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8ellglous LducaLlon

1eachlng Cb[ecLlves and Learnlng CuLcomes

ulrecLoraLe for CuallLy and SLandards ln LducaLlon
Currlculum ManagemenL and eLearnlng ueparLmenL
MalLa 2012

ulrecLoraLe for CuallLy and SLandards ln LducaLlon Currlculum ManagemenL and eLearnlng ueparLmenL 8ellglous LducaLlon -2012 !

"#$% & $'()*)+,- ./,012)+3
43)2 0+/' 13/ 2)2(' 56& %7 8+,93'7
#:;'02)<' & =>' 2'10>'9 ?)(( '31:(' -2,/'32- 2+ '@A(+9' 2>' 0+30'A2 +B 2>')9 ()B' 1- 1 ;+,93'76

C2913/D- E'9-+31( F12>+()0 G+9(/<)'?
H'193)3* #,20+I'- C2,/'32- ?)((J
Level 8 undersLand Lhrough dlalogue wlLh socleLy LhaL llfe ls a [ourney and wlll analyse Lhelr cholces so far ln llfe.
Level 7 explore Lhe concepL of llfe as a [ourney and see Lhls growLh as parL of Lhelr falLh [ourney.
Level 6 ldenLlfy areas of commlLmenL ln Lhelr dally llves and how relaLlonshlps are amended Lhrough such commlLmenLs.
Level 3 dlscover and reacL Lo Lhe vlrLues LhaL make Lhem fully human.
Level 4 deslre Lo undersLand and explore Lhemselves and Lhelr world.
Level 3 sLarL Lo undersLand LhaL Lhey have changed over Llme and LhaL anlmals and planLs change Loo.
Level 2 recognlse LhaL Lhey are growlng and LhaL we change over Llme.
Level 1 cooperaLe wlLh shared exploraLlon and supporLed parLlclpaLlon developmenL of operaLlonal causallLy.

#:;'02)<' K =>' 2'10>'9 ?)(( '31:(' -2,/'32- 2+ /91? 2>' 0+33'02)+3- :'2?''3 2>')9 +?3 A'9-+31( ;+,93'7 13/ 2>12 +B +2>'9-6
ulrecLoraLe for CuallLy and SLandards ln LducaLlon Currlculum ManagemenL and eLearnlng ueparLmenL 8ellglous LducaLlon -2012 "

C2913/D- G+9/ +B L+/
H'193)3* #,20+I'- C2,/'32- ?)((J
Level 8 be able Lo dlscover how !esus connecLs people wlLh Lhemselves, wlLh oLhers and wlLh Cod.
Level 7 recognlze Lhe maln evenLs of Lhe [ourney of Lhe people of Cod ln Lhelr hlsLory of salvaLlon ln Lhe Cld and new 1esLamenL and
ldenLlfy Lhemselves as parL of lL.
Level 6 lnLerpreL and undersLand whaL commlLmenL ln lLs dlfferenL aspecLs mean ln Lhelr dally llfe.
Level 3 Lhrough Lhe experlences of Lhe flrsL ChrlsLlan communlLy acknowledge and adopL Lhe vlrLue LhaL makes Lhem fully human.
Level 4 begln Lo dlscover Lhelr responslblllLy Lowards Lhemselves, oLhers and Lhe world around Lhem.
Level 3 sLarL Lo recognlse Lhemselves wlLh roles and responslblllLles.
Level 2 sLarL Lo show lnLeresL ln [obs and rellglous acLlvlLles.
Level 1 cooperaLe wlLh shared exploraLlon and supporLed parLlclpaLlon developmenL of operaLlonal causallLy.

#:;'02)<' M =>' 2'10>'9 ?)(( '31:(' -2,/'32- 2+ 9'0+*3)-' 2>' -A)9)2,1( /)I'3-)+3 +B 2>')9 ()B' 1/<'32,9'6
C2913/D- CA)9)2,1( N)I'3-)+3
H'193)3* #,20+I'- C2,/'32- ?)((J
Level 8 be enabled Lo dlscern Lhe dlfferenL challenges in their lifes way and dlscover a sense of calllng Lhrough Lhelr [ourney.
Level 7 dlscover Lhe lmporLance of self-dlgnlLy ln Lhe unlLy of Lhe world ln bulldlng up poslLlve aLLlLudes Lowards Lhe varlous rellglons.
ulrecLoraLe for CuallLy and SLandards ln LducaLlon Currlculum ManagemenL and eLearnlng ueparLmenL 8ellglous LducaLlon -2012 #

Level 6 manlfesL how rellglon fosLers good relaLlonshlps.
Level 3 explore ways of self-awareness whlch manlfesL who Lhey are raLher Lhan whaL Lhey have.
Level 4 begln Lo recognlse changes ln Lhelr llfe, and develop Lhelr self-esLeem and self-confldence .
Level 3 recognlse Lhelr llfe as a splrlLual [ourney.
Level 2 parLlclpaLe ln rellglous acLlvlLles and sLarL Lo communlcaLe Lhelr feellngs.
Level 1 parLlclpaLe ln shared acLlvlLles.

43)2 0+/' 13/ 2)2(' 56K =>' E+?'9 G)2>)3
#:;'02)<' & =>' 2'10>'9 ?)(( '31:(' -2,/'32- 2+ 9'0+*3)-' 2>'I-'(<'- 1- A'9-+3- )3 -'190> +B B,(B)(I'326
C2913/D- CA)9)2,1( N)I'3-)+3
H'193)3* #,20+I'- C2,/'32- ?)((J
Level 8 reflecL on Lhelr cholces so far ln llfe.
Level 7 recognlse LhaL Lhey are ln a process of growLh and change and explore Lhe concepL of Lhelr llfe as [ourney.
Level 6 recognlse rellglon as parL of Lhelr own personal fulfllmenL ln caLerlng for a phllosophy of llfe.
Level 3 recognlse Lhe world around Lhem ln lLs varlous ways and undersLand Lhelr relaLlon Lo lL as persons.
ulrecLoraLe for CuallLy and SLandards ln LducaLlon Currlculum ManagemenL and eLearnlng ueparLmenL 8ellglous LducaLlon -2012 $

Level 4 sLarL Lo acqulre a new undersLandlng of Lhe world and of Lhemselves and begln Lo dlscover Lhelr responslblllLy Lowards
Lhemselves and Lhe world around Lhem.
Level 3 begln Lo ldenLlfy and reflecL on Lhe wanLs and needs Lhey mlghL have.
Level 2 experlence and reacL Lowards Lhe acLlvlLy.
Level 1 begln Lo show lnLeresL ln evenLs, people and ob[ecLs developmenL of vlsual pursulL and ob[ecL.

#:;'02)<' K =>' 2'10>'9 ?)(( '31:(' -2,/'32- 2+ /)-0+<'9 2>')9 )3312' 01(( 2+ :' +3' ?)2> 2>')9 F9'12+96
C2913/D- CA)9)2,1( N)I'3-)+3
H'193)3* #,20+I'- C2,/'32- ?)((J
Level 8 search for readlng of Lhe slgns of Lhe Llmes ln Lhelr llves and ln Lhe world.
Level 7 dlscover Lhe fooLprlnLs of Lhe Poly SplrlL ln Lhelr llves ln Lhelr search for Lhe whole LruLh.
Level 6 dlscover Lhelr responslblllLy Lowards Lhemselves, oLhers and Lhe world around Lhrough Lhe use of common symbols.
Level 3 reacL Lo Lhe sense of wonder Lhey develop Lowards Lhe world around Lhem. 1hey dlscover Lhe feellngs of Lhe people around
Level 4 dlscover Lhelr ChrlsLlan vocaLlon Lhrough appreclaLlon of whaL Lhe church of Cod can offer Lhem.
Level 3 begln Lo undersLand why Lhe church and lLs serves are lmporLanL.
ulrecLoraLe for CuallLy and SLandards ln LducaLlon Currlculum ManagemenL and eLearnlng ueparLmenL 8ellglous LducaLlon -2012 %

Level 2 dlscover LhaL a church or chapel ls dlfferenL because of Lhe presence of someone speclal.
Level 1 reacL Lo new acLlvlLles and experlences ConsLrucLlon of ob[ecL relaLlons ln space.

#:;'02)<' M =>' 2'10>'9 ?)(( '31:(' -2,/'32- 2+ ,3/'9-213/ >+? :')3* 29,' ()<)3* 2'IA('- +B 2>' O+(7 CA)9)2 )- 2>' 29,' ?17 +B B,(B)(I'326
C2913/D- G+9/ +B L+/
H'193)3* #,20+I'- C2,/'32- ?)((J
Level 8 undersLand and celebraLe how Lhe Poly SplrlL acLs ln human hlsLory as well as ln Lhelr own llves.
Level 7 undersLand LhaL wlLh Lhe help of Lhe Poly SplrlL Lhey recognlse LhaL !esus ls Lhe way, Lhe LruLh and Lhe llfe.
Level 6 learn Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe SacramenLs and a llfe of prayer and commlLmenL.
Level 3 acknowledge Lhe meanlng of Lhelr ChrlsLlan vocaLlon Lhrough 8apLlsm and LucharlsL.
Level 4 begln Lo undersLand whaL free wlll ls and respond senslLlvely Lo Lhe experlences and feellngs of oLhers.
Level 3 applles poLenLlal soluLlons sysLemaLlcally Lo problems and engage ln some reflecLlon.
Level 2 show concern and sympaLhy for oLhers ln dlsLress.
Level 1 show emerglng awareness of acLlvlLles and experlences. uevelopmenL of vlsual pursulL and ob[ecL permanence.

43)2 0+/' 13/ 2)2(' 56M F>++-)3* 2>' G17
#:;'02)<' & =>' 2'10>'9 ?)(( '31:(' -2,/'32- 2+ 131(7-' 2>' )3B(,'30' 9'(12)+3->)A- >1<' +3 2>')9 0>+)0'- 13/ 102)+3-6
ulrecLoraLe for CuallLy and SLandards ln LducaLlon Currlculum ManagemenL and eLearnlng ueparLmenL 8ellglous LducaLlon -2012 &

C2913/D- $'()*)+,- H13*,1*'
H'193)3* #,20+I'- SLudenLs wlll:
Level 8 undersLand Lhe language of sln as dlsconnecLedness wlLhln Lhemselves, wlLh oLhers and wlLh Cod and reflecL on Lhelr cholces so
far ln llfe.
Level 7 dlscover Lhe fooLprlnLs of Cod ln Lhelr llfe and are enabled Lo have Lhe Lrue vlslon of llfe.
Level 6 undersLand Lhemselves ln relaLlon Lo oLhers as ln a process of falLh growLh.
Level 3 descrlbe Lhe characLerlsLlcs of Lhe many dlmenslons of human experlence.
Level 4 sLarL Lo undersLand Lhemselves ln relaLlon Lo oLhers and are lncreaslngly able Lo communlcaLe Lhelr ldeas and feellngs.
Level 3 express Lhelr feellngs abouL oLhers ln dlfferenL ways.
Level 2 be able Lo greeL known people and respond conslsLenLly Lo famlllar people.
Level 1 begln Lo respond Lo famlllar people around Lhem and begln Lo greeL Lhem developmenL of vlsual pursulL and ob[ecL

#:;'02)<' K
=>' 2'10>'9 ?)(( '31:(' -2,/'32- 2+ ,3/'9-213/ 2>12 8'-,- )3B(,'30'/ 2>' A'+A(' 19+,3/ >)I 2>9+,*> >)- 9'(12)+3->)A ?)2>
C2913/D- G+9/ +B L+/
H'193)3* #,20+I'- C2,/'32- ?)((J
ulrecLoraLe for CuallLy and SLandards ln LducaLlon Currlculum ManagemenL and eLearnlng ueparLmenL 8ellglous LducaLlon -2012 '

Level 8 formulaLe how !esus ls Lhe connecLlng person beLween Cod and Lhe people Lhemselves.
Level 7 lnLegraLe Lhe ldea LhaL !esus ls Lhe way, Lhe LruLh and Lhe llfe wlLh Lhelr llves.
Level 6 dlscover LhaL Lhe ob[ecL of our falLh ls Lhe person of !esus ChrlsL.
Level 3 undersLand whaL lL means Lo become followers of !esus ln Lhelr dally llves.
Level 4 begln Lo appreclaLe Lhe Church Lo whlch/whom Lhey belong.
Level 3 sLarL Lo communlcaLe ldeas Lhey have abouL rellglon and !esus.
Level 2 llsLen Lo and follow rellglous sLorles.
Level 1 show emerglng awareness of acLlvlLles and experlences developmenL of vlsual pursulL and ob[ecL permanence.

#:;'02)<' M
=>' 2'10>'9 wlll enable sLudenLs Lo 0+3-)/'9 8'-,- 1- 2>' G17P 2>' =9,2> 13/ 2>' H)B' 13/ )/'32)B7 2>')9 9'(12)+3->)A ?)2> L+/
2>9+,*> 8'-,- 1- 2>' -+,90' +B I1Q)3* 2>' 9)*>2 0>+)0'- )3 2>')9 ()<'-6
C2913/D- CA)9)2,1( N)I'3-)+3
H'193)3* #,20+I'- C2,/'32- ?)((J
Level 8 dlscover Lhe sense of calllng ln Lhelr llfe.
Level 7 reallse LhaL every cholce has lLs consequences on Lhe progress along lifes journey.
Level 6 dlscover worshlp as Lhe deepesL expresslon of splrlLuallLy ln a communlLy.
Level 3 experlence whaL lL means Lo share communlLy llfe ln class.
ulrecLoraLe for CuallLy and SLandards ln LducaLlon Currlculum ManagemenL and eLearnlng ueparLmenL 8ellglous LducaLlon -2012 (

Level 4 llsLen Lo and follow rellglous sLorles, ldenLlfy some rellglous bellefs, Leachlngs and pracLlces.
Level 3 respond Lo a small varleLy of experlences and lndlcaLe whlch ls morally rlghL and wrong.
Level 2 undersLand LhaL Lhere are accepLable Lhlngs Lhey can and cannoL do.
Level 1 show emerglng awareness of experlences and acLlvlLles developmenL of vlsual pursulL and ob[ecL permanence.

43)2 0+/' 13/ 2)2(' 56R =>' O1<'9-10Q
#:;'02)<' &
=>' 2'10>'9 wlll enable sLudenLs Lo identify Gods m'--1*' )3 C109'/ C09)A2,9'- 13/ C109'/ 291/)2)+3 1- 13 '--'32)1( *,)/' 13/
9'B'9'30' )3 2>')9 ()B' 1/<'32,9'6
C2913/D- $'()*)+,- H13*,1*'
H'193)3* #,20+I'- SLudenLs wlll:
Level 8 be able Lo descrlbe how Lhrough a language of love, rellglon can help Lhem bulld connecLedness wlLh Lhemselves, oLhers and
Level 7 vlew Lhls [ourney as a greaL human dlvlne advenLure wlLh !esus ChrlsL as lLs fulfllmenL.
Level 6 reflecL on and descrlbe how ln Sacred ScrlpLures Abraham ls Lhelr faLher ln falLh.
Level 3 acknowledge Lhe common of Lhe falLh Lhey adhere Lo. 1hey may be aware of dlfferenL falLhs ln Lhelr class.
Level 4 sLarL Lo undersLand Lhemselves ln relaLlon Lo oLhers and are lncreaslngly able Lo communlcaLe Lhelr rellglous undersLandlngs and
Level 3 express Lhelr feellngs and [oln ln acLlvlLles ln dlfferenL ways.
ulrecLoraLe for CuallLy and SLandards ln LducaLlon Currlculum ManagemenL and eLearnlng ueparLmenL 8ellglous LducaLlon -2012 )*

Level 2 sLarL Lo llsLen Lo and respond Lo explanaLlons and rellglous sLorles and slLuaLlons.
Level 1 encounLer acLlvlLles and experlences.

#:;'02)<' K =>' 2'10>'9 wlll enable sLudenLs Lo >'(A 2>'I 9'0+*3)-' 8'-,- 1- 2>' )3019312)+3 +B 2>)- I'--1*' +B (+<'P -1(<12)+3 13/
C2913/D- G+9/ +B L+/
H'193)3* #,20+I'- C2,/'32- ?)((J
Level 8 be able Lo narraLe and descrlbe quallLles of !esus and how Lhese could be conLexLuallsed ln Lhelr dally llfe.
Level 7 descrlbe and lnLerpreL Lhe Llmellne Lhrough Lhe hlsLory of salvaLlon and lLs parallellsm wlLh our llfe [ourney ln ChrlsL.
Level 6 be able Lo dlscover LhaL Lhe person of !esus ChrlsL ls Lhe ob[ecL of our falLh.
Level 3 learn from experlence LhaL !esus ls Lhelr besL frlend and Lry Lo become hls followers ln Lhelr dally llves.
Level 4 begln Lo appreclaLe LhaL !esus ls Lhelr besL frlend and Lhe son of Cod.
Level 3 sLarL Lo communlcaLe ldeas Lhey have abouL rellglon and !esus.
Level 2 llsLen Lo and follow rellglous sLorles.
Level 1 1hls Level of leanlng ouLcome cannoL be assessed from Lhls acLlvlLy.

ulrecLoraLe for CuallLy and SLandards ln LducaLlon Currlculum ManagemenL and eLearnlng ueparLmenL 8ellglous LducaLlon -2012 ))

#:;'02)<' M =>' 2'10>'9 wlll enable sLudenLs Lo )/'32)B7 2>' 9'1( A9'-'30' +B 8'-,- )3 2>' .,0>19)-2 1- 13 ,3()I)2'/ 9'-+,90' B+9 2>'
1/<'32,9' +B ()B'6
C2913/D- CA)9)2,1( N)I'3-)+3
H'193)3* #,20+I'- C2,/'32- ?)((J
Level 8 appreclaLe and descrlbe Lhe depLh of Lhe ChrlsLlan llLurgy.
Level 7 Lhrough Lhe LucharlsL celebraLlon, undersLand Lhe process of growLh and change.
Level 6 dlscover LhaL worshlp Lhe real presence of !esus ChrlsL ls Lhe deepesL expresslon of splrlLuallLy.
Level 3 be lnLroduced Lo Lhe experlence of llvlng ln a communlLy ln order Lo undersLand Lhe mysLery of Lhe LucharlsL.
Level 4 explaln Lhe slgnlflcance of LucharlsL.
Level 3 express Lhelr feellngs and [oln ln acLlvlLles ln dlfferenL ways.
Level 2 llsLen Lo and follow rellglous sLorles.
Level 1 1hls Level of leanlng ouLcome cannoL be assessed from Lhls acLlvlLy.

43)2 0+/' 13/ 2)2(' 56S F>1(('3*'-
#:;'02)<' & =>' 2'10>'9 wlll enable sLudenLs Lo 9'B('02 +3 2>' A9+:('I +B '<)( 13/ -,BB'9)3* )3 2>' ?+9(/ 13/ )3 2>')9 +?3 A'9-+31( ()B'6
C2913/D- E'9-+31( F12>+()0 G+9(/ T)'?
H'193)3* #,20+I'- C2,/'32- ?)((J
ulrecLoraLe for CuallLy and SLandards ln LducaLlon Currlculum ManagemenL and eLearnlng ueparLmenL 8ellglous LducaLlon -2012 )!

Level 8 reflecL on and conslder whaL makes Lhem auLhenLlc as a human person and dlscuss how dlfferenL cholces affecL Lhelr llfe.
Level 7 reallse LhaL fallure and mlshaps as opporLunlLles for growLh and LhaL every cholce has lLs consequence on Lhe progress along
lifes journey.
Level 6 understand how religion affects ones spirituality and their responsibility towards others.
Level 3 descrlbe Lhelr ChrlsLlan vlslon of a peaceful.
Level 4 respond approprlaLely Lo slmple quesLlons abouL famlllar rellglous evenLs or experlences and communlcaLe slmple meanlngs .
Level 3 show concern and sympaLhy for oLhers ln dlsLress.
Level 2 LreaL llvlng Lhlngs and Lhelr envlronmenL wlLh care and concern.
Level 1 1hls Level of leanlng ouLcome cannoL be assessed from Lhls acLlvlLy.

#:;'02)<' K
=>' 2'10>'9 wlll enable sLudenLs Lo '@1I)3' 2>' 9'-A+3-' *)<'3 2+ 2>' A9+:('I +B '<)( 13/ -,BB'9)3* )3 8,/1)-IP U-(1I 13/
'-A'0)1((7 )3 F>9)-2)13)27
C2913/D- $'()*)+,- H13*,1*'
H'193)3* #,20+I'- C2,/'32- ?)((J
Level 8 undersLand Lhe language of sln as dlsconnecLedness wlLh Lhemselves, wlLh oLhers and wlLh Cod.
Level 7 reflecL on Lhe phllosophy of sufferlng and evll Lhrough ChrlsLlanlLy, !udalsm and lslam.
Level 6 dlscover LhaL Lhough dlfferenL, sLudenLs can worshlp one Cod and so Lhey became aware of whaL ls common among Lhe Lhree
ulrecLoraLe for CuallLy and SLandards ln LducaLlon Currlculum ManagemenL and eLearnlng ueparLmenL 8ellglous LducaLlon -2012 )"

monoLhelsLlc rellglons.
Level 3 acknowledge Lhe dlfferences around Lhem and show respecL and Lolerance for all Lhose around Lhem who are dlfferenL from
Level 4 communlcaLe facLs abouL rellglon and lmporLanL people ln rellglons.
Level 3 begln Lo ldenLlfy some of Lhe feaLures of Lhe culLure of dlfferenL rellglons.
Level 2 undersLand LhaL dlfferenL rellglons have dlfferenL fesLlvals.
Level 1 1hls Level of leanlng ouLcome cannoL be assessed from Lhls acLlvlLy.

#:;'02)<' M =>' 2'10>'9 wlll enable sLudenLs Lo (++Q 12 2>' $'-,99'02)+3 1- 2>' -+,90' +B F>9)-2)13 >+A' 13/ >+? )2 013 )3-A)9' 2>'I 2+ :'
Gods active agents in the world6
C2913/D- E'9-+31( F12>+()0 G+9(/<)'?
H'193)3* #,20+I'- C2,/'32- ?)((J
Level 8 become aware of Lhe mark of the divine in their own being as a sign of Gods love and will to empower them to live fully.
Level 7 undersLand Lhelr ldenLlLy as parL of 1radlLlon wlLh values and bellefs engralned ln 8esurrecLlon.
Level 6 appreclaLe and culLlvaLe a sense of sLewardshlp.
Level 3 descrlbe dlfferenL ways of ChrlsLlans peaceful llvlng and demonsLraLe how Lhey can help people ln need ln Lhe communlLy.
Level 4 be lncreaslngly able Lo communlcaLe ldeas, feellngs or responses Lo experlences or Lo re-Lell rellglous sLorles.
ulrecLoraLe for CuallLy and SLandards ln LducaLlon Currlculum ManagemenL and eLearnlng ueparLmenL 8ellglous LducaLlon -2012 )#

Level 3 llsLen Lo, and begln Lo reflecL and respond Lo, famlllar rellglous evenLs or sLorles and sLarL Lo make Lhelr own conLrlbuLlon.
Level 2 [oln ln acLlvlLles and become more aware of whaL ls presenLed Lo Lhem.
Level 1 1hls Level of leanlng ouLcome cannoL be assessed from Lhls acLlvlLy.

43)2 0+/' 13/ 2)2(' 56V W'<'9 X(+3'
#:;'02)<' & =>' 2'10>'9 wlll enable sLudenLs Lo '@A(+9' 2>' B,3/1I'321( F>9)-2)13 :'()'B 2>12 L+/ 102)<'(7 13/ (+<)3*(7 019'- B+9 '10> 13/
'<'97 >,I13 :')3*
C2913/D- $'()*)+,- H13*,1*'
H'193)3* #,20+I'- SLudenLs wlll:
Level 8 be able Lo descrlbe how Lhrough a language of love Lhey can bulld connecLedness wlLhln Lhemselves, oLhers and Cod.
Level 7 dlscover Lhe love of Cod for Lhem as Lhey explore Lhe fooLprlnLs of Cod ln Lhelr llfe.
Level 6 understand Gods love for them and so they will be able to worship him.
Level 3 be enabled Lo culLlvaLe love and respecL for each oLher ln Lhelr dlfferences.
Level 4 sLarL developlng a sense of wonder aL Lhe rlchness and beauLy of Lhe world.
Level 3 llsLen Lo, and begln Lo reflecL and respond Lo, famlllar rellglous evenLs or sLorles and sLarL Lo make Lhelr own conLrlbuLlon.
Level 2 [oln ln acLlvlLles and become more aware of whaL ls presenLed Lo Lhem.
ulrecLoraLe for CuallLy and SLandards ln LducaLlon Currlculum ManagemenL and eLearnlng ueparLmenL 8ellglous LducaLlon -2012 )$

Level 1 1hls Level of leanlng ouLcome cannoL be assessed from Lhls acLlvlLy.

#:;'02)<' K =>' 2'10>'9 wlll enable sLudenLs Lo respond to Jesus offer to be their faithful companion throughout their life journey6
C2913/D- G+9/ +B L+/
H'193)3* #,20+I'- C2,/'32- ?)((J
Level 8 dlscover !esus as role model and falLhful companlon LhorughouL Lhelr [ourney of llfe.
Level 7 research Lhe llfe of new 1esLamenL characLers Lo dlscover Lhelr llfe as a [ourney wlLh Cod.
Level 6 be able Lo famlllarlze Lhemselves wlLh LexLs from Lhe new 1esLamenL Lo dlscover more Lhe person of !esus ChrlsL.
Level 3 demonsLraLe whaL lL means Lo become followers of !esus ln Lhelr dally llfe as Lhelr ChrlsLlan vocaLlon.
Level 4 respond approprlaLely Lo slmple quesLlons abouL famlllar rellglous evenLs or experlences and communlcaLe slmple meanlngs.
Level 3 show concern and sympaLhy for oLhers ln dlsLress.
Level 2 LreaL llvlng Lhlngs and Lhelr envlronmenL wlLh care and concern.
Level 1 1hls Level of leanlng ouLcome cannoL be assessed from Lhls acLlvlLy.

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