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This study will use of an experimental research methodology, often called true experimentation, and uses

the scientific method to establish the cause-effect relationship among a group of variables that make up a
study. The true experiment is often thought of as a laboratory study, but this is not always the case; a
laboratory setting has nothing to do with it. A true experiment is any study where an effort is made to
identify and impose control over all other variables except one. An independent variable is manipulated to
determine the effects on the dependent variables. Subjects are randomly assigned to experimental
treatments rather than identified in naturally occurring groups. In this case, we will be doing several
experiments systematic subjective approach used to describe life experiences and give them meaning. A
method of inquiry employed in many different academic disciplines, traditionally in the social sciences,
but also in market research and further contexts.
Qualitative research may vary considerably in terms of focus, assumptions about the nature of knowledge
and the role of the researcher.
Despite their diversity, Mason (2002: 3) describes qualitative research approaches as all having the
following common:
Being grounded in an interpretivist position i.e they are concerned with how the phenomena of interest
are interpreted, understood, experienced, produced or constituted
Based on research methods which are flexible and sensitive to social context
Based on analytic methods which take account of complexity, detail and context.
In our study, we will still need the opinions of several individuals who are using castor seed oil. The main
data techniques that we will use are semi-structured interviews, participant observation, group discussion,
and secondary source analysis. Personal interviews constituted one of the most important and valuable
sources of information. So by doing this, our study will come up with better outcome. In experimental
methodology, we will follow certain procedures on how we are going to come up with the findings. We
will be using the scientific method in order to institute the cause and effect relationship. We will find out
if the castor seed oil can be use as pesticides, insecticides, and repellants. So, basically we will conduct
the experiment where we can apply the method. We can also test the said substance in a laboratory, where
we can observe each of its part. So, in this case we will not be using surveys to come up with the
outcome. Instead, we will just focus on the findings regarding the experiment that we will have.

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