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Prepared for:
Chowdhury Shegufta Afrin
Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration
Stamford University
Prepared by:
Nazmun Nahar
Date of submission: 06-04-2013
Letter of Transmittal

April 06 201!
"#o$d#ury S#e%ufta Afrin
Assistant Professor
Stamford University

Sub'e(t: Submission of Internship Report.

Dear Madam
)#is is my pleasure to present my interns#ip report entitled ~Internship Report On Human
Resource Division of BRAC Bank Limited. * #ave (ondu(ted my interns#ip pro%ram in
B+A" Ban, -imited .ead /ffi(e 1 0uls#an Avenue 0uls#an11 D#a,a 2 under your (lose
* believe t#at ,no$led%e and e3perien(e * %at#ered durin% t#e interns#ip period $ill be
#elpful in my future professional life& * $ill be %rateful to you if you a((ept t#e report& * $ill
be available for defense on t#is report any time&

4our support in t#is re%ard $ill be #i%#ly appre(iated&

)#an,in% you&

Sin(erely yours5

6a7mun 6a#ar
*D 2 MBA04211410
Supervisor`s Declaration
)#is is to (ertify t#at Mrs& 6a7mun 6a#ar student of Stamford University Ban%lades# of
MBA Pro%ram #as (ompleted t#e interns#ip report titled 8Human Resource Division of
BRAC Bank Limited. Su((essfully under my supervision&
* $is# #er every su((ess in #er life&
"#o$d#ury S#e%ufta Afrin
Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration
Stamford University

"ompletion of t#is report #as made me %rateful to a number of persons& 9irst of all * $ould
li,e to a(,no$led%e my supervisor and tea(#er Chowdhury Shegufta Afrin not only for
%ivin% t#e opportunity to prepare t#e report but also for providin% me t#e opportunity to
improve t#e report by e3tendin% t#e submission deadline on t#is semester& S#e $as also
available $#en * needed #er for #elp su%%estions and %uidelines& * am also %rateful to Ms.
Tahniyat Ahmed Karim, .ead of .uman +esour(es B+A" Ban, -td& for %ivin% me t#e
valuable opportunity to do my interns#ip in #er department and supportin% me $it#
,no$led%e and resour(es& * am also %rateful to t#e entire .+ )eam of B+A" Ban, -td& as
t#ey #ave al$ays been t#ere for me $#en * needed t#em t#e most& )#eir a(tive parti(ipation
to all my :uestions :ueries durin% my interns#ip #as made t#is 'ourney a true su((ess& *
$ould li,e to name #ere Md. Rezaul Amin ;.ead of +e(ruitment "ompensation <
Benefits= Mr. Mahbub Alam ;.ead of -earnin% < Development= Md. Shanjidul Bari
;.+ +elations#ip Mana%er >#olesale Ban,in%= Mr. A.R.M Rukunuzzaman ;Mana%er
"ompensation=Mr. Abdullah Harun Imam ;Mana%er +e(ruitment= Mr. Zafar Iqbal
;A(tin% Mana%er ?3ternal )rainin%= t#an,s to all of t#em for providin% valuable su%%estions
and information in preparin% t#is report& *t $as my privile%e and * am truly #onored $or,in%
$it# su(# a $onderful team&
Table of Content
Content No. Content Name Page No.
1 Introduction 0@
1&1 B+A" Ban, -td& 2 An /vervie$ of t#e /r%ani7ation 0A
1&2 S(ope of t#e +eport 0B
1&! Met#odolo%y 0B
1&4 -imitations of t#e +eport 10
2 Organization 11
2&1 .istory of B+A" Ban, -imited 12
2&2 Produ(t < Servi(e of B+A" Ban, 14
2&! /r%ano%ram 21
2&4 Cision < Mission of B+A" Ban, -imited 2!
3 My Internship Experience 2D
!&1 Eob Des(ription 26
!&2 "riti(al /bservation 2@
!&! Areas need to improve !1
4 Human Resources Division of BRAC Bank Limited !2
4&1 Different types of employees !!
4&2 .uman +esour(es Division !D
4&2&1 +e(ruitment !@
4&2&2 )rainin% < Development 42
4&2&! "ompensation Pay < Benefits 46
4&2&4 .+ Administration D6
4&2&D M*S < Strate%i( Plannin% 6!
5 Analysis & Recommendation 66
D&1 S>/) Analysis 6@
D&2 +e(ommendation 6B
D&! "on(lusion @0
Bibliography @1
Appendix @2
Questionnaire @!
Executive Summary

)#is is t#e interns#ip report based on t#e t#ree mont# lon% interns#ip pro%ram t#at * #ad
su((essfully (ompleted in B+A" Ban, -imited under .uman +esour(e Division as a
re:uirement of my BBA pro%ram on Department of Business Studies Stamford University& As
bein% (ompletely ne$ to pra(ti(al (orporate $orld settin% every #our spent in t#e .+D %ave me
some amount of e3perien(e all t#e time all of $#i(# (annot be e3plained in $ords& But
nevert#eless t#ey $ere all useful for my (areer&

)#is report in(ludes #o$ an .+ Department $or,s $#at are t#e possible divisions and $or,
distribution in an .+D re(ruitment pro(ess trainin% and development initiatives #o$ to ,eep
employees motivated as $ell as #o$ to (ontrol insubordinations (ompensation and benefits
plannin% #o$ to lead et(&

* #ave $or,ed in .uman +esour(e Division of B+A" Ban, -imited $it# almost all t#e $in%s of
.+ li,e +e(ruitment -earnin% < /r%ani7ation Development ;)rainin%= "ompensation Pay and
Benefits and .+ Administration&

B+A" Ban, #as a ri(# .uman +esour(e Department& *t maintains t#e or%ani7ational
responsibilities su((essfully& )#e .+ team of B+A" Ban, is (ompletely or%ani7ed and $ell
reputed team&

9irst si3 $ee,s of my interns#ip pro%ram on .uman +esour(e Division * #ave $or,ed $it# t#e
full support of re(ruitment $in% and t#e ne3t t#ree $ee,s * $or,ed $it# t#e trainin% $in% t#en
t#e ne3t t$o $ee,s * %ot atta(#ed $it# t#e Payroll $in% and t#e last one $ee, * $or,ed $it# t#e
Administration $in%&

* #ave $or,ed $it# different types of re(ruitment pro(edure of B+A" Ban, -imited& >it#in my
t#ree mont#s interns#ip around 41D re%ular employees and 41B (ontra(tual employees are
re(ruited in re%ular basis in B+A" Ban, -imited in different pro(edure and system& * #ave also
assisted t#e re(ruitment team in doin% ot#er $or,s li,e 'oinin% $or,ers updatin% "CS et(&

*n )rainin% $in% * #ave mainly assisted t#e trainin% team in updatin% t#e personal files of
re%ular employees $it# t#e number of trainin%s t#at t#ey #ave done in 2012& * #ave assisted t#e
(ompensation pay and benefit team in order to pro(ess t#eir final settlement data and t#e
administration team in pro(essin% of leave of t#e employees&

My personal vie$s about t#e .+D my value addition to t#e .+D are also in(luded in t#e report&
>it# limited ,no$led%e and e3perien(e * tried my best to ma,e t#is report as mu(#
understandable as possible and translated t#e real $orld e3perien(e into a do(ument& )#e various
boundaries to pro(ess improvement and maintainin% et#i(al standards in a (orporate environment
#ave also been e3perien(ed& But even so #o$ t#ose poli(ies and pra(ti(es are *n1-ine $it# t#e
(orporate strate%y are dis(ussed in t#is report&
Before dra$in% any (on(lusion based on t#is report it may be noted t#at t#e report $as prepared
in a very s#ort term and t#ere is la(, in data& But still t#e report may be useful for desi%nin% any
furt#er study to evaluate t#e .+ fa(ilities provided by t#e Ban,s&
!a"ter # 01


/b'e(tive of t#e report
S(ope of t#e report
Met#odolo%y of t#e report
-imitations of t#e report
1. Introduction:
1.1 BRAC Bank Limited - An Overview of the Organization

B+A" Ban, -imited is a full servi(e s(#eduled (ommer(ial ban,& *t #as bot# lo(al and
*nternational *nstitutional s#are#older& )#e ban, is primarily driven $it# a vie$ of (reatin%
opportunities and pursuin% mar,et ni(#es not traditionally meet by (onventional ban,s&
B+A" Ban, #as been motivated to provide Fbest1in1t#e1(lassG servi(es to its diverse
assortment of (ustomers spread a(ross t#e (ountry under an on1line ban,in% dais&

At present B+A" Ban, is one of t#e fastest %ro$in% ban,s in t#e (ountry& *n order to
support t#e planned %ro$t# of its distribution net$or, and its various business se%ments
B+A" Ban, is (urrently loo,in% for impressive %oal oriented ent#usiasti( individuals for
various business operations&

)#e ban, $ants to build a profitable and so(ially responsible finan(ial institution& *t (arefully
listen to t#e mar,et and business potentials *t is also assistin% B+A" and sta,e#olders to
build a pro%ressive #ealt#y demo(rati( and poverty free Ban%lades#& *t #elps ma,e
(ommunities and e(onomy of t#e (ountry stron%er and to #elp people a(#ieve t#eir finan(ial
%oals& )#e ban, maintains a #i%# level of standards in everyt#in% for our (ustomers our
s#are#olders our a(:uaintan(es and our (ommunities upon $#i(# t#e future affluen(e of our
(ompany rests&
A((ordin% to t#e .alf14early 9inan(ial Statement of 20121 t#e number of ?mployees
in(ludin% (ontra(tual en%a%ed for t#e $#ole year or part t#ere of ;$#o re(eived a total yearly
remuneration of ),& !6000 or above= $ere 6!06 $#ere as t#e total number of employees
$ere @0@D as t#e same period of pervious year&
1.2 Scope of the Report:

.uman +esour(es are essential and foundational to t#e %ro$t# and development of any
or%ani7ation and #en(e t#e ability to satisfy and retain :uality and trained employee is vital& *t
must be t#erefore very (ru(ial to identify if t#ere is an underlyin% dissatisfa(tion amon%st t#e
e3istin% employees of t#e or%ani7ation& )#erefore t#e ban, is t#e lar%est benefi(iary be(ause
t#rou%# t#is report $e (an identify #o$ to (onfront t#e (#allen%es&

)#is report $ill %ive a (lear idea about 8.uman +esour(es Department in t#e B+A" Ban,
-td&G .o$ effi(iently t#ey utili7e t#eir resour(esH >#at types to benefits t#ey offer to t#eir
employees to motivate t#eir $or,H Does t#e trainin% pro%ram t#at t#ey or%ani7ed is effe(tive
or notH >#at are t#e aims to develop trainin% pro%ramH )o #ave ans$ers of all t#ese
:uestions it is tried to %o t#rou%# t#e BB- .+ poli(iesI $it# t#ree mont#s $or,in%
e3perien(e in .+ and #ad dis(ussions $it# offi(ials of different $in%s&
1.3 Methodology:
*n order to attain t#e ob'e(tives (olle(tion of primary data is ne(essary& )#is data $ill be
used to analy7e t#e problem statement& )#e lar%est part of t#e analysis #o$ever $ould
obviously be (ondu(ted by (arryin% out t#e employee satisfa(tion survey& )#e intention is to
obtain a randomly sele(ted unbiased sample of 100 employees a(ross t#e ban, and to
:uestion t#em on various .+ 0rounds to assess t#e employee satisfa(tion level& )#erefore
t#e met#odolo%y $ould in(lude relevant information is (olle(ted from intervie$s Surveys
observation and annual reports of t#e ban,& )#e relevant information is (olle(ted from t#e
primary sour(es and also uses t#e se(ondary sour(es of information&

Primary data are collected through:
/bservation for t#e total internee period
/pen ended and (lose ended :uestions
"ondu(ted dis(ussions $it# /ffi(ers of .+D
Secondary data are collected through:
Manuals and Annual +eport of B+A" Ban, -imited
>ebsite bro$sin%&

1.4 Limitations of the Report:

)#e sour(es of t#e report are (olle(ted from different des,s various do(uments of B+A"
Ban, -imited ;BB-=& )#ou%# t#e entire staff member remains busy all t#e time for t#eir des,
$or, t#ey #elped a lot to mana%e and (olle(t t#e data < information& But it $as very diffi(ult
to (olle(t information on t#e (lient as it is very sensitive and se(ret issue for t#e Ban,& ?very
tas, #as some limitations& So t#ere #ave also some limitations of t#e study& )#ese are as

a) Shortage of time period: )#is report is $ritten $it#in a s#orter period of time sin(e
many days #ave passed durin% t#e trainin% session& So t#e time (onstraint of t#e study
#inderin% t#e (ourse of vast area and time for preparin% a report $it#in t#e mentioned
period is really diffi(ult&

b) Busy working environment: )#e offi(ials #ad some times been unable to provide
information be(ause of t#eir #u%e routine $or,& )#at is $#y $e do not %at#er vast
,no$led%e about t#e (riti(al issues&
c$ Secrecy of Management: )#ere some information $#i(# are (onfidential for
(olle(tin% t#e data& So some data (ould not been (olle(ted for (onfidentiality or
se(re(y of mana%ement&
d) Uneven Sample istribution: )#e sample distribution may not be even t#ere may be
a ma'ority of people (omin% from a fi3ed ran%e of in(ome level&
!a"ter # 02

.istory of B+A" Ban, -td&
Produ(tJ Servi(e of B+A" Ban, -td&
/r%an %ram of B+A" Ban, -td&
Cision Mission statement of B+A" Ban, -td&
2. Organization:
2.1 History of BRAC Bank Limited:

B+A" Ban, -imited one of t#e latest %eneration of (ommer(ial ban,s started its 'ourney on
Euly 04 2001& *t is an affiliate of B+A" ;Ban%lades# +ural Advan(ement "ommittee= one
of t#e $orld5s lar%est non1%overnmental development or%ani7ations founded by 9a7le .asan
Abed in 1B@2& *t #as been t#e fastest %ro$in% Ban, in 2004 and )#e Ban, operates under a
Kdouble bottom lineK a%enda $#ere profit and so(ial responsibility %o #and in #and as it
strives to$ards a poverty1free enli%#tened Ban%lades#&
B+A" Ban, -imited $it# institutional s#are#oldin%s by B+A" *nternational 9inan(e
"orporation ;*9"= and S#ore "ap *nternational #as been t#e fastest %ro$in% Ban, in
Ban%lades# for t#e last t#ree (onse(utive years& *n t#e re(ent past t#e ban, #as %one publi(
$it# pri(e of s#ares rea(#in% impressive #ei%#ts furt#er s#o$in% promisin% future&
B+A" Ban, a fully operational "ommer(ial Ban, fo(uses on pursuin% une3plored mar,et
ni(#es in t#e Small and Medium ?nterprise Business $#i(# #it#erto #as remained lar%ely
untapped $it#in t#e (ountry& *n t#e last five years of operation t#e Ban, #as disbursed over
BD) 2200 (rore in loans to nearly D0000 small and medium entrepreneurs and t#is year
Ban,5s disbursement plan is BD) 4100 (rore& )#e mana%ement of t#e Ban, believes t#at
t#is se(tor of t#e e(onomy (an (ontribute t#e most to t#e rapid %eneration of employment in
Ban%lades#& Sin(e in(eption in Euly 2001 t#e Ban,Ls footprint #as %ro$n to 1@2 bran(#es
more t#an 42D SM? unit offi(es and 2@0 A)M sites a(ross t#e (ountry and t#e (ustomer
base #as e3panded to 1100000 deposit and 4D000 advan(e a((ounts t#rou%# 2012& *n 2011
B+A" Ban, #ad a M!@A million portfolio (onsistin% of around D1000 loans $it# an avera%e
loan si7e of MA000& *t #as around 42D re%ionally1pla(ed loan pro(essin% units offerin%
servi(es in t#e #eart of rural and urban (ommunities and employs over @00 business loan
offi(ers 2 around 60N of total staff&

*n addition to small business lendin% B+A" Ban, #as fast %ro$in% remittan(e savin%s
mobili7ation and (onsumer lendin% businesses& *n t#e years a#ead B+A" Ban, e3pe(ts to
introdu(e many more servi(es and produ(ts as $ell as add a $ider net$or, of SM? unit
offi(es +etail Bran(#es and A)Ms a(ross t#e (ountry&

International Finance Corporation:
BB- #as important international s#are#oldin%s apart from B+A": *9" and S#ore"ap&
*nternational 9inan(e "orporation ;*9"= is t#e (ommer(ial $in% of >orld Ban,& Usin%
(ertain (#annels and overseas representatives *9" #elps lo(al finan(ial institutions find
profitable $ays to tar%et small and medium si7ed (ompanies& 9undin% (omes from t#e Asian
Development Ban, "anada t#e ?uropean "ommission t#e 6et#erlands 6or$ay t#e
United Oin%dom and *9" itself&
*9" is a B&DN s#are#older in BB-& A ne$ assistan(e pro%ram si%ned in Au%ust 200D aims to
double t#e ban,5s number of small and medium enterprise (lients in 1A mont#s t#rou%#
(ampai%ns to tar%et $omen entrepreneurs and rural (lients introdu(e ne$ produ(ts and train
bran(# mana%ers&

Shore Cap International Ltd
Anot#er international institutional investor S#ore "ap *nternational -td& is an international
private non1profit e:uity (ompany see,in% to invest in small business ban,s and re%ulated
mi(ro finan(e institutions in (ountries $it# developin% and transitional e(onomies& S#ore
"ap typi(ally invests bet$een MD00000 and M2 million for an o$ners#ip position of 1012DN
of a (ompany& As a minority s#are#older S#ore "ap see,s finan(ial institutions $it# a
stron% e3perien(ed mana%ement team and a (ommitted set of lo(al development1minded
investors& S#ore "ap (urrently o$ns A&@DN of BB-5s s#are#oldin%s&
2.2 Product & Service of BRAC Bank
B+A" Ban, -td& is (urrently fo(usin% on four different areas of business a(tivities&
)#ese are:
SM? Ban,in%
+etail Ban,in%
+etail Distribution
6on 9unded Business and Se(ured Calue "enter
Alternate Delivery "#annel
Unse(ured Calue "enter
Servi(e PualityJBusiness *ntelli%en(e
"ross Sellin%
+e%ional Distribution
"orporate Ban,in%
Probas#i Ban,in%
)reasury < 9inan(ial *nstitutions
Mar,etin% < "orporate Affairs
)#e businesses dire(tly related to (ustomer servi(e are briefly des(ribed in t#e follo$in%
SME Banking:
B+A" Ban, (onsiders t#e population of Ban%lades# t#e most valuable resour(e of t#e (ountry&
A((ordin% to B+A" Ban, after a(#ievin% liberation t#e attainment of e(onomi( uplift s#ould
be our most important %oal& Mi(ro lenders are $or,in% #ere in t#e finan(ial field providin%
very small amount and on t#e ot#er #and re%ular (ommer(ial ban,s #ave been providin% bi%%er
amount of loans to lar%er industries and tradin% or%ani7ations& But t#e small and medium
entrepreneurs $ere overloo,ed& )#is missin% middle %roup is t#e small but strivin%
entrepreneurs $#o be(ause of la(, of fund (annot pursue t#eir finan(ial uplift as t#ey #ave no
property to provide as e:uity to t#e (ommer(ial ban,s& >it# t#is end in vie$1B+A" Ban, $as
opened to serve t#ese small but #ard $or,in% entrepreneurs $it# double bottom line vision& As
a so(ially responsible ban, B+A" Ban, $ants to see t#e eman(ipation of %rass1roots level to
t#eir e(onomi( #ei%#t and also to ma,e profit by servin% t#e interest of missin% middle %roups&
D0N of B+A" Ban,5s total portfolio usually (olle(ted from urban areas are (#anneled to
support t#ese entrepreneurs $#o in future $ill be(ome t#e potential stren%t# of our e(onomy&
)#e Ban, (urrently is t#e mar,et leader in %ivin% loans to Small and Medium ?ntrepreneurs& *t
#as been doin% t#is for t#e last five years& S#o$in% SM? 6et$or, (overa%e in t#e fi%ure
SM! Products
"urrently B+A": Ban, is offerin% 1! SM? pa(,a%es& )#ese are listed and briefly e3plained
Anonno Rin-FAnonno +inG is a business loan desi%ned to finan(e small s(ale
tradin% manufa(turin% and servi(e ventures espe(ially to #elp small and medium
entrepreneurs to meet t#eir s#ort1term (as# flo$ s#orta%es and brid%e t#e fund1flo$
Apurbo Rin 1 Apurbo is a loan fa(ility for Small and Medium business& Apurbo loan
#as been desi%ned and tar%eted for relatively bi%%er business units re:uirin% loan above
t,& A la(s to !0 la(s&
Pathshala Rin 1 FPat#s#ala +inG is a loan desi%ned to meet t#e needs of small and
medium si7ed private edu(ational institutions su(# as ,inder%artens s(#ools and
(olle%es et(&
Aroggo Rin 1 FAro%%oG is a loan allo$ed to various .ealt# servi(e Provider li,e private
(lini(s dia%nosti(s (enters and do(torsL (#ambers& )#e produ(t offers fi3ed assets
pur(#ase finan(in% under e:uated Mont#ly *nstallments&
Digoon Rin1 )#is is a double loan on (lients5 deposits& >it# t#is (lients do not need to
en(as# t#eir savin%s rat#er t#ey (an ta,e double amount of loan on t#eir deposit for t#eir
business e3pansion&
Supplier Finance 1 SUPP-*?+ 9*6A6"? is a loan fa(ility for t#e enlisted Suppliers of
various lar%e retailers mar,etin% (ompanies distributors e3porters et(& )#is produ(t5s
main ob'e(tive is to #elp various Suppliers to meet t#eir s#ort1term (as# flo$ s#orta%es
or brid%e t#e fund1flo$ %aps& Amount is minimum BD) ! la( up to ma3imum BD) !0
Prothoma Rin 1 KP+/)./MA +*6K is a loan fa(ility for small and medium si7ed
business $#i(# is operated by $omen entrepreneur& )#e produ(t offers terminatin% loan
fa(ilities for t#e purpose of $or,in% (apital finan(e andJor fi3ed assets pur(#ase& -oan
limit is from minimum BD) ! la( up to ma3imum of BD) B&D la(&
BIZNESS Account 1 FBi7ness A((ountG is an interest bearin% (urrent a((ount for sole
proprietors#ip business ?ntrepreneur& /penin% balan(e re:uired is only BD)1D 000&00
Cash Secured Loan 1 K"as# Se(ured -oanK is a loan fa(ility for small and medium si7ed
business& )#ere are t$o types of loan fa(ility in t#e produ(t i&e& Se(ured -oan and
Se(ured /verdraft& )#ese fa(ilities are fully se(ured by fi3ed deposit of B+A" Ban,&
Amount is minimum BD) ! la( up to ma3imum BD) !0 la(&
BIZNESS Loan 1 Bi7ness loan is an e:uated mont#ly loan fa(ility for all types of
business $#o #ave #ealt#y ban, transa(tions for t#e purpose of $or,in% (apital finan(e
andJor fi3ed assets pur(#ase& -oan limit is minimum BD) 10 la( to ma3imum of BD) D0
Proshar 1 KPros#arK is a loan fa(ility for small < medium si7ed anufa(turin% business&
)#e produ(t offers loan fa(ilities for $or,in% (apital finan(e andJor fi3ed assets
Trade Plus 1 )rade plus is a (omposite fa(ility for small < medium si7ed import1
oriented businesses to meet t#eir trade finan(e re:uirements&
Super Supply Loan 1 Super Supply -oan is a loan fa(ility for Suppliers of various
lar%e retailers mar,etin% (ompanies manufa(turin% (ompanies and various (orporate
#ouses& )#is produ(t5s main ob'e(tive is to #elp various Suppliers to meet t#eir finan(ial
Retail Banking:
)#ere are retail ban,in% produ(ts of t#ree (ate%ories& /ne is -oan Produ(ts se(ond is Deposit
Produ(ts and t#e ot#er is "ards&

*n -oan Produ(ts (ate%ory t#ere are eleven servi(esJprodu(ts fa(ilitatin% (lients5 demands&
)#ese are:
Salary -oan "ar -oan )ea(#er5s -oan Study -oan )ravel -oan "redit "ard -oan )op Up
-oan .i%# 9lyer -oan Se(ured -oanJ /D and Do(tor5s -oan&
Under Deposit Produ(ts (ate%ory (urrently t#ere are ten servi(esJprodu(ts in total& )#ese are:
9i3ed Deposit *nterest 9irst Abiram A((ount DPS ?Qee A((ount Savin%s A((ount S#ort
)erm Deposit "urrent A((ount Salary A((ount and Step Up 9i3ed Deposit&

Under "ards (ate%ory t#ere are t$o types of (ards produ(ts a(tive& /ne is A)M Debit "ards
and t#e ot#er is "o1Branded "ards& A)M Debit "ards fa(ilitates money $it#dra$al of upto
BD) 100000&00 per day& Also (#e(,in% balan(e statements of A)M and P/S ;Point /f
Sale= transa(tions& )#e "ards Department provides 24 #our (ustomer support #otline to
resolve :ueries and problems& )#e ne$ number of #otline are 16221 &
)#e "o1Branded "ards are from Aaron% A-*"/ and D*A 0old& )#e B+A" Ban, Aaron%
A)M "ard %ives users DN (as# ba(, fa(ility from s#oppin% in any Aaron% outlets& )#e
#older of B+A" Ban, A-*"/ A)M "ard (an en'oy a spe(ial life insuran(e fa(ility $it#
insuran(e (overa%e of upto BD) 200000&00& And B+A" Ban, D*A 0old A)M (ard #older
$ill en'oy a spe(ial (as# ba(, and (as# dis(ount feature& )#is feature is dis(ount from any
diamond produ(t bou%#t and AN dis(ount on ma,in% (#ar%e of any %old produ(ts bou%#t
from D*A 0old&

Corporate Banking:
"orporate Ban,in% se(tion #as t#ree types of (overa%e (urrently& )#ese are:
? "orporate -oan Produ(ts
? )rade 9inan(in%
? "orporate "as# Mana%ement
"orporate -oan Produ(ts is offerin% si3 servi(es at t#e moment& )#e servi(es are listed and
des(ribed in t#e follo$in% se(tion:
Corporate Loan Products
Overdraft - )#is is an on1demand (redit fa(ility desi%ned to meet day1to1day operational
a(tivities of t#e business in(ludin% pur(#ase of ra$ materials and e3penses&
Term Loan 2 S#ort )erm -oanJ+evolvin% -oan: )#is s(#eme is to meet different s#ort1term
fund re:uirements of t#e (lient& Payment of duty )a3 CA) and ot#er e3penses related to t#e
release of %oods from (ustoms t#rou%# pay orders in t#e name of (ustoms aut#ority or
Ban%lades# Ban, (#e:ue is payable t#rou%# t#is s(#eme&
Lease Finance 2 /ne of t#e more (onvenient lon%1term sour(es of a(:uirin% (apital
ma(#inery and e:uipment& )#e (lient is %iven an opportunity to #ave e3(lusive ri%#ts to use
an asset for an a%reed period of time a%ainst payment of rent&
Loan Against Trust Receipt (LATR) 2 )#is is advan(ement a%ainst a )rust +e(eipt
provided to t#e (lient $#en t#e do(uments (overin% an import s#ipment are %iven $it#out
payment& Under t#is system t#e (lient $ill #old t#e %oods of t#eir sale pro(eeds in trust for
t#e ban, until t#e loan allo$ed a%ainst t#e )rust +e(eipt is fully paid&
Work Order Finance 2 B+A" Ban, provides >or, /rder finan(e fa(ility for its valued
(lients& )#rou%# t#is arran%ement (lients (an avail loan fa(ilities a%ainst valid >or, /rders
up to a (ertain proportion&
Medium Enterprise1 )#e produ(ts offered under t#is sort of finan(in% are versatile in nature
and ea(# produ(t is tailored a((ordin% to t#e need of t#e borro$er under (ertain parameters&
)#e ran%e of or%ani7ations t#is sort of finan(in% (aters to in(lude proprietors#ip (on(erns
private limited (ompanies edu(ational institutions as $ell as 60/s&
)#e purpose of t#is unit is to serve medium enterprises #avin% fa(ility re:uirements li,e a
lar%e (orporate in nature but smaller in volumes& )#e fa(ilities may ran%e from a sin%le1
funded or non1funded limit to a (omposite (redit fa(ility t#at in(ludes various (orporate
produ(ts& )#e Ban, believes t#at t#e emer%in% medium enterprise of today is tomorro$5s
lar%e (orporate t#at $ill fa(ilitate t#e true %ro$t# of t#e nation&

Trade Finance:
Letter of Credit (LC):
)#is fa(ility is related to import or lo(al pur(#ase of different items& *t is also provided for
t#e import and e3port of %oods ;su(# as ra$ materials ma(#inery e:uipment any tradin%

Letter of Guarantee (LG):
)o meet different (ontra(tual re:uirement su(# as parti(ipatin% in Bid Performan(e
0uarantee and Advan(e Payment %uarantee for different (ontra(tual re:uirements&

Corporate Cash Management
NCS 2 B+A" Ban, $ill (olle(t (lients5 bills t#rou%# t#eir Bills Pay Ma(#ines in t#e
strate%i( lo(ations of t#e (ity and also at t#e (orrespondent bran(#es $#ere t#e B+A" Ban,
bran(#es are not available and at t#e boot#s&
PTS 2 P)S $ill allo$ (lients to disburse all ,inds of payments any$#ere in t#e (ountry
t#rou%# B+A" Ban,5s o$n bran(# net$or, in D#a,a "#itta%on% Syl#et Savar 9eni and
t#e partner ban, bran(#es all over t#e (ountry&
Advantages to Employers 2 B+A" Ban, provides servi(es su(# as Salary Upload Multi1
-o(ation Salary payroll mana%ement M*S on payroll et(& Salary Upload fa(ility re:uires a
(onsolidated (#e:ue of t#e total salary amount and a brea,1up of t#e disbursements to t#e
employees in soft and #ard (opy format B+A" Ban, $ill do t#e rest& Multi1-o(ation Salary
features salary disbursal in multiple lo(ations $it#in B+A" Ban, net$or,& Payroll M*S
(reates standard reports for (orporate (lients $it# neatness and (on(iseness&
Advantages to Employees2 Alon% $it# all ot#er +etail Ban,in% servi(es employees (an
avail 24 .our Ban,in% t#rou%# A)Ms /nline Ban,in% ?3tended Ban,in% .ours till A:00
PM e3(ept for )#ursdays and 9ridays and Payday /verdraft on re:uest for emer%en(y
situations ;t#is is ad'usted $it# t#e employee5s follo$in% mont#5s salary=&
Cash Management Services - B+A" Ban,Ls national "olle(tion Servi(es ;6"S= is desi%ned
to assist (orporate $it# nation$ide (olle(tion re:uirements by providin% faster funds
availability in a (ost1 effe(tive manner&
Cash Collection Services1)#rou%# B+A" Ban, "as# "olle(tion Servi(es t#ey (olle(t (as#
dire(tly from (lients offi(esJbusiness premises& )#e $#ole pro(ess is arran%ed $it# e3e(utive
lo%isti( servi(es&
Drop Box Facility1/n re:uest B+A" Ban, (an install Drop Bo3 at (ustomer5s offi(e $#i(#
(an be used for depositin% (#e:ues or any instru(tion& )#eir representative $ill visit (lient5s
offi(e and (lear t#e bo3 every day&

Probashi Banking
/ur nation5s $or,for(e $#o are a$ay from t#eir families relatives friend and above all
from breat#in% t#e air of our (ountry $or,in% abroad for t#e prosperity of t#eir lives and t#e
nation in t#e lon% run $#ile sa(rifi(in% a lot& B+A" Ban, t#rou%# Probas#i Ban,in%
servi(es is fa(ilitatin% t#e ban,in% needs of remitters& "urrently B+A" Ban, is providin% si3
servi(es for remitters under Probas#i Ban,in%& )#ese produ(tsJservi(es are des(ribed belo$:
Probashi Current Account2 *t is ideal for Probas#i Ban%lades#is $#o do not $is# to earn
interest due to reli%ious reasons& )#is a((ount also (omes $it# (#e:ue boo, and A)M (ard
and is ideal for re%ular transa(tion&
Probashi Savings Account 2 )#is a((ount provides interest $#i(# is paid in Eune and
De(ember of ea(# year& )#is a((ount (omes $it# a (#e:ue boo, and A)M "ard and is ideal
for Probas#i Ban%lades#is $#o $ant to save& A((ounts are maintained in )a,a&
Probashi DPS 2 *s a savin%s s(#eme spe(ially desi%ned for t#e Probas#i (lients& )#is servi(e
re:uires mont#ly installment of minimum ),& D00&00 and any multiples& Provides a savin%s
a((ount $it# a personali7ed (#e:ue boo, earnin%s remitted to savin%s a((ount $ill be
automati(ally transferred on t#e due dates and loans are provided a%ainst B0N of deposited

Monthly Installment Amount after maturity
4 years @ years 11 years 14 years
D00 2A66@ DA6D0 11660! 1@BDD0
1000 D@!!4 11@!00 2!!20@ !DB101
Probashi Fixed Deposit 2 A fi3ed deposit a((ount allo$s remitters to deposit t#eir money
for a set1period of time t#ereby earnin% t#em a #i%#er rate of interest in return& 9i3ed
Deposits (an be ade from ! mont#s to ! years& *nterest is paid on t#e maturity at a very
attra(tive rate& A((ounts are maintained in )a,a&
Probashi Abiram 2 Probas#i Abiram is a 9i3ed Deposit $#i(# is ideal for Probas#ies $#o
$ant to %et a return every mont#& *f one #as suffi(ient funds t#is (an be made into a fi3ed
deposit from 1 year to ! years and interest $ill be paid every mont# on t#eir Savin%s A((ount
automati(ally& )#is is ideal for (ustomers $#o $ant to pay t#eir DPS installments& A((ounts
are maintained in )a,a&
Probashi Shubidha (NRB Beneficiary) Account2 )#is is a spe(iali7ed a((ount for 6on1
+esident Ban%lades#is $#ere t#e remitter (an open an a((ount for t#e Benefi(iary& )#e
benefi(iary (an t#en avail all t#e servi(es offered by B+A" Ban, su(# as: SMS Ban,in%
P#one Ban,in% *nternet Ban,in% et(& >#en t#e benefi(iary5s a((ount is setup t#e +emitter
'ust re:uires t#e a((ount number and amount of money to be sent to ma,e a safe fast and
effi(ient transa(tion& )ransa(tion is (ompleted $it#in 6 #ours of re(eivin% instru(tions&
2.3 Organogram:

Board of Directors
Management Committee
2.4 Vision & Mission of BRAC Bank Ltd.
Before statin% t#e vision of B+A" Ban, -imited Ban%lades# let us first #ave t#e idea about
t#e Ban,5s plan of a(tion and %oals in Ban%lades#&
B+A" Ban, $ill promote broad1based parti(ipation in t#e Ban%lades# e(onomy t#rou%# t#e
provision of #i%# :uality ban,in% servi(es& )#e Ban, plans to a(#ieve t#is by in(reasin%
a((ess to e(onomi( opportunities for all individuals and businesses in Ban%lades# $it# a
spe(ial fo(us on (urrently under1served enterprises and #ouse#olds a(ross t#e rural1urban
spe(trum& B+A" Ban, believes in mutual benefits t#e Ban,5s and its (lients5 benefit $ill
depend on ea(# ot#er& So t#e pursuit of profit and developmental %oals is mutually
reinfor(in%& )#e tar%et is to in(rease t#e ability of under1served individuals and enterprises to
build t#eir asset base and a((ess mar,et opportunities so t#at it in(reases t#e e(onomi( $ell1
bein% for all Ban%lades#is at t#e same time and t#is $ill (ontribute si%nifi(antly to t#e
profitability of t#e ban,&
B+A" Ban, intends to set standards as t#e mar,et leader in Ban%lades#& *t $ill demonstrate
t#at a lo(ally o$ned institution (an provide effi(ient friendly and modern full1servi(e
ban,in% on a profitable basis& *t $ill produ(e earnin%s and pay out dividends t#at (an support
t#e a(tivities of B+A" t#e Ban,5s ma'or s#are#older& Development and poverty alleviation
on a (ountry$ide basis needs mass produ(tion mass (onsumption and mass finan(in%& B+A"
Ban,5s %oal is to provide mass finan(in% to enable mass produ(tion and mass (onsumption
and t#ereby (ontribute to t#e development of Ban%lades#& )#e Ban,5s %oals are t#us ali%ned
$it# t#ose of B+A"&

The Vision Statement
>e ,no$ t#at a vision statement s#ould be one lon% senten(e $it# spe(ifi( details about
$#ere an or%ani7ation $ants to be in future& *n t#e lon% run a business or an or%ani7ation #as
to meet a (ertain tar%et or %oal $#i(# is $#at (omes into t#e vision statement& So t#e above
plan of B+A" Ban, is summari7ed as follo$s:
FBuildin% a profitable and so(ially responsible finan(ial institution fo(used on Mar,ets and
Business $it# %ro$t# potential t#ereby assistin% B+A" and sta,e#olders build a K'ust
enli%#tened #ealt#y demo(rati( and poverty free Ban%lades#K&
B+A" Ban, $ill ad#ere to #i%#ly professional and et#i(al business prin(iples and
internationally a((eptable ban,in% and a((ountin% standards&
?very B+A" Ban, professional $ill need first of all a (ommitment to e3(ellen(e in all t#at
#eJs#e does a ,een desire for su((ess a determination to e3(el and a drive to be t#e best&
B+A" Ban, -td& $ill individually and 'ointly learn (ontinuously from (ustomers and
professional (ollea%ues around t#e %lobe to improve t#e $ay of doin% business so t#at t#e
Ban, remains t#e best in mar,et& )#e Ban, is $illin% to $al, t#at e3tra mile $it# ent#usiasm
and empat#y to serve t#eir (ustomers and to solve problems to%et#er so t#at t#eir (ustomers
su((eed in t#eir business and remain loyal to t#e Ban,& B+A" Ban, $ill set up %oals for
t#emselves and t#en e3(eed t#e %oals t#at t#ey #ave set up& )#e Ban, s#all not a((ept failure&
The Mission Statement
.ere also $e ,no$ t#at t#e mission statement for any business or or%ani7ation must be in
line $it# its lon% term plan or vision& )#e mission statement s#ould (learly state 8$#at is t#e
s#ort term plan of t#e or%ani7ation to a(#ieve its lon% term %oal5 $#i(# is t#e vision or
8doin% $#at e3a(tly no$ as $ell as in near future $ill ensure our %oal in distant future5& But
B+A" Ban, #as multiple mission statements ea(# important and spe(ifi( to its vision& )#e
follo$in% lines $ill s#o$ t#e mission statements of B+A" Ban, -td:
Sustained %ro$t# in LSmall < Medium ?nterpriseL se(tor&
"ontinuous lo$ (ost deposit %ro$t# $it# (ontrolled %ro$t# in +etail Assets&
"orporate Assets to be funded t#rou%# self1liability mobili7ation& 0ro$t# in Assets
t#rou%# Syndi(ations and *nvestment in faster %ro$in% se(tors&
"ontinuous endeavor to in(rease fee based in(ome&
Oeep our Debt "#ar%es at 2N to maintain a steady profitable %ro$t#&
A(#ieve effi(ient syner%ies bet$een t#e ban,Ls Bran(#es SM? Unit /ffi(es and
B+A" field offi(es for delivery of +emittan(e and Ban,Ls ot#er produ(ts and servi(es&
Mana%e various lines of business in a fully (ontrolled environment $it# no
(ompromise on servi(e :uality&
Oeep a diverse far flun% team fully motivated and driven to$ards materiali7in% t#e
ban,Ls vision into reality&
!a"ter # 03
My Internship Experience

? Eob Des(ription
? "riti(al /bservation
? Areas 6eed to *mprove
3. My Internship in BRAC Bank HRD
As an intern * $as %iven all t#e liberty to $or, freely in B+A" Ban, .+D& * $as %iven spe(ifi(
tas,s periodi(ally $#i(# $ere important for t#e department& )#e first si3 $ee,s * $or,ed $it#
t#e +e(ruitment $in%& )#en t#e subse:uently t#ree $ee,s * $or,ed $it# t#e )rainin% $in%&
After t#at t#e ne3t t$o $ee,s * %ot atta(#ed $it# t#e Payroll $in% and t#e last one $ee, *
$or,ed $it# t#e Administration $in%& My value addition to B+A" Ban, .+D is dis(ussed
3.1 1ob Description:
"reation of Database of t#e intervie$ (andidates&
"ondu(tin% different intervie$s&
Maintainin% < updatin% database of t#e employees&
9ile pro(essin%&
Updatin% personal files&
"#e(,in% t#e do(uments of personal file&
Sendin% referen(e letters&
Maintainin% t#e e3ternal "Cs&
?mployee Satisfa(tion Survey results preparation&
Preparin% final settlement data&
"C data entry&
"allin% t#e (andidates&
Eoinin% of t#e sele(ted (andidates and intern
Assistin% t#e re(ruitment team in (#e(,in% t#e referen(e of all t#e B+A" Ban,
Maintenan(e of t#e e3ternal "Cs in ar(#ive t#at (ome to t#e .+ or (olle(ted from t#e
'ob fair&
Assistin% trainin% team to evaluate t#e e3am s(ripts of t#e trainee&
Assistin% trainin% team for updatin% t#e personal files of t#e permanent employees $it#
t#e no& of trainin%s t#ey #ave done
Pro(essin% of leave of t#e employees&
Updatin% t#e Database of dis(iplinary a(tions&
Updatin% t#e Database of provident fund&
"reatin% t#e Database of full < final settlement of t#e resi%ned or terminated
3.2 Critical Observations:
As * #ave mostly $or,ed $it# t#e re(ruitment team * #ave noti(ed t#at one of t#e (#ara(teristi(s
of t#is fastest %ro$in% ban, is rapid e3pansion of servi(e area& And to support t#is B+A" Ban,
relies on #eavy re(ruitment& *n t#e past t#ree mont#s B+A" Ban, #as re(ruited over A00
people& But t#is lar%e volume of re(ruitment %ives rise to a :uestion t#at $#et#er B+A" Ban, is
preferrin% :uantity over :uality re%ardin% its manpo$er& )#e follo$in% se(tions $ill briefly
des(ribe t#is issue&
>e ,no$ t#at in .uman +esour(e Mana%ement +e(ruitment is one of t#e ,ey a(tivities of an
.+ Department $#ere t#e :uality of re(ruitment dire(tly affe(ts or%ani7ation5s produ(tivity t#us
su((ess in t#e lon% run& So t#e performan(e of .+ Department in findin% %ood (andidates and
sele(tin% t#e best from t#e pool is vital for an or%ani7ation& *n B+A" Ban, staff re:uisitions
(ome in s#ort interval every $ee, and Department .eads Mana%ers puts pressure on
+e(ruitment to %et t#e re:uisitioned number of people as soon as possible& *t is as if t#ey don5t
(are $#et#er t#e ne$ #ires $ill fit for t#e post or not& )#ey (ompletely rely on t#e intervie$ and
never (on(ern t#emselves $it# t#e fa(t t#at $it#in a limited amount of time :uality re(ruitment
is impossible& Most of t#e time +e(ruitment $in% in .+D %ets re:uisition for pro(essin% alon%
$it# some pre1sele(ted "Cs (omin% from t#e (on(erned departments& )#e mana%ers $#o pla(e
re:uisition for manpo$er intervie$s t#ose (andidates unoffi(ially and t#en t#ey send t#e "Cs
alon% $it# t#eir re:uisition form& )#is redu(es t#e $or, of t#e +e(ruitment $in% in .+D to a
%reat e3tent but (#an(es of sele(tin% a deservin% (andidate from e3ternal sour(es is redu(ed as
$ell and it also opens up s(ope for nepotism& +eferen(es from superior levels are also
entertained as t#ose "Cs are al$ays %iven priority in times of re(ruitment even if t#e (andidate
is unfit or un:ualified for t#e va(ant post&
)#is bold style of re(ruitment mi%#t be t#e reason be#ind #i%# turnover rate in B+A" Ban, -td&
)#e follo$in% data analysis $ill s#o$ last year5s and startin% of t#is year5s manpo$er status in
t#e Ban, in terms of number of re(ruitment versus number of employees resi%ned&

Month Status "umber of
"umber of $#
+e(ruitment 266 @1 !!@
+esi%nation @6 1!D 211
October 2012 +e(ruitment @2 12B 201
+esi%nation B4 1!D 22B
+e(ruitment A6 21B !0D
+esi%nation @1 B@ 16A
Total in three
Recruitment 424 419 1262
Resignation 376 367 743
Chart Recruitment vs. Resignation
Figure 1
)#e #i%# level of resi%nation tenden(y seen amon% t#e .+ "ontra(tual staff is due to t#e fa(t
t#at t#ey do resi%n for better opportunities and additionally t#e .+ "ontra(tual staffs be(omin%
permanent or re%ular more fre:uently as a (onsiderable number of "Cs a%ainst an *nternal Eob
>at(# (omes from e3istin% (ontra(tual employees of t#e Ban, alon% $it# t#eir respe(tive line
mana%ers5 re(ommendation&

/t#er issues re%ardin% .+ +e(ruitment are dis(ussed belo$:
6ot Suffi(ient manpo$er to e3e(ute lar%e si7ed re(ruitments& 9or a small re(ruitment
team ;@ members only= t#e lar%e number of re:uisition pro(essin% #as be(ome a
(#allen%e re(ently as t#e Ban, is %ro$in% faster t#an e3pe(tation&
)#ere is no rule poli(y or %uideline provided to t#e re(ruitment offi(ers for t#e "Cs
$#i(# are re'e(ted after an intervie$&
)#e a((epted (andidates5 "Cs %o to t#eir personal file upon t#eir 'oinin% in t#e Ban, and
sometimes t#e sele(ted "Cs are also %et stored $it# t#e not sele(ted "Cs or $it# ne$ly
arrived "Cs& So t#ese (andidates are also (alled durin% intervie$&
)#e re'e(ted "Cs are al$ays ,ept stored $#erever t#ere is some spa(e in t#e offi(e&
)eams5 (oordination is vital for a department5s su((ess& )#e $in%s related to +e(ruitment
often fail to (oordinate t#emselves due to sta%nant or dupli(ated pro(esses&
Durin% interns#ip pro%ram * #ave found some (riti(al issues in t#e ot#er $in%s of .uman
resour(es Department of B+A" Ban, -imited1
*t #as seen t#at B+A" Ban, does not %o for paper ad t#at mu(# $#en t#ey re(ruit
employees& /nly $#en t#ey re(ruit t#e Mana%ement )rainee /ffi(ers and #i%#er
positioned employees li,e "?/ t#en t#ey %ive ad in t#e ne$spaper& )#ey s#ould %ive
more paper ad so t#at many people (an ,no$ about it&
B+A" Ban, is a bi% (ompany no$& *nsuffi(ient manpo$er in proportion to t#e ban,5s
total $or,for(e& )#ey s#ould re(ruit suffi(ient people based on t#e demand of different
$in%s in .+ as t#ere is lots of pendin% $or, in .+ admin < in Pay benefits be(ause of
less manpo$er& Sometimes t#ey ,eep a lot of $or, pendin%& *f t#ey (#e(, t#e papers on
re%ular basis t#en t#e $or, does not remain pendin%&
Stron% influen(e of e3ternal referen(es in some (ases& )#e e3ternal for(es s#ould be
.+ soft$are in use needs up %radation and modifi(ations&
B+A" Ban, uses C*S)A Mana%er as soft$are for different purposes& Sometimes it
disturbs and %ets slo$&
*n .+D t#ere is no spe(ifi( pla(e for interns $#ere t#ey (an $or, so t#ey #ave to roam
around and sear(# for empty des, to do t#eir $or,& Sometimes all t#e des,s %et busy and
interns found no pla(e& )#is (onsumes a lot of time of t#e interns and as $ell as t#e
3.3 Areas need to improve:

A "Cs5 ar(#ive s#ould be maintained in a (omputeri7ed database to redu(e paper uses
and spa(e (onsumption& )#e "Cs (an be s(anned as PD9 files and maintained in
"ompa(t Dis,s ar(#ive&
)#e e3istin% re:uisition form (an be made simpler by turnin% it into a one pa%e form
instead of t$o in(ludin% only t#e needed fields so t#at one %lan(e is enou%# to verify it&
)#is $ill also redu(e #assle $#en p#oto(opyin% t#em for personal files or ot#er
do(umentation or filin%&
)#e *ntervie$ S(ore(ard (an be :ualitative instead of :uantitative so t#at Board Members
(an easily fill up and (omment about an intervie$ee in t#e s(ore(ard&
.+ Cista Mana%er needs to pi(, up more features < speed& *t s#ould be up%raded&
)#ey (an %o for paper advertisement also for t#e ot#er va(an(ies rat#er t#an Mana%ement
)rainee /ffi(ers and #i%#er positioned employees&
)#ey (an ,eep a spe(ifi( pla(e for interns $#ere t#ey $ill assi%n t#eir $or, to t#em&
!a"ter # 04
Human Resource Division of BRAC Bank Limited

Different types of employees
.uman +esour(e Division
4.1 Different types of employees:
)#e B+A" Ban, -imited #as in different employee5s (riteria& )#ere are different types of
employees $or,in% in different pla(es inside B+A" Ban,& )#e types of employees are1

1% Regular/ Full time employee:
*n full time (ate%ory employees are 'oined as probationary for si3 mont#s or one year
dependin% on 'ob (ate%ory& )#ey also #ave to si%n a deed for t#ree years a lon% $it#
depositin% ta,a one la( refundable& )#e re%ular employees are allo$ed to %et t#e bonus
in(entives and ot#er allo$an(es $it# t#eir basi( salaries& And t#ese types of employees
also #ave t#e benefit of %ettin% e3tra fa(ilities t#e B+A" Ban, limited is providin% for
t#eir employees&
2. HR Contractual:
"ontra(tual employees are ta,en for spe(ifi( period li,e si3 mont#s basis& Alon% $it#
t#eir salary t#ey %et attra(tive performan(e bonus if t#ey a(#ieve t#eir tar%et $#i(#
determined by or%ani7ation& .+ temporary (ontra(t are for t#ose (ate%ories $#ose Eob
des(ription is su(# $#ere #eJs#e needs to be under t#e dire(t supervision of Ban,5s
aut#ority $#ose performan(e is monitored by t#e Ban, Mana%ement& )#ey mi%#t be
spe(ialist (onsultant and spe(ially assi%ned staff& Staff under .+ (ontra(t are t#ose
people $#o dire(tly or indire(tly deals $it# (ustomer #as a((ess to Ban,5s (onfidential
data5s < valuable properties ;(ar et(&= deals $it# sensitive areas also $#ere staff need
to deal $it# (ustomer as a representative of B+A" Ban, dire(tly&
3% Outsource Staff:
/t#er (ontra(tual employees are not entitled for any servi(e a%reement& )#ey $ill be
re(ruited t#rou%# outsour(e a%en(ies& )#e re:uirement of any support staff t#rou%#
outsour(e a%en(y must (ome t#rou%# .+ si%ned by t#e Division .ead& .+ $ill send t#e
re:uirement to provide staff by t#e /utsour(e A%en(y& /utsour(e Staff re(ruitment
depends on t#e bud%eted re:uisition of t#e staff from t#e respe(tive departments&
.o$ever for non1bud%eted re:uisition it $ill %o t#rou%# after t#e approval pro(ess of
MA6"/M& )#e ban, reserves t#e ri%#t to terminate t#e (ontra(t $it# t#e /utsour(e
A%en(y $it#out assi%nin% t#e reason $#atsoever& )#e /utsour(e Staffs salaries are fi3ed
and t#ey $on5t %et any allo$an(es $it# t#eir salary&
4% Intern:
)o en(oura%e and #elp #uman resour(e development in t#e finan(ial industry t#e Ban,
may de(ide to offer interns#ip pro%rams to individuals or edu(ational institutions& )#e
de(ision to enter su(# an en%a%ement $ill be de(ided by t#e MD< "?/ on t#e
re(ommendation of t#e Department .ead&
)#e .+D $ill prepare t#e proposal of su(# en%a%ement $it# individualJinstitution and
for$ard it to t#e MD< "?/ for (onsideration $it# t#e re(ommendation of t#e .ead of
.+& *ndividuals en%a%ed as *nternees $ill be paid a (onsolidated .onorarium of ),&
!D00J1 per mont# as de(ided by t#e MDJMA6"/M and $ill not be entitled to any ot#er
benefits& Mana%in% Dire(tor < "?/ $ill determine and analy7e t#e ne(essity of intern
on t#e basis of yearly bud%et and also re:uirement of spe(ial pro'e(ts& As per
re:uirements Department .ead $ill ma,e t#e intern re:uisition and after re(eivin% intern
re:uisition .+ $ill ta,e 1D days for an intern to 'oin&
All *nterns#ips pro%ram $ill be for a t#ree mont#s& Prior approval by MD< "?/
interns#ip pro%ram (an be e3tended for a ma3imum period of si3 mont#s&

&% Management Trainee Officer (MTO):
Mana%ement )rainee /ffi(ers #i%#ly :ualified students of B+A" Ban, -imited& )#e
M)/5s are re%ular employee but t#ey #ave to learn as a student inside B+AB Ban, for
t#e period of one year& After one year if t#ey (an (omplete t#eir learnin% period
su((essfully t#ey $ill be(ome a senior offi(er dire(tly from t#e M)/&
4.2 Human Resources Division:
.avin% a .uman +esour(es Department in Ban%lades#i business or%ani7ations today is
be(omin% a (ommon and important part& But .uman +esour(e Mana%ement is a relatively ne$
dis(ipline to study and implement in t#is part of Asia and in most or%ani7ations .+ Department
$or, as a 8Support5 department to t#e or%ani7ation& >#ereas it $as supposed to be an inte%ral
part of t#e business $it#out $#i(# an or%ani7ation (annot ma3imi7e t#e utility of its most
valuable resour(e $#i(# is t#e $or,for(e t#e employees of t#e or%ani7ation& *n .+D t#ere are
!B permanent employees are (urrently fun(tionin%&
*n B+A" Ban, -td& t#ere are t#ree different divisions of departments& /ne is 8Business5 anot#er
is 8Support5 and t#e ot#er is 8/perations5& .ere also .+D is a Support department to t#e Ban,&
)#e 8Business5 division in(ludes t#e departments $#i(# are dire(tly related to t#e Ban,s ban,in%
business ban,in% produ(ts e&%& SM? +etail "orporate et(& >#ereas 8/perations5 division
in(ludes departments related to lo%isti(s transports et(& e&%& t#e 0*S ;0eneral *nfrastru(ture
Servi(es= Department& B+A" Ban, also outsour(e for (ontra(tual posts e&%& t#e Ban, is (urrently
outsour(in% from an or%ani7ation named F"-?A6"/G for floor maintenan(e& )#ey also #ire .+
"ontra(ts $#o upon satisfa(tory performan(e and e3perien(e (an a(#ieve a re%ular post in t#e
ban,& )#e .+ poli(ies re%ardin% employees of B+A" Ban, $ill be dis(ussed later&
)#e .uman +esour(es Department (urrently #as D different $in%s& )#ese are:
Learning & Organization Development (Training)
Compensation, Pay and Benefits
HR Administration
MIS & Strategic Planning
All t#e senior mana%ers of t#ese $in%s reports to t#e .ead of .+ Ms& )a#niyat A#med Oarim
$#o is also one of t#e Senior Ci(e Presidents and member of t#e Mana%ement "ommittee
;MA6"/M= of B+A" Ban, -td& /r%ano%ram of .+D is %iven belo$:
Functions of the HRD

)#ou%# t#ere is a bi% differen(e bet$een te3t boo,s and real $or,pla(e s(enario B+A" Ban,
.+D5s fun(tions does not differ mu(#& A((ordin% t#e .+ dis(ipline t#ey too #ave a re(ruitment
division trainin% < development division (ompensation < benefits plannin% division and t#ere
are performan(e measurement met#ods and re$ards for %ood performan(e as a motivational
drive in B+A" Ban, .+D5s poli(y& )#e .+ Administration division and M*S < Strate%i(
Plannin% division $ere out of t#e ordinary .+ t#eory& )#e fun(tions of B+A" Ban, .+D are
dis(ussed elaborately in t#e follo$in% se(tions&

4.2.1 Recruitment
)#e re(ruitment division is responsible for (olle(tion of "Cs Eob Appli(ations for va(ant posts
*nterns#ip Appli(ations et(& )#e re(ruitment offi(ers (olle(t and store t#ese #ard (opies and also
updates maintains (omputer databases re%ularly& )#e re(ruitment offi(ers5 tas, is to or%ani7e
"Cs for potential (andidates so t#at in time of re(ruitment t#ey (an be found and s#ort listed
$it#in a reasonable time& )#e very %eneral idea about t#e fun(tions of re(ruitment division is t#at
after "C s#ort listin% t#e s#ort listed (andidates are (onta(ted ;usually by telep#one= for
intervie$s& *n (ase of lar%e number of (andidates letters are mailed to t#e appli(antsJ(andidates
mailin% address& )#ese are done a((ordin% to t#e intervie$ s(#edule made before (onta(tin% t#e
(andidates& )#e intervie$ or $ritten test s(#edule is made prior to (onta(tin% $it# t#e s#ort
listed (andidates by (ommuni(atin% $it# respe(tive departments $#o submitted re:uisition for
t#e needed $or,for(e& )#e respe(tive Department .eads a((ompany t#e .ead of .+ in t#e
intervie$ board and (ross Department .eads also 'oin t#e board& After t#e intervie$ t#e
re(ruitment division a(:uires t#e *ntervie$ S(ore S#eet $#i(# is printed and #anded to *ntervie$
Board before startin% t#e intervie$s& )#e filled out *ntervie$ S(ore S#eets are t#en used to list
t#e finally sele(ted (andidates for t#e respe(tive posts& A((ordin% to t#e S(ore S#eets t#e
+e(ruitment Division issues /ffer -ettersJAppointment -etters to t#e finally sele(ted (andidates
and re:uests t#em to (olle(t t#eir -etters from t#e .+D& )#e ne$ employees are t#en %reeted to
finis# all t#e offi(ial formalities ;e&%& Bond Si%nin% P*6 number assi%nment et(&= and assi%ned a
'oinin% date in t#eir respe(tive departments& >ritten tests are only arran%ed $#en ne(essary
usually in (ase of lar%e number of appli(ants& Before a re(ruitment pro(ess is (ompletely
finis#ed t#e re(ruitment offi(ers must (ommuni(ate $it# t#e -earnin% < /r%ani7ation
Development offi(ers so t#at t#ey (an arran%e orientation or initial trainin% sessions for t#e
ne$ly re(ruited employees on time& )#is is done fre:uently be(ause most of t#e time t#e posts
%ettin% filled up re:uire an initial trainin% or orientation&
B+A" Ban, also provides a lar%e number of interns#ip opportunities for students all over t#e
(ountry& "ommuni(atin% $it# different departments and findin% out open interns#ip s(opes is
one of t#e tas,s for a re(ruitment offi(er& Departments Bran(#es also (ommuni(ate $it#
+e(ruitment )eam $#enever t#ere is an *nterns#ip opportunity is available in t#eir respe(tive
stations& Mat(#in% t#e sub'e(t studied by t#e student and t#e open department enables t#e
re(ruitment offi(er to ma,e de(ision in sele(tin% an intern& B+A" Ban, .+D %ives priority to
interns ;$#o #ave su((essfully (ompleted t#eir interns#ip in any department or bran(# of B+A"
Ban,= $#en t#ey apply for a va(ant post&
)#e steps involved in a re(ruitment pro(ess are as follo$s:
1. A properly filled1out Staff1+e:uisition 9orm is submitted by t#e (on(erned Department
.ead or Mana%er&
2. )#e +e:uisition s#ould be supported by t#e Manpo$er Bud%et for t#e yearI ot#er$ise a
6on1Bud%eted +e:uisition must be si%ned and approved by t#e Mana%in% Dire(tor upon
statin% valid reason for t#e re(ruitment&
3. Determinin% t#e type of re(ruitment is t#e ne3t step so t#at sour(e of "Cs (an be
identified& 9or a 9ull1)imeJ+e%ular post an *nternal Eob >at(# must be (ir(ulated $it#
details of t#e post t#rou%#out t#e ban, usin% -otus Mail& ?3ternal "Cs are also a((epted
for a post offered t#rou%# mail but in t#ese (ases internal sour(e is preferred by t#e
(on(erned department as some posts re:uire e3istin% e3perien(ed employees $it#in t#e
ban,& 9or e3ample a +e%ular post open in Unse(ured Calue "enter usually prefers an
.+ "ontra(t $or,in% in Unse(ured Calue "enter for past t$o years $it# satisfa(tory
4. "riteria for e3istin% +e%ular employees to apply in an *nternal Eob >at(# are: a= t#e
employee must #ave $or,ed 1 4ear after #isJ#er (onfirmation and (ompleted
(ontinuous year of servi(e in #isJ#er (urrent department& b= Must #ave minimum
performan(e ratin% 8P5 ;for Profi(ient=& (= Must #ave (ompleted A mandatory ?1-earnin%
5. "ondition for .+ "ontra(ts is 2 years of (ontinuous servi(e in t#e (urrent department&
6. 9or e3ternal "Cs t#e +e(ruitment $in% loo,s into t#e ar(#ive of "Cs applyin% for any
suitable post and for lar%e re(ruitments $e publis# (ir(ular in 6e$spapers& Usually in
FGProt#om AloG and F)#e Daily StarG&
7. /n t#e day an *nternal Eob >at(# (loses or a Paper Ad rea(#es deadline for "C
submission t#e +e(ruitment $in% (#e(,s all t#e "Cs as an initial s(reenin% and t#en
sends t#e "Cs for final s#ort listin% to t#e (on(erned departments $#o submitted
re:uisition& )#e finally sele(ted appli(ations are t#en (alled ;issued intervie$ (ards in
(ase of lar%e re(ruitments e&%& "+/Ls for SM? Ban,in%= for an intervie$ after settin% an
intervie$ date and venue&

)#e re(ruitment $in% mana%es *nternal Eob Postin%s re(ruitin% .+ )emporary Staffs and
/utsour(in% Staffs& )#e Servi(e -evel A%reement ;S-A= s(#edule is stri(tly follo$ed by all
(on(erned $in%s&

)#e +e(ruitment S-A pro(edure follo$ed is %iven belo$:
Recruitment through Internal 1ob Search & CV Bank
Sl& 6o& Parti(ulars >or,in% Days
+e:uired to
"omplete t#e )as,
01& *nternal Eob Sear(# $ill be publis#ed or "C $ill be (olle(ted
t#rou%# t#e "C ban,J?1+e(ruitment site after %ettin%
re:uisition from respe(tive department $it# respe(tive Eob
Des(ription ;ED= as per approved #ead (ount bud%et&
02& After "C (olle(tion intervie$ $ill ta,e pla(e& 0D
0!& 9rom t#e date of "C (olle(tion .+D $ill (onstitute
intervie$ Board and Members $ill be informed prior to
04& Appointment letters $ill be si%ned after final intervie$& 0!
0D& Appointment letters to be #anded over to (andidate after
si%nin% by ./.+ and Mana%in% Dire(tor&
Recruitment through Advertisement
06& After +e(eivin% +e:uisition from "on(erned Department
Mar,etin% Department $ill publis# t#e Advertisement upon
t#e advi(e from .+D& Advertisement $ill also publis# in our
0@& Appli(ation Duration ;"olle(tion of "C $it# appli(ation from
e3ternal (andidates a%ainst t#e advertisement publis#ed=
0A& .+D $ill s(rutini7e t#e "Cs ;/t#er t#an "+/ < M)/= after
"C s(rutini7e is over&
0B& .+D $ill arran%e t#e *ntervie$ ;/t#er t#an "+/ < M)/=
after "C (olle(tion is over&
10& .+D $ill s(rutini7e t#e "Cs ;/nly for "+/ < M)/= after t#e
period for (olle(tion of "C is over&
11& .+ $ill Pro(ess t#e data of t#e s(rutini7ed "+/ < M)/
12& .+ $ill send t#e letters to t#e appli(ants a#ead of intervie$
1!& .+D $ill arran%e t#e *ntervie$ ;/nly for "+/ < M)/= after
"C s(rutini7e is over&
14& /t#er Pro(ess ;Sl R 0! to 0D= Same as above
;Sl R ! to D=
Recruitment Budget:

Mana%in% Dire(tor < "?/ $ill determine and analy7e t#e ne(essity of manpo$er
based on re(ruitment re:uired by t#e Departments and pro'e(ted bud%et based on t#e
year after dis(ussin% $it# different department #eads& )#erefore it is t#e
responsibility of t#e mana%ement to e3amine t#e $or, load and (arry out t#e 'ob
analysis and as $ell as loo,in% into t#e real re:uirement of employees under various
(ate%ories to see $#et#er an additional #and is really ne(essary
Board of dire(tors #olds t#e aut#ority to finally de(ide any matter re%ardin% any sort
of re(ruitment& Besides t#ey are t#e supreme aut#ority to (reate any ,ind of ne$
B+A" Ban, must re(o%ni7e t#e importan(e of manpo$er estimation and a((ordin%ly
an or%ani7ation stru(ture s#ould be prepared for t#e Ban, and for ea(# Division <
Bran(#& )#e or%ani7ation stru(ture s#all #o$ever not be ri%id it may be revie$ed
and revised $#en ne(essary from time to time& Sub'e(t to revie$ from time to time
t#e (ompetent aut#ority as per po$er dele%ated by t#e Board $ill ma,e t#e

The Recruitment Policy:
All re%ular employees $ill appointed by t#e Mana%in% Dire(tor&
All .+ (ontra(t and outsour(e (ontra(t employees $ill be appointed by )#e .ead of
.uman +esour(e Division&
)#e s(#edule of re(ruitment $ill be (reated a((ordin% to t#e Servi(e -evel A%reement
)#e intervie$ board $ill $it# )#e .ead of Department of t#at post )#e Supportin%
Department .ead and )#e .ead of .+D&
/ffi(er 0rade * and /ffi(er ** (an appoint dire(tly after t#e intervie$&
9rom Senior /ffi(er and more t#ere $ill be a se(ond intervie$ $it# t#e Mana%in%
Dire(tor of B+A" Ban, -imited after t#e first intervie$&
9or internal 'ob postin% t#e employee (an only apply if #e #as t#e servi(e time in B+A"
Ban, is more t#en t$o years and also need to re(ommend t#e (andidate5s appli(ation by
t#e reportin% supervisor of t#e employee&
)#e .+ "ontra(t employee (an apply for t#e re%ular post after servi(in% more t#an t$o
years in t#e B+A" Ban,&
/utsour(e Staff (an apply for t#e re%ular post after servi(in% more t#an t#ree years in
t#e B+A" Ban,&
)#e ne$ re(ruited $ill %et t#e probationary period of one year if t#e employee #as less
t#an t#ree years of $or,in% e3perien(e and $ill %et t#e probationary period of si3 mont#s
if #e #as more t#en t#ree years $or,in% e3perien(e&

4.2.2 Training & Development
After re(ruitin% a potential (andidate t#e ne3t important fun(tion of .+D is to orient t#e ne$
entrant to t#e or%ani7ation and providin% #imJ#er $it# all t#e ne(essary ,no$led%e about t#eir
duties and responsibilities& )#is is done to ensure effe(tive input from t#e employees into t#e
or%ani7ation t#us t#eir most effi(ient level of performan(e& )#e trainin% pro%ram used in t#e
or%ani7ation also ensures employee retention& )o B+A" Ban, -td& spendin% in trainin%
pro%rams for employees is not an e3pense but an investment& ?a(# and every permanent
employee must #ave !0 days of trainin%&
Training & Development Issues
)#e trainin% pro%ram in(ludes:
/rientation )rainin%: /rientation pro%ram (onsists a five days5 $or,s#op $#i(# in(ludes
brief ideas about B+A" Ban, and its .uman +esour(e Division in t#e first t$o daysI
Anti1money launderin% 6e%otiable A(t and 9ina(le ;9inan(ial arti(le= are dis(ussion
topi(s of last t#ree days& Sometimes seven days trainin% are provided to t#e (ontra(tual
employees $it# t#eir respe(tive department&
*n1#ouse trainin%: )#is trainin% is (ondu(ted by t#eir o$n trainer $#en it is ne(essary for
t#e ne$ or e3istin% employees& .ere t#e trainers are paid five #undred ta,a in $ee,days
and seven #undred ta,a in $ee,end& )#is trainin% in(ludes bot# 'ob spe(ifi( and need
base trainin%& /rientation trainin% is also a part of in1#ouse trainin%&
Eob spe(ifi( trainin%: FMo(, Bran(#G trainin% is an e3ample of 'ob spe(ifi( trainin%
$#i(# is appli(able for all bran(# employees& )#is trainin% improves employee5s
,no$led%e servi(e :uality and ris, and (omplian(e issues about spe(ifi( 'ob&
6eed based lo(alJforei%n trainin%: )#ese trainin%s are (ondu(ted by #irin% e3ternal
trainers or sendin% t#e employee in t#e e3ternal trainin% #ouses by seein% advertisements
of trainin% offers in ne$spapers or via email& As t#ese are e3pensive trainin%s so every
sin%le employee (annot parti(ipate& 6ominations are %iven from ea(# department and
t#en approval is ta,en from division #ead and only t#e nominated employees ta,e part
Peer or Supervisor5s (oa(#in%: )#is trainin% is (ondu(ted under t#e dire(tion of
supervisors or fello$ (ollea%ues&
?1learnin%: /nline trainin% and evaluation& *t is a mandatory part of trainin%& )#ere are
si3 (ourses t#at every employee must do& )#e mandatory four (ourses are 1& .uman
+esour(e Division 2& Anti1money launderin% !& B+A" Ban, overvie$ ;$#i(# in(ludes
operations retail ban,in% SM? and $#ole1 sale ban,in%= 4& "ompany se(retariat le%al
and re%ulatory and internal (ontrol& )#e ot#er t$o (ourses are based on t#e respe(tive
department& ?3aminations and results bot# #eld and publis#ed via internet&
?very department #as to follo$ an employee performan(e measurement met#od devised by t#e
.+D& )#is performan(e measurement form is filled out and si%ned by t#e supervisors and
respe(tive Department .eads& Based on t#ese performan(e revie$s trainin% needs are identified
for different employees&
Belo$ is a trainin% need identifi(ation flo$ (#art:
Training procedure for Management Trainee Officers (MTO):
? Eoinin%Jparti(ipatin% in orientation $it# different departments
? 9oundation "ourse
? Atta(#ment $it# SM? Unit /ffi(es < Bran(#es
? /r%ani7ation of Development Pro%ram
? Atta(#ment $it# different departments
? *nformation )e(#nolo%y )rainin%
? /n 'ob #ands1on trainin% a((ordin% to Eob Des(ription
*n every ! mont# t#e .+ sits $it# t#e trainees to follo$ up on t#eir pro%ress alon% $it#
MA6"/M& )#e $#ole trainin% pro%ram is divided into t$o ma'or parts& /ne part is t#e
trainin% on foundation (ourses and t#e ot#er part in(ludes atta(#ment in (ore and support
business and operations unit&
? "ore ban,in% trainin% (omprises of B*BM 2 9oundation (ourse *ndu(tion and SM? <
+etail Atta(#ment&

? After (ompletion of foundation (ourses t#e trainees are atta(#ed in different departments
basi(ally on (ore business departments and operations departments& )#e trainin% and
development department (ondu(ts t#is trainin% sessionI .+ department $or,s as a
(oordinator for t#e $#ole pro(ess& )rainin% $in% also follo$ an S-A&

)#e trainin% pro(edure follo$ed by B+A" Ban, .+D (an be summari7ed in t#e
follo$in% steps:
6o Parti(ulars >or,in%
+e:uired to
t#e )as,
1 /rientation )rainin% after t#e ne$ #ires #as (ompleted all t#e
2 Spe(ial )rainin% for +etail Staff and "orporate $#o deal $it# "as# 0!
! Arran%ement of Post field atta(#ment trainin% for "+/5s $#o #ave been
nominated by t#e (on(erned aut#ority&
4 *n1#ouse resour(e person $ill be informed prior to trainin%& 0!
D .+D $ill be informedJ "on(ern person $ill be informed by .+D prior
to forei%n trainin%&
6 "on(ern personJdepartment $ill be informed prior to outside lo(al
@ .+D $ill be (onfirmed by t#e (on(erned departmentJperson after
re(eivin% offer from .+D&
A *f t#e parti(ipants arran%e any (ourse ;lo(al trainin% institute= it s#ould
be informed to .+ alon% $it# proper approval from MDJ"// for
ne(essary a(tion before trainin%&
B )rainin% Arran%ed by Ban%lades# Ban, or any le%ali7ed body $#ere any
staff of t#e ban, #as been nominated by t#e supervisor and t#e same #as
been informed to .+&
10 9or (an(ellation of parti(ipation in any trainin% ;-o(al or in1#ouse= .+
must be informed t#rou%# (on(ern supervisorJdepartment #eads before
4.2.3 Compensation, Pay & Benefits
)#e Ban, is (ommitted to follo$ a fair (ompetitive and fle3ible remuneration poli(y& )#e Board
is t#e final aut#ority for approval of t#is poli(y and $ill amend and revie$ t#e poli(y on
re(ommendation of t#e Mana%in% Dire(tor J Mana%ement "ommittee periodi(ally&
)#e remuneration poli(y of t#e ban, $ill (over all persons en%a%ed in permanent servi(e of t#e
)#e different 'ob %rades at B+A" Ban, are as follo$s:
Deputy Mana%in% Dire(tor
?3e(utive Ci(e President
Senior Ci(e President
Ci(e President
Senior Assistant Ci(e President
9irst Assistant Ci(e President
Assistant Ci(e President
Senior Prin(ipal /ffi(er
Prin(ipal /ffi(er
Senior /ffi(er
Mana%ement )rainee /ffi(er ;Dire(t +e(ruit=
/ffi(er 0rade **
/ffi(er 0rade *
)#e Salary stru(ture of t#e Ban, is based on t#e aforementioned Eob 0rades& Eob %rades are
de(ided on t#e basis of an analyti( assessment of t#e position based on t#e si7e responsibilities
de(ision1ma,in% aut#orities and t#e nature of t#e 'ob&
The remuneration of employees consists of:
Basi( Salary
.ouse +ent and
Medi(al Allo$an(e
Salaries are (onfidential bet$een t#e employees (on(erned and t#e Mana%ement& )#e salary
ran%es for t#ese 'ob %rades are revie$ed from time to time&
.+ )emporary < outsour(e staff do not #ave any assi%ned 'ob %rade& )#e (ontra(ts %et a
(onsolidated payment per mont# and t#ere are no ot#er entitlements appli(able e3(ept
(ommission based on 'ob (riteria&
Basic Pay
Basi( Salary +an%es ;BS+s= is (ommensurate $it# t#e 'ob %rades and is determined by t#e
Board on t#e re(ommendation of t#e Mana%in% Dire(tor& )#e Board revie$s t#e BS+ at least
on(e every t$oJt#ree years&
$ouse rent allowance:
.ouse +ent Allo$an(e may be paid to t#e employees at su(# rates and on su(# (onditions as
may be pres(ribed by t#e "ompetent Aut#ority from time to time&
Medical allowance:
Medi(al Allo$an(es may be paid in a((ordan(e $it# t#e 'ob %rades and on su(# (onditions t#at
may be pres(ribed by t#e "ompetent Aut#ority from time to time&
Festival Bonus
All re%ular and (onfirmed employees %et t$o bonuses ea(# year& /ne in ?id1Ul19itr and anot#er
durin% ?id1Ul1A7#a only for Muslims and employees of different reli%ion %ets t#at bonus durin%
t#eir respe(tive reli%ious festival&
)#ere is also a performan(e bonus system maintained by t#e "ompensation Pay < Benefits
$in%& But final evaluation is al$ays de(ided by t#e MA6"/M&
/t#er t#an t#e above benefit t#ere is a Provident 9und System a 0ratuity System 0roup
.ospitali7ation *nsuran(e Poli(y ?mployee Se(urity and >elfare 9und maintained by t#e Ban,&
+e%ular and (onfirmed employees (an apply for .ouse Buildin% -oan and "ar -oan&
Allo$an(es are also available to only re%ular and (onfirmed employees but "ar Allo$an(es are
only for t#e %rades above Senior Prin(ip1al /ffi(er ;SP/=&
)#ere is an annual in(rement for all re%ular and (onfirmed employees on t#eir 'oinin%
9estival Bonus $ill be paid to all (onfirmed offi(ersJstaff at one mont# basi( salary $#i(#
$ill be reimbursed t$i(e in ea(# (alendar year& All (onfirmed employees $ould %et one
bonus durin% ?id1ul19itre and anot#er one for Muslims durin% ?id1ul1A7#a and for ot#ers
based on t#eir respe(tive reli%ious festival&
6on1(onfirmed employees $ill be entitled to %et 9estival bonus as pro rata basis
dependin% on #isJ#er BB- 'oinin% Date&
.+ "ontra(t < /utsour(e Staff $ould %et 1 bonus $#i(# is D0N of t#is %ross salary&

)#e Board of t#e Dire(tors $ill de(ide t#e annual salary revision and re(ommendation $ill be
based on:
+evised Pay S(ale andJ or
*nflation ad'ustment rate
Performance Bonus 'PB) (' once a year):
)#e Board of Dire(tors at its dis(retion based on t#e Ban,5s profit $ill de(lare a (ertain
per(enta%e of t#e pre1ta3 profit as Performan(e Bonus& )#e (ontribution measurement $ill be
(omin% from t#e Performan(e Matters& Performan(e Matters for su(# purpose s#all be made on
t#e (riteria set by t#e mana%ement from time to time&
Amount of Performan(e Bonus $ill be !N based on net profit after ta3 and met#od of
distribution $ill be based at Mana%ement dis(retion
6o bonus $ill be appli(able to t#e employees ratin% mar%inal < unsatisfa(tory& 9inal ?valuation
$ill be de(ided by t#e MA6"/M for t#e entire ban, after %oin% t#rou%# a 8ratin%5 pro(ess to
ensure t#at a (onsensus is rea(#ed for t#e entire ban,&

)eave *are assistance ')*+)( 'once a year):
-eave 9are Assistan(e is a non1re(urrin% benefit for all t#e permanent employees of t#e Ban,
$#o #ave (ompleted at least one year servi(e& A((ordin% to Ban%lades# Ban, poli(y all t#e
permanent employees #ave to ta,e 1D days mandatory leave in one %o and -9A $ill %ive in t#is
leave period so t#at everyone $ill be en(oura%ed to avail t#e leave& )#e Board #as approved t#e
-9A in its B2nd Meetin%&
B+A" Ban, provides -eave 9are Assistan(e to its ?mployees to ensure t#at t#e employees en'oy
a sound mandatory leave of 1D days in one %o& )#is $ill definitely en#an(e t#e employees5
satisfa(tion and it $ill en#an(e (ompetitiveness $it# peer or%ani7ation in t#e industry&
?very Permanent employee of t#e ban, is eli%ible to re(eive t#e -9A $#o #ave (ompleted at
least one year servi(e& )#is benefit is available at t#e time of mandatory -eave& .o$ever after
(ompletion of one year servi(e and bein% (onfirmed (alendar year must #ave t#e option to
a((ommodate staff mandatory leave&
-9A $ill be %iven at t#e time $#en an employee $ill avail t#e 1D days mandatory leave& -9A
$ill be t#e one mont#5s basi( salary of pro(essin% mont# for (urrent and future treatment& 9or
previous treatment t#e amount $ill be one mont#5s basi( salary of Mandatory -eave Availin%
?very "onfirmed ?mployee is entitled to re(eive -9A only on(e in a year& *f any staff fails to %o
to mandatory leave #isJ#er -9A $ill not be (arried for$ard& )#at means in a (alendar year only
one -9A $ill be %iven to t#e staff&
)#e Staff #as to #ave enou%# leave balan(e to a((ommodate 1D days one %o leave ot#er$ise sJ#e
$ill not be entitled to #ave t#e -eave $it# -9A&
Staff (an5t (laim t#e mandatory leave after separation situation arise t#at means if an employee
resi%ns from t#e servi(es or in t#e noti(e period sJ#e (an5t (laim for mandatory leave $it# -9A&
)#e ot#er #and if any staff is terminatedJ dismissed sJ#e (an5t (laim for mandatory leave $it#
-9A after re(eivin% t#e letter&
0overnment rules and re%ulations $ill be follo$ed re%ardin% ta3 issue& -9A $ill be in(luded in
t#e in(ome (ertifi(ate of staff for ta3 return purpose&
After re(eivin% Mandatory -eave appli(ation .+D $ill produ(e t#e Pay Slip& .ead of .+ $ill
approve t#is slip and send to 9AD ;9undin% Allo$an(e Do(ument= for payment and 9AD $ill
pay a((ordin%ly& *t $ill be (ome into for(e from Eanuary 200A a((ordin% to approval of t#e
&elephone policy:
?mployees from ACP and above are entitled to #ave mobile p#one sets $it# all fa(ilities ;)<)
in(omin% out%oin% and *SD (onne(tion=
?mployees of t#e ban, belo$ ACP are re:uested to ta,e up a post1paid mobile at t#eir o$n
e3pense a((ordin% to departmental need and also %iven a (eilin% on t#e basis of t#eir 'ob
All ot#ers e3(ept SM? $ill #ave to %et t#eir mont#ly bill approved by t#e
departmentalJdivisional #ead prior to submission for payment disbursement& /t#ers may avail a
ban,5s mobile provided t#ey see, prior approval from t#e (ompetent aut#ority&
$ospitali,ation -nsurance:
*n t#e event $#ere #ospitali7ation or sur%ery is re:uired for a member of t#e offi(er5s ;(onfirmed
employee= dependent ;Spouse and "#ildren= in(ludin% #ospitali7ation on a((ount of maternity 1
t#e Ban, $ill reimburse t#e offi(er ;0roup "= up to a ma3imum of ),&!D000J1 per annum for
e3e(utives ;0roup B= ),&100000J1 per annum and 200000J1 per annum for MA6"/M ;0roup
&ravel allowance:
An employee of t#e Ban, may be allo$ed to dra$ travelin% allo$an(e in respe(t of 'ourneys
performed for t#e purposes aut#ori7ed by t#e (ompetent aut#ority $#i(# in(lude:
/n offi(ially assi%ned tour
)o %ive eviden(e in a (ourt of la$
/n transfer
/n (ompulsory re(all from leave
)o appear at a departmentalJprofessional e3amination as aut#ori7ed by t#e (ompetent
)o attend a (ourse of trainin% sponsored by t#e Ban,
)o bear t#e (ost of travel of de(eased employee

)ypes of allo$an(es under travel poli(y:
)ravelin% Allo$an(e ;Mode of )ransport=
A((ommodation Allo$an(e ;.otel +ent=
Daily Allo$an(e
)#e 0ratuity 9und is a terminal benefit t#at an employee re(eives at t#e time of
+e%ular (onfirmed employees $#o #ave (ompleted at least D 4ears (ontinuous servi(e
are entitled to re(eive 0ratuity Benefit&
Gratuity Calculation:
-ast mont#5s basi( Salary multiplied by t#e year of servi(e (ompleted e&%& if an
employee serves )#e Ban, for 6 years and t#en resi%nsJretires #is 0ratuity "al(ulation
s#all be ;-et5s assume #is Basi( Salary is )a,a 20000&00=: )a,a 20000&00 3 6 mont#s S
)a,a 1 20000&00 )#e (ustody mana%ement investment and (ontrol of t#e fund s#all be
vested in t#e board of trustees&
+e%ular employees after (onfirmation need to fill up and submit t#e FAppli(ation for
?nrollment as MemberG to be(ome a member.
)#ere s#all be at least 6 trustees of t#e fund& )rustees $ill be nominated by t#e MD&
)#e MD s#all be an ?31/ffi(io Member and "#airman of t#e Board of )rustees&

? )#e .ead of .uman +esour(es 1 ?31/ffi(io Member&
? )#e .ead of 9inan(ial Admin 1 ?31/ffi(io Member&
? At least t#ree representatives from t#e members as nominated by t#e "#airman&

*f t#ere is a s#orta%e of member of t#e board of trustees due to resi%nation t#en t#e "#airman (an
nominate trusteeJs to rea(# t#e minimum number&
)#e Board of )rustees s#all meet at least 4 times in a (alendar year& At least @ days prior1 noti(e
s#ould be %iven to t#e trustees before a meetin%&
All money of t#e fund s#all be deposited in a Spe(ial A((ount $it# any ban, )#is s#ould be
mentioned #ere t#at t#e A((ount is maintained 'ointly by aut#ori7ed members of t#e board of
)#e )rustees are aut#ori7ed to invest t#e surplus money of t#e fund in a((ordan(e $it# t#e
provisions of "ompany A(t 1BB4 and *n(ome )a3 +ules 1BA4&
Security *und:
)#e ob'e(tive of t#e fund is to provide predetermined monetary benefit a%ainst Deat# and
Permanent Disability of re%ular (onfirmed staff to #isJ#er DependentJ.eirJ6ominee by t#e Ban,&
All +e%ular "onfirmed employees are eli%ible to avail t#is benefit& )#e fund for t#is benefit is
(reated solely $it# )#e Ban,5s "ontribution&
)#e Ban, $ill (ontribute )a,a D&00J)#ousand on a yearly basis a%ainst t#e last basi( salary of
ea(# eli%ible employee& ;)#e rate of (ontribution may be (#an%ed sub'e(t to t#e approval of t#e
board&= )#e Ban, maintains a liability a((ount to mana%e t#e fund&
)#e total amount of benefit $ill be e:ual to !6 times of t#e last basi( salary of t#e employee&

Two forms of benefits:

a) eath Benefit:
? *f an eli%ible employee dies $it#in t#e term of employment&

b) Permanent and &otal isability 'P&):
Disability resultin% from a((idental means t#at is (ontinued for at least Si3 mont#s and is
(ertified by Ban,5s desi%nated do(tor as in(urable&
9or bot# (ases t#e benefit s#all be paid to t#e nominee upon re(eipt of ne(essary proof& ;*n
(ase of minor nominee t#e benefit $ill be paid to t#e le%al %uardian of t#e nominee=

Exclusion from Employee Security Benefit:
?mployees $ill not be eli%ible for t#e benefit if Deat# or disability is (aused by:
1 9or furt#er in'ury of ?mployees $it# pre1e3istin% de%ree of disablement&
1 Attempted sui(ide or self1infli(ted in'ury&
1 "ivil (ommotion Assault #omi(ide or any $ar li,e operations&
1 Ma,in% an arrest as an offi(er of la$&
1 "ommittin% a felony&
1 +a(in% on $#eels&
1 A((ident $#ile t#e employee is affe(ted by Al(o#olJDru%&

)#e Board of Dire(tors reserves t#e po$er to (lose fund at any time& At su(# event
t#e fund s#all be refunded to t#e Ban,&

BRAC Bank Employees` Provident Fund:
)#e B+A" Ban, employees5 provident fund re:uires t#e employer i&e& B+A" Ban, -imited to
(ontribute to t#e fund 10N of basi( salary for all re%ular (onfirmed employees& ?very member of
t#is fund on retirement is provided $it# a sum of money as determined by t#e establis#ed rules
for t#e fund on retirement or resi%nation from #is or #er servi(es& )#is fun #as been effe(tive
from t#e 1st of Eanuary 200!&
A board of trustee is entrusted $it# t#e (ontrol mana%ement and investment of t#e fund& )#e
trustees of t#e board are nominated by t#e "#ief /peratin% /ffi(er ;"//= $#o also #olds t#e
ri%#t to repla(e any su(# trustee& ?a(# trustee may #old t#e offi(e for a period of t#ree years&

As stated by t#e rules ea(# member (ontributes a sum e:ual to 10N of t#e basi( salary ea(#
mont# t#at is dedu(ted by t#e ban, at t#e time of payment& B+A" Ban, -imited mat(#es t#e
employee5s (ontribution $it# a mont#ly payment e:ual to 10N of t#e basi( salary of ea(#
member& ?very #alf year ea(# member5s a((ount is (redited $it# interest pertinent to t#e in(ome
earned on t#e investments from t#e fund& )#e sum of money %iven by t#e members and t#e
amount (ontributed by t#e ban, are (redited separately to #isJ#er a((ount in a spe(ial led%er ,ept
by t#e trustee at t#e #ead offi(e of t#e ban, in D#a,a&
At t#e time of resi%nation or retirement t#e employee is entitled to re(eive t#e employer5s
(ontribution and t#e a((umulated interest sub'e(t to #is or #er len%t# of members#ip in t#e
(ontributory provident fund&
*f t#e employee #as been a member for less t#an or e:ual to year t#en #eJs#e $ill not be eli%ible
to re(eive any of t#e above mentioned (ontributions& .eJs#e $ill only be able to obtain #is added
(ontributions over t#e period of #is members#ip&
*f t#e duration of members#ip #as been e:ual to or less t#an t#ree years t#en t#e member $ill be
entitled to re(eive D0N of t#e employer5s (ontribution and a((umulated interest&
*f t#e duration of members#ip #as been more t#an ! years t#en t#e member $ill be entitled to
re(eive 100N of t#e a((umulated interest and employer5s (ontribution&
*n (ase a member is dismissed due to ne%li%en(e or in(ompeten(e #e or s#e $ill be entitled to
re(eive #erJ#er o$n (ontribution alon% $it# t#e a((rued interest t#ereon at t#e settled interest
rate& )#e ban,5s (ontribution #o$ever may be forfeited and distributed amon% t#e members
a((ordin% to t#e individual balan(es of t#e members&
)#e same is appli(able in (ase of an employee dismissed from t#e ban, due to mis(ondu(t or
fraud& .o$ever for su(# purposes only t#e trustees s#all be t#e sole 'ud%e of $#et#er t#e (ause
of dismissal or for(ed retirement is si%nifi(ant enou%# or not&
/elfare *und:
)#e motive be#ind establis#in% t#e $elfare fund is to be able to provide t#e re%ular (onfirmed
employees from E/ to SP/ $it# finan(ial support for in(idents or events $#en t#e (ost may not
be affordable for t#e employees& )#ese may in(lude t#e follo$in%:
? A((idents on t#e 'ob
? ?3tended illness
? ?du(ation for (#ildren
? Marria%e of (#ildren
?mployees of t#e %rade E/ to SP/ may be t#e members of t#is fund& )#e amount to be re(eived
by t#e employees under su(# spe(ial (ir(umstan(es $ould be settled on by t#e fund mana%ement
(ommittee after t#orou%# assessment of t#e (laim appli(ation and relevant do(uments&
A benefi(iary $ill not be entitled to re(eive fund more t#an on(e in one (alendar year& Ma3imum
limit for relevant o((urren(es are stated belo$:

1 Severe A((ident < ?3tended *llness )O D0000

1 ?du(ationJ?3amination:
o SS" < .S" )O 10000
o De%ree ;BAJ BSSJ BS"J B"/MJ BBA= )O 20000
o Master De%reeJ MBA )O D0000
o Marria%e "eremony )O 1 00000

%ar )oan Scheme:
)#e (ar loan fa(ility is e3tended to employees of or above t#e %rade P/& )#e amount of loan t#at
t#ese employees (an ta,e obviously varies a((ordin% to t#eir respe(tive 'ob %rades&
Prin(ipal and Senior Prin(ipal /ffi(ers (an ta,e loan amountin% to ),&A00 000
ACP 9ACP SACP (an file for loan amountin% to ),&10 00 000
CP and SCP (an file for loan e3tendin% up to ),14 00000
%ar +llowances:
?mployees of or above t#e %rade of ACP are also provided $it# (ar allo$an(es t#at in(orporate
e3penses for 9uel Driver and Maintenan(e&
ACP 9ACP SACP (an #ave an amount of )O&!D000 allo(ated as (ar allo$an(e per mont#& )#e
CP and SCP (an #ave an amount of )O&6D 000 allo(ated as (ar allo$an(e per mont#&
Staff )oan:
Staff loan is %ranted to re%ular (onfirmed employees of t#e ban,& )#e duration of servi(e of t#e
employee #as to be at least a year lon%& )#e employee (an apply for loan e3tendin% up to 10
times of #isJ#er %ross salary at 1D N interest rate&
$ouse Building loan:
?mployees $#o #ave #ad a servi(e len%t# of D years and above are eli%ible to apply for #ouse
buildin% loan& A (ommittee $ill oversee t#e loan appli(ation and monitor t#e lo(ation for #ouse
buildin% t#e debt burden ration of t#e employee and ot#er relevant issues& )#e debt burden ratio
for t#e employee #as to be D0N or belo$ for t#e loan to be approved& )#e repayment s(#edule
for t#e loan #as to be before t#e retirement of t#e employee& )#e interest rate of t#e loan is !N&
&ermination Benefit:
*n (ase a (onfirmed employee is as,ed to resi%n from #isJ#er servi(es by t#e relevant aut#ority
$it#out statin% any reason #eJs#e is eli%ible to re(eive one mont#5s noti(e in $ritin% or one
mont#5s %ross salary as payment& *f t#e employee is duly notified $it# one mont#5s noti(e
#eJs#e $ill not be entitled to re(eive any form of (ompensation for t#e termination of servi(es&
Suspension Benefit:
*n t#e event t#at a reportJinformation about mis(ondu(t or fraud is re(eived a%ainst an employee
#eJs#e #as to under%o sta%es of dis(iplinary pro(eedin%s& )#e employee is presented $it# (#ar%e
s#eet and is %iven 4 days to (ome up $it# an e3planation& A preliminary en:uiry (ommittee is
formed and an en:uiry noti(e is issued t#at mar,s t#e be%innin% of a proper domesti( en:uiry& *f
a((ordin% to t#e (ommittee5s report t#e employee is found %uilty #e is duly punis#ed& *n (ase t#e
employee is found not %uilty #eJs#e is retained $it# due respe(t& Durin% t#e period of en:uiry
t#e employee may be suspended and $ill only re(eive D0N of #is basi( salary& *n (ase #eJs#e is
proven to be not %uilty t#en t#e full amount of salary must be refunded to t#e employee&
4.2.4 HR Administration
>e ,no$ t#at t#e $ord 8Administration5 means (ontrollin% people& *n B+A" Ban, limited .+
Administration is mu(# more t#an 'ust (ontrollin%& *t in(ludes motivatin% t#e $or,for(e
en(oura%in% t#em to be more produ(tive and innovative leadin% or sele(tin% or providin% an
appropriate leader for a leaderless team&
Some smaller and simpler day1to1day fun(tions are (arried out by t#e Administration as $ell&
)#ese in(ludes employees5 leave balan(e monitorin% and approvin% if t#ey (an avail leave if
8yes5 t#en plannin% and su%%estin% #o$ many days $#i(# days et(& "#e(,in% and approvin%
employees5 different loan ;.ouse Buildin% Personal "ar et(&= re:uests& Administration also
(arries out :uarterly 8+e$ard and +e(o%nition5 event $#i(# is (alled 8)#e )o$n .all Meetin%5&
.ere B+A" Ban, employees %et re$arded based on t#eir :uarterly performan(e evaluation&
Administration also #as to underta,e some #ars# duties $#i(# are S#o$ "ause letter issue
>arnin% letter issue issuin% letter of )ermination issuin% Dismissal order Audit and
*nvesti%ation et(& )#ese are (ertain unavoidable and rare in(idents (aused mostly by employees
and t#eir personal issues t#at dire(tly violate Ban,5s (ode of (ondu(t&
)#e .+ Cista DBMS Soft$are spe(ially desi%ned for B+A" Ban, is used by t#e Administration
for employee re(ord updatin%& Administration also (arries out "onfirmation +ene$al of
"ontra(t and Promotion formalities&
Sin(e B+A" Ban, fo(uses more on SM? se(tor t#e Ban, #eavily depends on t#eir "ustomer
+elations /ffi(ers ;"+/=& Due to t#eir edu(ational level and type of duty depends on et#i(al
standards t#e "+/s are often re:uired to be monitored and lead& Assi%nin% a %ood Sales )eam
-eader ;S)-= for different "+/ teams in different distri(ts is also a tas, of .+ Administration&
Anot#er motivational fa(tor re$arded and monitored by .+ Administration is 8Bri%#t *deas5&
Bri%#t ideas are usually t#ose $#i(# employees (ome up $it# from t#eir o$n 'ud%ment and if it
benefits t#e Ban, ;e&%& "ost redu(tion or%ani7ation or $or, pro(ess development= t#en it is
(onsidered as a Bri%#t *dea& )#e respe(tive employees are re$arded a((ordin%ly as a fa(tor of
)#e .+ Administration (overs t#e follo$in% tas,s:
Leave System:
)#e poli(ies follo$ed for employee leaves mana%ement based on t#e types of leaves and t#eir
(riteria are %iven belo$:
Annual Leave:
All offi(ers $ill be(ome eli%ible for annual leave of 24 $or,in% days after (ompletion of one1
(alendar year& /f t#ese 24 days 1D days must be ta,en as (onse(utive leave ea(# year& Any
pendin% leave may be (arried for$ard to t#e ne3t year&
Annual leave en(as#ment fa(ilities may be allo$ed to t#e person for a ma3imum of B0 days at
t#e time of ?mployee5s leavin% t#e ban,& Any leave ta,en in advan(e to be ad'usted durin% t#e
final settlement period&
Casual/Sick Leave:
"asual leave up to 14 (alendar days (an be %ranted per year to an employee $#o may be unable
to attend duty due to sudden illness or ur%ent private affairs& 6ot more t#an 2 days (asual leave
(an be ta,en at a time in a mont#& "asual -eave more t#an ! days $ill be (onsidered as si(,
leave and #as to be supported by medi(al reports& *n (ase of prolon%ed illness t#e Mana%in%
Dire(tor may %rant medi(al leave in e3(ess of si(,J(asual leave $it# full pay and allo$an(es for
a period up to one mont#&
Maternity Leave: 9emale ;(onfirmed= employees $ill en'oy 4 mont#s maternity leave& /ne
employee $ill be entitled to avail t#is leave for 2 times in #er entire servi(e period&
Study Leave: Study leave of ma3imum 2 years (an only be %ranted to an employee $it#out pay
and allo$an(es provided #eJs#e #as put in at least t#ree years of servi(e& )#is -eave is only
%ranted to t#ose employees $#o #ave a(#ieved a minimum of ! years of servi(e re(ord $it# t#e
ban, and also to t#ose $#o are due to retire $it#in D years of t#e date on $#i(# #eJs#e is li,ely
to return from t#e study leave& )#is leave s#all #o$ever be allo$ed in t#e entire period of
Leave without Pay: -eave $it#out pay may be %ranted to an employee in spe(ial
(ir(umstan(es $#ere no ot#er leave is admissible under t#ese rules& *n (ase of -eave $it#out
Pay t#e period does not e3(eed 60 days&
Leave during Probation Period: 9or si(, leave in t#e probation period t#e leave #as to be
spe(ially mentioned by t#e department& "asual leave $ill be %ranted to probationary employees
after (ompletion of 6 mont#s& Any leave ta,en prior to (ompletion of 6 mont#s $ill be ad'usted
a%ainst t#e (asual leave&
Encashment Facilities of Annual Leave: Annual leave en(as#ment fa(ilities may be allo$ed to
t#e employees for a ma3imum of B0 days ;based on last basi(= at t#e time of employee5s leavin%
t#e ban,&
Probation and Confirmation:
)#e terms of probation are as follo$s:
1 A person sele(ted for appointment $it# less t#an ! years 'ob e3perien(e $ill be on
probation period of one year&
1 An employee $it# 'ob e3perien(e of ! years or more $ill be on probation for 6 mont#s&
*n t#e event of t#e probationer5s failure to s#o$ satisfa(tory pro%ress and a(:uire re:uired
effi(ien(y durin% employee5s probationary period t#e appointin% aut#ority may at its dis(retion
e3tend #is probationary period by a ma3imum of additional 6 ;si3= mont#s or dispense $it# #is
servi(e by %ivin% one mont#5s noti(e or by payin% a sum e:ual to one mont#5s pay $it#out
assi%nin% any reason& An offi(er s#all be(ome eli%ible for (onfirmation in t#e spe(ified post
sub'e(t to employee5s su((essful (ompletion of t#e period of probation&
*n t#e (ase of one year if t#e person fails to s#o$ satisfa(tory pro%ress employee5s appointment
$ill be terminated&
)#e (onfirmation of servi(e of all offi(ers and employees in t#e servi(es of t#e Ban, s#all ta,e
effe(t on and from t#e date as $ill be spe(ified in t#e order of (onfirmation& After t#e
probationary period of si3 mont#s or one year t#e administration send t#e appraisal form to t#e
Department .eads& After (ompletin% t#e appraisal form send t#e form to t#e administration& *n
t#e pro(edure t#e .+D #ead send t#is appraisal form $it# #is approval si%nature to t#e Deputy
Mana%in% Dire(tor of B+A" Ban, -imited to approve and for$ard it Mana%in% Dire(tor of
B+A" Ban, -imited and after t#at it $ill be approved si%ned by t#e Mana%in% Dire(tor&
A((ordin% to t#e (omment and remar, of appraisal form t#e employee $ill %et t#e (onfirmation
$it# in(rement of salary or (onfirmation $it# promotion or no (onfirmation&
Promotion Pattern:
Promotion is a (ontinuous pro(ess by $#i(# t#e employee motivates for batter $or,I %et t#e
pri(e for employee5s better $or,& *n B+A" Ban, t#ere are t$o types of promotions1
Regular Promotion:
+e%ular promotion is %iven a((ordin% to t#e employee5s re%ular performan(e& >#en t#e
supervisor or department #ead of t#e employee evaluate t#at #is employee is be(ome an asset for
t#e ban, and deserve promotion t#en t#e supervisor or t#e department #ead ta,e a promotion
appraisal form from .+D and re(ommended t#e employee for promotion& *n t#e pro(edure t#e
.+D #ead send t#is appraisal form $it# #is approval si%nature to t#e Deputy Mana%in% Dire(tor
of B+A" Ban, -imited to approve and for$ard it Mana%in% Dire(tor of B+A" Ban, -imited
and after t#at it $ill be approved si%ned by t#e Mana%in% Dire(tor& A((ordin% to t#e (omment
and remar, of appraisal form t#e employee $ill %et t#e promotion $it# in(rement of salary&
PM Promotion:
Performan(e Matter ;PM= is t#e annual performan(e report of individual employee of B+A"
Ban, -imited& A((ordin% to Performan(e Matter ran,in% s(ale t#e employee (an %et promotion
in t#e 'ob %rade of t#eir o$n&
A((ordin% to t#e poli(y any employee (an5t %et any promotion $it#in a year after t#e employee5s
'oinin% in t#e B+A" Ban, -imited& And on t#e ot#er se(tion t#e employee (an %et promotion
after si3 mont#s of #is previous promotion
)#e follo$in% se(tions $ill display t#e poli(ies of B+A" Ban, -imited re%ardin% its employees5
resi%nation and termination situations& )#is part $ill dis(uss about t#e poli(ies and pro(edures
for resi%nation or termination in situations $#en:
1 A re%ular employee $is#es to resi%n
1 A probationary or temporary employee $is#es to resi%n
1 >#en a re%ular employee is terminated
1 >#en a probationary or temporary employee is terminated

Resignation of Regular Employee:
A (onfirmed employee may leave or dis(ontinue from t#e servi(es of t#e ban, by %ivin% one
mont# noti(e in $ritin% or pay to t#e ban, as (ompensation an amount e:ual to t#e employee5s
total pay for one mont#&
Resignation of Probationary or Temporary Employee:
Probationary or any temporary employee s#all leave or dis(ontinue employee5s servi(e from t#e
Ban, by %ivin% 1D ;fifteen= days prior noti(e in $ritin% of employee5s intention to do so or pay to
t#e ban, as (ompensation an amount e:ual to employee5s total pay for fifteen ;1D= days&
Note: "ertifi(ate $ill not be provided to staffs $#o $ere for(ed to resi%n %ot Funsatisfa(toryG
ratin% in t#eir Performan(e Matters or #ave inte%rity issue and non1 (onfirmed staff&
Termination of Regular Employee:
)#e (ompetent aut#ority may terminate t#e servi(es of a (onfirmed employee or (all upon
#imJ#er to resi%n $it#out assi%nin% any reason by %ivin% #imJ#er one mont# noti(e in $ritin% or
on payment of one mont# substantive pay in lieu of su(# noti(e and t#e employee s#all not be
entitled to any form of (ompensation for termination of servi(e& )#e bond t#at is si%ned by t#e
employee before 'oinin% $#i(# is a(tually an a%reement bet$een ban, and employee be(ome
Termination of Probationary or Temporary Employee:
)#e servi(e of a probationer or a temporary employee s#all be liable to be terminated by t#e
(ompetent aut#ority $it#out assi%nin% any reason $it#out %ivin% #im or #er any noti(e and t#e
probationer or t#e employee s#all not be entitled to any form of (ompensation for termination of
Resignation Process:
Resignation and Settlement Procedure:
)#e offi(ial formalities for resi%nation and settlement (ases administered by t#e (on(erned
department and .+D are se:uentially s#o$n belo$:
)as,s >or,in%
+e:uired to
t#e )as,
1 +esi%nation letter must be for$arded to .+D by (on(erned supervisor
or department #ead after #isJ#er proper si%nin%&
2 Days
2 After +e(eivin% +esi%nationJ)erminationJDismissal -etter $it#
#andover and ta,eover do(uments .+D $ill due (learan(e from various
4 Days
! .+D $ill do t#e final settlement $or, after #avin% (learan(e& 4 Days
4 9AD $ill pay t#e final settled amount after #avin% final settlement
do(uments from .+D&
2 Days
D *f separated staff #as liabilities $it# t#e ban, t#en t#e (on(erned
department J o$ner of liabilities $ill ta,e initiatives&
6 .+D $ill send t#e personal file to F/ro%eni(GT after final settlement
done in normal (ase&
/n(e in a
@ *n (ase of unsettled matter .+D $ill #old t#e files& Until
)otal +easonable
T /ro%eni( is a (ompany $#i(# #elps B+A" Ban, to ar(#ive t#eir personal files&
+e$ard and +e(o%nition is a $ay to e3press appre(iation for anot#er employeeLs #ard $or,
dedi(ation and (ontribution to t#e Ban,& )#ere are many levels of +e$ard and +e(o%nition to
ensure bot# small (ontributions as $ell as t#e lar%er ones is re(o%ni7ed& )#ere are four levels of
re$ards and re(o%nition:
LEVEL 1: *ndividual "ontribution A$ard < SM? Mont#ly A$ard
LEVEL 2: Departmental "ommittee A$ard
LEVEL 3: /r%ani7ational "ompeten(e A$ard
LEVEL 4: "#airman5s ?3(ellen(e A$ard

Spot award:
)#is is an a$ard is %iven to employees on t#e spot re(ommended by t#e (ustomers or t#e
employees very ni(ely #andle any diffi(ult (lient Jsituation&
4.2.5 MIS & Strategic Planning
As * #ave not $or,ed in t#is $in% so * do not #ave any pra(ti(al e3perien(e& )#ese are t#e basi(
information t#at * obtained from t#e or%ani7ation&
M*S < Strate%i( Plannin% $in% is a relatively ne$ division under t#e .+D& )#e M*S < Strate%i(
Plannin% se(tion does not follo$ any pro(edure of $or, as most of t#e fun(tions are pro'e(t or
assi%nment based& *t in(ludes $or, pro(ess improvement pro'e(t mana%ement in(reasin% use of
te(#nolo%y more and paper$or, less by developin% and %eneratin% ideas to in(orporate
te(#nolo%y in different business and day1to1day fun(tions& B+A" Ban,5s different departments
and divisions use different M*S t#ere is no (entrali7ed system formed yet& )#us M*S < Strate%i(
Plannin% does not %o by any spe(ifi( $or, pro(edure& )#e Mana%er M*S < Strate%i( Plannin% is
in (#ar%e of t#e Pro'e(tsJAssi%nments and (urrently t#e M*S < Strate%i( Plannin% se(tion is
maintainin% t#e F?1-earnin%G system $#i(# is an ?mployee Development pro%ram based on
/nline )rainin% < ?valuation& ?mployees (an sit for online e3ams $it#in t#e $or,pla(e and it is
t#e duty of t#e M*S < Strate%i( Plannin% Mana%er to evaluate t#e ele(troni( s(ripts and
distribute t#e results after evaluation& )#e (urrent pro'e(ts of M*S < Strate%i( Plannin% are
development of t$o (omputeri7ed systems named F?1Attendan(eG and F?1PMG one for
employee attendan(e mana%ement and t#e ot#er is for employees5 performan(e measurement
matter respe(tively&
Functional/Departmental Strategy or HRD
As mentioned earlier t#at B+A" Ban, #as its eyes fi3ed at one sin%le mission (urrently $#i(# is
8Brea,in% Barriers 2012& By t#e end of year 2012 B+A" Ban, $ants to see itself in t#e position
of t#e lar%est Ban, in Ban%lades#& )#e minimum mar%in is 2nd position& )#rou%# rapid
e3pansion and $ide (overa%e B+A" Ban, is sure to a(#ieve t#at tar%et sin(e t#eir portfolio
analysis s#o$s t#at t#ey #ave $ay over e3(eeded t#eir tar%et for year 2011& >e ,no$ t#at
"orporate Strate%y must be (ommuni(ated $it# t#e departments of an or%ani7ation and t#us it
must be in line $it# t#e Departmental Strate%y& So in a manner of spea,in% t#e departmental
strate%y for t#e .+D of B+A" Ban, is also to brea, all t#e barriers to be(omin% t#e 6o& 1 Ban,
in Ban%lades# by t#e end of 4ear 2012& )#e .+D5s mission is to ensure t#at B+A" Ban, (an
e3pand t#e $ay it s#ould be $it# t#e best manpo$er at its disposal&
Linking Departmental Strategy with Corporate Strategy
.o$ t#e "orporate Strate%y #as been lin,ed $it# t#e Departmental Strate%y of .+D is dis(ussed
in t#is se(tion& .+D also made t#e promise t#at t#e Department $ill do everyt#in% possible to
reali7e B+A" Ban,5s ambition to be(ome t#e lar%est ban, of Ban%lades# by t#e end of 4ear
2010& *n an intervie$ $it# Ms& )a#niyat A#med Oarim .ead of .+ it #as been (onfirmed t#at
.+D of B+A" Ban, is fully in line $it# t#eir "orporate Strate%y& .eavy re(ruitment is first
(#oi(e of t#e .+D no$& >it#out re(ruitment it $ill not be possible to (over all t#e e3pansions in
different distri(ts done by t#e Business )eams& 9or e3ample it #as been seen t#at t#e ne$ly
opened "o35s Ba7ar Bran(# $as not yet fully de(orated and furnis#ed due to bad $eat#er but all
t#e employees assi%ned to t#at bran(# $ere reportin% for duty on t#e tentative day of openin%&
)#e .ead of .+ also mentioned $it# utmost importan(e t#at ri%orous trainin% and development
is (ompulsory& ?mployees must s#o$ satisfa(tory performan(e at least on avera%e $it#in t#eir
respe(tive departments&
But to perform $ell and bein% tar%et oriented employees must be (ommuni(ated t#e messa%e of
t#e or%ani7ation t#e (orporate strate%y& )#e messa%e of Brea,in% Barriers 2010 is (onveyed in
every s(ope possible t#rou%# mar,et %immi(,s in spee(#es department meetin%s MA6"/M
meetin%s t#rou%# internal mails in )o$n .all Meetin%s even at lun(#& )#e messa%e must be
(ommuni(atedI t#e strate%y must be in(orporated in every department& )#e .ead of .+ as $ell
as all t#e staff in .+D is no$ fully a$are of t#is s#ort term plan and t#ey are all tryin% to %ive
output at t#eir pea, performan(e level&
>#en it (omes to performan(e measurement and monitorin% it is also true t#at different
departments in Ban,s (an easily pro'e(t t#eir performan(e in numeri(al fi%ures& >#en as,ed #o$
.+D staffs pro'e(t t#eir performan(e t#e ans$er $as 8settin% s#ort term %oals for ea(# staff and
monitorin% #o$ mu(# t#ey a(#ieved in a Bi1mont#ly meetin%s5& As t#e department is still small
t#is met#od is $or,in% perfe(tly& -ater on $#en .+D $ill also %ro$ t#en also t#is met#od #as
a %ood (#an(e of bein% su((essful if Senior Mana%ers (an (ommuni(ate and utili7e it
!a"ter # 0&

Analysis & Recommendation

S>/) Analysis
+e(ommendation < "on(lusion
5.1 SWOT Analysis:

B+A" Ban, -imited #as perfe(t poli(ies to maintain and (ontrol t#eir employees& As it
#as a lar%e number of employees $#i(# is very diffi(ult for any or%ani7ation to (ontrol
but B+A" Ban, is (ontrollin% t#is #u%e number of $or,for(e $it# %reat distin(tion&
)#e 8U5 < 845 motivational t#eories are ri%#tly used by t#e .uman +esour(e Division
to (ontrol t#e employees properly&
>ell or%ani7ed team& >#ile t#ey $or, as a team t#ey are supportive to ea(# ot#er5s
$#i(# are very #elpful to fulfill t#eir $or,&
>ell maintained "C database& All t#e "Cs are stored in mont#ly basis so it is easy to
find out t#e "Cs $#en it is needed&
Better employee motivation %eneration t#rou%# internal re(ruitment opportunity& So
employees try to put t#eir utmost effort to %et a #i%#er position&
-ess dependent on e3ternal re(ruitment a%en(ies& *n one $ord it (an be said t#at t#ey are
self1dependent $#ile any re(ruitment is needed and doin% t#is by t#eir o$n t#ey are also
savin% time&
>ell planned trainin% s(#edule $it# suffi(ient time allotment& All t#e trainin%s ta,e pla(e
as s(#eduled before& )#e time prearran%ed for ea(# trainin% are also based on t#e type of
t#e trainin% so t#at every ne(essary point (an be (overed&
)rainin% opportunity provided to employees $or,in% in every level& 9or better
performan(e of every employee trainin% is provided&
?ffe(tively Strin%ed $it# ot#er departments of B+A" Ban,& )#e (ommuni(ation amon%
ea(# and every department is :uite %ood and all of t#em #ave better understandin%& As a
result t#ey %et effe(tive output&
)#e ?mployees of B+A" Ban, -imited respe(t .uman +esour(e Division and t#e
.uman +esour(e Division earned it&

)#e overall situation of .uman +esour(e for a (ompany li,e B+A" Ban, -imited is not
t#at mu(# (ontrolled to be used and utili7ed it perfe(tly& "ompare to t#e $or,load t#ere
is not suffi(ient amount of refres#ments& )oo mu(# $or, pressure on t#e employees
sometimes ma,es t#em depressed to$ards t#eir $or,&
+eferen(es from superior levels are also entertained as t#ose "Cs are al$ays %iven
priority in times of re(ruitment even if t#e (andidate is unfit or un:ualified for t#e va(ant
)#e salary stru(ture is not #i%# enou%# a((ordin% to t#e $or,load of t#e employee& )#is
dis(oura%es t#e employees to $or, #ard and also in(reases turnover rate
Due to la(, of suffi(ient amount of manpo$er it is diffi(ult to (ontrol and maintain t#e
lar%e amount of employees&
/nline re(ruitment system is not up%raded&


B+A" Ban, -imited #as 6!06 employees to $or, $it#& )#is #u%e number of
$or,for(es #elps t#is ban, to %et various ideas and plans and in(rease its produ(tivity&
)#e .uman +esour(e Division is al$ays t#in,in% to do somet#in% ne$ $it# t#eir
employees t#at (an #elp to motivate t#e employees and (an able to ma,e t#em better
resour(esJassets for t#e B+A" Ban, -imited& Cery fe$ Ban%lades#i or%ani7ations #ave
t#is ,ind of opportunity to be used&

B+A" Ban, -imited #as a #u%e number of employees& So is diffi(ult to maintain t#e
.uman +esour(e poli(ies $it# t#is lar%e number of employees&
)#e resi%nation rate is too #i%# in B+A" Ban, -imited t#en it anti(ipated&
+eferen(e (ontrol on poli(y is (ommon situation of Ban%lades#i or%ani7ation& B+A"
Ban, is not out of it& +eferen(e (ontrol on .uman +esour(e poli(y (an be a bad t#reat
for B+A" Ban, -imited&

5.2 Recommendations:
*n t#is part of re(ommendation some valuable issues of B+A" Ban, -td& ;BB-= are dis(ussed&
)#ese $ere t#e aspe(ts t#at (ame out $#ile $or,in% as an intern at BB-& )#ese $ere related to
various parts of BB- and t#us are pla(ed in t#e list of %eneral re(ommendation& A((ordin% to
S>/) analysis some de(ision (an be ta,en&
? ?ffi(iently distribute t#e number of employee in re:uired position&
? Ma,e t#e salary stru(ture attra(tive to t#e employee&
? Ma,e su((ession plannin%&
? +edu(e t#e e3tra $or,load of t#e employee&
? )#ey s#ould in(rease t#e manpo$er of .+D spe(ially in re(ruitment $in%&
? )#e .uman +esour(e Division5s (ontrol must be stru(tured&
? Arran%e (o1(urri(ular a(tivities for employee5s refres#ment&
? Mana%erial (ontrol s#ould be implemented perfe(tly&
? Arran%e proper trainin% for t#e employee&
? )#ey s#ould provide t#at mu(# of information in orientation trainin% t#at $ill
ensure t#em to do t#eir $or, t#eir 'ob smoot#ly&
? )#e trainin% s#ould be motivational&
? 9or better trainin% t#ey (an %o for professional trainers&
? Supply more trainin% materials durin% trainin%&
? After trainin% it is very mu(# important to ta,e evaluation about trainin%
pro%ram& )#ey s#ould evaluate t#e trainees properly&
? /nline re(ruitment system is not up%raded& )#ey s#ould up%rade it&
? Better M*S support is needed for smoot#er operation&
? )#ere is not any spe(ifi( pla(e for intern $#ere t#ey (an $or,& *nterns #ave to
roam around and sear(# for a pla(e so t#is s#ould be improved and a fi3 pla(e
s#ould be %iven to t#e interns so t#at t#ey (an $or, (omfortably

5.3 Conclusion:
B+A" Ban, intends to set standards as t#e mar,et leader in Ban%lades#& *t demonstrates t#at a
lo(ally o$ned institution (an provide effi(ient friendly and modern ban,in% servi(e on a
profitable basis& .uman +esour(e Department is t#e most (onfidential department for any
or%ani7ation as $ell as .uman +esour(es Division in B+A" Ban, -imited& .ere as an intern
limited information $as (olle(ted for preparin% t#is report be(ause of too mu(# (onfidentiality&

*t $as an #onor to $or, as an intern in a reputed or%ani7ation li,e B+A" Ban, -imited& )#e
B+A" Ban, -imited is a ban, t#at (onfirms t#e best servi(e to t#e (ustomers as $ell as to t#e
employees by .uman +esour(e Division& B+A" ban, -imited is t#e fastest %ro$in% Ban, in
Ban%lades#& By $or,in% in .+ Division t#e ,no$led%e $as learnt $ould be #elpful enou%# to
sustain $it# t#e real or%ani7ational environment&

#ttp:JJbra(ban,&(omJfinan(ialstatementJB+A" Ban, Annual +eport 2011pdf
.uman +esour(e Manual of B+A" Ban, -imited&
Some information about .+ from Md& San'idul BariI .+ +elations#ip Mana%er
>#olesale Ban,in%
Several Boo,lets < 6e$spapers from B+A" Ban, -imited&
Different types of produ(ts of B+A" Ban, -imited i&e& -eaflets Bro(#ures Synopsi7es
Allan Pri(e F.uman +esour(e Mana%ement in a Business "onte3tG !rd ?dition&
"ynt#ia D& 9is#er -yle 9& S(#oenfeldt Eames B& S#a$ F.uman +esour(e Mana%ementG
6t# ?dition&
Davi' (% Deen)o * Ste"!en +% ,obbins (1999), Personnel/Human Resource
Management, Thir !i"i#$, %r!$"i&! '())* +#$#$.

)#e s#are#oldin% stru(ture of B+A" Ban, -imited :
Shareholders of BBL
BRAC !1&@4N
Shore Cap International A&@6N
General Public through IPO 40N
Non-Residents Bangladeshis DN
Mutual funds through IPO DN
Total 100N
Table: 1.1 Shareholding structure of BRAC Bank Ltd.
Fig1.1: Shareholder`s percentage
1 W .o$ many years #ave you been employed by B+A" Ban, -td&H
0 o -ess t#an 1 year
1 o 11D year
2 o 61B year
! o More t#an 10 year
1 W .o$ do your (ollea%ues feel about Mana%ementH
0 o ?ffe(tive
1 o ?it#er effe(tive nor nominal
2 o 6ominal
1 W .o$ do you feel about $or,in% in t#is environmentH
0 o Satisfied
1 o Moderate
2 o Dissatisfied
1 W .o$ satisfied are you $it# t#e salaryH
0 o Satisfied
1 o Moderate
2 o Dissatisfied
1 W >#at do you t#in, about t#eir trainin% pro%ramsH
0 o ?ffe(tive
1 o ?it#er effe(tive nor nominal
2 o 6ominal
1 W )#e re(ruitment pro(ess is VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV in B+A" Ban, -td&
1 W As an employee * am VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV$it# B+A" BA6O -td&

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