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Week 5 DQ 1 Implementing Change

Review Figure 80 in your reading. De!ri"e a ituation in your pat e#perien!e where you
implemented !hange or !ould have implemented !hange. $ow !ould you ue thi !hart to
in!reae the e%%e!t o% thi !hange& Wa thi !hange pro!e a u!!e& 'aed on your
reading( how !ould you have in!reaed the likelihood o% u!!e in thi ituation& De!ri"e
a ituation that you have en!ountered where a upportive repone may have in!reaed
your adapta"ility to !hange.
Review Figure 80 in your reading. Describe a situation in your past experience where you
implemented change or could have implemented change.
It has always been my desire to come to peoples aid. It is because of this desire that I wanted to
be a nurse when I was a kid. Ive held a number of jobs in my professional career. In this career,
teaching was a profession that I came to love time and again. It was my firm belief that I was
guided by God to a life of teaching because children are the love of my life. irst grade was
the class where I decided to implement my first wave of changes. !tudents who were considered
low achievers were the primary participants of this class. It happened when I was taking a
reading class. "he principal offered me a chance to employ reading into the lesson plan for that
very classroom. #ction $eading was the name given to that program. It involved mostly %&s
and cards teaching the sounds of the alphabets and the history behind it.
How could you use this chart to increase the effects of this change? as this change process a
It was my chance to help the students to fi'ate on their inner abilities to learn. I also took the
opportunity to educate them to treasure challenge instead of attempting to look smart. I also
taught them to concentrate on learning processes and efforts when facing difficulties. It was a
success, the change process, as a number of the students showed interest in reading at the end of
the session.
!ased on your readings" how could you have increased the li#elihood of success in this
rom my e'perience, I am able to assist the students in finding the resources to hone their
pronunciation and practice it time and again. I will offer chances for each and every one to
employ the innovations in a collective manner or have discussions about them in team settings
(&ifferentiated Instructional !trategies in )ractice, *++,-.
Describe a situation that you have encountered where a supportive response may have
increased your adaptability to change.
#s teachers, sometimes we offer the students a bit too much adulation when they finish a task
successfully. "he children should grasp the depth of their own decision making without re.uiring
the approval from a grown/up. or e'ample, as I was assisting one of the students in my
classroom with a task, I told the student to read out the letters out loud to help her pronounce the
word. "he student was able to perform the task but had a definite asking tone. It is my learning
that providing with too much adulation can have adverse effects on a students performance in
the class (0arlowe 1 %anestrari, *++2-. "his advice helps me a lot in the classroom since it is
my belief now that adulation should be bestowed upon evenly. 3y replacing adulation that is not
really needed I assisted the students attain confidence by themselves.
Gregory, G. (*
ed.-, &ifferentiated Instructional !trategies in )ractice4 "raining,
Implementation, and !upervision. "housand 5akes, %a4 %orwin )ress.
0arlowe, 3. 1%anestrari, #. (*++6-. 7ducational )sychology in %onte't $eadings for uture
"eachers. "housand 5aks4 !#G7 )ublications

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