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Master of Arts in Digital Teaching and Learning

Faith Integration Worksheet

EDUC 526
Shareen !ssell
Jeremiah 29:11
"For I kno# the $lans I ha%e for &o!'(
declares the lord( )$lans to $ros$er &o!
and not to har* &o!( $lans to gi%e &o!
ho$e and a f!t!re''+
As A*erican societ& has one ,elie%e(
#e are the ones to ,ring #ealth and
s!ccess to o!rsel%es+ And *one& is
the ke& to ha$$iness+ The *ore "to&s-(
*one& and $ossessions #e o#n the
ha$$ier #e #ill ,e+
As h!*an *&self( I find *&self seeking
for *ore *one& and *ore to&s to find
tr!e ha$$iness+ /o#e%er I end !$
releasing that *one& itself does not
,ring ha$$iness+ The onl& ti*e I find
*&self co*$letel& as $eace and ha$$&
is #hen I a* standing in the $resence
of 0od+ When I set *& e&es on hi*
and *& heart on hi*( I reali1e I a* not
constantl& #anting *ore and *ore+
/a%ing no# &et the 234&ear *ark 5I
feel so old 6( I a* finding that I a*
learning that ha$$iness doesn't co*e
fro* #hat the& A*erican Societ& has
drilled into *& head+ Man& ti*es the
$lans I had for *&self #as not the $lan
that 0od had for *e+ The $lan 0od
had for *e #as a *!ch greater $lan
than the one I had $a%ed for *&self+
7nce I fo!nd *&self taking the $ath for
#hich 0od #anted *e on( he #as
constantl& ,lessing *e thro!gh it+ I
ha%e learned to $ra& and listen to #hat
0od has to sa& to *e on a dail& ,asis+
A1!sa 8acific Uni%ersit& U$dated 69:;9:< !ssell
Disc!ssion 8oint.
eflect on &o!r o#n life e=$eriences and choices+ Do &o! !se all fo!r of the
co*$onents of the Wesle&an >!adrilateral? I feel like I tr& to !se all fo!r of the
co*$onents #hen I a* *aking decisions and choices in *& life+ I a* definitel&
going to tr& and conscio!sl& !se all fo!r co*$onents fro* here on o!t+
Which see*s to ,e the one &o! rel& on the *ost? I think the co*$onent I *ost
rel& on is reason+ I constantl& o%er think things and anal&1e e%er&thing thing+
What is the distinction ,et#een Scri$t!re and Tradition? I feel that the ,iggest
difference ,et#een Scri$t!re and Tradition is that Scri$t!re is straight fro* 0od's
#ord+ Scri$t!re is o!r g!ide fro* 0od on ho# to li%e o!t o!r li%e here on Earth+
Traditions are !s!all& *an *ade and not set on 0od's la#s+
Which @!adrants does &o!r o#n faith tend to rel& on the *ost #hen deter*ining
decisions and choices not directl& addressed in the Ai,le? E=$erience and
/o# does the decision4*aking $rocess i*$act the "/idden C!rric!l!*- of ,eing
a teacher and to!ching the li%es of st!dents and colleag!es? This decision4
*aking $rocess is a great #a& for e%er&one to $rocess thro!gh the decisions that
the& #ill *ake+ It is i*$ortant as an ed!cator to kee$ Christ the center of
e%er&thing and rel& on hi* for e%er& decision &o! #ill find &o!rself *aking+
A1!sa 8acific Uni%ersit& U$dated 69:;9:< !ssell

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