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Teaching systematically

in touch with technology

Teaching practice I final essay

In this final essay are include many important things that I
have been studying during the whole course, and all those
tools were used during my teaching practice learning to do
this in a better way.

Jose Mario Sanchez

Final Essay

Jose Mario Sanchez

Teaching Practice Final Essay, bachelor degree in English IX
Professor: Elmer Jorge Guardado, Mat
June, 15th, 2014

As we know the teaching practice is the showcase for futures teachers thats why
the teaching practice is considered the fundamental process of formation for new
teachers, in this Essay we will be developing a critical reflection on what the teachers
have doing the course, on what he did during the course and what he did to improve
the process what he had to sacrificed to achieve the goals established at the beginning of
the course, also is explained the systematization of how a future teacher prepared your
own teaching practice putting in practice all the things related to teaching and learning
process and another important point is how the teachers use technology to create a
meaningful learning in your students which are the future of the society, and finally we
cal mention the e-portfolio an indispensable tool for beginner teachers.

In order to make this essay more formal I would to mention the points that are
going to be developing thought this interesting essay. And the points are:

Critical reflection.
Systematization of teaching practice process.
E-portfolio, including the new environment ELT.
The use of technology in the classroom and what the teachers must do
when the institution do not have technology.

A critical reflection is analyze what the teacher did during the class what he did
right and what he did wrong, thats why is necessary after each session the teachers
must take a time to reflect on it, and it will help them to better day after day, because as
we know, there are time that the teachers said: if I were did this in that way it could be

better but they will have a second chance to do it and realize if what they thought was
right or wrong, but if a teacher do not make a critical reflection they will never be able
to improve in what they have been doing and make it better next time.

Why use critical reflection?
Analyzing a critical incident may help you to:
reflect-on-action (ie past experience),
reflect-in-action (ie as an incident happens), and
reflect-for-action (i.e. actions you may wish to take in future experiences)

Often reflection and critical reflection are used inter-changeably in the
literature. However, critical reflection denotes another level of reflection beyond what
you might or might not cover in other forms of reflection (eg. diary, journal). Sometimes
action is just too hot for us to consciously reflect-in-action (as the incident happens)
(eg. Eraut, 1994). This is why a critical reflection framework may be better suited as it
requires reflection in relation to past and future action.

Critical reflection is an extension of critical thinking. It asks us to think about
our practice and ideas and then it challenges us to step-back and examine our thinking
by asking probing questions. It asks us to not only delve into the past and look at the
present but importantly it asks us to speculate about the future and act.
(Reflections, 2007)
For the people of Framework is important to make a reflection and it have to be
based on the teaching and learning process, the reflection have three important
questions at time to do this and those are: the what?, so what? And, now what?

Those three questions are important, because it allow to the teacher be better; the
what? The what? is to reflect on what the teacher is doing wrong, so what? Here is the
time to make the questions themselves in what they are doing wrong; they have to be
focus on the pre-during and post, and finally the now what? It is to put in practice what
you have reflected during the time you took to do this.
On my own experience I can say that I always took a certain time to reflect and
what I did and how could I do the things in a better way, also took a time to analyze
what the students said and complained during the class, how they behave while I was
doing a something or how they respond to the activities that we did and how could I
have better results from them, but it is good because I learnt and realize me that I can
things that even me didnt know I could do, but it is because during my course of
teaching method I learnt many important things as: the approaches, methods
techniques and strategies all those things are essential to define what kind of teacher we
want to be, and actually during Teaching practice-I I have been improving all those
artifacts which are in this process, during my teaching practice.
I also realized me that being is not an easy job, at the same time I knew that
behind of one hour class are many hours of job, thinking on what you are going to do,
what methods you will take to create your methodology and make the process easier to
the students and even for me, maybe I didnt use the technology in a complete way but
it was due to the time, because the institution have able the resources technological
necessaries to make classes more interactive, also I used realia as one of the most
useful techniques to make classes more interesting and catch the students attention; I
consider to myself as an interactive and motivate teacher I did classes very very
interactive I never tried to be the principal or the main center of the class, because I am
still learning, and I said that because during this teaching practice I learnt many new
thing which will be useful in a near future.

Systematization of teaching practice process.
As we know a systematization a process that need to be follow step by step in
order to get what we are looking for to reach during a determinate time, in the case of
teaching it must be very well structured and do not skip none step to make it in the
most complete way as possible; I can named l it as a systematization for knowledge
Systematization doesnt end with the description of the evolution and outcomes of a
project, it involves a deep analysis of how it was possible to accomplish what was
accomplished: What worked well and what didnt? What were the key success factors?
What could have been done differently and why? And what recommendations result
from the practice? Systematization is a process that identifies captures and documents
key learning and experiences of one or more projects with the purpose of transferring
and adapting knowledge. (Caribbean, 2011)
In my case the systematization was in the following way:
Lesson plan.
for the teaching practice process mu systematization was in a common way first we
analyzed the program which is already established for MINED, the program have all
the contents of the units and are the achievements that we need to reach during the
course, there also are the four macro-skills which are always in this process, at the same
time we need to be focus put in practice the four macro-skills, listening, speaking,
reading and writing, another important artifact is the syllabus the syllabus is when the

teacher related or match the program with the material that will be using during the
course it can include (books, handouts, videos, recording, etc.)
the outline is the part when the teachers can identify and define all the activities
that will be during the course, depending of the topics that will be developing, those
activities are important to make easier the process, after the outline, teachers designed a
planning the planning is the scheduling of the whole course, even, including the days
in which they will not have classes, thats why is important to know the MINED and
institution scheduling to create his own planning and know what is the time that he
have to work with the students, and finally the teacher designed a guide for each class,
and this guide is named lesson plan , a lesson plan is a guide created for the teacher
and it is very useful because is one of the most important artifacts of this
systematization, all those things before mentioned when are very well worked create a
meaningful learning on the students.

E-portfolio including new environment ELT.
As we know we have many technological tool which a teacher can use to
improve their teaching style an one of the most meaningful is the e-portfolio it is a tool
in which the teacher show some of the most relevant activities done as teacher during
their career, it also include curriculum, certificates, awards and technological tools used
during a determinate course, at the same time we can say that an e-portfolio is all
related with the use of technology to teach in a new way putting in practice what the
teacher know about technology, because the teacher must be in touch with technology
all the time, because in that way is easier to explain to the students what he wants they
do, teachers also have to teach in the best way as possible.
An e-portfolio is more than a simple collection, however; it can also serve as an
administrative tool to manage and organize work created with different applications
and control of who can see or discuss the work. The benefits of an e-portfolio typically

derive from the exchange of ideas and feedback between the author and those who
view and interact with the e-portfolio. In addition the authors personal on the work
inside an e-portfolio helps create a meaningful learning experience. (Itelzon, 2005)
The e-portfolio can be used for different purpose and thats why are divided in
three categories, which are: student e-portfolios, teacher e-portfolio and institutional e
portfolio, even in my case I not sure in what of those categories can I be, and I say that
because I am still studying but at the same time I already played the role as a teacher
during my teaching practice thats why I feel able to say that I was focused in two
categories which are student e-portfolio and teaching e-portfolio, because as I
mentioned before I have been trough those two points, also the e-portfolio have six
major functions and those are:
Plan educational program.
Document knowledge, skills, abilities and learning,
Track development within a program;
Find a job,
Evaluate a course; and
Monitor and evaluate a performance.

All those functions are help for the teacher development, in a better way to achieve
what they are expecting from their students, but it is more to show what they have been
doing your work, and in what could they improve it, sharing information and interact
with students or with other teachers, making it more interesting, but it is mainly in the
use of technology to teach and make classes more interesting, having good results and
day after day, looking for new tools to improve it at the same time the teacher have to
know what they really have been doing so he will have the capacity to explain the
students and teachers questions.

The use of technology in the classroom and what the teachers must do when the
institution do not have technology.
Nowadays the most of students are in touch with technology, the most of them are
consider digital native due to, they born in the XXI century, and because the most of
them are able to make the right use of technology, according some investigations 7 of
each ten students have a cell phone, and the most of them have facebook account and
interact with friend and classmates, but what about teachers there are some teachers
that do not know use the technology and they do not apply it in your classes and it
could be a reason why classes turn a kind of bored and predictable, and the students
lost the interest in classes, another factor is that some intuition do not have the
technological tools that a teacher needs to the classes development.
Technology can have a reciprocal relationship with teaching. The emergence of
new technologies pushes educators to understanding and leveraging for classroom use;
at the same time, the on-the-ground implementation of those technologies in the
classroom can (and does) directly impact how these technologies continue to take
Why digital gaming, simulations, and social networking? Simply put, these
technologies afford us the ability to convey concepts in new ways that would otherwise
not be possible, efficient, or effective, with other instructional methods. In other words,
these technologies dont just help us teach the old stuff in new ways they can also help
us teach new stuff in new ways. Below we provide a brief description of these
technologies; popular educational and non-educational examples of each, and what
researchers and practitioners are finding about their potential and impact on teaching
and learning. (Eric Klopfer, 2009)
For example in my case the institution has all the technological tools that I
wanted to use, also the students knew use technology in the correct way, for example
one day the students will sing and there in the institution is a recorder which is for the

use during the English class and it was the one that we used to do this activity, and the
students used your own memories to play the song and do it a good way, I really
enjoyed this activity; also me as teacher if I am in a place in which technology is not able
Ill carry my own and show to the students how to use it and how it will help them to
acquire a new knowledge.

And finally I can conclude that. Is necessary make a reflection after each
because it will be useful, and as we already know we never stop of learning, thats why
we need to be focus in learnt new things to be better and do our best every single day,
because there are emerging tools that can make the difference in others and even in
ourselves, also to be a good teacher we must create a systematization in which we have
to be base during a course at the same time we can add to all those things before
mentioned the e-portfolio approach, in which we add the technological tools that we
use to make the teaching-learning process more interesting and motivating, at the same
time a teacher have to look for the way how make class technological, when in the
institution do not have able technological tools, what we have to do, and how do it to
create a meaningful learning to the students.

Caribbean, K. M. (2011). Systematization for knowledge Retrieved June 13, 2014, from
Systematization for knowledge transfe: http://www.regionalcentrelac-
Eric Klopfer, S. O. (2009). using the technology of today, in the classroom today. Retrieved June 14, 2014,
from using the technology of today, in the classroom today.:
Itelzon, G. L. (2005, June). Educause learning initiative. Retrieved June 14, 2014, from Educause learning
Reflections, F. (2007). Framewor Retrieved June 13, 2014, from Framewor Reflections:

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