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(Profile) Bharat Electronics Limited

Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) was established
at Bangalore, India, by the Government of
India under the Ministry of Defence in !"#
to meet the s$ecialised electronic needs of the Indian defence
services% &ver the years, it has grown into a multi'$roduct, multi'
technology, multi'unit com$any serving the needs of customers in
diverse fields in India and abroad%%%
(oftware Develo$mant
)he (oftware grou$ in BEL is $owered by over ** software systems
$rofessionals whose e+$erience covers a$$lication areas of Defence,
($ace, ,ommunication and ,ommercial segments% )heir familiarity with
hardware environment e+tends across -./ 012*, Micro -./,
(uns$arc and 3,'3entium (ystems, and familiarity in software
system%% more%%% (htt$400www%bel'india%com0belwebsite05678sectionid791)
:elcome to BEL ' this is a com$any which deals with a wide s$ectrum
of $roducts ranging from ;adars to (olar based solutions% BEL goes
much beyond the defence $roducts they are famous for, they have
made inroads into civilian $roducts as well%;an<ed among the to$ 3(=s
of the country, which has continuously made $rofits year after year,
BEL has ac6uired a global edge too% It has its $resence felt in all ma>or
countries across the globe% more%%
)he growth and diversification of BEL over the years mirrors the
advances in the electronics technology, with which BEL has <e$t $ace%
(tarting with the manufacture of a few communication e6ui$ment in
!"A, BEL went on to $roduce ;eceiving -alves in !A, Germanium
(emiconductors in !A9 and ;adio )ransmitters for .I; in !A#%In
!AA, BEL set u$ a ;adar manufacturing facility for the .rmy and in'
house ;8D, which has been nurtured over the years% Manufacture of
)ransmitting )ubes, (ilicon Devices and Integrated ,ircuits started in
!A1% )he 3,B more%%%
BEL Paper General - other PANTNAGAR - !
Septem"er #$$%
@ello friends, iBm -i<ash Cimothi from ,ollege of )echnology,
3.D)D.G.;, BEL visited my college on !th'9*th se$tB*2 for
recruitment% )heir selection $rocedure consist of 9 stages '''''
written(technical) and interview% )@ey have differnt written $a$er for
electronics, com$uter 8 mechanical engg cadidates%IBm from ECE and
the wriitten test consists of general 6uestions most of them from
communication 8 digital logic families% )he cut'off for the written
e+amination was ?*E% .fter clearing the written i face the interview%
Interview $anel com$rise of " members from electronics, com$uter,
mechanical 8 @;D field% M&st of the 6uestion as<ed in the interview
were sim$le li<e some electronics $rinci$les and their a$$lications%
)hey as< mainly 6uestions from communication''analog 8 digital and
also as< for the $rinci$le0wor<ing of some e6ui$ment li<e ,FL,
electronic fan regulators, D)@ service0satellite tv, mobile $hone, I3 tv
@ere i have given some of the 6uestions of the written $a$er(E,E)%%%
)he $a$er consist of two sections ''''#* ob>ective 8 * true false
6uestions% )he cut'off as told by them ?*E but they may have increase
this limit% in my college only 2 out of 9 cleared the $a$er(for E,E
Part '---&"(ecti)e *+estions (#* with %" mar<s each) with "*E 've
% Dumerical $roblem based on modulation inde+ fc, fm%%%%%%%%%% (formula
based direct 6ueston)%
9%3oles 8 Geroes are at %*,,9*,**%%%%%% find $hase margin0angle at
f7"*@G% ans '!*(By drawing bode $lot)
?%In n'ty$e enhancement mode M&(FE) drain current'''''''''''
o$tions are' increase0decrease with inc0dec in drain0gate voltage%
#% Gain of an directional antenna Adb 37mw find transmitted
$ower%%%%%%%%%(use 3tr7 G H 3%)
"%Multi$lication of two nos **** 8 **** in 9Bs com$lement
A%. c<t is given su$$$lied with "v with a series of resistance of < and
a $arallel combination of 9- Gener diode and 9< resistance% FInd
current through 9< resistance% ans4 Am.
1%. M3 has A line data bus 8 9 line addr bus find memory
2%Divide by 9 counter re6uire minimum %%%%% no of fli$ flo$s .ns% #
!%(torage time in $'n >unction%
*%(uccesive a$$ro+% use in %%%% .ns .D,(analog to digital)
%3re'em$hasis re6uire in %%%%%%%%% low fre60high fre6 signal%
9%@andsha<e in M3 %%%%%%%%%%% .ns to communicate with slower
?% Binary e6uivalent of *%*A9" .ns% *%***
#%:hich code is self com$lement of itself
"%E+cess three code of an given binary no%
A%:hen we add A in B,D o$erations%%%%%%% .ns% if result e+ceed valid
B,D nos%
1%(hott<y diode has better switching ca$ability because it switch
2%Figure of Merit is same as%%%%%%
!%(withcing in diode ha$$ens when%%%%
9*%During forward bias ma>ority charge conc% in de$letion layers
9%,hannel ca$acity de$end on%%%%%%% .ns% =sable fre6uency or
99%. 9<@G signal is $assed through an Low $ass filter having cut'off fre6
2**@G o0$ will be
9?% ,arrier am$litude v, $ea< to $ea< message signal ?mv find
modulation inde+%
9#%. 9- signal is 6uantiGed into two -0# 8 A e6ual -01 determine
6uantiGation error%
Part '' Tr+e , false-----%(* mar< each) with "*E 've mar<ing
%3ower dissi$ation in E,L is minimum%%%%%%%%%% False
9%Fourier )ransform of a symmetric con>ugate function is always
real %%%% )rue
?%Divide by 9 counter re6uires a minimum of # fli$ flo$s%%%%%%%)rue
#%Boron can be use as im$urity to analyse base of a n$n
.LL )@E BE()%%%%%
BEL Paper General ' other ' 9 .ugust 9**# (,(E)
)he interview for 3robationary Engineer at BEL, Bangalore % 9st .ugust,
Its for ,(E stream% Interview lasts for #* minutes% .s I have to face
my ever first Iob interview, am with little bit an+iety% @ere are the
details of the interview I would li<e to share with these magnificent
grou$ friends%.s I entered in to the room by as<ing e+cuse me (ir, )hey
invited me very $olitely and offered a chair to seat% )here were four
members in the $anel all were in age grou$ of "*, of which two
members are from ,entral ;esearch Laboratory of BEL grilled out me
with tech 6uestions% &ne is @; de$artment $erson and remained was
acts as head of the $anel%
First the head of the $anel introduced all the members and e+$lained
the $rocedure of the interview% First he starts by describing about the
com$any for almost five minutes, which ma<es me to rela+ and
comfortable with the $anel% .fter that he as<ed to tell about myself
briefly for a minute%
:hile I am in a way of describing myself, he also as<ed to $oint out the
achievements, strong $oints, hobbies and regarding s$orts% .lso as<ed
for favorite sub>ects, and I told that ,, Database and Detwor<s are
my favorites%Dow itJs the time for technical grilling%%)he first $erson
from ,;L starts by as<ing
:hat are the com$onents of L.D5
@ow do u connects the systems5
:hat is =)35 (=nshielded )wisted 3air)
@ow much distance it su$$orts5
Fiber o$tic su$$orts how much distance5(I donJt <now e+actly5)
:hat is the through$ut of the Ethernet L.D5
Describe about &(I Layers5
In which layer encry$tion can be done5 .nd other than $resentation
:hat is the function of Bridge5 ;outer5
:hich layer is res$onsible for end 9 end connection5
:hat is ;.ID5 (;edundant .rray of Ine+$ensive Dis<s)
For what it is used for5
@ow can achieve fault tolerance through ;.ID5
:here the (tatic variable stored in ,5
.nd local variables5( I was made a mista<e here by telling it is also in
.nd he shows already written function $rototy$es as<ed to describe
it%% as
int H(H$)(int a, float b) 00 $ointer 9 the function $ returns integer
int (H$)(int Ha, float b) 00$ointer 9 the function $ returns
int H$(int a, float Hb) 00 function $ returns integer $ointer
int $(int a, float Hb) 00 function $ returns integer
now he loo<s as im$ressed and as<ed
how to return *** variables from a function in ,5
Dow seen changes to second $erson of ,;L
@e as<ed to e+$lain about my $ro>ect5 (It lasts for # minutes)
:hat are the functions of the &(5
:hich &( you are familiar with5
:hat is the $rocess5
:hat r its attributes5
@ow the $rocess interacts with each others5
:hat r the mechanisms for inter $rocess communication5
:hat is sema$hore5
:hat is critical region5
@ow can sema$hore avoid conflicts5
.gain first $erson starts as<ing
:hat is a virtual function5
:hat is late binding5
:hat is sco$e resolution o$erator5
Differentiate between testing and debugging5 (here I ta<e time 9
distinguish )
Distinguish blac< bo+ testing and white bo+ testing5
:hat is unit testing5
@ow can u control the lost ac<nowledgement issue5
Is there is any difference between switch and hub5 :hich is good5
( here again I wasnJt answered $ro$erly)
.nd some more 6uestions I wasnJt reminded correctly%%
.fter that head of the $anel gestures to @; to as< 6uestions
:hat do u $refer to be a team leader or team member5
:hat r the 6ualities u have for being a leader5
@ow can u solve the conflicts in a team5
@ow can u react if some one else com$eting with u in ur
team for $romotion5
.gain head as<s me
:hat is your reaction if some one co$ying in the e+am5,an u tell me a
instance in your college that insists your leadershi$ attitude5
@ave u ever short tem$ered5
@ave u attended any interviews5
Is u donJt have cam$us5
.nd he gestures to @; to e+$lain $ay and bond details
@e told that first A months will be the training $eriod after that for
three years u will be a$$ointed as $robationary engineer, and also told
that based on our $erformance $romotion will be carried out early or
For this $robationary engineer u can draw 9%A" la<s $er anum with all
allowances, and u have to e+ecute a bond of ;s"****0' for three years
effects from date of a$$ointment
after training%
.nd now head as<s for any 6uestions from me% I was as<ed the same
:hat is the career $ath5
:hen can I <now the results5
:hy u were not strong in media advertisements5 Blah blah bla

BEL 3.3E; &D ?() DE,EMBE; .) L=,CD&: (CSE)
@iKguysKKKK%this is whole test $a$er of BEL at IE) luc<nowKK on
?st of December 9**1KKK%)hey ta<e only technical $a$er
KKKKK%due to some lac< of timeKKKK%)he whole test $a$er contains
onlyK%%"* 6uestionKKKK)here was L# for right ans and '9 for
wrong ansKKK% )wenty five students a$$eared in the e+amKKKKK%%&ut
of the only 1 was selected after written testKK%%
.nd finally onely two were selected in the BELKKKK%%and I was one of
them selectedKK )his is ,&M3=)E; (,IED,E 3.3E;EKKKKKK%%
It includes
),'basic conce$tsKK%%and very good 6uestion because whole basic
<nowledge were givenKK%
9),om$iler basic <nowledgeKKK%%
?)Data base management systemKKKKKKK
#)Data structureKKKKK
")&$erating systemKKKK%%such as what is <ernelKKKKand o$tions were
.R AN/ TEC.N'CAL R&0N/1111--
)here were si+ member teamKKKKKall were talented and very nice
loo<ingKK .nd all were $resent at the time of interviewKKKKK )hey
as< KKKK% From where you belongKKK% :hat have you $re$ared
todayKKKK%i told that data structure and dbmsKKKK
)hen there was an intelligent sir and they as<KKKKwhat is DDL
.DD DMLKKK%%i told and then they as< for 6uery related to
itKKKKK%%and due to my area of interest I gave all the ans correctlyKK
so he was im$ressedKKKKK%
.nd there was no hr K%6uestionKKKKK(o be confident while giving
any ansKKKK%%and be $ositiveKKKKK%%because it $re$are for right
Bets of luc< guys and be LveKKKKKKK%%
BEL 3.3E; &D'?th M.M (ECE)
@i friends, i had given BEL $a$er on may'?,9**1
in which "* 6ues uBve to do%%%out of which ?* were of a$ti 89*
technicala$ti ! ( tough as com$ared to I(;&)
6uestion from analog electronics, digital electronics, networ<, F 8 :,
signal , ,ontrol etc%%%%%%%%
) in analog 6uestion based on Gener diode
9) cou$ling ca$acitors and by$ass ca$acitors affect
?) ,2,91,A#,9", %%%%%%%%%%,%%%%%%%
which among the following will not come in the series
a%***, b%19! c%9"!
#) which of the following game uses bulley
a%football b%cric<et c%goalf%% d%hoc<ey
") a Gener diode wor<s on the $rinci$le of
A)under the high electric field,in a semiconductor with increasing
electric field
1)in an 2*2",micro$rocessor system with memory ma$$ed I0&
2)built'in $otential in a $'n >n%'
!)the brea<down voltage of a transitor with its base o$en is B-(ceo)
and that with emitter o$en B-(cbo) then
*) 6ues based on half adder
) based on fli$ flo$
9) bloc< diagram reduction
?) to find ma+ overshoot (9 6ues based on it)
BEL 3.3E; &D ?th M.M .) DEL@I (ECE)
hi frnds, i had given bel $a$er, and found it sur$risingly tough%%%%%%unli<e
other $suBs numericals here had a grt role
to start with $a$er was of "* mins% in which "* 6ues uBve to do%%%out
of which ?* were of a$ti 89* technicala$ti was as sim$le as it cld be
general 6s% of $rft'loss,ci,si,ht%8dist%etc,alongwith sim$le $assage and
some easy DI $roblems%%%%
but # tech% i thin< theyBve sm affinity towards controls
8fourier%%%%%every $art of controls startin frm bloc< reduction ,sfg,to
Ist8IInd order e6s%$robs%%%to matrices %%%everythin was as<ed %%around
9" 6ns werfrm this $art
also brush u$ ur fourier and la$lacian s<ills%%%%from theoretical to sim$le
solving sums wer ther %%%cld be solved >us uBve to analyGe allformulaes
befor hand%%%%%also ta< u$ millman and note down each andeverysingle
e6%8formula given in it%%%%$art frm basicelectronics was mostly numerical
with sm theoretical 6ns%%%sry i not remember e+act 6ns as i am writin tis
after 99days of $a$er but 6ns wre basicwhich u can find in any boo<
for such e+ams %%refer a%<%maini or boo< by nt$c orany gate $re$ boo<%%%%
not much 6ues from digicom or anacomm or telecomm% as e+$ected (as
itBs not a telecom com$any) 6ues of mic$ro are also very few only 6ns
regardin add%lines , no%of ;.M chi$s and so on
time is $lenty >ust maintain urcool and calm and do calculations very
yes sm 6ns of basic electrical li<e that of ;L, or ?'$hase
current,vol%,reactive $ower wer also ther %%% 6ns li<e resis change,series
llel%%%%straight frm ur 9 th $hy% boo<%%so $re$ar it too
BEL 3.3E; &D ?th M.M (E,E)
@i Guys,
I, neera> <umar , sending the BEL 6uestion $a$er $attern and some
6uestions , as<ed in the written test of BEL that was held on
there was "* 6uestions(?* 6uestions from general
awareness,reasoning and english) nd remaining 6uestions frm technical
e%g% three 6ues based on the $assage 8 english%
) ,2,91,A#,9"%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
which element does nt belong to the above series%
(i) 9"! (ii)19! (iii) *** (iv) "9% ans4(i)
some technical 6uestions
()the brea<down voltage of a transitor with its base o$en is B-(ceo)
and that with emitter o$en B-(cbo) then,
ans4 B-(cbo)NB-(ceo)
(9)a Gener diode wor<s on the $rinci$le of
ans4tunneling of charge carriers across the >n%
(?)under the high electric field,in a semiconductor with increasing
electric field'
ans4the drift velocity of charge carriers saturate%
(#) built'in $otential in a $'n >n%'
(i) is e6ual to the difference in the fermi level of the two
sides,e+$ressed in volts%
(ii) increased with increase in do$ing levels of the two sides%
(iii)increse with the increase in tem$%
(iv)all the above%
ans 4 (iv)
(") in an 2*2",micro$rocessor system with memory ma$$ed I0&4
(i) I0& device have 2'bit addresses%
(ii)I0& devices are accessed using ID and &=) instructions%
(iii)there can be a ma+ of 9"A in$ut devices and 9"A out$ut devices%
(iv) airthmetic and logic o$erations can be directly $erformed with the
ans 4 (iv)
note4 mostly 6uetions frm basic electronics,control systems and
networ< systems
BEL 3.3E; &D ?th M.M
I) I( . 9 .DD 09 @;(% )E()%
)@E;E .;E ?* .3)I)=DE O=E()I&D(4
&DE EDGLI(@ 3.((.GE4 ,&D(I()( &F ? O(%
DI O(%
M.)@(% O( :E;E B.(I,.LLM F;&M @IEG@) 8 DI().D,E,
,&M3&=DD ID)E;E()% )@E(E .;E -E;M );I,CM%
ID )E,@ O(% .( I .M F;&M E%,%E% DE3)% )@E;E :E;E O(%
)E()IDG M&=; F=DD.MED).L CD&:LEDGE &F (&LID ().)E,
L&) &F O(% F;&M F&=;IE; );.D(F&;M% ,I;,=I) )@E&;M,
B.(I, &F ELE,);I,.L4 (E;IE( 8 3.;. ,&DDE,)I&D &F
;E(I()&;(, DE):&;C )@%, ;E(&D.D,E F;EO(%,
O( F;&M ,&D);&L :E;E .L(& )@E;E% M.DM O(% F;&M D%(%3%,
DIGI).L, FE: O(% MI,;&3;&,E((&;% B.(I, &F DIFFE;ED)I.L
EO=.)I&D(% )@.)( .LL F;&M MM 3&ID) &F -IE:%
BEL 3.3E; &D ?th M.M (MEC.)
hi guys n gals ,
it was a real tough one to crac< with%% the BEL $a$er this year on may
?%%moreover therewere some mista<es too%% in the mechanical $a$er%%%
there wer arond ?* 6uestions in general section and remainin wer frm
technical side%
some general 6uestions i remember wer %%
)% a $ost man was initially ** m away in south frm the $ostoffice
facing the $o%he turns to his right moves !* m then to his left moves a
** m n now how far is he frm the $o%
?) there wer some nos gives as<ing wich of them was not a $erfect
s6uare%% li< "!,%%% i not rem soory%%%
in the mech section%%%%ther wer 6uestions touching almost all
sections%%thermal, refrigeration,tom etc
) wich of these have highest thermal conductivity%%% co$$er, tin %%%%%etc
i am soryy guys i not rem much 6uestions sice itys a wee< am $ostin
this% but thing is sure one can get thru it if $re$ared%%% alas i didnt
BEL 3.3E; &D ?th M.M .) B.DG.L&;E
@ai Guys,
%which of the following game uses bulley
a%football b%cric<et c%goalf%% d%hoc<ey
9%cou$ling ca$acitors and by$ass ca$acitors affect
.ns4&nly affect the lower cut off fre6uencies
?%,2,91,A#,9", %%%%%%%%%%,%%%%%%%
which among the following will not come in the series
a%***, b%19! c%9"!
@int4P, 9P,?P, #P,"P,KK%the series is li<e that
#%I am not able to $aste one image %
)the 6uestion is ;, cou$led am$lifier with a feed bac< networ< in
between ,ollector and Base%:hich ty$e of feedbac< is this5
a%,urrent series b%-oltage shunt ,% voltage series d current shunt
.ns4 -oltage shunt
"%Bloc< reduction of control system(sim$le)
A%settling time of ,ontrol system%Given the transfer function%I am not
.ns77 #0QwnRS''Tif SvmlU''NRS''TendifU''N
1%Dual of a logical e+$ression
2%3articular Integral of homogenious e6n
BEL Placement Paper
)- 'n analo2 *+estion "ased on 3ener diode
#)- Co+plin2 capacitors and "4pass capacitors affect
5)- 6 %6 #76 896 #:6 ----------6-------
;hich amon2 the follo<in2 <ill not come in the series
.%***, B%19! ,%9"!
9)- ;hich of the follo<in2 2ame +ses "+lle4
a%football b%cric<et c%goalf%% d%hoc<ey
:)- A 3ener diode <or=s on the principle of
8)- 0nder the hi2h electric field6in a semicond+ctor <ith increasin2
electric field
7)- 'n an %$%:6microprocessor s4stem <ith memor4 mapped '>&
%)- B+ilt-in potential in a p-n (n--
!)- The "rea=do<n )olta2e of a transitor <ith its "ase open is
B?(ceo) and that <ith emitter open B?(c"o) then
$)- @+estion "ased on half adder
)- Based on flip flop
#)- Bloc= dia2ram red+ction
5)- To find maA o)ershoot (# *+es "ased on it)
'nter)ie< for Pro"ationar4 En2ineer At BEL6 Ban2alore (,(E)
Its for ,(E stream% Interview lasts for #* minutes% .s I have to face
my ever first Iob interview, am with little bit an+iety% @ere are the
details of the interview I would li<e to share with these magnificent
grou$ friends%.s I entered in to the room by as<ing e+cuse me (ir,
)hey invited me very $olitely and offered a chair to seat% )here were
four members in the $anel all were in age grou$ of "*, of which two
members are from ,entral ;esearch Laboratory of BEL grilled out me
with tech 6uestions% &ne is @; de$artment $erson and remained was
acts as head of the $anel%
First the head of the $anel introduced all the members and e+$lained
the $rocedure of the interview% First he starts by describing about the
com$any for almost five minutes, which ma<es me to rela+ and
comfortable with the $anel% .fter that he as<ed to tell about myself
briefly for a minute%
:hile I am in a way of describing myself, he also as<ed to $oint out the
achievements, strong $oints, hobbies and regarding s$orts% .lso as<ed
for favorite sub>ects, and I told that ,, Database and Detwor<s are
my favorites%Dow it5s the time for technical grilling%%)he first $erson
from ,;L starts by as<ing
;hat are the components of LANB
.o< do + connects the s4stemsB
;hat is 0TPB (0nshielded T<isted Pair)
.o< m+ch distance it s+pportsB
Ci"er optic s+pports ho< m+ch distanceB(' donBt =no< eAactl4B)
;hat is the thro+2hp+t of the Ethernet LANB
/escri"e a"o+t &S' La4ersB
'n <hich la4er encr4ption can "e doneB And other than
presentation la4erB
;hat is the f+nction of Brid2eB Ro+terB
;hich la4er is responsi"le for end # end connectionB
;hat is RA'/B (Red+ndant Arra4 of 'neApensi)e /is=s)
Cor <hat it is +sed forB
.o< can achie)e fa+lt tolerance thro+2h RA'/B
;here the Static )aria"le stored in CB
And local )aria"lesB( ' <as made a mista=e here "4 tellin2 it is also
in heap)
And he sho<s alread4 <ritten f+nction protot4pes as=ed to
descri"e it-- as
int D(Dp)(int a6 float ") >> pointer # the f+nction p ret+rns inte2er
int (Dp)(int Da6 float ") >>pointer # the f+nction p ret+rns inte2er
int Dp(int a6 float D") >> f+nction p ret+rns inte2er pointer
int p(int a6 float D") >> f+nction p ret+rns inte2er
no< he loo=s as impressed and as=ed
ho< to ret+rn $$$ )aria"les from a f+nction in CB
No< seen chan2es to second person of CRL
.e as=ed to eAplain a"o+t m4 pro(ectB ('t lasts for 9 min+tes)
;hat are the f+nctions of the &SB
;hich &S 4o+ are familiar <ithB
;hat is the processB
;hat r its attri"+tesB
.o< the process interacts <ith each othersB
;hat r the mechanisms for inter process comm+nicationB
;hat is semaphoreB
;hat is critical re2ionB
.o< can semaphore a)oid conflictsB
A2ain first person starts as=in2
;hat is a )irt+al f+nctionB
;hat is late "indin2B
;hat is scope resol+tion operatorB
/ifferentiate "et<een testin2 and de"+22in2B (here ' ta=e time #
distin2+ish )
/istin2+ish "lac= "oA testin2 and <hite "oA testin2B
;hat is +nit testin2B
.o< can + control the lost ac=no<led2ement iss+eB
's there is an4 difference "et<een s<itch and h+"B ;hich is 2oodB
( here a2ain ' <asnBt ans<ered properl4)
And some more *+estions ' <asnBt reminded correctl4--
After that head of the panel 2est+res to .R to as= *+estions
;hat do + prefer to "e a team leader or team mem"erB
;hat r the *+alities + ha)e for "ein2 a leaderB
.o< can + sol)e the conflicts in a teamB
.o< can + react if some one else competin2 <ith + in +r
team for promotionB
A2ain head as=s me
;hat is 4o+r reaction if some one cop4in2 in the eAamBCan + tell
me a instance in 4o+r colle2e that insists 4o+r leadership attit+deB
.a)e + e)er short temperedB
.a)e + attended an4 inter)ie<sB
's + donBt ha)e camp+sB
And he 2est+res to .R to eAplain pa4 and "ond details
.e told that first 8 months <ill "e the trainin2 period after that
for three 4ears + <ill "e appointed as pro"ationar4 en2ineer6 and
also told that "ased on o+r performance promotion <ill "e carried
o+t earl4 or late-
Cor this pro"ationar4 en2ineer + can dra< #-8: la=s per an+m <ith
all allo<ances6 and + ha)e to eAec+te a "ond of Rs:$$$$>- for
three 4ears effects from date of appointment after trainin2-
And no< head as=s for an4 *+estions from me- ' <as as=ed the
same *ns
;hat is the career pathB
;hen can ' =no< the res+ltsB
;h4 + <ere not stron2 in media ad)ertisementsB Blah "lah "la
(PAPER) BEL6 'nter)ie< for Pro"ationar4 En2ineer6 Ban2alore
)he interview for 3robationary Engineer at BEL, Bangalore % 9st
.ugust, 9**#
Its for ,(E stream% Interview lasts for #* minutes% .s I have to face
my ever first Iob interview, am with little bit an+iety% @ere are the
details of the interview I would li<e to share with these magnificent
grou$ friends%.s I entered in to the room by as<ing e+cuse me (ir,
)hey invited me very $olitely and offered a chair to seat% )here were
four members in the $anel all were in age grou$ of "*, of which two
members are from ,entral ;esearch Laboratory of BEL grilled out me
with tech 6uestions% &ne is @; de$artment $erson and remained was
acts as head of the $anel%
First the head of the $anel introduced all the members and e+$lained
the $rocedure of the interview% First he starts by describing about the
com$any for almost five minutes, which ma<es me to rela+ and
comfortable with the $anel% .fter that he as<ed to tell about myself
briefly for a minute%
:hile I am in a way of describing myself, he also as<ed to $oint out the
achievements, strong $oints, hobbies and regarding s$orts% .lso as<ed
for favorite sub>ects, and I told that ,, Database and Detwor<s are
my favorites%Dow it5s the time for technical grilling%%)he first $erson
from ,;L starts by as<ing
:hat are the com$onents of L.D5
@ow do u connects the systems5
:hat is =)35 (=nshielded )wisted 3air)
@ow much distance it su$$orts5
Fiber o$tic su$$orts how much distance5(I don5t <now e+actly5)
:hat is the through$ut of the Ethernet L.D5
Describe about &(I Layers5
In which layer encry$tion can be done5 .nd other than $resentation
:hat is the function of Bridge5 ;outer5
:hich layer is res$onsible for end 9 end connection5
:hat is ;.ID5 (;edundant .rray of Ine+$ensive Dis<s)
For what it is used for5
@ow can achieve fault tolerance through ;.ID5
:here the (tatic variable stored in ,5
.nd local variables5( I was made a mista<e here by telling it is also in
.nd he shows already written function $rototy$es as<ed to describe
it%% as
int H(H$)(int a, float b) 00 $ointer 9 the function $ returns integer
int (H$)(int Ha, float b) 00$ointer 9 the function $ returns integer
int H$(int a, float Hb) 00 function $ returns integer $ointer
int $(int a, float Hb) 00 function $ returns integer
now he loo<s as im$ressed and as<ed
how to return *** variables from a function in ,5
Dow seen changes to second $erson of ,;L
@e as<ed to e+$lain about my $ro>ect5 (It lasts for # minutes)
:hat are the functions of the &(5
:hich &( you are familiar with5
:hat is the $rocess5
:hat r its attributes5
@ow the $rocess interacts with each others5
:hat r the mechanisms for inter $rocess communication5
:hat is sema$hore5
:hat is critical region5
@ow can sema$hore avoid conflicts5
.gain first $erson starts as<ing
:hat is a virtual function5
:hat is late binding5
:hat is sco$e resolution o$erator5
Differentiate between testing and debugging5 (here I ta<e time 9
distinguish )
Distinguish blac< bo+ testing and white bo+ testing5
:hat is unit testing5
@ow can u control the lost ac<nowledgement issue5
Is there is any difference between switch and hub5 :hich is good5
( here again I wasn5t answered $ro$erly)
.nd some more 6uestions I wasn5t reminded correctly%%
.fter that head of the $anel gestures to @; to as< 6uestions
:hat do u $refer to be a team leader or team member5
:hat r the 6ualities u have for being a leader5
@ow can u solve the conflicts in a team5
@ow can u react if some one else com$eting with u in ur
team for $romotion5
.gain head as<s me
:hat is your reaction if some one co$ying in the e+am5,an u tell me a
instance in your college that insists your leadershi$ attitude5
@ave u ever short tem$ered5
@ave u attended any interviews5
Is u don5t have cam$us5
.nd he gestures to @; to e+$lain $ay and bond details
@e told that first A months will be the training $eriod after that for
three years u will be a$$ointed as $robationary engineer, and also told
that based on our $erformance $romotion will be carried out early or
For this $robationary engineer u can draw 9%A" la<s $er anum with all
allowances, and u have to e+ecute a bond of ;s"****0' for three years
effects from date of a$$ointment
after training%
.nd now head as<s for any 6uestions from me% I was as<ed the same
:hat is the career $ath5
:hen can I <now the results5
BEL Paper General - other City College Chambers Of Commerce - 13
May 200
Paper Type : General - other
Test Date : 13 May 2007
Test Location : City College Chambers Of Commerce
IT IS A 2 A! 1"2 #$S% T&ST%
T#&$& A$& 30 A'TIT(!& )(&STIOS*
!I )S%
G&&$A+ -O.+&!G& -3 )S%
MAT#S% )S .&$& /ASICA++0 ,$OM #I&G#T 1 !ISTAC&2 COM'O(!
IT&$&ST% T#&S& A$& 3&$0 T$IC-0%
I T&C# )S% AS I AM ,$OM &%C%&% !&'T% T#&$& .&$& )S% T&STIG
0O($ ,(!AM&TA+ -O.+&!G& O, SO+I! STAT&2 +OT O, )S% ,$OM
,O($I&$ T$AS,O$M% CI$C(IT T#&O$02 /ASIC O, &+&CT$ICA+* S&$I&S
1 'A$A CO&CTIO O, $&SISTO$S2 &T.O$- T#%2 $&SOAC&
)S ,$OM COT$O+ .&$& A+SO T#&$&% MA0 )S% ,$OM !%S%'%2
!IGITA+2 ,&. )S% MIC$O'$OC&SSO$% /ASIC O, !I,,&$&TIA+
&)(ATIOS% T#ATS A++ ,$OM M0 'OIT O, 3I&.%
.IS# 0O( /&ST O, +(C-%
BEL Paper !echnical - Electronics "EL#$% lo&hi estate - 13 May 200
Paper Type : )echnical ' Electronics
Test Date : 13 May 2007
Test Location : !&+#I2 lo4hi estate

#i frien4s2 i ha4 gi5en /&+ 6a6er on may-1322007
in 7hich 180 9:es :;5e to 4o%%%o:t of 7hich 30 7ere of a6ti 1120
technicala6ti < = to:gh as com6are4 to IS$O>
9:estion from analog electronics2 4igital electronics2 net7or?2 , 1 .2
signal 2 Control etc%%%%%%%%
1> in analog 9:estion base4 on @ener 4io4e
2> co:6ling ca6acitors an4 by6ass ca6acitors affect
3> 12A2272BC21282 %%%%%%%%%%2%%%%%%%
7hich among the follo7ing 7ill not come in the series
a%10002 b%72< c%28<
C> 7hich of the follo7ing game :ses b:lley
a%football b%cric?et c%goalf%% 4%hoc?ey
8> a @ener 4io4e 7or?s on the 6rinci6le of
B>:n4er the high electric fiel42in a semicon4:ctor 7ith increasing electric
7>in an A0A82micro6rocessor system 7ith memory ma66e4 I"O
A>b:ilt-in 6otential in a 6-n Dn%-
<>the brea?4o7n 5oltage of a transitor 7ith its base o6en is /3=ceo> an4
that 7ith emitter o6en /3=cbo> then
10> 9:es base4 on half a44er
11> base4 on fli6 flo6
12> bloc? 4iagram re4:ction
13> to fin4 maE o5ershoot =2 9:es base4 on it>
Cor cse
Its for ,(E stream% Interview lasts for #* minutes% .s I have to face
my ever first Iob interview, am with little bit an+iety% @ere are the
details of the interview I would li<e to share with these magnificent
grou$ friends%.s I entered in to the room by as<ing e+cuse me (ir,
)hey invited me very $olitely and offered a chair to seat% )here were
four members in the $anel all were in age grou$ of "*, of which two
members are from ,entral ;esearch Laboratory of BEL grilled out me
with tech 6uestions% &ne is @; de$artment $erson and remained was
acts as head of the $anel% First the head of the $anel introduced all
the members and e+$lained the $rocedure of the interview% First he
starts by describing about the com$any for almost five minutes, which
ma<es me to rela+ and comfortable with the $anel% .fter that he as<ed
to tell about myself briefly for a minute% :hile I am in a way of
describing myself, he also as<ed to $oint out the achievements, strong
$oints, hobbies and regarding s$orts% .lso as<ed for favorite sub>ects,
and I told that ,, Database and Detwor<s are my favorites%Dow itJs
the time for technical grilling%%)he first $erson from ,;L starts by
as<ing :hat are the com$onents of L.D5 @ow do u connects the
systems5 :hat is =)35 (=nshielded )wisted 3air) @ow much distance
it su$$orts5 Fiber o$tic su$$orts how much distance5(I donJt <now
e+actly5) :hat is the through$ut of the Ethernet L.D5 Describe
about &(I Layers5 In which layer encry$tion can be done5 .nd other
than $resentation layer5 :hat is the function of Bridge5 ;outer5
:hich layer is res$onsible for end 9 end connection5 :hat is ;.ID5
(;edundant .rray of Ine+$ensive Dis<s) For what it is used for5 @ow
can achieve fault tolerance through ;.ID5 :here the (tatic variable
stored in ,5 .nd local variables5( I was made a mista<e here by telling
it is also in hea$) .nd he shows already written function $rototy$es
as<ed to describe it%% as int H(H$)(int a, float b) 00 $ointer 9
the function $ returns integer $ointer int (H$)(int Ha, float b)
00$ointer 9 the function $ returns integer int H$(int a, float
Hb) 00 function $ returns integer $ointer int $(int a, float
Hb) 00 function $ returns integer now he loo<s as im$ressed and
as<ed how to return *** variables from a function in ,5 Dow seen
changes to second $erson of ,;L @e as<ed to e+$lain about my
$ro>ect5 (It lasts for # minutes) :hat are the functions of the &(5
:hich &( you are familiar with5 :hat is the $rocess5 :hat r its
attributes5 @ow the $rocess interacts with each others5 :hat r the
mechanisms for inter $rocess communication5 :hat is sema$hore5
:hat is critical region5 @ow can sema$hore avoid conflicts5 .gain first
$erson starts as<ing :hat is a virtual function5 :hat is late binding5
:hat is sco$e resolution o$erator5 Differentiate between testing and
debugging5 (here I ta<e time 9 distinguish ) Distinguish blac< bo+
testing and white bo+ testing5 :hat is unit testing5 @ow can u control
the lost ac<nowledgement issue5 Is there is any difference between
switch and hub5 :hich is good5 ( here again I wasnJt answered
$ro$erly) .nd some more 6uestions I wasnJt reminded correctly%% .fter
that head of the $anel gestures to @; to as< 6uestions :hat do u
$refer to be a team leader or team member5 :hat r the 6ualities u
have for being a leader5 @ow can u solve the conflicts in a team5 @ow
can u react if some one else com$eting with u in ur team for $romotion5
.gain head as<s me :hat is your reaction if some one co$ying in the
e+am5,an u tell me a instance in your college that insists your
leadershi$ attitude5 @ave u ever short tem$ered5 @ave u attended any
interviews5 Is u donJt have cam$us5 .nd he gestures to @; to e+$lain
$ay and bond details @e told that first A months will be the training
$eriod after that for three years u will be a$$ointed as $robationary
engineer, and also told that based on our $erformance $romotion will be
carried out early or late% For this $robationary engineer u can draw
9%A" la<s $er anum with all allowances, and u have to e+ecute a bond of
;s"****0' for three years effects from date of a$$ointment after
training% .nd now head as<s for any 6uestions from me% I was as<ed the
same 6ns :hat is the career $ath5 :hen can I <now the results5 :hy
u were not strong in media advertisements5 Blah blah bla

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