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Transition Meeting-May 30, 2014

Transition meetings are primarily held for students with exceptionalities prior to entering
kindergarten or transitioning from elementary school to middle school or from middle school to
high school. The purpose of the transition meeting is to alleviate any anxiety or concerns a child
or parent may have upon entering their new surroundings and to ensure supports are in place so
that the child has every opportunity to reach their full potential. Academic,
behavioural/emotional and physical needs are addressed to facilitate a smooth entry into the
school system. Transition meetings usually take place in May or June before the end of the
school year.
I had the opportunity to attend a transitional meeting at our school involving all of our
grade five students who will soon be transitioning into Middle School. In attendance were the
Vice Principal and the EST-R from the Middle school, the EST-R from our elementary school
and myself. The grade five teachers also attended on a rotating basis. Our Vice principal was
scheduled to attend but was absent on this particular day.
In preparation for the meeting, the administration contacts the middle school where the
majority of our students will attend and sets a date agreeable to all parties. A specialist in our
school is designated to relieve each grade 5 homeroom teacher for 30 minutes, allowing them to
join a portion of the meeting and contribute to the process. Each grade 5 homeroom teacher
(HRT) has prepared a class list with relevant information on each student. The HRT informs the
middle school representatives of the strengths and needs of all students as well as their choice of
program (English Prime, Early French Immersion or Late French Immersion). The primary role
of the EST-R is to expand upon any students who are on an SEP, receive EA support, are
accommodated, have behavioural/emotional disorders, have medical issues or are involved with
outside agencies As each student was being presented the middle school representatives were
free to ask questions to clarify any uncertainties.
I found this transition meeting to be very beneficial for everyone involved. The grade five
teachers and the EST-R were very well prepared and spoke passionately about each student,
ensuring that academic and emotional needs as well as special interests were clearly conveyed to
the staff from the middle school. The information gathered will be passed on to the grade 6
teachers and will be used to form classroom compositions with the best interests of the students
in mind.

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