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Ideas for Mot i vat i ng

Speci fi c Personal i t y Types

For st udent s mot i vat ed by Try

Gregari ousness

(the desire to socialize and
work with others)

Distribute interest inventories
Give choices
Create social situations
Work in small groups
Complete projects with partners
Paired readings
Allow access to educational, social networking sites
Allow options for presentations, debates

Aut onomy

(the desire to be

Distribute interest inventories.
Give choices.
Give students option to work alone.
Grade students in groups separately
Provide individual jobs during group work
Let students work in quiet, independent workspace

St at us

(the desire to
feel important)

Distribute interest inventories.
Give choices
Publicly praise
Provide leadership roles in classroom
Provide healthy, positive competition
Congratulate on specific successes

Inqui si t i veness

(the desire to know)

Distribute interest inventories.
Give choices.
Give student question notebook
Encourage research
Provide research opportunities
Explain why
Implement enrichment and higher order thinking tasks

For st udent s mot i vat ed by Try

Aggressi on &

(the desires to assert and
have control)

Distribute interest inventories.
Give choices
Dont get into power struggles. Say yes
Be action-oriented rather than reactive
Be concise and direct
Provide leadership positions
Demonstrate respect and tolerance for their beliefs
Ask for their help/ideas
Channel energy into a good cause
Use caution with praisemay be perceived as false
Give power in positive ways

Recogni t i on

(the desire to be
acknowledged for

Distribute interest inventories
Give choices
Acknowledge accomplishments
Validate their feelings
Publicly praise
Give specific verbal praise
When giving criticism, make it positive (e.g., Youre off
to an excellent start with this. Could you elaborate more
on Id love to read more of your thoughts on)
Hang work on the wall/hall
Ask if you can use their work as an example for next
Share their work with colleagues, principal

Affi l i at i on

(the desire to associate with
and belong to a group)

Distribute interest inventories.
Give choices.
Make class t-shirts
Write name on class door
Let students create teams
Play friendly games on teams
Get involved in sports/groups
Let student know he/she is an integral part of your
Create a classroom community

Terms of Use

Thanks so much for downloading! This product is intended for a single classroom or caseload use.
Please do not redistribute, sell, or edit for resale without prior permission from the author. Thank you!

Credi t s

Background from from HUGE Seller's Toolkit Bundle - Digital Papers, Borders, Frames, and Fonts!

8 Human Motivators from Rick Lavoies Motivation Breakthrough

Font CC Booyah from

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