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Jacky Chen

English 101
Dear Reader,
Are you tough enough to survive in prison? Prison life in
prison can be a pain in the ass. With the disgusting, disturbing
environment, what is there to love about it? Nothing. here!s a
reason why people go to there. hey done something bad and the
law caught up with them. What better way to portray prison then
to ma"e a show out of it. A perfect e#ample is $range is the New
%lac". $range is the New %lac" is a show based on a true story.
his Netfli# series focus on the story is of a woman name Piper
&hapmen and her e#periences living in prison. 'he is a bise#ual
woman who was involved in a drug smuggle with her former
girlfriend Ale# (ause. When Ale# (ause got caught, she sold out
Piper in order to get a reduced sentence. Due to Piper!s
involvement )* years ago, she was to serve )+ months.
hroughout the show, Piper e#perienced ups and down as well as
facing some bi,arre inmates. Don!t underestimate the life in
prison. -t is something to fear. .ou got to be tough. No wimps are
allowed. here is no privacy. .ou must not show fear but instead
be intimidating. /et me as" you, do you have what it ta"es to
survive in prison?
Orange is the New Black
The show revolves aroun a wo!en"s na!e #i$er Cha$!en as
well as the other in!ates% Every one o& the! ha a story o& how they
were 'e&ore laning in $rison% The story is 'ase o&& the 'ook Orange
is the New Black( )y *ear in a +o!en"s #rison 'y #i$er ,er!an%
+o!en are $ortraye in $rison as vulnera'le an no $ower% The use
o& !en as security guars an the way they take avantage o& the
wo!en clearly shows that the !an has the $ower% One guar na!e
#a'lo is $ortraye to 'e a ouche'ag% #a'lo is known to 'e a
wo!ani-er an the !ost controlling o& all the $rison guars% +ith the
#ornstache. it !akes a lot o& sense% /e see!s to 'e the one that a lot
o& the in!ates islike while 0a! /ealy is hate 'y #i$er Cha$!an% 1n
the 'eginning. 0a! see!e to 'e on #i$er"s sie an even o&&ering
her avice how to survive in $rison% 2s the show $rogresses. 0a!
'eca!e 'itter towars #i$er an al!ost getting her kille%
+hile in $rison. #i$er got along with the other in!ates as well as
hooking 'ack u$ with her &or!er girl&rien who got her in $rison%
3etting along with the in!ates was $art o& the survival in the $rison
as it will 'ene&it her% #i$er wante to show that $rison is not &un%
+riting her story !ay hel$ $revent anyone &ro! !aking a !istake
that can lan the! in the og house% +ith all the horri'le stu&& shown
in the !ovie as well as the &ight &or survival. no one woul want to 'e
in that $osition% +hile $rison li&e can 'e 'a. the show e$icts that
the in!ates can still have a goo ti!e%
2 lot o& the in!ates in the show were shown to get along with
each other 'ut it looke as i& they were !ore segregate% )ost o& the
white girls get along an !ost o& the 'lack girls get along% 2s they
get to know each other !ore. they &elt attach to one another an when
so!e o& the in!ates serve their ti!e. they were e!otionally u$set
leaving the $rison 'ut at the sa!e ti!e they were ha$$y% Even when
one o& the in!ates a$$arent suicie. they all &elt re!orse &or her%

0o!e o& the &e!ale in!ates are shown to 'e !ore controlling
an o!inant towars the other% 1r!a. one #i$er"s roo!!ate. has a
tenency to 'e controlling towars the other in!ates% 0u-anne or
cra-y eye is !ore o!inant when she is angry% )any o& the
characters in the show is$lay so!e sort o& o!inance on other
in!ates% 4uring one scene where #i$er &inally stans u$ to 1r!a
'ecause she was &e u$ with all the things that were going on% 0he
!ae clear she wasn"t going to take anything &ro! anyone% 2s well as
the &inal scene o& the last e$isoe in season 1. #i$er e&en hersel&
against Ti&&any the cra-y Christian wo!an who atte!$te to kill her
4rugge 5 The eyewitness account o& #i$er
Cha$!an an 2le6 rug s!uggles
here it was 0une of )112. -t was a hot summer
day and violence on streets had never been worse. &rime
rates went up and drugs were easily accessible where -
lived. - was scared in my apartment every day, hoping that
- will survive the day. 3y house had been bro"en in the
other day but it didn!t matter because everything was
already stolen. 4ow did - ma"e a living? %y selling drugs.
-t wasn!t something that - wanted to do but - was scared
because if - left - could be shot and it helped puts food on
the table. $ne day two lady came into the drug lab and
introduced themselves to me. heir names were Piper
&hapman and Ale# (ause. hey were loo"ing for my boss
and - directed them. $nce they went in to his office, -
started to ease drop on them. here they were, tal"ing
about smuggling drugs. $nce the deal was done, the two
ladies left with a duffle bag of heroines. -t was the last time
- saw them.
0ohn Adams 6 &onvicted felon
0trengths an +eaknesses
The show has several key strengths% By showing
how isgusting $rison li&e can 'e as well as the &ight
&or survival. this show can hel$ $revent $eo$le &ro!
oing stu$i things that can lan the! there% The also
show also e$icts how $eo$le i& you !ess with
another in!ates. so!e are cra-y enough that they will
want to kill you% +ith the lack o& $rivacy. $rison oes
not look &un% The show $ortrays the environ!ent o&
$rison an &ro! what 1 can see it oes not look &un%
+ith so!e e6$licit scenes throughout the show.
so!e $eo$le !ay &ine this show to 'e o&&ensive% 7ro!
nuity to cursing as well as so!e grueso!e $arts.
this show isn"t !eant &or the &aint o& heart% The show
coul also 'e too li'eral &or so!e% 7ro! transvestites
to les'ian an Christianity. the show has a variety o&
!ulti-cultural $eo$le that so!e !ight not acce$t% The
show also !ake $rison see!s !ore en8oya'le% )ost i&
not all the in!ates in the $rison are shown to have
so!e sort o& lu6uries such as T%9% 1 o not 'elieve that
$rison shoul $ortray to 'e a &un environ!ent when in
reality it is so!ething to &ear%
Conclusion -
Overall the show is very en8oya'le% +hile the &irst &ew e$isoes
!ae !e want to shoot !ysel&. it was well worth it% 1 reco!!en this
show to anyone who loves ra!a% +inning 11 awars this show is a
!ust see% )any &ans can agree that this show a 'ig hit% 2lreay
having two seasons out. !any !ore are looking &orwar &or season :%
+ith so!e co!ey !i6e in. the show can 'e &unny at ti!es% The
show is e&initely not reco!!en &or chil as there are nuities an
gra$hic scenes% /owever this show in a way teaches us all a lesson
an the anger 'ehin $rison walls% 7or those $eo$le who en8oy a
goo ra!a show an want to learn what $rison is sort o& like then
Orange is the New Black is &or you%

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