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Management meaning and Nature

Q. Which one of the following is not the nature of Management:

(a) Management is goal oriented
(b) Management is universal
(c) Management is an Integrative Force
(d) Management is static
Q. A JSP is transformed into an!:
(a) Java applet.
(b) Java servlet.
(c) Either 1 or 2 above.
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 above
Q. A JSP is transformed into an!:
(a) Java applet
(b) Java servlet.
(c) Either 1 or 2 above.
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 above.
Q. What is not true of a Ja"a #ean$
(a) There are no public instance variables.
(b) ll persistent values are accessed using get!!! and set!!! methods.
(c) It ma" have man" constructors as necessar".
(d) ll o# the above are true o# a Java bean.
Q. What M%SQ& 'ro'ert% is used to create a surrogate (e% in
(a) $NI%$E
(b) &E%$EN'E
(c) $T()IN'*EMENT
(d) None o# the above ++ &urrogat ,e"s are not implemented in M"&%-.
Q. What is sent to the user "ia )**P+ in"o(ed using the )**P
'rotocol on the user,s com'uter+ and run on the user,s com'uter as
an a''lication$
(a) Java application
(b) Java applet
(c) Java servlet
(d) None o# the above is correct.
Q. -------- is an o'en source DBMS 'roduct that runs on .N/0+
&inu1 and Windows.
(a) M"&%-
(b) J&./&%-
(c) J01'/&%-
(d)&un ''E&&
Q. Which JDBC dri"er *%'es! can #e used in either a''let or
ser"let code$
(a) 1oth T"pe 1 and T"pe 2
(b) 1oth T"pe 1 and T"pe 2
(c) 1oth T"pe 2 and T"pe 3
(d) T"pe 3 onl"
Q. *o run a com'iled Ja"a 'rogram+ the machine must ha"e what
loaded and running$
(a) Java virtual machine
(b) Java compiler
(c) Java b"tecode
(d) 4eb bro5ser
Q. Who in"ented Ja"a$
(a) Netscape
(b) Microso#t
(c) &un
(d)None o# the above is correct.
Q. Where is metadata stored in M%SQ&$
(a) In the M"&%- database metadata
(b) In the M"&%- database metas6l
(c) In the M"&%- database m"s6l
(d) None o# the above is correct.
Q. )ow man% JDBC dri"er t%'es does Sun define$
(a) (ne
(b) T5o
(c) Three
(d) Four
Q. when do %ou use a session #ean$
(a) 4hen "ou 5ant to be certain "our application data persists bet5een
program invocations7 even in the event o# a crash.
(b) I# "ou need to initiate a database transaction.
(c) To process transient data that can be re+created in the event o# a crash.
(d)To ,eep people 5ho do not ,no5 ho5 to program #rom accidentall"
changing important logic code.
Q. . What is the out'ut of following 'iece of code $ int 1 2 34 switch
1! 5 case 6:S%stem.out.'rintln76$!4 case 3: case
8:S%stem.out.'rintln78$!4 case 9: case
::S%stem.out.'rintln7:$!4 ;
(a) No output
(b) 2 and 8
(c) 17 2 and 8
(d) 2.
Q. . /n a multithread a''lication+which tier isthe #rowser in$
(a) First tier.
(b) &econd tier.
(c) Third tier.
(d) Fourth tier
Q. what ad"antage does an entit% #ean ha"e o"er a session #ean$
(a) Entit" bean data survives crashes.
(b) n entit" bean represents non+persistent data.
(c) It creates its o5n J* #ile during deplo"ment.
(d) 9ou get authentication code 5ithout having to 5rite an".
Q. )ow can a ser"let call a <s' error 'age$
(a) This capabilit" is not supported.
(b) 4hen the servlet thro5s the e!ception7 it 5ill automaticall" be caught
b" the calling J&. page.
(c) The servlet needs to #or5ard the re6uest to the speci#ic error page $*-.
The e!ception is passed along as an attribute named
(d) The servlet needs to redirect the response to the speci#ic error page7
saving the e!ception o## in a coo,ie.
Q. what is legal a#out <s' scri'lets$
(a) loop can begin in one &criptlet and end in another
(b) &tatements in &criptlets should #ollo5 Java &"nta!
(c) &emicolon is needed at the end o# each statement in a &criptle
(d) ll the above
Q. what e1ce'tion thrown when ser"let initiali=ation fails$
(a) I(E!ception
(b) &ervletE!ception
(c) *emoteE!ception
(d) None o# these
Q. )ow are life c%cle methods called$
(a) 1" thin clients.
(b) 1" calls to the database.
(c) 1" the J2EE server.
(d) 1" the bean<s container.
Q. what is #ean> managed 'ersistence$
(a) 4hen "ou implement entit" or session bean methods to use &%-
commands "ou provide.
(b) 4hen the bean<s container handles data storage and retrieval.
(c) 4hen the J2EE server is never shut do5n.
(d) 4hen changes to database data are lost during a crash.
Q. when do %ou use a session #ean$
(a) 4hen "ou 5ant to be certain "our application data persists bet5een
program invocations7 even in the event o# a crash.
(b) I# "ou need to initiate a database transaction
(c) To process transient data that can be re+created in the event o# a crash
(d) To ,eep people 5ho do not ,no5 ho5 to program #rom accidentall"
changing important logic code.
Q. what is thin> client a''lication$
(a) bro5ser that uses a plug+in to process user data
(b) distributed application 5here the client program does not process
dat. but instead passes data #or processing to an enterprise bean running
on an application server.
(c) n application that cannot be stopped b" a #ire5all
(d) n application compiled 5ith the +thin option o# the ;avac command
Q. A ser"let can access the headers of an )**P re?uest through
which following methods of the )tt'Ser"let@e?uest interface:
(a) get=eader()
(b) get=eaders()
(c) get=eaderNames()
(d) ll
Q. Ser"letConte1t is 6. an /nterface 3.A container which is used to
store an o#<ect so that it is a"aila#le for whole a''lication 8.A
container which is used to store an o#<ect so that it is a"aila#le for
session onl%. 9.A container which is used to store an o#<ect so that
it is a"aila#le for re?uest onl%.
(b) 172
(d) 3
Q. /s Ser"let thread Safe$
(a) 9es
(b) No
(c) None
(d) 1oth and 1
Q. During initiali=ation of ser"let a ser"let instance can throw
(a) n $navailableE!ception
(b) &ervletE!ception
(c) 1oth
(d) None
Q. /nt init! +.ser"ice! and destro%! methods which methods are
call onl% once at life c%cle of ser"lets 6.init! 3.ser"ice! 8.destro%!
(a) 17272
(b) 172
(c) 2
(d) None
Q. . init!+ser"ice! and destro%!methods are define in
6.<a"a1.ser"let.Ser"let interface 3.<a"a1.ser"let.Ser"let)tt' class
8.<a"a1.ser"let.Ser"let@e?uest interface
9.<a"a1.ser"let.Ser"let@es'onse interface
(a) 172727378
(b) 1
(c) 27378
(d) 17378
Q. Which of the following methods are main methods in life c%cle of
ser"let$ 6.init! 3 .ser"ice! 8.destro%! 9.sro'! :.wait!
(a) &ervlet
(b) 17272
(c) 27378
(d) 17378
Q. Which of the following are class$ 6.Ser"letConte1t 3.Ser"let
8.AenericSer"let 9.)tt'Ser"let
(a) 1727273
(b) 172
(c) 273
(d) 173
Q. Which of the following are class$ 6.Ser"letConte1t 3.Ser"let
8.AenericSer"let 9.)tt'Ser"let
(a) 1727273
(b) 172
(c) 17273
(d) 173
Q. 6. Ser"let is a Ja"a technolog% #ased We# com'onent. 3. Ser"let
ser"lets are 'latform>inde'endent 8. Ser"let has run on We# ser"er
which has a containers 9. Ser"lets interact with We# clients "ia a
re?uestBres'onse using )**P 'rotocol.
(a) 1727273
(b) 17272
(c) 17273
(d) None
Q. Which of the following are interface$ 6.Ser"letConte1t 3.Ser"let
8.AenericSer"let 9.)tt'Ser"let
(a) 1727273
(b) 172
(c) 17273
(d) 173

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