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COE 205 Computer Organization & Assembly Language
Syllabus - Term 031
Catalog es!ription
Introduction to computer organization. Signed and unsigned number representation,
character representation, ASCII codes. Assembly language programming, instruction
format and types, memory and I/O instructions, dataflow, arithmetic, and flow control
instructions, addressing modes, stack operations, and interrupts. atapath and control unit
design. !"#, microprogramming, and hardwired control. $ractice of assembly language
Prerequisite: CO% &'' and ICS &'(
"nstru!tor r. Aiman ). %l*+aleh. !oom, &&/-(. $hone, &.((
%mail, aimane/
O##i!e $ours S+0 ((,''*(&,'' $+ 1 2" &,-'*-,-' 3and by appointment4
Course Ob%e!ti&es
(. +aster assembly language programming in general and for the 5.'.6 processor family
in particular. "he student should be able to analyze, debug, test and understand
assembly language programs and implement algorithms in assembly language.
&. 2nderstand the basic components in a C$2 design. "he student should be able to
design a small C$2 starting from the instruction set.
Course Learning Out!omes
"he student should be able to,
(. %5plain how an instruction is fetched from memory and e5ecuted.
&. %5plain the relationship between the representation of machine le7el operation at the
binary le7el and their representation by a symbolic assembler.
-. %5plain why a designer adopted a gi7en different instruction formats, such as the
number of addresses per instruction and 7ariable length 7s. fi5ed length formats.
8. 0rite small programs and fragments of assembly language code to demonstrate an
understanding of machine le7el operations.
9. Implement some fundamental high*le7el programming constructs at the machine*
language le7el.
6. 2se computer simulation packages to in7estigate assembly language programming.
:. Compare alternati7e implementations of datapaths.
.. iscuss the generation of control signals using hardwired and microprogrammed
Te't (oo)s & *e#eren!es+
Introduction to Assembly Language Programming: From 8086 to Pentium
Processors, Si7arama $. andamudi, et al., Springer ;erlag, (<<.. 3IS=>,
Computer Systems Design and Arcitecture, ;incent )euring, )arry ?. @ordan, +iles
+urdocca, Addison 0esley (<<:. 3IS=> '*.'9-*8--'*A4.
Assembly Language Programming and !rgani"ation o# te I$% PC, Btha Bu and
Charles +arut, +cCraw )ill, (<<&. 3IS=>, '*':*':&6<&*&4.
,ra-ing .oli!y
#aboratory &'D
$rogramming Assignments ('D
Euizzes ('D
%5am I (9D
%5am II &'D
?inal &9D
Assignments are to be submitted in class in the specified due date.
#ate assignments will be accepted but will be penalized ('D per each
late day.
Course Topi!s
(. Introduction and Information Representation. / le!tures
Introduction to computer organization. Instruction Set Architecture. Computer
Components. ?etch*%5ecute cycle. Signed number representation ranges. O7erflow.
&. Assem!" #an$ua$e Concepts. / le!tures
Assembly language format. irecti7es 7s. instructions. Constants and 7ariables. I/O. I>"
&(). Addressing modes.
-. %&%' Assem!" #an$ua$e Pro$rammin$. 10 le!tures
!egister set. +emory segmentation. +O; instructions. Arithmetic instructions and flags
3A, AC, S2=, S==, I>C, %C, +2#, I+2#, I;, II;4. Compare, @ump and loop
3C+$, @+$, Cond. Fumps, #OO$4. #ogic, shift and rotate. Stack operations.
Subprograms. +acros. I/O 3I>, O2"4. String instructions . Interrupts and interrupt
processing, I>" and I!%".
8. Memor" ("stem Desi$n. 1 le!tures
+ain memory, S!A+, !A+. %5ternal memory, magnetic and optical disks.
=us system.
9. CPU Desi$n. 12 le!tures
!egister transfer. ata*path design. (*bus, &*bus and -*bus C$2 organization. ?etch and
e5ecute phases of instruction processing. $erformance consideration. Control steps. C$2*
+emory interface circuit. )ardwired control unit design. +icroprogramming. )orizontal
and ;ertical microprogramming. +icroprogrammed control unit design.

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