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Solar Flare Could Unleash Nuclear

Holocaust Across Planet Earth, Forcing

Hundreds Of Nuclear Power Plants Into
Total Meltdowns
! Mi"e Ada#s
September 13, 2011
Forget about the 2012 Mayan calendar, comet Elenin or the Rapture. The real threat to human
civiliation i! "ar more mundane, and it#! right in "ront o" our no!e!.
$" Fu%u!hima ha! taught u! anything, it#! that &u!t one runa'ay meltdo'n o" "i!!ionable
nuclear material can have 'ide(ranging and potentially deva!tating con!e)uence! "or li"e on
To date, Fu%u!hima ha! already relea!ed $%& ti#es the total radiation relea!ed "rom the
*iro!hima nuclear bomb detonated in 1+,-, and the Fu%u!hima cata!trophe i! no'
undeniably the 'or!t nuclear di!a!ter in the hi!tory o" human civiliation.
.ut 'hat i" human civiliation "aced a "ar greater threat than a !ingle t!unami de!troying a
nuclear po'er "acility/ 0hat i" a glo'al tidal wa(e could de!troy the po'er generating
capacitie! o" all the 'orld#! po'er plant!, all at once/
Such a !cenario i! not merely po!!ible, but "actually inevitable. 1nd the global tidal 'ave
threatening all the nuclear po'er plant! o" the 'orld i!n#t made o" 'ater but solar e#issions.
The !un, you !ee, i! acting up again. 21S1 recently 'arned that !olar activity i! !urging, 'ith
a pea% e3pected to happen in 2013 that could generate enormou! radiation level! that !'eep
acro!! planet Earth. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 425116 ha!
even i!!ued an urgent 'arning about !olar "lare! due to !tri%e in 2012 and 2013.
IBtimes 'rote, 70ith !olar activity e3pected to pea% around 2013, the Sun i! entering a
particularly active time and big "lare! li%e the recent one 'ill li%ely be common during the
ne3t "e' year!. 81 ma&or "lare in the mid(1+th century bloc%ed the na!cent telegraph !y!tem,
and !ome !cienti!t! believe that another !uch event i! no' overdue.9
The !tory goe! on to e3plain:
Several federal government studies suggest that this extreme solar activity and emissions
may result in complete blackouts for years in some areas of the nation. oreover! there may
also be disruption of po"er supply for years! or even decades! as geomagnetic currents
attracted by the storm could debilitate the transformers.#
0hy doe! all thi! matter/ To under!tand that, you have to under!tand ho' nuclear po'er
plant! "unction. 5r, put another 'ay, ho' i! nuclear material prevented "rom 7going nuclear9
every !ingle day acro!! our planet/
E(er! nuclear )ower )lant o)erates in a
near*#eltdown state

1ll nuclear po'er plant! are operated in a near(meltdo'n !tatu!. They operate at very high
heat, relying on nuclear "i!!ion to boil 'ater that produce! !team to drive the turbine! that
generate electricity.
<ritically, the nuclear "uel i! prevented "rom melting do'n through the !teady circulation o"
coolants 'hich are pu!hed through the cooling !y!tem u!ing very high po'ered electric
$" you !top the electric pump!, the coolant !top! "lo'ing and the "uel rod! go critical 4and then
melt do'n6. Thi! i! 'hat happened in Fu%u!hima, 'here the melted "uel rod! dropped
through the concrete "loor o" the containment ve!!el!, unlea!hing enormou! )uantitie! o"
ioniing radiation into the !urrounding environment.
The "ull e3tent o" the Fu%u!hima contamination i! not even %no'n yet, a! the "acility i! !till
emitting radiation.
$t#! crucial to under!tand that nuclear coolant pump! are u!ually driven by )ower fro# the
electrical grid. They are not normally driven by po'er generated locally "rom the nuclear
po'er plant it!el". $n!tead, they#re connected to the grid. $n other 'ord!, even though nuclear
po'er plant! are generating mega'att! o" electricity "or the grid, they are al!o dependant on
the grid to run their o'n coolant pump!.
$" the grid goe! do'n, the coolant pump! go do'n, too, 'hich i! 'hy they are )uic%ly
!'itched to emergency bac%up po'er = either generators or batteries.
1! 'e learned 'ith Fu%u!hima, the on(!ite batterie! can only drive the coolant pump! "or
around eight hour!. 1"ter that, the nuclear "acility i! dependent on diesel generators 4or
!ometime! propane6 to run the pump! that circulate the coolant 'hich prevent! the 'hole !ite
"rom going <hernobyl. 1nd yet, critically, thi! depend! on !omething rather obviou!: The
delivery of diesel fuel to the !ite. $" die!el cannot be delivered, the generator! can#t be "ired up
and the coolant can#t be circulated. 0hen you gra!p the importance o" thi! !upply line
dependency, you 'ill in!tantly under!tand 'hy a !ingle !olar "lare could unlea!h a nuclear
holocau!t acro!! the planet.
0hen the generator! "ail and the coolant pump! !top pumping, nuclear "uel rod! begin to melt
through their containment rod!, unlea!hing ungodly amount! o" li"e(de!troying radiation
directly into the atmo!phere.
Thi! i! preci!ely 'hy >apane!e engineer! 'or%ed !o hard to reconnect the local po'er grid to
the Fu%u!hima "acility a"ter the tidal 'ave = they needed to bring po'er bac% to the
generator! to run the pump! that circulate the coolant. Thi! e""ort "ailed, o" cour!e, 'hich i!
'hy Fu%u!hima became !uch a nuclear di!a!ter and relea!ed countle!! bec)uerel! o" radiation
into the environment 4'ith no end in !ight6.
1nd yet, de!pite the de!truction 'e#ve already !een 'ith Fu%u!hima, ?.S. nuclear po'er
plant! are no'here near being prepared to handle !u!tained po'er grid "ailure!. 1! IBtimes
$ast month! the Nuclear %egulatory &ommission said '.S. plants affected by a blackout
should be able to cope "ithout electricity for at least eight hours and should have procedures
to keep the reactor and spent(fuel pool cool for )* hours. Nuclear plants depend on standby
batteries and backup diesel generators. ost standby po"er systems "ould continue to
function after a severe solar storm! but supplying the standby po"er systems "ith ade+uate
fuel! "hen the main po"er grids are offline for years! could become a very critical problem. If
the spent fuel rod pools at the country,s -./ nuclear po"er plants lose their connection to the
po"er grid! the current regulations aren,t sufficient to guarantee those pools "on,t boil over
0 exposing the hot! 1irconium(clad rods and sparking fires that "ould release deadly
radiation.# 4http:;;'''.ibtime!.com;article!;1+,86
2o', 'hat doe! all thi! have to do 'ith !olar "lare!/
How the end of #odern ci(ili+ation will
#ost li"el! occur

1! any !u""iciently in"ormed !cienti!t 'ill readily admit, !olar "lare! have the potential to
'low out the transfor#ers throughout the national po'er grid. That#! becau!e !olar "lare!
induce geo#agnetic currents 4po'er"ul electromagnetic impul!e!6 'hich overload the
tran!"ormer! and cau!e them to e3plode.
@ou#ve probably 'itne!!ed thi! your!el" during a lightning !torm 'hen lightning unlea!he! a
po'er"ul electromagnetic pul!e that cau!e! a local tran!"ormer to e3plode. Solar "lare! do the
!ame thing on a much larger !cale. 1 global !cale, in "act.
The up!hot o" thi! !ituation i! that !uddenly and 'ithout 'arning, the po'er grid
in"ra!tructure acro!! nearly the entire planet could be de!troyed. 1! a bonu!, nearly all
!atellite! 'ill be "ried, too, leaving ABS inoperable and cau!ing million! o" cluele!! driver! to
become "orever lo!t in their o'n neighborhood! becau!e they never paid attention to the
!treet! and al'ay! relied on a ABS voice to tell them, 7$n "i"ty "eet, turn right.9
<ommunication! !atellite! 'ill be obliterated, too. Thi!, o" cour!e, 'ill halt nearly all ne'!
propaganda di!tribution acro!! the planet, cau!ing ten! o" thou!and! o" people to in!tantly die
out o" the !heer "ear o" !uddenly having to thin% "or them!elve!.
1! another bonu!, nearly all mobile phone !ervice 'ill be di!rupted, too, meaning all the
teenage te3t &un%ie! o" the 'orld 'ill, "or the "ir!t time in their live!, be "orced to lay do'n
their iBhone! and interact 'ith real people in the real 'orld.
.ut the real %ic%er in all thi! i! that the )ower grid will 'e destro!ed nearl! e(er!where.
,hat ha))ens when there-s no electricit!.

$magine a world without electricit!. Even "or &u!t a 'ee%. $magine 2e' @or% <ity 'ith no
electricity, or Co! 1ngele!, or Sao Baulo. 0ithin D2 hour!, mo!t citie! around the 'orld 'ill
devolve into total chao!, complete 'ith looting, violent crime, and runa'ay "ire!.
1nd i" you thin% you can &u!t drive a'ay "rom the chao!, thin% again: The !olar "lare 'ill fr!
all auto#o'iles that rel! on ignition electronics, 'hich mean! probably +EF o" the vehicle!
on the road today 'ill be in!tantly rendered !crap metal 4or pla!tic, a! it turn! out6.
.ut that#! not even the bad ne'!. Even i" all the ma&or citie! o" the 'orld burned to the
ground "or !ome other rea!on, humanity could !till recover becau!e it ha! the "armland!: the
!oil!, the !eed!, and the potential to recover, right/
1nd yet the real cri!i! here !tem! "rom the realiation that once there i! no po'er grid, all the
nuclear po'er plant! o" the 'orld !uddenly go into 7emergency mode9 and are "orced to rely
on their on(!ite emergency po'er bac%up! to circulate coolant! and prevent nuclear
meltdo'n! "rom occurring. 1nd yet, a! 'e#ve already e!tabli!hed, the!e "acilitie! typically
have only a "e' hour! o" battery po'er available, "ollo'ed by perhap! a "e' day! 'orth o"
die!el "uel to run their generator! 4or propane, in !ome ca!e!6.
Gid $ al!o mention that hal" the people 'ho 'or% at nuclear po'er "acilitie! have no idea 'hat
they#re doing in the "ir!t place/
Mo!t o" the veteran! 'ho really %no' the "acilitie! in!ide and out have been "orced into
retirement due to reaching their lifeti#e li#its o" on(the(&ob radiation e3po!ure, !o mo!t o"
the 'or%er! at nuclear "acilitie! right no' are ne"bies 'ho really have no clue 'hat they#re
There are //0 nuclear )ower )lants operating acro!! 30 countrie! around the 'orld today.
There are an additional 2-0 !o(called 7re!earch reactor!9 in e3i!tence, ma%ing a total o"
roughly 100 nuclear reactors to be dealt 'ith 4http:;;'''.'orld(;in"o;i86.
2o' imagine the !cenario: @ou#ve got a ma!!ive !olar "lare that %noc%! out the 'orld po'er
grid and de!troy! the ma&ority o" the po'er grid tran!"ormer!, thru!ting the 'orld into
dar%ne!!. <itie! collap!e into chao! and rioting, martial la' i! )uic%ly declared 4but it hardly
matter!6, and every nation in the 'orld i! on "ull emergency.
.ut that doe!n#t !olve the really big problem, 'hich i! that you#ve got 100 nuclear reactors
that can#t "eed po'er into the grid 4becau!e all the tran!"ormer! are blo'n up6 and yet
!imultaneou!ly have to be "ed a !teady !tream o" emergency "uel! to run the generator! the
%eep the coolant pump! "unctioning.
*o' long doe! the coolant need to circulate in the!e "acilitie! to cool the nuclear "uel/
Months2 Thi! i! al!o the le!!on o" Fu%u!hima: @ou can#t cool nuclear "uel in mere hour! or
$t ta%e! months to bring the!e nuclear "acilitie! to a !tate o" cold !hutdo'n. 1nd that mean! in
order to avoid a multitude o" Fu%u!hima(!tyle meltdo'n! "rom occurring around the 'orld,
you need to truc" diesel fuel, generator part! and nuclear plant 'or%er! to every nuclear
"acility on the planet, 52 T$ME, every time, 'ithout "ail, "or month! on end.
2o' remember, thi! mu!t be done in the middle o" the total chao! brea%do'n o" modern
civiliation, 'here there i! no po'er, 'here la' en"orcement and emergency !ervice! are
totally overrun, 'here people are !tarving becau!e "ood deliverie! have been di!rupted 4all the
vehicle! got "ried in the !olar "lare, remember/6, and 'hen looting and violent crime run!
rampant in the !treet! o" every ma&or city in the 'orld. Someho', de!pite all thi!, you have to
run the!e die!el "uel caravan! to the nuclear po'er plant! and %eep the pump! running.
E3cept there#! a problem in all thi!, even i" you a!!ume you can !omeho' 'or% a logi!tical
miracle and actually deliver the die!el "uel to the bac%up generator! on time 4'hich you
probably can#t6.
The problem i! thi!: ,here do !ou get diesel fuel.
,h! refineries will 'e shut down, too

From )etroleu# refineries2 Mo!t people don#t realie it, but petroleum re"inerie! run on
electricit!. 0ithout the po'er grid, the re"inerie! don#t produce a drop o" die!el. 0ith no
die!el, there are no generator! %eeping the coolant running in the nuclear po'er "acilitie!.
.ut 'ait, you !ay: Maybe 'e could &u!t ac)uire die!el "rom all the ga! !tation! in the 'orld.
Bump it out o" the ground, load it into truc%! and u!e that to po'er the generator!, right/
E3cept there are other problem! here: *o' do you pump all that "uel 'ithout electricity/ *o'
do you ac)uire all the tire! and !pare part! needed to %eep truc%! running i" there#! no
electricity to %eep the !upply bu!ine!!e! running/ *o' do you maintain a truc% delivery
in"ra!tructure 'hen the electrical in"ra!tructure i! totally 'iped out/
Some countrie! might be able to pull it o"" 'ith !ome degree o" !ucce!!. 0ith #ilitar!
escorts and the total government control over all "uel !upplie!, a "e' nation! 'ill be able to
%eep a "e' nuclear po'er "acilitie! "rom melting do'n.
.ut here#! the real i!!ue: There are D00 nuclear po'er "acilitie! in the 'orld, remember/ Cet#!
!uppo!e that in the a"termath o" a ma!!ive !olar "lare, the nation! o" the 'orld are !omeho'
able to control hal" o" tho!e "acilitie! and nur!e them into cold !hutdo'n !tatu!. That !till
leave! roughly 3-0 nuclear "acilitie! at ri!%.
2o' let#! !uppo!e hal" o" tho!e are !omeho' luc%ily o""line and not even "unctioning 'hen
the !olar "lare hit!, !o they need no !pecial attention. Thi! i! a very optimi!tic a!!umption, but
that !till leave! $13 nuclear )ower )lants 'here all attempt! "ail.
Cet#! be outrageou!ly optimi!tic and !uppo!e that a third o" tho!e !omeho' don#t go into a
total meltdo'n by !ome miracle o" Aod, or !ome biarre t'i!t in the la'! o" phy!ic!. So
'e#re !till le"t 'ith $$3 nuclear )ower )lants that 7go <hernobyl.9
Fu%u!hima 'a! one po'er plant. $magine the deva!tation o" 100H nuclear po'er plant!, all
going into meltdo'n all at once acro!! the planet.
$t#! not the lo!! o" electricity that#! the real problemI it#! the glo'al tidal wa(e of in(isi'le
radiation that blan%et! the planet, permeate! the top!oil, irradiate! everything that breathe!
and deliver! the "inal cru!hing blo' to human civiliation a! 'e %no' it today.
.ecau!e i" you have $00 si#ultaneous glo'al nuclear #eltdowns, the tidal 'ave o"
radiation 'ill ma%e "arming nearly impo!!ible for years. That mean! no "ood production "or
!everal year! in a ro'. 1nd that, in turn, mean! a near(total collap!e o" the human population
on our planet.
*o' many people can !urvive an entire year 'ith no "ood "rom the "arm!/ 2ot one in a
hundred people. Even beyond that, ho' many people can e!!entially li(e underground and
be !a"e enough "rom the radiation that they can have viable children and repopulate the
planet/ $t#! a very, very !mall "raction o" the total population.
Solar flares far #ore li"el! to hit nuclear
)ower )lants than tidal wa(es or

0hat#! the chance o" all thi! actually happening/ 1 report by the 5a% Ridge 2ational
Caboratory !aid that 78over the !tandard ,0(year licen!e term o" nuclear po'er plant!, solar
flare acti(it! ena'les a 55 )ercent chance of long*ter# )ower loss, a ris" that
significantl! outweighs that of #a6or earth4ua"es and tsuna#is.9
The 'orld#! reliance on nuclear po'er, you !ee, ha! doomed u! to de!troy our o'n
civiliation. 5" cour!e, thi! i! all preventable i" 'e 'ould only dis#antle and shut down
A77 nuclear )ower )lants on the )lanet. .ut 'hat are the chance! o" that happening/ Jero,
o" cour!e. There are too many commercial and political intere!t! inve!ted in nuclear po'er.
So the po'er plant! 'ill !tay, and 'e 'ill there"ore be vulnerable to a !olar "lare 'hich could
!tri%e u! at any time and unlea!h a global nuclear holocau!t. Blanet Earth ha! been !truc% by
!olar "lare! be"ore, o" cour!e, but all the big hit! in recorded human hi!tory too% place long
'efore the age of #odern electronics, !o the impact! 'ere minimal.
Today, !ociety cannot "unction 'ithout electronic!. 2or can nuclear "acility coolant pump!.
5nce you realie that, you begin to under!tand the true danger in 'hich humanity ha! placed
it!el" by relying on nuclear po'er.
.y relying on nuclear po'er, 'e are ri!%ing everything. 1nd 'e#re doing it blindly, 'ith no
real ac%no'ledgement o" the danger! o" running D00H nuclear "acilitie! in a con!tant !tate o"
7near meltdo'n9 'hile "ooli!hly relying on the !teady "lo' o" electricity to %eep the "uel rod!
cool. $" Fu%u!hima, all by it!el", could unlea!h a tidal 'ave o" deadly radiation all by it!el",
imagine a 'orld 'here hundreds of nuclear facilities go into a total meltdo'n
1 repeat o" the 1E-+ !olar !torm = called the <arrington Event = 'ould 7deva!tate the
modern 'orld,9 admit! a National 2eographic article: http:;;ne'!;8
0hat can you do about any o" thi!/ uild !ourself an underground 'un"er and prepare to
live in it "or an e3tended period o" time. 4>u!t a "e' "eet o" !oil protect! you "rom mo!t
The good ne'! i! that i" you !urvive it all and one day return to the !ur"ace to plant your non(
hybrid !eed! and begin rebuilding human !ociety, real estate will 'e reall!, reall! chea).
E!pecially in the radiation one!.
Ta"e this seriousl!8 9ead #ore fro# NASA
From 21S1:
3ust before da"n the next day! skies all over planet 4arth erupted in red! green! and purple
auroras so brilliant that ne"spapers could be read as easily as in daylight. Indeed! stunning
auroras pulsated even at near tropical latitudes over &uba! the Bahamas! 3amaica! 4l
Salvador! and 5a"aii. 4ven more disconcerting! telegraph systems "orld"ide "ent hay"ire.
Spark discharges shocked telegraph operators and set the telegraph paper on fire. 4ven "hen
telegraphers disconnected the batteries po"ering the lines! aurora(induced electric currents
in the "ires still allo"ed messages to be transmitted6#
78a! electronic technologie! have become more !ophi!ticated and more embedded into
everyday li"e, they have al!o become more vulnerable to !olar activity. 5n Earth, po'er line!
and long(di!tance telephone cable! might be a""ected by auroral current!, a! happened in
1+E+. Radar, cell phone communication!, and ABS receiver! could be di!rupted by !olar radio
noi!e. E3pert! 'ho have !tudied the )ue!tion !ay there i! little to be done to protect !atellite!
"rom a <arrington(cla!! "lare. $n "act, a recent paper e!timate! potential damage to the +00(
plu! !atellite! currently in orbit could co!t bet'een K30 billion and KD0 billion.9

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