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553008 Seat No.

First Year LL. B. Examination
Apri l /May 2003
General Principles of Law of Contract &
Specific Relief Act
(New Course)
Ti me : 3 Hours] [Total Marks : 100
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Instructions : (1) Wr i te the same questi on no. i n your
answerbook menti oned i n the questi on paper.
(2) Fi gures to the right indicate full marks.
1 Di scuss i n detai l provi si ons i n I ndian Contract Act 16
regardi ng Agreement agai nst Publ i c Pol i cy.
1 Gi ve the di fi ni ti on of offer and Acceptance and di scuss the
essenti al s of i ts.
2 Di scuss ful l y the provi si ons i n the I ndian Contract Act 16
regardi ng performance of the Contract.
2 What i s Quasi -Contract ? Expl ai n i l l ustrati onsQuasi -
553008] 3 [ 1500 ]
3 Discuss any three of the fol l owi ng : 16
(1) Voi dabl e agreement
(2) I ncompetent person
(3) Fraud and mi srepresentati on
(4) Appropri tati on of payments of debt
(5) Devol uti on of joi nt ri ghts
(6) Contract with pardanashin l adi es.
4 Expl ai n i n detai l : (any two) 16
(1) Hadley V/s. Baxendol e
(2) Tweddle V/s. At-ki nson
(3) Carlill V/s. Carbol i c Smoke Bal l and Co. Ltd.
(4) Currie V/s. Mi sa.
5 Expl ai n gi vi ng poi nts of di sti ncti on : (any two) 16
(1) Mi stake of fact and Mi stake of l aw
(2) Anti ci patory breach of contract and frustrati on of
(3) I l l egal consi derati on and i mmoral consi derati on
(4) I nvi tati on to offer and counter offer.
6 What i s the meani ng of speci fi c performance of a 20
contract ? Whi ch contracts can not be speci fi cal l y
performed ? Expl ai n thi s wi th i l l ustrati on.
6 Expl ai n i n detai l : 20
(1) Cancel l ati on of i nstrument
(2) Permanent and temporary i njucti on
(3) Decl atory decree
(4) Qui a-ti met acti on.

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