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A. Pomerleau
Indexing terms: PID controller, Nichols chart, Maximum peak resonance specification
Abstract: The paper presents a unified approach
for the design of PID controllers, based on the
contours of the Nichols chart. Using a maximum
peak resonance specification, the controller
parameters are adjusted such that the open-loop
frequency response curve follows the
corresponding contour. This approach gives the
possibility of handling (at the same time) the
maximum peak overshoot, the minimum phase
and amplitude margins and the bandwidth of the
closed-loop system. The method can be applied to
a wide range of processes and it provides useful a
priori information concerning the behaviour of
the closed-loop system. Different ways are
proposed for the calculations of the controller
parameters. An optimisation procedure is first
proposed to illustrate the basic idea of the
method, but the aim of the paper is to provide
simple tuning expressions for low-order models.
These expressions are given for stable, integrating
and unstable processes.
1 Introduction
Proportional integral (PI) and proportional integral
derivative (PID) controllers are widely used in the
process industries. The simplicity and the ability of
these controllers to solve most practical control prob-
lems have greatly contributed to this wide acceptance.
Many tuning methods using different approaches have
been proposed in the literature. Most common methods
are based on ultimate cycle information [l, 21, first-
order models [3], pole-zero cancellation and internal
model control [4-71, integral error criteria [S-111 or
phase and amplitude margin specifications [12-151.
Interesting surveys of these approaches have been pre-
sented [16, 171. Comparisons of the performances and
the robustness of well-known tuning methods have
been proposed [18].
0 IEE, 1997
ZEE Proceedings online no. 19971493
Paper first received 2nd December 1996 and in revised form 30th June
E. Poulin is with Breton, Banvilleet associes s.e.n.c., 325 bod. Raymond
Dupuis, Mont-St-Hilaire, QuCbec, Canada J3H 5H6
A. Pomerleau is with the DCpartement de Genie Electrique, UniversitC
Laval, Sainte-Foy, Quebec, Canada G1K 7P4
In recent papers, different approaches have been
taken to develop new PID tuning methods. An H, con-
troller with a PID structure has been proposed by [19].
Based on the D-partition, a graphical technique for
tuning PID-type controllers has been described [20]. A
constrained optimisation has been proposed [21]. The
pole placement technique applied to PID control has
been discussed [22, 231. Based on a control signal spec-
ification and the use of one or two points of the proc-
ess frequency response, a frequency-domain design
method have been presented [24]. A tuning method that
uses a specification on the desired trajectory of the
process output has been suggested [25]. Finally, PID
tuning formulas based on ultimate cycle information
for integrating processes has been proposed [26].
Despite the fact that many PI and PID tuning meth-
ods are available, the interest in developing new meth-
ods can be motivated by the desire to have a more
systematic and general approach and the need for sim-
ple and efficient tuning formulas that can be used by
nonexperts. The objective of this paper is to present a
tuning method that uses a unified approach and gives
consistent performances over a wide range of processes.
The method is based on the contours of the Nichols
chart, and it uses a maximum peak resonance specifica-
tion. It is the generalisation of the approach suggested
by Poulin and Pomerleau [27] for integrating and
unstable processes. This approach provides useful a pri-
ori information concerning the stability and the per-
formances of the closed-loop system and could also be
used as an analysis method. Different ways are pro-
posed for calculating the controller parameters. An
optimisation procedure is first proposed to illustrate
the basic idea of the method but the aim of the paper is
to provide simple tuning expressions for low-order
The tuning method is based on the contours of the
Nichols chart, and the specification is given in terms of
the maximum peak resonance M, of the closed-loop
system. The controller parameters are adjusted such
that the open-loop transfer function (controller proc-
ess) Gum) =G,(jo)G,(jo) follows the contour corre-
sponding to the desired M,. This approach has
interesting properties. It gives the possibility of simulta-
neously handling the maximum peak overshoot Mp, the
minimum phase and amplitude margins and the closed-
loop bandwidth. The method is general and can be
applied to almost all type of processes. It provides
important information concerning the stability of the
Basic idea of t he t uni ng met hod
IEE Proc-Control Theory Appl., Vol. 144, No. 6, November 1997 566
system and gives the possibility of anticipating its
closed-loop performances. For this reason, this
approach could also be used as an analysis tool.
Fig. 1 presents the frequency response of three open-
loop systems on the Nichols chart. The Nichols chart
overlaps the open-loop frequency response G(jw) and
the contours that represent constant amplitudes of the
closed-loop frequency response IH(jo)j = IG(jo)l/ 1 +
G(jo)l. The systems are composed of a PI controller in
series with a first-order process with delay. The curves
(i), (ii) and (iii) correspond, respectively, to a stable, an
integrating and an unstable process. The controller
parameters have been adjusted according to the present
method for the following specifications: (i): M, =OdB,
(ii): M, =3dB and (iii): Mr =6dB.
30 1
open-l oop phase,deg
Open-loop frequency responses of three types of system Fig. 1
(i) Stable process, (ii) integrating process, and (iii) unstable process
The main difference between these systems concerns
the phase at low frequency. It is -90" for stable proc-
esses, -180" for integrating processes and -270" for
unstable processes. Only controllers including an inte-
grator are considered to avoid static errors. In the mid-
dle frequency region, the GQo) curve follows the
specified contour. To obtain a stable closed-loop sys-
tem, the open-loop frequency response curve must pass
to the right-hand side of the critical point (-180", OdB).
At high frequency, the amplitude and the phase of the
systems decrease and the Gum) curve leaves the con-
tour and gets further away from the critical point. The
properties of the approach based on the contours of
the Nichols chart are discussed.
2. I
The maximum peak resonance M, and the maximum
peak overshoot Mp are closely related. For a second-
order system, an exact relation exists between Mp (in
%) and M, (in dB). It is given by [28]:
Overshoot to a setpoint change
1 - d1- '"-"'"] 1'2}
Adp =lO0exp {-7r [
1 +J 1 - 10-0.lMr
Since the frequency response of most closed-loop sys-
tems behaves like a second-order system in the fre-
quency region around the resonance frequency [29],
eqn. 1 can be used as a guideline for the selection of
M,. Table 1 presents interesting values obtained with
this relationship.
IEE Pvoc.-Control Theory Appl., Vol. 144, No. 6, November 1997
Table 1: Relation between Mr and Mp for a second-order
system and mi ni mum stability margins for a contour nlr,
Minimum &, Minimum A,,,
(deg.) (dB)
Mr(dB) Mp(%)
0.00 4.32 60.00
0.25 8.47 58.13
0.50 10.75 56.33
0.75 12.73 54.60
1 .oo 14.57 52.93
2.00 21.17 46.80
3.00 27.16 41.46
4.00 32.75 36.78
2.2 Minimum phase and amplitude margins
The fact that the GQo) curve follows, and does not
cross, the specified contour ensures that minimum
phase and amplitude margins are preserved. The mini-
mum phase margin $m corresponds to the difference of
the phase at which the contour crosses the OdB axis
and -180". The minimum amplitude margin Am is given
by the difference between OdB and the amplitude (in
dB) at which the contour crosses the -180" axis.
Table 1 presents the minimum stability margins for
different contours M,.
2.3 Closed-loop bandwidth
The frequency region over which the GQw) curve must
follow the specified contour influences the bandwidth
of the closed-loop system (ob). The selection of a
region located at high frequency implies that the system
will have a fast response (or a large bandwidth). The
selection of the frequency region is discussed in Section
The tuning method based on a M, specification thus
gives the possibility of handling, at the same time, the
maximum peak overshoot, the minimum stability mar-
gins and the closed-loop bandwidth. As a first
approach in calculating the controller parameters, the
search is formulated as an optimisation problem. The
distance between the open-loop transfer function and
the specified contour is directly minimised over a fre-
quency band. Despite the optimality of this solution,
efforts will be directed to develop simple approximate
relations. The optimisation procedure can become a
complex procedure for some systems or controllers.
Moreover, the acceptance of a tuning method and its
utilisation in the process industries principally rely on
its ease of use [24]. Simple relations based on the opti-
mal formulation of the approach will be established. In
the present case, the formulas are limited to processes
frequently encountered in the industries, (i.e. stable
(aperiodic), integrating and unstable processes), even
though the method can be applied to a wider range of
systems (e.g. complex poles systems).
The optimal form of the tuning method consists of the
direct minimisation of the distance between G(jo) and
the contour M, over a frequency region. This is a gen-
eral approach that can be used for high-order processes
and for any transfer function-type controllers. The dis-
tance between GQm) and the contour M, is calculated
in the Nyquist plane for mathematical convenience. An
elliptic contour on the Nichols chart becomes circular
Optimal form of the tuning method
in the Nyquist plane [30]. Let h be a particular contour
and X(m) and Y(m) be the real part and the imaginary
part of G(jm). The equation of the contour is:
- JX2( W) +Y"w)
J( X( w) +1 ) 2 +Y"U)
When h =1, the equation of the contour in the Nyquist
plane is a straight line parallel to the imaginary axis:
X ( w ) =-1/2 (3)
and the distance, at a particular frequency mi, between
GGm) and the contour is given by:
di I X ( W~ ) +1/21 h =1 (4)
When h >1, the contours are circular:
( X ( W ) - h2/(1 - h2))2 +Y"u) =( h/ ( l - h2) ) 2
and the distance at a particular frequency is:
di =/ ( X( ui ) - - h2 ) 2 +Y2 ( w; ) +-
1 - h2 1 - h2
3. I Optimisation problem formulation
The problem of finding controller parameters such that
the distance between Gum) and Mr is a minimum over
a frequency range is formulated as a constrained opti-
misation problem in the frequency domain. Using eqns.
4 and 6, the minimised criterion is given by:
J ( Qc )
5 IX(WZ) +1/21
r . 1
( 7)
where 0, represents the controller parameters. Con-
straints are introduced to preserve some properties of
the system. These constraints are:
20 log IH(jw,) I =MT ( 84
IH(PJ )l 2 1 w 5 U T ( 8b)
LG(ju,..) >-180" (84
where wr is the closed-loop resonance frequency and
w,, is the open-loop Crossover frequency. The first con-
straint (eqn. Sa) ensures that the specification is met
and not exceeded. The G(jw) curve follows but does not
cross the contour. The second constraint (eqn. 8b)
ensures that the relationship between M, and Mp is pre-
served. The closed-loop system must satisfy this rela-
tion to behave like a second-order system in the middle
frequency region [29]. Moreover, when this constraint
is not respected, the undershoot can be as important as
the peak overshoot. This could considerably increase
the time response. Finally, the last constraint (eqn. 8c)
ensures that the system is stable (i.e. that the frequency
response curve passes to the right-hand side of the crit-
ical point).
3.2 Selection of the frequency range
The criterion (eqn. 7) is minimised over a frequency
band. This gives the possibility of emphasising or
depressing a particular frequency region. This Section
proposes guidelines to select proper frequency ranges
and gives the ones used in this paper. However, it is
possible to use different regions to obtain systems with
different dynamic properties. Processes are gathered
into three groups: stable (aperiodic), integrating and
unstable. Processes with complex poles are omitted
here because they are rarely encountered in process
industries even though the method is applicable.
For stable processes, the frequency region where it is
important to follow the specified contour is located
between mco and f q80 (mlg0 is the frequency at which
LGGw) =-180"). At lower frequencies than coco, the
GQm) curve almost follows the OdB contour and above
q 8 0 , it is desirable to let GGm) go further away from
the specified contour for robustness and noise
immunity considerations. For processes with /GO..) <
=m,, and =mi 75 is the frequency at which
LG(jw) =-175"). Stable processes with LG(jm) + -90",
are not considered here, since unlimited performances
can be reached [ 5] .
-180", W1 =U,, and COk =W180. If LG(jm) + -180",
/ \
/ wmax
integrutmg and unstable processes
Contour in Nyquist plane for selection offyequency runge for
For integrating or unstable processes, the frequency
region where it is important that GGm) follows the
specified contour is located around the frequency
where the phase is maximum mm, (see Fig. 1). In this
frequency region, the G(jm) curve is forced to encircle
the contour. Locating the phase maximum near the
right-most point of the specified contour facilitates
such an encirclement [27]. The frequencies w1 and wk
are selected such that the frequency region includes
a,,, and is centred on the right-most point of the con-
tour on the Nichols chart. The frequency range can be
determined in the Nyquist plane using simple geometric
relations. These relations can be applied when MT >
OdB. Fig. 2 presents a contour in the Nyquist plane.
The contour is a circle centered at 0 (h2/(1 - h2), 0)
with a radius:
R =h/(h2 - 1)
IEE Proc-Control Theory Appl , Vol 144, No 6, November 1997
The right-most points of the contours on the Nichols
chart are located on the straight line X =-1 in the
Nyquist plane. According to Fig. 2, w1 and wk are cho-
sen such that GGu) is intercepted by the prolongation
of the vectors OA and OB. This gives a frequency
region centred around the right-most point of the con-
tour (in the Nichols plane) and approximately centred
around CO,,,. The value of the angle 9 (Fig. 2) is given
cp =arccos(L/R) (10)
L =h2/(h2 - 1) - 1
The parameter or, is usually chosen between 0 and 0.9.
In this paper it is taken as cr, = 0.75. As stable
processes, the limiting (and theoretical) case of LG(j w)
-+-90" is not considered.
4 Approximate forms of the tuning method
The previous Section has presented the optimal form of
the tuning method. Even if there exist powerful tools to
easily resolve constrained optimisation problems,
simple analytical relations to calculate the controller
parameters are still attractive. Simplicity and ease of
use are important factors that contribute to the
acceptance of the tuning method [24]. This fact is well
illustrated by the Ziegler-Nichols rules. They are still
used and discussed even if more powerful methods are
available. Moreover, simple relations are well suited for
autotuners and adaptive controllers. Finally, the
relations can also be used to initiate the optimisation
This Section presents simple tuning formulas based
on the contour concepts for PI controllers with the fol-
lowing transfer function:
K,(1 +Tis)
Ti s
G, (s) =
The approximate expressions are given for stable, inte-
grating and unstable second-order models with time
delay. These types of model can be used to conven-
iently represent most types of industrial processes [8].
4.1 PI tuning for stable processes
The formulas are established for a second-order model
with a time delay including a positive zero (nonmini-
mum phase). The model transfer function is given by:
T I >T ~>O Ti #O To20 (13)
The negative zero case is not discussed since this zero
can be cancelled. The basic idea of the approximate
method is to use Ti to properly shape Gum) in order to
follow an average contour, and to use K, to bring
G(j o) to the specified contour. This method assumes
that w,, =wr (i.e. that G(jw) is tangent to the specified
contour near CO," for the evaluation of K,).
The adjustment of the integral time constant depends
on To, Tl , T2 and 0, i.e.
The determination offo(To, Tl, T2, 0) using the optimal
procedure is a complex task and some simplifications
are proposed. The integral time constant is assumed,
after a normalisation with respect to TI , to have the
T, =fO(TO,~llT21Q) (14)
IEE Proc-Control Theory Appl., Vol. 144, No. 6, November 1997
following form:
T% =(1 +f(Q/ TI) +g(T2/Z) +h(TO/Tl)) Tl (15)
This means that the resulting T, is obtained by adding
the contributions of 8, T2 and To to TI . Eqn. 15
assumes that there is no interaction between 0, T2 and
To. The functions f (8/ Tl ), g(T2/T1) and h(To/TJ are
estimated by fitting low-order polynomials to the val-
ues obtained with the optimal procedure using Mr =
0.25dB. This specification is used since Mr =0.25dB
approximately leads to an 8 to 9% overshoot. This cor-
responds to the average accepted overshoot (0 to 15%)
for this type of system in process industries. Moreover,
the evaluation of Ti is fairly independent of M, since
the contours have a similar shape below the OdB axis
on the Nichols chart. The estimated functions are
given, respectively, by:
Fig.3 Optimal f(O/TI) ~ and approximatef(O/TI)
T2 /TI
Fig.4 Optimal g(TJT,) ~ and approximate grTiT,)
Figs. 3 and 4 present the optimal and the estimated
functions. According to experimental conclusions, the
effect of To on Ti can easily be neglected, thus,
h(To/T1) =0 (18)
The equation of integral time constant is given by:
(l +0.175$+0.3(~)2+0.2~) TI $ 5 2
Tz= {(0.65+0.35&+0.3(2)2+0.22) Ti E.> e 2
. \
Afterwards, knowing that G(jm) has the appropriate
shape (GOB) follows the average contour M, =
0.25dB), the proportional gain K, is adjusted such that
Gum) is tangential to the specified contour at coco. The
desired phase at mc0 corresponds to the angle of the
intersection point of the specified contour and the OdB
axis at the right-hand side of the point (OdB, -180) on
the Nichols Chart (see Fig. 1). The desired phase is
given by:
and the crossover frequency wco is obtained by solving:
$= - 7r/2 +arctan(T;w,,) - arctan(Towco)
4 =arccos (1 - 10- ~. ~~/ 2) - T
- arctan(TIw,,) - arctan(?iw,,) - Qwco
The proportional gain is then given by:
- K p
(T1T2)2w,60 +(T? +T,2)W& +wZo
K - - {
(TZTO)~W,~, +(T, +T,~)w% +1
( I
4.2 PI tuning for integrating processes
Approximate relations are obtained for a second-order
integrating model with time delay. The transfer func-
tion of the model is:
Section 3.2 has described the selection of the frequency
range for the optimisation. For integrating processes,
the frequency band is centred on the right-most point
of the contour on the Nichols chart. To obtain an ana-
lytical solution, this region is reduced to only one point
(q, =0). In simple terms, the controller parameters are
adjusted such that the point where the phase of the
open-loop transfer function is maximum G(jw,,J is
located at the right-most point of the specified contour.
The co-ordinate of this point (A,,, $Jmux) are given by:
4 m a z - - arccos ( ~ ~ / 1 0 ~ 0 5 M T ) - T (25)
This approach leads to a set of three equations with
three unknowns (Kc, Ti and coma,):
It is worth noting that, for this type of processes, the
closed-loop transfer function has an important zero
located at -1/T, since T, is generally greater than Tl.
This leads to large overshoots to setpoint changes. The
phenomenon can also be explained by the maximum
peak resonance that is typically high (3 to 6dB) for
integrating processes. The selection of Mr for integrat-
ing processes is discussed by [27]. An efficient way to
reduce the overshoot is to applied a first-order filter to
the setpoint. The time constant of the filter is adjusted
to cancel the zero of the closed-loop transfer junction
(i.e. Tsp =T,).
4.3 PI tuning for unstable processes
The transfer function of the second-order unstable
model with time delay is given by:
- Kp e- e
TI >0 ( 30)
(1 - Ti S)(l +T2s)
GP(4 =
The same approach as the one used for integrating
processes is taken to establish approximate relations.
The controller parameters are adjusted such that
GGcL),~~) is located on the right-most point of the speci-
fied contour (a,, =0). For this type of system, the abil-
ity of PI controllers to stabilise the system is limited.
The following relation must be satisfied to respect the
Nyquist theorem:
LG( j wmaz) =arctan(T,wmax) +arctan(Tlumax)
- arctan(T2wmax) - Qw,,, - 37r/2
Since the PI controller always reduces LGUm), eqn. 31
can be reduced to:
arctan(TIUma,) - arctan(T2wmax) - Qwmaz >0
Moreover, the specification must be chosen such that:
>-7r (31)
axctan(T~wmaz)-arctan(T~wmax)-Qwmax >i7-dmaz
This inequality means that the phase of KcGp(jm) at
CO,,, must be greater than $Jmu,. When eqn. 33 is not
respected, the PI controller cannot bring GO@) out of
the specified contour since it always reduces the phase
of the open-loop system. When the controller can stabi-
lise the system, the frequency mmux is located between 11
Tl and UT2.
Solving the set of equations given by eqn. 26 leads to
( 33)
Tz =4Tl(Q +T2)/ (Ti(4max +~ / 2 ) ~ - 4(Q+T))
Tt A ma x
K, =~
wl=d(T1 +Tz)/ (Tl Tz(@ +T2))
As integrating processes, the specified M, are typically
high [27] and the closed-loop transfer function has a
large zero. A first-order filter with Tsp =T, can be used
to reduce overshoots for setpoint changes.
IEE Proc -Control Theory Appl , Vol. 144, No 6, November 1997
4.4 PID tuning for stable, integrating and
unstable processes
The approximate relations for PID tuning are based on
the ones obtained for the calculations of the parameters
of PI controllers. The derivative time constant Td is
used to cancel T2 (stable and unstable processes) or TI
(integrating processes). The open-loop transfer function
is then given by:
K,(T,s +l)(TdS +1)
G( s ) = G, (SI
TZS(TfS +1)
Then, the tuning rules presented for PI controllers can
be applied using the model G'Js). For stable, integrat-
ing and unstable processes these models are given,
respectively, by:
G;(s) =
s(1 +TfS)
Ti >0 (40)
- KPecBs
GL(s) =
(1 - TIS)(l+ TfS)
Except for the cancellation of a stable zero (Tf =To),
the filter time constant is selected as a fraction of Td
(i.e. Tr =aTd). The selection of a relies on the noise
level and the desired acceleration of the system. This
parameter is typically chosen between 1/3 and 1/10 [31].
It is important to note that for unstable processes, the
selection of a influences the ability of the controller to
stabilise the system (see eqn. 31).
5 Examples and results
This Section presents an evaluation of the tuning meth-
ods previously discussed through different examples.
The first example puts in evidence interesting properties
of the tuning method based on the contours of the
Nichols chart. The second example discusses the accu-
racy of the approximate tuning relations compared to
the settings obtained with the optimal procedure.
Finally, the last example compares the performances of
the proposed method with those obtained by com-
monly used methods. In this paper, only stable proc-
esses are considered for the comparisons. The
evaluation and the comparison of the method for inte-
grating and unstable processes have been presented
[27]. The approximate method has been compared to
those suggested in [32, 331and has given generally bet-
ter results.
An interesting property of the proposed tuning method
is the ability to handle the overshoot via the maximum
peak resonance specification. The relation between Mp
and M, (eqn. 1) remains an acceptable guideline for a
wide range of processes. This property is illustrated for
a first-order process with delay, since this model can be
used to represent many industrial processes. The trans-
Properties of the tuning method
IEE Pro,.-Control Theory Appl., Vol. 144, No. 6, November 1997
fer function of the process is given by:
%( S ) =a (41)
Table 2 presents the PI parameters obtained using the
optimal approach and Mp for different delays 13. The
specified maximum peak resonance is 0.25dB. The
resulting overshoots are about 9% as predicted by
eqn. 1. The overshoots are almost constant for a )/TI
ratio going from 0.2 to 5. Fig. 5 presents the setpoint
change response of the different systems. The tuning
method gives consistent performances over a wide
range of )/TI.
Table 2: PI settings and maxi mum peak overshoots for
t he first-order process wi t h different delays given by
eqn. 41 CMr= 0.25dB)
8(S) M,(%) K, T; (s)
0.2 9.2 2.82 1.02
0.5 8.9 1.18 1.05
1 9.0 0.67 1.14
2 9.2 0.44 1.40
5 9.2 0.33 2.38
t i me,s
Fi 5
de& given fy eqn. 41
A4" =0.25dB
Set oint change responses for jrst-order process with dzerent
The use of the contours of the Nichols chart also
gives the possibility of anticipating the behaviour of a
closed-loop system. The suggested approach could be
used as an analysis tool. Consider the integrating proc-
ess given by:
Gp( s) =-
The PI parameters for a specification M, = 4dB
obtained by optimisation are K, =0.47 and Ti =4.71s.
The open-loop transfer function (-) of the system is
presented in Fig. 6. The transfer functions of systems
with different proportional gains (Ti is fixed at 4.71s)
are also presented (K, =0.10, 0.27 and 0.80). The cor-
responding setpoint change responses are shown in
Fig. 7. The interesting point is that increasing or
decreasing the proportional gain for this type of proc-
ess results in a less stable and a less damped system. In
both cases, the GO") curve crosses more concentric
contours and passes closer to the critical point (Fig. 6).
The idea of following a contour is thus an efficient way
to consider the stability and the performance of the
57 1
closed-loop system. This point is particularly evident
for the systems with proportional gains of 0.47 and
0.27. Both systems have the same phase margin (38.1")
but the second one has a larger amplitude margin
(14.3dB compared to 9.5dB). Even if the second system
has larger stability margins, it is less stable and less
damped than the system designed to follow the 4dB
open-loop phase, deg
Fig. 6 Open-loop f i e uency responses G(jw) for dserent proportionul
gains (T, fixed at 4. 71~1 for process given by eqn. 42
~ K, =0.47
K, =0.27
_ _ _ -
. . . . . . . . . . .
K, =0.10
- K, =0.80
r I
0 10 20 30 LO 50
fixed at 4.71 s) for process given by eqn. 42
Setpoint change responses for dserent proportional gains (T,
K, =0.27
K, =0.10
-. K, =0.80
___ K, =0.47
_ _ _ -
....... I . . .
5.2 Comparison of the optimal and the
approximate tuning methods
This example presents the results obtained with the
optimal approach and the approximate tuning method
for four different types of process. These processes are
named A, B, C and D and they are given, respectively,
G p a ( S ) =~ (43)
(1 4- s)2
(1 - s)ePs
Gp b ( S ) =(1 +s)(l +0.5s)
G p c ( S ) =~
s(1 +s)
The specifications and the tuning parameters are given
in Table 3. Figs. 8 to 11 present the response of the
different systems to a setpoint change followed by a
step disturbance applied at the process input. Gener-
ally, both optimal and approximate responses are simi-
lar. For process A (Fig. S) , the response obtained with
the approximate method is a little bit faster than the
response obtained with the optimal approach. It is
worth noting that the step disturbance (applied at the
process input) has an important effect on the output of
the system since the delay 8 is two times greater than
the dominant time constant TI . The responses pre-
sented for process B (Fig. 9) are practically identical.
For the integrating (process C, Fig. 10) and the unsta-
ble (process D, Fig. 11) processes, the responses are
close to one another. For these processes, a supplemen-
tary response is presented. It corresponds to the opti-
mal approach when a first-order filter with Tsp =Ti is
applied to the setpoint. This filter mostly eliminates the
Fig.8 Process A ( e n 43): responses to set point change followed by
step disturbance applie%to process input
- optimal method
approximate method
- - - _
Table 3: Optimal and approximate PI settings for processes A, B, C
and D, respectively, given by eqns. 43 t o 46
Process A Process B Process C Process D
0 4 8
Opt. Approx. Opt. Approx. Opt. Approx. Opt. Approx.
Kc 0.37 0.42 0.31 0.31 0.34 0.36 3.22 3.26
T4s) 1.71 1.85 1.33 1.35 6.94 7.61 1.36 - 1.46
572 IEE Proc-Control Theory Appl., Vol. 144, No. 6, November 1997
I ' I
1.2 1 n J
0 10 20 30 40 60
t i me,s
Fig.9 Process B (y 44): responses to set point change followed hj
step disturbance applie to pvocess input
~ optimal method
~~~~ approximate method
methods considered for the comparisons are the ITAE
method [I81 for setpoint tracking (ITAE-setpoint) and
disturbance rejection (ITAE-load) and the pole-zero
cancellation (PZC) method [17]. To obtain fair compar-
isons, the proportional gain for the PZC was adjusted
to produce the same Mp as the one obtained with the
ATMC. The PI parameters, the maximum peak over-
shoots, the stability margins, the 95% rise time (t,) and
the +5% settling time (tJ are presented by Table 4.
Fig. 12 presents the response of the different systems
to a setpoint change followed by a step disturbance
applied at the process input.
Table 4: PI settings and stability/performance indicators
for t he comparisons of different tuning methods for
process A given by eqn. 43
ATMC 0.42 1.85 7.2 60.0 8.3 6.9 10.9
PZC 0.18 1.00 7.2 59.2 10.5 9.5 16.2
ITAE-setpoint 0.47 2.13 4.1 63.2 8.1 6.8 6.8
ITAE-load 0.55 2.23 10.9 59.9 6.9 6.0 13.8
Fig. 10
step disturbance applied to process input
~ optimal method
~ _ _ _ approximate method
Process C (eqn. 45): reFonses to setpoint changefollowedby
optimal method with setpoint filter
t i me.s
0 2 L 6 8 10
t i me, s
Fig. 11
step disturbance applied io process input
~ optimal method
_ _ ~ ~ approximate method
Process D (eqn. 46): responses io set point change followed by
optimal method with setpoint filter
5.3 Comparisons to other tuning methods
The performances of the approximate tuning method
based on the contours (ATMC) are compared to those
obtained with commonly used methods. The compari-
sons are presented for process A (eqn. 43). The tuning
IEE Proc-Control Theory Appl., Vol. 144, No. 6, November 1997
applied to process input (eqn. 43)
Responses to set point change followed hy step disturbance
_ _ ~ ~
.......... ITAE-setpoint
~. ITAE-load
For the same overshoot, The ATMC has a shorter
rise time and settling time than the PZC method. The
load disturbance response is also faster. The ATMC
thus gives generally better results than the PZC method
for both setpoint tracking and disturbance rejection.
Compared with the ITAE-setpoint method, the ATMC
approximately leads to the same rise time but gives a
larger overshoot. The settling time for ITAE-setpoint is
shorter than the one obtained with the ATMC. The
ITAE-load method presents larger overshoot and
undershoot. The undershoot increases the settling time.
The load disturbance response is faster than ATMC
after the application of the disturbance but both meth-
ods bring the process output to the setpoint in approx-
imately the same time. The use of the ATMC seems to
be an interesting compromise when setpoint tracking
and disturbance rejection are considered. Moreover,
the Mr specification could be selected to obtain better
performance for a particular application. The ITAE
method offers no flexibility concerning the specifica-
6 Conclusions
The paper has presented a unified approach for the
design of PI and PID controllers. The controller
parameters are adjusted such that the open-loop fre-
quency response (controller process) follows a contour
corresponding to the desired maximum peak resonance.
This method has been shown to be an efficient way to
handle the maximum peak overshoot, the minimum
stability margins and the bandwidth of the closed-loop
system. Examples have illustrated the use of this
approach to interpret and anticipate the behaviour of
closed-loop systems. The calculations of the controller
parameters have first been formulated as an optimisa-
tion problem. Simple tuning formulas has been devel-
opped to facilitate the use of the method. These
expressions have been given for second-order models
with delay since they can be used to represent most
industrial processes.
Different examples have been presented to compare
the performances obtained with the optimal approach
and the approximate formulas. The approximate rela-
tions have given consistent performances over a wide
range of processes and results similar to the optimal
ones. The proposed method has also been compared to
other commonly used methods (ITAE and pole-zero
cancellation) for stable processes. The resulting per-
formances were generally better than pole-zero cancel-
lation, but similar to the performances obtained with
the ITAE method. The main advantages of the pro-
posed method are the generality of the approach, the a
priori information provided by the method, the possi-
bility of using different specifications and the use of
simple relations instead of optimisation procedures.
Comparisons of the method to those proposed by pre-
vious worker for integrating and unstable processes has
been Dresented in r271.
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