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I. Objectives
After the lesson, the students will be able to:
1. share to the class about their traits and characteristics as part of their self-discovery.
2. appreciate and respect themselves and other people's unique traits and characteristics.
3. mae a personal commitment on improvin! oneself.
II. Subject Matter (Knoin! Onese"#$
%o&ari 'in(o was named for its creators, %oseph "uft and )arry In!ham, is a useful tool in understandin!
our own selves which can help us live more effective lives. #he four panes of the $ohari %indow represent the
four parts of our &elf.
'y (ublic &elf is what ) show others about me.
'y *lind &pots are parts of me others see but ) do not.
'y +idden &elf is what ) choose to hide from others.
'y ,nconscious &elf are parts of me ) do not see nor do others.
%e all have these four parts of our &elf, as shown in the $ohari %indow dia!ram, but their respective si-es vary
in each of us.
Discussions *e#ore +rou, D-na.ics Activit- an( Eva"uation

A more fully aware person has a lar!e (ublic &elf with the other three areas small in comparison. #his person
understands why he acts the way he does, and open with others because he has minimi-ed his *lind &pots and
+idden &elf while worin! to brin! the ,nconscious &elf to !reater awareness. +e is in touch with his needs,
feelin!s and values - his #rue &elf - the source of his wisdom and identity.
A !enerally unaware person has a small (ublic &elf with the other three areas lar!e in comparison. #his person
acts in ways he does not understand because outdated decisions and defense mechanisms have caused him to
develop substantial *lind &pots. )n addition, he is !uarded and less !enuine with others because he has
developed a si!nificant +idden &elf as a defense a!ainst his own deep-seated shame. +e has disconnected
himself from his #rue &elf.
.verwhelmin! emotional pain, particularly early in life, causes us to utili-e whatever methods and defenses are
necessary to survive. #hese methods offer short-term relief but can create lon!-term problems because they
often require us to repress or disconnect from our painful emotions. #hus, our *lind &pots, +idden &elf, and
,nconscious &elf e/pand, and our (ublic &elf shrins as we distance ourselves from our feelin!s and needs. )n
essence, we lose touch with our #rue &elf, which is our real compass and the source of our wisdom and
III. Proce(ure
1. .penin! (rayer
2. 'otivation: &in! 0+ello how do you do10 with action
"esson for the 2ay:
2iscussion of the $ohari %indow in relation to nowin! oneself better.
3. 3roup 2ynamic Activity: 4ill-up the 0'y $ohari %indow0 card
5. 6lass-sharin! of the end result of the activity.
IV. Eva"uation
%hat did you discover about yourself today1 +ow do you feel about the !ood thin!s about yourself1 +ow about
the ne!ative thin!s about yourself1 +ow do you plan to improve yourself for the better1
V. Assi!n.ent
%rite an essay reflectin! a personal commitment to continue one's !ood traits and values, and to improve one's
bad characteristics and attitudes 7whether it is ori!inally nown to self, or newly-discovered based on others'

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