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8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes

Ln 8AnC

G.k. No. 104879 May 6, 1994
CCUk1 CI ALALS, nCN. AN1CNIC I. IINL2A, |n h|s capac|ty as res|d|ng Iudge,
8ranch 131, keg|ona| 1r|a| Court of ka|ookan C|ty, nCN. 1IkSC D.C. VLLASCC, |n h|s
capac|ty as res|d|ng Iudge, 8ranch 88, keg|ona| 1r|a| Court of uezon C|ty, and
LCLL CI 1nL nILIINLS, respondenLs.

CreaLlve legal advocacy has provlded Lhls CourL wlLh anoLher "#$%&' $%"#'(($)*$( case
Lhrough Lhe presenL peLlLlon whereln Lhe parLles have formulaLed and now pose for
resoluLlon Lhe followlng lssue: WheLher or noL a courL may Lake cognlzance of an
appllcaLlon for a search warranL ln connecLlon wlLh an offense commlLLed ouLslde lLs
LerrlLorlal boundary and, LhereafLer, lssue Lhe warranL Lo conducL a search on a place
ouLslde Lhe courL's supposed LerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlon.

1he facLual background and [udlclal anLecedenLs of Lhls case are besL Laken from Lhe
flndlngs of respondenL CourL of Appeals
on whlch Lhere does noL appear Lo be any
dlspuLe, Lo wlL:
lrom Lhe pleadlngs and supporLlng documenLs before Lhe CourL, lL can be
gaLhered LhaL on March 22, 1990, 1sL LL. Absalon v. Salboro of Lhe
CACCM norLhern SecLor (now CenLral SecLor) flled wlLh Lhe 8eglonal
1rlal CourL of kalookan ClLy an appllcaLlon for search warranL. 1he search
warranL was soughL for ln connecLlon wlLh an alleged vlolaLlon of .u.
1866 (lllegal ossesslon of llrearms and AmmunlLlons) perpeLraLed aL no.
23 newporL SL., corner Marlboro SL., lalrvlew, Cuezon ClLy. Cn March 23,
1990, respondenL 81C !udge of kalookan ClLy lssued Search WarranL no.
93-90. Cn Lhe same day, aL around 2:30 p.m., members of Lhe CACCM,
armed wlLh sub[ecL search warranL, proceeded Lo Lhe slLus of Lhe offense
alluded Lo, where a labor semlnar of Lhe Lcumenlcal lnsLlLuLe for Labor
LducaLlon and 8esearch (LlLL8) was Lhen Laklng place. Accordlng Lo
CACCM's "lnvenLory of roperLy Selzed," flrearms, exploslve maLerlals
and subverslve documenLs, among oLhers, were selzed and Laken durlng
Lhe search. And all Lhe slxLy-one (61) persons found wlLhln Lhe premlses
searched were broughL Lo Camp karlngal, Cuezon ClLy buL mosL of Lhem
were laLer released, wlLh Lhe excepLlon of Lhe hereln peLlLloners, LlLL8
lnsLrucLors, who were lndlcaLed for vlolaLlon of .u. 1866 ln Crlmlnal Case
no. C-90-11737 before 8ranch 88 of Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL of Cuezon
ClLy, preslded over by respondenL !udge 1lrso u.C. velasco.
Cn !uly 10, 1990, peLlLloners presenLed a "MoLlon for ConsolldaLlon,
Cuashal of Search WarranL and lor Lhe Suppresslon of All lllegally
Acqulred Lvldence" before Lhe Cuezon ClLy courL, and a "SupplemenLal
MoLlon Lo Lhe MoLlon for ConsolldaLlon, Cuashal of Search WarranL and
Lxcluslon of Lvldence lllegally CbLalned.
Cn SepLember 21, 1990, Lhe respondenL Cuezon ClLy !udge lssued Lhe
challenged order, consolldaLlng sub[ecL cases buL denylng Lhe prayer for
Lhe quashal of Lhe search warranL under aLLack, Lhe valldlLy of whlch
warranL was upheld, oplnlng LhaL Lhe same falls under Lhe caLegory of
WrlLs and rocesses, wlLhln Lhe conLemplaLlon of paragraph 3(b) of Lhe
lnLerlm 8ules and Culdellnes, and can be served noL only wlLhln Lhe
LerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe lssulng courL buL anywhere ln Lhe [udlclal
reglon of Lhe lssulng courL (naLlonal CaplLal !udlclal 8eglon),. . .
eLlLloner's moLlon for reconslderaLlon of Lhe sald Crder under challenge,
havlng been denled by Lhe assalled Crder of CcLober 3, 1990, peLlLloners
have come Lo Lhls CourL +$& Lhe lnsLanL peLlLlon, ralslng Lhe sole lssue:
WPL1PL8 C8 nC1 A CCu81 MA? 1AkL CCCnlZAnCL Cl
An ALlCA1lCn lC8 A SLA8CP WA88An1 ln
Cu1SluL l1S 1L88l1C8lAL !u8lSulC1lCn Anu 1C lSSuL A
Cu1SluL l1S 1L88l1C8lAL !u8lSulC1lCn.
xxx xxx xxx
8espondenL CourL of Appeals rendered [udgmenL,
ln effecL afflrmlng LhaL of Lhe Lrlal
courL, by denylng due course Lo Lhe peLlLlon for ,'#-$)#&#$ and llfLlng Lhe Lemporary
resLralnlng order lL had lssued on november 29, 1990 ln connecLlon LherewlLh. 1hls
[udgmenL of respondenL courL ls now lmpugned ln and soughL Lo be reversed Lhrough
Lhe presenL recourse before us.
We are noL favorably lmpressed by Lhe argumenLs adduced by peLlLloners ln supporL of
Lhelr submlsslons. 1helr dlsqulslLlons posLulaLe lnLerpreLaLlve Lheorles conLrary Lo Lhe
leLLer and lnLenL of Lhe rules on search warranLs and whlch could pose legal obsLacles, lf
noL dangerous docLrlnes, ln Lhe area of law enforcemenL. lurLher, Lhey fall Lo valldly
dlsLlngulsh, hence Lhey do noL convlnclngly dellneaLe Lhe dlfference, beLween Lhe
maLLer of (1) Lhe courL whlch has Lhe compeLence Lo lssue a search warranL under a
glven seL of facLs, and (2) Lhe permlsslble [urlsdlcLlonal range ln Lhe enforcemenL of such
search warranL +$(.&.+$( Lhe courL's LerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlon. 1hese lssues whlle effecLlvely
cognaLe are essenLlally dlscreLe slnce Lhe resoluLlon of one does noL necessarlly affecL or
preempL Lhe oLher. Accordlngly, Lo avold compoundlng Lhe seemlng confuslon, Lhese
quesLlons shall be dlscussed ('#$&-$%.
eLlLloners lnvoke Lhe [urlsdlcLlonal rules ln Lhe lnsLlLuLlon of crlmlnal acLlons Lo
lnvalldaLe Lhe search warranL lssued by Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL of kalookan ClLy
because lL ls dlrecLed Loward Lhe selzure of flrearms and ammunlLlon allegedly cached
lllegally ln Cuezon ClLy. 1hls Lheory ls soughL Lo be buLLressed by Lhe facL LhaL Lhe
crlmlnal case agalnsL peLlLloners for vlolaLlon of resldenLlal uecree no. 1866 was
subsequenLly flled ln Lhe laLLer courL. 1he appllcaLlon for Lhe search warranL, lL ls
clalmed, was accordlngly flled ln a courL of lmproper venue and slnce venue ln crlmlnal
acLlons lnvolves Lhe LerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe courL, such warranL ls vold for havlng
been lssued by a courL wlLhouL [urlsdlcLlon Lo do so.
1he baslc flaw ln Lhls reasonlng ls ln erroneously equaLlng Lhe appllcaLlon for and Lhe
obLenLlon of a search warranL wlLh Lhe lnsLlLuLlon and prosecuLlon of a crlmlnal acLlon ln
a Lrlal courL. lL would Lhus caLegorlze whaL ls only a speclal crlmlnal "#),'((, Lhe power
Lo lssue whlch ls lnherenL ln all courLs, as equlvalenL Lo a ,#$%$*&/ &,-$)*, [urlsdlcLlon
over whlch ls reposed ln ("',$0$, ,)1#-( of lndlcaLed compeLence. lL lgnores Lhe facL LhaL
Lhe requlslLes, procedure and purpose for Lhe lssuance of a search warranL are
compleLely dlfferenL from Lhose for Lhe lnsLlLuLlon of a crlmlnal acLlon.
lor, lndeed, a warranL, such as a warranL of arresL or a search warranL, merely
consLlLuLes process.
A search warranL ls deflned ln our [urlsdlcLlon as an order ln
wrlLlng lssued ln Lhe name of Lhe eople of Lhe hlllpplnes slgned by a [udge and
dlrecLed Lo a peace offlcer, commandlng hlm Lo search for personal properLy and brlng
lL before Lhe courL.
A search warranL ls ln Lhe naLure of a crlmlnal process akln Lo a wrlL
of dlscovery. lL ls a speclal and pecullar remedy, drasLlc ln lLs naLure, and made
necessary because of a publlc necesslLy.

ln Amerlcan [urlsdlcLlons, from whlch we have Laken our [ural concepL and provlslons on
search warranLs,
such warranL ls deflnlLlvely consldered merely as a process, generally
lssued by a courL ln Lhe exerclse of lLs anclllary [urlsdlcLlon, and noL a crlmlnal acLlon Lo
be enLerLalned by a courL pursuanL Lo lLs orlglnal [urlsdlcLlon. We emphaslze Lhls facL for
purposes of boLh lssues as formulaLed ln Lhls oplnlon, wlLh Lhe caLalogue of auLhorlLles
lnvarlably, a [udlclal process ls deflned as a wrlL, 2&##&*-, subpoena, or oLher formal
wrlLlng lssued by auLhorlLy of law, also Lhe means of accompllshlng an end, lncludlng
[udlclal proceedlngs,
or all wrlLs, 2&##&*-(, summonses, and)#3'#( of courLs of [usLlce
or [udlclal offlcers.
lL ls llkewlse held Lo lnclude a wrlL, summons, or )#3'# lssued ln a
[udlclal proceedlng Lo acqulre [urlsdlcLlon of a person or hls properLy, Lo expedlLe Lhe
cause or enforce Lhe [udgmenL,
or a wrlL,2&##&*-, mandaLe, or oLher process lssulng
from a courL of [usLlce.

2. lL ls clear, Lherefore, LhaL a search warranL ls merely a [udlclal process deslgned by Lhe
8ules Lo respond only Lo an lncldenL ln Lhe maln case, lf one has already been lnsLlLuLed,
or ln anLlclpaLlon Lhereof. ln Lhe laLLer conLlngency, as ln Lhe case aL bar, lL would
lnvolve some [udlclal clalrvoyance Lo requlre observance of Lhe rules as Lo where a
crlmlnal case may evenLually be flled where, ln Lhe flrsL place, no such acLlon havlng as
yeL been lnsLlLuLed, lL may ulLlmaLely be flled ln a LerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlon oLher Lhan LhaL
whereln Lhe lllegal arLlcles soughL Lo be selzed are Lhen locaLed. 1hls ls aslde from Lhe
conslderaLlon LhaL a crlmlnal acLlon may be flled ln dlfferenL venues under Lhe rules
for 3'/$-)( ,)*-$*1&3)( or ln Lhose lnsLances where dlfferenL Lrlal courLs have
concurrenL orlglnal [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe same crlmlnal offense.
ln facL, Lo lllusLraLe Lhe gravlLy of Lhe problem whlch peLlLloners' lmplauslble poslLlon
may creaLe, we need noL sLray far from Lhe provlslons of SecLlon 13, 8ule 110 of Lhe
8ules of CourL on Lhe venue of crlmlnal acLlons and whlch we quoLe:
Sec. 13. lace where acLlon Lo be lnsLlLuLed. -
(a) Sub[ecL Lo exlsLlng laws, ln all crlmlnal prosecuLlons Lhe acLlon shall be
lnsLlLuLed and Lrled ln Lhe courL of Lhe munlclpallLy or LerrlLory whereln
Lhe offense was commlLLed or any one of Lhe essenLlal lngredlenLs
Lhereof Look place.
(b) Where an offense ls commlLLed on a rallroad Lraln, ln an alrcrafL, or
any oLher publlc or prlvaLe vehlcle whlle ln Lhe course of lLs Lrlp, Lhe
crlmlnal acLlon may be lnsLlLuLed and Lrled ln Lhe courL of any
munlclpallLy or LerrlLory where such Lraln, alrcrafL or oLher vehlcle passed
durlng such Lrlp, lncludlng Lhe place of deparLure and arrlval.
(c) Where an offense ls commlLLed on board a vessel ln Lhe course of lLs
voyage, Lhe crlmlnal acLlon may be lnsLlLuLed and Lrled ln Lhe proper
courL of Lhe flrsL porL of enLry or of any munlclpallLy or LerrlLory Lhrough
whlch Lhe vessel passed durlng such voyage, sub[ecL Lo Lhe generally
accepLed prlnclples of lnLernaLlonal law.
(d) CLher crlmes commlLLed ouLslde of Lhe hlllpplnes buL punlshable
Lhereln under ArLlcle 2 of Lhe 8evlsed enal Code shall be cognlzable by
Lhe proper courL ln whlch Lhe charge ls flrsL flled. (14a)
lL would be an exacLlng lmposlLlon upon Lhe law enforcemenL auLhorlLles or Lhe
prosecuLorlal agencles Lo unerrlngly deLermlne where Lhey should apply for a search
warranL ln vlew of Lhe uncerLalnLles and posslblllLles as Lo Lhe ulLlmaLe venue of a case
under Lhe foregolng rules. lL would be doubly so lf compllance wlLh LhaL requlremenL
would be under paln of nulllflcaLlon of sald warranL should Lhey flle Lhelr appllcaLlon
Lherefor ln and obLaln Lhe same from whaL may laLer Lurn ouL Lo be a courL noL wlLhln
Lhe amblL of Lhe aforequoLed SecLlon 13.
Cur 8ules of CourL, wheLher of Lhe 1940, 1964 or Lhe presenL vlnLage, and, for LhaL
maLLer, Lhe !udlclary AcL of 1948
or Lhe recenL !udlclary 8eorganlzaLlon AcL,
never requlred Lhe [urlsdlcLlonal sLrlcLures LhaL Lhe peLlLloners' Lhesls would seek Lo be
lnferenLlally drawn from Lhe sllence of Lhe reglemenLary provlslons. Cn Lhe conLrary, we
are of Lhe vlew LhaL sald sLaLuLory omlsslon was boLh dellberaLe and slgnlflcanL. lL
cannoL buL mean LhaL Lhe formulaLors of Lhe 8ules of CourL, and even Congress lLself,
dld noL conslder lL proper or correcL, on conslderaLlons of naLlonal pollcy and Lhe
pragmaLlcs of experlence, Lo clamp a legal manacle on Lhose who would ferreL ouL Lhe
evldence of a crlme. lor us Lo now lmpose such condlLlons or resLrlcLlons, under Lhe
gulse of [udlclal lnLerpreLaLlon, may lnsLead be reasonably consLrued as Lrenchlng on
[udlclal leglslaLlon. lL would be LanLamounL Lo a [udlclal acL of engrafLlng upon a law
someLhlng LhaL has been omlLLed buL whlch someone belleves oughL Lo have been
embraced Lhereln.

Concededly, Lhe problem of venue would be relaLlvely easler Lo resolve lf a crlmlnal case
has already been flled ln a parLlcular courL and a search warranL ls needed Lo secure
evldence Lo be presenLed Lhereln. Cbvlously, Lhe courL Lrylng Lhe crlmlnal case may
properly lssue Lhe warranL, upon proper appllcaLlon and due compllance wlLh Lhe
requlslLes Lherefor, slnce such appllcaLlon would only be an lncldenL ln LhaL case and
whlch lL can resolve ln Lhe exerclse of lLs anclllary [urlsdlcLlon. lf Lhe conLraband arLlcles
are wlLhln lLs LerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlon, Lhere would appear Lo be no furLher compllcaLlons.
1he [urlsdlcLlonal problem would resurrecL, however, where such arLlcles are ouLslde lLs
LerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlon, whlch aspecL wlll be addressed hereafLer.
3. Comlng back Lo Lhe flrsL lssue now under conslderaLlon, peLlLloners, afLer dlscourslng
on Lhe respecLlve LerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlons of Lhe LhlrLeen 8eglonal 1rlal CourLs whlch
correspond Lo Lhe LhlrLeen [udlclal reglons,
lnvlLe our aLLenLlon Lo Lhe facL LhaL Lhls
CourL, pursuanL Lo lLs auLhorlLy granLed by
has deflned Lhe LerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlon of each branch of a 8eglonal 1rlal
over whlch Lhe parLlcular branch concerned shall exerclse lLs
lrom Lhls, lL ls Lheorlzed LhaL "only Lhe branch of a 8eglonal 1rlal CourL
whlch has [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe place Lo be searched could granL an appllcaLlon for and
lssue a warranL Lo search LhaL place." SupporL for such poslLlon ls soughL Lo be drawn
from lssuances of Lhls CourL, LhaL ls, Clrcular no. 13 lssued on CcLober 1, 1983, as
amended by Clrcular no. 19 on AugusL 4, 1987.
We re[ecL LhaL proposlLlon. llrsLly, lL ls evldenL LhaL boLh clrculars were noL lnLended Lo
be of general appllcaLlon Lo all lnsLances lnvolvlng search warranLs and ln all courLs as
would be Lhe case lf Lhey had been adopLed as parL of Lhe 8ules of CourL. 1hese clrculars
were lssued by Lhe CourL Lo meeL a parLlcular exlgency, LhaL ls, as emergency guldellnes
on appllcaLlons for search warranLs flled )*/4 ln Lhe courLs of MeLropollLan Manlla and
oLher courLs wlLh mulLlple salas and )*/4 wlLh respecL Lo vlolaLlons of Lhe AnLl-
Subverslon AcL, crlmes agalnsL publlc order under Lhe 8evlsed enal Code, lllegal
possesslon of flrearms and/or ammunlLlons, and vlolaLlons of Lhe uangerous urugs AcL.
ln oLher words, Lhe aforesald Lheory on Lhe courL's [urlsdlcLlon Lo lssue search warranLs
would noL apply Lo ($*5/'.(&/& ,)1#-( and )-6'# ,#$%'(. Accordlngly, Lhe rule soughL by
peLlLloners Lo be adopLed by Lhe CourL would acLually resulL ln a blfurcaLed procedure
whlch would be vulnerable Lo legal and consLlLuLlonal ob[ecLlons.
lor LhaL maLLer, nelLher can we subscrlbe Lo peLlLloners' conLenLlon LhaL AdmlnlsLraLlve
Crder no. 3 of Lhls CourL, supposedly "deflnlng Lhe llmlLs of Lhe LerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlon of
Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourLs," was Lhe source of Lhe(178',- %&--'# 81#$(3$,-$)* of, as
dlsLlngulshed from Lhe '9'#,$(' )0 81#$(3$,-$)* by, Lhe courLs. As earller observed, Lhls
admlnlsLraLlve order was lssued pursuanL Lo Lhe provlslons of SecLlon 18 of 8aLas
ambansa 8lg. 129, Lhe perLlnenL porLlon of whlch sLaLes:
Sec. 18. :1-6)#$-4 -) 3'0$*' -'##$-)#4 &""1#-'*&*- -) '&,6 7#&*,6. - 1he
Supreme CourL shall deflne Lhe LerrlLory over whlch a 7#&*,6 of Lhe
8eglonal 1rlal CourL shall '9'#,$(' $-( &1-6)#$-4. 1he LerrlLory Lhus deflned
shall be deemed Lo be Lhe LerrlLorlal area of Lhe 7#&*,6 concerned for
purposes of deLermlnlng Lhe venue of all 2#$-(; "#),''3$*5( )# &,-$)*(,
wheLher clvll or crlmlnal, . . . . (Lmphasls ours.)
!urlsdlcLlon ls conferred by subsLanLlve law, ln Lhls case 8aLas ambansa 8lg. 129, noL by
a procedural law and, much less, by an admlnlsLraLlve order or clrcular. 1he [urlsdlcLlon
conferred by sald AcL on reglonal Lrlal courLs and Lhelr [udges ls baslcally #'5$)*&/ $*
(,)"'. 1hus, SecLlon 17 Lhereof provldes LhaL "(e)very 8eglonal 1rlal !udge shall be
appolnLed Lo a #'5$)* whlch shall be hls permanenL sLaLlon," and he "may be asslgned
by Lhe Supreme CourL Lo any branch or clLy or munlclpallLy wlLhln Lhe same #'5$)* as
publlc lnLeresL may requlre, and such asslgnmenL shall noL be deemed an asslgnmenL Lo
anoLher sLaLlon . . ." whlch, oLherwlse, would necesslLaLe a new appolnLmenL for Lhe
ln flne, AdmlnlsLraLlve Crder no. 3 and, ln llke manner, Clrculars nos. 13 and 19, dld
noL "'# (' confer [urlsdlcLlon on Lhe covered reglonal Lrlal courL or lLs branches, such
LhaL non-observance Lhereof would nulllfy Lhelr [udlclal acLs. 1he admlnlsLraLlve order
merely deflnes Lhe llmlLs of Lhe &3%$*$(-#&-$+' &#'& wlLhln whlch a branch of Lhe courL
may exerclse lLs auLhorlLy pursuanL Lo Lhe [urlsdlcLlon conferred by 8aLas ambansa 8lg.
129. 1he clrculars only allocaLed Lo Lhe Lhree execuLlve [udges Lhe &3%$*$(-#&-$+'
&#'&( for whlch Lhey may respecLlvely lssue search warranLs under Lhe speclal
clrcumsLance conLemplaLed Lhereln, buL llkewlse pursuanL Lo Lhe 81#$(3$,-$)*vesLed ln
Lhem by 8aLas ambansa 8lg, 129.
Secondly, and more lmporLanLly, we deflnlLely cannoL accepL Lhe concluslon LhaL Lhe
granL of power Lo Lhe courLs menLloned Lhereln, Lo enLerLaln and lssue search warranLs
where Lhe place Lo be searched ls wlLhln Lhelr LerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlon, was lnLended Lo
exclude oLher courLs from exerclslng Lhe same power. lL wlll readlly be noLed LhaL
Clrcular no. 19 was baslcally lnLended Lo provlde prompL acLlon on appllcaLlons for
search warranLs. lLs predecessor, AdmlnlsLraLlve Clrcular no. 13, had a number of
requlremenLs, prlnclpally a raffle of Lhe appllcaLlons for search warranLs, lf Lhey had
been flled wlLh Lhe execuLlve [udge, among Lhe [udges wlLhln hls admlnlsLraLlve area.
Clrcular no. 19 ellmlnaLed, by amendmenL, LhaL requlred raffle and ordered lnsLead LhaL
such appllcaLlons should lmmedlaLely be "Laken cognlzance of and acLed upon by Lhe
LxecuLlve !udges of Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL, MeLropollLan 1rlal CourL, and Munlclpal
1rlal CourL under whose [urlsdlcLlon Lhe place Lo be searched ls locaLed," or by Lhelr
subsLlLuLes enumeraLed Lhereln.
LvldenLly, LhaL parLlcular provlslon of Clrcular no. 19 was never lnLended Lo confer
excluslve [urlsdlcLlon on sald execuLlve [udges. ln vlew of Lhe facL, however, LhaL Lhey
were Lhemselves dlrecLed Lo personally acL on Lhe appllcaLlons, lnsLead of farmlng ouL
Lhe same among Lhe oLher [udges as was Lhe prevlous pracLlce, lL was buL necessary and
pracLlcal Lo requlre Lhem Lo so acL only on appllcaLlons lnvolvlng search of places
locaLed wlLhln Lhelr respecLlve LerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlons. 1he phrase above quoLed was,
Lherefore, ln Lhe naLure of an allocaLlon ln Lhe asslgnmenL of appllcaLlons among Lhem,
ln recognlLlon of human capablllLles and llmlLaLlons, and noL a mandaLe for Lhe
excluslon of all oLher courLs. ln LruLh, AdmlnlsLraLlve Clrcular no. 13 even speclflcally
envlsaged and anLlclpaLed Lhe non-excluslonary naLure of LhaL provlslon, Lhus:
4. lf, ln Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe search warranL properLles are selzed
Lhereunder and Lhe correspondlng case ls flled ln courL, sald case shall be
dlsLrlbuLed conformably wlLh Clrcular no. 7 daLed SepLember 23, 1974, of
Lhls CourL; &*3 -6'#'1")* -#$'3 &*3 3',$3'3 74 -6' 8135' -) 26)% $- 6&(
7''* &(($5*'3; &*3 *)- *','((&#$/4 74 -6' 8135' 26) $((1'3 -6' ('&#,6
2&##&*-. (Lmphasls supplled.)
lL ls, Lherefore, lncorrecL Lo say LhaL only Lhe ,)1#- whlch has [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe
crlmlnal case can lssue Lhe search warranL, as would be Lhe consequence of peLlLloners'
poslLlon LhaL only Lhe 7#&*,6 of Lhe courL wlLh [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe "/&,' -) 7'
('&#,6'3 can lssue a warranL Lo search Lhe same. lL may be conceded, as a maLLer of
pollcy, LhaL where a crlmlnal case ls pendlng, Lhe courL whereln lL was flled, or Lhe
asslgned branch Lhereof, has "#$%&#4 [urlsdlcLlon Lo lssue Lhe search warranL, and where
no such crlmlnal case has yeL been flled, LhaL Lhe execuLlve [udges or Lhelr lawful
subsLlLuLes ln Lhe areas and for Lhe offenses conLemplaLed ln Clrcular no. 19 shall
have "#$%&#4 [urlsdlcLlon.
1hls should noL, however, mean LhaL a courL whose LerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlon does noL
embrace Lhe place Lo be searched cannoL lssue a search warranL Lherefor, where Lhe
obLenLlon of LhaL search warranL ls necesslLaLed and [usLlfled by compelllng
conslderaLlons of urgency, sub[ecL, Llme and place. Conversely, nelLher should a search
warranL duly lssued by a courL whlch has [urlsdlcLlon over a pendlng crlmlnal case, or
one lssued by an execuLlve [udge or hls lawful subsLlLuLe under Lhe slLuaLlons provlded
for by Clrcular no. 19, be denled enforcemenL or nulllfled [usL because lL was
lmplemenLed ouLslde Lhe courL's LerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlon.
1hls brlngs us, accordlngly, Lo Lhe second lssue on Lhe permlsslble [urlsdlcLlonal range of
enforcemenL of search warranLs.
As sLaLed ln /$%$*', Lhe afflllaLed lssue ralsed ln Lhls case ls wheLher a branch of a
reglonal Lrlal courL has Lhe auLhorlLy Lo lssue a warranL for Lhe search of a place ouLslde
lLs LerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlon. eLlLloners lnslsLenLly answer Lhe query ln Lhe negaLlve. We
hold oLherwlse.
1. We repeaL whaL we have earller sLressed: <) /&2 )# #1/' $%")('( (1,6 & /$%$-&-$)* )*
('&#,6 2&##&*-(, ln Lhe same manner LhaL no such resLrlcLlon ls provlded for warranLs of
arresL. arenLheLlcally, ln cerLaln sLaLes wlLhln Lhe Amerlcan [urlsdlcLlon, Lhere were
llmlLaLlons of Lhe Llme whereln a warranL of arresL could be enforced. ln our [urlsdlcLlon,
no perlod ls provlded for Lhe enforceablllLy of warranLs of arresL, and alLhough wlLhln
Len days from Lhe dellvery of Lhe warranL of arresL for execuLlon a reLurn Lhereon musL
be made Lo Lhe lssulng [udge,
sald warranL does noL become 01*,-1( )00$,$) buL ls
enforceable lndeflnlLely unLll Lhe same ls enforced or recalled. Cn Lhe oLher hand, Lhe
llfeLlme of a search warranL has been expressly seL ln our 8ules aL Len days
buL Lhere
ls no provlslon as Lo Lhe exLenL of Lhe LerrlLory whereln lL may be enforced, provlded lL ls
lmplemenLed on and wlLhln Lhe premlses speclflcally descrlbed Lhereln whlch may or
may noL be wlLhln Lhe LerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe lssulng courL.
We make Lhe foregolng comparaLlve adverLence Lo emphaslze Lhe facL LhaL when Lhe
law or rules would provlde condlLlons, quallflcaLlons or resLrlcLlons, Lhey so sLaLe.
AbsenL speclflc menLlon Lhereof, and Lhe same noL belng lnferable by necessary
lmpllcaLlon from Lhe sLaLuLory provlslons whlch are presumed Lo be compleLe and
expresslve of Lhe lnLendmenL of Lhe framers, a conLrary lnLerpreLaLlon on whaLever
preLexL should noL be counLenanced.
A blL of legal hlsLory on Lhls conLesLaLlon wlll be helpful. 1he [urlsdlcLlonal rule
hereLofore was LhaL wrlLs and processes of Lhe so-called lnferlor courLs could be
enforced ouLslde Lhe provlnce only wlLh Lhe approval of Lhe former courL of flrsL
under Lhe !udlclary 8eorganlzaLlon AcL, Lhe enforcemenL of such wrlLs and
processes no longer needs Lhe approval of Lhe reglonal Lrlal courL.
Cn Lhe oLher hand,
whlle, formerly, wrlLs and processes of Lhe Lhen courLs of flrsL lnsLance were
enforceable LhroughouL Lhe hlllpplnes,
under Lhe lnLerlm or 1ranslLlonal 8ules and
Culdellnes, cerLaln("',$0$'3 wrlLs lssued by a reglonal Lrlal courL are now enforceable
only wlLhln lLs [udlclal reglon. ln Lhe lnLeresL of clarlLy and conLrasL, lL ls necessary LhaL
sald provlslon be seL ouL ln full:
3. WrlLs and processes. -
(a) WrlLs of cerLlorarl, prohlblLlon mandamus, quo warranLo, habeas
corpus and ln[uncLlon lssued by a reglonal Lrlal courL may be enforced ln
any parL of Lhe reglon.
(b) All oLher processes, wheLher lssued by a reglonal Lrlal courL or a
meLropollLan Lrlal courL, munlclpal Lrlal courL or munlclpal clrculL Lrlal
courL may be served anywhere ln Lhe hlllpplnes, and, ln Lhe lasL Lhree
cases, wlLhouL a cerLlflcaLlon by Lhe [udge of Lhe reglonal Lrlal courL.
(Lmphasls ours.)
We feel LhaL Lhe foregolng provlslon ls Loo clear Lo be furLher belabored or enmeshed ln
unwarranLed polemlcs. 1he rule enumeraLes Lhe wrlLs and processes whlch, even lf
lssued by a reglonal Lrlal courL, are enforceable only wlLhln lLs [udlclal reglon. ln
conLrasL, lL unquallfledly provldes LhaL all oLher wrlLs and processes, regardless of whlch
courL lssued Lhe same, shall be enforceable anywhere ln Lhe hlllpplnes. As earller
demonsLraLed, a search warranL ls buL a [udlclal process, noL a crlmlnal acLlon. no legal
provlslon, sLaLuLory or reglemenLary, expressly or lmplledly provldes a [urlsdlcLlonal or
LerrlLorlal llmlL on lLs area of enforceablllLy. Cn Lhe conLrary, Lhe above-quoLed
provlslon of Lhe lnLerlm 8ules '9"#'((/4 auLhorlzes lLs enforcemenL anywhere ln Lhe
counLry, slnce lL ls noL among Lhe processes speclfled ln paragraph (a) and Lhere ls no
dlsLlncLlon or excepLlon made regardlng Lhe processes conLemplaLed ln
paragraph (b).
2. 1hls ls buL a necessary and lnevlLable consequence of Lhe naLure and purpose of a
search warranL. 1he CourL cannoL be bllnd Lo Lhe facL LhaL lL ls exLremely dlfflculL, as lL
undenlably ls, Lo deLecL or ellclL lnformaLlon regardlng Lhe exlsLence and locaLlon of
lllegally possessed or prohlblLed arLlcles. 1he CourL ls accordlngly convlnced LhaL lL
should noL make Lhe requlslLes for Lhe apprehenslon of Lhe culprlLs and Lhe conflscaLlon
of such llllclL lLems, once deLecLed, more onerous lf noL lmposslble by lmposlng furLher
nlceLles of procedure or subsLanLlve rules of [urlsdlcLlon Lhrough declslonal dlcLa. lor
LhaL maLLer, we are unaware of any lnsLance whereln a search warranL was sLruck down
on ob[ecLlons based on LerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlon. ln Lhe landmark case of =-)*'6$//; '- &/> +(>
?$)@*); eL al.,
Lhe searches ln Lhe corporaLe offlces ln Manlla and Lhe resldences ln
MakaLl of Lhereln peLlLloners were conducLed pursuanL Lo search warranLs lssued by Lhe
Cuezon ClLy and aslg branches of Lhe CourL of llrsL lnsLance of 8lzal and by Lhe
Munlclpal CourLs of Manlla and Cuezon ClLy,
buL Lhe same were never challenged on
[urlsdlcLlonal grounds alLhough Lhey were subsequenLly nulllfled for belng general
3. A clarlon call supposedly of llberLarlan lmporL ls furLher sounded by peLlLloners,
dublously lnvoklng Lhe consLlLuLlonal proscrlpLlon agalnsL lllegal searches and selzures.
We do noL belleve LhaL Lhe enforcemenL of a search warranL lssued by a courL ouLslde
Lhe LerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlon whereln Lhe place Lo be searched ls locaLed would creaLe a
consLlLuLlonal quesLlon. nor are we swayed by Lhe professed apprehenslon LhaL Lhe law
enforcemenL auLhorlLles may resorL Lo whaL could be a permuLaLlon of forum shopplng,
by flllng an appllcaLlon for Lhe warranL wlLh a "frlendly" courL. lL need merely be recalled
LhaL a search warranL ls only a process, noL an acLlon. lurLhermore, Lhe consLlLuLlonal
mandaLe ls LranslaLed lnLo speclflcally enumeraLed safeguards ln 8ule 126 of Lhe 1983
8ules on Crlmlnal rocedure for Lhe lssuance of a search warranL,
and all Lhese have
Lo be observed regardless of whaLever courL ln whlchever reglon ls lmporLuned for or
acLually lssues a search warranL. Sald requlremenLs, LogeLher wlLh Lhe Len-day llfeLlme
of Lhe warranL
would dlscourage resorL Lo a courL ln anoLher [udlclal reglon, noL only
because of Lhe dlsLance buL also Lhe conLlngencles of Lravel and Lhe danger lnvolved,
unless Lhere are really compelllng reasons for Lhe auLhorlLles Lo do so. 8esldes, lL does
seem odd LhaL such consLlLuLlonal proLesLs have noL been made agalnsL warranLs of
arresL whlch are enforceable lndeflnlLely and anywhere alLhough Lhey lnvolve, noL only
properLy and prlvacy, buL persons and llberLy.
Cn Lhe oLher hand, lL ls a maLLer of [udlclal knowledge LhaL Lhe auLhorlLles have Lo
conLend now and Lhen wlLh local and naLlonal crlmlnal syndlcaLes of conslderable power
and lnfluence, pollLlcal or flnanclal ln naLure, and so pervaslve as Lo render foolhardy
any aLLempL Lo obLaln a search warranL ln Lhe very locale under Lhelr sphere of conLrol.
nor should we overlook Lhe facL LhaL Lo do so wlll necesslLaLe Lhe LransporLaLlon of
appllcanL's wlLnesses Lo and Lhelr examlnaLlon ln sald places, wlLh Lhe aLLendanL rlsk,
danger and expense. Also, a furLher well-founded precauLlon, obvlously born of
experlence and verlflable daLa, ls arLlculaLed by Lhe courL & A1), as quoLed by
respondenL courL:
1hls courL ls of Lhe furLher bellef LhaL Lhe posslble leakage of lnformaLlon
whlch ls of uLmosL lmporLance ln Lhe lssuance of a search warranL ls
secured (agalnsL) where Lhe lssulng maglsLraLe wlLhln Lhe reglon does noL
hold courL sesslons ln Lhe clLy or munlclpallLy, wlLhln Lhe reglon, where
Lhe place Lo be searched ls locaLed.

1he foregolng slLuaLlons may also have obLalned and were Laken lnLo accounL ln Lhe
forelgn [udlclal pronouncemenL LhaL, ln Lhe &7('*,' )0 (-&-1-)#4 #'(-#$,-$)*(, a [usLlce of
Lhe peace ln one dlsLrlcL of Lhe counLy may lssue a search warranL Lo be served ln
anoLher dlsLrlcL of Lhe counLy and made reLurnable before Lhe [usLlce of sLlll anoLher
dlsLrlcL or anoLher courL havlng [urlsdlcLlon Lo deal wlLh Lhe maLLers lnvolved.
ln Lhe
presenL sLaLe of our law on Lhe maLLer, we flnd no such sLaLuLory resLrlcLlons boLh wlLh
respecL Lo Lhe courL whlch can lssue Lhe search warranL and Lhe enforcemenL Lhereof
anywhere ln Lhe hlllpplnes.
Concern ls expressed over posslble confllcLs of [urlsdlcLlon (or, more accuraLely, ln
Lhe '9'#,$(' of [urlsdlcLlon) where Lhe crlmlnal case ls pendlng ln one courL and Lhe
search warranL ls lssued by anoLher courL for Lhe selzure of personal properLy lnLended
Lo be used as evldence ln sald crlmlnal case. 1hls arrangemenL ls noL unknown or
wlLhouL precedenL ln our [urlsdlcLlon. ln facL, as herelnbefore noLed, Lhls very slLuaLlon
was anLlclpaLed ln Clrcular no. 13 of Lhls CourL under Lhe llmlLed scenarlo conLemplaLed
noneLheless, Lo puL such presenLlmenLs Lo resL, we lay down Lhe followlng pollcy
1. 1he courL whereln Lhe crlmlnal case ls pendlng shall have prlmary [urlsdlcLlon Lo lssue
search warranLs necesslLaLed by and for purposes of sald case. An appllcaLlon for a
search warranL may be flled wlLh anoLher courL only under exLreme and compelllng
clrcumsLances LhaL Lhe appllcanL musL prove Lo Lhe saLlsfacLlon of Lhe laLLer courL whlch
may or may noL glve due course Lo Lhe appllcaLlon dependlng on Lhe valldlLy of Lhe
[usLlflcaLlon offered for noL flllng Lhe same ln Lhe courL wlLh prlmary [urlsdlcLlon
2. When Lhe laLLer courL lssues Lhe search warranL, a moLlon Lo quash Lhe same may be
flled ln and shall be resolved by sald courL, wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo any proper recourse Lo
Lhe approprlaLe hlgher courL by Lhe parLy aggrleved by Lhe resoluLlon of Lhe lssulng
courL. All grounds and ob[ecLlons Lhen avallable, exlsLenL or known shall be ralsed ln Lhe
orlglnal or subsequenL proceedlngs for Lhe quashal of Lhe warranL, oLherwlse Lhey shall
be deemed walved.
3. Where no moLlon Lo quash Lhe search warranL was flled ln or resolved by Lhe lssulng
courL, Lhe lnLeresLed parLy may move ln Lhe courL where Lhe crlmlnal case ls pendlng for
Lhe suppresslon as evldence of Lhe personal properLy selzed under Lhe warranL lf Lhe
same ls offered Lhereln for sald purpose. Slnce Lwo separaLe courLs wlLh dlfferenL
parLlclpaLlons are lnvolved ln Lhls slLuaLlon, a moLlon Lo quash a search warranL and a
moLlon Lo suppress evldence are alLernaLlve and noL cumulaLlve remedles. ln order Lo
prevenL forum shopplng, a moLlon Lo quash shall consequenLly be governed by Lhe
omnlbus moLlon rule, provlded, however, LhaL ob[ecLlons noL avallable, exlsLenL or
known durlng Lhe proceedlngs for Lhe quashal of Lhe warranL may be ralsed ln Lhe
hearlng of Lhe moLlon Lo suppress. 1he resoluLlon of Lhe courL on Lhe moLlon Lo
suppress shall llkewlse be sub[ecL Lo any proper remedy ln Lhe approprlaLe hlgher courL.
4. Where Lhe courL whlch lssued Lhe search warranL denles Lhe moLlon Lo quash Lhe
same and ls noL oLherwlse prevenLed from furLher proceedlng Lhereon, all personal
properLy selzed under Lhe warranL shall forLhwlLh be LransmlLLed by lL Lo Lhe courL
whereln Lhe crlmlnal case ls pendlng, wlLh Lhe necessary safeguards and documenLaLlon
3. 1hese guldellnes shall llkewlse be observed where Lhe same crlmlnal offense ls
charged ln dlfferenL lnformaLlons or complalnLs and flled ln Lwo or more courLs wlLh
concurrenL orlglnal [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe crlmlnal acLlon. Where Lhe lssue of whlch courL
wlll Lry Lhe case shall have been resolved, such courL shall be consldered as vesLed wlLh
prlmary [urlsdlcLlon Lo acL on appllcaLlons for search warranLs lncldenL Lo Lhe crlmlnal
WnLkLICkL, on the forego|ng prem|ses, the |nstant pet|t|on |s DLNILD and the
assa||ed [udgment of respondent Court of Appea|s |n CA-G.k. S No. 23S33 |s hereby

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