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Module 3 Definitions Rings, Polymers and Analysis

Topic 1 Rings, Acids and Amines

Arenes aromatic hydrocarbons containing one or more benzene ring.
Electrophile atom or group of atoms attracted to an electron rich centre
where it accepts a pair of electrons to form covalent bond.
Sustitution a reaction in which one atom or group is replaced by another
atom or group
Addition reaction reactant is added to an unsaturated molecule to make
saturated molecule
Delocalised electrons electrons shared between more than 2 atoms.
Electrophilic sustitution is a type of substitution reaction where electrophile
Reaction mechanism is a series of steps that together make up the overall
!urly arro" symbol used in reaction mechanism to show the movement
of electron pair in the formation or breaking of covalent bond
#unctional group is part of an organic molecule responsible for its chemical
Electronegati$ity is measure of attraction of a bonded atom for the pair of
electrons in the covalent bond.
Stem longest carbon chain present in organic molecule.
Suffi% is part of name added after the stem.
Redo% reaction is a reaction in which both oxidation and reduction take place
Reflu% is a continual boiling and condensing of the reaction mixture
to ensure that the reaction takes place without the contents
of the flask boiling dry.
&ucleophile an atom or group of atoms attracted to electron deficient
centre where it donates a pair of electrons to form a covalent
Esterification is reaction of an alcohol and carboxylic acid to produce water
and ester.
'ydrolysis reaction with water or hydroxide ion break chemical
compound into 2 compounds. Catalysed by acid/alkali.
(o")density lipoprotein (!" is responsible for carrying cholesterol and
triglycerides from liver to tissue
'igh)density lipoprotein (#!" remove cholesterol from arteries and transport back to
liver for excretion or re$utilisation.
Topic * Polymers and synthesis
Peptide compound made of amine acids linked by peptide bonds.
+"itterion dipolar ionic form of amino acid% formed by donation of
hydrogen ion from carboxylic group to amino group. &oth
charges present ' no overall charge.
,soelectric point is (# value at which the amino group exists as a zwitterion.
!ondensation reaction 2 small molecules react together to form large molecule with
the elimination of small molecule such as water.
Stereoisomers same structural formula but different arrangement of atoms in
!hiral centre a carbon atom bonded to four different atoms or groups
-ptical isomers are stereoisomers that are non$superimposable mirror
images of each other
-ptical acti$ity ability of chiral molecules to rotate plane$polarised light
.iodegradale polymer is a polymer that breaks down completely into water and
carbon dioxide
Degradale polymer polymer that breaks down into smaller fragments when
exposed to light% heat or moisture.
Pharmacological acti$ity is the beneficial adverse effects of a drug on living matter.
Repeat unit specific arrangement of atoms that occur in the structure
over and over. )ncluded in brackets outside n.
Topic 3 ) Analysis
Retention time in gas chromatography is the time for a component to pass
from the column inlet to the detector.
Phase is a physically distinctive form of substance such as solid%
li*uid or gaseous states of ordinary matter.
Moile phase is the phase that moves in chromatography
Stationary phase is a phase that does not move in chromatography.
Adsorption is the process by which a solid holds molecules of gas% li*uid
or solute as a thin film on the surface of a solid or more rarely
!hromatography is a visible record showing the separation of mixture by
!hemical shift is a scale that compares the fre*uency of +,- adsorption
with the fre*uency of the reference peak of .,/ at 0ppm.
Rf $alue distance travelled by component/distance travelled by
solvent front.

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