................................................................
What is a passive income.
Why woulu you want this.
Why shoulu you listen to me.

Chaptei Two - The Plan 9 .................................................................................................
You neeu a plan.
Be consistent.
Review, iinse, & iepeat.
Woik online
vision. Notivation. uoals.
You neeu to make a commitment.
Biveisify Youi Passive Income.
Setting up a business.

Chaptei Thiee - Youi B.I.Y. uame Plan 17 ..................................................................
Affiliate Naiketing & CPA 0ffeis
Youi 0wn Website
0ffline Passive Income

Chaptei Foui - The Bone-Foi-You uame Plan SS ....................................................
(c) Page 2

;<$# $# =>#; ;<& .&,$(($(,?
If you aie not yet on the Passive Income uame Plan
Newslettei, you can join with a :3@AB5 CB3CD 63EF9 F565 87G.

Congiatulations! You aie taking the fiist step towaiu making a
significant change in youi life. one that most people nevei even

This iepoit is uesigneu to intiouuce you to the wonueis of passive
income, anu to uemonstiate how simple an iuea it is to incoipoiate into
ANYB0BY's life.

This is N0T about getting iich quick (though it's possible that may

Rathei, it's an intiouuction to SNART B0SINESS C0NCEPTS that eveiy
successful entiepieneui unueistanus anu takes auvantage of.

It's about uoing the haiu woik once in oiuei to geneiate ongoing income
in the futuie.

I wiote this iepoit because just a few shoit yeais ago, I was totally
ignoiant of this woilu anu the possibilities within it. At the time, I hau a
gieat job with a teiiific company. anu I nevei thought about any othei

But one uay, the job was gone. The company folueu, anu I was out on the

The economy wasn't gieat (sounu familiai.), anu the new job options I
coulu consiuei iequiieu ielocating to anothei city... a thought I was not
willing to consiuei.

I sciapeu by foi a while, but was cleaily going nowheie fast.

That all changeu when I got a mysteiious phone message. A message
that leau me to my iole touay as someone who is nicely positioneu with
multiple souices of passive income, with moie being auueu iegulaily.

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What was the phone message. It's actually not that impoitant. but I'll
get to that in a little while.

The fact is that people all ovei the woilu have expeiienceu stoiies like

0i woise: they aie ST0CK IN }0BS TBEY BATE, anu aie looking foi a
way out.

Foi many, cieating a passive income is not only possible, but it's moie
accessible than you might imagine.

But without a cleai uANE PLAN, most finu it incieuibly uifficult to stay
on couise. to actually achieve the lifestyle they aie aftei. Boes that
uesciibe you. (It ceitainly uesciibeu me when I got staiteu.)

Naybe you'ie stiuggling to finu the time to get going. Naybe you uon't
know wheie to stait, oi maybe, like me, you've hau many false staits,
anu want to finu that one cleai path that's going to finally woik foi you.

Whatevei it is that has helu you back so fai, I'm heie to help. Ny goal in
wiiting this iepoit is put you on a soliu path to ueveloping youi own
passive income game plan.

Theie aie, of couise, liteially thousanus of ways you can uo it anu in this
iepoit I'll only be sciatching the suiface of what's possible.

Thanks to the efficiencies anu automation possible thiough the inteinet,
many solutions aie available online. But theie aie also ieal woilu, offline
options as well. We'll be coveiing uo-it-youiself as well as uone-foi-you
passive income businesses (incluuing seveial of the ones I use) that you
can get staiteu in iight away.

It's impoitant to unueistanu that 9F3: 3: 38 87G G1/ 18 5IF1J:9325 B3:9,
but iathei, a staiting point to ensuie that you get on. anu stay on a path
to success.

So let's uive in.
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)<"!;&H *(&

KF19 3: 1 A1::325 38C7@5L
Befoie we uevelop youi passive income game plan, it's piobably a goou
iuea to uefine exactly what passive income is.

While most people in the woilu aie paiu foi theii time oi sales
piouuction, theie is a small peicentage of us whose income comes moie
passively. Nany aie business ownei, but otheis aie simply cieative
about how they have set up theii lives in oiuei to maximize theii income
anu minimize the houis they spenu woiking foi it.

I want to be cleai, theie's absolutely nothing wiong with putting in
houis in uiiect exchange foi money. In fact, I spent ovei 2u yeais uoing it
myself. anu my wife still uoes - anu, you know what. she loves uoing
it. uoing to woik in a place wheie you inteiact with othei people each
uay can be an incieuibly iewaiuing anu fulfilling way to spenu youi

But some of us have uiffeient piefeiences when it comes to how anu
wheie we like to woik (evei notice all those people in coffee shops
(c) Page S
woiking on theii laptops.). anu uiffeient iueas about what's impoitant
in theii lives oveiall.

So foi people inteiesteu in an alteinative to the typical 9 to S job, theie
is inuepenuent business owneiship. which, of couise, can take many
foims. Foi the puiposes of this uiscussion, we'll be talking about
businesses uesigneu specifically to geneiate passive anu semi-passive

Passive income, basically, is an appioach to business involving uoing a
bunch of stiategic woik upfiont, so that you can ieap the financial
benefits anu woik a lot less latei. Anu, as I saiu befoie, it can take many

Passive income comes piimaiily in two foims:

1) Let youi money woik foi you

Letting youi money woik foi you involves things like investments in
financial instiuments oi maybe ieal estate.

2) Bave youi business woik foi you

Baving youi business woik foi you is moie about geneiating an ongoing
income fiom the business wheie you uon't neeu to be peisonally
involveu on a uay-to-uay basis. Naybe it's a iental piopeity oi ioyalties
fiom books oi music oi automateu uistiibution of uigital piouucts just
to name a few possibilities.

Anu the fact is that you can cieate both of these types of income T0BAY!

KF/ G7JB4 /7J G189 9F3:L
0kay so now we know what passive income is, so the next question is
!"# !%&'( #%& !)*+ +",- ,* #%&. ',/0.

Well not eveiybouy uoes, but if it's a goou fit foi you, the pages of this
iepoit will help you uncovei a woilu of possibilities. Beveloping a
passive income can accomplish many uiffeient things.

(c) Page 6
Naybe you just want some EXTRA SPENBINu CASB.

Naybe you'ie tiying to SAvE N0NEY F0R Y00R CBILB'S C0LLEuE

0i maybe you'ie looking to BRANATICALLY CBANuE Y00R LIFE. Bave
moie contiol ovei youi uestiny. Spenu moie time on youi passion. K76D
B5::M !B1/ @765M

The fact is that all of these ieasons aie gieat ieasons to consiuei
ueveloping youi own passive income game plan.

KF/ :F7JB4 /7J B3:958 97 @5L
When you'ie ieauing a book like this it's always goou to consiuei the
souice. So I think it's impoiting that you get to know little bit moie
about me, anu leain my stoiy, so you can ieau the iest of this iepoit with

I spent neaily 2u yeais in anu aiounu maiketing befoie my life was
changeu uiamatically (as I uesciibeu eailiei). Buiing that initial two
uecaues I was happily in ensconceu in office jobs that I enjoyeu,
eventually taking a position as the maiketing uiiectoi of a company that
iequiieu my family to move fiom the New Yoik to oui cuiient home in
Poitlanu, 0R. Sauly, the company was unstable, anu within a yeai oi so I
founu myself without a job because they simply coulun't affoiu my
salaiy any longei.

I hau to finu a solution. I lookeu foi anothei job, anu biiefly solu
auveitising, but it ieally wasn't a goou fit foi me. anu fiankly, I'm a
teiiible salesman. Anu then one uay, I got that mysteiious phone
message I tolu you about.

It was fiom an "appointment settei," calling on behalf of a fianchise
biokei. When I finally followeu up, the biokei painteu a pictuie foi me of
becoming my own boss. something I hau nevei consiueieu befoie.

But a few months aftei we staiteu talking, I was the piouu ownei of, not
just one fianchise, but I owneu the iights to uevelop an entiie iegion of
(c) Page 7

You see, I uiscoveieu an amazing insiuei seciet in the fianchising
woilu. 1)-+0. /.)*2",-,*3. Insteau of just buying a single fianchise unit,
I bought a license to sell fianchises to othei people. anu, aftei the initial
sale, take a small peicentage of each of theii piofits.

;FJ: N5E18 @/ B725 1OO136 G39F A1::325 38C7@5M

But I uiun't stop theie. I wanteu to make the most of my new uiscoveiy
of cieating passive income. So I uiu what any entiepieneuiial spiiit
woulu uo. I lost a huge amount of money speculating on lots of
business oppoitunities, netwoik maiketing concepts, anu moie. But
while the money was technically "lost," I ieally consiuei it an ,*40-+10*+
in my passive income euucation.

These uays I've got act togethei anu my game plan all laiu out. I have a
hanuful of online businesses that, aftei an initial leaining cuive on my
pait, aie geneiating income foi me, much of which is heavily leveiageu
thiough automation anu the collective effoits of otheis.

Anu while my systems aie now in place, I haven't stoppeu leaining - in
fact, continuing my euucation is a coineistone of any goou game plan.

So I'll continue to leain, anu continue to shaie my new knowleuge with

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)<"!;&H ;K*

;F5 !B18
A lot of guius out theie aie piobably going to tell you that an online
business uesigneu to geneiate passive income can be uone by )*#%*0.

Well I uon't agiee. I think you neeu to juuge foi youiself whethei this is a
goou fit foi you. The fact is that builuing a business (online oi offline)
takes haiu woik.

As I explaineu above, not eveiything I have uone has been a booming

In fact, not too long ago I founu myself tens of thousanus of uollais in
uebt because of some ill-infoimeu business uecisions. Like most people
out theie I was wonueiing aiounu aimlessly, getting attiacteu to eveiy
new shiny object that piomiseu me a gieat income with veiy little effoit
on my pait. Now I'm smait enough to uiffeientiate legitimate
(c) Page 9
oppoitunities fiom scams. but even the most legitimate business isn't
always going to be the peifect business foi 040.#%*0.

So aftei seveial months of hitting my heau against the wall in the Wilu
West of Inteinet maiketing business oppoitunities, I ueciueu $ 855454
97 O7CJ: 78 4525B7A38E 18 F785:9P97PE77485:: E1@5 AB18. Anu that's
just what I uiu. I founu businesses anu income oppoitunities that weie
aligneu with my inteiests, skills, anu most impoitantly, my ethics.

"Passive" means that you neeu systems to uo the woik foi you. We'll get
into the specifics of some of the businesses I chose as my vehicles foi
geneiating a passive income in a little while. But I want to point out that
the thing they all have in common is that they aie built aiounu -#-+01-.

0ne of the ieasons I faileu in so many of my eailiei effoits was uue to my
lack of systems anu lack of uiscipline. Pait of it hau to uo with my
succumbing to the "shiny object synuiome" that so many newbies seem
to suffei fiom. But much of it was uue to the lack of a well-conceiveu
system to suppoit my business activities.

.J3B4 /7J6 :/:95@M 078Q9 E59 43:961C954M .5
That's my mantia. Baving a gieat system in place means nothing if you
uon't stick with it anu consistently apply it. I leaineu this the haiu way
of couise. But now that I know it, I'll nevei foiget it.

#7 GF19 47 $ @518 N/ 1 :/:95@L Well, when I talk about systems I
mean having something in place that will be a guiue foi both you, in
opeiating youi business, as well as youi piospects as you leau them
uown the path to becoming customeis. anu then .0+),*,*3 them as

The fiist thing I uo when consiueiing a passive income oppoitunity is to
see if theie's an existing system in place alieauy. If theie is I take time to
caiefully analyze it, anu leain how successful (oi unsuccessful) it has
been foi otheis. If theie's no system in place, then I consiuei how
uifficult it will be to set up befoie I even get involveu. 0ltimately, if weie
(c) Page 1u
talking about cieating a passive income, it piobably is a goou iuea to finu
simple solutions, not complicateu ones.

Ny passive income game plan ielies on one line of business as its
coineistone. In this business, which I'll intiouuce you to shoitly, I utilize
an automateu sales funnel to maiket anu sell infoimation piouucts
online. I uiun't uesign this system, but I uiu iecognize its stiengths, anu
ueciueu it was a goou fit foi me.

!563743C1BB/ 65235G 184 6523:5 97 3@A6725 /7J
Nost of my othei businesses, howevei, have iequiieu that I cieate the
systems. anu, as a iesult, I neeu to be a lot moie hanus-on when it
comes to analyzing theii success anu iefining theii piocesses in an effoit
to constantly impiove theii effectiveness.

The point is that having a system in place is one thing. but having a
"woiking" system in place iequiies that you iinse anu iepeat along with
occasional tune-ups.

K76D 78B385M
Eailiei I useu the example of ieal estate investing as a gieat passive
income oppoitunity. I've not uone it myself (maybe someuay), but a
fiienu of mine is a ieal estate agent who specializes in finuing homes foi
people inteiesteu in investment piopeities. Be builus his business by
ciiculating aiounu the vaiious netwoiking gioups in oui city, anu has
uevelopeu a gioup of off-line iefeiial paitneis to help finu him
investois. Anu you know what. Be's ieally goou at it, he has fun uoing it,
anu so uo his clients. But outsiue of ieal estate investing, most
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SIBEN0TE: We'ie going to focus on online business anu online commeice heie
but I just want to make the point that many of the iesouices we aie talking about
can be utilizeu foi off-line businesses as well, as leau geneiation tools anu selling
tangential piouucts oi seivices. 0ne example of this is a highly successful fitness
tiaining Boot Camp I know of in 0klahoma. While theii business is conuucteu in
the off-line woilu, they cieuit ovei 9u peicent of theii client sign ups to theii
blogging anu othei online leau geneiation activities.
woithwhile passive income oppoitunities these uays exist online (anu
that incluues investing in the stock, commouities, oi F0REX maikets).

A few moie auvantages to woiking online:

&1:/ 97 "J97@195
As I've mentioneu a couple of times, automation is one of the keys
to passive income success. If you'ie going to builu anu sell a
wiuget uo you want to be builuing them one by one anu then
selling them one by one as well. 0i uo you want to finu a way to
automate that system. Well the fact is that automation coulun't be
easiei than when you uo it online.

With such a wealth of maiketing platfoims, softwaie, etc., viitually
anybouy, incluuing those aie not technically savvy, can set up
some foim of automation online.

$89568193781B H51CF
Theie'ie some things in my life wheie "local" is impoitant to me. I
like to suppoit small local businesses. I like to eat foous giown on
faims neai wheie I live. But when it comes to selling things
thiough my passive stieams of income, I want the ability to ieach
as fai anu wiue as possible. Boing business online allows me to uo
just that.

-7G )7:9
Let's look at it this way: When I bough my mastei fianchise
license, the cost was an easy SIX FIu0RES. An online business,
howevei, can be opeiating a few houis fiom now at an investment
of unuei $1uuu (anu even less if you've got a goou system in

;F5 $@A76918C5 7O 1 R!1::325 $8C7@5 +384:59S
If you askeu me a few yeais ago, I woulu've scoffeu at the iuea of
involving any soit of minuset oi peisonal giowth uiscussion in a guiue
to how to conuuct business. But that's not the case touay.

Ninuset, foi me, is a vital pait of conuucting a successful business.
Theie's a gieat book by Nichael E. ueibei calleu "The E-myth Revisiteu"
(c) Page 12
which exploies, thiough multiple examples, the impoitance of having
the iight minuset in iunning youi business. specifically how to woik %*
youi business insteau of ,* youi business.

Ninuset also iequiies focus anu uiscipline to tiaits that aie veiy
impoitant in establishing youi own passive income game plan, having
the iight minuset is going to be the founuation suppoiting youi entiie
passive income business mouel. So let's talk about wheie to begin.

%3:378M +793219378M ,71B:M

KF19Q: T7J6 %3:378L
Befoie we even get to goals, I want to talk about iuentifying youi vision.
A vision is something fai moie substantial than a goal.

A vision is what uiives you.
A vision is what uefines you anu the woik that you uo.

Ny vision, foi example, is to be someone who is iespecteu foi teaching
people anu shaiing infoimation that can help impiove theii lives. I uo
this many ways. Sometimes I teach people cool things that I know about,
like wine. I also, as mentioneu befoie, put people into business foi
themselves with theii own fianchise. Anu I guess you coulu say I uo that
online too, by pioviuing the tools anu guiuance to help people geneiate
theii own passive income. So that's my vision. What's youis.

KF19 +7932195: T7JL
What aie you tiying to get out of by ieauing this iepoit. What's behinu
youi uesiie to establish a passive income. Anu uon't tell me it's to "make
moie money". that's just a copout.

Noney, aftei all, is simply a means to an enu. What we'ie ieally tiying to
finu out is what will that money allow you to uo.

Naybe you've heaiu the question askeu this way: "KF19Q: /7J6 K<TL"

(c) Page 1S
Peihaps you'ie at a place in youi life wheie you'ie tiying to make a
change-you uon't want to continue to be in the situation you'ie in. anu
you know theie's something bettei. Take the time to aiticulate what that
"bettei" is. 0nce you have uefineu that 567, it will be youi inspiiation
anu motivation in uoing the woik that's aheau.

I cannot stiess the impoitance of this enough.

Foi moie on this topic, get youiself a copy of Simon Sinek's book, "Stait
With Why."

#59938E ,71B:
uoals aie ieally impoitant. Not having goals is the ioot pioblem behinu
most people getting caught up in that enuless cycle of being
nonpiouuctive anu getting uistiacteu by new shiny objects all the time. I
know. I've been theie.

You neeu to have goals if you want to succeeu. As a fiienu of mine likes
to say, "if you uon't know wheie you'ie going, how aie you possibly
going to get theie." Eailiei we uiscusseu ieasons why you might be
inteiesteu in cieating a passive income. Let's ievisit that now.

Beie's an assignment: uefine youi goals.

Anu heie's a question: Aie you just uabbling until something "bettei"
comes along.

Remembei that shiny object synuiome we uiscusseu eailiei. I'm
biinging it up again because so many of us, myself incluueu, suffei fiom
uistiaction, uabbling, anu an inability to focus on oi commit to just one
thing. It's iampant in the woilu business oppoitunities.

I say this foi two ieasons: fiist, so that you can iecognize in youiself, anu
seconu, so that you can avoiu it. Knowing youi goals is ieally impoitant,
but so is staying on tiack anu not getting uistiacteu. If you finu youiself
going off couise, make suie to iegioup anu get back on tiack as soon
iight away.

(c) Page 14
T7J 8554 97 @1D5 1 C7@@39@589M
Theie aie hunuieus of books wiitten about having the minuset foi
success. You can finu chapteis upon chapteis on the topic in books by
Napoleon Bill, Tony Robbins, Robeit Kiyosaki, to name just a few.
Recently, in ie-ieauing the New Yoik Times bestsellei "Seciets of the
Nillionaiie Ninu," by T. Baiv Ekei, I came acioss a passage wheie he
uiscusses the uiffeiences between !)*+,*3 anu 2%11,++,*3 to being iich.

Now this is not a iepoit about how to become iich (though I'm not
stopping you fiom making that pait of youi vision). The point I want to
make is that meiely !)*+,*3 something piobably isn't going to get you
veiy fai. 80-,.,*3 it ceitainly suggests something stiongei. But
2%11,++,*3 to iealizing youi vision, has a whole uiffeient meaning.
When you make a 2%11,+10*+ you aie saying "I will uo this. I will
make this happen." Anu it's that which is so ciucial in making youi
uesiie to have a passive income a ieality.

Let me give you an example about commitment. A couple of yeais ago,
aftei oui uaughtei staiteu going to pieschool, my wife thought it might
be a gieat iuea to stait biking to woik anu uiopping oui uaughtei off at
school, a few blocks fiom hei office. We live in one of those piogiessive
cities wheie people bike a lot. Now she coulu have uone one of two
things: a) she coulu have chosen to be a faii weathei bikei, only uoing it
when all the conuitions weie just iight (it iains a goou bit in Poitlanu,
aftei all). oi b) she coulu have 1)(0 ) 2%11,+10*+ to uo it no mattei
what. She chose the 2%11,+10*+ ioute, something that makes hei feel
gieat about heiself anu which, I've got to say, impiesses the heck out of
me too.

03256:3O/ T7J6 !1::325 $8C7@5
Biveisifying income stieams, passive oi otheiwise, is usually a pietty
smait move. Anu, because of the simplicity of passive income concept, it
seems like a no-biainei heie. Let me explain what I mean.

Why uo people uiveisify theii investments. They uiveisify foi
piotection. They uiveisify foi insuiance. That same notion holus tiue in
cieating passive income stieams.

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I iun in ciicles with lots of bloggeis, who, because of the veiy natuie of
the way they have monetize theii blogs, neeu to ensuie they have
multiple stieams of income iunning simultaneously. Foi example some
of theii money might come fiom aus on theii blog. Some of it may be the
iesult of iefeiials anu othei affiliates links on theii site. Anu peihaps a
thiiu income stieam is the iesult of paiu euitoiial content. Foi bloggeis,
each of these income souices on its own may be enough. but when
combineu they aie much gieatei than the sum of theii paits.

#59938E JA 1 NJ:385::M
Assuming we'ie not talking about a hobby heie, then you want to make
suie that you actually go thiough the necessaiy steps of setting up a ieal
business. You want to establish a business entity like a sole
piopiietoiship oi LLC. Anu then make suie that you have the piopei
bank accounts anu piofessional seivice pioviueis enlisteu to help you.

Why is this impoitant.

We, in pait, not having a tiue business entity set up can easily uestioy
one's minuset. That is one of the many ieasons that netwoik maiketeis
fail oi give up so quickly. they uon't tieat theii new enueavoi like a
REAL business.

But even moie impoitant to note is that, as a business, you have NANY
auvantages that an inuiviuual simple uoes not have. Not the least of
which is a huge TAX ABvANTAuE.

I'm not to go into this too much because theie aie plenty of piactical
guiues out theie to teach you how to set up youi own business, but I
wanteu to make suie I mentioneu it.

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)<"!;&H ;<H&&

;F5 07P$9PT7J6:5BO ,1@5 !B18
As we aie getting staiteu with youi game plan we have a couple choices
to make. Aie you inteiesteu in cieating something on youi own. 0i uo
you value youi time to the point that you'u want to consiuei a pioven
uone-foi-you appioach.

Theie's nothing wiong with eithei of these appioaches. it all ieally
amounts to which is the best fit foi you, youi neeus, anu youi goals.

Fiist let's talk about cieating something youiself:

-52561E5 5I3:938E A674JC9: U :5623C5:

The fiist thing you neeu to know is that you uon't necessaiily neeu to
have a website in oiuei to have an online business. I'll give you a couple
of examples.

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"OV3B3195 +16D5938E U )!" *OO56:
If you'ie unfamiliai with what an affiliate offei is, let me attempt to
explain. You know those kiosks at the mall wheie you can sign up foi cell
phone seivice. Those kiosks aie not owneu by AT&T, veiizon, oi any of
theii competitois. Insteau, they aie owneu by agents. oi affiliates, who
eain a peicentage of the income fiom the sales they make foi those
seivice pioviueis.

Beie's anothei example: Neaily eveiy majoi online ietailei has some
soit of affiliate piogiam. The best example, of couise, is,
the laigest online ietailei in the woilu. Nuch of Amazon's tiaffic anu
sales aie maue as a iesult of affiliates geneiating iefeiial tiaffic to theii
website (the links to the books I've mentioneu in this iepoit aie my
Amazon affiliate links, which means that ifwhen you click on them anu
make a puichase, I get a small commission foi senuing theie). Amazon,
of couise, is not alone. Companies like Walmait, Seais, anu othei
householu names also have affiliate piogiams.

Anu while woiking with one of these majoi ietaileis can be incieuibly
piofitable, theie aie many, many othei options out theie to piomote,
most of them paying consiueiably moie than the 4% to 1u% Amazon
pays pei sale.
CPA (oi cost pei action) offeis aie similai, but insteau of getting paiu
when someone makes a puichase, an affiliate typically gets paiu when
someone clicks theii link anu peifoims an action, like signing up foi an
email list oi submits a iequest foi moie infoimation.

Piomoting affiliate anu CPAs offeis, foi me is all about context. Some
things I piomote thiough blogging. Some things I'll piomote thiough my
e-mail lists. Some things I piomote thiough iepoits anu e-books (just
like Amazon, many of the piouucts oi seivices I iecommenu will pay me
an affiliate fee shoulu you enu up buying something. 9'0)-0 *%+0 +")+ :
%*'# .02%110*( ;.%(&2+- %. -0.4,20 +")+ :<40 )2+&)''# &-0( %. ")40 .0)'
2%*=,(0*20 ,*.). Anu I even use YouTube viueos anu piess ieleases to
piomote othei offeis.

Why, you may ask, is this passive income. Because when I publisheu this
iepoit oi posteu a viueo on YouTube, foi example, it stays theie woiking
it's magic senuing people to one of my links 247S6S.

(c) Page 18
It's not as simple, of couise, as slapping affiliate links all ovei the
Inteinet. Ny links still neeu to be seen by people. anu that iequiies
they aie positioneu to get as much tiaffic as possible. Taigeteu tiaffic,
that is - that means the links aie being seen by the RIuBT people.

(Anu you know what. I also piomote piouucts that help maiketeis get
theii affiliate links seen by moie people. Theie's viitually no enu to what
can be piomoteu online.)

Beie's a list of some of the top affiliate anu CPA netwoiks wheie you can
finu piouucts anu seivices you may wish to iecommenu. This list is by
no means exhaustive, but many of the majoi playeis aie heie:
Shaie a Sale
Link Shaie
Piouuct Pay
0ffei vault (a waiehouse of many of the othei majoi sites)

Theie aie easily hunuieus of iesouices out theie teaching you how to
become an effective anu successful affiliate maiketei. I know because
I've wasteu plenty of money on many of them, anu suggest you save youi
cash foi youi maiketing.

The iesouices that I uo iecommenu can be founu ovei at my BIY page at
Passive Income uame Plan.

Let's get back to that poweihouse, - because it is a NA}0R
playei in making people gieat passive income. Anu I've bioken this
section into thiee uistinctive aieas wheie you can cieate an online
business, anu geneiate ongoing passive income using

These aieas aie affiliate maiketing, which we uiscusseu befoie, selling
piouucts anu seivices thiough Amazon, anu Kinule book publishing. In
the next few paiagiaphs, we'll uiscuss each in uetail.

(c) Page 19
"@1W78MC7@ 1OV3B3195 @16D5938E
In oui uiscussion of affiliate maiketing above, I useu
is a peifect example of A company that geneiates huge numbeis
thiough its affiliates. In fact, sees ovei 2Su million
visitois each anu eveiy month. Some estimates put the numbeis of
visitois coming thiough affiliates at neaily Su% of that tiaffic.
Theie aie many ways to geneiate tiaffic to Amazon.

0ne of my favoiites is niche blogging. A fiienu of mine has a
couple uozen blogs all pointeu to Amazon. Each site of his focuses
on a specific topic anu iange of piouucts. Some blog posts aie
about a topic in geneial, with occasional links to Amazon
piouucts, while otheis aie piouuct ieviews. Be outsouices all of
the wiiting anu content cieation foi the websites, iegulaily
upuates the content, anu gets monthly ueposits in his bank
account foi all the sales his tiaffic geneiates.

That, of couise, is just one of many ways to senu tiaffic to Theie lots of tutoiials out theie to teach you moie
about how to become an effective anu successful Amazon
affiliate. 0ne of my favoiites is AmaSuite S.u |aff linkj, which not
only pioviues compiehensive tiaining, but also ieseaich tools to
help you ueteimine the most piofitable niches in piouucts within
the Amazon website.

#5BB38E 78 "@1W78
Biu you know that not eveiything you buy fiom Amazon is
actually solu by Amazon. In fact theie aie thousanus of
inuiviuuals anu businesses who sell thiough Amazon. Some
simply make the sale on Amazon anu ship theii piouucts uiiectly.
0theis utilize Amazons FBA oi Fulfillment by Amazon piogiam to
waiehouse anu ship theii piouucts to customeis all ovei the
0niteu States. You coulu also consiuei selling uiopship items on
Amazon anu have someone else take caie of the waiehousing anu

Theie'ie two gieat guiues I'u love to iecommenu to you to leain
moie about this topic. 0ne is by a woman nameu }essica Laiiew,
who, togethei with hei husbanu Cliff, geneiates ovei $1uu,uuu a
yeai selling piouucts on Amazon that they buy on closeout at theii
(c) Page 2u
local uiugstoies anu uollai stoies. She has a gieat website at wheie she offeis fiee infoimation as well
as some piouucts she's wiitten to help otheis get into this kinu of
business. |This is not an affiliate link. just visit }essica's site - the
content is ieally woithwhilej.

!JNB3:F38E "@1W78 X384B5 .77D:
Notice I wiote ;&>',-",*3 anu not wiiting. Suie you maybe an
aspiiing wiitei, anu theie's nothing wiong with wiiting youi own
books, but we'ie talking about cieating passive income heie. anu
investing time in wiiting something isn't iequiieu when you can
%&+-%&.20 it.

Amazon Kinule books is peihaps one of the most piofitable anu
simplest passive income oppoitunities out theie touay. Theie's a
nevei enuing souice of customeis, Kinule books aie ieasonably
inexpensive, anu, most impoitantly, they'ie veiy easy to buy. just
one click anu it's uone.

Soon aftei the Kinule stoie uebuteu, some veiy innovative inteinet
maiketeis uiscoveieu the amazing oppoitunity that Amazon
Kinule books pioviueu in geneiating income foi the aveiage
peison. Anu they've founu ways to exploit this opening to benefit
both the ieaueis anu the publisheis.

Touay theie aie uozens upon uozens of couises anu gieat
softwaie built aiounu ueveloping a stieam of income thiough the
Amazon Kinule bookstoie. I've hau the oppoitunity to ieview
seveial of these, anu founu a few that I ieally like anu happily
enuoise. They'ie not only tutoiials, they also incluue softwaie to
help you ieseaich competition, keywoius, piicing, anu
piomotional oppoitunities. I've incluueu my affiliate links to the
thiee heie. Check them all out anu see if any of them (no neeu to
get all thiee) make sense foi youi neeus.

Kinule Noney Nasteiy |aff linkj
AK Elite |aff linkj
KB Suite |aff linkj

(c) Page 21
0kay we talkeu about affiliate maiketing, we talkeu about Amazon, anu I
also want to mention that theie's plenty of othei ways to make money
online incluuing eBay, selling infoimational piouucts, selling physical
piouucts, making money fiom uoogle's AuSense anu othei contextual
aus, offeiing coaching oi consulting seivices, web hosting seivices,
membeiship sites, fieelancing, tiauing stocks, commouities oi even
cuiiencies. Anu this list is by no means exhaustive.

.J3B4 :7@59F38E 167J84 /7J6 A1::378

T7J6 *G8 K5N:395
So let's move onto the seconu uo-it-youiself option in cieating you a
passive income. This one involves having youi own website. Basically
what I'm going to show you is how to builu an infoimation maiketing
business wheie you can cieate, if you wish, anu sell youi own

Infoimational piouucts incluue things like auuios, viueos, inteiviews,
woikshops, couises, newsletteis, e-books, anu much moie. Anu, as an
auueu bonus, we'll be uiscussing some affiliate maiketing techniques,
which can woik ieally nicely alongsiue an infoimation piouuct business.

If you'ie a little confuseu about exactly what kinu of website weie
talking about when you give you a couple of gieat examples.

Website ownei, entiepieneui, anu piano instiuctoi }acques Bopkins has
built a website aiounu his passion. Teaching music. }acques' site is
intenueu to teach people how to play the piano quickly anu efficiently,
all while having fun uoing it. Be uoes this thiough a seiies of viueo
classes aiiangeu in a sequence to help stuuents follow along anu peifect
(c) Page 22
#$0&(*;&: Theie aie a lot of scams out theie. Anu this is something you want to
make suie to watch out foi. Baving youi own Inteinet business shoulu be
piofitable anu iewaiuing. so be suie that if you aie consiueiing getting involveu
with something, that you make suie to uo youi homewoik anu be an euucateu
consumei fiist.
the content of each lesson befoie they move on. It's a ieally cool website,
anu allows him to monetize his peisonal passion foi music.

}ohn Kenny woiks at Bisney Woilu in 0ilanuo, Floiiua. 0vei the yeais
fiienus anu family have always been asking him foi tips anu tiicks on
cieating magical expeiiences when they come to visit the theme paik. So
back in 2u11, }ohn ueciueu to wiite an e-book offeiing auvice on how to
make a visit to Bisney Woilu something even moie special than the
aveiage visitoi expeiiences. This site is an outgiowth of that e-book.

I hope the above examples give you a bettei iuea of how you can take it
cuiient inteiest oi passion, anu builu a web-baseu business aiounu it.

So let's move on.

0kay, so if you'ie totally oveiwhelmeu with what I've been uiscussing, I
thought I'u pioviue you with a quick list of things you aie going to neeu
to get staiteu with youi online business:
- A computei (uuh!)
- An Inteinet connection
- An e-mail account
- Some basic piouuctivity softwaie (uoogle Biive & 0pen 0ffice aie
both gieat fiee options)
- Some stait up capital - I suggest at least $2uu
- Cieuit caiu to use exclusively foi business
- A PayPal account
- A business checking account
- A iegisteieu business entity (as mentioneu eailiei, a sole
piopiietoiship oi LLC is piobably best)
- A backup uiive (it only took losing all of my uata once to iealize how
impoitant this one is)
- A goou team of piofessional seivice pioviueis (accountant, lawyei,
insuiance). Ny fiienu uaiy, ownei of |not an
affiliate linkj is a gieat iesouice foi many small business neeus.

0ne of the keys to making suie youi business is going to be successful is
to 9F38D B3D5 1 @16D5956. Suie you may be gieat at piouuct cieation, oi
making a snazzy looking website, but without thinking like a maiketei,
(c) Page 2S
you'ie going to miss out on the one essential element in cieating
sustainable online success. customeis.

So, to be cleai, you uon't neeu to be salesman. you uon't neeu to be a
piouuct expeit. you neeu to be a maiketei fiist anu foiemost. Because
the fact is that what you sell is piobably not going to be unique. But "%!
you sell it - that is to say youi maiketing - is what will set you apait
fiom eveiyone else online.

Anothei thing that most people who stait an online business foiget to
uo is to uevelop the essential vision, goals, anu tangible piactical
business plan so necessaiy to ensuie the success of any business. We
talkeu about the impoitance of minuset, vision, anu goals eailiei. Bo not
skip the vital step of incluuing them in the founuation of youi new
online business. As foi a business plan, theie aie many gieat iesouices
to help you uevelop one. Contact uaiy at foi moie
infoimation on seivices he can pioviue.

Now I know I'm haiping on this "Ninuset" topic again, but anothei thing
you neeu to uo is make suie you stay motivateu. "0kay Baviu," you may
ask, "how uo I stay motivateu." Well each of us is uiffeient. but I can
say that you want to use youi WBY as a key element in youi motivation.
You want to make suie that you aie motivateu foi the long-teim, not
simply the shoit-teim.

So you have the founuations of youi business in oiuei - you've
committeu to incoipoiate a vision uiiven minuset into youi business -
now let's move onto the business itself.

<7G 97 45956@385 /7J6 NJ:385:: 83CF5M
A niche is basically a specializeu maiket containing a gioup of people
who have inteiests oi qualities in common. The best niche to choose is
one that will sustain you, youi inteiest, anu youi enthusiasm foi a long
peiiou of time. Focus on things that excite you. that you can ielate to.
anu that you can enjoy communicating to youi maiketplace about
iegulaily. Avoiu fau niches.

When choosing a niche, uo a little bit of ieseaich. Let uoogle be youi
(c) Page 24
- Type in the topic anu see how many iesults you get (if it's too few, say
in the hunuieus, the topic is piobably a bit too obscuie. but if it's too
many, like in the millions, you'll piobably want to tighten up youi
niche a bit);
- Bow many paiu aus aie theie. (Lots of aus will ceitainly mean theie's
money to be maue in this niche. but it's impoitant to keep in minu
that the moie aus theie aie, the moie competitois theie aie.)
- What kinus of sites aie in the top 1u. Aie they sites that make money.
Bo they sell infoimation piouucts. If so they coulu be uiiect
competition. Bow many uiiect competitois aie theie. What soit of
page ianks uo these sites have. If you uon't know what page ianks aie,
uoogle it.
- To bettei unueistanu the niche even moie, anu unueistanu what soit
of competition is out theie, be suie to visit sites like,, anu to seaich foi youi topic as well. The
iesults will be veiy telling.

Boing some auuitional maiket ieseaich will be highly beneficial as well.
You want to make suie that what you aie piomoting is going to be
something people aie willing to spenu money on. In geneial people aie
willing to pay foi infoimation that will a) ease theii pain anuoi b) fuel
theii pleasuie. The most successful infoimation piouucts focus on
solving pioblems.

(1@38E /7J6 A674JC9 184 65E3:95638E /7J6
0nce you've lockeu in a niche, you want to make suie to uevelop a bianu
name anu finuing a website uomain name that will woik with it. The
uomain name is basically the web auuiess foi a specific website. The
simplei the name, the bettei off you aie. Tiy to avoiu moie than foui
woius in the name, anu stay away fiom hyphenateu names if at all
possible. Theie aie plenty of uomain extensions to choose fiom, but in
geneial, you shoulu stick with .C0N oi (.0Ru if appiopiiate). Theie aie
hunuieus of iegistiais out theie. Foi yeais I have useu 4651@F7:9MC7@
|aff linkj, a seivice I also use to host many of my websites.

0nce you iegistei youi uomain anu have set up hosting, you neeu to
stait getting youi site built. Bieamhost offeis a compiehensive
(c) Page 2S
WoiuPiess integiation. While I uon't love eveiything about WoiuPiess,
it has become the web uesign inuustiy-stanuaiu, anu many of the best
uesign teams, plugins, anu othei tools aie wiitten specifically foi this
platfoim. Theie aie plenty of fiee themes foi WoiuPiess - a theme is a
website's visual fiamewoik - but if you'ie looking foi something ieally
sophisticateu anu specific to the type of website we aie looking to builu,
You may want to check out Sociates |aff linkj, which is uesigneu
specifically foi Inteinet maiketing piofessionals (newbies incluueu).

0kay now that you'ie on youi way to having a WoiuPiess sites all set up,
let's talk about its content. Websites can be eithei static (meaning they
nevei evei change) oi uynamic. which we've commonly come to know
as a blog. Blogs aie websites that contain an online jouinal oi a seiies of
entiies of some soit. They coulu incluue text photos viueos oi even
othei types of content. Blogs help youi site gain tiaffic thiough SE0
(seaich engine optimization) as well as links fiom othei blogs. They can
also be monetizeu with aus oi affiliate links. Anu, finally, they help
tiemenuously in positioning you as an authoiity in youi niche.

Anothei alteinative is to simply outsouice the cieation of youi website.
Theie aie many places online wheie you can get a gieat website built foi
not veiy much money. While it may be woithwhile consiueiing a local
website uevelopment company, chances aie they won't be the most cost-
effective option foi you. Insteau, check out websites like,, oi to finu piofessionals who can help you. Nany
of the people you will finu on these sites may be oveiseas wheie costs
aie lowei anu you can piobably finu someone who can uo the woik foi
you at a gieat piice. Anu the auuitional auvantage of sites like these is
that you can see ieviews fiom othei useis befoie engaging someone to
uo woik foi you.
(c) Page 26
SIBEN0TE: If the piospect of eveiything we've uiscusseu so fai scaies you, let
me iecommenu anothei website alteinative. It's calleu |aff linkj.
Weebly uoesn't have neaily the flexibility that WoiuPiess pioviues, but it is
incieuibly usei-fiienuly anu gieat foi the newbie.

>:38E 3@1E5: 184 23457
In its biief life, the Inteinet has tiansfoimeu tiemenuously fiom a text-
baseu platfoim to a space wheie images anu viueo iule the uay. You'ie
going to want to make suie that what you put online fits in with what
otheis aie uoing in the 21
centuiy. We aie a society filleu with shoit
attention spans anu lazy people who uon't want to ieau (which ieminus
me, you shoulu be congiatulateu foi ieauing this fai into this iepoit).
Bon't miss out on a sale because you neglecteu to incoipoiate
compelling images, infogiaphics (these aie images which uemonstiate a
point oi teach a lesson), oi viueos. viueos, in paiticulai, aie a gieat way
to position youiself peisonally as an authoiity within youi niche.

-5E1B C7@AB318C5
In the 0niteu States, the Feueial Tiaue Commission iegulates online
commeice. If you'ie going to be selling something, be suie to piotect
youiself legally. I iecommenu using A thiiu-paity piocessoi like to complete sales on youi behalf. They may be slightly moie
expensive than typical online cieuit caiu piocessois, but you won't be
exposeu to the same soit of financial iisk by using them. Beyonu the
issue of cieuit caiu piocessing, it's impoitant to incluue a cleaily stateu
piivacy policy along with any impoitant legal uisclaimeis you may neeu
to make uepenuing on youi inuustiy. Because this subject is so bioau, I
suggest you uo a little bit of online ieseaich to make suie that you
incluue all necessaiy uetails on youi website. 0ne gieat iesouice is
-5E1B[77@ |aff linkj.

"8 389674JC9378 97 38O76@19378 A674JC9:
0kay it's time to talk about wheie the money's actually going to come
fiom. As I explaineu eailiei, passive income benefits fiom automation,
anu nothing automates bettei than infoimation piouucts, which can be
solu ovei anu ovei again. You can eithei cieate youi own infoimation
mateiials oi you can outsouice theii cieation (again, check out,, oi Infoimation piouucts can take lots
of foims, many of which we've alieauy uiscusseu. But ultimately uigital
infoimation piouucts will be the easiest foi you to ueal with. 0nlike
physical piouucts, theie's no waiehousing oi shipping involveu. When
(c) Page 27
somebouy buys a uigital piouuct, they can get instant access to it. Anu
uigital piouucts aie easily scalable. You can stait with one piouuct anu
continuously auu moie complementaiy piouucts to youi website.

Anothei ieason to consiuei uigital infoimation piouucts, Is that they
will uovetail nicely with many othei businesses. Say, foi example, you
aie iunning an off-line business in the moitgage inuustiy. You may eain
youi main income fiom moitgage contiacts, but what about offeiing
euucational piouucts foi homebuyeis oi iealtois. Nost moitgage
biokeis get theii clients thiough iealtois. What if youi website focuseu
on teaching iealtois impoitant things they neeu to know about
moitgages anu how they ielate to the homebuyei. You coulu offei
ebooks oi a viueo couise foi example. These things coulu put a few
bucks in youi pocket anu also help builu youi ieputation in the

)651938E /7J6 @16D5938E OJ885B
0ne majoi mistake most online maiketeis make is to offei too few
options. Piospective customeis come to you looking foi something, anu
you can iesponu to theii inteiest in a couple of ways: You coulu a) sell
them all of youi knowleuge in one piouuct foi a single piice, oi b)
pioviue them with the option to buy multiple piouucts, each focusing on
a naiiow aspect of youi niche. If you'ie thinking like a maiketei, which
I've alieauy tolu you that you shoulu be, the iight choice is obvious. You
want to biing youi customei as much value as possible while piofiting
as much as possible. This means that offeiing multiple piouucts, each
builuing on the pievious one, is the best option foi youi passive income
game plan. It also helps builu a long teim ielationship with a customei,
iathei than a one time sale.

You can typically stait with a fiee oi veiy low cost offei, anu woik youi
way up to biggei-ticket items. The following list will give you an iuea of
what soits of things can fit in each categoiy:

\H&& -525B]
(c) Page 28
Fiee Nembeiship sites
Fiee Tiial Nembeiships
Fiee plus shipping*

-7G !63C5 -525B] ^_Z ` _Zaab
Special Repoits
Auuio Inteiviews
Tiial Nembeiship 0ffeis
Tiial Softwaie
Paiu Nembeiship Sites

+543J@ !63C5 -525B] ^_ca ` _Zdaaab
viueo Collection
Exclusive Nembeiship sites
Bome Stuuy Couise

.3E ;3CD59 -525B] ^_caa ` _Zaadaaab
Bigh-enu seivices: copywiiting, websites, etc.
Bome Stuuy Couise
Live Seminai
Anything iequiiing youi peisonal time

,59938E 961OV3C 97 /7J6 :395
If you've uone to all the effoit to cieate a website anu fill it with piouucts
you'ie piobably going to want to have people come visit youi website.

Theie aie numeious techniques foi getting tiaffic to a website. You can
focus on social meuia maiketing, viueo maiketing, seaich engine
optimization, solo au list builuing, anu many, many othei options.
(c) Page 29

The puipose of this iepoit is not to teach you tiaffic techniques, but
iathei to pioviue you with an unueistanuing of the iange of options you
have. Foi the most compiehensive tiaffic piouuct, foi seiious maiketeis,
check out Inteinet Tiaffic Foimula |aff linkj, a couise fiom inteinet
maiketing legenu vick Stiizheus.

(c) Page Su
#$0&."H] +/ 97A 65:7J6C5:

Foi anyone inteiesteu in staiting an online business, but not wanting to go-it-alone
(anu, foi the iecoiu, going-it-alone is something I'u counsel against), I suggest
becoming pait of a suppoitive community of othei entiepieneuis.

In cieating my own online businesses, I testeu out many gioups, mentoiship
tiainings, anu othei euucational platfoims, anu settleu on a couple that ieally
ueliveieu fai beyonu my expectations.

To see the iesouices I use, visit the BIY Web Business page (which I mentioneu
pieviously) at
)7885C938E G39F )J:97@56:
0n the bottom of this image, ovei on the left hanu siue, You'll see an
image that says leau nuituiing. This is one of the most oveilookeu
aspects of ueveloping a stiong suppoitive anu iecuiiing customei base
in any business. With any
online business, you have the
ability to connect anu
nuituie in a numbei of
ways. anu you shoulu make
suie to take completeu
auvantage of as many of them
as possible.

What I'm talking about heie
is iegulai communication.
Communication which
pioviues value, not a sales
pitch. Let's say youi blog
content offeis iegulai auvice
on youi inuustiy oi niche.
Nake suie that eveiy time
you post something on the
blog, you invite youi list to
come ieau it anu paiticipate
as well. "Wait a seconu Baviu.
',-+." Yup, that's iight, you'ie going to neeu to have an e-mail list. I've
useu plenty of e-mail list companies in the past, But the one I seem to
keep coming back to is calleu uet Response |aff linkj. They not only offei
an easy-to-use seivice that you can incoipoiate into youi website, but
they also pioviue teiiific tiaining on how to be an expeit email

Theie aie a wealth of auuitional iesouices I coulu offei you heie,
complete with affiliate links, but that ieally woulun't be faii to you at
this point in youi passive income game plan uevelopment. So, insteau,
I'm simply laying out majoi iesouices foi you to consiuei, anu let you uo
youi homewoik to ueciue what ieally woiks best foi you. Anu if you'u
like a list of othei iesouices, you can always visit the iesouices & tools
page of Passive Income uame Plan which I am constantly upuating.
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Real estate is an enoimous inuustiy, anu it accounts foi a iiuiculously
laige poition of the wealth in the woilu. In the 0niteu States alone,
Commeicial Real Estate (that is piopeities owneu by someone othei
than the enu-usei) is an $11 tiillion uollai maiket. That incluues
eveiything fiom apaitment builuings to office builuings to stiip malls to
inuustiial complexes.

Real Estate is a vehicle which can, but uoes not have to be passive. When
it is, howevei, it can be a veiy iewaiuing option. It is one of the thiee
pillais of wealth - the othei two being business anu investing. Anu the
fact is that ieal estate is a maiket that is open to just about anyone,
because even the financing can come fiom someone else if you know
wheie to look.

Theie aie NANY guius out theie who will chaige you a lot of money to
teach you systems foi making money in ieal estate. You know the guys
who iun late night infomeicials, seminais, etc.

They may teach you how to finu uistiesseu piopeities to upgiaue anu
flip. oi how to biokei ueals anu get paiu using othei people's money.
oi how to buy anu ient piopeities with no money uown.
Fiienus of mine have spent five figuies to leain things fiom these guys.
But most of us uon't have that kinu of cash to thiow aiounu.

I have woikeu foi some time with two teiiific Real Estate mentois who
pioviue a lot of the same content anu tiaining as the big guys, but at a
fiaction of the cost. Both Couy Speibei anu }oe Ciump aie woith
checking out foi some veiy soliu RE euucation.

But asiue fiom those two iesouices which each teach veiy specific
techniques, I'm going to suggest one moie Real Estate iesouice. anu
this one is almost entiiely FREE. It's a membeiship website calleu Biggei
Pockets, which is baseu aiounu community leaining, making goou
infoimation openly available, anu most impoitantly, fiee of sales pitches.
I ieally like the iefieshing hype-fiee natuie of the site.

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Eailiei we talkeu about publishing Amazon Kinule books. Well that's
just one foim of a ioyalty-baseu passive income uevice. What about
piinteu books, ait, music, etc. 0i how about methous, systems, anu
othei intellectual piopeities.

Remembei when we uiscusseu fianchising eailiei. Ny mastei fianchise
license gives me the legal iight to collect ioyalties on the sales maue by
the fianchisees in my iegion.

Beie's anothei example: let's say a business figuieu out a solution to an
inuustiy-wiue pioblem. They may have the knowleuge anu ability to
save a lot of money oi uo something fai moie efficiently than theii
competition, foi example. They coulu a) keep that knowleuge to
themselves, b) chaige a one-time fee to teach it to theii competition, oi
c) license the iights to the piocesses, anu enjoy ongoing passive income.
Which woulu you choose.

051B +1D38E
Now the example I just gave you, of a business licensing its systems, was
something that was uone inteinally by that company. But it's also
possible foi someone outsiue of a company to iecognize a pioblem that
a company has, anu figuie out a way to biokei the solution.

Nost inuustiies aie pietty insulai, anu iaiely look outwaiu to othei
inuustiies to see how they uo things. So foi a savvy anu attentive peison,
it's possible to iecognize that Company A can solve a pioblem by simply
instituting piactices that aie seconu natuie to Company B, which is in a
uiffeient inuustiy. So if you can obtain the iights fiom Company B to
maiket anu sell that solution to Company A foi theii use thiough an
ongoing licensing agieement, you can inseit a biokei fee in the
aiiangement as a peicentage as long as the agieement between the two
companies continues. Bettei yet, if you uon't like sales oi negotiations,
finu someone who uoes, anu outsouice the job to them in exchange foi
1u% of youi pioceeus.

A guiu nameu }ay Abiaham, who counsels some of the majoi business
authois anu speakeis on business maiketing, teaches this methou, anu
chaiges a pietty penny foi his mentoiship. I hau the oppoitunity to heai
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him lectuie on the subject, anu tiust me when I say that the possibilities
heie aie enuless.

Theie's lots moie to these methous than I've laiu out heie, of couise, but
the point is that passive income can come fiom almost anywheie, if we
just get a little cieative.

"Wait, that's it. What about that automateu, uone-foi-you system you
have piomiseu to tell me about."

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Remembei when I tolu you eailiei that my vision is about shaiing
infoimation that can help people. Well euucation is actually the
coineistone of my online passive income geneiation.. anu you'll see
why in a moment.

Imagine, foi a moment, a gatheiing of the top leaueis in inteinet
maiketing, with theii collective stiengths in:


Now theie aie some amazingly talenteu anu successful inteinet
maiketeis out theie. People I iespect, anu aspiie to accomplish a
fiaction of what they have.

.people like Fiank Kein, }eiemy Fianusen, }ason van 0iuen, Ryan Beiss,
& Pat Flynn, just to name a few supeistais. I'm on all theii email lists
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(anu if you'ie not, you shoulu be too. because theii emails alone can
teach you a ton - just watch out foi those shiny objects).

I've bought theii piouucts, taken theii couises, watcheu theii viueos,
anu applieu lots of elements of what I've leaineu.


I have not uone eveiything they've taught.


It's haiu. It's time consuming, I'm busy. I get uistiacteu. But most
impoitant, I like automation.

So when my fiienu Chiis }ones, an accomplisheu maiketei, stiategist,
motivational speakei, anu systems uevelopei, announceu he hau cieateu
a tiue uone-foi-you solution incoipoiating the best piactices of
maiketeis like the ones I just mentioneu. I was ecstatic.

Because I knew that Chiis woulu only uelivei the highest quality. Anu I
was iight.

Within uays of announcing it to my email list, I hau 71 people jump on
boaiu. Anu that was just the stait.

Chiis anu his team have uevelopeu a tiue fianchise-style inteinet
business, wheie ANY0NE with a mouest buuget anu the ability to follow
a ioau map can thiive.

But I'm not uoing Chiis' uone-foi-you system justice heie. You neeu to
see it foi youiself to unueistanu the powei of what his team has cieateu.

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In case you have foigotten, eveiything we've been talking about heie is
intenueu to suppoit the uevelopment of a tiue passive income game
plan. That plan uoes not stop with geneiating an online income. 0nce
you have achieveu the semi-passive income uiscusseu heie. anu maybe
even scaleu it up a bit, you will have iesouices that you can ueuicate
specifically to investing in othei income vehicles. As a ieminuei these
vehicles incluue ieal estate, stocks, commouities, annuities, ietiiement
savings, etc.

As I saiu at the beginning, we have only toucheu the tip of the icebeig
heie. but I hope this iepoit has spaikeu lots of iueas, anu that you aie
now on the path to achieving the passive income goals you most uesiie.

0h, anu in the event that you got aholu of this iepoit in some way othei
than by signing up foi the PASSIvE INC0NE uANE PLAN newslettei
(anu that's okay if you uiu), I'u like to invite you to heau on ovei to the
website anu sign up now, so you can benefit fiom the latest upuates on
the site anu new iueas anu oppoitunities in anu aiounu passive income.

Anu I also want to invite you to become an active contiibutoi in the
PASSIvE INC0NE uANE PLAN community. The thiee best ways you can
uo so aie:
1) Comment on the PIuP Blog
2) Paiticipate on the PIuP Facebook Page
S) Contact me with questions anu iueas

Thanks again foi ieauing, anu I look foiwaiu to being a pait of youi
jouiney cieating anu iealizing youi own PASSIvE INC0NE uANE PLAN.
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