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Running Head: 504 CASE STUDY SUMMARY 1

504 Case Study Summary

Andrew P. Wade
Drake University


This paper explores a case study of a student who is a seventh grader at a Middle School in Iowa.
A pseudonym of Joe will be used in this paper for this particular student. The paper will
examine the students background characteristics including their level of academic and social
performance, strengths, and specific needs and concerns for the student. This paper will look at
the services, accommodations, and support aids this student receives on their 504 plan and look
at the areas of need and rationale for these needs. Included in this paper is a look at the results
this 504 plan is having on the student and if the services are showing growth for the student
academically, emotionally, and behaviorally. I will then analysis the situation and include how I
feel about the current program for the student and how it could be changed if I were the
administrator. I will also include in this paper my own reactions to this situation.


504 Case Study and Summary
Section 504 is a part of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 which prohibits discrimination
based upon a persons disability. It is an anti-discrimination, civil rights statute which requires
the needs of students to be met adequately to level the playing field to the non-disabled. To be
covered under Section 504, a student must qualify for this service. In order to qualify, a student
is typically between the ages of 3 and 22 years of age and must have a disability. A person with
a disability means any person who has a mental or physical impairment that limits a major life
activity. As of January 1, 2009 the reauthorization of the Americans with Disabilities
Amendment Act expanded the list to include individuals with AD/HD.
Student Background
In this case summary I will look at a seventh grade middle school student named Joe,
who has AD/HD and a serious cardiac health issue. Currently, Joe has a grade point average of
2.86 for the first semester of 7
grade and a 2.62 for his 6
grade year. Joe enjoys math and
problem solving, but currently math is his lowest grade in all of his classes. His most successful
classes the past two years has been in Physical Education. This is because of his love of athletics
and the enjoyment of competing against his peers.
Joe is a hard worker, and loves to discover the answers to his own questions. He works
very well independently and cares for his classmates. He does not have any problems working
with groups of his peers as he is very well-liked by his classmates. Joe is also able to create
positive relationships with the adults in the building and cares about how others view him. He is
able to ask questions in class with confidence and is respectful to the learning environment.

The main concern for Joe is his reading rate, fluency, and mental processing. Joes
ability to process is slower than others his own age. He works best when he is given extra time
to complete assignments, tests, and when reading. Joe also suffers from a history of cardiac
surgeries. At times he may feel chest pain and/or have difficult with breathing. These concerns
have Joe below the abilities of others his own age, and are the reason for his 504 plan.
Accommodations and Support
In the area of reading, fluency, and rate comprehension in reading materials Joe will
receive multiple accommodations. Teachers will monitor Joes comprehension of what he is
reading by frequently checking with Joe. They will do this through short reading probes, articles
in class assignments, and during intervention class. Joe will also have extended time on reading
assignments as needed. Lastly, Joe is given a laptop with Text to Speech software to access
reading materials above his instructional reading level for use in all subject areas.
Another area of difficulty for Joe is written language. On his laptop computer the school
has loaded Word Prediction software with flexible spelling on it. This software may be used for
all written work that is longer than a paragraph. Assistive Technology has also installed the
software on computer #6 in the computer lab so Joe may use this without any unwanted
attention. Joe currently does not use the laptop because he feels it brings attention to him in class
and does not want his peers to recognize him using this accommodation. The teachers will
continue to encourage his use of the computer software.
Work completion is another area of difficulty for Joe and receives accommodations to
help him focus on this area. He is allowed to have extended time on in class assignments as well
as homework. If needed, Joe may work in an alternate setting with fewer distractions. Joe will

also use his planner to organize his homework. Teachers will send weekly notes to parents and
parents will sign and respond in the planner as needed. Joe needs these accommodations because
of his AD/HD as he gets distracted easily and loses focus from external disturbances.
Lastly, Joe has difficultly taking tests. He is allowed to test in an alternate setting with
fewer distractions so he can concentrate on the task at hand. If the test is a longer test, it should
be administered over several days because he may need several breaks while working on the
assessment. He will also have extended time for district tests and the Iowa Assessment. Lastly,
all tests except reading tests may be read aloud to Joe. For the most part, Joe does not utilize
these as he does not want his peers to think hes different from others. With the switch to
Standard Reference Grading has helped Joe with assessments because every child has
opportunities to redo and retake tests. The counselor sets up the district and state assessment
rooms, and is able to have Joe in one which reads test to students and/or gets extended time.
Overall, I have seen improvement in all data points for Joe in the areas of all academics,
emotional state, and behavior among his peers. In the area of academics, Joe has increased his
Iowa Assessment scores each year since the fifth grade. Joe was below proficient in both math
and reading in the fifth grade, and currently tested proficient in both areas as a sixth grader. He
has done the same thing on his SRI/SMI scores. In every attempt, Joe increased his previous
score, and I believe from these scores that he will continue to be proficient this year in math and
reading on the IA Assessment.
Joe has always had pretty good grades in his classes because of being liked by his
teachers and his hard work ethic. This current year, the school has changed to Standard

Referenced Grading and Joes grades have not suffered. In fact, they have either stayed the
same, or increased by a letter grade. Joe earned all Bs in his classes except for Math and Global
Studies where he earned a C. Joes best classes and the one he enjoys the most is PE, where he
earned an A every semester for the last two years.
Joes behavior as a middle school student is typical for his age group. Last year he had
three Level 2 office referrals as a sixth grade student. All three of these referrals were for
Disruptive Behavior in a class. So far this year, Joe has had one office referral for the same
infraction. When observing Joe in class, you would not think he suffers from AD/HD because he
really cares what others think of him. I have seen him get emotional over receiving a detention
because of a minor infraction of disruption in the classroom. He does not like to disappoint his
teachers, parents, and peers.
In order to gain a complete understanding of Joes 504 plan and its effects on his
academic, emotional, and behavioral growth, it will be necessary to have more conversations
with his teachers and parents, instead of waiting for major assessments. Looking at his successes
from year to year and the growth in scores, I believe the accommodations are working but there
is still room for improvement.
Joe feels he is strong in math and problem solving, but after viewing his grades and
assessment scores he is beginning to decline in performance in this area. I would check in with
Joe and his math teachers to make sure he is receiving enough time to finish his tests and/or the
tests are being read aloud to him. If the tests are not being read aloud because he does not want

it read to him in class, then we need to find a place where he can go to get it read aloud and a
person to do it.
Another part of the 504 plan I believe needs to be rewritten of fixed is the part where Joe
uses his planner to organize his homework, and sending notes home to parents. The reason this
needs to be redone is because we no longer require students to use a planner. A conversation
with Joes parents would need to happen on how the school can help Joe keep organized and
communication going both ways. The parents may decide to continue having Joe carry a
planner, or I would recommend using Joes calendar on his phone and connecting it to a google
calendar account where everyone could have access to it. Then have teachers send reports over
email to the parents on how Joe is doing in his classes academically, emotionally, and
behaviorally. This would help both Joe and the school move forward into the 21
Century on the
use of technology also.
Lastly, I would continue to encourage Joe on using the laptop software when and where
he needs it. Joe is increasing his reading comprehension and fluency without using this software,
but I still like that this is still in his 504 plan and is available for him to use if he needs it. I think
Joe is doing very well in school and this is a tribute of a couple of things, 1) he is well liked by
everyone, 2) he has a great work ethic and wants to do well, and 3) wants to be like every one of
his peers. I believe these three things drive him to do his very best, but knows he has supports to
help him along when he needs it.

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