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... through Bertha Dudde

Gods instruction
to educate fellow human beings about esus ....
Where!er the o""ortunit# of mentioning the di!ine Redeemer
esus $hrist "resents itself to #ou% #ou should s"ea& of 'im and
em"hasise 'is great significance for e!er# single "erson ....
Where "ossible% #ou should moti!ate "eo"le to remember 'im%
for e!er#one &nows 'im% e!er#one has heard of 'im% #et onl# a
few ha!e a li!ing faith in 'im% and onl# the# can "arta&e in the
blessings of the act of (al!ation .... But the# are "recisel# the
ones who should tr# to in!igorate their fellow human beings faith
in 'im% Who alone can sa!e them from s"iritual ad!ersit#% which
will onl# be "erce"ti!el# felt after their bod# dies.
)ou should not fail to ma&e use of e!er# a!enue in order to steer
the con!ersation towards esus $hrist% e!en if the other "erson
feels uncomfortable about it .... #ou should sim"l# as& him what
esus means to him% whether he has alread# thought about the
doctrines regarding 'im and what conclusion he has come to ....
*!en if the# onl# want acce"t 'im as a human being% Who
ad!ocated 'is own "hiloso"hies of life and sacrificed 'is life for
these o"inions% #ou can ne!ertheless e+"lain to them that 'e
was certainl# a man who li!ed among "eo"le% but that 'e had to
fulfil a s"iritual mission and that e!er# "erson can deri!e benefit
from that mission if he wants ....
,ndeed% most "eo"le onl# regard their life on earth as an end in
itself and dont belie!e in their souls continuation of life ....
-e!ertheless% #ou should also tr# to unsettle these o"inions and
trul#% , will "lace the right Words into #our mouth if all #ou
endea!our to do is &indle a small light for these blind "eo"le% if
#ou want to hel" them fulfil their "ur"ose of earthl# life.
,f #ou are imbued b# the &nowledge which corres"onds to the
truth% #ou will time and again feel im"elled to con!e# this
&nowledge to "eo"le and then o""ortunities will arise where it is
"ossible for #ou% and , trul# bless e!er#one who tries to "ersuade
his fellow human beings to belie!e in esus% because esus must
not be b#."assed if the soul wants to attain bliss one da# when it
enters the s"iritual realm after "h#sical death.
/his faith in the souls continuation of life is li&ewise lac&ing in
most "eo"le% conse0uentl#% it is difficult to educate them% #et no
stone shall be left unturned% for the miser# such souls are
a""roaching is indescribable and if #ou can hel" them s"are such
wretchedness the# will be eternall# grateful to #ou% for one da#
e!er# soul will gain realisation% e!en if it still ta&es eternities ....
*!er#thing relating to esus% 'is life on earth% 'is crucifi+ion and
'is ascension% is a m#th for "eo"le which the# certainl# &now%
but cannot belie!e that these e!ents% which are hugel# significant
for each indi!idual still unenlightened soul% to be true. 'owe!er%
#ou humans li!e on this earth to attain the goal of releasing
#oursel!es from e!er# form and entering the &ingdom of the
be#ond in a s"iritualised state.
But to do so it is crucial that #ou find redem"tion through esus
$hrist% that 'e hel"s #ou attain freedom% because onl# 'e can
loosen the chains which still tie #ou to Gods ad!ersar#. 'e alone
can hel" #ou attain eternal life% and thus #ou must ac&nowledge
'im and hand #oursel!es o!er to 'im so that 'e will ta&e #our
immense guilt u"on 'imself and so that 'e might ha!e gi!en 'is
blood for #ou as well% which 'e shed on the cross for all "eo"le%
"ast% "resent and future.
,f #ou acce"t 'im and a""eal to 'im to ta&e the immense guilt
from #ou% #ou will also suddenl# be able to thin& differentl# ....
man# things #ou "re!iousl# were unable to understand will
become com"rehensible to #ou. For this reason #ou should at
least acce"t information about 'im when it is con!e#ed to #ou%
for shall go astra#% but it is u" to the human being
himself whether he wants to let himself be sa!ed ....
1et #oursel!es be educated about esus and 'is act of (al!ation%
about the s"iritual reason for it and about #our "ast original sin%
which #ou cannot atone for #oursel!es but can onl# be released
from through the di!ine Redeemer esus $hrist .... 2nd dont
wal& "ast 'im in earthl# life% tr# to muster the understanding for
the &ind of mission 'e had to fulfil on earth
and belie!e that e!er# "erson must ta&e the "ath to the cross ....
belie!e that e!er# human being must carr# his guilt of sin under
the cross% which means% that he must ac&nowledge esus $hrist
as (on of God and Redeemer of the world% in Whom God 'imself
became human in order to redeem humanit# from sin and
death ....
3ublished b# friends of new re!elations of God 4,nformation%
download of all translated re!elations% at5


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