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Curriculum Vitae

Personal Details
Full Name : Naqiyyah
Address : Kalijajar Street 9 Bintoro Demak 59511
Place Date o! Birth : "e#ara$ %ay &1
(ender : Female
)ealth : Per!ect
%arital Status : Sin*le
+eli*ion : ,slam
Nationality : ,ndonesia
Phone Num-er : ./19011/012903&
e0mail : naqiyyah4es5et6*mail4com
Education Details
14 1999 0 '..& : Kriyan .2$ 7lementary School$ "e#ara
'..& 0 '..2 : Sultan Fatah$ 7lementary School$ Demak
'4 '..2 0 '../ : Nahdhatul 8lama$ ,slamic "unior )i*h School$ Demak
&4 '..9 0 '.11 : Senior )i*h School 1 Demak
24 '.11 0 No9: %ana*ement$ 7conomics Faculty o! ,slamic 8ni:ersity o! Sultan A*un*$
Course & Training Experiences
'.1& 0 No9 : Pri:at ;S#eakin*$ <istenin*$ and =ritin*>
'.1& : ?rainin* @enter ,slamic <eadershi# Academic
'.1' : 7n*lish ?utorial Pro*ram
'.1& '.12 : 7n*lish S#eakin* Pu-lic
Organizational Experiences
14 '.1& : %em-er o! 7FF7@? A 7n*lish Forum !or 7conomic FacultyB
'4 '.1& C '.12 : %em-er o! ),%%A) A)im#unan %ahasis9a Dak9ahB
&4 '.1& C No9 : %em-er o! (7N?A A(erakan Pecinta Anak DatimB
(ood attitude$ communicati:e$ hum-le$ tar*et oriented$ disci#line$ -e res#onsi-le$ and :isionary
Semaran*$ "une '
$ '.12
Motivation Statement
Dear sir or madam$
, am 9ritin* to a##ly !or the Asia Summer Pro*ramEs Scholarshi#4 , am no9 in 1th
semester o! %ana*ement$ 7conomics o! Faculty$ Sultan A*un* ,slamic 8ni:ersity4 , -elie:e my
moti:ation can -e -etter understood out o! my studies so!t skills -ut most o! all$ a *enuine
interest in the de:elo#ment o! education and a raisin* need to take an acti:e role in the strate*ies
to de:elo# them4
)onestly$ , am a curious #erson4 ?here are so many thin*s that , 9ant to kno9 and do4 ,
-elie:e that those make me smarter$ more mature$ and -etter4 So$ i! , #ass Asia Summer
Pro*ramFs test$ , 9ill *et the ne9 kno9led*e and ne9 eG#erience4
As a student o! 7conomics Faculty at Sultan A*un* ,slamic 8ni:ersity majorin* in
%ana*ement$ , ha:e numerous acti:ities4 , ha:e chance to -ecome the mem-er o! H@lass o!
Fa:orite / 0 %ana*ementH$ it is the #ro*ram 9hich , am #roud o! so much4 Because , ha:e the
more ad:anta*es o! its academic system and the *reat !riends there4
Beside studyin*$ , also join or*ani5ations and courses4 ?he or*ani5ations are 7FF7@?
A 7n*lish Forum !or 7conomic FacultyB$ ),%%A) A)im#unan %ahasis9a Dak9ahB$ (7N?A
A(erakan Pecinta Anak DatimB4 , ha:e -een joinin* the 7n*lish courses$ they are #ri:ate course
!or s#eakin*$ listenin*$ and 9ritin* !or & months$ and 7SP A7n*lish S#eakin* Pu-licB !or '
semesters4 , mean that the acti:ities are a :ery re9ardin* time$ 9hich *a:e me a 9hole ne9
#ers#ecti:e on li!e and o! course on my so!t skill4
7:en thou*h my major has *i:en me much kno9led*e -ack*round to -e an intellectual o!
economic -ut , still need o##ortunity to eG#lore more4 , ha:e to de:elo# my study to enrich my
skill and -roaden my kno9led*e4 So$ this is the *ood o##ortunity to me to make it real4
?he !act that the Asia Summer Pro*ram is tau*ht at %alaysia$ it is :ery a##ealin* to me4 ,
consider their education system is a *reat eGam#le o! the e!!ect o! *ood 9ill$ determination$ and
hard 9ork4 , 9ould like to catch some o! that s#irit$ and s#read it around once , am -ack in my
uni:ersity4 ?he ada#tion o! the *ood %alaysian ha-it$ system$ and education is needed so much$
then , 9ill *i:e the #ositi:e im#act to others o! my !aculty4 ?his !actor de!initely hi*hli*hts the
Asia Summer Pro*ram amon* others and makes the learnin* #rocess much more interestin*4 ,t is
my #ur#ose to *et this scholarshi#4
, consider mysel! to -e a *ood candidate !or Asia Summer Pro*ram Scholarshi# -ecause
, am a *ood student$ disci#line$ -e res#onsi-le :isionary$ and moti:ated #erson 9ho -elie:es
that , can do somethin* !or *oodness o! my uni:ersity$ es#ecially my !aculty 9here , ha:e -een
studyin*4 , 9ill do my -est 9ith all maGimum e!!orts , can *i:e !or my uni:ersity4 ,nsya Allah$ ,
-elie:e that , can do much -etter i! , am trained and de:elo#ed throu*h Asia Summer Pro*ram4
?hank you :ery much !or considerin* my request4 , look !or9ard to your #ositi:e

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