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Medi cal Systems

Patients records
Health records
Stored on magnetic tape or disk
Intensive care
Sensors measure patient condition
Microprocessors monitor any changes
An alarmis sounded to warn of danger
Computers vs
Computer readings are more
accurate/human errors are
Reduced cost of wage bill
Readings can be taken more
Nurses can get tired and forget to take readings
Nurses are so busy they might not
be able to take readings regularly
Nurses won't be exposed to
contagious diseases
Automatic warnings can be generated
Graphs can be produced
Nurses can be freed up to do other tasks
Physical variables
to monitor
Pulse rate/heart rate
Blood pressure
Glucose level
Rate of respiration
Level of oxygen in
the patients blood
Payrol l Systems
Features of...
Uses batch processing
The process is done usually overnight
OMR and possibly OCR are used to input
Comes froma database of
employee details
Time sheets are used to input
hours worked
Calculate the gross amount earned
Calculate any bonuses earned
Will deduct taxes and insurance etc
Calculate the net amount earned
Print outs of pay-slips
Print a total summary report
Generate details of money to send
to bank accounts
Exampl e of...
The payroll number is read from
the transaction file
Each record is read fromthe master file
The payroll number is compared
Until the matching record is found
The number of hours is read (from
the transaction file)
The rate per hour is read (fromthe master file)
These are multiplied together
The tax rate is read (fromthe master file)
Tax is calculated
Subtracted fromthe wage
Name is read (fromthe master file)
Workers details printed on payslip
Types of Processi ng
Real Time
Real time is where data is
processed without any delays
Example of...
Fighter Pilot
Interactive games
Launching a rocket to the moon
Robots on a car assembly line
Burglar AlarmSystem
Cooking with an automatic cooker
Monitoring a patients condition
Online processing appears instant
but with a very small delay
Example of...
Computerised booking systems
Using an ATM
Paying for goods at an EFTPOS terminal
Batch Processing
Data is collected altogether
Data processed offline
Before being input to the system
Data is processed in one go
Usualy processed overnight
Example of...
Producing gas bills
Sending out reminders for overdue books
Producing electricity bills
Reading data frombank cheques
Payroll systems
Inputting details of new stock into
a library's database
Scanning OMR sheets
It is not under the control of a
computer's central processing unit
Input is made by the user which is
then sent to a storage device
and only sent to the processor
after all the input is done
Bi l l i ng Systems
Types of...
Meter reading read
OMR/OCR forms are read into computer
If formdamage uses keyboard
Customer bill calculated
Customer file is updated
Bill is printed and sent to customer
Uses Batch processing
Prepared by: Mr. Yusuf Alert (
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Stock Control
Product number is validated/read
Using check digit
The data file is searched
A match would be made with
number in Database
Number in stock is reduced by 1
So for example 130 becomes 129
Number in stock is compared with re-order level
If equal then needs re-ordering
New value of number in stock is
written back to file
Benefits of...
Keep track of exactly how many
of each itemare in stock
Be able to say which
items need re-ordering
Analyse which items are selling
well or needed most and which
are not
Stock Control
(example of...)
Every time a product is bought,
number in stock reduces by 1
Number in stock of PRODUCT falls to 150
Compare number in stock with Re-order level
Is equal so needs re-ordering
PRODUCT now needs re-ordering
Read off re-order quantity (which is 50)
Read off supplier code ??????
Use suppliers database
Lookup supplier code (??????)
Read off suppliers name, address - ETC.
Print off re-order request
Print off address label
Booking Systems
Types of...
Uses of...
Systemneeds to be online
Requires a terminal connected to a central server
Details are updated instantly and automatically
Uses online processing
Uses Real Time Processing
Adv. of...
More cars are produced in less time
Quality and precise tasks are
easily completed
No breaks needed
Can work continuously
Can carry out heavy tasks easily
Will not go on strike
Will not need paying
Disadv. of...
Wrong programming can cause errors
Battery may run down
Faulty hardware components stop working
Faulty power supply
Expensive to buy
Effects of...
Causes un-employment
Need for re-training
Safer/cleaner environment
Less noise
Software types
Computer Aided Design
Computer Aided Manufacturing
Entry Systems
Clock Card Machine
Adv. of...
Would save teachers/office staff time
More accurate/less chance of human
error recording of attendance
Disadv. of...
Students could clock
other students in
Students could lose cards
Time taken to register
students without cards
Systemcould malfunction
Expensive to install
Automated fingerprint
Adv. of...
Would not be able to
clock each other in
Would save teachers/office staff time
More accurate/less chance of
human error recording of attendance
Disadv. of...
Personal liberty issues
Systemcould malfunction
Expensive to install
Prepared by: Mr. Yusuf Alert (
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Medi cal Di agnosi s
Symptoms are typed in
Embedded computer
Processi ng
Expert systemcompares symptoms
With those in the knowledge base
Using inference engine
Using rules base
Matches are found
Suggested probable faults
Chess Games
The chess moves
The results of the chess moves
Di sadvantages
Lacks common sense needed in
some decision making
Cannot make creative responses as human
expert would in unusual circumstances
Errors may occur in the knowledge
base, and lead to wrong decisions
Cannot adapt to changing environments,
unless knowledge base is changed
Lacks the human touch
Expert Systems Anal ysi s & Desi gn
Current systemis observed
Potential users interviewed
Potential users given questionnaires
Existing documents examined
User requirements decided
Systemspecification decided
Knowledge base (designed/created)
Inference engine (designed/created)
Rules base (designed/created)
Designing a method of displaying the results
Designing a method of inputting the results
Other Exampl es
Plant identification
Weather forecasting
Animal identification
Careers advice/guidance
Drug effectiveness of a medication
Mi neral Prospecti ng
Interactive user screen appears
Questions about geological profile are asked
Geological profile are typed in
Processi ng
Inference engine searches
Searches the Knowledge base
Using the Rules (base)
Suggested probabilities of finding oil are output using
Probable depth of likely deposit
Predictions of geological deposits above oil
Car Engi ne Faul t Di agnosi s
Symptoms are typed in
Embedded computer
Processi ng
Expert systemcompares symptoms
With those in the knowledge base
Using inference engine
Using rules base
Matches are found
Probable faults
How i t works
1. The expert systemconsists of a
Knowledge Base. This contains facts
about this particular application.
2. The expert systemconsists of a Rules Base. These
are the rules about howto apply the knowledge base.
(Examples of rules could be; don't try to fix your car
engine without turning the engine off first, or before
administering a drug to patient, their age and allergies
should be taken into consideration).
3. The expert systemconsists of an Inference
Engine. This is a programwhich gradually works
towards a solution of the user's problemusing
the expert's knowledge and the user's replies.
4. User interface Symptoms are entered using the user
interface User interface displays questions... ...based on
previous responses User answers questions using user
interface inference engine compares symptoms
compares symptoms with those in the knowledge base
compares symptoms using rules base
matches of symptoms are found User interface/screen
displays possible diagnoses/illnesses/probabilities
Provides consistent answers for repetitive
decisions, processes and tasks
Holds and maintains significant levels of information
Never "forgets" to ask a question, as a human might
Stores more info than humans
Does not forget
Makes little/no mistakes
J unior doctors can learn fromit
Gives doctors more free time
Systemcan be used frommany terminals
Prepared by: Mr. Yusuf Alert (
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Adv. of...
To the Bank
Fewer employees/lower wage bill
Fewer branches to maintain
Less actual cash handled -
fewer robberies
Less money spent on security staff
To the Customer
Can pay bills outside of
working hours
No travelling to bank
No queues to wait in
Customer can bank anywhere with Internet access
Easier to see state of finances
Can transfer funds more easily in emergency
Do not have to wait for post
Disabled people don't have to leave the house
No embarrassment of having to ask for loans face to face
Don't have to spend money on travelling expenses
travelling long distances to shops / banks
Don't have to waste time travelling long distances to shops / banks
Immediate transfers can be made
Less danger of mugging
Home Banki ng
Also known as Internet/Online Banking
Transactions fromhome
Transfer money fromaccount to account
Make bill payments/pay bills
Make/alter standing order
Order cheque book
Request new PIN
Viewbalance/print statement
Request loan
Close account/open newaccount
Ways to access
Smart phone
Laptop with Internet access
Tablet computer
Transactions can't do
Change PIN
Deposit money
Di sadv. of...
To Bank
Initial website cost very high
Requires high level Internet security
Customer mistrust of such systems
Need to retrain staff
Initial large expenditure on
Lose older customers who
don't like change
Costs of systemmaintenance
To Customer
Bank accounts could be hacked
Requires Internet access
Customer lose personal touch
Have to be computer literate
Still have to travel to withdraw cash
More expensive phone bills (using dial up)
Lack of socialising/social contacts
Lack of exercise
More vulnerable to phishing
Without broadband other family
members cannot use the phone
Methods to make
sure data transferred
i s secure.
User ID/Password/PIN entered
is compared with that held on
system/never tell anyone your
password/regularly change
password/make it not easy to
guess/only person who knows
password can access account
Only person who knows
password can access data
Password can be changed frequently
to avoid hackers guessing them
Unsuccessful logins can
throw you out of the system
Key logging software can detect
key presses/passwords can be
intercepted by an expert
hackers/user can forget password
Transaction Authentication Number, TANs
Formof single use one-time passwords to
authorize financial transactions
Is a double layer of security
Should the physical document or
token containing the TANs be
stolen, it will be of little use without
the password; conversely, if the
login data are obtained, no
transactions can be performed
without a valid TAN
Always changing so a hacker would not
be able to use it even if they intercepted
it when user typed it in.
PIN can be forgotten/if misused
can generate wrong TAN
Must be used within a short time
Need to have card and remember PIN
and use it within a short period of time.
Data is scrambled up/key
must be known to unscramble
it/prevents people from
understanding data
Data is scrambled into unreadable
form/only person/computer with key
can understand data
Data can still be deleted fromsystem
Prevents unauthorised
fromaccessing network
Only allowed users/computers
can access data
It is not necessarily the hacker that is
excluded but the computer/hackers
might use an acceptable computer
Digital certificates
Transactions are digitally
is linked to the PC being used
to carry out online banking
Only computer with
certificate can access data
Di sadv.
Can be expensive to purchase
Anti Spyware
Prevents spyware from
invading your computer and
gaining personal information
Prevents spyware from
invading your computer and
gaining personal information
Doesn't work for all invasions/needs
to be continually updated
Magneti c/chi p card wi th PIN
Hacker needs to have the
card and know the PIN
Can lose the card/can forget PIN
Make sure website is secure
Check for Locked padlock
is present on display
Prepared by: Mr. Yusuf Alert (
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Adv. of...
Lessens queues inbanks
Easyto use
Many available worldwide
Customers can access 24hrs/7days
Less bank staff needed
Less paperwork for employees
No embarrassment of not having
sufficient funds
Ownbankmaybe further to travel
to thannearest ATM
Can use most ATMs/does not
have to be own bank
Have choice of languages so is
easier to understand/be understood
Di sadv. of...
Physical securityneededat night
Limited amount of money can be withdrawn
Can't cashcheques
the machine is very expensive
Can't arrange loans or open/close account
Features of...
Uses magnetic Stripe Reader
Canprint statements
Cancheckaccount balance
Can withdrawcash
Need Credit/Debitcard
Requires a PIN number
Uses online processing
Cheque cl eari ng
Customer pays bycheque
Cheques readusingMICR
Uses Batch Processing
Cheques are collected together
Duringthe course of the day
Cheques are then processed all at once
Cheques are processed overnight
Money debited fromcustomer account
Money credited to shop account
No human intervention
Debi t Card
Customer must have moneyinbankto pay
Informati on on card i ncl udes:
Account number
Bank Sort
Code number
Issue number
Date of issue
Checks made on...
Checkedfor sufficient funds
Account number is validated
A PIN is usedas validation
Card checked to see if stolen
Expiry/Valid date is checked
Patternof use
Electronic Funds Transfer
Point of Sale
Sales transactions can be directly debited
to the customer's bankaccount
Customer uses a Credit/Debit card
Uses ChipandPIN technology
Done over an Internet connection
Credi t Card
UsedinEFTPOS terminals
Information on
Account number
Bank Sort Code number
Issue number
Date of issue
Verification/security number
Checks made on...
Credit limit is checked
Account number is validated
A PIN is usedas validation
Card checked to see if stolen
Expiry/Valid date is checked
Patternof use
Processingafter checking...
Authorisation to continue
Computer reads balance
matching the account number
Deducts payment frombalance
Credits supermarket
account withpayment
Prints itemised bill
Chi p & PIN
at ATM
The customer is askedto type intheir PIN
The (ATM) checks to see if the cardis valid
The customer is asked which
The bank account details are read fromthe chip
Customer is askedif theywant a receipt
The typedPIN number is compared
withthat storedinthe chip
If theyare the same the
transaction proceeds
If theyare not the same the
customer is askedto re-enter PIN
If three failedattempts transaction
rejected and card withheld
The customer is asked
which service is required
The customer selects
required service (cash)
The customer is askedhowmuch
moneytheywant to withdraw
The customers account is checked
to see if it has sufficient funds
The amount is checkedagainst the cardlimit
If there are sufficient funds (and
the amount is withinthe cardlimit)
the transaction is authorised/if
not transaction is rejected
The amount is deducted from
the customer account
The bank notes are issued
The cardis returned(bythe computer)
If requiredreceipt is printed.
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Input devices used
Barcode Reader (Scanner)
Keypad (keyed in)
Touch Screen
Electronic Scales
Automatic re-ordering
Re-order level
Amount in stock
Re-order quantity
Uses Real Time processing
Database of...
Product stock code
Supplier details
Adv. of...
It is easier to see what is selling well
Goods can be automatically re-ordered
Process of...
Every time a product is bought
number in stock reduces by 1
Number in stock is compared with
Re-order level
If less then needs re-ordering
Read off re-order quantity
Read off up supplier code
Use suppliers database
Lookup supplier code
Read off suppliers name, address
Print off re-order request
Print off address label
Stock control
Monitors stock amount
Performs a sales analysis
Electronic Point of Sale
Has a database of all products
Price and info of product sent to till
Details added to customer bill
Computer deducts itemfromstock
Items low in stock are re-ordered
Uses Real Time processing
Itemised receipt is printed
Differences between
methods of inputting
Scanning bar codes/swiping
magnetic stripes/touch screen
gives fast data entry/keying in data
can be slow
Scanning bar codes/swiping
magnetic stripes/touch screen
reduces errors/keying in data can
lead to data errors
Keyboards/touch screens are
robust/bar codes can be flimsy
Magnetic stripes are more robust
than bar codes
Checks made
Check digit calculated
Compared with number in database
Check digit entered
Existency check performed
Number entered is compared with
List of numbers on computer database/system
Internet shopping
Adv. of...
Fewer staff needed less spent on wages
Fewer shops needed -
less spent on rates/rent/utilities
Less actual cash handled - fewer robberies
Less money spent on security staff
Potentially larger customer base
Disadv. of...
Initial cost of hardware/software is expensive
Need to retrain staff
Less customer loyalty/loss of
customers/more difficult to sell other
services/product due to
lack of personal touch
Costs of systemmaintenance
Greater costs due to more delivery staff
Adv. of...
Catalogues viewed online
Wider choice of products
Can read reviews before you buy
Orders can be placed at any time
Less overheads for shop owners
Goods are therefore cheaper
Can buy goods anywhere in the world
No need to travel to shop and pay
for travel expenses
Customer can print out list or receipt
Can shop at any time of day
Disabled people do not have to
leave their home
Travelling long distances to
Can shop when shops are closed
Less tiring than going fromshop to shop
Can have saved shopping lists
Disadv. of...
Requires a Credit/Debit card
Open to Credit card fraud
Smaller shops will close
No social interaction
Can become lazy
Customers might not trust website for security
Can't feel for the quality of the goods
Customer needs Internet
Lose personal touch
Less opportunity for socialising with friends
More expensive phone bills
Less choice of goods than big
People can become unsociable
Delivery times can be long/must
pay delivery charges/must have a
delivery address
More vulnerable to phishing
Prepared by: Mr. Yusuf Alert (
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