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6/11/2014 Syllabus for CS160A Introduction to Unix/Linux 1/3
Syllabus for online CS160A Introduction to Unix/Linux
Spring 2014 Schedule
Instructor: Charles Metzler
Office: Batmale Hall Room 466
Phone: (415) 239-3367
Web page:
Current Schedule:
Optional Orientation: Mon January 13 5-6pm Batmale 301
Topic Date Due
1. Introduction to Unix Homework #1 Tue Jan 21
Test #1 Tue Jan 28
2. File Management Utilities Homework #2 Tue Feb 4
Test #2 Tue Feb 11
3. Text File Utilities Homework #3 Tue Feb 18
Test #3 Tue Feb 25
4. Searching and Regular Expressions Homework #4 Tue Mar 4
Final Exam Wed Mar 12
Advisories and Prereqs
Attendence / No Shows / Drops:
You must login to the course ( by the end of the first week or you will be dropped
from the class as a no show. You are required to read all discussion forum posings and
participate by submitting assignments and tests. In accordance with City College rules, if you miss
the equivalent of two tests and do not academically participate, you would be notified by email that
you may be dropped.
Required Text
The text book is integrated into the online content. All readings are available online. No additional
text needs to be purchased.
There are NO MAKEUPS for tests
There are common ways to lose points on homework that are listed in the information area of each
assignment's discussion forum. Be sure to check these out before submitting homework
assignments. Within a week, you should get an email notification after I grade your assignments.
Students can improve their grade and resubmit an assignment only if they post a question in the
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discussion forum for that assignment. Resubmissions are subject to late points.
Participation is required.
Students and I will occassionally post questions which must be answered by at least one student
within 48 hours or 2 school-days (M-F excluding holidays). All students who have not yet posted
any responses at all to any question, will lose one point from their final average. The penalty point
will be deducted for each occurrance of an unanswered question.
Where to get help?
Post all questions in the forums. There is a forum for each assignment and a Forum on Grading
and Tests. You can come to my office hours if you want to talk with me face-to-face. I check the
forums every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and at least one of Thursday, Friday or Saturday.
Remember: If you have a question about the course someone else probably has that same
question and will benefit when you post it to the discussion forums. Use the class discussions for
any questions that you would ask in class. You are also invited, encouraged and required to post
answers to other students' questions. You could also post any resources that you want to share with
the group. When you post to the class discussions, please use appropriate "Netiquette". If there
are questions about how to approach an assignment use the discussion forums. Post questions
about tests in the Forum on Grading and Tests. Online instructors are asked to wait a few days
before responding to student questions, in order to give other students time enough to have a
chance to answer and give their response the other student questions. If I am absent for a period
of more than three working days, expect an announcement with special instructions.
Tests and assignments that are not completed will be counted as zeros.
Extra credit adds one point to the final average.
Late assignments will be penalized:
10% up to 1 week late
20% up to 2 weeks late
30% for 3 or more weeks
Final grades are determined as follows:
50% Average of the highest two of the three tests
25% Homework Average
25% Final Exam
Standard grading is used:
90 - 100 A
80 - 89 B
70 - 79 C
60 - 69 D
0 - 59 F
Course Objectives
A. Create and use Unix commands including pipes, redirection and shell wildcards to manipulate
files and directories.
B. Write and predict the effects of commands that manipulate file and directory permissions.
C. Use an editor to create a file of commands with execute permission.
D. Analyze common text processing tasks and write Unix commands to solve them.
E. Write and predict the results of Unix commands that use regular expressions to search for
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patterns in files.
F. Analyze and fix errors in Unix commands.

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