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Having Fun With Navamsa
(C) Veno 2012
By Veno
In Vedic Astrology the Navamsa or 9th Harmonic chart is said to be a microscopic view of the 9th
House and therefore the hidden undercurrent of our fate. The Navamsa serves many purposes. Out of
all the Varga charts it is the one who is the constant companion of our main natal chart, the Rasi
Chakra. It shows the underlying strength and weaknesses of planets in the Rasi. It is the reinforcement
for better or worse of what is portended in our main horoscope. It heightens certain aspects of ourself
and life. It is considered to be a marriage chart and shows the type of marriage interaction we might
have and the description of the partner. It is said to give greater glimpse into the deities which are
governing our spiritual progress and final emancipation; and greater glimpse into the mind of the soul.
The sign and ruler of the Navamsa Ascendant emphasizes that part of our character which will play an
important role in our lives. For instance a person with a Scorpio Ascendant in the Rasi Chakra is
usually seen as one who is secretive, interested in occult, powerful at emotional expression, interested
in sexuality and different forms of energy, perceptive and a good psychologist. If Saggitarius rises in
the navamsa then that person's second house in the Rasi Chart (Saggitarius falls in 2nd house)
becomes a very important part of that person's Scorpionic nature. The person channels alot of their
Scorpio nature in a resourceful manner through their speech, visionary insight and in a very
philosophical, friendly way (2nd house and Saggitarian themes). If Jupiter, the lord of the Navamsa
Ascendant is placed in the 7th amsa in Gemini, the person's philosophical tendencies via their
Scorpionic character is amplified during one to one contact or in partnership stituations. The position of
Jupiter in the Rasi Chart is particularly important because the Navamsa is highlighting it's role and if
Jupiter were in Leo in the 10th House in the Rasi, that person has to express their philosophical
communicative nature in one to one situations in their career or public domain and be recognised for it.
This becomes one of the main recognizable traits of that person and their general life pattern and gives
us an important glimpse into the soul's purpose.
Taking another example here is the chart of famous author Carlos Castaneda, born 25th
Dec.1925,2:25pm, Cajamarca, Peru
Aries rises in the chart which is indicative of a simple and forthright personality, adventurous and
pioneering, reckless and seeking challenges. Leo rises in the Navamsa Chart showing that his 5th
house in the Rasi (Leo falls in the 5th house) becomes a very important part of his Aries nature, so he
gets to channel his Arian themes mainly through his creativity, as a student, as a teacher, as an
entertainer,through a spiritual path, in a highly original manner which also thrusts him into the spotlight
(5th house and Leo themes). Sun, the lord of the Navamsa Ascendant is placed in the 12th amsa in
Cancer so the person's teaching, learning, creative expression is happening in remote, foreign,secret
and imaginative realms. The position of Sun in the Rasi Chart becomes important because the
Navamsa is highlighting it's role and Sun is occupying the 9th house in Saggitarius in the Rasi, so
Castaneda has to express his creative hidden and ambiguous qualities in relation to a teacher or guru
(9th house) in which he also takes on the role of a spiritual guide or teacher as a result. This becomes
one of the most important and recognizable themes of his life as a whole and gives us an important
glimpse into his soul's purpose.
In the chart of guru Ramakrishna Paramahansa, born 18th February,1836,6.44 am, 87E44,22N53,
Aquarius rises showing an eccentric, mystical, visionary, humanitarian personality with an unusual
path. Saggitarius rises in the Navamsa showing that his 11th house in his Rasi (Saggitarius falls in the
11th House) becomes a very important part of his Aquarian nature, so his goal orientated focus and
tendency to align himself to group participation for higher philosophical cause becomes highly
emphasized (11th house and Saggitarian themes). Jupiter, the lord of the Navamsa Ascendant is
placed in the 3rd amsa in Aquarius so this philosophical goal orientated team spirit is getting expressed
in his communicative prowess and impartial leadership. The position of Jupiter in the Rasi Chart
becomes important because the Navamsa is highlighting it's role and Jupiter is occupying the 5th
house in Gemini in the Rasi, so his goal orientated and communicative efforts are used for teaching
and guiding his students and is a major contributing factor for his birth.
Vedic Astrology |Jyotish

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