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Moringa oleifera is a tree brought from the mind of God to the hands of man.

It was identified by
the National Institutes of Health as the Botanical of the Year for 2007 and acclaimed again in
20!! and 20!2. It is treasured globally for its ability to cure o"er #00 conditions. It has the $ower
to retain substantial concentrations of electrolyte minerals allowing it to stay internally hydrated
in the driest of conditions. %fricans ha"e honored it with titles that translate to& 'Ne"er (ie) and
'*he +nly *hing that Grows in the (ry ,eason) and 'Mother-s Mil..) I thin. it-s safe to assume
that this $lant has $reser"ed more li"es in #rd world countries than any other. /hy do I say
this0 *his $henomenal tree is ca$able of su$$lying what the body re1uires and these
en2ymatically acti"e amino acid se1uences may sim$ly not e3ist in the food chain somewhere
else and that is 4ust the ti$ of the nutritional iceberg with regards to Moringa oleifera.
It-s a regrettable fact that our own 'ci"ili2ed) food su$$ly no longer feeds us well nutritionally.
+ur meals are comforting and tastes good but as far as our cells are concerned an e3cessi"e
amount of what we eat is o"er5$rocessed denatured and acidic and ends u$ de$leting our
bodies5 robbing us rather than feeding us. *oday-s /estern diet has twice the calorie inta.e of a
consumer in !678 and we are recei"ing 789 less nutrient "alue for current calories consumed.
, daily 1uality nutrient su$$lementation is no longer a choice but a necessity for health.
/e all need to su$$lement our diets in the most efficient and economical means $ossible.
/hen we e"aluate the incidence of disease affecting the #!7000000 :.,. citi2ens ;2!8 million
obese or o"erweight 80 million with heart disease <8 million with chronic headaches << million
with osteo$orosis #7 million with arthritis #0 million with sinus $roblems 27 million with
diabetes 76 million $re5diabetes !2 million with cancer 7 million with %l2heimer-s= and we
understand the connection between nutrition and disease it seems ob"ious but we should as.
how did this come to $ass. Hi$$ocrates will be $ro"en right& food is indeed our medicine and the
solution to disease.
Moringa oleifera su$$lies a rare mi3ture of 2eatin ;a $otent antio3idant= 1uercetin ;a fla"onoid
.nown for its ability to neutrali2e free radicals and relie"e inflammation= beta5sitosterol ;a
nutrient su$erstar that bloc.s cholesterol formation or build5u$ and is an anti5inflammatory agent
for the body= caffeoyl1uinic acid ;another highly effecti"e anti5inflammatory substance= and
.aem$ferol ;a .ey nutrient that $romotes healthy body cellular function=. +"erall en2ymatically
acti"e and bioa"ailable Moringa oleifera $ro"ides #7 natural anti5inflammatory agents. >ree
radical deterioration caused by highly reacti"e o3idati"e molecules has been
identified as the source of many maladies through mechanisms for e3am$le inhibition of
telomerase changes to cellular $ermeability and (N% damage. It has been established that
Moringa oleifera contains <7 distinct antio3idants.
Based on Memorial ,loan5?ettering @ancer @enter-s website 'In "itro and animal studies
indicate that the leaf seed and root e3tracts of Moringa oleifera ha"e anticancer ;#= ;<=
he$ato$rotecti"e;!0= hy$oglycemic ;!2= anti5inflammatory ;!#= ;!<= antibacterial ;!A= ;!6=
antifungal ;20= anti"iral ;2!= and antisic.ling ;#7= effects. *hey may also $rotect against
%l2heimer-s disease ;26= stomach ulcers ;2<= hel$ lower cholesterol le"els ;28= and $romote
wound healing ;#0=.) %ll I can say is '/+/B) /hen well .nown cancer clinics start to tout the
ad"antages of a natural botanical then we .now that there must be something to itB But that-s
4ust the ti$ of the iceberg with Moringa oleiferaB
*his 'miracle tree) has the ca$acity to $ro"ide all of the amino acids necessary for body system.
Crotein is needed not 4ust for the structural com$onents for e3am$le muscle and tissues but
neurotransmitters hormones en2ymes and immunoglobulins as well. *here are numerous
nutrients that can ha"e a beneficial effect on enhancing immune system function and Moringa
oleifera undoubtedly 1ualifies in this category because of the ability to $ro"ide some of these
Degarding the immune system among the list of functions of the bodyEs defence mechanism is
to .ee$ $athogens from growing $roliferating and damaging tissues. Moringa oleifera has been
$ro"en to be anti5bacterial anti5fungal anti5"iral and antibiotic which will definitely reduce the
load on the immune system. >urthermore Moringa oleifera illustrates the cabability to be a
$otent deto3ifying agent.
%ma2ingly the lea"es of this ama2ing tree contain 7 times the "itamin @ found in oranges <
times the calcium in mil. < times the "itamin % in carrots 2 times the $rotein of yogurt 28 times
the iron in s$inach and # times the $otassium in bananas.
*he real mystery is how this four thousand year5old $anacea $lant went missing and
disa$$eared from the dietary hori2on. >ortunately it has rea$$eared. %s a matter of fact the
Bethesda Maryland5based International Fye >oundation is now using Moringa with its high
content of beta5carotene con"erting to Gitamin % in the body to fight childhood blindness.
(octors are utili2ing Moringa oleifera to deal with diabetes in /est %frica and high blood
$ressure le"els in India.

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