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"#$ %&'()$*+&+(,' -.$&/+#.,01# 2.(3$.4 5' 6'+.,708+(,' +,
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@,0. A.$&3* ",7&BC

By Beathei Natthews

Copyiight 2u14 0nica Publications Ltu

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03
1ab|e of Contents

Who am I, and why shou|d you care what I have to say?
I|rst th|ngs f|rst: What can CU expect to get, when you read th|s report to
the end?
WAkNING!! Not Lveryone Who 1eaches the Law of Attract|on Actua||y
knows What 1hey're 1a|k|ng About!
now 1o Lscape Irom Ia|| DE 5 F&(G @,0 A,'<+ HI$' J',K @,0<.$ 6' @$+CL
Why 1he Law Cf Attract|on WILL NLVLk Work Ior ou (1he Way It's Most
Common|y 1aught)
Step Cne: keverse the 8ra|nwash|ng
Step 1wo: ka|se our V|brat|on 1o 1he Leve| Cf Abundance
Step 1hree: kNCW what you WAN1, and qu|t worry|ng about 'nCW' |t's
go|ng to happen!
Step Iour: Stop retend|ng 1hat ou Are Not In Contro|!
Step I|ve: now 1o ketune our Dest|ny 1o AU1CMA1ICALL Man|fest
A|most H3:&..&**('1 Leve|s Cf Abundance


!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03

Bello anu welcome!

Ny name is Beathei Natthews, anu I'm so glau you'ie joining me heie touay !

If you ieau this shoit iepoit to the enu .

! # $%&& '()(*& +, -,. */ *0*1%/2 3(4'(+ $%+5 +5( 6,$(' +, 45*/2( -,.' &%7(

1h|s |s the secret I persona||y used to comp|ete|y transform my ||fe |n a
matter of K$$/*.

Before I hau this seciet, I was going thiough an eaily miu-life ciisis, suuuenly
iealizing that while I hau what appeaieu fiom the outsiue to be a goou life. It
was fai fiom the life I was cieateu to live, oi hau imagineu foi myself.

But N0W, evei since I staiteu using this seciet, my life has liteially uone a
complete 18u uegiee tuin foi the bettei.

#90 (*'/%/2 :.4;(+3 ,7 0,/(- <,%/2 $5*+ # &,)(= !

! #9)( 7,./< *.+5(/+%4 5*66%/(33 . Anu have fulfilleu many uieams that
otheis have tolu me weie impossible, oi that I felt I hau 'no time' foi. I've
uiscoveieu who I was meant to be, anu what my calling is, anu that is B0uE.

! >- 5(*&+5 5*3 %06',)(< <'*0*+%4*&&-= */< #9)( &,3+ $(%25+ */< *0 /,$
+5( 3&%0 5*66- 0(= 7.&& ,7 (/('2- */< )%+*&%+-?

6 # 5*)( */ *$(3,0( &,)( &%7( $%+5 */ @>@A#BC 0*/ who constantly spoils
me absolutely iotten with affection, attention, anu ianuom little gifts 'just
because' .

.. 0h, anu uiu I mention 0- %/4,0( 5*3 &%+('*&&- DEFGHIEJKJL %/ +5( &*3+
+$(&)( 0,/+53= "55 4*03 #%/- 0.+ #%/.78

1h|s |s ||tera||y an |d|ot-proof techn|que for mak|ng more money |n a week
than you used to make |n a month.

Anu not just N0NEY, but wbotever uieam you might have iight now .

K5%3 %3 +5( 3(4'(+ +5*+ $%&& 0*;( %+ %/+, FHMG GJ@N#KF8

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03
But befoie I go any fuithei, allow me to intiouuce myself piopeily .

I|rst, who the heck am I and why shou|d you even care what I
have to say?

Well, my name is Beathei Natthews.

@/< # *0 +5( OD;(6+%493 >*/%7(3+*+%,/ JP6('+98

Why am I the 'Skeptic's Nanifesting Expeit'.

Well, because I've spent the last eight yeais of my life ielentlessly chasing uown,
inteiviewing, anu 6%4;%/2 5,&(3 %/ the teachings of neaily eveiy famous "Law of
Attiaction expeit" you can think of .

. |n my quest to obta|n the kLAL truth about th|s so-ca||ed Law.

I've tiaveleu the woilu, ieau hunuieus anu hunuieus of self-help books, anu
spent YEARS biutally testing anu expeiimenting with what I leaineu along the


Q(4*.3( +5( RN*$S ,7 @++'*4+%,/ *3 %+93 0,3+ 4,00,/&- +*.25+ 5*3 *&$*-3
3+'.4; 0( *3 +9#*+3+5( 5*'< +, :(&%()(?

Suie, theie aie people out theie who 'con manifest at times, but .

If the "|aw" of Attract|on rea||y |s a LAW, then why doesn't |t work for
LVLk8CD who uses |t, ALL of the t|me?

Why isn't it preJictoble.

Why isn't it verifioble.

Wby isnt it RFllABlF??

Bon't get me wiong, I believe in the Law of Attiaction, anu ofter I uiscoveieu a
simple 'tweak' to the way it's applieu, it has changeu my life in ways most people
coulun't even believe.

Yet at the same time .

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03
# *&$*-3 7(&+ +5('( 0.3+ :( O0,'(9 +, +5( N*$ ,7 @++'*4+%,/ +5*/ 3%06&-
/3"7/./.7 #%"# (0: "5*+";( %"<+ "55 #%+ 7*+"# -#:44 (0: 1".#2

I mean . |sn't 'mak|ng be||eve' [ust a ||tt|e SIMLIS1IC?

Anu like I saiu befoie .

. |f |t rea||y 7(7 work that way, then *#,0G7'<+ (+ K,./ ),. HMHN@?OH K#,
0*$* (+ 5>> ,) +#$ +(3$P |nstead of [ust SCML of the peop|e, SCML of the

So touay, I want to shaie with you what I uiscoveieu on my amazing jouiney,
because it's going to change youi life just the way it changeu mine.

Anu because I am natuially a haiu-heaueu skeptic, that means you can be suie
that $5*+ -,.9'( *:,.+ +, <%34,)(' %3/9+ T.3+ 3,0( $%35-U$*35- O2.(33$,';9
6&*/ :*3(< ,/ 5,6( */< 7.11- &,2%4 .

.. You know, like what you might noimally expect to finu in a 'Law of Attiaction'

Instead, |t's a s|mp|e yet AMA2ING d|scovery that took me LAkS to na||

0ne that's been :'.+*&&- +(3+(< */< '(+(3+(<= on tens of thousanus of ieal life
people .

. and |f you fo||ow the steps I'm about to g|ve you exact|y, then you w|||
g|ve yourse|f super-human ab|||t|es to change your ||fe CVLkNIGn1 AND

. K(+#,0+ hard work, K(+#,0+ 'hope' or 'guesswork' and honest|y K(+#,0+
even try|ng very hard at a||.

All I ask is that you keep an open minu anu keep ieauing.

If you can uo that . then # $%&& 2%)( -,. +5( ,/&- 3,&.+%,/ -,.9&& ()(' /((< +,
()('- 6',:&(0 &%7( 4*/ +5',$ -,.' $*-8

}ust follow the steps, anu youi success will come automatically.


Aie you ieauy.

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03

Bo you want N0RE out of life.

Anu woulu you like to get it WITB00T haiu woik..

Then, let's go .

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03
I|rst 1h|ngs I|rst: What Can @,0 Lxpect 1o Q$+, When ou
kead 1h|s keport 1o 1he Lnd?

Beie, let me spell it out in plain English:
If you read th|s report to the end and do what |t says, you w||| ||tera||y have
g|ven yourse|f SULknUMAN A8ILI1ILS to +0.' B,0. 7.$&3* ('+, .$&G(+B - no
matter how 'crazy' they m|ght be.

That is * 6',0%3(, anu as you'ie about to see foi youiself .

! # <,/9+ 0*;( (06+- 6',0%3(38

Now, a qu|ck word of fa|r warn|ng:

You may believe you've seen anu heaiu everytbinq when it comes to manifesting
abunuance. I know I uiu.

But that was befoie I got my hanus on this completely unheaiu-of new technique

. one that connecteu all the uots foi me, openeu all the uoois, anu pietty much
gave me (as it will give you):

" = 5/$+.-+ #0 ,>?@A 'B@CD 6

" 6 #%+ "E/5/#( #0 =AA>=FA DBG> HBGI'=AC "- J01+*4:55( "- " #*"$#0*
E+"3 0. 4:55 J01+* 6

" 6 ".; #%+ :.-#0JJ"E5+K "530-# HG,C>LG'=@ ,B!C> #0 #:*. (0:*
;*+"3- M+<+. #%+ $*"N( 0.+-O /.#0 #0:$%"E5+K #".7/E5+ >C=I?AD2

1h|s secret works because |t |s, qu|te s|mp|y, the secret :$#('7 1he Secret.

It is the one thing that makes the Law of Attiaction woik when it woiks .

. anu not using this seciet is the ieason why the Law of Attiaction Joesnt woik
(which is the case foi most of the people who tiy to use it, because . tbey Jon't
bove tbis secret yet!)

So that means .

No mattei how jaueu you aie, no mattei how cynical you feel, anu no mattei how
many times you've tiieu to manifest befoie .

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03
1h|s secret |s DIIILkLN1.
It |s the secret that w||| ||tera||y take your dreams, and ICkCL the Un|verse
to g|ve them to you .

No stiings attacheu, no haiu woik, anu *:3,&.+(&- BH (06+- 6',0%3(3=
2.(33$,';= ,' O7*;( 34%(/4(98

So what's the seciet I'm iabbiting on about.

Well, it's calleu L(3+%/- K./%/2 !

Anu not having this seciet is the ieason why manifestation FAILS foi 99% of the
people who tiy .

. while having it piactically quorontees success.

I'll get to the uetails of exactly what to uo in just a sec .

. although if you want the complete thiee-step piocess iight now, you can go
bere .


. anu watch a shoit viueo that will walk you thiough the piocess stait to finish.

0theiwise, keep ieauing.

0h, anu one othei thing:

ou WILL NC1 f|nd any typ|ca| 'pop cu|ture gobb|edygook' |n th|s report.

I uon't ueal in fuzzy logic oi false piomises.

So if you'ie looking foi anothei pseuuo-science, fuzzy-thinking "solution" that
you anu I botb know will nevei, evei octuolly work in tbe reol worlJ, then I shoulu
tell you iight now, that .

F,. $,/9+ 7%/< %+ 5('(8

The seciet you'ie about to uiscovei is baseu on '(*& :'*%/ 34%(/4( anu the
'missing ingieuient' BFElNB the Law of Attiaction.

es, there |s a force 8LnIND the Law of Attract|on that most peop|e [ust
don't know about .

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03
. wh|ch |s why |t IAILS for the vast ma[or|ty who try |t.

Evei wonueieu why some people get huge success, while otheis woik theii butts
off, follow all the instiuctions to the lettei, anu still get notbinq?


Well, now you know why that is .

! :(4*.3( +5( 6(,6&( $5, 2,+ 3.44(33 :*3%4*&&- 2,+ 5:$P( anu acciuentally
useu this 'behinu the scenes' foice witbout even knowinq tbey were Joinq it.

It's kinu of like if you blinufolueu a hunuieu people anu maue them all cioss a
busy stieet at iush houi.

Chances aie, one or two of them woulu make it acioss without getting hit by a

It's simply the law of aveiages.

8ut from now on, UNLIkL those poor suckers who haven't got th|s report
r|ght now, B,0 K,'<+ '$$7 +, .$GB ,' ;&I$.&1$*< &'B 3,.$ E

0i 'luck' .

0i 'chance' .

. becouse .

1he secret I'm about to revea| to you has taken me years to d|scover, and
has a|ready changed the ||ves of ||tera||y tens of thousands of peop|e around
the wor|d.

Incluuing CE0s, waiteis, business owneis, flight attenuants, fitness mouels, stay-
at-home moms, manageis, giau stuuents, entiepieneuis, giaphic uesigneis,
uentists, uoctois, pensioneis anu athletes.

I'm talking the uAN0T.

>- 3(4'(+ :((/ :'.+*&&- +(3+(< */< 6',)(/ %/ T.3+ *:,.+ ()('- 3%+.*+%,/ -,.
4*/ +5%/; ,7= */< %+ $,';3 7,' JXJGFHBJ $5, .3(3 %+8

So, enough chit-chat. Now it's time foi you to get this seciet foi youiself.

Let's get staiteu.

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03
WAkNING!! Not Lveryone Who 1eaches the Law of Attract|on
Actua||y knows What 1hey're 1a|k|ng About!

Evei wonueieu why manifesting anu the law of attiaction FAILS to uelivei on its
piomises foi most people who tiy it.

I mean, it's ieally a sbocker.

#/ 0- (P6('%(/4(= #9< 3*- *66',P%0*+(&- ,/( ,.+ ,7 HBJ KYHMD@BL 6(,6&(
$5, .3(3 +5( N*$ ,7 @++'*4+%,/ "- /#Q- $0330.5( #":7%# *4+.*&&- 2(+3
3,0(+5%/2 7',0 %+8

Tbots less tbon one percent!!

now can anybody ca|| someth|ng a 'Law' |f |t on|y app||es to LLSS than ,'$
R$.8$'+ ,) the peop|e who use |t?!

Well, because quite fiankly, many of the people who teach the Law of Attiaction
aien't giving you the full stoiy.

It's not necessaiily theii foult .

They simply uon't know the mechanism BEBINB this law that makes all the
uiffeience between whethei it W0RKS, oi whethei it B0ESN'T woik.

(It all comes uown to a simple twist of biain science, as you'll see in just a

So when you ieau the populai books, oi see the populai movies .

. you orent qettinq tbe full story.

You aien't getting the REAL tiuth.

@/< +5*+ &*4; ,7 +5( GJ@N KGMKY %3 DKJ@N#BC -,.' 3.44(33 '%25+ ,.+ 7',0
./<(' -,.?

1he f|rst, and b|ggest, prob|em w|th mov|es ||ke "#$ 9$8.$+ and other
popu|ar Law of Attract|on teach|ngs |s .

. they're based on IAkL SCILNCL and w|shfu| th|nk|ng!

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03

Anu I KN0W you know what I mean when I say 'fake science anu wishful

Come on.

If you boil it all uown, all that stuff comes to nothing moie than one bizaiie

"Pictuie youiself living in abunuance, anu you will ieceive it."

. Am I the only one who sees the NASSIvE FLAW in this so-calleu logic.

If that were true, every k|d |n the wor|d wou|d have a m||||on bucks, a
hundred pupp|es, and the|r own pr|vate fun park!


#7 O%0*2%/%/2 *:./<*/4(9 $*3 *&& %+ +,,;= P/;- 10:5; *:5+ #%+ 10*5; !

! because who imagines ANYTBINu moie viviuly anu exciteuly than a young

Let me be cleai: that kinu of gaibage makes me sick to my stomach, anu fiankly,
it ieally makes me NAB that so-calleu 'expeits' aie getting away with feeuing
this kinu of nonsense to people like you anu me.

But, enough uoom anu gloom.

Let me get started w|th a s|mp|e 'm|nd tr|ck' that w||| show you LkAC1L
how powerfu| th|s secret rea||y |s.

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03
now 1o Lscape Irom Ia||
DE 5 F&(G @,0 A,'<+ HI$' J',K @,0<.$ 6' @$+CL

I want you to uo a little biain game with me iight now .

I want you to |mag|ne that you have 1LN LAkS worth of ||v|ng expenses |n
the bank.

1en years worth of ALL ||v|ng expenses.

Liteially eveiything you neeu to maintain a gieat quality of life, alieauy in the
bank, for tbe next ten yeors.

Really Jo tbis.

Take a moment, sit back, anu %0*2%/( how that ieality woulu 4++5.

B,$= %7 +5*+ $('( +'.( !

What woulu youi life look like.

What changes woulu you make to how you spenu youi time.

Bow woulu you FEEL when you wake up in the moining.

I bet it woulu feel pietty owesome, woulun't it.

Tiue fieeuom, foi at least ten yeors of youi life.

The ability to go wheie you want, have what you want, anu be who you want.

Now, take that fee||ng of energy and exc|tement .

. and contrast |t w|th how you rea||y fee| about your rea||ty r|ght NCW.

R///////7 <%77('(/4(= '%25+Z

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03

See . most people uon't wake up feeling happy anu EXCITEB at the piospect of
anothei fun, challenging uay on the planet.

Insteau, they wake up feeling tiieu . uepiesseu . anu plain NISERABLE the
seconu the alaim clock goes off.

They feel mentally exbousteJ, anu they haven't even gotten out of beu yet!

Let me te|| you a ||tt|e story.

About eight yeais ago, I pietty much hateu my life.

Ny job was boiing, uepiessing, anu STRESSF0L. It paiu me the minimum wage
anu I hateu it.

I was chubby, my ielationship was miseiable, I hau neaily twenty gianu woith of
uebt .

? 1"- $03J5+#+5( #*"JJ+;2

Eveiy single moining I woulu wake up feeling uespaii anu NISERY at the thought
of piizing myself out of beu foi anothei long, boiing, pointless uay.

[*/+ +, ;/,$ $5*+ +5( 5%25 6,%/+ ,7 0- $((; $*3Z

#+ $*3 $5(/ # 4,.&< &%( ,/ +5( 4,.45 *&& $((;(/<= ;/,$%/2 # 5*< .0#%/.7 +,
<,= */< .0#%/.7 +, *44,06&%358

Wbot kinJ of biqb point is tbot??

Lying on the couch with nothing to uo..

That sounus almost potbetic to me now.

I mean let's be honest .

If you ieally have ENERuY foi life, if you'ie ieally bovinq o BlAST, then - unless
you'ie piegnant, sick, oi injuieu - lying on the couch is the lost thing you want to
spenu all weekenu uoing.

Anu yet . I nevei hau any eneigy foi anything otber than 'iecoveiing fiom the

I nevei hau eneigy to actually B0 ANYTElN6.

All my eneigy was taken up by woik . money woiiies . ielationship pioblems
. anu tiying not to CRY whenevei I lookeu in the miiioi.

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03

So that's why my 'high point' was basically sensory Jeprivotion .

Numbing out on the couch, watching movies, anu uiinking a glass (oi thiee) of
wine to 'ielax'.

. anu just TRYINu not to think about the upcoming woik week anu how I
coulun't beai the thought of Nonuay moining.

Some life!

Anu yet, I tiuly felt that I coulun't escape.


We||, because I was - qu|te ||tera||y - |n [a||.

In fact .

MCS1 peop|e ||ve |n [a|| ...
. they [ust don't JO?S 6" yet.

Fact: most people have unconsciously troineJ tbeir broins to appioach life fiom a
'uoom anu gloom' minuset.

They aien't happy with theii lives.

They feel uowniight BEPRESSEB ANB NISERABLE whenevei they think about
theii ieality.

Tbey Jont know wbot to Jo obout it.

Anu so .

1hey are trapped |n a kISCN.

Liteially, a piison cell insiue theii own minu .

. $%+5 /, $*- +, 2(+ ,.+= */< /, 5,6( 7,' +5( 7.+.'(8

Yet foi any significant life change to take place, the N0ST INP0RTANT TBINu is
to stait fiom a place of eneigy anu excitement.


!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03
No, I am not going to waste youi time telling you to uo some gaibage like 'think

I uon't ueal in pop-cultuie nonsense, iemembei.

I am simply explaining to you the ieality of how ()('-+5%/2 4*/ 5/#+*"55( 4++5
%0J+5+-- 6

. 0ntil someone hanus you the key to youi jail-cell uooi.

1|me for another story .

Imagine you'ie stuck in a piison cell.

It's uamp, moluy, colu, anu miseiable.

Eveiy uay you wake up shiveiing anu shaking .

. eveiy night you go to sleep feeling hopeless.

You've tiieu to escape, anu you can't. The bais on the winuow aie steel, anu the
uooi is lockeu anu bolteu.

B,$ &(+93 3*- +5*+ ,/( <*-= * 63-45,&,2%3+ 4,0(3 +, 3(( -,. %/ -,.' 4(&&8

Be tuins up anu takes a look aiounu.

uee,' he says, shaking his heau. 'This suie isn't a healthy place foi you to be. You
ieally neeu to get out of heie.'

You look at him like he's insane.

Boes be tbink you llKF beinq in bere?

Boes be tbink you woulJnt escope if you knew bow to Jo it??

Then takes a ueep bieath, stanus up stiaight, anu offeis you his piize piece of

Tamping tobacco into his pipe (why uo psychiatiists always smoke pipes..) he
looks you iight in the eye, puts his hanu on youi shouluei, anu says .

'You ieally ought to get out of heie. You'ie not happy heie anu this enviionment
is not healthy. So I want you to spenu youi time INAuININu that you'ie out in
the ieal woilu. That'll uo the tiick.'

Then he tuins aiounu, leaves, anu the guaiu bolts the uooi behinu him.

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03
Anu you'ie left stanuing absolutely gobsmackeu with iage anu SB0CK at his
plain stupiuity, thinking .

"Ser|ous|y?? our adv|ce |s for me to IMAGINL that I'm not |n [a||, and that's
how I'|| get out??"

Well, I have a little seciet foi you .

K5*+ O3+,'-9 %3 BHK @ DKHGF @K @NN8

It's true.

You ARE in jail.

It IS miseiable.

@/< +5( ,/&- *<)%4( -,.9)( :((/ 2%)(/ ./+%& /,$ %3 +, 3%06&- O#>@C#BJ9 +5*+
-,.9'( /,+ %/ T*%& */- 0,'(8

This is why the Law of Attiaction as it's cuiiently taught is absolute N0NSENSE

. because N0B0BY can 'imagine' themselves out of a jail cell.

@/< *&& +5( %0*2%/%/2 %/ +5( $,'&< %3/9+ 2,%/2 +, :&*3+ +5( &,4; ,77 +5*+ <,,'
*/< 3(+ -,. 7'(( %/+, +5( '(*& $,'&<.

8ut NCW, |mag|ne 1nIS:

0ne uay, l tuin up anu visit you in youi cell.

I uon't say one woiu to you.

Insteau, I simply bonJ you tbe key to your cell, tuin aiounu, anu leave.

That's it.

#7 -,. 5*< KYJ EJF +, -,.' 4(&& !

" It woulun't mattei how many times you'u tiieu anu faileu to escape in the

" It woulun't mattei how thick the bais weie, oi how soliu the uooi was.

" Anu it BEFINITELY woulun't mattei how long you hau alieauy spent in
that cell.

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03

A key |s a key.

Anu when you BAvE TBE KEY, you can unlock the uooi anu set youiself fiee -
foi goou.

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03
Why 1he Law Cf Attract|on WILL NLVLk Work Ior ou
(1he Way It's Most Common|y 1aught)

Want PR00F of why most of what you heai in the Law of Attiaction section of
the bookstoie is gobbleuygook.

S:-# #"P+ " 500P "*0:.; "# #%+ 10*5;2

What kinu of shape aie things in iight now..

L|tera||y hundreds of m||||ons of peop|e have [umped onto the 'Law of
Attract|on' wagon s|nce the re|ease of the mov|e "#$ 9$8.$+T

You'u think we'u be able to see some effect of all that abunuance, iight.

Noie money.

Noie happiness.

Noie jobs, moie secuiity, moie love, moie health, moie cash foi eveiyone.

8ut |nstead, th|ngs are gett|ng catastroph|ca||y WCkSL!

The economy has collapseu.

The unemployment iate is skyiocketing.

Bunuieus of thousanus of jobs aie uisappeaiing.

As a nation, we aie fattei, sickei, anu moie uepiesseu than evei.

Najoi banks aie implouing, taking billions of uollais with them.

Anu the level of stiess anu feai is RISINu eveiy uay!

So |f the Law of Attract|on rea||y |s as great as everyone says |t |s .
E +#$' K#B (*'<+ (+ S?NJ6OQUU

Let me tell you, when I fiist staiteu using the Law of Attiaction, # 7,&&,$(< %+
<,$/ +, +5( 5+##+*2

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03
I spent six full months visualizing, believing, 'acting as if', anu tiuly BELIEvINu
things woulu change.

Anu you know what.

=E-05:#+5( @BAL?@T %"JJ+.+;U

Not 0NE TBINu changeu in my life.

Not one.

Yet all aiounu me, I saw 0TBERS getting iich anu successful anu BAPPY, while
uoing less tbon l wos.

It uiove me absolutely ciazy!

Yet in my heait of heaits, I knew manifesting coulu woik, if only l coulJ Jo it
Rl6ET .
And that's when I stumb|ed on the amaz|ng secret that changed

#/3%<( ,7 T.3+ +/7%# 1++P- 7',0 +5( <*- # <%34,)('(< +5%3 3(4'(+= # 5*<V

" quit my job
" escapeu that painful ielationship
" lost twenty pounus
" met the man of my uieams, anu best of all .
" founu a CAREER (not just a 'job'!) that I consiuei my tiue vocation.

These uays I spenu moie time ielaxing, tiavelling the woilu, anu spenuing time
with my family anu fiienus than I uo woiking.

Yet when I B0 woik, l still Jon't feel like lm workinq AT All .

. because thanks to this seciet, I attiacteu the type of woik that is actually F0N.

To me these uays, eveiy uay LITERALLY feels like a holiuay.

Eveiy uay, I uo what I love, have an absolute blast, anu get paiu extremely goou
money to uo it.

When was the last time Y00 coulu say that.

It's t|me to d|scover a s|mp|e method that w||| actua||y work, V?N @?W .

I'u like to intiouuce you to the simplest way imaginable to NAKE the Law of
Attiaction woik foi you .

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03

. just the way you always :(&%()(< it coulu.

This technique is simple, easy, anu it woiks foi absolutely ANY0NE who uses it
to escape the jail cell anu conveit a life of lack into a life of AB0NBANCE.

I have a v|deo a|| about how to do th|s |n DL1AIL wh|ch |s now ||ve. Check |t out
here to have me wa|k you through the short process |n fu||y-comp|ete deta|| so you
can d|ve |nto your new ||fe headf|rst!
Iust c||ck th|s ||nk to watch my IkLL tra|n|ng v|deo:


0theiwise, keep on ieauing, because .

. I want to give you 7%)( )*&.*:&( +%63 -,. 4*/ .3( '%25+ /,$ to escape fiom
jail anu just manifest like qonqbusters .

. no mattei how 'weiiu anu ciazy' youi uieams seem iight now.

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03
Step Cne: keverse the 8ra|nwash|ng

Bon't be offenueu, but .

K5('( %3 */ J]KGJ>JNF 5%25 45*/4( +5*+ (0: %"<+ E++. E*"/.1"-%+;2

This QG@#B[@DY#BC is the ieason why so many people aie tiappeu in
lives they just want to escape fiom .

.. Why the Law of Attiaction FAILS foi most people .

Anu why 'woiking haiu' foi money anu success $%&& /()('= ()(' $,';8

Unfortunate|y, most of the 'experts' on the Law of Attract|on are [ust p|a|n

They NEAN well, but - just like the psychiatiist who visiteu you in jail - they
simply uon't have the KN0WLEBuE to give you the only key that will actually

It wasn't until I hau a conveisation with a man calleu Luke one uay that I
uiscoveieu, to my absolute astonishment, that +5('( $*3 -0 3:$% 30*+ +, +5(
N*$ ,7 @++'*4+%,/ +5*/ # 5*< ()(' '(*&%1(<8

That was the uay I uiscoveieu the one thing that woulu change everytbinq foi
me .

The uay I uiscoveieu that the Law of Attiaction 1"-.Q# 'wiong' oi 'nonsense' .

It was [ust that the 'teachers' who were spread|ng the word were on|y
teach|ng Ak1 of |t!!

Look, imagine if I gave you a iecipe foi a chocolate cake.

Imagine I gave you all the instiuctions foi ingieuients, mixing, measuiing anu
weighing .

. but l forqot to tell you to put it in tbe oven ot tbe enJ!

B, 0*++(' 5,$ 5*'< -,. +'%(<= -,. $,.&< BJXJG 2(+ * 4*;( 7',0 +5*+
'(4%6(= E+$":-+ /# 1"- 0.5( ,=>A?=I -+# 04 /.-#*:$#/0.-2

Anu that means that whethei you have seen 'some' success with the Law of
Attiaction, oi .

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03
. like the vast majoiity of people .

. you've seen N0 success .

. it liteially uoesn't mattei, anu %+93 <(7%/%+(&- BHK -,.' 7*.&+= QJI@MDJ !

A|| th|s t|me, through no fau|t of your own, you've been operat|ng on R&.+(&G

Was it Y00R fault that you uiun't get the chocolate cake you weie piomiseu.


Can you CBANuE the fact that you've got a bau iecipe.


You aie about to uiscovei the TR0E P0WER of the Law of Attiaction when it's
finally opeiating at full thiottle in youi life.

Anu the iesults you can get this way - the RIuBT way - will be bettei, fastei, anu
moie magical than you coulu evei have imagineu .

. that is, until you see them showing up with youi own eyes.

And the f|rst step |s to CLLAk 1nL 8kAINWASnING.

Because you BAvE been biainwasheu.

F,.9)( :((/ :'*%/$*35(< %/+, :(&%()%/2 +5*+ *&& -,. /((< +, <, %3 O%0*2%/(9
*:./<*/4( +, '(4(%)( %+8

You know, anu I know, that theie is a B0uE uiffeience between 'make believe'
anu ieality, iight..!

So, it's time to stop insulting youi own intelligence.

It's time to stop telling youiself that black is white anu two plus two equals five.

Telling youiself lies uoes no goou (especially when ueep uown, you alieauy
KN0W they'ie lies!)

That kinu of nonsense is just fiustiating, anu gets you nowheie.

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03
8ut the kLAL prob|em |s, th|s k|nd of med|ocre or nonex|stent success w|th
the Law of Attract|on |n the past has 'bra|nwashed' many peop|e |nto
:$G($I('1 (+ 7,$*'<+ K,./ &+ &GGT

When nothing coulu be fuithei fiom the tiuth!

This law is as ieal as you aie.

But if it's not woiking in youi life, that's because you bovent boJ tbe full set of
instructions yet.

Youi iecipe is incomplete.

Nobouy has yet given you the NISSINu INuREBIENT Y00 NEEB to moke it work
for you.

I neeu you to ieally INTERNALIZE that fact.

Let the weight of uoubt, angei, uisappointment anu confusion lift off youi back.

Iee| yourse|f ||ghten|ng as you rea||ze that, yes, &GG +#('1* .$&GGB 5NH R,**(:G$
= WnLN (and on|y when) you have the fu|| rec|pe!

This is incieuibly impoitant, because if you uon't 'countei-biainwash' youiself,
you won't be able to take pait in the othei foui steps.

So go aheau.

Let go of the biainwashing.

Realize that you have only been tolu a BALF-TR0TB up until now.

Anu accept the fact that the Law of Attiaction is reol .

. it's just waiting foi you to take the simple step (that, thiough no fault of youi
own, you simply haven't hau until now) that will kick it into 0vERBRIvE in youi

G(0(0:('= +5('(93 * ^GJJ _*/< 35,'+?` +'*%/%/2 )%<(, '%25+ 5('(V


! 3, 2, 45(4; %+ ,.+ %7 -,. $*/+ +5( 7.&& %/3+'.4+%,/38

It's a shoit viueo but I walk you thiough it peisonally anu in full uetail!

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03
Step 1wo: ka|se our V|brat|on 1o 1he Leve| Cf Abundance

Fact: eveiy one of us is putting out eneigetic vibiations eveiy single seconu of
the uay.

Fverytbinq is vibiating.

Rocks vibiate at a slow fiequency.

Plants vibiate at a highei fiequency than iocks.

People vibiate at a highei iate than inanimate things.

Angiy, sau, sick, uepiesseu, oi uespaiiing people vibiate at a lowei pitch
than happy, healthy people.

@/< 5*66-= 3.44(337.&= '%45= &,)%/2= aHF^MN 6(,6&( )%:'*+( *+ +5(
5%25(3+ 6%+45 ,7 *&&8

That's pbysics, by the way .

! *&& 0*++(' %3 (/('2-= */< *&& (/('2- )%:'*+(38

nere's some more phys|cs for you:
V|brat|ons are ||ke tractor beams. 1hey DkAG stuff towards you.

The vibiations you aie putting out eveiy seconu is liteially P0LLINu stuff that
vibiates at a similai pitch towaius you.

(Evei wonueieu why the same type of peison keeps showing up in youi life.)

Let me te|| you another qu|ck story .

Recently, my husbanu anu I weie having a uiscussion.

Be's been having a pietty miseiable time at woik lately - lots of piessuie, lots of
stiess, not a lot of fiee time oi iecognition of his talents.

The othei uay, he came home anu heaveu a big sigh.

'Wby Jo l seem to keep ottroctinq NF6ATlvF PF0PlF into my life? he askeu.

I lookeu up fiom my book. 'What aie you talking about.'

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03
'It just seems like eveiyone I talk to at the moment is comploininq about stuff.
People aie eithei annoyeu, oi they'ie iiiitateu, oi they'ie tiieu, oi they just want
to C0NPLAIN about something. It's uiiving me nuts!'

You can guess what I saiu to that, iight.

Yup: we hau a little chat, anu I explaineu to him that it was likely his own innei
state of stiess, confusion, anu anxiety that was uiawing all these negative people
to him, anu causing them to 'unloau' theii stiess on his shoulueis.

N%;( '(*&&- <,(3 *++'*4+ &%;(8

Anu that means .

If you don't have what you WAN1 |n your ||fe, |t's because your VI8kA1ICNS
are not tuned to the r|ght |eve|.

If youi bank account makes you want to ciy oi bang youi heau against the
wall .

If you'ie waking up at night anu just staiing at the ceiling .

If you'ie waking up exhausteu befoie the uay has even begun .

If you'ie like I useu to be, anu the high point of youi week is simply the
'absence of stiess' insteau of tiue joy .

. Then this is going to make a B0uE uiffeience foi you.

8ecause |et me te|| you, there |s a mass|ve d|fference between s|mp|y fee||ng
'okay', and hav|ng an abso|ute 8LAS1 every s|ng|e day!

Y('(93 $5*+ -,.9&& 7%/< *7+(' -,. 6.+ +5%3 3+(6 %/+, *4+%,/V

" 'Nagical' coinciuences anu people just 'popping up' in youi life offeiing
you the exact help you neeu

" Financial woiiies, uebt, anu money anxiety just melting away like ice

" 'Fiee money' tuining up when you least expect it - an out of the blue
payiise, a new job offei even if you weien't looking, a piomotion, a tax
iefunu . even checks in the mail!

" Youi minu feels focuseu, eneigizeu, anu 'in tune': youi cieativity anu
imagination goes thiough the ioof

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03

" Pioblems that weie once so massive now just seem so EASY to you

" Challenges now just seem fun anu inteiesting, not like an insuimountable
mountain of stiess anu anxiety

" Nental peace anu calmness

" Physical eneigy

" A sense of ueep ielaxation anu 'iightness' in youi bouy anu heait

D, 5,$ <, -,. *4+.*&&- LH #KZ

The biggest key to iaising youi vibiation to the level of peace, love, anu joy, is
to .

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03
Step 1hree: kNCW what you WAN1, and qu|t worry|ng about
'nCW' |t's go|ng to happen!

Nost people uon't have ony iJeo of what it is they TR0LY WANT.

1hey have a vague |dea, sure, but |t's not spec|f|c at a|| .

And |nstead of fee||ng exc|ted and energ|zed by reach|ng out and gett|ng |t .

. |nstead, they [ust get para|yzed by the dreaded 'hows'.

Beie's the typical thought piocess taking place in most people's heaus when they
think about something - anything - they ieally want to uo:

# $*/+ +, :( * 6',7(33%,/*& <*/4(' . bow ore you ever qoinq to Jo
TEAT? Youre not 12 yeors olJ onJ pencil-tbin, come on!

# $*/+ +, :( 3+*'+ 0- ,$/ 4,06*/- . yeob, but E0W? You JiJnt qo to
business scbool onJ you Jont bove o clue bow to qet storteJ, you Jont even
know ony of tbe riqbt people! Come on!

# $*/+ +, b.%+ 0- T,: */< +'*)(& +5( $,'&< 7,' * -(*' . wbots qoinq to
boppen to your coreer? Eow ore you qoinq to funJ tbot? Wberes tbe money
qoinq to come from? You cont offorJ to toke o yeor off! Come on!

# $*/+ +, &,3( cd 6,./<3 ! E0W ore you qoinq to Jo TEAT? Fvery time
youve trieJ in tbe post youve IAllFB. Come on!

1hese are rea| dreams, from rea| peop|e I've spoken to .

. anu .

The 'how'-baseu minutalk is stiaight fiom theii own mouths.

Tbis is tbe woy H0ST PF0PlF tolk to tbemselves.

Nost likely, incluuing Y00.

So, I want to share w|th you my s|mp|e two-step process for ra|s|ng your
v|brat|on INS1AN1L and supercharg|ng the |nv|s|b|e tractor beam |ns|de
your head to drag |n your dreams start|ng kIGn1 NCW:

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03

D+(6 @V ;/,$ [Y@K -,.' <'(*03 *'(8

D+(6 QV D+,6 [HGGF#BC *:,.+ YH[ %+93 2,%/2 +, 5*66(/?

I|rst, |et's dea| w|th step A: know WnA1 your dreams are.
(I'|| get to step 8 on the next page.)

Fiist, step A .

[5(/ -,. ;/,$ $5*+ -,. $*/+ %/ &%7( !

! >@C#I@N +5%/23 5*66(/8

Theie's something about having a SPECIFIC u0AL in minu that just sets the
engines chuining, the fiies blazing, anu all soits of people woiking on youi siue
to help you out.

It ieally is miroculous.

8ut I'm not [ust ta|k|ng about some vague des|re for a 'better ||fe'.

You've gotta know exoctly wbot o better life HFANS .

6 #0 DBG2

See, theie's a big uiffeience between saying:

" 'uosh, I wish I uiun't have to woik' , anu .

" 'I want to be financially able to quit my job, have thiity thousanu bucks in
the bank, anu finu a fun way to eain a massive income on the siue.'

Specifics count.

I can't explain WBY they count, but they uo.

@/< 5(-= <,/9+ ',&& -,.' (-(3 *+ 0(? K5%3 3+.77 5*3 :((/ 6',)(/ %/ 3+.<-
*7+(' 3+.<-8

Example: a iecent stuuy of ivy-league giauuates founu an inteiesting thing .

Thiee peicent of the giauuates wiote theii goals uown.

The othei ninety seven peicent uiu not.

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03

Anu .

. the three percent that WkC1L DCWN the|r goa|s made more money over
the next ten years than the other NINL1 SLVLN LkCLN1 X?%-6OHA.

D,= $*/+ +, ;/,$ 5,$ +, 2(+ '%45Z

The fiist step is to pick a sum, anu write it Jown.

Want to be happy.

Figuie out what woulu make you happy, anu write it Jown.

F,. <,/9+ /((< +, '(%/)(/+ +5( $5((& 5('(8

This stuff has been testeu anu pioven countless times ovei. I honestly can't
explain WBY wiiting something uown woiks so incieuibly well .

. but it uoes.

Bon't swim against the cuiient.

uo with what woiks, man.

Write it Jown.

Now |et's dea| w|th Step 8: Stop worry|ng about the nCWS!

Nost people aie RIBBLEB with uoubts anu 'uieaueu hows'.

Foi example .

@+ * <((6= 4,'( &()(&= >HDK \JH\NJ <,/9+ :(&%()( %+93 6,33%:&( +, :( *
0%&&%,/*%'( $%+5,.+ 5*)%/2 !

gone to the iight college

met the iight people

gotten the iight job, anu

been lucky enough to giow up with a silvei spoon in youi mouth.

Tbey just Jon't BFllFvF its P0SSlBlF.

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03
That's the biainwashing taking ovei again.

8ecause the truth |s, the '|mposs|b|e' becomes the 'everyday', ALL 1nL

Consiuei: we now know the eaith is iounu, iight.

We also know that the eaith ievolves aiounu the sun, iight.

Yet Copeinicus was +5',$/ %/ 6'%3,/ foi having the temeiity to suggest that the
eaith was iounu, anu we ievolve aiounu the sun.

1hrown |n [a||! Ior vo|c|ng what we 'knew' to be '|mposs|b|e!'

Yet we now know that, of course, he was iight all along.

Not a huge vote of confiuence foi what we 'know' to be possible oi impossible,

@/< +5%3 3+.77 %3 3+%&& 5*66(/%/2 @NN KYJ K#>J8

We aie iegulaily tuining 'miiacles' into everyJoy routine bebovior.

Consiuei .

Bumans can now fly aiounu the woilu.

We can tiansplant a live heait.

We can uo biain suigeiy.

We have pills that cuie oi pievent all soits of teiiible uiseases that useu to kill
5./<'(<3 ,7 +5,.3*/<3 ,7 6(,6&( while the uoctois coulu only stanu back anu

1he '|mposs|b|e' ||tera||y becomes the 'everyday', ALL 1nL 1IML!

I think it was Schopenhauei who saiu,

Iirst, it is louqboble. Tben it is possible. Tben it becomes, lve
been Joinq it tbot woy oll olonq.

D, +5*+ 0(*/3= %7 -,. $*/+ 3,0(+5%/2= :.+ -,. +'.&- :(&%()( %+93 *4+.*&&-
/3J0--/E5+K +5*+ !

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03

It's not WnA1 you do that br|ngs about your dreams .
. |t's s|mp|y that you DC |t.

In piactical teims, that means stop woiiying about 'how' it's all going to woik

Bon't woiiy about what seems 'possible' oi 'impossible' iight now.

'Impossibility' is a biqbly fluiJ stote anu it changes liteially ALL TBE TINE.

a.3+ #"P+ " -#+J2

Nake a uieam boaiu. Set an image on youi computei scieen backgiounu. Wiite a
list, on papei.

Bo something. Bo ANYTBINu, no mattei how small.

Iust use what you have, today, r|ght now, and *$$ K#&+ #&RR$'*T

Boois will open. Things will happen. You will get shiveis. I piomise.

Because the (shocking) tiuth is .

... you have moie contiol than you think you uo .

Next up: the |ncred|b|e 'm|nd-me|d bra|n contro| tr|ck' to coach your bra|n to
do what you WAN1, |nstead of constant|y sabotag|ng your every move .

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03
Step Iour: Stop retend|ng 1hat ou Are Not In Contro|!

We'ie taught to believe we have 'zeio contiol' ovei what happens in oui lives,

Again . moie biainwashing.

#/ 7*4+= -,. 5*)( KHK@N 4,/+',&8

Let me give you an example .

Evei noticeu that, veiy often, people giow up as miiiois of theii enviionment.

Not &GG the t|me, but def|n|te|y a |ot more often than not, k|ds who grow up
w|th wea|thy go-getter parents often turn out wea|thy themse|ves.


Because weoltb wos tbeir RFAllTY from tbe Joy tbey were born.

" They uiun't have to think, 'gosh, how will I evei get iich.' .

" . it was pait of theii woilu anu theii EXPECTATI0NS.

" They expect a ceitain level of abunuance .

" . it nevei occurs to them to uoubt it .

" . anu so tbey continue ot tbot level.

Now, that's not ALL theie is to it.

I'm not saying all kius boin iich stay that way. Cleaily, that woulu be nonsense.

Q.+ +5('(93 /, *'2.%/2 +5*+ ^J@G */< N@IE 6&*- * %:7+ *05+ %/ $5*+ ;%/<3 ,7
3%+.*+%,/3 -,. (/< .6 &%)%/2 *3 -,.' '(*&%+-8

In fact .

I want to ta|k about ILAk for a second.

Know when tiue feai happens.

The kinu of feai that ciipples youi minu, locks the jail cell uooi, anu N0RBERS
youi manifesting ability.

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03

#+ 5*66(/3 $5(/ -,. 7((& @BA ?@ FB@A>BI2

Let's play anothei little minu game (this one's baseu on a technique fiom the
foimiuable Allen Caii, authoi of Allen Corrs Fosy Woy to Control Alcobol.)

I want you to |mag|ne tak|ng a sum of money from your own pocket, and
throw|ng |t down the to||et.

Now, that woulu be annoying, foi suie.

Q.+ -,.9&& 7%/< +5*+ -,. <,/9+ (P6('%(/4( */- DKGJDD 7',0 <,%/2 +5%3=
:(4*.3( (0: *'( %/ 4,/+',& ,7 $5*+93 5*66(/%/28

You know wby it's happening, anu you know you can stop flushing money any
time you want.

D0: ore in control. So, minimum stiess.

8ut |f some wa|ks up to you, mugs you, and takes your wa||et .

! -,. 2(+ * &,+ >HGJ 3+'(33(<= :(4*.3( (0: ;0.Q# %"<+ #%+ $0.#*05 ".( 30*+2

Naybe not a TERRIBLE amount of stiess, because you still know wbots
happening .

. anu you know wby it's happening .

... but youi feai anu stiess woulu inciease nonetheless.

Now |mag|ne that someth|ng happened to your money that was
CCMLL1LL out of your contro|.

Naybe youi bank collapses, who knows.

But, you check youi bank balance one uay, anu liteially everytbinq is gone.

You have no iuea what was causing it, 0R when this teiiible expeiience woulu
enu .

! */< +5*+93 $5(/ -,.' 3+'(33 */< 7(*' 2,(3 KYGHMCY KYJ GHH^8

You liteially go into panic moue.

What's happening. Why is it happening. Am I going to go bioke. Am I
bankiupt.. Eow Jo l stop it???

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03

Now iemembei. The thoughts you'ie having at any moment senu out vibiations
that uiaw in like expeiiences *&& +5( 7'(*;%/2 +%0(8

And one of the most v|ta| keys to 'upp|ng' your v|brat|ons and start draw|ng
|n more abundance, peace, [oy, |ove, and CASn, |s .
. +, 9"?2 $YR$.($'8('1 *+.$** &'7 )$&.T

Those two emotions will uiag youi vibiations uown like someone thiew you
oveiboaiu weaiing conciete boots.

D+'(33 */< 7(*' $%&& &%+('*&&- 3.4; -,. <,$/ %/+, +5( <(6+538

Yet the feeling of C0NTR0L is a buqe factoi in how much stiess anu feai you

Remembei, you can expeiience quite a lot of unpleasant stuff, os lonq os Y00 ore
in control .

. meaning, -,. ;/,$ 1%( %+93 5*66(/%/2= */< -,. ;/,$ -,. 4*/ 45,,3( +,
3+,6 %+ 7',0 5*66(/%/2 "# ".( #/3+2

Now what |f I to|d you that .

Because the tiuth is, you ore.

You aie in C0NPLETE contiol.

You aie the pilot of youi own ship.

You've olreoJy seen tbe J*004 that youi thoughts become vibiations, which
become actual things in youi life.

Because . (anu this seciet alone will change youi life, if you let it) .

K5,.25+3 *'( +5%/238

K5(- *'( /,+ O6'%)*+(98

D,0(,/( %3 &%3+(/%/28


Nope, I'm not talking about uou .

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03

1he Un|verse |s the unseen ||stener at every conversat|on you have and
every thought you wh|sper, speak, wr|te, or th|nk.

I'm not just making this stuff up out of my heau.

Some of the gieatest anu most biilliant thinkeis of oui woilu - Plato,
Shakespeaie, Ram Bass, even Einstein himself, to name just a few - knew the
powei of controllinq your lNNFR worlJ to control your 00TFR.

Wbot if you were in control?

What if you uiun't have to be afiaiu any moie.

What woulu that FEEL like, to have absolute powei, absolute contiol, to tiuly be
the pilot of youi own ship.

Like you've got the uiamonu ticket to abunuance.

Like you've got S0PER P0WERS to live the life you've always wanteu.

Like onytbinq onJ everytbinq is possible?

You'ie uain iight.

Anu the best pait is .

. |t's a|| true.
And you can see |t for yourse|f, [ust by tak|ng a |ook around.

Want to know how you can tell if a peison iealizes the powei of theii thoughts.

Toke o look ot tbeir life.

At theii bouy.

At theii family.

At theii ielationships.

At theii income.

#7 +5(- ;/,$ 5,$ +, 4,/+',& +5(%' +5,.25+3 */< +5(%' )%:'*+%,/3= #%+( 1/55 E+
+9J+*/+.$/.7 "E:.;".$+ /. 0.+K #10K 0* =II 04 #%+-+ 5/4+ "*+"-2

So, know this: you uon't have to expeiience stiess of 'the unknown' any moie.

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03

Stop pietenuing you aien't in contiol!

I'll explain moie about 'being in contiol' on my fiee viueo tiaining - just click this
link to watch (it's shoit, anu it's fiee tiaining foi you!)

$$$80*/%7(3+*+%,/0%'*4&(84,0 `

In it, you'll see me give REAL LIFE examples of what it looks like when someone
seizes back 'contiol' in theii life .

8ut for now, here's an examp|e from M ||fe .

When I ueciueu to quit woiking so haiu anu just live my life the way I WANTEB
to . when I maue the choice to stop stiuggling anu stop pouiing in effoit all the
time .

. I took back contiol in my life.

Noie impoitantly, my biain reolizeJ that I was in contiol again - at a coie, ioot

Foi the fiist time evei, my values weie RES0NATINu with my life. I was choosing
my actions, anu lining them up with my uesiies.

To give you an example, my personol uesiies weie to:

" stop woiking haiu

" have moie money

" have moie }0Y

" help otheis, anu

" live a life of fulfillment anu puipose every sinqle Joy.

I'm not saying youi goals oi uesiies shoulu look like that. That's just what mine
weie. It's all a peisonal thing.

Now, rea||z|ng that I was IN CCN1kCL was one of the b|ggest keys to
ICkCING the Un|verse to '||sten up' and g|ve me everyth|ng I'd ever wanted.

So . %01 <, -,. 3(%1( 4,/+',& %/ -,.' &%7(Z

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03
Especially if you'ie feeling C0NPLETELY exhausteu, stiesseu out, buineu out,
anu have liteially no iuea how to fix ony of it.

Well, the fiist thing you shoulu know is .

?Q<+ E++. /. (0:* -%0+-2

I ||ved |arge chunks of my adu|t ||fe so unhappy and m|serab|e and 8kCkL
that I was ||tera||y ||v|ng hand to mouth.

I was in massive uebt.

I was oveiweight.

Ny ielationship was miseiable.

I boteJ my job. (0h, how I hateu it. It suckeu the life out of me.)
And I was so poor that some n|ghts I ||tera||y ate a can of green beans for

! OF(*5= -(*5= Y(*+5('8 B%4( 3,: 3+,'-8 Q.+ $5*+ <, ? <, *:,.+ +5%3ZZ?9

Well, I'm not going to tell you some schmaltzy, intelligence-insulting stuff about
'just act AS IF you have contiol'.

Yeah, I know that most expeits talk about uoing that.

8ut I've got someth|ng better .

If you want to tiuly take back C0NTR0L in eveiy facet of youi life .

To uET what you ieally WANT, anu .

Stop woiking so haiu foi such TINY iewaius !

! +5(/ %+93 )('-= )('- 3%06&(V

F,.9)( 2,+ +, 3+*'+ 36(*;%/2 +5( 3*0( &*/2.*2( +5*+ +5( M/%)('3( 36(*;38

See, eveiything in the 0niveise uses the language of eneigetic vibiations.

Which means youre octuolly communicotinq witb tbe 0niverse riqbt now.

Yet, if you haven't yet hau things go the way you WANT them to, then .

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03
1hat's proof that you're not speak|ng the |anguage the way you need, to
g|ve out the kIGn1 k|nds of commands, and get the kIGn1 k|nds of resu|ts.

Now, if you want to keep it 3.6('U3%06&(, then simply use the 'iaise youi
vibiation' techniques I mentioneu in the pievious chapteis.

Yet, if you want a SERI00S technique that will actually Jestroy youi baiiieis to
abunuance anu permonently roise youi vibiations .

. allowing you to whispei youi commanus uiiectly to the eai of the 0niveise .

! +5(/ # $*/+ -,. +, 2, 5('( '%25+ /,$V

! $*+45 +5( 35,'+ )%<(,= */< LH [Y@K #K D@FD8

I will liteially walk you thiough the entiie piocess, step by step. It's a fun watch,
anu .

! 0,3+ ,7 *&&= /# 1/55 LCI, (0: #0 7+# 1%"# (0: !=@A /. 5/4+U

(I woulu give you the piocess on this page, but it's too lengthy to wiite uown
woiu by woiu - it makes much moie sense to heai me tell you what to uo 'live'.)
Now, mov|ng on to the f|fth and f|na| step .

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03
Step I|ve: now 1o ketune our Dest|ny 1o AU1CMA1ICALL
Man|fest A|most H3:&..&**('1 Leve|s Cf Abundance

0kay, the final step.

The thing is, you have to '(+./( -,.' <(3+%/- 3, %+ :(4,0(3 -,.' '(*&%+-8

That might sounu like uoublespeak at fiist, so let me explain.

Host people orent livinq tbeir BFSTlNY.

Cons|der th|s:

F,. <,/9+ *+"55( +5%/; -,. $('( 6.+ ,/ +5%3 (*'+5 +, -#*:775+K <, -,.Z

F,. <,/9+ *+"55( :(&%()( -,.' 6.'6,3( %/ &%7( %3 +, &%)( * LMNN=
MB#BD\#G#BC &%7( $5('( -,. 4,/+%/.*&&- <'(*0 */< 1/-% 7,' :(++('=
-(+ /()('= ()(' 2(+ %+Z

D0: ;0.Q# *+"55( E+5/+<+ #%"# " I?)C B) I=FV /- (0:* ;+-#/.(K */7%#88U

Now, if you'ie a pessimist by natuie, then I can't help you.

In fact, I won't even tiy. You can leau a hoise to watei, etc, etc.

8ut |f you agree w|th me that your dest|ny |s to ||ve an AMA2ING ||fe .
. then I can he|p you w|th that.

Anu it all comes uown to one thing:

OG(+./%/29 -,.' <(3+%/- 3, +5*+ %+ 0*/%7(3+3 %/ *+"5/#(K /,+ T.3+ %/ -,.'

Kinu of like taking a cai to the mechanic foi an engine tune-up, just so eveiything
iuns nice anu smooth .

. this step takes youi BREANS anu tunes them up so eveiything vibiates at the
'peifect pitch' to +*;( +5( &(*6 7',0 O<'(*034*6(9 +, JXJGFL@F GJ@N#KF8

So here's how to retune your dest|ny so |t becomes your rea||ty .

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03

In oui cultuie, we've been tiaineu to believe that 'oppoitunity looks a lot like
haiu woik' .

But it's not.

It's just the caiiot that leaus us into the jail of oui minus, so we'ie L0CKEB IN
befoie we even iealize it's happening.

As kius, we see oui paients going to woik.

We heai them complaining about stiess, iesponsibility, moitgages, bill
payments, 'putting foou on the table'.

Now, if we'ie lucky, we maybe uon't heai them complain too often.

But .

I cha||enge you to show me even CNL k|d on th|s p|anet who d|dn't grow up
be||ev|ng that 'you have to go to work, and you have to work nAkD, to get
ahead |n th|s ||fe.'

Foi me, that was ABS0L0TELY tiue.

I useu to always believe that if I just woikeu haiu enough, saveu my money, anu
was ieally, ieally lucky that I woulu eventually 'get to wheie I wanteu to be'.

But you know what.

I wasteu YEARS of my life thinking that way, because I was BRAINWASBEB by
society to think that 'effoit anu haiu woik' was my ticket to abunuance anu a life
of joy.

lt wosnt.

@&& %+ 2,+ 0( $*3 :.'/(< ,.+= <(6'(33(<= */P%,.3= */< IHBDK@BKNF

I felt like I was iunning on one of those uumb exeicise machines in the gym .

. you know, those bicycles you iiue on that go to nowbere.

Fiom the youngest yeais of oui life, we see otheis giowing up, getting jobs,
woiking haiu, going to college, slaving away. That becomes oui ieality. We aie
now biainwasheu to believe it is 'the way'.

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03

8ut a|| |t |s, |s a MLN1AL CCNCL1 that has become acknow|edged as

"You have to unueistanu . most of these people aie not
ieauy to be unpluggeu. Anu many of them aie so inuieu, so
hopelessly uepenuent on the system, that they will fight to
piotect it."

- Noipheus, Tbe Hotrix

You must stop being one of those people.

You must stop letting haiu woik anu 'effoit' take ovei youi life.

You must stop cbosinq the caiiot, anu uET the caiiot!

Anu the best way to uo it, is via <(3+%/- +./%/28

It's a simple piocess that 'ietunes youi minu' to uiag youi uieams out of youi
imagination anu moke tbem reolity.

It's the culmination of all the steps I've alieauy walkeu you thiough heie touay.

If you want to +./( -,.' <(3+%/- /,$, then click the link anu follow along in this
FREE tiaining viueo:

! %/ %+= -,.9&& 3(( 0( 2%)( -,. +5( 3+(63 -,. 4*/ .3(= '%25+ /,$= KHL@F= +,
+./( -,.' <(3+%/- */< 2(+ -,.' 0*/%7(3+*+%,/ *:%&%+- 4,,;%/2 ,/ L?TL

Theie's ieally not enough time foi me to explain it in this iepoit iight now - so
the choice is up to you.

Plus, I have to be honest .

I'm pietty constiaineu by space in this iepoit, but theie aie a whole bunch moie
tools I want to give you too.

These tools will help you pinpoint youi EXACT uieams (you'u be suipiiseu how
many people just can't uo this on theii own . -(+= %+ %3 X#K@N +5*+ -,. ;/,$
+5( 36(4%7%43 %7 -,. ()(' $*/+ +, *45%()( -,.' <'(*03?` !

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03
. whittle youi 'abunuance focus' uown to a loser point, anu move Q0ICKLY in the
uiiection of youi wiluest uieams eveiy single uay.

So now, it's up to you.

You can take what I've alieauy given you touay anu use these valuable tools to
coax awesome iesults out of youi life.

Anu you can uo that staiting iight now, anu I wish you the best of luck !

Bowevei, I have to be honest anu say that I 3+',/2&- '(4,00(/< -,. 45(4;
,.+ +5%3 35,'+ +'*%/%/2 )%<(,V

. It's now 'live', anu in it, you'll see me go thiough the entiie piocess step by step
to give you everytbinq you neeu to .

L|tera||y ICkCL the Un|verse to g|ve you everyth|ng you've ever w|shed for!

I can't make it much plainei than that .

So now, it's up to you.

I say we get you staiteu making youi uieams into youi ieality!

!"#$% '( )*++ ,*+-+.#"#/0. "# 11123"./4+-#"#/0.3/*"$5+2$03
The infoimation you'll finu in this book is to euucate you. We make no piomise oi guaiantee of
income oi eainings. You have to uo some woik, use youi best juugment, anu peifoim uue
uiligence befoie using the infoimation in this book. Youi success is still up to you.
Nothing in this book is intenueu to be piofessional, legal, financial anuoi accounting auvice.
Always seek competent auvice fiom piofessionals in these matteis. We also iecommenu that you
check all local, state, anu feueial laws to make suie you aie in compliance when you cieate youi
online business. If you bieak feueial, state, city, oi othei local laws, we will not be helu liable foi
any uamages you incui.

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