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Matt Abrahams

How To Get Rid of Stage Fright Before Your Next Presentation

By Matt Abrahams

Matt Abrahams


Your credibility is your only currency when you present in front of others. If your audience does
not trust you, then, no matter how engaging and important your message is, it will fall on deaf
ears. In less than a minute, your audience forms impressions of you and your credibility based
on what you say and how you say it. You must immediately establish your credibility to have a
chance at successfully achieving your presentation goals.

At its essence, credibility is about the knowledge you possess about both your topic and
your audience as well as your confidence. The purpose of this paper is to explore these
credibility components. We begin by examining how what you know enhances your credibility,
then shift to how you can appear and ultimately become more confident in communicating by
managing speaking anxiety. Finally, we address common pitfalls that undermine credibility.

Cr edi bi l i t y = Knowl edge + Conf i dence

Matt Abrahams

Knowledge of your material

Domain expertise is critical to establishing your authentic credibility.
Often, your expertise is what gets you the opportunity to speak in
front of your audience. However, with expert knowledge comes the
potential for losing your audience. Many knowledgeable speakers
make assumptions and use terminology that their audiences dont
understand or cant follow.

You must understand your audiences perspective.

Matt Abrahams

Knowledge of your audience

Your job is to be in service of your audience. As a presenter, your audiences needs are paramount. To be effective,
you must understand (a) your audiences expectations for your presentation, (b) their experience with your topic
and (c) their points of concern and resistance.

You must be motivated by the question, What does my audience need to hear? rather than the question, What
do I want to say.

Your knowledge of your topic and your audience comprise the first component of credibility. The second critical
component is your confidence.


Attitude and anxiety influence perceptions of confidence. Most speakers upward of 85 percent report being
nervous when presenting. Managing this anxiety is key to confident and compelling delivery.

Rather than get anxious over your nervous symptoms, greet your anxiety as a normal, reasonable response to
delivering a presentation.

Until the underlying cause of your anxiety is addressed, you are merely addressing symptoms.

Applying anxiety-management techniques designed for the source of your anxiety is the key to confidence building.

Matt Abrahams

Root causes of anxiety and how to address them

Situation-based anxiety

Situation-based anxiety is fear that arises from the context in which the presentation is being delivered (e.g.
a formal conference room with all eyes on you).

Root cause: You see your presentation as a performance.
Management technique: Reframe the situation as a conversation.

Audience-based anxiety

Audience-based anxiety is fear that arises from who you are speaking to (e.g. your executive management

Root cause: Youre intimidated by the status, expertise and experiences of your audience.
Management technique: Visualize your speaking situation in advance of speaking.

Goal-based anxiety

Goal-based anxiety is fear that arises from the objectives your presentation is trying to achieve (e.g. sell
your product or get funding).

Root cause: Youre concerned about the future consequences and ramifications.
Management technique: Deliver your presentation while present-oriented.

Taken together, your knowledge and confidence directly influence your audiences perception of your credibility.

Matt Abrahams

As we have discussed, there are many things you can do to bolster your credibility in your audiences eyes. In addition,
though, we need to make sure that we do not invoke certain behaviors that can insidiously reduce our credibility.
Specifically, we must avoid some common pitfalls, such as perfectionism, heavy reliance on slides and procrastination.

3 pitfalls that perpetuate a perceived lack of confidence

1. Perfectionism: setting incredibly high and often unattainable standards

Result: Paralysis due to fear of all the possible things that could go wrong
Management technique: Create and enact contingencies.

2. PowerPoint, Keynote, et cetera: confusing a slide deck for a presentation (the illusion of progress)

Result: Too much time spent designing slides rather than structuring and practicing
Management technique: Develop an outline and practice delivery prior to adding aids.

3. Procrastination: choosing to put off work

Result: Greater anxiety during crunch time and less practice time
Management technique: Publicly commit to a schedule and reward yourself.

Your audience forms impressions of you in less than one minute. These impressions guide their receptivity to your
message. It is therefore critical to establish yourself as a credible and engaging speaker. By appreciating the role your
knowledge and confidence have in influencing your audiences perceptions, you can take active steps to becoming a
credible, authentic and compelling presenter.

Matt Abrahams

About Matt Abrahams
MaLL Abrahams ls a passlonaLe, collaboraLlve and lnnovaLlve educaLor and coach who Leaches SLraLeglc
CommunlcaLlon for SLanford unlverslLy's CraduaLe School of 8uslness and resenLaLlon Skllls for SLanford's
ConLlnulng SLudles rogram, whlle also Leachlng aL ue Anza College. Pe has publlshed research arLlcles on
cognlLlve plannlng, persuaslon, and lnLerpersonal communlcaLlon. MaLL recenLly publlshed !"#$%&'( *" +&,-./,
01#$%&'( 2/,3 a book wrlLLen Lo help Lhe mllllons of people who suffer from anxleLy around speaklng ln publlc.
AddlLlonally, MaLL developed a sofLware package LhaL provldes lnsLanL, proscrlpLlve feedback Lo presenLers.

rlor Lo Leachlng, MaLL held senlor leadershlp poslLlons ln several leadlng sofLware companles, where he creaLed
and ran global Lralnlng and developmenL organlzaLlons. MaLL recelved hls undergraduaLe degree ln psychology
from SLanford, hls graduaLe degree ln communlcaLlon sLudles from uC uavls, and hls secondary educaLlon
Leachlng credenLlal from SlSu. Pe ls currenLly a member of Lhe ManagemenL CommunlcaLlon AssoclaLlon (where
he recenLly recelved a 8lslng SLar" award) as well as Lhe naLlonal and WesLern SLaLes CommunlcaLlon

Matt Abrahams
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