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National Identity in Art

Case Study:
Romanian Artists
Student: Alexandra Filip
3rd Ba!elor o" Arts
$romotor: $ro"% &r% 'at!arina $e(ny
Aademi year 2013-2014
Table of Contents:
The state
The nation
The nation state
National identity
The Art
)*!e state) is a relati+ely reent p!enomenon in t!e !istory o" (orld or,ani-ation. alt!ou,! its
em/ryoni sta,e an /e traed in t!e 0urope o" t!e 1300)s1 it is merely in t!e last 200 years1 sine
t!e 1#48 *reaty o" 3estp!alia t!at t!is !as /eome t!e main or,ani-ation-"orm
% *!e t(o
omponents o" t!e denomination )nation state)1 t!ou,! "irmly onneted1 are not inter-impliit: it is
only alle,edly in t!e ideal state t!at t!ese t(o ome to,et!er% 4n t!is paper1 t!e de"inition o" t!ese
t(o terms (ill /e explored1 separately and 5ointly%
Strayin, "rom t!e impassi+e idea o" t!e state as an institution1 (it! its !istory1 !allen,ers and
supporters1 t!e "ous (ill lay on t!e )nation)1 a more "ertile "ield o" resear! due to its am/i,uity%
*!e nation as a )soial onstrution)
1 as an )ima,ined ommunity)
1 as a politial instrument o" mass
persuasion (ill onstitute one o" t!e main issues t!rou,!out t!e "ollo(in, !apters%
*!e proess o" nation-"ormin, and mantainin, re6uires tan,i/le tools1 su! as t!e use o" sym/ols1
t!e en"orement o" a supposedly s!ared !istory and ulture% An attempt to identi"yin, and analysin,
t!ese tools (ill "ollo(%
*!e latest t!eories desri/e a s!i"t (it! re,ards to t!e nation state /ut t!e opinions as to t!e
diretion o" t!is e+olution are di+ided% *!ese di""erent opinions (ill !ere/y /e exposed%
Artists ati+e a"ter t!e "all o" t!e 4ron Curtain on (!at is onei+ed to /e t!e territory o" present-day
repu/li o" Romania o"ten employ t!e a/o+e-mentioned sym/ols and re"er to a ommon !istory and
ulture% A num/er o" t!eir art(or7s (ill /e examined in t!e li,!t o" +ie( o" t!e pre+iously
1 89eely1 Connie :% Constructing the Nation-state: International Organization and Prescriptive Action,
;reen(ood $ress1 3estport1 19921 p 3
2 89eely1 Connie :% Constructing the Nation-state: International Organization and Prescriptive Action,
;reen(ood $ress1 3estport1 19921 p #
3 Anderson1 Benedit Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, <erso1 200#
mentioned politial and soial t!eories in an e""ort to esta/lis! !o( t!ey +ie( t!eir relation=
onnetion to t!e Romanian nation-state%
'State, 'nation' and 'nation-state'
3!ereas most many soures are am/i,uous (!en de"inin, )t!e state) or )t!e nation)1 tendin, to /lend
t!eir meanin,1 Carl &e+os dra(s a lear line /et(een state and nation
1 di""erentiation (!i! 4 s!all
7eep t!rou,!out t!is text1 ommenin, (it! an attempt to de"inition o" t!e state1 some supportin,
and some opposin, +oies1 su/se6uently transitin, to srutinisin, )t!e nation) and e+entually1 )t!e
nation state)%
The state
*!e >x"ord ditionary de"ines t!e state as ?A nation or territory onsidered as an or,ani-ed politial
ommunity under one ,o+ernment%@
4n t!is de"inition1 important to reord is t!at a state must /e
lin7ed to eit!er a nation or a territory and it implies one ommunity. espeially t!e latter (ill /e
disussed more in detail in later !apters%
Ri7 $inxten !as a sli,!tly di""erent opinion: ?Staten -i5n relatie" autonome politie7e een!eiden met
+ers!illende ,emeens!appen le+end op een territorium en onder een ,eentraliseerd ,e-a,%@
an antropolo,ist1 !e a7no(led,es t!e existene o" several ommunities as opposed to a sin,le one%
&e+os "inds t!e attempt to a de"inition o" t!e notion o" t!e state a !allen,in, tas7. instead !e
su,,ests t!e inspetion o" t!e !arateristis o" t!e modern state aordin, to &a-in,er in order to
,rasp its meanin,%
*!ese are: ?soe+eriniteit1 territoriale inte,riteit1 le,itimiteit1 ,e(eldmonopolie
en pu/lie7e instellin,en%
4n t!eory1 only (!en all o" t!ese riteria are met an t!ere /e a state. in
pratie1 states ,ro( or,anially1 sometimes not "ul"illin, t!ese ,uidelines% &e+os "inds t!at t!e
state is +ital in t!e runnin, o" t!e no(adays ela/orate soiety
. assesment 4 s!all return to later on in
t!is sript%
Fu7uyama also stresses t!e si,ni"iane o" politial institutions and is on+ined t!at soiety annot
exist (it!out t!em% ?3!at (e all a state BCD !as entralised soure o" aut!ority t!at !olds an
4 &e+os1 Carl Politie Bor,er!o"" E :am/eri,ts1 ;ent1 2013 p% 239
2 !ttp:==(((%ox"ordditionaries%om=de"inition=en,lis!=stateF6Gstate onsulted on 22=02=2014 12:0A
# $inxten1 Ri7 !ensen :anooCampus1 :eu+en1 20091 p% 148
A &e+os1 Carl Politie Bor,er!o"" E :am/eri,ts1 ;ent1 2013 p% 23#-A
8 &a-in,er1 H%9% "nderstanding the Political #orld :on,man1 9e( Ior71 2002 in &e+os1 Carl Politie Bor,er!o"" E
:am/eri,ts1 ;ent1 2013 p% 23A
9 &e+os1 Carl Politie Bor,er!o"" E :am/eri,ts1 ;ent1 2013 p% 232
e""eti+e monopoly o" military po(er o+er a de"ined piee o" territory%@
89eely desri/es t!e initial states as ?/ein, !raterised in partiular /y t!e onsolidation o"
territorial ontrol1 entralisation1 oordination amon, di+isions1 di""erentiation o" ,o+ernment "rom
ot!er or,ani-ations and a6uisition and mutual reo,nition o" autonomy /y some ,o+ernments%@
*!e re6uirements "or t!e endurane o" any state (!i! are present in all o" t!e a/o+e-mentioned
de"initions are entralised aut!ority Binstitutions1 ,o+ernmentD and territoriality% Jo(e+er1 states
(!i! don)t "ul"il t!ese spei"iations !a+e /een and are still present on t!e politial (orld map%
4n ot!er (ords1 t!e entralised aut!ority is in !ar,e1 amon,st ot!er duties1 o" de"endin, t!e
territory /y usin,1 i" neessary1 military "ores%
*!e preponderane o" de"enders o" t!e state !a+e /een and are still optin, "or t!is +ie(point due to
t!eir ,lo/al (ays o" t!in7in,% *!ey perei+e t!e status 6uo o" (orld politis as /ein, unaltera/le%
S!arin, t!is /elie" is politial analyst Carl &e+os: ?&e staat is een nood-aleli57e or,anisatie+orm
om !et /estuur +an de omplexe samenle+in, mo,eli57e to ma7en% BCD1 om mee te spelen in

Alt!ou,! !e admits t!at ,o+ernments are o"ten "ee/le and unsrupulous1 to Franis Fu7uyama state
e6uals demoray and is t!ere"ore indispensa/le% Je stresses t!e importane o" t!e ,o+ernment as
/ein, one o" t!e most e+ol+ed types o" institutions in t!e a/sene o" (!i! soiety annot "untion%
Je points out t!at t!e ideal o" )statelessness) is not!in, /ut a deeption "or /ot! t!e Ri,!t1 in t!eir
utopia o" unintruded "ree-mar7et re,ulation and ,lo/alisation1 and t!e :e"t1 due to t!eir la7 o"
alternati+es to replae t!e state (it!%
*!e same institutions (!i! are up!eld in !i,! esteem /y Fu7uyama onstitute t!e main topi in t!e
(ritin,s o" Aemo,lu and Ro/inson% 4n ?3!y 9ations Fail@1 (!en analysin, )t!e nations)1 t!ey
atually mean )t!e state)% 4n t!eir opinion1 it is not t!e existene o" institutions (!i! s!ould /e
6uestioned /ut t!eir (ays o" "untionin,% *!ey introdue t!e denomination ?extrati+e institutions@
to eluidate t!e pro/lem o" eonomi state "ailure% *!ese !a+e at t!eir /asis ?an elite (!o desi,n
eonomi institutions in order to enri! t!emsel+es and perpetuate t!eir po(er at t!e expense o" t!e
+ast ma5ority o" people in soiety@% 0xtrati+e eonomi institutions are de"ended /y extrati+e
politial institutions%

10 Fu7uyama1 Franis $he Origins of Political Order $ro"ile Boo7s1 :ondon1 20111 p% 12
11 89eely1 Connie :% Constructing the Nation-state: International Organization and Prescriptive Action,
;reen(ood $ress1 3estport1 19921 p 3
12 &e+os1 Carl Politie Bor,er!o"" E :am/eri,ts1 ;ent1 2013 p% 232
13 Fu7uyama1 Franis $he Origins of Political Order $ro"ile Boo7s1 :ondon1 20111 p% 11
14 Aemo,lu1 &aron E Ro/inson1 Hames1 A% #h% Nations &ail: $he origins of Po'er, Prosperit% and Povert% $ro"ile
*!ere are mere examples o" t!e opinions "a+oura/le to t!e existene o" t!e state as "orm o"
or,anisation. in spite o" t!eir pre"erene1 t!ey are not /linded to t!e do(nsides o" t!e state as a
4t is 5usti"ied potential a,,ression and entrali-ed ontrol t!at aused a stir mainly around t!e
seond !al" t!e 19
entury1 /e,innin, o" t!e 20
entury% 4 s!all only mention a "e( o" t!e opinions
opposed to t!e idea o" )t!e state) durin, t!at period1 namely Belle,arri,ue1 Ba7unin1 *olstoy and
'ropot7in% *o most o" t!em1 exept 'ropot7in1 t!e state e6uals ,o+ernment1 and ,o+ernment is
in!erent to t!e existene o" any sate%
Bet(een 1848 and 1820 Anselme Belle,arri,ue (rote a num/er o" mani"ests a,ainst politial
institutions eleted /y t!e iti-ens +ia demorati +otin, su! as t!e ,o+ernment% Jis +ie( is not as
radial as to su,,est t!e a/olis!ment o" pu/lily eleted institutions as one mi,!t initially suspet1
instead !e proposes t!e limitation o" t!eir "untion to pre+entin, rimes a,ainst eit!er indi+iduals or
property and most importantly1 protetin, t!e territory
% *!e orrupt institutional aut!ority s!ould
not /e inter"erin, (it! personal matters and "reedoms%
Ba7unin ta7es a step "urt!er (!en re"errin, to t!e modern state: ?*!e state (ill no lon,er all itsel"
8onar!y. it (ill all itsel" Repu/li: /ut it (ill /e nonet!eless t!e State- t!at is1 a tutela,e o"
ompetent men BCD (!o (ill (at! and ,uide t!e ondut o" t!is ,reat1 inorri,i/le and terri/le
!ild1 t!e people% BCD 4n spite o" its so+erei,nty1 (!olly "ititious1 it (ill ontinue to ser+e as t!e
instrument o" t!ou,!ts1 (ills1 and onse6uently interests not its o(n% 4t (ill /e t!e old oppression
and old sla+ery under ne( "orms%@
Je learly assoiates t!e state (it! t!e ,ap /et(een t!e leadin,
elites "a+ourin, t!eir o(n interests and t!e rest o" t!e masses1 uneduated and depri+ed o" "inanial
means% *!is assumption later lead to t!e attempt o" explainin, t!e emer,ene and t!e (idespread o"
t!e modern state "rom a psy!o-/iolo,ial point o" +ie(%
>n t!e report o" t!is t!eory1 t!e roots o" t!is p!enomenon are to /e "ound not in politis or in
soiolo,y /ut in psy!olo,y and /iolo,y% 4t is t!e desire "or aut!ority1 typial "or !uman nature1
(!i! !as /een t!e moti+ation /e!ind t!e "oundation and t!e mainatinane o" t!e state
% *!is is
onei+ed as detrimental to t!e olleti+e1 sine ?le triomp!e d)un !omme d)0tat1 )est aussi le
triomp!e d)un 0tat et un 0tat est une "orme parasitaire et li/ertiide 6ui Krase tout se 6ui ne soumet
Boo7s1 :ondon1 20131 p% 398-9
12 Belle,arri,ue1 Alseme $egen de (olsvertegen'oordiging, Jet 3ereld+enster Baarn1 19A91 p% 3A-9
1# Ba7unin1 8i!ael )od and the State1 &o+er $u/liations1 9e( Ior71 19A01 p% 39-40
1A :e+al1 ;aston *+,tat dans *+-istoire1 0ditions du 8onde :i/ertaire1 9i &ieu1 9i 8aitre1 $aris1 p% 33-43
pas L ses ordres%@
:e+al !ere/y ela/orates on t!e Jo//sian priniple o" t!e !uman nature /ein, t!at o" ?a (ar o" all
a,ainst all@1 as stipulated in !is ?:e+iat!an@
/ut unli7e t!e pre+iously mentioned ritis o" t!e
state1 Jo//es is on+ined t!at indi+iduals s!ould entrust t!eir ri,!ts to t!e a/solute state
1 to t!e :e+iat!an
in return "or /ene"its1 +ia a soial ontrat
Returnin, to state ritiism and to t!e ,o+ernment as state representati+e1 *olstoy "ouses on t!e
aspet o" military monopoly in !is essays on anar!ism and pai"ism%@;o+ernments@1 !e ar,ues1 ?
/y t!e nature o" t!eir ati+ity1 (!i! onsists in ommittin, ats o" +iolene@ Bt!e ,o+ernment /ein,
t!e ?uit+oerende ma!t@
D ?are al(ays omposed o" elements most ontrary to !oliness- o" t!e
audaious1 unsrupulous and per+erted people% A ;o+ernment1 t!ere"ore1 and espeially a
;o+ernment entrusted (it! military po(er1 is t!e most dan,erous or,anisation possi/le%@
*!e last one to /e disussed !ere1 and t!e only one (!o ma7es an attempt to "ous on and
understand t!e me!anisms o" t!e state as separate "rom ommunity1 and t!ere"ore nation1 is
'ropot7in% 4n !is ?State and its !istori role@ !e s7et!es a !istory o" t!e state as an esta/lis!ment1
in order to onlude t!at t!e purpose o" desi,nin, t!e state (as t!e pure intention o" some soial
lasses to lead ot!ers%
Jis +ie( /eomes e+en learer at t!e end o" t!e pamp!let: ?0it!er t!e State
"ore+er1 rus!in, indi+idual and loal li"e@ -a parallel (it! Belle,arri,ue an /e dra(n !ere- ?ta7in,
o+er in all "ields o" !uman ati+ity1 /rin,in, (it! it its (ars and its domesti stru,,les "or po(er1 its
palae re+olutions (!i! only replae one tyrant /y anot!er1 and ine+ita/ly at t!e end o" t!is
de+elopment t!ere is%%% deat!M >r t!e destrution o" t!e States and ne( li"e startin, a,ain in
t!ousands o" entres on t!e priniple o" t!e li+ely initiati+e o" t!e indi+idual ,roups and t!at o" "ree
a,reement% *!e !oie lies (it! youM@

'ropot7in)s !ere-mentioned alternati+e to t!e state !as e+ol+ed in a reent t!eory: t!at o" ?t!e
% &ue to ,lo/alisation1 a ne( p!enomenon ourred: net(or7in,1 ma7in, a di""erent
types o" ommunities possi/le% *!e )multitude) does not s!are a sin,le identity1 it ?is omposed o"
innumera/le internal di""erenes t!at an ne+er /e redued to a unity or a sin,le identity@
1 /ut it
18 :e+al1 ;aston *+,tat dans *+-istoire1 0ditions du 8onde :i/ertaire1 9i &ieu1 9i 8aitre1 $aris1 p% 42
19 Brem/e71 Cole Spei!er Congress, -uman Nature, and the &ederal .e/t: ,ssa%s on the Political Ph%cholog% of
.eficit Spending, ;reen(ood $u/lis!in, ;roup1 9e( Ior71 19911 p%1#
20 Brem/e71 Cole Spei!er Congress, -uman Nature, and the &ederal .e/t: ,ssa%s on the Political Ph%cholog% of
.eficit Spending, ;reen(ood $u/lis!in, ;roup1 9e( Ior71 19911 p%1#
21 Jo//es1 *!omas *eviathan, Cam/rid,e Nni+ersity $ress1 199#
22 Jo//es1 *!omas *eviathan, Cam/rid,e Nni+ersity $ress1 199#
23 &e+os1 Carl Politie Bor,er!o"" E :am/eri,ts1 ;ent1 2013 p% 232
24 *olstoy1 :eo )overnment is (iolence, $!oenix $ress1 :ondon1 19901 p% 8#
22 'ropot7in1 $eter $he State and Its -istoric Role, Freedom $ress1 :ondon1 19A31 p% 10
2# 'ropot7in1 $eter $he State and Its -istoric Role, Freedom $ress1 :ondon1 19A31 p% 2#
2A Jardt1 8i!ael E 9e,ri1 Antonio !ultitude: #ar and .emocrac% in the Age of ,mpire $en,uin1 9e( Ior71 2002
28 Jardt1 8i!ael E 9e,ri1 Antonio !ultitude: #ar and .emocrac% in the Age of ,mpire $en,uin1 9e( Ior71 2002
does sueed in (or7in, and li+in, to,et!er%
Aordin, to Fu7uyama1 t!e modern state)s (ea7ness is its la7 o" "lexi/ility
The nation
Ane(1 t!e >x"ord ditionary desri/es )t!e nation) as ?A lar,e /ody o" people united /y ommon
desent1 !istory1 ulture1 or lan,ua,e1 in!a/itin, a partiular state or territory%@

3!en omparin, t!e de"inition o" )t!e state) to t!at o" )t!e nation) aordin, to t!e >x"ord
ditionary1 it /eomes o/+ious t!at t!ere is only a su/tle di""erene /et(een t!e meanin, o" t!e one
and o" t!e ot!er. si,ni"ianes !a+e mer,ed% *!e same applies to politial and soiolo,ial1 e+en
eonomi t!eories: (!ereas t!e a/o+e-mentioned ritis "rom 19
entury more or less understood
(!at t!e di""erenes (ere Balt!ou,! sometimes state e6ualled ,o+ernmentD1 no(adays t!eoretiians
/lur t!e /ounderies% As &e+os points out: e+en t!e term )nationality) re"ers to iti-ens!ip to a
spei"i state and not to a spei"i nation as it s!ould%
Je lari"ies t!e +a,ueness as "ollo(s: ?0en natie !ee"t ,een /estuur+orm1 so+ereiniteit o" re,erin,%
0en natie is +ooral een soio-ulturele onstrutie Bmet een territoriale omponentD (aar/i5 een
,e+oel +an nationale identiteit 7an ontstaan%@
*!e "eelin, o" national identity implies an emotional
onnetion (it!in a ertain ,roup o" people s!arin, spei"i /a7,round or on+itions%
*!e responsi/le "or t!is nation-reatin, is t!e state1 aordin, to 'ymli7a
and to Jo/s/a(m
% 4t
is a rat!er reent de+elopment1 sine t!rou,!out !istory1 t!e di""erene pre+iously !a+in, /een
/et(een t!e soial lasses%
3it! t!e upome o" t!e modern state1 t!e emp!asis s!i"ted onto )t!e
people) as a united ommunity1 dra(in, ne( solidarity and loyalty patterns and di,ni"yin, all soial
A"ter de"inin, t!e nation-state1 4 s!all return to t!is topi in order to disuss a p!enomenon
deri+ed "rom t!e idea o" )nation)1 namely nationalism%
The nation-state
A"ter !a+in, s7et!ed t!e meanin, o" t!e sate and o" t!e nation in /i, lines1 t!e last onept (ill
!ere/y /e ta7en under srutiny1 namely t!e mer,e o" t!e t(o onepts% 4ts si,ni"iane is rat!er
o/+ious1 as stated /y &a-in,er: ?een natiestaat is een soe+ereine staat (aar/i5 !et merendeel +an
29 Fu7uyama1 Franis $he Origins of Political Order $ro"ile Boo7s1 :ondon1 20111 p% 482
30 !ttp:==(((%ox"ordditionaries%om=de"inition=en,lis!=nationF6Gnation onsulted on 2#=02=2014 12:08
31 &e+os1 Carl Politie Bor,er!o"" E :am/eri,ts1 ;ent1 2013 p% 239
32 &e+os1 Carl Politie Bor,er!o"" E :am/eri,ts1 ;ent1 2013 p% 239
33 'ymli7a1 3ill Contemporar% Political Philosoph% >x"ord Nni+ersity $ress1 9e( Ior71 20021 p% 2#2
34 Jo/s/a(m1 Nations and Nationalism Since 0123: Programme, !%th, Realit% Cam/rid,e Nni+ersity $ress1 1992 p%
10 ?9ations do not ma7e states and nationalisms1 /ut t!e ot!er (ay around%@
32 'ymli7a1 3ill Contemporar% Political Philosoph% >x"ord Nni+ersity $ress1 9e( Ior71 20021 p% 2#2
3# 'ymli7a1 3ill Contemporar% Political Philosoph% >x"ord Nni+ersity $ress1 9e( Ior71 20021 p% 2#2
-i5n /ur,ers oo7 +ereni,d is door "atoren die een natie de"iniOren1 -oals een ,emeens!appeli57e
,es!iedenis1 ultuur1 etniiteit1 ,rond,e/ied en taal%@
4deally1 t!e /orders o" t!e state oinide
(it! t!ose o" t!e nation
1 /ut t!at is not al(ays t!e ase1 resultin, in on"lit% 'ymlli7a adds to t!e
a/o+e listin,: ompulsory eduation1 national media1 national !olidays1 sym/ols1 !eroes%
>ne o" t!e terms diretly related to t!e notions o" nation and nation-state is nationalism% S!ortly1 it
an /e explained as t!e nations) politial pursuit o" an identity%
Benedit Anderson)s de"inition o"
t!e nation is as "ollo(s: ?it is an ima,ined politial ommunity%@ 4ma,ined sine t!e indi+iduals
(on)t /e a/le to personally meet t!eir o-nationals1 limited /eause o" state /oundaries1 and a
ommunity /eause o" loyalty and solidarity to t!e o-nationals%

Bot! 'ymli7a and Anderson1 (!o "ous on t!e onepts o" nations nationalism are ama-ed at t!e
suess o" t!e nation-state%
National identity in #o"anian art
4n t!e seond part o" t!is (ritin,1 t!e "ous (ill s!i"t to t!e art produed in t!e time "rame 1989 to
t!e urrent date 20141 /y artists /orn and=or li+in, (it!in t!e state /orders o" Romania%
Remar7a/ly1 t!is art seems to /e a/oundin, (it! re"erenes to Romanian national identity. some
artists are o/+iously ritial o" it1 ot!ers appropriate its sym/ols and lan,ua,e to ridiule it and
"inally in some ases1 it is di""iult to tell% 4t is ne+ert!eless t!is interest in national identity (!i!
onstitute t!e "ous o" t!is resear!% *om 9airn dra(s a lin7 /et(een 8arxism and nationalism
(!en statin,: ?*!e t!eory o" nationalism represents 8arxism)s ,reatest "ailure%@
*o t!is1
Jo/s/a(m adds: ?8arxist mo+ements and states !a+e tended to /eome national not only in "orm
/ut in su/stane1 4% e%1 nationalist%@
4n t!e li,!t o" t!ese t!eories1 t!e onlusion an /e dra(n t!at
Romania /eame nationalist durin, t!e ommunist re,ime and one it ended1 its iti-ens (ere and
still are experienin, an identity risis1 t!ere"ore t!e interest in national identity% *!e a/o+e-
mentioned tools "or nation-reatin,1 onepts and sym/ols are to /e "ound in t!e (or7 o" t!e
"ollo(in, artists%
3A &a-in,er1 H%9% "nderstanding the Political #orld :on,man1 9e( Ior71 2002 in &e+os1 Carl Politie Bor,er!o"" E
:am/eri,ts1 ;ent1 2013 p% 88
38 &e+os1 Carl Politie Bor,er!o"" E :am/eri,ts1 ;ent1 2013 p% 240
39 'ymli7a1 3ill Contemporar% Political Philosoph% >x"ord Nni+ersity $ress1 9e( Ior71 20021 p% 2#3
40 &e+os1 Carl Politie Bor,er!o"" E :am/eri,ts1 ;ent1 2013 p% 239
41 Anderson1 Benedit1 Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, <erso1 :ondon1
200A1 p% A
42 9airn1 *om $he 4rea-up of 4ritain: Crisis and Neo-nationalism, Common ;round1 20031 p% 318-9
43 Jo/s/a(m1 0ri Some Reflections on 5$he 4rea-up of 4ritain6, 9e( :e"t Re+ie(1 19AA1 p% 13
The $ody as A%ent
4n ?&e ;ren-en +an de Semiotie7@1 :u7 <an den &ries pleads "or a reassessment o" t!e per"ormin,
/ody. (!ile per"ormin, it a6uires a ne( "untion: t!at o" /earer o" meanin,1 o" a ?disursie+e
toren +an Ba/el@
1 in (!i! t!e di""erent priniples meet: ,ender1 soial lass1 et!niity1
*!e /ody is t!us t!e a,ent o"1 amon,st ot!ers1 national identity% 4 s!all s!ortly analyse
t!e per"ormanes o" &an $er5o+s!i and Bo,dan Armanu li,!t o" t!is t!eory%
As a per"ormane1 $er5o+s!i !ad )Romania) tattooed on !is arm in 1993 at a loal "esti+al% >ne
mi,!t easily onsider t!is as /ein, a patrioti ,esture1 /ut on "urt!er t!ou,!t1 ot!er interpretations
seem more redi/le% $er5o+s!i a7no(led,es and ,oes so "ar as to la/el !is /ody as a,ent o"
national identity%
*en years later1 in a per"ormane in 'assel1 $er5o+s!i !as !is tattoo laser-remo+ed% >ne soure
laims t!at ?ea! /la7 dot splittin, into millions o" piees and ea! o" t!e piees arried a(ay
t!rou,! !is s7in /y moleules% $er5o+s!iPs idea (as t!at t!e tattoo (ould not /e erased /ut instead
spread t!rou,!out !is (!ole /ody%@
*!is ar,ument seems a /it am/i,uous1 i" it is orret1 t!en one an de"initely interpret t!is as
display o" nationalism%
44 <an den &ries1 :u7 .e )renzen van de Semiotie in :u7 +an den &ries1 Ste+en &e Belder1 'oen *a!alet Beds%D1
(erspeelde #ereli7heid, <an Jalle(y71 :eu+en1 20001 p% 33
42 <an den &ries1 :u7 .e )renzen van de Semiotie in :u7 +an den &ries1 Ste+en &e Belder1 'oen *a!alet Beds%D1
(erspeelde #ereli7heid, <an Jalle(y71 :eu+en1 20001 p% 33
4# !ttp:==su/+ersi+e%3%!u=en=&anQ20$er5o+s!i%p!p onsulted on 2A=02=2014 9:40
&an $er5o+s!i: Remo+in, Romania1 2003
*!e "ollo(in, per"ormane1 yet anot!er ten years later1 is /y a youn,er artist: Bo,dan Armanu%
Sine $er5o+s!i !ad !is )Romania) remo+ed1 !e deides to la/el !is o(n /ody (it! it1 as to su,,est
t!at national identity is still an issue in t!e year 2013%
Bo,dan Armanu and Sil+ia Amanei: RomRnia1 2013
Shared history
3!en it omes to t!is topi1 t!ere is only one period in Romanian !istory (!i! artists re"er to: t!e
ommunist era% At t!at point Romania (as not a demoray /ut an aut!oritarian state lead /y
9iolae Ceausesu% Fe( art(or7s loo7 /a7 to t!at spei"i period (it!out inludin, Ceausesu in
t!e omposition% 9ext to t!ese /ein, a means o" dealin, (it! t!e olleti+e trauma o" !a+in, li+ed
under ditators!ip1 t!ey also re"er to t!e national !istory and t!ere"ore1 onstitute a tool "or nation-
Adrian ;!enie)s paintin,s o" t!e ditator1 !is (i"e and t!eir )trial) /e"ore exeution mana,e apture1
in t!eir som/erness1 t!e ,eneral "eelin, o" anxiety1 t!e unontrola/le dread and !orror assoiated
(it! t!e "i,ures% *!eir "aes are /lurred1 attempts o" /rin,in, t!em out o" olleti+e memory seem
Adrian ;!enie: Nntitled1 2008
Adrian ;!enie: 9ieu(en!uy-en 9iolae1 2010
Adrian ;!enie: Study "or a Boo,yman1 2010
Adrian ;!enie: *!e *rial1 2010
Adrian ;!enie: 0lena1 2010
4on Barladeanu)s olla,es ontrast !i,!ly (it! t!ose o" Adrian ;!enie% *!eir appeal lies in t!e "at
t!at t!ey are reminesent o" onstruti+ist p!oto-monta,es1 su! as t!ose o" Rod!en7o% Jo(e+er1
unli7e onstruti+ist art1 (!i!1 alt!ou,! "ra,mentary1 depits t!e ideal soiety aspired to1
Barladeanu)s olla,es are !umoristi and in t!eir nai+ity1 t!ey deonstrut ommunist ideals instead
o" rein"orin, t!em%
4on Barladeanu: Nntitled
4on Barladeanu: Nntitled
4on Barladeanu: Nntitled1 2010
Anot!er artist (!o dismantels ommunist ideals is Ciprian 8uresan in !is )pioneer) dra(in,s% *!e
depited youn,sters are s!ameesly sni""in, ,lue (!ile (earin, t!eir pioneer)s uni"ormes%
Ciprian 8uresan: $ioneer1 200#
Shared culture
Anot!er nation-ma7in, tool is s!ared ulture: eatin, !a/its1 dressin, !a/its1 t!e arts and
9iulesu !ere/y re"ers to t!e nations) "a+ourite "ood: mamali,uta1 a orn "lour porrid,e-li7e /read
replaement% By modelin, it into t!e s!ape o" ,olden /ars1 !e !umorously !ints to t!e national
preiousness o" t!is ultural !a/it%
9iulesu: ;olden Bars
Barladeanu !ere/y remains "ait!"ul to !umour and to soial ritiism: t!e next art(or71 5ust as
9iulesu1 points to t!e exa,,erated appreiation o" )traditions)1 in t!is ase1 "ol7loristi musi and
4on Barladeanu: Nntitled
>n a di""erent note and per!aps not as easily ,rasped as t!e pre+ious1 $er5o+s!i ,oes /a7 in time
and points to art !istory1 also (it! a tou! o" irony%
&an $er5o+s!i: &ada &ra(in,1 2008
National sy"bols
*!ese are most o/+iously onneted to )t!e nation)1 are strai,!t"or(ard and easy to appropriate%
$op artist Craio+eanu "a+ours t!e usa,e o" national sym/ols. t!e "irst art(or7 is a paintin, o" t!e
!ead o" t!e nation1 president Basesu% Je appropriates t!e lan,ua,e o" ort!odox ions1 /ut only in
omposition and not in paintin, te!ni6ue1 in order to re+eal t!e !arisma o" t!e president%
Costin Craio+eanu: ;od is a &%H%1 2012
Anot!er o/+ious sym/ol is t!at o" t!e nation-state map% Alt!ou,! experimental "ilm-ma7er Sandor
BSrt!a)s intent in t!e use o" t!is sym/ol is +a,ue1 t!e re"erene to t!e nation-state is notiea/le%
Sandor BSrt!a: Sa+ers1 2001
Alexandra Croitoru1 on t!e ot!er1 learly /ases its "ollo(in, art(or7 upon t!e onept o" state and
nation B(!en re"errin, to t!e ommon "utureD% S!e literally demonstrates t!e pre"a/riation o" t!e
state1 its /orders and its plae%
Alexandra Croitoru: Solutions1 2002
<itor 8an)s use o" t!e triolor in t!is installation points to national identity /y playin, (it! t!e
inside=outside perspeti+e% 9ational identity is !ere/y somet!in, internal1 !idden "rom si,!t1
ontrary to t!e a/o+e-mentioned t!eories o" nation-"a/riation as /ein, in"ored externally% *!is
onstitutes a ,ood example o" national identity risis%
<itor 8an: *!e Coats1 200A
Croitoru)s (ear o" t!e triolor "ae-mas7 !as se+eral allusions to nationality and t!e nation-state%
Firstly1 it o+ers t!e "ae and t!ere"ore points to t!e idea o" t!e iti-en ,i+in, up some o" !is
personal ri,!ts and "reedoms1 amon,st (!i!1 t!e ri,!t to indi+iduality in ex!an,e "or /ein, part
o" t!e olleti+e% Seondly1 t!e mas7 re"ers to t!e ,o+ernment monopoly on a,,ression1 to aut!ority
and +iolene% *!irdly1 t!e triolor onstitutes somet!in, to /e la/elled and possi/ly disriminated
"or1 t!e same as $er5o+s!i)s tattoo%
Alexandra Croitoru: Nntitled1 200A
*!e next art(or71 t!at o" <i+iana &ru,a E *ata C!ristiane1 appropriates sym/ols o" national
identity in order to reate ne( meanin,% C!ristian elements are om/ined (it! pa,an ones1 (it!
re"erenes to numerolo,y and usa,e o" poppy +i+id olours to reate a ne( uni+erse1 surreal and
a/surd1 one (!i! ele/rates di+ersity%
<i+iana &ru,a E *ata C!ristiane: 22T11 2013
*!e seond dra(in, /y 8uresan mentioned in t!is !apter ex!i/its traes o" national identity risis%
9ational identity !ere is an inner ,i+en (!i! annot /e altered% *!ou,! distur/in,1 t!e Romanian
/lood "lo(in, out o" !is arteries is somet!in, (!i! !e annot deny or !a+e ontrol o+er%
Ciprian 8uresan: Romanian Blood1 2004
Besides t!e olours o" t!e triolor1 Craio+enu uses anot!er sym/ol !ere: t!e &aia1 t!e national ar
/rand durin, t!e ommunist re,ime and "or many years a"ter(ards%
Costin Craio+eanu: Nntitled1 2012
Co"!ulsory "ilitary service
*!is !as /een pre+iously de"ined as one o" t!e elements o" nation-"or,in,% 8uresan1 yet a,ain1 de-
mysti"ies t!e army1 reduin, it to t!e "utile e+eryday !ores su! as pealin, potatoes% ;o+ernment
monopoly on +iolene !as !ere/y lost its aut!ority%
Ciprian 8uresan: Nntitled BSoldiersD1 2009
National heroes
*!e only example o" demysti"yin, a "i,ure re,arded as !ero /y t!e nation-state1 and t!ere"ore
6uestionin, national identity is t!at o" artists) olleti+e Su/R0A:1 ati+e in t!e early 1990)s%
Jistorial "i,ure o" <lad *epes1 t!e inspiration "or Sto7er)s )&raula) mer,es (it! t!at o" t!e 8ona
:isa and in doin, so 6uestions nation sym/ols%
Su/R0A:: &araulaland 011 1991
9o(adays soiety is mostly /ased on t!e demorati nation-state% A ertain de,ree o" +a,ueness
surrounds t!is onept%
*!e state s!ould /e re,arded separately "rom t!e onept o" )nation). it is t!e "orm o" or,anisation o"
di""erent ommunities li+in, (it!in ertain territorial /orders% 4t onsists o" di""erent institutions
su! as t!e parliament as t!e le,islati+e /ody and t!e ,o+ernment as exeuti+e /ody% State ritiism
is mostly a topi o" t!e 19
*!e nation1 on t!e ot!er !and1 is a "iti+e onstrution meant to reate a "eelin, o" unity and loyalty
amon,st t!e o-nationals1 re,ardless o" t!e soial lass di""erenes% *!is "eelin, soon e+ol+ed into
nationalism% Certain tools !a+e /een employed in t!e proess o" nation-"or,in,: ommon !istory1
ulture1 et!niity1 territory and lan,ua,e1 as (ell as more tan,i/le elements su! as: national media1
national !olidays1 sym/ols1 !eroes%
Almost all o" t!ese are present in t!e ontemporary art produed /y t!e "ollo(in, artists: &an
$er5o+s!i1 Bo,dan Armanu1 Adrian ;!enie1 4on Barladeanu1 Ciprian 8uresan1 9iulesu1 Costin
Craio+eanu1 Sandor BSrt!a1 Alexandra Croitoru1 <itor 8an1 <i+iana &ru,a E *ata C!ristiane1
Some o" t!ese "ollo( t!e international tendenies in ritii-in, t!e nation-state and t!e national
identity t!ey)+e /een asi,ned1 (!ereas ot!ers are still stru,,lin, to pinpoint t!eir identity in relation
to t!e state%
Aemo,lu1 &aron E Ro/inson1 Hames1 A% #h% Nations &ail: $he origins of Po'er, Prosperit% and
Povert% $ro"ile Boo7s1 :ondon1 2013
Anderson1 Benedit Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism,
<erso1 200#
&a-in,er1 H%9% "nderstanding the Political #orld :on,man1 9e( Ior71 2002
Ba7unin1 8i!ael )od and the State1 &o+er $u/liations1 9e( Ior71 19A0
Belle,arri,ue1 Alseme $egen de (olsvertegen'oordiging, Jet 3ereld+enster Baarn1 19A9
Brem/e71 Cole Spei!er Con,ress1 Juman 9ature1 and t!e Federal &e/t: 0ssays on t!e $olitial
$!y!olo,y o" &e"iit Spendin,1 ;reen(ood $u/lis!in, ;roup1 9e( Ior71 1991
&e+os1 Carl Politie Bor,er!o"" E :am/eri,ts1 ;ent1 2013
Fu7uyama1 Franis $he Origins of Political Order $ro"ile Boo7s1 :ondon1 2011
Jardt1 8i!ael E 9e,ri1 Antonio !ultitude: #ar and .emocrac% in the Age of ,mpire $en,uin1
9e( Ior71 2002
Jo//es1 *!omas *eviathan, Cam/rid,e Nni+ersity $ress1 199#
Jo/s/a(m1 0ri Nations and Nationalism Since 0123: Programme, !%th, Realit% Cam/rid,e
Nni+ersity $ress1 1992
Jo/s/a(m1 0ri Some Reflections on 5$he 4rea-up of 4ritain6, 9e( :e"t Re+ie(1 19AA
'ropot7in1 $eter $he State and Its -istoric Role, Freedom $ress1 :ondon1 19A3
'ymli7a1 3ill Contemporar% Political Philosoph% >x"ord Nni+ersity $ress1 9e( Ior71 2002
:e+al1 ;aston *+,tat dans *+-istoire1 0ditions du 8onde :i/ertaire1 9i &ieu1 9i 8aitre1 $aris
89eely1 Connie :% Constructing the Nation-state: International Organization and Prescriptive
Action, ;reen(ood $ress1 3estport1 1992
9airn1 *om $he 4rea-up of 4ritain: Crisis and Neo-nationalism, Common ;round1 2003
$inxten1 Ri7 !ensen :anooCampus1 :eu+en1 2009
*olstoy1 :eo )overnment is (iolence, $!oenix $ress1 :ondon1 1990
<an den &ries1 :u7 .e )renzen van de Semiotie in :u7 +an den &ries1 Ste+en &e Belder1 'oen
*a!alet Beds%D1 (erspeelde #ereli7heid, <an Jalle(y71 :eu+en1 2000



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